Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Laboratory work in physics on the computer. Virtual labs in physics

Visual physics provides the teacher with the opportunity to find the most interesting and effective methods learning, making the lessons interesting and more intense.

The main advantage of visual physics is the ability to demonstrate physical phenomena in a broader perspective and a comprehensive study of them. Each work covers a large volume educational material, including from different branches of physics. This provides ample opportunities for securing intersubject communications, for generalization and systematization of theoretical knowledge.

Interactive work in physics should be carried out in the classroom in the form of a workshop when explaining new material or completing the study of a particular topic. Another option is to perform work outside school hours, in optional, individual lessons.

virtual physics(or physics online) is a new unique direction in the education system. It's no secret that 90% of information comes to our brain through the optic nerve. And it is not surprising that until a person himself sees, he will not be able to clearly understand the nature of certain physical phenomena. Therefore, the learning process must be supported by visual materials. And it's just wonderful when you can not only see a static picture depicting some physical phenomenon, but also look at this phenomenon in motion. This resource allows teachers in an easy and relaxed way to visually show not only the operation of the basic laws of physics, but also help to conduct online laboratory work in physics in most sections of the general educational program. For example, how can one explain in words the principle of action p-n junction? Only by showing the animation of this process to the child, everything immediately becomes clear to him. Or you can visually show the process of electron transition when glass is rubbed against silk, and after that the child will already have fewer questions about the nature of this phenomenon. Besides, visual aids cover almost all branches of physics. So for example, want to explain the mechanics? Please, here are animations showing Newton's second law, the law of conservation of momentum during the collision of bodies, the movement of bodies in a circle under the action of gravity and elasticity, etc. If you want to study the section of optics, there is nothing easier! The experiments on measuring the length of a light wave using a diffraction grating, the observation of continuous and line emission spectra, the observation of interference and diffraction of light, and many other experiments are clearly shown. But what about electricity? And this section has been given quite a few visual aids, for example, there are experiments on the study of Ohm's law for a complete circuit, the study of a mixed connection of conductors, electromagnetic induction etc.

Thus, the learning process from the “obligation”, to which we are all accustomed, will turn into a game. It will be interesting and fun for a child to look at animations of physical phenomena, and this will not only simplify, but also speed up the learning process. Among other things, the child may be able to give even more information than he could receive in the usual form of education. In addition, many animations can completely replace certain laboratory instruments, thus it is ideal for many rural schools, where, unfortunately, it is not always possible to meet even Brown's electrometer. What can I say, many devices are not even in ordinary schools major cities. Perhaps by introducing such visual aids into the compulsory education program, after graduation we will receive people interested in physics, who will eventually become young scientists, some of whom will be able to make great discoveries! Thus, the scientific era of the great domestic scientists will be revived and our country will again, as in Soviet times, will create unique technologies ahead of their time. Therefore, I think it is necessary to popularize such resources as much as possible, to report them not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren themselves, because many of them will be interested in studying physical phenomena not only in the classroom at school, but also at home in free time and this site gives them that opportunity! Physics online it is interesting, informative, visual and easily accessible!

The material is a set laboratory studies to work program academic discipline ODP.02 "Physics". The work contains explanatory note, evaluation criteria, a list of laboratory work and didactic material.



Ministry of General Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

State autonomous educational institution

secondary vocational education

Sverdlovsk region "Pervouralsk Polytechnic"








Explanatory note.

Laboratory tasks are designed in accordance with work program academic discipline "Physics".

The purpose of the laboratory work: the formation of subject and metasubject results mastering the main educational program by students basic course physics.

Tasks of laboratory work:

No. p / p

Formed results

GEF requirements

Basic competencies

Possession of teaching and research skills.

Metasubject Results


Understanding physical entity observed phenomena.

Subject Results


Possession of fundamental physical concepts, patterns, laws.

Subject Results


Confident use of physical terminology and symbols

Subject Results


Proficiency in basic methods scientific knowledge used in physics: measurement, experiment

Subject Results


Ability to process measurement results.

Subject Results


The ability to detect the relationship between physical quantities.

Subject Results


Ability to explain results and draw conclusions.

Subject Results


The lab report form contains:

  1. Job number;
  2. Objective;
  3. List of used equipment;
  4. The sequence of actions to be performed;
  5. Installation drawing or diagram;
  6. Tables and/or schemas for recording values;
  7. Calculation formulas.

Evaluation criteria:

Demonstration of skills.


Installation assembly








Filling tables, building








List of laboratory works.

Job No.

Job title

Section name

Determining the stiffness of a spring.


Determination of the coefficient of friction.


The study of the movement of a body in a circle under

the action of gravity and elasticity.


Acceleration measurement free fall With

help mathematical pendulum.


Experimental verification of Gay-Lussac's law.

Measurement of the surface coefficient


Molecular physics. Thermodynamics.

Measurement of the elastic modulus of rubber.

Molecular physics. Thermodynamics.

Investigation of the dependence of current strength on



Measurement resistivity



Study of the laws of series and parallel connection of conductors.


Measurement of EMF and internal

current source resistance.


Action observation magnetic field on the



Observation of the reflection of light.


Refractive index measurement



Measurement of the length of a light wave.


Observation of line spectra.

Study of tracks of charged particles.

The structure of the atom and quantum physics.


Laboratory work number 1.

"Determining the Stiffness of a Spring".

Target: Determine the stiffness of the spring using a plot of spring force versus elongation. Make a conclusion about the nature of this dependence.

Equipment: tripod, dynamometer, 3 weights, ruler.


  1. Hang a weight from the dynamometer spring, measure the elastic force and the elongation of the spring.
  2. Then attach the second to the first weight. Repeat measurements.
  3. Attach the third to the second weight. Repeat measurements again.
  1. Construct a graph of the dependence of the elastic force on the elongation of the spring:

Fupr, N

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Δl, m

  1. From the graph, find the average values ​​of the elastic force and elongation. Calculate the average value of the coefficient of elasticity:
  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 2.

"Determination of the coefficient of friction".

Target: Determine the coefficient of friction using a plot of friction force versus body weight. Make a conclusion about the ratio of the coefficient of sliding friction and the coefficient of static friction.

Equipment: bar, dynamometer, 3 loads weighing 1 N each, ruler.


  1. Using a dynamometer, measure the weight of the bar R.
  2. Place the block horizontally on the ruler. Using a dynamometer, measure maximum strength static friction Ffr 0 .
  3. Evenly moving the bar along the ruler, measure the sliding friction force Ftr.
  4. Place the load on the bar. Repeat measurements.
  5. Add a second weight. Repeat measurements.
  6. Add a third weight. Repeat measurements again.
  7. Record the results in the table:
  1. Plot graphs of friction force versus body weight:

Fupr, N

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 R, N

  1. According to the graph, find the average values ​​of body weight, static friction force and sliding friction force. Calculate the average values ​​of the coefficient of static friction and the coefficient of sliding friction:

μ cf 0 = F 0 ; μ av = ;

Rsr Rsr

  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 3.

"The study of the motion of a body under the action of several forces".

Target: To study the motion of a body under the action of elastic and gravity forces. Make a conclusion about the fulfillment of Newton's second law.

Equipment: a tripod, a dynamometer, a weight of 100 g on a thread, a paper circle, a stopwatch, a ruler.


  1. Hang the weight on the thread using a tripod over the center of the circle.
  2. Unroll the bar in horizontal plane moving along the edge of the circle.

R F control

  1. Measure the time t for which the body makes at least 20 revolutions n.
  2. Measure the circle radius R.
  3. Take the load to the boundary of the circle, use a dynamometer to measure the resultant force equal to the elastic force of the spring F ex.
  4. Using Newton's II law, calculate centripetal acceleration:

F = m. a cs ; and tss \u003d v 2; v=2. π . R; T \u003d _ t _;

R T n

And cs \u003d 4. π 2. R. n2;

(π 2 can be taken equal to 10).

  1. Calculate the resultant force m. a tss .
  2. Record the results in the table:
  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 4.

"Measuring the Acceleration of Free Fall".

Target: Measure the free fall acceleration with a pendulum. Make a conclusion about the coincidence of the obtained result with the reference value.

Equipment: tripod, ball on a thread, dynamometer, stopwatch, ruler.


  1. Hang the ball on the thread using a tripod.
  1. Push the ball away from the equilibrium position.
  1. Measure the time t for which the pendulum makes at least 20 oscillations (one oscillation is a deviation in both directions from the equilibrium position).
  1. Measure the length of the ball suspension l.
  1. Using the formula for the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum, calculate the acceleration of free fall:

T = 2.π. l; T \u003d _ t _; _t_ = 2.π. l; _ t 2 = 4.π 2 . l

G n n g n 2 g

G = 4. π 2 . l. n2;

(π 2 can be taken equal to 10).

  1. Record the results in the table:
  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 5.

"An Experimental Test of Gay-Lussac's Law".

Target: Explore the isobaric process. Make a conclusion about the implementation of Gay-Lussac's law.

Equipment: test tube, beaker hot water, glass with cold water, thermometer, ruler.


  1. Place the tube open end up in hot water to warm the air in the tube for at least 2-3 minutes. Measure your temperature hot water t 1 .
  2. close thumb opening of the tube, remove the tube from the water and place it in cold water, turning the tube upside down. Attention! To prevent air from escaping from the test tube, take your finger away from the test tube opening only under water.
  3. Leave the tube, open end down, in cold water for a few minutes. Measure your temperature cold water t 2 . Observe the rise of water in the test tube.
  1. After stopping the rise, equalize the surface of the water in the test tube with the surface of the water in the beaker. Now the air pressure in the tube is atmospheric pressure, i.e. the condition of the isobaric process P = const is fulfilled. Measure the height of the air in the test tube l 2 .
  2. Pour out the water from the test tube and measure the length of the test tube l 1 .
  3. Check the implementation of Gay-Lussac's law:

V 1 \u003d V 2; V 1 = _ T 1 .

T 1 T 2 V 2 T 2

The ratio of volumes can be replaced by the ratio of the heights of the air columns in the test tube:

l 1 \u003d T 1

L 2 T 2

  1. Convert temperature from Celsius to absolute scale: T \u003d t + 273.
  2. Record the results in the table:
  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work No. 6.

"Measuring the Coefficient of Surface Tension".

Target: Measure the surface tension of water. Make a conclusion about the coincidence of the received value with the reference value.

Equipment: pipette with divisions, a glass of water.


  1. Draw water into a pipette.
  1. Drop the water from the pipette drop by drop. Count the number of drops n corresponding to a certain volume of water V (for example, 0.5 cm 3 ) poured out of the pipette.
  1. Calculate the surface tension coefficient: σ = F , where F = m . g; l = π.d

σ = m. g , where m = ρ .V σ = ρ .V. g

π .d n π .d . n

ρ \u003d 1.0 g / cm 3 - density of water; g = 9.8 m/s 2 - acceleration of gravity; pi = 3.14;

d = 2 mm is the diameter of the drop neck, equal to the inner section of the pipette tip.

  1. Record the results in the table:
  1. Compare the obtained value of the surface tension coefficient with the reference value: σ ref. = 0.073 N/m.
  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 7.

"Measuring the elastic modulus of rubber".

Target: Determine the modulus of elasticity of rubber. Make a conclusion about the coincidence of the obtained result with the reference value.

Equipment: a tripod, a piece of rubber cord, a set of weights, a ruler.


  1. Hang the rubber cord with a tripod. Measure the distance between the marks on the cord l 0 .
  2. Attach weights to the free end of the cord. Cargo weight equal to strength elasticity F arising in the cord during tensile deformation.
  3. Measure the distance between the marks when the cord is deformed l.
  1. Calculate the elastic modulus of rubber using Hooke's law: σ = E. ε, where σ = F

– mechanical stress, S =π . d2 - cross-sectional area of ​​the cord, d - diameter of the cord,

ε \u003d Δl \u003d (l - l 0) - relative elongation of the cord.

four . F=E. (l - l 0 ) E = 4 . F. l 0, where π = 3.14; d = 5 mm = 0.005 m.

π . d 2 l π.d 2 .(l –l 0 )

  1. Record the results in the table:
  1. Compare the obtained value of the modulus of elasticity with the reference value:

E ref. = 8 . 10 8 Pa.

  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 8.

"Investigation of the dependence of current strength on voltage."

Target: Build IV metal conductor, using the obtained dependence, determine the resistance of the resistor, draw a conclusion about the nature of the CVC.

Equipment: Battery galvanic cells, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, resistor, connecting wires.


  1. Take readings from the ammeter and voltmeter, adjusting the voltage across the resistor using a rheostat. Record the results in a table:

U, V

I, A

  1. According to the data from the table, construct the CVC:

I, A

U, V

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8

  1. Determine the average values ​​of current Iav and voltage Uav from the I–V characteristics.
  1. Calculate the resistance of a resistor using Ohm's law:


R = .


  1. Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 9.

"Measuring the Resistivity of a Conductor".

Target: Determine the specific resistance of the nickel conductor, draw a conclusion about the coincidence of the obtained value with the reference value.

Equipment: Battery of galvanic cells, ammeter, voltmeter, nickel wire, ruler, connecting wires.


1) Assemble the chain:


3) Measure the length of the wire. Record the result in a table.

R = p. l / S - conductor resistance; S = p. d 2 / 4 - cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor;

p = 3.14. d2. U

4.I. l

d, mm

l, m

U, V

I, A

ρ , Ohm. mm 2 / m


6) Compare the obtained value with the nickeline resistivity reference value:

0.42 Ohm. mm2 / m.

7) Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 10.

"Study of series and parallel connection of conductors".

Target: Make a conclusion about the implementation of the laws of series and parallel connection of conductors.

Equipment : Battery of galvanic cells, ammeter, voltmeter, two resistors, connecting wires.


1) Assemble the chains: a) with consistent and b) parallel connection



R 1 R 2 R 1

2) Take readings from the ammeter and voltmeter.

R pr \u003d;

A) R tr \u003d R 1 + R 2; b) R 1 .R 2

Rtr = .

(R1 + R2)

Record the results in a table:

5) Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 11.

"Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of a current source".

Target: Measure EMF and internal resistance current source, explain the reason for the difference between the measured EMF value and the nominal value.

Equipment: Current source, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, key, connecting wires.


1) Assemble the chain:


2) Take readings from the ammeter and voltmeter. Record the results in a table.

3 ) Open the key. Take readings from the voltmeter (emf). Record the result in a table. Compare the measured EMF value with the nominal value: ε nom = 4.5 V.

I. (R + r) = ε; I. R+I. r = ε; U+I. r = ε; I. r = ε – U;


5) Enter the result in a table:

I, A

U, V

ε, V

r, Ohm

6) Make a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 12.

"Observation of the action of a magnetic field on current".

Target: Set the direction of the current in the coil using the left hand rule. Draw a conclusion on what the direction of Ampere's force depends on.

Equipment: Wire coil, battery of galvanic cells, key, connecting wires, arched magnet, tripod.

Progress .

1) Assemble the chain:

2) Bring the magnet to the coil without current. Explain the observed phenomenon.

3) Bring to the coil with current first North Pole magnet (N), then south (S). Show in picture mutual arrangement coil and poles of the magnet, indicate the direction of the Ampere force, the magnetic induction vector and the current in the coil:

4) Repeat the experiments by changing the direction of the current in the coil:


5 ) Draw a conclusion.


Laboratory work number 13.

"Light Reflection Observation".

Target:observe the reflection of light. Make a conclusion about the implementation of the law of reflection of light.

Equipment:light source, slit screen, flat mirror, protractor, square.


  1. Draw a straight line along which you place the mirror.
  1. Point a beam of light at a mirror. Mark the incident and reflected rays with two dots. By connecting the points, build the incident and reflected rays, at the point of incidence, restore the perpendicular to the plane of the mirror with a dotted line.

1 1’

2 2’

3 3’

α γ

in the centersheet).

  • Use the screen to get a thin beam of light.
  • Aim a beam of light at the plate. Mark with two points the incident beam and the beam that came out of the plate. By connecting the dots, construct an incident ray and an outgoing ray. At the point of incidence B, restore the perpendicular to the plane of the plate with a dotted line. Point F is the point where the beam exits the plate. By connecting points B and F, construct a refracted ray BF.
  • A E




    D C


    1. To determine the refractive index, we use the law of refraction of light:



    1. Build a circlearbitraryradius (take the radius of the circle asmore) centered at point B.
    2. Designate the point A of the intersection of the incident ray with the circle and the point C of the intersection of the refracted ray with the circle.
    3. From points A and C, lower the perpendiculars to the perpendicular to the plane of the plate. The resulting triangles BAE and BCD are rectangular with equal hypotenuses BA and BC (circle radius).
    4. Using the grating, get images of the spectra on the screen; for this, look at the filament of the lamp through the slit in the screen.



    φ a

    0 max (gap)





    1. Using the ruler on the screen, measure the distance from the slit to the red maximum of the first order.
    2. Make a similar measurement for the purple maximum of the first order.
    3. Calculate the wavelengths corresponding to the red and violet ends of the spectrum using the diffraction grating equation: d. sin φ = k. λ, where d is the period of the diffraction grating.

    d=1 mm = 0.01 mm = 1. ten-2 mm = 1. ten-5 m; k = 1; sin φ = tg φ =a(for small angles).


    λ = d.b


    1. Compare the results obtained with the reference values: λk = 7.6. ten-7 m; λf = 4,.0 . ten

      Laboratory work number 16.

      "Observation of line spectra".

      Target:observe and draw the spectra of inert gases. Make a conclusion about the coincidence of the obtained images of the spectra with the standard images.

      Equipment:power supply, high frequency generator, spectral tubes, glass plate, colored pencils.


      1. Acquire an image of the hydrogen spectrum. To do this, consider the luminous channel of the spectral tube through the non-parallel faces of the glass plate.
      1. Sketch the Spectrumhydrogen (H):

      400 600 800 nm

      1. Acquire and plot the spectrum images in the same way:

      krypton (Kr)

      400 600 800 nm

      helium (He)

      400 600 800 nm

      neon (Ne)

      1. Translate the particle tracks into the notebook (through the glass),placing them at the corners of the page.
      2. Determine the radii of curvature of the tracks RI, RII, RIII, RIV. To do this, draw two chords from one point of the trajectory, buildmiddleperpendicular to chords. The intersection point of the perpendiculars is the center of curvature of track O. Measure the distance from the center to the arc. Record the values ​​obtained in the table.

      R R


      1. Determine the specific charge of the particle by comparing it with the specific charge of the proton H11 q = 1.


      A charged particle in a magnetic field is affected by the Lorentz force: Fl = q. B.v. This force imparts centripetal acceleration to the particle: q. b. v = m.v2 qproportional1 .

      R m R




      Deuteron N12



      Triton N13



      α is He particle24


      1. Make a conclusion.

      Virtual laboratory work in physics.

      important place in the formation of the research competence of students in physics lessons, a demonstration experiment and frontal laboratory work are assigned. A physical experiment in physics lessons forms students' previously accumulated ideas about physical phenomena and processes, replenishes and expands the horizons of students. In the course of an experiment conducted by students on their own during laboratory work, they learn the laws of physical phenomena, get acquainted with the methods of their study, learn to work with physical devices and attitudes, that is, they learn to independently acquire knowledge in practice. Thus, when conducting a physical experiment, students develop research competence.

      But to conduct a full-fledged physical experiment, both demonstration and frontal, it is necessary to have enough appropriate equipment. Currently school laboratories in physics are not sufficiently equipped with physics instruments and visual aids for demonstration and frontal laboratory work. The existing equipment has not only fallen into disrepair, it is also obsolete.

      But even when the physics laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments, a real experiment requires a lot of time to prepare and conduct it. At the same time, due to significant measurement errors, time constraints of the lesson, a real experiment often cannot serve as a source of knowledge about physical laws, since the revealed patterns are only approximate, the correctly calculated error often exceeds the measured values ​​themselves. Thus, to carry out a full laboratory experiment in physics with the resources available in schools is difficult.

      Pupils cannot imagine some phenomena of the macrocosm and microcosm, since individual phenomena studied in a high school physics course cannot be observed in real life and, even more so, to reproduce experimentally in a physical laboratory, for example, the phenomena of atomic and nuclear physics etc.

      The execution of individual experimental tasks in the classroom on the existing equipment occurs with certain parameters specified, which cannot be changed. In this regard, it is impossible to trace all the regularities of the studied phenomena, which also affects the level of knowledge of students.

      And, finally, it is impossible to teach students to acquire physical knowledge on their own, that is, to form their research competence, using only traditional teaching technologies. Living in the information world, it is impossible to carry out the learning process without the use of information technology. And in our opinion there are reasons for this:

        the main task education in this moment- the formation of students' skills and abilities of self-acquisition of knowledge. Information technology makes this possible.

        It's no secret to anyone that this moment students lost interest in learning, and in particular in the study of physics. And the use of a computer increases and stimulates the interest of students in obtaining new knowledge.

        Each student is individual. And the use of a computer in teaching allows you to take into account individual characteristics student, gives a great choice to the student himself in choosing his own pace of studying the material, consolidating and evaluating. Evaluating the results of mastering the topic by the student through the execution of tests on the computer removes personal attitude teacher to student.

      In this regard, an idea appears: Use Information Technology in the classroom in physics, namely in the performance of laboratory work.

      If we carry out a physical experiment and frontal laboratory work using virtual models by means of a computer, then we can compensate for the lack of equipment in the physical laboratory of the school and, thus, teach students to independently obtain physical knowledge during a physical experiment on virtual models, that is, real opportunity formation of the necessary research competence among students and increasing the level of students' education in physics.

      Application computer technology in physics lessons allows the formation of practical skills in the way that the virtual environment of the computer allows you to quickly modify the setting of the experiment, which provides a significant variability of its results, and this significantly enriches the practice of students logical operations analysis and formulation of the conclusions of the results of the experiment. In addition, you can repeatedly test with variable parameters, save the results and return to your studies in convenient time. In addition, in the computer version, it is possible to carry out significantly large quantity experiments. Working with these models opens up enormous cognitive opportunities for students, making them not only observers, but also active participants in the experiments.

      Another positive point is that the computer provides a unique, not realizable physical experiment, the ability to visualize not a real natural phenomenon, but its simplified theoretical model, which allows you to quickly and efficiently find the main physical regularities of the observed phenomenon. In addition, the student can, simultaneously with the course of the experiment, observe the construction of the corresponding graphic patterns. Graphical way displaying simulation results makes it easier for students to assimilate large amounts of information received. Such models are of particular value, since students, as a rule, experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs. It should also be taken into account that not all processes, phenomena, historical experiences in physics, the student is able to imagine without the help of virtual models (for example, diffusion in gases, the Carnot cycle, the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect, the binding energy of nuclei, etc.). Interactive models allow the student to see the processes in a simplified form, to imagine installation schemes, to set up experiments that are generally impossible in real life.

      All computer laboratory work is performed according to the classical scheme:

      Theoretical development of the material;

      Studying a finished computer laboratory setup or creating a model of a real laboratory setup on a computer;

      Implementation of experimental studies;

      Processing the results of the experiment on a computer.

      A computer laboratory setup is usually computer model real experimental setup made by means of computer graphics and computer simulation. In some works, there is only a diagram of the laboratory setup and its elements. In this case, the lab setup must be assembled on a computer before starting the lab. The implementation of experimental studies is a direct analogue of an experiment on a real physical installation. At the same time, real physical process simulated on a computer.

      Features of EOR « Physics. Electricity. Virtual Lab.

      Currently, there are quite a lot of electronic learning tools in which there are developments of virtual laboratory work. In our work, we used the electronic learning tool “Physics. Electricity. Virtual Lab» (hereinafter - ESO designed to support educational process on the topic "Electricity" in general education educational institutions(Fig. 1).

      Fig.1 ESP.

      This manual was created by a group of scientists Polotsky state university. There are several advantages to using this ESP.

        Easy installation of the program.

        Simple user interface.

        Devices, completely copy the real ones.

        A large number of devices.

        All real rules for working with electrical circuits are observed.

        Possibility of holding enough a large number laboratory work under different conditions.

        The possibility of carrying out work, including for demonstrating the consequences that are not achievable or undesirable in a full-scale experiment (burning out of a fuse, a light bulb, an electrical measuring device; changing the polarity of turning on devices, etc.).

        Possibility of carrying out laboratory work not in an educational institution.

      General information

      ESE is designed to provide computer support for teaching the subject "physics". the main objective creation, dissemination and application of ESE - improving the quality of education through effective, methodologically sound, systematic use by all participants educational process at different stages learning activities.

      The training materials included in this ESS meet the requirements curriculum in physics. The basis of the training materials of this ESS will be materials modern textbooks physics and didactic materials to perform laboratory work and experimental research.

      The conceptual apparatus used in the developed ESE is based on the educational material of existing textbooks in physics, as well as those recommended for use in high school reference books on physics.

      The virtual laboratory is implemented as a separate operating system applicationWindows.

      This ESP allows you to conduct frontal laboratory work using virtual models of real instruments and devices (Fig. 2).

      Fig.2 Equipment.

      Demonstration experiments provide an opportunity to show and explain the results of those actions that are impossible or undesirable to carry out in real conditions (Fig. 3).

      Fig. 3 Undesirable results of the experiment.

      Possibility to organize individual work, when students can independently set up experiments, as well as repetition of experience outside the lesson, for example, on a home computer.

      Appointment of the ESO

      ESP is a computer tool used in teaching physics, necessary for solving educational and pedagogical problems.

      ESE can be used to provide computer support for teaching the subject "physics".

      The composition of the ESE includes 8 laboratory works on the section "Electricity" of the physics course studied in the VIII and XI grades of high school.

      With the help of ESE, the main tasks of providing computer support for the following stages of educational activity are solved:

      Explanation of educational material,

      Its consolidation and repetition;

      Organization of an independent cognitive activity student

      Diagnostics and correction of gaps in knowledge;

      Intermediate and final control.

      ESP can be used as effective remedy for the formation of students' practical skills in the following forms organization of educational activities:

      To perform laboratory work (the main purpose);

      As a means of organizing a demonstration experiment, including for demonstrating the consequences that are not achievable or undesirable in a full-scale experiment (burning out of a fuse, a light bulb, an electrical measuring device; changing the polarity of turning on devices, etc.)

      When deciding experimental tasks;

      To organize the educational and research work of students, solving creative tasks outside school hours, including at home.

      The ESP can also be used in the following demonstrations, experiments and virtual experimental studies: current sources; ammeter, voltmeter; study of the dependence of the current strength on the voltage in the circuit section; study of the dependence of the current strength in the rheostat on the length of its working part; study of the dependence of the resistance of conductors on their length, area cross section and type of substance; device and operation of rheostats; consistent and parallel connection conductors; determination of the power consumed by the electric heater; fuses.

      about RAM memory: 1 GB;

      processor frequency from 1100 MHz;

      disk memory - 1 GB free space on disk;

      functions in operating systemsWindows 98/NT/2000/XP/ Vista;

      in operating system dolanden be installed browserMSexplorer 6.0/7.0;

      for user convenience workplace must be equipped with a mouse, a monitor with a resolution of 1024x 768 and above;

      Availability devicesreadingCD/ DVDdisks for installing the ESP.

      (All mechanical works)


      No. 1. Physical measurements and calculation of their errors

      Introduction to some methods physical measurements and calculation of measurement errors using the example of density determination solid body correct form.


      No. 2. Determination of the moment of inertia, moment of forces and angular acceleration Oberbeck's pendulum

      Determine the moment of inertia of the flywheel (cross with weights); determine the dependence of the moment of inertia on the distribution of masses relative to the axis of rotation; determine the moment of force that causes the flywheel to rotate; determine the corresponding values ​​of angular accelerations.


      Number 3. Determination of the moments of inertia of bodies using a trifilar suspension and verification of the Steiner theorem

      Determination of the moments of inertia of some bodies by the method of torsional vibrations using a trifilar suspension; verification of Steiner's theorem.


      No. 5. Determination of the “bullet” flight speed by the ballistic method using a unifilar suspension

      Determination of the “bullet” flight speed using a torsion ballistic pendulum and the phenomenon of absolutely inelastic impact based on the law of conservation of angular momentum


      No. 6. Studying the laws of motion of a universal pendulum

      Determination of free fall acceleration, reduced length, position of the center of gravity and moments of inertia of a universal pendulum.


      No. 9. Maxwell's pendulum. Determination of the moment of inertia of bodies and verification of the law of conservation of energy

      Verify the law of conservation of energy in mechanics; determine the moment of inertia of the pendulum.


      No. 11. Rectilinear study uniformly accelerated motion bodies on Atwood's car

      Definition of free fall acceleration. Determination of the moment of the "effective" force of resistance to the movement of goods


      No. 12. Study of the rotational motion of the Oberbeck pendulum

      Experimental verification of the basic equation of dynamics rotary motion solid around fixed axle. Determination of the moments of inertia of the Oberbeck pendulum at various positions of the weights. Determination of the moment of the "effective" force of resistance to the movement of goods.



      No. 1. Study electrostatic field simulation method

      Building a picture of electrostatic fields of flat and cylindrical capacitors using equipotential surfaces and lines of force fields; comparison of the experimental voltage values ​​between one of the capacitor plates and equipotential surfaces with its theoretical values.


      Number 3. Generalized Ohm's Law Study and Measurement electromotive force compensation method

      The study of the dependence of the potential difference in the section of the circuit containing the EMF on the strength of the current; calculation of EMF and total resistance this area.



      No. 2. Checking Ohm's law for alternating current

      Determine the ohmic, inductive resistance of the coil and the capacitance of the capacitor; check ohm's law for alternating current with various elements chains


      Vibrations and waves


      Number 3. Determination of the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating

      Introduction to transparent grating, determination of the wavelengths of the spectrum of the light source (incandescent lamps).


      The quantum physics

      No. 1. Checking the laws of a black body

      Dependency research: spectral density energy luminosity of a black body on the temperature inside the furnace; voltage on the thermopillar from the temperature inside the furnace using a thermocouple.