Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Pepelyaev General of the White Army. Pepelyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich, lieutenant general


Now this surname - the Pepelyaevs - is almost forgotten in Tomsk, where the Pepelyaevs were born and spent their childhood at the end of the nineteenth century, and in Siberia, and in Russia. Forgotten because the Pepelyaevs in all years Soviet power were banned, de jure and de facto this ban has not been lifted to this day. And in the years civil war the glory of the Pepelyaevs was enormous, thundered throughout Siberia, was replicated in the White Guard troops in millions of propaganda leaflets.
In the regiments and divisions, it thundered menacingly to a well-known motive in many thousands of throats, for example, this is not the only one:

For the beloved leader
We will break the way to Vyatka,
Let's turn the enemy hordes into corpses.
We are a mighty army
And the enemy can not hold back
Pepelyaevskaya Northern Group...

And the Kremlin red leaders Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky were not at all sure that a few months or even weeks - and not they, but Kolchak and the Pepelyaevs would be the masters of the Kremlin, the Mother See and the whole of Russia ...

I will tell about the Pepelyaevs, about their life and fate, mainly about the most famous of their family - the brothers Viktor Nikolaevich, Anatoly Nikolaevich, Arkady Nikolaevich. And I will begin the story with a story about their parents, who also deserve to be known and remembered.

On July 12, 1881, in the Grado-Tomsk Annunciation Church (the old Cathedral of the Annunciation Cathedral was demolished in the 1930s, now there is Batenkov Square of the Decembrist), a 23-year-old hereditary nobleman, son of a state councilor, a native of the St. Petersburg province, lieutenant of the Tomsk infantry battalion Nikolai Mikhailovich Pepelyaev was married for the first time to the daughter of a Tomsk merchant of the 2nd guild Nekrasov, a 19-year-old graduate of a women's gymnasium, Claudia Georgievna.
It would be possible not to disturb the metric book about the spouses, if not for two circumstances. Brought to Tomsk by the will of fate and by order of the military authorities in the summer of 1879, Lieutenant N.M. Pepelyaev settled down after his marriage in Tomsk firmly, forever. Here, occasionally leaving on business trips to Narym, Kansk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Nerchinsk, speaking during Russo-Japanese War in an annual campaign, first to protect the Siberian railway in the region of Krasnoyarsk, then to Manchuria, he successively overcame all the service steps military career- from junior officer rank to lieutenant general. Received orders: St. Stanislav 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, St. Vladimir 4th degree, St. Anna 2nd and 3rd degrees, many medals, including "For work on the first population census "... He was the commandant of Tomsk, the head of the garrison, commanded a battalion, regiment, brigade. At one time, but for a very short time, during the period of the first Russian revolution, he temporarily served as Governor-General of Tomsk for 14 days. In Tomsk, Nikolai Mikhailovich Pepelyaev died on November 21, 1916 and was buried in the military quarter of the Preobrazhensky cemetery.

The name of the general would not have been preserved, not such names were lost, sunk into oblivion in the eventful past century. If not for his children. It was not by chance that I began the story with the marriage of N.M. Pepelyaev. In marriage, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Claudia Georgievna Pepelyaev had eight children. Six sons and two daughters. The most famous, who made the Pepelyaev family famous, were the sons Viktor and Anatoly - the first and fifth children in the family. Victor forever went down in history as one of the most prominent leaders white movement in Siberia during the civil war, the prime minister in the government of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, Anatoly - as a hero of the First World War, the most talented Kolchak commander, general, commander of one of the three Kolchak armies - the 1st Siberian Army.
But all this will be later, after the death of the head of a large family. And during his lifetime, Nikolai Mikhailovich could be proud of his family and children. They lived on his salary, though not richly, but very friendly.

The children studied easily, well, they received the right upbringing, a good education, music, books, theater were in high esteem in the family (one of the daughters, Catherine, became a dramatic actress, Vera became a teacher), foreign languages, showed interest in military affairs. Of the six sons, five followed the example of their father, some went to St. Petersburg, some went to Omsk in closed military educational establishments. Only the first-born, Victor, went through the civil line, enrolling in Faculty of Law Tomsk Imperial University.
When the civil war begins, all the Pepelyaevs-sons of the Bolshevik government will not accept it as hostile to the Russian people, inhumane, they will actively and fiercely fight it. Only one, the youngest, hussar Loggin, will die in battle in early January 1919 on the front line, the rest will either be shot or end up in Soviet prisons and concentration camps where everyone will perish.

The widow of Lieutenant General N.M. Pepelyaeva Claudia Georgievna, who lived after the death of her husband on the street. Spasskaya, 6 (now Sovetskaya St.) in Tomsk, will leave the city with the retreating white troops in December 1919, together with his daughter Vera Nikolaevna Pepelyaeva-Popova, will be abroad, in the city of Harbin, will spend a century there until the end of his days until 1938. The family of Anatoly Pepelyaev will also be in Harbin emigration: his wife Nina Ivanovna, along with two sons - Vsevolod and Lavr. But the Soviet authorities would not leave them alone either. Just because they are the children of Kolchak's general, in the fall of 1945, when the Red Army forces Japan to capitulate and enter the territory of Manchuria, Vsevolod and Lavr will be sentenced to 25 years in prison each. To the rest of the Pepelyaevs, and only women will survive, the Soviet authorities will be more lenient, that is, they simply will not persecute them for belonging to the Pepelyaev family ...

Lieutenant colonel medical service

Arkady was third in big family Pepelyaev as a child. His childhood years in Tomsk were short-lived. Having chosen the path of his father, deciding to become a military man, he went to Omsk, entered the Omsk cadet corps. At the end of the corps, his path was to St. Petersburg, where he graduated with honors in December 1912 military medical academy and in a brand new uniform of a military doctor, sparkling with gold officer shoulder straps, he returned to his native Siberia. First, he served in Tyumen as a junior intern of a military infirmary, then soon he was transferred to Omsk, to a military hospital.

Probably, I will not be mistaken in saying that the period of life from 1910 to 1914 was the happiest in the life of Arkady Pepelyaev. The events that fell during these years were full of simple human happiness. While studying in the cadet corps, he met the beautiful daughter of one of his teachers, Colonel G.P. Yakubinsky Anna Georgievna. While still a student of the academy, he married her mutual love, they had two daughters - Tatyana, followed by Nina. He lived family life surrounded by family and friends. During the day - not a burdensome service, in the evenings - either they are visiting, or guests are visiting them. And also - theater, books, music. He played the violin not badly and sometimes allowed himself to indulge in this occupation for hours.
Everything in this almost civilian way of life was drastically changed by the war with Germany declared on Ilyin's Day in 1914. As a doctor of military medical transport, Pepelyaev was primarily to be sent to the front. Having formed a military hospital train on the orders of his superiors, A.N. Pepelyaev was already at the theater of operations at the forefront of the X Army at the end of August 1914 Southwestern Front. Together with his wife, who graduated from the courses of sisters of mercy.
The fact that Arkady Pepelyaev was a warrior and doctor in the army is evidenced by four orders received in less than two years of fighting - two of St. Stanislav and two of St. Anna. Not many doctors could boast of this. To do this, it was necessary to take out the wounded from under fire to the rear, and operate literally a few kilometers, or even hundreds of meters from the front line in the mobile field hospital N 525, where he was the chief doctor.
But irreversible political changes were already underway in the country. In March 1918 with military service Arkady Nikolaevich resigned, entered as an epidemiologist in city ​​hospital. In this capacity, the civil war found him. The provisional Siberian government mobilized the captain of the medical service, Pepelyaev.
And again military everyday life, front-line life flowed. Only now the enemy was not the German, but his own, the Russians. Red. However, his business was to treat the soldiers wounded in this fratricide.
... After brilliant victories in the first half of 1919, the army of Admiral Kolchak began to surrender by autumn, the retreat began. Omsk was left under the blows of the Red Army on November 14, and Novonikolaevsk on December 14. Lieutenant colonel of the medical service Arkady Pepelyaev retreated in the camp of the whites as a doctor, accompanying the wounded. The retreat turned into a flight that stopped for Arkady Nikolaevich in Irkutsk. Here he was first arrested by the Bolsheviks and stayed in custody for two months. For keeping the papers of brother Victor concerning the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg. According to one information, these papers were handed over to him in Omsk with a request to hide personally by his brother Viktor Nikolayevich, who, as the Minister of Internal Affairs, supervised the course of the investigation into the events in Ipatiev house, according to others, these important papers of the investigator N. Sokolov were given to Arkady Nikolayevich by the wife of his brother-premier Evstoliya Vasilievna. In Irkutsk, right after the execution of her husband.
Returning to Omsk, Arkady Nikolaevich continued to practice as an otolaryngologist. The glory of him as an excellent doctor was in Omsk, both ardent supporters and equally ardent opponents of Soviet power went to him for treatment. In a word, everyone who needed a qualified medical care. He raised his daughters, one of whom (the youngest, Nina) graduated from a music school and began working in the drama theater, and the other (the eldest, Tatyana) studied to be a doctor. It was stupid to hide your past, your relatives, everyone knew about it, where necessary.
He was called to the authorities, it seems, almost the only time. And that is not in the case of the brothers and not in the case of his personal past. They called him with a demand to hand over the gold he had. For some reason, it was believed that he had a lot of gold things. He didn't. But, obeying the demand, he went, taking with him wedding rings and some kind of chain of his wife Anna Georgievna. According to the recollections of Nina Arkadyevna's daughter, they looked at the wedding rings and the gold chain and said: "Hide and go. We had a better opinion of you, Dr. Pepelyaev." He returned home embarrassed and embarrassed.
They came for him the next day after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. June 23, 1941 All break in the house, not finding anything seditious, they took away. And - for two years there was not a sound from him. His wife and daughters thought that he was not even alive. However, he was alive, was in a camp in the city of Mariinsk, sent a message from there. Then more and more. He asked me not to worry, everything is fine, he works in his specialty in camps.
At the end of May 1946, a telegram arrived from Mariinsk to Omsk: "Omsk Rabinovich 136 Petyaeva Mariinsk Tepelyaev's state of health is hopelessly decoupled by the days of the beginning of the hospital." It was strictly forbidden to send telegrams about prisoners, and even more so about enemies. Apparently, Arkady Nikolayevich Pepelyaev was respected and loved in the camp. That's why they took the risk. And this is "Tepelyaev", "Petyaev", it seems to me, it was written that way on purpose. As about the unfamiliar and indifferent.
Anna Georgievna left for Mariinsk. On May 26, a telegram to her daughters came from her: "Dad died on the twenty-fourth morning, she did not find him alive."
The funeral looked ridiculous, bitter, tragic. On the cart, which was harnessed to the horse, there was a coffin with a body. On the way from the hospital to the cemetery, two guards with rifles walked behind the funeral wagon: it is not known who they were protecting from whom. And side by side, on the sidewalk, walked, stumbling on the go, swallowing bitter tears, Anna Georgievna.
That's all. Thus ended his days the last of the surviving men from the glorious noble family Pepelyaevs.


On December 9, 1937, the former Kolchak general Anatoly Nikolaevich Pepelyaev was interrogated in the Novosibirsk UNKVD. This interrogation was almost the last for Pepelyaev: on January 14, 1938, he was shot. General Pepelyaev was imprisoned in Soviet prisons from June 1923.
Anatoly was the fifth child in the family. Before entering the Omsk Cadet Corps in 1901, he was educated at home and studied at a private school.
At the Pavlovsk School, after a year of study, he received the rank of non-commissioned officer, was awarded the title of the best rifle shooter, and a little later also the best revolver shooter. In the language of the Soviet time, which is closer to us, Junker Anatoly Pepelyaev was a Voroshilov shooter.
After graduating from the Pavlovsk Military School in August 1910, with the rank of second lieutenant, he arrived on September 19 at his duty station in Tomsk, was enrolled in the 42nd Siberian Rifle Regiment, commanded by his father N.M. Pepelyaev. He remained in this regiment until the beginning of the First World War.
A few days after the declaration of war, he left as part of the 42nd Siberian rifle regiment to the active army on the North-Western Front.

At the forefront, he immediately showed himself to be a brave and competent regimental intelligence commander. The name Pepelyaev flashed in the lists of those who especially distinguished themselves and were awarded. For three years of participation in the war with Germany on the territory of Russia, East Prussia, Poland advanced to the rank of lieutenant colonel, battalion commander, received 8 orders. There were two wounds and a concussion.
What exactly did Anatoly Pepelyaev receive high awards for? For example, in the presentation to the St. George's weapon it says: "On September 26, 1915, near the village of Osov, commanding four cavalry and one foot team of scouts, ambushed part of the forces in the said village, and with the rest he swiftly attacked from the flank of the Germans who ambushed and, despite to the strongest fire, by personal example brought them to a bayonet strike, and most of the Germans were slaughtered, and one officer and 26 lower ranks taken prisoner."
And here is from the submission to the Order of St. George of the 4th degree:
"... Captain Pepelyaev, having received permission to withdraw from the village of Kletishche, own initiative decided to hold on to his position, repulsed all the attacks of the Germans and, after waiting for a favorable moment, went on the offensive himself, repelling the enemy and threatening the left flank of the Germans who occupied the village of Borovaya with his offensive, forced them to abandon their position and retreat behind the river. Neman".
In January 1918, Lieutenant Colonel Pepelyaev went home to Siberia. He later wrote of his decision:
"My banner on German war was - the victory and greatness of Russia. For this, I did not spare my life, but the reality turned out to be different: combat regiments They died stupidly, new replenishments melted away, the army did not receive cartridges, shells ... The question arose: who is to blame? There is only one answer: a mediocre government, unable to organize the defense of the country. Therefore, I, like most officers, calmly met the February Revolution and the abdication of Nikolai Romanov from the throne. But the government of Prince Lvov and Kerensky, which came to power, was unable to stop the collapse of the state and the army. My former commanders Brusilov, Kornilov, Alekseev issued orders that no one followed. The troops left their positions. In this, I saw the death of Russia and was looking for some kind of force capable of changing the catastrophic situation, but did not find it. With such feelings of longing and hopelessness, I returned to Tomsk ... ".
The energetic young officer could not sit idly by, watching how events would develop further in the city, where power was in the hands of the Bolsheviks, who had ruined the Russian army. He always preferred to be a participant, not a spectator, and as soon as he arrived in Tomsk, he immediately entered the circle of events. Having met a friend at the Pavlovsk School, also a front-line soldier Dostovalov, he contacted artillery colonel N.N. Sumarokov. Sumarokov invited him to participate in the anti-Bolshevik movement. And intensive work began on the creation and strengthening of an underground organization, establishing ties with similar organizations in other Siberian cities. By the end of May 1918, the underground organization already numbered up to six hundred people.
The performance with the aim of taking power into their own hands on May 29 was unsuccessful, however, and the losses are small - four people were killed. But on May 31, the Czechoslovak corps revolted. The leadership of the Bolsheviks, hastily boarding two steamboats that stood ready on the banks of the Tom, fled the city. Anatoly Pepelyaev, who led the uprising along with the Sumarokov, moved with his headquarters from the building of the Teachers' Institute on the outskirts of Tomsk to the center, to the Europe Hotel. After the coup in the city, he took the post of head of the Tomsk garrison. On the instructions of the Minister of War of the newly formed Provisional Siberian Government A.N. Grishina-Almazova took up the formation of a military corps.

Soon, Pepelyaev, at the head of the Central Siberian Corps he himself created, received an order to proceed to the east. Smashing on the way the resisting Red troops, he made a journey of almost two thousand miles in three months, to Transbaikalia. There, at st. Tin, there was a meeting of his corps with the army of Ataman Semenov. Bolshevik power throughout the Urals to the Far East was overthrown. Lieutenant Colonel Pepelyaev, who proved himself a skilled military leader during the campaign, was first promoted to colonel, and soon, in early autumn, to major general ...
In October, his corps, already numbering 15 thousand bayonets, was transferred to the Urals. The troops of the Red Army had already been driven out of the Eastern Urals, from Yekaterinburg. The administrative center of the Urals, Perm, remained red. The Whites launched an offensive against Perm. And on December 23-24, 1918, just before Christmas, red Perm fell. Not one building A.N. Pepelyaev prepared and carried out a brilliant operation to capture the capital of the red Urals, Perm, and the troops of the army of General Voitsekhovsky were also involved in this. However, the first, forcing the Red Army to throw on railway tracks thousands of wagons loaded with weapons, food, equipment, things confiscated from the population, the corps of General Pepelyaev broke into the city. He became the main hero of the battle for the city, deservedly received full set glory and honors, the goodwill of the authorities and the love of his subordinates, the new epaulettes of the lieutenant general.
After a short respite, after repulsing the attacks of the Reds, who were trying to take revenge, the offensive to the west was continued. Pepelyaev was already the commander of the Northern Group of the First Siberian Army. At the beginning of June followed new success: the city of Glazov was taken. The way to Vyatka was opened, then to Arkhangelsk or Yaroslavl. It was then, apparently, that the song lines that I have already cited were born.

A.N. Pepelyaev in Prison (at the beginning of his arrest and before being shot)

Prime Minister

Next to great people, whose names and deeds are interesting, attractive to contemporaries, attract attention to themselves and to whom fate itself is destined to belong to history during their lifetime, the unforgettable memory of future generations - and so, next to such people, outstanding, significant, bright personalities inevitably will be in the shadows. Really existing in history, they are fatally, as it were, withdrawn from its circulation. Nobody disputes the fact of their presence, but they may not even be remembered later. And if they suddenly remember, then again, mainly in connection with those who stood a step higher. An example of how much more capacious and a better example, - The Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers in his government, Viktor Nikolayevich Pepelyaev. I said "much more capacious and more revealing", because in the final segment of their earthly life their destinies were inextricably linked, one might say, merged together. At some points, V.N. Pepelyaev even acted in a more significant role than Admiral A.V. Kolchak, they were even sentenced to death by one decision for two, stood side by side before being shot, shoulder to shoulder, looking into the muzzles of rifles aimed at them, and fell under the bullets of one volley. And all the same, history and human memory separated them, demarcated them. One gave immortality, the other - nothing. Or almost nothing. This is fine. The human memory is so arranged: to save selectively. And yet - without pretensions to put a half-forgotten big name on a par with a great name - it is worth remembering and talking about such people who are in the shadows. What I do when talking about Viktor Nikolayevich Pepelyaev.
* * *
Victor early, at the age of twenty, while still a student, married a noble daughter, who belonged to the noble Obolensky family. After graduating from the university, already being the father of a three-year-old daughter, he left for a provincial county town Biysk, to which even Railway at that time it had not yet been held to teach history and geography to high school students. In Biysk, he developed a vigorous activity. In addition to teaching at the gymnasium, he "grabbed" the position of a librarian; actively began to scribble articles in local newspapers, published a book on the anniversary of the abolition of serfdom, lectured on legal topics for biychans and residents of the county, entered the county society for the care of primary education. He organized regular theatrical and musical entertainment in the city, conducted a number of scientific excursions to the Teletskaya taiga, close to Biysk. For three incomplete years of life in Biysk, he became perhaps the most famous person there.
In the summer of 1912, Viktor Pepelyaev was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the IV State Duma in the Biysk district of the Altai district of the Tomsk province. And ... out of 1602 voters, 1341 voted for him. An absolute majority. Clear victory! In October 1912, when it started to rain and on the outskirts of the merchant Biysk the carts were sinking up to their hubs in the bad roads muddy with mud, a recent teacher of geography and history in the county gymnasium, a 26-year-old deputy of the IV State Duma of Russia, had already left with his family on the banks of the Neva, in the capital . To appear already in December at the first Duma meeting under the vaults of the Tauride Palace...
Whom did he see himself in perspective in State Duma young Siberian? And what plans did you make for the future? It's impossible to tell for him. In any case, he did not intend to get lost among the other deputies, and he came into big politics in earnest, with his far-reaching plans, with a thirst vigorous activity to carry out these plans. His political attachments were determined from the student's bench: he gravitated towards the Cadets Party, saw it in the near future as the party of power. Well, and myself in this party of power, probably, not in the last roles.

Immediately agreed in the Duma with the Cadet faction, with its leaders P.N. Milyukov, V.D. Nabokov, A.I. Shingarev, quickly became a necessary person in the faction, attracted everyone's attention. He was quickly talked about among the deputies, they took him seriously, he became "known as a person who is cautious in decisions, but resolute in actions." In the Duma, he, as a person knowledgeable in matters of education, was assigned a section of work in the committee on public education, culture. His speeches from the podium of the Tauride Palace sounded often.
“It must be remembered,” his voice sounded from the high rostrum of the Duma, “that only cultured peoples will emerge intact from the European catastrophe if history is destined to go through it.
History was destined. First World War struck. It may seem that deputy Pepelyaev was prophesying, predicting a future European catastrophe. No. Far-sighted politicians, the military foresaw it.
The State Duma continued to work. Deputy Pepelyaev took part in the organization of the advanced West Siberian sanitary detachment, together with this detachment he often went to the front. February Revolution, the abdication of the king for V.N. Pepelyaev was not a surprise. It went to that.
His party formed the Provisional Government. His chances of becoming a politician are very high rank seems to have increased a lot. But I was worried about the ever-increasing chaos in society, the ever-increasing collapse of the army, to which the Bolsheviks made powerful efforts with their cynical principle "The worse, the better." Pepelyaev especially acutely felt their corrupting influence on the Russian army and people in Kronstadt, where he was sent by the Provisional Government as a commissar to restore order, but he only achieved that he landed in a casemate under arrest for two weeks. He had previously been of the opinion that persuasion was not enough to restore order, but he returned to St. Petersburg on June 17 with the conviction: dictatorship - in this moment the only good for Russia.

The search for a strong sovereign hand led Pepelyaev to the Commander-in-Chief Lavr Kornilov. They had something to talk about, it was easy to understand each other, despite the difference in age: both were Siberians, Kornilov was from Ust-Kamenogorsk, studied at the cadet corps in Omsk, both hated Bolshevism and loved Russia, everything they achieved was through their own work mind, then...
Having staked on Kornilov, the young politician took part in his campaign against Petrograd. Kornilov rebellion. It is appropriate, I think, to explain what it is. A unique, I think, in world history case, when the transfer of Russian troops to defend the Russian capital on the orders of the Russian Supreme Commander was declared a rebellion, and the commander-in-chief himself was declared a rebel! It was like this. On August 20, 1917, the Germans broke through the Russian front near Riga and rushed to the Russian capital, where there was almost no army. August 25, i.e. five days later, the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops gives the order to transfer Russian troops from Mogilev to the Russian capital to protect it from external enemy. The smartest command! No rebellion. Why are the Bolsheviks against, immediately shouted about the rebellion, about the dictator Kornilov? Yes, because with the quartering of the army in St. Petersburg and nearby, martial law will be declared in the city and its environs. Martial law in any country automatically excludes the free activity of any parties, is punishable by death. And for the Bolsheviks, striving for power, to remain inactive for even a month, even half a month, is like political death. Hence the screeching about a far-fetched rebellion, and agitation in millions of copies, and incitement not to allow the army, to impede its progress, hence the arrest of the legitimate Commander-in-Chief, his most vile slander ...
After the failure of the Kornilov campaign, in which Pepelyaev took part, he put on soldier's overcoat, went to the front. He left, of course, not to shoot, as one might think, but to try to understand how much more a word can influence the army. Conclusion: the front is uncontrollable, "the Bolsheviks have already done everything that traitors can do."
But something needs to be done to counter it. At the end of 1917, Viktor Pepelyaev headed the Petrograd Union of Siberians-regionals, at the beginning next year entered the leadership in Moscow underground organizations"National Center" and "Renaissance Union", he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the Kadet Party. After that, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Kadet Party, he went to Siberia. He had clear plans and tasks: it was necessary to establish a military dictatorship. His, Pepelyaev, as a politician, was to convince local organizations of constitutional democrats and members of other non-Bolshevik parties of emergency in this moment establishing a dictatorship as opposed to the Bolshevik dictatorship, to find a person capable of acting as a military dictator, leading a campaign against the Bolsheviks. Those who were represented by Pepelyaev already had specific candidates for the role of a person capable of leading the movement. They called, as the most real, the names of General Alekseev and Admiral Kolchak. First shaped volunteer army in Yekaterinodar, the second was not yet out of work.
Having left Moscow in July 1918, having crossed the front line, on October 4, Viktor Pepelyaev was already in Vladivostok. Prior to that, he visited Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Chita, Manchuria. Taking into account the complexity of movement at that difficult time, the vast distances and the fact that it was necessary not only to “check in” in the Siberian and Far Eastern cities, but to prepare, persuade local leaders to think about the inevitable and necessary imminent dictatorship, he did a tremendous job, did not spend not a minute for nothing. His name, as a politician, was well known locally, his opinion was taken into account, he knew how to convince.
The meeting between Admiral Kolchak and Pepelyaev took place in Omsk on 4 November. Pepelyaev said that he was fulfilling the wish of the National Center, which had pinned its hopes on either Kolchak or the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops, General Alekseev, as a leader. But now, when General Alekseev died on October 8 in Yekaterinodar, for one Kolchak. They also talked about the fact that the Directory is a repetition of Kerensky, its leader Avksentiev is the same Kerensky and will inevitably lead, if nothing is done, to the surrender of power to the Bolsheviks, therefore the Directory is not needed. Kolchak agreed with this.
On the evening of November 15, the opening of the Siberian Cadet Conference took place. They formed a new, eastern department of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party, whose chairman was V.N. Pepelyaev. He called the military dictatorship the decisive means of struggle for the revival of Russia, and expressed demands to put an end to the experiments of the revolution. There were no objections. On November 18, 1918, the Directory was dispersed, and Kolchak was declared the Supreme Ruler of Russia. “We became the party of the coup d'état. We had only to express our opinion the day before, and the next day what was supposed to happen happened,” Pepelyaev wrote in his diary.
You should not think that only the efforts of V.N. Pepelyaev and played decisive role that A.V. Kolchak was in power. Everything is much more complicated. A strong hand known legendary person capable of restoring order in the country, they were looking for, wanted to see both the allies and Russian officers, and the Siberian and Russian bourgeoisie, and the prosperous peasantry, and various parties. But the fact that Viktor Pepelyaev put great effort into this is undeniable. He fully fulfilled the Moscow task assigned to him. National Center task.
Error V.N. Pepelyaev, and not only him, I think, was in what he believed: the main thing was to find a tough, smart military man who would make a quick, as an arrow flight, throw to Moscow. And he did not allow the thought, he was not ready for the fact that fierce resistance, a positional war, was possible.
The fact that V.N. Pepelyaev thought exactly that, confirms the fact that as soon as Kolchak’s armies began to falter in the fall of 1919, he set off, involving his brother, the commander of one of Kolchak’s armies, to weave a conspiracy against Supreme Ruler, seriously think about his displacement, replacing him with another commander. From November 22 (the day before Viktor Pepelyaev received an offer from Kolchak to take the post of prime minister) to November 26, Anatoly Pepelyaev, who was in Tomsk, and Viktor Pepelyaev, who was in Irkutsk, had conversations between themselves in which there was clear secrecy. On December 8, 1919, at the current Taiga station Kemerovo region the Pepelyaev brothers - the presiding minister Pepelyaev and the general Anatoly Pepelyaev (as K.V. Sakharov called the brothers. - V.P.) in an ultimatum demanded from Kolchak the removal of the commander-in-chief of the troops, General Sakharov, and his replacement by General Diterikhs. After the departure of the admiral from Taiga, Sakharov was arrested and sent a telegram to the Supreme Ruler, in which they demanded the convocation of the Siberian Zemsky Sobor and the formation of a government, otherwise, if the demand by Admiral Kolchak was not satisfied by 24 hours on December 9, the brothers decided on everything in the name of the Motherland. God and the people will judge them. However, Viktor Pepelyaev, after thinking, did not dare to do anything. It was too late. The defeat was complete, the army was defeated, it was impossible to fix something. And on December 12, Viktor Pepelyaev apologized to the admiral, said that the end of the telegram could be misunderstood, he was not going to do anything against the supreme power ...
It remains a mystery why Viktor Pepelyaev, knowing what lies ahead when he gets to his sworn enemies the Bolsheviks, did not try to flee abroad, did not worry about sending his family to a safe place, nor about her financial situation. For such trifles as the arrangement of personal affairs, he had even more than enough power. It is not clear why, having rebelled in the Taiga, he then overtook the admiral, in Irkutsk he was arrested with him on January 15, 1920 and shot on February 7, 1920. Probably, after all, because, in spite of everything, fanatically, in his own way, he loved Russia, knew how to lose, was brought up, like all Pepelyaevs, not to take someone else's and even preferred an inglorious death in his homeland to a good life in a foreign land ...

P.S. Wife and daughter V.N. Pepelyaeva, Evstoliya Vasilievna and Galina were in Irkutsk when their husband and father were shot. They were not subjected to persecution in Irkutsk; after February 7, 1920, they left for Omsk, from where they later moved to Moscow. Afraid to bear her husband's surname, Evstoliya Vasilievna entered into a fictitious marriage with her uncle, her mother's brother Alexander Vasilyevich Obolensky. Soon this marriage was annulled. Evstoliya Vasilievna lived in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, died in 1960. Daughter Galina Nikolaevna graduated from the institute foreign languages, worked as a translator at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, married an American engineer Arland. They lived in Voronezh, then in Moscow. Engineer Arland left for the United States, Galina could not leave with him, fearing that during checks her origin would come up if she began to draw up documents for leaving abroad. Arland kept in touch with her, letters and parcels came from the States, until it became completely dangerous in 1937. Galina Nikolaevna lived until 1991. Until the end of her days, she kept a note from Father V.N. Pepelyaev, handed over to his wife from a prison in Irkutsk. Nothing special in the note, just a few words. That he loves his wife and daughter. This note has not survived. Before her death, Galina Nikolaevna asked to burn the note or put it in the coffin with her, which was done. Arkady Pepelyaev kept in touch with his older brother's wife, visited her when he was passing through Moscow in the 30s. Mikhail Pepelyaev, in the civilian headquarters captain, in the 20s-30s. lived in Tomsk, on the street. St.-Achinskaya, 13, worked as an artist in the House of the Red Army, was a member of the local branch of the Academy of Arts. He was repressed, shot on the same day as his brother Anatoly in Novosibirsk on January 14, 1938. It is known about Ekaterina Nikolaevna that she was an actress, played on the stage of the theaters of Yakutsk and Chita, in the 30s her traces are lost. Vera Nikolaevna Pepelyaeva-Popova lived in Harbin in the 1920s and 1940s with her two children and mother Claudia Georgievna. In 1946, she left for residence in Ukraine. The family of General Anatoly Pepelyaev also lived in Harbin. His sons Vsevolod and Lavr were sentenced to 25 years each by a Soviet court after the Red Army entered Manchuria in 1945. Both daughters of Arkady Pepelyaev are still in good health, they live in the city of Omsk. The youngest daughter, Nina Arkadyevna, is now 89 years old, the eldest, Tatyana Arkadyevna, is 91. Both have children and grandchildren ...

P.P.S. In the autumn of 1993, I met in Irkutsk with one of the oldest local journalists, G.T. Kilesso. Georgy Timofeevich was the author of the book of historical essays "The Street of the Name ...", which told who some streets of Irkutsk were named after. He also wrote in this book about Alexander Shiryamov, who in 1920 was the chairman of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee. In 1954, shortly before the death of a prominent Bolshevik, G.T. Kilesso saw him. A.A. Shiryamov had something to tell. He was one of those who were instructed by the Kremlin leadership to decide the fate of Russia's gold reserves stuck in Irkutsk, its return from Siberia to Central Russia, he signed the resolution of the local Revolutionary Committee on the execution of the Supreme Ruler Admiral A.V. Kolchak and Prime Minister in his government V.N. Pepelyaev. After Stalin died, he spoke about it more relaxedly and openly, frankly. G.T. Kilesso was interested in the smallest details of Shiryamov last hours the lives of high-ranking residents of the Irkutsk prison, their execution at the mouth of the Ushakovka river on the night of February 6-7, 1920. He was interested in such details, which had not been read anywhere else in the literature. I carefully remembered, wrote down the memoirs of a Bolshevik veteran.
I was also very interested in this. I wrote ten years ago about the world-famous night shooting in the Znamensky (after the name of the monastery located there) suburb. G.T. Kilesso at one time also meticulously asked A.A. about this. Shiryamova details. The execution was supposed to take place at two in the morning, but it happened at five in the morning. It was explained like this. From the prison, located on the right bank of the Ushakovka river, to its confluence with the Angara, it takes about half an hour to walk. At first they wanted to deliver the condemned to the place of execution by car. They called for a long time, looking for a car, they promised to send it, but somehow the car did not appear. Realizing that you can wait until light, we decided to go on foot. There were seven or eight Socialist-Revolutionaries in the firing squad. In addition to the chairman of the emergency commission of inquiry, the commandant of Irkutsk and the head of the prison, the doctor of the Znamensky hospital, the Bolshevik Fyodor Gusarov, was also at the scene of the upcoming event, whose task was to certify the death of A.V. Kolchak and V.N. Pepelyaev, before dumping their bodies into a wide hole prepared in advance.
I asked G.T. Kilesso, is it true that Prime Minister V.N. Pepelyaev, when the decision of the Irkutsk Revolutionary Committee on execution was read to him in prison, behaved cowardly: he rolled at his feet, begged for mercy on him, swore that he and his brother-general wanted to go over to the side of the Red Army, as was later described in some memoirs. Such behavior of V.N. Pepelyaev did not fit at least with his positions - before being appointed head of government, he was the head of the police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the minister of internal affairs. G.T. Kilesso also asked such a question to a veteran of the Siberian Bolshevik movement, Shiryamov, and received the answer: "There was not. They would have reported to me."
It is easy to understand why the rumor was started. Bright, legendary personalities - the admiral and the prime minister in his government - completed their earthly journey too casually. They listened to the verdict, obeyed the command to follow where ordered, stood on the hillock under the muzzle of the rifles aimed at them, and after the executed command "Pli!" fell under the bullets. A death sentence, like thousands executed in civilian life. No flowery pictures for you, unusual details. With full desire, there was nothing to say. Only those who were present at the execution of far from ordinary personalities. And I wanted to say so! And be sure to screw something amazing imagination. Hence the legends about a handkerchief in which the admiral hid poison, about a golden cigarette case, which he supposedly, having taken from him the last cigarette in his life, presented to one of the soldiers. And that he was faint-hearted, Pepelyaev asked for mercy before the execution. And also that they shot not two - Kolchak and Pepelyaev, but that there was still a third one, along with them: a certain Chinese executioner ...
There was nothing like that. No gold cigarette case, no poison handkerchief, no pleas for mercy. No details, embarrassing for the firing squad. There was one volley. And a calm look into the face of death before this volley ...

V. Privalikhin

Pepelyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich (03 (15). 07.1891, Tomsk - 05.20.1919, Omsk). Lieutenant General (01/31/1919). From the family of a career military man (son of Lieutenant General N. M. Pepelyaev (1858-1916), in 1916 the head of the 8th Siberian rifle division). Brother of V.N. Pepelyaev, Prime Minister of the government of Admiral A.V. Kolchak. He graduated from the 1st Siberian Omsk Cadet Corps (1908), the Pavlovsk Military School (1910), was appointed to the post of junior officer of a machine gun team in the 42nd Siberian Rifle Regiment in Tomsk. He distinguished himself on the fronts of the First World War, commanded a company, a battalion. awardedOrders of St. George 4th Art. , St. Vladimir 4th Art. with swords and a bow, St. Anne 2nd, 3rd and 4th st. with the inscription "For courage", St. Stanislav 3rd and 4th class, St. George's weapon. In 1918, lieutenant colonel, one of the leaders of the secret officer organization in Tomsk during the establishment of Soviet power there. Then he served in the troops of the Provisional Siberian Government, commander of the Central Siberian (later the 1st Central Siberian) Corps, Major General (09/10/1918), awardedOrder of St. George 3rd class for the liberation from the Bolsheviks in the summer of 1918 Krasnoyarsk, Verkhneudinsk, Chita. In the Russian army, Admiral A.V. Kolchak, commander of the 1st Central Siberian Army Corps of the Siberian Army (06/13/1918 - 04/25/1919), one of the leaders of the Perm operation (12/24-25/1918). Awarded the French Military Cross (Croix de Guerre) with palm branch (0 9.04.1919). Commander of the Northern Army Group of Forces with the rights of a non-separate army (1st Central Siberian and 5th Siberian Corps) of the Siberian Army (04.25. - 08.31.1919), then commander of the 1st Siberian Army (from 08.31.1919). In November 1919 he led the defense of Omsk. After stubborn resistance, the 1st Army, under the threat of being outflanked by the "Reds" from the south (5th Army) and from the north (3rd Army), was forced to leave Omsk. On November 20, General Pepelyaev, leaving Omsk with the last regiment of his army, was mortally wounded by a shell fragment and died on the spot. The remains of the commander were taken to Novonikolaevsk and buried. During the abandonment of the city by the troops of the Russian Army in order to prevent the Bolsheviks from mocking the grave, it was moved. The new burial place was known to a narrow circle of people. Currently, there is no information about the grave of Pepelyaev. In 1920, by the Decree of the Supreme Ruler, the 1st Siberian Verkhneudinsk Cadet Corps (formerly Omsk) was renamed the 1st Siberian Verkhneudinsk General Pepelyaev Cadet Corps. 1919 Pepelyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich
major general, commander of the 1st Central Siberian Army Corps was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd degree For the liberation from the Bolsheviks in the summer of 1918 Krasnoyarsk, Verkhneudinsk and Chita. 14.I.1938 (lieutenant general)

The famous White Guard commander Anatoly Nikolaevich Pepelyaev was born in 1891 in the east of Russia in the city of Tomsk into a noble family. His father, Nikolai, was a lieutenant general tsarist army, and the mother of Claudius was the daughter of a merchant. Anatoly followed in his father's footsteps and successfully graduated from the cadet corps in the city of Omsk in 1908, then, having moved to, and after training at the Pavlovsk Military School, he received the rank of second lieutenant, was sent to serve in his native city of Tomsk in the Siberian Rifle Regiment.

When it began, Anatoly Nikolaevich was already serving with the rank of lieutenant and commanded cavalry reconnaissance in his regiment. He very successfully participated in military operations under Prasnysh and Soldau and in other operations, was awarded numerous awards for his services and received another military rank captain. And even despite the revolutionary moods brewing in the ranks of the soldiers caused by the February events in Russia, Pepelyaev managed to keep his regiment in a cohesive and combat-ready state. Anatoly Nikolaevich enjoyed great trust and respect among the combat personnel, as evidenced by his election by the assembly of soldiers' deputies as a battalion commander. And when it became completely useless to stay at the front after signing Brest-Litovsk peace, Pepelyaev in 1918 moved to his homeland in Tomsk and there he was elected chief of staff of a secret officer organization created to counter Bolshevism.

The organization, led by Pepelyaev, actively supported the uprising in Novonikolaevsk in May 1918 and helped establish Volodarsky's "Siberian government" in Tomsk. By order of the new government, Anatoly Nikolayevich Pepelyaev created the 1st Rifle Corps and moved further east to fight the Bolsheviks. During the period from June to August 1918, thanks to the successful military operations carried out by Pepelyaev with his corps, Krasnoyarsk, Verkhneudinsk and Chita were taken, for which he received the rank of colonel and was awarded the 3rd degree. In October, Pepelyaev, together with his corps, advanced to the Urals already in the rank of major general. Such a title is quite a rare thing for a 27 year old officer. November passes in successful battles against the Red Army, during which Kolchak was brought to power.

Omsk and Perm were already under the control of the White Guard troops, and during the operation in Perm, Anatoly Nikolaevich captured almost 20 thousand Red Army soldiers and then generously sent them home. In the spring of 1919, a mass offensive of all Kolchak's troops will begin in westbound, Pepelyaev already at that time commanded the Northern Group of the Siberian Army and stubbornly advanced with fierce battles to Vyatka, despite the fact that many white corps were crushed by the enemy. The northern group of Pepelyaev could not be stopped until the summer of 1919, but still, in the end, he had to retreat, the forces were very unequal. Even the reorganization of the troops, carried out, did not help, the white army continued to back away further and further east. Pepelyaev with the 1st Army still managed to hold the Siberian cities for some time. But the conflict with Kolchak, Pepelyaev's accusation of great military leaders in the weak-willed surrender of the city of Omsk, led to disagreements in the ranks of the white army. And even the subsequent reconciliation did not help. Pepelyaev's army was defeated by the Bolsheviks, and he and his family fled along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Then already at the beginning of 1920 there was participation in partisan detachments Ataman Semyonov, and then emigration to the Country rising sun with his family.

Life in Japan forced Pepelyaev to take up peaceful affairs, he had to live somehow and had to work as a loader, fisherman, carpenter. But the thought of fighting against the Bolsheviks still did not leave him, and in 1922 Pepelyaev arrived in Vladivostok to help form the rebel troops. In early September, Pepelyaev set off with a detachment to conquer Yakutia. The advance was quite successful, the village of Nelkan was captured, which it was decided to make the main springboard for the further operation to capture Yakutsk. And as a result, a large united army of white partisans under the leadership of Pepelyaev, Vishnevsky. Artemyeva and Rakitina went to Yakutsk. So in March 1923, the last offensive of the White Guards in the Civil War began, which, after unequal resistance, was stopped by the Red detachments and Pepelyaev eventually had to surrender in June along with the remnants of the White partisan detachments.

The petition sent by Pepelyaev to Kalinin helped commute the court's sentence from death to 10 years in prison. He spent two years in solitary confinement, then worked, and after the end of his term, instead of being released, he was transferred to Butyrka, where, after long exhausting interrogations, he was nevertheless released in June 1936, but was forcibly settled in. Already in August 1937, he was again taken into custody, suspected of counter-revolution, and, in the end, on January 14, 1938, Anatoly Nikolayevich Pepelyaev was shot. And in 1989 he was rehabilitated by the Novosibirsk prosecutor's office.

Anatoly Nikolaevich Pepelyaev was born on July 15 (July 3 according to the old style) 1891 in Tomsk, in the family of a hereditary nobleman and lieutenant general of the tsarist army Nikolai Pepelyaev and the daughter of a merchant Claudia Nekrasova. Nikolai Pepelyaev had six sons, who later, with the exception of the eldest, underwent military training, and two daughters.
In 1902, Pepelyaev entered the Omsk Cadet Corps, which he successfully graduated in 1908. In the same year, Pepelyaev entered the Pavlovsk Military School (PVU) in St. Petersburg. In 1910, Pepelyaev graduated from it with the rank of second lieutenant.

Start of service and marriage
Immediately after graduating from the PVU, Anatoly Nikolayevich was sent to serve in the machine gun team of the 42nd Siberian Rifle Regiment stationed in his native Tomsk. In 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, Pepelyaev was promoted to lieutenant.

Harbin and Primorye
In late April / early May 1920, Pepelyaev and his family settled in Harbin. There he earned his living as a carpenter, cab driver, porter and fisherman. He organized artels of carpenters, cab drivers and loaders. He created the "Military Union", of which General Vishnevsky became the chairman (see "The Beginning of the Fight against the Bolsheviks"). First, the organization contacted the Bolsheviks from Blagoveshchensk, who were hiding under the guise of the FER. However, Pepelyaev realized their essence and interrupted negotiations on the merger of his organization with the NRA FER. In 1922, Pepelyaev was approached by the Socialist-Revolutionary Kulikovsky, who persuaded him to organize a campaign in Yakutia to help the rebels against the Bolsheviks. In the summer of 1922, Pepelyaev went to Vladivostok to form military unit, which was to sail across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with the aim of landing in Okhotsk and Ayan. At that time, there was a change of power in Vladivostok, as a result of which the far-right General Diterikhs became the "ruler of Primorye". He liked the idea of ​​​​a trip to Yakutia and he helped Pepelyaev with money. As a result, 720 people (493 from Primorye and 227 from Harbin) voluntarily joined the ranks of the "Militia of the Tatar Strait" (as the detachment was called for disguise). The detachment also included Major General Vishnevsky, Major General Rakitin and others. The detachment was also supplied with two machine guns, 175,000 rifle cartridges and 9,800 hand grenades. Two ships were chartered. They could not accommodate all the volunteers, so on August 31, 1922, only 553 people headed by Pepelyaev and Rakitin set sail on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Vishnevsky remained in Vladivostok. In addition to supervising the volunteers who remained with him, he also had to try to replenish the ranks of the Militia.

Hike to Yakutsk
In early September, the "Militia of the Tatar Strait" helped with the landing of the Siberian flotilla, which was fighting the red partisans in the area of ​​​​the Terney River. On September 6, troops landed in Okhotsk. In Okhotsk, a base was created under the leadership of the commandant, Captain Mikhailovsky. A group of General Rakitin was also created, which was supposed to move deep into Yakutia, to connect with the main forces of Pepelyaev. The purpose of the separation - Rakitin was supposed to move along the Amgino-Okhotsk tract and gather White partisans into the ranks of the "Militia". Pepelyaev himself sailed on ships along the coast to the south and landed in Ayan on September 8. On the same day, a meeting was held at which Pepelyaev announced the renaming of the Tatar Strait Police to the Siberian Volunteer Squad (SDD). On September 12, the "People's Congress of the Tungus" took place, which handed over 300 deer to the SDD. Leaving a garrison of 40 people in Ayan, on September 14, Pepelyaev moved the main forces of the squad of 480 people along the Amgino-Ayansky tract through the Dzhugdzhur mountain range to the village of Nelkan. However, on the outskirts of Nelkan, a day was given, during which three volunteers fled. They reported to the red garrison of Nelkan about the approach of the SDD, in connection with which the commandant of Nelkan, Chekist Karpel, dispersed the local residents and sailed with the garrison down the Maya River. Pepelyaev occupied Nelkan on September 27, two hours before that, the city was abandoned. All that the SDD managed to find were 120 hard drives and 50,000 cartridges for them, which were buried by the Reds. Pepelyaev realized that the campaign was poorly prepared and in October he left with guards for Ayan, leaving the main forces in Nelkan. Returning to Ayan on November 5, 1922, Pepelyaev was strengthened in his intention to go to Yakutsk, since a ship arrived in Ayan with Vishnevsky, who brought 187 volunteers and provisions with him. In mid-November, a detachment of Pepelyaev and Vishnevsky set off for Nelkan, arriving there in mid-December. At the same time, Rakitin set off from Okhotsk in the direction of Yakutsk. By December, residents returned to Nelkan - the Tungus, who at their meeting expressed support for the SDD and provided Pepelyaev with deer and provisions. In early January 1923, when all the White Guards had already been defeated, the SDD moved from Nelkan to Yakutsk. Soon a detachment of the White Partisans of Artemyev and the Okhotsk detachment of Rakitin joined it. On February 5, the Amga settlement was occupied, where Pepelyaev placed his headquarters. On February 13, Vishnevsky's detachment attacked the Red Army detachment of Strod in the Sasyl-Sysy alas. The attack was unsuccessful and Strod was able to fortify himself in Sasyl-Sysyy. The last siege in the history of the Civil War began. Pepelyaev refused to move on until Strode and his detachment were taken prisoner. On February 27, Rakitin was defeated by a detachment of Kurashov's red partisans and began a retreat to Sasyl-Sysyy. A detachment of Baikalov left Yakutsk against Pepelyaev, which, having united with Kurashov, reached 760 people. From March 1 to March 2, there were battles near Amga and Pepelyaev was defeated. On March 3, the siege of Sasyl-Sysyy was lifted - the flight to Ayan began. Rakitin fled to Okhotsk. The Reds began to chase, but stopped halfway and returned. On May 1, Pepelyaev and Vishnevsky reached Ayan. Here they decided to build kungas and sail on them to Sakhalin. But their days were already numbered, because already on April 24, Vostretsov's detachment sailed from Vladivostok, the purpose of which was to eliminate the SDD. At the beginning of June 1923, Rakitin's detachment in Okhotsk was liquidated, and on June 17 Vostretsov occupied Ayan. To avoid bloodshed, Pepelyaev surrendered without resistance. On June 24, the captured SDD was sent to Vladivostok, where she arrived on June 30.

Trial and imprisonment
In Vladivostok, a military court sentenced Pepelyaev to death, but he wrote a letter to Kalinin asking for clemency. The request was considered, and in January 1924 a trial was held in Chita, which sentenced Pepelyaev to 10 years in prison. Pepelyaev was supposed to serve his term in the Yaroslavl political isolator. Pepelyaev spent the first two years in solitary confinement, in 1926 he was allowed to do work. He worked as a carpenter, glazier and joiner. Pepelyaev was even allowed to correspond with his wife in Harbin.

In 1933, Pepelyaev's term ended, but back in 1932, at the request of the OGPU board, they decided to extend it for three years. In January 1936, he was unexpectedly transferred from the political isolator in Yaroslavl to the Butyrka prison in Moscow. The next day, Pepelyaev was transferred to the inner prison of the NKVD. On the same day, he was summoned for interrogation to the head of the Special Department of the NKVD, Mark Guy. Then he was again placed in the Butyrka prison. On June 4, 1936, Pepelyaev was summoned again to Guy, who read him a resolution on release. On June 6, Anatoly Nikolaevich was released.

Short freedom and execution
The NKVD settled Pepelyaev in Voronezh, where he took a job as a carpenter. It is believed that Pepelyaev was released in order to organize a front society, like the Industrial Party.

In August 1937, Pepelyaev was arrested a second time and taken to Novosibirsk, where he was charged with creating a counter-revolutionary organization. January 14, 1938 Troika of the NKVD Novosibirsk region sentenced to highest measure punishment. The sentence was carried out on January 14, 1938 in a prison in the city of Novosibirsk. Buried in the courtyard of the prison.

Shambarov V. E. White Guard. M., Eksmo-Press, 2002
Valery Klaving Civil War in Russia: White armies. M., Ast, 2003
Mityurin D. V. Civil War: White and Red. M., Ast, 2004
Last fights on far east. M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2005
General base armed forces THE USSR. Atlas of an officer. M., Military topographic department, 1984
Great October: Atlas. M., Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 1987
"Motherland", 1990 No. 10, Yuri Simchenko, Imposed happiness.
"Motherland", 1996 No. 9, Alexander Petrushin, Omsk, Ayan, Lubyanka ... Three lives of General Pepelyaev
Klipel V.I. Argonauts of the Snows. About the failed campaign of General A. Pepelyaev. (this site is currently closed)
Konkin P.K. Drama of the General.
Pepelyaevshchina. September 6, 1922 - June 17, 1923.
Civil war in faces (photo documents).
Timofeev E. D. Stepan Vostretsov. M., Military Publishing, 1981
Grachev G.P. Yakut campaign General Pepelyaev. (edited by P.K. Konkin)

Pepelyaev, Anatoly Nikolaevich on the website of the Russian Army in the Great War
Privalikhin V.I. From the Pepelyaev family, Tomsk, 2004-112 p. ISBN 5-9528-0015-7

1. Anatoly Pepelyaev was born on July 15, 1891 in Tomsk, in the family of a hereditary nobleman and lieutenant general of the tsarist army Nikolai Pepelyaev and the daughter of a merchant Claudia Nekrasova. The famous White Guard had two sisters and five brothers, two of whom also left their mark on history. So Arkady Pepelyaev, during the First World War, led the ambulance train of the South-Western Front, and had four orders - two of St. Stanislav and two of St. Anna. After the Civil War, Arkady Nikolaevich continued to practice as an otolaryngologist. The glory of him as an excellent doctor was in Omsk, both ardent supporters and equally ardent opponents of Soviet power went to him for treatment. However, on January 23, 1941, he was arrested and died on May 24, 1946 in a camp in the city of Mariinsk. Another brother, Viktor Pepelyaev, became a politician and associate of Kolchak during the civil war, was arrested with him and shot on February 7, 1920.

2. Anatoly Pepelyaev went to the front of the First World War as a lieutenant of the 42nd Siberian Rifle Regiment, and met the revolution as a lieutenant colonel. For military prowess, he was awarded six orders, including George of the 4th degree and St. George's weapons. Pepelyaev's popularity among the lower ranks was enormous. After October revolution the council of soldiers' deputies of the battalion, which by that time was commanded by Pepelyaev, elected him as their commander. However, the officer did not accept the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and left for Tomsk, where he led the fight against the Bolsheviks.

3. The White Guards under the command of Pepelyaev took Tomsk, Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk), Krasnoyarsk, Verkhneudinsk and Chita. During this campaign, Pepelyaev was promoted to major general, and becomes the youngest general in Siberia - he is 27 years old. On December 24, 1918, Pepelyaev’s troops occupied Perm abandoned by the Bolsheviks, capturing about 20 thousand Red Army soldiers, who were all sent home on Pepelyaev’s orders. Due to the fact that the liberation of Perm fell on the 128th anniversary of the capture of the fortress by Izmail Suvorov, the soldiers nicknamed Anatoly Nikolaevich “Siberian Suvorov”.

4. During the Civil War, Pepelyaev's fame was enormous. In the regiments and divisions of Kolchak's Northern Group of Forces, it thundered: “We will make a path for our beloved leader to Vyatka, we will turn the enemy hordes into corpses. We are a mighty army, and the enemy cannot hold back the Pepelyaevskaya Northern Group.” However, it was not possible to take Vyatka and connect with the troops of General Miller. The retreat of all Kolchak's troops began, which turned into a flight. The First Siberian Army of General Pepelyaev died entirely in the area between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk, covering the retreat to Irkutsk and beyond, beyond Lake Baikal, of two other armies - Kappel and Voitsekhovsky. General Pepelyaev, who fell into typhus, escaped captivity and recovered.

6. In Vladivostok, a military court sentenced Pepelyaev to death, but he wrote a letter to Kalinin asking for clemency. The request was considered, and in January 1924, a trial was held in Chita, which sentenced Pepelyaev to ten years in prison. The first two years the White Guard general spent in solitary confinement in the Yaroslavl political isolator. Then he was allowed to work as a carpenter, glazier and joiner, and even correspond with his wife in Harbin. In 1933, Pepelyaev's term ended, but back in 1932 he was extended for three years. After the release of Anatoly Nikolaevich, they settled in Voronezh, where he got a job as a carpenter. In August 1937, Pepelyaev was arrested a second time and taken to Novosibirsk, where he was charged with creating a counter-revolutionary organization, and on January 14, 1938 he was shot. It is curious that after 20 days, the winner of Pepelyaev in the Yakut taiga, the Vitebsk Latvian Jan Strod, was shot. He, like his opponent, was a participant in the First World War, Knight of St. George, also awarded four Orders of the Red Banner.

7. On October 20, 1989, the prosecutor's office of the Novosibirsk region rehabilitated the White Guard general Anatoly Pepelyaev. July 15, 2011 in Tomsk at the city cemetery "Baktin" the grand opening of the monument to Lieutenant General Nikolai Pepelyaev and his son General Anatoly Pepelyaev took place.