Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Why is it important to love people. Closing your eyes to what is unpleasant for you, what makes you uncomfortable, is cowardice.

This question can be rephrased. Why, or, better to say, why does a person take food every day? The answer is simple - in order to live. With food, the body receives all the substances necessary for life, vitamins and trace elements, and hence energy. Love is the same energy, the same food, the same daily food, but only for the soul.

Why does a person need love?

The soul lives, develops, creates, grows only thanks to love, just like our arms, legs move, the heart beats, the blood constantly moves in a circle, and the brain functions only thanks to nutrition. It is not difficult to imagine what can happen if a person stops eating and drinking. Decline in strength, illness and - ultimately - inevitable death. And what can happen if a person stops loving a person?

World of mind and body

She once said that in our troubled world there are many people who die of hunger, but even more of those whose heart stops from lack of love. Indeed, from a lack of love, from the impossibility or inability to love a person, inevitable hunger sets in, the soul gets sick, gradually exhausted and leaves this world. People who perceive the world literally, accepting as truth only what can be seen with one's own eyes, what is easy to feel, hear or touch, will be skeptical about this statement. Well, let ... Soul, faith, love - this is something that cannot be touched and unimaginable to see, but this is what, in fact, is primary, which determines and creates the most tangible reality. However, even believers call this a miracle ...

And again about love...


Plato in the dialogue "Feast" tells the legend of the once-existing creatures - androgynes, combining both masculine and feminine. Like the Titans, they were proud of their perfection - unprecedented strength and exceptional beauty, they challenged the gods. The gods got angry... And as a punishment they divided the androgynes into two halves - a man and a woman. Cut in two, they could not find peace for themselves, they lived in constant search for each other. A fairy tale, but in it a hint why a person loves a person. Love is a constant pursuit of wholeness. However, here too there is a certain paradoxical pattern - having found our soul mate, we merge in a close embrace, with every breath, every cell feeling the harmony of unity, even a certain solidity - “one-single-whole-indivisible-eternal”, we again strive for chaos - to the loss of each other, so that our soul again plunges into torment, torment, suffering for the lost and gathers on a new journey to love.

At first glance it seems that this vicious circle, senseless and merciless. But back to the myth of the Anrogyns. Having become one, they fell into pride - narcissism and self-praise, which only leads to decline and degradation, and hence to full stop and the disappearance of the continuity and infinity of life. Heaven is barren and meaningless without hell, good without evil, life without death. Every time we embark on a new journey of love, we discover a new facet new law love, we give one more of an infinite number of answers why a person loves a person, thereby communicating a new super-powerful energy for work perpetual motion machine life.

One feeling for life

The world is infinite in its diversity, just like love. A person can love one person all his life, parting, finding renewed each other, betraying, forgiving, living under one roof or, conversely, all his life at a distance from each other, and thereby coming to love, to harmony through the soul of one person. There is an image in our mind perfect love one for life. We dream about it, strive for it, and even the most callous cynics carefully keep this bright picture from the cover of a magazine under their pillows so that no one will ever guess or even dare to think what is really going on in their souls. Where did it come from given representation about love, true or utopian - is unknown.

Lost heaven

I repeat - we all strive for the ideal, for the search for the second half, which was originally given to us by the gods, for becoming perfection again - anrogyn. One part of us believes in the absolute without any doubts, and the other part offers to check it. And, probably, swinging the scales in one direction or the other is what we need - the process of knowing love. After all, it is not the final goal, not the moment of balancing, not the moment of unification, but the path itself that is important. What will it be like, with whom we will unexpectedly run into around the corner, whom we will meet, whom we will take a glimpse of, and who will make us suddenly and at once look intently into the eyes of another, whom we will invite for tea, and whom we will not even let on the threshold ... And why in we will come as a result - this is the answer to the question why a person loves a person, which, in fact, great mystery there is.

People who don't know how to love...

Looking at an iceberg floating in the ocean, it is impossible to guess or guess what it really is.

The tip of the iceberg is what a person demonstrates to others, and sometimes to himself - it's easier not to ask questions. But what is really hidden under the dark water surface? Soul, self-love, love for people, faith, talents… A lot of things. Do not measure, do not weigh, do not get to the very bottom. As Mikhail Epstein said, love is such a long business, for which one life is negligible, so get ready to spend eternity with it. Thus, any of our assumptions, whether this or that person is capable of love, or not, is an illusion. And if we take as a basis the concept of "soul" - divine essence of a person, then the assumption of such a thought is completely impossible ...

How to understand that you love a person ...

François La Rochefoucauld once remarked that there is only one love, but there are thousands of fakes... Great French writer, of course, is fair, but at the same time it is not. Imagine love as a school. There is elementary grades, middle and senior ... First graders learn to write, hold their hands correctly, draw sticks, circles .... Further - more: numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication table, equations, trigonometry. Everyone new stage in learning is impossible without the previous one. You can't jump from first class to fifth. However, often a high school student, looking back, perceives all the previous steps, all his sufferings, torments, or victories as funny, ridiculous, even stupid. How could he not solve the “2 + 2” example, forgetting that today's day has come only thanks to past mistakes and achievements.

All of this applies to love as well. Each person, each soul is at its own stage of development, at its own level of knowledge, in a certain class. And it is not always determined by age. For one, a bright passion is love. For others, love. The third is ready to break on the edge of a bottomless abyss. And the fourth seeks clarity and tranquility in love... And each of them is right and at the same time wrong. What a person feels this moment- there is his truth, one more step to the truth. Therefore, you just need to listen to your heart and follow only it. It is the most the best teacher and assistant. And the question of how to understand that you love a person disappears by itself. By asking it, we do not seek to understand ourselves, but fear their consequences. We kind of ask if I can fall in love ... But in fact, no one can forbid loving or not loving, and nothing will save me from possible errors. If feelings appeared, albeit immature, albeit naive and shallow, it means that they are needed for something and do not need either explanation or confirmation, and especially from the outside. The words of M. McLaughlin that it seems to someone who falls in love for the first time that he knows everything that needs to be known about life - and, perhaps, he is right - the best of that the confirmation.

great secret

Neil Donald Walsh has a wonderful parable about a Little Soul who once came to God and asked him to help her become who she really is. God was surprised at such a request, because she already knows her essence, realizes herself as who she really is. However, knowing and feeling, feeling are completely different things. Well, it's said and done, and God brought another of His creatures to her - a Friendly Soul. She agreed to help her. In their next earthly incarnation, the Friendly Soul will pretend to be bad, lower its vibrations, become heavy and do some terrible deed, and then the Little Soul will be able to manifest its essence, become what it was originally born - forgiving, infinite love and all-encompassing light. The little soul was surprised and very worried about the fate of the helper. But the Friendly Soul assured her that nothing terrible would happen. Everything that happens in life happens only because of and in the name of Love.

All souls through the ages and across distances dance this dance. Each of them was both up and down, and right, and left, and good, and cynical evil, victim and torturer, and there is only one answer to everything that exists - people meet each other to show themselves and know love. So it is impossible to fully understand why people love each other, why we love some and neglect others, why we are ready to put up with the most disgusting qualities of one person, but unable to forgive the little to another, why love often becomes synonymous with causeless bouts of despair, mental torment and disappointment. Rather, we can guess about some unwritten laws of the universe, try to penetrate, see what is hidden behind the front side, what is the wrong side ... However, making efforts, trying and trying is all that we are capable of. All our attempts are ultimately doomed to failure. Why? Yes, because we are not allowed to touch the bottom with our hands, and we do not need to. This is not our task. God is the creator of everything. We are only invited to live, feel, experience, feel and be filled ...


What more can be said? American poetess, offered her own version: “Love is everything. And that’s all we know about her…” It’s hard to disagree, because as soon as it seems to us that all the lessons have been passed, that all the laws have been studied, and the theorems have been proven, some unknown, but superpowerful force offers us new events, unfamiliar feelings and experiences. And we, diving with our heads, realize how big this ocean is and how small and insignificant we are in comparison with it.

I try to keep myself away from nasty people

It is difficult to say where this enthusiasm has gone now. I can’t even remember if it evaporated all at once or flowed out of me gradually when I was able to realize that the janitor is a low-paid, low-prestige and therefore despised profession in society, and a neighbor, although kindest soul man, but a chronic alcoholic, and it is better to stay away from him. Later, I caught myself thinking that if my brain was arranged like a computer, then it would definitely have its own “basket” - people whose untidy appearance, defiant behavior, and the whole way of life as such is unpleasant to me.

In fact, I still try to protect myself from associating with such people. On the street, swearing at the entrance with cans of beer, noisy old women and beggars, begging for a “penny” to get sober, fly into the “basket” at a breakneck speed, at work colleagues are added to them, with whom I don’t find common language, and a tyrant-boss. And it seems that it's so simple - to stop calling relatives who always need something from you, to walk past a cripple or a beggar, shuddering with disgust, or even throwing something offensive after him ... And why suppress feelings of contempt in yourself and his own superiority, even if only flashed somewhere in the depths of his soul, when looking at the poor, ugly, stupid, sick? Gloating over others is impolite and ugly - that's how we were brought up, at least me. But what's so terrible about gloating about yourself without speaking your thoughts out loud?

Probably nothing, if you forget about the main biblical commandment, which prescribes to love your neighbor as yourself. That's just how to follow this commandment in modern life, and is it worth following it at all? Consciously or automatically, we form attachments and tolerance for relatives and friends, and in relationships with strangers rather, we are guided by the norms laid down in our upbringing. Giving up a seat in a trolleybus to an unfamiliar granny, helping a woman with a stroller - these are just memorized, repeatedly rehearsed models of human behavior in society, which are by no means proof of his love for his neighbors.

Most of the people I talk to live in constant fear that they are deceived. Everyone, from the government to the sellers in the market, in their opinion, is only interested in making life difficult for them. However, how to explain to a person embittered at everyone and everything that the "gazelle" who has been rude to him in the morning did not do this from a good life and, in fact, also needs understanding and love? And this is the most innocent example. It is more difficult to try on your own compassion for a criminal or a person who, it would seem, is simply impossible to forgive.

Ekaterina Velt

Launch your antivirus

This will be your manifestation of self-love.

Yes, in childhood it is easy to love everyone: children are not only pure in soul, they are in blissful ignorance. They don't know how adults get money; they do not know the worries and worries about how to feed their families. They have not yet faced the harsh, cruel reality of life. They do not know how much evil is going on in the world. Usually, if they encounter something unpleasant that is beyond their understanding, they move away from it, “dump” it from consciousness ...

But we are adults, we cannot always remain in childhood. We inevitably grow up, and gradually become aware of the world around us. Enthusiasm - pink glasses”, through which we look at the world in childhood, is gradually disappearing. And it is very important that it be replaced not by disappointment, not by cold indifference to the world and people, not by anger and contempt, but by love. Love is open, adult and conscious.

How love is tempered

Children's enthusiasm and love are two different things. Real love– always sacrificial, always suffering. True love is the one that has passed the test of strength. Saint Mark the Ascetic writes that " true love tempted by adversity" . What are these "oppositions"? Sorrows and temptations. Enthusiastic children's love is imperfect, inexperienced love, which has not yet passed the test of sorrows, human malice and hatred; not yet confronted with the grief and pain of others.

It is easy to love in childhood, it is more difficult when we are "in a state of awareness." Christ commanded us to love everyone: both "white" and "black". If I avoid communication with janitors, drunkards and homeless people, if someone’s “unkempt appearance” is unpleasant to me, if I “throw” them into the “basket”, this means that I am seriously ill. And the name of this disease is pride, arrogance, contempt. This means that I, consciously or unconsciously, consider myself in every respect superior to the people listed above "categories"; I consider myself clean and I am afraid to soil my delicate white hands on the greasy clothes of my neighbor, smelling of tobacco and urine. Or I'm just trying to play hide-and-seek with reality: what I like - I accept, what's unpleasant - I reject, throw it away, turn a blind eye to it.

Another thing is personal safety, personal hygiene of the soul. It is extremely necessary, especially being on the street, to protect your hearing, your eyesight from everything that can harm the soul, push us to sin. We are unable to stop the avalanche of soul-damaging information that falls upon us outside our home, including from some people. And we must be in constant spiritual tension, keeping our feelings from following the sinful and harmful - from everything that can deprive us of peace of mind. But, protecting your soul from the pernicious influence of such people on it, you must not stop loving the people themselves. Yes, yes, those same people, from the harmful influence of which we are trying to protect ourselves with all our might. Hate sin and protect yourself from it, but love the people themselves.

Looking for Joy

As for “memorized, repeatedly rehearsed models of human behavior in society, which are by no means proof of his love for others,” the holy fathers say: “If you don’t have love, do deeds of love, and sooner or later, love itself will appear in your heart.” . In practice, this advice is carried out as follows: if an elderly woman is standing next to you on the bus, and you do not feel the slightest desire to give up your seat to her, do it “through I don’t want to” . Think about how hard it is for her to stand, how her legs hurt, how grateful she will be that someone has compassion for her. Do this constantly, regardless of your desire, and you will see how your heart warms up; how the person you help gradually ceases to be a stranger to you, becomes the same neighbor that is spoken of in the Gospel, that is, your own.

Yes, you are right: you cannot love your neighbor without loving yourself. But what does it mean to "love yourself"? From a worldly point of view, to love yourself means to do everything for yourself: to live for yourself, to receive pleasures for yourself, even to love - for yourself. But such self-love never fills the soul with bright joy. Do not allow sin and passion into your soul, fight them like a warrior fights - this is the right love for yourself. This is love for your soul, caring for it. And this love needs to be learned.

Try to run in your "computer" "anti-virus" of three components: prayer, self-condemnation and self-reproach. When you find a virus, send it to confession. This will be a manifestation of your love for yourself.

Hieromonk Peter (Borodulin)

Refuse contempt

Do not turn away from those in whose place we ourselves can be

Closing your eyes to what is unpleasant for you, what makes you uncomfortable, is cowardice. Let's get this straight. To see people and reality as it is, you need to have courage, and you need to cultivate courage in yourself.

What arguments are there in favor of just such a courageous attitude towards the world? First, otherwise we simply deceive ourselves, and this, as you know, is a thankless task. Secondly, what we turn away so contemptuously, sooner or later may enter our lives, touch us personally, and we will not be ready for this. Indeed, in the place of that very homeless person or beggar, begging for a “penny”, about which Katya writes, maybe, God forbid, there will be one of our loved ones - those whom we really love. And this may well be, not a single person on earth is completely immune from this. How then shall we proceed? Will we begin to despise and turn away in disgust?

Overcoming arrogance

If we live more or less prosperously in society and are not "outcasts", do not suffer from addiction or illness, have not lost our homes due to someone else's machinations or the malice of relatives, it is not only because we ourselves are so wonderful and sane. But also by the grace of God, which for the time being protects us from such serious troubles. For me personally, the memory of this is always a good "antivirus" to the feeling of disgust and arrogance towards other people.

Yes, both the homeless, and the alcoholic, and “persons cursing at the entrance” are people who are seriously ill, whose soul is distorted, broken by sinful skills and habits, nourished by a bad environment. But from the point of view of Christian asceticism, arrogance and cowardice are diseases no less serious than alcoholism and the habit of drinking. foul language, and no less intractable, simply because of their internal character less visible to others. Who said that people who have lost themselves are less dear and valuable to God than a successful journalist with higher education? Do you think the Lord is pleased to see us so proud and arrogant? After all, this is not what He expects from us. “Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart…” (Matthew 11:29) , Christ says in the Gospel. But we are not meek and humble. And if God tolerates us like this, so far from His commandment, what right do we have to despise someone?

The author of the question spoke about children and children's perception of others. So it seems to me that children in this sense are closer to God. They do not yet know that the homeless is an "asocial element" and should be despised. They do not have many of those stereotypes that adults are so rich in ...

Understand themselves

Answering the question, Father Peter spoke about the need to protect ourselves from harmful information that falls upon us outside the home.

And here we need to figure out why we “throw into the basket” personalities unpleasant to us: because we love everything pleasant, but we feel disgust for the unpleasant, or because we are trying to protect our soul from harmful influence? If the latter, then this is perhaps not so bad, if the former, something urgently needs to be done about it. A feeling of disgust towards a person, any person, even a fallen one, even one who is on social day, - big mistake.

You ask: “Why suppress feelings of contempt and own superiority in yourself, even if they flashed somewhere in the depths of your soul, when you look at a poor, ugly, stupid, sick person? What's so terrible about gloating about yourself without speaking your thoughts out loud? There is a feeling that this question is provocative. It seems that the author of the letter herself knows perfectly well what is “so terrible” in contempt, a sense of one's own superiority, and even more so - gloating. These are destructive feelings, unworthy of living in a soul created in the image and likeness of God. It is enough to look closely at your soul at the moment when you experience the described feelings, and you will see that even hidden gloating harms the soul no less than expressed aloud. So it's not about decency at all - these are things external to our soul. The point is what really happens to our soul, and this is what is hidden from outer eyes. It is only between us and God.

As for social model the give-your-seat-grandmother relationship you're talking about isn't as formal as it sounds. It arose not only as a way of self-preservation of society, it initially laid down the need for love, because our society is also built on Christian principles, we just do not always understand this. In the end, it is always a matter of our free choice: to do good with a cold heart, simply because “it’s necessary”, or to put our heart into it.

Between life and... something else

In fact, the whole letter boils down to a few questions, the most important of which, if we try to formulate it clearly, sounds something like this: “Is it really worth loving your neighbor? Is it really so necessary, or maybe Christ made a mistake when he gave us this commandment? Maybe you can somehow get rid of it, run away and live for your own pleasure?

The question of love for one's neighbor is very important and not at all idle. This is one of the central questions of the gospel. And it is clear that he does not give rest to Katya, unless she pretends to be a journalist! From Katya's letter, I got the impression that she would be glad not to reckon with this commandment, but, even being a person far from the Church, she still cannot completely ignore it. This once again testifies in favor of the importance of this commandment for each human soul, for our conscience. And, of course, it is absolutely necessary to follow it, unless we want to move away from God to a distance incompatible with life.

God is love. We are so accustomed to this thesis that sometimes we are completely unaware of it. practical significance. If the Lord is love and He is the source of life, then by loving people and in general everything created by God, we multiply life in ourselves, multiply happiness in ourselves, we draw closer to God, we become what God intended, that is, we are saved . Rejecting love, turning it into hatred, contempt and indifference, we, without noticing it ourselves, are plunging into death, into darkness, moving away from God. And life and death are primarily spiritual categories and only then physical.

Remember" Dead Souls» Gogol? After all, there we are talking not only about physical, but also about spiritual necrosis. The characters described by him are physically alive, but inside they have long died. This is the whole paradox! We sometimes become so accustomed to the mortification of our souls that we do not even notice our plight. And you can understand this difference between life and death in yourself by living an attentive spiritual life. And the person who is usually called neighbor, regardless of his closeness and pleasantness to us, is the litmus test that best reflects the state of our soul. If we are attentive to people, responsive, unselfish, not arrogant, if their difficulties and illnesses hurt our hearts, and their shortcomings do not irritate, if we are patient with their infirmities and pity not only “our own”, but also “strangers”, then we are going on the path that Christ showed us.

The impossible is possible!

“But how to put it into practice? Is it possible, especially in our modern life?” you ask. But, probably, you yourself know that the notorious " modern life From the point of view of the ability to love, nothing special differs from non-modern life. Yes, consumer consciousness and the cult of pleasures that promote Mass culture and the market, complicate this task somewhat. But in general, it has always been difficult to love your neighbor: both in the Middle Ages and in the 21st century. One has only to try to love, and you see how all your efforts are broken against your own weakness and passion, about your decrepit nature.

But the holy fathers say that what is impossible for man is possible for God.

God helps a person who is ascetic, gives His help through the Sacraments of confession and communion. And what seemed impossible suddenly becomes doable. Therefore, my advice to you is: rather than talk about love in the abstract on the pages of a newspaper, try to resort to these Sacraments, start living a church life, and you yourself will see everything.

Yes, you are right: people live in fear, they do not trust each other, they are afraid of deceit, in general they are afraid of life as such. All this comes from a lack of faith in God and trust in God. You ask: "How to explain?". But personally, we do not have any need to explain to an irritated passenger that you should not be offended by a “naughty gazelist”. Let us first learn ourselves not to be offended and show love to those who are rude to us, and only then we will try to explain this to others. And even more so, one should not try to try on one's compassion for a criminal, especially an abstract one. Wouldn't it be better to first try it on quite real, familiar people, the same drinking uncle-neighbor or tyrant-boss? Moreover, both drunkenness and tyranny are not yet a crime ...

Newspaper "Saratov panorama" No. 4 (932)

From all sources comes: “You need to love yourself”, psychologists unanimously declare that it is necessary to love yourself, but why? Why is it important to love yourself?

The fact is that most of the problems in a person’s life appear precisely from dislike for oneself. What kind of problems do people have? Let's voice them, and then we'll figure out how it all relates to whether a person loves himself or not.

So, the most common problems of people:

Poor health;

- Destructive relationships;

- Loneliness;

- Inability to create a family;

Financial difficulties;

- Conflicts with other people;

- Difficulties with the realization of oneself in this life.

Now see why it's important to love yourself.

- When a person does not love himself, he does not accept his appearance, his body, his body. And he reciprocates and begins to hurt. What happens if you don't love the indoor flower? Won't you water it? He will soon wither, fall ill, die. If you don't love a child, what will happen to him? He will grow unhappy, require your attention, love and care. And everything will be unhealthy. Both emotionally and physically. This also applies to our body. If we do not love ourselves, our body will not please us with excellent health. Most diseases are somatic in nature; this has long been studied by psychology.

- When a person does not love himself, he cannot give his soul mate, his partner, what he himself does not have. He cannot give him love. Therefore, he demands it, which always leads to unhealthy, destructive relationships. A lot of problems in the relationship between a man and a woman are due to the fact that one of the partners (or both) does not love himself.

- When a person does not love himself, he often cannot create a serious relationship at all. Why? Because we always have in life what we think we deserve. If inside ourselves we consider ourselves unworthy to meet a decent man, then we will not meet him. Our subconscious attitudes are realized in real world. That's why it's important to love yourself. That these installations were only positive.

- When a person does not love himself, he does not consider himself worthy of financial well-being. And therefore there is little money in his life and they are earned, as a rule, by hard work.

When a person does not love himself, he treats himself disrespectfully. The people around him also relate to him. He doesn't love himself, they don't love him. He doesn't respect himself, they don't respect him. He bullies himself, they bully him.

- When a person does not love himself, he is engaged in life not with what he loves, but with what happened. Why? Yes, because he does not see opportunities to turn his hobby into a daily job with a good income. In his mind lies the thought that he deserves the worst.

As you can see, any of the problems that a person has is rooted in self-dislike. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to learn to love yourself and begin to gradually change the attitude towards yourself.

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Self-love and narcissism or selfishness are completely different things. Love is all about giving and receiving, and if you can give enough care, attention, and compassion to yourself, chances are you can give it to others as well.

You have probably heard the old truth that we cannot love others if we do not love ourselves. Love blossoms when we give this feeling to other people, but love always starts with “I”. We are the only ones responsible for our lives, decisions and actions, so we simply do not have the right to be inattentive to ourselves.

However, I never thought about why it is so important to love yourself, even if I completely agree with the statement. The reasons given below show that self-love is very important.

1. When you love yourself the way you are, you acknowledge who you are.

Indeed, I know perfectly well all my positive and negative sides and I accept them. This does not mean that I am satisfied with all my character traits. Loving yourself doesn't mean you have to stop there.

Self-love helps you realize that you are only person in its own way, with your unique features, qualities and capabilities. It gives a great feeling. When you acknowledge who you are, you don't need to compare yourself to others. And this is the most powerful and inspiring feeling.

2. It gives you confidence

We all love confident and charismatic people. This is our inner subconscious desire and there's nothing you can do. Compassion is also important, but when people need someone to talk to, they usually look for someone who is strong and confident. People who love themselves are more likely to get best job, promotion and more friends and fans. I think that it's decisive reason to love yourself.

3. You can avoid self-flagellation

Self-flagellation, regret and shame are the worst things a person can experience. Loving yourself means being less anxious and depressed, and less prone to stress and self-torture.

4. When you love yourself, you look better.

It's really simple. You can focus on your strengths rather than worry about your weaknesses and imperfections. Everyone has flaws, but most people don't care about them.

5. When you love yourself, the world around you changes.

When we fall in love, everything around us becomes more beautiful and attractive. Self love is no exception. This allows you to look at things, people and life from a different point of view, from a better perspective. But the most important thing is that all these changes are only your perception. In this way you can choose whether you will love yourself and this world or not.

Why is it important to love yourself?
Loving people begins with loving yourself...

We need to love ourselves because God loves us. God created us in his own image and likeness. He put himself into us, his divine love. The fire of divine love burns in each of us, and the task of each person is to learn how to maintain and further open the divine fire of Love for himself and for all people.
If we learn to love ourselves unconditional love which God loves and accepts us, then we will be able to take off various masks that limit programs, negative beliefs and fully experience our beautiful Soul, our beautiful body and, as a result, our beautiful life.
Loving yourself is important and necessary - it's easy a vital necessity if you want to truly be a happy and prosperous person.
By learning to love ourselves, we will learn to love life.
Without learning to love ourselves, we will not be able to truly love another person and build a harmonious relationship with him.
I want to emphasize that one understanding of the necessity and importance of self-love is not enough. It is important to know HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF and start LOVE! What needs to be done for this?
To begin with, realize that from birth you are worthy of love JUST SO, without any conditions and reasons! Because YOU ARE! Already born and manifested in this body and in this world.
On the this stage you need to find in yourself the strength, desire and ability to realize your inner values, as well as determine own goals and plans in line with values. Turn around to address your own needs and challenges. Realizing this whenever there is a desire to engage in other people's affairs or interests.

By fully controlling this situation, you will find the time and energy to deal with your own life and fully love yourself, value yourself, realize your own goals and plans, fulfill your own desires in accordance with their system of internal values.
In general, speaking to the point, you need to love yourself because in order to feel like a truly happy person.
Self-love reflects how you live your every day, what thoughts you feed yourself, I’m not talking about the quality of food and products (it goes without saying), what you give yourself, what people you surround yourself with, in what place you live, what values fill your inner world what business you do, what goals and desires you have, do you know how to praise yourself and other people, do you accept other people as they are, without judgment, etc.
Remember the famous biblical phrase: "Love your neighbor as yourself"? Love yourself first, only then can you love your neighbor. So we first learn to love ourselves, so that later we can fully love our loved ones. If we do not fill ourselves, we will have nothing to give to others.
Self-love means understanding and realizing that I and GOD are ONE. And also the understanding that all people with me are one.
If you notice that in your life there are few of you and few of your own values, but there is a lot of someone else's, superficial, this indicates that you are not interested in yourself and do not love yourself, that you live in the interests of other people.
And if you feel an inner emptiness in yourself and a feeling of loss and lack of energy, this indicates that you have abandoned yourself, that you are not living your own life, but someone else's and imposed.
You can often observe how some people have a need to solve the problems of another person, this also indicates an unwillingness and inability to take care of themselves and their own lives.
If you have any desire, you need to give it the opportunity to come true. It is important! Allow yourself to wish and do not leave your desires unfulfilled. At the same time, you don’t need to complain about fate and circumstances, but try to carry out specific actions yourself and fulfill your desires, realize goals and plans. This is also an indicator of your attitude towards yourself and love for yourself.
I offer you some statements by Louise Hay about attitude towards yourself, about self-love, about what self-love is. These sayings will help you learn to love yourself, accept yourself and appreciate yourself even more. So, they will help you make your life and your world happier, more joyful, more beautiful, richer and more abundant!
Love is the only answer to any of our problems, and the way to that state is through forgiveness. Forgiveness dissolves resentment.
Self-love does not mean self-love. It purifies us, and we gain the ability to love ourselves so much that we can love others.
For me, love is a feeling of deep gratitude.
Perhaps in 20 years you will have the same reasons not to love yourself, and you will cling to them for the rest of your life. Today is the day when you can love yourself in all integrity and without any conditions!
Never, under any circumstances, criticize yourself.
The forces of the universe never judge or criticize us. They accept us for who we are. And then automatically reflect our beliefs.
Loving yourself means celebrating the very fact of the existence of your personality and being grateful to God for the gift of life.
We must choose to free and forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Let us not know how to forgive, but we must strongly want it.
Self-approval and self-acceptance is the key to positive change in our lives.
In order to change others, you must first change yourself. We need to change the way we think.
All our relationships with the world around us reflect our attitude towards ourselves.
Love is not outward manifestation She is always within us!
And life is a journey in which we discover ourselves.
For me, enlightenment means diving into ourselves and realizing who we really are and that we can change for the better by loving ourselves and taking care of ourselves.
When I talk about self-love, I mean deep appreciation for who we are. We accept everything in ourselves: our little oddities, fluctuations, everything that we do not quite succeed with, along with all our wonderful qualities. We lovingly accept it all in the complex. And without any conditions.
We have the power within us to bring about these changes. We can choose love just as we choose anger, hate, or sadness.
We can choose love. The choice is always ours.