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Unified State Exam test in biology. New quest types

Last school year- a difficult and responsible period. From Unified State Exam results a lot depends on later life: choice of profession, career success.

Questions that every 11th grader faces: what aids and online resources will I use to prepare, how will I study a huge amount of materials, how will I solve the Unified State Exam, how will I achieve high scores?

Our task, mine as a tutor and yours as students, is to make preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology very high quality and not waste time and energy. Based on the results of many years of work, I created a large number of educational materials that allow you to learn biology quickly, deeply, and efficiently. On my YouTube channel there are videos that cover all the main topics school course biology.. Finally, I have developed a unique online test system that allows you to study biology at the highest level.

It would seem that there are a lot of materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology on the Internet, why should a tutor invest energy in writing articles, recording videos, developing new tests - after all, there is, for example, the project I will solve the Unified State Exam, and you can prepare using it? Unfortunately, biology assignments there are not created by one professional teacher, and flock from different sources. I do not undertake to guarantee their quality, knowing how many tests with errors are floating around the network.

In their educational materials I work only with certified FIPI tests! They are verified, accurate, there are no errors in them, and if there are “slippery” formulations, we make sure to talk about it in class. And therefore, I recommend all my videos, articles and tests online with full responsibility to students.

Catalog of Unified State Exam assignments in biology Gushchin with explanations - is there enough information in it?

I agree that the catalog of tasks for Solving the Unified State Examination is convenient, because an explanation is attached to the test. However, this explanation is very short and abstract. In addition, it relaxes the student: if you don’t know the correct answer, read the explanation right away! In my opinion, the student needs to be given much deeper knowledge, shown internal connections, and prevent possible mistakes.

3. - this is a high-quality simulator that does not allow the student to relax. Learning here is supported by emotions: irritation from the fact that the test is not given, joy when solving it - all this makes the process dynamic, and therefore much more effective.

The Unified State Exam in biology is taken at the choice of a student who plans to enter a higher education institution with a certain specialization. In terms of popularity, this subject ranks 5th-6th every yearplaces, about 18% of schoolchildren pass it. Which universities require biology? This subject is taken in educational institutions in the following areas: medicine, biology, pedagogy with the specialty “Biology teacher”, Agriculture, veterinary medicine, Physical Culture, psychology, garden design, ecology, technical specialties where biology meets physics. Professions: psychologist, ecologist, athlete, engineer, doctor.

The work consists of tasks that are conventionally divided into two parts. In 2018, there were 28 tasks: 21 - tests, you need to choose an option from the proposed ones, 7 - increased complexity, you need to give a detailed answer.

The work is given 210 minutes - the student decides independently how to allocate time for answers.

The threshold score for admission to various universities depends on the specific requirement educational institution– this information needs to be clarified at the university.

  • The first part contains tasks on knowledge of theory and the ability to use this knowledge. Types of tasks in the first part: multiple choice (can be accompanied by a picture), establishing a logical sequence, solving problems, adding data to a table, analyzing data.
  • The second part aims to identify the characteristics and depth of knowledge of the subject. The purpose of such tasks is to test the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, use theory in practice, justify one’s position, and think logically. It is this part of the test that is key in the selection process of potential university students.

The first part is checked automatically using a computer. The second is analyzed by specialists.

How difficult is the biology exam?

  • The main difficulty is the significant amount of information that needs to be repeated. The school course begins in grades 5-6, so when preparing you will have to “dig deep.”
  • Difficulties are also associated with the structure of the exam. Not necessarily high quality theoretical knowledge guarantee successful passing of the Unified State Exam - you need to learn how to complete tasks certain types. This can be learned with the help of a professional tutor or by taking a test at online mode. Every year, tasks of a new type are introduced into the structure - you need to be prepared for this.
  • The most difficult topics are: photosynthesis, DNA, energy metabolism. With these sections and tasks on this topic It's better to contact a tutor.

How to effectively prepare for the exam?

  • The main thing is to listen carefully in class and study textbooks. This will become a reliable base for successful completion exam.
  • Planning: systematic preparation requires a stable and thorough study of the material of the Unified State Examination program.
  • Self-education: read reference books, on one's own.
  • Take the online test.

Main advantage online testing– the opportunity to develop the ability to solve tasks of different types and levels of complexity to the point of automaticity, and correctly allocate time during the exam. It is recommended to prepare for the second part with a teacher or tutor.

Unified State Exam 2018. Biology. Typical test tasks.

M.: 2018. - 160 p.

The authors of the assignments are leading specialists directly involved in the development teaching materials to prepare for tests measuring materials Unified State Exam. Typical test tasks in biology contain 14 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2018. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2018 test measurement materials in biology, their differences from previous years, and the degree of difficulty of the tasks. The manual provides answers to all test options, and also provides samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the biology exam, as well as for high school students - for self-preparation and self-control.

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Instructions for performing work 5
Introduction 8
Approximate option exam paper with analysis of tasks 9
Part 1 9
Part 2 16
Option 1 21
Part 1 21
Part 2 27
Option 2 29
Part 1 29
Part 2 34
Option 3 36
Part 1 36
Part 2 42
Option 4 44
Part 1 44
Part 2 49
Option 5 51
Part 1 51
Part 2 57
Option 6 59
Part 1 59
Part 2 65
Option 7 66
Part 1 66
Part 2 71
Option 8 73
Part 1 73
Part 2 79
Option 9 80
Part 1 80
Part 2 85
Option 10 87
Part 1 87
Part 2 93
Option 11 95
Part 1 95
Part 2 101
Option 12 103
Part 1 103
Part 2 109
Option 13 111
Part 1 111
Part 2 117
Option 14 119
Part 1 119
Part 2 125
Replies 126
Option 1 126
Option 2 128
Option 3 130
Option 4 133
Option 5 135
Option 6 138
Option 7 141
Option 8 143
Option 9 146
Option 10 148
Option 11 151
Option 12 153
Option 13 156
Option 14 158

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 28 tasks. Part 1 contains 21 short answer questions. Part 2 contains 7 tasks with detailed answers.
The examination work in biology takes 3.5 hours (210 minutes).
The answers to the tasks in Part 1 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase). Write your answers according to the samples below in the answer field in the text of the work without spaces, commas and other additional characters, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1-
Part 2 tasks (22-28) require a complete answer (give an explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion). In answer form No. 2, indicate the task number and write down its complete solution.
All Unified State Exam forms are filled out in bright black ink. You can use a gel, capillary, or fountain pen.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

Average general education


We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology. Task 26

The Unified State Exam in biology is just around the corner. This year's knowledge test will be slightly different from previous years' exams. Corporation " Russian textbook"presents a series of webinars in which MIOO professor Georgy Lerner analyzes assignments and tells how preparation should take place. This time we are studying line 26 of demo version, whose tasks are related to evolutionary teaching and the basics of ecology - it is one of the most difficult in the Unified State Exam.

Biology. Unified State Exam 2018. Peculiarities

  • From 2018 there will be a focus on Special attention conceptual apparatus. It is possible that next year the codifiers for the exam will include the terminology that the student must master.

  • The number of questions related to eras and periods, the evolution of plants and animals will increase. They had hardly met before. Graduates need to study the geochronological table, be prepared for tasks to identify an organism belonging to a particular period, to a particular era, to determine an imprint, to calculate the time of existence of a given organism.

  • The number of questions devoted to the origin of life on Earth will increase. Previously, there were practically none.

  • The formulation “What will happen if they disappear...” will almost be eliminated. Some consequences cannot be predicted. In return, applicants will be asked to name factors that could lead to a decline in the size of a particular population.

  • This year, applicants will not be able to limit themselves to laconic answers. Examinees must demonstrate knowledge of the subject - for this, during preparation it is necessary to avoid “coaching”.

Options for task No. 26, solutions and explanations

Example 1

What aromorphoses ensured the development ancient organisms in the Archean and Proterozoic? List at least four aromorphic characters and their significance in evolution. Response elements:

Response elements:

  1. The emergence of photosynthesis ensured the primary synthesis of organic substances from inorganic ones, the accumulation of oxygen in water and the atmosphere, and the formation of an ozone screen.

  2. The emergence of aerobic metabolism ensured the synthesis of large amounts of ATP and the supply of energy to the body.

  3. The sexual process led to the appearance of various characteristics in organisms - material for evolution.

  4. The emergence of multicellularity led to the differentiation of cells, tissues and organs.

  5. The emergence of eukaryotes provided diversity in the kingdoms of living nature.

Note: The wording of the answer may be different, the main thing is correct usage terms. In addition, if the examinee does not complete the task “Indicate”, “Explain”, he will lose 2 points.

Example 2

A population is stable if it has large numbers. Why are small populations more likely to go extinct than large ones?

Response elements:

  1. Probability of death of small populations from exposure to unfavorable factors external environment higher than that of the larger population.

  2. The connections between members of the population weaken (sound signaling, release of chemicals).

  3. Reproduction of offspring is difficult.

  4. Inbreeding of individuals in small populations leads to the appearance of harmful recessive genes. At high numbers, the population is relatively heterogeneous.

Note: The task does not indicate the number of criteria to which an answer must be given - therefore, it is necessary to name at least three. The answer must correspond to the meaning of the question, and if this correspondence is not present, then the score is reduced. To complete the task, you need to identify events that lead to the extinction of small populations. Criterion No. 2 is the most difficult for applicants; it is rarely mentioned in the algorithm for solving such a problem.

Example 3

In cod, pike and many other fish, the number of eggs spawned is in the millions. At the same time, there are fish that lay several hundred or tens of eggs. Explain why these and other fish exist in nature.

Response elements:

  1. Female fish, as a rule, spawn a large number of eggs into the water and they are fertilized there. Fertilization is external.

  2. Adaptation to survival during external fertilization - a large number of eggs.

  3. Fish with low fertility have well-developed care for their offspring, otherwise they could not exist.

Note: Such tasks are difficult. Criterion #1 is difficult to derive from the question since the vast majority of fish have external fertilization. If the examinee answers that part of the eggs is not fertilized, is washed ashore by waves, or is eaten by other fish, this will be in to a greater extent correspond to the meaning of the question. Students need to be introduced to different options answer.

Example 4

It is believed that on hillsides, fields should be plowed across the slope (horizontally, in terraces), and not along (from top to bottom). Explain why it is necessary to do this and what plowing fields along a slope can lead to.

Response elements:

  1. When plowing along a slope, both water used for irrigation and natural precipitation will flow along the beds to the foot of the hill.

  2. This water will leach fertilizers and other nutrients from the soil, accelerating soil erosion.

  3. When plowing across a slope, water will remain in the soil longer and substances will be washed out much more slowly.

Note: Schoolchildren, as a rule, are not familiar with the term “terracing”. This task causes serious difficulties for them due to lack of experience in traveling to places where this method of plowing is common.

Example 5

The body of penguins is covered with a very thick dense layer of contour feathers, under which there is a thick layer of down feathers. At the same time, penguins, unlike other birds, change their down feathers all at once, and not gradually throughout their lives. Explain why penguins developed such features of the downy layer of feathers during evolution and how these features increase their adaptability to environmental conditions.

Response elements:

  1. Penguins live in cold conditions, so they need a thick layer of down (down feathers of a special structure) as thermal insulation.

  2. If the down feathers were changed gradually, this would lead to a disruption in the density of the contour feathers, which, in turn, would lead to the feathers getting wet when swimming.

  3. Therefore, penguins have evolved to replace all their down feathers at once, so that the replacement period is as short as possible.

Note: The applicant may not understand the meaning of the question. You need to devote time to this task and present a range of answers. Better - using additional information. It is necessary to say that molting in penguins lasts about 20 days - this a short time, during which birds starve and flock together to stay warm. Down feathers are pushed out by new feathers. If the phrase “all at once” is understood by the applicant as “very quickly” (which is quite likely), difficulties will arise with the answer.

Example 6

What happens to the traits and characteristics of organisms during divergent speciation? Which driving forces evolution underlie this process? What form of natural selection underlies this process?

Response elements:

  1. With divergence, there is a divergence of characteristics.

  2. Divergence is caused by hereditary variability, the struggle for existence and natural selection.

  3. The driving form of natural selection leading to polymorphism.

Note: Term polymorphism will appear frequently in 2018 assignments. In some matters similar type it will be necessary to talk about a disruptive form of selection.

Example 7

Why does biological regression often lead to the extinction of a species? Justify your answer, give at least four arguments.

Response elements:

  1. At biological regression The number of species sharply decreases due to a decrease in the adaptation of organisms when environmental conditions change.

  2. The range is decreasing due to a decrease in numbers.

  3. Inbreeding occurs, which leads to harmful mutations and death of organisms.

  4. Random factors increase the likelihood of a species becoming extinct.

Note: The task requires the ability to operate with the concepts of “regression”, “adaptation”, “area”, “mutation”. It is simple, but applicants cannot always provide exactly four complete criteria. Possible range of answers: organisms do not have time to adapt to changing environmental conditions; they cannot withstand competition with other species; as a result, they are eliminated by natural selection; Due to the decline in numbers, the range is shrinking. Each of these formulations fully corresponds to the algorithm given in the criteria.

New things are being brought to the attention of students and teachers. tutorial which will help you successfully prepare for a single state exam in biology. The reference book contains all the theoretical material on the biology course necessary for passing the Unified State Exam. It includes all elements of content, verified by test materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for a secondary (high) school course. Theoretical material presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks that allow you to test your knowledge and degree of preparedness for the certification exam. Practical tasks correspond Unified State Exam format. At the end of the manual, answers to tests are provided that will help schoolchildren and applicants test themselves and fill in existing gaps. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

Example 8

Prove that most modern birds are in a state biological progress(taking into account the characteristics of birds).

Response elements:

  1. Big species diversity, due to diversity and adaptation to their ecological niches.

  2. High intraspecific number of individuals associated with difficult behavior(caring for offspring, flights, building various nests, etc.).

  3. Wide habitat due to its warm blood and ability to fly.

Note: In this example, we should not talk about a four-chambered heart, double breathing, a beak without teeth and other adaptations for flight, since this is not asked. Warm-bloodedness is correctly referred to as an adaptation to experience various conditions environment. The answer to this task, as in the previous example, can be algorithmized: everything that decreases with regression increases with progress, and vice versa.

Example 9

Describe the composition of the Earth's primary atmosphere and the conditions under which the abiogenic synthesis of the first organic substances occurred. What substances did Miller and Urey synthesize in their experiment? Why are these substances not formed at the present time, for example, during volcanic eruptions?

Response elements:

  1. The Earth's primary atmosphere contained water vapor, ammonia, hydrogen and methane.

  2. The conditions for synthesis were electrical discharges and high temperature.

  3. As a result of the experiment, scientists obtained several amino acids, urea and lactic acid.

  4. Emerging organic matter are immediately absorbed by microorganisms or oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.

Note: Obviously, the answer must have 4 criteria. This example shows that it is necessary to know the names of some scientists and their works.

Example 10

Clover grows in meadows and is pollinated by bumblebees. Which biotic factors could lead to a decline in the clover population?

Response elements:

  1. Decrease in the number of bumblebees.

  2. Increase in the number of herbivorous animals.

  3. Reproduction of competing plants (cereals, etc.).

Note: The assignment may include other criteria:

  1. Trampling clover by cows.

  2. Destruction of bumblebee nests by birds.

  3. Destruction of bumblebee eggs by parasitic insects, etc.

Example 11

What plants are in natural conditions receive mineral nutrition not from the soil, and explain - how?

Example 12

Explain why two eggs in a clutch are enough to renew the species of a white-tailed eagle, and 6-7 eggs in a nightingale’s clutch.

Response elements:

  1. High fertility is distinguished by species in which the death of individuals in nature is high.

  2. In the nightingale, the excess production of eggs seems to cover their possible death (nesting type of chicks, many enemies, long flights to wintering areas, etc.).

  3. In species with well-developed care for offspring, the death of chicks is low (more mature chicks, absence of natural enemies, sedentary lifestyle).

Note: The assignment requires applicants to have at least some understanding of the white-tailed eagle. The condition partly leads to the correct answer - at least students can compare the sizes of birds, assume care for the offspring of eagles, and thus derive the first criterion.

A new textbook is offered to students and teachers that will help them successfully prepare for the unified state exam in biology. The collection contains questions selected according to sections and topics tested on the Unified State Exam, and includes tasks different types and difficulty levels. Answers to all tasks are provided at the end of the manual. Proposed thematic assignments will help the teacher organize preparation for the unified state exam, and students will independently test their knowledge and readiness to take the final exam. The book is addressed to students, teachers and methodologists.

Example 13

Explain the effect of density aquatic environment habitats on “living organisms” of biocenoses.

Response elements:

  1. Light penetrates water to a shallow depth, so plant organisms can exist only in the upper layers (up to 150-200 m).

  2. The density of the aquatic environment affects the streamlined body shape and strong muscles of fast-moving animals.

  3. The density of the environment lightens the weight of organisms and creates the opportunity to constantly remain in the thickness of the environment (plankton).

  4. The presence of plankton makes the filtration type of feeding possible for many animals.

Note: Criterion No. 4 is hardly directly related to the issue, since it is not indicated direct influence water on the life activity of organisms. Possible range of answers: aquatic plants have poorly developed mechanical tissue and high buoyancy; Animals have developed adaptations such as mucus on the skin, fins, adaptation to different depths, and so on. Assignments on the topic “Ecology of Organisms” require the ability to apply knowledge in a changed situation. The questions include the influence of light, humidity, salinity and other factors.

Example 14

List at least four aquatic habitat factors. Explain their role in the life of organisms.

Response elements:

  1. The density of water determines its buoyant force (distribution of the organism over different depths).

  2. The temperature regime is smoother, there are no excessively high or low temperatures.

  3. Limited amount of oxygen. Deaths occur in reservoirs for various reasons.

  4. The salt composition limits the distribution of freshwater and marine life.

Note: Similar types of tasks may concern ground-air, soil, and intraorganismal habitats. It's about O physical and chemical properties and their role in the life of organisms. The applicant will answer correctly if such properties have been well studied by him.

The biology exam is selective and only those who are confident in their knowledge will take it. Unified State Exam in Biology is considered difficult subject, since the knowledge accumulated over all years of study is tested.

Unified State Exam assignments in biology, different types have been selected, to solve them it is necessary confident knowledge on the main topics of the school biology course. Based on this, teachers developed over 10 test tasks on each topic.

Topics that need to be studied when completing assignments, see from FIPI. Each task has its own algorithm of actions that will help in solving problems.

Changes in KIM Unified State Examination 2019 in biology:

  • The model of the task in line 2 has been changed. Instead of a multiple choice task worth 2 points, a task on working with a table worth 1 point has been included.
  • Maximum primary score decreased by 1 and amounted to 58 points.

Structure of Unified State Examination tasks in biology:

  • Part 1– these are tasks from 1 to 21 with a short answer; approximately 5 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: Read the wording of the questions carefully.

  • Part 2– these are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer; approximately 10-20 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: express your thoughts in a literary manner, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, give a definition biological terms, even if this is not required in the tasks. The answer must have a plan, do not write in continuous text, and highlight the points.

What is required of the student in the exam?

  • Ability to work with graphic information (diagrams, graphs, tables) - its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Establishing compliance;
  • Sequencing.

Points for each USE biology task

In order to get the highest grade in biology, you need to score 58 primary points, which will be converted to one hundred on the scale.

  • 1 point - for tasks 1, 2, 3, 6.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • 3 points - 23-28.

How to Prepare for Biology Tests

  1. Repetition of the theory.
  2. Correct distribution time for each task.
  3. Solving practical problems several times.
  4. Check your knowledge level by solving tests online.

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