Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Russian as a foreign language. Dialogue of cultures as comprehension of the world

Target: formation of Kazakh patriotism; development of cognitive and creative activity students; to instill love for the Russian language; expanding the horizons of students.

Equipment: poster “XXI qasyrdyn leaders. Leader of the 21st century”, numbers of participants, posters of writers and great people.

Form of conduct: intellectual and educational game

Participants: students of Kazakh classes.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear participants! Today we are holding intellectual game"Leader of the 21st century" among gifted students who are fluent in Russian. A game that will be won by those who are erudite, active, decisive, able to prove themselves in an unexpected situation Today we are holding a holiday of the Russian language, a holiday of the great Russian word. As said writer - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

“Language is the history of the people. Language is the way of civilization and culture...

That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but urgent need».

Words can kill

Words can save

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you,

In a word, you can sell and betray and buy,

The word can be poured into smashing lead.

Jury presentation.

We start the game and may the strongest win.

The evaluation of the first competition will be held on a five-point system .

Tour rules: an original story about yourself.

1st participant: Zhanerke

2nd participant: Almira

3rd participant: Bauyrzhan

4th participant: Ayman

5th participant: Arshat

6th participant: Aitugan

7th participant: Aigerim

Tour rules: the host asks questions, the participant who first raised the signal card answers.

1. What is the name of the system of punctuation marks in the writing of any language, as well as the rules for their staging in written speech. (Punctuation)

2. What cases do we call indirect?

3. Which of the Kazakh poets wrote "Words of Edification" Kara soz? (Abay)

4. It happens between the root and the end. (Suffix)

5. The word white in relation to the word black. (antonym)

6. What science studies ulcers? (Linguistics, linguistics)

7. What is language, what does it serve for? (primary means of human communication)

8. What languages ​​are international? (English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, French, Russian)

9. What sections does the grammar consist of? (synth, morph.)

10. Who compiled the first scientific grammar of the Russian language? (M.V. Lomonosov in 1755, laid the foundations of stylistics)

11. What types of ways of linking phrases do you know?

12. Signs of what parts of speech does the sacrament have?

13. What service parts of speech do you know?

14. What part of speech points to objects, but does not name them?

16. What are the names of the verbs that answer the questions what to do? What to do?

17. What is a resume?

18. What moods of the verb do you know?

19. What part of speech does not apply to either independent or service units speech?

20. What section of the Russian language studies the sounds of speech?

21. What is ethics? (philosophical study of morality and ethics).

Let's check how much you have knowledge in the field of kahakh.and eng. languages

Task: you need to complete the proverb. The answer must be in 3 languages.

1. One mouse has two tails. (Scissors. Sissors. Kaishy)

2. Two arms and 50 legs, all running on the same track. (Saw. Macaw. Saw)

3. A green calf gets fat on a thin leash. (Watermelon. Water-Melon. Karbyz)

4. She does not offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door. Door. Esik.)

5. _________ is the head of everything (Bread. Nan. Bread)

6. Old _________ is better than the new two (friend, dos, friend)

7. There is a mustache, but no beard; there is a fur coat, but no bathrobe; there is no need for him to go into the field - he will find everything at home. (Cat. Cat. Mysyk.)

8. There is a head, but no hair; there are eyes, but no eyebrows; has wings, but does not fly; not chilly in the cold, not afraid of the heat - what is it? (Fish. Fish. Balyk)

We say goodbye to the two participants who scored the lowest number of points.

Players take turns choosing their field of knowledge and the price of the issue in accordance with the table. If the answer is correct, the player receives a point in accordance with the price, if the answer is incorrect, the move passes to another participant.

With a song through life 10 20 30

Familiar faces 10 20 30

Crime and punishment 10 20 30

10. This person is popularly called by the honorary name - kuy atasy (father of kyuis). Kuy "Sary-Arka" is considered the pinnacle of his work. The name of this person is the Almaty State Conservatory, an orchestra of folk instruments. Say his name. (Kurmangazy)

20. The only Kazakh singer whose name is immortalized on the Avenue of Stars in Moscow. (Roza Rymbaeva)

30 The Kazakh national bowed instrument has a bucket-shaped body, a short, arched neck, a large flat head and consists of a hollowed, bubble-covered hemisphere with a handle attached to it at the top and with an outlet at the bottom to confirm the stand. (kobyz)

10. Bearer of the title "Leader of the Nation". The founder of the new capital. His birthday coincides with public holiday Capital Day. (N.Nazarbayev)

20. Founder of modern pedagogical science Kazakhstan, famous ethnographer, linguist, member of the Imperial Russian geographical society. His poems "River" and "Summer" became examples of written poetic versification for poets of the next generations. (Ybray Altynsarin)

30. Wonderful Kazakh writer, poet, publicist, one of the founders of the new Kazakh literature. Wide recognition brought him one of his first poetry collections"Sholpan". At Stalinist regime was repressed and shot on March 19, 1938. (Magzhan Zhumabaev)

10. From what age are teenagers brought to criminal responsibility?

20. Name one of the creators of the code of laws "Zheti zhargy" (Tauke Khan)

30. What international document contains the rights of children?

(In "Convention on the Rights of the Child")

We say goodbye to one participant who scored the lowest number of points.

I invite you to listen to the parable of the wise Aesop. Once, guests came to a feast to a rich and famous merchant, one of them said to the owner: “The whole city knows that you have a witty and resourceful slave. Send him to the market, let him bring us the most beautiful thing in the world. The owner ordered to call Aesop. Do you hear, Aesop, here's some money for you, go to the market and buy the most beautiful thing in the world. The slave leaves and returns with a tray covered with a napkin. They lift it up, and there lies the tongue. Aesop, did you bring the language? Isn't that the most beautiful thing in the world? With the tongue we pronounce the words of tenderness, fidelity, love, with the tongue we proclaim peace, with the tongue we pronounce the word "freedom". After a while, someone prompts the owner: - Let your slave go and bring the most terrible thing in the world. with the same tray. Under the napkin lies the tongue. There is no limit to the surprise of the guests. Aesop, you brought the tongue again? Isn't that the most terrible thing in the world? With the tongue we pronounce words of hatred, with the tongue we declare war, with the tongue we pronounce the word "slave".

We offer you two themes:

The Russian language is a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and remarkable mainly for its subtlety of shades.

P. Merimee

high culture oral and written speech, the ability to use all the expressive means of the native language and its diversity is the duty and task of each of us. A high culture of oral and written speech, the ability to use all the expressive means of the native language and its diversity is the duty and task of each of us.

Main property human society It consists in the fact that a person accumulates knowledge, abilities, skills, works of labor and passes on what has been accumulated by each previous generation to the new generation. Only thanks to this it becomes possible to use each person and society as a whole, not only own experience but also the experience of other people who lived before. It is this ability of communication and continuity of knowledge and experience that a person differs from an animal: a person accumulates knowledge and thereby becomes capable of creating something new - creativity. The main property of human society is that a person accumulates knowledge, abilities, skills, works of labor and transfers what has been accumulated by each previous generation to the new generation. Only thanks to this, it becomes possible for each person and society as a whole to use not only their own experience, but also the experience of other people who lived before. It is this ability of communication and continuity of knowledge and experience that a person differs from an animal: a person accumulates knowledge and thereby becomes capable of creating something new - creativity.

Language is at the core of culture. Language - universal system, all signs, including the signs of the language itself, are assigned by means of words. language in equally refers to spiritual, physical and material culture- as a system of names, as speech and thought activity and as a set of word products. Any work or phenomenon of nature can be understood, comprehended and described exclusively through the word. But the language itself develops as culture develops - as a tool for cognition and organization of people's activities. Language is at the core of culture. Language is a universal system, all signs, including the signs of the language itself, are assigned through words. Language is equally related to spiritual, physical and material culture - as a system of names, as speech and thought activity and as a set of word products. Any work or phenomenon of nature can be understood, comprehended and described exclusively through the word. But the language itself develops as culture develops - as a tool for cognition and organization of people's activities.

Language is a system of articulate verbal utterances connected by historical and cultural continuity. Language is a system of articulate verbal utterances connected by historical and cultural continuity. language system. Man is a rational being, that is, a verbal being created in the image and likeness of God. The soul and body of a person are connected in his unique personality. In the word - an instrument of thought and communication - first of all, the image of the connection of the rational soul and body is manifested. language system. Man is a rational being, that is, a verbal being created in the image and likeness of God. The soul and body of a person are connected in his unique personality. In the word - an instrument of thought and communication - first of all, the image of the connection of the rational soul and body is manifested.

The history of the language is closely connected with the history of the people. Studying the history of Russian and other Slavic languages, we recreate a certain fragment of the Slavic language picture peace. The history of the language is closely connected with the history of the people. By studying the history of Russian and other Slavic languages, we recreate a certain fragment of the Slavic language picture of the world. It should be noted that “kindred languages ​​are those that historically go back to the same ancestor language of the parent language. It should be noted that “kindred languages ​​are those that historically go back to the same ancestor language of the parent language. All Slavic languages(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, etc.) date back to the ancient proto-language, which is conditionally called the Proto-Slavic language. In ancient times, this language was spoken by the people who inhabited the vast territory of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Proto-Slavic language existed until the middle of the first millennium AD. All Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, etc.) go back to the ancient parent language, which is conditionally called the Proto-Slavic language. In ancient times, this language was spoken by the people who inhabited the vast territory of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Proto-Slavic language existed until the middle of the first millennium AD.

Over time Slavic tribes settled over a vast territory and in connection with this, their ties with each other began to be lost. The language of each of the isolated groups of tribes continued to develop in isolation from others, acquiring new phonetic, lexical and grammatical features. Over time, the Slavic tribes settled over a vast territory and, as a result, their ties with each other began to be lost. The language of each of the isolated groups of tribes continued to develop in isolation from others, acquiring new phonetic, lexical and grammatical features.

Story of English language inextricably linked with the history of England. When the Romans left the British Isles in 410, he went with them and Latin language. The true inhabitants of the island (the Britons) continued to use the Celtic languages. The ancestors of the modern English did not waste time. In 449, the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes began the first raids on the islands. They spoke dialects that developed from Low German. The Britons, like the conquerors, spoke Indo-European languages, but the language of the Britons belonged to the Celtic rather than to the Germanic branch. The language of the conquerors, in which only a handful of Celtic words were added, is now called Anglo-Saxon. The history of the English language is inextricably linked with the history of England. When the Romans left the British Isles in 410, the Latin language left with them. The true inhabitants of the island (the Britons) continued to use the Celtic languages. The ancestors of the modern English did not waste time. In 449, the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes began the first raids on the islands. They spoke dialects that developed from Low German. The Britons, like the conquerors, spoke Indo-European languages, but the language of the Britons belonged to the Celtic rather than to the Germanic branch. The language of the conquerors, in which only a handful of Celtic words were added, is now called Anglo-Saxon.

In the sixth century, missionaries brought Christianity to England. latin words, borrowed from priests, fell immediately into colloquial. Examples are street, wine, bishop, priest and church. In the sixth century, missionaries brought Christianity to England. Latin words, borrowed from the priests, fell immediately into the spoken language. Examples are street, wine, bishop, priest and church. However, in England they study the Russian language, which is used in many countries. However, in England they study the Russian language, which is used in many countries.

With the spread of literacy, the Russian language slowed its change, but it continues to change to this day. With the spread of literacy, the Russian language slowed its change, but it continues to change to this day. Russian is now spoken on six continents in 105 countries and is the leading language in the UK, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Russian is now spoken on six continents in 105 countries and is the leading language in the UK, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

Italian belongs to the Romance group Indo-European family languages ​​and has its origins in Latin. Until the 17th century, the Latin language was a source of enrichment for Italian new vocabulary, despite the fact that already in the centuries the first monuments in Italian dialects appeared. And the all-Italian literary one developed in the 14th century on the basis of Tuscan, i.e. Florentine dialect. Italian belongs to the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages ​​and originates from Latin. Until the 17th century, the Latin language was a source of enrichment for Italian with new vocabulary, despite the fact that the first monuments in Italian dialects appeared already in the centuries. And the all-Italian literary one developed in the 14th century on the basis of Tuscan, i.e. Florentine dialect. The basis of the literary Italian language is the Old Florentine dialect, which was first adopted as the language of literature, and then as the official language, which spread throughout Italy thanks to huge influence Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. The literary Italian language is based on the Old Florentine dialect, which was first adopted as the language of literature, and then as the official language, which spread throughout Italy thanks to the enormous influence of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. Italian as a language great culture The Renaissance had a significant impact on all languages Western Europe especially in French, English, German and Spanish. Italian as the language of the great Renaissance culture had a significant impact on all the languages ​​of Western Europe, especially French, English, German and Spanish.

German is the official language of Germany and Austria and is one of the official languages Switzerland. In total, about 100 million people speak German as their mother tongue. A few million more speak German throughout Europe, including the Baltic States, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine and the Balkan states. However, the Russian language is important from a cultural and commercial point of view - as international language it is used by millions of people in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, and in North and South America. German is the official language of Germany and Austria and is one of the official languages ​​of Switzerland. In total, about 100 million people speak German as their mother tongue. Several million more speak German throughout Europe, including the Baltic countries, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine and the Balkan states. However, the Russian language is important from a cultural and commercial point of view - as an international language, it is used by millions of people in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, and in North and South America.

The native language of any nation is true soul nation, its primary and most obvious sign. In the language and through the language, such features as national psychology, the character of the people, the peculiarities of their thinking and artistic creativity. The native language of any people is the true soul of the nation, its primary and most obvious sign. In the language and through the language, such features as national psychology, the character of the people, the peculiarities of their thinking and artistic creativity are revealed.

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“Language is the history of the people.

Language is the way of civilization and culture...

That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language

is not an idle occupation with nothing to do,

but an urgent need

(A.I. Kuprin)

Language, according to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, is the main means of communication, an instrument for the exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society. It helps to learn the world, accumulate knowledge, receive and store information.

Language arose in ancient times, satisfying the need of people to communicate. He helped them to understand each other, to unite in communities for food or to fight enemies and natural disasters. With the development of the language, the tools of labor and the material standard of human life improved.

Each nation has its own history, and we would not know it if people did not speak the language as the main way of transmitting information. After all, in the distant past, when only chroniclers could write, all the events that took place were passed from mouth to mouth. From generation to generation, people described their way of life, customs and traditions, bloody wars, victories and defeats. Sharing thoughts and observations, telling the new generation about the past, the people wrote their own history. Language was the memory of the people. With its help, everyone could touch the ancient historical events.

Gaining more knowledge about the world in which they lived, people developed and soon found themselves on the path to civilization. Society began to communicate with other peoples, go beyond the boundaries of its own territory, establishing close relations with other tribes, with neighboring states. They exchanged experiences, suggesting to each other how best to enter the different situations, helped in the development and improvement of farming. Talking to each other, noticing differences among themselves, people formed their own ethnic culture. All this led to the formation of the national language - Russian.

Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. No wonder they say that he is great and powerful. But there are many cases in history when a very difficult task- save the Russian language. For example, in the era of Peter I, when the tsar “opened a window to Europe”, a fashion for everything French appeared among the nobility: for clothes, food, elements of culture. More often heard in high society French speech, not Russian. Nobles and peasants began to speak different languages and, as a result, there was a stratification of society. Fortunately, folklore collectors, poets and writers of the 18th-19th centuries, such as D.I. Fonvizin, V.I. Dal, A.S. Pushkin, were able to instill in the people a love for the inexhaustibly rich Russian language.

The study and preservation of the flexible, majestic, multifaceted Russian language is impossible without patriotism, without boundless love. Need to study native language and speak correctly. Language is a strong thread that connects the past, present and future of people. As long as society preserves the national Russian language, Russian culture is alive, the Russian people are alive. And this is very important!

Publisher: "MediaHouse"

"Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation from nothing to do, but an urgent need."
Alexander Kuprin

I will make a timid attempt to interest you in my native (for whom, of course...) language and tell you a little about one wonderful program released by MediaHouse. " Russian language course"is intended for the circle of users who not only study or have studied at school, but also remember at least a few spelling rules in Russian. The only drawback that this course has is incomprehensible to my understanding: the rules themselves are completely absent on the disk! That is if in one of the exercises you are asked how to spell, say, the particle "not" in one case or another, it is assumed that you know the rule and are quite able to answer this question without additional refreshment of your own memory :). So here, most likely, the principle of visual memory operates, which is also not bad for learning or repeating a language that is quite difficult even for natives, not to mention foreigners.
The program is designed for self-study, calculated (according to the developers) for one year with classes 2-4 hours a week. Of course, this is just a recommendation and is not binding. The course includes topics studied in grades 5 - 11, that is, from the moment when students begin to be taught spelling and punctuation.

Composition and structure

The entire course consists of five levels, each level, in turn, includes several topics with exercises, final assignments and dictation.

Moreover, I can admit that it is very gratifying that you can listen to the dictation both phrase-by-phrase and in full. Or even take dictation, as you like. If you don't hear a phrase, you can always go back to it by rewinding it.

I was very pleased with the task on time and attentiveness. Imagine: a boat is sailing from point "A" to point "B", on which some word from the rule is written with one missing letter. Two variants of letters are given, which are most often written by people (naturally, one option is correct, the other is not). You are required to choose one of the letters before the ship reaches point "B". If you answered correctly, the ship is in fast pace goes under full sail, wrong - fun and joyfully sinking before your eyes. Entertaining and informative :).

For those who are tired of performing all sorts of tasks and tests, there is an opportunity to relax without leaving the cash desk - especially for these purposes, the program has a section "Do you know?" It includes short stories like this one:

"The famous poet, translator and theoretician of versification Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky, irritated by the mockery of the court jester, asked him:
- Do you know, jester, what is, for example, a question mark?
The jester glanced at the stooped figure of Trediakovsky and answered:
"The question mark is a little hunchbacked figure that asks ridiculous questions."

All other stories are about the same.

As soon as you start doing any exercise, general list topics on given level"Execution Started" appears, which helps you quickly navigate the table of contents during the next sessions of working with the program.

If you could not understand the meaning of the task on your own, you will definitely come to the aid of instructions for completing the work:

In the "Task with explanations" you are given a text from some artwork, which omits punctuation marks and some letters in words. You are required to "make it the way it was" :). The original task looks like this:

After you start making corrections directly to the text, your creativity will be highlighted in blue (for clarity):

Having finished wrinkling your mind, and having completed the task, click on "Check" at the bottom of the program screen and enjoy the results of your work :).

In the exercises test type at the very bottom of the working field there is a scale with empty rectangles, the number of which corresponds to the number of questions. If you answer correctly, the rectangle turns green, if you are wrong, it turns red. By the color of this scale, you yourself can judge your progress and level of knowledge in this topic.

All your "progress" is reflected in the journal, where all topics of all levels are indicated, and again the level of your knowledge is shown in color. If you are not satisfied with one of the "ratings", you may well correct it to a higher one. If only it were like that in school...

Several people can work with the program: each new name has its own journal and a "fresh" table of contents is issued, without notes. All you need to do is enter your name and get started:

This program is prescribed to all computer users (without exceptions), regardless of the nature of the work and position, at least 2-4 hours a week. All five levels are waiting for you with great impatience :).


As the first training exercise, you can look for grammatical and spelling errors in this text :)

Let's if not speak, then at least write correctly ...

A few thoughts about us and our language...

“Language is the history of the people. Language is the way of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.

(A. Kuprin)

"Determine the meaning of words... and you will rid the world of half of its delusions."

(A. S. Pushkin)

“Knowledge of the exact meaning of words and their differences among themselves, even the easiest, is necessary condition any true thinking, for words are expressions of concepts, but is it possible to think without being able to distinguish, in all subtlety, one concept from another?

(V. S. Belinsky)

“It is not for this that our people, together with the geniuses of the Russian word - from Pushkin to Chekhov and Gorky - created for us and our descendants a rich, free and strong language that amazes with its sophisticated, flexible, infinitely diverse forms, it is not for this that this was left to us as a gift greatest treasure of our national culture, so that we, having abandoned it with contempt, reduced our speech to a few dozen stamped phrases.

“Most often, our feeling protests not so much against the words themselves, but against what is behind them. Their inaccuracy and incorrectness, their illiteracy and foreignness would not be so bad if they were not the most obvious expression of internal vulgarity and antics, insincerity and lightness in thoughts.

(A. G. Gornfeld “Torments of the word”)

“A person who wants to speak “in a more cultured way” sometimes does not dare to call a hat a hat, and a jacket a jacket. And instead he utters strict words: a headdress or outerwear. “Headdress”, “green array”, “stick products”, “conflict with a wife” for these people are ceremonial and dandy words, and a hat, a forest, a stick are everyday. This is not enough. Quite often there are people who consider clerical vocabulary to be the root of a genuine literary, authentic scientific style.

A scholar who writes clearly plain language, seems to them a rather poor scientist. They want to hear "heavy rain fell" instead of the phrase "gone heavy rains».

It becomes habitual congratulations in the form of “Dear dad! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you new achievements and success in your work and personal life. Your daughter Olya. And what good is such callousness, deep indifference, without a single lively intonation?

(Korney Chukovsky "Alive like life")

« Consume foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult and common sense and good taste."

(V. S. Belinsky)

“The time has come when schoolchildren, instead of the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov and other great writers, read books “All Russian Literature in Retelling for Schoolchildren” and the like.”

“The time has come when people began to sell our literary heritage for a penny in the waste paper departments. And where does it fit? It would be good if these people began to change their minds, and if they do not read these books (and are more interested in women's novels and detectives), then at least they would carry the assembled classic literature to nearby libraries.

Table of correct and incorrect words.

Not properly
a rmelon
run away
get out
rail length
d about dialect
d about sug
ep e teak
and a luzy
sv about nit
sparks a
cat a log
nettles a
lay down
garbage collector about waters
With and companies
dancing and tsy
come back from school
there are no places
to put on a coat
pay the fare
raise a toast
came from Moscow
open vacancy
present day
what time is it?
arb at h
get out
rail length
great danes about R
dos at G
heret and to
blinds and
ringing and t
and scar
rolled about G
speck and wa
rubbish chute about d
Sir about you
dance about vshchitsy
come back from school
there are no seats
put on a coat
pay the fare
propose a toast
came from Moscow
what time is it now?

One of many books about the language we communicate, speak and write, about its richness, originality, development and relationship with other languages:

Osipov "The Single Language of Mankind"

This book contains a number of essays on the origin of words in Russian, English, Arabic and some other languages. Each of them is a rung on the ladder leading to an understanding of what human language and what it was like in the most remote past. The reader is invited to descend this ladder into the depths of millennia, to look at the word as historical document as a precious grain of universal human experience.

So that the journey does not turn out to be too burdensome, the author tried not to dry his speech technical terms, and even, on the contrary, diluted it with half-joking words, entrusting them with the task of conveying the most serious concepts. Thus, in the book there was a place for jokes and anecdotes, if they were suitable for illustrating a particular statement.

In the book, the author tries to convey the idea: do not overestimate the originality of each national language. In essence, each language is a natural continuation of another language. In our languages ​​there is not only "own" and "alien", but also common, inherited from our ancestors. We are all children of Adam and Eve, we are all descendants of Noah. If the author were not a Russian Arabist, but, say, an English Japaneseist, then even then he would have defended the same idea, but only on other examples, on different linguistic material.

Each book is the author's confession to the readers, and the confession involves first-person narration. In the word "I" used by the author, there is no hint of "selfishness", a protrusion of oneself. It is an attempt to become a little closer to the reader.

There are many more examples in this book than the author's reasoning. An example is often better rules. It is clearer and more intelligible.

Another feature of the book is that it can be read anywhere: on the train and on the plane, at home and at work, starting from any place at the beginning, middle or end. There are so many different things in it that at least something funny will be found for your taste.

This is not a textbook, not a treatise. Rather, information for reflection, notches on the tree, which everyone is free to interpret in their own way. Free to agree or disagree with the opinion of the author, which he did not hide.