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Caucasian wars. Caucasian War (1817-1864) - Battles and battles, campaigns - History - Articles catalog - Native Dagestan

The territory of the Caucasus, located between the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, covered with alpine massifs and inhabited by numerous peoples, has attracted the attention of various conquerors since ancient times. The Romans were the first to penetrate there back in the second century BC, and after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines came. It was they who spread Christianity among some peoples of the Caucasus.

By the beginning of the eighth century, Transcaucasia was occupied by the Arabs, who brought Islam to its population and began to oust Christianity. The presence of two hostile religions sharply exacerbated centuries of pre-existing tribal strife, caused numerous wars and conflicts. In a fierce bloody battle, at the behest of foreign politicians, some states appeared on the territory of the Caucasus and others disappeared, cities and villages were built and destroyed, gardens and vineyards were planted and cut down, people were born and died ...

In the thirteenth century, the Caucasus was subjected to a devastating invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, whose dominion in its northern part was established for centuries. Three centuries later, Transcaucasia became the scene of a fierce struggle between Turkey and Persia, which lasted for three hundred years.

From the second half of the XVI century, interest in the Caucasus is also manifested by Russia. This was facilitated by the spontaneous advance of the Russians to the south in the steppe, which marked the beginning of the formation of the Don and Terek Cossacks, the entry of a part of the Cossacks into the Moscow frontier and city service. According to available data, already in the first half of the 16th century, the first Cossack villages appeared on the Don and in the upper reaches of the Sunzha, the Cossacks participated in the protection and defense of the southern borders of the Muscovite state.

Livonian War late XVI century and the Time of Troubles and other events of the 17th century diverted the attention of the Moscow government from the Caucasus. However, the Russian conquest Astrakhan Khanate and the creation of a large military-administrative center in the lower reaches of the Volga in the middle of the 17th century contributed to the creation of a springboard for the Russian offensive in the Caucasus along the coast of the Caspian Sea, where the main "silk" routes from the North to the Middle East and India passed.

During the Caspian campaign of Peter I in 1722, Russian troops captured the entire Dagestan coast, including the city of Derbent. True, Russia failed to keep these territories in the following decades.

At the end of the 18th century, first the rulers of Kabarda, and then the Georgian king, turned to Russia for help and with a proposal to take their possessions under their protection. In many respects, this was facilitated by the skillful actions of the Russian troops on the coast of the Caspian Sea, their capture of Anapa in 1791, the annexation of the Crimea and the victory of the Russian army over the Turks in the second half of the 18th century.

In general, several stages can be distinguished in the process of Russia's conquest of the Caucasus.

1 First stage

At the first stage, from the end of the 16th century to the end of the 18th century, there was a process of creating bridgeheads for Russia's offensive in the Caucasus. The beginning of this process was laid by the formation and strengthening of the Terek Cossack army, taking it to military service Russian empire. But already within the framework of this process, large-scale armed conflicts took place between the Cossacks and Chechens in the North Caucasus. So, on the eve of the Bulavin uprising in 1707, there was a big Chechen uprising associated with the then unfolding anti-government movement in Bashkiria. Characteristically, the Terek Cossacks-schismatics then joined the Chechens.

The rebels took and burned the city of Terki, and then were defeated by the Astrakhan governor Apraksin. The next time the Chechens revolted in 1785 under the leadership of Sheikh Mansur. Extremely characteristic of these two actions of the Chechens is a pronounced religious coloring of the movement. The uprisings unfold under the slogan of ghazavat (holy war against the infidels). A feature during the second uprising of the Chechens was also an association with the Kumyks and Kabardians, and in Kabarda, princes also opposed Russia at that time. The Kumikh nobility, on the other hand, took a vacillating position and was ready to join the one who turned out to be stronger. The beginning of the strengthening of Russia in Kabarda was laid by the foundation in 1780 of the fortifications of the Azov-Mozdok line (Konstantinovsky fortification in the area of ​​present-day Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk fortification).

2 Second stage

At the second stage, from the end of the 18th century to the first decade of the 19th century, Russia conquered part of the lands in Transcaucasia. This conquest is carried out in the form of campaigns on the territory of the Caucasian state formations and the Russian-Persian (1804-1813) and Russian-Turkish (1806-1812) wars. In 1801 Georgia was annexed to Russia. Then the accession of the southern and eastern khanates began. In 1803, the rulers of Mingrelia, Imeretia and Guria took the oath of allegiance to Russia. In parallel with the conquest of new lands, a struggle was waged aimed at suppressing the anti-Russian actions of their peoples.

3 Third stage

At the third stage, which lasted from 1816 to 1829, an attempt was made by the Russian administration to conquer all the tribes of the Caucasus, to subordinate them to the power of the Russian governor. One of the governors of the Caucasus of this period, General Alexei Yermolov, said: “The Caucasus is a huge fortress, defended by a half-million garrison. We must storm it or take possession of the trenches. He himself spoke in favor of a siege, which he combined with an offensive. This period is characterized by the emergence of a strong anti-Russian movement (muridism) among the peoples of the North Caucasus and Dagestan and the emergence of leaders of this movement (sheikhs). In addition, events in the Caucasus unfolded within the framework of the Russian-Persian war (1826-1928) and Russian- Turkish war(1828–1829)

4 Fourth stage

At the fourth stage, from 1830 to 1859, the main efforts of Russia were concentrated in the North Caucasus to fight against Muridism and the Imamate. This period can be conditionally considered the heyday of the military art of the Russian troops in the special conditions of the mountainous terrain. They ended with the victory of Russian weapons and Russian diplomacy. In 1859, the powerful Imam of Chechnya and Dagestan, Shamil, ceased resistance and surrendered to the Russian commander. The Eastern (Crimean) War of 1853-1855 was an essential background for the events of this period.

5 Fifth stage

At the fifth stage, from 1859 to 1864, the conquest of the Western Caucasus by the Russian Empire was carried out. At that time it was practiced mass resettlement mountaineers from the mountains to the plane and the forced relocation of the mountaineers to Turkey. The captured lands were settled by the Kuban and Black Sea Cossacks.

6 Stage six

At the sixth stage, which lasted from 1864 to 1917, the government of the Russian Empire tried by all means to normalize the situation in the Caucasus, to make this region an ordinary province of a huge state. All levers of pressure were put into play: political, economic, religious, military, police, legal, subjective, and others. In general, these activities have yielded positive results. At the same time, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878. revealed great hidden contradictions between the Russian authorities and the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus, which sometimes resulted in open military resistance.

Thus, the Caucasian problem was for more than a hundred years one of the most actual problems Russian Empire. The government tried to solve it through diplomatic and economic means, but these ways often turned out to be ineffective. More effectively, the problem of conquering and pacifying the Caucasus was solved with the help of military force. But even this path brought most often only temporary successes.

7 Seventh stage

The seventh was the period of the First World War, when the south of the Caucasus for the umpteenth time turned into a zone of active military and diplomatic game between Russia, Turkey and Persia. As a result of this struggle, Russia emerged victorious, but she could no longer take advantage of the fruits of this victory.

8 Stage eight

The eighth stage was associated with the events of the Civil War of 1918–1922. The collapse of the Russian Caucasian Front late 1917 - early 1918. turned into a tragedy not only for the Russian army, but also for the local population. In a short time, Transcaucasia was occupied by the Turks and turned into an arena of terrible genocide against the indigenous population. Civil War in the North Caucasus was also extremely cruel and protracted.

Approval in the Caucasus Soviet power did not solve the problems of the region, especially the North Caucasus. Therefore, the ninth stage in the history of the Caucasus is legitimately considered the period of the Great Patriotic War when the fighting reached the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range. For political reasons, the Soviet government in 1943 evicted a number of Caucasian peoples to other regions of the country. This only angered the Muslim highlanders, which affected the Russian population after their return during the Khrushchev “thaw”.

The collapse of the Soviet Union gave impetus to new actions of the peoples of the Caucasus and opened the tenth page of its history. Three independent states were formed in Transcaucasia, which get along little with each other. In the North Caucasus, which remained under the jurisdiction of Russia, active actions began against Moscow. This led to the beginning of the First Chechen War, and then the Second Chechen War. In 2008, a new armed conflict arose on the territory of South Ossetia.

Experts believe that Caucasian history has deep and branched roots, which are very difficult to identify and trace. The Caucasus has always been in the sphere of interests of big international politics and domestic policy Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation. Separate Caucasian public entities(republics) and their rulers have always sought to play their own personal political game. As a result, the Caucasus turned into a huge intricate labyrinth, from which it turned out to be very difficult to find a way out.

For many years Russia tried to solve the Caucasian problem in its own way. She tried to study this region, its people, customs. But this turned out to be very difficult. The peoples of the Caucasus have never been united. Often, villages located several kilometers apart, but separated by a ridge, gorge or mountain river, did not communicate with each other for decades, adhering to their own laws and customs.

Researchers and historians know that without knowing and taking into account all the factors and features, it is impossible to correctly understand the past, evaluate the present, and predict the future. But instead of identifying, studying and analyzing all the accompanying factors in the formation of history Caucasian region, first by the Russian Empire, then by the USSR and finally Russian Federation often attempts were made to cut down the roots of what appeared to be weeds. These attempts in practice were very painful, bloody and not always successful.

Russian politicians also approached the solution of the Caucasian problem with an "axe" in the 90s of the XX century. Ignoring the centuries-old historical experience, relying only on strength, they did not take into account many objective factors, as a result of which they opened one of the most painful wounds on the body of the state, quite dangerous for the life of the whole organism. And only after taking such a rash step, they began to talk about other ways to solve the problem ...

For more than fifteen years, the “Caucasian syndrome” has existed in the minds of the Russian people, considering this once beautiful region as a theater of endless military operations, and its population as potential enemies and criminals, many of whose representatives live in all cities of Russia. Hundreds of thousands of "refugees" from the once fertile land flooded our cities, "privatized" industrial facilities, retail outlets, markets ... It's no secret that today in Russia the vast majority of people from the Caucasus live much better than the Russians themselves, and high in the mountains and deaf villages, new generations of people are growing up who are hostile in Russia.

The Caucasian labyrinth has not been completed to the end even today. There is no way out of it in a war that only brings ruin and sets people against each other. There is no way out in interethnic hostility, which turns people into ferocious animals, acting not on the basis of reason, but obeying instincts. It is impossible to solve the Caucasian problem in the same way as it was solved in 1943, when many peoples were forcibly evicted from their native places to a foreign land.

Some researchers believe that the main cause of the bleeding wound in the Caucasus lies in the virus that is deeply rooted in the brains of some politicians, and the name of this virus is power and money. Combining these two terrible forces, you can always put pressure on a sore spot in the form of economic, territorial, religious, cultural or other problems of any region. As long as this virus is alive, it will not be possible to heal the wound, while this wound is open, the virus will always find itself favorable environment for habitation, which means that a way out of the Caucasian labyrinth will not be found for a long time.

After the brilliant victories of the campaign of 1853, Emperor Nicholas believed that it was necessary to immediately go on a decisive offensive and occupy Batum, Ardagan, Kars and Bayazet. However, the Caucasian governor, Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, and Prince Ivan Paskevich, who won the war with Persia in the Caucasus in 1826-1828. and Turkey in 1828-1829, and then for some time led the Caucasus and knew the theater of operations and local conditions perfectly, dissuaded the emperor. They pointed to the relative small number of our troops, the lack of officers, ammunition and the onset of winter, which made the conduct of offensive operations a very adventurous affair. Winter in the mountains is very severe and unpredictable.

Vorontsov pointed out that Russian troops could capture Batum, return the post of St. Nicholas, but special garrisons would have to be allocated to hold them, which would lead to even greater dispersal of forces and unnecessary losses. Prince Varshavsky, whom Nikolai asked for advice, confirmed the words of the Caucasian governor. The offensive of the Russian army was postponed until the spring-summer of 1854.

In addition, Vorontsov rightly noted that the appearance of the Anglo-French fleet in the Black Sea sharply worsened the situation on the coast. It was not possible to keep the weak coastal fortifications, which were not connected with each other and did not have powerful coastal artillery. According to the report of the head of the Black Sea coastline, Vice Admiral Serebryakov, our fortifications could not withstand the attacks of even the Turks alone, moreover, they did not have a supply of provisions in order to withstand the siege. It made Russian command clear all fortifications on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, except for Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik and Sukhum-Kale. The enemy, having occupied these points, received good bays, parking for the fleet near the Crimea. And Sukhum gave the enemy a raid, which could not only be used for the wintering of the fleet, but to create an operational base for the invasion from Abkhazia to Mingrelia.

Other garrisons were removed. For this mission, three ships under the flag of Rear Admiral Panfilov were sent from Sevastopol to the shores of Transcaucasia, which, together with the ships of the Sukhumi squadron, removed the garrisons, most artillery and ammunition. On March 5 (17) more than 8.8 thousand people were landed in Novorossiysk.

The winter of 1853-1854 in Transcaucasia was quite severe. In the Alexandropol direction, the guard service was carried out by the 4th and 19th Cossack regiments. They did not limit themselves to guarding the border and undertook raids into Turkish lands, crossed the sorties of Bashi-Bazouks and Kurds. It should be noted that if the Turks and bashi-bazouks took from local residents food and fodder for free or gave receipts, the Russians paid in cash. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Turkish Karsky pashalyk willingly delivered everything necessary to Alexandropol, which made it easier for the Russian command to set up hospitals and stores (warehouses). When fell out deep snow all fighting were stopped until spring.

In winter, the Hotel Caucasian Corps was reinforced with significant reinforcements: the 18th Infantry Division arrived, and two dragoon divisions so far - No. 4, Prince of Warsaw (Novorossiysk) and No. 18, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich (Tverskoy).

Prince Vorontsov, after numerous requests, received his resignation (at first this was a long vacation). This elderly and very ill man, who had done so much for the empire, deserved a rest. Vorontsov was replaced by General Nikolai Andreevich Read. This commander was distinguished by brilliant courage and was awarded, for his distinction in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Foreign Campaigns of the Russian Army of 1813-1814, the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree, St. George of the 4th degree and a golden saber with the inscription "for courage". In 1831, Read hosted Active participation in the suppression of the Polish uprising. Being under Field Marshal Prince Paskevich, he served as inspector of the cavalry of the army in the field, and then, having arrived in the Caucasus in 1852, he was at the headquarters of the corps. On March 2, 1854, Read took command of the Caucasian Corps.

The main forces - the Alexandropol Corps, were still commanded by Bebutov. In addition, in order to have a replacement in case of illness or death of the prince, Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky was appointed to support him, at the suggestion of Vorontsov. Prince Baryatinsky spent most of his official time in the Caucasus. He was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree. He commanded the 3rd battalion of the Kabardian Jaeger Regiment, the Kabardian Regiment, the Caucasian Reserve Grenadier Brigade, and the 20th Infantry Division. He served as chief of the left flank of the Caucasian line. Baryatinsky became famous in a number of cases against the highlanders. The prince made several very successful expeditions to Greater Chechnya, strengthened the Sunzha line, destroyed a number of robber dens. This gained great influence among ordinary Chechens, who, convinced of the strength of the Russian, began to move under the protection of Russian fortifications and formed a numerous and courageous militia, which contributed to the struggle of the Russian army with the mountaineers who were still resisting. During the war with Turkey, he was the chief of the main headquarters of the troops in the Caucasus, replacing Bebutov during his illness.

Side forces

Turks throughout the winter of 1853-1854. with the help of British and French advisers, they reorganized the army. Although the Crimean peninsula was supposed to become the main theater of military operations, the Ottoman command did not abandon its plans for conquest in relation to the Caucasus. The size of the Anatolian army was increased to 120 thousand bayonets and cavalry. Its new commander-in-chief was Zarif Mustafa Pasha. He was an experienced commander in military affairs, who was known as stern and cruel man. French General Guyon became the chief of staff. Istanbul did not abandon the previous offensive plan. The Anatolian army was supposed to break through to Tiflis and further to the North Caucasus.

To capture the capital of the Caucasian governorship, a shock 50,000 troops were allocated. Batumi Corps under the command of Magomed Selim Pasha. This building was the main strike force Anatolian army and intensified until the start of hostilities. They planned to strike through Guria. From the sea, the Turkish army was to be supported by the fleet, which now dominated the Black Sea. Russian sailing fleet was blocked in the Sevastopol Bay, the steam Anglo-French fleet dominated the sea. In addition, 60 thousand The corps was located in the Kars area. Another strong Turkish detachment was located in Bayazet.

Russian forces were divided into several detachments. The Alexandropol detachment under the command of Prince Bebutov was reinforced by the Jaeger Brigade of the 18th Infantry Division, with three foot batteries, two battalions of the Ryazhsky Regiment with a light battery, a consolidated dragoon brigade with the Don Battery No. 6 and a division of the Linear Cossack Battery No. 15. As a result, the strength of the detachment increased up to 19 battalions, 26 squadrons, 3 Cossack regiments, 12 hundreds of militia with 74 guns. In total, about 20 thousand people (12 thousand infantry and 7.5 thousand regular and irregular cavalry).

The Turkish Batum Corps was opposed by two detachments under the overall command of Major General Andronikov. The Gurian detachment was commanded by Major General Prince Gagarin. The detachment included 10 and a half infantry battalions, 2 Cossack hundreds, 12 guns and 34 and a half (about 4 thousand people) hundreds of Caucasian irregular troops (militia). Major General Kovalevsky was at the head of the Akhaltsikhe detachment. It consisted of: 8 infantry battalions, 9 Cossack hundreds, 29 hundreds (about 3.5 thousand people) of the police with 12 guns. In addition, in the reserve, in Borjom and Suram, there were 2 battalions each. The Erivan direction was covered by a detachment under the command of Lieutenant General, Baron Karl Wrangel. It consisted of 4 and a half infantry battalions, Don Cossack and Muslim cavalry regiments, 12 guns.

The general reserve was in Tiflis: 4 battalions of the Ryazan infantry regiment, one battalion of the Navaginsky regiment (it was used for guard duty). The rest of the troops were partly in Dagestan, partly on the Lezgin line.

Start of hostilities. Victory at Nigoeti

The Anatolian army delivered the first blow to the right flank of the Russian front. Already in winter, Guria and Mingrelia were constantly disturbed either by raids from the Kobuleti sanjak (district), or by landings from the sea. At the end of May - beginning of June, 12 thousand. the vanguard of the Batumi Corps under the command of Gasan Bey (Gassan Bey), who was from the Kobulet princes and undertook to show the way through the village of Nigoeti to Kutaisi, went on the offensive.

At that time, near the village of Nigoeti, there were only 10 incomplete companies and 10 hundreds of Gurian militia, with 4 guns under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Prince Nikolai Dmitrievich Eristov. Prince Nikolai did not wait for the appearance of the enemy and moved towards the enemy. On June 8, the two detachments met. Eristov took advantage of the fact that the enemy dispersed his forces, left a small reserve behind him, and with the main forces swiftly hit the center of the Ottoman army. Russian and Gurian warriors with a quick blow overturned Turkish center, captured 2 guns, and then turned against the enemy flanks, which already surrounded our reserve and artillery. The Ottomans, unable to withstand the friendly onslaught and bayonet attacks, took to flight.

The fight was fierce. The Turks lost up to 2 thousand people killed and wounded, 2 guns and the entire convoy. The newest French guns, a gift from France to the Sultan, also became Russian trophies. The head of the Turkish detachment Hasan Pasha himself was killed. The Russian detachment lost about 600 people. The 1st battalion of the Kurinsky regiment especially distinguished itself in this battle. As a reward for this feat, Prince Eristov was promoted to colonel, appointed adjutant wing and awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree. The Order of George of the 4th degree was also awarded to Major Mombelli of the Kurinsky regiment, who overturned the cover of an enemy battery with a bayonet attack and captured 2 guns. And also the captain of the 13th artillery brigade Gulevich, who repelled enemy attacks 6 times and was seriously wounded.

Prince, Russian general, hero Crimean War Nikolai Dmitrievich Eristov (Eristavi) (1821-1856)

Battle of Choloka

Having received news of the movement of enemy troops and the victory at Nigoeti, Prince Andronikov, with the main forces of his detachment, set out on June 10 from Marani to the Ozurgets. The Russian detachment consisted of 10 thousand soldiers with 18 guns. Andronikov planned to prevent the Batumi Corps of the enemy from concentrating all his forces and leaving the mountains for operational space, for the plain. The advanced Turkish forces, not daring to give battle in Ozurgeti, abandoned the fortress with large food supplies and warehouses with British goods. The Ottomans fled across the Cholok River.

On June 15, Andronikov occupied Ozurgety. On June 16, the Russian detachment continued to move. 34 thousand the Turkish corps with 13 guns under the command of Selim Pasha prepared for battle. The front was reinforced with field fortifications, the right flank was protected by a steep, almost impregnable ravine, the left flank was covered by dense forest. The only weakness of the Turkish corps was the lack of artillery: 13 Ottoman guns against 18 Russians.

The military council of the detachment spoke in favor of storming enemy positions. Andronikov decided to inflict main blow on the left flank of the enemy. The sentinel detachment of the Gurians of Prince Mikeladze overturned the Turkish pickets. Russian troops crossed the Cholok River in two columns. The right column under the command of Maidel consisted of two battalions of the Kurinsky and two Lithuanian regiments. The left column, under the command of Major General Brunner, consisted of two battalions of the Brest and two Lithuanian regiments. Each column had 4 mountain guns and one sapper company. Brunner's column was followed by 8 light guns. In reserve were a battalion of the Bialystok and two battalions of the Brest regiment with 2 mountain guns under the command of Colonel Karganov. The infantry was followed by the cavalry.

The foot militia was scattered in front of the columns, part was directed to the right flank of the enemy in order to divert his attention. Part of the Gurian and Imereti militia started a heated gunfight with the Turks on the right flank, giving the impression of preparing an attack through the ravine. This alerted Selim Pasha and his European advisers.

Battle plan on the Choloka River. Many of us know firsthand that the history of Russia was built on the alternation of military battles. Each of the wars was an extremely difficult, complex phenomenon, leading to both human losses, on the one hand, and the growth of the Russian territory, its multinational composition, on the other. One of such important and long time frames was the Caucasian War.

The hostilities lasted for almost fifty years - from 1817 to 1864. Many political scientists and historical figures are still arguing about the methods of conquering the Caucasus and evaluate this historical event ambiguously. Someone says that the highlanders initially had no chance to resist the Russians, waging an unequal struggle against tsarism. Some historians emphasized that the authorities of the empire did not set themselves the goal of establishing peaceful relations with the Caucasus, but its total conquest and the desire to subjugate the Russian Empire. It should be noted that for a long time the study of the history of the Russian-Caucasian war was in a deep crisis. These facts once again prove how difficult and unyielding this war turned out to be for the study of national history.

The beginning of the War and its causes

Relations between Russia and the mountain peoples had a long and difficult historical connection. On the part of the Russians, repeated attempts to impose their customs and traditions only angered the free highlanders, giving rise to their discontent. On the other hand, the Russian emperor wanted to put an end to raids and attacks, robberies of Circassians and Chechens on Russian cities and villages that stretched on the border of the empire.

Gradually, the clash of completely dissimilar cultures grew, reinforcing Russia's desire to subdue the Caucasian people. With strengthening foreign policy, ruling the empire, Alexander the First decided to expand Russian influence on Caucasian peoples. The goal of the war on the part of the Russian Empire was the annexation of the Caucasian lands, namely Chechnya, Dagestan, part of the Kuban region and the Black Sea coast. Another reason for going to war was to maintain stability. Russian state, since the British, Persians and Turks looked at the Caucasian lands, this could turn into problems for the Russian people.

The conquest of the mountain people became a pressing problem for the emperor. The military issue with a resolution in their favor was planned to be closed within a few years. However, the Caucasus stood in the way of the interests of Alexander the First and two more subsequent rulers for half a century.

The course and stages of the war

Many historical sources that tell about the course of the war indicate its key stages.

Stage 1. Partisan movement (1817 - 1819)

commander in chief Russian army General Yermolov waged a rather fierce struggle against the disobedience of the Caucasian people, resettling them on the plains among the mountains for total control. Such actions provoked violent discontent among Caucasians, strengthening partisan movement. The guerrilla war began from the mountainous regions of Chechnya and Abkhazia.

In the first years of the war, the Russian Empire used only a small part of its combat forces to subdue the Caucasian population, since it was simultaneously waging war with Persia and Turkey. Despite this, with the help of Yermolov's military literacy, the Russian army gradually forced out the Chechen fighters and conquered their lands.

Stage 2. The emergence of Muridism. Unification of the ruling elite of Dagestan (1819-1828)

This stage was characterized by some agreements among the current elites. Dagestan people. A union was organized in the struggle against the Russian army. A little later, a new religious trend appears against the backdrop of an unfolding war.

The confession, called Muridism, was one of the offshoots of Sufism. In some way, Muridism was a national liberation movement of representatives of the Caucasian people with strict observance of the rules prescribed by religion. The Muridians declared war on the Russians and their supporters, which only aggravated the bitter struggle among the Russians and Caucasians. From the end of 1824, an organized Chechen uprising began. Russian troops were subjected to frequent raids by the highlanders. In 1825, the Russian army won a series of victories over the Chechens and Dagestanis.

Stage 3. Creation of the Imamat (1829 - 1859)

It was during this period that a new state was created, spreading over the territories of Chechnya and Dagestan. The founder of a separate state was the future monarch of the highlanders - Shamil. The creation of the Imamate was caused by the need for independence. The imamat defended the territory not captured by the Russian army, built its own ideology and centralized system, and created its own political postulates. Soon, under the leadership of Shamil, the progressive state became a serious opponent of the Russian Empire.

For a long period of time, hostilities were conducted with varying success for the warring parties. During all kinds of battles, Shamil showed himself as a worthy commander and enemy. For a long time, Shamil raided Russian villages and fortresses.

The situation was changed by the tactics of General Vorontsov, who, instead of continuing the campaign in mountain villages, sent soldiers to cut clearings in difficult forests, erecting fortifications there and creating Cossack villages. Thus, the territory of the Imamate was soon surrounded. For some time, the troops under the command of Shamil gave a worthy rebuff to the Russian soldiers, but the confrontation lasted until 1859. In the summer of that year, Shamil, along with his associates, was besieged by the Russian army and captured. This moment became a turning point in the Russian-Caucasian war.

It is worth noting that the period of the struggle against Shamil was the most bloody. This period, like the war as a whole, brought with it great amount human and material losses.

Stage 4. End of the war (1859-1864)

The defeat of the Imamat and the enslavement of Shamil was followed by the end of hostilities in the Caucasus. In 1864, the Russian army broke the long resistance of the Caucasians. The tiring war between the Russian Empire and the Circassian peoples has ended.

Significant figures of military operations

To conquer the highlanders, uncompromising, experienced and outstanding military commanders were needed. Together with Emperor Alexander the First, General Alexei Petrovich Yermolov boldly entered the war. By the beginning of the war, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the troops of the Russian population on the territory of Georgia and the second Caucasian line.

Yermolov considered Dagestan and Chechnya to be the central place for the conquest of the mountaineers, establishing a military-economic blockade of mountainous Chechnya. The general believed that the task could be completed in a couple of years, but Chechnya turned out to be too active militarily. The cunning, and at the same time, uncomplicated plan of the commander-in-chief was to conquer individual combat points, setting up garrisons there. He took away the most fertile pieces of land from the mountain dwellers in order to subdue or die out the enemy. However, with its authoritarian disposition towards foreigners, in postwar period Yermolov, using small amounts allocated from the Russian treasury, improved railway, established medical institutions, facilitating the influx of Russians into the mountains.

Raevsky Nikolai Nikolaevich was no less valiant warrior of that time. With the title of "general of the cavalry", he skillfully mastered combat tactics, honored military traditions. It was noted that Raevsky's regiment always showed best qualities in battle, always maintaining strict discipline and order in battle formation.

Another of the commanders-in-chief - General Baryatinsky Alexander Ivanovich - was distinguished by military dexterity and competent tactics in command of the army. Alexander Ivanovich brilliantly showed his mastery of command and military training in the battles at the village of Gergebil, Kyuryuk-Dara. For services to the empire, the general was awarded the Order of St. George the Victorious and St. Andrew the First-Called, and by the end of the war he received the rank of Field Marshal.

The last of the Russian commanders who wore honorary title General Field Marshal Milyutin Dmitry Alekseevich, left his mark in the fight against Shamil. Even after being wounded by a bullet on the flight, the commander remained to serve in the Caucasus, taking part in many battles with the highlanders. He was awarded with orders St. Stanislav and St. Vladimir.

The results of the Russian-Caucasian war

Thus, the Russian Empire, as a result of a long struggle with the highlanders, was able to establish its own legal system. Since 1864 began its distribution administrative structure empire, strengthening its geopolitical position. For Caucasians, a special politic system while maintaining their traditions, cultural heritage and religion.

Gradually, the anger of the highlanders subsided in relation to the Russians, which led to the strengthening of the authority of the empire. Fabulous sums were allocated for the beautification of the mountainous region, the construction of transport links, the construction of cultural heritage, the construction of educational institutions, mosques, shelters, military orphanage departments for the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

The Caucasian battle was so long that it had a rather controversial assessment and results. The internecine invasions and periodic raids by the Persians and Turks stopped, human trafficking was eradicated, the economic rise of the Caucasus and its modernization began. It should be noted that any war brought devastating losses for both the Caucasian people and the Russian Empire. Even after so many years, this page of history still needs to be studied.

Subject tasks:

identify the causes of the Caucasian war and the balance of power in initial stage, the heroism of Russian soldiers, the inflammatory goals of the leaders of the highlanders;

to teach to highlight the main thing, compare, analyze;fostering respect for the heroic ancestors who showed courage in the fight against the highlanders.

Meta-subject tasks (UUD): cognitive, communicative, regulatory, personal

Educational resources: textbook by V.N. Ratushnyak “Kuban studies, grade 10, Krasnodar, 2013

Working with terms:

1. Basic concepts: Caucasian war, naib, infidels

2. Main personalities: Shamil, Mohammed-Amin, Arkhip Osipov, A.D. Bezkrovny, N.N. Raevsky

Key dates6 1806 - 1812, 1828 - 1829, 1817 - 1864

Mandatory minimum content of education: identifying the causes of the Caucasian war, the goals of the participants, the events on initial period war.

Lesson stages

Teacher actions

Student activities

Formation of UUD.

Assessment Technology

1. Creating a problem situation

The theme of the lesson is "Caucasian War".

Opening talk:

Why is she called that? Name its chronological framework.

What are the reasons, who are the participants?

Can you show a movie clip?

"Caucasian War".

What new interesting things did you learn from this fragment?

What event happened in 1801? How did it affect relations between Russia and Turkey?

Student responses: war onCaucasus 1817 -1864 between Russia and Turkey over the territory of the Caucasus

Student responses

1801 - the entry of Georgia into Russia intensified the struggle between Russia and Georgia for the North - Western Caucasus

Cognitive UUD: analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Communicative UUD: express your opinion, argue

2. Activity planning

4. Finding a Solution to a Problem

After the introductory conversation between the teacher and the class, start studying the topic of the lesson.

1. Make a coherent story about the Russian-Turkish war of 1806 - 1812 according to the plan by reading pages 98 - 101 of the textbook:

A) Anapa - the epicenter of events

1807, 1809

B) relations between Russians and mountaineers

C) Bucharest peace - the surrender of Anapa to the Turks

2. What are the reasons for the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829, the conditions of the Adrianople peace treaty of 1829 (page 100 of the textbook)

3. Why was it decided to build the Black Sea coastline? What event preceded this?

4..What is the role of Mohammed-Amin in the Caucasus?

Define 3 groups of students.

The teacher gives assignments:

Give the group 1 an enlarged layout of the map on page 99 of the textbook, copies of the pictures on pages 98 - 103: portraits, monuments.

Assignment: draw up a project on the topic “The Beginning of the Caucasian War”, using illustrative material. Attach pictures to the card.

Group 2 to draw up a project: prepare a photo album “The Beginning of the Caucasian War”, where to talk about the role of the individuals indicated in the topic of the lesson and the materials of the textbook, their fate, using dictionaries, copies of pictures from the textbook

Copies of photos and biography to prepare in advance

You can make presentations using the Internet and multimedia technology in the lesson.

Group 3 draw up a project “Shamil's Notebook” or “Shamil's Diary”, analyze Shamil's statements in the workbook, characterize him. Here, highlight the main ones that characterize him as a person.

Working with text tutorial

Map Analysis

Student responses

Working with the text of the textbook


For the territory in the Caucasus, the world of Adrianople - the eastern coast of the Black Sea to the borders with Adjara belongs to Russia

Cruising ships is not an option, to combat smuggling and the slave trade - the coastline, military fortifications

Answer: intensify the fight against the Russians in the North-Western Caucasus

Students' answers, based on the text of the textbook, atlas.

Distribution by groups

Students receive the necessary material for the preparation of the project

Drafting an illustrated map "The Beginning of the Caucasian War": correctly position the illustrations on the map

Drawing up a project - a photo album "The beginning of the Caucasian war"

It is desirable to arrange beautifully, sign each illustration

Drawing up a project - a diary or notebook of Shamil

It is desirable to arrange beautifully, aesthetically, the material should be in printed form

Regulatory UUD:

Highlight a goal, a problem, work with a map, a characteristic of personalities

Cognitive UUD: build logically sound reasoning, master semantic reading: independently find the necessary information


Cognitive UUD: build logically sound reasoning, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize

Communicative UUD: distribution of responsibilities and work in groups

Regulatory UUD: systematize, analyze the material

Cognitive UUD: highlighting the main thing, generalizing and drawing conclusions

5. Expression of problem solution

Protect projects.

After the defense, answer the question: What are the relations between Russia and Turkey now?

The teacher offers to explain terms, dates, characterize personalities. Write in notebook

Summing up the lesson. Grading.

The teacher offers to express their attitude to the lesson

Project protection. A coherent logical story is needed, based on the prepared material

Student responses based on knowledge from the media

Notebook entries

Communicative UUD: development of a sense of collectivism, cohesion, responsibility, express your opinion, argue it

Personal UUD: express your point of view on events, the contribution of individuals


5. Homework: pp. 98 - 103, assignments in the workbook "The Beginning of the Caucasian War"

Work with sites:

Beginning of the Caucasian War


Film about the beginning of the Caucasian war






Answers in the workbook:

1. Fill in the table "Russian - Turkish wars"

The contract of 1806 - 1812, the contract - Bucharest, Itogi - obliged to return Anapa and Sudzhuk - Kale to Turkey, 1828 - 1829, the agreement - Adrianople, the results - the eastern coast of the Black Sea from the mouth of the Kuban River to the borders with Adjara was assigned to Russia

1-z. 2d. 3 k,. 4 b. 5 g, 6 f, 7 l, 8 a, 9 c, 10 f

4 - N.N. Raevsky

5 good relations Russians with Adygs


1. Fill in the table "Russian - Turkish wars"

the date



1806 – 1812

1828 - 1829- 1829

  1. Match:

1.N.N. Raevsky a) commander of naval and ground forces

2.A.A. Velyaminov b) Anapa was shelled under his leadership in 1807

3 A.H. Zass c) Naib Shamil

4. S.A. Pustoshkin d) received the Order of St. George and the rank of general

5.A.D. Bloodless e) creation of the Black Sea coastline

6.. S. Greig e) died in 1840 in the Mikhailovsky fortification

7. Shamil g) the leader of the squadron that approached Anapa in 1828

8 A.S. Menshikov h) head of the Black Sea coastline in 1830-

9 Mohammed - Amin k) head of the Labinsk detachment

10. Arkhip Osipov k) creator of a military-religious state in the Trans-Kuban region

  1. 1. 3..Explain the terms:

1 Invalid-

  1. 2. Naib -
  2. 3. Residence -
  3. 4. Surrender
  4. 5. -cruising ships -
  5. 6. Black Sea coastline -
  6. 7. Muridism -
  7. 8. Imamat-
  8. 9. Ghazavat-
  9. 10. Islam -
  10. 1. To whom did A.S. Pushkin dedicate the poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus?”

5. How was Mohammed-Amin, who arrived in the North-Western Caucasus, amazed and indignant?

  1. 2. 6.What do the dates mean:
  2. 3. 1840,1806,. 1809,1812, 1828, 1829,.1876, 1889,1864, 1848 , 1849

7. Analyze the document, characterize the person. Choose the main slogans that are the meaning of his life

Imam Shamil - the leader of the Caucasian highlanders, energetically fought against the Russian Empire. Quotes from his speeches:

If you're afraid, don't speak, he said, don't be afraid...

Love and fight to the last drop...

Imam Shamil asked the general: "Why did you come to our land and fight with us?" The general replied: “We have come to you, savages, with higher culture and civilization."

Then Imam Shamil called one of the Muslims and asked him to take off his shoe and socks and show his leg to the general - the Muslim's leg was shining from five ablutions. Then the imam called a Russian soldier and asked him to do the same. The soldier's foot was dirty and stank from a distance.

The imam asked: “So you came to us with this culture?!”

Whoever raises a weapon against the truth will raise it to his own destruction!

Going on the warpath, the hero is the one who does not think about the consequences.

To tell the truth, I used cruel measures against the highlanders: many people were killed on my orders ... I beat the Shatoi people, the Andians, the Tadbutins, and the Ichkerians; but I beat them not for devotion to the Russians - they never showed it, but for their nasty nature, a penchant for robbery and robbery.

I went out to meet you with a strong army, but our connection was impossible because of the battle between us and the Georgian prince. We recaptured their herds, estates, wives and children, conquered their fortresses, returned home with great booty and triumph, so rejoice too! - Commander Turkish army Omer Pasha during the Crimean War

If a man is a man, a woman will be a woman!

The saber is sharpened and the hand is ready.

Small nations need big daggers.

I turn to you through the thickness of the years!

With my mind and heart I accepted the call of the famous Sheikh Mohammed of Yaraga:

People are born free, and to deprive a person of this sacred right is a grave sin before the Almighty!

The free life of all peoples and the protection of the dignity of a free person in our understanding were consecrated by the imam and the traditions of our mountain life.

I am proud: in my state there were no longer any khans or slaves, all people were equal among themselves!

This freedom, this equality of peoples and people is my testament to you!

I insisted to the naibs: “Do not lean towards violence, nor towards rapists. Look at your people with the eyes of mercy and care... Be a son for the eldest, a brother for an equal, and a father for the younger.

If you behave contrary to what I say, if you behave unfairly towards the people, then you will first of all provoke the wrath of the Almighty, and then the wrath of me and your people.

I did not want blood, sacrifice and suffering of peoples.

Know! I treated all nations with respect!

In my state there were many Christians who voluntarily came over to us or were captured.

I convened a special convention in Andy, at which they decided to abolish slavery and support the fugitives at the expense of the treasury.

We gave freedom to everyone!

They were free to convert to Islam, start a household and get married.

For those who wanted to profess Christianity, I ordered to build a church!

You, to whom I am now addressing, should know that then, in the turbulent and cruel years, all the peoples inhabiting Dagestan were a single family.

We were not divided by peoples and languages!

We had a common destiny and common goals!

For us, the true man was the one who shared with the people all its hardships.

I considered myself a disciple and follower of Sheikhs Mohammed and Yaraga, Jamalutdin from Kazikumukh and Abdurahman from Sogratl.

I bequeath to you, my descendants, this friendship and this brotherhood!

Remember! For Shamil and his associates, there was nothing more sacred than duty to the Almighty and his people! - Testament of Imam Shamil to descendants

You, great Sovereign, defeated me and the Caucasian peoples, subject to me, with weapons. You, great Sovereign, gave me life. You, great Sovereign, conquered my heart with good deeds. My sacred duty, as a beneficent decrepit old man and subdued by Your great soul, instill in children their duties to Russia and its legitimate tsars. I bequeathed to them to have eternal gratitude to You, Sovereign, for all the good deeds with which you shower me. I bequeathed them to be loyal subjects to the tsars of Russia and useful servants to our new fatherland. - Letter from Imam Shamil to Alexander II

You and I are brothers in religion. Two dogs fight, but when they see a wolf, forgetting their enmity, they run at him together. Although we are enemies among ourselves, the Russians are wolves to us, and therefore I ask you to unite with me and fight against a common enemy; if you do not help me, then God is my help.

... My poor people, you, together with me, sought peace in wars, experiencing only misfortunes. It turns out that peace can be found only in a peaceful earthly life, and not only here, but also there, in the mountains ... In relations with the Russians, follow my example, because their deeds, if you put justice on the scales, will drag more towards good.

In a grove, located one and a half miles from the village, Shamil was met by the commander in chief. The warm, friendly welcome, the most sincere attention and respect shown to him from all sides - all this came as a complete surprise to him. At first, he was even taken aback, and then with restraint, with dignity, turned to Baryatinsky with the following words: “I fought for religion for thirty years, but now the peoples have betrayed me, and the naibs fled, and I myself got tired; I am old, I am sixty-three years old ... I congratulate you on your dominion over Dagestan and from the bottom of my heart I wish the Sovereign success in governing the highlanders, for their good.

I feel how my strength is leaving me, my days are numbered, I will have to answer before the Almighty for the murders of my fellow tribesmen, but I think I have an excuse, my people are a bad people, a highlander is capable of a worthy deed only when a sword is raised above him, and before him head cut off by this sword.

In addition to Arabic, I know three languages: Avar, Kumyk and Chechen. I go into battle with Avar, I speak Kumyk with women, I joke in Chechen. - About your knowledge of languages

8. To whom, where, for what feats, when were monuments erected? Describe them.

History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 20th century Nikolaev Igor Mikhailovich

Caucasian War (1817–1864)

Caucasian War (1817–1864)

Russia's advance into the Caucasus began long before the nineteenth century. So, Kabarda back in the sixteenth century. accepted Russian citizenship. In 1783, Erekle II concluded with Russia Georgievsky treatise, according to which Eastern Georgia accepted Russian patronage. At the beginning of the nineteenth century. All of Georgia became part of the Russian Empire. At the same time, Russia's advance into the Transcaucasus continued and Northern Azerbaijan was annexed. However, Transcaucasia was separated from the main territory of Russia Caucasus mountains, inhabited by warlike mountain peoples who raided the lands that recognized the authority of Russia, and interfered with communications with Transcaucasia. Gradually, these clashes turned into a struggle between the highlanders who converted to Islam, under the banner of ghazavat (jihad) - a “holy war” against the “infidels”. The main centers of resistance of the highlanders in the east of the Caucasus were Chechnya and Mountainous Dagestan, in the west - Abkhazians and Circassians.

Conventionally, five main periods of the Caucasian War in the 19th century can be distinguished. The first - from 1817 to 1827, associated with the start of large-scale hostilities by the governor in the Caucasus and the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops, General A.P. Yermolov; the second - 1827-1834, when the process of folding the military-theocratic state of the highlanders in the North Caucasus was underway and resistance to Russian troops intensified; the third - from 1834 to 1855, when the movement of the highlanders was headed by Imam Shamil, who achieved a number of major victories over the tsarist troops; the fourth - from 1855 to 1859 - the internal crisis of Shamil's imamate, the intensification of the Russian offensive, the defeat and capture of Shamil; fifth - 1859-1864 - the end of hostilities in the North Caucasus.

With the end of the Patriotic War and the foreign campaign, the Russian government stepped up military operations against the highlanders. General A.P., a hero of the Patriotic War and very popular in the army, was appointed governor in the Caucasus and commander of the troops. Eromolov. He abandoned separate punitive expeditions and put forward a plan to move deep into the North and East Caucasus in order to "civilize" the mountain peoples. Yermolov pursued a tough policy of ousting the recalcitrant highlanders from the fertile valleys in the highlands. To this end, the construction of the Sunzhenskaya line (along the Sunzha River) began, which separated the breadbasket of Chechnya from the mountainous regions. The long and exhausting war took on a fierce character on both sides. The advance of Russian troops in the highlands, as a rule, was accompanied by the burning of recalcitrant auls and the resettlement of Chechens under the control of Russian troops. The highlanders made constant raids on villages loyal to Russia, seized hostages, cattle and tried to destroy everything that they could not take with them, constantly threatening Russian communications with Georgia and the Transcaucasus. The advantage of Russian troops in armament and military training compensated for by difficult natural conditions. Impenetrable mountain forests served as good protection for the highlanders, who were perfectly oriented in familiar terrain.

From the second half of the 20s. 19th century Muridism is spreading among the peoples of Dagestan and Chechens - a doctrine that preached religious fanaticism and "holy war with the infidels" (gazavat). On the basis of muridism, a theocratic state, the imamate, began to form. The first imam in 1828 was Gazi-Magomed, who sought to unite in this state all the peoples of Dagestan and Chechnya to fight the "infidels".

At the same time (1827), General Yermolov, who managed to significantly stabilize the situation in the Caucasus, was replaced by I.F. Paskevich. The new commander decided to consolidate Yermolov's success with punitive expeditions. The actions of the latter and the formation of the theocratic state of the highlanders again led to an intensification of the struggle. The government of Nicholas I relied mainly on military force, constantly increasing the number of Caucasian troops. The mountain nobility and the clergy, on the one hand, tried to strengthen their power and influence among the mountain peoples with the help of muridism, on the other hand, muridism made it possible to mobilize the mountaineers to fight the newcomers from the North.

The Caucasian war took on a particularly fierce and stubborn character after Shamil came to power (1834). Becoming an imam, Shamil, who had military talent, organizational skills and strong will, managed to establish his power over the highlanders of Dagestan and Chechnya and organize stubborn and effective resistance to Russian troops for 25 years.

The turning point in the struggle came only after the end of the Crimean War (1856). The Caucasian Corps was transformed into the Caucasian Army, numbering 200 thousand people. The new commander-in-chief A.I. Baryatinsky and his chief of staff D.A. Milyutin developed a plan for waging an uninterrupted war against Shamil, moving from line to line in summer and winter. The depletion of resources and a serious internal crisis were also experienced by Shamil's imamat. The denouement came in August 1859, when Russian troops blocked the last fortification of Shamil - the village of Gunib.

However, for another five years, the resistance of the highlanders of the North-Western Caucasus continued - the Circassians, Abkhazians and Adygs.

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