Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Material on biology on the topic: organization of extracurricular activities in biology lessons. Extracurricular activities in biology

MKOU "Togul Basic Secondary School"

Methodological development of extracurricular activities

"Ecological assortment"

Borovtsova A.V.

This event is held among grades 6-8, the duration of the event is 45 minutes.

Form of organization of student work: group.

Target: creating conditions for nurturing a sense of love and responsibility for our native nature.

Tasks: to develop students’ knowledge about the nature of their native land;

Develop communication skills;

Bring up civil position And careful attitude to nature

Goals of extracurricular activities:

Educational: to reveal the aesthetic, educational, health-improving, practical significance of nature in people’s lives; expand students’ ideas about the nature of their native land;

Developing: continue to develop group work skills, stimulate cognitive interest in the subject, and broaden students’ horizons.

Educational: developing a sense of responsibility to the team, developing the ability to argue and defend one’s point of view, as well as listen to the opinions of others; cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, norms of behavior in nature and environmental responsibility;

Formed UUD:

Personal UUD : - meaning formation, - internal position the student at the level of a positive attitude towards people around him and the environment.

Regulatory UUD: - acceptance and preservation of the task, - the ability to take into account the identified guidelines for action in new conditions, - adequate perception and understanding of the assessment, - performance of actions in a materialized, loud speech and mental form.

Communicative UUD: - taking into account different opinions and the desire to coordinate various positions in cooperation, - the ability to negotiate and come to common decision in a joint activity, - skill control the actions of the partner, - the ability to formulate and ask questions.

Cognitive UUD:-arbitrary construction speech statements in oral and written form, - reasoning in the form of connecting simple judgments about an object, - establishing analogies, - using sign-symbolic means.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation “Ecological assortment”, video about ecology”, physical map of Russia, physical map of the world, on the board “Ecological miracle tree”, chips in the form of a globe

Preliminary preparation:

  • form teams (3), come up with a team name and motto corresponding to the theme of the event;
  • draw environmental signs;
  • Collect natural and waste materials from the list.

Event plan:

  1. Organizational moment -2 min.
  2. Main part:
  • Station “Miracle Tree” - 5 min.,
  • Station “Ecological situation” - 10 min.,
  • Station "Biosphere" - 5 min.,
  • Station "Red Book" - 5 min.,
  • Station “We are creators” - 10 min.,
  • Station “Native Land” (information) - 3 min.,
  1. Summing up - 5 min.

Event progress:

  1. Organizing timeThe teams take their places and introduce themselves.

The teacher introduces the jury members and introduces the rules of the game Slide 1-2.

I would like to hold our event under the following motto: “How can you know yourself? Only through action, but never through contemplation.” (J.V. Goethe)

  1. Main part (2 minutes).

Slide 3. Photo series . Look around - how beautiful and wonderful world surrounds us! Blue sky, gentle sun, expansive meadows, green forests, majestic mountains, a unique world of plants and animals. Everything is created intelligently and conveniently for the life of all living beings. Nature is generous and selfless, it provides everything for human life - food, water, clothing, fuel, and surrounds us with beauty.

Slide 4. Video “Ecology”(pollution environment)

Guys, tell me, what is this video about?

What are we going to talk about today?

Of course, today we will talk about ecology, the problems of environmental pollution and its protection.

Our class today is unusual, we are going with you on an environmental patrol.

Slide 5. We will stop at various stops, solve problems, complete tasks and, of course, earn points. For each point earned, the team receives a globe chip.

Slide 6-15. Stop 1 “Ecological miracle tree”

Here we will test your knowledge of ecology. The guys take turns approaching the miracle tree, picking off a piece of paper with a question written on it. Discuss as a team for 1 minute and give an answer, if they find it difficult to answer, this question another team may answer. For every correct question 1 point.


  1. What plants are bioindicators that reveal general environmental pollution?(lichens).
  2. What does the term "ecology" mean?(“ekos” - house, “logos” - teaching).
  3. What components pollute the atmosphere?(dust, gases, smoke, microorganisms, noise, radiation).
  4. What components pollute the hydrosphere? (domestic and industrial wastewater, fertilizers, petroleum products, garbage, microorganisms, algae).
  5. What components pollute the lithosphere? (fertilizers, pesticides, industrial waste, household waste, radioactive waste).
  6. In what year was the first red book published and why was it called that?

(1971, red color - color alarms, dangers, warnings).

  1. What is a reserve? (A specially protected territory or water area, completely or partially excluded from economic use in order to preserve natural complexes, protection of animal and plant species, as well as observation of natural processes).
  2. Are earthworms beneficial?(yes, they are food for animals and birds, they participate in improving the structure of the soil - they loosen the soil, form humus, and disinfect the soil).
  3. What role do animals and birds of prey play?(they are orderlies).

Slide 16. Stop “Ecological situation”

Guys, at this station each team receives a card with the environmental situation(Annex 1). Discuss the task and give an answer.

Slide 17. Stop “Biosphere”Guys, on your desks is the text of a story with environmental errors.(Appendix 2) . Find them and suggest rules for behavior in nature. For each correct error found, 1 point.

Guys, tell me why this stop is named like that? Indeed, the biosphere is a shell in which all components of living and inanimate nature interact: water, soil, air, animals, plants and humans.

Slide 18-20. Stop "Red Book"

Student :

Protected by the Red Book

How many rare animals and birds,

For the multifaceted space to survive

For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

So that souls do not become empty,

Animals are protected

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are protected.

Guys, at this stop you are invited to guess the animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Fltai Region. Name them (on the teams’ tables there are photos with animals and plants). For each animal or plant you guess, you get 1 point; if you name this animal correctly, you get another extra point.

  1. Guys, what is the role of the red book?


I love my region. How strange to hear

After all, every person loves his own land!

But the sky is blue here, the sun is higher!

And May is painted the color of lilac here.

Summer smells like rain and hay,

The river is calling with coolness...

And autumn is dressed in gold,

Clouds float in wisps,

Winter beckons into the distance along the ski track,

On a frosty morning the snow crunches,

And the river will overflow its banks in April.

And the forest rustles in the spring,

I love my region! I've seen a lot of places

And you can go around half the world,

But closer and dearer than our native land,

I don't think I can find any more.


Once having gathered my last strength,

God created a beautiful planet

Gave her the shape of a big ball

And planted trees and flowers there

Herbs of unprecedented beauty

Many animals began to live there

Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds

Here's a gift for you, people, own it

Plow the land, sow the grain

I bequeath to you all from now on

You take care of this shrine.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves,

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.


What's happened? What was forgotten? What's broken?

I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!

There is no longer any nature left on earth,

And we live in the environment.


I feel the pain of loss more and more,

It's bad for the flora and fauna.

And in salads they say only nitrates,

And there are nitrates in every fish.


The planet is becoming more and more alarming every year!

And it’s clear even to a mosquito:

Or will we take care of our nature,

Or we'll fly into the ozone hole!


People, people, what have you done to the planet?

You yourself have lost your way

After all, there is no other like this in the world,

And nature doesn’t have any spare parts!


I don't want this kind of world

Where everything is so gray and dull...


What have we done to nature?

How can we look her in the eyes now?

Into the dark poisoned waters

Into the heavens that smelled of death.


My planet is a human home,

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where is the gutter ocean?

Where all nature is caught in a trap,

Where there is no place, neither stork nor lion,

Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore.”


I look at the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive!

And the continents whisper to us:

Take care of us, take care of us!

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask

Take care of us, take care of us!

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing our shores,

Take care of us, take care of us!

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe

So beautiful and dear,

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you!”

  1. Summing up (reflection 2 minutes)
  1. What new did you learn today?
  2. What do you remember most today?
  3. Do you consider yourself environmentally conscious people?

Slide 27. Guys, I would like to end today’s event with the following statement:“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch nature with your heart.”(E.L. Prasolova)

Thank you! All the best to you!


  1. Ecology.6-11 grades: extracurricular activities, research activities students/comp. I.P. Cherednichenko.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-134p.
  2. Fadeeva E.O., Babenko V.G. Ecology. Organisms and their habitat. From NC ENAS, 2002, -72- (Teacher's Portfolio).
  3. Environmental education at school: cool watch, games, events / auto-comp. I.G. Norenko.- Volgograd: teacher, 2007.-139p.
  4. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle / comp. V.V. Balabanova, T.A. Maksimtseva.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.-154p.
  5. Internet resources.
  6. Extracurricular work in biology grades 6-11. S. M. Kurgansky. – M.: VAKO 2015. – 288 s (biology teacher’s workshop)

Annex 1.

Situation No. 1

On one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. They used pesticides for this. The mosquitoes did disappear, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked fields and barns in hordes local residents, eating grain. People could not understand why this “scourge” appeared.

Exercise . Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

(Pesticides that kill mosquitoes fell on the plants, which, in turn, fed on the cockroaches (insects). The insects ate the plants, but did not die from the poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. The poison turned out to be fatal for cats. Soon there were no more of them left on the island. The time has come for rats.)

Situation 2.

Maritime transport extremely pollutes the world's oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.

Exercise. Analyze the consequences of pollution of the World Ocean by maritime transport, propose a way out of this environmental situation.

Answer . This leads to ocean pollution, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach becomes clogged and the animals die. Very often, when opened, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks, since sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, since their body is tightly bound by a mesh, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes suffering to the animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw garbage into the ocean that is not recycled in nature, conduct educational work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce fishing quotas.

Situation 3.

Uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to oversaturation of waters organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

Exercise . Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation and suggest ways to solve it.


The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of water bodies”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. As the algae die and settle to the bottom, they decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails mass death of flora and fauna. Algae secrete a large number of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to regulate the application of mineral fertilizers to fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of contamination of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock into the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out cleanup activities Wastewater, as they also stimulate the growth of blue-green algae

Appendix 2.

A story with errors

"Sunday in the Woods"

For a week there was only talk in class about a future trip to the forest. At the last moment the teacher fell ill. But we decided to go to the forest ourselves. We already knew the road, stocked up on food, took a compass, and didn’t forget the transistor.

With cheerful music we notified the forest - we have arrived! The days were hot and dry, but the heat was not felt in the forest. A familiar road led us to a birch grove. Along the way, we often came across various mushrooms - boletus, boletus, and russula. What a harvest! Some cut off the elastic legs of the mushrooms, some twisted them, and some pulled them out. We knocked down all the mushrooms that we didn’t know with sticks.

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving the grove, Petya threw away plastic bags and cans. He said: “Microbes will destroy them anyway.” The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. After holding the warm bluish eggs, they put them back. The sun rose higher and higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We found a hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - he would come in handy at school. We are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Petya decided to show us how formic acid is produced. He planed the sticks and began to plunge them deep into the anthill.

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. Went pretty heavy rain. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hid under it.

Lively, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles. And suddenly a snake slithered across the road. “It’s a viper,” Petya shouted and hit it with a stick. We approached the snake and saw two yellow spots on the back of its head. “It’s not a viper,” Masha said quietly, “it’s really.” “Anyway, he’s a reptile!” Petya answered.

We approached the station with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. An hour later the train was already approaching the outskirts of the city. It was a fun day!


  • do not play loud music;
  • do not pull out mushrooms, and do not knock down even inedible ones; because

the mycelium is destroyed, medicine for animals disappears,

the insect-fungi-tree community is disrupted;

  • For a fire, collect dry wood instead of breaking branches. In warm, dry weather, it is prohibited to make fires in the forest;
  • do not leave polyethylene, as it does not break down easily

microorganisms (completely destroyed after 220 years) and

metal cans (destroyed after 100 years);

  • the fire after burning should be covered with earth or flooded

water until combustion stops completely;

  • do not touch bird eggs - the bird may leave the nest;
  • do not take animals and chicks from the forest to the city - if they do not die in the city, they will die when you want to return them to the forest again;
  • Do not stick sticks into the anthill - relationships are disrupted

in this complex community;

  • do not hide under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm - it can

hit by lightning!

  • do not destroy snakes in any way, even vipers;
  • Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked - the life of those picked

flowers are short-lived.

Appendix 3.

Small swan

Extracurricular work in biology

Consider unlucky that day or that hour in which you have not learned anything new and have not added anything to your education.”
Y. A. Komensky

Important task schools - to instill in students a conscious attitude to work, develop the necessary practical skills, the desire for independent acquisition of knowledge, interest in research activities, etc.

School biological disciplines are of great importance in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. Biology lessons, laboratory classes, practical work makes it possible to equip students with deep and lasting knowledge about living nature, as well as to form their scientific and materialistic views on nature. In the process of teaching biology, schoolchildren develop patriotic feelings and aesthetic tastes, develop a love for nature, and a desire to protect it.

In developing students' interest in biology, a significant place is given to extracurricular activities conducted by every biology teacher. The peculiarity of extracurricular work is that it is built taking into account the interests and inclinations of students. Along with this, extracurricular biology classes provide an unlimited opportunity for development. creative activity schoolchildren.

The development of interest is a complex process that includes intellectual, emotional and volitional elements in a certain combination and relationship. It is known that students' interests are very diverse. They depend on individual features personality, as well as from the influence external factors(schools, families, friends, radio, television, etc.). How can we awaken in the younger generation an interest in living things, in caring for their preservation and increase? How to instill from early childhood a caring attitude towards nature, its huge and very vulnerable flora and fauna?

This is largely facilitated by non-traditional forms of education (various holidays, themed evenings, role-playing games, quizzes, etc.), which improve self-education skills, practical skills of students, and broaden their horizons.

The content of extracurricular work is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, but goes significantly beyond its boundaries and is determined mainly by schoolchildren by those interests, which in turn are formed under the influence of the interests of the biology teacher. Very often, for example, teachers interested in floriculture engage schoolchildren in studying the diversity and growing of ornamental plants, and teachers interested in bird biology subordinate almost all extracurricular work to ornithological topics. Implemented extracurricular activities in its various forms.

Extracurricular work, like extracurricular work, is carried out by students outside the lesson or outside the classroom and school, but always according to the teacher’s assignments when studying any section of the biology course. The content of extracurricular work is closely related to the program material. The results of completing extracurricular tasks are used in the biology lesson and are assessed by the teacher (he puts marks in the class journal). Extracurricular activities include, for example: observations of seed germination, assigned to students when studying the topic “Seed” (6th grade); completing a task related to observing the development of an insect when studying the type of arthropods (grade 7). Extracurricular work also includes those provided training programs summer assignments in biology (grades 6 and 7), as well as all practical homework. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge acquired in the lessons, turning them into lasting beliefs. This is due primarily to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by the specific framework of lessons, there are great opportunities to use observation and experiment - the basic methods of biological science. By conducting experiments and observing biological phenomena, schoolchildren acquire specific ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world based on direct perceptions. In extracurricular activities, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is implemented.

Extracurricular activities make it possible to take into account the diverse interests of schoolchildren, significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and making observations, protecting plants and animals, schoolchildren come into close contact with living nature, which has a great educational influence on them.

The great importance of extracurricular work in biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from wasting time. Students who are interested in biology free time dedicate themselves to observing interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, caring for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Thus, extracurricular work in biology has great importance how to solve educational problems school course biology, and in solving many general pedagogical problems facing the secondary school as a whole. Therefore, it should occupy a prominent place in the activities of every biology teacher.

The accumulated experience of extracurricular work in a comprehensive school shows that it should be based on independent, predominantly research-based activities of students, conducted under the guidance of a teacher: independent experiments and observations, work with reference books, keys, magazines, popular science literature.

In biology lessons, I invite students to observe this or that phenomenon outside of class time, provide additional information about the animal or plant and say where they can read more about them. At the same time, in the next lessons I always find out which of the students carried out the recommended observation, read the book, did visual material etc., to encourage and involve in other work.

Club work can unite, for example, botanists, zoologists, physiologists, and geneticists. Exhibitions are of great importance in developing interest in extracurricular work in biology. the best works students. It is most advisable to organize them to coincide with the holding of some biological evening (or holiday), the final lesson of the circle, the beginning of school year.

The exhibition may include student observation diaries, photographs taken in nature, collections and herbariums, grown plants, etc. The exhibition can be called, for example, “Students’ Summer Work,” “Gifts of Autumn,” etc. The exhibits selected for the exhibition must provide labels indicating the name of the work and its artist.

« Extracurricular activities is a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher to stimulate and demonstrate their cognitive interests and creative initiative in expanding and supplementing the school curriculum in biology.” The extracurricular form of classes opens up wide opportunities both for the manifestation of the teacher’s pedagogical creative initiative and for the diverse cognitive initiative of students and, most importantly, for educating them. In the process of extracurricular activities, students develop Creative skills, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and abilities, develop intellectual and thinking abilities, develop perseverance and hard work, deepen knowledge about plants and animals, develop interest in surrounding nature, learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, they develop a natural-scientific worldview. Extracurricular activities also contribute to the development of initiative and collectivism.

In all types of extracurricular activities, a single principle of educational training is carried out, carried out in the system and development. All types of extracurricular activities are interconnected and complement each other. During extracurricular activities, direct and Feedback with a lesson. Types of extracurricular activities allow you to lead students from individual work to work in a team, and the latter acquires a social orientation, which is of great importance for education.

Extracurricular activities, conducted as part of the entire teaching process, develop students’ multifaceted interests, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. The forms of such activities are very diverse, but in terms of content and methods of implementation they are related to the lesson; During the lesson, students develop an interest that finds its satisfaction in one form or another of extracurricular activities and again receives development and consolidation in the lesson.

Students' interests are often extremely narrow, limited to collecting and an amateur attitude towards individual animals. The teacher’s task is to expand the interests of students, to educate educated person who loves science and knows how to explore nature. When conducting experiments and long-term observations Through natural phenomena, schoolchildren form specific ideas about the material reality around them. Observations made by the students themselves, for example, of the development of a plant or the development of a butterfly (for example, the cabbage white butterfly), leaves a very deep imprint and strong emotional impressions in their minds.

Lecture Extracurricular, extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology.

Today we need to understand these three concepts. How do they differ, what types of work are there. Let's think about it together first.

Extracurricular work is a form of organizing students to perform outside of class mandatory related to the study of the course practical work on individual and group assignments given by the teacher. Extracurricular work is mandatory for all students, it is assigned, and most importantly, then checked by the teacher. The organization of this kind of work is dictated by the need to conduct long-term observations of natural objects. It happens that in order to see the results of experiments, they need to be laid several days before the lesson. The teacher gives assignments to students in a timely manner. Examples of such experiences:


- germination of pea seeds – 2 days

- germination of wheat grains – 4-5 days

- pumpkin seed germination – 5-6 days

- formation of starch in the leaf during photosynthesis – 2-3 days

- movement of water with mineral salts along the stem – 3 days

- development of roots in the stem cuttings of Tradescantia – 5-7 days

- development of roots on a begonia leaf – 2 months

- growing a moss seedling from a spore – 15-20 days

- disintegration of the lichen thallus into algae and fungus - 7 days

In zoology

- various phases of development (metamorphosis in beetles - mealworms)

- development of the fruit fly Drosophila

- reproduction of aquarium fish

- behavior of domestic animals (cats, dogs, parrots)

- spider behavior

- development of reflexes in birds (using the example of winter feeding of tits and sparrows)

Such observations can be carried out in a living area, at home or in nature. Sometimes tasks need to be rescheduled for the spring-summer period, then they need to be accompanied by clear instructions. Students should keep their entries in a journal.

Extracurricular work is of great importance:

- develops independence

- instills interest in biological objects and natural phenomena

- schoolchildren master research skills

- develops accuracy and hard work

The teacher has the opportunity to enrich the biology classroom with various objects, giving students individual tasks for summer. But summer assignments should not just be the collection of any biological material. Students must have a task and reflect on its completion. The teacher explains that we need to strive for the quality of the collected material, and not for its quantity. It is necessary to prepare well and correctly (fix or dry the object).

In the modern curriculum, biology lessons are given only one hour a week, but there are schoolchildren who are interested in biology. And their interests are much broader than software. It is the teacher’s task to maintain such interest, consolidate and develop it. Within training sessions this is difficult to do, so extracurricular naturalistic and environmental work, which is voluntary.

Extracurricular activities is a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher to stimulate and demonstrate their cognitive interests and creative initiative in expanding and supplementing the school curriculum in biology.

What do you think extracurricular activities in biology should be like?

The use of tasks related to conducting observations and experiments in extracurricular activities contributes to the development of research skills. At the same time, it is necessary to orient children to clearly document the progress of observations and their results.

Properly organized extracurricular activities does not overload students. At the same time, it is necessary to warn teachers against mistakes in organizing extracurricular activities like school lessons and other compulsory activities, from turning extracurricular activities into unique additional lessons biology. Extracurricular activities should arouse naturalistic interest among schoolchildren, activate their creative abilities and at the same time contribute to their relaxation. That's why Extracurricular work should be varied, versatile and not duplicate academic work at school.

A significant place in extracurricular activities is given to labor: making collections, herbariums, crafts from natural material etc., which is of great educational importance. It introduces schoolchildren to various feasible labor: preparing the soil, conducting experiments and observing plants, caring for them, planting trees and shrubs. preparing food for feeding birds, caring for farmed animals, which, in turn, instills in them a sense of responsibility for the assigned task, the ability to complete the work started, and contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism.

The great importance of extracurricular work in biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from wasting time. Students who are interested in biology devote their free time to observing interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, caring for sponsored animals, and reading popular science literature.

Extracurricular activities can be classified according to different principles:

ü taking into account the number of participants in extracurricular activities, individual, group and mass (frontal) types of extracurricular activities are distinguished (Table 5);

ü on the implementation of classes within a time frame - episodic (evenings, hikes, Olympiads, conferences) and permanent (clubs, electives, societies);

Table 5. Extracurricular activities in biology

Organization of the lesson

Types of activities

Group classes

Circle work.


Hiking in nature.


Mass classes

Watching movies.

Participation in the Olympiads.

Excursions and hikes into nature.

Scientific evenings, conferences.

Exhibitions of student work.

School-wide campaigns: “Harvest Day”, “Bird Day”, “Biology Week”, “Ecology Week”.

Publishing magazines, wall newspapers, albums

Individual sessions

Scientific research and experiments on the topic (for example, “Phenological phenomena in the life of birds”, “Study of pollution in the area adjacent to the school”).

Preparation for the Olympics.

Extracurricular reading.

Research work in nature, in a corner of wildlife

It is important to ensure a comprehensive combination of various forms in an appropriate sequence.

Customized form extracurricular activities take place in all schools. Trying to satisfy the needs of individual schoolchildren interested in biology, the teacher invites them to read one or another popular science book, conduct observations in nature, make a visual aid, and select material for a stand. Sometimes, while satisfying the curiosity of individual schoolchildren, the teacher does not set any goal for himself, does not direct this extracurricular work in a certain direction, and does not even consider that he is carrying it out. This picture is often observed among teachers who do not have sufficient work experience.

Experienced teachers find out the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in their field of vision, set themselves the task of developing their interests in biology, select appropriate individual lessons for this purpose, gradually complicating and expanding their content. Some students create their own home wildlife corners. The teacher gives such students instructions for conducting experiments at home. Individual extracurricular activities are essentially a voluntary variety of domestic and extracurricular work.

The most common types of individual extracurricular work include experiments and observations of plants and animals in nature, at a training and experimental site, in a corner of wildlife, making artificial nests and observing their settlement, self-observation, making visual aids, preparing reports, abstracts, and much more. other.

When conducting individual work, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of students in order to deepen and develop their interests in relevant areas. Extracurricular activities can also contribute to choice future profession, have a direct impact on the profile orientation of education at school, on the choice of specialty and on post-school education.

Mass episodic classes are organized on the initiative of a biology teacher and are carried out with the active participation of a circle of young naturalists, school student activists, school administration, and subject teachers. Plans for holding mass events are approved by the pedagogical councils of the school.

Involved in mass work big number students- parallel classes, the whole school. It is characterized by a socially useful orientation. Usually such types are carried out at school mass work, How school biology olympiad, (School biology olympiads are held annually in several rounds. A week before the appointed date, an announcement is posted about the procedure for conducting it, a list of recommended literature and requirements for written work, which are submitted to the Olympics.)

Biology Weeks, (Biology week at school is complex event, combining various forms of extracurricular work: evenings, conferences, assignment competitions, newspapers, essays. Holding a biology week at school allows you to show how academic and extracurricular work in the subject is organized at school. This is a display of achievements in the subject, as well as the promotion of biological knowledge.)

Health Week, Bird Day holiday, "Earth Day", campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and other food for winter feeding of birds; making and hanging bird nests.

Occasional events may also be group. To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students interested in biology, instructs them to select certain material, publish a thematic wall newspaper, prepare and conduct reports, artistic performances for the holiday. Usually, after the completion of any mass event, the work of the episodic group stops. To conduct another mass event, the teacher attracts students from the previous episodic group or creates a new one.

Occasional group extracurricular work is also organized in connection with the teacher’s desire to study more deeply the living nature of his region, for example, to conduct an inventory of tree and shrub vegetation, to find out the species composition of birds inhabiting areas near water bodies; study the daily activity of animals of certain species, " The biological clock» plants. The need to organize such episodic group work usually arises when there is no circle of young naturalists at school.

One of the important group forms of extracurricular education is biological circles.

Biology club is an organizational center for extracurricular activities.

Principles of organizing youth circles

Accept everyone into the circles, including those with low academic achievements and those who are not sufficiently disciplined. The latter often begin to take an interest in biology and behave much better than in class. Therefore, work in a circle should also be considered as a means of education.

The number of students in a circle should not exceed 15 people. If there are more people willing, then 2 groups will be organized.

The work of the circle should be carried out on student government. Therefore, it is necessary to elect the active members of the Council for self-government: a headman, 3-4 level assistants to the headman, an editorial board for publishing a newspaper, newsletters, announcements about the start of a circle, etc.

The leaders of the circles should be subject teachers, and in the lower and middle grades there could be high school juniors in grades 10-11.

Drawing up a work plan for the circle, taking into account local history, ecology, environmental protection and especially nature-enhancing activities.

The number of club classes is from 2 to 4 per month.

Summing up the work of the circle after studying the topic, or for a quarter, half a year, or a year. The most effective and visual is reporting and summing up in the form of scientific evenings, conferences, role-playing games, exhibitions, competitions, olympiads, writing and defending abstracts, reports, naturalistic campaigns, etc. So, when summing up the results, group youth work turns into mass and into socially useful work.

Planning the work of the circle.

When drawing up a plan, one should proceed from the protection, enrichment and study native nature and conducting research activities in the form of experiments with plants. In this regard, it is advisable to plan the following topic sections:

Nature conservation of the native land:

a) identification of natural objects to be protected (century-old oaks, rare plants, animals, protected parks, etc.);

b) protection of birds, fish, animals (making feeders and feeding birds, animals in winter time- 7-8 tits out of 10 die in winter);

c) the work of “green” and “blue” patrols.

Enriching the nature of the native land:

a) the spread of beneficial animals to new habitats (but not ants, bedbugs and the Colorado potato beetle!);

b) growing less common plants in their gardens and the school educational and experimental site (varieties of cabbage, Japanese Daikon radish, etc.);

c) landscaping of the native land (planting gardens, public gardens, parks, flower beds near the school, in the village).

Studying the nature of your native land:

a) excursions, hiking trips, travel around the native land (all clubs at all times of the year, especially during the summer holidays);

b) collecting literary information about the nature of the native land and studying it;

c) creation of school local history museums;

d) research activities in the form of experimentation at the school educational and experimental site, in individual vegetable gardens, garden plots.

The work plan for the circles is drawn up for six months or a year.

Requirements for the work of youth circles.

In order for youth work to be pedagogically effective, the teacher must remember the requirements that must be presented to it:

a) work started should always be completed, analyzed and summarized.

b) young people must always and purposefully be interested in this work.

c) leaders of youth circles must always and in everything be a positive example for youth.

It is very useful to end many topics of youth activities with socially useful work (forest and garden week, Bird Days, To develop social and labor skills, it is advisable to conduct mutual visits to youth circles from different schools, hold conversations, show the work of the circle, exchange experiences, hold joint youth evenings, exhibitions, expeditions, hikes, etc. Interesting and valuable results are obtained by correspondence with circles in other districts, regions of the country and the exchange of stepsons with seeds and cuttings of especially new, valuable, rare, and exotic plants for a given area.

Biological circles can be divided into groups according to their content:

1. Entertaining. Their main task is to attract students to study biology and instill interest in the subject. They form only a superficial interest in biology, without in-depth study of any issues.

2. Clubs, the content of which corresponds to the main course program. The task of these clubs is to improve the knowledge and skills of students acquired in class.

3. Mugs. At which students are given practical tasks related to the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge on certain issues (flower growers, phenologists, aquarists).

4. Circles dedicated to special issues biology studied in lessons (ornithologists, entomologists). These circles contribute in-depth study some narrow branch of biology.

Behind last years in the development of circle work there have been increasing trends environmental and local history work; their scientific level has increased.

A special type of extracurricular activity is electives. Small groups of students of 15–17 people work according to programs or according to the teacher’s original programs. The purpose of elective classes is to give students a deeper knowledge of certain topics in biological science, significantly exceeding the scope of the school curriculum.

Extracurricular activities, second type group classes, are also built on a voluntary basis. They differ from youth circles in that they must be conducted with small groups (no more than 10-15 people) of students according to special, more complex, in-depth and expanded programs of the Ministry of Education or according to programs drawn up by the head (teacher or specialist) of the elective.

Target optional training- to give students knowledge and practical skills in various sections of biological, agricultural, methodological, pedagogical science in a volume significantly exceeding the school curriculum. It is also of great importance for vocational guidance students, since only those who intend to work in agriculture or continue their education in special education are enrolled in elective classes educational institutions(agricultural, pedagogical, biological, medical, etc.). In other words, the most appropriate electives now are the following profiles: biological, pedagogical, agronomic (field growers, vegetable growers, gardeners, beekeepers, machine operators, farmers, entrepreneurs, managers, livestock breeders), medical, environmental.

Class attendance is required for registered students. They are held according to a fixed schedule and the work of the leader-teacher of extracurricular activities is paid. It is very advisable that elective activities are carried out not only by school subject teachers, but also by invited scientists from universities and research institutes, experimental stations, highly professional production specialists - agronomists, livestock specialists, engineers, doctors, etc. The results of the elective activities may not be only the training of field farmers, livestock breeders, machine operators, drivers, projectionists, photographers and other specialists, but also the production of equipment for a biology classroom, a living corner, a school educational and experimental site. In short, the forms of extracurricular and youth work are diverse, voluminous and significant from an applied and pedagogical point of view, because here there is not only the deepening and expansion of knowledge and the formation of skills, but also education in labor, moral, aesthetic, as well as instilling a sense of pride in oneself, one’s school, etc. Elective classes impose increased responsibility on the teacher, because here particularly interested and gifted students are eager to gain new, relevant, original knowledge. It is bad and unacceptable for electives to turn into additional extracurricular activities, for example, solving problems, examples, exercises, preparing for tests, tests, exams. In contrast to ordinary subject-based classroom lessons, elective classes should be dominated by more active forms of preparation: lectures, seminars, business and role-playing games, independent laboratory and practical work with literature, not only educational, but also special additional, writing and defending abstracts and, finally , self-execution practical and especially research experimental work. All this together contributes to the development and formation of skills to independently and creatively apply the knowledge acquired in the elective course in practice, in life.

Students cannot be forced to attend subjects that they have not chosen themselves. But some teachers force students to attend their electives. Often such teachers do not give high grades (4 and 5) in the quarter to students who do not attend their extracurricular classes. The reason is that he doesn’t take electives, which means he’s not interested in the subject, and therefore doesn’t deserve more than a C. This is unacceptable and unpedagogical.

A group of “assistants” is created in order to equip and maintain in proper order a biological laboratory, a living corner, and a school educational and experimental site. Undoubtedly, they should do what is within their power and is organically connected with the process of teaching biology. In particular, they produce teaching aids, devices, instruments, equipment, and tables. Prepare handouts, cages for small animals (rabbits, birds, etc.), shelves for indoor plants - Environment Day;

The effectiveness of any environmental action depends on the quality of its implementation on the ground using local history material.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them, a certain pedagogical pattern is observed. Interest in working with living organisms usually arises in schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. Having successfully completed certain teacher tasks, they usually ask for additional extracurricular work. If there are several such schoolchildren in the class, then the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and subsequently into circles of young naturalists, working in which they take part in Active participation in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use of the results of individual, occasional group and circle work in lessons (for example, demonstrations of manufactured manuals, reports of observations, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contributes to the involvement of students in extracurricular activities who have not previously shown sufficient interest in it. Often, some schoolchildren who initially took passive part in mass extracurricular work on landscaping the school grounds, making bird houses, as listeners, subsequently become either young naturalists, or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the instructions of the teacher.

A study of the experience of schools shows that extracurricular work in biology is carried out in all its forms. Almost every school has a naturalistic club, various public events are held, and individual and group occasional lessons are organized. However, extracurricular work often comes down to organizing exhibitions of students’ summer work, holding competitions, Biology Week, and Bird Day. The rest of the time, care is usually provided. indoor plants, publication of newsletters based on the use of materials from popular science periodicals, the “Hours” are held entertaining biology". Meanwhile, the specificity of extracurricular work in biology - the science that studies living things - is associated with such types of work that include independent research by schoolchildren, put them in the position of discoverers, and arouse real interest in the knowledge of nature.

All types of extracurricular activities are outside the scope of academic work in biology. However, they are an integral part of the entire educational process, the most important means of educating and developing students. different classes. The organization of this work at school serves as one of the criteria for the teacher's creative work, an indicator of his pedagogical excellence and professional responsibility.

Key concepts. Extracurricular work as a form of organizing biology teaching, types of extracurricular work, general methods of extracurricular work.

results vocational training. 1. Express the definition of extracurricular activities. 2. Name and characterize the main types of extracurricular work in biology. 3. Describe the general and develop specific methods of extracurricular work.

Extracurricular work in biology opens up wide opportunities for the development of schoolchildren’s personality and the culture of their attitude towards the environment. It can be carried out in nature, a biology classroom, a school garden, or on the territory of a training and experimental site. Extracurricular work is a form of organization of learning in which outside the lesson, under the guidance of a teacher, purposeful interaction of students with objects is carried out. various kinds their activities to stimulate cognitive interests and display creative potential in addition to the school biology curriculum.

Depending on the material and information base of the school and the wishes of the students, various areas of extracurricular work are possible. If there are light microscopes and (or) microscopes of the Intelplay type in the biology classroom, then objective conditions arise for maintaining cognitive interest and implementing students’ creative activities based on studying material at the molecular-cellular level. If there is a base for conducting stationary excursions, field practices, expeditions, it is possible to organize educational, research and transformative activities based on knowledge of phenomena at the organismal, population-species and biocenotic levels. On the basis of the educational and experimental site and (or) the school garden, it is convenient to organize work to determine the growing conditions cultivated plants and factors influencing their condition.

All types of extracurricular activities are interconnected and complement each other. Some of them sometimes arise spontaneously in schools. However, in any case, interest in learning about the living components of nature is usually born in the classroom. Particularly interested students, in addition to working on the teacher’s assignments, which are mandatory for everyone, perform more complex tasks that they voluntarily undertake. It is important that the results of their solution are presented in lessons on relevant topics. As a rule, original materials obtained by the students themselves and presented to classmates arouse the latter’s interest and encourage them to take appropriate action. Therefore, the teacher needs to constantly maintain a connection between the lesson and extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular work will be effective if it is considered as a model of reality, providing the opportunity for students to learn and assimilate additional knowledge, skills and values, moral, ethical and aesthetic standards of behavior in nature. This model creates conditions for the implementation of subject-object and subject-subject relationships. It is in these relationships that the student acts more as their creator than as a contemplator.

The priority activities that are important to implement together during extracurricular work in biology are the following: 1) cognitive - the study of biological objects of various levels and systematic groups, their characteristics and reactions to environmental factors; 2) value-orientation - determining the values ​​of living nature objects and implementing guidelines for their transformation and preservation; 3) aesthetic - a reaction to the attractiveness and beauty of living systems and the ability to express them through artistic means; 4) ethical - determination of moral relations towards living beings; 5) transformative - performing specific work to preserve living objects of nature and improve the space for their functioning; 6) communicative - the implementation of communication as a condition for understanding living nature, developing values ​​and appropriate methods of transforming the environment. We emphasize that explanatory judgments reflect the general content of activities as objects to which students’ attention is focused.

To develop a methodology for extracurricular work, it is important to have an idea about their types. In pedagogy and methods of teaching biology, there is no single position on this issue. Well-known methodologists N.M. Verzilin and V. M. Korsunskaya, I. N. Ponomareva with co-authors express them by the number of participants - individual, group and mass; for the implementation of classes in time frames - episodic and permanent; by content - botanical, zoological, anatomical-physiological and general biological. The teacher N.E. Shchur-kova presents the types of extracurricular activities by type of activity - cognitive, transformative, value-oriented and artistic; by space of activity - in nature, city, park, museum; according to the content of interaction - aesthetic, labor, cognitive, environmental, moral, etc.; according to the scale of the comprehended phenomenon “My school”, “My district”, “My city”, “My republic”, “My country”, “My continent”.

Each of these classifications is presented on one basis. For school biology classification is possible on several grounds, indicated in the definition of the concept of extracurricular work. The first basis will be the type of activity with its object, and the second - the way of organizing interaction with the object of activity. Then the picture of the diversity of types of extracurricular activities will appear wider (Table 8.11).

Questions to update the material. 1. How was the definition of extracurricular work formulated when studying pedagogy? 2. What classifications of extracurricular activities did you become familiar with while studying the course?

From the presented variety of extracurricular activities, the teacher can choose the most convenient option for himself, which should include one or two permanent types of extracurricular activities, while other types may be episodic. The first ones are traditionally chosen to be clubs, observations, experimental work, work in the corner of wildlife and the biology classroom. However, in Lately field workshops, research and practice-oriented design, monitoring of the state of the environment, rare and endangered species of plants and animals, communities and ecological systems are becoming more common.

The circle of young biologists brings together students who are particularly interested in living nature and knowledge of botanical, zoological, anatomical, physiological and general biological phenomena. Usually the circle unites 10-15 students on a voluntary basis. They study under the guidance of a teacher once every two to three weeks for 1.5 - 2 hours. In school practice, the following clubs traditionally function: in the 6th grade - young botanists, plant growers, flower growers, cactus growers, gardeners; in 7th grade - young zoologists, ichthyologists, ornithologists, hydrobiologists; in 8th grade - young physiologists and doctors; in grades 9-11 - young cytologists, microbiologists, biochemists, geneticists, ecologists. This distribution of circles by class is determined by the logic school programs in biology, the level of knowledge of students and their age characteristics.

The work of the circle is based on the program developed by the leader and thematic plan. It includes theoretical and practical lessons, conversations, preparation and conduct final classes- exhibitions, conferences, presentations. Particular attention should be paid to organizing observations and experiments. They must be scientific, feasible, feasible and accessible in the conditions secondary school. If the research topics meet the above requirements, then they will have not only developing and practical, but also scientific value.

A field workshop in biology is presented as a form of organizing training for students to gain knowledge of biological objects and improve the state of the socio-natural environment. The objectives achieved in this case are the following: 1) concretization of knowledge about biological objects, their structure, functioning and changes due to natural and anthropogenic causes; 2) development of skills to study biological objects - observe, recognize, establish relationships, describe and explain phenomena; 3) the formation of ethical and aesthetic positions of the individual when clarifying, discussing and assessing the relationship of the local population to the forest, water bodies, plants and animals; 4) the formation of practical skills to improve the condition of the socio-natural environment - clearing, landscaping, making and hanging billboards.

Field workshops can be of two types - a multi-day expedition and a stationary field workshop. The second of them seems more convenient for school biology - the same objects are studied more thoroughly, their changes are clarified in more depth and long-term data are compared. Field workshops are best conducted within the system. After 4th grade they are organized for specification general ideas about nature, its living and nonliving components, the diversity of species of living beings, environmental phenomena, methods of protecting the natural and socio-natural environments. After the 8th grade, a field workshop is conducted with the aim of recognizing species of fungi, plants and animals, clarifying the features of their existence in communities, studying the vertical and horizontal structures of communities and their changes under the influence anthropogenic factors, performing practical work on security individual species, as well as phytocenoses. After 10th grade, a field workshop is organized to clarify evolutionary, ecological and genetic concepts.

Preliminary preparation for conducting a field workshop is important - drawing up a program, determining a location, choosing the form of a diary, developing route excursions, individual and group assignments, establishing the form of a report and summing up the results of the workshop.

Observation as a purposeful perception of a biological object allows you to analyze and generalize disparate facts

from the life of nature and combine them into concepts and patterns. One of the difficulties in organizing such observations is the correct choice of object. In this case, it is necessary to take into account three requirements: 1) monitor the selected biological object constantly; 2) the object must have scientifically recognized significance; 3) monitoring equipment must be accessible to students. IN school conditions it is possible to conduct phenological observations of plants and animals, ecological observations of the state of communities and ecosystems, physiological observations of plants developing in hydroponics, and the impact on them environmental factors. Processing of collected observation materials involves drawing up graphs, performing basic mathematical calculations, and writing short texts. It is important to present these materials in lessons to stimulate students' cognitive interest.

Design as a developed scientific topic or plan for the conservation of a biological object has recently been widely used. The topics of research and practice-oriented projects can be different. However, preference should be given to topics of local and regional significance. You can suggest the following topics: "Endangered plant species of the region: causes and prospects for conservation", "Species composition of synanthropic birds in your city", "Reduction of biological diversity in the territory of your region", "Protection measures species diversity amphibians on the territory of their region”, etc. Projects can be micro-, meso- and macro-projects in terms of duration and breadth of the topic, and school subjects mono-, inter- and supra-subject. Meaning general methodology design consists of the following: 1) putting forward the idea of ​​the project; 2) drawing up a written implementation plan; 3) project implementation; 4) completion of the project; 5) preparation of a project report; 6) presentation of the report and its evaluation.

Good results a biology teacher can achieve if project-based learning used from 6th grade. It is important to determine, in a certain sequence, depending on the section of biology and the age of the students, a set of project topics from grades 6 to 11. One of the planning options could be the following: “How do plants in our area improve (deteriorate) health?”, “What should be done to preserve plants in our area?” (6 grades); “Attracting birds to our garden”, “What needs to be done to preserve rare and endangered species of insects (amphibians, reptiles, mammals) in our area” (7th grade); “The hygienic condition of the school premises”, “The sanitary condition of one’s village (microdistrict, district)

274 she)”, “Possibilities of folk nature therapy” (8th grade); “We find out phenotypic manifestations in individuals of local varieties of cereals growing in different conditions”; “We study the signs of adaptation of plant organisms to their area” (9th grade); "The prospect of preserving the species diversity of its area"; "What needs to be done to sustainable development your area" (10th grade).

Monitoring of biological phenomena involves long-term observations, assessment, control and basic forecasting of the state of living systems. It is impossible to use it in lessons, because it involves performing actions over a long period of time. The lesson usually uses the results of monitoring. When organizing it, the choice of object is important. These can be a pond, a piece of forest, meadows. Due to difficulties in use specific techniques monitoring, it is better to organize the study of their individual components - changes in some physical and chemical indicators of the habitat of plants, animals, and humans; compiling, based on the information obtained, the future state of the biological system; identification of dangers to living organisms; determining the conditions for achieving community sustainability using targeted measures.

The presented types of extracurricular activities are mainly group. They, as a rule, are “supported” by individual types - reading literature and its analysis, searching for information on the Internet, preparing speeches, presentations, annotations, reviews, etc.

On the initiative of the biology teacher, circle members, observers, designers, and participants in field workshops, with the help of the school administration and activists, mass extracurricular activities are organized. It includes the following types: campaigns (“Bird Day”, “Earth Day”, “Day biodiversity", etc.), biological evenings and olympiads; meetings with scientists, naturalist writers and biological industry workers, doctors; KVN, conferences, defense of research and other projects; exhibitions of creative works of students - herbariums, collections, observation diaries, reports on experiments, etc.

Questions to update the material. 1. Based on knowledge from the pedagogy course, say what serves as the basis for the teacher’s choice of any type of extracurricular activity. 2. Extensions of what types of extracurricular activities require the specific features of teaching school biology in secondary school?

Individual lessons - work in a corner of wildlife, work at a school experimental site, work in nature, extracurricular reading.

Group classes - a circle of young naturalists, the work of “assistants” of the office on its equipment.

Mass activities - lectures and film demonstrations, excursions and nature trips, scientific evenings and conferences, exhibitions of the work of Olympiad students, campaigns: Harvest Day, Garden Week, Bird Day, Biological KVN, etc.

Occasional group, circle and mass classes can be combined into a group of forms of collective extracurricular work.

An individual form of extracurricular work in biology is carried out in almost every school. Trying to satisfy the needs of individual students interested in biology, the teacher offers to make some observations in nature, read this or that popular science book, make a visual aid, select material for a stand, etc.

But in this case, it is necessary to find out the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in sight, set a task - to develop their interests in one direction or another, select appropriate individual tasks for the implementation of this task, complicate and expand their content. Occasional group work is usually organized in connection with the preparation and holding of school public events, for example a holiday, dedicated to the Day birds, Forest Day, Garden Week, Health Week, etc.

To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students interested in biology, instructs them to find the necessary material, publish a wall newspaper, prepare reports, amateur artistic activities, etc.

Usually, after the completion of one or another mass event, the episodic group disintegrates, and then, after a certain period of time, in connection with the preparation and holding of another mass event, it is created again, and its composition changes significantly.

The circle of young naturalists is the main form of extracurricular activity. In contrast to episodic group work, a circle includes schoolchildren who systematically work in it for a year or a number of years. The composition of the circle is usually stable.

A large number of students are involved in mass work - several classes, the entire school. Mass extracurricular activities are characterized by a socially beneficial orientation. Typically, schools organize such types of mass work as holidays, evenings, campaigns, hours of entertaining biology, biological conferences, olympiads, etc.

Biological KVN (club of cheerful and resourceful people) includes two teams selected from several classes, each of which, 2-3 weeks before the start of the resourcefulness competition, prepares greetings for the opposing team, questions, riddles, poems and stories about living organisms. The presenter also prepares for KVN in advance.

A jury is elected to evaluate the teams' work during the competition. The biology teacher - the organizer of KVN - supervises all the work. The teacher recommends relevant literature to the team members, inquires about the progress of preparation, and advises how to implement their plans in the most interesting way possible.

Fans are invited to biological KVN - all interested students. The date of the KVN is announced in advance and an announcement is posted. Fan participation is also assessed and their scores are added to the scores received by the team they are “supporting”. Hours of entertaining biology are usually organized in each class. The duration of one lesson is an academic hour.

Students prepare each hour of entertaining biology in advance. They select the necessary information from the literature recommended by the teacher, arrange it, and prepare visual aids.

When classes are given a playful form (for example, travel), facilitators are trained.

During the lesson itself, the presenter invites the schoolchildren to take a trip, names stopping points, during which pre-prepared youths report certain interesting information about plants (animals), etc.

The presenter invites participants to guess some biological riddles, solve crosswords, teawords, and answer quiz questions.

Various evenings are organized in a similar way.

Each evening is preceded by a big preparatory work: the evening program is developed, topics for reports and messages are distributed among the organizers, an entertaining part of it is prepared (quiz questions, biological games, crosswords, tea puzzles, etc.), amateur performances (poems, dramatizations, songs, musical numbers, dances), decoration of the hall , exhibitions of student work.

All listed species extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other.

In schools where extracurricular work in biology is well organized, there cannot be just one form of it. Holding mass events is necessarily associated with either individual or group work on their preparation, or with the work of a circle of young naturalists.