Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Blue is the symbol of what. Color psychology - the meaning of colors in psychology

The symbolism of color originates from ancient times. Since time immemorial, people have endowed colors with a special semantic meaning which is reflected in various religious and mystical teachings, myths, folk tales, legends.

In astrology, for example, the seven primary colors of the spectrum correspond to 7 planets: blue is the color of Venus, red is associated with Mars (the red planet), green color- Saturn, yellow - the color of Mercury, purple identified with the moon, and orange with the sun. In esoteric practice, blue is often used for concentration, meditation, in the process of self-knowledge.

Symbolism of blue color began to appear in ancient times. In Egypt, this color had special meaning. Sacrifices and gifts to the gods were depicted in shades of blue. The same color was used to depict the wigs of gods, pharaohs, queens, in order to emphasize their higher, divine origin. Blue wigs were worn during various ceremonies.

Among the ancient Maya, blue was the color of sacrifice. Objects made of wood and ceramics, wall frescoes, aromatic resins, everything that was associated with ritual sacrifices, were painted and covered with blue paints. Since the Maya sacrificed even people who were doomed before death, they painted them with blue paint.

In the Christian tradition, blue symbolizes the eternity of divine power and the greatest sacraments. At the same time, among many Slavic peoples, blue was the color of sorrows and sorrows, associated with the demonic world. In vintage folk tales blue and black demons are mentioned.

For many peoples of the world, blue symbolizes the sky, eternity, constancy, fidelity. It is considered the color of stability, tranquility, deep reflection. In heraldry, blue is used to represent chastity, honesty, good reputation, and fidelity.

The inhabitants of the East believe that the blue color scares away evil spirits, protects from negative impact, evil eye and damage.

The duality of blue

The meaning of blue has both positive and negative aspects:

  • the positive meaning of blue: spirituality, wisdom, patience, truth, tranquility and peace; this color inspires great achievements, purifies the soul, intuition and craving for higher knowledge are associated with blue;
  • negative manifestations of blue shades: weakness, emotional coldness and imbalance, rancor, complacency; blue color can lead to loss of sense of reality, drug addiction, depressive states.

Blue color in psychology


As a rule, at a certain point in time, a person prefers one, less often two or three colors that prevail in his environment, environment, clothing, etc. Over time, color preferences may change. But in any case, your favorite color can tell a lot about the features of your character and emotional state.

Psychologists use various color tests for these purposes. The most reliable of them is color test Luscher, according to which blue color symbolizes peace and contentment.

The main characteristics of blue in terms of psychology:

  • self-confidence, determination, purposefulness, diplomatic approach to conflict resolution;
  • inflexibility, inner core, the qualities most characteristic of businessmen, people with analytical warehouse mind;
  • perfectionism, the tendency to idealize everything, is characteristic of philosophers, writers, creative personalities;
  • strength of mind, strong-willed leadership skills- appear in politicians, speakers;
  • organization and responsibility - blue tones subconsciously help a person to concentrate on important goals, structure the information received;
  • blue color in human psychology speaks of a tendency to intuitive decision-making, calmness and the ability to find reasonable compromises;
  • in the psychology of relationships, blue means loyalty, stability, a sense of duty, adherence to traditions. Character

Blue is a shade of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like the blue color, then this may mean that a person is characterized by modesty, melancholy, it is very important for him to feel self-confidence, as well as the favor of those around him. The choice of this color speaks of the desire for peace and stability. The greatest need for this color is manifested during periods when a person is sick or offended, with overwork.

If a person does not accept the blue color, this may be a manifestation of a thirst for change and constant movement, rejection of the routine and monotony of life, unwillingness to take responsibility and make serious decisions. Such people often dream of easy money and fame.

Color and functionality. The psychology of blue in action

Despite the fact that the color perception of each person is purely individual, scientists are making active attempts to influence psychological condition human for commercial and domestic purposes, in advertising, clothing, interior.

So, the predominance of a certain color, or their combinations, in the design of office or residential premises creates a special emotional atmosphere. Not all businessmen are aware that the color scheme of the interior can have a significant impact not only on the performance of company employees, but also affect the results of business negotiations.

  • in meeting rooms it is recommended to use light blue tones, as they contribute to the establishment of friendly relations, mutual understanding, better assimilation of information;
  • the abundance of blue in the room, on the contrary, reduces efficiency, can cause depression and unwillingness to work among employees;
  • contemplation of a rich blue color slows down the heartbeat, stabilizes blood pressure, calms nervous tension, but in large quantities blue causes a feeling of depression;
  • natural stones of rich blue tones (sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli) - help to cope with stress and protect from unnecessary experiences, relieve uncertainty;
  • stress relief technique: pour a glass of water and place it in front of you on a sheet of blue paper; sit back and for 10 minutes just look at the "blue" water; after that, you need to slowly drink some water, so the “charged blue water” has a beneficial effect on our subconscious.

Blue color in clothes

If your wardrobe is dominated by clothes in shades of blue, you are smart and independent enough, you often feel the need for warmth and attention. You are distinguished by patience, endurance, restraint in emotions.

Those who choose blue and cornflower blue shades for their wardrobe are dreamers and romantics, they believe in true love, and in everything they try to prove themselves and be noticed by others. Blue clothes radiate freshness and coolness and are ideal for hot summers.

If you prefer to wear jeans, be aware that denim clothing gives the impression of nobility and quality.

Image makers also advise both business women and businessmen to wear a dark blue suit more often. It not only slims the figure, but emphasizes your reliability as a business partner.

Shades of blue in psychology

Psychology studies not only the influence of primary colors on the psychological state of a person, but also their shades. Hues of primary colors also affect human perception and are often used in NLP techniques as an additional incentive. The main shades of blue and their meaning:


Looking at him, it is almost impossible to concentrate your attention on certain object; the color of dreams and dreams, serenity, peace and tranquility; the color of serenity, naivety and purity; reassures, inspires hope for a brighter future.

Indigo (deep blue)

It can lead to a depressed and apathetic state, causes sadness, melancholy, melancholy, deep immersion in one's inner space.

How long ago people began to attach importance to everything that surrounds them is unknown. However, no matter what antiquity the symbolism comes from, it is still interested and paid attention to. Special place occupies a color that can tell a lot about a person, influence his psyche, express emotions and feelings.

What does the color blue symbolize?

In astrology, blue is considered the color that symbolizes eternity and is associated with Venus. This was reflected not only in the influence specific planet, but also in human psychology, its social position. It is not difficult to guess why eternity was assigned to blue - after all, it is he who is directly connected with the sky and the sea, peace, tranquility, constancy. In ancient times, it was the color of fidelity, affection for someone.

If the elements of the coat of arms or its base were made in shades of blue, the clan was distinguished by such qualities as honesty, the ability to keep one's word, and chastity. All those traits that a person of the highest circle should have had. No wonder it was believed that the aristocracy had "blue" blood. And blue in classical symbolism is only one of the subtones of blue, and not an independent color.

Since blue refers to shades that are not so far located on the general color wheel from black, sometimes it is also referred to as mourning tones, especially if it is muffled, deep. And this interpretation of it exists not only in southern countries: it was also used by the Slavic peoples, where grief and “nav” were associated with blue. In some fairy tales, even demons were blue-haired.

AT modern world blue in its close to black version is the color of restraint, confidence. In the advertising business, blue is considered one of the "expensive" colors, i. those that, when used on a particular product, will elevate the product to an elite status. This is especially emphasized when combined with blue and gold.

What does blue color mean in psychology?

You can tell a lot about a person by asking him about color preferences. Such an influence of a shade on consciousness was studied by many teachings, among which I. Goethe and M. Luscher are especially famous. Based on their research, many tests have been compiled today, as reviews confirm, giving a reliable result. What can blue say about a person?

Those who choose this color are subconsciously drawn to the sky and the sea, which means they want peace in their lives. Such a person has a balanced character and is prone to a melancholy mood. Even if he is quite sociable and active, he often needs moments of rest and silence, allowing him to be alone with his inner self. The efficiency of such people, although high, they always need a good rest.

In addition, their peace depends on own confidence in everything that surrounds: people, situations, own forces. From loved ones, they always seek benevolence, understanding, warmth. However, having been taught by bitter experience, they do not accept these gifts for a long time, they are looking for a catch, withdraw into themselves, feel loneliness even in the crowd. At the same time, such a person will go to self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one. If necessary, I am ready to give up the latter for the sake of a friend.

If a subconscious rejection of the blue color occurs, it is important for a person to show his omnipotence. In the eyes of others, he always wants to look like someone who does not need help, who is one step higher. However, inside such a person is often too insecure, quite closed, he is not always ready to make contact, he practically does not let those around him. His whole life takes place in tension, but he does not seek to relax. It is possible that he is satisfied with this state of affairs, or he is too used to it to let go and change something.

People who are indifferent to blue are courteous and courteous to others, although this is only a mask. In fact, they care little about other people's feelings. It is often noted that blue man can stretch situationally - during a period of severe fatigue or illness. In addition, in moments of strong joy, blue will cause irritation, disgust, because - especially in tandem with gray - it provokes passive depression.

There are several more characteristics that can be given to those who are unconsciously drawn to blue in all its manifestations. In particular, with a love for its light tones, a person is quite accommodating, easily compromises, not wanting unnecessary disputes. He is characterized by laziness, a general relaxed state, he makes decisions after much thought. In addition, such people lack a sense of proportion in natural needs - they can go too far at the dinner table or at a gala evening with food and drink.

If a person's choice leans towards turquoise tones, which are an almost equal mixture of blue and green, then these are unpredictable personalities. In most cases, they are timid and quiet, incapable of militant moods, attempts to go against everyone, actively defend their point of view. However, such imperceptible at first glance people stubbornly go towards their goal and do not take into account those who are trying to prevent this. Therefore, they become dangerous for their opponents.

What does blue color mean in clothes and interior?

As already mentioned, knowledge of symbolism is actively used today in business, in the market of goods and services. And how can a certain color fit into the interior or used in the outfit work? What will the unconscious choice of the blue item of clothing say?

If you have given preference to a soft blue thing, the mood on this day is upbeat and light, the person "hovers in the clouds", tends to indulge in dreams. When orientated towards dark blue color as a wardrobe staple (instead of traditional black), you can be judged as a self-confident, patient person with considerable endurance. Such a person often dwells in his own thoughts, will not go into open confrontation.

Often, people who want to receive support and strength from outside at an important moment for them turn to things of this color. A bright blue, almost ultramarine, becomes the choice of a person who is self-confident and wants to be paid attention to. But at the same time, he does not want to overstep the bounds.

Designers who make sketches of the future interior often resort to symbolism when choosing colors for the room. It is necessary to proceed from the socio-demographic characteristics and psychological impact connotations on consciousness. And from the point of view of the last factor, blue is not recommended for use in areas where work is in full swing. Basically, these are cabinets - both at home and in the office.

The blue color has the ability to suppress performance, relax the mind and provoke a decrease in concentration. To accept important decision or he will not give maximum focus on the problem. At the same time, interestingly, sky blue, which is a relative of blue, on the contrary, makes it possible to assimilate information and come to a compromise on any issue.

But, taking into account such qualities of blue, you can easily use it in the decoration of a bedroom or bathroom, making it dominant in the overall range. In addition, shades of blue help to lower the temperature in the room, since they are all cool tones. Therefore, walls are often decorated in such a range where there is an excess of sunlight. Moreover, the blue should be light, so that additional light reflection occurs.

What does the blue color of flowers mean?

Although the language of flowers is based mainly on plant varieties, their shades are also often taken into account. What can you say about blue flowers? Pale blue forget-me-nots and bells immediately come to mind, as the most familiar to the eye, associated with youth and purity. They were given to young girls, emphasizing the charm of their innocence. Subsequently, white flowers began to play a role similar to them. Blue irises were able to silently remind a woman that she is not alone, she has support in the person of the donor, she should gather her strength.

During the time of Catherine II, there was a “Register of Flowers”, where flowers of light blue and blue tones were also recorded, which became a symbol of fidelity in all its manifestations. Such "letters" and "promises" were sent before a long parting or at a distance from each other, as a reminder that nothing is forgotten, feelings are alive, albeit covered with longing. Blue and blue flowers were given to those who went to war or the army, becoming an unspoken promise to wait. Many people remember the song "Blue Handkerchief", which carries the same meaning as a bouquet of forget-me-nots.

But even though color once played one of the main roles, and even today a lot of attention has been paid to it in psychology, the energy of a person wearing this color or giving a gift in such a range is often able to block any of its characteristics. And not always described above psychological aspects are completely correct about the person. Therefore, the main orientation should always go to inner harmony. And the fact that someone was once assigned to a particular color is secondary.

The symbolism of color has long history. People began to attach importance to “colors” a very long time ago, and this was reflected in folk legends, ancient myths, etc. I would like to mention astrology. The rays of the Sun, which are located in the spectrum, giving seven colors, correspond to their planets. Red is Mars, blue is the meaning of Venus, yellow is Mercury, green is Saturn, orange is the Sun, purple is the Moon, purple is Jupiter.

Historical meaning of color

Blue color - its meaning in different industries is the same. It symbolizes eternity and heaven. It can also be considered a symbol of fidelity, kindness, constancy and location. However, the blue color has a slightly different meaning in heraldry - honesty, chastity, fidelity and good fame. It is impossible not to recall the “blue blood” - after all, it speaks of the noble origin of a person.

It is worth noting that this color is quite close to black, therefore it has similar values. AT Ancient Egypt and in South Africa the blue color had a mourning meaning. The French also had such a thing as “blue fear”. Among the Slavs, it was the color of grief and sadness, associated with the devilish world.

Speaking about the meaning of the blue color, it should be noted that it also symbolizes emotionality and communication. This color gives the impression of purity, airiness, lightness and ethereality. A more saturated shade is the color of the night, which gives vision rest and peace from daylight bright light. All such shades attract the color of ice, frozen rivers, snowy mountain peaks, high sky. Blue is a symbol of eternal peace and faith, the content of some fantastic and mysterious substance. These shades look great in the interior, but if there are too many of them, it will cause depression.

What does blue color mean? This is, first of all, a shade that belongs to such an element as Water, and to the side of the world - the North. Feng Shui says that it is not necessary to paint the walls belonging to north side to avoid their coldness. This shade has a calming effect. Thanks to him, a person can get rid of negative thoughts, aggressive desires, insomnia.

There are different meanings of colors. Blue is able to pacify, calm a person and concentrate his attention on inner world. It is best to use this color where a person does not need to be active. And you don't need to use it as the main color. Only in the details - then it will be perfect.

This color is great suitable for those people who were born under the constellation of Capricorn and Cancer. It is these signs that are in good contact with this shade.

I would like to note that the value of the blue color is highly dependent on the hue. Light colors are friendly and refreshing. Dark - reliable and serious. How dark or light a shade of blue a person chooses depends on his mood. The one closer to blue is calming, and the bright one, on the contrary, excites and refreshes. Dark - very solid and very calm. Therefore, when choosing a color, no matter what it is intended for, you need to determine exactly what role it should play. After all, a lot depends on this.

Blue color in clothes

Blue color belongs to the category of the most noble shades. At the same time, it is quite versatile - due to the presence huge amount shades with it, you can create both business, romantic, and club or casual - in other words, absolutely any image.

In this article, we will tell you about the options for combining blue in clothes, about the most advantageous companion colors for it, and also about what the blue color of clothes means from the point of view of psychology.

The combination of colors in clothes: blue

Blue is the color of this decade. Experts in the fashion world call it the "second black", hinting at its versatility and total popularity. You can combine things in blue with almost any other clothing. This is possible due to the presence of a huge number of its shades.

The traditional companion for blue is white. The combination of white and blue suits absolutely any style and image - from strict business to romantic or mischievous marine.

Light shades of blue are well combined with beige, gray, soft pink and with all pastel shades. Bright light shades are successfully combined with all neon ones - yellow, pink, purple, green, light green.

Dark blue color in clothes can be supplemented with elements of red, yellow, blue, emerald, black and gray, as well as the color of wine, fuchsia, silver and golden hues.

The combination of blue, yellow and red seems too bold to many. Meanwhile, this is one of the most spectacular combinations. Remember at least the dress of Snow White from Disney cartoons. It is very important at the same time to choose the main color, and add the other two to it as accompanying ones.

Blue also goes very well with orange. These colors sit on opposite sides of the circular color palette and complement each other perfectly. But for such a combination, it is better to give preference to pure and juicy, not too dark shades of these colors.

The meaning of blue in clothes

Consider the meaning of blue in clothes from the point of view of psychology. Experts say that people who are calm, balanced and patient give preference to blue. Many may consider them closed and even unfriendly. Meanwhile, this is not true at all. It’s just that blue lovers are very faithful, strictly observe their life principles and are not accustomed to open their souls to the first comer. Get to know such a person better, earn his trust, and you will understand how sensitive and good friend he can be.

Blue is the color of the wise. People who prefer dark blue soberly assess the situation and most often achieve their goals. These are good workers - honest and responsible. However, such people can be unnecessarily strict towards others and themselves, not emotional enough, even “dry”.

Lovers of light colors, on the contrary, are romantic and spontaneous. Their main goal is the self-realization of the individual. It is very important for them to achieve recognition, to show the world their significance.

The predominance of blue in clothing, thus, betrays people who are balanced and responsible, sensitive to relatives and somewhat detached from strangers.

What does blue mean? What do blue flowers mean?

It has long been known that any color and shade has its own symbolic meaning and affects the human psyche in its own way. These unique properties palettes are used in the interior (to create a certain atmosphere), floristry (to convey secret message with a bouquet of flowers), in heraldry, etc. What does the color blue mean and what message does it hide in itself for people?

The symbolism of the blue color among the ancient peoples

The associations of the ancient peoples with the blue color were simple and uncomplicated: it was identified with the sky and those divine beings that live in heaven, as well as with the element of water (and - as a result - with feminine, fertility).

For example, what does the color blue mean in the culture of Ancient Egypt? It denotes the line that separates humanity and the Gods, that is, a kind of portal. That is why the Egyptian religious ceremonies were performed in blue wigs, and the sacrifices were depicted only in blue colors.

The same tradition was present in the Mayan tribes - all utensils that were used in religious services, all clothes were dyed in the color of the sky.

AT Slavic culture the blue hue is dualistic: on the one hand, it symbolizes divine power, and on the other hand, dark blue is similar to black, therefore it is identified with demonic, dark forces (demons).


Every florist should know what blue flowers mean. When composing bouquets, such knowledge is indispensable.

In floristry, the connection of blue flowers with the sky, the sea, as well as mystery remains relevant.

There are not so many reasons why you can present a bouquet of "heavenly" flowers. One of the main ones is the birth of a boy in the family, which can be celebrated with a bouquet of hyacinths, cornflowers or forget-me-nots.

What do the blue flowers given before a long separation mean? loyalty, readiness loving hearts wait new meeting as much as needed. Blue flowers are a sign of spiritual love, pure, sincere.

A bouquet of blue roses presented to a girl should hint to the fair sex that she is too cold, impregnable. And a small bouquet of violets has long symbolized secret, sublime love and worship.

Blue on the flags of different countries

Sky color is one of the most common shades that are used in heraldry, as well as on the banners of various countries.

What does the blue color of the flag mean? On the cloths of the Scandinavian countries, as a rule, blue is a sign of the sea, a sea power.

On the flag of Greece recent times cyan stripes are printed in a darker, more saturated shade - bluish. According to one interpretation, these stripes, combined with white, symbolize the deep sea and the beautiful sea ​​foam. Blue and white are colors that have been important for the Greeks since ancient times. Herodotus himself claimed that the Hellenes had blue blood, that is, noble, spiritualized.

But the Azerbaijani people see in blue color a Turkic heritage that needs to be preserved: this is how they interpret the blue stripe on their flag, which is combined with the red (progress) and green (Islam).

AT Russian flag the blue color also appeals to spirituality - it symbolizes the protection of the Russian land by the Mother of God. His companion, white, is a symbol of freedom, and red - "sovereignty".

Blue color in clothes

What does the color blue mean? If the vast majority of things in the wardrobe are exactly blue things, what does this say?

First of all, about the desire of his owner to focus on the implementation important tasks and not be distracted by anything superfluous. Love for this shade speaks of constancy of goals, of enviable patience. Such people are self-confident, smart, ready for dialogue. Psychologists have noticed that an employee dressed in a blue suit inspires more trust among superiors and partners.

However, lovers of blue are not only distinguished by restraint and purposefulness, they also need warmth and attention from others. The need to attract attention is the greater, the lighter the blue tint. Blue and turquoise tones give out the most real romantics and dreamers.

The dark blue color can speak of a penchant for mysticism and esotericism of the owner of the costume, as well as his need for contemplation and reflection on the structure of the world.


What does blue mean in the interior? What effect does it have on those present?

First of all, blue tones are recommended for bedrooms and children's rooms, since this color not only calms the nervous system, but also normalizes heartbeat and pressure. Relaxation is what all shades of blue bring with them.

Surprisingly, nutritionists quite seriously argue that blue reduces appetite, which, of course, ladies cannot help but take advantage of: you can make a kitchen in such shades or, at least, buy a refrigerator of this color.

Light and pastel shades of blue have another big plus: they allow you to add "air" and space to small rooms, visually push the walls apart.

However, one cannot ignore that blue belongs to cold tones, so it should be avoided when decorating northern rooms and too dark rooms, but it will turn southern and eastern rooms into an oasis of freshness and coolness.

The psychology of color

The blue color in psychology means peace and tranquility, therefore it is believed that if a person gravitates towards him, then subconsciously he strives for serenity, relaxation, obtaining satisfaction from the fruits of his work and life in general.

Since the color blue represents fidelity, people who deny it are not able to be constant in their affections and opinions.

What does dark blue mean? He is in more than just blue, it extinguishes all vegetative and nervous irritations, therefore, often people experiencing an illness look for this shade with their eyes - it gives complete peace and restores strength.

Psychologists regard the complete rejection of the dark blue scale as a subconscious denial by a person of the possibility of trusting someone or becoming attached. Such people do not want to experience either professional passion or any other, because they do not believe in advance that their love will justify trust.

Thus, the question “what does the color blue mean” can be safely answered: spirituality and the pursuit of truth, loyalty to one’s word and views, as well as reliability.

Blue colour

Blue color Blue HEX sRGB ¹ CMYK ² HSV Blue, one of the 3 primary colors of the RGB HEX sRGB system ¹ CMYK ² HSV

Blue- the name of the color group. Spectral blue color is felt by a person under the action electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range of 440-485 nm (sometimes the range is indicated wider - 420-490 nm). One of the primary colors in the RGB color system.

  • Among the shades of blue, three shades that are most often mentioned should be highlighted: cyan ( blue-green color), ultramarine and azure.

Natural dyes, pigments and other standards

  • The color of the sky appears blue due to Rayleigh scattering. sunlight. Water in a thick layer appears blue due to the presence of a band with a maximum located around 750 nm in its absorption spectrum. At the same time, heavy water is colorless, since the maximum of a similar absorption band is shifted to the long wavelength side and is located near 950 nm.

Plants and animals

Cornflower blue
  • Cornflower blue (lat. Centaurea cyanus)
  • Blue whale


  • Azurite
  • Lapis lazuli (translated from Persian: blue stone)
  • blue vitriol
  • Sapphire


Cut blue sapphire
  • Azurite
  • Prussian blue
  • Indigo
  • cobalt blue
  • lapis lazuli
  • Ultramarine
  • Copper phthalocyanine
  • Woad dye (lat. Ísatis tinctoria)

Other natural standards

  • Emission spectrum of copper ions

Blue food coloring

  • Indigo carmine (E132)

Shade names

  • Cornflower blue - bright blue
  • Vidovy - blue. Woad dyer is a plant whose leaves give a dark blue color. Woad was used instead of indigo.
  • Blue color - light blue
  • indigo ( vat) - dark blue with a hint of purple.
  • Cobalt - rich (deep) dark blue
  • Labrador - the color of labrador, feldspar with a beautiful blue tint.
  • Azure - light blue
  • Lunar - pale bluish.
  • Marine - the colors of the sea.
  • Nautical
  • Parisian blue - bright blue.
  • Tausine - dark blue. From the word "peacock". There are options: tagash, tagash. Tusinnaya motley - fabric for peasant shirts, the base is blue, the weft is red or brown, paper.
  • Ultramarine - bright blue
  • Violet color - blue with a reddish tinge
  • Cyan is blue-green.
  • Electrician - blue, blue with a gray tint

In culture

« blue stars» (Pleiades)

Traditionally, blue was associated with the sea (cf. ultramarine, from lat. marinus - nautical):

Also in Russian, blue can be associated with cold and distance. Hence the connection of blue with hoarfrost, the night sky, the stars and even at night (Fly up the fires, blue nights, 1922).

Yu. M. Lotman argued that in Old Russian blue could be synonymous with both black and purplish red

Lermontov believed that the mountains of the Caucasus also have a blue tint.

Blue is symbolic in the work of Sergei Yesenin: "blue", "blue" literally pierces his works about Russia:

In Russian, words are derived from blue to denote objects and phenomena that are now not associated with blue: a tit (black, yellow and white colors are present in its plumage) or a bruise (ranging from lilac-red to yellow-green).

In children's literature, blue has become an easily remembered symbol. famous poem Agnes Barto:

In speech, expressions

  • Sinenkaya - common name for Russians paper money denomination of 5 rubles. They were blue in color.
  • Blue - dyed blue.
  • Turn blue - to be blue. Everything turns blue from cornflowers. The mountains are blue in the distance.
  • Sinyukha - the same as the blue one - a banknote in Imperial Russia denomination of 5 rubles.
  • Blue - cornflowers.
  • Blue - with a blue tint.
  • Blue collars - that's what they said about industrial workers.
  • Blue car - 1st class railway car in tsarist Russia. Was blue:
The carriages were moving along the usual line,
They trembled and creaked;
Silent yellow and blue;
In green they cried and sang. Alexander Blok. "On the railway", 1910
  • Blue-blue, blue-haired came from the yard - a very cold person.
  • There was no blue-gunpowder in the mouth - on an empty stomach.
  • Blue gunpowder is the smallest, smallest particle. "Gunpowder" in this context is fine dust, and the color "blue" means "dark".
  • The blue stocking is a derisive nickname for pedantic ladies devoid of femininity: What's good about being a bluestocking. Blue stocking... God knows what! Not a woman and not a man, but the middle half, neither this nor that. (A.P. Chekhov. Pink stocking).

A call for caution

  • The blue color at railway traffic lights prohibits the shunting train from performing maneuvers. For a train following the station without maneuvers, the blue light of the shunting traffic light has no signal value.

Psychology of perception

A number of experiments have shown that the use of blue lights leads to a decrease in crime. Yes, in Japanese city Nara, installed blue lights in the most crime-prone areas of the city and at the railway station. As a result, the crime rate in these areas decreased by 9%, and there was not a single suicide at the railway station in two years.

Blue tint of other colors

In Russian, to designate colors in which varying degrees there is a blue tint, used Difficult words with the first component blue-:235, blue-, bluish-. For example, blue-black, blue-violet:385.

blue paint

"Royal Color" Blue natural dyes are among the rarest, so they were especially highly valued. Almost the only natural blue pigment was lapis lazuli, and the gemstone was sapphire. In the Middle Ages, ultramarine was synthesized, and natural indigo was brought from America. Only in late XIX century, after the appearance of aniline dyes, the pictorial palette was enriched with several blue dyes, but most of them were not very resistant to fading. One of the aniline dyes is magenta, which gave a bluish-red tint.


  • In Christianity (icon painting), the blue color symbolizes spirituality and the Mother of God. Also depicted in blue is the himation of Jesus Christ, which expresses his divinity and wisdom. Blue is a symbol of mystery, the Holy Spirit. Present in most icons. Blue in the icon is often combined with red. Together they make up the unity of opposites and symbolize mercy, truth, beauty, earthly and heavenly.
  • In Lutheranism, blue is considered the liturgical color of Advent.
  • In Islam, blue is the color of mystical contemplation. Wed Blue Koran.
  • In Judaism, the blue color was represented in the ritual attire of the Talit.
  • In Buddhist painting, blue is associated with the East. Akshobhya Buddha is depicted in blue.
  • In Hinduism, blue is the color of Krishna.
  • The traditional allegorical name of Mongolia is "country blue sky"(Mong. khökh tengeriin oron).
  • In ancient Egypt, blue was used to represent truth.
  • Blue is the color of Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno).
  • The blue handkerchief is a song from the times of the Great Patriotic War.
  • The blue collar is an attribute of a worker as opposed to a white collar.
  • The blue color is present in various state flags A: UK, Israel, Netherlands, Russia, USA, France, Sweden, etc.
  • The African people of Tuareg are called "blue people".
  • On August 6, 1693, during the voyage of Peter I on the 12-gun yacht "Saint Peter" in the White Sea with a detachment of warships built in Arkhangelsk, the so-called "Flag of the Tsar of Moscow" was raised as a standard - a panel consisting of three horizontal stripes of white, blue and red, with a golden double-headed eagle in the middle. The three-stripe flag was used on warships until 1712. Then as naval ensign St. Andrew's flag has already been approved white color with a blue "St. Andrew's" cross.
  • In tsarist Russia, blue was the color of gymnasium clothes for boys from noble families and the uniforms of teachers in gymnasiums.


The Russian word blue is often transmitted foreign words (blue, blue), which can also be blue. For example, Blue Ridge Mountains usually translated as Blue Ridge.

  • "Three Colors: Blue" (fr. Trois Couleurs: Blue) is a feature film by Krzysztof Kieślowski. The first part of the "Three Colors" trilogy.
  • Blue beard (fr. La Barbe blue) - Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Raoul, the Knight of the Bluebeard", published in 1697. The fairy tale formulated popular expression, meaning a jealous husband who is extremely cruel to his wife. Despite the French origin, this expression has completely taken root among the Russian people.
  • Blue Rider (German) Der Blaue Reiter listen)) is an association of German expressionists.
  • Blue Guard ( Plava guard).
  • blue cross ( blue cross) - veterinary society.
  • Blue ice blue ice) is a 1992 film.
  • Blue magicians are Tolkien's characters.
  • "Blue Bird" (fr. L "Oiseau bleu) is a product of Maeterlinck. This name has become a household name, denoting an unattainable goal.
  • blue stocking) bluestocking) in relation to a learned lady dates back to the 15th century - when a society of men and women engaged in the study of sciences gathered in Venice, blue stockings were their distinguishing attribute of clothing. This custom was adopted by Parisian intellectuals in the 1590s. The term itself originated in England in the 1750s.
  • Blue Horde - Kok Orda (kaz. Kok Orda)
  • The Japanese word 青い (aoi) refers to the entire blue-green spectrum, but is often translated into Russian as "blue" or "light blue", except for a traffic light.

What does blue mean? Quality of character?

Azarni nakamura

for each person (every single individual) each shade of color (any one of the billions of colors that surround us) carries its own memory. not a meaning, but a memory. Do you know how many shades of blue there are? and the meaning of each shade for each person is completely different. for some, blue is the light of boredom, the color of a school uniform. and for some, blue is the color of a vast ocean or a starry celestial dome, crossed out milky way. everything is so complicated and so simple... colors carry no meaning. the colors carry the memories that were colored by them.


blue is the color of calmness and tranquility. this is probably the most widely preferred color. people who like shades of blue are usually cold and confident (or do they just want to appear so?), and at the same time can be very vulnerable. they trust and need trust. sensitive to the needs of others, capable of strong affection, such people have a hard time experiencing any betrayal or disappointment. they do not avoid big companies but, nevertheless, prefer to stay in the circle of close friends.
"blue" people strive for harmony, tranquility, patience and perseverance, for peace. they are conservative, reliable, have an even character and think twice before they say or do anything.
if your color is blue, you have a highly developed sense of responsibility. you should be careful that pedantry does not make you too demanding of others. however, your attentiveness to people and gentleness will outweigh.
I do not like. dislike for the blue color means anxiety, restlessness, the need to break out of the surrounding monotony. perhaps you want to change jobs, or even change your whole life in search of impressions. you are probably tired of the fact that someone constantly “hopes on you”, but your conscience does not allow you to give up everything. you would like to be rich or famous (or both?) because sometimes you feel like it allows you to enjoy life without having to work so hard and hard.
deep blue can be associated with sadness and melancholy, while blue can just be a little boring.

Andrey Chervony

This color “has no bottom”, it never ends, it draws in, intoxicates. At the same time, the power of color is underestimated. It creates the prerequisite for deep reflection on life; calls to finding meaning, truth. But! does not give an answer in understanding the meaning of life; drives into melancholy, weakness. Causes not sensual, but spiritual impressions. Blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, rigor.
People who prefer this color try to put everything in order, systematize. They always have their own point of view; devoted to what they do, their devotion to people can reach slavery.
In myths, blue is a divine manifestation, the color of mystery and value.
Blue color - loss of reality, dreaming, fanaticism.
Mages and wizards are dressed in blue. In the Middle Ages, people who wore blue knew the truth. In ancient Egypt, the inside of the pyramid was painted blue. The beetle is a blue beetle. Buddha and Krishna are blue. The blue color in the flags is freedom, unification, belonging to a greater whole.
Treatment - promotes recovery nervous system; helps with absent-mindedness, with increased heartbeat, with intestinal upset, nervous overstrain, calms raging passions, extinguishes emotions, lowers blood pressure.
People experiencing prolonged stress, tension, reject the color blue. It is also generally rejected by smokers.
The blue color is chosen by those who are tired of tension, who want harmony with others, with their nervous system.
Blue is the color of carelessness, it calms, radiates reliability, but at the same time, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate. It does not promote the development of the imagination. Reduces stress and comfort. This is the color of "calm emotionality"; makes it possible to be outside the boundaries of society, expands the space. But! slows growth and development. This is the color of dreams and dreams, the color of peace and harmony.
Dark blue (indigo) color of dreams. It is very deep, leads to depression, causes a depressing effect, anxiety, excessive seriousness, sadness, sadness. Causes the need for physiological rest and satisfaction in the world. Rejection of this color - if you do not want to relax and unwind.

The color of the sky and the sea, cold and restrained, but at the same time giving peace and serenity ... Blue is the most "calm" color for psycho-emotional perception. About its soothing and positive impact on the psyche was known in antiquity. In the cultures of many peoples of the world various shades blue symbolized fidelity, stability, invincibility. Blue was considered the color of wisdom, higher knowledge and spiritual strength, so it was used to paint the walls of temples and churches, and the clothes of the gods were depicted in blue and blue tones. At the same time, the ancient healers were well aware of the duality of this color. Along with a calming effect on the psyche, an excess of blue can cause apathy, alienation, and a depressive state. Perhaps it is from here that folk tales about “blue demons” and other evil spirits, which were often depicted with gray-blue tones, originate.

What does the color blue symbolize

Blue color in psychology, like any other shade, has double value- positive and negative. The influence it has on the human psyche largely depends on the specific shade and degree of saturation. Thus, light colors such as light blue and light blue carry positive attitude. Their contemplation brings peace and relaxation, helps relieve stress. Blue is even considered a slightly frivolous and frivolous color, take at least famous expression"blue dream", meaning something unlikely and unrealizable.

Indigo is a deep rich blue color. It is customary to identify it with high level mental development and higher knowledge. For example, intellectually gifted children are called "indigo children".

Dark blue has more negative value. In our subconscious, it is associated with restless sea ​​waves, fraught with danger and threat to life. Also in folklore, with the help of this shade, “blue demons” were depicted - especially dangerous and insidious creatures from the other world, which are found in the myths of many peoples of the world.

What does blue mean in the interior and clothes

Have you noticed how at certain points in your life you developed a passion for certain color? For example, I wanted to wear clothes of only one shade. Or from somewhere there was a desire to repaint the walls in the “favorite” color, at the same time buying a sofa and curtains of the same shade. Such whims can be explained by an unconscious desire to replenish the energy that each color has and which is so lacking in this moment. But the persistent preference for one or another shade in clothes or interiors directly speaks of character traits.

So, a person who prefers blue as the main shade in clothes is most likely an introvert. He is prone to analytical work, prefers a quiet pastime to noisy fun. The predominance of blue in the wardrobe also speaks of the secrecy and isolation of its owner. Perhaps you have a hermit who values ​​​​his loneliness and personal space. Do not be surprised if, when you come to visit him, you will see that the entire interior is also made in gray-blue colors.
True, it is worth noting that the "blue people" have high mental faculties and often become eminent scientists.

But, like any other color, blue also has a negative connotation. Its overabundance is depressing and can cause unreasonable blues. In addition, blue dulls activity and the desire to act. Therefore, psychologists recommend that lovers of everything blue sometimes allow themselves to wear yellow, orange, red, pink or green.

Blue color is considered to be one of the most noble. Looking at it, we remember the shades of the sky and water, the elements that can be watched endlessly. Blue has also been used in art and jewelry since ancient times. It was considered the most expensive, since for a long time blue paint was made from the precious stone lapis lazuli. Accordingly, afford blue clothes only rich people could. Perhaps that is why this color is associated with something regal and majestic for many on a subconscious level.

Blue colour
in psychology

Blue color in psychology is traditionally considered the color of self-confident, decisive and purposeful people. Such people practically do not accept conflicts and are ready to solve all life's troubles through diplomacy. They always insist on their opinion, they can be entrusted important work which they will perform flawlessly and on time. The blue color in human psychology indicates his dedication, intuitive decision-making, as well as calmness and the ability to come to a compromise. Therefore, when you like the blue color, the meaning in the psychology of such a phenomenon is regarded as the desire for peace and stability in life. Similar may be the characteristic of blue-eyed people.

Blue is the color of wisdom and faith. Works soothingly. A color that I often check people with. Material people, devoid of spirituality, do not like the blue color or are indifferent to it. Blue is good for calming nervous children and adults. Lighted blue candles have a very good effect on a person. If the child draws the parents in blue or blue color, this means that he is safe, comfortable with his parents. And blue also protects secrets. It is considered a symbol of the birth of the world.

Blue is the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy. Such a person often needs to rest, he quickly gets tired, it is extremely important for him to have a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others. In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed who wants to give the impression that he can do everything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a well-known frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtesy. In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need a person at rest, and denying it means that a person avoids relaxation. With illness or overwork, the need for blue increases.

Positive characteristics

Organization, inflexibility, idealism, fortitude

Negative characteristics

Fanaticism, subservience, puritanism, stiffness

Blue is the second of the colors of the cold spectrum. It helps to find inner peace, stimulates inspiration, creativity, faith and devotion. As the color of peace of mind, it is associated with introspection and self-deepening. Blue reduces muscle tension significantly reduces the feeling of pain. Breathing becomes slower and deeper than with blue. Blue will help with mental fatigue, as well as provide the necessary flexibility and pliability for those who are used to acting tough and straightforward. Blue color cleanses the soul, inspires creativity, spiritual search and serves as a guide to the mysterious world of intuition. Blue also represents the power of the mind, wisdom and clarity of thought.

The blue color in many nations symbolizes the sky and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, location, and in heraldry it means chastity, honesty, good fame and fidelity. "Blue blood" speaks of a noble origin: the English call a true Protestant "blue". Blue is the color of the sky in direct and in figuratively. Blue is the color of purity of body and spirit, aspiration upward, spirituality. The negative side of blue is puritanism and stiffness. Hence such expressions as a blue stocking or a blue beard. Here blue appears before us as a symbol of coldness and detachment.

Shades of blue

  • - the color of carelessness, it calms, radiates reliability, but at the same time, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate. It does not promote the development of the imagination. Reduces stress and comfort. This is the color of "calm emotionality." It gives the opportunity to be outside the boundaries of society, expands the space. But! slows growth and development. This is the color of dreams and dreams, the color of peace and harmony.
  • Dark blue color(indigo) the color of dreams. It is very deep, leads to depression, causes a depressing effect, anxiety, excessive seriousness, sadness, sadness. Causes the need for physiological rest and satisfaction in the world. Rejection of this color - if you do not want to relax and unwind.

Blue color in psychology