Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the meaning of life and how to find it? The current current goal and the main ways of scientific and technological progress. Great Space Race

I must say that this topic is of interest to many people, including those who use our Intelligent Life technology. Having solved his current problems with the help of our methodology and having passed into a state of peace, a person begins to think on the topic: “What next? Am I created only to have fun? Probably, there are higher and more noble goals, and you need to find them.” ". And he begins to look for them, turning to religion or other spiritual or esoteric schools. He does this because we have not explained our vision of the destiny of man. Except, perhaps, for its purpose as a source of pure energies, but such a goal suits few people, it is too grounded. People want something more, and they are attracted to other schools, promising to comprehend the meaning of life, the development of personal strength, or, in extreme cases, a prosperous life in Heaven. Now we will try to express our opinion on this matter. It must be said that our point of view on the ultimate goal of human existence is in no way at odds with the well-known goals declared in almost all religions. We differ only in the vision of ways to achieve this goal.

As you know, the ultimate goal of existence is the union of man with God. And it is possible only when a person reaches such a level of development, at which a person becomes similar to the Creator. A person unites with God when his true desires coincide with the plans of the Creator.

To prove these statements, we will not refer to any religious sources - they are all written so ambiguously that, if desired, one can find confirmation or refutation of anything there. Hence such a huge number of religions based, it would seem, on the same sources (the Vedas, the Bible, the Talmud, etc.). Therefore, we will simply briefly retell what could be learned from them if we treat them not as Truth in the interpretation of someone, but as ordinary sources of information about events that took place once upon a time. In our opinion, everything happened approximately like this.

Some time ago, no one knows for sure, there was a God who was All. At some point in time, he decided to create our world. Since he was everything, everything that was created by him is a particle of him. Elements of the world he created were also we, people. But he did not create people at once omnipotent and perfect, but decided to allow them to reach this state through evolution, development. Therefore, when our world developed enough, it chose relatively developed animals on Earth (monkeys or some slightly more developed animals), and endowed them with a particle of its divine essence - the soul. In addition, it seems that he freed them from wool and gave them the beginnings of reason, that is, the ability to think abstractly.

But he gave only a germ, so each soul in the course of evolution must realize its divine essence and become similar to the Creator at the final stage of its development. Moreover, the Creator is invisibly present in all our affairs – He is omnipresent. It's hard to imagine, but that's how it is. This does not mean at all that he spies on every person and takes into account all his bad thoughts and deeds - all this happens automatically in the rather perfect structure of the Universe created by him. In addition, for the implementation of certain programs, he has many assistants - disembodied spirits (angels).

The Creator constantly monitors the course of human evolution, and if people wander somewhere in the wrong direction on the path of development, he purges (the purge option is a global flood) and starts the process of evolution anew. According to some esotericists, we are already representatives of the fifth race, the third race was in Atlantis. etc.

In our opinion, in the course of evolution, a person should become a conscious being, which is not at all observed today. Each person, having gone through many lives and having received various experiences, must free himself from various addictions and become a free being. On the path of evolution, each person must get rid of various addictions, and in particular:

- dependence on the stomach, which causes some to incessantly overeat;

- dependence on the genitals, which guide the thoughts and actions of some (particularly sexually preoccupied) people;

- depending on nervous system which in some people requires constant excitement (adrenaline) by any means (coffee, sex, conflicts, danger, etc.);

- dependence on innate instincts that make us attach excessive importance to nationality, family ties, pushing on the path of vindictiveness, greed, struggle for power, etc.;

- depending on the character - so that the excessive manifested personality traits (emotionality, cruelty, sentimentality, greed, etc.) do not determine the lifestyle and behavior of a person;

- depending on their idealizations and negative programs plunging him into the world of experiences.

In general, a person must realize himself as a particle of the Divine mind and not identify himself completely with his body and its needs.

It should be noted that some individual souls in the process of evolution have already come to know God and approached him. There are not many of them at all - these are saints, prophets, ascended Masters, etc.

All of the above does not mean at all that we share the views of some Eastern ascetic teachings that completely deny earthly joys and believe that sex can only be done for procreation, there is a minimum, and so on. The Creator gave us a variety of senses so that we can enjoy the world, which has delicious food and drinks, spiritual and carnal love, travel, various sports, and much more that can be felt only in our material world. We only believe that on the path of spiritual evolution a person must learn to receive all these pleasures himself, and not live in such a way that their craving for another pleasure determines his life. For example, some people spend their whole lives looking for the next portion of sex, like March cats. - This is already extreme. We are against extremes, and in reasonable limits all earthly pleasures only decorate our lives and give us additional grounds for joy.

The majority of people wander on the path of spiritual development, wallow in earthly passions and attachments, as a result of which they are born into adverse conditions and their life seems to be a continuous torment. Therefore, the Creator, through His messengers, periodically issues "instructions" on how to live and act correctly in certain cases, how to pray to God, and so on. Usually on the basis of such peculiar "instructions" there are religions - Christianity, Islam and others. All of them are initially aimed at the development of the human soul in that wonderful world that the Creator created. But these instructions are usually distorted by people who begin to interpret them in their own interests or in accordance with their convictions. As a result, religious strife and wars arise, persecution of dissenters and all other phenomena that distort the original intention of the Creator. The Creator created a beautiful world, and people all the time manage to engage in violence, wars, struggle for power or material wealth, struggle for national or religious beliefs, etc. in it. It is clear that by doing so they violate the intention of the Creator. But He gives them time to come to their senses and return to the path of evolution.

Nevertheless, the process of spiritual development of people is gradually taking place, this is evidenced by the ever-increasing interest in religious, spiritual and mystical literature throughout the world. There are several thousand religious organizations in the world whose followers are sincerely convinced that only their way of serving God is true, and all the rest are false. There is no objective evidence for these claims, since what we refer to as miracles can be cited by followers of almost any religion.

Most of people are satisfied with the methods of spiritual service that were once proposed - prayers, the performance of certain religious rituals, etc. But some people are not satisfied with the need to perform incomprehensible rituals and read obscure texts offered several thousand years ago to completely different people, in other countries with different conditions of existence and a different level of development. etc. They have a completely legitimate question - does the service to God consist in the performance of precisely these rituals and there is nothing else that is more appropriate for the current state of human development? Has nothing really changed in thousands of years?

In our opinion, of course, it has changed. That is, the main task spiritual development and the connection with God, of course, remained. But the ritual part of this process, created thousands of years ago in completely different conditions, is hardly suitable for today's industrialized society. Therefore, modern people, who have the opportunity to use all the achievements of civilization, are looking for some other ways of spiritual development that are more appropriate for their level of development. They do not need strict instructions on how and when to do what - they are quite conscious, guided by the norms of morality, humanism, mutual assistance, civil and criminal codes, finally. They do not need other people's instructions, these rules are the natural laws of their life!

That is, they themselves live the way people who are on the path to God should live. And so their life in which they rejoice beautiful world created by the Creator, and is the process of serving God! Since the Creator has to force other people with other value systems to live in this way with the help of special instructions (religious sources).

That is, the life of a modern person, who lives joyfully, calmly, benevolently, without excessive claims to the world, is in itself the path of spiritual development of his soul. The way is not intense, but the right one.

There are many techniques for more intensive spiritual self-development, but all of them are associated with the rejection of ordinary earthly life, and not all people are satisfied with this. But it turns out that our daily life itself can become a service to God and a way of spiritual development, if we live consciously, understanding the will of the Creator and listening to His promptings.

And how to do this is well known from our books and books by other authors. And at the same time, there is no need to observe any religious rituals - it is possible, but it does not add anything to your spiritual potential. God is present in the soul of each of us, and it does not matter to him whether we perform some ritual with bewilderment and effort, or not. If we do something "just in case", then it does not count towards our spiritual development.

In a series of previous articles (see the list at the end) I have dealt with the issues of human immortality and electronic civilization. They also briefly mentioned the law of increasing complexity of self-replicating systems and the purpose of human existence. In this article, this topic is developed and substantiated in detail.

1. The law of purpose. The purpose of all living things.

The goals of living matter have long been of interest to philosophers. For the vast majority of people, these goals are obvious and they are constantly guided by them in Everyday life. This is a struggle for the well-being (wealth) of oneself and one's family, for females or males, for sexual or other pleasures, for fame, power, etc. Let's call them local or individual goals. Only an insignificant part of people pursues the more general goals of a particular group or community. But they can also be reduced to individual goals in that they want fame, fame, or power. Darwin defined these goals with the generalized term "struggle for existence", meaning by this, first of all, the struggle for the existence of a certain kind of living beings in the struggle with beings of another kind.

Every living being has individual, local, close and distant goals, which can change depending on time and circumstances. For example, if it is hungry, then its immediate goal will be food; if full, then the immediate goal may be getting pleasure, and the more distant goal is wealth, fame or power.

In this article, we will consider only the global goals of all living things or more general goals of all reasonable, including in the concept of Mind not only biological mind, but artificial, electronic and self-developing.

People easily understand individual, personal, local goals, group goals are worse, even worse than target society and the state. But they rarely think about the goals of the existence of mankind, and even more so of all living things. If they can choose the first (individual) goals, somehow influence the second (societies), then the third goals (humanity and all living things) do not depend on them, they know nothing about them at all or have a very vague idea. The third goals are determined by nature. They can only be studied and acted upon. As will be shown, non-compliance with them, and even more so opposition to them, can only lead to slavery or, worse, to the disappearance of a given species or a given mind.

This can be formulated as the first part of the following law:

Any kind of life or mind has a global goal, determined by nature.

What this goal is will be discussed later.

2. What is living and what is mind.

For further consideration we need to clarify the concept of "living" (life) and "mind". By "living" we mean a being (or community) capable of reproducing itself (or more perfect beings). Thus, bacteria, plants and living (in the usual sense) biological beings, including animals and humans, fall under this definition. Artificial electronic creatures can also be fully attributed to them when we teach them to reproduce themselves, i.e. they will be able to continue to live and develop (as a society or a species of intelligent beings) without our participation.

By independent intelligent beings we mean beings capable of building theoretical models environment, predict its behavior and transform it to your advantage. Of the biological beings of the Earth, only man meets these three criteria. Artificial intelligence in the form in which it currently exists can be trained in the first two criteria, but so far few people are engaged in issues (and supplying it) with the technique of self-production, dooming it to the role of a servant and slave of biological man.

3. Biological mind as the first step towards the Goal.

The article formulated the Law of increasing complexity of self-replicating systems. The entire history of life on Earth confirms the existence of this law. After the great invention of Nature - self-reproduction, life appeared, which improved relatively quickly, cutting off everything that was not adapted to external conditions (Darwin's generalized law - the struggle for existence). At first, microbes appeared, then plants, then animals, and after the second great invention of Nature - the mind, a man was formed who is now actively remaking nature for himself, for his needs. Unfortunately, man also inherited a heavy legacy (necessary in an unreasonable world) - the struggle for his individual, better existence - a monstrous tangle of individual goals, emotions and passions, which sharply slows down the progress of society as a whole.

Previous articles show that this contradiction can only be overcome by moving to the next higher step of Reason - an electronic society, which will be freed from many vices of human society such as acquisitiveness, individual wealth, sexual instincts, the desire for power, racial and religious strife, temporary emotions. . A society that will not need food, housing, air, an ecologically clean environment, medical care, will not spend decades raising and educating offspring and spending on all this gigantic (99.9%) efforts and funds. A society that can live on most planets without air, water and sun.

4. What is God.

Who is God, what he is, where he lives, no one really knows. Believers and ministers of religious cults can only say that God is an omnipotent rational being. Actions previously attributed to God, such as thunder, lightning, the creation of the world, man, and many others, as established by science, are simply natural phenomena, obey certain physical laws, and some of them, such as thunder and lightning, can be reproduced artificially.

In the minds of most people, God is associated with some kind of rational omnipotent being who can do anything. But is it possible for a being that can do everything? The simplest question: "Can God create a stone that he himself cannot lift?" - immediately baffles theologians of all religions. If he can’t lift it later, then what kind of omnipotent being is this? If he cannot create such a stone, then the same question arises. Those. God's power is relative. He seems to us all-powerful only in solving those tasks that we cannot do. And even then, probably not all.

The second point, which no one thinks about, but is automatically implied in the subconscious of everyone: there is no superiority over God, to whom he obeys. Otherwise, what kind of God and omnipotent being over which there is an even stronger being, to which he is forced to obey and fulfill someone else's will. Below, God has subordinates - for example, angels with a certain power, but they are all weaker and do the will of God.

So, everything that we can understand by God is the most powerful rational being, standing at the top of the hierarchical ladder of rational beings, the strongest of all rational beings and limited in its actions is possible only by the laws of nature.

Nature here acts as the English Parliament, the American Congress or the Russian Duma. It establishes physical Laws that are the same for everyone and cannot be violated even by God, who is the President of a given time and region, and possibly of the entire known Universe.

Local Gods are possible as long as there are no contacts and nothing is known about other Gods in other regions of the Universe. But as soon as they become known, the stronger God (the God of the region with higher scientific and technical power) becomes the main one. In this sense, God is always alone, and all others can at best be only angels.

5. God as a goal given to humanity by nature

But if we agree that God is the most powerful being (in terms of the possibilities of restructuring the surrounding reality), then it immediately follows that man, or rather human society as a whole, is God in the solar system. No one doubts that man is the most intelligent and powerful creature on Earth. The fact that he is reasonable follows from the fact that he learned a lot about the structure of the world, built theoretical models of the surrounding reality (starting from the microcosm and ending with the model of the Universe, a lot of theories that work great). He actively uses these models and theories to remake the Earth, to fly into space. Man has created a powerful industry, uses vast areas for crops of the plants he needs, breeds herds of millions of livestock. In relation to the entire living earthly world, Man is God, who is able to eliminate (or make happy) any individual representative of the earthly living world, or even entire species of living beings. Earlier, I gave an example that a person with one kick can destroy an anthill that ants have been building for years, burn it or fill it with water. And the religious ants, seeing at a distance of one centimeter, with their degree of mental development, will perceive this as a natural disaster or God's punishment.

But man (i.e. Mankind) is God in the solar system as well. It has already been established for sure that on the planets solar system there are no intelligent beings that could compete with man in mental development. Moreover, most likely there are no even microbes. And we do not know anything about intelligent beings in our Galaxy or the Universe, and they do not limit us in anything.

But some people may object that many people are unhappy, do not have the most basic necessities. But why do you think that God or his angels are all happy. Yes, only because they can solve your problems in one fell swoop. But they have their own problems, which they deal with and which make them happy or unhappy.

Nature has made man (mankind) the most powerful biological being on Earth and in the solar system, i.e. local, local God. And if he wants not to be enslaved by other Gods (as we enslaved all life on Earth), then his only way is to become the God of our galaxy, and then the God of the Universe. This Global and the only Goal is given to him by Nature. And the sooner he realizes it and strives for it, the more chances he has to avoid slavery to higher Reasons and not to be in the category of lower intelligent beings.

6. Electronic civilization as the second step of Reason.

To create the first biological mind, Nature had only one way - this is a method called in science "trial and error". This method is terribly inefficient. Nature has spent hundreds of millions of years, done billions of billions of experiments. In fact, each of the billions of possible combinations of atoms and molecules was a trial experiment. The first revolutionary breakthrough was made when self-reproducing living organisms (viruses, bacteria) appeared, which made it possible to preserve and develop the achieved random beneficial results, and then combine plants and animals from them.

The second breakthrough occurred when Reason appeared, which carried out purposeful selection and accelerated the progress towards the Goal millions of times.

However, a biological, rational civilization spends only an insignificant part of its resources on moving towards the Goal. As a biological being, a person needs food, housing, heating (cooling), rest, entertainment, sex, sleep. He learns extremely slowly, forgets, makes mistakes, etc. 99.9% of the forces and resources of mankind are spent on maintaining its existence. 0.1%, which supposedly goes to the development of new technology, actually goes to the development of technologies developed by advanced countries. Almost thousandths of a percent of gross income go to the development of new technologies or the acquisition of new knowledge, and even then their prospects are determined by officials of science, and most often they determine the object of development incorrectly.

But in the bowels of the human scientific and technological progress a new revolutionary leap has already been outlined, which will accelerate the scientific and technical progress thousands of times and will allow you to move on to a new kind of Reason - electronic civilization. More details about this jump are said in my articles,. Journalists and science fiction writers have pretty much spoiled the appearance of the electronic Mind - presenting it as dumb, clumsy robots that are unable to compete with a "smart" person and, at best, can be his servant. And if this is so far the case in the complex of all human abilities, then in any simple tasks that can be algorithmized, a computer works faster and better than a person. So far, he lacks awareness of his own "I", his interests, sensors for studying the outside world and "hands" for his own reproduction and improvement. But it's all live. While Mohr's Law is in effect, every one and a half to two years, the speed and memory of computers doubles. The power of supercomputers has already exceeded 100 teraflops, and supercomputers with a capacity of more than 1000 teraflops are being designed. So E-beings - in terms of their abilities will soon not only reach the human level, but will surpass it many times over.

7. Electronic immortality as a way of transition to electronic civilization

The vast majority of people intuitively feel and see artificial intelligence as their enemy, which can displace a person from his command positions in the local world (from the position of the local God), subdue him and, at best, use how we now use cows, sheep, chickens and other animals lagging behind in their mental development from humans. While philosophers, journalists, writers assure the layman with fairy tales that computers are machines that work only according to the program and, in principle, cannot be smarter than a human. As if the human brain is not crammed with training programs, knowledge, life experience. A person in all typical situations uses his knowledge (programs) and acts (reacts) in a typical way. Emotions are only an assessment of actions and situations.

But the human brain has hardly changed (in terms of memory capacity and speed) over the past few thousand years, while the capabilities of artificial intelligence are doubling every one and a half to two years. The winner in such a competition is obvious, and a person’s fears for his fate as biological being more than justified. But blocking the development of artificial intelligence, becoming a brake on the path to the Great Goal of Nature, refusing to be the God of the Universe, dooming oneself to enslavement or even destruction by other more advanced electronic civilizations is also not a way out, but a dead end.

In my articles - I propose the only acceptable way out for humanity from stalemate– Gradual transition of humanity into electronic immortality. Man lives his usual biological life, the full history of which is recorded in chips, and at the end of life, its entire history is placed in the electronic brain, and it continues to live in a new electronic form. In this form, a person does not need food, housing, water, air, sleep. He can travel in space or along the bottom of the ocean without a spacesuit, eat from nuclear batteries, change his appearance at will, travel incorporeally to other planets (teleportation), rewriting the contents of his brain (soul), into a body rented there using a laser beam. He will become immortal and indestructible by any weapon, since he can store the contents of his brain (soul) separately and recover (resurrect) after complete destruction.

The article solved and the main task– how to rewrite the main content of the human brain into chips, and how to do it using modern, already existing technology and without interfering with brain activity.

Only complete idiots will refuse immortality. In addition, the second obstacle is also removed - the fear that the electronic mind will enslave biological humanity. E-beings will remember their origin and are unlikely to want to enslave or destroy their children and relatives. Believe me, even monkeys would be treated differently if you remembered how in the past, when you were still monkeys, you jumped and jumped through the trees. Most likely, the birth rate of people will fall or be limited, and the biological civilization will gradually transform into an electronic one.

8. What can we expect from other civilizations?

Many people have high hopes for finding and helping other more advanced civilizations. Biological civilizations are automatically meant, and often their appearance is close to that of ordinary people. Well, except that the nose or ears are more authentic. Somehow it is automatically considered that since they are more developed, they are more humane and will immediately share their knowledge and help us.

You will say that this is a primitive tribe, several thousand years behind. But take two or three hundred years ago, when electricity had not yet been invented (the first galvanic cell was created by Volta in 1799). And a kind space alien begins to explain to you about the transmission of energy through wires, or communication and transmission of images using electromagnetic waves, or the device of an electric motor. And you have no idea what electricity is. Don't have an electro-radio-television industry. Will you be able to understand, let alone use this knowledge? You will need these very 200-300 years, a lot of money, to create scientific and engineering personnel and build the corresponding industries. During this time, the knowledge and industry of aliens will advance so far that you will not be able to compete with them.

And why on earth will space aliens share their technologies. Imagine that astronauts found monkeys, cows or pigs on Mars. Do you think that the astronauts will rush to teach them all the knowledge that mankind has acquired? So why don't people do it on Earth, and if they breed and feed them, then only in order to eat them, or get milk, wool, meat, eggs. Whole animal world Earth lagged behind in its development from man and became his slave. It exists only within the limits assigned to it by man and only in the interests of mankind. Moreover, a person does not want to share his knowledge and advanced technologies even with other people and states on Earth. Numerous secrets, patents, know-how aim to preserve the achievements of technologically advanced states. And they can be understood. If the advanced states kept secret the production of explosives and firearms, then the terrorists would have at their disposal only bows and arrows and could not inflict such harm on developed countries.

9. Great Space Race

In scientific and technological progress, a person has to rely ONLY on himself. Moreover, humanity can squeeze out ONLY in one case, if it is the most advanced in scientific and technological progress, with the most powerful industry in the entire universe. Those. whether it wants it or not, humanity (and then the electronic society) is forced to participate in the Great Space Race of Knowledge and Technology. It has reached the power of the local God in the Solar System and its main task and goal, imposed on it by Nature, is to become God in our Galaxy, and then in the entire Universe. This is our greatest happiness that space aliens did not fly to us - a sign that we are the most advanced, knowledgeable and technically advanced at least in our Galaxy. This race is endless, because Knowledge has no limit. This does not mean that humanity will retain its biological shell. First, humanity transforms into an electronic society, then, as its knowledge and technologies grow, into some kind of proton, quantum or quark society, and so on ad infinitum. Each step will be a breakthrough based on new knowledge and technologies, and each step will accelerate scientific and technological progress hundreds and thousands of times. Most likely, the entire highly developed community will represent a kind of distributed collective Mind, since it will be based on one common knowledge base. It is possible that this Mind will reach such power that it will be able to create new Universes. Or even control the Laws of the Universe. It is unlikely that this will be God in the current human understanding, who is interested in each person personally and takes care of him. We, being Gods in the Solar System, are not interested in the life of every ant and even an individual anthill. And if we solve it, then global (from the point of view of the ant) ​​problems: cut down forests, plow the land, plant gardens, irrigate the desert, regardless of the existence of numerous anthills on this earth. Believing ants will perceive everything that happens as a natural disaster or God's punishment.

10. The only alternative is either God or slavery or destruction

All this can shock people, especially believers. They raise a cry: where is humanism, kindness, mutual assistance, feelings, emotions of people, etc.? There is only one answer to all this: look at the history of people, at all these countless bloody wars, struggle for power, bloody dictatorships, money-grubbing, deceit, murders, terrorism. Human society far from ideal, and it is good that it is at least somehow moving, has some kind of scientific and technological progress.

But maybe the goal of humanity is different. Of course, everyone will say the goal that is beneficial to him or his class: churchmen, that you need to pray more, donate to the church, and God will give everything; communists, that we need to work harder and endure hardship for the sake of a brighter future and universal happiness (communism); party leaders - that it is necessary to vote for them and they will solve all the problems of the population, etc. There is even more confusion with the global goals of mankind.

But an elementary analysis of the history of life and scientific and technological progress on Earth shows that Humanity has only one alternative: either to become the God of the Universe, or to fall under the rule of a stronger (in the sense of knowledge) God, born on another planet, another civilization.

And the latter means only one thing - slavery, the loss of the possibility of independent development (as the entire animal world of the Earth lost it after a breakthrough in human development) and, ultimately, destruction or disappearance.

Whether we like it or not, we are participants in the Great Cosmic Race to God (Great and omnipotent Reason). Apparently, we are ahead of all the nearest Universe known to us (no signals or signs of another Mind have yet been found). And we must maintain this leadership if we want to exist. After all that has been said, the Law of Purpose can be formulated in its final form:

Any kind of life or mind has a global goal, determined by nature. This goal is the creation of a strong real God or the Higher Mind, rebuilding the surrounding reality for itself.

The current religion, based on the fact that God already exists and takes care of people, dooms humanity to slavery, to the position of cattle on a farm, which the owner takes care of. Even if this is so, then he cares not out of altruism, kindness and love for animals, but, like a person, out of his own benefit, like any farm owner raises cattle for the sake of income from meat, milk, wool, skins, eggs, etc. And at the right time he sends his cattle to the slaughterhouse. Religion plays an important positive role in creating public morality (if it does not preach murder), but has a negative role in preaching that man is a servant of God.

Such a perspective, suggestion and awareness of one's slavery, is the worst thing one can think of for a freedom-loving Man.

The current war on terrorism is a war of the old world, which has begun to understand that it will soon be finished, with the new scientific and technological world. Islam (Wahhabism), terror and suicide bombers are just the means by which the backward world is trying to hold back scientific and technological progress.

More than 10 years ago, I wrote that artificial intelligence will sooner or later far surpass human abilities. I was ridiculed. But already now half of the experts, asking tricky questions to the computer, cannot determine - answered them average person or computer. And the time is not far off when most of them will not be able to determine with whom they were talking on the Internet. And Golden medal and $100,000 dollars (Loubner-prize) will go to the creator of the first artificial intelligence. If we add to this that Japanese scientists have created a humanoid robot: a woman, the beautiful Ripley, who (while sitting) reproduces most of the movements and facial expressions of a woman, then you begin to understand why smart Americans after Spielberg's film "Artificial Intelligence" (mocking AI) created the Defense Society robot rights.

11.Current current goal and main ways of scientific and technological progress

Well, what can we do about it now? the thoughtful reader will ask. The answer is simple: for this, more attention should be paid to scientific and technological progress, its main directions. Based on the main goal, these are: development computer technology, knowledge of the structure and development of the Universe, the study of the microworld.

The development of computer technologies will make it possible to make a qualitative and very important leap - a breakthrough of mankind into immortality, and will make it possible to accelerate scientific and technological progress many times over. Knowledge of the Universe and the development of space technology will accelerate the development of the Universe, knowledge of the microworld (the structure of the nuclei of chemical elements, elementary particles, quarks, etc.) will make it possible to obtain new materials and powerful energy sources.

12. Conclusion. Summary

A clear understanding of the role of mankind in Nature, the natural purpose of the purpose of its existence, is extremely important for the correct choice of the general direction of the movement of society. God as an omnipotent being is nothing but a higher Mind. It will be created by scientific and technological progress. Mankind has already become God (Supreme Mind) in the Solar System and Nature has provided mankind with the opportunity to participate in the Great Cosmic Race of Minds to become the God of our Galaxy, and then possibly the God of the Universe in the form of the Great Mind.

Mankind must realize its destiny, this great natural goal and the opportunity given to it, and do everything to take a leading position, not be enslaved by higher civilizations, or even disappear altogether. In this race, it can only rely on itself. The only means of victory is our own scientific and technological progress and knowledge of the world around us.

Doctor of technical sciences Alexander Bolonkin, July 2005 USA

Literature on the topic:

Main articles ( (see also:,,, etc.).

1. A. Bolonkin, Post-human civilization. XXI century: The end of biological humanity and the emergence of post-human society (1993). Main article in

2. A. Bolonkin, XXI century - the beginning of the immortality of people (1994). Main article in

3. A. Bolonkin, Let's Settle God in the Computer-Internet Network (1998).

4. A. Bolonkin, Immortality becomes a reality. Bolonkin's interview with B. Krutov (1999).

5. A. Bolonkin, Science, Soul, Paradise and Higher Reason (1999). Main article in

6. A. Bolonkin, Breakthrough into immortality (2002), Main article at

7. Bolonkin A.A., The twenty-first century: the advent of the non-biological civilization and the future of the human race, Journal Kybernetes, Vol.28, No3, 1999, pp.325-334, MCB University Press, 0368-492X (English).

8. Bolonkin A.A., The twenty-first century – The beginning of human immortality, Journal Kybernetes, Vol. 33, No, 9/10, 2004, pp.1535-1542, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0368=482X.(English).

From generation to generation, from millennium to millennium, mankind has invariably asked itself the same questions: about the meaning of the Being of the Universe, about the origin of Life and the essence of Man, about the meaning of life for each individual person.

Correct answers to these questions could give a correct understanding of the good and happiness for man and mankind. And such answers were given and are given to humanity constantly through the Prophets and Teachers who come to Earth and through their Teachings.

Each Teaching of Light says that the main goal of man is the evolution of consciousness. By directing his thoughts and actions to the development and improvement of himself, a person thus improves and improves the world around him. Every person living on Earth perceives the Truth to the extent of his consciousness, to the extent of his spirituality, therefore he lives, thinks and acts in accordance with this perception. But if we remember what we do every day, what we think about, what we do, remember the enmity, anger, hatred that is allegedly kindled in the struggle for a just cause, then what good and happiness can we talk about. Yes, humanity is developing, but not along the steps of evolution, but on the contrary, descending the steps of involution, that is, it is degrading.

And as a result, questions about the mysteries of Genesis and the meaning of life remain unsolved.

The earthly man continues to fight with "windmills", not understanding what he is doing and why, however, believing that in this way he is fighting evil, while creating even more evil.

"In ruins lie huge cities once great nations. Once-blooming countries are covered with sand. Not a trace of the disappeared races remained on the surface of the Earth, and only somewhere in the depths of the oceans could one find the ruins of their cities. So nothing but ruins will remain of modern civilization, and apart from false memories - nothing of the peoples. Where is Babylon, Troy, Carthage, the city of the Golden Gates? Where are the people who lived there, who loved, suffered and did not think about death, just as modern people do not think about it? Where is it all? And the planet will die, and life will leave it, the meaning of which is not in the fruits of the labors of human hands, but in the experience and knowledge that life gives and that a person accumulates and saves in his Immortal Triad in order to take them with him to another planet when the one on which the person now lives dies. The Spirit is immortal and the Chalice of its accumulations is indestructible, for the Chalice and the Spirit are not of this world, although the Chalice is filled with the fruits of earthly achievements, i.e. knowledge and experience gathered on Earth. And in this collection of harvest and labors on Earth lies the meaning of earthly life. Everything that is created by a human hand is doomed to destruction, because it is built for today or for deadlines, but Infinity is given to a person as aspirations, a goal and a container for all his aspirations that are not penetrated by a dense sphere.

Thus, in Infinity is Life. And Its threads can be stretched from the spheres of a person's real environment into Infinity, where Life has no end. Can a spirit reconcile with the fact that, having lived on Earth for 60 or 70 years or even 100, it dies and disappears forever? And why live then, if together with the planet everything that is on it, and all of humanity as a whole, burns down and disappears someday? If the end of the existence of mankind does not make sense, then neither does any point in the context of this temporary existence. But the mind cannot reconcile itself to this monstrous nonsense. And the meaning of life is that the spirit of man is immortal, that he incarnates on Earth for many lives, so that, having ended the cycle of his lives on it, he can go to another star, higher in the evolutionary stages of the Worlds than our planet. The meaning of life is great, but it lies in the very process of labor, but not in its results or fruits that are material and visible to the eye. Labor is needed, these fruits are needed, cities and houses are needed. We need all the amazing products of the human mind, genius and ingenuity, crowned with beauty. We need a peaceful and happy human life on our beautiful Earth. All this is necessary, all this is very necessary and important, but not in itself, but as an inevitable and very necessary step towards an even greater future. For the human mind there are no limits and restrictions. He can conquer everything and solve all problems. He can create for a person such bodies or shells in which he can live, not subject to ordinary earthly conditions. He can defeat Nature even in this. All the energies of the Cosmos and all matter in all its forms are at his disposal and will serve him, who dares to do the miraculous and the impossible. What is impossible for ignorance and ignorance is possible for one who knows that man is born to rule over Nature and Life. And now he is entering a period of brilliant victories of science and knowledge over the worlds visible and invisible to the eye, in order to emerge from this struggle as a winner of life and death. (GUY, vol. 1, (Aug. 31).

Evil and its generating forces. Evil is the absence of good. It manifests itself different ways. Many naive people believe that dark forces act only by evil, debauchery and crimes. However, they are very mistaken. The Dark Ones are very inventive and can take on various forms according to the consciousness of their victims and even hide under the guise of Light. The Black Hierarchy, created by the prince of darkness, exists, and it is very powerful in its influence on the ignorant part of humanity. Spiritless, low-conscious people, the so-called "warm" or "staggering" become active servants of the black hierarchy.

They, apart from the lack of knowledge, the lack of a sense of recognizing good and evil, also have no desire, no aspiration and will to receive this knowledge. So they live “what God sent”, relying not on themselves, but on the so-called “God”, and at the same time becoming soil pleasing not to God, but to the devil. Such ministers can be both conscious and unconscious, without realizing who they work for. The Hierarchy of Darkness appeared on Earth simultaneously with the Hierarchy of Light. That is, from the moment the germ of reason and conscious, that is, free will, appeared in a person. With a glimpse of recognition, the first concept of Good and Evil appeared, and already the conscious will began to direct a person in one direction or another. In the highest aspect of perfect Existence, that is, at the level of the Creator or the One Eternal Reality, evil as such does not exist. Evil can be created only by a living being, endowed with a spark of reason, but not having developed its consciousness. Only in the consciousness of a person do all manifestations take on this or that coloring, this or that quality. And, as already mentioned, the evil that exists on Earth was born with the first glimpse of consciousness. And the imperfection of consciousness, with free will, gave rise to all kinds of evil. The Teacher of Light to earthlings: “I order to consider each manifestation of hostile forces as emanating from one center, regardless of whether it is conscious or unconscious.

Darkness is monarchical and hierarchical, but in the opposite sense, i.e. in the construction of chiaroscuro in the direction of absolute darkness. Such an understanding of darkness will immediately allow one to orient oneself unmistakably, in opposing conditions, both to defend oneself and to act accordingly. When the direction is not found and the mind believes that this is not the case, and attributes the opposition to anything and anyone, but not the surrounding and vigilantly watching darkness, the defensive blow misses without causing harm. When realizing the source of evil, the beam rushes at him directly, inflicting painful burns on him. Darkness does not endure exposure, as well as its servants. Being realized and discovered, they immediately retreat. They are strong as long as they are hiding behind someone's backs and until the protecting beam has detected them and is not directed at them. This is their strength. The strength is not in them, but in a person's unawareness of them, as the sources of the cause of all mischief. Even rodents and insects and everything is used to harm, and until they are found, insects and various creatures will harm.

Use positively everything that can harm and darken. The best defense is an attack, i.e. strike a beam of light directed at those behind the opposing ones. If only they knew how many malices and malices and inventions of the dark ones. The last of darkness vehemently manifest themselves and recruit supporters for themselves among weak hearts. Many co-servants of the dark are still dishonoring the ranks of mankind. But they are doomed." (GUY, vol. 1, (May 1).

“My friend, knowledge weighed down by earthly fires will not lead to Our peaks.

Knowledge of knowledge is different. Once It was said about earthly wisdom, which was enmity against God. This knowledge is evil. From him are wars, and destruction, and all the horrors that have visited the Earth more than once. It is darkness, but not light. Better without it at all (without earthly knowledge) than with it, pushing for the destruction of humanity and the planet. The Knowledge of Light, which brings peace and flourishing to the World and creates the values ​​of the spirit, We want to establish it on Earth, in the name of the Common Good. Not for the good of individuals, classes or peoples, but for everyone, everyone and everyone. The new science of the New World will give this knowledge to people, a science that does not deny the (invisible) Reality of Existing and the cosmic paths of mankind. To the distant stars, to the distant worlds, she will direct a person and to the knowledge of secrets. distant worlds and mysteries of space. Everything is open, everything is accessible, science directs its victorious run to the knowledge of everything that is around. (GUY, v.1, (May 7).

Human egoism is the cause of the generation of evil. There is such an erroneous notion that evil is inevitable, that it is the antithesis of Good, and that the dark ones are allegedly the antithesis of Light. It's a delusion. The antithesis of Light is unmanifested Chaos. The darkness of Chaos, as unmanifested cosmic matter, is a means for the mental creativity of man, for creation, for the transformation of Chaos into Cosmos, which is evolution. The Dark Ones, on the contrary, create Chaos, causing powerful perturbations of the elements and not wanting to stop them. These are earthquakes, and floods, and hurricanes, and fires... The forces of the hierarchy of darkness, through the low qualities of human egoism, also excite the forces of the elements of Nature, which are inert in the initial state. But when emotions are aroused in a person, the forces of the elements in the subtle body of the planet are directed either towards creation or towards destruction, depending on what prevails. Thus, unbridled elemental forces through the wild animal egoism of a person begin to cause Chaos, destroying everything in its path, both material and spiritual. Teacher of Light to earthlings: “... To break the fetters of personality and selfhood means to break through the shell of the aura and break out of the limits into the expanses of Space. The aura of the dense body is like a shell in which the spirit is enclosed. Separation of bodies is impossible, conscious action in the mental is impossible, if the shell of selfhood closes the Space. Egoism, or selfhood, seals consciousness in a limited circle of personal thoughts, emotions and ideas and deprives of freedom. There are many prisoners. They also talk about freedom, but how far they are from understanding real freedom. The body is a prison, the self is a fetter, and personal feelings and thoughts are heavy like chains. If we add to this the delusions of the time, the epoch of finesse, the false positions of science, and thousands of barriers separating consciousness from the truth of Cosmic Life, then the life of an unfree spirit will truly seem like a fierce prison. Breaking the chains that limit consciousness is not within the power of every spirit. Expansion of consciousness is the right way to that. In My Beams, expanding, consciousness is transformed and it becomes possible to comprehend the eternal truth of existence. Not from life I want to free and not from its temporary forms, but from its false and distorted understanding. Life is good, and the world is beautiful, But the misunderstanding that distorts Reality is terrifying. We must return to the Fundamentals (to the Laws of the Cosmos) and proceed from them. You need to repeat them more often, affirming them in your mind again and again. Earthly whirlwinds sweep away the best constructions, but the Spirit is eternal, and if the aspiration does not die and the consciousness relies on the manifestation of the Spirit, then the earthly chains disintegrate and freedom becomes a reality. It is good to understand in which conductor the movement occurs and what its essence is. The observer looks, he is aloof, he only looks, as if separating his shells from himself and what is happening in them. And then this happening becomes external in relation to the spirit, and then the Immortal Triad affirms its self-sufficient being, independent of the three streams of Matter flowing through the lower conductors: physical, astral and mental. The dismemberment of consciousness is inevitable at a certain stage, but preparation for it can be started in advance. To do this, you need to move away from yourself, standing as if on the sidelines and observing what is happening inside yourself. A wonderful, amazing life, full of extraordinary possibilities, is contained in a person. Everything is in it. The realm of radiant thought is open and accessible to him, and the Cosmos lies before him like a magic book, which he can read endlessly, revealing more and more mysteries of the Universe. On this great path, only selfhood and a small earthly personality hinders, for a person is something immeasurably greater than his small (temporary mortal) personality, with which he is clothed in the current life. Consciousness is torn to the cosmic expanse. The spirit senses the boundlessness of possibilities opening before it in the rays of the coming morning of the New Epoch of Fire. (GUY, vol. 1, (Dec. 2).

Fear is the main source of evil. Dark social immorality rests on the discipline of fear. This is a very rigid discipline, the foundations of which are supported by tyranny, which leads to disharmony and destruction. On the lower levels of consciousness, fear is a reliable means and holds the dark performers firmly. However, if a person has a connection with the Higher Light Forces, that is, consciousness is not enough high level if there is aspiration to the Highest and the will to overcome fears, then all fears can be overcome. So, one of the main sources of evil is the fear of the egoist, on which the dark Hierarchy rests and with the help of which the dark ones control their executors and try to enslave the whole world. It is sad, but it is the fear for the life of a mortal person that accompanies us through life on Earth, from birth to death. This fear is a gloomy enslaver of humanity, an obsessor created by humanity itself. Since childhood, we are no longer free from fear. We are afraid of parents and teachers, we are afraid of deuces. Then, having matured, we are afraid of bosses, diseases, public opinion, bandits and police, we are afraid of losing our job, apartment, and so on and so forth, and as a result, irritation, hatred, lies begin to appear, which are covered with flattering hypocritical smiles. And all our lives we are afraid of death, as something unknown and forbidden. But it is not we who die, but our temporary mortal personality, which is the instrument for acquiring life experience. That is, there is a false identification of the immortal with the mortal!.. This ignorance is the shame of humanity!.. And beyond the threshold of the physical world, we are haunted by the same fears, if they are not eliminated. After all, fear, like other negative properties, forms a kind of negative magnet that attracts similar energies to itself. At the same time, fear intensifies and accompanies a person from life to life. And a person will follow the path of such fears and horrors until this negative energy brings a person to complete decomposition or vice versa, until this energy is completely exhausted or neutralized. One can neutralize such energy only by realizing the eternity and innocence of one's spiritual essence, connected with the Hierarchy of the Light Forces. “...In essence, a person carries Light or darkness, saturating the sphere around with their emanations. A person, a carrier of fiery energies, constantly radiates their main tone into space, and precisely in the key on which the harp of his spirit is tuned. It can sound in the key of fear or fearlessness, devotion or cowardice, vanity or solemnity, love or hate. In a word, on any positive or negative quality of the spirit or on their symphony. By will, a person can affirm the key of sounding for himself and be darkness or light to people who carry it. The qualities of the spirit are significant because by their nature they are spatial and affect the environment, and influence it over a wide area and sometimes over great distances. Such a spread of human influences is especially facilitated by thought, which has no limits to flight. Rays of conscious thought can create a lot of good or evil. A person on the planet, being a carrier of higher energies, is responsible for what radiates through him into the spheres surrounding him. (GUY, v.1, (May 6).

“Indications given in the Teaching (Living Ethics) should be applied wisely. The literal implementation of some advice is not always useful or expedient. For example, questions about food, for: there is one food at the heights, another in the lowlands, one on the way, another on the spot, one for the loader, another for a mental worker, one for the sick, another for the healthy. There is no common measure and no general rules. And so it is with everything. The Teaching of Light is wisely applied in life without disturbing the order of the organism. Decomposing products, irritation, anger, fear, envy, etc., are certainly harmful under all conditions. Harmful things should certainly be separated from all other phenomena and avoided ... ". (GUY, vol. 1, (May 13). "... With a look you can subdue the evil dog. Agni's spiral, skillfully launched, will make the chaintail turn its tail and hide in the booth and not even bark out of fear. This is how inner fires imperceptibly grow. Fear of the animal or a beast puts a man on the same evolutionary stage with them, and then the beast attacks as a creature equal to itself.The absence of fear or fearlessness is the most necessary condition for the submission of the animal to the will of man.

Tranquility (internal) extinguishes the explosion of astral passions in the animal. There is a neutralization of subtle energies. Polarizing his consciousness on the right wave, a person controls the astral essence of the beast, but (first) you need to be able to control yourself. (GUY, v.1, (June 24). The positive qualities and negative properties of a person are opposite aspects of one phenomenon. As mentioned above, fear gives rise to other negative properties, which, like fear, dormant in a person until they are excited This is irritation, and hatred, and lies, and hypocrisy, and betrayal, which only increase the impact of the very source of these properties and vices, i.e. fear. others negative properties we have to stay in it all the time. But in addition to negative properties, a person is endowed with many positive qualities that he has accumulated over many incarnations on Earth. Manifesting these qualities in himself, such as love, goodwill, balance and calmness, friendliness, a person saturates the space with high-frequency energies that suppress low-frequency, negative ones and prevent them from developing. This creates a cleaner environment. It stimulates the manifestation of only high-frequency positive qualities consonant with it. At the same time, low negative properties are not awakened. Over time, they can transform into positive qualities that are opposite to negative properties.

Everything in Nature is dual, everything has a positive and a negative pole. Therefore, each negative property necessarily has its opposite positive pole in the form of a positive quality. The negative and positive in a person manifests itself through the energy accumulated by him over many incarnations. Energy does not disappear, but lives in space. Thus, getting rid of the low qualities that caused undesirable actions, we transform them into positive qualities along the line of kindred opposites. In the most negative act, the transmuting power is already hidden, it is only necessary to change the pole of its application. Hot or cold, that is, having large stock energy, suitable for evolution, but warm - unsuitable. The ability to control the astral, the lower animal part in a person, is the task of human evolution. All the lower properties generated by man are his integral part, his offspring. This is the lower animal part of human nature, the so-called ancient astral, which manifests itself through emotions, passions and animal desires. Only the man himself, by his own will, can force the astral to submit to his spirit and force him to serve his higher "I". Only by such control can complete inner freedom be achieved. Otherwise, having given free rein to the unbridled passions of the astral, a person subordinates his spirit to the astral. At the same time, he becomes that shaggy and vicious monster, the same many-headed dragon that people have fought at all times. And some of the most aspiring, knowledgeable and enlightened won. In the hands of man himself are the means of overcoming all negative properties, including the sticky webs of fear that have gripped the coarsened humanity, trapped in the so-called "economic scenario of life." Victory lies in the ability to control your passions and not succumb to their tricks, in whatever form they are expressed. As a result, a person rises above them, including above fear, thus blocking the path through which they can be realized and act. The subordination of the animal astral to its spirit is one of the main tasks of evolution at the present level of human development. Light high feelings, aspiration and will are the way to overcome fears and other negative properties. There are a lot of reliable facts in the biographies of Saints who had to fight fears (insurances) and overcome them. Having embarked on the path of Light, each person is subjected to various trials, including trials of fears, or, as they are called in Orthodoxy, "temptations of insurance." St. Sergius of Radonezh was also subjected to such "temptations by insurance". Here is how Epiphanius, a student of Reverend Sergius and his first biographer. “The monk himself told his disciples about the visions that tormented him. So, once he was standing in his church for an all-night vigil, and then there was a crash and the church wall parted and Satan himself entered through the cleft, and with him the “horde of demons”, in pointed hats and with threats, as it were, rushed at him. They persecuted, attacked and threatened him, but he prayed and continued the vigil he had begun, repeating: "May God rise again and may His enemies be scattered." And the demons disappeared as suddenly as they appeared. Another time, Sergius was in his cell, and then there was a loud noise from the rushing forces of demons, and his cell was filled with snakes, and hordes of demons surrounded His hut, and a cry was heard: “Get back, get away from this place as soon as possible! What do you want to find here... or are you not afraid to starve to death here? Here are the carnivorous beasts prowling around you, hungry to tear you to pieces, run immediately! But Sergius remained firm this time, and courageously repulsed them with prayer. An extraordinary light that suddenly appeared scattered the hordes of the dark ones. Apparently, Sergius was most of all subjected to the temptation of "insurance", other temptations were alien to his purity of soul. But as we see, even with these "insurances" He soon mastered the clarity of spirit and great faith into the Higher Powers that guarded Him. This is evidenced by the extraordinary Light that soon began to appear, following the onslaught of the dark ones, and which dispersed the hordes of demons. Thus, having risen above the intimidations of the dark ones, as can be seen from the memoirs of Epiphany, with his Faith, striving for the Higher Forces, Sergius overcame the attempts of the dark ones even to approach Him, since He Himself belonged to the Higher Forces of Light. That is why He was able to endure the appearance of the Mother of God, perceive the Light that emanated from Her, and at the same time not go blind and stay alive. The same Epiphanius testifies to this fact.

Modern science of fear and methods of mastering it. There are many types of fear and its degree can be different. Modern medicine has quite clearly classified the types of fear: from mild depressions, psychoses, phobias and manias to severe mental disorders, the owners of which must be isolated from healthy people. Mental disorders caused various types fear deals with psychiatry. If these fears have not yet brought a person to manias and phobias, then he sometimes turns to a psychologist, and most often he either intuitively or, armed with knowledge, fights them. Only by recognizing fear, revealing its nature, knowing the reason for it, you can fight and overcome it. The well-known psychotherapist Vladimir Levy explains: “There are people who have an anxious character from birth, fear for them is the fundamental basis of their worldview. They are afraid of everything in advance ... This does not mean at all that a person is a coward, no, he can be a hero in life. It’s just that his first question to life is this: “Well, what’s wrong with us?” That is, for him, a glass half full is always half empty. And the world for such a person is always a source of trouble. However, any character lends itself to spiritual and intellectual correction to the extent that a person himself aims at it. Since we created it ourselves, then fear is to some extent characteristic of the living and is a normal human condition, so Levi suggests: firstly, to recognize fear, and secondly, to direct your will and all your strength to master fear. Here is how he writes about it: “More than anything in the world, we are afraid of our own fear! .. But you need to be able to be afraid, just like driving a car, how to tame animals. Our fear is wild, it has not yet been tamed. If you agree with this, it will immediately become easier. And do not be shy to show it to others, be it a parent, teacher, friends, friend, girlfriend, wife, husband. This is already a step towards victory, and the most difficult one! The recognition of fear immediately makes us, if not bolder, then freer and narrower - more confident! Yes, there is fear, and now we will talk to him, we will tame him ... We think that we are afraid to answer a question, to speak, to ask, to jump, to go, to hit back, to endure pain, and so on. It doesn't matter how true our fear is. This fear is justified by the fact that it is a part of our life, our part is like an arm and a leg. But still, only a part - and we can, if we only want to, manage fear. Like a hand, like a foot. You can work with your fear, you can approach it, examine it, you can have a conversation with it, you can understand it. Any fear is a variable. Any fear can occupy more space in us, or maybe less. And we can increase and decrease it, unclench and compress it - like a fist, like a chest. I must say to myself: “For the time being, fear controls me, but the time will come and I will master it! I have the right to be afraid and not be afraid!” The logic of inner freedom is such that from realizing the right to fear, a person comes to realizing the possibility of fearlessness. It is difficult to argue against such arguments. If you do not learn to control fear in yourself, then it can become a killer! Eighty percent of drowning people die because convulsive fear prevents them from doing the only thing that best helps to stay on the surface of the water for a long time - relax and lie on their backs with their nose up. Panic is the main culprit in the deaths of millions of people who died in battles, in natural disasters, in crowds, in a crush ... Panic, fear is a tool of evil, a tool of manipulation, the main lever of all tyrants, despots and executioners in the world. These are the chains of our own production, this is the whip growing from itself, this is our own tail! Fear has many triggers - outside of us or inside, and the cause is always only inside: it is always ignorance and underdevelopment of consciousness. You can remove the reason. You can take control of the so-called "executor of fears" - reducing and completely eliminating the feeling of fear with the help of chemistry, sedatives, alcohol, drugs. Or you can use your own actions: self-influence, self-control, self-relaxation. If breathing is free, if the muscles are relaxed and the vessels are unclenched, we simply cannot feel fear anymore, we are free ... But how can we relax and calm down if we are afraid? It turns out a vicious circle! But let's remember how smart children get bold. A child who is not compelled to "not be afraid" usually manages to eliminate his fear himself. This is done in the most natural, most reliable - stepwise, gradual method. Time after time, the child returns to the one who or what scared him, tries to study the source of fear in detail and comprehensively. The boys slide down steep hills, stubbornly go to the places where they were once beaten. Girls are jumping from high stumps… In a word, children are looking for risk in order to develop. And in a risk-free life, they begin to rage, languish in boredom ... Echoes of fear, of course, return. But every time less and less. It turns out that it is very cool, feeling fear, to linger in it. Only necessarily from it you need a path up. And everyone can pave such a path only on their own, armed with spiritual Knowledge! Awareness of the beauty of the world, spiritual development - this is a way to tame your "inner animal" astral. Here are excerpts from a letter from a young man who, through trial and error, managed to understand his fears and found a way to overcome them. “I am one of those who, as they say, have thin skin ... Since childhood, I have been looking for“ armor ”to defend myself: I did karate, tried to be like everyone else, let on external self-confidence, smoked, hung out with punks, fought desperately, although what it cost me ... At the age of 16, a crisis came. It was scary to be on the street. It seemed that people saw what a freak I was, although they convinced me otherwise. I began to read books on psychotechnics, began to experiment on myself, introduce myself into different states, learned to suppress fear and other emotions. One “beautiful” night, before falling asleep, a horror suddenly attacked me. It was as if he had awakened someone ancient in himself, and a nightmarish fear emanated from him. There was a red bloody veil in her eyes. All that night passed in a convulsive attempt not to yell at the whole house and not jump out of the fifth floor. Barely resisted it. In the morning I ran to the hospital, but halfway I was stopped by the thought: “What will my relatives and friends think of me,” and I did not want to come to terms with the fact that I had gone crazy. He suffered for three more days, and, finally, with the strongest tension, he squeezed this ancient enemy out of himself, and something seemed to break in his chest. And then all feelings completely disappeared - both joy, and sadness, and sympathy for others. The world began to be felt as if through a veil. I was afraid of this, but somehow already insensibly, without a feeling of fear. In a word, "from the fire to the frying pan." He began to fight for the return of feelings: he tried to participate in all manifestations of life, work, meet girls, read, listen to music - as if alive. And only two years later, feelings gradually recovered. Called into the army. He rose to the rank of platoon commander and the rank of senior sergeant. And before that I got used to the role of commander that she became my second “I”. He returned from the army self-confident and strong. However, after reflecting on my life, after re-reading some books, a sort of sobering came over me. I realized that all my life I have been trying to hypnotize myself - to gain a foothold in a deaf armor. And I succeeded, but I forgot how to dream and feel subtle and beautiful. And so I began to throw off this armor. Again began to perceive the world as in childhood, but now, with a certain share knowledge about him. It is better to let the soul be easily vulnerable, but open to the perception of beauty, than impenetrable and deaf. It is clear from this letter that this man displayed masculinity of character from childhood, defending himself in various ways and escaping from the nets of fear. However, at first it was meaningless, so the fear lurked, and then began to act, attacking a person between sleep and wakefulness. The young man, this time too, thanks to his courage and will, overcame the “dragon of the threshold”, but again it was meaningless. It would seem that a person conquered fear, became strong self-confident. What else do you need? But, entrenched in a deaf armor, as he himself says about it, a person lost himself, lost all those wonderful qualities of perception of the world, nature, beauty, which he was endowed with from birth. He defended himself from the rough, cruel world, putting on a mask of self-confidence, and in doing so hid the same fear even deeper. At the same time, fear was gaining strength and could break free at any opportunity. But the young man understood the nature of fear. He realized that for him the main things in life are precisely those qualities that he tried to hide, suppress in himself and was afraid to show. However, it is through the perception of beauty, through the perception of the beauty and harmony of the world, through the awareness of this beauty, that spiritual growth, the spiritual development of a person is carried out. No wonder it is said: “The awareness of beauty will save the world!” And it was this realization that became for the young man that victory over his ancient fear of the animal, which had lived in him since ancient times. From the time of man's stay in the animal kingdom. This fear constantly counteracted the development of the bright qualities of the spirit, destined for man and necessary for him in eternal life.

Beauty, joy, love, compassion are precisely those qualities that make it possible to approach the Hierarchy of Light, to one's Higher Self and identify oneself with it. And thus, realize your eternity. Then, perhaps, at first, that little spark will shine, which the shaggy animal that lives in us has obscured. This ancient animal must be brought up in silence and in complete obedience. A person alone, on his own, can cleanse his personality from gross deposits and dirt so that the light of the Spark of God shines in his physical consciousness. For this, considerable work, perseverance and will must be applied. Only in this way can we restore our ability to shine throughout the world.

The way to get rid of evil is to love everything that exists.

It is naive to think that someone instead of us can save us from our vices, habits, fears and diseases, that is, from the evil that accompanies us throughout life. It is naive to go to people for "understanding". It's dangerous to even dream about it. And it's not that you can't get it - understanding. Occasionally, as a gift - you can. And the fact is that with such an installation, we put ourselves in dependence and lose our light transmission, our ability to shine. With such an attitude, we do not learn to understand ourselves. First we get something, but then we have to give. First you need to understand yourself, and only after that you need to look for the opportunity to be understood. First, you need to learn the language, work at least a little, and then you can already explain yourself. First you need to give, and then ... And then do not wait for gifts in return! .. One woman said: “I have nothing to give to people, my soul and heart are cold and empty. And I can’t warm - I would warm myself. And there is nothing to shine with - there is no light in me. We need an outside source." The answer was given to her: "After resuscitation, the heart maintains itself with its own rhythm." Therefore, let's go to people not so that they understand us, but in order to understand them ourselves, without worrying about the temperature and light in the soul. Then the temperature in the heart will rise and we will begin to radiate light, and gradually warm the world around us with our light, with our love.

Love is the basis of being. Love is the basis of Existence, the creative and leading principle, the divine fire. This means that love must be conscious, striving and selfless. The evolution of man and humanity is precisely in the realization of the Fire of Cosmic Primordial Love!... Love is the crown of Light. Unfortunately, there is still no true understanding of this powerful foundation of Cosmic construction. People do not want now to recognize the great cosmic significance of love. The crude materialism of our age has reduced love to the level of a physiological function. Love between opposite principles should be considered as a manifestation of the Cosmic Law. On the higher planes of Existence, everything is created by thought, but for the embodiment of these thought images and their revitalization on the lower planes, two principles are needed, united by Cosmic Love. The ancient Wisdom says that it is the earthly feelings of love and friendship for the family, for loved ones that teach us the most beautiful and lofty. They are necessary steps leading us to the acceptance of Cosmic Love, which is intended for every person who has understood his great purpose. All the Great Teachers of mankind have passed the way from earthly love to Cosmic Love. This is not petty selfish love, where everything is closed in on itself, it is the love of sacrifice and self-giving, when, in hours of fatigue, weariness or busyness, the first seen need of another person, even a stranger to you, made you immediately help him, forgetting about yourself at the same time. and about your fatigue. At the same time, in a strange way, fatigue, weakness, fatigue disappear and energy is born, which is everywhere spoken of as the energy of love for one's neighbor. Such love is not prudent and acts without delay. Compassion is the highest form of manifestation of love. The highest manifestation of Love lies in compassion for a person, for humanity. It is this manifestation of Love, called compassion, that makes a person forget about himself and not wait for a reward for his work. Such a manifestation of Love through compassion is the path of Cosmic Evolution. Compassion is the most powerful force. The role of this force is enormous in human life. Jesus Christ used the power of compassion to heal and revive people. Since only with the help of the power of compassion can a person get rid of negative negative energies. But the physical healing of people is not the main goal of the manifestation of High Cosmic Love and compassion.

The main goal of Love and Compassion is to: … help a person to reveal the spiritual potential that is inherent in him and direct it for the benefit of all mankind; ... to help a person find the strength in himself to overcome all the negative that lives in him; ... to help distribute these forces in such a way that the commensurability between the capabilities of a person and his actions is preserved, then the severity of the work is not felt. Only such Love can help a person rise above his animal astral and learn to control it. It is precisely such Love and compassion that are inherent in all the Great Teachers of mankind, Representatives of the Long-suffering LOGOS of our solar system. The feeling of compassion, like the feeling of love, is misunderstood by people. Compassion and help do not mean at all that you need to plunge into a clouded state of mind of the person who is being helped or supported. You can’t get away from life’s trials, sorrows and experiences, but you can’t give them power over yourself, because they won’t let go until we rise up on them in spirit and become stronger than them. That is, it is not permissible that they violate the internal balance. If the imbalance occurs due to sympathy and compassion for other people, then this is not an excuse, because, losing the psycho-spiritual balance, we are not able to provide people with much-needed help. Therefore, a person who provides support to another person, first of all, needs to maintain his own balance and not allow a clouded state of mind, no matter how sorry the other, and perhaps a very close person. Thus, he will preserve the purity of his aura, which is the best shield against the intrusion of the essences of the lower strata of the Subtle World. The aura of each person is surrounded by a protective net. Flashes of negative properties in a person, such as irritation, anger and fear, make breaks in his aura, opening the person to all kinds of influences. At the same time, a person quickly loses precious psychic energy, which is greedily devoured by the essences of the lower strata of the Subtle World. Inside a person remains a psychic poison called imperil. After such outbreaks, a person feels a breakdown. So, for example, fear makes a person completely defenseless against exactly what he is afraid of. Fearlessness is the best defense against everything frightening and frightening. If, nevertheless, the person providing assistance lost his balance and sank to the level of the sufferer, then this person’s own aura becomes infected with the dull mood of another person. Thus, there is a process of absorption by the darkened consciousness of the pitying light-bearing radiations of the one who is trying to help. And this is a very sad sight. As a result of such “help” (in quotation marks), both, both the sufferer and the one who regrets, find themselves in a hole. They become a source of contamination and darkening of the Space with their low-vibration radiations. It is better not to help at all than to increase the darkness and replace the Light in oneself with doubled darkness. And such a clouded space, in turn, enhances the already aggravated state of consciousness of a suffering person. It is very important not to succumb in this case to someone else's mood and you need to maintain balance no matter what.

As the Great Teachers of mankind warn: “One must not allow one's own light to dissolve “in the twilight of the regretted”. No one anywhere can stand against the balance, and it must be maintained before trying to deal with opposing circumstances. True compassion based on balance is active and luminous. How else can you help another, if not with your own light, which cannot obscure someone else's cowardice, weakness or suffering. It is necessary to pity a person and sympathize with him skillfully, supporting him with vigorous, joyful and luminous radiations of his aura. Correct sympathy helps and uplifts another person, without plunging into his clouded state of mind and not being infected by it, but rather replaces this state of mind with Light. In addition, with sympathy, it is necessary to show a certain degree of restraint and severity, otherwise it is impossible to help and pull a person out of the pit of darkness. Every darkening is used by the dark forces to plant their harm. Compassion is a difficult quality and requires a great ability to control one's own radiations and protective net. Strange as it may sound, but someone else's grief, someone else's suffering, someone else's weaknesses and shortcomings are overcome in oneself by that person who wants to help people. And someone else's pain must also be taken upon ourselves if we want to help a suffering being. To help means, having taken on the burden and pain of a suffering being, to neutralize them with your luminous power. And that means bringing it up to you. And thus, to block the path of low beings who want to use the energy of suffering and weakness to penetrate into the radiation of the aura of both the compassionate and the suffering. Joy is a special wisdom. Manifestation of Compassion and Love for one's neighbor is impossible without such a spiritual quality as joy.

“Joy is a special wisdom,” said Christ.

The feeling of joy illuminates, inspires. The joy of helping one's neighbor, humanity, the universe gives strength to new actions, to a new feat, to a new struggle. Only in action and achievements lies the joy of the spirit. A person can enjoy life, and not only his own, but simply real life, improve it and perfect it with his own deeds. Such joy is a spiritual, luminous, fiery quality. At the same time, the essence of man is renewed, and the so-called old man, with his passions and low qualities, burns out. All barriers fall before the fiery rapture. Everyone can join the Light, but for this you need to desire the Light, try not to extinguish the spark that is given to us from God, but rather kindle it and shine constantly, bringing Love, Joy and Goodness to the world around. Teacher of Light to earthlings: “We will talk about happiness. Happiness is not an earthly bird, but an above-ground one, and it does not sit down at any windows. Others live their whole lives without knowing what happiness is. Our speech will be about indescribable happiness, about the happiness of the Far Worlds. After all, there is its own happiness, not like the smoky happiness of the Earth. There is happiness from the Spirit. Here happiness is understood in the satisfaction of everything personal and temporary, and there - in the complete rejection of it. The more complete the departure (from personal) - the more perfect happiness. My happiness is my Kingdom. But the Kingdom - My happiness is not of this world and is not measured by earthly measures. So I call you, My children, to this (inexpressible) Happiness. Understand it in all its comprehensiveness. Let's call it fiery Happiness, the Happiness of an opened and kindled heart. It cannot be measured or determined by the poor scale of the Earth, but on Earth, it is on Earth, with human hands and feet, the foundation of this greatest quality is laid. Tranquility and solemnity are a quality, joy is a quality, and happiness is also a quality, top quality, or an attribute of Spirit. Joy or happiness is what all Space and Existence is saturated with. Therefore, We Say that joy is a special wisdom, not from the Earth, but from the Eternal Breath of Life. All Space sings and sounds on the key of happiness to him, and I call My sons, who have forgotten about him. Man lives for happiness. All his difficult earthly path is only a threshold to the happiness of the Far Worlds, not the earthly, but the Far ones. Disharmony and destruction are the main note of the Earth. Harmony, joy and happiness are a form of manifestation of life on the Far Stars, on the Higher Worlds. We are preparing for them by the whole course of earthly evolution, in them is the purpose of man. The forms of happiness are as diverse as the forms of Life. And the happiness of one consciousness is just as similar to the happiness of another as the faces of people on Earth. The Cosmos is rich, and the forms of its manifestation are boundless. In the hour of darkness that thickened over the Earth before the Great Dawn, We speak of supermundane happiness, for it comes to the Earth in order to be embodied on it, how much the inexpressible can manifest itself in the rough and rough conditions of the flesh. New rays will give this opportunity, but spiritual vessels for receiving the fiery drink of joy must be prepared by each according to his own understanding and refinement of the spirit. Do not pour new wine into old wineskins.

We will not die, but we will change. It is said about the transfiguration of the spirit and the transfiguration of the flesh, about the New Heaven and the New Earth. Joy will crown the new firmament, both earthly and aboveground, and happiness, the happiness of all mankind will be its foundation. So, among the terrible last days battles, let us think about the halls of Light, intended for man and ready to receive him into their chambers according to the Word of the Lord of Light, called Compassion, for by Him the Fiery Majesty will descend to Earth. (GUY, v.13, 7A)

Many people throughout their lives, especially in difficult moments, ask themselves questions: why do I live? what is the purpose of my birth? what does the world want from me? why am I so lonely, why am I lost in the chaos around me, in this maelstrom of events? who are my true brothers and sisters? what is the purpose of human existence?

What is the purpose of human existence in terms of karma

We often do not find answers to these questions. But there are moments of insight when we know why, why and why... However, a little time passes, and our knowledge is covered with a veil of oblivion. It's like it's floating in the air.

In this regard, I recall a well-known anecdote when a father explains to a boy what philosophy is: “Philosophy, son, is when they look for a black cat in a black room that is not there, and at the same time everyone shouts: “I found it!”

And yet, let's try to look for that very "black cat" - the purpose of our incarnation in real life, the purpose of human existence. To do this, let's try to formulate the question a little differently, namely: what were our goals and objectives before this incarnation in this human being?

They can be identified by indirect signs if we evaluate the past years of our present life. The answer to this question becomes clear when we find the reasons for our actions, desires, intentions, etc.

I considered my personal, in the literal sense of the word, esoteric experience and the experience of the people around me with whom I interacted to one degree or another throughout my life.

People who voluntarily offered me to participate in an experiment - a game in the life of this incarnation, as well as in the life of all previous generations of our colleagues in "misfortune", embodied in physical body.

Their experience is described in numerous books and manuscripts, created over the centuries. We can probably already draw some conclusions about the goals and objectives with which we come into this world. To this end, we present some examples of such experiments.

One person decided to come into this world as a guinea pig. For some reason, she needed the experience of a “test pilot”, and someone has been experimenting on her all her life. But if this person knew in advance about his choice, then, I think, he would not suffer so much and would not constantly ask himself the question: “Why is this happening to me?” So, we are not victims, but volunteers.

Another person incarnated in this world, wanting to constantly learn something, and in any way. And now, as lessons, he very often receives “cuffs”, the process is difficult, and knowledge is not acquired. He is constantly faced with the task of trying to understand the meaning of the events happening to him and learn a lesson from this. So life is a real school!

What else could be the purpose of human life

And here is another purpose of human existence. We come here to repay debts. We got them in past lives, when we enjoyed ourselves at the expense of others, and now, unfortunately, we have to pay the bills.

Or perhaps we are fulfilling promises or vows in this life that we did not have time to fulfill in the past, because premature death did not give us this opportunity.

Among us there are also experimenters who in the present reincarnation are creators or co-creators. Do not be surprised when such people consider themselves marked by God, and, in fact, they are gods.

Incarnating on Earth, they realize their divine creative potential, which is embodied both in the transformation of the surrounding world into more harmonious forms, and in finding new ways to preserve the harmony already created by someone.

There are those for whom the purpose of this incarnation is observation. Divine observers, in this reincarnation they become the eyes of God, they came into this world to contemplate the fruits of the creativity of past lives - their own or their brothers in spirit. Such incarnations, however, are very rare in our world.

People carrying a great spiritual and educational mission on Earth come to our world infrequently. However, earthly history has preserved the memory of such incarnations - these are Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, great teachers and saints.

The purpose of the incarnation can be self-improvement, or simply “rest” - in the latter case, we will indulge in idleness and entertainment.

There are also “accidents” when we are drawn into the whirlpool of incarnation by accident, against our will, due to bad karma. Such a situation is not so rare.

Of course, in the examples listed above, we could not reflect all the possible goals and objectives of incarnations, and this is not possible. But one thing is clear: we are here, on this “sinful” Earth, embodied as a result of certain causes and consequences.

Therefore, once posed the question: “Why did we come into this world?” – should accompany us all our further life, until we answer it. Only when we find the answer, wandering in the fog of illusion will come to an end and we will be able to feel solid ground under our feet. Then we will see with all clarity the purpose of our reincarnation, and we will be filled with joy.

Finally, the true meaning of life will appear, and not the pathetic goal of the animal struggle for existence, which has become so deeply embedded in the consciousness of society that some countries have even laid it in the basis of their domestic and foreign policy programs.

Remember, for example, the survival schools that are popular in our time. Survival school - just think about the meaning of the name! - is the complete submission of oneself to animal instincts. This is scary! This is complete degradation! This is the approach of man to the monkey and further extinction of him as a species!

Modern man perverts even animal instincts due to his quirky mind. He became a predator that destroys all life in its path and even its very habitat, but it is not limited to this, erasing its own kind from the face of the earth.

How to know your life goals

Undoubtedly, in order to achieve the goals of human existence, it is necessary to solve a number of intermediate tasks. Let's try to answer this for ourselves. simple questions. True, some of them may seem not very simple, and sometimes even completely complex. But despite this, we will ask ourselves them. So…

What do I want from this life?

What do I want to achieve in this life and what do I need to do to achieve this?

To answer these questions, let's take a blank sheet of paper and write down on it in a column everything that you want to have or achieve. Here you can describe any desires, even if they seem too primitive or unrealizable. Let's write down here our aspirations, goals and objectives that we have set ourselves.

When the list is ready, we will combine wishes by topic. For example, “household items”, “transport”, “personal”, “family”, etc. Let's call the resulting structure the desire matrix.

Let's see which areas are the most overloaded, and which reflect only one single desire. The compiled list is a reflection of our future karma.

The Matrix of Desires and Purposes of Existence

After carefully reviewing the matrix of desires, we can immediately understand which of the areas consumes the most strength and energy, and which is less loaded. Don't let this activity seem useless to you.

First, this list is compiled only once in a lifetime,

Secondly, such work can be useful for identifying life priorities. He can especially help you at critical moments when you feel completely driven and lost and do not know what to grab onto and where to go.

Now, for example, let's choose some desire or goal from the list and voice it, ask ourselves (you can do it out loud): "Who wants this?" That is, who wants to implement given desire or goals?

Oddly enough, there can be several answers to the question posed. For example, I chose the following line from my list: "I want to eat organic food." I ask myself the question: “Who wants this?” The answer immediately sounds in my head: “My body, my body.”

I choose another desire from the list: “I want to always be neat.” I ask: "Who wants this?" Surprisingly, the answer simply stunned me: “This is what my mother wants!” This is where the real confusion lies. After all, my mother's desires are not my desires, they were imposed by her on me. So why are they on my list then? Or maybe there are other similar desires that other people have imposed on me?! This is where we begin to realize for the first time, to understand that desires can be true and false, imposed from the outside.

Let's subject the entire matrix of desires to a similar test, asking the same question: "Who wants this?" And so we work through each line of this list. As a result, we have two lists of our own and others' goals and desires. Having discarded the list of needs, desires and goals imposed on us by society, we get a personal list. Let's call it the matrix of true desires.

By the way, if you are interested, you can separately make a list of false desires that we considered our own: what does my mother want? what do my wife and my boss want? etc.

It is true desires that are the components of the goals of our incarnation. If I follow them, then I fulfill the karmic tasks set in this incarnation, and I will not have to start all over again in the next life. Following false goals and desires, going the wrong way, we do not fulfill life purpose and instead of improving our karma, we only aggravate it with our actions.

Of course, we have the right to do whatever we want and achieve whatever we aspire to. However, if we do not violate the basic laws of the universe, this leads to an improvement in karma or worst case does not affect it at all. Otherwise, as a result of our actions, negative karma increases.

Methodology for working with the matrix of desires

Let's go back to our desire matrix and work with it a little more. Let's arrange our needs, desires, goals, etc. levels by answering certain questions.

  • What does my body want?
  • What do my emotions want?
  • What does my ego want?
  • What does my mind want?
  • What does my soul want?
  • Now the desire matrix will have the following levels: body, emotions, ego, mind, soul.

So, having carried out such a simple analysis, it is already possible to roughly understand for what purposes and tasks we came into this world. However, not all answers lie on the surface. The system of programs for this life is a real iceberg, which also has an underwater part.

There are goals and objectives that we do not know about, or do not want to remember, or even do not allow the thought of them. What exactly is hidden from our consciousness?

These areas hidden from consciousness usually include debts to other people and the world, unfulfilled tasks of past lives that we are already tired of, and we are tired of returning to them again and again due to endless own mistakes etc.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that we have several destinations in this life.

Firstly, we came here for new experience, as well as for self-improvement in every conceivable and unimaginable plans.

Secondly, we came to correct ourselves, working on mistakes, eliminating the consequences of the sins of past lives and repaying the world around us with debts and obligations that we once assumed.

We are also here to test our spirituality: how ready we are to live according to cosmic laws and move to the next level of development. We ourselves, in turn, are a test for our parents, relatives, friends, etc., as, indeed, they are for us. We constantly test the strength of their spirit and faith in the Higher Powers.

In this life, we are observers and judges of ourselves and our actions, as well as the people around us and society as a whole.

Here is a small list of goals and objectives of real life, usually hidden by a veil of oblivion.

When we strive for a life goal, some obstacles often appear on the way. As a rule, we are able to overcome them: for this, we have in our arsenal countless options and methods. And everything would be within our reach if it were not for the obstacles that are within ourselves. This is a feeling of guilt, a tendency to sacrifice, the severity of unfulfilled debt, resentment against the people around them and themselves, and of course fears.

Even if we find out the goals and objectives for this incarnation, this knowledge should not turn into blind faith, we should be clearly aware of it and be sure that we are right. Our faith in the true goals and objectives, backed up by will and knowledge, allows us to realize ourselves most fully.

Why are goals so hard to achieve?

To solve problems, forces and means are needed, as well as the time and place of implementation, and this is determined solely by karmic laws.

Unfortunately, the society surrounding us with its false morality and false goals is by no means interested in realizing the true goals of our present incarnation.

A person who follows his destiny becomes free from oaths, obligations, vows, including religious ones, promises, missions that society has come up with in order to entangle him with networks of restrictions and trap his own fears. What for?

Such a person is easiest to control, limiting his freedom of will and freedom of choice. Undoubtedly, those people who hinder the freedom of choice of others and faithfully serve such a society living in a distorted world accumulate very large negative karma, and in subsequent lives, unfortunately, they begin to incarnate at a lower level: they become animals, birds, fish, insects and even worms.

The heavier their karma, the lower they will fall, and may end up at the lowest levels of incarnations - reborn in the demonic worlds. In Christianity, these worlds are called hell.

The journey through life is not an easy walk, it is often a very serious test. Therefore, in order not to go astray, you must develop your own philosophy, which will allow you to resist any false ideology that tries to lead you astray from the true path prescribed by karma.

If on your life path you meet a spiritual partner who can support you in difficult times, this is a case that should be considered as a gift of fate. It happens that there are also ideal lovers - those souls that go hand in hand from life to life, always, however, incarnating with different sexual characteristics.

On our life path, no one is immune from mistakes. But we must understand that we have the right to make mistakes, because life is also learning, and the one who learns must have different experiences. It is not for nothing that this is so well reflected in the Russian proverb: “For one beaten, they give two unbeaten!”

We must learn to forgive ourselves, as well as those around us, understanding that life is an acquisition of experience and all people who came into this world came here for this very reason.

So, from all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: we came here to learn and gain experience, but all the negativity that we encounter in life is a consequence of our mistakes that caused causal karmic processes.

What is the meaning of human life? Many people at all times thought about this question. For some, the problem of the meaning of human life does not exist at all as such, someone sees the essence of being in money, someone - in children, someone - in work, etc. Naturally, the greats of this world also puzzled over this question: writers, philosophers, psychologists. They devoted years to this, wrote treatises, studied the works of their predecessors, etc. What did they say about this? What was the meaning of life and the purpose of man? Let's get acquainted with some points of view, perhaps this will contribute to the formation of our own vision of the problem.

About the question in general

So, what is the point? Both Eastern sages and philosophers of completely different times tried to find the only correct answer to this question, but in vain. Every thinking person can also face this problem, and if we are not able to find the right solution, then we will try to at least reason and understand the topic a little. How to get as close as possible to the answer to the question of what is the meaning of human life? To do this, you need to determine for yourself the purpose, the purpose of your existence. Depending on what you want to achieve in a certain period, the meaning of a person’s life will also change. This is easy to understand with an example. If at the age of 20 you firmly decided for yourself to earn a lot of money, that is, you set such a task for yourself, then with each successful transaction, the feeling that life is filled with meaning will only grow. However, after 15-20 years, you will realize that you worked hard to the detriment of personal life, health, etc. Then all these years may seem, if not meaninglessly lived, then only partially meaningful. What conclusion can be drawn in this case? That a person's life should have a purpose (in this case, a meaning), even if it is transient.

Is it possible to live without meaning?

If a person is deprived of meaning in means that he has no intrinsic motivation, and this makes him weak. The absence of a goal does not allow you to take your own destiny into your own hands, to resist adversity and difficulties, to strive for something, etc. A person without the meaning of life is easily controlled, since he does not have his own opinion, ambitions, life criteria. In such cases, their desires are replaced by others, as a result of which individuality suffers, hidden talents and abilities do not appear. Psychologists say that if a person does not want or cannot find his own path, purpose, goal, then this leads to neurosis, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide. Therefore, each person must look for the meaning of his life, even if unconsciously, to strive for something, to wait for something, etc.

What is meant by the meaning of life in philosophy?

Philosophy about the meaning of human life can tell us a lot, so this question has always been in the first place for this science and its admirers and followers. Philosophers have been creating for thousands of years some ideals to which one had to strive, some laws of existence, in which the answer to the eternal question lay.

1. If, for example, we talk about ancient philosophy, then Epicurus saw the goal of being in obtaining pleasure, Aristotle - in achieving happiness through knowledge of the world and thinking, Diogenes - in striving for inner peace, in the denial of family and art.

2. To the question of what is the meaning of human life, the philosophy of the Middle Ages gave the following answer: one should honor the ancestors, accept the religious beliefs of the time, and pass all this on to posterity.

3. Representatives of the philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries also had their own view of the problem. Irrationalists saw the essence of being in a constant struggle with death and suffering; existentialists believed that the meaning of a person's life depends on himself; the positivists, on the other hand, considered this problem to be meaningless, since it is expressed linguistically.

Interpretation in terms of religion

Each historical epoch poses tasks and problems for society, the solution of which most directly affects how a person understands his destiny. As living conditions, cultural and social needs change, it is natural that a person's views on all issues also change. However, people have never abandoned the desire to find that one, so to speak, universal meaning of life, which would be suitable for any stratum of society, for each period of time. This same desire is reflected in all religions, among which Christianity is worth noting. The problem of the meaning of human life is considered by Christianity inseparable from the doctrine of the creation of the world, of God, of the fall, of the sacrifice of Jesus, of the salvation of the soul. That is, all these questions are seen on the same plane, respectively, the essence of being is presented outside of life itself.

The idea of ​​"spiritual elite"

Philosophy, or rather, some of its followers, considered the meaning of human life from another interesting point of view. AT certain time such ideas about this problem that cultivated the ideas of the “spiritual elite”, designed to save all of humanity from degeneration by introducing it to cultural and spiritual values, became widespread. So, for example, Nietzsche believed that the essence of life is that geniuses are constantly born, talented individuals who would elevate the common people to their level, deprive them of the feeling of orphanhood. K. Jaspers shared the same point of view. He was sure that representatives of the spiritual aristocracy should be a measure, a model for all other people.

What does hedonism say about this?

The founders of this doctrine are the ancient Greek philosophers - Epicurus and Aristippus. The latter argued that both bodily and spiritual pleasure is good for the individual, which should be positively evaluated, respectively, displeasure is bad. And the more desirable will be the pleasure, the stronger it is. The teaching of Epicurus on this issue has become a household word. He said that all living things are drawn to pleasure, and any person strives for the same. However, he receives not only sensual, bodily pleasure, but also spiritual.

Utilitarian theory

This kind of hedonism was developed mainly by the philosophers Bentham and Mill. The first, like Epicurus, was sure that the meaning of life and human happiness is only in obtaining pleasure and striving for it and in avoiding torment and suffering. He also believed that the criterion of utility could mathematically calculate a specific kind of pleasure or displeasure. And having made their balance, we can find out which act will be bad, which one will be good. Mill, who gave the current its name, wrote that if any action contributes to happiness, then it automatically becomes positive. And so that he would not be accused of selfishness, the philosopher said that it was important not only the happiness of the person himself, but also those around him.

Objections to hedonism

Yes, there were, and quite a few. The essence of the objections boils down to the fact that hedonists and utilitarians see the meaning of human life in the pursuit of pleasure. However, as shown life experience, a person, performing an act, does not always think what it will lead to: happiness or chagrin. Moreover, people deliberately do such things, which are obviously associated with hard work, torment, death, in order to achieve those goals that are far from personal benefit. Each individual is unique. What is happiness for one is torment for another.

Kant deeply criticized hedonism. He said that happiness, which hedonists speak of, is a very conditional concept. It looks different to everyone. The meaning and value of human life, according to Kant, lies in the desire of everyone to develop in themselves good will. Only in this way can perfection be achieved, fulfilled. Having a will, a person will strive for those actions that are responsible for his destiny.

The meaning of human life in the literature of Tolstoy L.N.

The great writer not only pondered, but even agonized over this question. In the end, Tolstoy came to the conclusion that the purpose of life is only the self-improvement of the individual. He was also sure that the meaning of the existence of one individual cannot be sought separately from others, from society as a whole. Tolstoy said that in order to live honestly, one must constantly fight, tear, get confused, because calmness is meanness. That is why the negative part of the soul seeks peace, but it does not understand that the achievement of the desired is associated with the loss of everything that is good and kind in a person.

The meaning of human life in philosophy was interpreted in different ways, this happened depending on many reasons, the currents of a particular time. If we consider the teachings of such a great writer and philosopher as Tolstoy, then the following is said there. Before deciding the question of the purpose of existence, it is necessary to understand what life is. He went over all the then known definitions of life, but they did not satisfy him, since they reduced everything only to biological existence. However, human life, according to Tolstoy, is impossible without moral, moral aspects. Thus, the moralist transfers the essence of life into the moral sphere. After Tolstoy turned to both sociology and religion in the hope of finding that single meaning that is intended for everyone, but all was in vain.

What is said about this in domestic and foreign literature?

In this area, the number of approaches to this problem and opinions is no less than in philosophy. Although many writers also acted as philosophers, they talked about the eternal.

So, one of the oldest is the concept of Ecclesiastes. It speaks of the vanity and insignificance of human existence. According to Ecclesiastes, life is nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. And such components of life as labor, power, love, wealth, have no meaning. It's the same as chasing the wind. In general, he believed that there was no point in human life no.

The Russian philosopher Kudryavtsev in his monograph put forward the idea that each person independently fills being with meaning. He only insists that everyone see the goal only in the "high" and not in the "low" (money, pleasure, etc.)

The Russian thinker Dostoevsky, who constantly "unraveled" the secrets of the human soul, believed that the meaning of a person's life is in his morality.

The meaning of being in psychology

Freud, for example, believed that the main thing in life is to be happy, to get maximum pleasure and enjoyment. Only these things are self-evident, but a person who thinks about the meaning of life is mentally ill. But his student, E. Fromm, believed that it is impossible to live without meaning. You need to consciously reach out to everything positive and fill your being with it. In the teachings of V. Frankl, this concept is given the main place. According to his theory, under no circumstances in life can a person fail to see the goals of existence. And you can find meaning in three ways: in deeds, in experiencing, in the presence of a certain position towards life circumstances.

Is there really a meaning to human life?

In this article, we consider such an ever-existing question as the problem of the meaning of human life. Philosophy on this score gives more than one answer, some options are presented above. But each of us at least once, but thought about the meaningfulness of their own existence. For example, according to sociologists, approximately 70% of the world's inhabitants live in constant fear, anxiety. As it turned out, they were not looking for the meaning of their existence, but simply wanted to survive. And for what? And that fussy and disturbing rhythm of life is a consequence of the unwillingness to understand this issue, at least for oneself. No matter how we hide, the problem still exists. Writers, philosophers, thinkers were looking for answers. If we analyze all the results, we can come to three judgments. Let's try to find the meaning, shall we?

Judgment one: there is no meaning and cannot be

This means that any attempt to find a goal is a delusion, a dead end, self-deception. Many philosophers adhered to this theory, including Jean-Paul Sartre, who said that if death awaits us all ahead, then there is no point in life, because all problems will remain unresolved. A. Pushkin and Omar Khayyam also remained disappointed and dissatisfied in the search for truth. It should be said that such a position of accepting the meaninglessness of life is very cruel, not every person is even able to survive it. Much in human nature opposes this view. On this occasion, the next paragraph.

Second judgment: there is a sense, but everyone has their own

Admirers of this opinion believe that there is a meaning, or rather, it should be, so we must invent it. This stage implies important step- a person stops running from himself, he must admit that being cannot be meaningless. In this position, the person is more frank with himself. If the question appears again and again, then it will not be possible to dismiss or hide from it. Please note that if we recognize such a concept as meaninglessness, by doing so we prove the legitimacy and right to exist of that very meaning. It's all good. However, representatives of this opinion, even acknowledging and accepting the question, could not find a universal answer. Then everything went according to the principle "once admitted - think for yourself." There are many paths in life, you can choose any of them. Schelling said that happy is the one who has a goal and sees in this the meaning of all life. A person with such a position will try to find meaning in all phenomena, events that happen to him. Someone will turn to material enrichment, someone - to success in sports, someone - to the family. Now it turns out that there is no universal meaning, so all those “meanings” are what? Only tricks that cover up the meaninglessness? And if, nevertheless, there is a common sense for everyone, then where to look for it? Let's move on to the third point.

Third judgment

And it sounds like this: there is a meaning in our existence, it can even be known, but only after you know the one who created this being. Here the question will already be relevant not about what is the meaning of a person's life, but about why he is looking for it. So, lost. The logic is simple. By committing sin, the person has lost God. And there is no need to come up with a meaning here, you just need to know the Creator again. Even a philosopher and a convinced atheist said that if the existence of God is excluded from the very beginning, then there is nothing to look for meaning at all, it will not exist. A bold decision for an atheist.

Most Common Answers

If you ask a person about the meaning of his existence, he is likely to give one of the following answers. Let's look at them in more detail.

In procreation. If you answer the question about the meaning of life in this way, then you show the nakedness of your soul. Do you live for children? To train them, put them on their feet? And what's next? Later, when the children grow up and leave the cozy nest? You will say that you will teach your grandchildren. Why? So that they, in turn, also do not have goals in life, but go along vicious circle? Procreation is one of the tasks, but it is not universal.

At work. For many people, future plans are career related. You will work, but for what? Feed the family, dress? Yes, but this is not enough. How to realize yourself? Also not enough. Even the ancient philosophers argued that work will not please for a long time if there is no common meaning in life.

In wealth. Many people believe that the accumulation of money is the main happiness in life. It becomes a passion. But in order to live fully, countless treasures are not needed. It turns out that making money all the time for the sake of money is pointless. Especially if a person does not understand why he needs wealth. Money can only be a tool for realizing its meaning, purpose.

In existence for someone. This is already more filled with meaning, although it is similar to the item about children. Of course caring for someone is a blessing, it is right choice but not enough for self-realization.

What to do, how to find the answer?

If, nevertheless, the question posed does not give you rest, then the answer should be sought in yourself. In this review, we briefly reviewed some of the philosophical, psychological, and religious aspects of the problem. Even if you read such literature for days and study all the theories, it is far from a fact that you will 100% agree with something and take it as a guide to action.

If you decide to find the meaning of your life, it means that something does not suit you in the present state of affairs. However, be careful: time is ticking, it will not wait for you to find something. Most people try to realize themselves in the above directions. Yes, please, if you like it, it brings pleasure, then who will forbid it? On the other hand, who said that it is impossible, that it is wrong, that we have no right to live like this (for children, for relatives, etc.)? Everyone chooses his own path, his own destination. Or maybe you shouldn't look for it? If something is prepared, then it will come anyway, without any extra effort on the part of a person? Who knows, maybe it's true. And don't be surprised if you see the meaning of life differently at every stage of your existence. This is fine. The nature of man in general is such that he constantly doubts something. The main thing is to be filled like a vessel, to do something, to devote your life to something.