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“University or college”: how to understand that it is better for your child to choose secondary vocational education? Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of Russia.

Starting September 1 current year, such a concept as initial professional education(NGO), will no longer exist in Russia. The norm of the new law “On Education”, which destroys NGOs as a separate level of education, throughout the development and discussion of the law more than once caused heated debate, both among ordinary Russians and in professional community.

Starting from September 1 of this year, such a thing as primary vocational education (PPE) will no longer exist in Russia. The norm of the new law “On Education”, which destroys NGOs as a separate level of education, has repeatedly caused heated debate throughout the development and discussion of the law, both among ordinary Russians and in the professional community. Critics fear that this rule will completely destroy the workforce training system. And the authors of the law are confident that nothing will prevent the implementation of worker training programs at technical schools, enterprises and even secondary schools.

Which one is right and how will it affect Secondary educational institutions of Russia new law"About education"? Exactly at this issue We will try to figure it out within the framework of this article. But first, let’s define what is hidden behind the concept of primary vocational education.

NGOs - from school to the ranks of workers

According to the Russian Law “On Education” of 1992, primary vocational education means the process of training qualified workers both and after graduation. high school. Educational programs NGOs ensure that students acquire a certain profession at the appropriate level without or with completion of secondary education. You can get an initial level of vocational education at a vocational school (today, many Russian vocational schools have been renamed colleges and vocational schools). technical lyceums).

In other words, a vocational school specializes in training skilled workers, while the worker does not necessarily have to study general education program(that is, to receive complete secondary education), and, as a result, to have the opportunity in the near future to continue their education at a technical school or university. It should be noted that primary vocational education in Russia is characterized by very low attractiveness among school graduates (each of us was probably “scared” by vocational school teachers at school). Experts attribute this fact not so much to the outdated content of educational programs, but to the low quality of education. At the same time, Russian business this moment is experiencing an acute shortage of skilled workers, which forces the country's government to actively work to increase the popularity of blue-collar jobs among young people.

The Law “On Education” is an attempt to restore the system of training the working class

It would seem that Article 10 of the Law “On Education”, from which it becomes clear that there will no longer be primary vocational education as such in Russia, has “finished off” already weak system training of workers. However, this may seem so only to an inexperienced layman and only at first glance, since if you carefully read this law, it becomes clear that this norm has given a start to the construction of a new, better system.

After all, giving up NGOs does not mean that there will be nowhere to get a blue-collar profession. Only vocational schools will disappear as independent form educational institution. The functions of vocational schools will be taken over by , which will now be able to provide students with broader opportunities: they will not only be able to get working profession, but also to become a mid-level specialist. Moreover, as before, go to technical school It will be possible, after 9th grade and simultaneously with studying subjects from the secondary school curriculum, not only to master the skills of a pre-selected profession, but also to receive secondary vocational education in a shorter period of time according to a shortened educational program.

In addition, vocational schools will be replaced by multidisciplinary training centers, on the basis of which it will be possible to obtain a high-level professional qualification or master another specialty. Due to the fact that specialized training centers will be equipped with the most modern production equipment, they will be able to train specialists in accordance with the most modern technologies production and labor market requirements.

Instead of a conclusion

As can be understood from all of the above, for Russian citizens the new law “On Education” does not bring any fundamentally important changes, except for one thing - it is now much easier to enter a secondary school.

The main goal of abandoning NGOs is to improve the quality of training of qualified workers. But, as before, students themselves will choose their level of preparation. If after technical school the student will consider that it is enough for him to have in his hands a document on obtaining a profession entry level, then he can refuse further education. However, if he wants to get a higher level of training, he will be able to do it much better and faster than before.

Any secondary school (decoding - secondary special educational institution) implements SVE programs - secondary vocational education, as well as NPO programs - initial training of qualified specialists.

Ssuzy - volumetric segment educational system Russian Federation: according to statistics, approximately a quarter of the population modern Russia has an NPO or SPO.


Secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia began to form in the mid-19th century. In 1853, the Ministry of Finance Russian Empire, which had jurisdiction over mining, processing and manufacturing enterprises, the Ural Mining School was founded, the training of specialists in which lasted four years. The school differed from other educational institutions of this direction high level not only practical, but also theoretical training of students. Until 1917, USU graduated about eight hundred qualified specialists who successfully applied their knowledge and skills in industry at mines, factories and mines.

Before the revolution, 5 more colleges were opened in the Russian Empire, education in which was free of charge:

  • Art and Industrial School for the training of draftsmen, jewelers, artists and lapidaries (1902);
  • Ekaterinoslav Teachers' Institute, where teachers were trained for primary schools (1912);
  • Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary (1912-1917);
  • Music College (1916);
  • Private paramedic school of the 1st category by R. N. Klenova (1910).

Since 1920, all secondary specialized educational institutions were called technical schools. Since the start of implementation in 1923 educational reform People's Commissar Lunacharsky technical schools have finally strengthened in Soviet system education as an intermediate link between secondary schools and universities. As an example of an exemplary secondary school on the basis of the Tomsk Practical Polytechnic College, PSPT named after. Comrade Timiryazev, according to whose model other secondary-level educational institutions were reorganized. The founding of colleges has become widespread since 1930. At the same time, the system of factory and factory schools was updated and expanded. The “technical school boom” continued until 1941.

Educational programs in secondary schools

Open source software programs provide average level vocational training. According to such curriculum Practitioners of scarce professions are trained, which are extremely necessary to ensure the full functioning of the economy. Within the framework of secondary vocational education programs, students master professions in the field Agriculture, healthcare, industry, transport, construction, culture, communications.

SPO receives:

  • in colleges;
  • technical schools;
  • some schools.

Secondary education is being implemented in colleges higher level, in technical schools - basic with a duration of training from 2 to 3 years. Advanced college programs are typically 4 years long. Sometimes they study at special faculties of universities in secondary vocational education programs.

The education that can be obtained at a college opens up good opportunities for graduates career prospects. Students of these educational institutions master applied skills: more than 50% of classroom hours are devoted to practical exercises. Thus, college graduates are specialists who are fully prepared to work in enterprises.

Primary vocational education gives college graduates a starting level of knowledge and skills. Compared to a specialist with open professional education, a professional with non-technical professional training is ready for a less wide range of activities. For example, if a graduate with a secondary vocational education acquires the competencies of a mechanical technician, then the holder of an advanced training program in the same field is only an auto mechanic.

IN Soviet period They studied at vocational schools under NGO programs. Today most of schools were renamed into PTL (technical lyceums). NGO programs can also be implemented on the basis of universities, if the institution of higher professional education has the appropriate license.

Institutions with the status of colleges

  1. Technical colleges and schools. They are divided:
  • for educational autonomous government institutions;
  • just educational state institutions of secondary vocational education;
  • secondary vocational educational institutions non-state form organizations;
  • non-profit autonomous open source organizations.

You can enter technical schools after 11th or 9th grade. Entrance exams have been replaced by the Unified State Exam and State Examination, based on the results of which applicants are admitted. Graduates of the 11th grade cannot count on a deferment of military service, and students admitted after the 9th grade have this right for the period until the end of their studies, but not later in the day execution of 20 years.

  1. Colleges. Their name comes from the Latin collegium, which means “classical”. In such secondary schools, students study under secondary vocational education programs of basic and advanced levels of training. Admission is possible after the 9th or 11th grade of school. Educational programs in colleges are focused on teaching students skills and knowledge of a primarily practical nature. Colleges are:
  • medical;
  • musical and theatrical;
  • Humanities;
  • financial and economic;
  • pedagogical;
  • maritime and aviation;
  • technological and polytechnic
  • legal;
  • construction;
  • agricultural.

Education in secondary schools of this format is structured according to the university type. Students are issued grade books and student cards.

The structure of secondary vocational education plays out today vital role in the matter of training highly qualified workers.

The need for specialist practitioners is increasing every day. At the same time, with the development of the economy and production, the requirements for their professionalism and level of qualifications regularly increase.

The shortage of personnel increases interest in secondary vocational education specialists. Positions that were previously considered unprestigious are now increasingly in demand on the labor market. The issue of personnel training in these areas is becoming relevant. In this regard, specialized educational institutions engaged in training mid-level personnel (colleges) still occupy a strong place in the Russian education system.

State institutions of secondary vocational education currently provide training in 280 different specialties. With the development and modification of production, this list is regularly growing and replenished.

Types of colleges

Secondary vocational education can be implemented at two levels. There are initial and advanced levels.

Today in Russian Federation There are two types of educational institutions engaged in training specialists in the field of second-level vocational education:

  • technical school is the main type of educational institution where students have the opportunity to receive secondary vocational basic education;
  • college is an institution of an advanced level where advanced programs are taught (can be a subordinate department of a university or institute or an independent structure).

Primary vocational education, in turn, can be obtained at lyceums and vocational schools (vocational schools). These educational institutions have different educational backgrounds.

A vocational lyceum differs from a college in a higher level of student training.

Upon completion of an educational institution with in-depth teaching, the graduate is awarded the qualification of “specialist”; students of lyceums and colleges are awarded the qualification of “entry-level specialist”.

Entry-level secondary vocational education

Average professional institutions in the field of initial training they include specialized lyceums and schools.

Number of establishments with basic training is about 4 thousand in our country today. More than 1.5 million teenagers visit them.

Citizens who have received vocational primary education have the right to continue their educational career in higher-level secondary schools under shortened programs.

Also, if necessary, students can obtain a certificate of general secondary education. To do this you must submit State exam, on the basis of which the corresponding document is issued.

Graduates who have received an entry-level secondary vocational education have the right to continue their educational career in technical schools, colleges, and higher educational institutions.

Advanced secondary vocational education

Those wishing to receive an advanced secondary education must choose for admission not a lyceum, not a vocational school, but a college or technical school.

In Russia there are more than 2.5 thousand colleges with in-depth study, which is attended by approximately 2.3 million students.

Secondary specialized educational institutions receive an increased level through the introduction of additional programs into educational standards:

  • professional practice;
  • in-depth study individual items and disciplines;
  • obtaining an additional specialty in parallel with the main one.

Education at advanced colleges is as close as possible to university education. Students here have a larger number of classroom hours than in primary education institutions, take exams and tests, write coursework and dissertations.

For example, students who choose Construction College, along with university graduates of the same field, it is necessary to pass and defend qualifying graduation projects related to specialized topics. The only difference is the lower requirements for college students. Therefore, advanced secondary educational institutions can be considered the lowest level of higher professional education.

Often colleges are structural unit university and are under the authority of this educational institution. Students planning to continue their studies at institutions of higher education should pay attention to this fact. Having a diploma from such a college, graduates have the right to receive specialized education at the university under shortened programs. This is a great advantage, as it makes it possible to shorten the period of study at a university, as well as combine work and study.

Admission conditions

Persons who have received basic general or secondary education can enter colleges. general education. This point is one of the main requirements.

Applicants to educational institutions of primary vocational education are exempt from passing mandatory entrance exams. To enroll, you must submit the following documents:

  • original document about school education(9 or 11 grades);
  • 4 photos (3 x 4);
  • medical certificate;
  • copies of passport and birth certificate;
  • application addressed to the director for enrollment.

In some cases, upon admission to certain specialties of secondary vocational education, if necessary, at the discretion of the educational institution, an interview with the candidate is conducted. The applicant may be asked to take written and knowledge level tests. school subjects. Similar requirements may be presented if the number of people wishing to study in a given specialty exceeds the number budget places. In such a situation, the competition is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the tests passed.

Admission to higher-level secondary vocational education institutions is carried out on a competitive basis based on entrance exams.

One of the main requirements for colleges is the presence of a license. Therefore, before submitting documents to either a government or commercial institution, you should make sure that the institution has the appropriate document with a current validity period.

Students who need housing during their studies are provided with a dormitory.

Outside of competition, the following categories of citizens are enrolled in colleges:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • persons of other categories whose preferential admission is provided by the state.

With the development of modern information technologies The process of submitting documents to secondary vocational educational institutions is modified and simplified. Many institutions actively use Internet technologies to accept applications. Application forms are posted on the official website of the educational institution.

This method is convenient for both applicants and members admissions committee. In order to apply, you must fill out a form on the educational institution’s website. The decision to participate in the competition is made remotely. The applicant submits the original documents after receiving a positive decision. Until this moment, his personal presence is not necessary.

Forms and duration of training

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at following forms training:

  • full-time;
  • part-time (evening);
  • correspondence

The period for obtaining primary vocational education is from two to three years on the basis of nine grades and from one to two years after eleven grades. The timing directly depends on the educational institution and the chosen specialty.

The duration of receiving secondary advanced vocational education is also determined by the level of training of students. For those admitted after ninth grade, it ranges from three to four years. Based on eleven classes - from two to three years.

Deadlines for submitting documents

Educational institutions have the right to set their own deadlines for accepting documents. Typically, the commission begins work in June, after the end of final exams (but no later than the 20th), and accepts applications until the end of August (but no later than the 26th).

It should be borne in mind that the application deadlines for full-time and part-time, budget and contract forms of education may vary.

Educational standards

As a rule, standards for secondary vocational education consist of two parts. The first one is federal program, approved by the Ministry of Education. This document may be modified every year. General standards and requirements adopted in relation to colleges are required to be followed by all institutions in the field of secondary vocational education.

The second is a program approved at the regional level. Therefore, persons studying in the same type of educational institutions can study different subjects and have different quantities classroom hours.

Advanced secondary vocational education programs allow for the acquisition of additional specialties on a budgetary or paid basis.

Upon completion of training, students are required to undergo After successful completion graduates are awarded a qualification. When negative result the student receives a certificate of completion of the course of study at this institution indicating the duration and number of classroom hours.

Persons who did not pass final certification, have the right to pass it next year.


Students receiving secondary vocational education have the right to study at an educational institution for free.

Graduates of institutions who have received an entry-level diploma and decide to continue their educational career at colleges or technical schools may also qualify for government funding.

Receiving a second education at a college of the same level is only paid.

In addition, lyceums and vocational schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities offer the opportunity for contract training on a commercial basis.

Students studying on a budget receive a scholarship in the prescribed manner.

Specialties of secondary vocational education

For those who decide to get a humanitarian or technical education, specialties, the list of which is approved for educational institutions The Ministry of Education provides an opportunity to master a worthy profession.

Secondary vocational educational institutions provide training in the following sectors:

  • agriculture and fisheries;
  • medicine and healthcare;
  • fuel and energy sector;
  • production of food, beverages and tobacco products;
  • manufacturing of textile products;
  • production of leather goods and footwear;
  • woodworking;
  • pulp and paper production;
  • publishing and printing production, production of printed materials;
  • production of petroleum products, gas and nuclear industries;
  • chemical production;
  • production of electrical equipment and optical equipment;
  • machine production;
  • production of rubber and plastic products;
  • metallurgy;
  • transport production;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • jewelry;
  • production of musical instruments;
  • production of sporting goods;
  • processing of recyclable materials;
  • other production;
  • hotel and restaurant services;
  • trade (wholesale and retail);
  • logistics;
  • construction;
  • educational and pedagogical activities;
  • medicine and healthcare;
  • financial activities;
  • Social sciencies;
  • real estate;
  • natural Sciences;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • Culture and art;
  • economics and Management;
  • Information Security;
  • service;
  • land management and geodesy;
  • geology and minerals;
  • aviation, rocket and space technology;
  • marine technology;
  • radio engineering;
  • automation and control;
  • Informatics and Computer Science;
  • timber processing;
  • protection environment and life safety.

The specialization of educational institutions is often associated with regional characteristics, the specifics of the economy and production in a particular region. In order to train qualified personnel, career guidance is carried out at educational institutions.

Vocational school, technical school or college - what to choose?

The choice of educational institution directly depends on your plans.

If after graduation you want to become a university student, a college with training in this specialty is most suitable (for example, for subsequent admission to construction university it is worth choosing a construction college; in order to further master the profession of a doctor - Medical College and so on).

Working specialty highly qualified you will receive at a specialized technical school.

Advanced secondary schools also train middle-level intellectual workers - accountants, primary and secondary school teachers, auditors, as well as specialists in many other areas.

If you want to get a specialty in a short time, best choice will become secondary vocational education at the primary level.

How to correctly decipher the abbreviation SSUZ ov.

Ssuz– secondary specialized educational institution.

Question No. 287246

Hello, Help Desk. Please tell me what letters in the text of the dissertation (uppercase or lowercase) we use to write the word: ssuz, ssuz a, ssuz y?

Answer help desk Russian language

Abbreviation secondary school written in lowercase. See: Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Ed. V. V. Lopatina, O. E. Ivanova. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – M., 2012.

Question No. 275297
Hello, why are the abbreviations SMI, JSC and other similar abbreviations written in capitals, while colleges, universities, and railways are written in lowercase?

Russian language help desk response

The abbreviations college and university are exceptions. Other initial abbreviations are written in capital letters. As for railway, this is not an abbreviation, but a graphic abbreviation.

Question No. 273098
Good afternoon In light of your answer to my question, (I quote:

Hello, is the phrase “secondary specialized education” written correctly? Is a hyphen necessary in this case? Thank you.

Russian language help desk response
Correct: secondary specialized education.) you must set the following:
But what about the name of the educational institution? For example, in the sentence “together with higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the city...” is it also incorrect to write a motto? Thank you so much in advance.

Russian language help desk response

Right: secondary specialized educational institution (secondary educational institution); together with higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the city.

Continuing the question about secondary specialized education: pay attention now secondary specialized educational institution- This educational institution secondary vocational education(see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2008 No. 543). According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, in our country there are established next levels vocational education: 1) secondary vocational education; 2) higher education – bachelor’s degree; 3) higher education – specialty, master’s degree; 4) higher education – training of highly qualified personnel.

Question No. 247335
Good morning! Please clarify the situation: "As in official documents write the abbreviation “universities” or “universities”, “SSUZ s” or “ssuz s”. Thank you

Russian language help desk response

These abbreviations are written lowercase letters: universities, colleges.

Question No. 238356
Please explain the correct spelling of the word "pif". According to the rules for writing abbreviations (D. E. Rosenthal's Handbook), the word must be written in lowercase letters: this is an abbreviation read by sounds, formed from common noun(mutual investment fund; that is, essentially the same as a university). However, I have never seen any other spelling other than in capital letters: PIF. What are your recommendations? Sincerely,

Russian language help desk response

Only a very few abbreviations that have existed in the language for a long time and are no longer perceived by many as abbreviations, but as ordinary words, are written in lowercase letters: pillbox(from long-term firing point ), university, college, registry office(writing MARRIAGE REGISTRY also correct) and some others. The vast majority of abbreviations are written in capital letters. Right: Mutual Fund.

Question No. 236654
Good afternoon Still haven't received a response. But it’s urgent, the newspaper is sent to print. Please clarify some controversial points. In some phrases the meaning is distorted if you do not decline such abbreviations as TsOK, RES, SIP
for example: We know what contribution these people made to the creation and development of the RES. (in this case we're talking about about several areas). Or Six additional CSCs have been created.
What to do in such cases? After all, the declination of universities and Suzov is acceptable in writing. Thanks for the answer.

Russian language help desk response

It is normative to declension of such abbreviations that have long existed in the language and are no longer perceived as abbreviations, but as ordinary nouns of the second (by school grammar) declination: university, college, registry office(they are written in lowercase letters). The rest of the abbreviations begin with a consonant and decline to colloquial speech (I work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), but in writing they should not be declined (even if we are talking about the plural).

Question No. 228519
Please answer urgently: should the words “universities” and “colleges” be written in lowercase or capital letters?

Russian language help desk response

These words are written in lowercase letters: _universities, colleges_.
Question No. 223368
in your dictionaries the abbreviation “university” is written in both lowercase and in capital letters, and the abbreviations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Housing and Communal Services - only in capitals? WHY? After all, both and the third are abbreviations.

Russian language help desk response

Almost all abbreviations are written with capital letters, but _ssuz, registry office, university_ are exceptions. Spelling of words is checked using a spelling dictionary
Question No. 210104
Good evening! Would you be so kind as to explain, please, which letters are the correct way to write the word “University”, uppercase or uppercase? And please provide a link to the rule that you followed.

Russian language help desk response

Best regards, Stanislav. Almost all abbreviations are written with capital letters, but _ssuz, registry office, university_ are exceptions. The spelling of the abbreviation is recorded in Russian spelling dictionary
Question No. 206008

Russian language help desk response

I’m turning to you, I don’t know how many times... please tell me why the abbreviation vocational school (vocational school) is written in capital letters, and secondary school (secondary specialized educational institution) - in lowercase letters? What is the fundamental difference between them, and how to explain their different spellings if these two abbreviations are on the same line in the text?

Almost all abbreviations are written with capital letters, _ssuz, registry office, university_ are exceptions.

Advice to parents of applicants is given by qualified psychologists and career guidance specialists. (Kazan, July 5, Tatar-inform). Every year in summer time

If 10 years ago the choice between colleges and universities was not even discussed in the families of “shock students” and medal winners, now, given the obvious increase in the level of teaching, equipment and prestige of secondary vocational educational institutions, parents and graduates are faced with even more Difficult choice. According to the results of surveys by VTsIOM and Levada Center, back in 2015, more than half of Russians considered the importance of higher education compared to secondary specialized education to be exaggerated. Over the years, the number of loyal to the average special education compatriots is only increasing.

As the main arguments for starting training in colleges, Russians cite a “lightweight” admission model, which involves taking into account only the average score of the certificate, without passing the Unified State Exam for graduates of 11th grade and excluding OGE grades for 9th graders. Significant reasons for choosing a college also include the significantly shorter duration of study programs (college programs - up to 4 years, technical schools - up to 3 years), as well as the work experience that college students gain during their studies. On average, college students undergo 4-5 “internships” at partner enterprises of the educational institution with the opportunity to receive recommendations and subsequent employment.

How to understand that it is better for a child to first choose an institution of secondary vocational education rather than a university - Tatar-inform answers this question to career guidance specialists, certified teachers and psychologists.

« Parents and children themselves have finally begun to elevate employment and wages as criteria of prestige»

If the direction of study chosen by the graduate is consistent with the programs of secondary vocational educational institutions, and the scientific theoretical field of activity is not yet included in the child’s plans, then it is worth seriously thinking about the prospects of entering colleges or technical schools, says Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of K(P)FU, Ph.D. psychological sciences Ramil Garifullin. At the moment, parents need to objectively perceive the situation on the labor market: salaries, connections between educational institutions and production, soberly and objectively assess the situation, trying to get rid of the labels that have historically been attached to higher education institutions, the expert is sure.

“Market realities, unfortunately or fortunately, have changed. An adequate parent needs to understand and show the child that now there are a huge number of educational institutions with status and prestigious titles of a university or institute. But the importance of these universities is no longer as high as before, especially considering the objective criterion of employment and distribution. You can finish very prestigious university, but as a result, unfortunately, its graduates will not be provided with jobs. If parents and children analyze the statistics, they will see that the number of colleges is growing, after which graduates are assigned to serious production in large companies and projects,” Garifullin emphasized. - According to the same statistics, more and more institutions of secondary vocational education are now appearing in Tatarstan, and entering them is just as difficult as entering universities. Competition for colleges is growing. And why? Because parents and children themselves have finally begun to elevate final result- employment and wages.”

At the moment, there are dozens of colleges, schools and technical schools operating in the republic, some of them have been competing with universities in terms of the number of people applying for a place for several years. The College of Information Technologies has had high competition for most specialties for several years, in Kazan drama school several times higher than in the Kazan theater department state institute culture. WITH teacher education things are about the same: graduates Pedagogical College are more successful with the employer than graduates of the Institute of Pedagogy who have higher education, the specialist explained.

“The status of secondary vocational educational institutions is growing because, more than ever, colleges are tied social order to production, to practice, to economics, their learning programs relatively short and not clogged with unnecessary disciplines, purely practice. Parents need to clearly understand that the programs of secondary vocational educational institutions are based on the necessary distillation of theory and a huge number practices, while at universities things are inversely proportional. People come to universities to acquire a theoretical base, improve their qualifications in the theoretical, scientific part, and study scientific work, they go to college for practical education in a short time and with guarantees of employment,” noted the agency’s interlocutor.

The admission decision must consist of several components

“The question of choosing the level of an educational institution has indeed ceased to be unambiguous at the moment. On the one hand, many parents still believe that only a complete higher education can guarantee their child success in professional activity, this position is currently a relic of the past, the same one in which only a few received higher education. Now it makes no sense to push a child into a once prestigious specialty or university, if there is no reason good reasons. If a graduate knows exactly what specialty in which university he wants to study, what skills he can master while studying at a particular university, where he can apply them, and all this is consistent with real situation cases, in this case, studying at a university is necessary and should be supported by parents,” expressed the opinion of Iskander Sabirov, a specialist in career guidance for schoolchildren. - But such cases are very rare. More often, the choice of a university is determined precisely by the conviction of the graduate’s parents that secondary vocational education cannot provide a ticket to life.”

The expert explained that vocational education institutions, unlike universities, give their students the opportunity to plunge into the profession from the very first year of study, to encounter practical work, the everyday life of the chosen specialty and very quickly understand whether this is really what the young man wants.

"If a child has no inclination to theoretical training, and in the future - more serious scientific activity, if he or she has clearly expressed desires and, importantly, the ability to certain types practical activities, whether it’s construction, chemistry, industrial design or hairdressing, parents should seriously consider vocational education institutions. Because studying there will give the child a basis for the profession and introduce him to the scope of application of the acquired knowledge. You need to understand that the decision to enter a particular educational institution should consist of several components: choice and preferences, the child’s inclinations, the prospects of the specialty, that is, the presence in the region of residence of demand for this specialty, companies and organizations recruiting young personnel for the right direction"- said Sabirov.

In Tatarstan today there are about 90 state and commercial secondary vocational educational institutions: pedagogical, medical, agro-industrial, technical, petrochemical and creative colleges and technical schools opened admission campaigns on June 20. Acceptance of documents and applications from applicants to colleges of the republic will continue until August 15. For college applicants entering creative specialties, for which a separate procedure has been established additional tests and competitions, according to the Law “On Education”, must submit an application for admission and documents no later than August 10.