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Family constellations - work with the family. Method developed by Bert Hellinger

When situations break into our lives from which we feel pain, anger, resentment, disappointment - what to do with it?

Are these always our feelings and are we always in control?

Constellations entered my life in 2007 - and in one day completely turned my mind around. I realized that I really do not control anything, moreover, a lot of things in my world are an illusion. But what impressed me even more was the changes that began to take place both in me and in the world around me.

Have you ever gone through forgiveness and letting go trainings - and then realized that nothing has passed - nothing has been forgiven and released? I remember Marina Targakova spoke about this phenomenon: “I forgave Luula Viilma, forgave Louise Hay, forgave Sviyash….” This is very familiar to me, I almost had it. You forgive, you forgive, but for some reason you can't forgive.

Does this always mean that we do not work well and make little effort? Or are we just digging the garden with a fork?

For me, the system method family constellations became a reliable shovel - with which you can weed out weeds and plant rose bushes much faster and better. With his help, I was finally able to weed a couple of long overgrown beds.

In what situations can constellations help:

  • Build relationships with parents - or at least take the first step in this direction
  • Build relationships with a partner
  • Resolve relationship issues with children
  • Understand why love in life does not happen and does not work
  • Forgive and let go of someone who should have been let go
  • See your life through another glass
  • Understand where we are really going and why

What does it look like

Family constellations take place in the form of training, during which solutions are found for the problems and situations of the participants.

The work process is very simple:

  • you point out the problem
  • Do you talk a little about your family? general information, preferably only the host, so that this information does not interfere with others' work)
  • Then you choose from among the people present substitutes for the main members of your family and for yourself (at first you watch from the sidelines)
And here the most interesting begins. People come into contact with energy field. And they start to feel the same way real people which they replace. Moreover, they begin to speak the same way, move the same way as your mother or husband.

The questions the facilitator asks deputies are usually simple:

  • Are you comfortable standing?
  • What do you see?
  • Where are you looking?
  • What do you feel for others?
And the feeling is real. You, watching from the side, can even recognize some gestures and habits of your loved ones - for example, someone may start snapping their fingers, like your brother, and someone will suddenly show authority, like your father.

At the same time, when you participate in the constellation, these sensations come by themselves. And sometimes it's even surprising that he was sitting on the bench with Vasya - Vasya liked it. And then you just want to hit him so much that you can hardly restrain yourself!

Or vice versa - Kolya was like Kolya, you didn’t even notice him, but he became “your husband”, and you feel how you are attracted to him - and you can’t stop - stroke his hand.

After labeling emotions, the cause of the problem emerges - sometimes immediately, sometimes after some time. And you clearly see that, for example, your resentment towards your husband is not really yours. This is your grandmother offended by his grandfather because he had another woman (by the way, if something is missing in the system, this is also immediately visible - for example, grandfather's mistress, and grandfather feels lost and says that he has someone here - something should be).

At the final stage, the deputies say the most important things to each other ("I'm sorry", "I love you", etc.) and line up in the correct and comfortable order.

When you look from the side, sometimes it seems that people have learned the script and say what they are asked. But when you participate, you understand that this is not a game. That information comes from somewhere above.

Very often things come up that are known only to the one doing the constellation. And even more often - those that are unknown to him. And sometimes there is even an opportunity to check.

For example, one of my acquaintances found out in the constellation that he is not his parents' own child. At first it was a huge shock for him, but then he found the strength to ask his mother. She was silent for the first few minutes. state of shock. And then she asked: “How do you know?”

Another girl at the constellation found out about her grandfather's mistress. Fortunately, the grandmother was still alive, and she was able to ask her. Grandma hesitated at first. And a couple of days later she called and said that no one except her and her grandfather should have known about it.

The third man at the constellation found out that his son was not from him. It was a hard blow. The wife declined to comment, but he passed a paternity test - and the information was confirmed. He did not abandon the child, but began to find out who real father. The biggest shock for him was that his father was his brother.

Therefore, the most important rules for the participant:

  • Being ready to find out the not-so-pleasant truth about your ancestors is a special courage, and sometimes it is difficult to decide
  • To be ready to accept this truth, although usually the first reaction is one of shock. Moreover, it is much easier to accept something far from oneself (in the third knee) than something that is close. Great-grandfather's mistress is normal. Papa's mistress is hard.
  • Be prepared not to immediately attack relatives with questions. First, wait until the emotions subside. Secondly, to build all questions very delicately - not stating (I now know everything about you), but asking (a very good option - “Mom, you know, I had a dream ...” - after a couple of weeks, mom usually calls and says, that this dream is true
  • Be ready to help others in the works. You can, of course, just do your job and leave. But to remain a substitute for the rest is a separate courage and special generosity. You can help others so much - why not just do it?
  • Be ready to keep silent about other people's work and forget about your own for a while. There is such a thing as privacy - and everyone knows about it. But besides this, you can’t scatter the energy received in the work, right and left - and talking about it, you spend part of the energy on retelling and speculation.

Of course, it is important to say that:

  • Constellations are not a panacea. Not all problems can be solved in this way. Most long-standing problems require perhaps more than one job. In addition to constellations, high-quality psychotherapy is necessary.
  • Arrangements are the indication of the way. After that, you need to apply the knowledge in life. Start behaving differently. Tell someone something important. Or vice versa - stop wasting time and energy on communicating with someone.
  • Sometimes the information received at the constellations is not confirmed. This means that either something was misinterpreted, or the personal motives of the constellator, deputies, or the client intervened in the process of constellation. There are many options.
  • A lot depends on the installer. What are his intentions, how open and pure his heart is, how much you trust him and the band.

Laws of the system

First you need to understand who is in generic system. It includes:
  • All those born into this system (including miscarriages, abortions, deaths in infancy, orphanages, etc.)
  • All partners and strong emotional ties
  • All those who helped the system survive
  • All those who caused any damage to the system
That is (to say plain language) the system of an average woman will include:
  • Husband's children from previous marriages
  • Previous partners or significant emotional ties
  • Previous partners or significant emotional ties of the husband,
  • Siblings, including those who died early and aborted,
  • Parents
  • Parents' previous partners
  • Grandparents
  • Great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers
And it is also worth highlighting separately in the genus:
  • All those who had a special fate (repressed, dead, disabled, murderers, killed),
  • All those who provided the system with a significant benefit or caused significant damage (For example, a woman who took care of an orphan after the war and thereby saved him. Or the one who took part in the dispossession of a great-grandfather)
Pretty impressive list, right?

There are four basic laws of the genus. Violation of these laws will result in various problems in life.

Law 1. The law of belonging.

Everyone who once logged into the system remains in it forever. That is, we cannot delete from our kind those whom we consider unnecessary.

It often happens with ex-husbands(especially if there were no children), with aborted children (especially if they were young and in secret), with unwanted elements - criminals, alcoholics, etc.
What to do with them all? Draw and take them into your family tree.

Law 2. The law of substitution.

If we delete someone from the system, then a new member of the system (usually a child) begins to replace him energetically.

Example: A man has a second marriage. The first wife is reliably deleted from life (as if she never existed). Maybe the breakup was too painful, or maybe Mom just doesn't want to hear about the other women in Dad's life.

One way or another, it was deleted. After that, a daughter (or son) is born in the family. And energetically, she begins to replace her father's first wife. This is expressed in two parts:

Mom treats her like a rival - she herself does not understand why. Constantly wants to send her to the camp, to her grandmother or somewhere else, if only away from home. However, the daughter does not feel much sympathy for her mother. On the contrary, he tries to “build” his mother and feels his advantage. Tells mom what to do, when to brush her teeth, etc.

Dad loves his daughter - and it's mutual. He carries her in his arms, fulfills all her whims. In a word, a typical daddy's daughter.

But such behavior of the child and parents is not at all the norm, right?

Moreover, the older the girl, the more problems. Often she cannot find a husband for herself (because she already has a husband energetically - and this is dad). She does not have a relationship with her mother. And so on.
And if you give a place in the system and your heart to your first wife, give her the respect she deserves - whatever she may be in real life the child will start behaving differently.

Law 3. The law of hierarchy.

The one who logged in earlier has priority over those who logged in later.

Therefore, the first wife has a systemic advantage over the second. This does not mean that the first one is BETTER, it just did something in the system so that the second one entered it.

Also, older children have an advantage over younger ones, and parents over children.

But at the same time new family takes precedence over the old one. That is, my current family should have a higher priority for me than my parental one (In fact, this is not always the case. It happens that we already have children, and sometimes even grandchildren, and we all live with the problems of our parents).

That is, it turns out a very interesting balance - my husband entered the system later than my mother. So my mom has the advantage. And she should receive respect from me and her husband, as the eldest. But at the same time, my current family should have an advantage for me over my parents. And I have to more take care of a husband and children than a mother. While maintaining respect for the mother, as the eldest.

Law 4. Law of love.

The energy of love flows from ancestors to descendants and never vice versa.

This is not about not loving moms and dads, but about giving energy to children. And dedicate your life to your children, not your parents. I can think about my mother all day, have constant arguments with her (even if just in my head), take care of her like a little girl. And then my children will not receive energy from me maternal love. Because all love starts flowing in the wrong direction, and nothing is left for the children.

Parents need to be grateful and treat them with respect. But very often we care about them, but inside ourselves we consider them half-crazy or behind the times, right?

How to detect failures and fix the situation

I urge you not to diagnose yourself. You can invent something that doesn't exist. In addition, no two systems are the same. Even if it seems to you that someone has a system exactly like yours, I can absolutely say that it is not. You may have similar reasons, but different consequences, and vice versa - the same consequences, but different reasons.

The best place to start is to draw your family tree. Ask mom and dad about ancestors, see trends in the family.

Sometimes it is immediately clear that maternal women, for example, marry at least three times, and men die early.

Usually the hardest things are not talked about - abortions, murders, mistresses and everything else - so after the arrangement, your tree will most likely be replenished with new members.

After you have formed a request and drawn a tree - look for a good specialist. Best of all - on the recommendation (the method is very fashionable today, and constellations do everything - but not everyone does them well).

  • On the person himself. First, meet in person (at constellations, you can often come first for free just as a substitute) and see if he inspires confidence in you? Has he solved his own problems (after all, psychologists usually go to those who need such help)? Does he have a family, children, business? Is it pleasant to communicate with him? Trust your intuition. This criterion is very often the most important.
  • For reviews. If possible, it is better to follow the recommendation - when you see the fruits of a person's work. If this is not possible - maybe there are reviews in writing or coordinates of other clients.
  • Very often, after high-quality work, something shifts, changes and is solved.
Again, I will give my own example - the method is very close to me.

I have done more than 20 works in order to solve my problems in the family. In addition to this, my husband also did some work.

And I was shocked by the results:

  • Firstly, we immediately understood why we started a family - our tribal dynamics simply needed each other - for my dad's family, I was a lost child (no one knew about me, except for my dad himself), and in my husband's father's family I was forgotten lost child (by the way, also a girl). And this is just one of the factors.
  • Secondly, having done several works on the topic of our son's disease, some dynamics were identified. And after these works, there were real improvements in Danil's condition. For example, Lesha came to the seminar of Marianna Franke-Griksh first. He did a work on the topic of Danila's illness, and on the same evening the child's temperature rose to 40. We knocked her down, and she rose again. There were no other symptoms at all. Two days later I came to Marianne's seminar and did my paper on the same topic. And by the time I returned home, the temperature subsided. Herself.
  • Thirdly, we constantly do work on the topic of business - when there is no understanding why the client does not pay money, or why something does not work out in the development of projects.
  • Fourthly, our relationship with my husband has changed beyond recognition - they have become warmer and more trusting, we have stopped fighting and swearing.
  • Fifthly, it is constellations that help me restore relationships with my mother - which have never been a source of joy for me.
  • In addition, although I did not work directly with these issues, my relationship with my mother-in-law, brother and money improved.
Of course, I will not paint all the problem areas of our birth - this is not ethical in relation to the ancestors.

It seems to me that this method was sent to us so that we could solve our material problems, see the light at the end of the tunnel and become happy already in this life. We can fulfill our responsibilities in the family and at work. Because freeing ourselves from the fetters, we can move forward.

Behind each of us is our Family. If you study its history well, in any Kin there are saints and criminals, heroes and martyrs. And very often Rod repeats itself from generation to generation. It can be the same eye or hair color, the same habits and passions, the tendency to choose the same professions, build relationships with others the same way, or suffer from the same diseases. You probably noticed that there are families in which some events are repeated over and over again. This may be associated with diseases, early violent death, suicidal tendencies, addictions, etc. Someone can call it "kind karma". There is, of course, a good "ancestral karma" - everyone has heard of the dynasties of actors or doctors. In addition, in this way, spiritual foundations are transmitted from generation to generation, as well as opportunities for further development descendants.

The German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger developed a theory according to which each of us is a member of his Family, and in any of the descendants the experience of all ancestors is laid, which can be both positive and negative. In his "Method of working with the information field of the Family" it is said that if the information field of the Family contains relationships that were incorrectly built by any of the ancestors and / or their negative experience, then as a result, what people call "bad karma" will be formed, and subsequent generations will have to solve the tasks left for them by their ancestors.

According to Hellinger's theory, each member of the Genus has an equal right to belonging in relation to the rest. A forgotten or excluded member of the genus will certainly remind you of your fate. In this capacity, for example, a person who died a violent death or who died in infancy child. The information field of this ancestor, intertwined with the field of the younger member of the Genus, makes the latter, thus, unconsciously build similar circumstances around him.

Surprisingly, it turns out that specific events in family history are often behind the symptoms of diseases, which the family constellation method allows to recognize and discover.

In medicine and psychotherapy, the concept of psychosomatic diseases has long been known, when a person has symptoms of an illness, but medical examination does not reveal any organic causes for such conditions. It is believed that the cause of many psychosomatic diseases are feelings that we have repressed into the unconscious area. The process of treating such illnesses is to become aware of the feelings behind the symptoms and relive them. And if a feeling is adopted by a person exclusively from Great love and respect for the family system, from another person in the family, it is quite difficult to work with him traditional methods. Or it will come back again.

This process usually requires long-term psychotherapy, but not everything is so sad. We live in a very dynamic and pragmatic world, and no one wants to waste time on long-term trips to a psychotherapist and lengthy discussions of each feeling and search for reasons. Therefore, in recent times new types of psychotherapy appeared - short-term and very effective.

One of these methods is Systemic Family Constellations, developed by the German philosopher, psychotherapist, spiritual teacher Bert Hellinger in the 80s of the XX century.

What issues can be resolved with family constellation?

– Make an accurate diagnosis and find the cause of psychosomatic diseases, get rid of painful symptoms (chronic diseases, addictions, nightmares, migraines, asthma, etc.).

- Find the causes of family conflicts and ways to resolve them.

– To see in action the laws of functioning of family-clan systems (orders of love).

– Explore and improve the relationship between parents and children, realize how the fate of your parents affects your life, accept your parents as they are.

– Find the optimal conditions necessary for good relations in your couple or family.

– Deal with severe family and tribal problems (infertility, loneliness, abuse, incest, etc.).

– Find and use resources to overcome haunting fears, depression.

“For those who are familiar with family constellations, it will not be new that children are picking up unresolved traumatic energies from previous generations.

– Understand what prevents you from achieving success on the chosen path.

Indications that a solution to the problem is possible with the help of family constellation are, for example, the following signs:

- a person feels somehow not in himself, he seems to be controlled from the outside;

- he does not know and cannot find his place in life;

- his behavior and demeanor seem inadequate, contradictory, blind;

- he seems frozen in the captivity of the problem and cannot decide to fix anything;

- this person or his family had hard fates eg family members who died early, suicides, many accidents, etc.;

- he frivolously or as if forcedly puts the success of his life at stake;

- relations in the family and environment are extremely unbalanced, there is no peace and respect in them, there is a hard struggle, conflicts of conscience and an oppressive sense of guilt, feeling like a victim, fear of being forced to do something bad;

- some members in the family system are absent (for example, an illegitimate child of the father) or not perceived (for example, stillborn), someone's fate is hidden (for example, they say about grandfather that he died of a heart attack, although he committed suicide);

- a person has experienced a severe traumatic experience (primarily in early childhood);

- he exhibits so-called "neurotic" disorders, such as closeness/distance problems, fears or phobias;

- he seems "closed" and does not dare to destroy the rigid boundaries between himself and society;

- it is difficult for him to make decisions, he shows feelings of hopelessness and pessimism, which cannot be explained from the point of view of his real life situation.

Typically, a family constellation begins with the client voicing the problem, clarifying the request, and helping the therapist compile the genogram (“ Family Tree kind").

After that, the therapist, together with the client, decides which of the members of the system (kind) is necessary for arranging the stated problem. For each of them, the client chooses a substitute and arranges them in space in relation to each other.

The basis of the constellation technique is the substitute perception that arises at the moment of constellation - the deputy member of the system begins to feel what his prototype feels or felt. It can be both physical sensations and emotions, as well as images and pictures. Such a perception arises, including in the complete absence of information about the replaced member of the system, both from the substitute himself and from the client. This gives us reason to talk about the FIELD - external source information about Rod, system.

Usually, in the process of work, it is possible to restore, to one degree or another, the Orders of relationships between members of the genus, to find those excluded and to clarify relations with them. The meaning of the problem situation and the understanding of ways to resolve it are manifested. Of course, it is not always possible to come to a successful resolution of the situation from the first constellation, but, as a rule, even a partial movement towards a solution gives the client an impetus to a new understanding of the situation.

The action of the constellation leads to changes in relationships in the client's family, including in cases where the client is not in direct contact with members of his family. There are frequent cases of successful recovery from chronic diseases, sudden finding of documents, new information about ancestors, establishing contact with relatives with whom communication has long been lost, etc.

Work with family history helps to leave in the past what belongs to the past and take with you what can be a source of strength in the present.

For more detailed information you can contact our specialists. You can also come and see how the family constellation is going and get answers to all your questions.

Xenia Chuzha

Family, or rather family constellations Bert Hellinger(considered the founder) refer to methods that can help a person solve many, not only family, issues.

How Hellinger Family Constellations Work

The person who came with the request places the group members himself or with the help of a therapist in the role of deputies for his loved ones, telling his situation along the way. Deputies in the process of placement feel what the client’s relatives have experienced or are experiencing, for example, love, resentment, uselessness. With the help of group members (including the psychotherapist), the client has the opportunity to look at the situation from the outside, to solve his problems in many ways.

This view and a number of intermediate steps in the process of therapy help to find a way out of the situation. A picture-solution remains in the mind in the form of the therapist's words, substitutes and their placement. This serves as a resource for changes in later life person.

To learn more about the method, we recommend that you study basic concepts constellations according to special literature (since their interpretation will take more than one page). The foundation can be the articles of Bert himself and his followers, G. Weber, F. Ruppert and others. The method has much in common with such therapeutic methods as psychodrama, V. Satir's family sculpture and some others.

It should be noted that the arrangements in each separate case, although they have a "Hellinger" basis, differ from each other. The reason is that psychotherapists work differently. The heterogeneity of approaches, in turn, is explained by the fact that family constellations are a practical method. The constellations do not have a theoretical base in its classical, scientific version. That is why among psychologists there is no unambiguous assessment of the methodology. Some experts classify constellations as spiritual practices, and some as psychotherapeutic. But let's dwell on the main question - do the constellations work? If yes, in what cases?

When Constellations Should Say “Yes”

Therapists and clients themselves note that the method is very powerful. A session (arrangement of one situation) is carried out once, unlike most other methods, work with which sometimes lasts for years. Even being only in the role of an observer, many people get a very deep impression, up to the transformation life positions. For the same reason, the technique in some cases (we will consider them a little later) is not recommended.

Most of the problems in the life of any person are rooted in the family. Murders, exiles (and psychological as well), abortions, violation of the hierarchy in the family (even in its distant past) are the root cause of many phenomena in a person's life. Incomprehensible feelings, inexplicable actions, dual relationship, failures, conflicts, diseases (especially chronic ones). All this can be disassembled, a reason and an explanation can be found, and most importantly, a solution, in constellations.

An example from practice: the son abruptly withdrew into himself, although there were no events before that in his life. The mother at the constellations wants to know what to do. In the process, it turns out that she had an abortion long before the birth of her son. The reason is the disorder of life and young age, 18 years. The aborted child, pushed out of the system and forgotten, demands attention through the real one. When the mother admits her guilt, mentally asks for forgiveness from the unborn, accepts it, the eighteen-year-old son soon tells his mother about an incomprehensible suicidal desire, which passed as unexpectedly as it appeared.

Five "no" constellations

2. If available fresh psychological trauma (rape, humiliation, deep resentment, conflict, relocation, natural disaster), therapists do not recommend going to constellations even as an observer. stressful state, which the participants of the constellation are amenable to, is already in the everyday life of a person. Additional psychological stress can only make the situation worse.

3. acute grief(unexpected death loved one, parting, severe illness) are also among the conditions in which it is better not to arrange constellations. Why? A person, being in acute grief, cannot move away from the current situation. Sometimes trying to "look outside" can heighten feelings or offend the client. Therefore, experienced qualified constellators survey participants before conducting therapy in order to exclude a risk group.

4. Exacerbation of psychiatric illness. Constellations are among the techniques for mentally healthy people. Psychiatric illnesses can be aggravated if the patient is a member of constellations.

5. Just out of curiosity It is also better not to participate in therapy. If a man goes to the arrangement without a request or invents it, then not only the client himself, but also the deputies get into an incomprehensible or untruthful situation. The constellator in most cases stops such sessions when he realizes that curiosity will not give therapeutic benefits.


Any psychotherapeutic method is based on the fact that the client works on the issue on his own. The task of the therapist is to help, guide, but not decide. Arrangements are built according to the same principle. If the client has a desire to change something, system-family constellations according to Hellinger can contribute to this. At the same time, it is worth remembering the words of Paracelsus that everything is a poison and at the same time a medicine. Sometimes only constellations can help, and sometimes they should be avoided.

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At present, no one will deny the fact that the actions and motives of a person are controlled not only by his individual will and mind. It is known that the behavior of a person is influenced, among other things, by various unconscious generic scenarios. The method of systemic family constellations allows recognize these scenarios and work through them to get out of those dead ends and traps that our ancestors could not get out of at one time.

family theater

The history of the method of systemic constellations is rooted in both transactional analysis Eric Burn, and in the primary therapy of Arthur Yanov. It is known that while still a priest, the creator of the method, Bert Hellinger, first thought about the amazing phenomenology of intrapsychic nature. Asking the question as to what is more important, ideals or people, he soon resigned his religious rank and decided to devote his life to the study of the mysteries of the human soul.

Shortly after completing his course at the Vienna Association for Psychoanalysis, he turned to research in the field of family psychotherapy. They convincingly demonstrated that the person cannot be considered as a unit - but only as component of a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Hellinger soon became convinced that all members of the same family (whether fathers and children, brothers and sisters, now living or dead) are interconnected by invisible bonds. These connections are built according to three basic laws, which Hellinger called the Orders of Love.

The first of these laws, called ownership law, says that every member of the family system has the right to belong to it and to be accepted in it. The second law is called hierarchy law, is due to the unconditional priority that the new family system (young family) has over the old one (parental family). Finally, the third law balance law, states that there must be balance in the relationship of giving and taking.

Family technologies

Under the conditions of the normal functioning of the family system, in accordance with the laws described above, the living give to their children the love that at one time given by their parents. However, the lack and lack of love can lead to such "failures" in the system as parentification - a phenomenon that describes the situation when children are forced to become "parents" for their own fathers and mothers.

Or, for example, a violation of the law of belonging can lead to the fact that a person throughout his life is forced to feel as if he fulfills other people's requests and reproduces other people's feelings. Fortunately, systemic family constellations allow shedding light on the family situation and transforming the existing intrapersonal context of the family relationship system.

Placement steps include request, selection of "deputies" of family roles, direct placement of participants according to this or that scenario, as well as cathartic processing of the experience gained. The phenomenon, due to which significant personal changes occur within the framework of systemic family constellations, is called " morphic field". It is this that affects the fact that the deputies within the constellations feel the same as their prototypes previously felt - which leads to significant changes within the framework of therapy.

Despite the fact that Bert Hellinger's method never received scientific justification, his amazing efficiency contributes to attracting into the ranks of fans of system constellations everything more of people. No wonder: after all, this dramatic action impresses all those who crave visual and emotionally accessible solutions to their family problems.

In Russia, the name "Arrangement"® is a registered trademark for psychological services, seminars and trainings. The copyright holder is the Institute for Consulting and System Solutions (IKSR). And the phrase "System Spreads"® is a registered trademark for any printed matter. Copyright holder - Psychological Foundation "IMAGO".

Psychology is very complex science, which has many different approaches to the perception of a person, to his psyche, to what is happening in his head. There are those methods that are considered to be scientific, as their effectiveness has been confirmed by practice for many years. But new and new approaches are constantly appearing, and some of them complement the scientific component of psychology (naturally, over time, when they also undergo a kind of test_. However, many methods remain unofficial - they are not recognized by the scientific community, but at the same time they remain relevant in narrow circles.One of the most clear examples are system constellations - psychological approach, which, despite the fact that no one recognized it for many decades, still remains relevant and is used by an impressive number of its supporters. What is this method? How do system alignments happen? It's about this will be discussed in this article.

What is the essence of the method?

System constellations are an unconventional approach in psychology, which is based on the fact that all human problems come from the family, or rather from the family system. Therefore, the essence of this method is the reproduction of this system in a session in order to understand it and find the true cause of the problem. This reproduction takes place in reality and is called constellation.

Systemic constellations have been practiced for quite a long time, but still have not received recognition. scientific community. But people do not always turn to professionals - sometimes they are closer to what they want to believe in, and a lot of people believe in this method. Perhaps the reason is that its creator is not only a psychologist, but also a theologian, a spiritual teacher.

Founder of the movement

Since we are talking about who exactly founded this method, it is worth lingering on this person. Systemic Family Constellations are the work of Bert Hellinger, famous psychologist who was born in 1925 in Germany. He was engaged in psychology for a long time, worked as a psychotherapist, however, as mentioned earlier, he was also a theologian. And in the eighties of the last century, Hellinger discovered and put into circulation a method about which in question in this article. That is why it is often called "Hellinger Systemic Family Constellations". This variation is primary and most in demand.

Method roots

The method of systemic constellations is an original offshoot of psychology, but it also has its own roots. Hellinger created this method based on several psychological movements that were relevant at the time. However, if you single out the most main method that has most influenced systemic constellations is Eric Berne's script analysis. The essence of this method is to analyze life situations each person (this psychologist also believed that all problems come from the family). He believed that each person has his own life scenario, according to which he moves. The script is formed in childhood under the influence of parents and environment and may be slightly adjusted in the future.

Hellinger acted precisely in accordance with this method, but at a certain moment he realized that he had his drawbacks - as a result, he developed his own approach. Later it was already called systemic constellations and is known to this day under this name. Bert Hellinger's system constellations are quite popular in narrow circles. It's time to figure out what exactly this approach is.

Problem situation

So, what did Systemic constellations imply - this is not just a psychological term, constellations actually work, and this is how it happens. For starters, there must be some problem situation one of the participants in the psychological session. In fact, this situation is an element certain system most often familial. It is with him that the group that participates in the session will have to deal. Bert Hellinger's method of systemic constellations involves the participation of all people, even those who do not know either the person whose problem is being considered, or anyone from his family system.

How is the alignment going?

The focus of the session is the history of the client, his problem situation. All participants in the session form a large circle, and the problem is presented in a plane in the space between all people. Each element of the system is first imagined, and then its place in real world occupied by a person who is called a deputy. During the session, it is particular member systems - thus, the whole system is replenished, and everyone gets his role. This is exactly how splitting happens. All this is done quietly, slowly and with concentration. Each participant concentrates on his feelings, trying to feel the essence of the person whom he replaces in the session.

Substitutive Perception

As mentioned earlier, deputies may not know either the client or his relatives, including the person they are replacing in the system. And the client does not tell the group anything about them, so people have to concentrate and try to independently realize what kind of belonging they have. This is called vicarious perception - people have to become, without outside help, the person they replace. Thus, the lack of information is compensated by this phenomenon of substitute perception, without which the process would be simply impossible. It is likely that this is what repels professional psychologists and psychiatrists from this method - there is a lot of uncertainty in it, which cannot be scientifically compensated in any way, in order to allow calling the method of systemic constellations professional.

The source of information

The main source from which participants receive information about the problem, about the client and about the system as a whole is the so-called "field". That is why people have to concentrate and work in silence - this is how they try to connect with the field in order to get necessary information about who they replace in the system, as well as about what kind of “dynamics” their character has with the rest of the system participants. This is exactly how it happens system placement- each participant turns into a substitute, gets used to his image, drawing information from the field, and then all participants try to reproduce the problem and solve it. The therapist, called the constellator, leads the whole process, giving people the most appropriate roles for them, and also trying to help them solve the problem in the process of constellation.

The main goal of this whole process is to accurately reproduce the situation so that the client can see it live, understand it and accept his problem. Only when he succeeds in doing so is the session considered successful. Then it is believed that he no longer needs to reproduce a specific problem in the conditions of constellation, since he was able to realize it and can now deal with its solution.


According to people who practice this method, it really helps - participants can look at their situation from the other side, try to assess what is happening impartially, without associating all actions with their relatives and friends, which does not allow them to think rationally. And when a person sees a situation performed in real life strangers, he can understand that this is really his problem - and then he can start looking for a solution to it. Often the client is not able to not only solve his problem on his own, but even see it - this is what the constellation is used for. The client looks at the situation with an outsider's eye and gets a chance to see it as a problem in general, and then recognize his own in it.