Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The meaning of human life. What is the meaning of human life? The problem of the meaning of human life

I must say that this topic is of interest to many people, including those who use our technology. intelligent life. Having solved with the help of our methodology current issues and having passed into a state of peace, a person begins to think on the topic: "What next? Am I created only to have fun? Probably, there are higher and more noble goals, and you need to find them." And he begins to look for them, turning to religion or other spiritual or esoteric schools. He does this because we have not explained our vision of the destiny of man. Except, perhaps, for its purpose as a source of pure energies, but such a goal suits few people, it is too grounded. People want something more, and they are attracted to other schools, promising to comprehend the meaning of life, the development of personal strength, or, in extreme cases, a prosperous life in Heaven. Now we will try to express our opinion on this matter. It must be said that our point of view on the ultimate goal of human existence is in no way at odds with the well-known goals declared in almost all religions. We differ only in the vision of ways to achieve this goal.

As you know, the ultimate goal of existence is the union of man with God. And it is possible only when a person reaches such a level of development, at which a person becomes similar to the Creator. A person unites with God when his true desires coincide with the plans of the Creator.

To prove these statements, we will not refer to any religious sources - they are all written so ambiguously that, if desired, one can find confirmation or refutation of anything there. Hence this great amount religions based, it would seem, on the same sources (Vedas, Bible, Talmud, etc.). Therefore, we will simply briefly retell what could be learned from them if we treat them not as Truth in the interpretation of someone, but as ordinary sources of information about events that took place once upon a time. In our opinion, everything happened approximately like this.

Some time ago, no one knows for sure, there was a God who was All. At some point in time, he decided to create our world. Since he was everything, everything that was created by him is a particle of him. Elements of the world he created were also we, people. But he did not create people at once omnipotent and perfect, but decided to allow them to reach this state through evolution, development. Therefore, when our world developed enough, it chose relatively developed animals on Earth (monkeys or some slightly more developed animals), and endowed them with a particle of its divine essence - the soul. In addition, it seems that he freed them from wool and gave them the rudiments of reason, that is, the ability to abstract thinking.

But he gave only a germ, so each soul in the course of evolution must realize its divine essence and become similar to the Creator at the final stage of its development. Moreover, the Creator is invisibly present in all our affairs – He is omnipresent. It's hard to imagine, but that's how it is. This does not mean at all that he spies on every person and takes into account all his bad thoughts and actions - all this happens automatically in the rather perfect structure of the Universe created by him. In addition, for the implementation of certain programs, he has many assistants - disembodied spirits (angels).

The Creator constantly monitors the course of human evolution, and if people wander somewhere in the wrong place on the path of development, he purges (the purge option is a global flood) and starts the evolution process anew. According to some esotericists, we are already representatives of the fifth race, the third race was in Atlantis. etc.

In our opinion, in the course of evolution, a person should become a conscious being, which is not at all observed today. Each person, having gone through many lives and received various experiences, must free himself from the most different dependencies and become a free being. On the path of evolution, each person must get rid of various addictions, and in particular:

- dependence on the stomach, which causes some to incessantly overeat;

- dependence on the genitals, which guide the thoughts and actions of some (particularly sexually preoccupied) people;

- depending on nervous system which in some people requires constant excitement (adrenaline) by any means (coffee, sex, conflicts, danger, etc.);

- depending on innate instincts which force to attach excessive importance to nationality, family ties, pushing on the path of vindictiveness, greed, struggle for power, etc.;

- depending on the character - so that the excessive manifested personality traits (emotionality, cruelty, sentimentality, greed, etc.) do not determine the lifestyle and behavior of a person;

- depending on their idealizations and negative programs plunging him into the world of experiences.

In general, a person must realize himself as a particle of the Divine mind and not identify himself completely with his body and its needs.

It should be noted that some individual souls in the process of evolution have already come to know God and approached him. There are not many of them at all - these are saints, prophets, ascended Masters, etc.

All of the above does not mean at all that we share the views of some Eastern ascetic teachings that completely deny earthly joys and believe that sex can only be done for procreation, there is a minimum, and so on. The Creator gave us a variety of senses so that we can enjoy the world, which has delicious food and drinks, spiritual and completely carnal love, travel, different kinds sports and much more, which can only be felt in our material world. We only believe that on the path of spiritual evolution a person must learn to receive all these pleasures himself, and not live in such a way that their craving for another pleasure determines his life. For example, some people spend their whole lives looking for the next portion of sex, like March cats. - This is already extreme. We are against extremes, and in reasonable limits all earthly pleasures only decorate our lives and give us additional grounds for joy.

Most people wander along the way spiritual development mired in earthly passions and affections, as a result of which they are born in adverse conditions and their life seems to be a continuous torment. Therefore, the Creator, through His messengers, periodically issues "instructions" on how to live and act correctly in certain cases, how to pray to God, and so on. Usually on the basis of such peculiar "instructions" there are religions - Christianity, Islam and others. All of them are initially aimed at the development of the human soul in that wonderful world that the Creator created. But these instructions are usually distorted by people who begin to interpret them in their own interests or in accordance with their convictions. As a result, religious strife and wars arise, persecution of dissenters and all other phenomena that distort the original intention of the Creator. The Creator created a beautiful world, and people all the time manage to engage in violence, wars, struggle for power or material wealth, struggle for national or religious beliefs, etc. in it. It is clear that by doing so they violate the intention of the Creator. But He gives them time to come to their senses and return to the path of evolution.

Nevertheless, the process of spiritual development of people is gradually taking place, this is evidenced by the ever-increasing interest in religious, spiritual and mystical literature throughout the world. There are several thousand religious organizations in the world whose followers are sincerely convinced that only their way of serving God is true, and all the rest are false. There is no objective evidence for these claims, since what we refer to as miracles can be cited by followers of almost any religion.

Most of people are satisfied with the methods of spiritual service that were once proposed - prayers, the performance of certain religious rituals, etc. But some people are not satisfied with the need to perform incomprehensible rituals and read obscure texts offered several thousand years ago to completely different people, in other countries with different conditions of existence and a different level of development. etc. They have a completely legitimate question - does the service to God consist in the performance of precisely these rituals and there is nothing else that is more appropriate for the current state of human development? Has nothing really changed in thousands of years?

In our opinion, of course, it has changed. That is, the main task - spiritual development and union with God, of course, remained. But the ritual part of this process, created thousands of years ago in completely different conditions, is hardly suitable for today's industrialized society. So modern people Those who have the opportunity to use all the achievements of civilization are looking for some other ways of spiritual development that are more appropriate for their level of development. They do not need strict instructions on how and when to do what - they are quite conscious, guided by the norms of morality, humanism, mutual assistance, civil and criminal codes, finally. They do not need other people's instructions, these rules are the natural laws of their life!

That is, they themselves live the way people who are on the path to God should live. And so their life in which they rejoice beautiful world created by the Creator, and is the process of serving God! Since the Creator has to force other people with other value systems to live in this way with the help of special instructions (religious sources).

That is life itself modern man who lives joyfully, calmly, benevolently, without excessive claims to the world, and is the path of spiritual development of his soul. The way is not intense, but the right one.

There are many techniques for more intensive spiritual self-development, but they are all associated with the rejection of ordinary earthly life, and not all people are satisfied with this. But it turns out that our daily life itself can become a service to God and a way of spiritual development, if we live consciously, understanding the will of the Creator and listening to His promptings.

And how to do this is well known from our books and books by other authors. And at the same time, there is no need to observe any religious rituals - it is possible, but it does not add anything to your spiritual potential. God is present in the soul of each of us, and it makes no difference to him whether we perform some ritual with bewilderment and effort, or not. If we do something "just in case", then it does not count towards our spiritual development.

What are the ways of perfecting the soul?
What is the global goal of human life on Earth?


A person has a soul and an energy-informational entity (EIS) - our consciousness, including our memory. The difference between the soul and EIS is as follows. The soul is an eternally living intelligent substance, consisting of leptons - ultra-small particles unknown to science. Therefore, it has the property of superfluidity, i.e. penetration through any structure of the material world. After death physical body the soul, depending on the level of consciousness of the deceased, penetrates into different levels invisible, otherworldly or afterlife through the information-energy barrier.

The soul resides in these Subtle worlds until the next incarnation into a new body at its birth. At the same time, leaving the body of the deceased, the soul takes with it 3 thin energy shells (EIS) from the human aura, on which all life is recorded this individual. The connection between the brain and the soul is directly blocked by the Creator. During sleep, our soul goes to the Subtle World and from where it brings information, in the form of dreams, regarding upcoming events in life. this person. This information is recorded in a person’s memory in encrypted form, allegorically in the form of allegories (for this, there are dream books for deciphering the meaning of dreams).

Therefore, the answer to the question of what is the purpose of human life on Earth is self-improvement of consciousness (EIS), which at the end of life will pass to the soul. In the human genome, the Creator has incorporated all possible positive and negative emotions and actions associated with these emotions, as an experiment.

To improve consciousness, a person needs:

  • 1) minimize the use of negative emotions and negative reactions on them: it is anger, hatred, envy, deceit, lies, rudeness, meanness, greed, forgery, bribery, betrayal and cruelty that a person uses to achieve his own selfish goals;
  • 2) take into account the importance of raising the level of spirituality - sincere faith to God, turning to him through prayers, keeping the commandments and rituals as much as possible, honoring the main divine holidays;
  • 3) self-education and training to increase the level of knowledge in those areas to which his consciousness aspires.

By adhering to the implementation of these 3 points, a person increases the frequency of vibrations of the gene structures of his body, which is eventually recorded in his soul. In addition to the above, you need to know that the Creator of the Universe - the Higher Mind has its own Divine consciousness - it is the Absolute or Red Fire, which spreads throughout the Universe. This substance penetrates everywhere, and in each person there is a piece of the Divine consciousness of the Higher Mind that has penetrated into him, with the help of which he knows about each of us, living each of our lives with us.

About the meaning of people's lives in the cycles of rebirth on Earth

When our soul enters the highest - the seventh level of the Subtle World after death, it goes to the Absolute - the consciousness of the Higher Mind. The goal of human life on Earth is turning inward, which is possible in the presence of the above, because the consciousness of the Higher Mind is within us and we must strive to unite with it. We need to understand this so that it enters the heart, mind and, at the end of life, into our soul. A person needs to understand and accept that the future of civilization is predetermined and is carried out according to the plan and will of the Higher Mind and will not be left to chance. He lives the life of everyone with love and great interest, he is interested in everything related to the evolutionary development of his offspring - man, as a particle of himself. Its goal is to know oneself through the experience of human development. The evolutionary development of man is a grandiose cosmic experiment of the Higher Mind and the Creator. Currently underway preparation period the transition of our civilization to a new one, next level consciousness and development.

What is the meaning of human life? Many people at all times thought about this question. For some, the problem of the meaning of human life does not exist at all as such, someone sees the essence of being in money, someone - in children, someone - in work, etc. Naturally, the greats of this world also puzzled over this question: writers, philosophers, psychologists. They devoted years to this, wrote treatises, studied the works of their predecessors, etc. What did they say about this? What was the meaning of life and the purpose of man? Let's get acquainted with some points of view, perhaps this will contribute to the formation of our own vision of the problem.

About the question in general

So, what is the point? Both Eastern sages and philosophers of completely different times tried to find the only correct answer to this question, but in vain. Every thinking person can also face this problem, and if we are not able to find the right solution, then we will try to at least reason and understand the topic a little. How to get as close as possible to the answer to the question of what is the meaning of human life? To do this, you need to determine for yourself the purpose, the purpose of your existence. Depending on what you want to achieve in a certain period, the meaning of a person’s life will also change. This is easy to understand with an example. If at the age of 20 you firmly decided for yourself to earn a lot of money, that is, you set such a task for yourself, then with each successful transaction, the feeling that life is filled with meaning will only grow. However, after 15-20 years, you will realize that you worked hard to the detriment of your personal life, health, etc. Then all these years may seem, if not meaninglessly lived, then only partially meaningful. What conclusion can be drawn in this case? That a person's life should have a purpose (in this case, a meaning), even if it is transient.

Is it possible to live without meaning?

If a person is deprived of meaning in means that he has no intrinsic motivation, and this makes him weak. The absence of a goal does not allow you to take your own destiny into your own hands, to resist adversity and difficulties, to strive for something, etc. A person without the meaning of life is easily controlled, since he does not have his own opinion, ambitions, life criteria. In such cases, one’s desires are replaced by others’, as a result of which individuality suffers, hidden talents and abilities. Psychologists say that if a person does not want or cannot find his own path, purpose, goal, then this leads to neurosis, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide. Therefore, each person must look for the meaning of his life, even if unconsciously, to strive for something, to wait for something, etc.

What is meant by the meaning of life in philosophy?

Philosophy about the meaning of human life can tell us a lot, so this question has always been in the first place for this science and its admirers and followers. Philosophers have been creating for thousands of years some ideals to which one had to strive, some laws of existence, in which the answer to the eternal question lay.

1. If, for example, we talk about ancient philosophy, then Epicurus saw the goal of being in obtaining pleasure, Aristotle - in achieving happiness through knowledge of the world and thinking, Diogenes - in striving for inner peace, in the denial of family and art.

2. To the question of what is the meaning of human life, the philosophy of the Middle Ages gave the following answer: one should honor the ancestors, accept the religious views of the time, pass all this on to posterity.

3. Representatives of the philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries also had their own view of the problem. Irrationalists saw the essence of being in a constant struggle with death and suffering; existentialists believed that the meaning of a person's life depends on himself; the positivists, on the other hand, considered this problem to be meaningless, since it is expressed linguistically.

Interpretation in terms of religion

Each historical era poses tasks and problems for society, the solution of which most directly affects how a person understands his destiny. As living conditions, cultural and social needs change, it is natural that a person's views on all issues also change. However, people have never abandoned the desire to find that one, so to speak, universal meaning of life, which would be suitable for any stratum of society, for each period of time. This same desire is reflected in all religions, among which Christianity is worth noting. The problem of the meaning of human life is considered by Christianity inseparable from the doctrine of the creation of the world, of God, of the fall, of the sacrifice of Jesus, of the salvation of the soul. That is, all these questions are seen on the same plane, respectively, the essence of being is presented outside of life itself.

The idea of ​​"spiritual elite"

Philosophy, or rather, some of its followers, considered the meaning of human life from another interesting point of view. Received at a certain time wide use such ideas about this problem that cultivated the ideas of the “spiritual elite”, designed to save all of humanity from degeneration by introducing it to cultural and spiritual values. So, for example, Nietzsche believed that the essence of life is that geniuses are constantly born, talented individuals who would elevate the common people to their level, deprive them of the feeling of orphanhood. K. Jaspers shared the same point of view. He was sure that representatives of the spiritual aristocracy should be a measure, a model for all other people.

What does hedonism say about this?

The founders of this doctrine are the ancient Greek philosophers - Epicurus and Aristippus. The latter argued that both bodily and spiritual pleasure is good for the individual, which should be positively evaluated, respectively, displeasure is bad. And the more desirable will be the pleasure, the stronger it is. The teaching of Epicurus on this issue has become a household word. He said that all living things are drawn to pleasure, and any person strives for the same. However, he receives not only sensual, bodily pleasure, but also spiritual.

Utilitarian theory

This kind of hedonism was developed mainly by the philosophers Bentham and Mill. The first, like Epicurus, was sure that the meaning of life and human happiness is only in obtaining pleasure and striving for it and in avoiding torment and suffering. He also believed that the criterion of utility could mathematically calculate a specific kind of pleasure or displeasure. And having made their balance, we can find out which act will be bad, which one will be good. Mill, who gave the current its name, wrote that if any action contributes to happiness, then it automatically becomes positive. And so that he would not be accused of selfishness, the philosopher said that it was important not only the happiness of the person himself, but also those around him.

Objections to hedonism

Yes, there were, and quite a few. The essence of the objections boils down to the fact that hedonists and utilitarians see the meaning of human life in the pursuit of pleasure. However, as shown life experience, a person, performing an act, does not always think what it will lead to: happiness or chagrin. Moreover, people deliberately do things that are obviously related to hard work, torment, death, in order to achieve those goals that are far from personal benefit. Each individual is unique. What is happiness for one is torment for another.

Kant deeply criticized hedonism. He said that happiness, which hedonists speak of, is a very conditional concept. It looks different to everyone. The meaning and value of human life, according to Kant, lies in the desire of everyone to develop in themselves good will. Only in this way can perfection be achieved, fulfilled. Having a will, a person will strive for those actions that are responsible for his destiny.

The meaning of human life in the literature of Tolstoy L.N.

The great writer not only pondered, but even agonized over this question. In the end, Tolstoy came to the conclusion that the purpose of life is only the self-improvement of the individual. He was also sure that the meaning of the existence of one individual cannot be sought separately from others, from society as a whole. Tolstoy said that in order to live honestly, one must constantly fight, tear, get confused, because calmness is meanness. That is why the negative part of the soul seeks peace, but it does not understand that the achievement of the desired is associated with the loss of everything that is good and kind in a person.

The meaning of human life in philosophy was interpreted in different ways, this happened depending on many reasons, the currents of a particular time. If we consider the teachings of such a great writer and philosopher as Tolstoy, then the following is said there. Before deciding the question of the purpose of existence, it is necessary to understand what life is. He went over all the then known definitions of life, but they did not satisfy him, since they reduced everything only to biological existence. However, human life, according to Tolstoy, is impossible without moral, moral aspects. Thus, the moralist transfers the essence of life into the moral sphere. After Tolstoy turned to both sociology and religion in the hope of finding that single meaning that is intended for everyone, but all was in vain.

What is said about this in domestic and foreign literature?

In this area, the number of approaches to this problem and opinions is no less than in philosophy. Although many writers also acted as philosophers, they talked about the eternal.

So, one of the oldest is the concept of Ecclesiastes. It speaks of vanity and insignificance human being. According to Ecclesiastes, life is nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. And such components of life as labor, power, love, wealth, have no meaning. It's the same as chasing the wind. In general, he believed that human life has no meaning.

The Russian philosopher Kudryavtsev in his monograph put forward the idea that each person independently fills being with meaning. He only insists that everyone see the goal only in the "high" and not in the "low" (money, pleasure, etc.)

The Russian thinker Dostoevsky, who constantly "unraveled" the secrets of the human soul, believed that the meaning of a person's life is in his morality.

The meaning of being in psychology

Freud, for example, believed that the main thing in life is to be happy, to get maximum pleasure and enjoyment. Only these things are self-evident, but a person who thinks about the meaning of life is mentally ill. But his student, E. Fromm, believed that it is impossible to live without meaning. You need to consciously reach out to everything positive and fill your being with it. In the teachings of V. Frankl, this concept is given the main place. According to his theory, under no circumstances in life can a person fail to see the goals of existence. And you can find meaning in three ways: in deeds, in experiencing, in the presence of a certain position towards life circumstances.

Is there really a meaning to human life?

In this article, we consider such an ever-existing question as the problem of the meaning of human life. Philosophy on this score gives more than one answer, some options are presented above. But each of us at least once, but thought about the meaningfulness of their own existence. For example, according to sociologists, approximately 70% of the world's inhabitants live in constant fear, anxiety. As it turned out, they were not looking for the meaning of their existence, but simply wanted to survive. And for what? And that fussy and disturbing rhythm of life is a consequence of the unwillingness to understand this issue, at least for oneself. No matter how we hide, the problem still exists. Writers, philosophers, thinkers were looking for answers. If we analyze all the results, we can come to three judgments. Let's try to find the meaning, shall we?

Judgment one: there is no meaning and cannot be

This means that any attempt to find a goal is a delusion, a dead end, self-deception. Many philosophers adhered to this theory, including Jean-Paul Sartre, who said that if death awaits us all ahead, then there is no point in life, because all problems will remain unresolved. A. Pushkin and Omar Khayyam also remained disappointed and dissatisfied in the search for truth. It should be said that such a position of accepting the meaninglessness of life is very cruel, not every person is even able to survive it. Much in human nature opposes this view. On this occasion, the next paragraph.

Second judgment: there is a sense, but everyone has their own

Admirers of this opinion believe that there is a meaning, or rather, it should be, so we must invent it. This stage implies important step- a person stops running from himself, he must admit that being cannot be meaningless. In this position, the person is more frank with himself. If the question appears again and again, then it will not be possible to dismiss or hide from it. Please note that if we recognize such a concept as meaninglessness, by doing so we prove the legitimacy and right to exist of that very meaning. It's all good. However, representatives of this opinion, even acknowledging and accepting the question, could not find a universal answer. Then everything went according to the principle "once admitted - think for yourself." There are many paths in life, you can choose any of them. Schelling said that happy is the one who has a goal and sees in this the meaning of all life. A person with such a position will try to find meaning in all phenomena, events that happen to him. Someone will turn to material enrichment, someone - to success in sports, someone - to the family. Now it turns out that there is no universal meaning, so all those “meanings” are what? Only tricks that cover up the meaninglessness? And if, nevertheless, there is a common sense for everyone, then where to look for it? Let's move on to the third point.

Third judgment

And it sounds like this: there is a meaning in our existence, it can even be known, but only after you know the one who created this being. Here the question will already be relevant not about what is the meaning of a person's life, but about why he is looking for it. So, lost. The logic is simple. By committing sin, the person has lost God. And there is no need to come up with a meaning here, you just need to know the Creator again. Even a philosopher and a convinced atheist said that if the existence of God is excluded from the very beginning, then there is nothing to look for meaning at all, it will not exist. A bold decision for an atheist.

Most Common Answers

If you ask a person about the meaning of his existence, he is likely to give one of the following answers. Let's look at them in more detail.

In procreation. If you answer the question about the meaning of life in this way, then you show the nakedness of your soul. Do you live for children? To train them, put them on their feet? And what's next? Later, when the children grow up and leave the cozy nest? You will say that you will teach your grandchildren. Why? So that they, in turn, also do not have goals in life, but go along vicious circle? Procreation is one of the tasks, but it is not universal.

At work. For many people, future plans are career related. You will work, but for what? Feed the family, dress? Yes, but this is not enough. How to realize yourself? Also not enough. Even the ancient philosophers argued that work will not please for a long time if there is no common meaning in life.

In wealth. Many people believe that the accumulation of money is the main happiness in life. It becomes a passion. But in order to live fully, countless treasures are not needed. It turns out that making money all the time for the sake of money is pointless. Especially if a person does not understand why he needs wealth. Money can only be a tool for realizing its meaning, purpose.

In existence for someone. This is already more filled with meaning, although it is similar to the item about children. Of course caring for someone is a blessing, it is right choice but not enough for self-realization.

What to do, how to find the answer?

If, nevertheless, the question posed does not give you rest, then the answer should be sought in yourself. In this review, we briefly reviewed some of the philosophical, psychological, and religious aspects of the problem. Even if you read such literature for days and study all the theories, it is far from a fact that you will 100% agree with something and take it as a guide to action.

If you decide to find the meaning of your life, it means that something does not suit you in the present state of affairs. However, be careful: time is ticking, it will not wait for you to find something. Most people try to realize themselves in the above directions. Yes, please, if you like it, it brings pleasure, then who will forbid it? On the other hand, who said that it is impossible, that it is wrong, that we have no right to live like this (for children, for relatives, etc.)? Everyone chooses his own path, his own destination. Or maybe you shouldn't look for it? If something is prepared, then it will come anyway, without any extra effort on the part of a person? Who knows, maybe it's true. And don't be surprised if you see the meaning of life differently at every stage of your existence. This is fine. The nature of man in general is such that he constantly doubts something. The main thing is to be filled like a vessel, to do something, to devote your life to something.

When on our mailing address This interview came, we did not hesitate for a long time whether to publish it. In this material, as in a good Hollywood blockbuster, there is literally everything.

When on [email protected] This interview came, we did not hesitate for a long time whether to publish it. We even decided not to express our opinion about what Mikhail Morgulis and Professor Alexander Bolonkin say (we will give this right to you). This material, like in a good Hollywood blockbuster, has everything: dissidents, the search for a purpose in life, the Lord God (without a nuclear reaction), global warming, the immortality of a person by preserving the information contained in the brain, and, of course, androids set in motion by the power of the atom. The author's features of the text are carefully preserved. Enjoy. - approx. ed.

Interview of Mikhail Morgulis with Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Bolonkin

Morgulis: You are a person who has achieved great discoveries in science, who has repeatedly experienced the joy of insight from the opportunity to see what is closed from others. You have also experienced injustice, pain and betrayal in this life. And now, when, in the language of sports, we are entering the finish line, so that you can say about life, what it is, and what, perhaps, is the goal of our life process?

Bolonkin: I have thought a lot about: The purpose of our life process; more precisely, the still unconscious Goal of Mankind, predetermined for him by Nature or God. I came to the conclusion that only the strongest have a chance to survive in the world. Not a physically stronger being (population), but more reasonable view with great knowledge. The entire history of the mind on Earth confirms this conclusion. Man on Earth in relation to the entire animal and plant world has become God. He is able to destroy any animal or even the entire population, breed animals that are useful to him, cut down forests for sown areas, and block rivers. And I came to the conclusion that whether we like it or not, humanity is a participant in the universal space race to Knowledge, to the future Supreme Intelligence, to power over Nature (the Universe). If God is understood as an omnipotent being, then, to put it simply, the goal of a person (as well as any other mind in the Universe) is to become God. I do not blaspheme God as the Father, Creator and Teacher of man. I draw the attention of believers to the phrase in the Bible that God created man in his own image and likeness. And any parent is proud when his child grows up and surpasses him in mind, strength, talents and activity. Mankind, despite all its successes, is still in its early infancy and does not even understand what life is and why it was created. If the Universe was created by the Supreme Mind, God, then people will become gods when they learn to create new Universes themselves (as it is said in the Bible). Unless, of course, it wins this universal race to the Higher Mind. In my book "Electronic Civilization and the Immortality of Mankind" (Lulu, 1999), devoted to these issues, I write: "It is our happiness that aliens have not yet arrived to us! This would mean that we have lost the Universal race to the Higher Mind (otherwise we would have been the first to fly to them!) This also means that humanity is doomed to be material for them, such as cattle, animals and vegetable world Earth for mankind". From the main goal of the existence of mankind, it follows that the main efforts of mankind should be directed to the extraction of new knowledge, the development of science and technology, which along the way and easily provide humanity with a decent material life.

Morgulis: Some strange thing. A person who knows that his presence on earth is very short always thinks about the future in which he will no longer be present. Maybe this is embedded in our genes by the Creator, as if caring for the continuation of the earthly race. Therefore, the cynical and indifferent world, suddenly, passionately cares about the future of the planet. Well, for example, everyone is talking about global warming, which can lead our planet to global catastrophe. What is your opinion on this perspective? In this regard, do you understand the reasons why the US and Australia do not sign the Kyoto Protocol? And 106 countries have signed it? We remind our viewers that the Kyoto Protocol, signed in Japan, is an international environmental agreement to prevent catastrophic climate change on earth and to protect the environment.

Bolonkin: Of course, the continuation of the human race (like any other) is inherent in the genes. Otherwise, all living things would have disappeared from the face of the Earth long ago. Without the reproduction of ourselves, no species, no civilization can exist.

I do not think that global warming is due to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by industry. There are too few of them to cause a serious increase in the average temperature of the Earth. The increase in the average temperature of the Earth began about a hundred years ago (and earlier it was simply not scientifically measured), when there was practically no industrial carbon dioxide. There is a strange section in the temperature curve, when in the thirties carbon dioxide emissions were growing rapidly, and the average temperature of the Earth was marking time. Most likely, warming is associated with solar cyclic activity. Everyone knows that there were ice ages on Earth (and then warming periods), when there were no plants and factories at all. In my opinion, warming must be combated not by limiting the development of industry, but by useful utilization of carbon dioxide. For example, the Israeli firm "Strategic Solutions Technology Group" proposes to convert carbon dioxide (flue emissions from industry) into biofuels by growing algae algae. These algae feed on carbon dioxide, grow 20 - 30 times faster than corn (which, despite the protests of the starving half of the world's population, they want to use as biofuel). Hot industrial gases passed through sea ​​water not only saturate the water with carbon dioxide (food for algae), but, by evaporating part of the water, produce a large amount fresh water essential in dry areas. Yes, and warming is harmful to someone, but useful to someone (for example, Russia with its cold climate and vast polar regions).

Morgulis: Also, many scientists express their exciting opinion in connection with the formation of dead zones on earth and the threatening rise in ocean levels. At the same time, everyone gives this phenomenon different forecasts. What is your prediction on this matter?

Bolonkin: Modern technology allows you to deal with negative natural phenomena, for example, with the appearance of dead zones. In particular, I have proposed simple and cheap ways to turn deserts or cold areas into blooming gardens. The idea is that a given area or city is isolated from external environment thin cheap film of adjustable transparency, supported on high altitude slight excess air pressure. Inside such a cap (as in a huge greenhouse) it is possible to organize a closed water cycle (there is always excellent weather and a given temperature during the day, rain at night). detailed scientific development and calculations of this idea can be found by those interested in my articles on the website of Cornell University USA ( search for "Bolonkin") or a more popular presentation in my books, for example: "New Concepts, Ideas and Innovation in Aerospace, Technology and Human Science" by A. Bolonkin, NOVA, 2008, 470 pgs.

Morgulis: There is an eternal discussion in the world about whether there is a God or He is invented, a constant conflict continues between supporters of the theory of the Creation of the world with representatives of the theory of Evolution. This is probably good. Because if everyone shared the same opinion, the world would be swamped with one-sided fat of understanding, one-sided knowledge, and truth would cease to be born in disputes. I am a representative of Creation, but glad to hear evidence from evolutionists. I remember the discussion between the Christian physicist Dr. Gish and the excellent atheist writer Izik Asimov, it was incredibly exciting to listen to both of them. So, you know about the creation of the so-called new "time machine" created by French and Swiss scientists. Those. physicists are trying to use it to simulate the state of the universe in the first moments after big bang, look into the so-called " black hole", i.e. in other words, to achieve an understanding of the essence of the Earth, the essence of Man, the essence of the possible presence of the Creator in these processes. This is not a hidden desire, with the help of scientific experiment learn the secret of the construction of the Universe, see the outlines of God, comprehend the boundaries of the limit human knowledge. Isn't these attempts the entrance to the forbidden Space, the penetration into the territory not intended for Man, perhaps into the territory of God? And won’t this arbitrariness, and perhaps another rebellion against God,+ lead to the final destruction and death of our civilization?

Bolonkin: The answer to this question is partly contained in my answer to your first question. Yes, a person, with the help of a scientific experiment, seeks to find out the secret of the construction of the Universe, to achieve an understanding of the essence of the Earth, the essence of Man, the essence of the possible presence of the Creator in these processes, in short, he strives to become a god himself. This is not rebellion against God. God can only rejoice if his child has achieved more than himself. For example, if we understand how the Universe was created, then sooner or later we ourselves will learn how to create new Universes, bring life there and transfer the accumulated knowledge. So, having understood the principles of bird flight, man created aircrafts which are much more perfect than birds. There is no limit to Knowledge. There is no limit to the development of Reason. So in the field of the microworld, a person previously thought that the world consists of molecules. Then I realized that molecules are made up of atoms. Then, - that atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons; nuclei - from protons and neutrons; protons and neutrons from quarks, etc. There are other particles as well. In the field of the macrocosm, man at first thought that the world consisted of the surrounding terrain; then learned that there are continents; then - that the continents are only a part the globe that the Earth is only part of the solar system, the solar system itself is only part of the galaxy, the galaxy is only part of the universe. I don't think the world ends there. And if we want to survive, to be worthy of our Creator, to justify his hopes, we must constantly strive for new knowledge, win the universal race of minds to the Higher Mind. The Creator, whoever He may be, created us only for this and provided us with the opportunity to further develop ourselves. Whether we are intelligent enough not to destroy ourselves in state strife, wars, human squabbles, we have yet to prove.

Morgulis: Tell me, what do you think, why, what is the reason for the emergence of such a huge number of global situations that threaten the existence of our Earth? Everywhere there is an increase in the number of terrible hurricanes, floods, shallowing and disappearance of rivers and forests. And the second question: And the person himself is changing, it seems to me, the average earth man loses his natural vital juices and habits, the virtues he received from the Creator and improved by them in the process of the evolution of civilization. A bad word that characterizes such a phenomenon is degeneration, more beautifully - the degradation of a thinking person. Perhaps these changes arise because the connection between the Creator and creation, between God and man has been almost completely interrupted?

Bolonkin: Increase in global weather situations associated with cycles solar radiation and modern humanity is able to fight it with technical means. As for the degradation of a person, the majority of the older generation always thinks that it used to be better, but now degradation is taking place. Young people, on the contrary, think that many things were wrong before and the world needs to be changed. For example, at the beginning of the last century, the appearance of a naked woman caused disgust and general condemnation. Now even porn stars are claiming to be representatives of the public in parliaments, and the cohabitation of many schoolgirls with fellow students in developed countries has become a ubiquitous phenomenon. I don't think the Creator cares about things like sex, allowing or banning abortion. He presented us with life and then we must develop and solve our problems ourselves. The Church plays a significant role in moral terms - through the Holy Scriptures and certain rules, regulating the relationship of people and limiting lawlessness.

Morgulis: Since 1959, after a speech by Professor Richard Feynman, at the California Institute of Technology the era of so-called nanotechnology began. That is, in fact, this is the creation of a new stage in the life of the Universe, in which, with the help of the control of atoms and molecules, microsystems are created that will replace all existing technologies and change everything in this world. This can be done using atomic force microscopy. Some people welcome such incredible prospects, others fear that all this will destroy the world, and lead to the creation of unforeseen ugly relations between countries and people? Can you comment on this incredible opportunity?

Bolonkin: Any scientific or technological achievement can be the greatest boon for humanity or be used by dictatorial regimes to its detriment. Even the simplest tool like an ax can build dwellings, or you can kill people. Mankind cannot abandon scientific and technical progress, because this is contrary to the above-mentioned purpose of its existence and will inevitably lead to its enslavement by other more scientifically and technically advanced beings. It is important that new achievements that could become dangerous weapons do not fall into the hands of dictatorial regimes. As for nanotechnology, in parallel with its development (as in any field), nano means of protection against unauthorized interference of nano-beings in human body. When new technologies emerge, there is always a cry about their danger and demands to ban, not to change anything (remember the story of cloning!). Therefore, to be afraid of new technologies is not just stupid, but harmful, because it contradicts the main goal of mankind. The Church must promote scientific and technological progress in every possible way.

Morgulis: Today we often talk about sad topics, about things that threaten the life of the planet and man. And yet, with a lot of negative factors, many say: Life is beautiful - life is beautiful! I say as long as we can walk, smile, sometimes pray - life goes on! Was there a person or people in your life who would demonstrate the joy of life in any situation, and was there a person or people who would reflect God with their lives?

Bolonkin: Yes, such people were, for example, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov or Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

Morgulis: They participated in your fate, the giants of our century, academician Sakharov and writer Solzhenitsyn. Could you characterize these people, and what is, first of all, their contribution to the world treasury of civilization, maybe in the preservation of such great qualities on earth and in Russia - dignity, nobility, human greatness, as a true creation of God, and not just a chemical composition?

Bolonkin: The contribution of Academician Sakharov and writer Solzhenitsyn, like many other former Soviet human rights activists, to the development of civilization cannot be overestimated. The powerful fanatical nuclear communist regime, which occupied many countries and threatened the whole world, the existence of mankind, could only be crushed from within, because in the event of a war, direct external interference, it would inevitably apply nuclear weapon and called world catastrophe. Therefore, I consider Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn and many former Soviet human rights activists to be the greatest people who turned the tide of history and saved humanity from destruction. current Russian rulers, from the former, repainted as democrats, who came to power on the blood of dissidents - human rights activists, do not like former political prisoners: even rehabilitated former political prisoner human rights activists are denied the restoration of apartments, expelled - in the return of a Russian passport, payment of a pension, payment of decent compensation for many years carried out in prisons and concentration camps. The Sakharov Center in Moscow is shamelessly persecuted. It got to the point that when the directed hooligans smashed and destroyed the exhibits of the exhibition in the Sakharov Center, they tried not the hooligans, but the organizers of the exhibition.

Morgulis: Could you remember an episode in your life where you felt the presence of God?

Bolonkin: I had many insights, ideas in scientific and technical fields. For example, the book "New Optimization Methods and Their Application", Moscow, MVTU, 1972, contains more than a hundred mathematical theorems. As a rule, at first it occurred to me that such a theorem must hold, and then, often long and painfully, I looked for its proof. But I grew up in an atheistic communist state where the existence of God was ridiculed as an invention of the priests. Therefore, I did not associate this with the existence of God, but believed that the human brain is like a large state with its ministries, departments, subdivisions, research institutes, etc. Like Supreme Ruler, I ordered my brain to study this issue, and the brain, in the form of insight, on the basis of the information available in the brain, gave me an idea or a suitable solution, advice.

Morgulis: What is your most important dream in this life? What would you like to see in this life and what to understand?

Bolonkin: Most A big dream my life is to find and give people immortality. And I'm glad that I managed to find a method how to do it, really, for our children and future generations. The idea is very simple and its development is described in the books mentioned above and on my Russian website Briefly the essence of the idea and method. I show that main point, the personality or soul of a person is the information stored in his brain. If we can write it down and insert it into a new active person or as I call it an E-being, then we will continue its existence indefinitely. An e-being can have a mechanical body and then it will not need food, air, shelter; will be able to live in space, the ocean, have any appearance, teleport with a laser beam to other planets, will be indestructible by any weapon, because a copy of himself can be stored in a warehouse and restored at any time. the main problem- how to rewrite information from the brain into electronic chips? I propose to make it simple - to record all the information that enters the human brain. Glasses are already being sold that record everything that a person sees, hears and says. To this we can add sensors that register his emotions. For the soul to be complete, such a record must be made from childhood. Middle-aged people can partially restore the already lived part of their lives with memories, photographs and documents.

Morgulis: Professor Bolonkin, the last question: is there any real love? And what would you like to wish the readers?

Bolonkin: First of all, it is necessary to scientifically define what love is. There are many types of love, for example, to specific person, to the family, to science, technology, one's work, etc. I think there is.

I would like to wish people happiness and prosperity.

Reference: Alexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin - Born March 14, 1933. Dr. technical sciences. Professor, specialist in the field of aviation, astronautics, mathematics and computer technology. He worked in the aircraft design bureau of O. K. Antonov, the rocket design bureau of V. P. Glushko, taught at the Moscow Aviation Institute, MATI, Moscow State Technical University.

In 1972 he was arrested by the KGB for distributing the works of A. D. Sakharov and A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Spent 15 years in camps and exile. He was released and went abroad with the beginning of perestroika in 1987. In the USA, he taught at American universities, worked as a senior researcher at NASA, in scientific laboratories Air Force USA. Author of more than 170 scientific papers and books and 17 patented inventions, many of which are classified.

In the field of astronautics, he proposed and developed the theory of cable launch spaceships and satellites, hypersonic space launcher, kinetic anti-gravitator, multi-reflector thrusters, kinetic space towers, electrostatic sail, groundbreaking space propulsion, tethered aviation, space direct power transmission, weather control and much more.

Bolonkin is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Space Agency, Chairman of the Space Flight Section, participant in many International Forums and All-American Conferences, President of the International Association of Former Soviet Political Prisoners and Victims of the Communist Regime.

Alexander Alexandrovich currently teaches at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is busy with the most important topic for humanity - the immortality of people. And he is looking for a solution to this problem in the area computer systems- by rewriting the contents of the human brain into a special chip - a computer, in continuation human existence in a new electronic format.

Such an opportunity, according to the calculations of an American scientist, will appear in about 20 ... 30 years. And then, according to A. Bolonkin, immortality of homo sapiens will come - its transition before death into an electronic person or, as the scientist calls it, an E-creature.

Such electronic man, says Alexander Bolonkin, will have gigantic advantages over conventional biological people. He will not need food, water, air, shelter, environmentally friendly environment. He will be able to travel freely in the Arctic and Antarctic, in the deserts of the Sahara, along the bottom of the ocean and mountain peaks, in space without spaceships. His brain will be powered by radioactive batteries that last for tens and hundreds of years, and his arms and legs will be powered by small-sized nuclear engines. He can have a beautiful young face, a slender figure, delicate skin, great strength. He can change his appearance at will. He will not need sleep or rest. To obtain information, he will be able to use not only visible light and audible sound, but X-rays and gamma rays, ultrasounds, radar, radio waves, etc., i.e. look through and inside objects, see hundreds of kilometers away and communicate with electronic people at gigantic distances. To study the sciences foreign languages an electronic person does not need to spend decades. Any knowledge accumulated by mankind, he will receive in a fraction of a second (the time of rewriting in his chip brain) and will be able to develop them further. He will never die in a crash and will be indestructible by any weapon, because the contents of his brain can be stored in a separate chip and relatives can always buy him new brain-chip a new (or better) body and restore it. It will be able to reproduce indefinitely, bypassing all stages of childhood, growth, learning by rewriting itself into a new brain and body.

Such an electronic person, says Professor A. Bolonkin, will get the possibility of out-of-body movement and will be able to move in space at a gigantic light speed. To travel, say, to Jupiter or another planet solar system he does not need to fly there physically - with a highly focused laser beam, it is enough to rewrite the contents of his brain into a chip with a body rented there. The spread of such an electronic civilization will begin quickly.

According to the calculations of Dr. A. Bolonkin and his colleagues, taking into account new and promising technologies, the possibility of such immortality will appear by 2015 ... 2025. and will initially cost about $1 million. But after 10 years, the cost of a chip (electronic brain) and mechanical body will drop to several thousand dollars and immortality will be available to many residents of developed countries, and in another 10 years for the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth. If we spent at least a tenth of what we spend on medicine on the development of this area of ​​science, says Professor Bolonkin, then these terms would become a reality or even be reduced.

Mikhail Zinovievich Morgulis - Born October 1, 1942. In 1977 he emigrated from Russia to the United States.

He was an adviser to Senators Mark Hatfield (Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee) and Jesse Holmes (Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee). foreign affairs). Advisor for Eastern Europe President of the Radio and Television Association of the United States Dr. Frank Wright. Author of the sensational article "The Degradation of the American Diplomatic System". He was personally blessed by Mother Teresa in the activities of the Foundation for the Relief of the Nations of the World. Morgulis is a professor at Norwich University and De Page College. In 1982 he founded - the world's first publishing house in Chicago, "Slavic Gospel Press", which published 15 million Christian books translated from English and German into Russian, as well as Russian thinkers Ivan Ilyin, G. Fedotov, a friend of S. Yesenin, writer Rodion Berezov (Akul'shin).

Founder and publisher in New York of the newspaper "Literary Abroad" and the magazine "Literary Courier" (1981-87). Member of the Peng Club of US Writers. Author of 8 books. Doctor of Literature. I personally know 4 US presidents. Staff writer for the American magazine Russian-American Business. Host of the TV program "Spiritual Diplomacy". Founder of a new spiritual and political concept Spiritual Diplomacy. The Spiritual Diplomacy Foundation provides assistance to countries that fall into the zone of military conflicts and natural disasters. The author of the article "Hilary Clinton is God's Creation", after which the author of the article and Mrs. Clinton are bound by a long-term friendship. At all times, Michael Morgulis was distinguished by a benevolent and completely friendly attitude towards Russia.

The organization of M. Morgulis provided humanitarian assistance to the families of the dead sailors, midshipmen and officers of the submarine "Kursk"; together with the organization "Union of Heroes" organized assistance to injured veterans and heroes of the Afghan and Chechen wars (high-quality prostheses for those who lost a limb); provided humanitarian assistance to affected families after tragedy in Beslan; in Belarus, financed a project to decontaminate a radiation-contaminated area on the border with the Russian Federation; together with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession, it finances the "You give them food" project to feed homeless children in Russian cities.