Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The best institutions in England. What is higher education in the UK? Top Universities in North West England

Great Britain is a country with centuries-old traditions of higher education. The first English university - Oxford University- was founded in the XI century. Since then, many educational institutions have grown on the shores of foggy Albion. Today, some of them, like Oxford, need no introduction.

The most prestigious universities in the UK according to The Times Higher Education

One of the most authoritative publications specializing in the creation of international rankings of educational institutions, The Times Higher Education (THE) has outperformed its peers in measuring such rather vague indicators as the influence and prestige of an educational institution.

In addition to the overall world ranking of universities, THE website published the World Reputation Rankings 2016. This classification was formed based on a survey of experts from the academic environment and represents the Top 100 most influential universities in the world.

The ten most famous and prestigious universities The planet, according to THE, includes 2 English educational institutions: the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

University of Oxford is the oldest university in the UK. The official opening date of the university has not been set: according to some sources, the first students, mostly clergymen, appeared in Oxford as early as the 11th century.

Today, the University of Oxford includes 38 colleges with over 22,000 students. Teaching Staff university is formed by members of the most prestigious scientific organizations such as the London royal society and the British Academy. Oxford alumni include Jonathan Swift, Lewis Carroll, Oscar Wilde and Margaret Thatcher.

University of Cambridge- the second oldest university in Britain and the main rival of Oxford in the battle for places in international rankings(applicants are not allowed to apply to both universities in the same year).

Cambridge was founded in 1209 by a group of scholars who had left Oxford. Today the university is a confederation of 31 colleges with about 19,000 students from all over the world. There are 130 Nobel laureates among students and staff of the university - more than in any other university in the world.

Famous UK universities in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017

Other analytical giants do not undertake to form classifications solely on the basis of such a subjective indicator as the university's reputation in the academic environment. However, they often include reputation in common list criteria, along with a number of objective parameters: the volume research work university, Hirsch index (index scientific citation) and etc.

Top 10 universities in the world according to QS World university rankings this year 4 British educational institutions entered: Cambridge and Oxford mentioned above, as well as UCL (University College London) and Imperial College London.

University College London (UCL) was founded in London in 1826. At the time of opening, UCL became the first university located in the British capital, as well as the first educational institution in the country, where students were admitted regardless of their religion. In addition, in 1876, the university began to admit women to study before other universities in Great Britain.

Today UCL is the oldest college in the University of London. More than 38,000 students study here, the university has 2 overseas campuses - in Qatar and in Australia. Among the university graduates are prominent figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Bell, Peter Higgs (after whom the Higgs boson was named).

Imperial College London- prestigious Technical University in South Kensington. The educational institution was founded in 1907 by the merger of three previously existing universities. Exactly one hundred years of Imperial College London, like University College London , was part of University of London, but since 2007, the college has been operating as an independent educational institution.

More than 16 thousand students study at Imperial College London. Among the graduates and staff of the college are 15 Nobel laureates, as well as many members of reputable scientific communities.

The most famous universities in the UK in other international rankings

To complete the picture, let's consider 2 more classifications of higher education institutions from reputable rating agencies.

The top 20 universities in the world according to CWUR in 2016 include all the same Oxford and Cambridge. U.S. Top 20 News & World Report, in addition to Oxbridge, also includes Imperial College London.

After analyzing the information from the above sources, it is not difficult to notice that the list of the most famous universities England is not so vast and not very open. From year to year, "prizing places" in the ratings best universities the planets go to the same British universities (Oxbridge + - 1, 2 universities). Young educational establishments simply unable to compete with the ancient giants, whose reputation and authority have evolved over the centuries.

The price of higher education in British universities x ranges from 10,000 pounds to 30,000 per year (for medicine and near-medical sciences).

How to enter the university in England / UK? What documents and knowledge the applicant needs

In order to enter an English university, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

The main list of required documents for the submitting family:

  • copy of foreign passport
  • for a bachelor - a school certificate and the passage of the Foundation program, or the International Year One program
  • for a master's degree - a completed bachelor's degree +, if necessary, the passage of the pre-Masters program
  • IELTS certificate issued no earlier than 2 years prior to the date of application for a student visa
  • letters of recommendation from teachers of English and mathematics, sometimes it is also possible from the principal / dean
  • motivation letter
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution

Benefits of studying at universities in England

UK universities, including universities in England, have several advantages over other popular and prestigious educational institutions in the world. The first and foremost is the international status: highly qualified specialists are trained here, diplomas are recognized in most countries of the world. The most prestigious are Cambridge and Oxford, but degrees from others educational centers make no less impression on international employers. The education received in the country becomes competitive advantage applicant.

The TOP 10 best universities in the world include institutions in two countries: these are higher education institutions in Britain, a list of which is presented in this section, and the United States. , as practice shows, is cheaper than the American one, the cost of education rarely exceeds 33,000 pounds per year, while at Harvard a student will have to spend at least 50,000 in the same currency. In addition, the bachelor's degree in England lasts 3 years, and not 4, as in the United States.

Educational institutions (you can find the list on the pages of the Smapse catalog) are also distinguished by their first-class material and technical base, which makes the learning process more efficient. Educational institutions have all the necessary academic resources; both ancient libraries and ultra-modern laboratories are at the service of students here.

The most popular UK university rankings have updated their educational tables for 2016 applicants. Here useful links: The Guardian Publishing (The Guardian’s University league table 2016) The Complete University Guide 2016.

If you start looking for a university, you should remember that any rating is an abstract model, it has a lot of assumptions. This year, it became clear that the two studies do not compare well, so they should not be confused. Look, the same positions in the top ten were occupied by only two British universities, it is easy to guess which ones: Oxford and Cambridge!

Being student-oriented, the first rating reflects the preferences of young people: satisfaction with the course, the usefulness of the subjects, the quality of teaching, the success of finding a job after graduation. Leadership analyzes deeper, reminding marketing research. It takes into account parameters such as passing score at admission, funding and development research projects, the quality of degrees obtained, the percentage of those who successfully defended their diploma.

An interesting fact is that despite the difference in methodology, a number of trends that have manifested themselves in the more dynamic Guardian rankings are gradually finding expression in the conservative Guidelines. Young ambitious universities, Sussex, Kent, Southampton, are crowding out more solid ones. Former Polytechnical Institute, and now the University of Surrey, took a record 4th position in the Guardian, behind only Cambridge, Oxford and Scottish St. Andrews. Even jumped from 12th to 8th position in the Leadership.

London School Economics (LSE), unfortunately, worsened the results in student assessment, dropping from 3rd place in 2014 to 13th in 2016, but its position in the Guide has not changed yet. Imperial College and Scottish Heriet-Watt showed opposite dynamics in the tables; The University of Bath did not make the Top 10 in the Guide, Coventry and Kent only made the top 20 in the Guardian, and York and Leeds in the Guide.

Recommendation to students: the parameters that influenced the decrease or increase in the place of the universities you are interested in should be studied in detail in order to understand the reasons for the significant discrepancies in the studies. It is possible that an educational institution that has shown a decrease in the rating attracts the most ambitious or aged students who are distinguished by their critical assessment. On the other hand, an increase in the ranking, for example, in connection with the opening of an international division in Asia by a university, will not necessarily affect the quality of education for local students and will not be significant for you.

UK university rankings 2016.

Guardian 2016 (2015) Guide 2016 (2015)
1. (1) Cambridge 1. (1) Cambridge
2. (2) Oxford 2. (2) Oxford
3. (3) St. Andrews 3. (3) London School of Economics
4. (6) Surrey 4. (6) Imperial College
5. (4) Baht 5. (5) Durham
6. (8) Durham 5. (4) St. Andrews
6. (9) Warwick 7. (7) Warwick
8. (5) Imperial College 8. (12) Surrey
9. (12) Exeter 9. (11) Lancaster
10. (10) Lancaster 10. (10) Exeter
11. (15) Loughborough 11. (8) Bath
12. (11) University College London 11. (13) Loughborough
13. (7) London School of Economics 13. (9) University College London
14. (19) Southampton 14. (16) Southampton
15. (27) Coventry 15. (18) Bristol
16. (20) Kent 16. (15) East of England
17. (17) Birmingham 17. (14) York
18. (13) Heriet-Watt 18. (17) Birmingham
19. (43) Sussex 19. (23) Leeds
20. (14) East of England20. (18) Edinburgh 20.(21) Edinburgh

Having considered the rankings of universities in the UK, giving general idea about training opportunities, thoroughly study the ratings for your chosen specialty. There are 53 in the Guardian and 67 in the Guide! Additional Information and recommendations in our review at the link:

Further, it is desirable to understand the traditions, teaching methods, social composition students, strong and weak sides universities you have selected. If it is not possible to personally visit the "Days open doors» or visit the campus, rely on the help of educational experts in the UK who can complete a similar task on your behalf.

Applicants interested in enrolling in a university in England, Wales or Scotland, as well as obtaining a Tier 4 study visa, the British company Vestigio Services will be happy to help. Contact us!

Leading every year printed editions Great Britain (The Guardian, The Times, Financial Times) publish ratings of the best universities in the country. This information is eagerly awaited by experts and applicants, as it provides an opportunity to understand which universities are considered exemplary and what is happening in the country's higher education system. The Target company closely monitors the ratings and regularly updates the data on the site so that you are aware of recent events. We will help you choose a university based on its place in the rankings and other factors.

What is taken into account when ranking

Annually, rating agencies conduct National Student Surveys (NSS), which determine the satisfaction of students of the last courses overall quality education, quality feedback with teachers and their work. The ratio of the number of students and teachers, the amount of money spent on the education of one student, the percentage of graduates who got a job in their specialty within 6 months after graduation are also important.

Ranking of universities according to The Guardian for 2016

In 2015, 119 British universities participated in the ranking. Ranked #1 for the 5th year in a row Cambridge university. The University of Oxford is in second place. Third place again at the University of St Andrews (University of St Andrews). In the top ten of the ranking there are universities that have improved their positions compared to last year. This year has been a good one for metropolitan universities. Many of them have risen in the rankings, and London once again secured its place in the "golden triangle" of higher education in the UK.

But there are also nasty downsides. For example, the London School of Economics dropped from 7th place to 13th, Imperial College from 5th to 8th, The University of East Anglia from 14th to 20th, and York University from 16th. on the 22nd. However, it must be remembered that rankings should not be completely trusted, and it should be understood that, depending on the selected criteria, such institutions as LSE and ICL, which have a narrow specialization, in the overall ranking may lose to universities offering a full range of disciplines for study.

Many universities have pleased with a significant breakthrough. The highest achievement at the University of Sussex. From 43rd he immediately rose to 19th place! Coventry University managed to bypass many universities that are part of the Russell group, and rise from 27th place to 15th. The University of Southampton also improved its result, rising by 5 positions and taking 14th place in the list.

Ranking of universities by specialties

When choosing a university, you should definitely take into account these data, since they reflect the state of affairs in the particular field that you plan to study. For example, a university that ranks 50th in the overall ranking may be in the top 10 in architecture or history.

The leaders in the specialty "Finance and Accounting" were Warwick, Surrey, Heriot-Watt. By the way, Leeds, which occupies the 5th position here in the overall ranking, is only in 23rd place. In the study of biology, there is no equal to Cambridge and Oxford. Also in the top ten are Surrey and St Andrews, which are in the overall top 10. In the direction of "Business, Management and Marketing", Oxford has the leadership, followed by the top ten participants from the overall ranking. The situation is similar in the direction of "Economics".

No rating takes into account all the subtleties and individual features applicant. In order to choose the university that best meets your requirements, you should contact the experts. We will answer all your questions and help with the preparation and admission to the university. It is easy to get a consultation: call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section, or leave a request on the website.

Among travelers planning to study abroad, universities in England are very popular. The standards are generally recognized to be at high level, and the document received after it is very much appreciated by employers from all over the world.

English universities are traditionally considered the best and are presented in the first positions in all, which explains great amount applicants who wish to enroll in them. However, for successful learning it is important not only to decide on the institution you plan to enter, but also to prepare accordingly.

Requirements for applicants

An important feature of education in the territory Foggy Albion, is the applicant's compliance with certain requirements.

First of all, they concern successful delivery special exam A levels. Those wishing to enter the university immediately will not be allowed to such a test - they will need to take a training course.

This can be done in international colleges or special private schools, the program of which involves this feature. The duration of study is 2 years. In preparation, it is worth taking the opportunity to visit preparatory courses which increase the likelihood of successful admission.

The programs of some domestic universities imply the possibility of moving to a foreign educational institution, located, including on. If you want to start studying at any of the universities in England, Scotland or Wales, it is very important to choose the right educational institution.

As an example, the path from Russian school to a UK university

When choosing, it is advisable to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The level of preparation required for admission.
  2. University prestige.
  3. Payment amount.
  4. Terms of obtaining education in the chosen specialty.

Whatever the final choice of an educational institution, an applicant from the Russian Federation or the CIS countries must be able to English language at the required level, which will minimize discomfort during educational process and communication. For admission, the applicant must be over 18 years of age and possess school certificate.

Cost and terms of training

For the vast majority of those who want to receive, the greatest interest represents the cost of education. It varies significantly depending on the degree of fame and prestige of a particular institution, as well as on the chosen specialty.

Universities in major cities, as a rule, provide more expensive services than little-known provincial counterparts. The cost of education, on average, is noticeably lower than in American universities. The most expensive specialties are related to the field of medicine, while other areas are much cheaper. Tuition prices start at £10,000 and go up to £30,000 if we are talking about medical fields.

Watch the video: The cost of studying in the UK.

In order to optimize the cost of training, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  1. Tuition payment procedure (annually, monthly).
  2. Opportunity to receive scholarships, grants and other benefits.
  3. Terms of education.

Often, students in the process of studying earn extra money in half a shift, which makes it much easier to pay for tuition.

Classification of higher education institutions in the UK

Universities existing on the territory of this country are usually divided into 6 groups depending on the date of their foundation. This indicator directly affects not only the degree of prestige of an educational institution, teaching traditions, but also internal rules universities. The following groups are distinguished:

  • Ancient Universities, which includes institutions founded from the 12th to the 16th centuries. It is the oldest and most prestigious educational system countries.

    Ancient Universities includes the University of Oxford, the oldest university in the UK.

  • Red Brick. It includes engineering and applied colleges that received the status of universities before the outbreak of World War II. They are usually located in large industrial centers and teach natural sciences.

    The University of Birmingham was founded in 1825 and obtained a Royal University Charter in 1900.

  • Russell Group. They belong to the previous group, since according to the principles of training, the disciplines taught and the internal routine, they are absolutely identical.

    The University of Bristol is one of twenty-four prestigious universities United Kingdom, part of the Russell Group

  • plate glass. Educational institutions, the date of foundation of which begins in the sixties of the last century. Differ in less traditional internal orders and more fresh eyes to the learning process.

    The Plate Glass group also includes Aston University, which received its status in 1966.

  • New Universities. This group was formed only in 1992, since it was then that a number of newest colleges earned the right to be called universities, and received state subsidies on a par with other, more ancient universities.

    Brighton University was originally art school, received university status in 1992

  • Recently Created Universities. The youngest category, formed in 2005. By analogy with the previous groups, it includes universities, formerly called colleges.

    The University of Bedfordshire is one of newest universities England,was founded in 2006

Tuition and difficulty entrance examinations, to a large extent depends on the belonging of the institution to a particular group. This should certainly be taken into account in the process of selecting an institution for education.

What documents should be prepared

The specifics of admission to English universities is such that the applicant will have to prepare not only the standard package of documents required for admission to the university, but also a number of additional papers.

An example list includes:

Watch the video: How to write a motivation letter for admission to universities in the UK.

In addition, you will need to visit the educational institution in person, as this seems to be an essential requirement for applicants. Foreign students can take advantage of the Skype program for an interview.

Features of universities in Scotland and Wales

In addition to England itself, travelers planning to study abroad have the opportunity to enroll in universities in Scotland or Wales.

Indeed, in these areas there are many large educational institutions, the prestige of whose diploma is no less than English universities.

Admission to the universities of Wales and Scotland implies whole line advantages:

  • more loyal admission conditions;
  • reduced, in comparison with universities in England, tuition fees;
  • world recognition of diplomas, as well as incredibly high percent employment among graduates;
  • low cost of living, in comparison with other regions of Europe.

The average tuition fee starts at £7,000, which is £3,000 less than in the UK.

Cost of Bachelor of Management programs in England and Scotland

A feature of studying in Scotland and Wales is the need to get 13 classes of education before entering a higher educational institution. To do this, a foreign applicant can either study from 1 to 2 years at a domestic university, or receive the necessary training in one of the following ways:

  1. Enter and graduate from a Scottish/Welsh school.
  2. Study at a Scottish/Welsh college.
  3. Prepare for the Foundation courses or any other program that allows you to enter British universities.

It is advisable to contact representatives of the educational institution where you plan to study 1-2 years before admission, which will allow you to clarify the list of documents and requirements for passing the exam.

Watch the video: Education in Scotland.

Top Universities in England

All categories of higher education institutions in the UK are in high demand from applicants. However, there are a number of original ranking leaders, and among them there are representatives of all categories of universities.

  1. University of Oxford (from 6 thousand pounds per year).
  2. University East Anglia(from 14 thousand pounds per year).
  3. York University (from 16 thousand pounds per year).
  4. Bournemouth University (from 14 thousand pounds per year).
  5. Bristol University (from 19 thousand pounds per year).
  6. University of Cambridge (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  7. University of Manchester (from 15,500 pounds per year).
  8. University of Sussex (from 12 thousand pounds per year).
  9. Durham University (from 23 thousand pounds per year).
  10. University of Leeds (from 16 thousand pounds per year).
  11. Coventry University (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  12. University of Leicester (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  13. University of Reading (from 9 thousand pounds per year).
  14. University of Kent (from 20 thousand pounds per year).
  15. Newcastle University (from 9 thousand pounds per year).

You can familiarize yourself with the position of universities in England in the world ranking.

The most famous building in Cambridge is King's College Cathedral. It has been under construction for almost a hundred years - since 1446, and has become the greatest architectural structure.

Apart from educational activities, this educational institution boasts of having numerous research centers, as well as the largest library in the United Kingdom. Applicants entering Cambridge most often prefer medical and social sciences.

Oxford competes with Cambridge for the right to be called the best university in the UK, which is explained not only by the high standards of education, but also by the prestige of the diploma. It is due to the fact that more than 50 students studied at the university, who later became Nobel laureates. In addition, among his listeners were representatives of the political elite, such as Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and others.

To date, Oxford allows 21 thousand students to receive education at the same time. A quarter of them are international students.

Among other things, the university is actively scientific activity, and its scientists made a list of high-profile discoveries. The quality of education at Oxford is undeniable, as given university has earned the Queen's Award 9 times, which is more than any other educational institution in England.

York University and Eton are also among the largest universities in the UK and boast a huge number of foreign students. They often received different kind awards and prizes for highest quality education, which made them extremely popular with applicants. Among the areas of study there are natural, humanitarian and social sciences.

Just like other educational institutions that occupy a leading position, the University of York is a large research center. According to this indicator, he took 14th out of 155 places among educational institutions in England, which is confirmed by his numerous awards.