Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Course progress. Extracurricular work in biology

Lecture Extracurricular, extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology.

Today we need to deal with these three concepts. How do they differ, what types of work are there. Let's discuss together first.

Extracurricular work is a form of organizing students to perform outside the lesson. obligatory, related to the study of the course practical work on individual and group assignments of the teacher. Extracurricular work is obligatory for all students, it is set, and most importantly, then the teacher checks. The organization of this kind of work is dictated by the need for long-term observations of natural objects. It happens that in order to see the results of the experiments, they need to be laid a few days before the lesson. The teacher gives the task to the students in a timely manner. Examples of such experiences:


- germination of pea seeds - 2 days

- germination of wheat grains - 4-5 days

- germination of pumpkin seed - 5-6 days

- the formation of starch in the leaf during photosynthesis - 2-3 days

- movement of water with mineral salts along the stem - 3 days

- development of roots in the stem cuttings of tradescantia - 5-7 days

- development of roots on a begonia leaf - 2 months

- cultivation of moss seedling from spores - 15-20 days

- disintegration of lichen thallus into algae and fungus - 7 days

By zoology

- different phases of development (metamorphosis in beetles - mealworm)

- development of the fruit fly Drosophila

- breeding aquarium fish

- behavior of domestic animals (cats, dogs, parrots)

- spider behavior

- development of reflexes in birds (on the example of winter feeding of tits and sparrows)

Such observations can be carried out in a living corner, at home or in nature. Sometimes tasks need to be rescheduled for the spring-summer period, then they must be accompanied by clear instructions. Students should keep their notes in a diary.

Extracurricular work is of great importance:

- develops independence

- instills interest in biological objects and natural phenomena

- students acquire research skills

- Accuracy and diligence develops

The teacher has the opportunity to enrich the biology classroom with various objects, giving students individual tasks for the summer. But summer assignments should not be just the collection of any biological material. Students must have a task and comprehend its implementation. The teacher explains that one should strive for the quality of the collected material, and not for its quantity. It is necessary to prepare well, properly (fix or dry the object).

In the modern curriculum, biology lessons are given only one hour a week, but there are schoolchildren who are fond of biology. And their interests are much broader than program ones. To support such interest, to consolidate and develop it is the task of the teacher. It is difficult to do this within the framework of training sessions, therefore extra-curricular naturalistic and environmental work is carried out, which is voluntary.

extracurricular activities there is a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher to excite and manifest their cognitive interests and creative initiative in expanding and supplementing the school curriculum in biology.

What do you think extra-curricular biology classes should be like?

The use of tasks in extracurricular activities related to conducting observations and experiments contributes to the development of research skills. At the same time, it is necessary to orient children to a clear design of the course of observations and their results.

Properly organized extracurricular activities does not overload students. At the same time, it is necessary to warn the teacher against making mistakes in organizing extracurricular activities such as school lessons and other compulsory activities, from turning extracurricular activities into original extra lessons biology. Extra-curricular activities should arouse naturalistic interest among schoolchildren, activate their creative abilities and at the same time contribute to their relaxation. That's why extracurricular work should be varied, versatile and not duplicate academic work at school.

A significant place in extracurricular work is given to labor: the production of collections, herbarium, handicrafts from natural materials, etc., which is of great educational importance. She introduces schoolchildren to various feasible work: preparing the soil for setting up experiments and observing plants, caring for them, planting trees and shrubs. preparing food for feeding birds, caring for farmed animals, which, in turn, instills in them a sense of responsibility for the assigned work, the ability to bring the work started to the end, and contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism.

The great importance of extracurricular work in biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from an empty pastime. Students who are fond of biology devote their free time to observing interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, caring for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Extracurricular activities can be classified according to different principles:

ü taking into account the number of participants in extracurricular activities, individual, group and mass (frontal) types of extracurricular activities are distinguished (Table 5);

ü for the implementation of classes in time frames - episodic (evenings, trips, olympiads, conferences) and permanent (circles, electives, societies);

Table 5 Extracurricular activities in biology

Organization of the lesson

Types of occupation

Group lessons

Circle work.


Hiking in nature.


Mass classes

Watching movies.

Participation in the Olympics.

Excursions and hikes in nature.

Scientific evenings, conferences.

Exhibitions of student work.

School-wide campaigns: "Harvest Day", "Bird Day", "Biology Week", "Ecology Weeks".

Publication of magazines, wall newspapers, albums

Individual sessions

Scientific research and experiments on the topic (for example, "Phenological phenomena in the life of birds", "Study of pollution of the territory adjacent to the school").

Preparation for the Olympics.

Extracurricular reading.

Research work in nature, in a corner of wildlife

It is important to ensure a complex combination of various forms in an appropriate sequence.

Individual shape Extracurricular activities take place in all schools. Trying to satisfy the needs of individual students who are interested in biology, the teacher invites them to read this or that popular science book, make observations in nature, make a visual aid, pick up material for the stand. Sometimes, while satisfying the curiosity of individual students, the teacher does not set any goal for himself, does not direct this extracurricular work in a certain direction, and does not even consider that he is conducting it. This pattern is often observed among teachers who do not have sufficient work experience.

Experienced teachers clarify the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in their field of vision, set themselves the task of developing their interests in biology, select appropriate individual lessons for this, gradually complicating and expanding their content. Some students create their own home wildlife corners. The teacher gives instructions to such students for setting up experiments at home. Individual extracurricular activities are essentially a voluntary variety of home and extracurricular work.

The most common types of individual extracurricular work include experiments and observations on plants and animals in nature, in an educational experimental site, in a corner of wildlife, making artificial nests and observing their settlement, self-observation, making visual aids, preparing reports, abstracts, and much more. other.

In carrying out individual work It is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of students in order to deepen and develop their interests in the relevant areas. Extra-curricular activities can also contribute to the choice of a future profession, have a direct impact on the profile orientation of schooling, on the choice of a specialty and on post-secondary education.

Mass episodic classes are organized on the initiative of a biology teacher and are held with the active participation of a circle of young naturalists, school student activists, school administration, and subject teachers. Plans for holding mass events are approved by the pedagogical councils of the school.

Involved in mass work a large number of students- parallel classes, the whole school. It is characterized by a socially useful orientation. Usually at school they hold such types mass work, how school biology olympiad, (School Biology Olympiads are held annually in several rounds. A week before the appointed time, an announcement is posted about the procedure for its holding, a list of recommended literature and requirements for written work that are submitted to the Olympiad.)

Weeks of Biology, (Biology week at school is complex event, which combines a variety of different forms extracurricular activities: evenings, conferences, contests of assignments, newspapers, essays. Holding a week of biology at school allows you to show how educational and extracurricular work in the subject is set at school. This is a display of achievements in the subject, as well as the promotion of biological knowledge.)

Weeks of health, the holiday "Day of Birds", "Earth Day", campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and other food for winter feeding of birds; making and hanging bird nests.

Occasional events can also be group. To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students who are interested in biology, instructs them to select certain material, issue a thematic wall newspaper, prepare and conduct reports, art numbers for the holiday. Usually, after the completion of any mass event, the work of the episodic group stops. To conduct another mass event, the teacher attracts students from the previous episodic group or creates a new one.

Occasional group extracurricular work is also organized in connection with the desire of the teacher to study the wildlife of his region more deeply, for example, to make an inventory of tree and shrub vegetation, to find out the species composition of birds inhabiting places near water bodies; to study the daily activity of animals of various species, " The biological clock» plants. The need to organize such an episodic group work usually occurs when there is no circle of young naturalists at school.

One of the important group forms of extracurricular education is biological circles.

Biological circle is the organizing center for extra-curricular activities.

Principles of organization of youth circles

To accept in the circles everyone who wants to, including those who are poorly performing and not disciplined enough. The latter often begin to be interested in biology and behave much better than in the classroom. Therefore, work in the circle should be considered as a means of education.

The number of students in the circle should not exceed 15 people. If there are more applicants, then 2 groups will be organized.

The work of the circle should be carried out on student self-government. Therefore, it is necessary to elect an asset of the Council for self-government: a headman, 3-4 link assistants to the headman, an editorial board for issuing a newspaper, bulletins, announcements about the start of the work of the circle, etc.

The leaders of the circles should be subject teachers, and in the lower and middle grades there can be junior high school students - grades 10-11.

Drawing up a work plan for the circle, taking into account local history, ecology, environmental protection, and especially nature-enhancing activities.

The number of circle lessons is from 2 to 4 per month.

Summing up the work of the circle after studying the topic, or for a quarter, half a year, a year. The most effective and visual is reporting and summing up in the form of scientific evenings, conferences, role-playing games, exhibitions, competitions, olympiads, writing and defending abstracts, reports, naturalistic campaigns, etc. into socially useful work.

Planning the work of the circle.

When drawing up a plan, one should proceed from the protection, enrichment and study native nature and conducting research activities in the form of experimentation with plants. In this regard, it is advisable to plan the following topics-sections:

Nature protection of the native land:

a) identification of natural objects subject to protection (secular oaks, rare plants, animals, protected parks, etc.);

b) protection of birds, fish, animals (making feeders and feeding birds, animals in winter time- 7-8 out of 10 tits die in winter);

c) work of "green" and "blue" patrols.

Enrichment of the nature of the native land:

a) the resettlement of useful animals in new habitats (but not ants, bedbugs and the Colorado potato beetle!);

b) growing rare plants in their gardens and at the school educational and experimental site (varieties of cabbage, Japanese Daikon radish, etc.);

c) landscaping of the native land (laying gardens, squares, parks, flower beds near the school, in the village).

Studying the nature of the native land:

a) excursions, hiking trips, travels around the native land (all circles at all times of the year, especially during the summer holidays);

b) collecting literary information about the nature of the native land and studying it;

c) creation of school local history museums;

d) research activities in the form of experimentation at the school's educational and experimental site, in individual gardens, garden plots.

The work plan of the circles is drawn up for half a year or a year.

Requirements for the work of youth circles.

In order for the youth work to be pedagogically effective, the teacher must remember the requirements that must be made to it:

a) the work started should always be completed, analyzed and summed up.

b) young naturalists should always and purposefully be interested in this work.

c) leaders of young naturalists' circles should always and in everything be a positive example for young naturalists.

It is very useful to finish many topics of youth activities with socially useful work (Forest and Garden Week, Bird Days, For the development of social and labor skills, it is advisable to conduct mutual visits to youth circles different schools, conduct conversations, show the work of the circle, exchange experiences, hold joint youth evenings, exhibitions, expeditions, trips, etc. Interesting and valuable results are obtained by correspondence with circles in other regions, regions of the country and the exchange of stepchildren with seeds and cuttings, especially new, valuable , rare, exotic plants for the area.

Biological circles according to the content can be divided into groups:

1. Entertaining. Their main task is to attract students to the study of biology, instilling interest in the subject. They form only a superficial interest in biology, without deepening the study of any issues.

2. Circles, the content of which corresponds to the program of the main course. The task of these circles is to improve the knowledge and skills of students received in the lesson.

3. Mugs. On which students are given practical tasks related to the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge on certain issues (florists, phenologists, aquarists).

4. Mugs dedicated to special issues biology studied at the lessons (ornithologists, entomologists). These circles contribute to an in-depth study of some narrow section of biology.

In recent years, in the development of circle work, there have been trends of strengthening environmental and local history work; the level of their science has risen.

A special type of extracurricular work is electives. Small groups of students 15 - 17 people work according to the programs or according to the author's programs of the teacher. The purpose of extracurricular activities is to give students deeper knowledge on certain topics of biological science, significantly exceeding the volume of the school curriculum.

Extracurricular activities, the second type of group activities, are also built on a voluntary basis. They differ from youth circles in that they should be carried out with small groups (no more than 10-15 people) of students according to special, more complicated, in-depth and expanded programs of the Ministry of Education or according to programs drawn up by the head (teacher or specialist) of the elective.

Target optional training- to give students knowledge and practical skills in various sections of biological, agricultural, methodological, pedagogical science much more than the curriculum. It is also of great importance for the professional orientation of students, since only those who are going to work in agriculture or continue their education in special educational institutions(agricultural, pedagogical, biological, medical, etc.). In other words, electives of profiles are most appropriate now: biological, pedagogical, agronomic (field growers, vegetable growers, gardeners, beekeepers, machine operators, farmers, entrepreneurs, managers, livestock breeders), medical, environmental.

Class attendance is required for enrolled students. They are held according to a fixed schedule and the work of the supervisor-teacher of extracurricular activities is paid. It is highly expedient that optional activities are conducted not only and not only by school subject teachers, but also by invited scientists from universities and research institutes, experimental stations, highly professional practitioners, production specialists - agronomists, livestock specialists, engineers, doctors, etc. The results of the work of electives may not be not only the training of field growers, livestock breeders, machine operators, drivers, projectionists, photographers and other specialists, but also the manufacture of equipment for the biology room, living corner, school training and experimental site. In short, the forms of optional and young students' work are diverse, voluminous and significant from the applied and pedagogical points of view, because here there is not only a deepening and expansion of knowledge and the formation of skills, but also labor, moral, aesthetic upbringing, as well as the upbringing of a sense of pride in oneself, one's own school, etc. Extracurricular activities impose increased responsibility on teachers, because here students who are especially interested and gifted are eager to receive new, relevant, original knowledge. It is bad and unacceptable that electives turn into additional extracurricular activities, for example, in solving problems, examples, exercises, preparing for tests, tests, exams. In contrast to the usual subject class-lesson classes, extracurricular activities should be dominated by more active forms preparation: lectures, seminars, business and role-playing games, independent laboratory and practical work with not only educational, but also special additional literature, writing and defending abstracts and, finally, independent implementation of practical and especially research experimental work. All this in a complex contributes to the development and formation of skills to independently and creatively apply the knowledge gained in the elective course in practice, in life.

You can not force students to attend those subjects that they have not chosen themselves. But some teachers force students to attend their electives. Often such teachers do not give high grades (4 and 5) in a quarter of those students who do not go to their extracurricular classes. The reason is that he does not go to an elective, which means he is not interested in the subject, and therefore does not deserve more than a triple. This is unacceptable, unpedagogical.

A group of "assistants" is created in order to equip and maintain in due order a biological study, a living corner, a school-based educational and experimental site. Undoubtedly, they must do what is within their power and organically connected with the process of teaching biology. In particular, they make teaching aids, instruments, tools, inventory, tables. Prepare handouts, cages for small animals (rabbits, birds, etc.), shelves for indoor plants - Environment Day;

The effectiveness of any environmental action depends on the quality of its implementation on the ground using local history material.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them, a certain pedagogical pattern is observed. Interest in working with living organisms usually arises in schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. Having successfully completed certain tasks of the teacher, they usually ask for additional extracurricular work. If there are several such students in the class, the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and later into circles of young naturalists, working in which they take an active part in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use in the lessons of the results of individual, episodic group and circle work (for example, demonstrations of manufactured manuals, reports on observations made, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contribute to the involvement in extracurricular work of students who have not previously shown due interest in it. Often, some schoolchildren who at first took a passive part in mass extracurricular work on landscaping the school territory, making bird houses, as listeners, later become either young naturalists or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the instructions of the teacher.

A study of the experience of schools shows that extracurricular work in biology is carried out in all its forms. Almost every school has a naturalistic circle, various public events are held, individual and group episodic classes are organized. However, extracurricular work often comes down to organizing exhibitions of students' summer work, holding olympiads, Biology Week, and Bird Day. The rest of the time, houseplants are usually cared for, bulletins are issued based on the use of materials from popular science periodicals, and “Entertaining Biology Hours” are held. Meanwhile, the specificity of extracurricular work in biology, the science that studies living things, is associated with such types of work that include independent research of schoolchildren, put them in the position of pioneers, and arouse real interest in the knowledge of nature.

All types of extracurricular activities are outside the scope of academic work in biology. However, they are an integral part of the entire educational process, the most important means of educating and developing students. different classes. The organization of this work at school serves as one of the criteria for the teacher's creative work, an indicator of his pedagogical excellence and professional responsibility.

The presentation was prepared for the game in biology in grades 5-6. UMK any.

Target: Expanding students' horizons about early flowering plants.

Tasks: to promote the development of cognitive activity of students; develop intellectual abilities and logical thinking; introduce students to primroses using the example of riddles.

The presentation contains riddles, answers to them and illustrations about early flowering plants. Changing slides and objects on them is done on click. First comes the text of the riddle, then the name of the plant and the illustration. For each correct answer - 1 point.

The extra-curricular event “You will be healthy, you will get everything” takes place in the form of an intellectual game.

The purpose of the intellectual game through the game moments of the program is to set students up for a healthy lifestyle, cultivate healthy lifestyle habits, and introduce new information.

  • to determine how well students have information about what health, a healthy lifestyle is
  • promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among students

Equipment: the office is decorated with posters with statements by writers, scientists, sayings about a healthy lifestyle, a multimedia projector, a presentation.

This game is for 5th graders. Suitable for holding within the framework of the week of biology. The number of participating teams may vary, but not more than 5.

The game consists of two rounds. In the first round, you must select the category and cost of the issue. When you click on the clock hand, the countdown of the time given for the discussion of the issue will begin. By clicking on the leaflet in the lower right corner, you can return to the slide with a choice of questions. In the second round, the teams take turns removing the category, the question of which they do not want to answer. When one question remains, you need to click on the leaflet and the question will be highlighted. You can choose the time to discuss this issue yourself.

Target audience: for grade 5

What is life? Why do I live? What is my purpose?

In a form unobtrusive for teenagers, the author offers to find answers and understand the meaning of life: family, friends, sports, teaching, travel. And, most importantly, it gives confidence that the future depends on us, that life is priceless gift to be treasured.
The presentation is set up automatically. It is additionally equipped with a sound file by M. Bernes "I love you, life" (backing track), which must be put on a quiet listening.

Target audience: for grade 10

Presentation virtual tour "Records in flora» was created for extracurricular activities in biology in the 6th grade.

This resource contains Interesting Facts about unusual plants of our planet using photo and video materials.

Also, the presentation can be used in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, or at an extracurricular event by primary school teachers.

Target audience: for grade 6

The resource consists of two information-game blocks:
"Mysteries about mushrooms"
Interactive test"Assemble the puzzles"
This resource can be used in biology lessons in grades 5-6 when studying the kingdom of fungi, in extracurricular activities of a teacher, during a week of natural sciences.
The game can be implemented both in a team and for an individual championship.
The presentation was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. The main font is Calibri, size 24.
Technological methods were used: "apple on a plate", "animated puzzles". Control buttons, triggers, hyperlinks are used.

Target audience: for grade 6

This quiz was held in an extended day group on Earth Day with middle school students. This material can also be used in their work by class teachers, teachers of ecology, biology for extracurricular activities. The quiz expands the knowledge about birds, animals, insects, amphibians, fish and marine animals. It brings up in children a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on earth.

Target audience: for grade 5

The presentation was prepared for an extracurricular activity in biology. Can also be used in biology class. This event aims to develop logical thinking interest in the subject of biology. The game is accompanied by musical screensavers. Sound accompaniment is carried out automatically. During the game, questions appear on the slides, then answers. Thanks to the configured triggers for the figures, the amount that the player receives as a result of the correct answer is displayed in the right corner of the slide. At the same time, the color of the figure of the correct answer changes, the rectangles with incorrect answers disappear. In some slides, when you click on the correct answer, the question disappears and a picture of the correct answer appears at the same time. During the game, the points are summed up, the presenter shows them on the slide. Below the question, each slide has two fields and one "Player" button. The facilitator enters points in the first field and presses the button. As a result, the earned point appears on the second field. On the next slide, the host enters the points from the previous game in the first field and presses the "Player" button. Further, the earned point is entered in the first field, and the points are automatically summed up by pressing the button. A summary of the event is attached to the presentation.

3.1. Organization of extracurricular activities for the formation of subject, meta-subject competencies and personal qualities students

Today, extracurricular activities are defined as an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organization of students' free time, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the manifestation and development of their interests by the child on the basis of free choice, the achievement of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

Together with basic education, extracurricular activities give the overall development of the personality, expand, deepen and supplement basic knowledge, identify and develop the potential of the child, and this happens in a comfortable environment for him. Extracurricular activities gives the child real opportunity choosing your own path. In extracurricular activities, the child himself chooses the content and form of classes, he may not be afraid of failure. All this creates a favorable psychological background for success, which in turn has a positive effect on learning activities stimulating its activity in it, one can count on a new qualitative result.

The formation of an ecological culture is closely connected with the development of civil society and is aimed at consolidating all forces in solving environmental issues on the basis of common interests in ensuring a favorable environment. environmental education has a universal and interdisciplinary character. That is why it has the possibility and must enter into the content of all forms. general education, including being realized through the organization of extracurricular activities of an environmental orientation, which is one of the main directions in educational process modern school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

At present, the task of developing school education is to update its content, forms and technologies of education and, on this basis, to achieve a new quality of its results. This is what the federal educational standards and the Concept of General Environmental Education for Sustainable Development are aimed at, which determined the main task of education - to prepare the student for adult life so that he can contribute to the sustainable development of society.

3.1.1. Theoretical approaches to the justification of extracurricular activities

The leading goal of education is the acquisition by students of key competencies and universal learning activities. Key competencies and universal learning activities include the skills of planning and goal setting, formulating a hypothesis, solving it, analyzing and processing information, cooperation, problem solving, communication skills, and a number of others. Achieving the indicated result by students occurs in the process of classroom and extracurricular activities and implies that the teacher has the necessary level of professional competence, guaranteed within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

Project activities are one of the necessary means of training and education, which allow creating conditions for the development of key competencies and the formation of universal learning activities for students.

The purpose of extracurricular activities:is not only the expansion and deepening of knowledge gained in the classroom, but also in modern technogenic conditions, the approximation of learning and education to life. Creation of conditions for the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality.

Tasks : to ensure a favorable adaptation of the child at school; reduce his teaching load; improve conditions for development; take into account age and individual characteristics; development creative activity, initiative and autonomy.

I develop my creative abilities through research and project activities - one of the most effective. A project or research is a means of development, education and upbringing, which allows students to develop and develop mental and activity, search, information, communication, presentation skills.

3.1.2. Organizational approaches to the implementation of extracurricular activities in practice

To implement the standard of the new generation, today the most valuable are variable and individual forms of organization of extracurricular activities of children, which differ in content and types. This is new approach to the organization of extracurricular activities of students, which is possible if each educational institution develops its own model based on the existing system of extracurricular activities and existing requirements, which include:

  1. integration of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students, ensuring the achievement of common educational goals;
  2. systematic organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, ensuring the relationship of the selected areas in the Federal State Educational Standards with generally accepted areas in the field additional education children;
  1. variability in the organization of extracurricular activities of students, taking into account the peculiarities of the potential of the school, the use of project technology;
  1. the optimality of the model, which allows using the possibilities of social partnership in the organization of extracurricular activities.

For development optimal model organizing extracurricular activities in my practice, I use a step-by-step approach such as:

Step #1. The study of the main regulatory and administrative documents on the organization of extracurricular activities and correlate:

Step number 2. I identify, with the help of a questionnaire, the requests of children and parents for the need for extracurricular activities.

Step #3. Analysis:

  • reveal the creative potential of students;
  • I compare the possibilities of resources and the material and technical side of the educational institution;

Step #4 educational services offered by institutions of additional education, and consider possible options for joint work with them:

For example, what areas of extracurricular activities can be implemented with the help of teachers, invited experts, parents.

3.1.3. Extracurricular activities on environmental education

In the context of the formation of modern educational space, one of critical issues advocates environmental education and environmental education of students. In connection with the goals of the National Strategy in the field of education, the task of developing ecological thinking and the formation of an ecological culture of students during the period of schooling has become urgent.

Extracurricular activities - a concept that combines all types and forms of students' activities (except for lesson activities), aimed at their education (formation of a common culture) and socialization (spiritual, moral, social, personal, intellectual development), as well as self-development and self-improvement.

I develop students' cognitive motivation, activity, independence, initiative, and creative abilities. Build a culture of healthy and safe image life in the modern world. In general, this will ensure the development of creative, physical abilities and the preservation of the health of students.

It is extracurricular activities that make it possible to provide the possibility of a free choice of elective courses in the conditions of pre-profile training, and profile training, which contributes to a conscious choice by students of a further direction of vocational training. The organization of extracurricular activities of an environmental orientation significantly complements and fills the missing environmental component of the subject content of lesson activities.

My curriculum includes extracurricular subjects such as: "I am a young ecologist" - 5-6 grades, "I am a researcher" in grades 8-9. This program education is year-round, based on the school-wide project "Ecology, tourism, "Bayanay"". The project of the Federal State Educational Standard reflects the directions for the formation of environmental thinking and social design, corresponding to the system-activity approach, and defines the transition from the transmission of environmental knowledge to the formation of students' eco-thinking and skills of eco-oriented activities, as well as responsible, environmentally sound and safe transformation of human life.

As a biology teacher, extracurricular work occupies an important place in my activity. The content of extracurricular work significantly goes beyond the curriculum and is determined by the interests of students, which allows you to significantly expand and deepen knowledge, apply them in life situations. In my work, I use all three forms of extracurricular work: individual, group, mass.

Individual work with students consists in individual consulting of students on environmental issues, when working on abstracts, speeches, articles, as part of the implementation of individual educational research projects. Group work consists in working with students according to the programs of elective courses, electives, circles.

Mass work with students includes events of various topics: student conferences, seminars, competitions of environmental works, drawings, posters, olympiads, participation in various environmental events, operations, environmental research excursions.

I want to note that the latest forms of work organization allow students to develop practical skills in the protection and restoration of natural objects.

Annually held environmental actions and operations at school, during which children see the significance of their work: “Help the forest”, “Feed the birds”, “Let's clean the planet from garbage”.

When using individual and group work to form an ecological culture, it is impossible without the use of design technology - research activities. In my practice I use several types of projects:

  • information search projects involving the collection and analysis of information, the preparation and defense of a speech;
  • research, aiming students at a deep study of the problem, protecting their own ways of solving it, putting forward hypotheses.
  • productive, enabling schoolchildren to show creative imagination and originality of thinking when creating a newspaper, poster, presentation;
  • practice-oriented, guiding students' actions to solve real environmental problems.

AT lower grades we start with excursions, record observations, bring everything interesting to the office. Students ask questions and we find answers together. This is how research topics naturally arise. to serious research environmental work The students are getting involved little by little. In grades 7-8, students speak based on the results of observations on excursions and life experience.

Young researchers are annual participants in regional and republican conferences, environmental campaigns, orienting their students to the environmental problems of our area.

When conducting environmental research students communicate with nature, acquire the skills of a scientific experiment, develop observation skills, and awaken interest in studying specific environmental problems in their region. In the process of research activity, the student learns to formulate the environmental problem under study, to put forward and justify the causes of its occurrence, to develop and conduct an experiment, to draw conclusions.

In connection with the “Year of Ecology 2017” declared by the President of the Russian Federation, I drew up a program on environmental education for a year, which I successfully implement at school in cooperation with my colleagues at all levels of school education.

Program goal: formation environmental literacy and ecological style of thinking, contributing to the formation of a moral and ecological position and ecological competence of the student's personality.


  • develop and supplement the received environmental knowledge, skills;
  • to bring up a responsible attitude to nature and to promote the interaction of students with objects of the socio-natural environment;
  • to expand the knowledge of students with examples of positive interaction in the system "man-nature-society";
  • contribute to the solution of environmental problems of local importance through practice-oriented activities for the protection of the environment.

As the expected results of the implementation and testing of the program of extracurricular activities of environmental orientation at the level of basic general education, we consider:

- personal results- the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, corresponding to environmentally safe practical activities in everyday life;

Metasubject Results- the formation of ecological thinking, the ability to choose the most best way solutions environmental challenge in social and practical activities;

Subject Results- the formation of ideas about the relationship between the world of living and inanimate nature, between living organisms; development of research skills.

During the implementation of the program "Year of Ecology 2017"the following methods are used:

  • explanatory-illustrative teaching is the traditional and least effective method learning in terms of "education for sustainable development". The means of teaching is the teacher and the carrier of information;
  • interactive learning is a more effective teaching method based on the interaction of students with each other, with the teacher and the socio-natural environment;
  • project-based learning is the most effective method of learning through the creation and implementation educational projects related to life practice, integration of theory and practice and aimed at achieving concrete improvements in the state of the environment.

The program of extracurricular activities of ecological orientation assumes the followingforms of work with students:

  • training seminars and practical work;
  • games, quizzes, contests, olympiads;
  • excursions, ecological actions and holidays;
  • Exhibition creative works and sharing experiences in conducting educational research with peers.

The forms of work used ensure the achievement of subject, personal and meta-subject results, and also contribute to the development of communicative, regulatory and cognitive universal educational activities. To conduct classes, there is a classroom with laboratory equipment (chemistry, biology,) and the availability of reference information resources on subject area"Natural Science" and "Ecology".

The program of ecological education of schoolchildren includes the following areas of educational activities: "Ecology of nature", "Ecology of health". Each of them is focused on introducing students to certain universal values.

The project "Ecological path" Bayanay "" was developed by students of grades 8 and 11 of the KhSOSH while working at the summer camp "Barylas". The purpose of the ecological trail is to create conditions for the education of environmentally literate people, for the formation of an ecological culture of human behavior in the environment, and to familiarize citizens with the world of wildlife.

The guys want every resident of the village, having walked along the ecological path, imbued with the idea of ​​preserving the nature of his native land from any unreasonable treatment of it.

The ecological trail serves as an educational and educational study on the ground, it is designed for a number of categories of visitors: children of preschool institutions, students of secondary schools, vacationers.

In the role of guides on the trail - students of grade 8. On the entire route along the route of the ecological trail:

  • the species composition of plants was determined;
  • the relief of the ecological trail was studied;
  • species of near-water birds and fauna of the reservoir were identified;

The guys wrote mini-projects for each object.

The knowledge, skills, personal qualities acquired by the children in environmental work will undoubtedly be useful both during their studies and in later life.

In the future, for me, an important result of the school environmental program is also the fact that many of his pupils tied their future profession with conservation activities.


  1. Grigoriev, D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical constructor: teacher's guide / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 223 p.
  2. Zakhlebny, A. N., The development of general environmental education in Russia on present stage. Sustainable Development: Ecology, Politics, Economics: Analytical Yearbook. - M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 2008. - S. 144-170.
  3. Kondakov A. M. The concept of federal state educational standards of general education / A. M. Kondakov, A. A. Kuznetsov et al.; ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008. – 39 p.
  4. Marfenin, N. N. Environmental education for sustainable development: new tasks and problems / N. N. Marfenin, L. V. Popova // Environmental education: before school, at school, outside of school. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 16–29.
  5. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 48 p.

Extracurricular work in biology

Consider unlucky the day or the hour in which you did not learn anything new and did not add anything to your education.
Ya. A. Comenius

An important task of the school is to educate students conscious attitude to work, to develop the necessary practical skills, the desire for independent mastery of knowledge, interest in research activities, etc.

School biological disciplines are of great importance in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. biology lessons, laboratory classes, practical work allows you to equip students with deep and solid knowledge about wildlife, as well as form their scientific and materialistic views on nature. In the process of teaching biology, schoolchildren develop patriotic feelings, aesthetic tastes, develop a love for nature, a desire to protect it.

In the development of students' interest in biology, a significant place is given to extracurricular activities, which are conducted by each biology teacher. The peculiarity of extracurricular work is that it is built taking into account the interests and inclinations of students. Along with this, extracurricular activities in biology provide an unlimited opportunity for the development of the creative activity of schoolchildren.

The development of interest is a complex process that includes intellectual, emotional and volitional elements in a certain combination and relationship. It is known that the interests of students are very diverse. They depend on the individual characteristics of the individual, as well as on the influence of external factors (schools, families, comrades, radio, television, etc.). How, then, to arouse in the younger generation an interest in the living, in caring for its preservation and multiplication? How to graft with early childhood careful attitude to nature, to its vast and very vulnerable flora and fauna?

This is largely facilitated by non-traditional forms of education (various holidays, themed evenings, role-playing games, quizzes, etc.), which improve self-education skills, practical skills of students, and broaden their horizons.

The content of extracurricular activities is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, but significantly goes beyond it and is determined mainly by schoolchildren by those interests, which, in turn, are formed under the influence of the interests of a biology teacher. Very often, for example, teachers interested in floriculture engage students in the study of diversity and the cultivation of ornamental plants, and teachers interested in bird biology subordinate almost all extracurricular work to ornithological topics. Extracurricular activities are implemented in its various forms.

Extracurricular work, as well as extracurricular, students perform outside the lesson or outside the class and school, but always on the instructions of the teacher when studying any section of the biology course. The content of extracurricular work is closely related to the program material. The results of extracurricular tasks are used in the biology lesson and are evaluated by the teacher (he puts marks in the class journal). Extracurricular work includes, for example: observations of seed germination, assigned to students when studying the topic “Seed” (grade 6); completing a task related to observing the development of an insect when studying the type of arthropods (Grade 7). Extracurricular activities also include summer assignments in biology (6th and 7th grades) provided for by the curriculum, as well as all homework assignments of a practical nature. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into strong beliefs. This is primarily due to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by a certain scope of lessons, there are great opportunities for using observation and experiment - the main methods of biological science. Conducting experiments, observations of biological phenomena, schoolchildren acquire, on the basis of direct perceptions, concrete ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In extracurricular work, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is implemented.

Extra-curricular work allows you to take into account the diverse interests of schoolchildren, significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and making observations, protecting plants and animals, schoolchildren come into close contact with wildlife, which has a great educational influence on them.

The great importance of extracurricular work in biology is due to the fact that it distracts students from an empty pastime. students who are interested in biology free time devote to observing interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, caring for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Thus, extracurricular work in biology is of great importance both in solving educational problems school course biology, and in resolving many general pedagogical tasks facing the general education school as a whole. Therefore, it should occupy a prominent place in the activities of every biology teacher.

The accumulated experience of extracurricular work in a general education school shows that it should be based on independent, mainly research activities of students, carried out under the guidance of a teacher: independent experiments and observations, work with reference books, determinants, magazines, popular science literature.

In biology lessons, I invite students to observe this or that phenomenon outside school hours, provide additional information about an animal or plant, and say where you can read more about them. At the same time, in the next lessons I always find out which of the students carried out the recommended observation, read the book, made a visual aid, etc., to cheer up and involve in other work.

Circle work can unite, for example, botanists, zoologists, physiologists, geneticists. Exhibitions of the best works of students are of great importance in developing interest in extracurricular work in biology. Their organization is most expedient to coincide with the holding of some biological evening (or holiday), the final lesson of the circle, the beginning of the school year.

The exhibition may include diaries of students' observations, photographs taken in nature, collections and herbariums, grown plants, etc. The exhibition can be called, for example, "Summer Works of Students", "Gifts of Autumn", etc. The exhibits selected for the exhibition must provide labels indicating the name of the work and its artist.

"Extracurricular activities are a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the classroom under the guidance of a teacher to excite and manifest their cognitive interests and creative initiative in expanding and supplementing the school curriculum in biology." The extra-curricular form of classes opens up wide opportunities both for the manifestation of the pedagogical creative initiative of the teacher, and for the diverse cognitive amateur activities of students and, most importantly, educating them. In the process of extracurricular activities, students develop creative abilities, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and abilities, develop intellectual and mental abilities, develop perseverance and diligence, deepen knowledge about plants and animals, develop interest in nature, learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, they form a natural-scientific worldview. Also, extra-curricular forms of activities contribute to the development of initiative and collectivism.

In all types of extracurricular work, a single principle of educative education is carried out, carried out in the system and development. All types of extracurricular activities are interconnected and complement each other. In extracurricular activities, there is a direct and feedback connection with the lesson. Types of extracurricular activities allow students to move from individual work to work in a team, and the latter acquires a social orientation, which is of great importance for education.

Extra-curricular activities, conducted in the system of the entire teaching process, develop the multilateral interests of students, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. The forms of such classes are very diverse, but in terms of content and methods of implementation they are connected with the lesson; in the lesson, students have an interest that finds its satisfaction in one form or another of extracurricular activities and again receives development and consolidation in the lesson.

The interests of students are often extremely narrow, limited to collecting, amateur attitude to individual animals. The task of the teacher is to expand the interests of students, to educate an educated person who loves science and knows how to explore nature. When conducting experiments and long-term observations of natural phenomena, schoolchildren form specific ideas about the material reality surrounding them. Observations made by the students themselves, for example, the development of a plant or the development of a butterfly (for example, cabbage whites), leaves a very deep imprint and strong emotional impressions in their minds.

Pedagogical process not limited to education. Everything that is carried out in the school in terms of implementation educational work during extracurricular time in some pedagogical sources is combined by one general concept- extra-curricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, extracurricular work in academic subjects is also distinguished (subject circles, sections, olympiads, exhibitions of creative works, etc.). Extracurricular work also includes work with students of class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out after school hours, but does not have a specially expressed subject character (it is not aimed at studying any one academic subject). This work can be carried out within the walls of the school or outside it, but is organized and carried out by school employees (meetings, class hours, lines, evenings of rest, exhibitions, excursions, trips, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work, extracurricular educational work also stands out. The pedagogical process is not limited to teaching. Everything that is carried out at school in terms of the implementation of educational work after school hours in some pedagogical sources is united by one general concept - extracurricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, extracurricular work in academic subjects is also distinguished (subject circles, sections, olympiads, exhibitions of creative works, etc.). Extracurricular work also includes work with students of class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out after school hours, but does not have a specially expressed subject character (it is not aimed at studying any one academic subject). This work can be carried out within the walls of the school or outside it, but is organized and carried out by school employees (meetings, class hours, lines, evenings of rest, exhibitions, excursions, trips, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work, extracurricular educational work also stands out.



State educational institution of additional professional education

(advanced training) of educators of the Moscow region

(GOU Pedagogical Academy)

Practice-oriented project

"Forms of organizing and conducting extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students in biology"

on the course of the variable training module

"Modernization of biological education" (72 hours)


Lilyakova Albina Vladimirovna

biology teacher MOU TSOSH No. 14


Lyuberetsky district of the Moscow region

Scientific supervisor of the project:

Dankova E. V.,

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences

Lyubertsy 2011

Introduction………………………………………………………. ………..3

  1. General characteristics of extracurricular work in biology……………7
  1. .Extracurricular work as a category of teaching biology…………..7
  2. Teaching and educational value of extracurricular work in teaching biology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Forms and types of extracurricular work………………………………….11

2. Forms of organizing and conducting extra-curricular and out-of-school work in MOU TSOSH No. 14………………………………………………………………….14

2.1. Organization of individual and group episodic

extracurricular work in biology………………………………………………14

2.2. Organization of circle extracurricular activities…………………….16

2.3. Mass extracurricular activities………………………………19

2.4. Wall newspaper, bulletins, montages……………………………….24

2.5. Exhibitions of student works…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………27

4. Literature………………………………………………………………………28


The pedagogical process is not limited to teaching. Everything that is carried out at school in terms of the implementation of educational work after school hours in some pedagogical sources is united by one general concept -extracurricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, they also distinguishextracurricular work in academic subjects(subject circles, sections, olympiads, exhibitions of creative works, etc.). Extracurricular work also includes work with students of class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out after school hours, but does not have a specially expressed subject character (it is not aimed at studying any one academic subject). This work can be carried out within the walls of the school or outside it, but is organized and carried out by school employees (meetings, class hours, lines, evenings of rest, exhibitions, excursions, trips, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work, there is also
extracurricular educational work.It is carried out in musical and art schools, stations of young naturalists, young technicians, clubs at various organizations, etc., i.e. It is carried out under the guidance not of school teachers, but of employees of extracurricular institutions and is characterized by a greater practical orientation and specialization compared to extracurricular work.
The variety of forms of extracurricular educational work is constantly replenished with new forms that correspond to the changing social conditions of school life. Often the basics of their content and methodology are borrowed from popular television games ("Spark", KVN, "Round Table", "Auction", "What? Where? When?", etc.).
variety of formseducational work with students can be divided into three groupsdepending on the main educational task they solve:

1) forms of management and self-government of school life (meetings, rulers, rallies, hours of class teachers, meetings of representative bodies of student self-government, wall printing, etc.);

2) cognitive forms (excursions, hikes, festivals, oral magazines, information, newspapers, themed evenings, studios, sections, exhibitions, etc.);

3) entertaining forms (matinees and evenings, "skits", "gatherings")

Used means and methodsalso play an important role.

Depending on this featureThe forms of educational work can be divided into three groups:

1) verbal (meetings, rallies, information, etc.), during which verbal methods and types of communication are used;
2) visual (exhibitions, museums, excursions, stands and other forms of visual propaganda), which are focused on the use of visual methods - visual perception by pupils of patterns of relations, actions, etc.;

3) practical (duties, patronage and charity activities, collection and design of exhibits for museums, exhibitions, production of stands, publication of newspapers, magazines, participation in labor operations, etc.), which are based on the practical actions of pupils that change the objects of their activities.

Principles of organization of extracurricular activities

Extra-curricular work is built on a voluntary basis with equal rights to participate in it for both well-knowing students and poorly trained students. Takes on special activity individual approach to children: taking into account their interests and requests, relying on their initiative and independence, stimulating curiosity and cognitive activity. Each suggestion, remark, wish of the students is listened to, discussed, taken into account and acted upon.

The connection between extracurricular activities and work in the classroom lies in the fact that the knowledge gained by students in the classroom is the basis for extracurricular communication. The system of extra-curricular activities is formed in accordance with the system of classes in the classroom. On them, students develop ideological, moral and aesthetic views, norms, concepts, draw conclusions, compare and generalize the facts. This manifests itselfthe principle of nurturing education.

Scientific principlerequires that extracurricular activities be built on a cognitive basis, and not turned into a means of fun or entertainment. Any material in extracurricular activities, even if it is presented in an unexpected and unusual way, corresponds to scientific data without unnecessary simplification or complication.

Acquires importance in extracurricular activitiesvisibility principle. The scientific nature, the depth of the material presented in extracurricular activities, the identification of its practical significance should be combined with the fascination of the form. This is where parents come to the rescue: together with children, teachers, they design visualization for extracurricular activities and activities, help in decorating scenery and costumes, and are direct participants.

Extra-curricular work, to a greater extent than classroom work, is based on principle entertainment.This principle is reflected in the diversity and variability of forms, methods, specific techniques, tasks, linguistic games, which allow achieving the goal with the greatest efficiency.

object research is extracurricular work in biology.

Subject studies were the mechanisms of the impact of extracurricular work on the personality of the child, the formation moral qualities, the influence of the interest of students and teachers on the effectiveness of extracurricular activities.

aim The project was the development of various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology to organize the activities of students that affect the moral development of the individual.

Tasks :

1. Determine the degree of interest of students and teachers in extracurricular and out-of-school work in biology.

2. Select material for the development of various forms of events.

3. Determine the circle of students who want to take part in various activities in biology.

4. Determine the direction of extracurricular work (to develop which personal qualities, in the opinion of teachers, extracurricular work should be directed).

5. Introduce various forms of organizing and conducting extracurricular work in biology into the extracurricular and extracurricular work of the school.

To solve the tasks in this project various methods of collecting information were used: questionnaires, interviews, acquaintance with literary sources; conducting extra-curricular activities in various forms.


1. Extracurricular work and extracurricular work in biology will be of interest to a wide range of students.

2. Extra-curricular and out-of-school work in biology can be carried out in various forms.

3. The result of extracurricular and out-of-school work in biology should be effective (lead to the moral development of the student's personality).

When evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing extracurricular and out-of-school work, I identified the mainperformance criteriaextracurricular activities:

1. Get more extracurriculars educational knowledge. Indicator: the number of students attending biological circles, the number of students who called reading additional literature a norm of behavior.

2. Sports, physical improvement. Indicator: the number of students attending various sections, the number of students who named health as the main values ​​of life, the number of students who named sports as the norm of behavior.

3. Art classes. Indicator: number of students participating in various theatrical performances, KVNakh, holidays, etc.

4. Classes in line with the chosen profession. Indicator: number of professionally oriented students.

5. Comfort at school. Indicator: the number of students who feel like "owners of the school".

6. Commitment to development. Indicator: the number of students striving for self-improvement and moral development.

7. Characteristic. Self-assessment of the importance of their personality by students. Criterion: the ability to make decisions that determine the life of the class and school. Indicator: The number of students who have the opportunity to make decisions that determine the life of the school and class.

1. General characteristics of extracurricular work in biology

Teaching and educational tasks of the school biology course are most fully resolved on the basis of close connection class-lesson system of education with extracurricular work of students. The knowledge and skills in biology acquired by students in the classroom, laboratory classes, excursions and other forms of educational work find significant deepening, expansion and awareness in extracurricular activities, which have a great influence on the overall increase in their interest in the subject.

In the methodological literature and the practice of school work, the concept of "extracurricular work" is often identified with the concepts of "extracurricular work" and "extracurricular work", although each of them has its own content. In addition, extracurricular work is often considered a form of learning. Based on a comparison of these concepts with other generally accepted methodological concepts, extracurricular work should be attributed to one of the components of the system of biological education of schoolchildren, extracurricular work -

To one of the forms of teaching biology, and extracurricular work in biology -

to the system of additional biological education of schoolchildren.

Extracurricular work in biology is carried out during extracurricular time. It is not obligatory for all schoolchildren and is organized mainly for those of them who have an increased interest in biology. The content of extracurricular activities is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, but significantly goes beyond it and is determined mainly by schoolchildren by those interests, which, in turn, are formed under the influence of the interests of a biology teacher. Very often, for example, teachers interested in floriculture engage students in the study of diversity and the cultivation of ornamental plants, and teachers interested in bird biology subordinate almost all extracurricular work to ornithological topics. Extracurricular activities are implemented in its various forms.

Extracurricular work, as well as extracurricular, students perform outside the lesson or outside the class and school, but always on the instructions of the teacher when studying any section of the biology course. The content of extracurricular work is closely related to the program material. The results of extracurricular tasks are used in the biology lesson and are evaluated by the teacher (he puts marks in the class journal). Extracurricular work includes, for example: observations of seed germination, assigned to students when studying the topic “Seed” (grade 6); completing a task related to observing the development of an insect when studying the type of arthropods (Grade 7). Extracurricular activities also include summer assignments in biology (6th and 7th grades) provided for by the curriculum, as well as all homework assignments of a practical nature.

Out-of-school work of students, in contrast to out-of-class and extra-curricular activities, is carried out with out-of-school institutions (stations for young naturalists, institutions of additional education) according to special programs developed by employees of these institutions and approved by the relevant public education authorities.

1.2 Educational and educational value of extracurricular activities in teaching biology.

Its value has been proven both by scientists - methodologists, and experienced teachers biology. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into strong beliefs. This is primarily due to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by a certain scope of lessons, there are great opportunities for using observation and experiment - the main methods of biological science. Conducting experiments, observations of biological phenomena, schoolchildren acquire, on the basis of direct perceptions, concrete ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Conducted by students, for example, long-term observations of the growth and development of a flowering plant or the growth and development of a cabbage butterfly or an ordinary mosquito, or experiments related to the development of conditioned reflexes in animals of a corner of nature, leave deeper traces in the minds of children than the most detailed stories or talk about it using visual tables and even special videos.

The wide use in extracurricular work of various tasks related to conducting observations and experiments develops research abilities in schoolchildren. In addition, the specificity of the observed phenomena, the need to briefly write down the observed, draw the appropriate conclusions, and then talk about it in a lesson or circle class contributes to the development of students' thinking, observation, makes them think about what used to pass their attention. In extracurricular work, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is implemented.

Extra-curricular work allows you to take into account the diverse interests of schoolchildren, significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and making observations, protecting plants and animals, schoolchildren come into close contact with wildlife, which has a great educational influence on them.

Extracurricular work in biology makes it possible to more closely connect theory with practice. It involves schoolchildren in various feasible work: preparing the soil for setting up experiments and observing plants, caring for them, planting trees and shrubs, preparing food for feeding birds, caring for farmed animals, which, in turn, instills in them a sense of responsibility for entrusted business, the ability to bring the work started to the end, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism.

If extracurricular work is associated with the production of visual aids from materials collected in nature, as well as models, tables, models, the organization of biological olympiads, exhibitions, the release of wall newspapers, it causes the need for schoolchildren to use scientific - popular and scientific biological literature, familiarize them with extracurricular reading .

The great importance of extracurricular work in biology is due to the fact that it distracts students from an empty pastime. Students who are fond of biology devote their free time to observing interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, caring for sponsored animals, and reading popular science literature.

Thus, extracurricular work in biology is of great importance both in solving the educational problems of the school biology course, and in solving many general pedagogical problems facing the general education school as a whole. Therefore, it should occupy a prominent place in the activities of every biology teacher.

1.3 Forms and types of extracurricular activities

The general education school has accumulated extensive experience in extracurricular work in biology, therefore, along with the disclosure of the content and organization of extracurricular work, its forms and types are considered.

When identifying forms of extracurricular work, one should proceed both from the number of students participating in extracurricular work, and from the principle of systematic or episodic conduct of it.

Characteristics of the forms of extracurricular work in biology.

Forms of extracurricular activities can be classified according tothe degree of systematic organization of students' activities:

One-time (competitions, KVN, Hours of entertaining biology, quizzes, conferences, olympiads);
systemic (issue of newspapers, design work, excursions, theatrical performances, extracurricular activities, local history associations of students).

All of them are organized and held once (or several times) during the academic year for different classes, groups of students.

Their main goal is to develop students' interest in the subject, region.

Forms of extracurricular work can be classifiedaccording to the number of students in them:

Individual form work- this is an independent activity of individual students, aimed at self-education. For example: preparation of reports, amateur art performances, preparation of illustrated albums, observations in nature, production of visual aids, selection of material for a stand, setting up experiments and observations on plants and animals in nature, on a training and experimental site, etc. This allows everyone to find their place in the common cause. This activity requires educators to know the individual characteristics of students through conversations, questionnaires, and the study of their interests.

To unifying formsWorks include children's clubs (circles), school museums, societies.Circle work(profile clubs)can unite, for example, botanists, zoologists, physiologists, geneticists(a circle of a young biologist, a young veterinarian, a young ecologist). Various types of classes are held in circles (clubs): these are reports, movie screenings, excursions, making visual aids, laboratory classes, meetings with interesting people and others. The report of the work of the circle for the year is carried out in the form of an evening, a conference, an exhibition, a review.

School museums are a common form. According to the profile, they can be local lore. The main work in school museums is related to the collection of materials. To do this, hikes, expeditions, meetings with interesting people are carried out, extensive correspondence is carried out, work in the archive. Museum materials should be used in the classroom, for educational activities among the adult population. It is necessary that the work of the school museum take place in contact with the state museum, which should provide them with scientific and methodological assistance.

Forms of mass workare among the most common in schools. They are designed to simultaneously cover many students, they are characterized by colorfulness, solemnity, brightness, and a great emotional impact on children. Mass work contains great opportunities for activating students. Socompetition, olympiad, competition, gamerequire the direct activity of everyone. When conducting conversations, evenings, matinees, only a part of the schoolchildren act as organizers and performers. In events such asvisiting performances, meeting interesting people, all participants become spectators. Empathy arising from participation in a common cause is an important means of team building. The traditional form of mass work isschool holidays. They are dedicated to calendar dates, anniversaries of writers and cultural figures. During the academic year, 4-5 holidays are possible. They broaden their horizons, evoke a feeling of familiarization with the life of the country. Contests, olympiads, reviews are widely used. They stimulate children's activity, develop initiative. In connection with the competitions are usually arranged Exhibitions that reflect the creativity of schoolchildren: drawings, essays, crafts. School Olympiads are organized by academic subjects. Students take part in them from primary school. Their goal is to involve all children with the selection of the most talented ones. Reviews - the most general competitive form of mass work. Their task is to sum up and disseminate the best experience, to strengthen career guidance activities, to organize circles and clubs, to foster a desire for a common search. A form of mass work with children is Classroom hour . It is carried out within the allotted time and is integral part educational activity. Any form of extracurricular work should be filled with useful content (campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and other food for winter feeding of birds; making and hanging bird nests).

A characteristic feature of extracurricular work is that it most fully implements the principle of mutual learning, when older, more experienced students pass on their experience to younger ones. This is one of the effective ways to implement the educational functions of the team.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them, a certain pedagogical pattern is observed. Interest in working with living organisms usually arises in schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. Having successfully completed certain tasks of the teacher, they usually ask for additional extracurricular work. If there are several such students in the class, the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and later into circles of young naturalists, working in which they take an active part in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use in the lessons of the results of individual, episodic group and circle work (for example, demonstrations of manufactured manuals, reports on observations made, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contribute to the involvement of students in extracurricular work who have not previously shown proper interest in it. Often, some schoolchildren who at first took a passive part in mass extracurricular work on landscaping the school territory, making bird houses, as listeners, later become either young naturalists or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the instructions of the teacher.

  1. Forms of organizing and conducting extra-curricular and out-of-school work in MOU TSOSH No. 14

1.2. Organization of individual and group episodic extracurricular work in biology.

The extracurricular work of schoolchildren in biology can be successful if it is constantly guided by the teacher. Managementindividual workindividual students who are interested in biology lies in the fact that the teacher helps them choose or clarify the topic of classes, recommends reading the relevant literature, developing a methodology for conducting experiments or observations, is interested in the progress of work, advises how to overcome certain difficulties encountered, etc. Results The teacher's individual work is then used as an illustration when presenting new material in biology lessons, in wall newspaper notes on biology, and on the stands of the biological classroom.

In biology lessons, the teacher can invite students to observe a particular phenomenon outside of class time, provide additional information about an animal or plant, and say where you can read more about them. At the same time, in the next lessons, you should always find out which of the students carried out the recommended observation, read the book, made a visual aid, etc., encourage and involve in other work.

Group episodic lessons usually organized by the teacher in connection with the preparation and holding of school mass events, for example, school biology olympiad, biology month, healthy lifestyle month, bird day holiday. To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students who are interested in biology, sets a task for them, for example, to prepare and hold Bird Day, and then gives them various assignments: one - to make reports on the importance of birds in nature and the need for their protection, quiz questions; others - to pick up drawings depicting birds for them and arrange montages; the third - to compile a literary montage of their poems about birds, the fourth - to publish a thematic wall newspaper, the next - to prepare and conduct reports, prepare artistic numbers for the holiday. Then the teacher monitors the performance of the assigned work and helps in its implementation. The result of this work is the celebration.

Usually, after the completion of any mass event, the work of the episodic group stops. To conduct another mass event, the teacher attracts students from the previous episodic group or creates a new one.

Occasional group extracurricular work is also organized in connection with the desire of the teacher to involve students in the study of the wildlife of their region, for example, to make an inventory of tree and shrub vegetation of the school territory, a neighboring park; to find out the species composition of birds inhabiting places near the reservoirs of the village. Tomilino or a park area near the school; to study the daily activity of animals of various species, the "biological clock" of plants. The need to organize such episodic group work usually arises when there is no circle of young naturalists at school.

In a similar way, classes are organized for an occasionally working group of students in the preparation and conduct of biological KVN, evenings, hours of entertaining biology and other mass biological events.

2.2. Organization of circle extracurricular activities.

In contrast to the episodic naturalistic group, circle classes bring together schoolchildren who systematically perform various tasks throughout the year and even several years. The composition of the circle is stable and includes both students of the same class or parallel classes, as well as students who differ in years of study. Often students are united in a circle not by age, but by inclinations, passion for biology. When determining the content of the work of the circle, it is most expedient to proceed from the fact that every student who is interested in biology must have versatile knowledge about wildlife. The naturalistic circle is characterized by such types of work as experiments and observations (in a natural setting, in an educational and experimental area, in the corners of wildlife); excursions in nature and in agricultural production; participation in nature protection; production of visual aids.

Since the 2010-2011 academic year, two circles from the DDT "Intellect" (Moscow) have been working in MOU TSOSH No. 14: "Young veterinarian", "Exotic animals in the house." Classes are taught by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor - G.V. Pavlov; methodologist - R. V. Zhelankin.

This academic year (2011-2012) students of grades 8-9 are in the "Young Veterinarian" circle, students of grades 3-5 are in the "Exotic animals in the house" circle.

The program of these circles involves different types of activities (see Appendix)

Circle charter. The circle of young naturalists is a voluntary organization. However, upon joining it, students must comply with certain rules (charter), which are developed and adopted by the circle members themselves at one of the first gatherings.

Circle active. The success of the work of the circle largely depends on its asset (headman, secretary, responsible for TCO, wall printing), which is chosen at one of the first circle classes.

The headman of the circle maintains contact with the head of the circle, reports on upcoming changes in the schedule of the circle, presides over them, prepares lists of those leaving for excursions, and monitors the performance of duties by other members of the circle's assets.

The secretary of the circle draws up and posts lists of attendants, notes the presence of young naturalists at the meetings of the circle, finds out the reasons for the absence, keeps a short protocol of meetings, prepares a photo report on excursions and classes of the circle.

The person responsible for the TSS monitors the correctness of the TSS, their readiness for work is responsible for the safety of inventory, the youth library, etc.

The person responsible for wall printing, together with members of the editorial board, selects material for the wall newspaper, monitors their timely release.

The head of the circle develops in every possible way the initiative and independence of the circle's asset, consults with him in resolving certain issues.

The work program of the circle is the leader of the circle.It reflects all types of work of the circle. When compiling such a program, the head of the circle proceeds from the interests of young naturalists, their cognitive research abilities and capabilities. Individual or group assignments for independent research work are distributed among young naturalists, and instructions are given for implementation.

The classes are held twice a week.

At the end of the year, a reporting session is held, a wall newspaper is published, an exhibition is designed based on the results of the work.At the reporting session of the circle, the young naturalists report on the work done, demonstrate collections, photographs of the studied objects, read out the records of the observations made.

Extracurricular work remains interesting for students only if they do not feel stagnation and monotony in it. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually lead the circle members from fulfilling simple experiments and observations to more complex, exploratory in nature.

Of great importance in the development of circle work at school is the organization of encouraging young naturalists, which is expressed primarily in recording their useful deeds in the general diary of the circle and the systematic "publication" of records in wall printing.

Club leaders are not limited to conducting classes within the school.

This year, members of the circles visit the laboratories at the DTD "Intellect". The laboratory "Live Innovations" has already been visited on the following topics:

1. “How to see bacteria? (work on microscopes)”,

2. "At the appointment with a veterinarian (learning how to determine the disease in your pet)",

3. " Biological program- DNA molecule (study of the structure of the DNA molecule). In the classroom, laboratory work was carried out under the guidance of the heads of laboratories and short lectures on topics were listened to.

During the month of subjects of the natural science cycle (in November), these laboratories were also visited by students of different classes who were not members of the circles.

Members of the "Young Veterinarian" circle visited the exhibition "Intellectual Property" of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and international scientific conference "Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials"

2.3. Mass extracurricular activities.

Subject months

Our school hosts subject months every year. The schedule of their holding is approved by the director at the beginning of the academic year. Science Month is usually held in our school in October, and Healthy Lifestyle Month is held in April. This is a traditional form of work that allows you to involve all school students in subject activities, depending on their interests and cognitive abilities. The purpose of holding monthly meetings is to develop interest in subjects, broaden the horizons of students, and prevent a healthy lifestyle. During them, teachers use a variety of forms of extracurricular activities.

As a rule, subject months are held in close contact with class teachers, subject teachers. Subject months are held, combining activities required for all classes, with activities for individual groups of students.These are, for example, biological olympiads, evenings, holidays, entertaining biology hours, quizzes, class hours, nature conservation work, etc. They are organized by biology teachers with the help of circles or a group of students who are not formed into a circle, the school's student asset.

School Biology Olympiadsare usually held at school in the fall. Students who are gifted in this area from the point of view of the teacher and 3-4 students are invited to participate in the Olympiads.

The Olympics is held in two rounds.Usually, a month before the Olympiad, a group of students issues a bulletin on the procedure for conducting it, posting a list of recommended literature, options for last year's Olympiads.

The first round of the Olympiad is held in writing. For the second round of the Olympiad, young naturalists prepare living and fixed natural objects, stuffed animals, tables, drawings and photographs of plants and animals, anatomical preparations. All this is placed in departments: "Botany", "Zoology", "Anatomy and human physiology", "General biology". In each department, participants of the Olympiad take tickets with one question or task, requiring them to name a plant, animal, or say whose traces are shown in the picture, or briefly talk about some object or phenomenon.

The winners of the school Olympiad are applicants for participation in the district or district Olympiad. Every year (for the last 10 years) the students of our school win prizes (2 or 3) in regional Olympiads. In the 2011-2012 academic year, a 10th grade student won the regional Olympiad (4th place).

Biological KVNs, received widespread in schools, they are carried out following the example of television KVN. To conduct KVN, usually two teams are selected from several classes (preferably parallel), each of which, 2-3 weeks before the start of the competition, prepares a biological greeting for the rival team, questions, riddles, poems and stories about wildlife.

The presenter is also preparing for KVN in advance. To evaluate the work of the teams during the competition, a jury is elected, which includes the head and the activists of the circle of young naturalists, class teachers of students who take an active part in KVN, who is responsible in the youth parliament for the cultural work of the school. The biology teacher, the organizer of KVN, supervises all the work. He recommends relevant literature to the participants, is interested in the progress of the preparation of the game, consults, gives advice on how to implement certain ideas of the teams in an interesting way.

Fans are invited to biological KVN - all interested students of the school. The date of the KVN is announced in advance: a colorfully designed announcement is posted in the school lobby.

In our school, KVNs are held once a year on a month of subjects of the natural science cycle

cool watch . The main function of the class hour is to enrich students with moral, aesthetic and other knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities of moral behavior. Most often in our school there are class hours aimed at the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. At the classroom hour, the main "character" is the teacher. He prepares the script for the class hour and assistants - students for the class hour (see Appendix).

Hours of entertaining biologyusually organized by class or in parallel classes. The duration of one lesson is an academic hour.

Every hour of entertaining biology (botany, zoology, etc.) students under the guidance of a teacher prepare in advance. They select from the recommended literature necessary information, compose them, prepare visual aids. When classes are given a playful form of conduct (for example, in the form of travel), leaders are prepared.

At the lesson itself, the facilitator invites schoolchildren to make a trip, names stopping points, during which pre-prepared students provide interesting information about plants (at entertaining botany), about animals (at entertaining zoology), etc.

The facilitator may invite the participants of the lesson to guess any biological riddles, solve crosswords or chainwords, answer quiz questions.

In this way, variousbiological evenings, for example: “Forest treasures”, “Journey to the homeland of indoor plants”, “How superstitions are born”, etc. Each evening is preceded by a lot of preparatory work: the program of the evening is developed, the topics of reports and messages are distributed among the organizers, its entertaining part is being prepared ( quiz questions, biological games, crossword puzzles), amateur performances (poems, dramatizations), decoration, an exhibition of naturalistic works of students.

The value of such preparation for holding evenings lies primarily in the fact that schoolchildren are involved in independent work with various popular science and reference literature (at the same time, their biological horizons are expanding), they comprehend and creatively process the information found. It is important that one of the critical tasks schools associated with the development of creative activity and independence of adolescents, the ability to navigate in the flow of modern information. In cases where the teacher uses ready-made scenarios and invites students (speakers, presenters) to memorize a particular text and retell it at the evening, the educational and educational effect of the evenings is small. This year, within the framework of the subject month, a biological evening "Tea ceremony" was held (see Appendix)

Theatrical performances.This form of extracurricular work has the goal of developing the personal qualities of students, interest in the subject.

Public benefit activity(OPD) is the leading psychological activity of adolescents. OPD is characterized by gratuitous work aimed at strangers, a quick and visible result that has public recognition and is beneficial.

In mass socially useful events held by the schoolall schoolchildren take part in nature protection, gardening of the school territory. This work is organized by the school administration, a biology teacher, class teachers, circle members, school student activists.

Before each mass socially useful campaign, students are given the scope and nature of the work, they receive the necessary instructions and carry out the work. During such activities, students acquire relevant skills and environmental knowledge.

There are many flower beds on the territory of our school. Grades 5-6 participate in planting seedlings on them. Students receive assignments for growing seedlings of annual plants in biology lessons. The underground parts of perennial plants in spring and autumn are brought by students from family dachas. Thus, almost all students of the school admire "their" plants in these flower beds. The designers are biology teachers and willing students. There is a fruit and berry garden on the school grounds. Trees and bushes in it are planted annually by school graduates, and high school students take care of them during their summer labor practice.

Pupils of our school in spring, summer and autumn participate in the improvement of the school territory and the park adjacent to the school. These events bring up morality, ecological culture, hard work, a sense of patriotism, responsibility, etc. in the individual.

Design work. Purpose: teaching schoolchildren rational methods of collective (group) creative research work;
development of individual educational, organizational, creative and other abilities of students; students' mastery of the content side of the subject. This academic year, the most interesting were the projects on ecology prepared by the 10th grade children: “Garbage: what to do with it?”, “Studying the ecological state of the school and the school site”, last year, 6th graders, under the guidance of a biology and fine arts teacher, completed a research work" landscape design school flowerbed.

Excursions are the most popular form of extracurricular local history work. Excursions can be planned (conducted by excursion organizations) and amateur (prepared and conducted by schoolchildren). The disadvantage of planned excursions is that children are passive receivers of information, the degree of assimilation of which largely depends on the qualifications of the guide. This academic year, as part of the month of subjects in the natural science cycle, students of grades 5-10 visited the horse yard at the Golitsyn estate in Kuzminki, where they got acquainted with the breeds of horses, their conditions of keeping, feed, horse utensils. Grades 2-4 made an excursion "On a visit to the reindeer"Moscow region.

Every year, students of our school go on excursions to the Prioksko-Terrassny Nature Reserve, the Bird Park)

2.5. Wall newspaper, bulletins, montages.

A large role in the organization of extracurricular work in biology belongs to wall printing. Kruzhkovites publish youth newspapers, bulletins, and photomontages. The main drawback in this type of activity of the circle members is often manifested in the fact that they copy interesting information from magazines and other popular science literature into “their newspapers”, almost not reflecting the work of the circle as a whole and the work of individual young naturalists in the wall print. At the same time, information about the activities of the biological circle must be included in the school press. The school press should also reflect the results of all independent research by the circle members.

On the month of subjects of the natural science cycle, schoolchildren in grades 5-11 publish newspapers on biological topics, about biologists, about environmental protection, about a healthy lifestyle, etc. Topics are suggested by the teacher. Students can create newspapers in groups and individually. This academic year, newspapers were published on the topics "Traditions and Smoking", "Pill from ...", "Health Cocktail", "We are for a healthy lifestyle."

2.5. Exhibitions of student work.

The purpose of the exhibitions is to develop students' interest in their native land, to develop the creative abilities of students. The exhibits of the exhibition can be drawings, photographs, models, crafts, computer works, study guides and other products created by the participants.

At the preparatory stage, the teacher needs to determine: the purpose, subject matter, type (s) of exhibits, time and place of the exhibition; criteria for evaluating works (if the exhibition is competitive); list of participants. Regulations on the exhibition should be communicated to all students of the school. The theme of the exhibition can cover any aspect of the life of the region.

Their organization is most expedient to coincide with the holding of some biological evening (or holiday), the final lesson of the circle, a certain time of the year.

Our school practices exhibitions of natural material "Autumn Fantasies", photo exhibitions "Winter Landscapes", "Winter - a fun season" (healthy lifestyle series), "Spring - it's time to bloom." Over the years, biology and primary school teachers organized the exhibitions "Summer Works of Students" (collections and herbariums), "Gifts of Autumn" (grown plants), "My Bouquet for Mom" ​​(applications). The exhibits selected for the exhibition must be provided with labels indicating the name of the work and its artist.

The exhibition is organized in the biological cabinet or in the school hall. It is open to all visitors (and students, parents) after school. The exhibition is organized on duty. Tour guides are assigned to get acquainted with the work of students. This year the school is creating a guest book.

The creation of newspapers, exhibitions develops in students an interest in biology and creative thinking.

One of the forms of communication between the school and the family isorganization of parental assistance in carrying out extracurricular educational work with students. Parents are experts in various fields science and technology, employees of medical institutions, labor veterans, etc. Their participation in extracurricular educational work with students gives it variety and increases its content.

The educational activities of parents at school are carried out primarily in the form of conversations with students, presentations and lectures. They are devoted to the development of science and technology, to familiarize schoolchildren with the production successes of people. The topics of these presentations include issues of medicine, stories about life and creative activity prominent people, etc.

A common form of participation of parents in the extracurricular work of the school is the organization of excursions for students to industrial enterprises and scientific institutions, as well as the organization of local history work.

As part of subject months, our school annually holds meetings with parents, doctors, veterinarians, cosmetologists, and food production workers. For girls in grades 8 and 9, one of the mothers, a gynecologist, organizes an excursion to the gynecological room. In the spring, as part of the month for a healthy lifestyle, there is an excursion for grades 10-11 to the Baby House in the village. Malakhovka, organized by the parents of our student who work in this House. Students see children, and these are mostly disabled children abandoned by dysfunctional parents, and by their example they get acquainted with the manifestations of various hereditary diseases.

  1. Conclusion

"Extracurricular activities are a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the classroom under the guidance of a teacher to excite and manifest their cognitive interests and creative initiative in expanding and supplementing the school curriculum in biology." The extra-curricular form of classes opens up wide opportunities both for the manifestation of the pedagogical creative initiative of the teacher, and for the diverse cognitive amateur activities of students and, most importantly, educating them. In the process of extracurricular activities, students develop creativity, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and abilities, develop intellectual and mental abilities, develop perseverance and diligence, deepen knowledge about plants and animals, develop interest in the natural environment, learn to apply the acquired knowledge to practice, they form a natural-scientific worldview. Also, extra-curricular forms of activities contribute to the development of initiative and collectivism.

In all types of extracurricular work, a single principle of educative education is carried out, carried out in the system and development. All types of extracurricular activities are interconnected and complement each other. In extracurricular activities, there is a direct and feedback connection with the lesson. Types of extracurricular activities allow students to move from individual work to work in a team, and the latter acquires a social orientation, which is of great importance for education.

Extra-curricular activities, conducted in the system of the entire teaching process, develop the multilateral interests of students, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. The forms of such classes are very diverse, but in terms of content and methods of implementation they are connected with the lesson; in the lesson, students have an interest that finds its satisfaction in one form or another of extracurricular activities and again receives development and consolidation in the lesson.

The interests of students are often extremely narrow, limited to collecting, amateur attitude to individual animals. The task of the teacher is to expand the interests of students, to educate an educated person who loves science and knows how to explore nature. When conducting experiments and long-term observations of natural phenomena, schoolchildren form specific ideas about the material reality surrounding them. Observations made by the students themselves, for example, the development of a plant or the development of a butterfly (for example, cabbage whites), leaves a very deep imprint and strong emotional impressions in their minds.


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Form of holding: a round table dedicated to the problem computer addiction

The form of the class hour - a round table - allows children to speak out, develops discussion skills. It is very important that the facilitator is able to organize the discussion. The round table discussion consists of 3 blocks: 1 informational (information on the problem of computer addiction) and 2 discussion blocks ("Who is to blame" and "What to do?"). The actions of the leader in each block: first give the word to the “guests”, then to the rest of the children. At the same time, in information block no discussion allowed. After the reports of the “guests”, the children are invited to supplement their speeches with new facts. In the discussion blocks, they can already express their opinions.

It is desirable that the teacher constantly emphasizes that as a result of the discussion, a common opinion should be developed that takes into account the opinions of the majority. Therefore, it is very important to summarize at the end of each block, to formulate a general idea.

All remarks are written out in detail in the script, but this does not mean that they need to be distributed to all children. This will turn the round table into a rehearsed matinee that will be uninteresting for ninth graders. It is important for them to speak out and be heard. Moreover, the topic is close and understandable to everyone. Texts can be distributed only to "guests", warning them that they are given not for cramming, but for a guide (in terms of time and content).

Target : to acquaint children with the harmful effects of computer games, to give an idea of ​​Internet addiction; to form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity; develop the skills to participate in the discussion; encourage children to expand their horizons, to participate in sports sections, to self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement.

Preparatory work: distribute roles among children: mothers (2), doctors (2), programmers (2), provide all with texts. All children should be seated at their desks, and the “guests” should be facing the class at the blackboard.

Decor : write a topic on the board, the epigraph “Computers are machines that are designed to solve problems that you would not have if you did not have a computer.

class plan

Motivational conversation.

Round table "Suffering from cybermania".

The first block of discussion. "Three Facets of the Problem".

The third block of discussion. "What to do?"

Final word.

Summing up (reflex to them)

Class hour progress

I. Motivational conversation

class leader those l. Today we will touch on a vital topic for all teenagers.

Raise your hands, who has played computer games at least once?

Was it that you skipped classes to playin the game room?

Do you talk to your friends about computer games, codes, levels, etc.?

Do you enjoy working at the computer?

Do you get angry at those who distract you from your computer?

Have you had to deceive loved ones, saying that you were writing a paper or looking for information, while you were just playing or talking?

Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing on the computer?

Do you put off important things for the sake of the computer?

Do you like to play at the computer in moments of sadness, depression?

Do your parents scold you for spending too much money on Internet games?

(Answers children.)

Approximately such questions are asked by psychologists when they want to make sure whether a person suffers from computer addiction. I asked these questions so that you take a sober look at yourself from the outside, critically assess your attitude towards the computer. A positive answer to all these questions should make you wary.

II. Round table "Suffering from cybermania"

The first block of discussion. "Three Facets of the Problem"

Classroom teacher. Computer addiction - a new disease of our time or a fictional threat? In the West, they say that every fifth Internet user suffers from computer addiction in one way or another. And in Russia, many are already subject to this mania. People lose their sense of reality, go into the virtual world. The most vulnerable, as always, were children and adolescents. There was even such a term - "computer syndrome". Who is to blame for this and what to do? Today we will be discussing these issues in a roundtable that we have called "The Suffering of Cybermania".

Introducing our guests. The point of view of the parents will be voiced ( names, surnames). The point of view of doctors will be stated(names, surnames).The opinion of computer specialists will be expressed(names, surnames). We start the discussion. The first word is parents.

Mom 1. Many parents simply do not understand what a terrible destructive force the computer represents. One 14-year-old student from Romania was taken away from an Internet cafe " Ambulance". The boy sat in this cafe for 9 days in a row and reached complete physical and mental exhaustion. His mother said that the boy was simply obsessed with the computer game Counter Strike. He did not leave the computer, stopped going to school. He lied, stole things from the house in order to sell them and spend money on the Internet.He stopped washing and lost 10 kg.

Mom 2. Another scary fact: a 12-year-old teenager from Yekaterinburg died of a stroke after playing for 12 hours on a computer. Doctors at the Children's Hospital, where the boy was taken, say that every week they receive at least one teenager addicted to computer games. Children can spend days without food and rest in front of a computer at home or in game clubs.

Mom 1 . And here are the criminal facts: a 13-year-old teenager robbed his grandparents in order to get money for an Internet cafe. A high school student, having played enough of DOOM, severely beat the neighbor's kids. There are enough such stories in every police station. Tens of thousands of boys and girls for the sake of the virtual world drop out of school, lose friends, conflict with their parents.

Mom 2. Not only children, but also adults suffer from computers! AT recent times computer widows appeared in the world. These are women whose husbands are cyberalcoholics. So called people obsessed with computer mania. They spend up to 18 hours a day at the computer, stop caring about their appearance, don’t shave or wash for weeks, walk around the house in dirty clothes, and generally minimize outings. Poor women really feel like straw widows - like a husband is nearby, but in a completely different dimension.

Classroom teacher.What can our members add to this? Only facts! Can you provide similar facts? Do you feel like you are also being sucked into the computer quagmire? Do you see how your friends are leaving you more and more in the virtual world? Can you give contrary facts when the activists of computer games did not get into any kind of addiction?

(Children speak up.)

So, people are sounding the alarm, seeing how their loved ones go into the virtual world. What will the doctors say?

Doctor 1. Western doctors unequivocally assert that computer and Internet addiction exists. There was even such a diagnosis: "cybermania" or "pathological use of the computer" (games, the Internet). So far, however, computer addiction is not an official diagnosis, but some scientists suggest that over time, cybermania will be recognized as the number one disease in the world.

There are already clinics in the West where various computer diseases are treated.

disorders. In Finland, there have even been cases when conscripts received a deferment from the army for the treatment of computer addiction. So far, few people in Russia seek medical help, parents are afraid to take their child to a psychiatrist, they do not want their child to be in the same ward with drug addicts and alcoholics.

doctor 2. What is cybermania? First of all, that people prefer to spend more time not in real life, and in computer games and the Internet - up to 18 hours a day!

Teenagers start skipping classes, lying, acting too fast homework to quickly sit down at the computer. AT virtual reality they forget about time, wildly rejoice in their virtual victories, and violently experience failures. They can no longer even eat normally, preferring to chew something in front of the monitor. And when communicating in chats, they invent a virtual image for themselves, which gradually replaces their real "I".

Doctor 1. What is the danger of cybermania? First of all, many computer games are dangerous. Their main action is murder,

and colorful and sophisticated. But a game for a child is a rehearsal of life. And so, by the age of 14-15, the opinion is formed that violence, murder is an exciting and useful activity.

doctor 2. The second danger of games is that it is much easier to win them than in real life. After all, life is a constant struggle, self-affirmation, victories and failures. All this cannot be replaced by virtual successes. A person simply loses himself, his personality, becomes a prefix to a computer.

Doctor 1 . Another danger lies in wait for chat lovers. Many, hiding behind anonymity, can say anything in chats, believing that such communication liberates them, gives them freedom. But virtual communication cannot replace live communication between people. Man plunged into fictional world under someone else's mask, gradually loses his face, loses real friends, dooming himself to loneliness.

doctor 2. But the most terrible danger is that computer addiction can turn into another type of addiction - from alcohol, drugs.

Classroom teacher.I give the floor to our participants.

Do they agree with the doctors' conclusions? Do you think that computer games increase aggressiveness?

Has the number of your friends decreased due to the fact that you are addicted to computer games?

Do you prefer to eat at the computer?

What victories have you won in real life over the past year?

Have you ever chatted? Did you perform under your real name or under a fictitious one? Did you feel at the same time free, liberated?

Which children do you think are most susceptible to computer addiction?(Children speak up.)

It's time for the computer scientists to speak up. Is a computer really that dangerous? Can chats be anonymous? Are all games built on violence? I give the floor to programmers.

Programmer 1 . The computer can be dangerous. After all, it is a source of electromagnetic radiation and non-ionizing radiation. And this has a negative effect on the person. But if you follow sanitary rules, it can be harmless. In all organizations, the rules for working on a computer should be located right at the workplace. But in our country, unfortunately, few people know and follow these rules.

For example, according to these rules, an adult can sit at a computer no more than 4 hours a day, and a child no more

10-20 minutes, depending on age. The computer must be “grounded”, pregnant and lactating women should not work at the computer. In developed countries, these rules are very strictly observed. And we prefer to pay with our health.

programmer 2. Is there any harm from computer games? Not all games are built on aggression. There are logic games, games for studying school subjects. There are simulators with which you can learn important and useful skills. There are game tests that will help you test your knowledge. As for the Internet, in addition to chat rooms, there are forums where serious issues are discussed and where you can express your point of view. On the World Wide Web, anyone can create their own site, make it popular, become an Internet star. So the Internet does not necessarily lead to the loss of one's self. It gives very great opportunities for self-affirmation, self-expression.

Programmer 1 . As for anonymity in the Internet,

she is imaginary. Each computer has its own unique digital address, by which other computers on the network recognize it. As soon as you

visited any site, your address is instantly fixed and can be easily calculated who are you and where do you live. That's why hackers are almost always found. Therefore, once in the chat and having come up with some kind of nickname for yourself, do not lose self-control, no matter how later did not have to answer.

Programmer 2 . For example, in 2006, a 37-year-old user from Novosibirsk was brought to trial for anti-Russian statements on the Internet. He had to pay a fine of 130 thousand rubles. At the trial, he tried to evade responsibility, but the providers proved that the existing technical means make it possible to determine with a 100% guarantee which network user accessed the Internet and was on this particular site. By the way, these same technical tools can track which sites are most often visited from this computer.

Classroom teacher. As you can see, there is nothing on the computer itself or on the Internet that would cause addiction. What can our members add to this?

Maybe someone wants to say a word in defense of computer games?

Who has a website? What forums and chats do you visit? What information are you looking for online?

Do you know about sanitary rules for using a computer?

Are you afraid that someone might find out about your travels on the Internet?

What interesting things have you discovered on the Internet?

What did we come to at this stage of the discussion: is there a computer addiction or is it all fiction of doctors and parents?[Yes there is.)

The second block of discussion. "Who is guilty?"

Classroom teacher. We got acquainted with different points of view on the problem of computer addiction. We begin the second block of our discussion. Who is to blame that more and more teenagers become patients in drug treatment hospitals and receive a diagnosis of "cybermania"?

First, we listen to the opinions of experts.

Opinion options:


Owners of Internet clubs, as well as providers who profit from the health of our children.

Local authorities who receive bribes from these structures.

Sanitary stations that do not control the operation of these clubs.

Teachers who do not conduct conversations about protecting the life and health of children.

Doctors :

Parents are to blame for giving their children money without asking how they will spend it.

The children are to blame, who seek only pleasure and entertainment, not wanting to work.

The authorities are to blame for not creating conditions for children to play sports, to develop their abilities and talents.

The teachers are to blame for not being able to captivate children with some interesting thing.


Computer manufacturers are to blame. They release more and more new games and programs that require more and more powerful computers. Therefore, people are forced to constantly update their machines. And curious children all want to try and become addicted.

Parents are to blame for not watching their children, not knowing what they are doing.

The parents are to blame. If they themselves mastered the computer, they could understand what is possible and what is not possible for a child. And so it seems to them that since they bought a computer for their children, then they can not care about their development. Then uncles and aunts from the Internet and gaming clubs will take care of it.

Doctors are also to blame. It was necessary to put these questions before the government, to involve the press and television in the discussion.

Blame the government. It could pass laws that would prohibit children from sitting in gaming clubs at night, it could close these clubs altogether or take them out of the city.

Classroom teacher. What will our members say? Who is to blame for the fact that children get into computer addiction?

Sample answers:

The children are to blame.

The parents are to blame. They do not want to understand children, they only scold, teach. Here are the children and run away into virtual reality.

Blame the school. It is so dull and boring, but in virtual reality you are a hero, a winner, the fate of worlds and civilizations depends on you.

Classroom teacher . Please conclude:"Who is to blame for the fact that the child becomes addicted to the computer?"(Parents, doctors, schools, police, local authorities, children themselves, etc. are to blame for the formation of computer addiction in children.)

Classroom teacher. So, the problem of computer addiction. We listened various points view, identified the perpetrators. Let's move on to the final stage of the discussion. Let's try to answer the question: what to do so that people do not fall into the captivity of cybermania? A word to our guests.

Sample opinions:


Close all gaming clubs.

Allow children to access the Internet only when "accompanied" by adults.

Dismiss the head of the sanitary station, the director of the school, re-elect the mayor, etc.

Prohibit teachers from demanding abstracts from children so that they do not download them from the Internet.

Teach children how to use useful programs and games that can be played with parents.


Censor games. Prohibit the use of aggressive games in clubs.

Introduce punishment for parents whose children have become Internet addicts. Make them communicate with their children for 4 hours every day.

Every child should go in for sports or find some hobby. Then friends will appear, and there will be no time to be bored.

Laws must be enacted that prohibit the promotion of violence in games, and severely punished for violating these laws.


Everyone needs to become a competent user, not a teapot.

Be critical of gaming innovations, do not buy everything in a row. Limit the use of aggressive games.

It would be nice for all students to take up programming. It will be an occupation, and development, and communication with interesting people.

Children need to play less. Let everyone try to create their own website, then you will need to tell something about yourself, show what your uniqueness is. And this will encourage self-development,

Classroom teacher. We listen to the suggestions of our participants. Maybe some of them will be able to find a compromise solution to the problem of computer addiction?[Children speak out, repeating and paraphrasing the opinions of the guests, adding their original sentences.)

And as a result of this stage of discussion, we formulate the conclusion: what can we do to avoid getting into computer addiction?(You need to become a competent user, master useful programs, you need to play less, and go in for sports, chat with friends, read books, etc.)

And how can we formulate the general result of our discussion?

(You can ask leading questions:Is there a computer addiction? Who is to blame for its appearance? How to deal with this evil?

Sample result of the discussion:

Computer addiction exists.

This is the result of the promiscuity of children, the irresponsibility of parents, the carelessness of the authorities, the greed of representatives of the gambling business.

The way out is to increase computer literacy, to introduce censorship, to adopt laws that would increase the responsibility of parents and business representatives.

Classroom teacher. Our discussion has come to an end. And I would like to end it with the words of one writer. He discussed the problem of computer addiction on the Internet and concluded: “I write these reflections on a computer, send them by e-mail through the world wide web, draw information from the Internet. All these facts indicate that I am by no means a computerophobic. Moreover, I really love this little box that helps me live. But my love will end at the moment when, or if, I realize that I do not own him, but he owns me *.

Final word

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about computer addiction. This problem is ambiguous and is far from being solved. But we did not seek to solve it at all costs. Discussing this problem, we learned to lead a discussion, learned to listen and hear each other. In the course of a lively discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what no, even the most powerful computer can give. Look at the epigraph for today's class hour (reads). I wish you that your computer creates as few problems for you as possible.

Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher . Does what we talked about today apply to you? Is there a reason to think about yourself and change your behavior? What gave you today's class hour? (children's answers)