Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Development of functional literacy of students in the classroom. Formation of functional literacy of students in English lessons

As the French economist Georges Andria calculated, in the 1500 years from Jesus to Leonardo the amount of information doubled, then it doubled in 250 years from Leonardo to the death of Bach, by the beginning of the 20th century it doubled again .... And once again doubled in just seven years (). More recently, Dr. Jacques Vallee calculated that the amount of information has doubled in 18 months. According to modern data, fifty percent of information becomes obsolete in five to ten years. For 11 years of study, a student attends almost 10 thousand lessons, but cannot remember even half of the information, he considers many of the information unnecessary and inapplicable in life.

Silence should reign in the classroom - there should be strict discipline. The purpose of education is to give knowledge. The purpose of the school is to prepare students for life in an ever-changing environment. Functional literacy is the ability of an individual, based on knowledge, skills and abilities, to function normally in the system of social relations, to adapt as quickly as possible in a particular cultural environment. Functional literacy is the result of the development of students' competencies.

Activity is the basis of the competency-based approach in education. Expected results educational process is the ZUN system. Teacher and student are partners. The teacher in the lesson asks, influences and determines. The child's doing what he chose himself greatly enhances the effectiveness of education. Traditional lesson - everything can be taught. Modern lesson - everything can be learned!

Demonstration of the theory Oral presentation of the material in the lesson 0.5 Oral presentation of the material using note-taking elements Use of TCO 5.0 Teaching in small groups Peer-to-peer learning between students 9.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Workshops to consolidate the theory of the Learning Pyramid (UNESCO)

Basic competencies Basic competencies characterize the main facets of a personality, help students build their life in society, realize themselves as part of the world. They, as a guideline, become the core of the life-creation of each person, the life of society as a whole, as well as the basis for strengthening the creative role of secondary education.

International Assessment Surveys PISA TIMSS PIRLS The 15-year-old International Learning Achievement Program assesses the ability of adolescents to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at school to address a wide range of life tasks in various fields human activity, as well as interpersonal communication and social relations"Evaluation of mathematical and natural science literacy of students in grades 4 and 8" "Studying the quality of reading and understanding of the text" examines the reading literacy of students who have studied for four years. Favorable educational environment between the third and fifth years schooling there is a qualitative transition in the formation essential component learning independence: learning to read (reading technique) ends, reading for learning begins - the use of written texts as the main resource of self-education, the features of the content of school mathematical and natural science education in participating countries, peculiarities educational process, as well as factors related to the characteristics of educational institutions, teachers, students and their families

Key competencies Key competencies create the prerequisites for the formation of values ​​and motives, as well as for the development of social and behavioral norms of human life; serve as the basis for determining the expected results for each educational field. Key competencies include: information competence; communicative competence; problem solving competence; Subject competencies - knowledge!!!

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and capabilities, participate in social life Natural science literacy - the ability of a person to master and use natural science knowledge to recognize and raise questions, to master new knowledge, to explain natural science phenomena and formulate conclusions based on scientific evidence in connection with natural science problems; understand the main features of natural science as a form human knowledge; demonstrate awareness of natural Sciences and technology influence the material, intellectual and cultural spheres of society; Mathematical literacy The ability of a person to identify and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which he lives, to make well-founded mathematical judgments, and to use mathematics in a way that satisfies the present and future needs of a creative, interested and thinking citizen. Basic Skill functional literacy

Knowledge of information, rules, principles; assimilation general concepts and skills that make up cognitive basis solving standard problems in various spheres of life; ability to adapt to a changing world; resolve conflicts, work with information; conduct business correspondence; apply the rules of personal safety in life; willingness to navigate the values ​​and norms of the modern world; accept the features of life to meet their life needs; raise the level of education based on informed choice. The main features of a functionally literate person are: a person who is independent, cognizant and able to live among people, possessing certain qualities, key competencies.

B. Bloom's taxonomy of educational goals A modern lesson is designed according to certain algorithm, which involves the use of taxonomy (classification) learning objectives. Taxonomy of Benjamin Bloom consists of 6 levels corresponding to sequential thought processes: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.

Six levels of tasks The first level of "KNOWLEDGE" - aims to learn how to transfer information from the teacher's words, from the pages of a textbook and other sources into the pantry of MEMORY, that is, to turn INFORMATION into KNOWLEDGE types of assigned information) that got into MEMORY. The third level "APPLICATION" - has the goal of learning to apply KNOWLEDGE by example, by rule or by algorithmic prescription, that is, "by example and likeness". The fourth level "ANALYSIS" - aims to learn through the algorithm of analysis (elementary mental operation) on the basis of previously acquired KNOWLEDGE to discover NEW KNOWLEDGE. The fifth level "SYNTHESIS" - aims to learn through the algorithm of analysis (elementary mental operation) on the basis of previously acquired KNOWLEDGE to discover NEW KNOWLEDGE. The sixth level "EVALUATION" - aims to learn to draw conclusions in a specific situation of the analysis algorithm (elementary mental operation) on the basis of previously acquired KNOWLEDGE, discovered NEW KNOWLEDGE at previous levels.

Tasks are developed on six levels. In the matrix of tasks to lesson according to B. Bloom, verbs are used that are placed at the beginning of each sentence when compiling assignments. The main operands that should be used in the presentation of the training task are also indicated here. Since the modern lesson is productive, we are talking about the independence of students and the application of knowledge and skills in practice. For each level, one or more tasks are offered, but the timing and capabilities of the students are taken into account. Tasks of levels 1-3 should be able to be completed by all students.

1. Teachers are divided into groups of 5-6 people. To complete the work - 40 minutes. 2. In each group there is a tutor who has been trained in compiling competence-oriented tasks according to B. Bloom's taxonomy 3. Teachers get acquainted with the instructions for developing tasks and choose academic subject, class and topic of the lesson. 4. Get acquainted with the matrix of tasks for the training session according to B. Bloom 5. Discuss possible options tasks 6. Enter tasks into the classifier (6 levels - 6 tasks or more) 7. Offer a variant of the developed tasks to those present.

Learning levels Examples of tasks 1. level - knowledge Make a list, highlight, tell, show, name 2. level - understanding Describe explain, identify signs, formulate differently 3. level - application Apply, illustrate, solve 4. level - analysis Analyze , check, experiment, organize, compare, identify differences 5. level - synthesis Create, come up with a design, develop, plan 6. level - evaluate Present arguments, defend a point of view, prove, predict

The results that teachers and students will achieve in the course of applying the approach: 1. Development in students conceptual thinking, self cognitive activity. 2. Mastering by teachers and students of various teaching techniques. 3. Improving the level of development of mathematical literacy, reading literacy, natural science literacy. 4. Ability to decide practical tasks and situations based on personal experience student. 5. Development of basic, key and subject competencies in students through the use of a competency-based approach in activities 6. Developed reflective skills in teachers and students

No. 1 "Kokshetau

Formation of functional literacy of students in English lessons

The term "functional literacy" was introduced in 1957 by UNESCO, along with the concepts of "literacy" and "minimum literacy".

Literacy is the ability to read, write, count and work with documents.

Minimum literacy is the ability to read and write simple messages.

The formation of functional literacy is a complex, multifaceted, lengthy process. The desired results can be achieved only skillfully, competently combining various modern educational pedagogical technologies in their work.

In the new circumstances, the process of teaching graduates at school should be focused on the development of competencies that contribute to the implementation of the concept of "lifelong education". It has been established that a prerequisite for the development of personality competence is the presence of a certain level

functional literacy. Functional literacy (lat. - direction) is the degree of readiness of a person to perform the functions assigned to him or voluntarily assumed.

Functional literacy consists of: elements of lexical literacy; a person's ability to understand various kinds that concern him and follow them; human compliance with standards public life and safety rules, requirements technological processes in which he is involved; information and computer literacy. This First level functional literacy is characteristic of advanced civilized societies. There is another approach to understanding functional literacy, including: the upbringing of a person in the spirit of benevolence and friendliness, which ensures; personal and professional readiness; professional and technological readiness.

In the Message of the President of the Republic of Azarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated January 1, 2001, “Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of development of Kazakhstan”, it is noted that “education should provide not only knowledge, but also the ability to use it in the process of social

adaptation." In this regard, the Head of State indicated the need further development functional literacy of schoolchildren.

National Action Plan for 2012-2016 approved

By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 25 years, on the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren, describes a set of measures in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the normative, educational and methodological, information areas, training and advanced training systems . The national plan describes the development model of the system school education Kazakhstan for a 5-year period in which they are interested various groups society and is aimed at positioning domestic education as a factor in the progress of Kazakhstan, as the foundation and capital of the prosperity of the nation, personal and social success of citizens.

To date, the main functional qualities of a person are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions, ability to choose professional path willingness to learn throughout life. All given functional skills

formed in the school

In the modern world, the content of the concept of "literacy" has acquired a new meaning. Today, this concept includes different types of literacy: computer literacy, political, economic and communicative literacy, etc. Functional literacy acts as "a way of social orientation of the individual, integrating the connection of education with multifaceted human activity."

As an English teacher, I see my role in creating in the classroom favorable environment for the formation of functional literacy, its communicative component.

Skills modern student in the field of learning English are various skills, including the ability to create written works different kind and style in English, answer questions, compose dialogues, recite poems. I try to teach my students to work thoughtfully with books, reference books, dictionaries, as well as Internet resources; I create conditions in the lesson for the development of the ability to use information from the media and other sources.

The formation of communicative literacy includes the ability to work in a group, team; the ability to win over other people; adapt to new, unusual requirements and conditions; organize the work of the group, build communication, using words in an active dialogue, keep the conversation going. Very often, students and I sing, which, in my opinion, contributes to the development of speech and the enrichment of vocabulary with new expressive words. Researchers have proven that a song in the classroom can contribute to the intellectual development of students and their effectiveness in learning, so I actively use a variety of songs in the classroom.

This is effective form, which not only activates the attention of students, but also helps to improve their listening and speaking skills. The use of song material stimulates motivation and therefore contributes to a better assimilation of language material due to the action of mechanisms involuntary memorization, allowing to increase the volume and strength of memorization.

The song, on the one hand, is a sample of the sounding foreign speech, and with another carrier of cultural information.

Song material can be applied at various stages of the lesson.

Depending on the methodological task of a particular stage, the song material is used:

1. for charging on initial stage lesson;

2. at the stage of introduction, primary consolidation, as well as training students in the use of lexical material;

3. at any stage of the lesson as an incentive for the development of speech skills and abilities;

4. as a kind of relaxation, when students need a release that relieves stress and restores their performance.

Dramatization, staging is a means of forming and developing the key competencies of students. Development of a foreign language communicative competence promotes the integration of the main and . The child can try out different roles. Children are learning acting skills, stage speech, plasticity, develop an ear for music, strengthen the voice and, of course, improve knowledge of the English language. This is how we achieve personal results when learning a foreign language: the desire to improve their own speech culture generally; awareness of the possibilities of self-realization by means of a foreign language.

I suggest that my students work in triplets, pairs, I give time to prepare for answering questions, presenting a scene, dialogue. Poems in English are often heard in my lessons.

Students in English lessons, the guys successfully complete tasks that contribute to the development critical thinking. Reception "Clusters" I use for organizing vocabulary work. The work on the creation of the "Cluster" lies in the fact that information relating to any concept, phenomenon, event described in the text is systematized in the form of a cluster of concepts. In the center is key concept. Subsequent associations, learners logically connect with the key concept.

This technique allows not only to activate lexical units in the speech of students and introduce new ones, as well as combine them into a coherent statement, train various grammatical structures, depending on the goal.

The project method in teaching English is considered not simple, but effective. The project method allows students to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The project method involves individually or in small groups. There is extensive discussion in English during the defense of projects. Scientific research this is the most high level cognitive activity of students, where knowledge of a foreign language culture, the psychological nature of a person and his relationship with the outside world are demonstrated. This is high degree responsibility and self-sufficiency of the student, expressed in the readiness to independently determine the scope of his search as a result of understanding and validity of the motive of conscious choice future profession. At the same time, the ability to interact, tolerance and competence are clearly expressed. It is competence! I not only know, I can and can, but I want as a way of self-realization, as well as psychological readiness to fulfill this mission.

These and other methods help successful learning schoolchildren, teach them to work thoughtfully and actively with every word, which is very important for the development of communicative competence. It is possible to achieve the formation of functional literacy only skillfully, competently combining various educational pedagogical technologies in their work.


Message of the President of the Republic Azarbayev to the people

of Kazakhstan dated 01.01.01 "Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of development of Kazakhstan"

Methodological guide Features of the formation of functional literacy of primary school students in the development of disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle, Astana, 2013. Communicative method teaching foreign language speaking. - Moscow, 1991. Method of projects in foreign language lessons. J. Foreign languages at school.2000 №2,3

FMBOU "Kyakhtinskaya secondary school No. 4"

Presentation on the topic:

in mathematics lessons.

Mathematic teacher:

Yankovskaya O.A.

Erdenet city

2016-2017 academic year

in mathematics lessons.


Objectives of the National Plan:

Yankovskaya Olga Alexandrovna, 06.02.2017

1820 291

Development content

FMBOU "Kyakhtinskaya secondary school No. 4"

Presentation on the topic:

Formation of functional literacy of students

in mathematics lessons.

Mathematic teacher:

Yankovskaya O.A.

Erdenet city

2016-2017 academic year

Formation of functional literacy

in mathematics lessons.

Everything that is in a mutual connection should be taught in the same connection.


Approve the attached National Action Plan for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren for 2012-2016.

In the context of solving this strategically important task for the country, the main functional qualities of a person are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and a willingness to learn throughout life. All these functional skills are formed in school conditions.

The purpose of the National Plan is to create conditions for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren.

Objectives of the National Plan:

1. The study of domestic and international practice in the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren.

2. Determining the mechanisms for implementing a system of measures to develop the functional literacy of schoolchildren.

3. Ensuring the modernization of the content of education: standards, curricula and programs.

4. Development of educational and methodological support of the educational process.

5. Development of a system for assessing and monitoring the quality of education for schoolchildren.

6. Strengthening the material and technical base of schools and organizations of the system additional education.

If a ahead of the target learning was defined as mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, or as the formation of competencies, then Today, the goal of education is the general cultural, personal and cognitive development students.

    In today's interconnected and interdependent world, in the context of increasing globalization of all spheres of social reality, there is a need to form a person with a clear vision of a holistic picture of the world.

    With the development of science, the complexity of the material studied at school increases, the amount of information increases. Therefore, the idea of ​​integrating secondary mathematical education, aimed at forming the integrity of students' knowledge, their natural-science worldview, is becoming increasingly necessary.

    The results of international studies (PISA, TIMS) indicate a low level of formation among Kazakhstani schoolchildren of the skills of comparison, correlation, comparison, generalization, finding points of contact between phenomena of different quality, as well as ideas synthesized on a body of knowledge of a different nature.

    Schoolchildren demonstrate the "alienation" of the acquired knowledge and skills.

“Mathematics should be taught at school with the aim that the knowledge acquired here is sufficient for the ordinary needs of life.”

I.L. Lobachevsky

    act in a socially significant situation. If competence is the ability to apply accumulated knowledge in practical activities and everyday life, then the competence-oriented task is designed to achieve this goal.

Competence-oriented tasks change the organization of a traditional lesson. They are based on knowledge and skills, but require the ability to apply the accumulated knowledge in practice. The purpose of competence-oriented tasks is to “dip” students into solving a “life” task. Therefore, in order to form the competencies listed above in mathematics lessons, it is appropriate to use competency-oriented tasks:

These are activity tasks that simulate a life situation,

They are based on relevant material for students,

These tasks have a clear structure:

Motivates to perform

Specifies an activity

When solving competence-oriented problems, the main attention should be paid to the formation of students' abilities to use mathematical knowledge in various situations that require different approaches, reflection and intuition.

Tasks should contain questions various types- with a choice of answer, with a short answer (in the form of a number, expression, formula, word, etc.), with a detailed free answer. In the first case, the student must find the correct answer among the proposed answers; in the second, write down your answer without giving any explanation; in the third case, the student is required to write down his decision, give a justification, and give an argument. Sometimes these questions are interrelated, and in the process of their consistent implementation, students must notice patterns, reach some generalizations. Sometimes the questions are independent, and the answer to the next question is not determined by the correctness of the answer to the previous one. Questions can often be presented in the same task different type: Choice questions, short answer questions are offered first, and questions with a detailed answer are offered at the end.

Job structure

    Thing: mathematics 2. Class 5th grade

    Subject: Area units

Competence: communicative

    Communicate your position to others: formulate simple conclusions based on the text; find arguments to support the conclusion.

    Listen and understand the speech of others.

    Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).


The forest is the main source of life on earth. But every second, an area the size of a football field disappears from the face of the planet! Complete the task and determine from what area it was necessary to cut down the forest in order to release the entire edition of the textbook?

Task formulation

Practical work. (Group work)

    Measure the area of ​​one page of the textbook.

    What is the area of ​​all the paper from which one textbook is made?

    Look at the circulation of the textbook and calculate how many square kilometers of paper were used to make all copies of the textbook.

For the production of 1000m 2

paper needs to be cut

forest from 25 ares


The formula for the area of ​​a rectangle.

1m 2 \u003d 10000cm 2,

1km 2 \u003d 1000000m 2

An evaluation table serves as a verification tool, in which each correctly completed item of the task is evaluated by one point. For 4 points, a score of "5" is given, for 3 points - "4", for 2 points - "3", for 1 point - "2".

Example 1

You are a fleet manager taking an aptitude test. Read the text of the problem quickly. What information is missing to solve it? “From two points A and B, a truck and a car left towards each other. They met at point C. The speed of a passenger car is 20 km/h more than the speed of a truck. Find the speeds of both cars if the distance between the points is 200 km.

Underline the correct answer:

    Truck speed.

    Car speed.

    The travel time for each car.

    Meeting place for trucks and cars.

We often encounter a problem when a student, having read the condition of the problem, cannot answer the question of what is required of him. All accents in the text of the problem are forced to be placed by the teacher. The above tasks teach schoolchildren to be critical of the formulation of the problem, allow them to simulate life situations, require attention and logical reasoning.

Example 2

Are you a dispatcher at a station? Ambulance". On call, you need to send the car to point D. According to this scheme, select the shortest route for the ambulance from the Ambulance station (A) to point D.

Underline the correct answer:

These tasks allow you to systematize the extracted information and translate it from graphic representation into text and vice versa, develop creative thinking schoolchildren, the ability to work with the model.

Example 3

You are the principal of a school. At the request of the Department of Education, it is necessary to prepare a report on the results of the academic year in the form:

% of students with a mark of "5" -

% of students with grades "4" and "5" -

% of students with a mark of "3" -

% of students with a mark of "2" -

Information source (table):

Number of students in the school

Example 4

1 liter of gasoline in 2006 cost 105 tenge. In 2007, it went up by 13%. Calculate the cost of gasoline in 2007?

Example 5

Table 1 shows the cost of a ticket in a reserved seat car.


Calculate the amount of money spent by the family from three people to travel there and back?

Example 6

Calculate the amount of money spent on gasoline back and forth, if it is known that 1 liter of gasoline costs 115 tenge (AI-92) and 156 liters are used up?

Example 7

The store has three types of floor tiles:

Tile type

The cost of one tile

Square tile with a side of 2 dm

220 tons..

A tile whose area is equal to 1 sq. dm

200 tons

Tile, having a length of 3 inches and a width of 2 inches.

250 tons

In a hall with a length of 12 m and a width of 8 m, the floor must be covered with tiles. What tile is better to buy so that the cost of flooring is minimal?

Example 8 In summer, a kilogram of strawberries costs 800 tenge. Masha bought 1 kg 750 gr of strawberries.

How many rubles of change should she receive from 3,000 tenge?

Job structure

Description of the task (information for the teacher)

    Thing algebra 2. Class Grade 9

    Subject: Sum formula n first members geometric progression.

Key competence and aspect

Competence: regulatory

    The ability to set tasks that are adequate to a given goal.

    The ability to set goals that are adequate to a given problem.

    The ability to choose the technology of activity (the way to solve the problem).

    Evaluate the product of your activity according to specified criteria in a specified way.

(immerses in the context of the task, motivates to complete)

"Did you wash your hands?" - you hear every day from your mother, returning from school.

You go and obediently wash your hands. What for?

Task formulation

A bacterium, having entered a living organism, divides into two bacteria by the end of the 20th minute, each of them divides again into two by the end of the next 20 minutes, and so on. Find the number of bacteria formed from one bacterium by the end of the day.

Find out if the intensity of bacterial reproduction can be used for good?


(contains information necessary for the successful activity of the student in completing the task)

The formula for the sum of the first n members of a geometric progression.

1 day = 1440 minutes

Handbook of mathematics, Internet resources (how to read a multi-digit number).

Check Tool (Teacher Information)

There are 1440 minutes in a day, a new generation appears every twenty minutes - 72 generations per day. According to the formula for the sum of the n first members of a geometric progression, in which b 1 \u003d 1, q \u003d 2, n \u003d 72, we find that S 72 \u003d 2 72 -1 \u003d 4 722 366 482 869 645 213 696 - 1 \u003d 4 722 366 482 869 645 213 695.

Total bacteria: 4 septillion 722 sectillion 366 quintillion 482 quadrillion 869 trillion 645 billion 709 million 213 thousand 695

Job structure

Description of the task (information for the teacher)

    Thing algebra and the beginnings of analysis 2.Class Grade 11

    Subject: Preparation for UNT. Solution of task B13 ( research)

Key competence and aspect

Competence: Informational

    The ability to specify what information is required to solve the problem.

    Ability to use cards electronic catalog, Internet search engines.

    Ability to conduct observation / experiment according to the plan in accordance with the task.

    Systematize the extracted information within a simple predetermined structure.

(immerses in the context of the task, motivates to complete)

Your parents bought new furniture. The apartment is located on the 4th floor.

To save money, you refused the services of movers.

Task formulation

When ascending to the fourth floor, the work of the calf muscles is found according to the formula A = - ∙ H , whereH - the height of the entire building (the height of one floor is 3 meters), - muscle strength when walking (lifts the body and is applied to the protrusion of the calcaneus), - foot length, - distance from the phalanges of the fingers to the center of the talus,P = mg , - body weight applied to the talus (m - body mass,g = 9.8N/kg 10N/kg - free fall acceleration).

Source (contains information necessary for the successful activity of the student in completing the task)

Building height: H = 3m 4 = 12m.

Muscle strength when walking: F = = H


5.F== H

6. A \u003d 12m 400 N \u003d 4800 J \u003d 4.8 kJ

Check Tool (Teacher Information)

The algorithm for solving the problem serves as a verification tool.

Based on the foregoing, I would like to note that a teacher who uses such tasks in his lessons, developing functional literacy among students, is " modern teacher”, since this teacher knows his subject well, teaching methods, has information about the psychological and physiological characteristics of children, loves every child, respects him as a person, and constantly improves himself.

List of used literature:

    Perminova L.M. The minimum field of functional literacy (from the experience of the St. Petersburg school) / / Pedagogy. - 1999. - No. 2. - P.26-29.

    Chichibu T. A teacher's guide to implementing the Lesson study approach. – Astana: Center pedagogical excellence AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", 2013. - p.28



This terrible danger is idleness at the desk; idleness six hours a day, idleness for months and years. This corrupts, morally cripples a person, and neither the school team, nor the school site, nor the workshop - nothing can compensate for what is missing in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

It's no secret that mathematics difficult subject which requires hard work. Mathematics cannot be learned (memorized), it must be understood! And how to understand the subject, if it seems boring to the student, the lessons are monotonous. This is where pedagogical resourcefulness is needed, which has one goal - to interest! The manifestation of interest in the subject can be achieved through the use of new modern or, as they are now called, innovative technologies in teaching.

modern society people are required who can quickly adapt to the changes taking place in the post-industrial world. An objective historical pattern in the present is the increase in requirements for the level of education of a person. In the new circumstances, the process of teaching graduates at school should be focused on the development of competencies that contribute to the implementation of the concept of "lifelong education". It has been established that a prerequisite for the development of competence is the presence of a certain level of functional literacy.

The concept of “functional literacy” first appeared in the late 60s.Xyears of the last century in UNESCO documents and later came into use by researchers. Functional literacy in the broadest definition acts as a way of social orientation of the individual, integrating the relationship of education (primarily general) with multifaceted human activity. In today's rapidly changing world, functional literacy is becoming one of the basic factors that facilitate the active participation of people in social, cultural, political and economic activities, as well as lifelong learning.

The purpose of secondary education: is to ensure the development of students' abilities for cognition, the creative use of the knowledge gained in any educational and life situation, readiness for self-development and self-government through the development of key and subject competencies.

General guidelines for the development of functional literacy are defined in the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, one of the goals of which is the formation of general education schools ah of an intellectual, physically and spiritually developed citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, satisfaction of his need for education, ensuring success and social adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

The national action plan for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren for 2012-2016 includes a set of measures for the content, educational, methodological, material and technical support for the process of developing the functional literacy of schoolchildren. The National Plan is designed to ensure purposefulness, integrity and systemic action to develop the functional literacy of schoolchildren as a key benchmark for improving the quality of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All of the above makes it possible to justify the choice of the project topic "Formation of the functional literacy of schoolchildren in the classroom.mathematics».

Research problem is to answer the question: what are pedagogical means formation of functional literacy of students.

Purpose of the study is to solve this problem.

What is"functional literacy"?

functional literacy is considered as the ability to use all the knowledge, skills and abilities constantly acquired in life to solve the widest possible range of life tasks in various spheres of human activity, communication and social relations.

Functionally literate person is a person who orients himself in the world and acts in accordance with social values, expectations and interests.

Main features a functionally literate person: this is a person who is independent, cognizant and able to live among people, possessing certain qualities, key competencies.

When developing functional literacy, it is important to remember that the concept of functional literacy is based on one of the most famous international assessment studies - the International Program for the Assessment of 15-year-old Students (PISA), which assesses the ability of adolescents to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at school. to solve a wide range of life tasks in various spheres of human activity, as well as in interpersonal communication and social relations, andTIMSS (assessment of mathematical and natural science literacy of students in grades 4 and 8).

The results of Kazakhstan's participation in PISA and TIMSS show that teachers of general education schools of the republic provide strong subject knowledge, but do not teach how to apply it in real life, life situations. School graduates, for the most part, are not ready for the free use in everyday life of the knowledge and skills acquired at school.

In this regard, let's all remember one mathematical formula which will allow students to form in the process of studying mathematics and other disciplines the qualities of thinking necessary for the full functioning of a person in modern society.


All methods used by the teacher should be aimed at the development of cognitive, mental activity, which in turn is aimed at working out, enriching the knowledge of each student, developing his functional literacy.

I think for this reason in our country they began to train teachers using the Cambridge technology. Like a teacher completed courses advanced training of the third level, I can say that not everything that we were taught is new. Everything new is well-studied old. But it is more systematic.

Children need to be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.(Aristippus).All new learning begins with what a person already knows and the conclusion he will draw from it.Using the Teacher's Guide, I can say that the Professional Development Course Program teaching staff based on learning how to learn. As a result, self-motivated, enthusiastic, self-confident and independent individuals are formed, capable of critical thinking.By communicating with each other, students learn to not be afraid to express their opinion and do something wrong. The task of the teacher is the question: How to help the student? Any teacher should try to help the child understand that there are not only facts, but also the relationship between them. We need to think about what children already know and what they need to learn, and then think about how they will use this knowledge in practice.

As John Dewey said“If we teach today like this,as we taught yesterday, we will steal from our children tomorrow.”

For my work in the future, I chose the module "New approaches to teaching and learning", because I think that new approaches to teaching will help improve my pedagogical activity. Why do I like this module? The fact that it is considered in all other modules. Here great attention is given to group activities of students, where they can learn how to learn, get used to being critical of their actions, learn to evaluate their actions, help their peers. As a result, an independent, but at the same time capable of learning personality is formed. I think these skills will help them in their further education. Among the pedagogical mechanisms involved, I applied the systematic development of thinking, and the attitude to learning as an exciting process, a way of self-knowledge.

During the training, I had the opportunity to study all the modules and think about how I would apply them in practice. As you know, at the lectures, the student does not have information left, 10% he remembers when reading, 20% for audio-visual contact, 30% for demonstration,5 He remembers 0% when discussing, 75% when using the acquired knowledge in practice and 90% when transferring knowledge. Therefore, it is very important to teach students how to learn, learn through dialogue in order to exchange information.

To establish the existing knowledge, I used diagnostics that help students connect learning with existing knowledge. To do this, I identified the initial knowledge for the assimilation of new material by students.

"Metaknowledge" - driving force“learning to learn”, that is, not only learning, but also learning to learn. People are able not only to think, but also to think about thinking. Therefore, "learning to learn" is seen as a process of thinking about independent learning, the ability to think and learn, evaluate and apply the knowledge gained in further learning. The task of the teacher is not to focus on his own teaching, but to pay attention to how children learn.

In this case, specialplace is occupied by the so-calledPfromabouttoaboutinohSOStaboutyanie,naPaboutpassingwithaboutwithtaboutyaniePaboutlonoGaboutedynamismwithactiveaboutstuandsithatation.PfromOKetcedstainlaysyourselfwithaboutwithtaboutyanie, attofromopaboutm , mabouttiination and withaboutedinyaYutXia,challengesinand Inehtaboutvraboutde praboutdutoactive or . (Stream. M. Csikszentmihalyi)

The teacher needs to take into account mental attitude class, teach children to learn.It is necessary to create an educational environment where students will not just be listeners, but will already begin to take part in learning.Uchenikimust learn to listen to the opinions of others, respect the idea of ​​others, discuss, questionreceived informationand reason every thought, learn to talk. An integral part of learning is conversation, the ability to conduct a conversation.Therefore, group work is used, where students sit in groups and they do not need to turn around to discuss any idea.

It is very important to choose the right starting point. As is known new material necessarily somehow connected with previously studied and students have an idea about it. The teacher needs to think over the tasks for which he will establish a connection between what students already know and what they should learn at a certain stage. this lesson. Tasks should be different from each other in order to keep the attention of students. Since if the students just listen or perform the same type of tasks, then as a result, he will simply pass information through himself and will not be able to remember the necessary knowledge. Therefore, the teacher should strive to create conditions in which students have what Csikszentmihalyi (2008) calls "an end in itself" and what Ryan and Deckey (2009) call intrinsic motivation. (Teacher's Manual, p. 140). If the teacher succeeds in accustoming children to self-motivation, then as a result he will get the curiosity and desire of students to gain knowledge and learn.

In the first lesson I gave on the topic "Quads", students created posters on the properties of quadrangles, in order to help children remember the knowledge they had previously learned. I wanted strong students to help weak ones learn something more, I tried to help students, by stimulating reflection and reflection, in generalizing the knowledge gained. By presenting students with the opportunity to mutually learn and discuss their knowledge in an educational environment, children should gradually get used to conducting a conversation, to the ability to listen to their comrades, to choose reliable information from the findings, which would help them think critically, as a result of which they would be able to evaluate their work. This lesson was dominated by conversation-debate. Why did it happen? I think the students did not quite understand what was expected of them. Previously, if children were divided into several groups, they had to compete. The atmosphere in the class was competitive, students wanted to excel and show that they know more than others. It was difficult to create a collaborative atmosphere. Command tone prevailed in questions and answers of students. When defending the posters, the groups tried to point out the shortcomings of the opposing groups. But there was also a benefit in this lesson. Why? Even weak students, such as Kazakova A., Akhmetov M., Sattari I., did not want to accept the ideas imposed on them, they also tried to show that they were also capable of something. The reason for such big disputes was not a well-thought-out distribution of groups by me. When dividing, I used cards and distributed them without taking into account weak and strong students. As a result, the formed groups were not equal. In the first group, strong students prevailed, in the second - average, in the third group there were only weak students. At the beginning, I was a little worried about whether they would cope with the tasks. But I was surprised by the outcome. The students of the third group immediately realized that their group was weak and everyone tried to stretch their team. This group was dominated by cumulative conversation. The students in this group knew very little, so they gladly accepted every idea. The first group, seeing that they had gathered strong students, relaxed, as a result, they did not cope with the task. At first, here, each student tried to lay out the work for another student, then, when they realized that nothing would work out that way, they began to vigorously discuss it. This group was dominated by conversation-debate. The task was completed last, but the idea itself was never approached. In this group, everyone wanted to take on the role of leader and simply manage the others, but since only strong students were gathered here, not everyone wanted to obey the will of the other. And the second team was the only one who coped with the task, I think, because there was an exploratory conversation. They used the Internet via telephone, textbooks and reference books, each expressed his knowledge. In the course of the study, only in their poster it was possible to see the properties of all the quadrangles assembled in one scheme with a certain sequence created by them. The first group paid great attention to the types of quadrilaterals, and imagined a world without them. The third team presented all kinds of quadrilaterals and some of their properties. But there was no consistency and connection between the figures.

An important aspect of teaching is to teach students to think critically and evaluate their own work. I used formative assessment - assessment for learning in equally as well as summative assessment, that is, the assessment of learning. To this end, she more thoroughly posed innovative questions, and also voiced solutions to problems, analyzing the ideas of students. If I used to ask questions such as “What is a rhombus? What figure is called a parallelogram?”, then after completing the courses I tried to use the following questions: “What quadrilateral can be called a parallelogram? How will the parallelogram change if each of its angles is equal to 90◦? What needs to be done to get a rhombus from a parallelogram? What is the difference and what is the similarity of a rectangle and a square? In this case, each student did not repeat the memorized definitions, but tried to remember, then correctly formulate and present his answer. And if the answer of one student was not complete enough, others tried to supplement. As a result, several students could answer one question and could compare the answers. That is, the task of the teacher is to ask one question, and then the students answer in turn and they have other questions that they want to know the answers to. As a result, a dialogic conversation takes place in the class.

By the second lesson, the children began to understand what was required of them. The lesson began with a puzzle, from the cut triangles it was necessary to make a figure (the first team red - a rhombus, the second team green - a parallelogram, the third team blue - a rectangle). Why did I do it? I wanted them to get used to listening to each other and come to a conclusion. The students realized that from any pieces of triangles you can make a quadrilateral. The theme of the lesson is "Triangles". Students immediately guessed that by dividing any quadrilateral into two parts, you can get triangles. But what if it's multiple triangles? The children got self-motivated, they wanted to know what would happen if they collected all the triangles. In this lesson, I tried to distribute even groups, as a result of which the students began to listen to the opinions of others. They realized their previous mistakes. The students tried to teach the weaker ones what they themselves know. When completing the task, the closed students were given the opportunity to answer. Fedorova N. was always very reserved, did not want to answer orally, solved only in her notebook and did not want her work to be checked. When using new approaches, she opened up and was already able to defend the opinion of the group in front of the class. As Natasha noted, the friendly atmosphere in the classroom helped her. Sattari I. became more calm and began to ask questions on the topic and listen to the opinions of others. He began to develop a sense of responsibility, he began to respect the opinion and work of classmates.

In the last lesson, "Square of Plane Figures" used pair work and work in small groups of three. Test simulators helped to learn a lot. For each question, when answering it, the child knew whether he answered correctly. And it was easy to evaluate yourself and your classmates.

Results and subsequent changes in my practice:

In conclusion, it should be noted: I tried to fully engage the process of solving problems for the development, understanding, mutual learning of students in the process of metacognition. The trainees were given the opportunity to choose a reasoned explanation of their work, through assessment. They enjoyed working in a group, they could discuss what they knew, what they considered possible. Students stopped being afraid of wrong answers, were not afraid to experiment and learned to draw conclusions. Weak students tried to work more fruitfully, tried to respond more to oral questions, as it was a little difficult for them to solve problems. The quiet disciples opened up. Gradually, from lesson to lesson, they learned to express their thoughts, were not afraid of their ideas. Strong students found the application of their knowledge, they did not interfere with the weak, but on the contrary, they got used to directing their skills in the right direction. But there were also problems. Sakhruddin has always been smug and selfish. For several lessons, he tried to separate from the group. The first to complete the task, he did not want to help others. In his opinion, everyone should acquire knowledge on their own without anyone's help. Only by the last lesson, he began to understand that not everyone will be able to gain knowledge without outside help, that some simply need support.

Also, in the course of teaching and learning, she set a goal to comprehend the opinions of students, identify problems and opportunities for the system of rewards and punishments. In communicating with students, impartiality was important, that is, all students had to be heard. As a result of communication with students, we have achieved a positive development of self-esteem in children, the formation of a positive attitude towards elders and teachers. The desire to work and develop independently is an important aspect of the cognitive process. I tried to achieve in the children's minds to instill confidence in knowing oneself as a student, including the awareness of strong and weaknesses and the ability to set goals and objectives.

In the future, introducing new approaches to teaching, I will try to use them so that every student who comes to my lesson knows that he will be able to gain new knowledge. I would like students to make meaningful and meaningful contributions to learning.More than two thousand years ago, Socrates said: "In every person there is a sun, just let it shine." I will try to make every student feel like the sun and know that their opinion matters a lot.

L literature:

1. State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 / Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1118. – Astana: Akorda, December 7, 2010

2. The main results of the international study of educational achievements of 15-year-old students PISA-2012. National report. - Astana: NCOSO, 2013. - 283 p.

3. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the National Action Plan for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren for 2012-2016" dated June 25, 2012 No. 832

4. Methods of pedagogical technique A. Gin, Lugansk, Educational book, 2003.
5. Results of an international study on the assessment of educational achievements of students in grades 4 and 8 of general education schools in Kazakhstan. National report. - Astana: NCOSO, 2013. - 237 p.

7. Teacher's Guide 3 a basic level of

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