Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Large cities of the Khabarovsk Territory. Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

Khabarovsk region is located in the center of the Far East of Russia and is one of the largest administrative-territorial formations of the country. The region borders on the Ussuri River and the Kazakevicheva Channel with China, the closest neighbors Russian territory- Primorsky Krai, Jewish Autonomous, Amur, Magadan regions, Yakutia. From the east it is washed by the Seas of Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan, it is separated from Sakhalin Island by the Tatar and Nevelsk straits.

The coastline of the Khabarovsk Territory stretches for 2.5 thousand km. In addition to the continental part, the region includes several islands, among them the largest are the Shantar Islands. By the diversity of nature, abundance various forms relief, rivers, lakes and a rare combination of animals and plants, the territory of the region is unique. Indigenous peoples of the North live here - Nanais, Ulchis, Orochs, Udeges, Nivkhs, Negidals, Evenks and Evens.

The regional center is Khabarovsk, large cities are Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Sovetskaya Gavan.

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How to get there

The largest transport hub of the region is Khabarovsk.

International (from China, Japan, Korea and Israel) and domestic flights are accepted by Khabarovsk Airport. In addition, through the airports of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur you can get to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Vladivostok and other major cities of Russia. Local airlines connect Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur with almost all remote villages and cities of the region.

Two main railway lines pass through the territory of the region: Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur. It is they who carry out the main load of transportation to the Primorsky Territory, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, Yakutia, and also to the Western part of Russia. There is no railway communication with the northern regions of the region.

Search for flights to the city of Khabarovsk (the nearest airport to the Khabarovsk Territory)

Weather in Khabarovsk Krai

The climate of the region is monsoonal, characterized by cold winters and humid hot summers. Climatic conditions vary significantly both from north to south, and depending on the proximity to the sea, as well as on the nature of the relief. The average January temperature ranges from -22°C in the south to -40°C in the north in continental regions, and from -18°C to -24°C on the coast. The average July temperature in the south is +20 °C, in the north +15 °C.

Spring in most of the territory begins in early March with a noticeable increase in daytime air temperatures and is characterized by long duration and temperature instability. In the northern regions and on the sea coasts of the region, spring comes a month and a half later.

Summer throughout the territory, with the exception of coastal areas, is hot. Early summer (June) usually has little rainfall. In July - early August, tropical air masses, characterized by high air humidity, penetrate into the southern regions of the region.

Autumn, especially its beginning, is the best time of the year. At the beginning of autumn, warm, dry weather sets in, cooling occurs gradually. A sharp cooling in the south occurs at the end of November. In the northern regions and in the mountains, autumn comes a month earlier.

Winter is characterized by sunny weather with severe frosts, often accompanied by winds. On the coast, frosts are somewhat weaker. At the end of winter, the weather sets in with a moderate negative temperature during the day.

The best time to travel is late spring - early summer, late summer - early autumn.


The Khabarovsk Territory has excellent opportunities for active rest, for example, rafting on the numerous rivers of the region (complexity category from I to V). Rafting is usually carried out on rubber boats or rafts, accompanied by experienced guides, the best time is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

For those who prefer calm river rafting, are interested in picturesque nature, want to forget about civilization for a while, routes are recommended along the large rivers of the Khabarovsk Territory - Uchur, Mae Aldanskaya, Khora, Anyyu, Turuga, Bureya. Here you can admire nature and go in for sport fishing.

You can make trips to the mountains - the Dusse-Alin, Yam-Alin, Badzhal, Dzhugdzhur and Sikhote-Alin ridges, follow the paths of the first Russian explorers or the ways of trade and intertribal communications of the indigenous population.

In addition, all kinds of hiking tours associated with overcoming mountain passes, winter skiing routes in the mountains, taiga. You can make trips to the mountains - the Dusse-Alin, Yam-Alin, Badzhal, Dzhugdzhur and Sikhote-Alin ridges, follow the paths of the first Russian explorers or the ways of trade and intertribal communications of the indigenous population. The rivers Akishma, Yarap, Okhota, Maya Udskaya are very popular with tourists. Inveterate fishermen will be pleased with the catches, including taimen, which have become a rarity almost everywhere in other regions. In the mouths of the rivers of the Okhotsk coast, under a license, you can catch salmon with sports tackle.

Winter skiing is no less exciting. The most suitable time is the end of February - the beginning of April. You can climb the highest peaks of the Sikhote-Alin - the mountains of Tardoki and Ko, as well as the picturesque spurs of Miao-Chan. However, you need to be well prepared and equipped for such trips.

Cruises of the Khabarovsk Territory

Cruise tours are carried out along the Amur River, the banks of which are rich in archaeological and historical monuments. These are the Neolithic settlements in the Khabarovsk region, the villages of Voznesenskoye and Mariinskoye. And the world-famous stone drawings (petroglyphs) of Sikachi-Alyan. Also preserved are the remains of fortified medieval settlements near the villages of Troitskoe, Achan. The cliffs of the Amur - Dzhari, Malmyzhsky, Auri, Bolbinsky, Tyrsky - are shrouded in legends and keep picturesque secrets. And the most famous on the Amur is the Tyrsky cliff, on which a Manchurian temple and stone columns stood in the 15th century.

The cruise programs provide for acquaintance with the Amur, the culture and life of the peoples of the Amur region - Nanais, Ulychs, national crafts of these peoples, as well as their cuisine.

Entertainment and attractions of the Khabarovsk Territory

A lot of interesting things can be seen in the vicinity of Khabarovsk, even with only a few hours for sightseeing. There is a wildlife rehabilitation center 150 km from the city, where you can see a tiger, a Himalayan bear, a red deer and other inhabitants of the Ussuri taiga. Not far from the city there are lotus lakes, the "Tigrovy Dom" tract, the ecological trail of the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve.

One of the most interesting is the route along the path of the famous traveler and explorer A.F. Middendorf. The journey begins from the village of Mar-Kuel and after passing the mountains of Dzhugdzhur, you can reach the village. Udskoye and rafting down the river. Ude, exit to the village. Chumikan on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. From time immemorial, the paths of the Evenks passed here, then took shape in the Udsky tract. The sacred places of indigenous peoples include a funnel that absorbs the waters of the Ardiaakh River, as well as a powerful and stormy source of the river. Selinde, at the mouth of which the remains of an Orthodox chapel have been preserved. Now here you can get acquainted with the life of Evenki reindeer herders, see the remains of the prisoner camps of the 30s near the village of Ulakhan, see the place where planes landed, ferried from the USA to the USSR during World War II.

Not less than interesting route runs along the river Khor from the village of Sukpai to the village. Scourge. Here the traditional way of life of the "forest people" - the Udege appears in all its diversity. In addition, you can enjoy unforgettable views of the beautiful nature of the Ussuri taiga.

Animal and vegetable world Khabarovsk Territory is diverse and has a unique combination of different complexes.

The fauna and flora of the Khabarovsk Territory is diverse and is distinguished by a unique combination of different complexes. Plants and animals that are unique to the Far East and disappeared in other parts have been preserved here. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of botany can admire the joint habitat of southern and northern species.

On many routes you can meet brown bear, red deer, roe deer, elk, golden eagle, and along the mountain rivers of the southern half of the region - mandarin duck, and if you're lucky, fish owl. In summer and autumn, in the Anyui, Gur, Bichi rivers, and especially in watercourses flowing into the sea, you can observe the course and spawning of salmon fish, accumulations of predatory animals and birds in the spawning grounds. On the lakes Bolon, Udyl, Evoron, Chukchagirskoe in autumn and spring there are camps of migratory geese and ducks, storks and cranes, and on Lake Mukhtel - swans. On the sea coast from the shore, you can see colonies of seabirds, seals swimming and basking on stones, and directly near the shore - various cetaceans (beluga whales, killer whales, gray whales and others).

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Edge description. One of the most sparsely populated regions of Russia. It was formed on October 20, 1938, when the Far Eastern Territory was divided into Primorsky and Khabarovsk. The edge of the Earth, washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean, where modern civilization is represented mainly in three large cities: Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk.

Most of the Khabarovsk Territory is a fantastically beautiful pristine nature, which is dominated by mountainous relief and various forest areas. The basis of the economy is industry (21.4%), transport and communications (17.4%), trade (12.6%), construction (11.2%). The industry of the region is mechanical engineering, metalworking, mining, food, fish, forestry and woodworking industries and oil refining.

Tourism of all kinds is well developed, from extreme and water to cultural, educational and ethnographic, which is not surprising. After all, the Khabarovsk Territory is one of the most unique in Russia in terms of the diversity of flora and fauna, and takes 9th place out of 40 in the rating of attractiveness for tourists. If you want to conquer mountain peaks, go down the turbulent streams of numerous rivers, visit deep and unexplored caves, or maybe you just want to relax with a fishing rod on the shore and catch a fish, which, however, can reach 6 meters, then the Khabarovsk Territory is simply created For you.

Sikhote-Alin. Photo by Elena Aseydulina

Geographic location. The Khabarovsk Territory in the south-west along the Kazakevicheva channel borders on China, which actively interfered with the development of the region in the 17-18 centuries. Russian neighbors- this is Primorsky Krai, Jewish Autonomous region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Magadan region, Amur region. It is washed by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan, and is separated from Sakhalin Island by two straits. The region also includes several islands, and one of the largest - the Shantar Islands - are included in the 7 wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The main relief is mountains, maximum height which are 2933 meters. The Khabarovsk Territory is located in the forest zone. Coniferous forests predominate among the forests, but mixed forests are often found to the south of the region. Most of the rivers are the rivers of the Amur basin, which envelops the region like a web.

Bridge in Khabarovsk. Photo by Hardgainer

Population. The main problem of the Khabarovsk Territory is the concentration of the entire economy in several largest cities, while the periphery remains in a very deplorable state. This fact, as well as the collapse of the USSR, which significantly worsened the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory, and the natural population decline due to a decrease in the birth rate, have led to the fact that since the 90s there has been a constant decrease in the number of inhabitants. Since 1990, the population has decreased by 277,580 to 1,342,083, 91.8% of whom are Russians. The bulk of the population lives in large cities.

Crime. Over the past five years, crime has halved, and the detection rate has increased to 57%. Far East has always been one of the criminal centers of Russia. The reason for this is the proximity of borders, and the constant redistribution of territories and the economy. Therefore, in the Khabarovsk Territory there is still difficult situation with organized crime, car theft flourishes, drug trafficking, illegal trade natural resources, juvenile delinquency. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is successfully fighting the latest disaster, creating, with the support of the government of the region, people's squads and public formations aimed at preventing and preventing crime.

Evaluation of the unemployment rate. At the moment, in the Khabarovsk Territory, a record low level unemployment - 1.55%, and it continues to decline. The main vacancies of the labor exchange are workers in the industrial, construction, trade and banking sectors. At the same time, the average salary is 35,000 rubles, which is significantly higher than that of the region's neighbors. However, it is worth remembering that such a figure is typical for large settlements with a wide range of jobs. The farther away from them, the more dull and sad the situation becomes, there are places where the salary of people is not higher than 6,000 rubles a month.

Real estate value. In Khabarovsk, for example, real estate is quite expensive - a normal one-room apartment will cost at least 2.4 million rubles, a 2-room apartment - 3.2 million rubles. Even renting a one-room apartment will turn out to be no less than 20,000 rubles a month. Therefore, if you want to buy affordable housing, it is better to look for it in other, less populated cities. In the same Komsomolsk-on-Amur one-room apartment is quite possible to pick up for 1.5 million rubles.

Climate. 430 km from the northernmost point of the Khabarovsk Territory to polar circle, and therefore the winters here are cold, fierce, long and with little snow. in winter average temperature ranges from -22 degrees in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory to -35 in the north. The cold period persists for six months, but the summer is hot with a lot of precipitation. However, if you decide to develop tourism, then it is best to choose the end of August and the beginning of autumn for this - this is when the climate becomes most stable, and the weather is clear and sunny.

Cities of the Khabarovsk Territory

Feeling the power of the Far East, the Asians hid, and since then they have only stubbornly spoiled our ecology: either the Chinese will release mercury and oil emissions into the Amur, or the kind Japanese will send a cloud from Fukushima as a gift.

Today Khabarovsk is a modern developed city that has preserved the long-term culture of Russia. Here, modern new buildings and old stone houses, churches, cathedrals, theaters and museums harmoniously coexist with the latest shopping and entertainment centers, chain stores, high-tech factories. It is also rightly considered a science city, because on its territory there are more than 22 universities, many specialized schools and colleges, as well as several large scientific organizations. Developed economy, almost complete absence of unemployment, ample opportunities for personal growth, interesting work, unbanal rest, in short, no worse than Moscow, St. Petersburg and other millionaires.

Transport is fine too. full set everything but the subway. And there are three airports, however, one military.

Of the undoubted advantages of the city, one can note inexpensive real estate, low unemployment, good economy, developed infrastructure. And of course, unique nature- the city is located among the hills, giving the impression that you are in a mountain town. And of the minuses - well, perhaps unfavorable ecological situation from emissions from industrial facilities, and regular floods. But this is the trouble of the entire Far East.

The population of the Khabarovsk Territory is distributed extremely unevenly. Most residents live in large cities such as Khabarovsk or Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Urban residents in the region - 82 percent. The northern regions of the region are practically uninhabited, the population density there is on average only 0.03 people per square kilometer.

Region Information

Khabarovsk Krai is located in the Far East of Russia. Until 1938, it was one Far Eastern region. Then it was divided into Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory. The transport artery of the region flows through the central regions: the Amur River.

Part southern regions Khabarovsk Territory borders on China.

The first people began to appear on local lands even in the Mesolithic era. Russian pioneers began to explore the region in the 17th century.

The most populated cities of the Khabarovsk Territory are located along the Amur River (these are Khabarovsk proper, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Voznesensk and others) or on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan (Vanino, Sovetskaya Gavan).

According to the Office Federal Service state statistics, in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2017, 1,333,294 people live. Almost half of them are residents of the urban district of Khabarovsk (616,000). Almost 300 thousand people live in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Another 60,000 people live in Amursk and its environs (including 8,000 rural residents).

The population of towns and cities of the Khabarovsk Territory in the south of the region is about 50,000 more people (Vyazemsky, Bikin, Lermontovka). The northern regions of the region are practically uninhabited. So, on the vast territory of the Okhotsk municipal district (more than 150,000 square kilometers), only 6 thousand people live. The population density is therefore only 0.04 persons/sq. km. The situation is even sadder in Tuguro-Chumikansky and Ayano-Maysky municipalities. Each of them is home to less than two thousand people. The population density here is only 0.02-0.03 people / sq. km. In the Ayano-Maysky district, for example, there are only two more or less large settlements (Ayan and Nelkan), the number of inhabitants in which is 844 and 729 people, respectively.

Composition by gender and age

The population of the Khabarovsk Territory is represented mainly by young people aged 25 to 29 years. There are more than 120 thousand of them. There are not so many old people in the region - only 10,000 of those over 80. There are also not so many pensioners (over 65), only about 10 percent of the population.

By gender, the population of the Khabarovsk Territory is distributed almost evenly: women 52.3%, and men 47.7%. Previously, these figures were almost the same. Thus, in 1979, 50.4 per cent of women and 49.6 per cent of men lived in the region.

Ethnographic composition in the region

As of 2010, the majority of Russians in the Khabarovsk Territory are 88 percent. This is even more than Soviet time. For example, in the middle of the 20th century, 82 percent of the Russian population was in the region. There are about 26,000 Ukrainians in the Khabarovsk Territory, which is almost 2 percent of the population. The indigenous population - Nanais - is extremely small, only 11,000 citizens (0.82%).

Arriving in the Far East, including the Khabarovsk Territory, residents of nearby Asian states: China, Korea. According to statistics for 2010, there are 8,000 Koreans in the region, and 3,800 Chinese. There are a lot of Chinese tourists in large cities, since visas are canceled for them. Therefore, sometimes it seems that there are a lot of Chinese in the Far East.

The population of the Khabarovsk Territory speaks mainly in Russian. Small peoples (Nanais, Evenks) forget their native language, and this is a serious problem at the present time. The fact is that the Nanai language is relatively young, it received writing only in the 1930s, and therefore there are not so many written sources On him. Need to save cultures small peoples, but modern programs, aimed at this, work poorly.

Demographics of the region

The population density of the Khabarovsk Territory is 1.69 people per sq. km. km, but these figures vary greatly from district to district.

The birth rate prevails over the death rate, but not by much. Thus, 14 children were born per 1,000 inhabitants in 2017, as well as in 2016. The death rate as of 2017 is 13.3 people per 1000 citizens of the region.

Residents of the Khabarovsk Territory die mainly from diseases of the circulatory system (more than 8600 people a year), coronary heart disease (4000), cerebrovascular diseases (2700 inhabitants), malignant tumors (2500) even injuries (almost 2000).

Population dynamics

Due to the rather complex natural conditions there is a constant outflow of citizens of the Khabarovsk Territory to other regions of Russia and abroad. So, since 1992, there has been a constant decrease in the population. In 25 years, the number of inhabitants has decreased by 300,000 people. However, it is also worth noting that now this decrease is not so strong.

Currently, there is a high rate of construction in the region. Large firms invest in various objects. Over the past ten years, even the appearance of many cities, especially Khabarovsk, has changed a lot. If earlier there were old five-story buildings and abandoned enterprises everywhere, now business centers are being actively built, companies are investing in many bold projects. The appearance of cities is also changing: new parks and squares are being built, infrastructure is improving.

It is worth noting the improvement social protection population of the Khabarovsk Territory. Thus, now fewer residents want to leave the region, but negative migration is still observed. In 2016, 58,633 people left, while only 57,047 arrived. Migration rates have slightly decreased in recent years, because now the migration decline is only 1,500 people, while back in 2015 it was 4,900 people.

◷ November 8, 2007. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, city in Russian Federation, Khabarovsk Territory, located on the left bank of the river. Amur (downstream), 356 km north of Khabarovsk. A major transport hub of rail, road and water transport. The airport. Regional center. Population 288.6 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1860. City since 1932.

The emblem of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur was adopted on June 6, 1967. Later, on December 10, 1994 and in 1999, he was re-approved with small changes. In the center of the shield is the figure of a young builder pushing the halves of a green spruce apart with his hands.

The main industries: shipbuilding (PO "Plant named after Lenin Komsomol"), aircraft building (aviation software), ferrous metallurgy (plant "Amurstal"), mechanical engineering, oil refining, woodworking. Production of building materials, light and food industries.

Founded by peasant settlers from the Perm province as the village of Perm. Since 1932, active construction of heavy industry enterprises began in it; in the same year the village was transformed into the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In 1932-1939, the Amur shipbuilding, aviation and timber mills were built. Since that time - a major industrial and cultural center of the Far East and the zone of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Baikal-Amur Mainline(BAM), railway to Vost. Siberia and the Far East, the 2nd main (along with the Trans-Siberian Railway) railway exit of Russia to the Pacific approx. Passes from Taishet to Sovetskaya Gavan, total length 4300 km. The Ust-Kut section (on the Lena) - Komsomolsk-on-Amur (3105 km; construction began in 1974, through traffic was opened in 1984) was put into operation in 1989; 2 sections of BAM were built in con. 40s - early. 50s: Taishet - Ust-Kut and Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Sovetskaya Gavan. BAM is connected with the Trans-Siberian Railway by 3 connecting railway lines: Bamovskaya - Tynda, Izvestkovaya and Volochaevka - Komsomolsk. In 1981, the Baikal-Amur Railway was organized.

Educational and cultural institutions: Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State pedagogical institute. Drama theater, museum of local lore.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University- multidisciplinary scientific and educational center. Founded in 1955, initially as the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Evening Polytechnic Institute. Since 1994, the current name.

It trains specialists in 67 higher education programs vocational education at the faculties of aviation and shipbuilding, computer technology, ecology and chemical technology, economics and management, linguistics, etc. There are also faculties for advanced training and retraining of specialists, postgraduate and doctoral studies. On the basis of the university, a Center for New Information Technologies, an intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining specialists, the faculty of advanced training of teachers, the center of foreign languages. It has international relations with universities in the USA, Japan, South Korea, Germany and other countries.

Near the city in the basin of the Belgo and Pivan rivers is the Komsomolsky Reserve, founded in 1963, located at the junction of the mountain taiga of the Sikhote-Alin and the cedar-deciduous forests of the Amur region (an area of ​​more than 30 thousand hectares).

KOMSOMOLSK RESERVE, is located in the basin of the Gorin River, a large left tributary of the Amur River, in the Khabarovsk Territory. The reserve was founded in 1963. Initially, it consisted of two sections - Pivansky and Gursky, with a total area of ​​​​more than 32 thousand hectares. In the 1970s, the Pivansky section actually turned into a suburban area of ​​the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and the Gursky section was badly damaged by fires in the dry autumn of 1976. In this regard, in 1980, a new territory was allocated to the Komsomolsky Reserve in the lower reaches of the Gorin River with an area of ​​​​more than 61 thousand hectares.

The relief of the territory is low-mountainous, smoothed, the watersheds are flat, completely overgrown with forest. Absolute average height the territory of the reserve is 150-200 m, the maximum is up to 500 m. The climate is monsoon. Average annual temperature 0.6-0.7 °С, average July temperature 19-20 °С (maximum 36-38 °С), average January temperature -24-25 °С (minimum -50 °С).

The forest type of vegetation prevails in the reserve, willow and alder forests grow on low floodplain terraces and islands on the Gorin River, ash forests grow on high floodplain terraces; on the slopes to absolute altitude Cedar-broad-leaved forests grow at 400 m, above they are replaced by fir-spruce forests. Background species of trees - Ayan spruce, white fir, Korean cedar, Mongolian oak, birch (Manchurian and yellow), David's aspen, Manchurian ash, long elm, Amur linden.
The animal world is rich, typical sable, brown bear, elk, reindeer, musk deer, wild boar. Of the rare species, there are the Far Eastern forest cat, the Himalayan bear, the harza, the badger, the fish owl, the black grouse, the blue magpie. Grouse, tangerine, black stork, Steller's sea eagle are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Spawning grounds for autumn chum salmon and pink salmon are located on the Gorin River.

Sovetskaya Gavan, in the Khabarovsk Territory, regional subordination, regional center, 866 km east of Khabarovsk. It is located on the shore of the Sovetskaya Gavan Bay (Tatar Strait). Port. The final railway station (Sovetskaya Gavan - Gorod) on the line from Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The airport. The population is 35.5 thousand people (1992; 28.9 thousand in 1979).
The city was founded in 1941. In modern S. G.: woodworking, fish, ship repair and food industries. The city consists of several isolated parts located along the coast; ruggedness coastline, different depths at the approaches to the port, hills approaching the sea itself, excluded the possibility of continuous development. Each economy - port, railway, fish factory, woodworking enterprises - has its own part of the water area and land. The southern and northern parts of the city are connected by bus service.
Near S. G. is the seaport of Vanino (in terms of cargo turnover, one of the largest among Russian ports on pacific ocean).

Nikolaevsk-on-Amur(until 1926 Nikolaevsk), a city (since 1856) in the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk kr., a port on the Amur. Population 30.8 thousand people (2002). Shipbuilding and ship repair plants; food enterprises. Museum of Local Lore. Main in 1850.

Coat of arms of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and the Nikolaevsky region, adopted on December 4, 2001. In the azure (blue, blue) field above the silver wavy tip - two diverging green mountain slopes, thinly bordered with silver. Above is a flying black eagle with scarlet (red) eyes, golden beak and paws, silver shoulders and tail. In the central shield on a wavy silver tip is an azure fish, above it is a golden wall with two round towers and open gates, at the top are two crossed golden picks; on top of the picks - a golden shovel with the handle down.

Coat of arms of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, adopted in the 1970s. A shield with a blue field depicting a silver gate on it. This coat of arms was used until 1998.

Coat of arms of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, approved on March 19, 1912. In an azure shield on a wave-like silver extremity with an azure fish, there is a golden wall with two round towers and open gates, at the top are crossed golden picks and a spade. The shield is crowned with a silver three-pronged tower crown and rests on two crossed gold anchors entwined with an Alexander ribbon. In the free part - the coat of arms of the Primorsky region. The coat of arms of 1912 was used in 1998-1999 as the "temporary coat of arms of the city".

Amursk, a city (since 1973) in the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk kr., a pier on the river. Amur. Population 52.3 thousand people (2001). Sawmill, woodworking and pulp and cardboard mills.

Okhotsk, an urban-type settlement, a district center in the Khabarovsk Territory, 1677 km north of Khabarovsk. It is located 1320 km from the railway station Komsomolsk-on-Amur on a branch line from Volochaevka station on the Chita-Khabarovsk line. Seaport on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The population is 9.9 thousand people (1989; 197 people in 1897; 738 people in 1926; 9.2 thousand in 1979).
One of the oldest Russian settlements in the Far East. Founded in 1648 on the way from Yakutsk to Kamchatka. In 1783 O. was appointed regional and county town Okhotsk region of the Irkutsk governorship. Until 1850 it was a military port. From 1927 - rural settlement, since 1949 - an urban-type settlement.

VYAZEMSKY, a regional center in the Khabarovsk Territory, 130 km southwest of Khabarovsk. Located on the Ussuri lowland. Railroad station on the line Khabarovsk - Vladivostok. The population is 18.2 thousand people (1992; 17.1 thousand in 1939; 19.2 thousand in 1959; 18.9 thousand in 1979).
It was founded in 1895. It grew out of an urban-type settlement; woodworking plant; timber industry; factories - vegetable canning, mechanical repair, brick, etc. A branch of the Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore.

Bikin, in the Khabarovsk Territory, regional subordination, regional center, 231 km south of Khabarovsk. Located on the Ussuri lowland, in the valley of the river. Bikin (a tributary of the Ussuri). Railway station on the line Khabarovsk - Vladivostok (Trans-Siberian Railway). Highway(Khabarovsk - B.). The population is 19.1 thousand people (1992; 15 thousand in 1939; about 15 thousand in 1979).
It arose in 1894-97 during the construction of the railway as a Cossack settlement of B. Bikinsky stanitsa district of the Ussuri Cossack army. City - since 1938. In modern B.: woodworking enterprises, Food Industry; knitwear factory; railway service companies. Museum of Local Lore and the Museum of Military Glory of the Bikinians - Participants of the Great Patriotic War 1941-45.

The highlight of the Far East is undoubtedly the Khabarovsk Territory with its powerful ecosystem and amazing landscapes. The administrative center of the region is the city of Khabarovsk, located on the right bank of the Amur river, about thirty kilometers from the border with China. On the south side, the region is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan, on the north - by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In addition to the continental part, the Khabarovsk Territory includes numerous islands. Where is located on the map?

The nature of the region impresses with its unfading charm. all year round. In winter, they conduct scientific expeditions along the trails of the Amur tigers, and in summer they organize safaris for photographers. Let's talk about everything in more detail.


Only in the 17th century did Russian naturalists begin to explore the Far Eastern region, when the power of the Siberian and Ural Tatars weakened as a result of civil strife. In 1639, the Tomsk Cossacks discovered the Sea of ​​Okhotsk for the first time, collecting data on the local fauna, riches and aborigines along the way. This information made a lot of noise among the richest Siberian industrialists. They sent hundreds of peasants to develop new lands for the sovereign. The detachment was led by Yerofei Khabarov, after whom the region is now called Khabarovsk. They formed Albazin, but for another 150 years Russia showed no signs of interest in the Far East. Be sure to visit.

In the 19th century, the Far East receives hordes of naturalists, geographers who explore the area. In particular, they prove that Sakhalin is an island, and navigation can be arranged along the Amur.

Its current position in political map The Khabarovsk Territory received peace in 1938, when the Far Eastern Territory was divided into Primorye and the Khabarovsk Region.

Cities of the Khabarovsk Territory

There are two large cities in the region: in fact, Khabarovsk itself and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In addition, there are relatively small urban districts: Sovetskaya Gavan, Vyazemsky, Bikin, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Amursk.

The Soviet harbor was opened during the Amur expedition. Then Rimsky-Korsakov spoke about the best natural harbor in the region: it is extremely difficult to find a similar harbor all over the world. A huge fleet can easily fit here in isolation from bad weather and winds. Russia, however, can still own all trade in the Pacific Ocean, having in its hands the mouth of the Amur, the island of Sakhalin and this harbor. The city is over 150 years old - buildings of the tsarist and Soviet eras speak of its impressive history.

The cities of Bikin, Amursk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur were founded already in the era of industrialization of the 20th century. From all over the country, Komsomol builders gathered in the Far East, who were faced with the task of building the infrastructure of the whole region.

As for Vyazemsky, this settlement was built in 1895 on the route of the TZhM (Trans-Siberian Railway). The city was named after an engineer who worked on the creation of the Ussuri railroad.

Nikolaevsk-on-Amur is the first settlement organized by Nevelsky during the Amur expedition. The first structure laid by the researchers was a wooden Yakut hut. Chekhov stopped here, following in the direction of Sakhalin, and also adventurers who were looking for gold mines in the Far East found shelter. In 1918, after the revolution, intervention by the Japanese armed forces began, however civil uprising, which saved Russia more than once, threw the enemies out of the country. For the city, the war cost too much - it was burned down.


The city was founded in the middle of the 19th century as an outpost of the royal forces at the mouth of the Amur. It was named after Yerofey Khabarov, who, with a detachment of a hundred daredevils, set off from the sources of the Amur to uncharted lands. Perhaps the peasant did not even imagine that the city would be named after him. military glory, Russia's stronghold in the region, the capital of Primorye.

Until the middle of the 19th century, these territories were a neutral zone between Russia and Qing Empire in accordance with the Nerchinsk Treaty. Then the parties agreed on the following: the left bank will belong to Russia, and the right - to China. After that, the Far East began to be populated by recruited peasants and soldiers who were at fault.

During the years 1917-1923, the region became an arena for violent clashes between red, white, Japanese, American military formations, as well as partisan detachments. Moreover, the consistency between the so-called allies (Japan, the United States, white guard) did not have. decisive role played the people's militia, which, soberly deciding to resist foreign invaders, sided with the "red partisans". This predetermined the course of military events and the defeat of Kolchak.

Among the sights of the old era, the Temple of St. Innocent of Irkutsk should be highlighted. According to archaeologists, the building is the first stone church in the city. The construction of the temple dates back to the 19th century. Under the Soviets, the facility was operated as a planetarium. We also note the monument to Muraviyom-Amursky, which is depicted on a banknote with a face value of five thousand rubles.

Geography and climate of the Khabarovsk Territory

The territory of the subject of the Russian Federation extends from the northern point to the border with China for 1800 km, and from western point to the Pacific coast - 125-750 km. The total area of ​​the region reaches 788 thousand km2. From the total territory of Russia - this is 4.5%. The highest peak in the region is the mountain formation Beryl at an altitude of almost 3 thousand meters. As for the lowest point, it is the zero level.

Khabarovsk Krai is located in the eighth time zone. Therefore, the time difference with Moscow is +7 hours, with Greenwich + 10-11 hours, taking into account winter time.

Climatic conditions are changeable, if we talk about the south and north of the Khabarovsk Territory. Moreover, the air temperature is most directly affected by the proximity of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan, as well as the nuance of the terrain. Winter in the Khabarovsk Territory is severe, long, with heavy precipitation in the form of snow. Such an extreme period lasts about six months. Average January temperatures reach -22C in the Khabarovsk region and -40C to the north.

On the coast, of course, the climate is a little milder: up to -18 -24C. However, in the south, temperatures can drop to -50C. Summer, in turn, is quite humid and warm, sometimes hot. In July, the temperature ranges from +15 to +20C. AT northern points region precipitation falls up to 800 mm, to the south - up to 600 mm. Remarkably, in southern regions the vast majority of precipitation occurs between April and early October. Khabarovsk residents do not recommend visiting their native places at the end of July, August, when the rains give way to downpours, which can leave an imprint on a tourist voyage to the Far East.

What interesting places to see in the Khabarovsk Territory

Tourists will be interested in both the nature of the region and architectural complex, which is concentrated for the most part in Khabarovsk. The Amur embankment with numerous beaches, a stone cliff erected by a monument to Muravyov-Amursky is popular in the city. The main street also bears the name of the Governor General. Along the avenue are historical buildings dating back to the 19th century. The pearl of the street is the State Library, opened in the 19th century.

On the very large area- Square of Glory, you can meet the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, which ranks third in height in Russia among the temples. Highest point Cathedral is set at a height of 95 meters.

Other sights include the Innokentievskaya Church, built in 1868, the railway bridge crossing of 1916, and the regional comedy theater of 1926. To enjoy the unique flora, we recommend organizing a river voyage along the Amur.

Bolshekhekhtsirsky nature reserve is located just 20 km from the regional capital. In addition to shrubs and trees, 222 bird species, 50 animal species, 8 reptiles, 6 amphibians, and 4 dozen species of fish live in the protected area. Special excursions are organized for tourists, during which there is a chance to see endangered sables, Amur tigers in their natural habitat.