Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Folk sayings and proverbs. Proverbs for children

Folk proverbs and saying

1. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.
2. By the water, but without water.
3. Old love is better than new.
4. The fish rots from the head.
5. God is not Timoshka, he knows a little.
6. Don't look ahead to see how God will lead. God is not Afonka.
7. God has many miracles.
8. Dog - dog death.
9. Business time - fun hour.
10. Our Ratchet has ripened everywhere.
11. Do not beat, so ride.
12. You can’t please everyone, you’ll only hurt yourself.
13. God saves the safe.
14. The hair is long, but the mind is short.
15. Don't wave your fists after a fight.
16. What fell from the cart is gone. Babu from the cart, the mare is easier.
17. Daughter-in-law in revenge.
18. Call it a pot, just don't put it in the stove.
19. Drink less, but have your own.
20. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
21. In one place, a pebble is overgrown.
22. Love evil and love a goat.
23. big ship, great swimming.
24. A healthy poor man is happier than a sick millionaire.
25. The more you eat, the more diseases.
26. With a knife and fork, we dig our own grave.
27. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
28. Do not change the awl for soap.
29. What a wife does not like, that husband should not eat.
30. The less you know, the better you sleep.
31. And there is a hole in the old woman.
32. Do not share the skin of an unkilled bear.
33. Let's sit in rows, let's talk amicably.
34. Mind is good, two is better.
35. If you took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty.
36. Do not spit in the well - you will need some water to drink.
37. They ate, drank, had fun, but in the morning they shed tears.
38. It is not enough to crow, it is necessary to ensure the dawn.
39. No matter how much the rope twists, there will still be an end.
40. A brand new novelty in an old belly.
41. Dirty, but cowardly.
42. You don’t drink tea, what strength - you drank tea, completely weakened.
43. Do not put close - do not lead the thief into sin.
44. Comb - business card sluts.
45. My tongue is my enemy.
46. ​​Even the sun does not shine equally for everyone.
47. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
48. You can't see the forest for the trees.
49. The sandpiper succeeded in his lifetime.
50. Don't cut the branch you're sitting on
51. Water drives water.
52. The weather whispers, borrow and drink
53. Softly lay - hard to sleep.
54. Laziness, laziness - open the door. I'm on fire and won't open.
55. What is in the cradle, such is in the coffin.
56. Neither at home nor on the field.
57. Marked in a basket, but hit the window.
58. You can’t put a scarf on every mouth.
59. On the thief and the hat is on fire.
60. Every vegetable has its time.
61. Not the gold that glitters.
62. We see a mote in someone else's eye, but we don't see a log in our own.
63. What we have, we do not store, we lose - we cry.
64. From prison, but from the bag - do not promise.
65. Fear has big eyes.
66. For this, the wolf is in the forest, so that the hare does not doze off.
67. For this, there is a pike in the pond, so that the crucian is afraid.
68. They don’t go to Tula with their own samovar.
69. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
70. What is good for Tuesday is not always good for Wednesday.
71. Whatever happens - the woman is to blame.
72. I will sort out someone else's misfortune with my hands, but I will not apply my mind to my own.
73. Not by beating, so by skating.
74. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
75. Two, three are not like one.
76. Why go seven miles to slurp jelly.
77. Beat the fool with three fists, but the fool is still the same.
78. Do not clap with one hand. (Chinese proverb).
79. Neither fish nor meat.
80. No matter how necks, but the end of the knot is visible.
81. What is good for a Russian is death for a German.
82. Miracles in a sieve.
83. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain.
84. You won't be forced to be nice.
85. A pitcher got into the habit of walking on water, not to put his head down there, but there he would be full.
86. Hit or miss.
87. The hut is not red with corners, it is red with pies.
88. Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.
89. Tears of grief will not help.
90. A fly in the ointment will ruin a barrel of honey.
91. Strike while the iron is hot.
92. Dear testicle on Christ's day.
93. Road spoon to dinner.
94. A birch will not be born from a Christmas tree.
95. Seven Fridays in a week.
96. Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.
97. What you sow, you will reap.
98. Do not drink water from your face.
99. And even if she didn’t milk, if only she walked around the yard well.
100. The hut is red in the corners, and the life of a person is in deeds.
101. Life is not a field to pass.
102. What kind of radish pulled out, that one and gnaw.
103. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.
104. A boot is looking for a boot, and a bast shoe is a bast shoe.
105. The hair is long, but the mind is short.
106. Small spool, but expensive.
107. Bad little man, but a vegetable garden.
108. Bad, yes guy, good, yes girl.
109. Project a stump on a red day, so it is good.
110. Take your time at home, hurry on the road.
111. Make a fool pray to God, so he will hurt his forehead.
112. Not everything is done willingly, but even in captivity.
113. Not everything that glitters is gold.
114. One field berry.
115. They cut branches for themselves.
116. Whoever has a white bench has a naked shirt.
117. Chickens are counted in the fall.
118. Husband and wife, one Satan.
119. A bird is good with feathers, and a wife is a husband.
120. Not a mutilation for a year, it would be a human body.
121. Burnt with milk - blow on water.
122. Patience and work will grind everything.
123. If the woodpecker did not have a nose, who would know him in the forest.
124. You won't be rich soon, you'll soon be full.
125. You can see a bird in flight.
126. Big ship, big voyage.
127. Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky.
128. Not everything is carnival for the cat, and Great Lent will come.
129. He laughs well who laughs last.
130. Laughter for no reason, a sign of a fool.
131. For every wise man, enough simplicity.
132. The forest is cut down, the chips fly.
133. All the bumps fall on poor Makar.
134. Forest is cut, chips fly.
135. Daughters say: "Do not dress like an icicle, speak half-mouth, look half-eye."
136. A goose is not a comrade to a pig.
137. You look like a ram at a new gate.
138. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
139. Good Masha, but not ours.
140. Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.
141. Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not soon done.
142. If you release from a sparrow, you will find yourself with a cow.
143. There is strength - mind is not needed.
144. Do not do good, you will not receive evil.
145. And I don’t am myself, and I won’t give it to anyone.
146. What is natural is not ugly.
147. In autumn: a day wets - a week dries. In the spring: a week wets - a day dries.
148. Road spoon to dinner.
149. Not knowing the ford, rush into the water.
150. Horses are not changed at the crossing.
151. To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear.
152. Cat from home - mice dance.
153. Those who have ears, let them hear.
154. The new is born in pain.
155. Where they are going to sin, the priest is not called.
156. The worse, the better. (Chinese proverb).
157. An early guest is good before dinner.
158. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
159. Returning is a bad omen.
160. The road that starts in the rain is happy.
161. To shit and give birth - you can’t wait.
162. Do not roll, do not eat.
163. In girls longer - married shorter.
164. The bitch will not want, the male will not jump up.
165. To visit, only to bring guests.
166. Woe, woe is husband Gregory, but even thin, but Ivan.
167. A miser pays twice.
168. A cat scratches its back.
169. Do not think ahead how God will bring.
170. If there was a cow, but a chicken, the fool would cook.
171. You are going to die, but to give birth is now.
172. Secret always becomes clear.
173. An egg does not teach a chicken.
174. Sleep is weightless, food is a habit.
175. Lots of snow, lots of bread.
176. They don't go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.
177. Marriage - do not attack, for the wife would not be an abyss.
178. I don't want to study, but I want to get married.
179. Children are living gifts from God, children are given by God – how can one refuse.
180. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.
181. Eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.
182. tall women made for work, and small for love.
183. The wider the fat tail (hat), the more beautiful the mug.
184. Lost - the earth is round - will return.
185. While the thick one dries, the thin one will die.
186. Fools carry water.
187. An ulcer and a teetotaler drinks at someone else's expense.
188. Who about what, and lousy about the bath.
189. A small dog until old age puppy.
190. Uninvited guest worse than a Tatar.
191. You will laugh at someone else's, you will cry over your own.
192. Everything is useful that got into the mouth.
193. An old monkey is not taught new tricks.
194. Russians harness slowly, but drive fast.
195. Did the job - walk boldly.
196. The age is long, And the day is short.
197. Not to wear bad - not to see good.
198. Do not wake the dashing - while it is quiet.
199. Well done among the sheep, but against the young man and the sheep himself.
200. Love, fire and cough cannot be hidden.
201. A holy place is never empty.
202. He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.
203. The snow melted quickly, wait for a wet summer.
204. They carry water for touchy people.
205. Simple man, stay on the threshold.
206. Don't take on too many things, excel in at least one.
207. Drink, don't get drunk! Drink little wine for fun.
208. They ate, drank, had fun, but in the morning they shed tears.
209. Who knows how - does, who does not know how - teaches. (B. Shaw).
210. An apple at night - all sores away.
211. Mountain does not converge with mountain, but man converges with man.
212. A smart person will not go uphill, a smart person will bypass the mountain.
213. The road to hell is built with good intentions.
214. Sit and wait for the leaders to come.
215. At least the oars of land, at least the back of the head is scratched.
216. As it comes around, it will respond.
217. Don't watch where you live.
218. The more we love a woman, the less she likes us.
219. The thinner the waist, the longer the life.
220. No matter what a child enjoys, if only he doesn't cry.
221. Be simple, and people will reach out to you.
222. Do not brag about three days, but brag about three years.
223. Fool, fool, but smart.
224. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.
225. Early the little bird sang, if only the cat had not eaten.
226. Whoever hurts, he talks about that.
227. A fool's father's wealth is not for the future.
228. If you don't know how to sew with gold, then strike with a hammer.
229. What is given without asking is more valuable. (Arabic proverb).
230. Better late than never.
231. For one beaten, they give two not beaten.
232. Dashing trouble is the beginning.
233. You will not be rich on earth, but you will be hunchbacked.
235. God will not give out - the pig will not eat.
236. Do not think ahead how God will bring.
237. An old friend is better than two new ones.
238. We are not rich enough to buy cheap.
239. Appetite comes with eating.
240. Without a piece of bread, always melancholy.
241. City of boards, cod and melancholy. (Arkhangelsk).
242. He who does not know how to live always talks about the past.
243. Put the pig at the table, she and her feet on the table.
244. Not in the face loaf.
245. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
246. Saying: "This is such a rigmarole, there was a blizzard, now a blizzard."
247. Our room with God is not a quarrel.
248. There was no happiness, but misfortune helped.
249. Do not regret what happened, do not be sad about what will be, take care of what is.
250. If only youth knew and old age could.
251. Need and hunger will drive you into the cold.
252. You can't buy happiness.
253. Having taken off your head, you don't cry about your hair.
254. The hand that gives never fails.
255. The sun warms like a candle, move closer to the stove.
256. Vanek is good, but he came to live on our kvass.
257. What we have, we don't keep; if we lose it, we weep.
258. God saves the safe.
259. Your burden does not pull.
260. Better let the groove burst than good to disappear.
261. There is no tree higher than a pine.
262. The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.
263. There was no sadness, so the devils pumped up.
264. According to Senka and a hat.
265. Every cricket, know your hearth.
266. Do not do things carelessly.
267. A new broom sweeps in a new way.
268. Work loves a fool.
269. Not for that the father of the son beat that he played, but for the fact that he recouped.
270. Sugar at the bottom. (Finnish proverb).
271. Not by beating, so by skating.
272. If there was a strong will, the mountain would turn into a field.
273. A bad example is contagious.
274. Tangerines do not grow from dewdrops.
275. Without a piece of bread, longing is everywhere.
276. The dog barks - the wind carries.
277. Lightning shoots only at a tall tree.
278. Do not regret what was, take care of what is.
279. You only crow, but at least don't flourish there.
280. And even if she didn’t milk, if only she walked around the yard.
281. Every brave man has his own fear.
282. He goes not where they ask, but where they mow.
283. Dashing trouble began.
284. Don't open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
285. God will not betray, the pig will not eat.
I would be glad to Paradise, but sins are not allowed.
God gave, God took.
286. Do not think ahead how God will bring.
287. Appetite comes with eating.
288. He who does not know how to live always talks about the past.
289. Own hand is the master.
290. Any girl will give - an approach is needed.
291. The stock pocket does not pull.
292. Better late than never.
293. Our upper room with God is not a quarrel.
294. Live a century, learn a century.
295. Having taken off your head, you don't cry about your hair.
296. Truth hurts the eyes.
297. I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.
298. There are no strangers in the crew.
299. To live life is not to cross a field.
300. Demon bread is not satisfying, tasteless without salt.
301. Measure seven times, cut once.
302. Work carelessly.
303. The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.
304. Not on the snout loaf.
305. Do not take a wife and a bull from afar.
306. Don't say "Hop" until you jump over.
308. Do not think ahead how God will bring.
309. Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.
310. Beauty to the crown, and intelligence to the end.
311. Debt in payment is red.
312. It would be so, but the clerk interfered.
313. You can't wash a black dog white.
314. Loves like a soul, but shakes like a pear.
315. Beats means loves.
316. Small bug, but smelly.
317. At least earn some money, but the harvest is from God.
318. A successful married person acquires wings, unsuccessfully - wings.
319. Waiting for gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is vile.
320. Endure - fall in love.
321. The farther, the more expensive, the older, the more stupid.
322. Keep your feet warm and your head cold.
323. You stomp and stomp.
324. Chickens are counted in autumn.
325. There was not a penny, and suddenly Altyn.
325. A man without a wife is like a rich man without servants.
326. If there was a neck, there would be a collar.
327. The elbow is close, but you won't bite.
328. Not a mutilation for a year, it would be a human body.
329. You won't be rich soon, you'll soon be full.
330. Whoever has a white shop has a bare ass.
331. You will suffer, you will learn.
332. What kind of work, if only to tear shoes.
333. You can't jump above your head anyway.
334. As the ancients said, THE MEASURE TO EVERYTHING IS A NUMBER.
335. Money is the source of all evil and enmity. (St. Spiridin, Bishop
Trilifunsky. miracle worker).
336. "Love and love itself will teach you when, how best to act." (God's
337. Fools learn from their own mistakes, and smart ones learn from others.
338. "Lack of education is the root of all evil" (A. S. Pushkin).
339. “The spiritual energy of ascetics was reforged into material wealth the edges"
(Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov).
340. “It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Apostle Paul).
341. "Learn to rule yourself" (A. S. Pushkin)
342. "Man proposes, but God disposes." (Folk saying).
343. "When the muses sound, the guns are silent" (Folk proverb)
344. Remember? "If you want peace, prepare for war."
345. " The Greatest Warrior who has never fought." (ancient samurai
346. “The purpose of a woman is to interfere with a man’s life, so that he does not stop in his development” (Sages).
347. “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” (Confucius, Chinese sage).
348. "He who is well prepared for battle, has won half." (Servantes).
349. Who gets up early, God gives to him.

Sayings of Confucius - the ancient sage and philosopher

350. Do not say what is alien to ritual.
351. Humanity is rarely combined with artificial speeches and touching
facial expression.
352. If they honor the dead, remember their ancestors, then the people will become stronger again
virtue. (Master Zeng).
353. Who looks at the aspirations of his father when he is alive, and after his death - at how he acted, and does not change his path during three years, he can be called honoring parents.
354. Do not grieve that people do not know you, but grieve that you do not know people.
355. If one governs with the help of the law, settles by punishing, then the people will beware, but will not know shame. If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.
356. Who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher.
357. Sacrifice to another's spirit contains flattery
Inaction at the moment when it is possible to do justice means
358. Only he who is human can both love people and feel disgust for them.
359. Striving for humanity frees one from all evil.
360. When one starts from profit, one multiplies malice.
361. A restrained person has fewer mistakes.
362. Enough to think twice.
363. It's over! I have not met someone who can condemn himself in his soul when he sees that he was mistaken!
364. To follow one's duty to people, to honor demons and spirits, but not to approach them, this can be called knowledge.
365. If difficulty is preferred to success, this may be called humanity.
366. I also find joy in living on bran with water, sleeping with my hand instead of a headboard. Wealth, nobility, acquired not honestly, seem to me like a cloud passing by.
367. Reverence outside of ritual tires, and caution outside of it leads to cowardice; with courage outside the ritual, it raises confusion, from directness outside the ritual, they become intolerant.
368. A people can be forced into obedience, it cannot be forced into knowledge.
369. Do not delve into the affairs of another when you are not in his place.
370. Four shortcomings were alien to the teacher: a tendency to speculation, excessive categoricalness, stubbornness, selfishness.
371. Crossing is no better than not reaching.
372. When you lead, forget about rest. And when you're on a mission, be honest.
373. If you put the honest above the dishonest, then you can make all the dishonest honest.
374. Do not count on quick successes and do not be tempted by small profits. Hurry - and you will not achieve your goal, you will be tempted by the small - and you will not do great.
375. In my village, straight people are different from yours. Fathers there cover
sons, and sons fathers. This is what directness is about.
376. Leading untrained children to fight means abandoning them.
377. When there is a way from the country, Be direct in actions and speeches; when there is no way in it, Be direct in actions, be careful in speech.
378. Virtuous people always have something to say, but whoever has something to say is not always virtuous. Whoever is full of humanity is certainly brave, but the brave is not always full of humanity.
379. Zilu asked about how to serve the sovereign.
The teacher replied: - Do not lie and do not let him rest.
380. A noble man comprehends the highest, a small man comprehends the lowest.
381. In ancient times, people studied for the sake of improving themselves, but now they study to please others.
382. A noble husband does not think that he does not belong to him according to his position.
382. A noble man is ashamed to talk much, but when he acts, he shows immoderation.
383. Do not be sad that no one knows you, but be sad about your imperfection.
384. Pay justice for evil, and pay good for good.
385. He is so categorical that I can't even object!
386. A noble man does not retreat in need; a small man, enduring need, becomes licentious.
387. A noble man grieves over his imperfection; he does not mourn over being unknown to people.
388. A noble man fears that he will die and his name will not be glorified.
389. A noble man is exacting to himself, a small man is exacting to others.
390. What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.
391. Virtue is obscured by artificial speech, and a little impatience can hinder great plans.
392. Man is capable of making the path great, but it is not the path that makes a man great.
393. Only that mistake is not corrected.
394. A noble man is firm in principles, but not stubborn.
395. Only the highest wisdom and the greatest stupidity never change.
396. Humanity is rarely combined with skillful speeches and touching facial expressions.
397. The most difficult thing is to communicate with a woman and a small person. If you bring them closer to you, they will become bold, and if you remove them, they will become embittered.
398. There is no future for someone who causes hostility towards himself at the age of forty.
399. Make friends with those who are suitable for it, reject those who are unsuitable.
400. Craftsmen work in workshops to do their work, but a noble man studies to achieve his path.
401. When making a mistake, a small person always finds justification.

Postulates of samurai combat

402. A warrior should constantly meditate on the following principles:
1. Be honest with yourself when dealing with all people.
2. Constant practice is the only way to learn strategy.
3. Master every art you come across.
4. Understand the way of other disciplines.
5. Know the difference between right and wrong in human affairs.
6. Strive to have understanding and inner judgment about all things.
7. Try to see what is invisible.
8. Do not lose sight of anything, no matter how insignificant it is.
9. Don't waste time procrastinating or thinking after you've placed
403. Stealthily looking at the bird, the dragonfly keeps a distance from it.
404. He who has thoughts has no thoughts.
405. On highest level teaching means: "Free your mind and let it move freely until it stops in one place."
On the lowest level means: "Learn to withdraw your free mind and let it move freely until it stops in one place."
406. If your mind hides something, your face will tell about it.
407. When the soul and the sword merge together, you can freely act in any situation.
408. The scarecrow has no mind, but it does its job very well.
409. When the mind stops, delusion is born.
410. You must not place the mind anywhere - then it will expand and fill your entire body.
411. The primordial mind is like water, the deluded mind is like ice.
412. Pursue the liberated mind.
413. A sword thrown into a stream never stays in place.
414. Pay attention to the most insignificant details.
415. The most main part the battle begins even before you touch the hilt of the sword.
416. Accurate Judgments born of a fixed mind and heart.
417. Victory in a fight is born of a relaxed mind.
418. A decision must be made before you inhale seven times.
419. An honorable death is to die in the name of a cause, even if the goal has not been achieved.
420. The less visible the leader, the better.
421. If you want to know a person, first look at what he has done.
422. Do not reject eternal values ​​in pursuit of transient ones.
423. When you are irritated, close your eyes and calm your mind.
424. He who keeps in his mind the image of a peach flower is able to remain serene.

425. No matter how much you say "Halva", it will not be sweeter in your mouth. (Haja Nasreddin).
426. After all, you can when you want.
427. I would be glad to go to heaven, but sins are not allowed.
428. Every sandpiper praises his swamp.
429. If there was a neck, there would be a collar.
430. Out of sight, out of mind.
431. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.
432. Your shirt is closer to the body.
433. Not a thief is caught.
434. Hurry - make people laugh.
435. Patience is the way to joy. (Egyptian proverb).
436. Man is afraid of time, but the time of the pyramids. (Egyptian proverb).
437. Mercy is above justice. (Egyptian proverb).
438. It is not the country that paints the ambassador, but the ambassador the country. (Egyptian proverb).
439. They wait for the promised one for three years.
440. The night of the day is longer, the morning of the evening is wiser.
441. Even snakes do not sting each other.
442. Every nation is worthy of its ruler.
443. With a pig's snout, and in a galosh row.
444. Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - all lazy people say. (German proverb).
445. Your tongue is a lion, you will let it out, it will tear it apart; if you don't release it, it will protect you. (Eastern proverb).
446. Darkness thickens before dawn.
447. No matter how much grain you grind in a mortar, you won't grind it to flour.

Proverbs and sayings are both useful and dangerous,
like any other stereotypes"

Quick explanation

Proverb is a whole sentence with meaning, and proverb- only beautiful phrase or a phrase. This is the main feature that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.

The proverb contains moralizing, omen, warning or instruction. A saying is just an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by other words.


Proverbs and sayings are often confused

On the Internet, they very often write "Proverbs and sayings", and at the same time they mean only proverbs.

Most often, sites give a list of "Proverbs and Sayings", which actually contains only proverbs. Very rarely, some sayings may come across in such lists. It is not uncommon to find a list of proverbs titled as a list of sayings.

How not to confuse the words of proverbs and sayings?

To remember not to confuse these concepts with each other, use the following tips:

1. There is a phrase " Proverbs and sayings".
Word " proverbs"always comes first, because a proverb is complete sentence, with morality and deep meaning.
And the word " sayings always in second place because it is just a beautiful and symbolic phrase, unable to act as an independent proposal.

2. Read individual articles about and sayings on this site. Feel the difference between them.

3. You can always go to this page to remember once again the differences between proverbs and sayings.

proverb complete sentence

A proverb is a short sentence containing folk wisdom. It is written in simple folk language, often has rhyme and rhythm.


You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

An empty barrel rattles louder.

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Small spool but precious.

A proverb is a symbolic phrase or phrase

A proverb is a well-established phrase or phrase, a figurative expression, a metaphor. Not used on its own.
Sayings are used in sentences to give a bright artistic coloring to facts, things and situations.

Examples of sayings

"to put a pig" (to mischief)

« disservice» (help turning to harm)

"to stay with the nose" (to be deceived)

"stay at the broken trough» (to lose something due to stupid behavior)

"when cancer on the mountain whistles" (never)

"wedding general" (important person from whom there is no actual sense)

Examples of the use of sayings in sentences

I will give you this car when cancer on the mountain whistles.

Illegally dismissed employee gave us a pig.

Basilio the cat and Alice the fox left Pinocchio with a nose.

Our new director walks around important, is interested in every nonsense, pretends to understand something, and at the same time asks the most stupid questions, in short - another wedding general.

For more complete knowledge about proverbs and sayings, the following articles on our website are recommended.


Handwritten postscript of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of rules for falconry, a favorite pastime of that time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the matter.

The inevitable will happen anyway, whether you risk it or not. It speaks of the determination to do something associated with risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the danger can still be avoided.

It often happens that the hostess does not succeed with the first pancake (it is poorly removed from the pan, burns), but the hostess determines from it whether the dough is well mixed, whether the pan has warmed up, whether it is necessary to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful start of a new, difficult business.
It is said when someone takes on several (usually profitable) cases at once and therefore cannot do a single one well or bring it to the end.

In two (simple) - indefinitely, with the ability to understand one way or another. It is not known whether what is supposed to come true; It is still unknown how it will be: one way or another. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they assume.

They say when they understand that the punishment for the mistakes made is for the benefit of a person, because in this way he gains experience.

It is said when they want to emphasize the loyalty, devotion and indispensability of an old friend.

It is said when, when solving an issue, they turn to someone for advice, when they solve a case together

Not being able to figure out something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

Very short, short, small.

A lot (say, promise, lie, etc.).

They speak jokingly when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of promises made by someone or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed for not certain time.

That is very bitter to cry.

Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.

So they say when they start some business without someone who was late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait for themselves.

Let's risk it again, and if we have to answer, then for everything at once, at the same time. It speaks of the determination to do something else risky, dangerous in addition to what has already been done.

Before you do anything serious, think carefully about everything, foresee everything. Spoken as advice to think things through possible options actions before doing something.

Without an eye (obsolete) - without supervision, without supervision. The work is done poorly, unsatisfactorily, when several people are responsible for it at once. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for a case rely on each other and each individually treats his duties in bad faith.

The mysterious "tryn-grass" is not at all some kind of herbal medicine that is drunk so as not to worry. At first it was called "tyn-grass", and tyn is a fence. It turned out "fence grass", that is, a weed that no one needs, indifferent to everyone.

Believe it or not, but old school students were flogged every week, regardless of who was right and who was wrong. And if the "mentor" overdoes it, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Terribly poor, beggar. Usually they think that we are talking about the falcon. But she's not here. In fact, the "falcon" is an old military battering ram. It was a completely smooth ("bare") cast-iron ingot, mounted on chains. Nothing extra!

So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan specifically "Kazan"? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirzas (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg him for all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Now it seems to be quite a harmless expression. And once it was associated with a shameful punishment. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a guilty boyar was put back to front on a horse in clothes turned inside out and in this form, disgraced, was driven around the city to the whistle and ridicule of the street crowd.

To deceive, promising and not fulfilling the promise. This expression was associated with fairground entertainment. The gypsies led the bears by wearing a nose ring. And they forced them, the poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of handouts.

This is the name of a person who is blamed for someone else's fault. The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of a live goat, thereby, as it were, shifting the sins of the whole people onto him. After that, the goat was driven out into the wilderness. Many, many years have passed, and the rite no longer exists, but the expression lives on.

Lyasy (balusters) are chiseled curly columns of railings at the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, "sharpening balusters" meant having an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But craftsmen to conduct such a conversation by our time became less and less. So this expression began to denote empty chatter.

In the old days there really was such a kind of bread - "grated kalach". The dough for it was kneaded, kneaded, "rubbed" for a very long time, which made the kalach unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach." That is, a person is taught by trials and tribulations. The expression comes from this proverb.

If you think about it, the meaning of this expression seems cruel - you must admit, it’s not very pleasant to imagine an ax next to own nose. In fact, everything is not so sad. In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the organ of smell. "Nose" was called a commemorative plaque, or a tag for records. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried with them such boards and sticks, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made as a keepsake.

Rusichi - ancient ancestors Russians - honored among their gods the main god - the god of thunder and lightning Perun. One of the days of the week, Thursday, was dedicated to him (it is interesting that among the ancient Romans, Thursday was also dedicated to the Latin Perun - Jupiter). Perun offered prayers for rain in a drought. It was believed that he should be especially willing to fulfill requests on "his day" - Thursday. And since these prayers often remained in vain, the saying "After the rain on Thursday" began to be applied to everything that is not known when it will be fulfilled.

This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct wish (both down and feather), the results of the hunt can be jinxed. Feather in the language of hunters means a bird, fluff - animals. In ancient times, a hunter going on a hunt received this parting word, the "translation" of which looks something like this: "Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you set remain empty, just like the hunting pit!" To which the miner, in order not to jinx it, also replied: "To hell!". And both were sure that evil spirits, invisibly present at this dialogue, will be satisfied and fall behind, will not plot during the hunt.

What are "backcloths", who and when "beats" them? For a long time handicraftsmen have been making spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To cut a spoon, it was necessary to chip off a chock - a baklusha - from a log. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing buckwheat: it was an easy, trifling matter that did not require special skills. Cooking such chocks was called "baklushi to beat." From here, from the ridicule of the masters over the auxiliary workers - "bottlenecks", our saying went.

How can glasses be "rubbed"? Where and why? Such a picture would look very ridiculous. And the absurdity occurs because we are not talking about glasses at all, which serve to correct vision. There is another meaning of the word "glasses": red and black marks on playing cards. There is even a gambling card game, so called - "point". Since the cards exist, there have been dishonest players, cheaters in the world. They, in order to deceive a partner, indulged in all sorts of tricks. They were able, among other things, to quietly "rub glasses" - to turn a seven into a six or a four into a five, on the go, during the game, sticking a "point" or covering it with a special white powder. And the expression "rubbing glasses" began to mean "cheating", hence other words were born: "fraud", "fraudster" - a trickster who knows how to embellish his work, pass off bad as very good.

This saying can be said to a person who is angry and angry in vain. The roots of the saying come from the old colloquial speech. Then the word "angry" meant diligent, zealous, diligent. It was these diligent and diligent horses that were chosen for hard work - they carried water in barrels from the river. Thus, the most "angry" (that is, diligent) got the most thankless hard work.

The proverb teaches - before you say anything, you need to think carefully. After all, it’s easy to say a word, but no matter how you later regret what was said ...

A person who is seized with fear and frightened very often exaggerates the danger and sees it where it actually does not exist.

The ancient Greek legend of the pregnant Mount Olympus is considered the primary source of this proverb. The god Zeus, afraid that the birth of this mountain would cause major upheavals in the camp of the gods, made the mountain ... give birth to a mouse. The proverb "The mountain gave birth to a mouse" is used in a situation where significant and gigantic efforts eventually bring an insignificant result.

From youth, adv. - from a young age, from a young age. Advice to young people from their youth to cherish their honor, good name (as well as to save clothes again, that is, while they are new). It is said as parting words to a young man at the beginning of his life path.

Every business requires effort; without effort, diligence, nothing can be done. It is said when a lot of work, hard work is required to obtain any result.

In autumn (simple) - in autumn. Not all chickens born in the summer survive on farms until autumn. Birds of prey will carry someone away, the weak simply will not survive, which is why they say that chickens should be counted in the fall, when it is clear how many of them survived. You have to judge something by the end results. It is said when someone prematurely expresses joy at possible success, although up to final results It's still a long way off and a lot can change.

The spool is an old Russian measure of weight, equal to 4.26 grams. It went out of use after 1917, when the country was introduced metric system Measures based on the meter (a measure of length) and the kilogram (a measure of weight). Prior to this, the main measures of weight were the pood (16 kg) and the pound (400 g), in which there were 96 spools. The spool was the smallest measure of weight and was used mainly when weighing gold and silver. Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. Roads - kr. form m. from dear. Small in size, but valuable in its qualities. It is said about one who is small in stature, but has many virtues, positive qualities, as well as about something small in size, but very important in essence.

The saying reflects one of the episodes in the history of the Russian people associated with the enslavement of the peasants. The emergence of serfdom, that is, the legally fixed right of the landowner (feudal lord) to the person, forced labor and property of the peasant, dates back to the time Kievan Rus(IX-XII centuries). The peasants, although they were considered free (free), did not have the right to move from one owner to another during the year: the custom demanded that they leave only after the end of all field work, at the beginning of winter, when the bread was already all removed. In the middle of the 15th century, peasants were allowed to move from one owner to another once a year - a week before St. George's Day and a week after it (St. George's Day, that is, the day of St. George, in Russian, Yuri, the patron saint of farmers, was celebrated November 26, according to the old style, chronology). AT late XVI century, the transition of peasants was also prohibited on St. George's Day. Thus, the peasants were attached to the land and had to stay with their landowner for life. The peasants, who were waiting for St. George's Day as the only opportunity to change the owner and try to improve their lives, were taken away last hope to change their position. So there was a saying expressing regret for unfulfilled hopes.
They say it when they want to express extreme surprise or grief at something that happened unexpectedly, which they just learned about and that took away hope, deceived expectations.

Let's take a risk and try. It is said in a desperate determination to do something, taking risks.

Starting a big job, you are afraid that you will not cope, and when you start it, you calm down, you understand that you are able to overcome all difficulties.
It is said to cheer up before starting a big or unfamiliar job, or pronounced with joy when such work is done.

Trouble, misfortune usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. They say when trouble happens, a nuisance, although before that it was already bad.

Initially: hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie. It is said when the feeling of hunger makes you eat even what you do not like, or do things that you would not do under other circumstances.

The ingrained flaws or oddities of a person cannot be corrected. It is said when there is a conviction that a person will not change.

Goli, goli, f., collected. (obsolete) - beggars, poor. Hitra - kr. form w. R. from cunning, here (obsolete): resourceful, skillful in something. The lack, the absence of something, forces one to be inventive, to use what is available, what is at hand. It is said with approval or satisfaction when, due to a lack of something necessary, they come up with something original and, as a rule, cheap.

Buckwheat - made from buckwheat grains. Buckwheat is a herbaceous plant, from the seeds of which cereals and flour are made. Buckwheat porridge is one of the favorite dishes of Russians. Buckwheat porridge is so good, so tasty, its virtues are so obvious to everyone that it does not need to be praised. It is spoken with mocking condemnation of an immodest person, when he praises himself, speaks of his merits.

Sleigh, sleigh, only many - a winter wagon on two skids for driving in the snow. A cart is a four-wheeled summer cart for transporting goods. A horse is harnessed to the sleigh and cart. Get ready for everything in advance. It is said as advice to prepare in advance everything that will be needed in the future.

Rumble (1 and 2 liters. Not used), owls - suddenly rumble, rattle. A peasant (obsolete) is a peasant.
Cross yourself, - I am baptized, - I am baptized, owl - make a sign of the cross on yourself with your hand: attach three fingers folded together (thumb, index and middle) right hand sequentially to the forehead, to the chest, to one and the other shoulder. People who believed in God, professed the Christian religion, were baptized in many cases Everyday life. It was an obligatory ritual during prayer (at home and in church), before eating, at the entrance to the hut (they were baptized, looking at the icons in the corner), etc. They baptized their mouths during yawning, baptized loved ones who left or went far and for a long time, they were baptized from fear at the sound of thunder, etc. In the old days, believers were afraid of thunderstorms as inexplicable phenomenon nature. When thunder rumbled, it was believed that thunder (not lightning) could bring misfortune (kill, cause a fire). Therefore, in order to avert misfortune, to avoid misfortune from a thunderstorm, people were baptized precisely during thunder, as if thunder warned of a possible misfortune.
Until trouble or trouble happens, a careless person does not remember them and does not take measures to prevent them. It is said when they do at the last moment what should have been done in advance.

Either be true to your word, or don't promise. It is spoken as a reminder of a promise made or as a reproach for an unfulfilled promise, and also as a warning, advice to refrain from promises if there is no certainty that you can fulfill them.

Gifted (colloquial) - donated, received as a gift. A horse's teeth are examined when they want to determine its age. An old horse has worn out teeth, so when buying a horse, be sure to look at its teeth so as not to buy an old one. The gift is not discussed, they accept what they give. They say when they receive as a gift some thing that they don’t like and that they themselves would not choose.

Talking jokingly about someone vigorous activity unaffected by any external circumstances.

Soot - black particles from incomplete combustion of fuel, settling on internal surfaces stoves and chimneys. Soot is a symbol of the blackest color, there is no white soot, and the playful comparison "white as soot" essentially characterizes a black object. The word "black" figuratively means "gloomy, heavy." Bela - kr. form w. R. from white. Usually said in response to the question "How are you?" when things are going badly or when they do not want to answer specifically and are limited to this vague answer (the answer implies an unsatisfactory state of affairs).

Understand, naughty. (obsolete) - to understand something, to guess about something. If you do not tell yourself what you need, no one will guess about it and therefore will not be able to help. It is said when the lack of help to someone is explained by ignorance of his needs.

At home or in a familiar, familiar environment, a person feels more confident and calmer. It is said with confidence or with the hope that in a familiar environment it will be easier to cope with any business.

Road - kr. form w. R. from dear; here: "important, valuable to someone, one that is valued." Expensive, valuable is what appears in right moment. It is said when something is done or received on time, exactly at the moment when it is especially interested or needed, or it is said as a reproach to someone who did not do the necessary on time.

Only in Hard time you know who you are a true friend. It is said in relation to someone who turned out to be very attentive and helped someone in a difficult situation, or, conversely, showed callousness to someone in trouble.

It will pass soon, it will heal soon. It is said jokingly as a consolation to the victim.

Ear - reduce-weasel. to the ear. For a beloved, dear person, nothing is a pity, you will give the best. It is said when, out of a feeling of sympathy, a person is generous towards another, ready to do everything for him.

Payment, payment, m. - making money on account of something; pay. Krasen - kr. m.r. form from red, here: (folk poet.) "beautiful; joyful, pleasant." How you treat someone is how you will be treated. It is said when in response to any action or attitude they do the same.

The saying "I'll show you where the crayfish hibernate" was formed back in the days of serfdom. In the middle of winter, the master sent a guilty person to get crayfish to the table. And in winter, crayfish are very difficult to find, besides, you can freeze and catch a cold. Since then, this saying has meant a threat, a warning about punishment.

America was discovered by the navigator Columbus more than five hundred years ago. Therefore, when someone announces what everyone has long known, they jokingly say: “Well, you discovered America!”

The deck is a log. Moving through the forest, when underfoot is a stump, then a deck has to be slow. The expression "through the stump-deck" means to do something somehow, indiscriminately.

We all know what a bicycle is and how it works. “Don’t reinvent the wheel” so as not to waste time inventing something that has already existed for a long time.

Any business is feasible if a master takes it, that is, a skilled one, knowledgeable person. It is said with admiration and praise when a person shows skill, mastery in his field.

In the old days, the hat was a symbol of wealth and nobility. By its size, they judged what place a person occupies in society. “A hat is not for Senka” - this is what they say about a person who is not able to perform this or that job or occupy a certain position.

Search - command, incl. from ch. to look for (looking for, looking for), nesov. You won't find it anyway, there's no need to look for it. It is about who disappeared and who cannot be found (how useless it is to look for the wind in the field), or about what is irretrievably lost.

What happened, happened, you have to tell everything. They say, as if apologizing for having to tell everything without missing any (usually unpleasant) details (just as you can’t throw out a single word from a song so as not to spoil the whole song).

Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. A frying pan (obsolete and regional) - flame, fire. In folk speech, a flame, that is, a fire that rises above a burning object, is associated with a greater misfortune, a flame is a stronger fire. From one trouble to another, big, from a difficult situation to the worst.
It is said when a person, being in a difficult situation, finds himself in an even more difficult situation.

Shvets (obsolete and simple) - one who sews clothes, a tailor. A reaper is one who reaps (cuts when harvesting) the ripened ears with a sickle. In the dudu (on the pipe) the player (obsolete) is the one who plays the pipe, the musician. About the one who knows how to do everything or who simultaneously performs various duties.

Prickly - bezl., 3 l. units hours from Ch. prick, carry "To touch something sharp to cause pain." It is said when you want to do something, but it's scary, because it is associated with some kind of danger, with a risk.

It is said when something is both funny and sad at the same time.

Proruha (simple) - mistake, oversight, failure. And an experienced person can make a mistake, make a mistake, a mistake. It is said to justify a mistake, an oversight committed by a person from whom this could not be expected.

It is said when it is convenient for some and for others to resolve difficult situation or when a decision is made that satisfies everyone.

Chuet - 3 l. units hours from Ch. smell (feel, feel), carry. (simple) to feel. They talk about someone who feels guilty and betrays it with his behavior.

According to Orthodox custom, believers during prayer kneel and bow low (make bows), almost touching the floor with their foreheads. It is said with condemnation about a person who damaged the cause with excessive zeal and diligence.

What I heard, I repeat. They speak in their own defense when they retell rumors and therefore do not vouch for the authenticity of what was said.

Bad - bad. Contagious - kr. form m. from contagious, here: "one that causes imitation of oneself, is easily transmitted to others. It is said when someone imitates the bad behavior or actions of another person.

Laws are written for reasonable people; fools do not know the laws and do not obey them. It is said about a person when he acts, from the point of view of the speaker, strange or unreasonable, contrary to common sense and generally accepted standards of conduct.
*in a new way*

Friendships should not affect business relationships. It is said when a person, despite friendly relations with someone occupying a different (usually higher) official position, does not deviate from official requirements and duties.

Heifer (colloquial) - a young cow that has not yet had calves. Polushka is the smallest coin in pre-revolutionary Russia, equal to one fourth of a penny (one hundred kopecks in one ruble). Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. Transportation - here: payment for the transported goods. Even a cheap thing will become expensive if you have to pay dearly for its transportation. It is said when it is unprofitable to carry cheap goods from afar.

Life is hard and living it is not easy. It is about the variety of events, about the difficulties that a person encounters throughout his life.

Nothing happens without a reason. It is usually said when they believe that there is some truth in the spread rumors.

To live life is not a field to cross.

Every Egor has a saying.

Proverb-flower, proverb-berry.

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

Life is given for good deeds.

Red speech proverb.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself.

A house is not built without corners, speech is not spoken without a proverb.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, but remote.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Whoever burns himself in milk, he blows into the water.

A cowardly bunny and a stump - a wolf.

There would be dinner, but the spoon is found.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

Ah yes oh will not give help.

Falsely acquired for the future will not work.

Once he lied, but for a century he became a liar.

The mother swings high and hits gently, the stepmother swings low and hits painfully.

On the native side and the pebble is familiar.

It is better to forgive ten guilty people than to execute one innocent.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper.

Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no friend, so look for, but there is, so take care.

A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will deceive you around.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

Where to live, there to be known.

Meet by clothes, and see off by mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.

To go to visit - you must also drive to yourself.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

Every man is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.

God will soak, God will dry.

Teach children without people.

A storm hits a tall tree.

Altyn silver does not break the ribs.

You don't get rich by cheating, you get poorer.

You go for a day, take bread for a week.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

What is the spin, such is the shirt on it.

He destroys himself who does not love others.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, then strike with a hammer.

The hand of the giver will not fail.

If only he knew where he fell, he spread straws here.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Summer works for winter, and winter works for summer.

Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.

For a scientist they give three unscientists, and even then they don’t take it.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter.

Who knows a lot, much is asked.

Get up early, understand sensibly, perform diligently.

Perhaps they won’t bring it to good somehow.

The work of the master is afraid.

Play, play, but know the matter.

Finished the job - walk boldly.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The envious eye sees far.

You can't buy health - the mind gives it.

Business time, fun hour.

The day is long until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Walk in the summer, get hungry in the winter.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

There will be a day - there will be food.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Take it together, it won't be heavy.

Beware of troubles while they are not.

The craft does not ask to drink and eat, but feeds itself.

The snow is white, but they trample underfoot, the poppy is black, and people eat.

Although the child is crooked, the father-mother is cute.

Not an ax amuses, but a carpenter.

Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Without work to live only to smoke the sky.

Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business.

Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

Handle every task skillfully.

There would be a hunt - work will go well.

They are greeted by the dress, escorted by the mind.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

And the strength of the mind is inferior.

They sent a smart one - say one word, say three fools, and go after him yourself.

A smart head has a hundred hands.

Mind is good, but two is better.

You can't live without the sun, you can't live without the sweet.

As is the mind, so are the speeches.

In a smart conversation, gain your mind, lose your mind in a stupid one.

Know more and say less.

The stupid one turns sour, but the smart one will provide everything.

The bird is red in singing, and the man in learning.

An unlearned person is like an unsharpened axe.

The dunno lies, and the know-it-all runs far.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

From the window of the whole world you can not look back.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argues, and an enemy agrees.

Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years.

A friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.

I was with a friend, I drank water - sweeter than honey.

There is no friend, so look for, but you will find, so take care.

Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.

For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

An orphan without a friend, a family man with a friend.

Seven do not wait for one.

A horse is known in grief, and a friend in trouble.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

There is no friend like a mother.

What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

The bird is glad of spring, and the baby of the mother.

The children's hut is fun.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Maternal affection knows no end.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

The dear child has many names.

Grandmother - only one grandfather is not a grandson.

Good daughter Annushka, if mother and grandmother praise

From the same oven, but the rolls are not the same.

And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.

The bird is in the nest until autumn, and the children are in the house until the age.

From a bad seed do not expect a good tribe.

Capricious in childhood, ugly in years.

All children are equal - both boys and girls.

The children's hut is fun.

Proverbs and sayings are what is passed down from generation to generation by family traditions and the wisdom of generations. Despite the fact that different peoples on the different languages there are proverbs and sayings, in many ways they all have something in common and are united by a common meaning and meaning.

Personally, I didn’t even notice when it started, but I myself incredibly often talk with children, using proverbs or sayings. And what is nice, growing up, children also, imperceptibly for themselves, use them in their speech.

Let's talk today about proverbs and sayings for children.

What are proverbs and sayings

Sayings and proverbs are short sayings that carry folk wisdom. It is believed that these sayings were invented by the people, and their instructive content is fixed by centuries of experience. Since ancient times, people have reflected in their statements the customs and traditions adopted in their lives, and also ridiculed human vices: stupidity, envy, greed, etc. The meaning of proverbs is to pass on the experience of the people to future generations, and essence of proverbs- to teach descendants "mind - reason", to make sure that they learn from the mistakes of others, and have the opportunity to avoid their own. In addition, folk sayings make our language more eloquent, lively, decorate speech.

The first found books with proverbs and sayings date back to 2500. They were found back in Ancient Egypt. Even then, people carefully kept instructive records for future generations.

Many sayings are taken from the works of great Russian poets and writers. For example, in the work of Griboedov A.S. "Woe from Wit" there are more than two dozen phrases and expressions that have become "winged".

Proverbs and sayings in fairy tales

Many fairy tales and fables are based on proverbs. Many folk sayings can be found in children's fairy tales. For example, the proverb for the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog": "In every magpie perishes by its tongue". But - to the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" - "D The best thing is what is done on time”. A large number of popular expressions can be gleaned from the Bible, especially in its Old Testament part.

The largest collection of proverbs and sayings in our country is a collection created in the 19th century by the Russian philologist Vladimir Dal, who studied folk sayings for about 20 years. The book contains more than 30,000 sayings, which are divided into special thematic sections.

Proverbs and sayings differ from each other in the purpose of their statement, although they are often confused.

What is the difference between proverbs and sayings

Let's look at the difference between proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs. What are they?

Proverb- This is a short saying that embodies the instructive wisdom of the people. A proverb contains a complete thought.

  • applied to various life phenomena;
  • have two parts that rhyme with each other;
  • contains a moral or warning;
  • is an offer.

Proverb example: “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.”

What about sayings? What is this?

Proverb- it is just a phrase or phrase, full of eloquence, but not containing teachings. They can be replaced by any other words according to the meaning. The saying, for the most part, is only part of the judgment. Saying example: "Put your teeth on the shelf."

And proverbs and sayings - decorate human speech and teach wisdom to young generations. Usually, proverbs are divided into several topics to make it easier to find and study them. Let's give some examples.

Proverbs about the Motherland

  • Own land and in a handful is sweet;
  • There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland;
  • Motherland is mother, foreign land is stepmother.
  • Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.
  • A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
  • Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.
  • Native land is a paradise for the heart.
  • The bird is small, but it also protects its nest.
  • Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Proverbs about the house

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better;
  • If the hut is crooked, the hostess is bad;
  • Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own.
  • My home is my castle.
  • Each hut has its own rattles.
  • A good wife will save the house, and a thin one will shake it with her sleeve.
  • Lead the house, do not weave bast shoes.
  • Houses and walls help.
  • The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.
  • It's good to sing songs beyond the mountains, but it's better to live at home.
  • At home - as you like, but in people - as they say.

Proverbs about friendship

  • Brother will not betray brother;
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • Friendship is strife, but at least drop another;
  • Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.
  • Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest.
  • A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.
  • Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
  • Look for friends, and enemies will be found.
  • With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
  • You will hold on to each other - you can not be afraid of anything.
  • Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
  • All for one, one for all.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • A friend argues, an enemy agrees.
  • A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • What you don't want for yourself, don't do it to someone else.
  • One bee will not bring much honey.
  • With those do not get along, who loves to scold.

Proverbs about family and children

  • In a friendly family and warm in the cold;
  • Food is tastier at the common family table;
  • In your home, the walls help.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
  • Consent and harmony in the family treasure.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
  • A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
  • Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
  • Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
  • To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.
  • Treasure family - be happy.
  • Our people - let's count.
  • A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
  • Though closely, but better together.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • In a friendly family and warm in the cold.
  • Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
  • Where there is advice, there is light; where there is agreement, there is God.
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  • It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
  • The children's hut is fun.
  • The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.
  • For an obedient son, the parental mandate is not burdensome.
  • Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.
  • Where there is love, there is God.

Proverbs about animals

At all times, people have learned from the example of our smaller brothers. Here is a selection of instructive proverbs based on the use of animal images.

  • God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow;
  • Feet feed the wolf;
  • To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.
  • You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.
  • Know, cricket, your hearth.
  • And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.
  • Each sandpiper praises his swamp.
  • A small dog is a puppy until old age.
  • On the catcher and the beast runs.
  • On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.
  • Every day is not Sunday.
  • To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.
  • Nightingales are not fed with fables.
  • Dog in the hay - she does not eat and does not give to others

Proverbs about labor

  • Business time - fun hour;
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing;
  • Who gets up early, God gives him.
  • Hardworking - like an ant.
  • Strike while the iron is hot.
  • Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.
  • Who does not work shall not eat.
  • Who gets up early, God gives.
  • Finished the job - walk boldly.
  • Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.
  • The work of the master is afraid.
  • Patience and a little effort.
  • From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers.
  • Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Proverbs for children

  • In the native family and the porridge is thicker;
  • A large piece and the mouth rejoices;
  • If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
  • Childhood is a golden time.
  • Food tastes better at a communal table.
  • AT healthy body- a healthy mind.
  • Small and daring.
  • The child's finger hurts, the mother's heart.
  • Sow a habit, grow a character.
  • Love well mutually.
  • All is well that ends well.
  • Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
  • You love to ride, love to carry sleds.
  • From the warm word and the ice melts.
  • Do not take on many things, but excel in one.
  • My tongue is my enemy.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  • Hurry up and make people laugh.
  • As it comes around, so it will respond.

Proverbs about books and study

  • To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
  • The book is small, but gave the mind.
  • A good book is your best friend.
  • Who reads a lot knows a lot.
  • Books to read - not to know boredom.
  • The more you learn, the stronger you become.
  • Speech is silver, silence is gold.
  • The world is illuminated by the sun, and man - by knowledge.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  • They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.
  • Live and learn.
  • The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it.

There is a great thematic variety of proverbs and sayings, the benefits of which for a little man can hardly be overestimated.

What are the benefits of proverbs for children

What is the wisdom and benefits of sayings and proverbs for children. Here are just some of the advantages of proverbs:

  • transmit folk wisdom;
  • introduce them to the beauty and richness of their native language;
  • teach common sense;
  • instill moral and aesthetic views;
  • form life experience;
  • encourage to action;
  • form a child's outlook on life;
  • learn to clearly and concisely formulate an idea;
  • develop creative thinking;
  • help to develop clear diction;
  • help to assimilate a variety of intonations of statements: affection, chagrin, surprise, etc .;
  • learn the pronunciation of sounds that are difficult to combine with each other;
  • develop sound culture speech;
  • develop memory;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, rhyme, etc.

Experts recommend parents to acquaint children with proverbs and sayings from the very beginning. early age. Their correct use in games and developmental activities helps children develop harmoniously in accordance with their age, develops a clear and competent speech and instills in them a love for their native Russian word.

Games, contests and fun tasks with proverbs

Knowledge of proverbs and the wisdom of generations is most easily absorbed in the game. Studying proverbs and sayings with a child, you can periodically arrange fun - games and contests with proverbs.

Finish the sentence

The easiest way to remember proverbs and sayings is to play this game with your child. The adult calls part of the proverb, and the child should continue:

For example: Cats - out, ... (the child continues) - expanse for mice.

proverbial connoisseur

Game-competition for knowledge of proverbs. It is necessary, in turn, to say proverbs, without repeating. The one who runs out of all options loses.

Explain the proverb, or where is the moral?

Have the children explain the meaning of the proverbs. Such a task can lead to serious conversation, and teach the child to look for morality and draw the right conclusions from actions, teach him to analyze his behavior and encourage him to be better.

Game "Twins"

Offer the children a series of proverbs written on the cards. For a certain time, children must collect pairs of proverbs that match each other in meaning.

For example: “Not all that glitters is gold” and “Meet by clothes - see off by mind”

“Strike the iron while it’s hot” and “You’ll miss an hour, you won’t make it up in a year”

Watch with the children a video lesson about proverbs and sayings:

Here we have such a conversation about proverbs and sayings. Do you use the wisdom of the nations in your speech? Can you add any proverb and saying games? Write in the comments!
