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Innovative speech therapy technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher. "the use of innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist"

Modern speech therapy is characterized by a constant search for ways to improve and optimize the processes of development and learning of children. For this purpose, modern speech therapy technologies are used. When used, classes become more effective.

This is an active mechanical procedure, the purpose of which is to correct various speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia and others). Massage helps strengthen and relax articulatory muscles, improves kinesthetic perception, and stimulates muscle sensations.

Main types speech therapy massage:

  • manual (classic);
  • hardware (using vacuum, vibration devices);
  • point (impact on biologically active points);
  • self-massage (the child performs the procedure independently).

There is also a massage with probes, stones, herbal bags, and chestnuts.


  • short hyoid frenulum (as the cause of dyslalia);
  • rhinolalia;
  • involuntary salivation;
  • voice disorders;
  • alalia;
  • dysgraphia;
  • violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;
  • stuttering of a neurotic nature;
  • lack of clear pronunciation.

On full course 10-20 sessions are needed, sometimes more. The duration of the session is determined by the psycho-emotional state of the child (the presence or absence of fear, nervous tension). The average procedure time is 5-6 minutes.

It is imperative to choose an experienced specialist who can establish emotional contact with a young patient.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the ability to perform at home;
  • simplicity and painlessness;
  • positive effect on the nervous and muscular system;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • normalization of speech breathing;
  • reduction in pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (convulsions, hyperkinesis);
  • increasing the amplitude of articulatory movements.


  • viral diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases.

The baby’s motor sphere is closely related to the development of his mental properties. There are a number of effective techniques:

  1. Breathing exercises. They improve the rhythm of the body, promote the development of volition and self-control. Classes must be conducted in a well-ventilated room or with an open window. They can be done both standing and sitting.
  2. Exercises aimed at relaxation. With their help, you can relax, remember some events and sensations.

  1. Stretching is a set of exercises associated with tension and relaxation various parts bodies. It is very good to use them for hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles.
  2. Bioenergoplasty. This method based on combining movements of the hands with movements articulatory apparatus. It synchronizes the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, improves speech and thinking.

Finger gymnastics

It is very effective for speech development. When children exercise and move their fingers rhythmically, they activate speech centers brain. At the same time, children additionally learn to concentrate and distribute it correctly.

Finger games also train your memory well, because you need to memorize poems and a certain sequence of finger movements. The latter become flexible, mobile and strong. This will help you master writing skills faster in the future.

You can start doing finger gymnastics from the age of six months. You should set aside at least five minutes for it every day.

Local hyper- and hypothermia

This method was created and developed by the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center for the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy. It is one of the areas of cryomedicine, which uses the healing factor of cold effects on tissues and organs. The technique corrects muscle tone and normalizes muscle reactions. It requires warm water and ice.

There are several options for influence:

  • alternate use of thermal and cold factors;
  • first hypothermia, then hyperthermia;
  • hyperthermia only;
  • only hypothermia.


  • increased salivation;
  • synkinesis;
  • articulatory apraxia;
  • some forms of cerebral palsy (hyperkinetic, hemiparetic).

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • epilepsy;
  • ARVI;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • cold allergy.

The main movements through which you can learn to navigate well in space are running and walking.

Types of exercises:

  • walk and run in pairs in a circle while maintaining distance;
  • line up in pairs in a column, in a circle, scattered;
  • walk around the hall changing directions: left, right, counter-movement, snake, diagonally;
  • walk with a change of leaders;
  • uniform contraction and expansion of the circle.

This method develops the emotional-volitional sphere and promotes high-quality speech correction. Sand therapy was proposed by Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of analytical therapy. It helps to improve the skills of practical communication using verbal and non-verbal means. In the process of training, individuality is revealed, psychological difficulties are resolved. In addition, sand therapy develops imaginative thinking, coherent speech, cognitive functions, and enriches vocabulary.

Playing with sand is used both for individual work, and in groups. Conventionally, three types of activities can be distinguished:

  1. Educational. They develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, and help in learning a number of skills (counting, writing, reading).
  2. Projective. Promote the development of imagination and creativity.
  3. Cognitive. They teach about the diversity of the world around them.

To organize the process you need several things:

  • clean, sifted sand (not too fine and not too coarse);
  • sandbox (waterproof wooden box);
  • miniature figures (people, animals, plants, vehicles, natural materials and many others);
  • water.

Game options:

  • creating fingerprints and palm prints;
  • alternately squeezing and unclenching fingers immersed in sand;
  • sliding your palms along the sand (circular, zigzag movements);
  • drawing all kinds of patterns on the surface of the sand;
  • burying objects in sand and then blowing it away to reveal what was hidden.

Advantages of the method:

  • work with natural material with its own positive energy;
  • activation of sensory nerve endings at the fingertips;
  • muscle relief, psycho-emotional stress child;
  • improvement of visual-spatial orientation;
  • development of hand motor skills.


  • skin diseases;
  • damage to the hands (scratches, cuts, abrasions);
  • presence of bronchial asthma or dust allergy;
  • increased child anxiety.


Among modern speech therapy technologies and techniques, mnemonics are very popular. This is a set of techniques and rules that facilitate the process of memorizing information. Its essence is that you need to come up with pictures for words or small phrases. As a result, all text is drawn in diagrams. Looking at them, the baby can easily reproduce a verse, riddle or tongue twister.

Using mnemonics, you can achieve the development of auditory and visual attention, memory, associative thinking, and coherent speech. In addition, the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds is accelerated.

Lesson results:

  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • the emergence of interest in memorizing poetry and inventing stories;
  • increasing knowledge about the world around us.

Fairy tale therapy

The technique is a separate branch of psychotherapy and first appeared in St. Petersburg. It consists in using the fairy-tale form for the speech development of the individual, expanding consciousness and improving interaction through speech.

Fairytale therapy involves the use not so much of already invented stories, but rather the creation of new ones.

Types of fairy tales:

  1. Meditative.
  2. Psychotherapeutic.
  3. Psychocorrectional.
  4. Psychological.
  5. Didactic.

List of corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy:

  • the relationship between the motor, auditory and visual analyzers;
  • effective game motivation of children's speech;
  • improvement of sound speech;
  • improvement of lexical and grammatical language means;
  • creating a communicative orientation of all children's statements.

Fairytale therapy methods:

  • drawing fairy tales;
  • creation of dolls;
  • storytelling and writing.


This is a modern speech therapy technology, which is a complex of musical-speech, speech-motor and musical-motor exercises. Classes are conducted by a speech therapist teacher at a school or preschool (preschool educational institution).

As a result of classes, children learn to switch from one type of activity to another, move expressively, and develop creative abilities. They develop endurance, strength, agility, and a sense of balance. Also, muscles are trained and strengthened, and beautiful posture is formed.

Logorithimics helps calm active children and encourages slow ones.

Lesson options:

  • dancing, singing;
  • games on musical instruments;
  • a combination of singing and breathing exercises;
  • games with onomatopoeia;
  • pure talk;
  • singing and walking in different directions.

Logorhythmics is necessary in the following cases:

  • during the period of intensive speech formation;
  • dysarthria;
  • insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • excessively fast or slow intermittent speech;
  • stuttering.

Exercises should be done taking into account the child’s characteristics. When something doesn’t work out for him, he needs to simplify the task. If there are problems with sounds or fine motor skills, then it is important to increase the number of appropriate exercises.

Music therapy

Music increases the tone of the cerebral cortex, evokes pleasant emotions, stimulates blood circulation and breathing. It helps to develop the skill of listening and analyzing the sound of melodies.

Music therapy is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of pathological conditions.

Lesson options:

  • listening to music;
  • singing;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • elements of theatricality;
  • music drawing.

Music therapy results:

  • normalization emotional state;
  • developing skills in using voice;
  • elimination of fears of speech and movement disorders;
  • development of a sense of rhythm, independence, activity;
  • stimulation of auditory perception;
  • reproduction of musical images.


Isotherapy classes help individuals express themselves and realize their creativity. The goal of the technique is the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills.

There are several options for classes:

  • drawing on semolina;
  • finger painting;
  • blotography.

Color therapy

This is a modern speech therapy technology designed to correct speech and psychological disorders. Scientists have long proven that colors affect the emotional, intellectual and psychological condition of people.

The teacher organizes the work as follows:

  • children take toys and objects of certain colors, perform different actions with them and simulate situations;
  • discuss the work done with repeated repetition of the necessary sounds.

Results of color therapy:

  • awareness of special color preferences;
  • increased sensitivity and susceptibility;
  • expansion and deepening of the perception of colors;
  • expanding the ability to manage emotional-volitional processes;
  • increasing interest in cognitive activity.

A large number of speech therapy technologies allows you to choose from them what is suitable for a particular child. After all, he himself must show interest in classes and experience them. positive emotions. This is very important to achieve good results.

Speech - exchange of experience

Innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher

What is the psychological portrait of a child with disabilities who comes to a correctional school? This is a child with low performance, increased fatigue, low motivation, and underdevelopment of all mental processes. All this creates difficulties in learning.

Overcoming these difficulties is possible only through the creation of a health-preserving environment and the correct choice of forms, methods and techniques of speech therapy work. Health-saving technologies are very closely intertwined with correctional and gaming technologies and ultimately become one whole.

The purpose of using health-saving technologies is to promote and maintain the health of students.

Thanks to the use of health-saving technologies, the following tasks are solved:

Correction of mental processes;

Reduced fatigue, improved overall emotional state;

Development of phonemic hearing, spatial concepts, motor skills;

Development of the respiratory and articulatory apparatus.

Thus, children experience:

Improving the processes of memory, attention, thinking;

Increased ability for voluntary control;

Improving general emotional state;

Increases efficiency and self-confidence;

Motor functions are stimulated;

Reduces fatigue;

Spatial understanding improves;

Developing phonemic awareness, phonemic perception is formed;

The respiratory and articulatory apparatus develops;

Speech function is stimulated; motivation increases;

The somatic condition improves.

In my work I actively use both traditional and non-traditional methods of work. There is no doubt that all the methods that will be discussed in this article are components of health-saving technologies.

An integral and very important part of speech therapy work is articulation gymnastics. Regular practice helps:

Improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their innervation (nerve conduction)

Improve the mobility of articulatory organs; strength and accuracy of movement develops;

Strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks;

Reduce tension in the articulatory organs.

This work is very painstaking and requires doing the same exercises every day, which can discourage children from taking interest in classes. Therefore, this work should be diversified through the use of fairy-tale plots, game plots, poems, fairy-tale characters, and illustrations.

Articulation gymnastics can be combined with arm movements. This technique is called bioenergoplasty. Bioenergoplasty is a new and interesting area of ​​work on the development of children's speech and includes three concepts: bio - human, energy - strength, plastic - movement. Bioenergopastics is aimed at joint movements of the hands and articulatory apparatus, which helps to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. Thanks to exercises to develop bioenergoplasty, the child’s blood circulation improves, while the facial muscles are strengthened, fine motor skills of the hands and, accordingly, speech develop.

While performing an articulation exercise or holding a certain position, the child imitates the same movement with one or two hands at the same time.

In this case, the following tasks are solved:

The muscles of the articulatory apparatus are strengthened;

Strength, mobility, and accuracy of movements of organs involved in speech process;

Coordination of fine motor skills of the fingers develops;

Memory, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception develop.

By combining the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movement of the hand, the effectiveness of correcting defective sounds increases, since the working palm repeatedly amplifies the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue.

Bioenergoplastika is a kind of creative game with a fairy-tale plot. Development of complete movements in an entertaining and in a fun way especially important for younger students. Pronunciation deficiencies burden the child’s emotional and mental state, preventing him from developing and communicating with peers, therefore, bioenergoplasty is an indispensable health-saving method in the work of a speech therapist.

As an example, I will give one exercise:

" Woodpecker"



Someone's knocking is heard.

This is a woodpecker on a pine tree

Pounds the bark with its beak.

On the first line, tap the fist of your right hand on the open palm of your left, on the second, on the contrary, tap the fist of your left hand on the open palm of your right. With the tense tip of your tongue, tap on the upper incisors, clearly pronouncing the sound “d-d-d-d”

Connect all the fingers of your right hand, depicting the beak of a woodpecker, raise your left hand, spread your fingers to the sides, depicting a tree. With the tense tip of your tongue, tap on the upper incisors, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing “d-d-d-d”

Using this exercise as an example, we saw how the articulatory apparatus is connected to hand movements.

One of the forms of health-improving work is finger gymnastics.

Scientists who study the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children have found that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Performing with fingers various exercises, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the development of attention, thinking, memory, has a beneficial effect on the development of speech and prepares the hand for writing. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. It is advisable that finger exercises be combined with short poems, for the purpose of speech development.

General motor exercises, so-called physical exercises, which combine speech with body exercises, are also very important for children.

To organize the correctional, educational and health process with children, it is important to use self-massage of the hands. Under the influence of simple massage exercises, normalization of muscle tone is achieved, stimulation occurs tactile sensations, and also under the influence of impulses traveling in the cerebral cortex from the motor areas to the speech areas, speech function develops more beneficially.

Su-Jok therapy is a type of self-massage of the hands. Su Jok therapy has a beneficial effect not only on general organism, but also on speech activity child. It is known that speech is the result of coordinated activity of many areas of the brain. Anatomically, the speech area is located next to the motor area and is formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers. Therefore, by massaging them, the child develops not only finger motor skills, dexterity and coordination of movements, but also activates the vocabulary, develops a sense of rhythm and speech in general. Su-Jok therapy is the latest achievement oriental medicine. Translated from Korean language Su - hand, Jock - foot. Su Jok therapy affects bioenergy points to activate protective functions body and is aimed at influencing areas of the cerebral cortex in order to prevent speech disorders.

When we talk about fingers, we must remember the development of tactile sensations. When working with a child with disabilities, it is important to use all analyzers. In this direction, you can use techniques such as a dry pool, find a letter by touch, recognize a letter without looking, for the first grade geometric shapes are used.

In the work of a speech therapist, it is important to use elements of self-massage of the face. The human face, unlike other parts of the body, is equipped with nerve endings, blood and lymphatic vessels. With self-massage, the effect is not only on the structural layers of the skin, its vessels, but also on the condition of the central nervous system. The use of various self-massage techniques in speech therapy work helps to normalize muscle tone, helps the formation and implementation of active voluntary, coordinated movements of the articulation organs; stimulates the sensations of the muscles that are involved in the functioning of the speech apparatus.

Some researchers claim that self-massage affects the development and improvement of memory, abstract thinking, intelligence, and speech development. Self-massage techniques:

Stroking is a mandatory technique with which self-massage begins. When stroking, blood circulation in superficial vessels increases, muscle tone decreases, and breathing is regulated.

Rubbing is carried out in small limited areas in the area of ​​individual muscle groups. Helps increase blood circulation, improve metabolic processes, and increase muscle tone.

Kneading is also performed in the area of ​​individual muscle groups and maximizes muscle function.

Affection is used on the face at the exit points of nerves and in places where there is little fatty tissue (forehead, cheekbones, lower jaw).

Firm pressure is a technique that improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, and metabolic processes.

The duration of self-massage is 5 - 10 minutes. Each movement is performed 4-6 times. Only a few of the proposed techniques can be included in one self-massage session. Naturally, before performing self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

Great opportunities Breathing exercises provide health protection for children. Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova argued: “People breathe poorly, speak, scream and sing because they are sick, and they get sick because they don’t know how to breathe correctly. Teach them this - and the disease will go away.” But there are contraindications to using this method, and one of the principles of our work is “do no harm.” Breathing exercises are not recommended for children with brain injuries, spinal injuries, bleeding, high blood and intracranial pressure, heart defects and some other diseases!

You can use the following gaming techniques of breathing exercises, such as “bring the picture to life”, “magic bubble”, spinning toys, soap bubbles, etc.

Phonemic processes(phonemic perception, analysis, synthesis, representation, phonemic hearing) is the basis for a child’s successful acquisition of correct pronunciation, reading and writing skills. It is important to use game moments more often in classes. As examples:

exercise: “Determine the place of the sound in the word.” Animals that arrived by plane landed in the clearing (you can simultaneously work on differentiation: domestic animals, wild animals, birds). They were met by bees, they need to determine the place of the sound “C” in the names of the animals and plant the bees on the right flowers.

Exercise: "Pull the cars into the garage" back side cars pictures with a given sound at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word, we drive into the garage where the sound is.

Exercise: “Come up with words for a given sound, help the juggler perform in the circus,” for each ball we name a word with a given sound.

Exercise: “Feed Cheburashka” only those oranges that have pictures with the given sound."

Exercise on the ability to distinguish sounds that are similar in articulatory structure, phonetically similar “Help the chickens find their chickens: on the back of the chickens there are pictures with the sounds “S”, “C”

The development of spatial orientation and visual perception is very important in the formation the right image letters, writing and reading skills; formation of skills in the correct use of prepositions and the development of coherent speech in general. If we want our children to have good vision and perception, we must devote enough time to eye gymnastics in our classes. We teach children to focus their eyes on moving objects. Exercises with children are carried out while sitting, the back is straight, the legs rest freely on the floor, the head is in one position, only the eye muscles work.

As an example, you can use an exercise on the ability to focus your gaze on an object; it, in fact, promotes the development of both visual perception and spatial orientation.

Let's spend it, friends, now

Exercises for the eyes.

We caught all the snowflakes.-

They played with snowflakes.

Take a snowflake in your hand, stretch the snowflake forward in front of you, and focus your gaze on it.

Snowflakes flew to the right,

The children looked to the right.

Move the snowflake to the right, follow the movement with your gaze.

Now the snowflakes have flown,

The eyes looked to the left.

Take her to the left.

The wind lifted the snow up

And he lowered it to the ground......

Raise snowflakes up and down.

Children look up and down.

Spin around! And they lay down on the ground.

Spin around and sit down, lowering the snowflake to the floor.

We close our eyes,

Close your eyes with your palms.

The eyes are resting.

Children fold snowflakes and sit on chairs.

One of the techniques aimed at developing visual perception can be working with sticks and matches: fold the object according to the pattern. Here visual perception is connected, in parallel there is a development of fine motor skills, enrichment of vocabulary and broadening of horizons. This work can be organized very well when working on lexical topics.

Working with clothespins can be widely used. As an example, it is proposed to use such multifunctional games as:

"what is missing?". Children are offered the depicted objects and asked to determine what is missing; we supplement the images with multi-colored clothespins

“Whose tail?” The use of such exercises is usually played out with a game plot: for example, “different animals came to us by train. Look at them, name them, they ask you for help, what do you think they need help with?” , what are they missing? (children must guess that the animals do not have tails; if the children do not immediately guess, we give hints in the form of leading questions). Next, it is suggested to remove the animals from the train and pick up their tails from the magic box, the tails are glued to wooden clothespins. .

"Who eats what?" games. The child takes a clothespin with a muzzle and selects the food the animal needs.

All these games, in addition to having a beneficial effect on fine motor skills, contribute to the development of visual perception, enrichment of vocabulary and development of horizons.

I would like to touch upon such a method as fairy tale therapy. In the work of a speech therapist, fairy tales play a big role. Its educational, developmental and training role is very great. And since we are talking about health-saving technologies, we can say with confidence that a method such as fairy tale therapy has a very beneficial effect on the mental health of a primary school student.

Through a fairy tale, children learn onomatopoeia, learn to express their emotions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and also develop spatial orientation through the flat figures of fairy tale heroes.

This article demonstrates the variability of the use of various methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist for the development of children’s speech from a health-saving perspective. These techniques provide positive impact on children's health, both psychological and physical. Children's performance increases and their quality improves educational process.

Thus, we can note the features of speech therapy correction work based on health conservation:

Maximum turn-on of analyzers

Using colorful, varied visuals

Usage entertaining material

Exercise Variability

The article outlines my experience of introducing innovative technologies in my own practical activities preschool speech center in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education with priority areas: strengthening physical and mental health children, their emotional well-being; creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics; correction of speech disorders in preschool children; formation of prerequisites for educational activities; formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

A good speech therapist teacher must learn constantly!

Innovative experience in my understanding is “keeping your finger on the pulse” modern pedagogy, and my preschool children, who attend classes at the speech center of our preschool educational institution, have special educational needs.

Mastery of innovative pedagogical technologies is a requirement for the professional qualifications of a teacher of the 21st century!

In the work of a speech therapist teacher, modern technologies become everything higher value. They contribute to achieving the greatest possible success in overcoming speech disorders in children, serve to create a favorable emotional background, promote the inclusion of intact people in work and the activation of impaired ones. mental functions. Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapists use in their practice, adapting to their needs, the most effective, innovative technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.


Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable and have unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance and fast fatiguability. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard labour. The use of innovative technologies in speech therapy practice serves as an effective addition to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed in the mid-late 20th century.


Creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies, systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with physical individual capabilities each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

Innovative technologies in modern speech therapy practice at a preschool speech center with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

“Create ideas and develop them. And then you can be called a modern teacher,” notes Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.N. Smirnov.

It’s nice when children go to classes with a “speech therapist” with joy and desire, in anticipation of what awaits them today. What could be waiting for them? Attractive environment of the speech therapist's workspace, aesthetic design, game teaching aids. This is the only way to interest a child and invite him to dialogue. And, of course, a smile! A smile encourages the desire to communicate, trust, and creates a friendly emotional background.

Implementing priority directions of the Federal State educational standard preschool education, to me, as a representative younger generation Modern speech therapy has to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children. Thus, the process of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders in the speech center of a preschool institution is aimed at:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics;
  • correction of speech disorders in preschool children;
  • formation of prerequisites for educational activities;
  • formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

The innovative technologies I use in my own speech therapy practice are based on priority areas GEF DO:

  • Palming;
  • Technology of finger and hand massage (with elements of self-massage);
  • “Su-Jok” - therapy;
  • Body-oriented technologies.
  • Gaming technologies;
  • Visual modeling technology;
  • Mnemonics;
  • Information Technology.

The above types of technologies cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent; they become part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and bring into them the spirit of the times, new ways of interaction between teacher and child, and new incentives for the speech therapist teacher.

Health-saving technologies:

To maintain performance throughout the entire speech therapy session (individual-subgroup or subgroup) and relieve muscle tension in children-speech therapists, I use body-oriented technologies: relaxation techniques in contrast to tension in combination with exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, relieving tension in the eye muscles - Palming . This exercise is ancient, it belongs to yogis. The use of kinesiological exercises (a set of movements) allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction in children with speech disorders, increase their resistance to stress, improve mental activity, help improve memory and attention, mood and well-being. Technologies of finger and hand massage, “Su-Jok” therapy, expand ideas modern specialist for the development of fine motor skills.

Gaming technologies:

Game technologies are an integral part of pedagogical (educational) technologies: task-based, gaming, computer, dialogue, training. The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. However, in the Russian education system, gaming technologies to this day remain an “innovative technology.” Play is the leading activity of children preschool age, on its basis, readiness to study at school is formed. Purpose of use gaming technology in speech therapy practice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, and develop higher mental functions.

A toy, like a hero, helps create motivation, a game situation, a surprise moment. One of children's favorite toys is a ball. Children with speech impairments have difficulty in such movements as passing the ball from a short distance (throwing it, hitting the target with their palms, trying to catch the ball), rolling and grabbing the ball. Verbal games with a ball are an excellent solution to problems of consolidating speech skills in a mental sense based on ideas and without relying on visuals, developing general motor skills, and self-control skills when performing a task.

Construction in the preschool period is a game on the basis of which productive activities are formed. They contribute to the formation cognitive processes, speech, emotional, creative development, independence and arbitrariness of processes. Children's construction refers to an activity in which children create from various materials(paper, cardboard, wood, etc.) various game crafts. In my speech therapy work, I successfully use the Tangram puzzle game. The game promotes the development of attention, imagination, thinking, combinatorial abilities, and fine motor skills.

Visual modeling technology:

Processes of development of the phonemic aspect of speech (perception, ideas, skills sound analysis and synthesis) require children to become familiar with the structure of words. Traditional visual modeling technology allows children to “see” sounds, words, and complex species works on determining the position of a sound in a word, to visually present the qualitative characteristics of the sound. Corrective and developmental work on the development of the grammatical aspect of speech (forms of inflection and word formation, prepositional-case constructions) using special schemes and modules of word games in the process of correcting sound pronunciation develops in children imagination and an intuitive form of word transformation.


Correction of sound pronunciation is impossible without working on the expressiveness of speech, its meaningful duplication in activities such as retelling, memorizing poetry, tongue twisters. The essence of mnemonics is that for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created. Using Techniques symbolic analogy facilitates the process of memorization by children. Mnemonics uses the natural mechanisms (visual-figurative memory) of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information.

Information Technology:

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with event scenarios.

3. Familiarity with periodicals and the work of other teachers.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings, master classes, and “Round Tables”.

6. Exchange of experience: creating your own mini-sites on popular portals, publishing materials on teaching activities on various sites.

GBOU "school number 763" DO-3, teacher-speech therapist Marincheva E. V.

Speech therapy, like everyone else modern education does not stand still, it is developing rapidly. New forms and innovative technologies are emerging.

Speech therapy practice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders.

Modern speech therapy is located on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, and therefore it uses the most efficient technologies related sciences, helping to optimize the work of a speech therapist.

In speech therapy practice, they cannot be considered as independent; they become part of generally accepted speech therapy technologies, introducing new innovative forms and methods of interaction between the teacher and the child. These innovative technologies serve to create a favorable emotional background and enable intact and impaired mental functions to work.

These new innovative technologies include:

  • Neuropsychological (psycho-gymnastics, electrical neurostimulation)
  • Kinesitheropia (logorhythmics)
  • Various types of speech therapy massage
  • Su-Jok therapy
  • Gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova
  • Didactic syncwine
  • Information and computer technologies
  • Mnemonics
  • Method "bliss communications"
  • Neuropsychological methods.

Psycho-gymnastics. Since most children with speech problems Characterized by imbalances between the processes of excitation and inhibition, pathologies of the emotional-volitional sphere, motor restlessness, awkwardness, and motor incoordination. therefore, developmental and correctional work must be built in the direction from the formation of mental functions that are earlier in ontogenesis to more complex ones, such as speech. And because a child learns the world through movements and emotions; speech-motor exercises with elements of psycho-gymnastics will help him overcome pathological problems

  • Regularly performing such exercises will allow you to:
  • Develop proper speech breathing
  • Develop general fine and articulatory motor skills
  • Improve phonemic awareness
  • Develop the ability to change voice modulation
  • Improve the rhythmic and intonation side of speech

These exercises can be used as part of a thematic lesson during dynamic breaks or as separate lesson. Children can sit at the table or on the carpet. Movements and speech material are not previously learned, but are carried out by imitation synchronously with the speech therapist. Movements should alternate: fast and slow, tense and relaxing, sharp and smooth. Exercises should be emotionally rich and playful in nature. The proposed movements may contain an imaginary image, transformation. Before starting the exercise, the speech therapist approaches each child, touches him with his hand or "shiny pointer" (with a magic wand).

  • "Magic Pointer"
  • "Scarves"
  • "Ant"
  • "Sun and Cloud"
  • "Shell"


Kinesitherapy is the treatment and correction of impaired movements and speech abilities of preschool children (also called the Bubnovsky method)

My system of kinesitherapy activities is focused on the didactic principles of education and development.

It involves several directions:

Direction "manual therapy" , which includes a massage of the fingers and palms. First, I taught the children how to self-massage their hands, which we do every day. Children enjoy massage, accompanying it with poems and rhymes, while automating problematic sounds. We perform massage with and without objects, using natural elements (pebbles, cones, nuts), didactic materials (plastic balls, beads, massage balls, hex pencils), decorative toys (wooden spoons, nesting dolls), musical toys (maracas, pipes)

  • "Pebbles"
  • "Bumps"
  • "Wooden Spoons"
  • "Pipes"
  • "Maracas"
  • "Matryoshka"

Direction "finger play training" . These are systematic exercises for the fingers, a means of increasing brain performance and a means of activating speech zones. I try to do finger games every day, we play with a variety of materials: from plant seeds, fluff, shells, wire, colored woolen threads, beads, mosaics to the BI-BA-BO finger theater. I use it in games problematic situations using tactile speech. First I show and explain myself, then the children create the situation and explain to them. Children learn to solve problems and develop speech.

  • "Plants' seeds"
  • "Mosaic"
  • "Theater Bi-Ba-Bo"

Direction "movement therapy" . This is primarily logorhythmics. As a basis for practicing logorhythms, I take the method of phonetic rhythms - this is a system of motor exercises in which various movements (body, head, arms, legs) combined with the pronunciation of special speech material. In logorhythmics I include elements that have a health-improving orientation: articulatory movements in front of a mirror, simple massage techniques, finger games, breathing exercises, singing sounds, words, short poems. The speech material used in classes is lexically accessible. To teach speech I use illustrative materials and riddles. The restoration of clear diction is facilitated by breathing, voice and articulation exercises, which I conduct in a playful manner. There are aids for this: tubes, paper candles, flags, plastic bottles, strips, bobby pins.

  • "Singing Sounds"
  • "Tubes"
  • "Plastic bottles"

Direction "isotherapy" - work together with an art studio teacher "Watercolor" . We understand that the richer the sensorimotor abilities of children, the more developed the speech centers.

The result of systematic work on kinesitherapy is the following results:

  • A card index of massages, finger games, and logorhythmic exercises has been created
  • Homework assignments and games are given
  • Art studio "Watercolor"
  • Speech therapy massage

She began to actively use SU-JOK therapy techniques in her work. This is a massage with special SU-JOK balls, which can be used on the child’s fingers, hands, and palms, rolling it. As a result of massage, the child's muscle tone increases, blood flows to the limbs, and as a result, fine motor skills improve. In addition, I massage with an elastic ring. Spring rings are placed on the child’s fingers and rolled over them until a feeling of warmth appears. To prevent the massage process from seeming boring, poetic material is used. Roll the ball between your palms, massage the arm muscles, repeat the words and perform exercises with the ball.

  • "Ball Su-Jok"
  • "Massage ring"

Simultaneously with the massage, which develops fine motor skills, you can automate the sound. When working with a certain sound during a massage, the text corresponding to this sound is spoken. You can use the Su-Jok ball to improve lexical and grammatical categories. I use such exercises in my work "One is many"

I roll the Su-Jok ball on the table, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, calling the noun in the plural.

Exercise "One-many"

The exercise is performed in the same way "Call me kindly" And "Say the opposite" (for example topic "Berries" cranberry-cranberry, strawberry-strawberry. - - Did I finally remember the berries? What does it mean?

Children raise their shoulders and are surprised:

I'm done! (Pulls out thumb forward) Subject "Dishes" (children roll the Su-Jok ball between their palms)

When conducting sound analysis of words, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. The child shows the ball corresponding to the sound designation.

In tasks to improve the skills of using prepositions, the child puts a red ball in the box, a blue ball under the box, and a green ball near the box.

For syllabic analysis of words, children perform an exercise “Divide the word into syllables” . The child names the syllable and takes 1 ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.

Based on the experience of working with older preschoolers with SEN, it is clear that even after speech correction classes, children with good diagnostic indicators still have difficulties associated with the speed of their own speech. speech utterance, they need more time to think and formulate an answer. Difficulties are expressed in the inability to choose the main thing, to briefly and accurately formulate your thoughts.

Didactic syncwine

The use of didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice will help develop abilities in preschool age. ("syncwine" - five lines, from French) Sinkwine is based on the content and syntactic specificity of each line. Its compilation requires the ability to select essential elements from available information, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly.

The basic rules for compiling a syncwine include the following:

The first line includes one word - an object that reflects the main idea.

The second line is two words, word-signs that characterize the subject.

Third line – three words, action words describing actions within the topic

The fourth line is a multi-word phrase showing the author’s attitude to the topic.

The fifth line is words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic. (can be one word)

Examples of syncwine

Thus, in order to correctly compose a syncwine, it is important:

Have a sufficient vocabulary, master analysis, generalization, concepts: word-subject, (living-non-living), sign word, be able to select synonyms, learn to correctly understand and ask questions, coordinate words into sentences, correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence.

Preliminary work on creating a speech base for composing syncwine with preschoolers with OHP is based on that part of the program by T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina. “Elimination of OHP in preschool children” , which concerns the development of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech. At the end of the first year of study, most older preschoolers gradually master the skill of composing a syncwine, practicing selecting actions and signs for objects, improving the ability to generalize, expanding and clarifying vocabulary, and working with sentences.

Sinkwine can be composed in individual and subgroup classes. Since children in kindergarten do not yet know how to write, they can compose syncwine in the form of oral essays based on a diagram. I sometimes give homework assignments for the child and parents to work together: draw an object and compose a syncwine.

You can use the following work options: compilation short story By ready-made syncwine, syncwine based on the story you listened to. It is best to use syncwine in class to reinforce the learned lexical topic.

An example of a syncwine (lexical topic "Toys" )

In classes on the development of coherent speech: using words from syncwine, come up with a story

When syncwine is used creatively in the classroom, children perceive it as an exciting game.

The effectiveness of using syncwine lies in quickly obtaining results and consolidating them, facilitating the process of mastering concepts, expanding vocabulary, learning to express one’s thoughts, and selecting the right words.

The use of didactic syncwine in the classroom allows the speech therapist to combine in his work elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

Another new method of work used in my practice. This is a technique of mnemonics, that is, a technique that facilitates memorization and increases memory capacity by forming artificial associations

The memorization process is divided into 4 stages:

  • copying elements of information into a visual image
  • the memorization process itself
  • remembering a sequence of information
  • consolidation of information in memory

In children with speech pathology, it is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking, using symbols, substitutes, schemes that underlie the formation of artificial associations that facilitate memorization.

Reliance on a visual image is very important, because when reproducing a text, if this image does not appear in the imagination, then the child does not understand this text. Thus, the method of symbolization is the shortest way to forming the process of memorization and accurate transmission of information that requires verbatim repetition (for example, in pure sayings, poems,) For children, a schematic representation of individual parts is sufficient - all these observations in the practice of correctional work with children suggested the need to choose a system of mnemonics that allows accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds. The mnemonic tracks are based on well-known sayings and poems.

Mnemonic tracks: automation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Mnemonic tracks: automation of sonorous sounds.

According to the results of speech therapy monitoring, children showed positive dynamics in mastering correct sound pronunciation and an acceleration in the automation of sounds. The volume of visual and verbal memory has noticeably increased, the distribution and stability of attention has improved, and mental activity has intensified.

Computer technologies in speech therapy

One of the new modern means of working with children is the computer. The issue of creation and application computer technology in speech correction for various types of erased dysarthria, and L. R. Lizunova deals with ONR in children. She developed computer technology for OHP correction "Games for tigers" . The author points out that systemic speech therapy influence on children using computer technology can significantly increase the efficiency of the correctional educational process.

When creating computerized assignments, it is important to consider modern requirements to the creation and application of information technologies in preschool educational institutions.

"Games for Tigers"

In computer technology "Games for Tigers" Exercises for working on vocabulary, forming generalizing concepts, exercises for developing verbal vocabulary, exercises for working on adjectives and antonyms are presented. In exercises for each area, I follow a thematic approach, using words related to the lexical topic in the exercises (vegetables, fruits, berries, tools, transport, etc.). The words for each task are selected in accordance with the presence of sounds in the words. For example, when forming generalizing concepts on a topic "vegetables" I select the category that the automated sound belongs to, for example [ R].

On the screen there is a picture of a vegetable, fruit or berry, and three baskets (vegetables in one, fruits in another, berries in the third). The child names the picture, determines which category it belongs to, and selects the desired basket. If the child correctly named and selected the correct basket with the mouse, the following labeled picture and three baskets appear on the screen. If you select the final picture correctly, a smiling emoticon appears on the screen. There are at least 6 pictures for each sound category.

Thus, in the process of using such computer tasks on individual lessons is fixed correct pronunciation automated sound in words, the dictionary is enriched, generalization words are fixed in the dictionary, positive motivation for attending speech therapy classes is maintained, and computer skills are developed. The use of computerized tasks will stimulate the correct pronunciation of the automated sound in a word, plus they support the child’s desire to be an active participant in the correction process.

Another new one interesting method use of electronic visual aids correctional work on overcoming speech disorders.

This Kodak Easy Share Photo Frame is a new, unique feature that features a color LCD display and color management system for playing back video clips. Thanks to the slide show function, photos change at different speeds, and the speakers create musical accompaniment.

Photo FrameKodak Easy Share

The photo frame is convenient to use for articulation gymnastics. The image that appears on the screen desired exercise in speech and musical accompaniment, the child first examines, listens, and then performs independently. Or, for example, when introducing children to illustrations of winter, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the album is used "Seasons" .

This tool has a number of advantages in correctional work: a convenient control panel, many functions, its own slide show, viewing multimedia training programs, the ability to set viewing time.

Examples of electronic visual and gaming aids

"Delicious juice" (the game field is an image of a green apple with bottles on it with the names of different fruits and berries, inside of which there are glowing LEDs) An adult asks “What kind of juice can be made from fruits and berries?” the child answers: you can make apple juice from apples. After the answer, a self-test is performed - finding a droplet corresponding to the color of the fruit (lemon has yellow, plum has purple, orange has orange).

The correct answer is determined by the coincidence of the highlighted bottle and the droplet. Then the child will recognize the outline images of fruits (apples, pears, pineapples) and names objects about which one can say: mine, mine, mine (my banana, my pear, my apple)

Didactic electronic game "Delicious juice"

Electronic multifunctional manual "Miracle book" (A3 format, consisting of pages equipped with magnets and LEDs inside).

When working with the manual, the right side of the book lights up red - a signal for motivation, and a fairy-tale character appears on the page, on whose behalf tasks are given. Then lights up green left-hand side, and corresponding green object pictures are attached to it, for which the child must answer.

The child independently attaches the image to the page of the book. The speech therapist can ask leading questions. Using the gaming capabilities of a computer in combination with didactic capabilities (visual representation information, providing feedback between curriculum or a child, ample opportunities to encourage correct actions) allows you to: 1. Increase motivation and interest children in activities. 2.Reinforce the educational material. 3. Individualize the learning process (content, difficulty level, pace changes). 4.Remove negativism from repeated repetitions of tasks. 5. Master self-control techniques. 6. Develop hand-eye coordination. 7. Promotes positive development dynamics.

Computer gaming technologies are best used at the stage of repetition and consolidation of educational material. The use of new information technologies involves not only teaching children the basics of computer science, but also creating new, scientifically based, accessible means of development, transforming the child’s objectively developing environment, and expanding opportunities to understand the world around them.




Methodological association speech therapists

Report on the topic

“Optimization of the correctional and developmental process through the work of a speech therapist teacher through the use of innovative technologies”

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Yulia Nikolaevna

The majority of schoolchildren entering speech therapy centers have deviations in speech development of varying structure and severity. As a rule, children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, underdevelopment of motor and sensory functions, spatial representations, features of receiving and processing information. Such children experience a decrease in interest in learning, increased fatigue, low performance, etc. Children are often ashamed of their speech imperfections, become nervous, irritable, uncommunicative, which leads to the formation of feelings of inferiority, the emergence of negativism, stubbornness, isolation and others. negative traits character. This contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards learning and is one of the reasons for school failure. Such children need urgent help from a speech therapist, so speech therapy work in secondary schools occupies an important place in the process of preventing and overcoming student failure.

Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy uses in its practice, adapting to its needs, the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques of related sciences that help optimize the work of a teacher - speech therapist. After all, the process of presenting material in a speech therapy lesson should be somewhat different, more individualized, than in a classroom lesson.

To interest students and make learning meaningful, we need non-standard approaches, individual programs development, new innovative technologies. It is important to preserve both traditional approaches and develop new directions in speech therapy theory and practice, and also to remember that any innovation is not good in itself (“innovation for the sake of innovation”), but as a means, a method that serves a specific purpose. In this regard, the stages of its development and dissemination are very important, which precisely show the need and effectiveness new technology.

Innovative methods of influence in the work of a speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in preschool children. Against the background of comprehensive speech therapy care, innovative methods, without requiring special effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech and contribute to the healing of the entire body.

Innovative technologies- these are introduced, new, highly effective methods and tools, techniques that are the end result of the teacher’s intellectual activity.

In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, organization joint activities teacher and child.

The main criterion for the “innovativeness” of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through its application.

There are the following types of innovative technologies in speech therapy:

Art - therapeutic technologies;

Modern technologies of speech therapy and finger massage;

Modern technologies of sensory education;

"Su-Jok" therapy;


Information Technology.

Art therapy is a means of free self-expression in a special symbolic form: through drawing, games, fairy tales, music - we can help a person give vent to his strong emotions, experiences, and gain a new experience of resolution conflict situations.

The main goal of art therapy is to develop a person’s self-expression and self-knowledge through creativity and to increase his adaptive abilities.

The goals of art therapy in working with children are to promote the formation of high vitality and harmonious relationships with the outside world, the development of mutual understanding between children, as well as between children and adults. Teach your child self-expression, the ability to manage their feelings, experiences, emotions.

Types of art therapy:

Music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments);

Iso-therapy (non-traditional drawing techniques);

Kinesiotherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics);

Fairytale therapy;


Creative play therapy (sand therapy);

Laughter therapy;


Color therapy (chromotherapy).

Music therapy – a method of psychotherapy based on the emotional perception of music. Depending on the melody, its rhythmic basis and execution, music can have a wide variety of effects.

Corrective tasks of music therapy:

Normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm;

Stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions);

Improving the general condition of children;

Improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, and smoothness develop);

Correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas;

Stimulations speech function;

Normalization prosodic side speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation);

Formation of word formation skills;

Formation syllable structure words.

During a relaxing speech therapy massage, works that have a sedative effect are used, and during an active massage, works that have a tonic effect are used.
It is also possible to use tonic pieces of music during dynamic pauses and articulatory gymnastics.

One of the most common types of art therapy is isotherapy (drawing, modeling) - a therapeutic effect, correction through visual activity.

Technicians iso-therapy used for speech development:

“Blotography” technique;

Finger painting;

Drawing with soft paper;

Poking painting with a hard semi-dry brush;

Drawing on glass;


Drawing on semolina;

Technique of drawing with leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.;

Cotton imprinting technique;

“Cork impression” technique;

Drawing with palms.

These techniques allow you to develop accuracy, coordination of hand movements, fine and gross motor skills, also relax the child during classes, help to switch attention, set a positive mood, etc.

Kinesiology is the science of the development of the brain through movement, that is, the term kinesiotherapy can be defined as follows (kinesioterapia, kinesis - movement, therapia - treatment, “motion treatment”) performing movements and exercises under the influence of which positive changes occur in the child’s body

Kinesiological exercises - this is a set of movements that allow you to activate interhemispheric interaction:

They develop the corpus callosum (a plexus of nerve fibers that unites the right and left hemispheres, coordinating the work of both halves of the brain as one);

Increase stress resistance;

Improve mental activity;

Helps improve memory and attention;

Facilitate the process of reading and writing;

They improve both the mood and well-being of the person performing them.

Method fairytale therapy is a health-saving technology, a comprehensive system aimed at correcting speech disorders, personal development child and preserving his health, and allows, within the framework of a fairy tale, to solve educational, correctional, and educational problems.

Forms of work of complex fairy tale therapy:

    analysis of fairy tales (solving “open” fairy tale problems);

    telling fairy tales (group: inventing “in a circle”, telling “in a circle” a famous fairy tale; individual: from the 3rd person, from the 1st person);

    production of fairy tales (dramatization games);

    writing fairy tales (interpretation, rewriting, adding, composing new fairy tales and stories);

    meditation on a fairy tale (immersion in any process - static, psychodynamic);

    puppet therapy (finger puppets, puppets, paper puppets, glove puppets, riding puppets, flannelgraph, shadow, magnetic, stand);

    fabulous image therapy (transformation with the help of costumes).

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and, of course, the development of speech.

Mnemonics helps in the development of: coherent speech; associative thinking; visual and auditory memory; visual and auditory attention; imagination; accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created. Thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

Playing with sand- this is a natural and accessible form of interaction and transformation of the world for every child.

Often a small child cannot express his feelings and fears in words. And then playing with sand comes to his aid. By acting out the situations that excited him with the help of toy figures, creating his own world out of sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, the child acquires his own invaluable experience of the symbolic resolution of many life situations, “after all, in a real fairy tale“everything ends well” (even if the child does not realize the deeper meaning of what he lost in the sand). Children who actively played in the sand are more likely to grow up confident and successful.

Laughter therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps remove blocks, relax, and get rid of shyness. Humor and laughter lift your spirits, help establish communication connections, and allow you to effectively resist stressful situations.

Aromatherapy- treatment using essential oils of various plants.

Goals: normalize muscle tone; increase performance, mood, self-confidence.

Color therapy (chromotherapy) - restoration of individual biological rhythm with the help of specially selected colors. Stimulation of intellectual and emotional development treatment of children with color therapy is justified and effective.

Working with color helps solve many problems: it increases the level of communication in children and their emotional responsiveness; enriches children's sensory and emotional experience; introduces techniques for managing your feelings and develops self-control skills.

Speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy technologies, active method mechanical action aimed at correcting various speech disorders.

The purpose of speech therapy massage not only strengthens or relaxes articulatory muscles, but also stimulates muscle sensations, which contributes to the clarity of kinesthetic perception. The kinesthetic feeling accompanies the work of all muscles. Thus, completely different muscle sensations arise in the oral cavity depending on the degree of muscle tension during the movement of the tongue and lips. The directions of these movements and various articulatory patterns when pronouncing certain sounds are felt.

Massage of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus helps to normalize muscle tone and thereby prepare the muscles for performance. complex movements necessary for the articulation of sounds.

Performing speech therapy massage techniques requires a clear diagnosis of the state of muscle tone not only of the actual muscles involved in articulation, but also of the muscles of the face and neck.

The main types of speech therapy massage include:

Classic manual;



Finger massage

Massage the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls;

Clothes massage;

Massage with nuts, chestnuts;

Massage with hexagonal pencils;

Rosary massage;

Massage with herbal bags;

Stone massage;

Massage with probes, probe substitutes;

Massage with Su-Jok therapy devices.

Sensory education- this is a targeted improvement, the development of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children.

At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, and a certain element of sensory culture is formed. Didactic games on sensory education can rationalize the work of a speech therapist teacher and give him the opportunity to trace the process sensory development, will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the sensory education tools used.

Su-Jok therapy is highly effective, safe and simple, the best method of self-help that currently exists.

Studies by neuropathologists, psychiatrists and physiologists have shown that morphological and functional formation speech areas of the cerebral cortex occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses coming from the fingers. Therefore, along with finger games, mosaics, shading, modeling, drawing, Su-Jok therapy for speech therapy purposes activates the development of a child’s speech.

We use Su-Jok massagers in the form of massage balls, complete with metal massage rings, in combination with speech correction exercises. The ball can be used to stimulate areas on the palms, and the massage rings are placed on the fingers. "SU" - hand, "JOK" - foot. Hands and feet, thanks to nature, are similar to the body in structure. On the hands and feet there are systems of highly active points corresponding to all organs and areas of the body.

Rice. 2. Internal organs in the brush matching system.

The advantages of Su-Jok therapy are:

    high efficiency - when used correctly, a pronounced effect occurs;

    absolute safety - incorrect use never causes harm - it is simply ineffective;

    universality - Su-Jok therapy can be used by both teachers in their work and parents at home;

    ease of use - to obtain results, you need to stimulate biologically active points using Su-Jok balls (they are freely sold in pharmacies and do not require large expenses).

To date cryotherapy- one of the most modern non-traditional technologies of correctional pedagogy, which involves the use of games with ice in order to develop tactile sensitivity and stimulate the innervation of fine motor muscles. Thus, secondary compensation and development of motor centers of the cerebral cortex occur indirectly. In this regard, articulatory motor skills, pronunciation skills of children and, in general, the state of their independent expression improve.

The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has certain properties. The effect is based on a change in vascular activity - the initial spasm of small arteries is accompanied by their pronounced expansion, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of action, resulting in improved nutrition of nerve and muscle tissue. Exposure of the hands to cold and heat leads to alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the implementation of clear movements in the process of visual activity and, as a result, improves the process of speech development.

Educational Information Technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.

As a rule, children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial representations, and characteristics of receiving and processing information. These children experience a decrease in interest in learning and increased fatigue.

To interest a child and make learning meaningful, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new innovative technologies.

The use of computer tasks with systematized illustrative, textual, developmental and, most importantly, easily replaceable material makes it possible to rationally use the time of speech therapy classes.

Thanks to a computer, in a shorter time it is possible to solve such problems as replenishing vocabulary, forming a grammatical system, filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, forming coherent speech, developing spelling vigilance, which helps improve literacy. Children become more interested in the learning process and develop skills of independent work and self-control.

Classes using innovative technology stimulate the child’s efforts to correct violations of oral and writing. The ability to use repeated trials and attempts provides good training and automates the corrected sound in spoken and written speech.

Possibilities of using IT in speech therapy:

Increasing motivation for speech therapy sessions;

Organization of objective monitoring of children’s development and activities;

Expansion of the plot content of the traditional play activity;

The ability to quickly create your own

didactic material;

Visualization of acoustic components of speech;

Expanding the range of non-verbal tasks;

Provide an invisible transition for the child from play activities to learning activities;

Significant opportunities in the development of HMF: schematization, symbolization of thinking; formation of the planning function of thinking and speech;

Due to the increased emotional tone, a faster translation of the studied material into long-term memory.

Head of RMO ____________V.V. Loktionova