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What is inversion in literature definition. Dictionary of linguistic terms



INVERSION - violation of the accepted colloquial speech word order and thus normal intonation; the latter with I. is characterized by a greater than usual number of pauses. At I.
1. the words are interchanged (“The porter passes by with an arrow” - Pushkin; “Or the souls are strangled by the Siberian shroud”, “Look - she spread her legs like that” - Mayakovsky);
2. broken by inserted words and phrases (the so-called hyperbaton - “To you, young beauties, And to my wife as a gift to me” - Derzhavin)

The latter phenomena can also be attributed to the expanded I. I. is also found in fiction: “Sonya ran out of the room screaming”, “In her favorite corner, in a strong chair she calmed down” (Seifullina). The stylistic meaning of I. is that the inverted word in an unusual place acquires a more expressive meaning due to intonational emphasis and a general rearrangement of semantic accents, sharpening the phrase. I.'s connection with parallelism (see) gives chiasmus (see). From I. like artistic technique, i.e. I. free, one should distinguish I., obligatory in languages ​​with a fixed word order, where I. acquires a formal grammatical meaning, for example. in French, where the verb in the first place determines the interrogative nature of the sentence (“tu vois” and “vois-tu?”).

Literary encyclopedia. - In 11 tons; M.: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(from Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging), changing the usual word order in a sentence. In languages ​​with a fixed word order, inversion carries a grammatical load (it serves to form interrogative sentences etc.), in Russian, where the word order is relatively free, it is usually used to highlight any elements of a sentence, to give the sentence a special meaning. Inversion is often used in poetry: Drops falling from the roof, / To be heard - fright - that is, “the fright of a drop falling from the roof ...” (M. I. Tsvetaeva); And languid maidens are directed / Attentive eyes are on you (A. S. Pushkin).

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


INVERSION- changing the order in the arrangement of parts of the sentence. Changes of this kind can pursue both logical and purely sound goals. So, of course, absolutely different shade have the expressions: "The weather was great" and "The weather was great." The second expression has a more epic, calm character than the first, in which the “magnificent” put at the end of the phrase betrays some lyrical excitement of the speaker. In the same way (as one researcher noted), the opening phrase of Pushkin's " Queen of Spades”: “Once they played cards with the horse guard Narumov” determines the nature of the further story by putting the word “cards” in the Center of the sentence and the long dactylic ending of the last word “Narumova”. If we rearrange the words in this phrase and read it: “Once they played cards with the horse guard Narumov,” it will take on a completely different character, becoming more “narrative”, and the word “cards” loses that shade of significance that it has, being in the center of the sentence. At the same time, the sound shade of the word “Narumova” also disappears, which, being between other words, loses the expressiveness of its long ending and the combination of sounds “n”, “r”, “m”.

Ya. Zundelovich. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


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    - (lat.). Transformation in general and especially Transform. sugar into glucose and fructose. Vocabulary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INVERSION [lat. inversio turning over, permutation] 1) lingv. changing the usual order ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    inversion- 1. The process and result of rearrangement or reversal (replacement) up to the opposite of motives, attitudes, desires, reactions, behavioral acts, etc. 2. The type of sexual orientation of men and women, in which as an object ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    In mathematics 1) in geometry, inversion about a given circle (or sphere) of radius R with center O is a transformation in which the point P goes to a point P lying on the ray OP at a distance OP \u003d R2 / OP from the center O2)] In combinatorics, inversion ... …

    inversion- and. well. inversion f. lat. inversio reversal, rearrangement. 1. Violation of the usual word order in a sentence with a semantic and stylistic purpose. ALS 1. Enjambements, complicated inversions, assonances, suddenly deceiving rhyming expectations, ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (from lat. inversio - permutation) in psychology, a volumetric visual reversal. For example, when the viewer moves back and forth some distance in front of a mask placed on a dark background and facing the viewer inside,… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

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    In biology, a type of chromosomal rearrangement (mutation), which consists in breaking and turning by 180 about one of the internal sections of the chromosome ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Latin inversio permutation) in linguistics, a change in the usual order of words and phrases that make up a sentence; usually used to emphasize one or another element of a sentence or to give a sentence a special meaning ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

1. The process and result of rearrangement or reversal (replacement) - up to the opposite - of motives, attitudes, desires, reactions, behavioral acts, etc. 2. The type of sexual orientation of men and women, in which persons of the same sex are chosen as the sexual object. According to Z. Freud, inversion is characterized by the fixation of libido on persons of the same sex (=> homosexuality; inverted behavior; inversion: mental mechanism).


The protective mechanism of personality, based on the manifestations of "reverse processes". Such trends appear in various fields personality - behavior, motivation, thinking, affective area.


inversion) - 1. Eversion inward or simultaneously inward and outward of any part of the organ: usually this term applied in relation to the state of the uterus after childbirth, when it top part retracts into the cervical canal. 2. Mutation of a chromosome, in which part of the genes inside it reverses its order, as a result of which this part of the chromosome becomes inverted. Such an inverted part of the chromosome may or may not include (pericentric inversion) the centromere. INVOLUTION (involution) 1. Reduction of the uterus to its normal size after childbirth. 2. Atrophy of any organ in old age.


1. In general: any process of turning inside out or turning from top to bottom, or the result of such a process. 2. In statistics, moving a series of numbers. 3. In mathematics, the instantaneous reversal of a function or curve of a function. 4. In genetics - chromosomal changes. 5. See sexual inversion. 6. In older psychoanalytic writings, homosexuality.


lat. invercio - reversal, rearrangement) - the replacement by a person of external objects or their elements, as well as his internal desires, motives of activity for others, often opposite.

The concept of "inversion" was used in 1882 French doctors- psychiatrist J. Charcot and neurologist M. Magnan. At the beginning of 1884, E. Gley tried to explain the inversion in his own way, based on the bisexuality of a person. At the beginning of the 20th century, the problem of inversion was addressed by Z. Freud, who, in his Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905), considered deviations in people's behavior in relation to the sexual object. It was about men whose sexual objects were men (homosexuality), and women for whom women were such objects (lesbianism). The fact of such relationships, that is, the sexual orientation of a person to a person of his own sex, was called inversion, and people who adhere to such a sexual orientation became known as inverted. The understanding of inversion given by Z. Freud was reflected in early stages development of psychoanalysis.

Considering the behavior of people prone to inversion, Z. Freud identified three types of inverted persons: absolutely inverted, whose sexual object can only be partners of the same sex with them, while the opposite sex is not the object of their sexual desire, leaves them cold or causes they have disgust; amphigenically, periodically inverted (psychosexual hermaphrodites), whose sexual object can be persons of the same or opposite sex; accidentally inverted, which, in conditions of inaccessibility of normal sexual intercourse or possible imitation, can choose persons of the same sex as a sexual object and at the same time receive satisfaction. In temporal terms, inversion can exist, according to Z. Freud, with early years a person's life or manifest itself at a certain stage of his psychosexual development before or after puberty. Inversion can be: permanent, remaining in a person for life; periodic - temporarily disappearing and recurring; episodic, when there is a fluctuation between the normal and the inverted sexual object.

Before Z. Freud, many doctors considered inversion a sign of degeneration and talked about its innate nature. This applied especially to the permanent inversion inherent in "absolutely" inverted people. With regard to periodic and episodic inversion, in this case an explanation was put forward, according to which the inversion can have an acquired character of sexual desire. Some doctors adhered to the anthropological point of view, others to the pathological one. Considerations were also expressed that inversion is a particular version of sexual attraction, predetermined by the external conditions of life (being in prison, a long military campaign, sexual weakness, etc.).

Z. Freud rejected the idea that inversion is only a sign of degeneration. Such ideas did not take into account, in his opinion, the following circumstances: firstly, “among ancient peoples at the highest level of their culture, inversion was a frequent occurrence, almost an institution associated with important functions»; secondly, as shown by some researchers, in particular the German sexologist I. Bloch, inversion is common among many primitive peoples, and the concept of "degeneration" is applicable to a developed civilization.

The founder of psychoanalysis did not share the anatomical explanation of the possibility of sexual inversion due to the assumption of bisexuality, hermaphroditism, that is, the presence of male and female genital signs in one person, since he believed that there is no such difference between mental and anatomical hermaphroditism. close connection, which would prove the inevitability of the inversion.

He was also not satisfied with the theory of mental hermaphroditism, whose adherents believed that an inverted man feels like a woman, is looking for a man and cannot resist the charm emanating from masculine properties, qualities of body and soul. According to Z. Freud, although this is true in relation to the inverted part, nevertheless it can hardly be considered common feature inversion, since a significant proportion of inverted men retain the mental character of masculinity. Thus, among the Greeks, among whom there were inverted men, undoubtedly possessing great courage, love for boys was kindled not courageous character boys, their bodily approach to the female type and their feminine properties (the need for help and guidance, timidity, restraint). As the boys grew older, they lost their attractiveness in the eyes of men and ceased to be a sexual object for them. The male prostitution that offers itself to the inverted also indicates that the inverted men are looking for the manifestation of female mental traits in their sexual object, and the female manners and appropriate clothing of the representatives of male prostitution do not offend their ideal.

In contrast to these points of view, Z. Freud proceeded from a psychological explanation of inversion, believing that inverted people at a later age “did a phase of very intense, but short-term fixation on a woman in childhood ( for the most part on the mother), overcoming which they identify themselves with the mother and choose themselves as sexual objects. So, inverted men look for those who are like themselves in adolescence men who want to be loved the way their mother loved them. Inverted women demand femininity from their sexual objects. Both reproduce the psychic mechanism by which they developed the inversion: their obsessive desires for people of the same sex with them turn out to be due to their restless flight from people of the opposite sex. Inverted people are dominated by "archaic constitutions and primitive mental mechanisms." In the end psychological explanation inversion was reduced by Z. Freud to the following: “It seems to psychoanalysis that the primary independence of the choice of an object from its gender, the equal opportunity to have both male and female objects, as is observed in childhood, in primitive states and in epochs ancient history; and from this primary state, by limitation in one direction or another, the normal or inverted type develops.

Based on the psychological consideration of inversion, Z. Freud came to the conclusion that there is no such relationship between sexual attraction and a sexual object. rectilinear connection as it appears at first glance; the sexual impulse is at first independent of the object and does not owe its origin to it; among the factors influencing the choice of sexual object, important role plays sexual bullying as a child; the absence of a strong father in childhood often favors inversion; the absence of one of the parents (death, divorce, alienation), after which the remaining parent attracts all the love of the child to himself, creates the possibility for the occurrence of inversion; some inverts treat their sexual orientation as something self-evident and defend its equality along with normal sexual activity; others feel the inversion as a painful compulsion, and their resistance to this compulsion may constitute a favorable condition for the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis.

In modern psychoanalytic literature, instead of the term "inversion", the concept of "homosexuality" is used, but Freud's meaningful understanding of the phenomenon itself is taken into account in the process of research and therapeutic activity.

    Inversion in the literature is usually called a violation of the usual word order. Inversion is not common to all languages. So for example, in English language strictly fixed word order, and there inversion can only be found in the rarest poetry created a couple of centuries ago. In Russian, inversion is very common. An example of inversion in Russian: it is unfortunate for me to disturb your peaceful peace. it would be more correct to say this: disturb your peaceful rest.

    In literature, inversion is the construction of words in a sentence with the order reversed. Examples from the classics: A lone sail turns white in the blue fog of the seaquot ;, What was this warm, this sleeping night waiting for? She was waiting for the sound (Turgenev).

    AT fiction writers often resort to the use of tropes and stylistic figures that enhance the imagery of speech and its impact on the reader or listener. One of these stylistic figures is inversion, which in Latin literally means turning overquot ;. This stylistic device is in violation direct order words in a sentence:

    definition - subject - predicate - circumstance or object.

    The method of rearranging the members of a sentence focuses attention on a certain word, distinguishes it from others and creates exactly the effect that the writer seeks.

    One of the most common types of inversion is when the definition is placed behind the word being defined, for example:

    Inversion between subject and predicate is often used, for example, we read from S. Yesenin:

    Addition, especially direct in the form accusative, usually found after the predicate. The permutation creates an inversion in the verses of M. Lermontov:

    So the poet put it, bringing the main word forward instead of they were waiting for the battlequot ;.

    Inversion in literature is a violation of the usual word order in a sentence. From Latin inversio - permutation, reversal. Inversion can highlight one or more words emphatically:

    Can anything be compared in my poems

    With the most tender mother in tears

    (V.A. Zhukovsky)

    Also, inversion can be broken by inserted words and phrases ...

    Inversion examples:

    Works of the night are exhausting

    I lie in the shadows (M.Yu. Lermontov Mtsyri);

    His sharpness and subtlety of instinct struck me (A.S. Pushkin) - I was struck by his sharpness and subtlety of flair;

    From the coffin then the emperor,

    Waking up is suddenly (M.Yu. Lermontov Airship);

    How I love her in the early days,

    When there is only one talk about lk; (B. Pasternak);

    Why does old times seem to me?

    The roofs of the huts are heaped in a tar dream.

    And they smoke a glow, and mothers cry:

    The blood of children flooded the tablecloths in the towers,

    And the soldiers lie, and the crows are on them,

    Their pupils are sklvana through a bloody helmet"; (S. Kirsanov Two dreams);

    Trembling in horses

    The cold is angrier at night;

    Tossed and turned in the sleigh

    Mikhail Ivanovich.

    Came running at that time

    Coachman and counselor (N. Nekrasov);

    I, the mother of God, now with a prayer

    Before your image, bright radiance... (M.Yu. Lermontov).

    In Russian literary language(and in Russian literature in particular) we see texts consisting of sentences.

    In these sentences (and we will now primarily talk about narrative sentences), experts distinguish two types of word arrangement. Two orders:

    1 .Direct (or neutral).

    For example, from Dead Souls:

    2 .Reverse (inverse).

    For example, from Fountain of the Bakhchisaray Palacequot ;:

    Instead of a neutral order: Pale luminary of the harem, are you oblivious here too?

    The second example is mild syntactic inversion, which is very common.

    Inversion is mainly used to give high style, underline individual words; or technically: to maintain the rhythm of lines in poetry.

    Inversion is nothing more than the replacement of words with each other that were meaningful, but became clumsy. I really like the inversion by Vasily Zhukovsky, probably one of the best, what you can’t do for the sake of rhyme:

    Inversion is a figure of speech, which is characterized by the rearrangement of the members of the sentence (subject and predicate most often) to places that are uncharacteristic for them, in order to give the sentence as a whole a greater emotional coloring.

    Inversion is (lat. inversio permutation, reversal) the arrangement of the members of the sentence in special order, violating the usual (direct) order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech. Inversion is one of the stylistic figures. Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded beast is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers from childhood, has swept away. The moon came out on a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at the deserted fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

    The term inversion comes from inversio, which means permutation. Inversion is called stylistic figure, when words or whole parts of phrases are not put in the generally accepted and accepted position, they are put in the reverse order. This gives the text a special expressiveness.

    Inversion example

    He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious

    Alexandrian pillar ... or

    Not the place to compete with stupidity.

    And on the plate is another example of inversion.

  • Inversion

    There is a direct word order, but there is reverse order words, so inversion is the reverse order of words.

    Let me explain. In a sentence, the adjective must come first, and then the noun it defines. It will be in direct word order. But when a noun is put in the first place, then this is inversion.

    For example. Autumn is golden came to visit us. Compare: golden autumn.

    Here is an example from a poem by K. Chukovsky.

    Also, in a sentence, the subject is usually put in the first place, and then the predicate (direct word order) comes. But if the predicate comes first, and then the subject, then there is an inversion in the sentence.

    Here is an example from a poem by A.S. Pushkin

    AT this example we see that the predicate is placed in the first place, and then the subject comes (the voice sounded, the features were dreamed). We also observe an inversion - this is hopeless sadness, a gentle voice.

  • Inversion is called prim in verse or narration - permutation or narration. Inversion changes the usual word order in the construction of a sentence.

    In verses, for example - Light Aragva, he happily reached the green shores (Lermontov). Here the subject and predicate are rearranged, the words in the verse are arranged so that the rhythm of the verse is not affected. A vivid example of the inversion of the last time is present in the texts of the character Star Wars - Master Yoda))) Take only his sentence in the first part (or the second - I don’t remember exactly) - When you are 900 years old, you won’t look so good;)))

    In general, in English, such a permutation transforms a sentence from a narrative into an interrogative one.

    Inversion in literature is a violation of the usual word order. It came from the Latin inversioquot ;, which translates as turning over, rearranging. In Russian, this is a fairly common phenomenon, since we do not have a rigid word order in our grammar.

    As an example of inversion:

    Can anything compare in my poems

    From the most tender mother with tears?

    Inversion is a change in the usual order of individual parts of the whole. The term itself comes from the Latin inversio, in translation - “turning over”, “rearrangement”. It is widely used in various areas knowledge.

    The ambiguity of the term "inversion"

    From the point of view of psychology, inversion is a violation of the normal, that is, generally accepted, order of the flow of mental processes. It can affect the sphere of behavior, motives, reactions, etc. The term was introduced into scientific circulation in late XIX century, a little later, Z. Freud applied it to the field of sexology, calling non-traditional orientation an inversion.

    Mathematicians also put their meaning into the concept of "inversion". For them it is special variety displaying space or a particular plane using inverse radii.

    In biology, this term refers to mutations in which a section of a chromosome separates from the chromosome chain, turns 180 degrees and returns to its original place.

    The list of values ​​could go on and on. Sociologists, doctors, philosophers, physicists, musicians put their meaning into this term. But, perhaps, it is most popular among linguists and literary critics.

    Inversion in Philology

    In linguistics, inversion is a conscious change in the order of words familiar to everyday speech. Russian belongs to the group of languages ​​in which word order is conditionally free. This means that the members of the sentence can stand in different positions, but the general meaning of the statement or its emotional coloring depends on the place they occupy.

    It was noticed that the reader's attention is concentrated mainly on the first and last word in a sentence. Poets and writers began to use this, seeking to increase the expressiveness and artistic imagery of their works by changing the order of words.

    Types of inversions

    Depending on which member of the sentence changes its place, there are different types such a technique as inversion. Examples can be seen in the table:

    Type of inversion Example Neutral, habitual word order
    Subject inversion I could help them now. only one luck. Luck alone could help them now.
    Predicate inversion I didn't hope she's more on her friend.She no longer hoped for her friend.
    Definition inversion He wrote poetry truly wonderful. He wrote truly wonderful poetry.
    Complement inversion For the Motherland Russian soldiers fought.Russian soldiers fought for their Motherland.
    Inversion of the circumstance of the course of action With undisguised annoyance she looked at him.She looked at him with undisguised annoyance.

    Inversion functions

    Let's try to figure out what the inversion is for. The first, most logical, answer is to draw the reader's attention to an important word or group of words from the author's point of view. So, according to one researcher, the inversion in the first phrase of "The Queen of Spades" by A.S. Pushkin has a semantic meaning, she immediately makes it clear what will be discussed in the work. The phrase sounds like this: “Once we played cards with the horse guard Narumov.” The rearrangement of the word "cards" in the center of the sentence gives it a shade of significance, at the same time attracts attention and the name of the horse guards, in whose house the action begins.

    The second purpose of the inversion technique is to increase the emotionality and expression of the utterance. Compare, for example, two sentences: "The weather was fine" and "The weather was fine." The first statement has a calm narrative character, the second expresses the speaker's excitement. This effect is achieved by inverting the definition.

    There is another, more practical, "sound" goal. Inversion in a poem can only be used to maintain rhythm and rhyme. AT recent times there are many inversions of this kind in the works of amateur poets; among the classics, they more often have a semantic load.

    Inversion. Examples from Russian classics

    Let us try to verify the above conclusions in practice. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the technique in question is used in the literature all the time. There are indeed many inversions in the works of Russian poets. Let's look at some examples.

    The inversion of the addition is contained in the verses of A.S. Pushkin: "Love, hope, quiet glory / The deceit did not live long for us." The author deliberately pushes back the subject "deception" (having negative coloration) and brings to the fore words that give birth to positive emotions(love, hope, glory). This makes the reader experience those feelings that disturb him - disappointment, unjustified expectations.

    An excellent example of the inversion of the predicate is the lines of Sergei Yesenin: “The night is dreaming. People fell asleep, / Only I am tormented by longing. Here is a phrase describing the state lyrical hero, contains the usual word order, and in those that describe the outside world (night, other people), inversion is used. This technique emphasizes the alienation of the hero.

    The inversion of the circumstance of the mode of action is present in the first line of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Duma": "I look sadly at our generation." The word "sad", brought to the fore, sets the tone of the work, to which the author remains faithful to the end.

    from lat. inversio - reversal, rearrangement, transformation) - 1) (in biology) a type of chromosomal rearrangement (mutation) - rupture and complete reversal of one of the internal sections of the chromosome; 2) (in mathematics) in geometry, a transformation with respect to a given circle, sphere; in combinatorics - any violation of the normal (usual, alphabetical) order of two elements, regardless of whether they are next to each other or not.

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    Incomplete definition


    elementary logical cell of thinking, meaning formation, activity, social change. I. together with mediation constitutes a dual opposition, the poles of which are in a state of ambivalence.

    I. is characterized by the absolutization of polarities and the minimization of interest in their interpenetration through each other. According to the logic of I., every phenomenon is a werewolf. those. it is capable, having touched the opposite pole, to become its opposite, to turn from good to evil, from man to animal, etc., substituting one pole for another. I. can act as a dominant form, containing mediation "under itself" in a hidden, undeveloped form, which indicates the dominance of emotional decision-making mechanisms. But I. can be pushed back into the background, act as a subordinate moment of mediation. It never completely disappears, it is always present at least as a psychological impulse. Thinking following inversion logic comprehends the subject of thinking and his actions through the transition from his identification with one of the poles of the corresponding dual opposition (oppositions: good - evil, beautiful - ugly, useful - harmful, and so on ad infinitum) to identification with the opposite pole. For example, I. is a transition from assessing a given person as a friend, the embodiment of goodness, to assessing him as an enemy. I. acts as a falling away from one pole of opposition and at the same time participation to another. AND.

    identity of these concepts. It exists as an inversion cycle in the unity of direct and reverse I. Inverse I. arises as a result of the growth internal contradictions, conflicts in the process of direct I. The difference between direct and reverse I. is relative.

    Inversion transition from the pole to the opposite, i.e. turning around a phenomenon with one pole, in order to then turn to the other, is fast, logically instantaneous, timeless. A person with a dominant inversion logic cannot psychologically endure the difficulties of the transition. They must be instantly slipped through as a zone of increased radiation. The wrapping itself is the result of the emotional arousal of the subject. It is a reaction to an uncomfortable state that arises as a result of a crisis of the established identification of a particular phenomenon, for example, a given person with a friend, as a result of his real or imaginary betrayal, slander against him, the growth of his own irritability, the subject's phobias, and the desire to explain external forces their miscalculations. The emerging emotional explosion through a kind of zero transportation, through which science fiction writers instantly transfer their heroes to distant points in space, transfers the subject from one state to the opposite, from uncomfortable to comfortable, i.e. in natural world of this culture. This act allows you to comprehend the previously disordered, chaotic reality. emotional need in I. is associated with a tense, possibly stressful situation in extreme forms, with an excess or, conversely, with a lack of information, with the need to quickly, instantly find a way out of a critical, uncomfortable situation. I. as such does not know the problematic. It is natural for a consciousness with a dominant emotional decision mechanism that does not know rational ways formation of new intermediate options.

    With the absolutization of I., a person is not considered as a subject, since he takes out zeal impulsively, following a situation that can be a stimulus for turning on, switching the inversion mechanism. A person in I., as it were, follows orders from the outside, coming from culture, from the situation. Consistent I. is characterized by ignoring, denying the very possibility of a third, median culture, which has no place in the dual opposition.

    Hence the possibility, which is realized only in special historical conditions split, i.e. absolutization of the polarities of the dual opposition, ignoring the transition between them. The very nature of shape-shifting logic excludes the possibility of being somewhere between polarities by thought, meaning, action.

    Of course, such "accidents" actually occur, but this is a betrayal of the principle, which one has to go to, but which only gives a new impetus to I. A solution based on I., in fact, is not the result of a positive choice, a painful search, but, perhaps, long-term discomfort. AND.

    the ability to operate with an already established culture, i.e. represents her conservative side. There are no problems here, i.e. creation is already contained in destruction, since the rejection of one opposition is not a prerequisite for the transition to another, but is literally this transition itself, the wrapping itself. This is the most important manifestation of the essence of syncretism. When you turn the page of already known text, new text appears automatically.

    Such logic is possible in static conditions, in an unchanging world.

    domination is characteristic of cultures focused on the constant reproduction of the world in its previously established forms. It dominates traditional civilization, but it is never the only one. Inversion logic is characterized by a monologue, the ability to respond to any danger, to any challenge of history with the already proven experience of history. However, in life real person And., inversion logic never exhausts all logic, which allows us to consider a person as a subject at all stages of the development of society, in all cultures.

    The dual opposition, being the initial cell of activity, thereby makes I. the initial logical form human history, primarily mass processes. The growth of disorganization in society, mass phobias against the carriers of world evil, exposed werewolves can cause a sharp inversion explosion, expressed in the form of a riot, pogrom, riots, carries the danger of a spit of inversion for statehood, for sections of the population, considered as carriers of evil. In less vivid forms, I.

    permeates all human behavior, is one of the necessary elements for explaining the mechanisms of individual and mass behavior, hidden spring historical events. The authorities sometimes specifically try to call I., to fit into it, for example, setting the people against the boyars by Ivan IV, putting forward the slogan "rob the loot" after 1917, cultural revolution in China, etc., i.e. an attempt to cause mass anger of the people against certain external and internal enemies, which is caused by the desire of the ruling elite to increase the flow of social energy to strengthen the mediator using the sailboat effect. However, the possibility of inducing inversion by purely bureaucratic methods is very limited. In addition, it is dangerous, since I. is extremely difficult to institutionalize and in the end, as a rule, turns against the authorities. There is a danger of an inversion trap. It can be avoided by following the law of the prohibition of inversion.

    I. is of great importance in the mechanism of the functioning of the moral ideal, since the moral ideal itself is ambivalent. In particular difficult conditions, i.e. when it is subjected to a certain decomposition, disorganization, mass I. can lead to an attempt to deny the prevailing morality to its very depths, in order to affirm some unstable moral hybrid. In this case, in conditions of powerful anti-mediation, not only monstrous mass acts of immorality can take place, but also their institutionalization, transformation into a mass morally destructive activity led by a mediator. It is expressed in terror, lies, treachery, etc., in the belief that everything is good that corresponds to the negation of the old in order to affirm the new. In fact, this was an extreme attempt to use the entire wealth of culture to destroy it.

    In the history of thinking, I. is constantly supplemented and pushed aside by mediation, dialogue, and the search for a way out of the existing dual oppositions. This is clearly expressed in flaccid inversions, i.e. slow movement from one pole to another, which may not even reach the opposite pole, turn back. This is of great importance for understanding complex historical processes(see: Modified Inversion Cycle, Global Modified Inversion Cycle).

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