Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Shenyang Universities. Name and address of Shenyang Polytechnic University


The university cooperates with foreign partners, in particular, with the USA, Great Britain, France, Canada, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Japan, the Republic of Korea - about 20 states and territories in total. Master's and bachelor's programs in the form of "2+2", "3+1" and others have been signed with ten foreign universities.


Shenyang University covers an area of ​​572,000 m², of which 402,000 m² are buildings. Consists of four campuses:

  • The main campus is located in the urban area of ​​Dadong. The main campus is divided into north and south. The campuses are interconnected by a pedestrian bridge, which is thrown over the canal and the railway line. The main gate of the north campus faces south Wanhua Street. main gate south campus go to Lianhe Road.
  • Lu Dao campus.
  • Wen Cui Lu campus.
  • Xinmin Normal College Xinmin Normal College).


The University Library is located at the northern end of the main campus, southwest of the north gate. It occupies an area of ​​22.6 km², the library funds are 1,447,000 printed publications. The design of the library was created in accordance with a specially conducted for this competitive selection. The winning design was owned by the Singapore Architects Association and the Shenyang Institute of Design.

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An excerpt characterizing Shenyang University

The prince did not answer, but she silently, looking at him significantly, waited for an answer. Prince Vasily grimaced.
What do you want me to do! he said at last. “You know, I did everything that a father can for their education, and both came out des imbeciles. [fools.] Hippolyte is at least a dead fool, and Anatole is restless. Here is one difference,” he said, smiling more unnaturally and animatedly than usual, and at the same time showing especially sharply in the wrinkles that had formed around his mouth something unexpectedly rude and unpleasant.
“And why would children be born to people like you?” If you weren't a father, I wouldn't be able to reproach you with anything," said Anna Pavlovna, raising her eyes thoughtfully.
- Je suis votre [I am your] faithful slave, et a vous seule je puis l "avouer. My children are ce sont les entraves de mon existence. [I can confess to you alone. My children are a burden to my existence.] - He paused, expressing with a gesture his humility to a cruel fate.
Anna Pavlovna thought for a moment.
- Have you ever thought about marrying your prodigal son Anatole? They say, she said, that old maids are ont la manie des Marieiages. [they have a mania for marriage.] I still do not feel this weakness behind me, but I have one petite personne [little lady], who is very unhappy with her father, une parente a nous, une princesse [our relative, princess] Bolkonskaya. - Prince Vasily did not answer, although with the quickness of thought and memory characteristic of secular people, he showed with a movement of his head that he had taken this information into consideration.
“No, do you know that this Anatole costs me 40,000 a year,” he said, apparently unable to restrain his sad train of thought. He paused.
– What will happen in five years if it goes like this? Voila l "avantage d" etre pere. [Here is the benefit of being a father.] Is she rich, your princess?
“My father is very rich and stingy. He lives in the village. You know, this well-known prince Bolkonsky, who was retired under the late emperor and nicknamed the Prussian king. He is very clever man but odd and heavy. La pauvre petite est malheureuse, comme les pierres. [The poor thing is as unhappy as stones.] She has a brother, that's what recently married Lise Meinen, Kutuzov's adjutant. He will be with me today.
- Ecoutez, chere Annette, [Listen, dear Annette,] - said the prince, suddenly taking his interlocutor by the hand and bending her down for some reason. - Arrangez moi cette affaire et je suis votre [Arrange this business for me, and I'm yours forever] the most faithful slave a tout jamais pan, comme mon headman m "ecrit des [as my headman writes to me] reports: rest er n !. She is good surname and rich.All I need.
And he, with those free and familiar, graceful movements that distinguished him, took the lady-in-waiting by the hand, kissed her, and, kissing her, waved the lady-in-waiting's hand, lounging on an armchair and looking away.
- Attendez [Wait], - said Anna Pavlovna, thinking. - I'll talk to Lise today (la femme du jeune Bolkonsky). [with Lisa (wife of the young Bolkonsky).] And maybe this will be settled. Ce sera dans votre famille, que je ferai mon apprentissage de vieille fille. [In your family, I will begin to learn the trade of the old girl.]

Anna Pavlovna's drawing room began to gradually fill up. The highest nobility of St. Petersburg arrived, people of the most heterogeneous in age and character, but the same in the society in which everyone lived; the daughter of Prince Vasily, the beautiful Helen, arrived, who had called in for her father to go with him to the feast of the envoy. She was in cypher and a ball gown. Also known as la femme la plus seduisante de Petersbourg [the most charming woman in St. Petersburg], the young, little princess Bolkonskaya, who got married last winter and now did not go out to the big world because of her pregnancy, but went on small evenings, also arrived. Prince Hippolyte, son of Prince Vasily, arrived with Mortemar, whom he introduced; Abbé Morio and many others also came.

Shenyang Pedagogical University (Shenyang Normal University, SNU) is one of key universities Liaoning Province, China. He has already trained more than 70,000 teachers, many of whom have improved teaching in other educational institutions in China. Now more than 22,000 people study at Shenyang Pedagogical University every year. There are not so many foreigners among them (about 700 people), and this is a great chance for knowledgeable applicants from other countries to get vocational training in best university north of China.

The university includes many divisions that were not absorbed by it in the course of consolidation, as is often the case with popular universities - they were created from scratch. For example:

  • Primary Training Center of Liaoning Province
  • Research and Training Center
  • Liaoning Institute of Education Management
  • Liaoning Audio-Visual Learning Hall

In total, Shenyang Normal University includes 33 institutes and 26 colleges of various specializations, 14 study halls, divisions and training centers, as well as various laboratories and auxiliary structural units.

The university has 1645 teachers, of which more than half are professors and associate professors, another 24 professors are invited freelance. There are teachers from other countries, and there are regular exchanges of both students and teachers with 58 universities in America, Great Britain, Canada, Japan, Russia, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Korea, and many other countries. Teaching is conducted in Chinese and English.

Studying programs

Shenyang Normal University has eight main areas of study:

  • Engineering
  • Literature
  • Management
  • Pedagogy
  • Poly Technical science
  • Philosophy
  • Economy
  • Jurisprudence

Academic ruler training courses Western-style traditional - bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies.

  • Animation
  • Biology
  • Aeronautics
  • Geology
  • Mining production
  • Dramaturgy, cinematography
  • Journalism
  • Fossil protection, museum work
  • Chinese art
  • Chinese martial arts and sports disciplines
  • Computer techologies
  • Mathematics, including applied
  • international trade
  • Fashion, fashion design
  • Folk musical instruments
  • Paleontology
  • Pedagogy
  • Peking and Traditional Chinese Opera
  • food industry
  • Politics
  • Right
  • Radio and TV
  • Sculpture
  • Sociology
  • Sport
  • Dances, choreography
  • Tourism
  • Personnel management
  • Physics
  • Finance
  • Chemistry
  • Digital media

Several undergraduate courses can be studied in English, the rest in Chinese. Master's degree (2-3 years) English language education represented much wider, there are dozens of such programs. The total number of specializations is 72, including (in addition to those already listed in the bachelor's degree):

  • Modern Chinese literature
  • Rare Chinese dialects and literature
  • ancient chinese literature
  • Western economy
  • Hotel business
  • Statistics
  • land use
  • Chinese philosophy
  • Folklore
  • Anthropology
  • Demography
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • The study of insects
  • Molecular ecology
  • Neurobiology
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Theoretical physics
  • radio physics

Shenyang Normal University is the best educational institution for the quality of teaching Chinese in the north of China. Graduates language programs SNU regularly top positions national competitions for foreign students. Chinese language training at Shenyang Normal University includes linguistic training, acquaintance with the history and culture of China, the basics of calligraphy, national martial arts, geography, arts and crafts.

Admission conditions

Along with the application for admission to the university, applicants must provide:

  • Summary.
  • A copy of the certificate of completed secondary education for undergraduate studies or a copy of a bachelor's degree for enrollment in a master's program.
  • A copy of the report card with progress.
  • A copy of the passport.
  • IELTS certificate (at least 6.5 points) for admission to study taught in English or HSK certificate (from level 4 and above) when studying in Chinese.

In addition, if we are talking about the application to the magistracy, you will also need:

  • Plan of study and/or research.
  • Two academic letters of recommendation from their former undergraduate faculty.

You can apply from the spring semester, which begins in March (reception of documents until January 31) or from the autumn semester (reception of documents until July 31). In both cases, it is better to focus not on deadline, and prepare documents with a large margin of time.

Location and equipment

Shenyang is in the top ten largest cities China. He is ancient cultural capital Liaoning province in the northeast of the country, and for more than 2 thousand years of history has had a great influence on the development of the entire region.

There are many unique ancient and modern cultural objects that attract scientists and tourists from all over the world. Today Shenyang is also one of the significant industrial centers with convenient infrastructure, which makes it famous not only in China, but throughout the world. It is no coincidence that there are more than 20 major universities here, and many students receive job offers even before they complete their studies.

The campus of Shenyang Normal University covers an area of ​​almost 2,000 m2. On this territory there are educational buildings of dozens of institutes, colleges, more than a hundred laboratories, as well as hostels, extensive libraries ( total number 1.8 million books), cafes, canteens, many sports grounds.

Accommodation and meals

Shenyang Normal University covers more than 175 hectares in total. There is a special support office for foreign students, they are allocated separate dormitories with everything necessary for study and recreation. Facilities in the rooms, washing machines and kitchens are shared.

On campus a large number of sports facilities. Football field, basketball, volleyball courts, tennis courts, gym, swimming pool. You can visit sections of wrestling, yoga, dancing. Student parties, evenings, competitions, excursions are regularly held.

As in other Chinese universities, there are cafes, canteens, grocery stores on the territory, and not far from the campus outside there are catering establishments for every taste, markets, shopping centers. In addition, hostel neighbors, and sometimes teachers arrange gastronomic days, with a presentation of dishes national cuisine, show the best restaurants and places to eat.

Each university with which we cooperate is selected very carefully. We do not have a task to take in quantity, we make sure that all the universities presented on the pages of the site are necessarily visited by the company's employees, meetings are held with the management, at which the full conditions for your admission and further stay at the university are discussed, the audiences, dormitories are photographed, canteens, shops, etc., videos have been shot that allow you to visit the place of your future study without leaving your home.

Introducing Shenyang Polytechnic University, one of the best universities China, and Liaoning province in particular, a university that is officially recommended for study Chinese and receiving higher education Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

A bilateral agreement has been concluded with the university. All grant programs are subsidized by the Chinese government. Upon approval of the grant, you will receive an official letter from the university, backed by the official seal.

To proceed to the order of the study program at Shenyang Polytechnic University, click on the button below, or follow this one. Within a maximum of 24 hours, we will contact you and be able to answer all your questions, as well as immediately begin processing the documents.

To watch videos from China, we also use video hosting sites available in China.

Briefly about Shenyang Polytechnic University

Founded back in 1948, Shenyang Polytechnic University is located on the banks of the very beautiful Hunhe River (a new scenic and high-tech area of ​​Hunnan in Shenyang, Liaoning Province) with elegant and imposing buildings and a pleasant atmosphere for campus life.

For more than 66 years of history of creation and development, the university has greatly changed from a single-profile military-technological institute into a multi-profile university, widely known in the engineering field (and not only in China) and offering training programs in such areas as science, management, art, economics and right.

The university has seventeen institutes and two training centers, twelve academic disciplines x in the first degree master's program, they include thirty-six second-degree disciplines and seven certified areas in mechanical engineering and MBA, more than 50 undergraduate specialties, twenty-three disciplines of a special professional course, five ministerial-level core disciplines, one scientific laboratory in the development of high scientific technologies.

The university is highly qualified Teaching Staff. This is the real pride of the university. They include more than two hundred doctors of sciences, 165 professors and 335 associate professors, twenty-six people receive state subsidies from the Consul.

The university pays great attention to the development of international education. For example, SHPU together with Tomsk State University opened the Pushkin Institute (now the Institute for the Study of the Russian Language operates on its basis). Also SHPU has the right to give government scholarships and scholarships of the Confucius Institute. This should be borne in mind by those students who plan to study for free after completing language courses.

As economic and cultural ties with China develop in many countries, interest in learning Chinese is growing every day. Among the many educational institutions where the Chinese language is taught, the Institute of International Education of the ShPU is a special, qualitatively new educational institution where the language is taught according to a special program. Training takes place in groups divided by the level of knowledge of the Chinese language, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, the educational process is set at a high methodological level, an experienced staff of specialists is selected, which allows students to quickly and efficiently master the language. The curriculum places great emphasis on practical use Chinese language, the program is built on the principle of inseparability of theory and practice.

Photos of the university and hostel can be viewed in the section

Study programs at Shenyang Polytechnic University

Program name Duration of study Cost of education
Long language courses (from 1 semester) from one semester Chinese 12500 yuan per year / 6300 yuan per semester
Short term language courses 4 weeks Chinese 3000 yuan
2 months Chinese 5000 yuan
3 months Chinese 6500 yuan
Undergraduate (Chinese Language and Literature) 4 years Chinese 15000 yuan per year
Undergraduate (other specialties) 4 years Chinese 15000-18000 yuan per year
Master's degree 3 years Chinese 18000 yuan per year

Note: if a group of 10 people comes to short-term courses (4 weeks), then the cost of training will be 2500 yuan for 4 weeks.

Long language courses

Requirements: Foreign citizens aged 16 to 55, all levels are accepted (beginner to advanced)

Documents for admission: a copy of a foreign passport (color scanned copy, photocopy in good resolution), photo 3*4 on a white background in electronic form

Enrollment procedure:

3) we send the completed application form together with the scanned copy of your international passport to the university;

4) In case of a positive response and you pay the registration fee of 650 yuan to the account of the university (the registration fee is not refundable), the university will send an invitation (“Notice of Admission to Shenyang Polytechnic University”) and form JW202 (“Application for admission to Shenyang Polytechnic University”) to your address. issuance of a visa to study in China”)

ATTENTION! Sending an invitation and a JW202 form for a study visa by express mail is paid separately in the amount of 650 yuan (the amount may vary and depends on the cost of express mail delivery to your city).

Duration of study: from 1 semester

Document submission deadlines: for the fall semester until August 25 (semester duration from September 1 to January 10), for the spring semester until February 25 (semester duration from March 1 to July 15)

Cost of education: 12500 yuan per year, 6300 yuan per semester. Payment is made immediately for the entire period of study: if you come for a year, then for a year, payment for six months is possible only if you initially plan to study for one semester.

Training program: compulsory subjects: listening, oral speech, reading, writing, grammar.

graduation document: upon successful completion of the semester exams, the student receives a certificate of completion of the Shenyang language course polytechnic university.

Short term language courses

The Institute of International Education organizes Chinese language courses during the summer/winter holidays every year. The duration of the courses can vary from 1 to 3 months. The institute can accept students of any level, from beginner to advanced.

Requirements for applicants and the enrollment procedure is similar to those described in the "" section (read above)

Documents for admission: 1) a photocopy of a valid international passport (color scanned copy, high resolution photocopy), 2) four photos 3*4 on a white background

Duration of study: from 1 week

Document submission deadlines: until December 20 for winter courses and until June 30 for summer courses

Cost of education described in the table below. Registration fee - 500 yuan (non-refundable)

Program name Duration of study What language is taught Cost of education
Short term language courses 1 month Chinese 3000 yuan
Short term language courses 2 months Chinese 5000 yuan
Short term language courses 3 months Chinese 6500 yuan

ATTENTION! Tuition fees, accommodation and all additional fees are paid by you personally upon arrival at the university!

Training program: the university draws up a new program for each year, so we will send it to you upon request on a specific date.

graduation document: upon successful completion of the final exams, the student receives a certificate of completion of short-term language courses of the Shenyang Polytechnic University.

*** If there are more than 10 candidates in the group of the same level of Chinese proficiency (or lack of it), the institute can offer a separate training program and program of activities, depending on the wishes of the group. The team has the right to apply for participation in language courses at any time of the year.


Requirements for applicants: foreign citizens over 17 years of age, with good health and complete secondary education and above. Complete secondary education is completed 11 classes of secondary school.

Documents for admission: a copy of a foreign passport, an HSK certificate of at least level 4 (except for the specialty "Chinese language and literature"), a notarized and translated into English or Chinese school certificate (with an insert) or a diploma from a technical school, college (with an insert) or a document confirming, that you have studied the language at another Chinese university for at least a year. It is also possible to transfer from another university to the appropriate course (decided individually).

Information from the university: «… we can accept students for training immediately for the second year. Students who have studied Chinese subjects for 1 year or more at our university or any other official university China, as well as students with HSK level 4, are eligible to apply for admission immediately to the 2nd year of study after passing the corresponding exam.

The examination for admission to any course includes a written examination and an interview. Admission is only possible if both exams are successfully passed.

Enrollment procedure:

2) after receiving the application within a maximum of 24 hours, we will send you a list of questions for the questionnaire and answer additional questions;

Duration of study: 4 years

Document submission deadlines: until August 20 each school year, classes begin on September 1 (if this date falls on a weekend or holiday, then the start of classes on the first next working day)

Cost of education: Programs are read only in Chinese. The cost of the program "Chinese language and literature" is 15,000 yuan per year, other specialties - 15,000-18,000 yuan per year.

ATTENTION! Tuition fees, accommodation and all additional fees are paid by you personally upon arrival at the university!

Undergraduate specialties

First level disciplines 1. Mechanical engineering
2. Computer science and Computer techologies
3. Materials science and engineering
4. Management and engineering
Second level disciplines 1. Engineering mechanics
2. Computer software theory
3.Measurement technology and equipment automation
4. Artillery, automatic weapons, ammunition and engineering
5. Electronic engineering
6. Business management
7. Computer applied technologies
8. Engineering materials processing
9. Mechanism design and theory
10. Control theory and engineering
11. Mechanical design and automation
12. Pattern recognition and intelligent systems
13. Design Art
14. Materials science
15. Applied chemistry
16. Telecommunications and information systems
17. Machine engineering
18. Computer systems
19. Physical and chemical materials science
20. Systems engineering
21. Navigation, management and control
22. Signal and information processing
23. Physical electronics
Institute of Mechanical Engineering 1. Mechanical design and automation
2. Industrial engineering
Institute of Motorization and Transport 1. Transport engineering
2. Transportation
3. Thermal energy and dynamic engineering
Institute of Informatics and Information Technology 1. Informatics and computer technology
2. Telecommunication technologies
3. Automation
4. Electronic Information Technology
5. Measurement and control technologies and measuring equipment
6. Electronics and technology
7. Electronic information technologies
Institute natural sciences 1. Optical informatics and technologies
2. Information and computer science
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering 1. Material shaping and control engineering
2. Engineering of inorganic metals
3. Metal engineering
4. Engineering of macromolecular materials
Institute of Art and Design 1.Industrial design
3. Art and design
Institute of Engineering Technology 1. Engineering ammunition and detonation technologies
2. Guidance on sensing and control technology
3. Special energy engineering and pyrotechnics technology
4. Weapon systems and the launch of engineering into production
Institute of Economics and Management 1. World economy and trade
2. Business management
3. Economy
4. Accounting
5. Finance
6. Marketing
7. Information management and information systems
8. Logistics
9. Business electronics
Institute of Engineering Ecology and Engineering Chemistry 1. Applied chemistry
2. Engineering ecology
3. Chemical engineering and technology
4. Chemistry
University of the Foreign languages 1. English
2. Russian language
Institute of Law 1. Right
Institute of International Education 1. Chinese language and literature

graduation document A: International students are subject to the same requirements as Chinese students. Those who successfully passed the final exams and defended their diploma are awarded a bachelor's degree.

For admission to the specialty "Chinese language and literature" from the 1st year, the provision of an HSK certificate is not required. For admission to some other specialties, an HSK certificate is also not required, however, a mandatory requirement will be the presence of a document confirming that you have studied in China at language courses for at least 1 year (check the list of specialties with us on the day of application)

Education (with the exception of a few programs) is conducted in Chinese, and after a year, communication with local residents will not cause you any difficulties. Do not worry if you have previously seen hieroglyphs only in the picture - it will be easier for you to learn new knowledge from scratch than to get rid of the "Russian" accent.

Master's degree

Requirements for applicants: magistracy- foreign citizens in good health and with a bachelor's degree

Documents for admission: a copy of a foreign passport, an HSK certificate of at least level 4, a notarized and translated into English or Chinese certificate of awarding a bachelor's or master's degree or another higher academic degree (together with an insert with grades), letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors.

Enrollment procedure:

2) after receiving the application within a maximum of 24 hours, we will send you a list of questions for the questionnaire and answer additional questions;

3) we send the completed application form together with the scanned documents submitted by you to the university;

4) In case of a positive response and you pay the registration fee of 650 yuan to the bank account of the university, the university will send you an invitation (“Notice of Admission to Shenyang Polytechnic University”) and form JW202 (“Application for a visa to study in China ").

Duration of study: 3 years

Document submission deadlines: until August 20 of each year (semester starts on September 1)

Cost of education: 18000 yuan per year. Payment is due immediately for at least one year of study.

ATTENTION! Tuition fees, accommodation and all additional fees are paid by you personally upon arrival at the university!

Training program: the list of specialties is similar to those indicated for the bachelor's degree (see above), with the exception of the specialty "Chinese language and literature"

graduation document: students who pass all examinations and defend their dissertation are awarded a master's or doctoral degree certificate and a graduation certificate from Shenyang Polytechnic University.

Living conditions at the university

The hostel of the university is a hotel type, or rather, it is a real hotel with all amenities. You can see it clearly in the photo gallery section and in the video. On the first floor there are guards, a janitor, all corridors are monitored by video cameras. Daily housekeeping floors gives its result in the form of impeccable cleanliness.

Each room has beds, study tables, chairs, air conditioning, kettle, refrigerator, wardrobe, internet access point (unlimited), boiler providing you around the clock hot water. The check-in deposit of 500 yuan is returned upon check-out, subject to the safety of the property of the hostel.

The cost of living at the university

Room type

Cost of living

Accommodation conditions


Single room

50 yuan/day

***For single occupancy, you just need to pay one person for a double room

Security deposit of 500 yuan

Payment for electricity and water is made separately

The cost of new bed linen is 130 yuan

double room

50 yuan/day

The room has a TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, telephone, book table, wardrobe, Internet access, toilet, shower (cold and hot water)

quadruple room

yuan/night/per room

The room has a TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, telephone, book table, wardrobe, Internet access, toilet, shower (cold and hot water)

Note: Students who do not speak Chinese are required to live in a hostel, the rest can rent apartments.

ATTENTION! Tuition fees, accommodation and all additional fees are paid by you personally upon arrival at the university!

In addition to paying for tuition and accommodation, the following expenses await you (they are available in all universities in China)

1) registration fee 650 yuan

2) postage 650 yuan(the amount may vary in both directions depending on the destination)

3) medical insurance in the amount 800 yuan per year,400 yuan half a year

4) passing a medical examination in Shenyang to obtain a "residence permit" - 679 yuan one time for the entire stay in China

5) extension of a study visa issued in your country - 800 yuan per year, 400 yuan for six months(plus 20 yuan photos)

6) educational material- near 200-220 yuan per semester, depends on the level of your group

The amount of the amount for the meals of each student is strictly individual, it all depends on your food preferences, so it is difficult to name the exact amount. You can eat in the numerous canteens of the university (they cook there very, very tasty and a lot more), as well as in numerous cafes and restaurants on campus and beyond. Approximately 30-50 yuan per day is spent on food.

ATTENTION! Tuition, accommodation and all additional fees are paid by you personally upon arrival at the university

A day in the life of a student at Shenyang Polytechnic University

You can watch the video from China here

For parents

If you want to know how your child is studying, it will be enough to write to us, and after a while you will receive a report in this format (student numbers and surnames have been changed in order not to disclose other people's information =)


We are official representatives of Shenyang Polytechnic University

Name and address of Shenyang Polytechnic University


No.6 ,Nanping Middle Street, Hunnan New District,SHENYANG, CHINA110159

地址:沈阳市浑南新区南屏中路6 号110159

campus map

Summary: to provide quality education, the university conducts a rigorous selection of teaching staff. At present, all teachers who teach Chinese have a special Teacher Education, are PhDs in Chinese Philology. The teachers have extensive experience in teaching Chinese to foreign students.

Therefore, Shenyang Polytechnic University adheres to the principle practical training and the educational process is constantly being improved, taking into account changes in society, taking into account the real situation. All this is done so that students can study fruitfully and fully realize their abilities in the field of language learning.

To enrich and diversify cultural life students, the university holds sports events, concerts and exhibitions. All these events are attended by foreign and Chinese students. Communication with Chinese students improves the level of knowledge of the Chinese language, and also allows you to get to know Chinese culture even deeper.

In addition, students are given the opportunity to visit special courses: HSK short-term advisory groups, kanji writing groups, calligraphy groups, etc. work in the afternoon.

Liaoning University is located in the north of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China. Shenyang City is the economic, political, cultural and transportation center of Liaoning Province, and is also a famous cultural city with an ancient history. The city is famous for its warm climate, convenient and high-speed international communications.

Liaoning University is the only comprehensive university in Liaoning Province that includes the following disciplines in its programs: literature, history, philosophy, economics, law, foreign languages, arts, natural and technical sciences, management, etc. Now the university is divided into 3 territories: "Chunshan" and "Daoyi" located in Shenyang, and the territory "Wushen" ---- in Liaoyang. The total area of ​​the university is 1340 thousand square meters. m., area for construction - 615 thousand square meters. Liaoning University is one of the hundred universities in China, which the country pays and will pay great attention to in the 21st century. The university has 24 institutes, 62 bachelor's specialties, 110 disciplines eligible for assignment degree master's degree (including MBA, MPA, JM specialties), 33 academic disciplines eligible for the PhD degree, 3 disciplines eligible for the doctoral degree, and a base in which specialists in public economics are trained.

The university has a teaching staff of 1266 people, including 400 associate professors and 196 professors. By October 2006 26189 thousand students studied at the university. Since the establishment of the university, we have already trained more than 100 thousand specialists in various fields.

The university is also famous for its library. It is recognized by the UN as a valuable library. In addition, our university has historical Museum and a natural museum.

Liaoning University pays special attention to cooperation with foreign universities. Now 50 universities and research organizations from more than 20 countries and regions of the world have established stable and friendly relations with our university. At the same time, there is an exchange of science and culture between educational institutions, friendly organizations and specialists in various fields.

Liaoning University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to have the right to accept foreign students. We have 40 years of experience teaching international students. So far, the institute has hosted more than 9,000 international students and researchers from 52 countries and regions.

The Institute for International Chinese Language Studies at Liaoning University is an institution that provides higher education opportunities. It is also an educational institution that has the right to conduct HSK testing (Chinese Proficiency Exam). For several decades, a highly qualified team of teachers has been formed at our institute. Most of them have received a Chinese language teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education. At the same time, the institute has accumulated rich experience in the content, methodology, and organization of the educational process. There is a constant modernization of educational equipment and technical means for learning.

We are happy to welcome students from different countries to our university.

Shenyang University is located in the city of the same name. The location of the university is very convenient - the taxi ride to the airport takes about 50 minutes, the distance to railway stations (northern and high-speed) is no more than five minutes, to shopping areas - about ten minutes, bank branches and medical institutions- 5 minutes.

The university was founded in 1906, the Feng Tian Industrial School and public school Xin Min, which in subsequent years became the leading university in China. On the this moment Shenyang University is a public educational institution with a huge selection of specialties in all industries. The total area of ​​the university territory exceeds 750 thousand square meters, of which more than 560 thousand is the area of ​​buildings.

The university includes twenty-one institutes, ten master's departments, fifty-one specialties. In total, more than thirty thousand students study at the university for bachelor's and master's degrees.

The University has a Center for International Exchange and Education, whose tasks include the active dissemination of the Chinese language. Official cooperation agreements have been signed with more than forty higher educational institutions in twenty countries of the world. Student exchange and other forms of cooperation are carried out with universities in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Russia, Japan and other countries.

For international students, Shenyang University is one of the best places to study in China. Here specialized learning programs backed by significant experience international cooperation in education. For students from abroad, maximum comfortable conditions living and studying, extracurricular additional events are constantly held.

The university operates Chinese language courses focused on the long term. In the spring semester, courses run from early March to mid-July, in the autumn semester - from September to mid-January.

Long term language training is carried out at several levels, based on the primary training of students:

First stage- Chinese literary language, speaking, listening, Chinese characters.

Middle step
- Chinese literary, colloquial speech, writing, reading.

Highest level- literary language, listening, speaking, working with the press and books.

Optional disciplines- Traditional art, Chinese culture, Wushu gymnastics.

Additional consultations are being held for passing the examination tests for knowledge of the Chinese language, the HSK certificate.

In their free time from training, various competitions, sightseeing trips, and performances are held for students. The university has a specialized library for students from abroad.

Short-term language courses:

Held during the summer and winter months. The program includes the study of the language, traditional culture of China, sports and cultural events. Course times are from mid-July to the end of August and from mid-December to the end of January.

An intensive language learning program is offered, focused on passing tests for obtaining a HSK certificate.

Other courses:

Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese national musical instruments, traditional Chinese cuisine, Taijiquan gymnastics and others.

The main course of study at Shenyang University:

Undergraduate studies:

Economic branch - international economics, international trade, economics, statistics, finance.

Branch of management and management- international trade, industrial technology, trade and industry, international accounting, bookkeeping, human resources management, financial management, international business management, tourism and management, international tourism, tourism geography.

Legal industry- legislation in economics, jurisprudence, as an additional special course - advocacy.

Branch of natural sciences
- biotechnology, mathematics, bioengineering, chemistry, physics, geography.

Branch of Polytechnic Sciences- automation and mechanical design, metal processing technologies, measuring equipment and instruments, information technology and automation, computer technology, computer systems and their maintenance, e-commerce, construction equipment and technology, architecture, construction, water supply, environment and ecology, special course on food technologies.

Branch of agronomy and agriculture
- garden landscape and garden art, horticulture.

Social Sciences and Education- politics and ideology, applied psychology, Primary School, literary Chinese, languages ​​- English, Russian, Korean, Japanese, musicology, art education, art, industrial engineering and design, television directing and screenwriting, history.

Master's studies:

Economic disciplines- finance, industrial economy.

Management and management- accounting, science and technology management.

Natural Sciences- cybernetics, materials science, technologies for working with metals, ecology, zoology.

Humanitarian and public specialties- art.

The list of documents required for admission:

An application form of the established form is submitted at least two months before the start of classes; a document on previous education and an insert of academic performance to it; medical certificate in Chinese and English; five photographs, color 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters; HSK Chinese language proficiency certificate at least level four. Upon admission to the main course of study, it is necessary to pass entrance exams. Exams are held a week before the start of the semester.

Accommodation for international students:

Built in 2002, Shenyang University Dormitory offers single and double rooms with all amenities. Each room has a bedroom and a living room, a small kitchen, a balcony, a bathroom, telephone and TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, Internet. Washing machines for public use.