Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Gomel State University of Consumer Cooperation. Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation (BTEU PC)

Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation - institution higher education, providing training of qualified specialists both for the consumer cooperation system and for other sectors of the national economy.
To organize the educational process, the university has two educational buildings with a total area of ​​about 15 thousand m2; there are more than 100 classrooms and lecture halls, including those equipped with stationary multimedia complexes, a small assembly hall, 21 computer classes for general and special purpose With total number about 240 personal computers, computer laboratory independent work students, conference hall computer testing, electronic reading room, trade automation office, webinar audiences, etc.
The BTEU library has one of the best collections of economic literature in the Gomel region and has about a million domestic and foreign publications. In the functioning of the university, an automated information system is used library system(AIBS).
BTEU has five comfortable dormitories designed to accommodate 2,265 people. All without exception out-of-town students The university is provided with a dormitory.
Sports base The university includes a sports building with a total area of ​​3.3 thousand m2 for 2,600 people with full set necessary sports and gyms, four sports fields, a stadium with a football field for futsal, a basketball court, a running track and a long jump sector.
BTEU has a modern editorial and publishing base, including its own printing press. The university publishes the scientific and practical journal “Consumer Cooperation”, which is included in the List of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.
The student club has a large assembly hall with 800 seats, 8 rehearsal rooms, and a dance floor.

The university's many years of activity in training highly qualified personnel for the national economy have always been appreciated by the state. In 2005 and 2014, the university was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The President of the Republic of Belarus has adopted a number of Decrees affecting the activities of the university, thanks to which BTEU and its graduates have benefits similar to those provided to graduates and higher education institutions state form property.

Dear graduates! Are you full of strength and determination to enter into independent life, therefore, right now it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice of profession. It is important that you like it, and that the acquired knowledge and skills find application and are in demand modern society, which is precisely interested in young specialists - enterprising, independent, competitive, able to quickly adapt to the changing realities of life. Specialists who fully meet all requirements today, prepared by the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation (BTEU PC).

Lebedeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, rector, doctor economic sciences, Professor

Lebedeva Svetlana Nikolaevna,
Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
First Vice-Rector:
Snytkova Natalia Alexandrovna,
Vice-rector for scientific work:
Bobovich Andrey Pavlovich,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Vice-rector for educational work:
Shablovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Structure of a higher education institution (faculties and departments):

Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of Higher Mathematics
Department of Information Computing Systems
Department of Management
Department of World and National Economics
Department of Industrial Economics
Department of Law
Department of Services and Statistics
Department of Economics of Agro-Industrial Complex
Department of Trade Economics
Department of Economic Theory

Faculty of Accounting and Finance

Department accounting
Department of Finance and Credit
Department of accounting accounting and finance management in n/x
Department of Banking, Analysis and Audit
Department foreign languages

Faculty of Commerce

Department of Commerce and Logistics
Department of Marketing
Department of Theory of Cooperation and Sociology
Department of Commodity Research of Non-Food Products
Department of Commodity Research of Food Products
Department physical education and sports

Faculty of Commerce and Management (correspondence)

Faculty of Economics and Accounting (correspondence)

BTEU PC Admissions Committee:

Address: October Avenue, 50, 246029, Gomel. Day form obtaining education - office. 1-5, correspondence form of education - office. 1-1
Directions: Directions from the railway station: trolleybuses No. 19, 22, bus No. 16, minibus No. 16, 21 to the stop Trading house Rechitsky; bus No. 20, minibus No. 20 to the Trade and Economic University stop.

Full-time education
Tel.: +375 232 40-60-44
Part-time education, second higher education
Tel.: +375 232 40-60-23

Working hours: from 9:00 to 18:00 (Monday-Friday)
from 9.00 to 15.00 (Sunday)


Master's degree

Master's specialties

Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation

Address: Oktyabrya Ave., 50, 246029, Republic of Belarus, Gomel
Directions to the buildings: Directions: trolley. No. 19.22, author. No. 16, 21, route. taxi No. 16, 21 - to the stop “Trading House “Rechitsky””;
auto No. 20, route. taxi No. 20 - to the stop "Trade and Economic University".

375 232 40-60-47 (rector’s reception)
+375 232 40-60-44 (selection committee full-time education)
+375 232 40-60-23 (admissions committee correspondence forms education); +375 29 199-10-73 (mobile phone)

Fax machine:
+375 232 40-64-91

Email: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official site:

License No. 002396.
Certificate of state accreditation № 2057.

Its history as an educational institution that trains specialists for the trade and economic sphere from among representatives of the middle strata of society, Russian State Trade and Economic University leads from Moscow commercial school, founded on the initiative and with funds of the Moscow Merchant Society in 1804.

Russian State Trade and Economic University, providing high quality training of specialists, at the same time continues the tradition of MKU in an effort to maintain accessibility of education for low-income segments of the population.

RGTEU consists of 8 faculties, 6 colleges and technical schools, 27 institutes and branches in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Faculties and specialties:

  • Faculty of Information Technologies
  • Faculty of Commerce and Marketing
    • 032401.65 "Advertising"
    • 080111.65 "Marketing"
    • 080301.65 "Commerce (trading business)"
    • 080401.65 "Commodity research and examination of goods"
    • 100101.65 "Service"
  • Faculty of World Economy and Trade
    • 080102.65 "World economy"
    • 080100.68 Direction "Economics". Master Program"World Economy and International Business"
    • 080115.65 "Customs"
    • 031202.65 "Translation and translation studies"
    • 031203.65 "Theory and practice of intercultural communication"
  • Faculty of Taxes and Taxation
    • 080107.65 "Taxes and taxation"
  • Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel Business and Services
    • 260501.65 "Technology of catering products"
    • 080502.56 "Economics and enterprise management (culture and art)"
    • 080502.65 "Economics and management of an enterprise (real estate transactions)"
    • 080502.65 "Economics and management of the enterprise (restaurant and hotel business)"
    • 080502.65 "Economics and management of enterprises (tourism)"
    • 088500.68 “Management international tourism» MASTER'S PROGRAM
  • Faculty of Social Technologies
    • 030201.65 "Political science"
    • 030300.62 "Psychology"
    • 030602.65 "Public Relations"
    • 040200.62 "Sociology"
    • 070601.65 "Design" and Direction 070600.62 "Design"
    • 080504.65 "State and municipal administration"
  • Management department
    • 080507.65 "Organization management"
    • 080500.62 "Management"
    • 080500.68 Direction "Management". MASTER'S PROGRAM
    • 080502.65 "Economics and management of enterprises (trade)"
    • 080503.65 "Anti-crisis management"
    • 080505.65 "Human Resources Management"
  • Faculty of Finance and Economics
    • 080105.65 "Finance and credit"
    • 080109.65 "Accounting, analysis and audit"
  • Faculty of Law
    • 030501.65 "Jurisprudence"
    • 030500.68 Direction "Jurisprudence". Master's program "Administrative Law; Financial Law"
    • 030500.68 Direction "Jurisprudence". Master's program "Constitutional law, municipal law"
    • 030500.68 Direction "Jurisprudence". Master Program " International law; European law"

RGTEU students have the opportunity to receive additional education in the specialty “Translator in the field of professional communication(in English, French and German).”

Reviews: 3


I am a 3rd year student majoring in Translation and Translation Studies. I really like studying, I don’t regret choosing this profession. Educational process complemented by interesting practice on international conferences, exhibitions. We are going to the Olympics in Sochi soon, we will work as volunteers and provide linguistic support for the Olympics. The teachers are strong, work with us and are real translators. The guys learn 2-3 foreign languages, European and Eastern. Students practically never leave us, but they are often expelled. Few can handle the training load.


Idiot. The university is simply chic. Firstly, the teachers are excellent, learning is very interesting. Participate in student life no one forces you, and certainly not the assessment depends on it. Plus, I can say that this university highly valued by employers. There will be no problems with employment.


Disgusting. I studied at the Faculty of World Economics, majoring in translation and translation studies. They don't teach anything! ESL program for 3rd grade students. The teacher is 50 minutes late for lectures and doesn’t even apologize. Instead of studying, they prepared to sing songs and dance at a university concert. If you don't participate, you won't get higher than a C on the English exam. Six months went by some kind of nonsense, and when six months later I transferred to another university, I clearly realized that I had thrown 63,000 down the drain. Not only did they not give me new knowledge, but they also forced me to forget everything I knew before entering the university. There are good teachers in non-core subjects. I strongly advise against enrolling in this university for majors related to linguistics.

The Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation (BTEU, Gomel) is the only cooperative institution of higher education in Belarus that provides training for qualified specialists both for the consumer cooperation system and for other sectors of the national economy.

Currently the system continuing education BTEU represents a variety of levels of education and forms of training, many opportunities for self-realization and self-improvement. On educational programs representatives of different generations study at the university - from elderly people at the Institute of the Third Age to junior schoolchildren (Kid `s camp"KoperLing"), children preschool age(foreign language courses), modern educational and methodological approaches to training and education are used.


The history of the university began in 1964 with the opening of the educational and consulting center of the Moscow Cooperative Institute of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of the USSR (Centrosoyuz) in Gomel. On its basis it opened in 1968 correspondence faculty Moscow Cooperative Institute, which in 1975 was transformed into the Gomel branch of the institute. In 1979, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 29, 1979 No. 632, the Gomel branch began to function as an independent educational institution - Gomel cooperative institute Centrosoyuz.

Further milestones in the status development of the educational institution corresponded to historical changes in society and development national system education. In 1992, in connection with the cessation of the activities of the Central Union of the USSR, the Gomel Cooperative Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Belkoopsoyuz. Then, in 1993, at a joint meeting of the Board of the Belkoopsoyuz and the Academic Council, the Gomel Cooperative Institute of the Belkoopsoyuz was identified as the basic educational institution in the system of cooperative education of the Republic of Belarus, which also includes six educational and production complexes “PTU-technical school” and one school. In 2000, the institute was recognized as the leading educational institution in the system of continuous cooperative education of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2001, the Gomel Cooperative Institute successfully passed certification for compliance with a university-type educational institution and in the same year it was renamed the Educational Institution “Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation”. In 2004, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September 14, 2004 No. 447, the university, as an institution of higher education of consumer cooperation, was actually endowed with the rights of state educational institutions.

In April 2016, the university successfully passed the next procedure of state accreditation of the university, as a result of which, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated April 27, 2016 No. 360, the corresponding certificate No. 0000532 was issued on state accreditation of the educational institution "Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation" for compliance with the declared type of specialized university (in accordance with the order of the Department of Education Quality Control of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2016 No. 178-i).

Since 2010, the BTEU quality management system has been certified according to the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009. In 2016, the university successfully completed the transition current system university quality management at new version standard STB ISO 9001-2015, passed the next certification and was the first among educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus to receive a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the new standard (No. BY/112 01/05/077 02256, confirmation date: 12/10/2016, certification body - EE "Belarusian Institute advanced training and retraining in standardization, certification and quality management").

In the context public policy aimed at deepening the processes of integration of higher education institutions with institutions of vocational and secondary special education in Belarus and the formation of “educational clusters”, in 2016/2017 academic year EE "Minsk Trade College" of the Belkoopsoyuz in accordance with the regulation. The Board of the Belkoopsoyuz dated November 30, 2016 No. 310 was affiliated to the university as the Minsk branch of the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation (with the possibility of admitting students to the first stage of higher education).


BTEU is a progressive scientific and educational complex, the only economic institution of higher education in the Gomel region with over 50 years of experience.

The university has all the necessary licenses and certificates. All specialties of higher education of the I and II levels, as well as retraining of executives and specialists, are accredited in accordance with the established procedure.

In accordance with Special Permit (License) No. 02100/125 (as amended and supplemented based on decision No. 36 dated January 26, 2017), the university has the right to train personnel with higher education in 14 specialties of the first stage and 19 specialties of the second stage of higher education (master's degree).

The University has a certificate of state registration as scientific organization dated December 23, 2013 No. 216 in the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and National Academy Sciences of Belarus, (valid until 12/22/2018).

The structure of the university includes three faculties of full-time and part-time education (including 13 departments), a faculty of advanced training and retraining (including 1 department), a postgraduate department, a department of distance learning educational technologies and innovation department vocational guidance youth, coordination department scientific projects and programs, international relations department, etc.

One of competitive advantages cooperative education and factors for improving the quality of training of specialists at BTEU is the integration of secondary specialized and higher education. This integrated system, effective in terms of special training and reducing the time required to obtain education, has proven itself well and is actively used in the consumer cooperation system. The university builds relationships with institutions of secondary specialized education on the basis of agreements on the continuous training of specialists.

The university provides multi-level training of specialists. In addition to first-stage higher education programs (with the possibility of obtaining a second and subsequent higher education), educational programs for vocational and secondary specialized education (in 3 specialties) are being implemented on the basis of the Minsk branch of BTEU.

For those students who fully understand the correctness of their professional choice and focuses on career, the university offers master's studies (practice- and research-oriented), postgraduate studies, and the faculty of advanced training and retraining. Since 2013, BTEU was the first among higher education institutions in the Gomel region to open training in practice-oriented master's programs in 12 specialties in economics and management and is a leader in offering specialties of this profile in the region. Studying in a research-oriented master's program is offered in 7 specialties, in the graduate school of the university - in 5 specialties (with the assignment of the scientific qualification “Researcher”). An educational retraining program for executives and specialists with higher education is offered in 25 specialties; having an average special education, in 2 specialties.

For applicants, an educational program is offered to prepare individuals for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the form preparatory courses on studying educational subjects, special disciplines in order to prepare students for centralized testing and to entrance examinations college graduates.

The implementation of the educational program began in 2014 additional education children and youth (in the form of an interest association (club) - “English language (1, 2, 3 levels) according to the FairyLand educational and methodological complex”, and an interest association (club) “Linguistic camp for schoolchildren” from 9 years old).

The total number of employees at the university (excluding the branch) as of January 2017 is 636 people, including teachers - 197 people. (of which 53.8% have academic degrees and titles). BTEU has the highest scientific potential of the Gomel region in the field of economics: 64 doctors and candidates of economic sciences. The university has formed and is developing three scientific and pedagogical schools, known both in Belarus and in the near and far abroad (“Methodology and methodology for assessing labor efficiency and the sphere of commodity circulation”, “Integration of accounting and balance sheet methodologies with financial management, budgeting and controlling at the micro and macro levels”, “Study of consumer properties, quality, competitiveness and safety of non-food products and raw materials”).

The team constantly improves their pedagogical and professional skills and uses them in the educational process innovative technologies, works closely with organizations and enterprises of consumer cooperation and other forms of ownership. Teaching and, accordingly, the development of competencies among future specialists is carried out taking into account modern requirements, which are dictated by the labor market. Significant role in strengthening practical training, effective interaction The university and organizations play a role in the creation of 15 branches of departments, which allow, to a certain extent, to ensure the necessary integration of education, production and science.

At BTEU, distance learning is actively developing: since 2009 - in advanced training courses for managers and specialists of consumer cooperation, since 2014 in correspondence remote form Full-fledged educational programs of the first stage of higher education are being implemented, and since 2016 - second stage of higher education (master's degree). Implemented in educational process innovative technologies and interactive methods training; electronic educational and methodological complexes, the quality of which is confirmed by receiving the stamps of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The University actively pursues a policy of integration into the world educational, scientific and cultural space. BTEU hosts a number of international scientific events that have already become traditional (international scientific and practical conference for students “Innovative potential of youth in the modern world”, international forum of young scientists “Youth for science and innovation: developments and prospects”, “Pisarenkov Readings” , International Spring Forum, etc.). Together with partners, the first edition of the international scientific almanac “Global World” was published in 2016.

Developing academic mobility students, undergraduates, teachers within the framework of institutional agreements and international projects (ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS+). Students are given the opportunity to start an international career and simultaneously receive 2-3-4 diplomas of higher education: BTEU, European (UK, Bulgaria) and Russian universities(with the European Diploma Supplement).

In order to implement the state policy of increasing exports educational services V last years BTEU has significantly increased its contingent foreign students. Thus, in the 2016/2017 academic year, foreign citizens from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Yemen studied in various educational programs. In order to further attract for training foreign citizens and improving content and technology educational activities teaching has been carried out at the university since 2013 academic disciplines on English language for higher education programs of the first stage; Since 2015, a practice-oriented master's program in the specialty 1-25 81 03 “World Economics” has been implemented entirely in English.

Business cooperation with foreign institutions of higher education is developing through the implementation of existing agreements. Partnership relations are developing most successfully and dynamically with the countries of the post-Soviet space - Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. For several years, educational institutions from Sweden and Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, and Portugal have been permanent partners from far abroad countries. IN Lately New partnerships have emerged with educational institutions from Belgium and the UK. BTEU has more than 60 international treaties and agreements with higher education institutions from 16 countries.

At the initiative of BTEU in September 2016, members of the international public organization The “Council of Rectors of Cooperative Higher Educational Institutions” signed a Declaration on cooperation between cooperative universities of the CIS member states on the creation of the Cooperation Network University, as well as an Agreement on a consortium for the creation of the Cooperation Network University (the purpose of which is to form a single educational space cooperative universities of the CIS member countries).

On November 14, 2017, an agreement was signed on the creation at the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation of the UNESCO network department "Education through life" as a section of the UNESCO department "Education for sustainable development cooperatives" at Belgorod University cooperation, economics and law.

BTEU has a developed material and technical base. The educational and sports buildings, the Palace of Culture, a library, public catering facilities and a dormitory complex are located compactly. Nearby is the Festivalny city park and the Sozh River. Five comfortable university dormitories fully provide comfortable place accommodation for all nonresident students and employees in need of housing.

The educational process is sufficiently provided with modern computer equipment and equipment (multimedia systems, video conferencing, Wi-Fi, etc.), which allows classes to be conducted in a more interesting and motivating environment, and the use of modern multimedia technologies for teaching “digital generation” students.

The BTEU library has one of the best collections of economic and management literature in the Gomel region, and is developing digital library. The university's sports facilities include a sports building with a full range of necessary sports and gyms, four sports fields, a stadium with a football field for futsal, a basketball court, a running track and a long jump sector. The university has its own publishing center and publishes the scientific and practical journal “Consumer Cooperation”, which is included in the List of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. Published by the student media "Copernicus". The student club has a large assembly hall with 800 seats, 8 rehearsal rooms, and a dance floor.

The university is an active partner of the Gomel Economic Forum, in particular, the International Championship “Youth and Entrepreneurship” is regularly held on the basis of BTEU, and is organized annually international competition business projects “StartUp-Cooperation”. Since 2016, on the initiative of BTEU, for the first time in the Gomel region, a new educational project"Startup school Gomel".

BTEU students have unlimited opportunities for student life: intellectual and sport competitions, volunteering and charity work, creativity, entrepreneurship, etc.

The university's many years of activity in training highly qualified personnel for the national economy have always been appreciated by the state. BTEU was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in 2005 and 2014; in 2010 - Certificate of honor National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. Based on the results of work for 2014, the university was recognized as the winner in the categories “Best Institution of Higher Education” in Gomel and the Gomel region.

The President of the Republic of Belarus has adopted a number of Decrees affecting the activities of the university, thanks to which BTEU and its graduates have benefits similar to those provided to graduates and state-owned institutions of higher education.

The accumulated rich experience allows us to hope for further promising development university based on active use innovative educational technologies, comprehensive development of scientific potential, international cooperation, close cooperation with consumer cooperation organizations and government agencies and generally aimed at well-being and success.

We can proudly say that graduates who received an education within the walls of BTEU achieve significant professional heights.