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Experimental psychology. Book: A

AT study guide written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard, are considered psychological features theory and practice psychological experiment. The main characteristics of the experiment are revealed, psychological foundations experimental process, features of the psychological and ethical culture of the experimenter, principles of organization of interaction between the experimenter and the subject, psychological features of experiment planning. This edition compares favorably with other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of the material, which makes it easier for students to master this discipline. All material is presented in the form of easy-to-read diagrams and tables, accompanied by comments. Therefore, it is easily digested and quickly remembered, which allows you to save time and prepare for seminars and seminars in the shortest possible time. practical training in psychology, as well as for a test or exam. Each chapter ends with tests for self-control. At the end of the book are the keys to the tests, a glossary, an index and recommended reading. For bachelors, students and teachers of higher educational institutions students in psychological specialties, psychologists and all those interested in the psychology of the experiment.

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Stanislav Grof is widely recognized as the founder and theorist of transpersonal psychology, and his pioneering research on non-ordinary states of consciousness is an important contribution to understanding the nature of consciousness and healing. In this final book, Grof offered readers an unprecedented amount of data, experiences and facts about non-ordinary states of consciousness, collected by him in the course of almost half a century of research.


INTRODUCTION The book "100 Great Psychologists" could well have been called differently. For example, "200 great psychologists" or "300" and even more. The question of who is more or less great hardly makes any sense at all. Psychology can be compared to the night sky, in which, in addition to the stars visible to the naked eye, there are many more luminaries that a person can see only with the help of strong optics. But nevertheless they exist and are also part of the universe. So is psychology, in whose history there are many forgotten, half-forgotten or simply “not so great” ...

Stars at the reception at the psychologist. Psychoanalysis… Ramil Garifullin

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General designation various kinds the study of psychic phenomena through experimental methods. The application of the experiment played essential role in the transformation of psychological knowledge, in the transformation of psychology from a branch of philosophy into ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

The study of mental phenomena using experimental methods of observation, test and questionnaire; founded by Fechner, Weber, Helmholtz, Wundt and others in the middle. 19th century; It is used mainly in the field of psychology of feelings, as well as in ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY- EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. Branch of psychology; common name various types of research of mental phenomena through experimental methods. E. p. enriches the methodology with the results of research concerning the patterns of arbitrary ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

experimental psychology general designation all types of scientific and psychological research carried out through various experimental methods. Experimental psychology is not some special kind of psychology ... Wikipedia

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY- the study of mental phenomena using experimental methods of observation of the test and questionnaire. The achievements of experimental psychology have become widespread in various fields human activity from preschool pedagogy before… … Professional education. Vocabulary

Science is relatively new and still little known in Russian society. Many treat it with prejudice and cannot reconcile themselves to the idea of ​​the existence of some kind of psychological laboratories. Connecting with the word laboratory the idea of ​​... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

experimental psychology Dictionary-reference book on educational psychology

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY- region psychological knowledge associated with experimental studies psyche on the basis of establishing a connection between two phenomena through given changes in one and observed in the other. In E. p., methods of organizing and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY- A very general term that can be applied to any approach to learning psychological problems that use experimental procedures. Previously, this term was limited laboratory psychology but now he... Dictionary in psychology

experimental psychology- a general designation of various types of research of mental phenomena through experimental methods ... Dictionary of Educational Psychology

Experimental psychology Specialization: experimental psychology ... Wikipedia

publishing house Alpina Publisher Year of publication 2018

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is absolutely sure that a person can and has the right to be happy and do only what he wants. His book is about how to understand yourself, find harmony and learn to enjoy life. The author explores the reasons preventing mental... Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is absolutely sure that a person can and has the right to be happy and do only what he wants. His book is about how to understand yourself, find harmony and learn to enjoy life. The author explores the reasons preventing mentally healthy lifestyle life: where do we get conscious and unconscious anxieties, fears, inability to listen to ourselves and build relationships with other people?
Distinctive feature Labkovsky's approach - in specifics. For any complex issue he always gives the most intelligible answer. His statements and advice are so radical that many are initially surprised, if not shocked. In the recommendations, the author does not hide behind streamlined formulations, but clearly names the causes of the problems. And most importantly, he knows how to solve this problem - without digging into childhood psychotrauma and a close analysis of your past. If a person has the knowledge and desire, then it is quite possible to change yourself and your life for the better.
The goal of any psychologist's work is...
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Publishing house Eksmo Year of publication 2009

Why even the smartest, most successful and attractive women do not always understand the actions of men and are unhappy in personal life? According to the author of this book, who hosts a hugely popular relationship radio show in the US, the problem is that women... Why even the most intelligent, successful and attractive women do not always understand the actions of men and are unhappy in their personal lives? According to the author of this book, who hosts a hugely popular relationship radio show in the US, the problem is that women turn to other women for advice. Although a man knows better how to find and keep a man.
In this book, Steve Harvey provides an excellent opportunity to understand the train of thought of the stronger sex, answering many burning questions. For example, such: “What you should and what you cannot demand from your man?”, “How to recognize a sissy and what to do in this case?”, “When to introduce a gentleman to your children?”, “What five questions you need to ask a man to determine the seriousness of his intentions?
Funny and sometimes harsh, but always true, this book is a must read if you want to know what men really think about relationships with women.

The textbook systematizes knowledge in the field of experimental psychology, from its methodological difficulties to practical applied aspects. All material is presented in the form of diagrams, accompanied by comments, and follows the logic scientific research as well as its description.
The content of the manual meets all the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the discipline "Experimental Psychology".
The manual is intended for students, undergraduates and graduate students of psychological specialties, and will also be useful to anyone who is interested in psychology as a science.

As awareness own subject research, development methods specific scientific discipline acquired its own face and separated from the foremother of sciences - philosophy. For the sciences of nature, the determining method of research is experiment. It is he who makes it possible to directly interact with the subject of study, and therefore, provides an opportunity for an objective verification of our ideas about nature.
Psychology is one of those sciences that study man; man, as you know, is a part of nature (not to be confused with the king!). Therefore, psychology has repeated the path of development of all natural sciences.
I. Kant at the end of the XVIII century. argued that it was impossible to create a science of psychology, like chemistry and others natural sciences, since in the study of the secrets of the soul it is impossible to apply mathematics and experiment. By already in mid-nineteenth in. The works of Fechner and Wundt appeared in which the subject of psychology research was determined and the foundations of a psychological experiment were laid. From this milestone begins the history of psychology as a science. Thus, her age did not even reach 150 years; she is one of the youngest.
The application of the experiment required the involvement of mathematics; A close relationship with the latter testifies to the level of development of the scientific discipline. Active use experimental and mathematical methods allowed psychology, despite its young age, to take its rightful place among the most developed sciences at the present time.

Preface 7
Chapter 1. Principles of Scientific Research 9
1.1. Experimental psychology as a scientific discipline 10
1.2. Three Approaches to Cognition 12
1.3. Stages of development of knowledge 14
1.4. Correspondence between different approaches to cognition and stages of development of cognition 16
1.5. The essence of the nomothetic approach 18
1.6. Theory and experiment 20
1.7. Theory Testing Principles 22
1.8. Real world and its presentation in scientific knowledge 24
1.9. Some features of theory construction 26
1.10. Empirical workload of the theory (Holzkamp's scheme) 28
1.11. Four "formal steps" of experimentation 30
1.12. Interpretation and explanation of results 32
1.13. Generalization. Types of generalizations 34
1.14. Explanations 36
1.15. Findings 38
1.16. Erroneous conclusions 40
1.17. Main stages of scientific research 42
1.18. Psychological Research Hypothesis 44
1.19. Main characteristics scientific hypothesis 46
1.20. "Good" hypothesis 48
1.21. Content of experimental (working) hypotheses 50
1.22. Types of hypotheses 52
1.23. Variants of hypotheses 54
1.24. The main problems of empirical science 56
1.25. Empirical Induction Doctrine 58
1.26. Experimental hypothesis as the main instrument of empirical research 60
1.27. Experimental hypothesis in an empirical study 62
Chapter 2 Methodological foundations psychological research 65
2.1. What makes psychology a science? 66
2.2. Subject of Psychology 68
2.3. Research methods 70
2.4. The structure of the psyche 72
2.5. The structure of the psyche according to V.A. Hansen 74
2.6. Creation scientific psychology 76
2.7. G. T. Fechner and W. Wundt 78
2.8. Attributes of Scientific Psychology 80
2.9. Relationship between experimental and general psychology 82
2.10. Methodological foundations of experimental psychology 84
2.11. Methodological principles 86
2.12. Development of empirical research tools 88
2.13. Subject and tasks of experimental psychology 90
2.14. Experiment - the basis of psychological research 92
2.15. Criticism of experimental psychology 94
2.16. Levels mental reflection and regulation 96
2.17. The ratio of hermeneutics and natural scientific method 98
2.18. Experiment in psychology - arguments "against" and "for" 100
2.19. Directions in psychology 102
2.20. Behaviorism 104
2.21. Psychology in Russia 106
2.22. Activity theory 108
2.23. Ethics of psychological research 110
Chapter 3. Classification of research methods in psychology 113
3.1. Classification of methods of psychological research 114
3.2. Examples of criteria (grounds) for classification 116
3.3. Classification of methods G. D. Pir'ova 118
3.4. Classification by B. G. Ananiev 120
3.5. Classification by V. V. Nikandrov 122
3.6. Classification by M. S. Rogovin and G. V. Zalevsky 124
3.7. Classification by V. N. Druzhinin 126
3.8. Organizational Methods 128
3.9. Classification by I. Shvantsara and V. Smekal 130
3.10. Classification by A. I. Khudyakov and K. D. Zarochentsev 132
Chapter 4 Processing Research Results 135
4.1. Results of the empirical study (data) 136
4.2. Presentation and processing of data 138
4.3. General scheme processing of research results 140
4.4. Qualitative Analysis 142
4.5. Quantitative Analysis 144
4.6. Primary processing data 146
4.7. Building a histogram 148
4.8. Secondary processing data 150
4.9. Numerical characteristics histograms 152
4.10. Parametric statistics 154
4.11. Probability distribution laws 156
4.12. normal law probability distribution 158
4.13. Adoption statistical solution 160
4.14. Statistical test 162
4.15. concept statistical sample 164
4.16. The sequence of data processing on the example of comparing two samples 166
4.17. concept correlation analysis 168
Chapter 5. Measurements in psychology 171
5.1. Place of measurement in scientific knowledge of the world 172
5.2. Metrology 174
5.3. Theory of Errors 176
5.4. Measurement in psychology 178
5.5. Psychological dimension-experiment 180
5.6. Measuring scale types 182
5.7. S.S. scales Stevens 184
5.8. Process Components psychological dimension 186
5.9. Methods of psychological measurement 188
5.10. Direct measurement methods 190
5.11. Properties of direct methods 192
5.12. Fundamentals of Psychometry 194
5.13. Measurement and psychodiagnostics 196
Chapter 6 Observation Method 199
6.1. Observation method 200
6.2. Advantages and disadvantages of the observation method 202
6.3. Observation methodology 204
6.4. Forms of observation 206
6.5. Observation of object 208
6.6. Types of surveillance 212
Chapter 7. Verbal-communicative methods 215
7.1. Verbal-communicative methods 216
7.2. Conversation 218
7.3. The art of listening 220
7.4. Polling method 222
7.5. Types of questions 224
7.6. Interview 226
7.7. Conducting interviews 228
7.8. Questionnaire method 230
7.9. Compilation of the questionnaire 232
Chapter 8. Theory of psychological experiment 235
8.1. Experiment in psychology 236
8.2. Experiment Definition 238
8.3. Types of experiments 240
8.4. Variables in experiment 242
8.5. Observation and experiment 244
8.6. Experiment and observation 246
8.7. Characteristics of a psychological experiment 248
8.8. Validity of the experiment 250
8.9. Factors that threaten the internal validity of the experiment 252
8.10. Experiment preparation 254
8.11. Organization of experimental interaction 256
8.12. Flawless Experiment 258
8.13. Organization of the experiment 260
8.14. Scheme of a psychological experiment 262
8.15. Sample of subjects 264
8.16. Interaction between subjects and experimenters 266
Chapter 9 Planning empirical research 269
9.1. Study plan 270
9.2. Planning an experiment 272
9.3. Methods for improving experimental results 274
9.4. The concept of control of the experimental situation 276
9.5. Methods for controlling irrelevant stimuli 278
9.6. Comprehensive plans 280
9.7. Advantages and disadvantages of simple and comprehensive plans 282
9.8. Quasi-experiments 284
9.9. Quasi-experimental plans with small N 286
Chapter 10. Fundamentals of Psychophysics 289
10.1. The interaction of the psyche and physical world 290
10.2. physical characteristics signals and their mental correlates 292
10.3. Signal modality 294
10.4. Scheme for constructing a sensory image 296
10.5. Thresholds 298
10.6. Threshold Problem 300
10.7. Minimum change method 302
10.8. Method of constants (method of constant stimuli) 304
10.9. Psychophysics-2 306
10.10. Psychophysical laws 308
Literature 310