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Methodical manual The use of information and communication technologies in working with children of senior preschool age “Razvivalochka. Books that shaped my inner world

“The ability to learn new facts is inversely proportional to age” (Glen Doman)

The importance of using ICT in the development of preschool children

In conditions modern development society and production it is impossible to imagine a world without information resources, no less significant than material, energy and labor. A priori, the modern information space requires computer skills not only in primary school, but also in preschool childhood.

For today information Technology significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early learning. The possibilities of using a modern computer allow most fully and successfully realize the development of the child’s abilities.

Unlike usual technical means learning information and communication technologies can not only saturate the child big amount ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic image, sound, speech, video, remembering and processing data at enormous speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. All this places qualitatively new demands on preschool education - the first level continuing education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay potential for enriched development of the child's personality.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce information technologies into the system of preschool education and training.

Practice has shown that this significantly increases children's interest in activities and increases the level of cognitive capabilities.

The use of new unusual methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases involuntary attention children, helps develop voluntary attention. Information technology provides a person-centered approach. The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for familiarization. In addition, preschoolers must repeat the same program material many times, and great importance has a variety of presentation forms.

Outside of class computer games help consolidate children's knowledge; they can be used for individual lessons with children who are ahead of their peers in intellectual development or lagging behind them; for development psychic abilities, necessary for intellectual activity: perception, attention, memory, thinking, development of fine motor skills.

Computer programs teach independence and develop self-control skills. Young children require more help when completing tasks and step-by-step confirmation of their actions, and automated control of correctness frees up the teacher’s time for parallel work with other children.

The computer can enter a child's life through play. Game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impressions, displayed in public form game methods of action, game signs that acquire meaning in the semantic field of games. The child discovers the ability to endow a neutral (up to a certain level) object with play value in the semantic field of the game. It is this ability that is the most important psychological basis for introducing a computer into play for a preschooler as a gaming tool.

During play activity preschooler, enriched with computer tools, mental new formations arise (theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc.), which lead to a sharp increase creativity children.

Compared with traditional forms Computer training for preschoolers has a number of advantages:

  • presentation of information on a computer screen game form causes enormous interest;
  • carries within itself figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;
  • movements, sound, animation attracts for a long time attention child;
  • problematic tasks, encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself is an incentive cognitive activity children;
  • allows individualization training;

the child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

  • In the course of his activities at the computer, a preschooler acquires self confidence, is that he can do a lot;
  • allows simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);
  • the computer is very "patient", never does not scold the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

Areas of application of ICT for the development of preschool children

Using a computer for the learning and development of young children can be conditionally divided into direct and indirect.

1. Indirect learning and development

a)Use of the global Internet

Modern education is difficult to imagine without Internet resources. The Internet has enormous potential for educational services. Email, search engines, electronic conferences become an integral part modern education. On the Internet you can find information on the problems of early learning and development, about innovative schools and kindergartens, foreign early development institutes, and establish contacts with leading experts in the field of education.

Therefore, in recent years there has been a massive introduction of the Internet not only into school, but also preschool education. The number of information resources in all areas of children's education and development is increasing.

The Internet is truly becoming available for use in educational process. The opportunities provided by network electronic resources make it possible to solve a number of problems that are relevant for specialists working in the preschool education system.

Firstly, this is additional information that for some reason is not in the printed publication.

Secondly, it is a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, video materials).

Thirdly, in the information society, networked electronic resources are the most democratic way to disseminate new methodological ideas and new teaching aids, available to methodologists and teachers regardless of their place of residence and income level.

The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process for older preschoolers information-intensive, entertaining, and comfortable. Information and methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, for example, to study new techniques, when selecting visual aids to class.

The electronic version of the magazine may be of interest to educators "Preschool education" - . Here you can find articles on creative, sensory, speech and other types of development of young children. Among the sections on the site are interesting: children's world; parental consultation; workshop; game library; be healthy, grow big; bookshelf; nature school; psychological school, etc.

A useful resource is the collection of materials Festival of Pedagogical Ideas carried out Publishing house"First of September" -, where educators and teachers from all over Russia share their pedagogical finds. This year materials for everything previous years placed on one website, which makes searching easier and faster. True, inside the “Preschool Education” page the material is not arranged by headings, which would speed up the search, but in alphabetical order.

The website can serve as an assistant for the development of preschoolers

Here you can find an illustrated dictionary for the development of speech for children of senior preschool age and story albums.

Illustrated Dictionary for Speech Development - a resource addressed both to teachers preparing older children preschool age to the school and to the preschoolers themselves. It is mainly designed to increase children's vocabulary; it can be used as didactic materials when teaching children to read.

An illustrated dictionary can provide the teacher with the following opportunities:

  • selection of illustrations for a given topic,
  • selection of illustrations for words containing a specific letter at the beginning, middle or end of the word,
  • viewing selected illustrations and downloading them to a personal computer.

Story albums for speech development are designed to develop children's coherent speech.

Electronic albums provide the teacher with the following opportunities:

  • selection of illustrations for downloading (for printing),
  • viewing the selected
  • typing and saving texts of stories compiled from pictures.

Electronic teaching aids are designed specifically for preschool children. They will help you learn how to write letters and learn to read. These developments fully take into account the mental, cultural and social characteristics of children’s comprehension of such cultural phenomena as words and word composition.

Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on early development and learning, as well as any photographs and illustrations for classes.

b) Using a computer for record keeping.

A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and “advanced” parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizing programs, keeping an individual child’s diary, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, in general monitor the dynamics of the child's development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are not comparable.

An important aspect of using a computer is maintaining a database. from books. Today there is a lot a large number of books on the upbringing and development of children, many books reflect integrated approaches in teaching, others reflect the development of a certain quality, differentiating age categories, etc. Without a database, it is difficult to navigate the literature.

2. Direct training.

a) Use of educational computer programs

The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of information offered for

familiarization with the material. A bright glowing screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, and as a result, tension is relieved.

But today, unfortunately, there are not enough good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

American experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

  • research character,
  • ease for independent studies child,
  • development of a wide range of skills and understandings,
  • high technical level,
  • age suitability,
  • entertaining.

Educational programs existing on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for developing memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Talking" dictionaries foreign languages with good animation.

3. ART studios, simple graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

4. Travel games, “action games”.

5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

For the development of preschoolers, you can use the “Frivolous Lessons” series of programs produced by the “New Disc” company.

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use the computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are outside the child’s own experience, but also to increase the child’s creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on a monitor screen helps optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; individual work using a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

b) Use of multimedia presentations

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system in children mental images. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

3. Preserving the health of children when working with a computer.

When talking about the use of computers by young children, the question of preserving health and vision arises. It is reasonable to set time limits on PC activities, but children of this age have very little involuntary attention (10-15 minutes), so, as a rule, children cannot stay at the computer for a long time. A normally developing child at this age moves 70-80% of the time he is awake, so for now the question of “staying” at the computer is not relevant.


So, the use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of a young child quite simple and effective, free him from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.


  1. Artemova L.V. The world around us in didactic games for preschoolers: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents - M.: Education, 1992.
  2. Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., Zvorygina E.V. and others. New information technologies in preschool education. M.: LINKA-IIPESS, 1998.
  3. Horwitz Y., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5 - p. 92-95.
  4. Zubrilin A.A. "Game component in teaching computer science." Computer science in primary education. 2001, No. 3, p. 3 - 16.
  5. Ibuka M. After three it’s already late. - M.: Knowledge, 1992.
  6. Karalashvili: E. “Exercises for the health of children 6-7 years old.” Preschool education. 2002, No. 6, pp. 39 - 41.
  7. Makaser I.L. "Game as an element of learning." Computer Science in primary education. 2001, No. 2, p. 71 - 73.
  8. Motorin V. "Educational capabilities of computer games." Preschool education, 2000, no. 11, p. 53 - 57.
  9. Novoselova S.L., Petku G.P. Computer world of a preschooler. M.: New school, 1997
  10. Petrova E. "Educational computer games." Preschool education, 2000, no. 8, p. 60 - 68.
  11. Fomicheva O. S. Raising a successful child in the computer age. M.: "Helios ARV", 2000.


Introduction The relevance of the work is that currently world system Education is being modernized through the widespread use of information and communication technologies, which have great prospects for the development of preschool children. Fundamental changes in all areas of human life brought about by information and communication technologies require a different level of literacy that meets the demands of the information society. For this purpose, it is created in principle new technology acquisition of knowledge, new pedagogical approaches to teaching and assimilation of knowledge, new courses of study and methods of teaching them. All this should contribute to the activation of children’s intellect, the formation of their creative and mental abilities, the development of a holistic picture of the world, and in the future a full member of the information society. As Stoin G. noted, “Nations and peoples whose children continue to play traditional games, illuminated by centuries-old tradition, will progressively lag behind in their development, while nations whose culture has included computers artificial intelligence and other achievements of information technology will certainly be stronger.” In understanding the meaning of computer and electronic games, one cannot but agree with the author. The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirements of modern developing society, which needs its members to be ready to work tens of times more productive and creative, which is ensured by the knowledge intensity of all information means - from personal computers to global Internet connections. The computer is viewed not as a separate educational gaming device, but as an all-pervasive universal Information system, capable of connecting with various areas of the educational process, enriching them and radically changing the developmental environment of the kindergarten as a whole. Domestic and foreign research on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, I. Pashelite, S. Peipert, B. Hunter, etc. .). Today, many modern preschool educational organizations are equipped with tablets and computers. When entering the office of a specialist (educational psychologist, speech therapist), children, despite the variety of toys, first of all notice the computer, ask to turn it on, and press the keys. Playing on a computer serves as a good stimulus for the development of a child’s cognitive processes and other useful skills. After all, when a child sits at the computer, his eyes light up with genuine passion and interest. He becomes more collected and attentive, as a result of which the volume of memorized information increases, rational activity is activated, and fine motor skills of the hands and eyes develop. However, teachers and parents should remember that it is not the computer that should control the child’s activities by offering him tasks, but, on the contrary, it is important for the child to use the computer as a means to solve his own developmental problems. This is why educational and educational games, dramatization games, drawing games, puzzles, etc. are good. In the first case, the computer acts exclusively as a simulator, and in the second it allows the child’s activities to develop, enriching him different ways actions, enriching his experience. The computer is an enriching element of development subject environment. It is a means that promotes the development of cognitive activity of preschool children, the creation of a favorable emotional background, socialization of the individual, thanks to the development of regulatory abilities (i.e., obedience to rules) and the possibility of communicative interaction in the game. Computer games in modern conditions are a unique form of mastering the surrounding reality. However, it is important to note that they should only complement, and not replace, amateur games. The purpose of the work is to study computer and electronic games as an important factor in the development of a child’s capabilities and abilities. The object of the study is the development of preschool children. The subject of the study is the influence of electronic and computer toys on the development of preschool children. Objectives: 1. Consider the features of the influence of modern computer and electronic games on the development of preschool children. 2.Study the use of electronic and computer games in preschool age. The structure of the work is determined by the stated goal and objectives and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.


Conclusion Communication with modern gadgets arouses keen interest in children, first as a play activity, and then as an educational activity. This interest underlies the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, arbitrary memory and attention, and it is these qualities that provide psychological readiness child to attend school. Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, control the execution of actions, and evaluate results. Thanks to the computer, training in planning, control and evaluation of results becomes effective independent activity child through a combination of play and non-play moments. Computerization, gradually penetrating almost all spheres of life and activity modern man, makes its own adjustments to approaches to the upbringing and education of preschool children. Thus, the computer helps to develop not only intellectual abilities child, but also raises strong-willed qualities, such as independence, composure, concentration, perseverance, and also introduces the child to empathy, helping the heroes of the games, thereby enriching his attitude towards the world around him. But a computer can be used in working with preschool children subject to unconditional compliance with physiological-hygienic, ergonomic and psychological-pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations, which should be taken into account by both parents and preschool employees. However, in general, the insufficient equipment of the material base of preschool educational organizations and the lack of multimedia materials for preschool children that meet federal state educational standards are holding back the process of informatization of preschool education. The lack of sufficient preparation of teachers for the use of scientific and technological information in preschool education requires the improvement and development of a system of training and retraining of personnel to work in the field of informatization of preschool education, improvement of computer literacy, and an increase in the vocabulary of terms for preschoolers.


References 1. Vasenina S.I. Educational computer games as a means mathematical development preschool children // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 20.1. - P. 8-10. 2. Drogovtsova, N. O. Cognitive dialogue in a computer gaming environment / N. O. Drogovtsova, E. A. Tupichkina // Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 49 - 57. 3 .Kerdellan K., Grésillon G. Children of the processor: how the Internet and video games shape tomorrow's adults. Per. from fr. A. Lushchanova. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006. - 272 p. 4. Krivich E.Ya. Computer for preschool children. [Text] / E.Ya. Krivich - M.: EKSMO Publishing House, 2006. 5. Lombina, T. N. Psychological features of the interaction of preschool children with information technologies / T. N. Lombina, V. G. Luksha / / Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 23 - 30. 6. Novoselova, S. L. Computer world of a preschooler / S. L. Novoselova, G. P. Petku. – M.: New School, 1997. – 128 p. 7. Osipova T.G. Computer programs for preschool children. [Text]/T.G.Osipova// Kindergarten from A to Z. – 2003. – No. 1. – P.149-161 8. Development of the child’s personality / Ed. L.A. Golovey. - Ekaterinburg: Rama Publishing, 2010. - 576 p. 9. Safonova L. A. About the problem of choosing teachers computer programs for children // Problems of education in conditions innovative development: Sat. Art. based on materials from Vseros. correspondence scientific-practical conf. “Problems of education in the context of innovative development” (February 25 – April 1, 2014) [materials] [Electronic resource] / editorial board: T. I. Shukshina (chief editor), S. N. Gorshenina; Mordov. state ped. int. – Saransk, 2014. – pp. 79-81 10. Simonovich S., Evseev E. Entertaining. computer. M., 2004. 11. Starshova, N. V. How to help a child maintain health / N. V. Starshova // Kindergarten from A to Z. – 2003. – No. 1. – P. 51 - 54. 12. Stepanova, M. I. Rules for safe communication with a computer / M. I. Stepanova // Kindergarten from A to Z. – 2003. – No. 1. – P. 40 - 50. 13. Elkonin D.B. Child psychology: a manual for higher students. textbook establishments. 4th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 384 p.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 393" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan


The socio-economic development of modern society is inextricably linked with scientific and technological progress. Information communication technologies firmly enter into all spheres of human life. Accordingly, the education system makes new demands on the upbringing and training of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.

An interactive whiteboard significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information and allows you to increase the child’s motivation. Application of multimedia technologies (colors, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows you to simulate various situations.

Term "interactivity" comes from the English word interaction, which means "interaction" . Interactivity is a concept used in the field of computer science and communication; describes the nature of interaction between objects. The novelty of computers and interactive equipment is reflected in the expansion and enrichment of the content of the child’s knowledge, skills, and abilities, in the intensification of education, and in changes in the dynamics of the process of mental development. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance the assimilation of the material.

Interactive learning tools, such as an interactive whiteboard, will be an excellent assistant in diagnosing child development:

Usage interactive whiteboard in the classroom allows you to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This contributes conscious assimilation knowledge by preschoolers.

Thanks to visibility and interactivity, children are more willing to get involved in active work. In preschoolers, concentration increases, understanding and memorization of material improves, and perception sharpens. The presence and ability to use an interactive whiteboard significantly increases the level of computer competence of a teacher, who receives the status of a modern educator who keeps pace with the development of information technology. This learning tool can be used to teach children of different ages.

Proper use of ID capabilities allows the teacher to:

  • improve the quality of teaching through a combination of traditional and computer methods of organizing educational activities;
  • present information in various forms (text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum clarity of the material being studied;
  • give out a large amount of information in parts, so the material being studied is easier to assimilate;
  • control the time parameters of the lesson;
  • activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;
  • mobilize the audience's attention;
  • use various digital educational resources;
  • to reveal wide opportunities for creative realization in professional activities;
  • carry out educational activities at a high methodological level.

Based on this, we can conclude that familiarization with information culture is not only the acquisition of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual sensitivity.

The use of an interactive whiteboard is not a goal, but a means of educating and developing a child’s creative abilities and shaping his personality.

This manual has been developed in accordance with current federal state requirements (FGT, Order No. 655 of November 23, 2009).

The methodological manual is implemented with preschool children in educational activities, using the integration of the educational process without increasing the educational load on the child.

The manual highlights the following areas of using an interactive whiteboard, which are available for working with preschool children:

  • use of an interactive whiteboard;
  • creating your own multimedia products;
  • use of Internet resources;
  • use of computer games.

When preparing for classes using the sanitary and epidemiological rules, according to which the total duration of classes should be 25–30 minutes with children of senior preschool age.

This teaching aid is a good start for introducing preschoolers to the interactive whiteboard, implements the principle of continuity and ensures the development and education of preschoolers. A distinctive feature of this teaching aid "Developer" is that it really solves the problem of continuity of preschool and school education.

IN methodological manual Modern computer educational games and manuals are used:

  • "Mathematics. Learning to count" "Bayun" , 2009),
  • "Planets of numbers for kids" (educational multimedia program Studio "Buka" , 2008),
  • "Fun Lessons" (educational multimedia program Studio "New disc" , 2008),
  • "Tricky puzzles" (multimedia educational systems,
  • "500 most interesting children's games (Studio “New Disk” , 2010)
  • "ABC. How the mouse caught the letters" (educational multimedia program Studio "Bayun" , 2010),
  • "Learning letters" (interactive educational games. Studio "New disc" , 2011)
  • "My country is Russia" (educational multimedia program Studio "Bayun" , 2009),
  • "Soon to school" (interactive training program. Studio "New disc" , 2010)
  • “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Lessons good behavior, 2006, Lessons in caution" (creative association "Masks" , 2009)
  • “Luntik. Missing colors" (educational multimedia program Studio "Buka" , 2009),

Goals and objectives


optimization of the educational process, for the implementation of high-quality individualization of children's education,

creating in a child a higher traditional methods, motivational readiness for learning, children’s interest in classes in modern conditions.

development logical thinking, attention, memory and cognitive activity


  1. development of children's creative thinking, ability for free imagination and creativity;
  2. development communicative competence a preschooler in the process of collective creative work;
  3. developing the ability to clearly and logically express your thoughts and ideas to others, justify your thoughts and statements;
  4. developing the skill of working in interactive environments, the ability to creatively model objects, change their properties to solve problems.
  5. Development and correction mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking, perception.
  6. Development of cognitive activity and self-control.
  7. Activation of the dictionary.
  8. Consolidating knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.
  9. Consolidating knowledge of letters and numbers.
  10. Development of fine motor skills of the hand.
  11. Creating a positive emotional background.
  12. To help children master communication models with fictional characters of computer programs, as the main ones for mastering interpersonal communication.
  13. Fostering a desire to achieve positive results at work.


  1. Solving educational and correctional problems with the help of educational computer games is integrated into the system of general correctional work in accordance with the individual needs of the child. Individualization of the educational and correctional process is carried out by choosing the level of difficulty of tasks that corresponds to the level of development of the child.
  2. Working with an interactive board takes place with the primary role of the teacher according to the principle of triple interaction: teacher – interactive board – child.
  3. Children take part (10-12 people)
  4. Lesson duration is up to 30 minutes.

Methods and techniques:

  • gaming;
  • experimentation;
  • modeling;
  • re-creation;
  • transformation.

Expected results

As a result of the classes, children will be able to:

  • highlight the properties of objects, find objects that are generalized by a given property or several properties, break a set into subsets characterized by a common property;
  • generalize based on a certain characteristic, find a pattern based on a characteristic;
  • compare parts and wholes for objects and actions;
  • call the main function (appointment) items;
  • arrange events in the correct sequence;
  • perform the sequence of actions listed or depicted;
  • apply any action in relation to different objects;
  • describe a simple procedure to achieve a given goal;
  • find errors in the wrong sequence of simple actions.
  • give examples of true and false statements;
  • give examples of negatives (at the level of words and phrases "vice versa" ) ;
  • formulate negation by analogy;
  • use permitting and prohibiting signs;
  • see the benefits and harms of properties in different situations;
  • draw analogies between different objects;
  • find similarities in different objects;
  • teach yourself to imagine yourself as different objects and depict the behavior of these objects.
  • transfer the properties of one object to another.

Diagnostics of children is carried out 3 times a year.

The level of children is expected to be higher in the following sections:

  • mathematics
  • speech development
  • literacy training
  • level of mental development in the sections: attention, thinking, memory.

Main educational areas of the program:

  • socialization;
  • communication;
  • cognition;
  • safety;
  • artistic creativity.


  1. Gorwitz Yu.M., et al. "New information technologies in preschool education" , M., LINK-PRESS, 1998
  2. Davydov V.V. "Theory of developmental learning" , M., 1996
  3. Komarova T.S., Komarova I.I. “information and communication technologies in preschool education” , M., MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011
  4. Korobeinikov N.A. Kindergarten and family No. 5, 2002
  5. Kravtsov, S.S. “Computer gaming programs as a means of stabilizing the emotional state of preschool children” . Informatics No. 12, 2006
  6. . Motorin, V.N. "Educational possibilities of computer games" Preschool education No. 11, 2002
  7. Novoselova S.L., Petku G.P. “The computer world of a preschooler” , M., New School, No. 2, 1997
  8. Petrova E. "Educational computer games" . Preschool education, No. 8, 2000.
  9. Smirnov A.V. “Technical means in teaching and raising children” , M., IC Academy, 2005
  10. Filimonova N.I. "Intellectual development of preschool children" , St. Petersburg, KARO, 2004.
  11. Shamanskaya N. « Interactive methods» Preschool education. No. 8, 2008

Annex 1

Summary of a lesson in a preparatory school literacy group on the topic “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”

Program content:

  1. Learn to distinguish sounds intonationally "SH" , "AND" , "Z" , "ZZ" , "R" in words, name the first sound in words.
  2. Learn to identify long and short words
  3. Promote visual and auditory attention.
  4. Develop attention.
  5. Create selectivity visual perception, focusing on the sound properties of objects.
  6. Cultivate interest in speech activity
  7. Develop the skill of self-control and self-assessment of work performed

Methodical techniques:

Explanations, demonstration, artistic expression

Materials for the lesson: presentation, pencils, sheets of assignments

Preliminary work: reading the work, conversation.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and stand in a circle.


Guys, look, today our mothers, fathers, grandparents came to visit us. Let's share with them good mood. Let's smile and give them our smiles. Now let's hold hands and smile at each other. Very good. Our mood became joyful. Sit down at the tables. Today we will show how we can speak correctly and beautifully. And for this we need to perform gymnastics for our tongue.

The sun is shining in the morning -
It's time to visit your aunt!
Aunt Cheek
My niece is waiting

Pancakes with poppy seeds
It's baking for lunch.
I cooked porridge, made tea,
I even opened a jar of jam.

On a horse on the road
The tongue jumps,
And the horse's hooves -
Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

Walking uphill slowly:
And from the mountain rushes like an arrow:

Auntie niece
Greetings cheerfully..

Educator: Very good, our tongue is ready to work, now we’ll do gymnastics for the fingers. It's called gymnastics "Meeting of Friends" .

(Gymnastics are carried out).

Educator: Guys, we received a video letter from Doctor Aibolit. Let's read and see what he wants to tell us about.

Exercise 1

Guys, who came to the doctor for treatment?

Whose song is this? Who hisses like that?

Children: Snake or Already

Tell me Alina, who else sings this song?

Children: Veterok

Educator: Let's all sing this song together.

Who else came to visit Dr. Aibolit?

Who's that buzzing?

Children: Zhuk

Educator: Well done, guys!

Teacher: Z-Z-Z

Whose song is this?

Children: This is a mosquito song.

They sing the song of a big and a small mosquito.

Educator: R-R-R

Oh, who's that growling? What kind of animal came to the doctor?

Children: This is a tiger

Educator: That's right, well done! Let's all roar like a tiger together. Okay, well done.

Task 2.

Educator: Guys, let's help Dr. Aibolit pack his things. In the suitcase you need to put objects that have a sound in their name "SH"

(Children show objects on the board).

Task 3

Educator: But there is a river ahead, let’s help the doctor and his friends build a bridge. You need to take tablets on which objects begin with a vowel sound. Okay guys, well done, you completed the task.

Task 4

And now we need to determine what Aibolit treated animals with. Words must begin with the same sounds.

Well done, you completed the task, and now we find out who Doctor Aibolit cured. Glory, glory to Aibolit, glory to the good doctors.

Physical education minute.

Now we will play a game with words.

(Children stand in a circle)

Educator: Now I will tell you the word, and you will determine whether it is long or short, be careful.

(Ball, ball, milk, cow, house, car, mosquito, beetle, steamboat)

Task 5

Educator: Well done, now sit down, we will continue and play the game “Call it in one word” Okay, you answered correctly

"What's extra" (Vegetables, flowers, furniture, birds) Well done.

Task 6

Educator: And now the next task. There are sheets of assignments on your desks. You need to find 2 objects with the same sound and connect them with a pencil.

Children perform

Educator: Guys, check your assignments. If everything is done correctly and there are no errors, color the ball red.

Children perform

Educator: Guys, today we had an interesting journey into the fairy tale of Doctor Aibolit and his friends. Remember who came to him for treatment, whom he cured in Africa. What else did we do today?

Children's answers.

Well done! Our interesting journey is over.

Appendix 2

Summary of a lesson in a preparatory school drawing group on the topic "Gold fish"

Non-traditional techniques: soap, glass, water, watercolor

Program content:

teach children to draw a fish using soap, glass, watercolors, and water. Develop a sense of composition and color. Cultivate a love for fish and a desire to care for them.

Materials for the lesson: tinted paper, glass cloth, watercolor paints, soap, bowls of water, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.

There were fish in the ocean. They looked alike, all colorless, but they had a beautiful voice. The fish gathered at the bottom of the sea and sang songs. (Record). Their voices spread far and wide throughout the entire sea kingdom. One little fish loved to swim to the shore, she admired the beauty of the earthly kingdom, its bright colors: green grass, beautiful flowers, the bright sun. She really wanted to become as bright and unusual as earthly creatures. A little fish shared her dream with her friends..... One fish said that in the depths of the sea in a cave there lives a sea witch who can fulfill her wish. The fish was very afraid of the witch, but the desire to be beautiful was stronger and it swam to the cave. The old witch listened to our fish and


I can fulfill your deepest desire, you will be the most beautiful, but in return I will take away your wonderful voice, you will no longer be able to sing or speak, think about it.

The little fish wanted to become beautiful so much that she immediately agreed.... From the witch's cave the little fish swam out completely different. Her golden outfit sparkled, her scales shimmered, and her long golden tail swayed on the waves. She was beautiful. Other fish also wanted to become beautiful, the sorcerer gave them an outfit, and in return took away their voice. The sorceress placed the voices of fish in her cave; in the evenings she listened to the wonderful singing and laughed at the stupid fish. Haha, these fools traded their voices for an outfit. That is why fish cannot speak, but only open their mouths and blow bubbles.

People saw the fish, they wanted them to live at home, for this they were placed in an aquarium, and so that they would not get bored, they created conditions close to their usual habitat.

We will try to draw beautiful fish, but first we will prepare the aquarium. Let's draw the soil, and to make it beautiful, we'll throw in a few colored small pebbles, we need them so that algae does not float up.

Fish need algae; they rest on it at night. There are different types of algae.

(Children look at algae on the board)

Using an interactive board, the teacher reminds children of the elements and sequence of drawing a fish.

Children draw a fish on glass, then dip the paper in a bowl of water and make an impression of the fish.

Educator: The aquarium is ready, now you can add fish.

These are the beautiful, mischievous fish we got.


Analysis of drawings: children choose the brightest, most active fish, tell how they drew their drawing, and what they used for it.

Appendix 3

Summary of a lesson in a preparatory school group on the formation of elementary mathematical representations on the topic "An old fairy tale in a new way"

Program content:

  1. Teach children to count the number of objects depending on a geometric figure (cubes) in ascending order.
  2. Continue learning to count in ascending order from 2 to 7 and descending from 7 to 1.
  3. To consolidate children's knowledge and skills in composing numbers between numbers in the natural series (more than 2 and less than 5, etc.).
  4. Improve children's spatial navigation skills (the use of screens on which indicate the location of geometric shapes and signs +; -, =) as directed by the teacher.
  5. To develop children's memory, attention, and logical thinking.
  6. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Once upon a time there lived a man. This guy had a cat, and he was so lazy, he didn’t like going to school. So the man kicked him out of the house. A cat is walking through the forest, and a fox meets him. I saw a cat and was surprised: “How many years have I lived in the forest, I have never seen such an animal!”

Fox: - Tell me, good fellow, who are you?

Cat: - My name is Kotofey Ivanovich, I came to you from the Siberian forests with a check.

The fox invited Kotofey Ivanovich to visit her, began to feed him and ask questions. The next day the fox went to get supplies, but the cat stayed at home. The fox ran and ran and caught the rooster. She carries it home, and a wolf meets her:

Wolf: Stop, fox! Give me the rooster!

Lisa: No, I won’t give it up.

Wolf: Well, I'll take it myself.

Fox: And I’ll tell Kotofey Ivanovich, he’ll show you

Wolf: Who is Ivanovich the cat?

Fox: Didn’t you hear that you came to us from the Siberian forests, you came to check.

Wolf: How should I look at him?

Lisa: Ugh! Kotofey Ivanovich is so angry with me. Who doesn't he like?

He'll eat it now! Here's an envelope for you, there's a task in it, once you've completed it, come take a look.

Envelope 1.

  1. Count the cubes (3 tasks).
  2. Arrange the houses in ascending order from 2 to 7.
  3. Solve the examples and arrange the trailers in descending order.

Educator: The next day the fox went into the forest again for supplies, and a bear met her.

Bear: Where are you going, fox?

Fox: Go ahead, bear, I’ll get you well, otherwise I’ll tell Kotofey Ivanovich, he’ll eat you.

Bear: Who is Kotofey Ivanovich?

Fox: Ah, who came to us from the Siberian forests with a check.

Bear: I'm afraid of inspections

Fox: But then you solve the problems, and I’ll put in a good word for you.

Here's an envelope with a task for you, if you can't do it yourself, guys.

In kindergarten, ask them to help you, they are smart, they know everything.

And put the envelope with the answers to the assignments in the most visible place.

place, and hide yourself so that Kotofey Ivanovich doesn’t

I saw it, otherwise you'll have a hard time!

Educator: The bear went to the kindergarten to ask the children for help, and the fox went home.

Envelope 2.

  1. Put the number in the basket (3 tasks0
  2. Orientation in space (work on screens)

Physical education minute

Educator: On the third day the fox went for supplies, and a hare met her

Fox: Here, bunny, I’ll catch you.

Hare: Don't touch me, fox, I'm in a hurry.

Lisa: Yes, I’m not trying for myself, but for Kotofey Ivanovich.

Hare: Who is Kotofey Ivanovich?

Fox: Don't you know, he came from the Siberian forests to check.

Hare: Little Fox, you should introduce me to him, I would come to an agreement with him.

Fox: Once you complete the task, I’ll introduce you to him.

Hare: I’ll run to the kids in kindergarten, they have classes now, they will help me.

Envelope 3

Find a pattern (paint the balls, lay out the fence)

Shade the geometric shapes

Play with the circle

Color in the pieces on the board

The wolf, bear and hare put the envelopes in the most visible place, and hid themselves. Kotofey Ivanovich is walking with a fox. I saw envelopes lying under a bush, and he jumped. And all the animals were sitting in the bushes, and so that they could not be seen with leaves and covered themselves with branches, the bear got tired of sitting, he began to move, the leaves rustled. And when the cat jumped, I thought it was a mouse, the bear jumped up and started to run away, and everyone else followed him, they ran and didn’t feel the ground. Fox: - Run, run, no matter how he kills you!...

Educator: Wait a minute, all the animals have become afraid of the cat. And the cat and the fox spent the whole winter studying mathematics, solving problems, and checking the children’s answers.


It all starts from childhood

all in your hands

Profession: teacher

Professional interests: Formation of a development environment in sensory development children of primary preschool age

Hobbies: growing indoor flowers - Uzumbara violet, cross stitch

A country: Russia

Region: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Locality: Purpe village, Purovsky district, Tyumen region.

It's never too late to learn

Using a computer in a preschool educational institution: pros and cons


  1. Peculiarities of using a computer in working with preschoolers...................................................... ...............................3
  2. Requirements for a teacher teaching classes in a computer and gaming complex…………………………………………………………...4
  3. Capabilities of computer programs………………………….5
  4. Negative consequences of preschool children working on a computer………………………………………………………......6




The topic of introducing technical and automation tools into the educational sphere in general and into preschool educational institutions in particular has become especially relevant these days.

Currently everything higher value has early identification and development of abilities of preschool children. The computer has become a common item in the home. Considering its wide capabilities and advantages, it can be assumed that every year it will be used more and more widely, and the age of users will decrease.

Children today spend more and more time at the computer. The attitude of adults to this is different: some prefer a complete ban, while others allow their child to use it uncontrollably. Is it possible to find a middle ground on how to help a child learn to benefit from a computer? What dangers may our children encounter when interacting with him and what should we do to prevent them? These issues are gradually being resolved, but still do not lose their relevance.

1. Features of using a computer in working with preschoolers.

The computer, being the most modern instrument for information processing, can serve as a powerful technical teaching tool and play the role of an indispensable assistant in the education and general mental development of preschool children.

Psychologists note: the earlier a child gets acquainted with a computer, the smaller the psychological barrier between him and the machine, since the child has practically no fear of technology. Why? Yes, because a computer is attractive to children, like any new toy, and that is exactly how they look at it in most cases. Communication between preschool children and computers begins with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age and educational focus.

Today even kids are sitting at the computer! If this happens in kindergarten, then they won’t let you sit at the computer a lot. But at home they are practically uncontrollable. As a result, by the evening the child is excited, irritated, and uncontrollable. And when he finally falls asleep, he sleeps poorly: he wakes up endlessly, waking up his parents. Their surprise is great when they find out that the culprit is their favorite computer. (8.s14)

Considering the question at what age to start preparing children for a computerized future, E. Zvorygina, N. Tarlovskaya point out that a child can get involved in playing on a computer only if various types of activities are developed in a timely manner: subject-related productive, gaming, musical, constructive, visual etc. They are basic for the formation of one or another type of action. 1.p.25

One of essential functions computer games are educational.

Computer games are designed in such a way that a child can imagine not a single concept or a specific situation, but get a generalized idea of ​​all similar objects or situations. Thus he develops such important operations thinking as generalization and classification.

When playing on a computer, a child early begins to understand that the objects on the screen are not real things, but only signs of these real things. Thus, children begin to develop the so-called sign function of consciousness, that is, the understanding that there are several levels of the world around us - these are real things, and pictures, diagrams, words or numbers, etc.

As children study on computers, their memory and attention improve. Children at an early age have involuntary attention, that is, they cannot consciously try to remember this or that material. And if the material is bright and meaningful, the child involuntarily pays attention to it. And here the computer is simply irreplaceable, as it transmits information in a form that is attractive to the child, which not only speeds up the memorization of the content, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

Children's computer activities are of great importance not only for the development of intelligence, but also for the development of their motor skills. In any games, from the simplest to the most complex, children need to learn to press certain keys with their fingers, which develops the fine muscles of the hands and motor skills of children. Scientists note that the more we make small and complex movements with our fingers, the more parts of the brain are involved in the work. Like the hands, the eyes also have a very large representation in the cerebral cortex. The more closely we look at what we are working on, the more benefits our brain will have. This is why developing motor coordination and coordination is so important joint activities visual and motor analyzers, which is successfully achieved in children’s classes on computers.6.P.74

Communication with computers arouses keen interest in children, first as a play activity, and then as an educational activity. This interest underlies the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention, and it is these qualities that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school.

Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, control the execution of actions, and evaluate results. Thanks to the computer, learning to set goals, plan, control and evaluate the results of a child’s independent activities becomes effective, through a combination of play and non-play moments. The child enters into the plot of the games, assimilates their rules, subordinating his actions to them, and strives to achieve results. In addition, almost all games have their own heroes who need to be helped to complete the task. Thus, the computer helps to develop not only the child’s intellectual abilities, but also cultivates strong-willed qualities such as independence, composure, concentration, perseverance, and also introduces the child to empathy, helping the heroes of the games, thereby enriching his attitude to the world around him.2 .p.68

2. Requirements for a teacher teaching classes in a computer and gaming complex

The leading role in learning is played by the teacher, he poses the problem, determines the objectives of the lesson, the pace, and the computer can act as an adviser, companion, student.

From the very beginning, the presentation of programs to children was carried out within the framework of comprehensive management of the game (E. V. Zvorygina). Working with children includes four parts:

2. Educational game on the computer.

3. Problematic communication with each student during the game.

4. Implementation of newly acquired (after playing on the computer) impressions in children’s amateur play in the playroom (based on modules and other toys), as well as in kindergarten and family settings in different types of games: independent, creative, role-playing, plot-based, directing, didactic, moving, etc.; in different types of children’s activities - in communication with adults and peers, visual, constructive, labor.

As part of this method, special guidelines were developed for each computer game.

The experience of working with children in the CIC has convincingly shown that in the conditions of an integrated method of managing computer games, their developmental essence can be effectively realized.

Working with children is the leading section of the work of a CEC teacher. It requires great pedagogical skill, the ability to see each child and simultaneously manage the play of an entire subgroup of children.

At the same time, the teacher must perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics (the specifics of the technical rules for operating with each of them). The structure of each game has its own characteristics. A lesson with one subgroup, including children’s activities at the computer, educational conversation, games, eye exercises, etc., lasts from 35 to 50 minutes. In this case, children can be behind the screen for no more than 15 - 20 minutes. Considering that no more than 7 - 10 people are engaged at the same time, it takes at least 2 - 3 hours to serve one age group. Only a master teacher can bear such a load and correctly use the computer as a powerful means of individualized influence on the intellectual, emotional and moral development every baby. In KIC you need to work creatively. The main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its game content for the development, for example, of memory, thinking, imagination, and speech in a particular child. And this can be achieved if the baby himself carries out the entire program with pleasure. A teacher of an authoritarian type, a performer cannot work in the KIK. A CEC teacher is always a researcher. He skillfully shifts attention from the child’s behavior (his actions, emotional manifestations, speech) on the results obtained during the game (images on computer screens), encouraging him to independently search for ways and achieve the goals set in the game.

Organizational and methodological work includes the design and maintenance of documentation that helps plan computer games, taking into account their content and potential opportunities children of different age groups. The kindergarten has drawn up a clear schedule for children's classes in the CEC for the week. Lessons with each age group are held once a week, with 7 - 8 children studying at the same time. Mostly they work individually. Sometimes the content of a computer game requires children to play in pairs. For example, in the games “Space”, “Cube Game”, “Matryoshka”, the players must act as partners. At individual organization It is better for a beginner to play computer games with a child who can explain how to play. Children should not be prohibited from playing in pairs if they want and know how to act together. Together they plan their actions and achieve interesting solutions.

Particularly noteworthy is the work of the teacher in decorating the CEC room and changing the subject-play environment in it, depending on the content of the upcoming lesson with children. Sometimes it is necessary to bring new objects, for example, a globe before the game “Climate”, sometimes to prepare new manuals, pictures, records, cassettes for listening to music, to free up the entire playing space so that children can, for example, build the necessary structures from large environment-forming models, etc. :

In kindergarten, the principle of developmental education is implemented and differentiated forms of organizing classes are used using computers, special gaming equipment and video equipment. Based on the thematic annual plan of his group, each teacher carries out weekly planning and, depending on the program objectives and the composition of the group of children, decides how and where he will implement educational tasks: on excursions, in the video salon, in individual, subgroup or frontal lessons in group, in a computer and gaming complex. Frontal exercises with this approach they are reduced to a minimum. Preference is given to individually focused training. The computer helps the child become more active, more independent, and more fully reveal his or her individuality. 13

3.Possibilities of computer programs.

One of the current trends in research on the computerization of education is the solution of a set of problems associated with the development and use of computer programs in the education of preschool children.1.p.23

Many researchers (O. Horwitz, O. Tarakanov, etc.) consider a computer as a toy. For example, O. Tarakanova believes that the computer is the best toy today, because it is he who can serve as a unique intermediary between real world child, allowing you to consider any situation in the real and even fantasy world. (2.p.154)

A.V. Leontovich considers the following to be the most interesting programs that can be used for the development of a child:

Firstly, this computer presentations, who have their own very interesting language: laconic, figurative, almost artistic, perfectly structured and, most importantly, with extremely simple means.

Secondly, this is the creation of your own websites, services, and Photoshop programs for photo editing.

Thirdly, these are game programs.8.p.15

As E. Zvorygina points out, computer programs with role-playing methods for solving game problems encourage the child to put himself in the place of another, help the character overcome obstacles, and rejoice at his successes. An example of the plot of such games can be folk tales and other works of folklore.1.p.23

The listed programs help create an emotional artistic product. It should be noted that at the same time the computer develops in young users such qualities as neatness, accuracy, rationality, and organization.

As a result of the study, T. Khrizman and E. Vasilyeva conclude that computer games help preschoolers become more active, more independent, and reveal their individuality (1.p.25).

Another valuable aspect of preparing a child for school with the help of computer programs is introducing the child to research work. Computer games and programs are designed in such a way that the process of mastering them encourages the child to try, check, clarify, draw conclusions, and adjust their actions in accordance with the current situation. Computer games teach you to do this quite quickly, and success in mastering gaming programs in preschool age will certainly yield results in the rapid and effective development of applied programs at school. Hours and days spent on educational computer games are quite capable of saving months of work on mastering complex software systems in the future.

And finally, such an important aspect as social adaptation child to school, his relationships with future classmates. It should be noted that children’s achievements in computer science game programs do not go unnoticed by themselves and others. Children feel more confident and their self-esteem increases. Even timid and uncommunicative kids begin to actively share their impressions and achievements in mastering the computer world. They tell stories, discuss stories seen on the monitor, and play role-playing games that are interrelated in content with computer games. At home, in the yard, in preschool institution Children with dignity tell their friends about all the “intricacies” of working on a computer, which acts as an effective way of self-affirmation and increasing their own prestige. Mastering a computer has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s personality and gives him a higher social status.3.p.93

4.Negative consequences of preschool children working on a computer

The most important thing is to know how a computer affects a child’s body and how much time a child can spend in front of a monitor without harm to health. There are four main harmful factors: stress on vision, cramped posture, stress on the psyche, radiation. (8.с20)

Eye strain

This is the first and most main factor. Prolonged work on a computer leads to visual fatigue, which, in turn, can lead to a decrease in visual acuity. A child of senior preschool age can spend no more than 10-25 minutes at the computer, after which it is necessary to take a break and do some eye exercises. If your child has vision problems, he can only sit at the monitor wearing glasses. A child should not work at a computer in the dark.

With a competent approach and organization of the child’s workplace, nothing threatens his vision. 7.p.39

Constricted posture

Sitting at the computer, the child looks with a certain distance on the screen while keeping your hands on the keyboard or controls. This forces him to take a certain position and not change it until the end of the game. The baby's hands should be at the level of the elbows, and the wrists should be on the support bar. It is also necessary to maintain a right angle (90 degrees) in the joint area.

Mental stress

The third most important factor is the load on the child’s psyche. The computer requires no less concentration than driving a car. Interesting games require enormous tension, which practically does not exist in normal conditions. This area is still little studied, since modern multimedia technology has appeared only recently. And yet the mental load can be reduced. The easiest for children to perceive is a static, large color image accompanied by sound. It is safe enough to look at pictures or photographs accompanied by narrated text. Drawing on a computer is worse for the psyche and for the eyes: here the sound does not play a distracting role, and all the work is done by the eyes. By straining his vision, the baby strains himself. All this happens while reading text from the screen, so searching for information on the Internet needs to be measured. And finally, the real pests are games that contain images moving at high speed and small elements. Overwork and tension child's body It is very difficult to remove after such long games.


Initially, everyone is afraid of radiation from a computer monitor. But L.A. Leonov and L.V. Makarova believe that modern monitors have all safety measures: in particular, the monitor does not produce what is called radiation (gamma rays and neutrons) at all. There are simply no devices with such high energy. Also, the system unit does not emit anything. Nowhere in the apartment does dust accumulate as fast as on the computer desk. The fact is that the cathode ray tube of a kinescope has a potential 100 times higher than the voltage in the network. The potential itself is not dangerous, but it is created between the display screen and the face of the person sitting in front of it, and accelerates the dust particles deposited on the screen to enormous speeds. And these specks of dust naturally fly in all directions and settle on the computer desk and the child’s face. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly reduce the amount of dust in the room through wet cleaning. And a baby who gets up from the computer desk should be washed with cool water or wiped with a damp cloth.

The use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of a young child quite simple and effective, will free you from routine manual work, and will open up new opportunities for early education.7.p.57


Whether we like it or not, the computer is gradually becoming a common attribute of everyday life, and, probably, trying to artificially limit the child’s ability to “communicate” with this object is unsuccessful.

Using a computer as an assistant in preparing a preschooler for school is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness and develops the child comprehensively.

The conclusion is obvious: everything is good in moderation, and every person should know what is harmful and destructive for him, and what is beneficial. Adults need to focus their energy not on fighting the computer, but on raising their child correct attitude to the computer, so that the computer takes its rightful place in his life, along with books, music, painting, cinema, communication with friends and with smart, understanding adults.


  1. Vakhrusheva L.N. Educational tales of mathematical content for preschoolers Text: Guidelines for pedagogical students universities / Comp. L.N.Vakhrusheva.- Kirov: VSPU, 2001.-32
  2. Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., et al. New information technologies in preschool education [Text]: textbook for universities / Yu.M. Horwitz, L.D. Chainova et al. - M.: LINKA-IIPESS, 1998 - 280 p.
  3. Horwitz Y., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. [Text]/Yu.Gorvits, L.Pozdnyak// magazine Preschool Education. - 1991. - No. 5 - p. 92-95.
  4. Guryev S.V. Using a computer in the educational process of preschool children.
  5. Zubrilin A.A. Game component in teaching computer science [Text]/ A.A. Zubrilin//Informatics in primary education. -2001.- No. 3, p. 3 – 16
  6. Kalinina T.V. Specialization “New information technologies in preschool childhood” [Text] / T.V. Kalinina // magazine - Preschool educational institution management. – 2008. - No. 6
  7. Karalashvili: E. Exercises for the health of children 6-7 years old [Text] / E. Karalashvili // Preschool Education magazine. 2002.- No. 6, pp. 39 - 41.
  8. Leonov L.A., Makarova L.V. Child's health and computer [Text] L.A. Leonov // Vinograd magazine - 2010. No. 4 – P.20.
  9. Motorin V. Educational capabilities of computer games [Text] / V. Motorin// magazine. Preschool education, 2000.- No. 11, p. 53 - 57.
  10. Novoselova S.L., Petku G.P. Computer world of a preschooler [Text] / S.L. Novoselova // - M.: New School, 1997.
  11. Petrova E. Educational computer games [Text] / E. Petrova // magazine Preschool Education, 2000.- No. 8, p. 60 - 68.
  12. Fedorovich L.A. Information technology in educational process training of future speech therapists [Text] / L.A. Fedorovich//Speech therapist in kindergarten.-2005. – No. 5-6 (8-9).

About Me

I have been working in kindergarten for 19 years (of which 10 years as a physical education instructor). I love my job very much, and I love my children even more. Married, three girls, the youngest will go to first grade. I’m studying in absentia at the Vyat GSU in Kirov, to become the head of a preschool educational institution, but I’ll remain working as a teacher, that’s what I decided.

Books that shaped my inner world

book "Mind and Heart"

My view of the world

The kindergarten group is the first children's society where there are favorable conditions for the formation of social qualities and the principles of collectivism.

In play, children learn to communicate with each other and the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of others. The game contributes to the development of the child’s voluntary behavior. The mechanism of controlling one’s behavior and obeying the rules develops precisely in a role-playing game, and then manifests itself in other types of activities (for example, in educational activities).

Game activity, as proven by A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, is not invented by the child, but is given to him by an adult who teaches the child to play, introduces him to socially established methods of play actions (how to use a toy, substitute objects, other means of embodying the image; perform conventional actions, build a plot, obey the rules, etc. .).

It is through play that a child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. At the same time, the game is the basis creative development child.

My achievements

I successfully graduated from VyatGU in 2012, passed certification for category 1 in 2013, and in 2014 entered the management personnel reserve for the Purovsky district.

In 2015, she took part in the regional professional skills competition "Teacher of the Year - 215" and became a laureate in the category "Teacher of the Year"

My portfolio

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"DS OV "Beryozka" p. Purpe, Purovsky district

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Characteristics of children's behavior

during the adaptation period"

Prepared the consultation

teacher Stepanova L.Yu.

Peculiarities of children's behavior

during the adaptation period

Not all children cry when entering the group. Many people come to the group confidently, carefully examine their surroundings, and find something to do on their own. Others do this with less confidence, but also do not show much concern. They carefully observe the teacher and carry out the actions she suggests. Both children calmly say goodbye to their relatives, who bring them to kindergarten, and go to the group. For example, a child, parting with his mother, looking into her eyes, asks: “Do you love me?” Having received an answer, he goes to the group. He approaches the teacher, looks into her eyes, but does not dare to ask a question. The teacher gently strokes his head, smiles, shows attention, then the child feels happy. He relentlessly follows the teacher, imitates his actions. The child’s behavior shows that he feels the need to communicate with adults, to receive affection and attention from him. And this need is satisfied by the teacher, in whom the child finds a kind loved one.

Some children, having quickly adjusted to the new group environment, know how to keep themselves busy. They do not constantly follow the teacher, but if necessary, calmly and confidently turn to him. Only for the first time in their behavior is some confusion and anxiety noticeable.

If a child who was brought to kindergarten for the first time does not want to stay in the group without his mother, then the teacher invites the mother to stay with the child in the group. Feeling that the mother is not going to leave, the child begins to pay attention to his surroundings. After a long observation, he plays with toys, looks at beautiful dolls, and finally decides to take one of them himself. In a close person he sees support, protection from the unknown and at the same time an opportunity with his help to get to know the world around him.

As you can see, children entering a child care institution behave differently. The characteristics of their behavior are largely determined by the needs that had developed by the time they joined the group.

Approximately three groups of children can be distinguished according to their inherent differences in behavior and need for communication (in accordance with this, adaptation groups will be further determined).

The first group is children who have a predominant need to communicate with close adults, expecting only attention, affection, kindness, and information about their surroundings from them.

The second group are children who have already developed a need to communicate not only with loved ones, but also with other adults, to act together with them and to receive information about the environment from them.

The third group are children who feel the need for active independent actions. If before entering kindergarten the child was constantly with his mother or grandmother, then in the morning, when he is brought to kindergarten, it is difficult to part with his family. Then he waits all day for their arrival, cries, refuses any offers from the teacher, and does not want to play with the children. He does not sit down at the table, protests against eating, against going to bed, and this repeats day after day.

Crying when a loved one leaves, cries like: “I want to go home!”, “Where is my mother?”, a negative attitude towards the staff, towards the children of the group, towards offers to play - and intense joy when the mother (grandmother or other family member) returns are bright an indicator that the child has not developed the need to communicate with strangers.

When entering a child care facility, it is mainly children who cry who can be conditionally classified in the first group (the need to communicate only with close people).

They deeply experience separation from loved ones, because... They have no experience communicating with strangers and are not ready to come into contact with them.

As a rule, the narrower the social circle in the family, the longer it takes for the child to adapt to kindergarten.

Children conditionally assigned to the second group, before entering kindergarten, gained experience communicating with adults who are not family members. This is the experience of communicating with distant relatives and neighbors. Having come to the group, they constantly observe the teacher, imitate his actions, and ask questions. While the teacher is nearby, the child is calm, but he is afraid of children and keeps his distance from them. Such children, if the teacher does not pay attention to them, may find themselves at a loss, they begin to cry and have memories of loved ones.

In children of the third group, the need for active independent actions and communication with adults is clearly identified.

In practice, there are often cases when a child comes to the group calmly in the first days, chooses toys on his own and begins to play with them. But, having received, for example, a remark from a teacher for this, he sharply and negative side changes his behavior.

Consequently, when the content of communication between the teacher and the child satisfies the needs in him, this communication is formed successfully, the child painlessly gets used to the living conditions in kindergarten. Difficulties in adaptation arise in cases where a child encounters misunderstanding and attempts are made to involve him in communication, the content of which does not meet his interests, desires, or experience.

Children conditionally classified as the first group can, under favorable conditions, quickly reach the level of communication characteristic of children of the second and even third group, etc.

As the child gets used to the conditions of kindergarten, the content and communication skills expand. The change in the content of the need for communication during the period of adaptation occurs approximately in three stages:

Stage I – the need to communicate with close adults as the need to receive affection, attention and information about the environment from them;

Stage II – the need to communicate with adults as a need for cooperation and obtaining new information about the environment;

Stage III – the need to communicate with adults educational topics and in active independent actions.

Children of the first group practically have to go through all three stages. At the first stage, their need is for affection, attention, a request to be picked up, etc. difficult to satisfy in a group setting. Therefore, adaptation of such children takes a long time, with complications (from 20 days to 2-3 months).

The teacher’s task is to create maximum conditions in order to bring the child to the second stage of habituation.

With the transition to the second stage, the child will become more likely to need to cooperate with an adult and receive information about the environment from him. The duration of this stage also depends on how completely and timely this need will be satisfied.

The third stage of habituation for children of the first group is characterized by the fact that communication takes on an initiative character. The child constantly turns to an adult, chooses toys independently and plays with them. This ends the period of adaptation of the child to the conditions of public education.

Children of the second group go through two stages in the process of adaptation (from 7 to 10–20 days). And for children of the third group, who from the first days feel the need for active independent actions and communication with adults on educational topics, the final stage is the first, and therefore they get used to it faster than others (from 2-3 to 7-10).

If there is no appropriately organized communication and play activity of the newly admitted child, his adaptation will not only be delayed, but will also be complicated. That is why the teacher needs to know the characteristic features of children and the stages of their adaptation. How correctly the teacher determines the need that determines the child’s behavior will create the necessary conditions, contributing to the satisfaction of the need, will depend on the nature and duration of the child’s adaptation. If the teacher does not take into account what needs determine the child’s behavior, his pedagogical influences will be unsystematic and random in nature.

As noted, communication activities have their own content and stages of development. However, in the process of addiction, it is not age that is of decisive importance, but the development of forms of communication. Thus, children of the first group, regardless of age, at the first stage of adaptation certainly need direct emotional communication, and only at the second stage of adaptation - in situationally effective ones. Therefore, the teacher must select appropriate means of communication: smile, affection, attention, gesture, facial expressions, etc. - at the first stage. Demonstration of an action, exercise in it, joint actions with a child, assignments, etc. - at the second stage.

Natalia Samoilenko
ICT in working with children of senior preschool age

Use of modern information technologies in training and development preschoolers is currently one of the priority and widely studied areas (Yu. M. Gorvits, N. A. Zvorygina, I. V. Ivanova, L. A. Leonova, etc.). A number of researchers (Lomov B.F., Lyaudis V.Ya., Novoselova S.L., Petku G.P., Pashilite I.Yu., etc.) in their works noted that the use of ICT tools and computer gaming tools in modern preschool education is one of the most important factors in increasing the efficiency of the child’s learning and development process.

Due to modern society makes new demands on the generation entering life, along with traditional gaming technologies Currently, a large number of multimedia electronic games have appeared. The modern child’s need for multimedia games is quite great, so the motives for this type of activity are high.

During gaming activities preschooler, enriched with computer tools, mental new formations arise (theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children. In children senior preschool age in the process of gaming activity, interest in educational activities begins to form, and gaming motivation gradually shifts to educational activities.

As the child knows - preschooler is not always able to concentrate his attention during the entire training session on its content. Attention is nearby properties: concentration, switchability, stability. Multimedia games allow a child to train these properties of attention in a playful way, which will allow him to be more diligent and focused in the future, which is important for studying at school. ICTs carry a figurative type of information that is understandable to children who do not yet have a perfect command of reading and writing techniques.

Games that are interesting for children are activities designed in the form of a quiz. Preschoolers willingly answer questions; the answers, appearing on the screen, are accompanied by bright pictures. Quizzes allow a child to systematize knowledge and develop memory.

With the help of multimedia games, we organize educational and gaming activities, during which the child’s interest in solving problems independently increases. Cognitive ability develops, which determines the child’s readiness to assimilate and use knowledge (readiness for school). To participate in these games, as in any creative activity You will need intelligence, resourcefulness, and the ability to reason - the child acquires all these qualities during games.

Against the backdrop of a positive emotional atmosphere during direct educational activities, preschoolers interest in the material being studied has increased, due to the high dynamics, the assimilation of the material is more effective, attention and memory are trained, and actively replenished lexicon, dedication and concentration are fostered, imagination and creative abilities are developed.

Importance of ICT use in development preschoolers

In the conditions of modern development of society and production, it is impossible to imagine a world without information resources, no less significant than material, energy and labor. Modern information space requires computer skills not only in primary school, but also in preschool childhood.

Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early education. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child’s abilities.

Unlike conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The ability of a computer to simultaneously reproduce information in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, remember and process data at enormous speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. All this places qualitatively new demands on preschool education is the first link of lifelong education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay the potential for enriched development of the child’s personality.

Therefore, into the system preschool education and training it is necessary to introduce information technologies. Practice has shown that this significantly increases children's interest in activities, the level of cognitive capabilities increases.

The use of new unusual methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases children’s involuntary attention and helps develop voluntary attention. Information technologies provide a person-oriented approach. The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for familiarization. In addition, at preschoolers the same program material must be repeated many times, and the variety of presentation forms is of great importance.

Outside of class, computer games help consolidate children's knowledge; they can be used for individual lessons with children who are ahead of their peers in intellectual development or lagging behind them; for the development of mental abilities necessary for intellectual activities: perception, attention, memory, thinking, development of fine motor skills.

Computer programs teach independence and develop self-control skills. Young children require more help when completing tasks and step-by-step confirmation of their actions, and automated control of correctness frees up the teacher’s time for parallel work. working with other children.

The computer can enter a child's life through play. Game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impressions, displayed in the social form of game methods of action, game signs that acquire meaning in the semantic field of games. The child discovers the ability to endow neutral (up to a certain level) object with game value in the semantic field of the game. It is this ability that is the most important psychological basis for introducing it into the game. preschooler computer as a gaming tool.

During gaming activities preschooler, enriched with computer tools, mental new formations arise (theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children.

Compared to traditional forms of training preschoolers the computer has a number benefits:

presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children;

carries a figurative type of information that is understandable preschoolers;

movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time;

problematic tasks, encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

provides the opportunity to individualize training;

the child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

in the course of his activities at the computer preschooler gains self-confidence in the fact that he can do a lot;

allows you to simulate such life situations that are not allowed see V Everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);

The computer is very “patient”, never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

3. Preserving children's health when working with a computer.

Talking about using a computer young children, the question arises about maintaining health and vision. It is reasonable to limit the time spent on PC activities, but involuntary attention in children of this very little age(10-15 minutes, so, as a rule, children cannot stay at the computer for a long time. A normally developing child in this age he moves 70-80% of his waking hours, so for now the question of “staying” at the computer is not relevant.

So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of an early child age quite simple and effective, will free you from routine manual work, will open up new opportunities for early education.


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