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Help on the results of thematic control to the teachers' council. Topic: "Formation of the CGT

according to the results of thematic control

Theme:"Usage various forms, means and methods of musical development of children preschool age»

Target: activity analysis music director ________________, the effectiveness of the use of forms, means and methods of musical education of children.

Deadlines: from __ to __ ______ 20__.

Composition of the commission: Head of MDOU - ________________

Deputy head of the educational and methodological part - ________________

Issues to be controlled:

  1. The content of the musical education of preschool children in MDOU.
  2. The effectiveness of the use of forms and methods by the music director in music education and upbringing.

The main forms and methods of control:

  1. Analysis of long-term planning of the music director.
  2. Attending music classes in various age groups Oh.

Check results:

1. The musical director of MDOU ______________ performs pedagogical activity in accordance with the statute, educational program institutions. Work is carried out in accordance with the program preschool education and partial programs:

- musical education: "Program of education and training" in kindergarten edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova, “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva (all age groups), “Harmony” by K. V. Tarasova, “Musical Masterpieces” by Radynova O.P.

- musical and rhythmic education: "Top, clap, kids!" A.I. Burenina, T.N. Sauko (early and younger preschool age),

- on rhythmic plasticity for preschool children "Rhythmic Mosaic" by A.I. Burenina, "Sa-fi-dance" Firileva Zh.E., Sykina E.G., "Musical Rhythm" Suvorova T.

- aesthetic education: the program "Inspiration" Makarova N.A., Koltakova E.B.

The music director has drawn up long-term planning for all age groups in accordance with the requirements of the comprehensive program, there is long-term planning for all age groups for partial programs that meets the requirements of these programs and the curriculum of the institution. AT forward planning the goals and objectives of music education and upbringing of children are determined, taking into account age development preschool children. Particular attention in teaching children is given to the formation of singing, rhythmic and creative abilities.

2. The main form of organizing the musical activity of a teacher ______________ is frontal and individual music lessons. These forms of work help to increase children's interest in music lessons, create emotional comfort, which contributes to increased activity of children and ensures the solution of tasks.

The following types of music lessons used by the teacher in practical activities:

– Traditional, which include exercises for the development of musical and rhythmic skills, expressive movement skills; listening to music; exercises for the development of musical ear and voice, learning a song, a task for songwriting; learning dance and musical game, creative tasks.

- Dominant activities. The use of such classes contributes to the correction of the lag of children in certain types of musical activity.

Thematic classes, the topics of which are devoted to the phenomena of social life, nature, the work of composers, literary hero etc.;

Complex classes on which problems are solved with the help of various types of arts and types of artistic activity.

Forms of work of a teacher in individual music lessons: dance movements, development of musical ear and voice.

The main methodological principles of the work of the music director of MDOU: creation relaxed atmosphere, the integrity of the approach in solving pedagogical tasks, the correlation of musical material with the natural, folk, secular and partly historical calendar.

Each musical lesson has a clear structure: musical-rhythmic movement; development of a sense of rhythm, playing music; finger gymnastics; listening to music; chanting, singing; dances, games, round dances.

The main method of musical and rhythmic education of children is “involving show” (A. Burenina’s technology), communicative games, dances, health-saving technologies (rhythmoplastics, articulatory warm-up, etc.)

The musical director creates conditions for the development of musical abilities in children: develops children's ear for music (pitch, rhythm, timbre), using musical didactic games, modeling techniques. Develops children's singing abilities, musical and rhythmic movements. The teacher also introduces children to the world and national musical culture: introduces the works of classical and folk music, song folklore, with various, including classical and folk musical instruments.

The musical director creates conditions for the development of children's creative activity in musical activities, encourages the improvisation of children in singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, encourages children to transmit by musical means characteristics various characters, emotional experiences and moods.

The work also uses speech, theatrical games, musical tales and basic music. This contributes to the development of polyrhythmic and intonational hearing, creativity.

The teacher organizes a joint musical activity children and adults: holds joint holidays for children, parents and employees.

When interacting with children organized individual approach, taking into account their interests, opportunities and features of development. The activities of the music director were coordinated with the teachers of the institution and parents.

Findings: MDOU has created conditions for musical education and development of children, conducive to aesthetic development and emotional well-being

  • system of musical education;
  • circle work system (rhythm).

Conditions have been created for a child's positive perception of the world around him, self-expression in the free activity and creativity of children: music, dance, speech. The musical director of MDOU ________________ uses the main and additional programs aimed at the musical development of children. The results of diagnosing the musical development of preschoolers: high - 17%, medium - 82%, low - 5%.

Suggestions and recommendations: the music director to continue work on the use in musical education and education of preschool children of modern, innovative technologies; give more opportunity to children in the right to choose the means for improvisation and self-expression ( musical instruments, roles, plots; activities - singing, dancing, rhythmic movements, etc.).

Commission members:

Head of MDOU - _____________ / ______________ /

Deputy head of

educational and methodological part - _____________ / ______________ /


music director: _____________ / ______________ /

Free download Analytical report on the results of thematic control in the portfolio of the music director in text format:

Analytical report on the results of thematic control updated: January 26, 2013 by: Petrova Natalia

Irina Khryapkina
Help on the results of thematic control to the teachers' council. Topic: "Formation of the CGT"

Help on the results of thematic control to the teachers' council

No. 7 dated 25.02.14

Theme: « Formation cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers.

Target: To increase the level of proficiency in cultural and hygienic skills and abilities in children through the improvement of conditions formation hygiene culture in the daily routine.

Structure teachers' council:

1. Analysis of work in the preschool educational institution for the inculcation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers.

2. "The use of gaming techniques in teaching preschoolers cultural and hygienic skills and abilities" ( information from the experience of educators in presentation form).

Basis for control: accomplishment of the task of the annual plan for 2013-2014 academic year.

Thematic control was carried out in accordance with annual plan work of preschool educational institution, by order of the DOW dated February 13, 2014 No. 45-l "About the organization thematic control» , with the aim of "To increase the level of proficiency in cultural and hygienic skills and abilities in children through the improvement of conditions formation culture of hygiene in the daily routine.

During thematic verification and operational control on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in younger groups (educators.) it was noted that educators lead scheduling regime moments for formation children have cultural and hygienic skills, educational activities, have conversations "What is good and what is bad", "Why does Katya have a toothache", reading fiction "Vodichka - Vodichka", "Moydodyr" K. Chukovsky, "Dirty Girl" A. Barto, organize plot- role-playing games "Katya doll is having lunch", "Let's dress Katya for a walk". results inspections of catering, handwashing, dressing showed that the level of skills and abilities of children corresponds to program requirements, kids know how to properly use soap, gently wash their hands, face, dry themselves after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb and a handkerchief; they have formed table manners, use napkins after meals.

Open viewing of educational activities "Let's teach the doll Katya to wash" with children 3-4 years old showed that children have skills in the sequence of washing, formed the need to maintain the skills of neatness in Everyday life. There is a consultation in the parent's corner "Cultural and hygienic skills for kids". Carried out by the teacher parent-teacher meeting in master class form"Inculcation and education of cultural and hygienic skills in children younger age where she spoke about forms work with children to instill cultural and hygienic skills in children, recommended that parents use fiction, conducted a didactic game with parents "Let's dress the doll for a walk" as an example of teaching children the dressing sequence.

However, during thematic checks found that not all children know how to properly hold a spoon in their hand; not all children have individual combs; not in the group didactic games, game aids for hygienic education of kids. Educators should give children of the 2nd junior group to use the fork; pay more attention to individual work with each child, control and correct wrong actions of children; encourage children to do the right thing folklore (jokes, jokes) for creating positive emotions in children in the process of performing actions of cultural and hygienic skills, in games form ideas about human body about a healthy lifestyle. In the process of dressing for a walk, learn correct sequence dressing.

During thematic verification and operational control on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in middle group (educators.) revealed that teachers plan to work on formation cultural and hygienic skills in routine processes when organizing washing, eating, work on formation self-service skills when dressing, undressing, using a comb. Teachers planned conversations "Where microbes hide", Why you should wash your hands before eating. Open review GCD "Healthy teeth - healthy" on formation cultural and hygienic skills showed that children formed positive attitude to the rules of personal hygiene, children understand the purpose and function of the toothbrush and paste; Teachers nurture the desire to eat right and monitor their health.

In this group, adults teach children to perform duties on duty: arrange cups with saucers, napkin holders, lay out spoons, forks. There are aprons for attendants, cloth napkins, but there is no duty corner, children's equipment for cleaning tables.

That children in this group know how to wash themselves, wash their hands with soap, use napkins when reminded; self-service skills in dressing and undressing are age appropriate. However, the skills of careful eating are poorly developed, teachers do not constantly pay attention to the use of a spoon and fork by children, do not lay cloth napkins on the tables; not all children have personal hygiene items (handkerchief, comb). To create a positive mood for children, educators rarely use the word of art, illustrative material. In the developing environment of the group there are no teaching aids, didactic games that develop ideas about the functions of the body, the rules of personal hygiene. In the parent corner there is a slider folder « healthy image family life".

Thematic verification and operational control on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in the older group showed that teachers systematically plan work on the education of cultural and hygienic skills, organize didactic games "Bear - the birthday boy is waiting for guests" for teaching table setting, "Structure human body» to consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of the body; role-playing game "Dinner with the Family"; conversations "Table Etiquette", "Schedule", "Where do vitamins live" etc. Use works of folklore, accompanied by the processes of washing, dressing, eating, reading K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", V. Bardadym "How Galya was dressed", 3. Alexandrova "Delicious porridge", etc.

Educator. an open NOD was held "Rules of personal hygiene" during which children showed their knowledge about caring for their bodies, about the purpose and use of hygiene items. educators form in children conscious attitude to your health and the health of those around you.

The group has a duty area and the necessary equipment. Children conscientiously fulfill the duties of duty officers canteen: lay out cloth napkins, arrange bread bins, cups with saucers, plates, distribute spoons, forks. Assistant teacher supervises the process, draws attention if children confuse the right and left sides.

During thematic verification revealed that in children senior group eating habits developed, all children use cutlery, napkins, thank you for the food. the educator during the meal by the children monitors the posture, the behavior of the children, the correct use of cutlery. However, educators do not always tell children the names of dishes, what products the dish is made from.

Children are taught, as necessary, to wash themselves and wash their hands with soap, independently eliminate the mess in their appearance, almost everyone quickly dress and undress, keep order in their closet, and know how to make the bed. Not all children cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing, since not everyone has a handkerchief.

To foster a culture of hygiene in the group, there are teaching aids "Rules of conduct for educated children", "Body parts", "Rules of personal hygiene". Didactic material and toys are arranged so that children can freely use them.

In the corner for parents there is a folder-slider "Healthy family lifestyle", consultation How to teach a preschooler to dress.

During thematic verification and operational control on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in the compensatory group preparatory to school (educators.) it was revealed that teachers constantly plan work in this area, systematically remind children of the need to observe the rules of hygiene, seek from preschoolers accurate and precise performance of actions, their correct sequence; conduct conversations using illustrative material "Rules of personal hygiene", "Scheme of the human body", "About Proper Nutrition".

The teacher conducted an open GCD "Hygiene of the human body" on which they consolidated knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, formed in children, the habit of observing these skills on their own every day, when guessing riddles, the children showed that they know about the purpose of personal hygiene items.

In a group the corner of duty officers is decorated, attributes (napkin holders, aprons for attendants, cloth napkins, but no sweeping brush with a scoop for cleaning the table.

Thematic check showed that educators during meals pay attention to the accuracy of children, correct posture, the ability to thank adults after eating, organize the work of those on duty, but do not constantly monitor the correct table setting (do not lay napkins, do not give knives for use by the number of children, do not put cups with saucers). Not all children know how to use forks correctly, they use napkins when reminded. Children's washing and washing skills meet the program requirements, formed the habit of monitoring their appearance, children quickly and independently dress and undress, use an individual comb, a handkerchief without being reminded, help their peers troubleshoot clothes. When organizing regime processes, teachers are recommended not only to conduct instructive conversations, list the rules, but also in a playful and friendly form bring these rules to the mind of the child, offer to draw conclusions on how to proceed; stimulate the desire to do the right thing, relying on positive example peer. Conduct dramatization games based on works that mention the importance of observing etiquette. At this age, children should be given the opportunity to be creative, for example, decorate tables with vases of flowers, beautifully place paper napkins in napkin holders.

Analytical report on the results of operational control "Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution"

This material will be interesting and useful to senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. This is an example of writing an analytical report.

Analytical reference
according to the results of operational control
"Organization of a walk in the preschool educational institution"

In accordance with the annual work plan of MADOU in the period from 24.11 to 05.12. In 2014 operational control was carried out.
Purpose of verification: Improving the effectiveness of educational educational process by organizing a walk. Compliance with educators regime motor activity children on fresh air.
Questions for analysis:
1. Planning a walk
2. Formation of self-service skills in children.
3. The presence of remote material for the season;
4. Organization of the motor regime of children for a walk;
5. Organization of gaming activities
6. Organization of observation of nature and weather conditions;
7. Organization of labor activity of children for a walk;
The audit revealed:
- The walk mode is observed and implemented by teachers in accordance with the daily routine of each age group and weather conditions.
- All educators are conscientious about planning walks. The plans include all types of children's activities during the walk. All groups have file cabinets of walks and observations in nature.
- Children of all groups developed self-service skills according to their age.
- In all groups there is a sufficient amount of remote material for the seasons.
- Teachers organize work activities. In the warm season, garbage collection on the verandas, in winter time assistance to the educator in snow removal and the construction of snow towns.
- Buildings made of snow appeared on the sites of the groups, work is underway to equip ice slides.
- Group teachers organize feeding of wintering birds.
- The motor mode during the walk is mostly observed. Based weather conditions, teachers organize mobile and sedentary games. Nevertheless, it was noted that in groups No. 9, 4, 5,13 the organization of the motor regime requires more thorough preparation of the teacher.
- Requires special attention all teachers conduct didactic games and role-playing games. It was not possible to see role-playing games organized by teachers and individual work with kids.
- Little attention is paid to the formation of children's ideas about the usefulness and expediency physical activity bringing the attention of parents to this issue.
Disadvantages in organizing walks:
- There is no system in the sequence of organization of the walk, the structure of the walk is not always observed.
- The duration of physical activity in the fresh air does not meet the SanPin standards, because:
1) in all groups except for No. 10, there is no walk in the afternoon;
2) teachers do not conduct physical education classes on the street;
3) there are no sports activities.
Recommendations and suggestions:
1. For educators of all groups, to ensure optimal physical activity of children in the fresh air, organize walks in the afternoon.
Dates: constantly, according to weather conditions

2. Educators of all age groups conduct didactic games in accordance with thematic planning.
Timing: permanent
Responsible: group educators
3. Teachers should more carefully organize the labor activity of children for a walk.
Timing: permanent
Responsible: group educators
4. All teachers should pay more attention to the formation of children's ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity, draw the attention of parents to this issue.
Timing: permanent
Responsible: MADOU teachers
5. Educators of groups No. 9, 4, 5,13 diversify the motor mode for a walk, conduct outdoor and sedentary games based on the age characteristics of children.
Deadline: until the end of the academic year
Responsible: teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5,13
6. Educators of all age groups to lead independent activity children on a walk, organize role-playing games using attributes and external material.
Timing: permanent
Responsible: MADOU educators

Appendix 1.

Memo for teachers
"Conditions for the proper organization of the walk"

1. Correspondence of the walk time with the group mode.
2. Planning a walk: the theme and basic methods of observation, outdoor games, individual work with children, work assignments, organizing free activities for children.
3. Organization of dressing and undressing children.
4. The level of formation of self-service skills in children corresponds to this age group.
5. Compliance with the motor mode of children during a walk.
6. Outdoor games and their number correspond to the age of the children.
7. Variety and sufficient amount of remote material.
8. Organization of observation: the topic of observation corresponds to the age of children, the teacher uses various methods and techniques, the content aspect of observation is aimed at development cognitive activity children.
9. The use of educational and didactic games by the teacher during joint and individual work with children.
10. Teacher guidance for independent activities of children on a walk (organization of role-playing games).

Let's try to figure out why a certificate is drawn up for intra-school control on

Such managerial function necessary for comprehensive analysis learning process.

An intra-school control plan with references is drawn up for the academic year. It requires from the management of the educational institution, as well as persons who act as full experts, methodological, theoretical competence and special training, as well as the ability to take responsibility in the decision-making process following the results of events.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of the audit

Intra-school control will achieve results in the case when the Deputy Director for WRM will be:

  • information on the state of affairs in the educational institution was provided in a timely manner;
  • the control program drawn up was fully implemented;
  • according to the results, systematic assistance was provided to the teacher without taking into account his personal qualities;
  • competent specialists are invited;
  • the experience and achievements of teachers based on the results of the HSC were summarized.

Research methods

Help on intra-school control on academic work compiled using various methods, allowing a comprehensive consideration of the issue that is under control:

  • Attendance at teacher's classes.
  • The use of special programs to analyze the activities of students and mentor.
  • Questioning of parents, colleagues, schoolchildren.
  • Carrying out control cuts.
  • Interview with a teacher.
  • Various administrative checks.

A certificate on intra-school control on academic work is announced at a meeting with the director or head teacher, to which the teacher is invited.


What should it include? Help on intra-school control on educational work contains:

  • purpose and main tasks;
  • coordinates of the teacher, as well as the timing of the check;
  • data of the performer, composition of the commission;
  • a description of the work done with a listing of the true state of affairs on the issue under analysis;
  • results, results of the work, causes of the deficiencies found;
  • proposals, conclusions, recommendations for the modernization of the activities of a teacher or teaching staff.


What do analytical reports look like? We offer a version of such a document, drawn up based on the results of control in the 5th grade.

From 02/03/2018 to 02/13/2018, an assessment was made of the level of skills, abilities, knowledge of fifth grade students, and the organization of educational and educational process, the state of the class team. For this, next work:

  • attending classes in various subjects;
  • control administrative work in mathematics, Russian language;
  • student workbooks checked;
  • analyzed the teaching of individual academic disciplines.

We offer sample certificates for intra-school control.

Russian language

Certificates on the results of intra-school control include information on those pedagogical technologies, which is chosen for professional activity teacher: differentiation of the educational process, design and research activities.

At runtime training tasks, schoolchildren not only consolidated their theoretical skills, but also worked out the material using examples of a higher level of complexity. The time of the training session was used rationally, the optimal pace was chosen taking into account age and individual features cool team. What else did intra-school control reveal at school? Certificates compiled after attending several lessons showed that the teacher fully complies with the valeological requirements for lesson, allocates time for a motor physical training minute, finger gymnastics.

Communication takes place on confidence level, the norms of pedagogical tact and professional ethics are observed. The result of the lesson was a qualitative argumentation of the grades earned by the students.

In addition to the educational process, it also analyzes and educational work. Intraschool control: certificates, meetings, development of measures to eliminate identified violations - all these are separate elements integrated work Deputy director for teaching and educational work in the educational institution.

Literature lesson

We offer brief reference analysis of reading lessons. The content fully corresponds to the program in the subject. The teacher told the pupil the purpose of the lesson, together with the students compiled a sequence of actions. Further in the lesson was breathing exercises The children repeated certain exercises after the teacher. Then, together with the teacher, the guys made a table in which they compared the main characters of Yu. Yakovlev's work "The Thorn". Such activities implied possession of a story test, skills in conducting comparative analysis, The guys answered the questions of the teacher, as confirmation they used the text of the work in question. As they analyzed, the students read some of the passages this work by roles, conveying the main character traits of the characters. Then the students made brief retelling questions asked by the teacher.


In order to evaluate teacher performance, use advanced pedagogical experience for the training of young professionals, in state educational institutions are held different kinds intraschool control.

The action plan is developed by the methodological council of the school, approved by the director of the educational institution. Then the head teacher introduces the dates, types, duration of the checks to the teachers participating in such control. After completion of the test, a certificate is drawn up, the results of which the teacher can use for advanced training (during certification).