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Russian speech etiquette and its reflection in proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings about politeness for children of preschool and school age, schools, preschool educational institutions: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of the meaning

Golden Rule ethics useful for every person to know. At school it is studied in the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” lessons in 4th grade. And as one of the tasks within the subject, the following is given:

  • Pick up proverbs, consistent with the golden rule of ethics.

Let's figure it out first what is this rule. Christ said: “So in everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.” In other words:

  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you want good, do good. If you want people not to spread dirty gossip about you, just tell the truth.

This rule is also called The golden rule of morality and ethics, not only ethics. In Russian there is also a lot of proverbs, reflecting this idea:

  • To a good hello, a good answer.
  • As we are to people, so are people to us.
  • Expect good for good, bad for bad.
  • When doing evil, do not hope for good.
  • Whoever follows evil will not find good.
  • For good - good, and for bad - bad.
  • To be kind is to be known as kind.
  • Good to sow, good to reap.
  • Virtue is rewarded.
  • As you go to bed, so will you sleep.
  • Whatever comes back, that's how you respond.
  • As it comes back, so will it respond.
  • As you sow, so shall you reap.
  • What goes around comes around.
  • A good seed is a good seed.
  • Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.
  • As they beat, so they cry.
  • As it is for Foma, it is the same for yourself.
  • How you live is how you will be known.
  • Whatever cup you pour for your friend, that’s what you should drink yourself.
  • As uncle is to people, so is he to people.
  • What you don’t want for yourself, don’t wish for someone else.
  • A good gardener has a good garden.
  • Life is not bright in days, but bright in deeds.
  • Live more humbly, it will be nicer for everyone.
  • A cruel disposition will not be right.
  • Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.
  • Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself.
  • Do not do evil - you will not be in eternal fear.
  • Do no evil, you will never know evil.
  • A tree is recognized by its fruit, and a man by his deed.
  • A good start - half the battle is pumped out.
  • Every person is recognized in action.
  • You are judged by your deeds.
  • A good deed does not go without reward.
  • The head pays for bad deeds.
  • He who lives inseparably with the evil will not live a prosperous life.
  • Whoever faces everyone, to him good people not with your back.
  • He who is a rogue himself does not trust others.
  • He who does not govern himself will not instruct others.
  • Whoever is thin, everything around him is bad.

We have listed proverbs that reflect the meaning of the Golden Rule of morality, ethics and ethics. And now I would like to give examples of popular sayings about good manners and moral qualities person. They may also come in handy 😉

  • For a bad habit they call a smart person a fool.
  • Take care of your clothes again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
  • Well done, handsome, but crooked at heart.
  • In someone else's house, do not be noticeable, but be friendly.
  • By the way, to remain silent is a big word to say.
  • It’s an affectionate word that it’s spring day.
  • Scold, scold, and leave your word to the world.
  • At home, as I want, and in people, as they are told.
  • Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.
  • Yesterday I lied, and today I am called a liar.
  • There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart.
  • A kind word also pleases the cat.

Proverbs taken from sources:

  1. I. M. Snegirev. "Russian folk proverbs and parables."
  2. N. Uvarov “Encyclopedia folk wisdom».
  3. A. M. Zhigulev. "Russian folk proverbs and sayings."
  4. O. D. Ushakova. "School's Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, idioms».

26. Rassudova O.P. The use of verb types in modern Russian. 2nd ed., rev. and additional M.: Russian language, 1982. - 149 p.

27.Russian grammar. Volume 1. Phonetics, phonology, stress, intonation, word formation, morphology. M.: Nauka, 1980. - 783 p.

28. Tikhonov A.N. Pure species prefixes in the system of Russian species formation. // Questions of linguistics. 1964, no. 1. - P.42-52.

29. Tikhonov A.I. Species correlations in modern Russian language. // Type typology: problems, searches, solutions. M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 1998. - P.466-477.

© B.N. Kovalenko, 2015

L.V. Sokolova,

K. philol. Sc., Associate Professor Faculty social work Russian state social university Cheboksary, Russian Federation Email: [email protected]



Proverbs and sayings express in concentrated form the essence of the worldview, the mentality of the people, the characteristics of culture, and speech etiquette. Russian proverbs and sayings through the centuries convey ideas about the moral ideal of the people. This is the encrypted wisdom of our ancestors, a testament to future generations.


Language, speech, speech etiquette, mentality, speech culture.

In Proverbs and sayings, in concentrated form, it is expressed the essence of attitude, mentality, culture, speech etiquette. Through the centuries Russian proverbs and sayings convey notions about the moral ideal of the people. It encrypted the wisdom of the ancestors, the covenant for future generations.

Language, speech, speech etiquette, mentality, speech culture.

All peoples, in all languages ​​of the world have proverbs and sayings about language. The moral and educational value of these short and succinct expressions is undoubted. It is in them that the moral consciousness, mentality, and spirit of the ethnic group are expressed. Knowing the history of our state, the peculiarities of our way of life Ancient Rus', the natural and climatic features of the territory where the ancient Slavs lived, the myths and legends of these tribes, we can understand a lot, explain a lot in their behavior, in the priorities that are reflected in proverbs and sayings. We can decipher archetypal images, motives of behavior, including speech.

In many cultures, language is highly valued and it is recommended to treat it with care. The Russian language is replete with proverbs and sayings about Russian speech and speech behavior in various situations. Proverbs and sayings emphasize the importance of language as the basis of human existence. This is the core that shapes personality: Language is the anchor of the body. Without a tongue and the bell is mute. Without the ability to speak


a person cannot fully realize his individuality. Of all living beings, only man can speak and communicate with God: Language also talks with God.

There are quite a lot of proverbs and sayings in the Russian language, in which the language appears as a guide, a commander, and the inspiring, leading role of the language is emphasized: Language will lead you to Kyiv. The tongue is like a lever. The tongue is the banner, it leads the squad. A small tongue makes a great man move. The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body. Language moves kingdoms.

But a word can also destroy a person, in proverbs and sayings this is the very terrible weapon: The word is lost, but people die from it. A word is not an arrow, but it hits harder than an arrow. The word is not a blow, but worse than a blow. A word to the word rose: with a word the Lord created the world, with a word Judas betrayed the Lord. Don't be afraid of the knife, but of the tongue. Don't pierce with a spear, pierce with your tongue. The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.

A person is sensitive to words, clearly reacts to various nuances of speech and behavior. None Living being the way a person does not react to speech. Therefore, a word can be destroyed, but at the same time: You cannot kill a mosquito with a word.

Folk wisdom values ​​precise, well-aimed, clearly spoken words. Appreciates people who can insert a well-aimed word at the right time, who can encourage them with a kind, affectionate word: The word says that it will give you a ruble. He speaks as if a river is babbling. He sings sweetly, you can listen to him differently. Word by word that serves on a shovel. He speaks as if it were written. Weaves lace with his tongue. He says it's like he's sticking. He speaks rarely, but aptly. He won’t reach into his pocket for words. A kind word is worth hundreds of empty words. A homeless person is rich with a kind word. A kind (kind) word also pleases the cat. A kind word is better than a soft pie. Hello is not complicated, but it wins hearts. A kind word in pearls.

Continuous speech, without stumbling, is valued: It is better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue. Live, spontaneous, improvised speech is better than written: The Living Word more valuable than dead letters. Individuality is noted: It is good to sing together, but speak separately. People also encourage the ability to insert a proverb/saying at the right time: Speech is beautiful in a parable (saying).

The inability to communicate was condemned and caused feelings of irritation and anger. They said about a person who has poor command of thought and speech: He mumbles like a capercaillie. He talks like dragging a collar onto a horse with pincers. He says he will give birth. He will utter a word and chew the cud. Formal, unemotional speech was condemned: He has a cloth tongue.

The wit did not go unnoticed. The metaphor of the similarity of a sharp tongue/razor, needles emphasizes the effect of contact with sharp objects. Everything spicy invigorates, excites, but is also fraught with danger. We also remember that the word is a weapon: It has a tongue like a razor. With words that spread like leaves, and with deeds that stab with needles. Don't pierce with a spear, pierce with your tongue. You can’t escape the language, it can be found everywhere.

A person who suffers from verbosity is condemned by the people. His abilities are associated with sin, with the devil’s machinations: He crumbles to pieces like a petty demon. The tongue leads into the sinus. A long rope is good, but a short speech. It’s not appropriate to talk too much. Talking too much will give you a headache. A short speech is good, but a long speech is a drag. Speak, but don't talk. To say too much is to harm yourself. Gossipers were condemned because they abused the power of the verbal element. Proverbs and sayings focus attention on the process of gossip, exaggerating its scope: If the hen knew, the neighbor would know. The pig will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city. Know a magpie by its tongue.

Initially, speech was characterized by magic and mystery. Otherworldly forces were privy to this secret. Among mortals, only a person endowed with special abilities could comprehend it. Proverbs and sayings recommended: Fear the Most High, do not say unnecessary things. Pray to God, and don’t be rude to the devil. Talking a lot is bad, sinful; talkativeness is akin to idleness: He who speaks little does more. He who interprets less is more sad. He plays well, but doesn’t know what he’s doing. He who storms with his tongue will fight little. Storytellers are not suitable as clerks. Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart.

What is said can turn against the speaker, you need to be extremely careful, circumspect: Speak, but look back. For bad words even your head will fly off. Whoever says what he wants will hear for himself what he doesn’t want. Not everything is good, as they say. It is said - silver, it is not said - gold. Don't say everything you know. Not every word (bast) is in a line. I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away. The tongue will lead you to the tavern. The tongue will not bring you any good. You can’t take back what’s been said. The power of words and the irreversibility of consequences are emphasized


rash speech: You can hold the horse on the reins, but you can’t take the words out of your mouth. You can't intercept a spit, you can't turn back a word. It’s an idle word to say that it’s crazy to throw a stone. If you say it, you won’t turn it back, if you write it, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t put it back.

There are situations when speaking is dangerous, and silence is tantamount to spiritual meanness: Speaking is a problem, but remaining silent is another. Speak (stand) boldly for a just cause. Popular wisdom advises to remain silent if the situation allows. Silence is seen as a blessing. On the contrary, excessive talkativeness is a vice. The ability to listen is very productive. It is also recommended to experience grief on your own, without involving others in your affairs: Speech is beautiful through listening (and conversation through humility). By the way, to remain silent is a big word to say. Talk less, hear more. He who speaks sows, he who listens gathers (reaps). There is no shame in remaining silent if you have nothing to say. Not everything is out loud. Wear a dress - don’t sweep it away, endure grief - don’t tell it.

It was recommended to praise a person in his absence, so as not to become proud. Discussion behind the scenes, in the absence of the culprit, was perceived as a sin, a bad deed: the culprit could not justify himself or give an answer. Moreover, the ability to speak the truth face to face was valued and was considered a brave act: Whoever scolds someone behind the eyes is afraid of him. Don't praise in front of you, don't blame behind your eyes. They had a negative attitude towards informers and sneaks: Whoever starts informing will not take his head off. It is ideal for a language when thoughts and the sound envelope coincide, but this happens extremely rarely, so proverbs and sayings pay attention to the fact that thoughts and words do not diverge from deeds: If you say what you think, then think what you say. Think first, then speak.

In proverbs and sayings, language appears as a verbal element, natural in its essence, which a person often cannot cope with. Only the strong, the strong-willed can she submit: Lips and teeth are two constipations (fences), but I can’t hold back. Worldly rumor that sea ​​wave. The tongue is a millstone: it grinds anything. My tongue is my enemy (he speaks before his mind). My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeks trouble. The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your tongue short. Keep your tongue on a leash (on a string). Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut. Do not give free rein to your tongue at a feast, in conversation, or to your heart in anger. People advise the speaker to turn to himself, to look at himself from the outside: Talk less to others, and more to yourself.

The word was worth its weight in gold. In Rus' people who know how to keep their word have always been respected and trusted. Proverbs and sayings remind us of responsibility for what is said. The word must be supported by deeds: If you didn’t give a word, be strong, but if you gave it, hold on. No sooner said than done. The word is given like a bullet is fired. Keep your word, don’t run with the wind. He said his word, so at least put some luggage on it.

Russian culture is characterized by traditionalism and patriarchy. The customs of ancestors, moral rules are considered unwritten laws: Custom (older) is higher than the law. Proverbs and sayings demonstrate to us the norms of speech etiquette entrenched in Russian culture. If you are visiting, you are obliged to honor the traditions of your hosts and treat them with respect: In someone else’s house, do not be noticeable, but be friendly. They don’t indicate in someone else’s house. Honor to the guest, honor to the owner. At home, as I want, and in people, as they are told. The guest needs to be happy, at least outwardly portray cordiality. You need to thank the guests for their visit: Don’t be reserved for the guest, but be glad to see him. Glad or not glad, but say: you are welcome! Not to the host's guests, but to the host to thank the guests. Among many nations, before you start asking about something, you need to give the guest something to drink and feed. This ritual is also played out in Russian folklore (in fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, songs), it is associated with the beliefs of the Slavs that a person who has tasted food in your house will never harm you (V.Ya. Propp, A.N. Afanasiev). It has survived to this day. This is also reflected in proverbs and sayings: Feed in advance, and then ask. Give him something to drink, feed him, and then ask questions after (the news). They don’t ask: whose and who and where, but sit down to dinner.

Proverbs and sayings about praise and flattery occupy a special place. The people knew how to differentiate between them. Praise is welcomed, flattery is frowned upon. Weak, weak-willed, susceptible to flattery. A self-sufficient person who knows his own worth can easily distinguish flattery from praise, but there are few of them: A kind word seduces many. A kind word is more powerful than a club. An affectionate word that it’s a spring day. An honest (courteous) word calms a violent head. From whom they expect, they call them names. You won't hear a kind word from a dashing person. The affectionate calf of two queens sucks. Hello and the dog runs. Flattery is perceived sharply negatively in the popular consciousness and alarms the interlocutor. This is a kind of lie: A flatterer with words is a snake under flowers. A flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.


There is honey on the tongue, and ice under the tongue. There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart. A nightingale falls for a cockroach, and a man for flattering speeches. The bird is fed with food, and the person is deceived (lured) with words. They beckon: goat, goat, but they lure: the wolf will eat you! Don’t be angry at a rude word, don’t give up at a kind word. Proverbs and sayings advise saying “polite” words more often. It has long been noted that they have a positive effect on emotional condition interlocutor, smooth out conflicts: I went to lunch, say hello. A kind word will not dry out your tongue. People dry up with abuse, but with boasting they get fat. Please don't bow, and thank you don't bend your back. Bowing forward will come in handy. Bowing will not break your back. Don’t regret your own thanks, and don’t expect someone else’s. Bowing won't hurt your back and won't make your neck go crazy. They don’t pay for bread and salt, except thanks. Even a crust of bread and a quarter of millet, even that treat is from the kind owner.

In European cultures, lying is condemned and punished. You can't lie even to your enemies. Among the peoples of the East, you cannot lie to your fellow tribesmen, enemies, or people of other faiths. Lies, cunning, resourcefulness, enterprise in folklore, in the heroic epic - the features that distinguish eastern peoples from Europeans (from the point of view of Europeans). In Russian proverbs and sayings, the attitude towards lies is sharply negative. Moreover, it speaks of the inevitability of punishment for lying, of its eventual exposure: Yesterday I lied, and today they call me a liar. Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

Public opinion plays an important role in a person's life. It establishes standards of behavior, punishes violators, making them famous throughout the world. We have to take into account the opinion of society. It is necessary to take care of your image, but it is not always possible to control public opinion: You cannot put a scarf over someone else’s mouth. You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth. It’s curious that there are no proverbs or sayings about manipulation public opinion, about the possibility of managing it.

Russian speech etiquette in proverbs and sayings prescribes that speech corresponds to the goals, conditions of communication, and audience. Violation of these norms is condemned: I started with satin stitch and ended with reptile. I started for health, and ended for peace.

Proverbs and sayings establish rules of conduct during conversation, which are still observed today. You need to listen to your interlocutor, only then can you enter into a conversation: Don’t interrupt other people’s words. Without dispute, quarrels, swearing it is impossible human life. But even in a quarrel one must follow the rules of etiquette. We must remember that in a dispute, in a quarrel, we should leave the opportunity for reconciliation, we should not harbor resentment over a swear word spoken in our hearts, we must be principled: fight sins, and not the people who commit them: A bad fight is better than a squabble. One word can lead to a quarrel forever. The first scolding is better than the last. Come together - fight, disperse - make up. Scold, scold, and leave your word to the world. With whom to bow, do not quarrel with. Make peace with people, but fight with sins. Every quarrel is red with peace. You give him his word, and he gives you ten. Speak, but don’t argue, and even if you argue, don’t be nonsense. It does not defile in the mouth, it defiles from the mouth. On sweet Nothing don’t throw yourself, don’t get angry at something rude. Swearing should be avoided, as it is from the evil one. Swearing is a sin. But if it comes to fighting, then resort to physical strength still shouldn't. Don't quarrel with the authorities: Don't swear: your mouth will be unclean. Don’t fight with prison or with the official prison. It’s a sin to argue, but it’s a sin to scold. Talk with your tongue, but don’t give free rein to your hands.

People divided conversations and arguments into productive and unproductive. Intelligent conversation developed the interlocutors; talking with an intelligent person - you yourself become a little smarter. Listening to smart speeches, a person received aesthetic pleasure: In a smart conversation, you gain your mind, in a stupid conversation you lose yours. Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey. In someone else's conversation, everyone accumulates intelligence. The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind.

Russian culture is characterized by collective consciousness. The individual dissolves in the collective, in the community. Yacking, selfishness, egocentrism in behavior and speech are condemned: I am the last letter in the alphabet. The idea of ​​living in peace, together, still dominates the minds of Russians. Today she is faced with the desire to be individual, unique, not like anyone else, this is especially typical for younger generation, brought up under strong influence Western culture. Therefore, some ethical norms and patterns of behavior (including speech) embedded in our history are subject to transformation and rethinking.

List of used literature:

1. Afanasyev A. N. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature: In 3 volumes - M., 1994.

2. Balaklay A.G. Dictionary of Russian speech etiquette. - M.: Astrel: AST: Guardian, 2007. - 767 p.

3. Dal V.I. Dictionary alive Great Russian language. T. 1 - M.: BUSINESSSOFT, 2004. - 700 p.


4. Mokienko V. M. Images of Russian speech. Historical, etymological and ethnolinguistic essays on phraseology. - L., 1986. - 280 p.

5. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of a fairy tale. - L., 1986. - 364 p.

6. Sokolova L. V. Development of rhetorical skills and abilities among bachelor students of the specialty “Psychology”: Collection of materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Youth and science: reality and development prospects”. - Makhachkala, 2015. - P.253.

7. Sokolova L. V. Linguistic and cultural features of business communication// Modern tendencies in fundamental and applied research: Second International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference. April 30, 2015 - Ryazan, 2015.

© L. V. Sokolova, 2015

UDC 811.161.1

T.M. Sokolova

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University St. Petersburg, Russian Federation




One of the forms of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) to foreign students at the middle stage can be educational excursions (real or virtual) on historical and cultural topics. The fundamental feature of such excursions is that the preparation for them is led by the RFL teacher, and they are carried out by the students themselves. This type of lesson-excursion not only helps to satisfy the cognitive needs of students, but also makes it easier for them to enter the complex process of entering a new linguistic and cultural reality, and also increases the effectiveness of students’ educational activities, since it involves the regular implementation of a system of various tasks based on the study of materials devoted to the historical and cultural situation in Russia in different periods its development.


Russian as a foreign language, study tour, linguistic and cultural.

Foreign language education in modern conditions, including teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) at the middle stage, should be built on a broad cultural basis. IN last decade The pedagogical community managed to realize that the “cultural” component of a foreign language lesson is by no means secondary in its teaching potential. The cultural aspect (component) of training is not a “backdrop” for the formation of linguistic competence and speech skills in foreign language, and the same equal and integral part of the content of the educational complex, like the traditional aspects of grammar, phonetics and what is often called “vocabulary” (or in other words: like teaching various interrelated types speech activity- writing, reading, speaking and listening). At the same time, in order to activate the hidden mechanisms of understanding RFL at the middle stage, it is important to “immerse” students in cultural space one way or another historical era with the aim of teaching language and speech using carefully selected and methodically prepared material, where each lesson combines linguistic, historical and cultural information. In this case, the principle of co-study of language and culture is implemented in the educational process. When teaching foreigners RFL in a Russian-speaking environment, teachers and students are the owners of an additional resource for teaching RFL, which is historical

Folk proverbs about speech etiquette

Ringing is not prayer, screaming is not conversation.

In verbosity, not without idle talk.

Think first, and then say it.

It's better to understate than to overstate.

The field is red with millet, and speech is with listening.

Kind silence is not the answer?

Talk without thinking, shoot without aiming.

My tongue is my enemy, it speaks before my mind.

Live among neighbors, be in conversations.

If you watch your tongue, it will protect you.

A heartfelt word reaches the heart.

Red speech is beautiful to listen to.

To be in an intelligent conversation is to gain intelligence, but to be in a stupid conversation is to lose yours.

A good word is half the battle.

The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind. Smart speech is good to listen to.

Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey.

In good times to speak, and in bad times to remain silent.

The tongue will not wither from polite words.

A kind word is not difficult, but soon.

Don’t give in to a kind word, don’t be offended by a nasty word.

The word is not an arrow, but stings in the heart.

An unkind word that fire burns.

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    ... "); - exchange of opinions about the meaning proverbs, formulas speech etiquette; – explanations why the interlocutors are not... nationality. Observe the peculiarities of Russian folk speech: melody, rhythm, imagery. Find...

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    “Rules of Politeness” - Thank you. Hello. Politeness manifests itself in relationships with people. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Train yourself to constantly remember about those around you. Let's be polite! Goodbye. Have a good day. Magic words. Please. I'm sorry. Sorry. Now let's watch a cartoon about politeness: Tiger Cub in a Teapot.

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    “Rules of good manners” - Why should we study the rules of etiquette? Politeness Mutual respect Responsibility Sensitivity Sense of honor Sense of duty. Politeness, mutual respect, responsibility. How to behave at the table? Rules of good manners. "Only after you". Etiquette in public transport. What is etiquette? What motivates people to act according to the rules of etiquette and not otherwise?

    “Table etiquette” - It is advisable to serve sweets in a box, and a full one at that. I wish you success in preparing for the holiday! ETIQUETTE at the festive table. Literature. The cake fork or spoon should be to the right of the plate. It's a holiday for you!... Secrets of serving: How to quickly and beautifully make a festive table? Tea table setting.

    “Telephone etiquette” - Speak louder, it’s hard to hear you. 5. You need to speak briefly and clearly. 14. I send you greetings to starting moment communication - greeting. 9. I'm listening to you. 2. 4.

    There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

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    Posted on

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    State educational institution of higher professional education

    "Orenburg State Pedagogical University"

    Faculty of Philology

    Department of Modern Russian Language, Rhetoric and Speech Culture

    Course work

    Russian speech etiquette and its reflection in proverbs and sayings

    1st year students Zhumataeva A.K.

    Scientific adviser:

    Chebotnikova Tatyana Alekseevna,

    Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor.



    Chapter 1. Speech etiquette of the Russian language

    1.1 Specifics of Russian speech etiquette

    1.2 Technique for implementing label forms

    1.3 Interaction of speech and behavioral etiquette

    1.4 Speech distances and taboos

    1.5 Compliments. Cultural criticism in speech communication

    Chapter 2. Reflection of speech etiquette in proverbs and sayings

    2.1 Proverbs and sayings

    2.2 Grouping and interpretation of proverbs and sayings about language, speech and culture speech behavior


    List of used literature


    Russian man in language picture The world is most expressively represented by proverbs and sayings. The fact has long been known, giving the characteristic name to the work of I. M. Snegirev “Russians in their proverbs.” Perhaps there is nothing significant in the life of a Russian person that would not be reflected in proverbs and sayings. “And what is not in these sentences did not reach the people in reality, did not care, did not make them happy and did not sadden them.” A lot of Russian proverbs and sayings are devoted to language, speech, and the culture of speech behavior. This side of life has always been in the center of personal and public attention as especially significant. Until recently, the Russian national culture of communication was distinguished by its richness and originality. The rules of speech behavior for the speaker and listener were passed down from generation to generation in the form of proverbs and sayings that expressed the opinion of the people and had the force of unwritten laws. A section in the textbook by Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky is devoted to “folklore rules of speech etiquette”, based on proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the East. In my work I use material mainly from Russian proverbs and sayings (including borrowed words). The proverbial fund of the Russian language, which most clearly expresses the Russian mentality, the figurative structure of poetic thinking, the “national physiognomy of the language” (V. G. Belinsky), is diverse both in structural-grammatical and structural-semantic terms. But before we talk about proverbs and sayings, it is necessary to define the concepts, as well as differentiate between them.

    And so, proverbs are “short folk sayings that have both a literal and figurative (figurative) plan or only a figurative plan and form a grammatically complete sentence”; sayings are “short folk sayings (often of an edifying nature), having only a literal plan and in grammatically representing a complete sentence” and proverbial expressions are an intermediate type of expressions “that combine the characteristics of proverbs and sayings.”

    The purpose of this course work is to understand the features of the reflection of speech etiquette in proverbs and sayings.

    The objective of this course work is to analyze proverbs and sayings in order to discover reflections of the rules of speech etiquette in Russian proverbs and sayings. Accordingly, the object of study is the above-mentioned phraseological units.

    The work consists of two chapters, introduction and conclusion.

    The introduction explains the goals and objectives of the study, methods, material and structure of the work.

    The first chapter will formulate the concepts and features of speech etiquette in the Russian language. The basic rules of speech etiquette in the Russian language will also be discussed.

    In the second chapter, proverbs and sayings will be examined in detail, and their analysis will also be carried out in order to identify certain features of speech etiquette.

    In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn about the results of the study.

    Chapter 1. Speech etiquette of the Russian language

    1.1 Specifics of Russian speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas for polite communication.

    Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowing the rules of speech etiquette and observing them allows a person to feel confident and at ease, and not experience awkwardness or difficulties in communication.

    Strict adherence to speech etiquette in business communication leaves clients and partners with a favorable impression of the organization and maintains its positive reputation.

    Speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. IN Russian society Of particular value are such qualities as tact, courtesy, tolerance, goodwill, and restraint.

    The importance of these qualities is reflected in numerous Russian proverbs and sayings that characterize ethical standards of communication. Some proverbs indicate the need to listen carefully to your interlocutor: A smart person does not speak, an ignorant person does not allow him to speak. Tongue - one, ear - two, say once, listen twice. Other proverbs point to typical mistakes in constructing a conversation: Answers when not asked. Grandfather talks about chicken, and grandmother talks about duck. You listen, and we will remain silent. A deaf man listens to a mute man speak. Many proverbs warn about the danger of an empty, idle or offensive word: All a person’s troubles come from his tongue. Cows are caught by the horns, people by the tongue. A word is an arrow; if you release it, it will not return. What is unspoken can be expressed, what has been said cannot be returned. It's better to understate than to overstate. It buzzes from morning to evening, but there is nothing to listen to.

    Tactfulness is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, and discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him.

    Precaution is the ability to foresee possible questions and the wishes of the interlocutor, the willingness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation.

    Tolerance means being calm about possible differences of opinion and avoiding harsh criticism of the views of your interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people and try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Closely related to such a character quality as tolerance is self-control - the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements from an interlocutor.

    Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

    1.2 Technique for implementing label forms

    Any act of communication has a beginning, a main part and a final part. If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with acquaintance. Moreover, it can occur directly or indirectly. Of course, it is advisable to have someone introduce you, but there are times when you need to do it yourself.

    Etiquette offers several possible formulas:

    Let me get to know you.

    I'd like to meet you.

    Let's get acquainted.

    Let's get to know each other.

    When contacting an institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:

    Let me introduce myself.

    My last name is Sergeev.

    My name is Valery Pavlovich.

    Official and informal meetings of acquaintances and strangers start with a greeting.

    Official greeting formulas:


    Good afternoon

    Unofficial greeting formulas:


    The initial formulas of communication are opposed to the formulas used at the end of communication; they express the wish: All the best (good)! or hope for new meeting: Till tomorrow. Until the evening. Goodbye.

    During communication, if there is a reason, people make invitations and express congratulations.


    Let me invite you...

    Come to the celebration (anniversary, meeting).

    We'll be glad to see you.


    Let me congratulate you on...

    Please accept my sincere (heartfelt, warm) congratulations...

    Warm congratulations...

    The expression of the request should be polite, delicate, but without excessive ingratiation:

    Do me a favor...

    If it’s not difficult for you (if it’s not difficult for you)…

    Please be kind...

    May I ask you...

    I beg you very much...

    Advice and suggestions should not be expressed in a categorical manner. It is advisable to formulate advice in the form of a delicate recommendation, a message about some important circumstances for the interlocutor:

    Let me draw your attention to...

    I would suggest you...

    The wording of refusal to fulfill a request may be as follows:

    - (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist).

    It is currently not possible to do this.

    Please understand that now is not the time to make such a request.

    Sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request.

    I am forced to refuse (prohibit, not allow).

    1.3 Interaction of speech and behavioral etiquette

    Etiquette is closely related to ethics. Ethics prescribes the rules of moral behavior (including communication), etiquette presupposes certain manners of behavior and requires the use of external, expressed in specific speech acts politeness formulas.

    Compliance with etiquette requirements when violating ethical standards is hypocrisy and deception of others. On the other hand, completely ethical behavior that is not accompanied by adherence to etiquette will inevitably make an unpleasant impression and cause people to doubt the moral qualities of the individual.

    In oral communication, it is necessary to observe a number of ethical and etiquette standards, closely related friend with a friend.

    Firstly, you must treat your interlocutor with respect and kindness. It is prohibited to offend or insult your interlocutor with your speech, or to express disdain. Direct negative assessments of the communication partner’s personality should be avoided; only specific actions can be assessed, while maintaining the necessary tact. Rude words, a cheeky form of speech, an arrogant tone are unacceptable in intelligent communication. And from a practical point of view, such features of speech behavior are inappropriate, because never contribute to achievement desired result in communication.

    Politeness in communication presupposes understanding the situation, taking into account age, gender, work and social status communication partner. These factors determine the degree of formality of communication, the choice of etiquette formulas, and the range of topics suitable for discussion.

    Secondly, the speaker is instructed to be modest in self-assessments and not to impose own opinions, avoid excessive categoricalness in speech.

    Moreover, it is necessary to put the communication partner in the spotlight, show interest in his personality, opinion, and take into account his interest in a particular topic.

    It is also necessary to take into account the listener’s ability to perceive the meaning of your statements; it is advisable to give him time to rest and concentrate. For this reason, it is worth avoiding too long sentences, it is useful to take short pauses, and use speech formulas to maintain contact: you, of course, know...; you might be interested to know...; as you can see...; note…; should be noted... etc.

    The norms of communication also determine the behavior of the listener.

    First, you need to put other things aside to listen to the person. This rule is especially important for those specialists whose job is to serve clients.

    When listening, you must treat the speaker with respect and patience, try to listen carefully and to the end. If you are very busy, it is permissible to ask to wait or reschedule the conversation for another time. IN official communication It is completely unacceptable to interrupt the interlocutor, insert various comments, especially those that sharply characterize the interlocutor’s proposals and requests. Like the speaker, the listener puts his interlocutor at the center of attention and emphasizes his interest in communicating with him. You should also be able to express agreement or disagreement in a timely manner, answer a question, or ask your own question.

    Ethics and etiquette standards apply to writing.

    An important issue in business letter etiquette is the choice of address. For standard letters on formal or minor occasions, the address “Dear Mr. Petrov!” For a letter to a superior, a letter of invitation or any other letter by important issue It is advisable to use the word “respected” and call the recipient by name and patronymic.

    In business documents, it is necessary to skillfully use the capabilities of the grammatical system of the Russian language.

    So, for example, the active voice of a verb is used when it is necessary to indicate actor. Passive voice It should be used when the fact of performing an action is more important than mentioning the persons who performed the action.

    The perfect form of the verb emphasizes the completeness of the action, and the imperfect indicates that the action is in the process of development.

    In business correspondence there is a tendency to avoid the pronoun “I”. The first person is expressed by the ending of the verb.

    1.4 Speech distances and taboos

    Distance in verbal communication is determined by age and social status. It is expressed in speech by using the pronouns you and you.

    Speech etiquette determines the rules for choosing one of these forms. In general, the choice is dictated by a complex combination of external circumstances of communication and individual reactions of the interlocutors:

    · the degree of acquaintance of the partners (you - to an acquaintance, you - to a stranger);

    · the formality of the communication environment (you are informal, you are official);

    · the nature of the relationship (you are friendly, “warm”, you are emphatically polite or tense, aloof, “cold”);

    equality or inequality role relationships(by age, position: you are equal and inferior, you are equal and superior).

    The choice of one of the forms of address depends not only on the formal position and age, but also on the nature of the relationship of the interlocutors, their disposition towards a certain degree of formality of the conversation, linguistic taste and habits.

    Thus, the you is related, friendly, informal, intimate, trusting, familiar; You are polite, respectful, formal, aloof.

    Depending on the form of address, you or you are grammatical forms verbs, as well as speech formulas for greetings, farewells, congratulations, and expressions of gratitude.

    A taboo is a prohibition against the use of certain words due to historical, cultural, ethical, socio-political or emotional factors.

    Socio-political taboos are characteristic of speech practice in societies with an authoritarian regime. They may concern the names of certain organizations, mentions of certain persons disliked by the ruling regime (for example, opposition politicians, writers, scientists), individual phenomena public life, officially recognized as non-existent in a given society.

    Cultural and ethical taboos exist in every society. It is clear that obscene language and mention of certain physiological phenomena and body parts are prohibited.

    Neglect of ethical speech prohibitions is not only gross violation etiquette, but also a violation of the law.

    Insult, that is, humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form, is considered by criminal law as a crime (Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    1.5 Compliments. Culture of criticism in verbal communication

    An important advantage of a person in communication is the ability to make beautiful and appropriate compliments. When said tactfully and at the right time, a compliment lifts the mood of the recipient, setting him up for a positive attitude towards the interlocutor, towards his proposals, towards the common cause.

    A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, during a meeting, acquaintance, parting, or during a conversation. A compliment is always nice. Only an insincere or overly enthusiastic compliment is dangerous.

    A compliment may refer to appearance, excellent professional abilities, high morality, communication skills, contain an overall positive assessment:

    You look good (excellent, wonderful, excellent, magnificent).

    You are so (very) charming (smart, resourceful, reasonable, practical).

    You are a good (excellent, excellent, excellent) specialist (economist, manager, entrepreneur).

    You run (your) business (business, trade, construction) well (excellent, excellent, excellent).

    You know how to lead (manage) people well (excellently) and organize them.

    It’s a pleasure (good, excellent) to do business (work, cooperate) with you.

    A culture of criticism is needed so that critical statements do not spoil the relationship with the interlocutor and allow him to explain his mistake.

    To do this, one should criticize not the personality and qualities of the interlocutor, but specific errors in his work, shortcomings of his proposals, and inaccuracy of conclusions.

    To ensure that criticism does not affect the feelings of the interlocutor, it is advisable to formulate comments in the form of reasoning, drawing attention to the discrepancy between the tasks of the work and the results obtained. It is useful to frame critical discussions of work as a joint search for solutions to complex problems.

    Criticism of an opponent’s arguments in a dispute should be a comparison of these arguments with those that do not raise doubts among the interlocutor general provisions, reliable facts, experimentally verified conclusions, reliable statistical data.

    Criticism of an opponent’s statements should not concern his personal qualities, abilities, or character.

    Criticism of joint work by one of its participants should contain constructive proposals, criticism of the same work by an outsider can be reduced to pointing out shortcomings, since the development of solutions is the work of specialists, and assessing the state of affairs and the effectiveness of the organization is the right of any citizen.

    Chapter 2. Reflection of speech etiquette in proverbs and sayings

    2.1 Proverbs and sayings

    Russian etiquette speech proverb proverb

    Proverbs and sayings are an invaluable heritage for the Russian people. They appeared long before the advent of writing and were passed down from generation to generation orally. Proverbs and sayings are practically the oldest folklore genre. Thanks to the so rich Russian language, they contain everything: depth of content, imagery, and incredible brightness, which provides them with eternal life in our colloquial speech.

    It is not for nothing that people say that the proverb is said for a reason. She is quoted with pleasure, she is loved and appreciated, she is both a teacher and a comforter, and even serves as an adornment to our speech.

    Proverbs and sayings are nothing more than folk wisdom collected over many generations. They warn us, give advice and teach us wisdom; they praise courage, hard work and kindness, and at the same time ridicule such human qualities like laziness and cowardice, evil and selfishness, and also proverbs and sayings that encourage nobility, perseverance and diligence. The basis of a proverb or saying is an example life situation and sometimes a hint, sometimes a direct indication of the correct solution. Guided by proverbs and sayings, you can be sure that you are doing the right thing.

    2.2 Grouping and interpretation of proverbs and sayings about language, speech and culture of speech behavior

    By grouping proverbs and sayings, I deliberately gave their interpretations, limiting myself, where necessary, to only brief explanations, keeping in mind the instructions of V.I. Dal: “one must interpret and explain proverbs with extreme caution,” and “interpret a witticism or a hint that the reader himself understands.” - vulgar and cloying." If you try to compile a set of rules of speech behavior based on Russian proverbs and sayings, then it might look something like this.

    Rules for the speaker

    1. Remember that the tongue (word) is a great power that can be directed for good and evil.

    The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.

    A small tongue makes a great man move.

    Language moves kingdoms.

    Language also talks with God.

    The tongue is a banner, it leads the squad.

    Without a tongue and the bell is mute.

    The language will take you to Kyiv.

    The tongue will not bring you any good.

    Your tongue is the first adversary.

    The tongue is as lascivious as a goat (like a cat).

    The tongue leads to a sin.

    The tongue will lead you to the tavern.

    My tongue is my enemy (he speaks before his mind).

    My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeks trouble.

    The tongue feeds and waters, and spanks the back.

    The tongue feeds bread and spoils the matter.

    The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it (whatever hits it).

    The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants.

    Language is an anchor to the body.

    A word to the word rose: with a word the Lord created the world, with a word Judas betrayed the Lord.

    2. Handle your tongue (word) carefully so as not to cause trouble to yourself and others.

    Don't be afraid of the knife, but of the tongue. Fear the Most High, do not say too much.

    It does not defile the mouth, but defiles it from the mouth. Through the mouth (through the mouth) disease enters, and trouble comes out.

    The word is lost, but people die from it.

    The word is not a blow, but worse than a blow.

    The word is not an arrow, but more powerful than an arrow (it strikes).

    The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.

    Think first, then speak.

    The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

    Once you shoot, you can’t grab the bullet; when you say a word, you can’t turn it back.

    You can't intercept spit, you can't turn back your attention.

    You can hold the horse on the reins, but you can’t take the words out of your mouth.

    Speak up and look back.

    Speak, but don't talk.

    And I would give dearly for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.

    If you say it, you won’t turn it back, if you write it, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t put it back.

    What is written with a pen cannot be cut out (cannot be cut out) with an axe.

    One word can lead to a quarrel forever.

    3. Remember that a person is judged by his speeches.

    As are the properties, so are the speeches.

    Know a magpie by its tongue.

    You won't hear a kind word from a dashing person.

    Storytellers are not suitable as clerks.

    Strength is silent, weakness screams.

    A short mind has a long tongue.

    A wise man is silent when a fool grumbles.

    The smart one will judge, and the stupid one will judge.

    Evil Natalya's people are all crooks.

    4. Don't be talkative or verbose.

    Keep your mouth shut.

    Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.

    Keep your tongue on a leash (on a string).

    Keep your tongue short.

    A tongue that is short will be stretched out, but a tongue that is long will be shortened by being smart.

    In a smart conversation you gain your intelligence, in a stupid conversation you lose yours.

    In someone else's conversation, everyone will buy wisdom.

    Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey. Smart speeches nice to listen to.

    5. Be the master of your word, fulfill your promise.

    He didn’t give the word - be strong, but he gave it - hold on.

    Keep your word, don't run with the wind.

    He said the word, so at least put some luggage on it.

    The word is tin (i.e. weighty).

    He doesn't waste words.

    The word is given like a bullet is fired.

    There is a saying about those whose words do not match their deeds: Generous in words, but stingy in deeds.

    6. Don't lie. Yesterday I lied, and today I am called a liar.

    Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

    The villain needs a lie, but the world loves the truth.

    It’s a lie, like a small coin: you won’t live long on it.

    It is harmful for the young to lie, but it is indecent for the old.

    What is false is rotten. 13. Don’t flatter, don’t be a hypocrite.

    Where there is praise, there is blasphemy.

    Speeches of praise that the waters are healing: they both heal and cripple. People have a lot of proverbs and sayings about a hypocrite and a flatterer:

    It crumbles into a small demon.

    Lays down softly, but sleeps hard.

    With words that spread like leaves, and with deeds that with needles, they prick.

    He speaks with a cross, but looks with a pestle.

    He speaks to the right, but looks to the left.

    He speaks straight, but acts crookedly.

    Calls him a friend, but robs him all around.

    There is honey on the tongue, and ice under the tongue.

    There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart.

    Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood.

    Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart.

    Warm greetings, but cold consequences.

    Speeches are like snow, but actions are like soot.

    If I knew where you were having lunch today, I would know whose song you are singing.

    7. Do not judge anyone behind their backs, especially in the presence of others.

    Whoever scolds someone behind his eyes is afraid of him.

    Don't flatter in your eyes, and don't scold behind your eyes.

    When you talk about strangers, you will also hear about your own.

    He who says what he wants will hear what he doesn’t want.

    About someone who is always dissatisfied with everything, grumbling, scolding, they say:

    Scolding does not stop you, praising does not hire you.

    Caws like a crow.

    8. Don’t snitch, don’t snitch.

    Whoever denounces will not have his head cut off.

    The informer gets the first whip.

    9. Do not slander yourself, and do not believe the slander of others.

    Slander is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it gets dirty.

    Easy to denigrate, not easy to whitewash.

    Easy to say, not easy to prove.

    You can’t escape the language, it can be found everywhere.

    10. Be polite, do not skimp on kind, friendly words addressed to your interlocutor and his loved ones.

    Nothing is expensive, courtesy is expensive.

    Hello is not complicated, but it wins hearts.

    Have some bread for lunch and say hello.

    A kind word will not dry out your tongue.

    Bowing will not make your head fall off (it will not hurt).

    Friendly words will not dry up your tongue.

    A kind word is better than a soft pie.

    A homeless person is rich with a kind word.

    For a kind word, who wouldn’t thank you?

    A kind (kind) word also pleases the cat.

    And the dog understands a kind word.

    And when you say a gentle word to a dog, he wags his tail (it won’t bite so soon).

    Hello and the dog runs.

    An affectionate word makes a bone ache.

    A kind word is more powerful than a club.

    An honest (courteous) word calms a violent head.

    An affectionate word is not difficult, but quick.

    An affectionate word that it’s spring day.

    A kind word in pearls.

    Please does not bow, and thank you does not bend your back.

    Bowing forward will come in handy.

    Bowing won't hurt your back, won't make your neck go crazy.

    Bowing will not break your lower back.

    Don’t be picky about people, be friendly at home.

    An affectionate calf sucks two queens.

    It’s not all drag and play and affection.

    Thank you great deal.

    Don’t regret your own thanks, and don’t expect someone else’s.

    11. Don't be rude or impolite to anyone.

    Pray to God, and don’t be rude to the devil.

    Ignorance angers God too.

    For bad words even your head will fly off.

    Don’t fight with prison or with the official prison.

    Don't swear: your mouth won't be clean.

    Do not give free rein to your tongue at a feast, in conversation, or to your heart in anger.

    It’s a sin to argue, but it’s a sin to scold.

    Swearing is not proof.

    People dry up with abuse, but with boasting they get fat.

    12. Be especially friendly with guests.

    Honor to the guest, honor to the owner .

    A guest on the doorstep brings happiness to the house.

    No matter how small a piece of bread or a quarter of millet is, this is a treat from the kind owner.

    Honor beer is better (more expensive).

    To be honest, I call you like that, so you greet me on the threshold.

    Glad or not glad, but say: you are welcome.

    Feed him first, and then ask around.

    Give him something to drink, feed him, and then ask questions after (the news).

    They don’t ask: whose and who and where, but sit down to dinner.

    Not to the host's guests, but to the host to thank the guests.

    13. Respect the customs and rules of behavior established in society. Be polite and modest when visiting.

    An unusual person cannot live with people.

    They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

    Place the cross in a written way, bow in a learned way.

    At home as you wish, and at a party as you are told.

    At home, as I want, and in people, as they are told.

    They don’t indicate in someone else’s house.

    In someone else's house, do not be noticeable, but be friendly.

    Such is the honor.

    Guest are guests, but I'm sorry, I'm off.

    They don’t pay for bread and salt, except thanks.

    Bow in a new way, but live in the old way.

    14. Avoid conflict situations; If a dispute occurs, try to resolve it peacefully, do not end the conversation with a quarrel.

    Speak, but don’t argue, and even if you argue, don’t be nonsense.

    Scold, scold, and leave your word to the world.

    Come together - fight, disperse - make up.

    With whom I fight, I will make peace with.

    By the way, scold, but not by the way make up.

    Make peace with people, but fight with sins.

    The first scolding is better than the last.

    A bad fight is better than a squabble.

    Every quarrel is red with peace.

    Don't be quick to argue.

    It is easier to avoid a quarrel than to stop it.

    Tastes could not be discussed. In a dispute, be restrained, do not give free rein to your hands.

    Don't pierce with a spear, pierce with your tongue.

    Talk with your tongue, but don’t give free rein to your hands.

    You can't tell it with your tongue, you can't spread it with your fingers.

    15. In a dispute, boldly defend the truth.

    Speak (stand) boldly for a just cause.

    Eat the pie (bread and salt), but cut the truth.

    Don't speak bluntly, cut the truth with your tongue.

    However, remember: it is not safe to tell the truth.

    Everyone trumpets the truth, but not everyone loves it.

    Don't believe every rumor, don't tell every truth.

    16. They talk about the debater:

    You give him his word, and he gives you ten.

    He won’t reach into his pocket for a word (he has a word, and he has ten).

    Seven dogs will be discarded.

    17. Don’t insist that you’re right.

    If you made a mistake or did something wrong, apologize.

    Guilty, but guilty - God is not disgusted.

    Whoever obeys will be judged by God.

    The sword does not cut off a guilty head(s). To submit is to pray to God.

    18. Do not remember your previous guilt to another.

    Whoever remembers the old will be punished by the devil.

    Whoever remembers the old, look out.

    19. Do not offend anyone, patiently endure insults yourself.

    Make jokes, make jokes, but don’t bother people.

    If you love jokes on Foma, then love jokes on yourself.

    It is better to be offended than to be the offender.

    20. Don’t boast, don’t brag, don’t be arrogant.

    Whoever boasts will come to his senses.

    What we boast about is why we fail.

    Don't say "hop" until you jump over.

    Hero, don’t boast when you go to battle, but boast when you go home.

    Do not boast when you go to the army, but rather boast when you leave the army.

    People dry up with abuse, but with boasting they get fat. They praise - don't be proud; they teach - don't be angry. I am the last letter in the alphabet.

    21. Don’t complain about your troubles, patiently endure adversity and difficulties.

    Wear a dress - don’t wash it away, endure grief - don’t tell it. God (Lord, Christ) endured and commanded us.

    Don't cry, God will love you better.

    Rules for the listener

    22. Try to listen more than talk.

    Listen more and talk less.

    He who speaks sows, he who listens reaps.

    God gave two ears and one tongue.

    Talk less, hear more.

    Good silence is better than bad grumbling.

    A mouth that is tightly closed will not allow a fly to fly into it.

    Speech is beautiful through listening (and conversation through humility).

    23. In a dialogue, do not interrupt your interlocutor.

    It's good to sing together, but talk separately.

    One says red, two say motley.

    If they don’t ask, don’t dance.

    If you don’t like it, don’t listen (and don’t bother lying).

    Don't interrupt other people's words.

    Speech is made by listening, and conversation is made by humility.

    24. Don’t find fault with your interlocutor’s words, don’t be too demanding of him.

    Not every bastard (word) fits into a line.

    For whom the pronunciation does not live.

    A mistake in a word is not a problem.

    The conversation is not without words.

    Every story is not without embellishment.

    We say everything, but not everything comes out as said.

    How many heads, so many minds.

    Word after word clings.

    Whoever is in pain talks about it.

    Whatever makes someone happy, that’s what he talks about.

    25. Don’t take everything they say to heart.

    Worldly rumor is like a sea wave.

    A lot of things are said, but not everything is useful.

    You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth.

    You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth.

    Don't believe every rumor.

    Don't believe other people's words - believe your own eyes.

    The tongue is a millstone: it grinds anything. The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants.

    26. Do not trust flattering speeches.

    He who flatters well is also good at taking revenge.

    Flattery and revenge are friendly.

    A flatterer under words is a snake under flowers.

    Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.

    They beckon: goat, goat, but they lure: the wolf will eat you!

    Don’t get angry at a rude word, don’t give in to a kind word.

    Don’t be angry at scolding, don’t give in to affection.

    Don’t rush at a kind word, don’t get angry at a rude word.

    The affectionate word is like spring ice (unreliable).

    A kind word seduces many.

    Don't love a bully, love a debater.

    Not the well-wisher who has honey on his lips.

    From whom they expect, they call them names.

    A nightingale falls for a cockroach, and a man for flattering speeches.


    So, in this course work Proverbs and sayings that exist in the Russian language in the system of speech etiquette were examined. Individual phraseological units and their cultural context were studied. This work showed that every proverb or saying contains the most interesting cultural information that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. No others language means cannot compare with proverbs and sayings in terms of the amount of information about customs and traditions.

    Proverbs store knowledge moral assessments and traditional spiritual values ​​of previous generations. The “longevity” of proverbs is explained by the fact that these judgments, expressed in a laconic, figurative, expressive form, remain true, relevant and therefore always in demand.

    The venerable age of proverbs, which have stood the test of time, inspires special confidence in them. Saving proverbs and sayings in linguistic consciousness And speech use is one of the manifestations of the vitality of Russian spiritual culture and an indicator speech culture linguistic personality.

    The study of proverbs and sayings about language and speech reveals the rules of Russian speech behavior, which turn out to be much richer, more diverse and more accurate than many modern “fundamental postulates for the effective transmission of information: postulates of quality (the message should not be false or without proper grounds), quantity ( the message should be neither too short nor too lengthy), relationship (the message should be relevant to the addressee) and method (the message should be clear, concise, not contain words and expressions that are incomprehensible to the addressee, etc.).” .

    Thanks to the reproducibility of proverbs and sayings as elements of language and national spiritual culture (“linguoculture”), the rules of speech behavior they postulate are acquired and comprehended by people of different generations and social groups throughout their lives. But proverbs are not just maxims (aphorisms, moralistic maxims in content).

    In addition to the direct or allegorical moralizing meaning, they have the richest connotations. They most often contain the main mental and cultural value.

    The national and cultural connotations inherent in proverbs and sayings “themselves become knowledge, that is, a source of cognitive development.” Connotations, having a high degree of suggestiveness, significantly influence the formation values personality, its social (including speech) behavior.


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    2. Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. 11th ed., stereotype. - M.: 2004.

    3. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection. In 2 volumes - T. 1 - M.: 1984.

    4. Zemskaya E. A. Toward the construction of a typology of communication failures. M.: 2004.

    5. Maslova V. A. Linguoculturology: Tutorial. - M.: 2001.

    6. Anikin V.P. The art of words in proverbs and sayings. 11th ed., stereotype. - M.: 2004.

    7. Akishina A. A., Formanovskaya N. I. “Russian speech etiquette” M., 1983

    8. Akishina A.A., “Speech etiquette of Russian telephone conversation", M. 2000.

    9. Arutyunova N. D. Anomalies and language. M.: 1987.

    10. Arova E.V. “Be kind.”, M. 1998.

    11. Arkhangelskaya M.D. “Business etiquette or playing by the rules,” M. 2001.

    12. Vvedenskaya L.A. “Russian language and culture of speech”, M. 2002.

    13. Goldin V.E. “Speech and Etiquette”, M.: Education, 1983.

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    15. Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. 11th ed., stereotype. - M.: 2004.

    16. Zhigulev A. - History of Russians folk proverbs and a saying. M.: 1995.

    17. Zemskaya E. A. Towards the construction of a typology of communication failures. M.: 2004.

    18. Illustrov I.I. The life of the Russian people in their proverbs and sayings. Ed. 3. M. 1915.

    19. Maslova V. A. Linguoculturology: Textbook. - M.: 2001.

    20. Podobin V.M. Zimina I.P. Russian proverbs and sayings. Lenizdat, 1956.

    21. Potebnya A. A. From lectures on the history of literature. Fable, proverb, saying. Kharkiv. 1884

    22. Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Folklore rules of speech etiquette. M.: 1979.

    23. Simoni P.K. Ancient collections of Russian proverbs, sayings, riddles, etc. XVI-XVIII centuries. St. Petersburg. 1899

    24. Snegirev I.M. Russians in their proverbs. Reasoning and research about domestic proverbs and sayings. Book 1 - 4. - M., 1831 - 1834.

    25. Uvarov N.V. Encyclopedia of folk wisdom. Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, catchphrases, comparisons, set phrases found in the Russian living language in the second half of the 20th century - beginning of XXI centuries. M.: 2009.

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