Biographies Characteristics Analysis

They have a certain influence on the formation of personality. Personality formation




§1. Factors influencing personality development

§2. Biological factors. Heredity

§3. Social factors. Wednesday

3.1 Socialization

3.2 Identification as one of the mechanisms of socialization

§4. Psychological characteristics of personality

4.1 Social psychological characteristics personalities

4.2 Motivation of individual behavior

4.3 Psychological attitudes

4.4 Value orientations, interests, ideals

§5. Social factors. Upbringing




How the formation of personality occurs, how it develops, how a personality is born from “non-personality” or “still non-personality”. A baby, obviously, cannot be a person. An adult is undoubtedly a person. How and where did this transition, transformation, leap to a new quality take place? This process has gradual nature; step by step we move forward towards becoming an individual. Is there any pattern in this movement or is it all purely random?

Social origin and class position have an enormous influence on the life course of an individual, from the pace of physical maturation to the content of his worldview. There is, perhaps, not a single somewhat complex personal quality that would not depend on social, class and environmental factors: social background, occupation and level of education of parents; features of the socio-ecological environment, in particular the type settlement (Big city, small town, village); composition, structure and financial situation of the family his own social status and type of occupation (school student, vocational school student, technical school student, university student, etc.). Hence the need to study problems adolescence representatives of various sciences: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, criminology, psychiatry, medicine, etc.

Subject this study is to identify factors influencing personality development. The word “personality” is used only in relation to a person, and, moreover, starting only from a certain stage of his development. We do not say “personality of the newborn,” understanding him as an individual. We do not seriously talk about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he has acquired a lot from social environment. Therefore, personality is not a product of the intersection of biological and social factors. Split personality is by no means a figurative expression, but real fact. But the expression “split of the individual” is nonsense, a contradiction in terms. Both are integrity, but different. A personality, unlike an individual, is not an integrity determined by a genotype: one is not born a person, one becomes a person. Personality is a relatively late product of human socio-historical and ontogenetic development.

The purpose of the work is to determine the essence and reasons for the occurrence of certain changes in personality; compilation general idea O sociological concept"personality"; disclosure sociological concepts personality development, etc.

The objectives are: the need to establish factors influencing the development of personality and explore their social nature; you need to understand those factors that influence, to a greater or lesser extent, the personality and its development.

personality development behavior education

“We are constantly learning something new about ourselves. Year after year, something is revealed that we did not know before. It always seems to us that now our discoveries have come to an end, but this will never happen. We continue to discover one thing or another in ourselves, sometimes experiencing shocks. This suggests that there is always a part of our personality that is still unconscious, which is still in the making. We are incomplete; we grow and change. Although the future personality that we will one day be is already present in us, it just remains in the shadows for now. It's like a running frame in a movie. The future personality is not visible, but we are moving forward, where its outlines are about to begin to emerge. These are the potentials dark side ego. We know what we were, but we don’t know what we will become!”


Just as necessary for sociology as the analysis of the structure of society and social institutions, is the doctrine of personality.

Speaking about man, we can consider his self as the highest stage of evolution on Earth, and as complex system, connecting the natural and social, physical and spiritual, hereditary and acquired in life. However, the most “sociological” would be the characterization of a person as a product in a subject public relations, socio-historical activities and culture.

It may seem that sociological characteristics personality is not much different from psychological, especially socio-psychological. Indeed, there is a lot in common between them. Yes, it cannot be any other way: after all, we're talking about about the same object - a person. Is it possible to specifically study personality if one does not have it in mind? value orientations, motives of behavior, interests? We think that the question sounds rhetorical. What then is the specificity of the sociological approach?

Unlike psychological analysis When the individual in a person comes to the fore, sociologists are interested in the socially typical, characterizing its inclusion in society, social groups, organizations and institutions. The sociologist studies personality from the perspective of its participation in economic life, that is, his attention is drawn to a person’s work activity (interest in work, its content, character, result, attitude towards work, etc.). From point of view political life Sociology is primarily interested in the human citizen. The sociologist views the involvement of the individual in spiritual life through the prism of culture (although in other cases the latter acts as a “measure” of personality). All this constitutes the conditions for the existence of an individual in society.

In everyday life and scientific language The terms “person”, “individual”, “individuality”, “personality” are very common. Do they represent the same phenomenon or are there any differences between them? Most often, these words are used as synonyms, but if you approach their definition strictly, you can discover significant semantic shades. Man is the most general, generic concept. An individual is understood as a separate, specific person, as a single representative of the human race and its “first brick” (from the Latin individ - indivisible, final). Individuality can be defined as a set of traits that distinguish one individual from another, and the distinctions are made at the most different levels– biochemical, neurophysiological, psychological, social, etc. The concept of personality is introduced to highlight and emphasize the non-natural (“supernatural”, social) essence of man and the individual, i.e. the social principle is emphasized.

An individual is always a member of a certain social community (whether he realizes it or not), which does not negate his individuality.

Each person is an individual with his own special “face”. The concept of personality is associated with this term (compare Old Russian word face mask). An individual is a person insofar as in relations with others similar to him, within the framework of specific social communities, he performs certain functions and realizes socially significant properties and qualities in his activities. Therefore, the concept of personality, both in its nature, in essence, and in character, seems to us primarily sociological, in contrast to the concepts of “man” and “individual”, which have a socio-philosophical meaning.

Each person develops his own special value orientations and motives of behavior social attitudes, interests, etc. But only by identifying typical ones among them, characteristic of most groups of people, can one discover the actions of certain tendencies, the presence of patterns, which in turn will allow the sociologist to make certain conclusions and issue recommendations of both a theoretical and practical nature.

Each person has a totality internal qualities, properties that make up its structure.

When talking about personality, most often they mean simply an individual specific person. But besides the concept of personality, we also have at our disposal whole line related concepts: man, individual, individuality. In everyday speech, these concepts are often used with the same meaning, but in science they mean different things.

Understanding personality as social phenomenon was substantiated in detail by Marx, who pointed out that “the essence of a “special personality” is not her beard, not her blood, not her abstract physical nature, but its social quality.” This understanding underlies almost all the works of Soviet psychological school, starting with L.S. Vygotsky and V.M. Bekhterev. “As actual personal properties, from the entire variety of human properties, those that determine social meaningful behavior or human activity, wrote S.L. Rubinstein. - The main place in them is therefore occupied by the system of motives and tasks that a person sets for himself, the properties of his character that determine the actions of people (that is, those of their actions that realize or express the person’s relationship with other people), and the abilities of a person, that is, the properties making it suitable for historically established forms of socially useful activity.”

According to L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, intrapsychological processes, i.e. internal processes of the human psyche, are formed on the basis of interpsychological, i.e. interpersonal, social processes. The main mechanism for the development of the human psyche is the assimilation of social, historically established types and forms of activity. These learned forms of activity, systems of signs, etc. are further transformed into internal processes of the individual. Thus, the “external” (in relation to a given individual) and his “internal” nature turn out to be connected both genetically and functionally.

Self-improvement occurs thanks to many life moments and circumstances, but everyone is able to influence them to some extent. Knowing the main factors influencing personal development, it is easy to build your path to self-improvement. Also, many factors and prerequisites for personality development are important when caring for a child, if you want to raise him into a worthy person and a multifaceted, developed personality.

Personal development is a rather long process and does not always depend directly on the person himself. Exist various factors, determining the development of personality. You need to know them for further individual growth and personal development, because relying on them, you can help any person become much better.

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Main factors influencing personality development

The word “factor” itself carries with it interesting meaning, because translated from Latin language it literally means “moving”, “producing”. That is, in this question we identify the main derivatives of the process of self-development, find out what motivates it and why.

It is important to note that there are several factors of personality development in psychology. It is from them that the entire process of personal maturation comes.

Personal development factors include:

1. Internal;
2. External;
3. Biological;
4. Social.

It is these factors that determine the development of personality that are located on the path of development of an individual throughout his life. Based on them, one can understand one or another of his inclinations and abilities, as well as the level of psychological and spiritual perception.

1. Internal moments

The internal factors of development and personality formation include the individual’s own activity. That is, his perception of the world around him, based on various motives, for example, on interests, likes and dislikes. The role of this factor in the development of a person’s personality lies in his self-education. This also includes the subject’s personal aspirations for something, his attitude to orders and regulations.

2. External circumstances

If we consider in more detail the external factors and prerequisites for personal development, then we can safely include parental and pedagogical education, and even the whole educational system modern society as a whole. There is no need to confuse external factors of human personality development and social ones, despite the fact that they really stand next to each other.

3. Public education

The social engines of individual striving for improvement include the habitat of each person and, of course, her environment, and interaction (communication) with them. There is also a lot here important role plays the set of experiences of an individual among the older generation, his self-identification as an individual and belonging to any culture, religion or even profession.

4. Heredity and genetics

And no less significant in the development of people as individuals will be biological aspect. This primarily includes heredity transmitted through the DNA of parents and previous blood generations. At the genetic level, a child is passed on from his parents some innate character traits and inclinations (talents), which he subsequently life path can develop.

Unfortunately, genetics can also play a cruel joke on an individual, transmitting to him hereditary diseases and deviations from established ones. correct standards. For example, some physical defects and disorders may also be part of heredity, and they greatly affect the self-esteem of any person.

Important points in the emergence of personal qualities

How can one influence a person’s successful development in life, based on the factors and prerequisites for personal development? Very simple! Try to make his stay in society as comfortable as possible and provide him with help in self-realization.

Improving outside influence

If we take into account external reasons, then you should try to surround the person with due attention and care, try to give her the right upbringing and provide an adequate environment whose behavior you can emulate.

Here, the main development begins in childhood, and largely depends on the work of parents, relatives and teachers. Because of mistakes in the spiritual education of children, their happy future often collapses or complexes arise that prevent them from realizing themselves in society.

As for a more mature age, self-improvement will require much more strength and courage, because you will have to radically reconsider some of your actions and understand whether they are correct or require some adjustments.

Strict self-discipline

If we take internal individual reasons, then there is little that can be done to influence the individual. After all, self-education, discipline and internal control of the person himself play a significant role here. IN in this case all responsibility for restructuring his thoughts and actions, and his entire perception of the world as a whole, falls squarely on his shoulders.

By being closely involved in raising a child from his very birth, you can help him gain some internal “engines” in understanding the world and increase his perceptual activity. This is done through educational games, teaching him to work and help adults.

Any genetic feature is your unique highlight

As for the biological factors of development and personality formation, it is worth taking into account the genetic characteristics and prerequisites of the individual. To be more precise, it is worth taking care in advance to ensure that some hereditary diseases do not worsen or, in principle, do not make themselves felt.

Here we need prevention and more careful care of health and mental state. If you look from a positive point of view, then it is best to develop positive genetic predispositions on the contrary. Over time, these abilities can be transformed into talent and help in a person’s self-realization.

The role of public opinion in the emergence of personality

The social environment plays an important role in the emergence of individuality. Each of us lives in society, so we need to learn how to interact with it. To be realized here, you will need developed communication skills. They can be easily achieved through frequent direct communication with people around you. IN childhood this could be communication with parents, and subsequently with teachers and friends.

This factor in human personality development can also be improved in adulthood. For example, reconsider your social circle, using observation methods to understand how it influences you and whether it brings the development that you strive for.
The social factor consists of the influence of society on a person. It could be political situation in the country where the individual lives, or his religious preferences, the influence of means mass media And social norms and orders.

What makes us us?

It is worth understanding that the factors that determine personality development are important in the process of self-improvement. It is impossible to achieve growth if even one of them suffers. That is, if you are in a bad team that negatively affects you, preventing you from achieving significant goals, then the question immediately arises: did you make the right choice?

Man makes his own way

In addition to supervision and training, it is very important that the individual himself wants to develop and strives to improve his existing skills. In most cases, he himself determines his future, constantly making choices. That is, a person chooses his political and spiritual preferences, hobbies and likes, this turns him into a person. And further factors and prerequisites for personal development help him in this.

What does psychological maturity indicate?

When a subject positions himself as a full-fledged person, this is noticeable in his behavior. For example, this is clearly manifested in the ability to make choices, independently carry out instructions and complete work.

Shakespeare said: “The self is our garden, and the will is its gardener.” So let's figure out what our inner garden is and how to care for it. To answer all these questions, which can be classified as rhetorical, let’s figure out what personality formation is and what main factors it consists of.

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Despite the difficulties with definitions, personality formation and its patterns still fall within the scope of psychological knowledge. Therefore, let us take it as an axiom that a personality is a person who has managed to cross a certain level of development. A child who has learned to politely refuse a bully at school. The athlete who broke a new record. A girl who passed the exam to get her dream profession.

In general, anyone who has firmly decided not to remain at the level of a ciliate-slipper can be called a person. Such people decide every day to change their reality as they see fit. But how does the process of personality formation occur? Why can both grow up in the same family? good doctor, and a criminal? Why are those children who primary school seem to be future geniuses, but later find themselves on the sidelines of life? And how does what is called personal development happen?

This process is influenced by several factors, which throughout life form a lace of circumstances, ups and downs. But first things first.

Formation of a person’s personality: 5 main factors

There are four sources from which a person can gain experience. It's heredity environment, teaching a child to adults, own experience. Personal development indicators depend on the quality of these sources. And there is also another factor that some researchers put in a separate line - this is emotional attachment.

1. Heredity, or biological in man

Heredity is the first condition that determines human existence. We are not disembodied spirits. The most important thing a person has is a body. To increase self-esteem, psychologists recommend that many clients define self-love as love for their body.

The characteristics of the psyche are determined by a part of the body - the brain. Genes are the “building blocks” from which personality is then formed. IN Lately the biological factor - namely, the factor of heredity - is underestimated. Let's look at an example. A person suffers from social phobia. What are his actions? If he wants to end his personal nightmare, he turns to those who specialize in solving such problems - that is, to psychologists. It's logical. If you have a toothache, go to the dentist. If the washing machine breaks down, they call a technician who will fix it.

Using Aristotelian logic, a client, exhausted from social fears, comes to see a psychotherapist. Then he comes again, then again and again. During psychotherapy, the result appears - it becomes easier to communicate with people. However, often after stopping visits to a psychologist, everything returns to normal. Our hero gets hooked on therapeutic sessions. Their results are undoubtedly good. One problem - they are short-lived. As well as the client’s financial resources.

Where is the “dog buried” here? The reasons for this character's social phobia lie in genetics. In other words, he needs not only and not so much psychotherapy as tranquilizers or antidepressants. And the psychologist’s unsuccessful attempts to “train” the client again do not bring lasting results. Typically, homework assignments for psychologists for social phobia are “relax in the middle of a hypermarket filled with people,” “approach fifteen random passers-by to ask them what time it is,” “go into a store and not buy anything there.”

Some American researchers specializing in neurobiology argue that such “psychotherapy” is nothing more than torture for a social phobic who requires pharmacotherapy. Drug treatment aims to psychological characteristics, which are a manifestation of individual psychological problems that have a biological basis.

2. Environment

The process of personality formation leaves a serious imprint external factor- environment. It represents those conditions that do not depend on the individual himself. A striking example may be the sad fate of the outstanding mathematician Hans Henrik Abel. In his honor, the Norwegians established the Abel Prize for mathematicians (the poor fellows cannot qualify for the Nobel, so the award was created separately for them).

In 1826, Abel published his work, which described a method for solving fifth-degree equations. She automatically elevated him to the rank greatest mathematicians all over the world. But what was the environment where the scientist was born and lived? His parents drank constantly and quarreled. The family lived on the brink of poverty. Abel's abilities were noticed only school teacher. Equations of the fifth degree were one of those mysteries that attracted the attention of mathematicians from early youth.

The best minds have been working on them for decades. But only thanks financial assistance teachers, the future genius was able to enter the university. Abel's fate was truly full of tragedy: he contracted tuberculosis and died from the disease at the age of 26. Question: How many more discoveries could a mathematician make if not for the environmental factor?

Personality is not just a function nervous system body. From birth, the psyche is bombarded by the most diverse factors. The English psychologist John Locke proposed calling the child’s psyche “ tabula rasa", or " Blank sheet" This concept means that a child is born without experience - he receives all knowledge through sensory perception of the external world. Despite the fact that Locke's theory does not claim to be absolute, it contains a share of common sense.

3. Teaching a child by adults

Personality formation is impossible without the transfer of experience. Psychology calls this process internalization. This term refers to the transfer of experience by adults to a child, during which personal development and maturation of the internal structures of the psyche occur. For example, thanks to internalization, an adult can think to himself without disturbing others. The outstanding Russian psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky believed that any component of the psyche, before becoming part of it, first occurs as a form of cooperation between a child and an adult. This could be communication or imitation.

A clear example of the principle of interiorization can be the so-called Mowgli children. Growing up with animals, such children have very poor prognosis regarding possible rehabilitation. If a child under five years of age has not communicated with adults, his chances of mastering human speech are close to zero. One of these feral children was a Nigerian boy named Bello. His parents abandoned him after birth. The boy was adopted by a troop of chimpanzees, and in 1996 he was found among the jungle.

The two-year-old child was mentally retarded and had very low developmental indicators. Bello was also physically handicapped. The child could not learn to talk to people - he avoided them. Bello was placed in a boarding school, where he behaved very restlessly - throwing objects at other children and fighting. Over time, his behavior got a little better. But Bello's behavior remained in many ways similar to the behavior of monkeys. He didn't learn to speak. Bello died six years after entering the boarding school of unknown causes.

Therefore, the formation of personality is possible only if the child is entirely under the care and guidance of an adult. Group and cultural experiences play a major role in children's development.

4. Own experience

Another important factor that influences the formation of personality. “One is not born a person, one becomes a person,” said Russian psychologist A.N. Leontyev (apparently paraphrasing Simone de Beauvoir, who considered this phrase an axiom of the development of femininity). Be that as it may, the process of personality formation is always active.

A person's experience is always unique. Everyone perceives the world in their own way - this picture does not necessarily have to coincide with real situation of things. This approach was followed by the American clinical psychologist world-class Carl Rogers. He argued: the world exists for a person only as he can see it. Everyone chooses their own coordinate system. A good person strives for self-actualization, the development of what is inherent in him by God (or evolution, which is not so important in this context).

To confirm the founder's views humanistic psychology, you don't have to go far. Everyday examples so many. There are people who, it would seem, could change their lives, since all the reins of power lie in their hands. But for unknown reasons, the upstairs neighbors continue to argue about the same thing, day after day, year after year. Thirty-year-old alcoholic Vasya drinks and complains of loneliness. But Aunt Masha, for whom, it would seem, things are going very badly, does not lose heart and every day takes care of twenty cats that bring her joy. These characters differ from each other in no more than the picture of the world that is present in their heads - and, therefore, has been influencing the formation of the personality of these people for many years.

Carl Rogers believes that the only force that motivates a person to move on is the tendency to maximize his abilities. If an individual is able to see himself as he is in reality, the scientist speaks of the maximum congruence (correspondence) of his perception of the world. Acceptance of others directly depends on self-acceptance - than kinder person towards himself, the better he will treat others.

5. Attachment is another condition for development

But all these personality formation factors recognized by official psychology must necessarily be supplemented by one more condition. For development - both general mental and personal - a child’s attachment to an adult is necessary. In the vast majority of cases - to the mother. L. Petranovskaya, a specialist in the psychology of orphans, made a special contribution to the understanding of this concept.

Attachment, says the psychologist, is a prerequisite for a child’s personality to develop. Interest in the world around us, the formation of any abilities and skills are strung, like the rings of a child’s pyramid, onto the core of attachment. If this foundation is not there, then from the outside the pyramid may seem stable. But at the first touch its rings will crumble. Personal development becomes impossible.

A child from an orphanage is a child who does not know what a mother’s love and security are. If he could feel protected by a reliable emotional connection with his mother, then his harmonious development would occur. But since there is no “core”, in any collision the child’s will crumbles. The teachers cannot give him what he needs.

The attachment program is most important factor, in the very early age. It is inherent in humans, as in other mammals, biologically. If a baby mammal is not under the care of a female mother, then every second he experiences mortal terror. In the world wildlife the young are always attached to the adult animal. They are exploring the world- but only if they are sure that the mother is not far from them.


The formation of personality is influenced by a whole tandem of factors. What will a person become? Depends both on the “baggage” that his ancestors and parents awarded him, and on his own efforts. Personality formation is a process that continues throughout life, and any stop here can mean degradation and stagnation. Anyone who does not want to be on the sidelines of life will have to make a lot of effort. Let's listen to the words of Brian Tracy: “Take control! You feel positive about yourself to the extent that you consider yourself in control of your own life.”

Personality and the process of its formation is a phenomenon that is rarely interpreted in the same way by different researchers in this area.

Personality formation is a process that does not end at a certain stage of human life, but continues constantly. The term “personality” is a rather multifaceted concept and therefore there are no two identical interpretations of this term. Despite the fact that personality is mainly formed in the course of communication with other people, the factors influencing the formation of personality are in the process of its formation.

For the first time, the factors of human formation became the subject of philosophical and pedagogical research in the 17th century. At this time, scientific pedagogy was born, the founder of which was Ya.A. Comenius. He proceeded from the idea of ​​the natural equality of people and the presence of natural talents in them that needed development. Upbringing and education, according to Comenius, should precisely contribute to the improvement of human nature. J. Locke tried to comprehend the multidimensionality and complexity of the problem of personality development factors. In his philosophical and pedagogical essay “On the Control of the Mind,” he recognized the presence of various natural abilities in people. He considered exercise and experience to be the most important means of their development. “We are born with abilities and powers that allow us to do almost everything,” Locke wrote on this occasion, “but only the exercise of these forces can give us skill and art in anything and lead us to perfection.” Of course, you can disagree with this opinion, even based on the idea that if you don’t have a voice, you’re unlikely to become a singer.

Based on this, we can identify one of the factors influencing the formation of personality. This is a biological factor. Many teachings assign it a primary role.

Indeed, the influence of the biological factor on the formation of personality cannot be ignored simply because a person is a living organism, whose life is subject to both the general laws of biology and the special laws of anatomy and physiology. But it is not personality traits that are inherited, but certain inclinations. Inclinations are a natural disposition to a particular activity. There are two types of inclinations: universal (structure of the brain, central nervous system, receptors); individual differences in natural data (features of the type of nervous system, analyzers, etc.). A child's hereditary qualities, such as abilities or physical qualities, leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him and evaluates other people. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of a person, his difference from others, since there are no two identical children from the point of view of their biological heredity. Even twins have differences.

Domestic pedagogy does not deny the influence of the biological factor on the formation of personality, but also does not assign it decisive role as behaviorists do. Whether the inclinations will develop and become abilities depends on social conditions, training and upbringing, i.e. the influence of heredity is always mediated by training, upbringing and social conditions. This thesis is also true with regard to the individual differences that underlie individual abilities.

Thus, natural characteristics are important prerequisites, factors, but not driving forces in the formation of personality. The brain as a biological formation is a prerequisite for the emergence of consciousness, but consciousness is a product of human social existence. The more complex an education is in its mental structure, the less it depends on natural characteristics.

Thus, we can highlight the next factor in personality formation – social. Natural data alone is not enough to become an educated and well-mannered person.

Aristotle also wrote that “the soul is an unwritten book of nature; experience writes its writings on its pages.” D. Locke believed that a person is born with a pure soul, like a board covered with wax. Education writes on this board whatever it pleases (tabula rasa). The French philosopher C. A. Helvetius taught that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained exclusively by different environmental influences and different educational influences. The social environment is understood in this case metaphysically, as something unchangeable, fatally predetermining the fate of a person, and a person is considered as a passive object of environmental influence.

In the process of interaction with the external environment, the inner essence of a person changes, new relationships are formed, which in turn leads to another change. Affects a child from an early age a huge impact education, training, parents, society.

Meaning social environment D. Toland emphasized as a factor in personality formation. In his opinion, no person can live well, happily, or in general without the help and assistance of other people. Toland believed in the power of education and upbringing and proposed providing all people with the same opportunities for education, travel, and communication. The relationship between personality formation factors caused controversy among the French philosophers K.A. Helvetius and D. Diderot. In his treatise “On the Mind,” Helvetius found out what nature and education can do to develop the mind. He viewed nature as a force that endowed man with all the senses. Differences in the natural organization of people exist only in the sense that their sense organs are organized differently. In people whom Helvetius called normally organized, mental superiority is not associated with greater or lesser superiority of feelings. More subtle feelings, in his opinion, can influence not the vastness of the mind, but its kind and make one a botanist and another a historian. What actually causes the mental inequality of people who are “normally organized on average”? Helvetius is inclined to explain the existing differences by reasons of a spiritual nature and, above all, education and the form of government. The result of the philosopher’s thoughts on this topic was everything famous formula: “We owe what we are to our upbringing.” J. J. Rousseau identified three main factors in the formation of personality: nature, people and surrounding things. Nature develops the child's abilities and feelings, people teach how to use them, and the surrounding things contribute to enriching the experience.

As a result, one more factor can be identified that influences the formation of personality - this is activity and self-development.

Recognition of the activity of the individual as the leading factor in its formation raises the question of purposeful activity, self-development of the individual, i.e. continuous work on oneself, on one’s own spiritual growth. Self-development provides the opportunity to consistently complicate the tasks and content of education, implement age-specific and individual approaches, form the creative individuality of the student and at the same time carry out collective education and stimulate self-government of the individual with his further development.

A person develops to the extent that he “appropriates human reality”, to the extent that he masters the accumulated experience. This position is of great importance for pedagogy. The formative influences of the environment, training and upbringing, and natural inclinations become factors in the development of the individual only through his active activity. “A person,” writes G. S. Batishchev, “cannot be “made,” “produced,” “fashioned” as a thing, as a product, as a passive result of influence from the outside - but one can only determine his inclusion in activity, cause his own activity and exclusively through the mechanism of his own activity, joint with other people, he is formed into what this (social, essentially collective) activity (labor) makes him..."

The nature of the development of each individual, the breadth and depth of this development under the same conditions of training and upbringing depend mainly on her own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that she displays in various types of activities, of course, with appropriate adjustments for natural inclinations. This is what in many cases explains the differences in development individuals, including schoolchildren who live and are brought up in the same environmental conditions and experience approximately the same educational influences.

We can conclude that all these factors are interconnected. If we exclude even one, then we will not get an educated and well-mannered person.

Development and improvement personal qualities occurs throughout life. According to some scientists, personality is formed in accordance with innate inclinations and abilities, and society plays only a minor role. Representatives of another point of view believe that a person is a product that is formed in the process of interaction with the outside world, and any innate qualities can change under the influence of environmental factors.

Biological factors of personality development

TO biological factors Personality formation refers to the characteristics acquired by a child in the process of intrauterine development. They are caused by many external and internal reasons. The fetus does not perceive the world directly, but is constantly influenced by the feelings and emotions of its mother. Therefore, the first information about the surrounding world is “registered”.

Genetic factors also play an important role. It is believed that heredity is the basis for the formation of personality. These include:
- capabilities;
- physical qualities;
- type and specificity of the nervous system.
Genetics explains the individuality of each person, his difference from others.

Later, after birth, crises influence the formation of personality. age development. It is during these periods that a turning point occurs, when some qualities lose their relevance, and new ones appear in their place.

Social factors in personality formation

Personality formation occurs in stages, with stages having common features in all people. First of all, the upbringing that a person receives in childhood has an influence. The further perception of everything around us depends on it. D.B. Elkonin argued that already in the first year of life a child develops “basic trust or distrust in the world around him.” In the first case, the child chooses a positive component for himself, which guarantees healthy personality development. If the tasks of the first year remain unsolved, a basic distrust of the world is formed, complexes and shame appear.

The formation of personality is also influenced by society when there is acceptance and awareness of one’s own role. Socialization lasts throughout life, but its main stages take place in the young adulthood. The formation of personality in the process of communication is carried out through imitation, development of ideals and independence. The primary one is in the family, and the secondary one is in social institutions.

Thus, the process of personality formation is influenced by hereditary factors and the unique conditions of the microenvironment in which a person is located.


Personality education is a long and labor-intensive process, the influence of which is possible up to 23 years of age. However, the foundation for education must be laid in the child before the age of four. Usually everything invested in a child up to this age comes out already in mature age.


To provide for your children psychological health, parents need to fully satisfy children's needs in games with adults. Children from one to two years old need to engage in any object games (rattles, nesting dolls, etc.). At the age of one and a half to three years, it will be most useful role-playing games, for example, caring for dolls and toys. Children over three years old enjoy playing role-playing games with a plot (games to the store, hospital, school or something similar)

Discipline plays a big role in the successful raising of children. Here it is important to know how to properly raise children without screaming, since children under the age of three do not understand the meaning of their actions at all. They learn about the world through their disobedience. That is why any punishment, including slaps and screams, will not bring positive results, but on the contrary will provoke the development of aggression and goiter in adulthood.

Parents are also often inconsistent in their actions. During bad mood The baby gets hurt by the slightest mistakes, but when the mood is good, those actions are simply not noticed. Based on this behavior of parents, children cannot learn which of their actions are good and which are bad.

How to raise a child correctly?

The first and most important thing is to never put yourself above your children. They will still have time to see terrible teachers. Task good parent- be a friend and partner. If a child fully respects his parents, then they automatically deserve respect from him, which many want to receive with punishment and yelling.

Secondly, it is important to have great amount patience and learn not to yell at children. Remember - there is no need to punish or shout at the top of your voice for bad deeds. It is much better to talk, find out the reasons and why certain actions are considered bad. Most often, children do stupid things just to attract attention from adults.

And by the end it should be noted main secret successful raising of children - instill in your children faith in themselves. Remember that they need support every second of their lives. Tell them the phrases “I’m proud of you”, “I believe in you”, “You can do it” more often, this will help the child grow up strong and confident in himself and his abilities.

The most important stage The formation of a person’s personal qualities is the actual formation of his personality. Moreover, the formation of a person’s personality begins very early, from infancy, and continues throughout life.

You will need

  • Books on personality psychology, computer with Internet connection.


One is not born a person, one becomes a person. Personal qualities are not those qualities that are inherent in a person genetically, but those that are acquired during life as a result of learning. life experience And social formation. These qualities begin to form very early, in infancy and childhood. preschool age, during this period those human properties are laid down that will accompany him throughout later life and will form the basis of his personality. Further the most important stage personality formation occurs in adolescence, but this process never ends, continuing throughout a person’s conscious life. To become and remain a full-fledged person, you need to constantly work on yourself.