Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Mercury and Venus in mutual reception. Mutual reception ("Exchange")

When analyzing chains of dispositions, it is not uncommon for two planets that fall into the center to be in the signs of each other's abode. This situation is called mutual reception. For interpretation, such a position of the planets is more complex than simply describing separately the characteristics of each of the planets in the center, because these planets actively interact, in fact, are inseparable from one another. The situation is surprising in that in the literature we do not seem to find interpretations of the planets in mutual reception. In any case, your obedient servant met only a few short thematic examples such interpretations. In today's article, we will make an attempt to catch up and give a minimum possible description some variants of planets in mutual reception.

The general rule for the interaction of planets in mutual reception is as follows: the more attention we pay to one of associated planets, the brighter the manifestations of the other. Existing effective methods interpretations of the planets in mutual reception can be reduced to the following:

  • both planets in the center can be considered as being in conditional conjunction, i.e. their characteristics are "mutually colored";
  • the planet in such a bundle necessarily wants to manifest itself in the spheres or in the “manners” of its partner planet;
  • the inclusion of the motivation of one of the planets in mutual reception awakens the motivation of the partner planet.

However, if we dig deeper, we will see discrepancies in interpretations, because the planets that are in mutual reception can have different essential strengths. So, Venus in Taurus is as strong as possible, being in her abode, but in the sign of Aries or Scorpio, she is in exile. How will this affect her interpretation? Venus, which is alone in the center of the chain (for example, stands in Libra) and Venus, which is in mutual reception with Pluto, are they qualitatively the same planet or not? Some authors, in particular, K. Daragan, believe that the planets in mutual reception are always strong, they seem to be symbolically in their abodes. Therefore, he calls mutual reception "the most successful situation for the correction of weakened planets" *. K. Burke and a number of other astrologers, on the contrary, pay special attention to mutual reception, when both planets are weak (pairs Venus-Mars, Moon-Saturn, etc.) and are not really able to help each other.

I tend to agree with Burke's position rather than Daragan's. Venus in mutual reception with Mars, no matter how much we would like the opposite, will still remain Venus in Aries, place it symbolically in the sign of Libra or do not place it. Observing people, I can only state that the exiled planets, which are in the center of the chain of ownership and are in mutual reception, are not so easy to realize. Yes, getting into the center, even the exiled planets give a person their motivation and ambitions, however, such planets will not initially have the proper skill and efficiency. Here I agree with the position of A. Galitskaya, who believes that the exiled planets can show themselves well only in a narrow area - in the themes of the sign where they stand. In general, it will be true to say that the exiled planet gives a person uncertainty in his abilities and a thirst to compensate for this. If we draw an analogy, then the planet in the monastery gives a powerful and uninterrupted flow of energy, and the planet in exile is only a thin stream in many cases. And only in the spheres of the sign where it stands, the planet can generate a strong flow. Here I must make a digression, adding that any position is not fatal, because the natal chart describes the energy situation only at the time of a person's birth. Evolution within certain limits is possible and desirable.

Below I have attempted to interpret some of the reciprocal receptions frequently found in charts. Because there are a significant number possible combinations planets in mutual reception, we will consider only ten options in this article. However, this will also be big step ahead of the lack of articles on the topic.

Mutual reception of Jupiter (6 points) and Neptune (6 points): the motivation to study the world around also generates an interest in spiritual topics, giving philosophical interests a distinct religious and mystical color. Both planets of ideologies reinforce each other, which often gives rise to religious preachers, dogmatists, apologists, religious teachers who do not see the point in teaching anything without propagating religious and mystical ideas and concepts. The desire to merge with the higher, spiritual is combined with the desire to spread one's views, to propagate them. A strong desire to generalize gives the type of philosopher, distinguished by uncriticality, special attention morality, helping others. The idea of ​​serving the higher, non-material, the idea of ​​self-sacrifice because of philosophical views, for the sake of enlightenment is close to a person. The desire to create beauty and harmony around, a strong interest in foreign languages, other countries, foreign ideologies. Promotion of the ideas of pacifism, beauty and love. Passion for the occult, philosophy, religion. Philosophical idealist and pacifist. Examples of personalities: Vedic palmist Konstantin Pilipishin - 02/28/1975, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina - 04/16/1974, actor Leonardo Di Caprio - 11/11/1974, US President Abraham Lincoln - 02/12/1809.

Mutual reception of Saturn (6 points) and Uranus (6 points): motivation to control, organize, manage is associated with the idea of ​​freedom, creativity, lack of restrictions. Therefore than more people controls himself, more feels the desire to destroy everything and get abstract freedom. A person has the ability to show restraint in unexpected situations, is able to prove himself as a creative, freedom-loving boss. This is a difficult situation, because with such a reception great strength possess both antagonist planets. Creative, abstract, advanced ideas are introduced by a person systematically and with great diligence. The reception of Uranus and Saturn can be well applied in the field of science or the occult, where there may be a desire to streamline, systematize knowledge, and a desire to discover something fundamentally new, which will cancel a number of old rules and guidelines. A person is close to the desire for social change and progressive laws, which, however, can lead to revolutionary moods. Examples of personalities: musician Osvaldo Pugliese - 12/02/1905, astronomer Peter Kuiper - 07/12/1905, archaeologist Kenyon Katlin - 01/05/1906.

Mutual reception of Mercury (4 points) and Uranus (4 points): the motivation to explore the world, learn new data, establish connections and contacts, exchange information is associated with the desire to do it in an original way, not like everyone else, to be creative. Intelligent and information needs reinforced. A person is a supporter of creative, original teaching methods, prefers to choose for himself those areas where he can show the need for intellectual communication, scientific information where he can show unconventional views, experiment, be eccentric. The need for thinking and ideas to go beyond traditional boundaries. The person learns quickly new information, possesses paradoxical thinking, is interested in everything advanced, unusual, unconventional. Examples of personalities: philosopher Ken Wilber - 01/31/1949, natural scientist Vladimir Vernadsky - 03/12/1863, state. figure and economist Anatoly Serdyukov - 01/08/1962, philologist and psycholinguist Tatyana Chernigovskaya - 02/07/1947.

Mutual reception of the Sun (3 points) and the Moon (3 points): the desire to feel the situation gives rise to the motivation to understand it consciously and vice versa. Emotions, experiences, moods affect how a person perceives the world and shows his individuality. The view of the world is subjective, subject to "reeling". The emotional desire to be a leader, to attract attention and admiration is not so easy to realize, since the Sun is not in the abode. Failures in this regard hit hard on emotions. The perception of oneself and one's decisions is inseparable from the authority and opinions of the mother, wife. Man is inherent desire understand yourself, understand your unconscious and reactions, which can lead to constant soul-searching. The role of emotions in life is strengthened, reactions are sharpened, theatrically emphasized (Moon in the sign of Fire). Theoretically, this good position for an actor, a psychologist. An example of personalities: actress Marina Cherepukhina - 07/19/1985, Indian "anti-guru" philosopher Uppaluri Krishnamurti - 07/09/1918, philosopher and culturologist Herbert Marcuse - 07/19/1898, musician Brian May - 07/19/1947.

Mutual reception of Jupiter (2 points) and Uranus (2 points): progressive ideals, respect for freedom, interest in extraordinary teachings, travel to unusual countries. Seeking to contribute creativity and liberating public ideas. Craving for the study of philosophical, scientific, esoteric topics. Jupiter gives interest in distant travels, and reception with Uranus yearns for more intellectual enrichment in such trips, insights. Human motivation is related to constant expansion horizons, saturation with knowledge of a scientific, ideological or esoteric nature, deepening one's philosophical knowledge, teaching on the topics of Uranus. Upholding freedom-loving views and teachings, the destruction of everything inert and inert in philosophical and social teachings. The idea of ​​promoting the spiritual and social progress, unexpected, original patronage. Promotion of advanced or non-traditional, strange knowledge. Examples of personalities: Queen Victoria of Great Britain - 05/24/1819, missionary and traveler Johannes Rebmann 01/16/1820, neurophysiologist John Eccles - 01/27/1903, psychologist and philosopher Alexei Leontiev - 02/18/1903, writer Georges Simenon - 02/13/1903.

Mutual reception of Mercury (4 b.) and Venus (1 b.). Various combinations are possible here. Mercury in both Taurus and Libra has a value of 4 points. Venus in Gemini also gets 4 points, but in Virgo - only 1 point. A person is interested in making contacts and connections in Venusian professions, for example, in the areas of beauty, jewelry, and grooming. The motivation to explore the world, to communicate, to get acquainted, to pass on information further is connected with the idea of ​​spreading the ideals of beauty and harmony. A person may be interested in literature and poetry as ways to speak beautifully. Also, the union of the energies of Mercury and Venus gives a person the motivation to move beautifully, which can be expressed in dance, rhythmic gymnastics. If Mercury in this connection is stronger than Venus, then this will tempt a person to show abilities according to the Hermes archetype rather than Venus, and may result in the prevalence of the abilities of a manager, a trader, for example, in beauty items, and not in the desire to create a creative product. A person is determined to establish harmonious mutually beneficial relationships with other people, erasing contradictions, eliminating unnecessary competitive moments. Artistry, diplomacy. Examples of personalities: singer and actress Cher - 05/20/1946, writer and radio host Neil Walsh - 09/10/1943, philosopher of science David Charles Stove - 09/15/1927.

Mutual reception of Mercury (0 b.) and Jupiter (0 b.): learning something new, a person strives to reach a level where he himself becomes capable of being an authority, a mentor. By teaching others, a person catches bits of information and ideas, everything new from students, while unconsciously maintaining the need to learn from others. The roles of student and teacher are inseparable from each other. Since both planets are expelled, they also inform a person of a “complex of ignorance” and a “complex of lack of authority” - it seems to him that he never knows at a sufficient level, is not respected enough. In these areas, he always wants more, proof of his competence. The desire to constantly expand horizons, intellectuality, eloquence, interest in philosophy, religion, social and legal sciences, foreign languages. In communication and contacts with others, a person seeks to teach and advise them, but he is not completely sure of his knowledge. There is a desire to teach others, but wisdom and experience may not be enough. Strong interest in travel. Swing between generalization and detail. It seems that of all the receptions of the antagonist planets, this one is the least problematic, since it is quite possible to fulfill the roles of teacher and student in practice. Examples of personalities: religious philosopher Nikolai Lossky - 12/06/1870, politician Indira Gandhi - 11/19/1917, French President Jacques Chirac - 11/29/1932.

Mutual reception of Venus (0 point) and Mars (0 point): the more love in a person's life, the more and physical strength and activity. The more a person is physically active, the more money he earns. Since both planets are related to issues of love and passion, there is an increase in the role of feelings and sex in human life. Male and female gender energies are mixed, which gives women masculine character traits and initiative, and men - the desire to pay increased attention to diplomacy, as well as the beauty of their appearance and body. Love is perceived as a passion and leads to a thirst for risk, rivalry, and jealousy. At the same time, the competition itself is carried out by tactful, diplomatic methods. Motivation to show one's will, initiative, strength brings to life and the intention to do it all gently, with bloodless methods. The desire to prove to others that a person knows how to be beautiful, knows how to love, has aesthetic or financial abilities. Examples of personalities: philosopher and state. figure Jan Smuts - 05/24/1870, actress Keira Knightley - 03/26/1985, philosopher and writer Dario Salasa Sommer - 03/4/1935, artist Nicolae Gregorescu - 05/15/1838, author of detective stories Tatiana Ustinova - 04/21/1968.

Mutual reception of Venus (0 point) and Pluto (0 point): occurrence strong feelings brings to life a desire for deep transformations, which is fraught with the destruction of relationships. Love is associated with passion, which gives increased sexuality. Feelings are perceived as a storm, sex, and not as a calm, even state. The desire to renew and change oneself through love, creativity, sexual energy. At the same time, there are fears associated with these exiled planets, as well as desires, but a lack of ability and skill in the relevant areas. It is easier for outcast planets to show themselves effectively only in the narrow spheres of their signs. In other areas of life, they complex. Therefore, there may be a fear of close relationships and strong love, a fear of losing yourself in serious relationship. The fear that through love a person will be subjugated, manipulated. The fear that love destroys leads to fatal passion and self-management by the partner. With such a reception, love and power influence each other, which generates a strong magnetism. The desire to control others, to influence the masses through feelings, creativity, sexual energies. This position of the planets is favorable for deep transformations and spiritual growth, but it is also fraught with strong temptations. Motivation to manage large cash flows, but also worries about the lack of financial stability, the insufficiency of this flow. Examples of personalities: actor Leonardo di Caprio - 11/11/1974, biologist and zoologist Sergei Averintsev - 10/18/1875, photographer Alfred Stiglitz - 01/01/1864, head of the USSR Joseph Stalin - 12/21/1879.

Mutual reception of Saturn (0 b.) and the Moon (0 b.): motivation to show their emotions, take care of others, sympathize gives rise to a desire for self-control, restraint, duty, responsibility. The desire to control, manage is associated with the desire to show emotions, the content of the psyche, dreams. However, it is very difficult for the Moon in Capricorn to stop controlling her emotions and feelings. The expelled planets in the center of the chain of possession will surely also fall into the center of expulsion, giving both motivation for activity (the center of possession), and strong feelings, fears, lack of confidence in their abilities (center for expulsion). AT this case there are fears about their family, marriage, the role of a parent, wife, mother, worries about possible loneliness. (A strong Saturn is ascetic and ready for hardships, while a weak Saturn is afraid of loneliness, old age, responsibility, duty, obligations, more precisely, he feels his duty well only in a narrow area - in this case, in relation to the family, and this sense of duty is motivated precisely by emotions , experiences.) The desire to isolate one's emotions from others, from the outside world, interest in studying the history of one's kind, preserving family, national traditions. History, laws, rules cause emotional reaction and interest. The desire to control, manage, prove oneself in the sphere of law, rules is fueled by emotional needs. Examples of personalities: US President Woodrow Wilson on 12/28/1856, singer and actress Cher on 05/20/1946, artist Marc Chagall on 07/06/1887, actor Michael Douglas on 09/25/1944.

For those who analyze the trends taking place in domestic astrology, it is obvious that the method of chains of dispositions is gaining more and more popularity. This is facilitated learning programs some astrological educational institutions, spreading the formula of the soul system, as well as side branches of its method. So, if Alexander Astrogor based the formula of the soul on the method of chains of dispositions by possession, then his student Sergei Dresvyannikov decided to christen his author's interpretation of chains of exaltation as the "career formula", etc. Recent times in the Magi school, they also try to creatively interpret the chains of exile and fall.

One might get the impression that the method of chains of dispositions is a phenomenon that exists only in Russia. But this, of course, is not the case. One of the works where we find a section on the “tree of dispositors” and examples of the interpretation of control chains is Kevin Burke’s book “Astrology. How to read a birth chart”, published by the American publishing house “Llewellyn” in 2002 and later translated into Russian.

But before moving on to consideration, let's talk about the views of a foreign astrologer on the various manifestations of the planets, depending on their status, and also touch on the subject of mutual reception.

Motivations by planets

Analyzing Burke's book, we do not find tables where the astrologer would give readers a list of the meanings of the planets that fell into the center by possession, although he analyzes the chains of control themselves. Nevertheless, if we read the descriptions of the planets given by the author, we can identify the following motivations.

  • the desire to express oneself through creativity;
  • motivation to be recognized, to receive admiration;
  • the desire to have power, to lead.
  • the desire to be in comfort and create it;
  • the urge to feel and provide inner support, care;
  • the desire to feel belonging, to perceive.
  • the desire to express one's intellect;
  • motivation to explore the environment;
  • motivation to make connections.
  • desire to establish relationships different people together;
  • motivation to promote the interests of beauty;
  • the desire to achieve perfection through association, partnership.
  • motivation to act, to spend one's energy purposefully;
  • the desire to challenge and endure the test;
  • motivation to defend purely their interests;
  • desire to get involved in a fight and achieve superiority.
  • desire to contribute social development society;
  • the desire to teach, teach others;
  • the tendency to encourage and inspire others to grow.
  • motivation to systematize, establish boundaries and orders;
  • the desire to learn and teach self-discipline, responsibility;
  • desire to bring order and structure to social life.
  • motivation to change, break stable and inert structures, regardless of individual experience or emotions;
  • the desire to learn non-attachment;
  • the tendency to introduce fundamentally new ideas and methods into life.
  • the desire to erase all boundaries between the souls of people or between man and the universe;
  • the desire to merge with the higher, spiritual;
  • motivation to experience a sense of unity with the world;
  • the intention to realize the dreams, ideals and desires of the collective unconscious.
  • motivation to change and evolve; fulfill your cosmic mission;
  • desire to influence people, society;
  • the desire to release in oneself and others a huge hidden potential of opportunities through the breaking of the old and transformation;
  • the desire to destroy all illusions in order to reveal to the world and to oneself only the truth.

While reading Burke's work, I also noticed the following point. Moreover, Burke is not alone here, some other authors, including domestic ones, write the same thing. So the Western astrologer notes that by the position of the Sun, we can study people's motives for self-expression. He also writes that the Sun communicates what we want to express and what we want to be recognized for (p. 31). But after all, chains of dispositions by possession are also an indicator of motivation for self-expression, aren't they? How can two completely different indicators say the same thing? And they often give different answers. What is the difference between them? Burke does not reveal this point. And, alas, I have not yet found an answer to this question in the literature.

Burke's view of the mutual reception of planets in a chart

As the astrologer writes, when mutual reception occurs, both planets will act together, no matter which planets in question . These planets will try to help each other. Burke emphasizes: mutual reception does not affect the impact of essential virtues! How much the planets can actually help each other will depend on what virtues each of them has received.

It is worth clarifying here that Kevin Burke is largely a supporter of old school astrology, believes that the essential dignity of the planets is influenced by the fact whether we have a night horoscope or a day horoscope. When receptions of Jupiter and Mars their position, writes the astrologer, is not so bad. For example, Jupiter is in Aries and Mars is in Pisces. Burke, adhering to the old tradition, decided not to change the ruler of Pisces to the planet Neptune. Of course, we do not agree with this. However, let's continue with his example. (In the formula of the soul system, or in the classical Russian approach to chains of dispositions by possession, the mutual reception of Mars and Jupiter is possible when Mars is in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Aries.) Burke writes that with the reception of Jupiter-Mars, both planets will be able to provide support to each other: Mars will share with Jupiter its pressure and energy, and Jupiter will endow Mars with luck and luck.

If we take Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Aries, then the position of Mars will be wonderful, for him it is a sign of exaltation. But the position of Saturn, on the contrary, will be weak - a fall. Since in our example the planets will be connected by mutual reception, they will act together, but Saturn will get a much less advantageous position. Mars in Capricorn has power and can "help" Saturn. But here Saturn in Aries will spoil everything rather than “help”. He may have the best of intentions, but in most cases Mars would prefer Saturn not to pay him a favor for a favor.

Thus, we can reveal an obviously unvoiced sub-conclusion: the planet that is stronger in points will manifest itself in mutual reception much more confidently and constructively than a weak partner. A weaker planet will influence the one that is stronger, but it will rather constrain manifestations, “muddle the waters” than really help.

Next, Burke considers the "ordinary" case - reception of Mercury and Jupiter. Jupiter, for example, is in Gemini, and Mercury is in Sagittarius. Both planets will be in exile, and neither of them will be able to be useful to the other, the astrologer writes. The simultaneous participation of these two planets only complicates the situation. The "help" of Jupiter in Gemini can only increase the problem, and the "help" of Mercury in Sagittarius is likely to inflate the importance of each particular, but will not be able to do anything for the big picture. Burke notes that some call this situation "mutual deception", ie. mutual deceit. As the astrologer says, this situation happens between the following pairs of planets: Mercury-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, Sun-Saturn, Moon-Saturn. The Sun-Uranus, Mercury-Neptune, Pluto-Venus pairs could be added to this list.

Kevin Burke on the essential virtues of the planets

Burke, being a supporter of tradition, relies on the classical idea of ​​the essential virtues of the planets. So, he writes about the five virtues of the planets and two positions without them. Governance is 5 points, exaltation is 4, triplicity is 3, terma is 2, face is 1. While in exile or fall, the planets do not receive points in this system *. These are positions of "weakness".

  • Planet in the monastery(6 points according to Weisberg; 5 points according to Burke) is a master of his talent. She can do whatever she wants and doesn't have to answer to anyone. At the same time, no one will say "no" to her - no matter how stupid, selfish and dangerous or potentially destructive her ideas are. In their own signs, the planets are able to express their true nature, their highest purpose as it is (p. 90-93).
  • Planets in exaltation(5 Weisberg; 4 Burke) are very strong and in many ways easier to deal with than the planets in their respective signs. These planets tend to show themselves with better side want to be active and generous. But they are still shackled, unlike the planet in the monastery, which no one controls. The exalted planet seems to be striving to curry favor (p. 93).
  • The four-point planets in the Weisberg system, which was later adopted by other domestic astrologers, including A. Astrogor, correspond to triplicity Burke (in his system it is 3 points). This is also a pretty strong position. Although a planet in this position does not have the same strength as a planet in a sign or exaltation, it is still quite fortunate. As Burke writes, although triplicity planets are not that talented, they seem to be lucky and know how to be in the right place at the right time.
  • Weisberg's three-point planets correspond to position in terma Burke (2 points). Such a planet makes great efforts to get good result, but to some extent it is already “out of the game”. Such planets show a keen interest in the subject, but do not have sufficient strength, skill and luck to gain support and achieve the goal.
  • face for Burke (1 point) are two-point planets for Weisberg. Such a planet is concerned about its position. Domestic astrologers call this situation "enmity." It is difficult for a planet in the face position to receive support from the outside. According to the logic of the astrologer, fear and anxiety keep the planet focused on its goal, but do not give it the opportunity to achieve it.
  • planets in fall weak because they are in a position where they have no influence - like a person who finds himself penniless in a foreign country, without knowledge of the language and local customs. And in such a situation, the planets find themselves not through their own fault, but due to circumstances. Burke writes that if we cannot express the energy of a planet in its fall, if we cannot overcome difficulties in responding to its challenge, then all this will be reflected at the level of our physical body, giving rise to injuries and illnesses (p. 95-96). Accordingly, if we continue to argue: we are downright obliged to unlock the potential of such planets!
  • Planet in exile viewed by the astrologer as flawed, but not necessarily weak. He writes that the exiled planets are in fact strong, but their strength is used inappropriately for the situation. As a result, this puts the planet in a very difficult position. The astrologer writes that people with planets in exile tend to be overly anxious about their manifestations in the sphere of influence of these planets and are often too awkward in expressing its energy.

It should be clarified here that according to Burke, not every planet receives its essential dignity. In this case, she is called a peregrine and has no powers, no resources, no talent. According to domestic astrologers, such a position is already outdated and any planet in the cosmogram has some kind of score, status.

Kevin Burke points out that weakened planet It's not the scariest thing in the world. It does not mean that a person will have a difficult experience associated with it. She is will not prevent a person from achieving what she has to do in life, including those areas that are under the influence of this planet. However, essential virtues are still important. Why? The astrologer writes that they help to understand how the planet seeks to express itself in a given sign and - more importantly - why it expresses itself in this way. The tasks assigned to the "flawed" planet express the most important issues that need to be addressed for personal growth and life experience person.

Likewise, a natal chart filled with strong planets in essential virtues presents a set of tasks of its own. The more a planet can express its own nature, the more significant the experience we have gained in managing its energies and maintaining the proper course set by our horoscope and our life (p. 98).

* Fortunately, in domestic astrology, in relation to essential virtues, everything is simpler. Thanks to V. Weisberg, we have the embodiment of an idea that lay in plain sight: all seven types of positions (abode, exaltation, kinship, etc.) received their points. Above, possession and exaltation were still found, and below, exile and fall. We again have 7 options for the positions of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac, only the “pointless” fit into this scheme, weak positions. And now we have a system where a planet in possession gets 6 points, in exaltation - 5 points, in debilitation - 1 point, and in detriment - 0 points.

When analyzing chains of dispositions, it is not uncommon for two planets that fall into the center to be in the signs of each other's abode. This situation is called mutual reception. For interpretation, such a position of the planets is more complex than simply describing separately the characteristics of each of the planets in the center, because these planets actively interact, in fact, are inseparable from one another. The situation is surprising in that in the literature we do not seem to find interpretations of the planets in mutual reception. In any case, your obedient servant met only a few short thematic examples of such interpretations. In today's article, we will attempt to catch up and give the minimum possible description of some variants of planets in mutual reception.

The general rule for the interaction of planets in mutual reception is the following: the more attention we pay to one of the associated planets, the brighter the manifestations of the other. The existing effective methods for interpreting planets in mutual reception can be summarized as follows:

  • both planets in the center can be considered as being in conditional conjunction, i.e. their characteristics are "mutually colored";
  • the planet in such a bundle necessarily wants to manifest itself in the spheres or in the “manners” of its partner planet;
  • the inclusion of the motivation of one of the planets in mutual reception awakens the motivation of the partner planet.

However, if we dig deeper, we will see discrepancies in interpretations, because the planets that are in mutual reception can have different essential strengths. So, Venus in Taurus is as strong as possible, being in her abode, but in the sign of Aries or Scorpio, she is in exile. How will this affect her interpretation? Venus, which is alone in the center of the chain (for example, stands in Libra) and Venus, which is in mutual reception with Pluto, are they qualitatively the same planet or not? Some authors, in particular, K. Daragan, believe that the planets in mutual reception are always strong, they seem to be symbolically in their abodes. Therefore, he calls mutual reception "the most successful situation for the correction of weakened planets" *. K. Burke and a number of other astrologers, on the contrary, pay special attention to mutual reception,.

I tend to agree with Burke's position rather than Daragan's. Venus in mutual reception with Mars, no matter how much we would like the opposite, will still remain Venus in Aries, place it symbolically in the sign of Libra or do not place it. Observing people, I can only state that the exiled planets, which are in the center of the chain of ownership and are in mutual reception, are not so easy to realize. Yes, getting into the center, even the exiled planets give a person their motivation and ambitions, however, such planets will not initially have the proper skill and efficiency. Here I agree with the position of A. Galitskaya, who believes that the exiled planets can show themselves well only in a narrow area - in the themes of the sign where they stand. In general, it will be true to say that the exiled planet gives a person uncertainty in his abilities and a thirst to compensate for this. If we draw an analogy, then the planet in the monastery gives a powerful and uninterrupted flow of energy, and the planet in exile is only a thin stream in many cases. And only in the spheres of the sign where it stands, the planet can generate a strong flow. Here I must make a digression, adding that any position is not fatal, because the natal chart describes the energy situation only at the time of a person's birth. Evolution within certain limits is possible and desirable.

Below I have attempted to interpret some of the reciprocal receptions frequently found in charts. Since there are a significant number of possible combinations of planets in mutual reception, we will consider only ten options in this article. However, this will already be a big step forward compared to the lack of articles on this topic.

Mutual reception of the Sun (3 points) and the Moon (3 points): the desire to feel the situation gives rise to the motivation to understand it consciously and vice versa. Emotions, experiences, moods affect how a person perceives the world and shows his individuality. The view of the world is subjective, subject to "reeling". The emotional desire to be a leader, to attract attention and admiration is not so easy to realize, since the Sun is not in the abode. Failures in this regard hit hard on emotions. The perception of oneself and one's decisions is inseparable from the authority and opinions of the mother, wife. A person has a strong desire to understand himself, to understand his unconscious and reactions, which can lead to constant soul-searching. The role of emotions in life is strengthened, reactions are sharpened, theatrically emphasized (Moon in the sign of Fire). Theoretically, this is a good position for an actor, a psychologist. An example of personalities: actress Marina Cherepukhina - 07/19/1985, Indian "anti-guru" philosopher Uppaluri Krishnamurti - 07/09/1918, philosopher and culturologist Herbert Marcuse - 07/19/1898, musician Brian May - 07/19/1947.

Mutual reception of the Moon (0 point) and Saturn (0 point): motivation to show their emotions, take care of others, sympathize gives rise to a desire for self-control, restraint, duty, responsibility. The desire to control, manage is associated with the desire to show emotions, the content of the psyche, dreams. However, it is very difficult for the Moon in Capricorn to stop controlling her emotions and feelings. The expelled planets in the center of the chain of possession will certainly also fall into the center of exile, giving at the same time both motivation for activity (the center of possession), and strong feelings, fears, and uncertainty in one's abilities (the center of exile). In this case, there are fears about one's family, marriage, the role of a parent, wife, mother, worries about possible loneliness. (Strong Saturn is ascetic and ready for hardships, while weak Saturn is afraid of loneliness, old age, responsibility, duty, obligations, more precisely, he feels his duty well only in a narrow area - in this case, in relation to the family, and this sense of duty is motivated precisely by emotions , experiences.) The desire to isolate one's emotions from others, from the outside world, interest in studying the history of one's kind, preserving family, national traditions. History, laws, rules cause an emotional reaction and interest. The desire to control, manage, prove oneself in the sphere of law, rules is fueled by emotional needs. Examples of personalities: US President Woodrow Wilson on 12/28/1856, singer and actress Cher on 05/20/1946, artist Marc Chagall on 07/06/1887, actor Michael Douglas on 09/25/1944.

Mutual reception of Mercury (4 points) and Venus (1 point): Various combinations are possible here. Mercury in both Taurus and Libra has a value of 4 points. Venus in Gemini also gets 4 points, but in Virgo - only 1 point. A person is interested in making contacts and connections in Venusian professions, for example, in the areas of beauty, jewelry, and grooming. The motivation to explore the world, to communicate, to get acquainted, to pass on information further is connected with the idea of ​​spreading the ideals of beauty and harmony. A person may be interested in literature and poetry as ways to speak beautifully. Also, the unification of the energies of Mercury and Venus gives a person the motivation to move beautifully, which can be expressed in dance, rhythmic gymnastics. If Mercury in this connection is stronger than Venus, then this will tempt a person to show abilities according to the Hermes archetype rather than Venus, and may result in the prevalence of the abilities of a manager, a trader, for example, in beauty items, and not in the desire to create a creative product. A person is determined to establish harmonious mutually beneficial relationships with other people, erasing contradictions, eliminating unnecessary competitive moments. Artistry, diplomacy. Examples of personalities: singer and actress Cher - 05/20/1946, writer and radio host Neil Walsh - 09/10/1943, philosopher of science David Charles Stove - 09/15/1927.

Mutual reception of Mercury (0 b.) and Jupiter (0 b.): learning something new, a person strives to reach a level where he himself becomes capable of being an authority, a mentor. By teaching others, a person catches bits of information and ideas, everything new from students, while unconsciously maintaining the need to learn from others. The roles of student and teacher are inseparable from each other. Since both planets are expelled, they also give the person a “complex of ignorance” and a “complex of lack of authority” - it seems to him that he never knows at a sufficient level, is not respected enough. In these areas, he always wants more, proof of his competence. The desire to constantly expand horizons, intellectuality, eloquence, interest in philosophy, religion, social and legal sciences, foreign languages. In communication and contacts with others, a person seeks to teach and advise them, but he is not completely sure of his knowledge. There is a desire to teach others, but wisdom and experience may not be enough. Strong interest in travel. Swing between generalization and detail. It seems that of all the receptions of the antagonist planets, this one is the least problematic, since it is quite possible to fulfill the roles of teacher and student in practice. Examples of personalities: religious philosopher Nikolai Lossky - 12/06/1870, politician Indira Gandhi - 11/19/1917, French President Jacques Chirac - 11/29/1932.

Mutual reception of Mercury (4 points) and Uranus (4 points): the motivation to explore the world, learn new data, establish connections and contacts, exchange information is associated with the desire to do it in an original way, not like everyone else, to be creative. Intellectual and information needs are intensified. A person is a supporter of creative, original teaching methods, prefers to choose for himself those areas where he can show the need for intellectual communication, scientific information, where he can show unconventional views, experiment, be eccentric. The need for thinking and ideas to go beyond traditional boundaries. A person quickly learns new information, has paradoxical thinking, is interested in everything advanced, unusual, unconventional. Examples of personalities: philosopher Ken Wilber - 01/31/1949, natural scientist Vladimir Vernadsky - 03/12/1863, state. figure and economist Anatoly Serdyukov - 01/08/1962, philologist and psycholinguist Tatyana Chernigovskaya - 02/07/1947.

Mutual reception of Venus (0 point) and Mars (0 point): the more love in a person's life, the more physical strength and activity. The more a person is physically active, the more money he earns. Since both planets are related to issues of love and passion, there is an increase in the role of feelings and sex in human life. Male and female gender energies are mixed, which gives women masculine character traits and initiative, and men - the desire to pay increased attention to diplomacy, as well as the beauty of their appearance and body. Love is perceived as a passion and leads to a thirst for risk, rivalry, and jealousy. At the same time, the competition itself is carried out by tactful, diplomatic methods. Motivation to show one's will, initiative, strength brings to life and the intention to do it all gently, with bloodless methods. The desire to prove to others that a person knows how to be beautiful, knows how to love, has aesthetic or financial abilities. Examples of personalities: philosopher and state. figure Jan Smuts - 05/24/1870, actress Keira Knightley - 03/26/1985, philosopher and writer Dario Salasa Sommer - 03/4/1935, artist Nicolae Gregorescu - 05/15/1838, author of detective stories Tatiana Ustinova - 04/21/1968.

Mutual reception of Venus (0 point) and Pluto (0 point): the emergence of strong feelings brings to life a desire for deep transformations, which is fraught with the destruction of relationships. Love is associated with passion, which gives increased sexuality. Feelings are perceived as a storm, sex, and not as a calm, even state. The desire to renew and change oneself through love, creativity, sexual energy. At the same time, there are fears associated with these exiled planets, as well as desires, but a lack of ability and skill in the relevant areas. It is easier for outcast planets to show themselves effectively only in the narrow spheres of their signs. In other areas of life, they complex. Therefore, there may be a fear of close relationships and strong love, the fear of losing yourself in a serious relationship. The fear that through love a person will be subjugated, manipulated. The fear that love destroys leads to fatal passion and self-management by the partner. With such a reception, love and power influence each other, which generates a strong magnetism. The desire to control others, to influence the masses through feelings, creativity, sexual energies. This position of the planets is favorable for deep transformations and spiritual growth, but it is also fraught with strong temptations. Motivation to manage large cash flows, but also worries about the lack of financial stability, the insufficiency of this flow. Examples of personalities: actor Leonardo di Caprio - 11/11/1974, biologist and zoologist Sergei Averintsev - 10/18/1875, photographer Alfred Stiglitz - 01/01/1864, head of the USSR Joseph Stalin - 12/21/1879.

Reception of Mars (5 points) and Saturn (1 b.): there is a combination together of two opposite motivations, namely, the desire to take the initiative, to be bold, assertive, competitive, but at the same time control oneself, to be strict, rational, possibly picky, to follow the rules. Mars is clearly stronger here and pulls the rope over itself: it is easier for a person to flare up than to limit his impulses and passions. Likely internal conflict settings and polarities. Since Mars dominates, restrictions in their direction are perceived painfully. Rather, the person himself will impose his rules on others. The inclusion of Saturn also activates Mars: when a person finds himself in cramped conditions, he must obey, the motive to fight, argue, defend his ego, independence immediately awakens. In extreme cases, this leads to a desire to break laws, rules, to fight the system. Such a reception gives motivation to constantly strive for career success, professional growth, social achievements. Or: systematic manifestation their initiative and activity. In the female card - the struggle with the image of her father, the patriarch. In theory, such a reception is great for both science and sports. Examples of personalities: physicist Albert Einstein (03/14/1879), physicist Peter Grunberg (05/18/1939), biophysicist Boris Rezhebek (04/14/1939).

Mutual reception of Jupiter (2 points) and Uranus (2 points): progressive ideals, respect for freedom, interest in extraordinary teachings, travel to unusual countries. Seeking to contribute creativity and liberating public ideas. Craving for the study of philosophical, scientific, esoteric topics. Jupiter gives interest in distant travels, and reception with Uranus yearns for more intellectual enrichment in such trips, insights. Human motivation is associated with the constant expansion of horizons, saturation with knowledge of a scientific, ideological or esoteric nature, deepening one's philosophical knowledge, teaching on the topics of Uranus. Upholding freedom-loving views and teachings, the destruction of everything inert and inert in philosophical and social teachings. The idea of ​​promoting spiritual and social progress, unexpected, original patronage. Promotion of advanced or non-traditional, strange knowledge. Examples of personalities: Queen Victoria of Great Britain - 05/24/1819, missionary and traveler Johannes Rebmann 01/16/1820, neurophysiologist John Eccles - 01/27/1903, psychologist and philosopher Alexei Leontiev - 02/18/1903, writer Georges Simenon - 02/13/1903.

Mutual reception of Jupiter (6 points) and Neptune (6 points): the motivation to study the world around also generates an interest in spiritual topics, giving philosophical interests a distinct religious and mystical color. Both planets of ideologies reinforce each other, which often gives rise to religious preachers, dogmatists, apologists, religious teachers who do not see the point in teaching anything without propagating religious and mystical ideas and concepts. The desire to merge with the higher, spiritual is combined with the desire to spread one's views, to propagate them. A strong desire to generalize gives the type of philosopher, distinguished by uncriticality, special attention to moral issues, helping others. The idea of ​​serving the higher, non-material, the idea of ​​self-sacrifice because of philosophical views, for the sake of enlightenment is close to a person. The desire to create beauty and harmony around, a strong interest in foreign languages, other countries, foreign ideologies. Promotion of the ideas of pacifism, beauty and love. Passion for the occult, philosophy, religion. Philosophical idealist and pacifist. Examples of personalities: Vedic palmist Konstantin Pilipishin - 02/28/1975, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina - 04/16/1974, actor Leonardo Di Caprio - 11/11/1974, US President Abraham Lincoln - 02/12/1809.

Mutual reception of Saturn (6 points) and Uranus (6 points): motivation to control, organize, manage is associated with the idea of ​​freedom, creativity, lack of restrictions. Therefore, the more a person controls himself, the more he feels the desire to destroy everything and get abstract freedom. A person has the ability to show restraint in unexpected situations, is able to prove himself as a creative, freedom-loving boss. This is a difficult situation, because with such a reception, both antagonist planets have great power. Creative, abstract, advanced ideas are introduced by a person systematically and with great diligence. The reception of Uranus and Saturn can be well applied in the field of science or the occult, where there may be a desire to streamline, systematize knowledge, and a desire to discover something fundamentally new, which will cancel a number of old rules and guidelines. A person is close to the desire for social change and progressive laws, which, however, can lead to revolutionary moods. Examples of personalities: musician Osvaldo Pugliese - 12/02/1905, astronomer Peter Kuiper - 07/12/1905, archaeologist Kenyon Katlin - 01/05/1906.

* Daragan K. Astrology of personality transformation. Karmic astrology and methods of horoscope correction. - M., 2015. - S. 375.

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So far, we have considered receptions. The various virtues and demerits in which Mars is located tell us about the opinions and feelings of the person indicated by Mars in the chart. If Mars is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Venus, and Venus is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Mars, then such a reception is called mutual. In essence, this is all that mutual reception means: it is a reception with the presence of certain counter feelings.
Reciprocal feelings do not have to be expressed in the same merits or demerits (Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in the abode of Mars); it can be any combination of advantages or disadvantages. Mars in the abode of Venus: he loves her. Venus in exaltation of Mars: she is also crazy about him. Venus is only in the face of Mars: his love is unrequited - he is practically indifferent to her. Venus in exile of Mars: his love is less than unrequited - she actively hates him. Counter feelings can be ambiguous: Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in triplicity and the fall of Mars. He loves her; she, on the whole, finds him disgusting, but she still likes his individual qualities. As shown in all the examples given, consideration of specific receptions between planets gives us an accurate idea of ​​the feelings between two people.
Negative receptions (exile and fall) are usually ignored. Do not do that! They are extremely important. The following map will show us how they work.
Mutual reception on dignity indicates to us that the planets like each other. And if they like each other, they will want to help each other. Thus, mutual reception strengthens the planets. Negative mutual reception weakens them.
We cannot, however, determine the exact value of the strength or inferiority acquired by the planets, because this value varies depending on the strength of the reception and the strength of both planets.
The stronger the virtues in which the planets accept each other, the more they strengthen each other. The planets that are in each other's abodes experience a strong mutual affection, and therefore they readily rush to the rescue of each other; planets in front of each other are reluctant to help each other when it is absolutely necessary. If Mars is in the abode of Venus, and Venus is in the face of Mars, Mars is on fire

enthusiasm to help Venus; the willingness of Venus to help Mars is very moderate. But if Venus is only in the face of Mars, the help of Mars may not be entirely to her liking: the less significant the dignity of reception, the less the planet is able to both receive and give help. There is nothing abstract about this: it is the most ordinary human experience. If I find myself in an awkward position, I will gladly accept help. best friend, but I don't want to let a hated friend see my need.
In order for mutual reception to provide significant support, both planets must be strong. They must be essentially strong: good guys help each other more than the bad ones. And they also need to be accidental strong in order to be able to give and (this is important!) to receive help.
Judge. A positive mutual reception is like a friendship. I have big friend(significant mutual reception), but if he is a villain (his significator is in the sign of his exile), then he will not help me in Hard time. Or he could be- wonderful person(his significator is in a sign of his significant essential dignity), but he does not have the opportunity to prove his friendship by action (accidental weakness): I ask him to lend me some money, he wants to help me, but cannot, because he himself does not have any . Also, I myself may be so weak that it is impossible to help me: I ask a friend to lend me money to pay rent; he lends me money, I go to the nearest bar and drink it all down. His money did not help me because of my own inferiority.
So, despite the fact that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries are in mutual reception according to the monastery, this does little for them: both planets are too weak to provide and receive help. The seemingly weaker mutual reception by triplicity between Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces is actually much more fruitful (with other equal conditions, from the point of view of accidental force), because in this case both planets are in their exaltation and are thus able to help and receive help.
If you have read other modern books in horary astrology, you may have already encountered the idea that the planets in mutual reception are able to change places, so that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries can be regarded as Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus. Such an opinion is based on a blatantly misreading of Ptolemy, it makes no sense (I can be friends with someone, but on this basis I do not move to live in his house, and he in mine) and should be ignored.
There is also an opinion that peregrine planets cannot be in mutual reception. Of course they can. A peregrine planet is like a homeless wanderer, and mutual reception is like friendship. A homeless wanderer may well have friends. He may not be able to help them much, but such friendship is still better than nothing.

An important role is played by the relationship between the planets. The degree of their friendship or enmity determines how a person (or other subject about whom the question is asked) relates to people, things and circumstances that fill his life.

Today I propose to consider the basic rules for working with reception ligaments.

Mutual reception gives an answer to any question from the category “how does he (she, it) treat me (him, her, this)?”. For example, with a favorable reception between the significator of the person we are interested in and the significator of his work, we can confidently say that the person likes the work and will work with pleasure. Of course, the strength of the significators should also be taken into account, because if in the described situation the significator of the work turns out to be evil, this may indicate that the work will not actually bring happiness or the expected effect to the person, and he can spend all his efforts in vain.

Or another example. The girl was very attached to her and turned to the astrologer with the question of whether her young man would get along with a pet. The reception in the horare between the key significators will give an answer to this question. So, if the significator of a young man does not have any reception with the significator of a cat, and he, in turn, is in the detrimental dignity of the significator of the young man and in the great dignity of the significator of his mistress - the guy is indifferent to the animal, but the cat simply cannot stand it and at the same time does not have a soul in his mistress. The conclusion is simple: the jealousy of the cat will fall on the young man in best case complete rejection, and at worst - regularly crap shoes and bloodied hands.

As you can see, reception is an extremely informative tool in the hands of a skilled astrologer. Especially often it is in demand when interpreting natal charts(when it is necessary to find a planet, through the reception with which a weak significator can solve the problems of his home) and horars (in them, with the help of receptions, questions are easily resolved in the manner of “loves / likes or dislikes / dislikes?”).

How planetary receptions are determined

The relations of the planets go beyond the list of "original" friendship or enmity of the planets offered by some authors. In principle, there can be no task, since the astrologer does not work with a “bare” chain of planets, but with planets in the role of significators of astrological houses, moreover, located in the zodiac signs - in places of advantages and disadvantages of each other.

The rule is simple and is based on the position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac:

- the significator is very fond of the planet in whose abode he is; just crazy about the planet in whose exaltation it is located (however, this is a somewhat exaggerated feeling of love); moderately friendly with the triplicite's host planet in its location; very slightly sympathizes with the owner of his term and only a little bit feels sympathy for the owner of the face;

- the significator frankly hates the planets, in places of exile and fall, which he turned out to be.

Let me remind you that I have already talked about the rules for determining significators in traditional astrology in an article.

Thus, it is understandable why Mercury in Capricorn sincerely loves Saturn (abode), adores Mars (exaltation), is friends with Venus during the day (daytime triplets), and with the Moon at night (nightly triplets), and at the same time hates Jupiter (fall) and Moon (exile).

Please note that in the above example, in the conditions of the night chart, Mercury was simultaneously in triplicity and the moon was in exile. There are no contradictions here - everything is like in life: we can hate what the Moon signifies, but due to something (external significant circumstances or old merits) to experience some feelings for her that prevent us from “breaking” with the Moon completely and irrevocably. It's like an unloved husband with whom you want to divorce, but children, guilt or something else interferes.

At the same time, it is not a fact that a planet that is in the great dignity of another planet can count on reciprocity. If Mercury is in Capricorn and thus loves Saturn, but the latter occupies the sign of the fall or exile of Mercury, a classic situation is obtained. love triangle, in which: Mercury loves Saturn, but that Mercury cannot stand the spirit and, for sure, loves someone else (“third”).

Let's consider receptions in action on the examples of natal and horary charts.

1. Natal chart

The horoscope of Adolf Hitler is well known to many astrologers. I propose to pay attention to the second house of the card, which is responsible for the "purse" of a person. At first glance, it seems that financially A. Hitler must have had serious difficulties: the second house is empty, and his significator Mars is extremely weak (exile).

However, the significator who finds himself in such a position, being completely unable to effectively solve the problems of his home, frantically tries to find a planet, relying on which he will succeed at least a little bit well. Possible candidates for the role of such a “magic wand” of a flawed significator will be prompted by receptions.

So, in the horoscope of A. Hitler, we notice a strong mutual reception in exaltation of Mars and the Moon. But can the same weak (exiled) Moon provide significant assistance to poor Mars? Of course not! Maybe she is glad to help him with money, but she simply does not have them, and she herself would very much like to solve her problems. own problems through some strong planet...

Mars has no more mutual receptions. However, we notice that, in addition to the Moon, Mars loves and wants to be with Venus, which is also his dispositor. At the same time, Venus is located magnificently - in her own monastery. That's through whom the significator of A. Hitler's "purse" solved all his problems. What does Venus signify in this chart? Other people's money (8th house) - it was the rich industrialists who generously financed the rise and retention of A. Hitler in power.

Of course, along with a strong positive reception of Mars to Venus, we notice the same negative reception on her part. However, given that Mars wants to be with Venus and the latter goes to (connect) with him, she was forced to generously fill the second house of the horoscope with money. Here, by the way, it seems quite logical to say that the strong dispositor of the planet helps his weaker "ward" to solve the problems of his home

2. Horary chart

The woman asked a question about her close friend. She had a disagreement with her loved one, and now she is afraid that he will no longer return to her. On this occasion, the question was asked.

From the map we see that the significator of the girlfriend is Mercury, and the significator of her young man is Jupiter. Mercury is in a deplorable state in Sagittarius - the girl is really in love with a man and suffers from separation. But Jupiter feels comfortable in Cancer, while it is located only in the face of Mercury, which indicates his good mood and meager interest in the girl. At the same time, there is no convergent aspect between the planets.

However, we see that Jupiter, and in matters of the return, retrograde itself can mean that a person is already returning ... But look what happens: Jupiter is clearly interested in the Moon, with which he was also in the last aspect. The moon is related to the house of secrets and hidden enemies - Jupiter can return to it, but no matter how to Mercury!

As it turned out, the man really returned ... to his ex-wife, with whom, as it turned out, he had maintained a secret relationship for a long time!

The relationships of the planets are crucial as in questions natal astrology, and in horary charts. The astrologer needs to learn how to unravel the tangle of receptive connections between the planets, this will allow him to discover true motive actions and desires of people.