Biographies Characteristics Analysis

When imagination becomes evil. Why does a person need imagination

In relation to an adult, the phrase "He lives in his own fictional world" is not a compliment. Passion for games of imagination is perceived as a weakness, as an escape from "real" life. Why? Is imagination really dangerous? Is the world of fantasy really an adult in his real life absolutely useless and should we leave all these fictions and fairy tales to children?

If you remember yourself in childhood or watch children, you will notice that a child spends most of his time in his fictional, imaginary world. And what is surprising, when creating this world, experiencing together with his fictional characters, the child gets completely real experience, live emotions and sensations.

What is imagination? The dictionary defines imagination as the mental process of creating and manipulating images. Creativity, play, the work of human memory are built on this process.

Thus, the imagination plays the most important role in the process of creating something new, whether it is a creative work or a useful invention. Without imagination, there would be no art or science. Although no one argues with this. And if we talk about life ordinary person? Dangerous or useful?

Imagination allows a person to gain experience, which for some reason is still difficult to get in reality. And thus, including seeing a way to bring the desired experience into your life. How does this happen?

There are studies that suggest that the same neurons in the brain are responsible for memory and imagination. And, in fact, it turns out that for the brain there is no difference whether we see a real picture or just imagined it. This explains the fact that errors and distortions gradually accumulate in our memory over time.

And if in recent events we can more or less clearly separate for ourselves what happened in reality from what was completed by imagination, but the more time passes, the more unsteady this border becomes. This also explains the phenomenon of "false" memories. Most of what we perceive does not come from the senses, it is created in our inner world.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the experience experienced by a person through the game of imagination is just as real and full as the experience gained in reality. And it can be successfully used. To overcome fear, to learn, to improve results, to formulate one's dreams, to fulfill desires, to test desires for truth, etc.

You can rehearse important, desirable events in your head, events that may be a little scary because they will happen for the first time. And when they happen in reality, they will no longer frighten with their novelty, because in the bins of consciousness there is already some experience in this regard.

It is said that some athletes, such as skiers, can improve their performance by imagining their route several times, imagining every turn, every obstacle, and even standing on a podium while receiving their reward.

There is a theory that a person (his soul) comes to this world for experience. And we get experience through emotions, feelings and sensations. Consequently, all the actions that a person performs in life are done by and large in order to experience some feeling, emotion or sensation, thus taking experience.

It is worth adding to this picture that the language of images is the only language that our unconscious understands. And imagination is very good way build communication with him, “download” the desired program for yourself and thus bring yourself closer to the fulfillment of a desire or dream.

Imagination will also help in such cases when there is not enough courage to decide on some meaningful goal due to the fact that in the past there is negative experience on this occasion. There are special techniques that, with the help of imagination, help modify negative experience, extract value from it, and use this already transformed experience as a support in order to decide on something.

It turns out that the imagination is an amazing and accessible tool that can help in life, but like any other tool, you need to learn how to use it.

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The images that a person operates with include not only previously perceived objects and phenomena. The content of images can also be something that he never perceived directly: pictures of the distant past or future; places where he has never been and never will be; beings that do not exist, not only on Earth, but in general in the Universe. Images allow a person to go beyond real world in time and space. It is these images, transforming, modifying human experience, that are the main characteristic of the imagination.

Usually, imagination or fantasy does not mean exactly what is meant by these words in science. In everyday life, imagination or fantasy is called everything that is unreal, does not correspond to reality, and that thus has no practical value. In fact, imagination, as the basis of all creative activity, equally manifests itself decisively in all aspects. cultural life making artistic, scientific and technical creativity possible.

Through sensations, perception and thinking, a person reflects the real properties of the objects of the surrounding reality and acts in accordance with them in a particular situation. Through memory, he uses his past experience. But human behavior can be determined not only by the actual or past properties of the situation, but also by those that may be inherent in it in the future. Thanks to this ability, human mind there are images of objects, which in this moment do not exist, but can later be embodied in concrete objects. The ability to reflect the future and act according to the expected, i.e. imaginary, the situation is characteristic only for man.

Imaginationcognitive process reflection of the future by creating new images based on the processing of images of perception, thinking and ideas obtained in previous experience.

Through imagination, images are created that have never been generally accepted by a person in reality. The essence of imagination lies in the transformation of the world. This determines essential role imagination in the development of man as an acting subject.

Imagination and thinking are processes similar in their structure and functions. L. S. Vygotsky called them “extremely related”, noting the commonality of their origin and structure as psychological systems. He considered imagination as a necessary, integral moment of thinking, especially creative thinking, since the processes of forecasting and anticipation are always included in thinking. In problem situations, a person uses thinking and imagination. An image formed in the imagination possible solution strengthen the motivation of the search, and determines its direction. The more uncertain is problem situation the more unknown it is, the more significant the role of the imagination becomes. It can be carried out with incomplete initial data, since it supplements them with products of its own creativity.

A deep relationship also exists between imagination and emotional-volitional processes. One of its manifestations is that when an imaginary image appears in the mind of a person, he experiences true, real, and not imaginary emotions, which allows him to avoid unwanted influences and bring the desired images to life. L. S. Vygotsky called it a law “ emotional reality imagination"

For example, a person needs to cross a stormy river in a boat. Imagining that the boat might capsize, he experiences not an imaginary, but a real fear. This encourages him to choose more safe way crossings.

Imagination can influence the strength of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. For example, people often experience a feeling of anxiety, anxiety about only imaginary, and not real events. Changing the image of the imagination can reduce the level of anxiety, relieve tension. The representation of the experiences of another person helps to form and manifest feelings of empathy and empathy towards him. AT volitional actions the representation in the imagination of the final result of the activity encourages its implementation. The brighter the image of the imagination, the greater the motivating force, but at the same time, the realism of the image also matters.

Imagination is a significant factor influencing the development of personality. Ideals as an imaginary image that a person wants to imitate or strive for serve as models for organizing his life, personal and moral development.

Types of imagination

Exist different kinds imagination. By degree of activity imagination can be passive or active. passive imagination does not stimulate a person to action. He is satisfied with the created images and does not seek to realize them in reality or draws images that, in principle, cannot be realized. In life, such people are called utopians, fruitless dreamers. N.V. Gogol, having created the image of Manilov, made his name a household name for this type of people. Active imagination is the creation of images that are subsequently realized in practical actions and products of activity. Sometimes this requires a lot of effort and a significant investment of time from a person. Active imagination enhances the creative content and efficiency of other activities as well.


Imagination is called productive, in the images of which there is a lot of new (elements of fantasy). The products of such imagination usually resemble nothing, or bear very little resemblance to what is already known.


Reproductive is imagination, in the products of which there is a lot of what is already known, although there are also individual elements of the new. Such, for example, is the imagination of a novice poet, writer, engineer, artist, who at first create their creations according to known patterns, thereby learning professional skills.


Hallucinations are called products of the imagination, born in an altered (not normal) state of human consciousness. These conditions may occur different reasons: disease, hypnosis, exposure to psychotropic substances such as drugs, alcohol, etc.


Dreams are products of imagination aimed at a desired future. Dreams contain more or less real and, in principle, feasible plans of a person. Dreams as a form of imagination are especially characteristic of young people, who have a large part of their lives ahead of them.


Dreams are called peculiar dreams, which, as a rule, are divorced from reality and, in principle, are not feasible. Dreams are intermediate between dreams and hallucinations, but their difference from hallucinations lies in the fact that dreams are the products of the activity of a normal person.


Dreams have always been and still are of particular interest. Currently, they are inclined to believe that the processes of information processing by the human brain can be reflected in dreams, and the content of dreams is not only functionally related to these processes, but may include new valuable ideas and even discoveries.

Voluntary and involuntary imagination

Imagination is connected in various ways with the will of a person, on the basis of which voluntary and involuntary imagination are distinguished. If images are created with a weakened activity of consciousness, imagination is called involuntary. It occurs in a semi-drowsy state or in sleep, as well as in some disorders of consciousness. Arbitrary imagination is a conscious, directed activity, performing which a person is aware of its goals and motives. It is characterized by the deliberate creation of images. Activity and arbitrariness of the imagination can be combined different ways. An example of arbitrary passive imagination is dreams, when a person deliberately indulges in thoughts that are unlikely to ever come true. Arbitrary active imagination is manifested in a long, purposeful search for the desired image, which is typical, in particular, for the activities of writers, inventors, and artists.

Recreative and creative imagination

In connection with past experience, two types of imagination are distinguished: recreative and creative. recreative imagination is the creation of images of objects that were not previously perceived in a finished form by a person, although he is familiar with similar objects or with their individual elements. The images are formed according to verbal description, schematic representation - drawing, drawing, geographical map. At the same time, the knowledge available regarding these objects is used, which determines the predominantly reproductive nature. created images. At the same time, they differ from the representations of memory by the great variety, flexibility and dynamism of the elements of the image. Creative imagination is the independent creation of new images that are embodied in original products of various activities with minimal indirect reliance on past experience.

realistic imagination

Drawing various images in their imagination, people always evaluate the possibility of their realization in reality. realistic imagination takes place if a person believes in the reality and the possibility of embodying the created images. If he does not see such a possibility, fantastic imagination takes place. There is no hard line between realistic and fantastic imagination. There are many cases when an image born of a person's fantasy as completely unrealistic (for example, the hyperboloid invented by A. N. Tolstoy) later became a reality. Fantastic imagination is present in role-playing games children. It formed the basis of literary works of a certain genre - fairy tales, science fiction, "fantasy".

With all the variety of types of imagination, they are characterized by common function, which determines their main importance in human life - anticipation of the future, perfect performance performance outcome before it is achieved. Other functions of the imagination are also associated with it - stimulating and planning. The images created in the imagination induce, stimulate a person to implement them in specific actions. The transforming influence of the imagination extends not only to the future activity of a person, but also to his past experience. Imagination promotes selectivity in its structuring and reproduction in accordance with the goals of the present and future. The creation of images of the imagination is carried out through complex processes of processing actual perceived information and memory representations. Just as it is in thinking, the main processes or operations of the imagination are analysis and synthesis. Through analysis, objects or ideas about them are divided into component parts, and with the help of synthesis, a complete image of the object is rebuilt. But unlike thinking in the imagination, a person handles the elements of objects more freely, recreating new integral images.

This is achieved through a complex of processes specific to the imagination. The main ones are exaggeration(hyperbolization) and underestimation of real-life objects or their parts (for example, creating images of a giant, genie or Thumbelina); emphasis- emphasizing or exaggerating real-life objects or their parts (for example, long nose Pinocchio, blue hair Malvina); agglutination- the combination of various, real-life parts and properties of objects in unusual combinations (for example, the creation of fictional images of a centaur, a mermaid). The specificity of the imagination process lies in the fact that they do not reproduce certain impressions in the same combinations and forms in which they were perceived and stored in the form of past experience, but build new combinations and forms from them. This manifests a deep inner connection between imagination and creativity, which is always aimed at creating something new - material values, scientific ideas or .

Relationship between imagination and creativity

There are different types of creativity: scientific, technical, literary, artistic and others. None of these types is possible without the participation of the imagination. In its main function - anticipation of what does not yet exist, it causes the emergence of intuition, conjecture, insight as the central link in the creative process. Imagination helps the scientist to see the phenomenon under study in a new light. In the history of science there are many examples of the emergence of images of the imagination, subsequently realized in new ideas, great discoveries and inventions.

The English physicist M. Faraday, studying the interaction of conductors with current at a distance, imagined that they were surrounded by invisible lines like tentacles. This led him to discover lines of force and phenomena electromagnetic induction. The German engineer O. Lilienthal observed and analyzed the soaring flight of birds for a long time. The image of an artificial bird that arose in his imagination served as the basis for the invention of the glider and the first flight on it.

By creating literary works, the writer realizes in the word the images of his aesthetic imagination. Their brightness, breadth and depth of the phenomena of reality covered by them are subsequently felt by readers, and cause them feelings of co-creation. L. N. Tolstoy wrote in his diaries that “with the perception of a truly works of art there is an illusion that a person does not perceive, but creates, it seems to him that it was he who produced such a beautiful thing.

The role of imagination in pedagogical creativity is also great. Its specificity is that the results pedagogical activity do not appear immediately, but after some, sometimes long time. Their representation in the form of a model of the child's personality being formed, the way of his behavior and thinking in the future determines the choice of methods of education and upbringing, pedagogical requirements and impacts.

All people have different creative abilities. Their formation is determined a large number different kind aspects. These include innate inclinations, human activities, features environment, the conditions of training and education that affect the development of human characteristics mental processes and personality traits that contribute to creative achievements.

Our imagination can help improve our lives and achieve our goals. Via special techniques it can be developed and used for one's own well-being.

Everyone can use imagination. This exceptional ability is directly related to many aspects of life. With the help of imagination, each person will be able to translate their fantasies into reality, sending an impulse to the brain for action.

Why Imagination Is Necessary

Using the principle of realism, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to fantasize, thereby closing the path of development in many areas. There are several reasons that will help you realize the need to develop the imagination.

1. The development of fantasy contributes to the training of the brain, the development of the flexibility of the mind and makes thinking more productive. With the help of the development of the imagination, you become smarter, build logical chains faster and solve multi-way tasks.

2. Imagination contributes to the extraction of knowledge from the subconscious. With the help of fantasies, a person accumulates his own energy, directing an impulse to the brain to realize creative ideas and ideas. Imagination builds the power for a successful and productive life through extraordinary solutions to the challenges you face.

3. With the help of imagination, you can achieve much high altitudes in a career, because thinking that can generate ideas gives you an advantage in developing your own business, the manifestation of creative inclinations. A person with a good imagination is capable of creative fresh solutions and ideas that help quality work.

How to develop imagination

Psychologists are seriously concerned that today's children have practically no imagination and a poorly developed fantasy. In many ways, they see the fault of television programs and gadgets that do not provide an opportunity to develop the flexibility of the mind. The method of presenting simple information does not give food for thought, and this leads to the impoverishment of knowledge, making it impossible to use those parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity. The same problems are observed in adults who, for the sake of modern videos, have stopped using literature and straining their memory and brain to solve problems on their own.

In order to activate brain activity, follow simple rules, and soon you will notice positive changes that will improve your memory and intellectual capabilities.

1. One of the daily rules is mental modeling life situations. Imagine the plots in all the smallest details, add new details. For example, imagine you are in a certain place. Imagine quiet musical accompaniment, the aromas of dishes, the noise of the city or the sounds of nature. Such exercises will allow you to easily reproduce in your imagination many scenarios.

2. Don't forget to read. Reading develops your imagination, enriches vocabulary. Common literary devices, which provoke you to read between the lines, load the brain, allowing it to analyze the proposed text, see the heroes of the work, imagine them in the proposed situation. The brain is a muscle, and the more you use it, the more productive your life becomes.

3. Get yourself a diary in which you will write down your thoughts, emotions and experiences. Thoughts expressed on paper make the brain work with a vengeance, looking for Right words to describe what happened to you. This method will also help you increase your vocabulary and teach you how to express thoughts correctly.

4. Chat with people who are literally burning with a lot of ideas. Them rich imagination and energy will be transferred to you. Having plunged into the world of fantasies and new ideas, you simply cannot refuse this exciting activity.

Many people today are concerned about the benefits and harms of fantasizing. Indeed, one can “leave” in fantasy, they are able to absorb, lead to the fact that a person can imagine himself. However, fantasy can develop into a project, a work of art, and can even be used in science.

For example, in his diaries, an engineer-physicist Nikola Tesla wrote: " I'm in no hurry to start practical work. When I have an idea, I immediately begin to develop it in my imagination: I change the design, make improvements and mentally set the mechanism in motion ... This way I can quickly develop and improve the concept without touching anything».

So what is the usefulness and harmfulness of fantasy?

If we turn to the works of the Fathers of the Church, we will encounter the statement Saint Theophan the Recluse: “Fantasy creates completely new images, although from the same material and for the most part according to ready-made or already known samples. It should distinguish between good activity - efficient - and disorderly movements - unauthorized ... ".

In the practice of confessorship, work with the image, fantasy was widely used. Recall the common advice of a mentor for a novice. It sounded something like this: “If you liked any girl, imagine her lying in a coffin. Her body is covered with scabs…”. Yes, for a contemporary it sounds a little frightening, but the essence of the example is that the imagination as such was not considered something mentally harmful. Its misuse was considered mentally harmful.

Images are often found in the Gospel - the image of a fig tree, the image of a pearl as a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what we can call useful images according to St. Theophan the Recluse.

He writes interestingly about the work of fantasy in his work “On the Preservation of Feelings”: “... So, for example, if someone eats a lemon, and another stands next to him and looks at him, then this other begins to salivate. But the same is experienced by the one who only imagines a lemon in his imagination? ..».

Saint Theophan the Recluse pointed out that "the lower abilities of cognition are: internal and external observation, imagination and memory ...". John of Damascus in his work "An Exact Exposition Orthodox faith"Writes:" As we know, as a result of sensory perception in the soul, an impression is formed, called representation ... ". Therefore, it is dangerous to consider imagination itself as a soul-damaging force, as well as any faculty of the soul. It is important to learn how to use it "for peaceful purposes."

Why should a child dream?

The human brain is able to store our previous experience. If he knew only this, humanity could only adapt. But the Lord gave man the ability, one might say, prophetic, creative - to model and build the future. And all models first arise in thinking, as a representation, as an image, and therefore - as a fantasy.

Imagination is at the heart of every cultural activities human, at the heart of artistic, scientific, technical creativity. Any innovation, invention, book was born first in the imagination. A person begins to imagine from childhood, which means he begins to create.

Psychologist Lev Vygotsky writes:

« One of the most important issues child psychology and pedagogy is a question about creativity in children, about the development of this creativity and about the meaning creative work for general development and maturation of the child. Already in the early age we find in children creative processes which are best expressed in children's games. A child who, sitting on a stick, pretends to ride a horse, a girl who plays with a doll and imagines herself to be her mother ... - all these playing children are examples of the most genuine, most real creativity.».

This is how reality forms imagination, and imagination forms reality through the products of any kind of creativity.

... Mom brought Lida. The girl was five years old. Thin, timid, a little stiff and embarrassed. She entered the office, as if trying to take up as little space as possible. middle child in the family, Lida received a lot of attention, her mother did not work. Father loved children, spent his free time with them.

Mom complained that Lida was a low-energy, sickly girl who did not really like to play with children. Parents had higher education and tried to give children a lot scientific information about the world around them, read them fairy tales. When I offered the girl toys, she chose a cow and a dog. During the game, the dog all the time wanted to tell the cow stories that she composed herself. The cow forbade her, and the dog was very upset.

When I began to discuss this problem with my mother, it turned out that Lida was constantly trying to tell her her “notions”. These were still little connected fragments, sometimes with heroes frightening my mother, they did not trace a clear plot. This annoyed the mother, and she abruptly stopped the child, because she simply did not understand how to relate to this.

I invited Lida to tell about her “notions”. We drew and sculpted them. The girl, talking about them, came to life, her face was filled with a blush, she determined for me different roles in these "notions", and, it seems, her organizational talent was hatching.

Mom noticed that even at home Lida is trying to unite the family in some new game she invented. Of course, the games were not always structured, clear, the rules were confused and confused. Sometimes it took about two hours to clear them up and no one started to play like that. But the whole family, including the child, actively participated in the drawing of maps and the distribution of roles, the search for inventory and the development of game scenarios.

Something remained in the project, something grew into a game, but it is important, in addition to other positive effects, that Lida learned to be an organizer, began to actively use these skills in communicating with her friends who began to appear in her yard, I learned to find my place inner world in the outside.

The tightness almost disappeared, the girl stopped being shy, she had more energy. Mom began to notice that the vitality of the child was becoming more and more stable. If mom got tired of listening to "notions", then Lida drew them, cut them out and somehow tried to express them in improvised materials. So a whole volume has already grown ...

Fantasy and reality

The everyday notion that fantasy is completely divorced from reality is erroneous. Firstly, any fantasy can only be based on impressions of reality, i.e. on what the person perceives.

writes well about it Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer("On the storage of feelings"): " Imagination is a wide board depicting what we saw with our eyes, what we heard with our ears, what we felt and touched.».

Lev Vygotsky reveals this through the image of a hut on chicken legs: it does not exist, but the elements from which this fabulous image is built are taken from human experience. You can add that the fairy tale itself, read to a child for the night, becomes the experience of a person, and a family, and a clan, and a country. Vygotsky deduces the law that creative activity imagination is in direct proportion to the richness and diversity of a person's previous experience.

By the way, many scientists saw the results of their many years of research as a flash of imagination, as an insight. This is how fragmentary puzzles of representations are formed into a complete picture, look, gestalt. And this possibility of imagination is also important.

For example, a child learns lesson by lesson the features of some great event. He learns about what preceded him, what kind of people lived then, how they dressed, what customs and customs they had, how they built and developed. All this has to line up in a picture, and this is the task of the imagination. This form of work becomes possible thanks to the experience of others, the experience of society, and expands personal experience child and adult.

Problems of the imagination

Problems arise not when a person uses his imagination, but when he treats it in a special, one might say, painful way. For example, magical thinking.

AT " Big Encyclopedia in psychiatry" we can read that magical thinking is in the very general view the belief that you can influence reality with your thoughts, fantasies, desires. As a normal phenomenon, this phenomenon is to some extent characteristic of children who, up to 3-5 years of age, believe that their thoughts are the cause or equivalent of what is happening in external reality, as well as representatives of "primitive" cultures.

I remember the story of a girl, very beautiful and successful in her profession, who told me that her thoughts and fantasies influence reality.

“For example, I’m driving and I want to park. I think: if only the last place in the parking lot was free. I start sending a signal to the Universe, I drive up - and the place is free. And with a young man, I always influence him mentally, at a distance, so that he calls me. I also made a visualization board where I have everything. But he doesn't ask me to marry him. And on the board we have three children. How can I achieve all this?

In response to my attempts to question the strength of her influence, the girl thought about it and said that she herself often doubts, but at the training they explained to her that it all works and the Universe will always give an answer.

In principle, she achieved much of what was on the board. I bought a car and an apartment. But what is the girl's thought power based on? In the free will of another person. Her boyfriend did not want to marry, but they had been dating for many years. And the chain "my thought" - "obedient Universe" - "obedient guy" obviously failed.

The structures of magical thinking in some people coexist side by side with other, later, more developed and complex cognitive programs. In the same way, incompatible things can be combined in the Orthodox consciousness: faith in the Providence of God and faith that a person can magically control the circumstances of his life and use, for example, the power of thought or mental image to control reality.

Roots of the problem

“And you will be like gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). The first people were tempted by this, and we are also tempted by this, forgetting that “the Provider and Giver of every good thing” is the Lord, starting to seek the power to influence people and events.

Of course, few people consciously fantasize that they can become a "god" in the "kingdom of the earth", but many feel this way and look for confirmation of this in the circumstances of life. This is how the protection called "omnipotent control" manifests itself.

For some people, the need to feel a sense of omnipotent control and to perceive what happens to them as conditioned by their own absolute power is completely irresistible. If a person seeks pleasure from the feeling that he can effectively exercise and use his own omnipotence, there is reason to consider him as psychopathic.

And about achieving results at all costs ... Famous film actress Audrey Hepburn in her memoirs, she recalled how she did not once become a ballerina. What a hard blow it was for her. And how glad she was afterwards:

“The teacher Madame Rambert did not hide her opinion: too tall, too skinny, too undeveloped for such years. I promised to study from morning to evening in order to catch up with the others, and I really did it, but you cannot change nature. Madame Rambert was sharp and frank, for which I am grateful to her, because if she had pity on me then, I would have become a regular ballerina, but I certainly would not have become an actress.

Sometimes our failures are as useful to us as our successes. Christianity reminds us of this all the time.

Health and pathology

Schizophrenia researchers rightly argue that we are forced to distinguish between healthy and pathological fantasy. Healthy fantasy is basically a preparation for action in the outside world. Pathological fantasy is used as a means to maintain contact with fantasy objects, while at the same time separating from reality objects.

And here we turn to Harry Guntrip and his descriptions of the schizoid personality:

“Attitude to the outside world…: non-involvement and aloof observation… Than more people cut themselves off from human relationships in the outside world, the more they plunge into emotionally charged fantasy object relations in their inner mental world; the extreme limit is the state of a psychotic living exclusively in his inner world.

If you try to summarize the meaning of what was said in the great quotes, then you can start with the statement Federico Garcia Lorca that imagination is synonymous with the ability to discover, and end with words Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin: « Unlimited imagination creates an imaginary reality».

It is between these poles that our ability to control our imagination and not let our imagination control us lies.

Anastasia Bondaruk