Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Calendar planning in the 1st junior April sun. Thematic week “Spring is coming”

According to the “From Birth to School” program, the teacher must give children 2-3 years old basic knowledge about the signs of the seasons. At the end of March, you can introduce children to the drop, tell them that birds are returning from distant countries, the sun shines brighter and the first leaves appear. Material for conversations with children, artistic word and finger games on the theme “Spring” you will find in the appendix plan “ Thematic week"Spring is coming."

Social and communicative development

Kids actively help adults, carry out simple work tasks, and during conversations with adults they remember what they saw on the way to kindergarten. The social and communicative development of children takes place in the games “I’m good”, “Tender name”, the teacher organizes various sketches “Sparrows rejoice in spring”, “I’ll show you how much I love”.

Cognitive development

The teacher introduces children to the signs of spring by organizing the game situation “Drops are dripping.” Playing with various buttons, pebbles, seeds and fruits contributes to cognitive development, as does observing changes in nature while walking.

Speech development

Children remember poems about the sun, learn finger games “Flowers Are Blooming”, “Drops Are Dripping”. The games “What is it called”, “Tell me which one”, “Song of the wind”, “Let’s feed the chick” and others allow you to solve problems of speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The kids draw crumbs for the birds, look at pictures on the theme of spring, trying to answer the adult’s questions. In the area of ​​artistic and aesthetic development, the game “Make a Pair” is planned, during which kids learn to arrange figures in pairs based on color and shape, modeling “Tumbler”, drawing with pencils “Drips”. The result of the week will be a collective work: drawing with palms “Spring Sun”.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, the game “Crawl to the Gate” is planned, aimed at developing coordination and crawling skills, the self-massage game “This Little Bug”, the game “Catch the Ball”, with the goal of training children in throwing and catching the ball, creating a desire to play with children , develop the ability to play together and not quarrel.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game situation “I like it in kindergarten.” Goal: to form elementary representations about a change in the child’s status in connection with attending kindergarten.The teacher’s story about spring, looking at the painting “Early Spring.” Goal: to introduce children to the first signs of spring.Finger game “Flowers are Blooming”. Goal: develop motor skills and speech, learn to repeat movements after the teacher.Construction with the subgroup “Multi-colored buildings”. Goal: to promote the assimilation of words-names for designating construction parts.Game "Birds in Nests". Goal: to teach children to act on a signal, to practice walking and running in a straight direction.
Game "Locomotive". Goal: learn to respond to your name, remember the names of peers, act according to demonstration and verbal instructions.Bird watching. Goal: to tell that birds return from warm countries in the spring.Game "Let's feed the chicks." Goal: to develop the speech apparatus.Drawing with felt-tip pens “Crumbs for the Birds”. Goal: continue to develop drawing skills.Outdoor games with external material. Goal: to develop independence in choosing attributes and motor skills.
2 p.d.Game situation “We are setting the table.” Purpose: to involve in the implementation of simple work assignments.Exercise “Show me the book.” Goal: to develop the ability to answer questions about the content of illustrations, to learn how to navigate the group room.Reading of M. Lermontov’s poem “Sleep, baby” (from the poem Cossack lullaby). Purpose: to pay attention to the words, beautiful, clear.Game-situation “Drops are dripping.” Goal: to introduce children to the signs of spring, teach them to relate natural phenomena and musical images, and encourage them to express the image in motor improvisation.Game "Let's collect vegetables in a basket." Goal: teach children to walk without bumping into each other.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “What did you see on the way to kindergarten.” Goal: to promote the development of communication and the ability to answer adult questions.Games - inserts, labyrinths. Goal: to develop perseverance and independence, operational thinking.Conversation “What are clothes for?” Goal: to contribute to the emergence of the general concept “Clothing” in the dictionary.Adding paintings on the theme “Spring” to the corner. Goal: to attract children's attention to beauty spring nature, develop aesthetic perception.Game "Roll the ball into the house." Goal: to develop motor skills, eye.
“Put the trash in the trash” assignment. Goal: to remind children that there is a special place for garbage, to cultivate hard work.Game “Each butterfly has its own flower.” Goal: to develop the ability to correlate objects by color and size, to develop thinking and perception.Conversation telling poems about the drop. Goal: to introduce the phenomenon of drops, to encourage children to clearly pronounce words after the teacher, to form phonemic awareness. Game "Make a Pair". Goal: learn to arrange figures in pairs based on color and shape.Repetition of the game “Cucumber-cucumber”. Goal: learn to jump on two legs moving forward; develop the ability to play an outdoor game with simple content and simple movements.


Games with your favorite toys.Goal: To support the desire to play independently; teach children to choose games on their own; cultivate friendliness.

Di “Find an object of the same shape.” The goal is to develop the ability to distinguish objects and toys by color and shape.

Individual robot: ball games. The goal is to practice throwing the ball to each other.

Speech game “Loud-quiet” (telling nursery rhymes, poems. The goal is to develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak loudly or quietly

Solving the riddlesabout onions. Performing musically rhythmic movements: melody - “Rattle, dance.”

Ind work on sculpting.. The goal is to practice sculpting sticks using the rolling technique.

Walk 1


The breeze ran along the path -

The grass nodded its head.

The breeze ran along the river -

The river became pockmarked.




I/u . Stepping over the line with Vladik and Yura.


S/r game "Lunch for a doll." Goal: to teach to treat the doll as a living creature, to involve in role-playing interaction. “Let’s restore order in the group.” The goal is to teach children to pick up toys after themselves.

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly.

S/r game "Treat." The goal is development children's ability to implement game plans.

Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the play environment with missing items and toys.

Work. activity - continue to teach order in the group; - learn to put napkins on the table; continue to enrich the understanding of care operations indoor plants, support cognitive interest.

Di "Big and small cubes." The goal is to learn to alternate objects by size (large, small)

Reading fairy tales. The goal is to instill a love of fairy tales

Situational conversation about caring for books.

Music game“Where are our pens?” The goal is to create a joyful mood.

Listening and singing familiar children's songs. Goal - To consolidate the ability to sing along with repeated phrases in a song, recognize familiar songs; develop speech; cultivate a love of music.

Indus work on drawing “Spring flowers”. The goal is to teach children to apply strokes to a sheet; evoke an emotional response to bright colors paints; develop imagination, cultivate accuracy, interest in drawing.

Walk 2

Observation . Draw the children's attention to what kind of wind is blowing: strong cold or warm. From strong wind the trees are swaying. A warm wind is blowing and it is warm outside.

The breeze ran along the path -

The grass nodded its head.

The breeze ran along the river -

The river became pockmarked.

Work . Collect the branches and place them in a group in a vase.

Di . “Breeze” - development of speech breathing.

P/n . “Catch me” - development of coordination of movements, ability to navigate in space.

I/u . Stepping over the line with Alisa, Dasha, Bogdan..

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to implementing tasks preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process largely depends on the quality of planning.

There are ready-made promising and calendar plans to some sample programs preschool education. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number of important points: current situation of children’s development, characteristics of a group of children, implemented technologies, regional component, variable part educational program, and also do not always allow the implementation of such requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, such as taking into account the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the development of the child as a subject of his education. Our planning notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, but:

ready-made plans can only partially be used to develop teachers’ own plans. When downloading the plan, you should read it in detail and change it in accordance with your children, their interests and abilities.

The effectiveness of the implementation of educational areas as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Forward planning educational process in age groups is an advance determination of the order, sequence of implementation of the educational process in academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. Its basis is the basic general education program preschool. The long-term plan is drawn up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction during work in terms of this type is acceptable).

The long-term plan is developed independently by educators and specialists for one academic year and is implemented on the basis curriculum, approved by the manager. Forward planning of immediate educational activities(GCD) is compiled for each age group, taking into account complex thematic planning.

The long-term plan includes (depending on the preschool educational institution program):

Implementation deadlines;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (for a month);
types of children's activities,
literature used and methodological manuals,
work with parents for the school year ( parent meetings and consultations);
at the beginning of each month, the following is determined: morning exercise complexes, after-sleep exercise complexes, work with parents and children for the month (individual and group consultations, group and kindergarten-wide parent meetings, information stands, moving folders, reminders, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical And sporting events, days open doors, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and long-term plan is 5 years.

Summary of long-term plans for the year


The summary includes:

  • Routine and routine processes (child adaptation, physical education and health activities, organization of daytime sleep)
  • Classes
  • Independent play activity
  • Working with parents, topics of consultations and conversations.
  • A complex of morning exercises for every month.
  • Games-activities by day.


Author Lyamina Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodological work and long-term planning in the 1st junior group for the academic year.docx>>


Summary of long-term lesson planning for the year by month

One week - one general theme. Each week includes classes in the following areas: cognition, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, design.

Planning for the program "From birth to school"

Developments according to the program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova for the 1st junior group for the entire academic year, divided into weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, gaming, work and other activities. Author Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Long-term planning in the first junior group for the academic year (pdf file)>>

Another planning summary for the “From Birth to School” program. Work program compiled by educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (FSES DO). Teacher Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna. Download abstract >>

Long-term planning in the 1st junior group according to the Rainbow program

Teacher Osovskaya Natalya Aleksandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" >>

Long-term planning of the first junior group based on an approximate educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Summary 5 weeks

Planning classes and routine moments for the first junior group in 5-week cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. These are social-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic-aesthetic and physical. Notes from mid-September to mid-October.

Calendar-thematic planning of educational work (for the week of April 16-20)

Group: first youngest Topic of the week: "Spring is walking across the planet"

Goals: Expanding ideas about spring: seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing (the sun shines brightly, there are rains, the earth and water are heated by the sun, they become warm, there is a lot of young tender greenery on the trees and bushes).

Familiarization with some features of the behavior of animals and birds in the spring (awakening from hibernation of animals, the appearance of chicks in birds in the spring).

Final event: Themed entertainment “Spring is Red”

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Looking at an album, illustrations with the season of spring. Did/game: “When does this happen?”, Conversation about the signs of spring. Reading of the poem “Spring” by G. Ladonshchikov.

Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes, develop the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis of their location, develop imagination and creative thinking Arina L., Anya S.

Conversation “Why wash your hands before eating?”

Didactic game"Animals in Spring"

Consider illustrations on the topic: “Spring” - to enrich children’s knowledge about the features of spring nature.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Musical activities(according to the plan of the music director)

Cognitive activity

Topic: “What are the colors of spring?”

Tasks: Give children ideas about spring changes in nature. To develop interest in natural phenomena. Bring up careful attitude to awakening in nature, to its individual phenomena.Develop observation, curiosity, speech, imagination, memory, thinking. Improve the ability to convey an idea in a drawing.

(Volchkova, 343)


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Bird watching.

Tasks. Introduce children to the rules of observation birds during observation, find answers to questions about the features of appearance, movement birds

P\N: “The clock is ticking.”

Labor: pour food into feeders.

D\I: “Burners”.

Running along the paths Sasha S., Arseny Ch.

Situational conversation: “Why don’t we take books and small toys with us on walks in rainy weather.”

Remote material.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Conversation: “Spring has come.”Looking at an album, illustrations with the season of spring. Did/game: “When does this happen?” Didactic exercise"Spring months".


exercise “Find a toy” to develop attention and thinking, color perception.

Game exercise“Why is this needed?” to develop attention, imagination and coordination of movements.

Create conditions for didactic games with the doll “Let’s put the doll Masha to sleep.”

Tuesday – 17.04


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Conversation “Tell me why you shouldn’t scare birds.” Looking at illustrations about spring. D/i “Meeting the birds.”Outdoor game-task “Bring a toy.” Finger game"Okay."

D/i “Compare the dolls” Nelly D., Polina M.

Finger game "Come on, brothers, let's get to work."

Add illustrations about spring.

Mobile folder: “How to teach a child to take care of their teeth.”.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Sign. with art lit. (3 weeks)

Topic: “Reading “Sunny Bunnies”

Tasks: developing the ability to understand a poem, to join the game according to the content of the poem. Develop speech, imagination, thinking. Cultivate a desire to care for animals.

(Vinnikova, 70)

Motor activity

(physical culture)

Tasks: to develop children’s ability to throw a ball long distance with one hand and to jump long from a standing position, to promote the development of courage, dexterity, and the ability to stop moving when given a signal. Instill a love for sports.

Equipment: 2 cones or 2 small balls for each child, 2 long ropes, 4-5 hoops large size


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Observing the weather change: the sun is shining, the icicles are melting, the drops are falling.

P\N: “Birds.”

Labor: clearing the path from branches.

DI: "Divide the items into groups".

Outdoor games “Migration of birds” Lisa P., Sasha I.

Remote material.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Reading V. Dahl “The Crow”. Listening musical works"Sounds of Spring". Didactic game "Lacing". Outdoor game-task "On the bridge". Articulation gymnastics "Delicious jam", "Turkey", "Steamboat".

Design work Vika Zh., Sasha S.

D/i “What I will share with a friend.”

Inventory for the game.

Wednesday – 18.04


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Looking at an illustration of a swallow. Reading poetry by L. Mironova"Charger". Outdoor game “Pigeons, sparrows and crows”.D. p. “Little birds flew to the feeder.”

Sonya Ya., Masha K. line up to exercise, one after the other.

Reading poems about purity.

Work in a corner of nature.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Visual activities (modeling)

Topic: “This is the bridge we have”

Tasks: arouse interest in modeling a bridge and creating a spring composition. To develop the ability to sculpt columns, to show the possibility of aligning columns along the length. Develop a sense of form and size, composition skills.

Equipment: cardboard, plasticine, stacks, napkins, oilcloths.

(Lykova, 70)

Motor activity (physical culture)

Tasks: Strengthen in children the ability to walk on a gymnastic bench, practice jumping from a height, improve the ability to throw and catch a ball, and act on a signal from the teacher. Develop endurance and speed. Instill a love for sports.

Equipment: ribbons according to the number of children, 1-2 gymnastic benches, a medium-sized ball.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E.

Observing the sun.

Goals: continue to introduce natural phenomena(sunny, cloudy weather, is the sun warm); form concepts about the signs of the coming spring.

Labor: shoveling snow from the path.

P\N: “Find where it’s hidden.”

D/N: “Call me affectionately.”

Cleaning up toys after yourself Alina N., Masha V.

Watch for the appearance of thawed patches and green grass.

Games with external material.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.Finger gymnastics"Snegirek." Reading A. Maikov “Swallow”.D/i “Let’s feed the chicks.” Outdoor game"Birds and Chicks"

Work in a corner of nature Arina L., Polina M.

Get used to dismantling buildings after the game and putting them back in place building material, folding it carefully.

Create conditions for the role-playing game “Chauffeurs”.

Thursday – 19.04


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Conversation on story pictures« Birds " Didactic game “Assemble an airplane.”Reading of S. Cherny’s poem “The Persuasion.” Construction from clothespins “Hedgehog”.

Putting beads together Sasha I., Nelly D.

D/i “Our cheerful, our favorite handkerchief.”

Create conditions for Russian folk, outdoor games

"Small feet - big feet."

Individual conversations and consultations upon parental requests.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E


Communication activities (speech development)

Topic: “Spring has come to us”

Tasks: improve the ability to compose a story together with the teacher on a topic from personal experience, activate adjectives and verbs in children’s speech, consolidate correct pronunciation sounds, pronounce phrases at different volumes. Develop speech, phonemic hearing, imagination, memory, fine motor skills hands

(Ushakova, 86)

Visual activities (drawing)

Topic: “These are the bridges we have”

Tasks: arouse interest in drawing a bridge, improve the ability to draw straight lines next to others. Practice brush painting techniques. Develop a sense of form and rhythm. Cultivate independence and accuracy.

Equipment: templates, gouache, brushes, napkins.

(Lykova, 71)


Watching the snow.

Tasks. Continue to introduce children to natural phenomena - snow. How did the snow turn out? Why are the paths slippery? How should you walk along the paths? Form basic ideas about weather changes.

Labor: carrying snow with buckets to a certain place.

study their habits and characteristics.

P\N: “Hares and the wolf.”

D/I: “One is many.”

Snake running Arseniy Ch., Masha K.

Independent activity children on a walk, optional games

Remote material.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Water-air procedures. Walking along massage paths. Reading fiction. K. V. Lukashevich “Mother Bird”. Reading Pleshcheev "Spring". D/i “Fun-sad”, “Find out the mood”. Fun game “Catch the ball”.

Invite the children to water the onions Alina N.

When going home in the evening, continue to form the habit of saying goodbye to teachers and children.

Learn to play with buildings, share parts and toys.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Walking on a ribbed board. Conversation"Where the birds live." Reading fiction"Where the sparrow dined." Watching from the window birds.

Continue to develop hygiene skills; wash, comb hair Alina N., Polina M.

Work in a corner of nature.

Create conditions for playing with the constructor.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Musical activities. according to the music plan Head)

2 half day



F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Watching the wind.

Tasks. Involve children in observing natural phenomena, diversify play activity children through games with sultans.

Labor: scatter the snow to melt it faster.

P\I:"The most accurate"

D/I: “What did (is) the janitor do?”

Develop the skill of pouring snow into a bucket Kirill V., Vika Zh.

Outdoor games

“Who is faster?”, “Stream”.

Games with external material.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Water-air procedures. Walking along massage paths.Articulation gymnastics “Clock”. Plot-role-playing game"I'm mom's helper"playing with water, washing handkerchiefs.Didactic game“What do we do in the morning, afternoon, evening”daily routine.

Arranging toys in their places Vika Zh.

D/i “Doll Katya woke up.”

Create conditions for construction from the designer. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish parts by color and shape. Develop the ability to analyze.

Svetlana Beskrovnaya
Long-term planning in the first junior group (April)


head of the preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 89 “Firefly”

Makeeva M. S.

Long-term planning in the first junior group (April)

Developer: Beskrovnaya Svetlana


teacher of 1st junior group

1 week

Theme of the month: "Spring"

Topic of the week: “What has changed in the spring?”

Introduce children to seasonal changes in nature with the onset of spring. Learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships. Enrich vocabulary children on this topic. To form in children a cognitive interest in the world around them, native nature. To induce in children an emotional, positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty in different times year.


Have a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena;

Accompany play and everyday activities with speech;

Listen to poems that are accessible in content;

Respond emotionally to a game offered by an adult;

With the help of an adult, build basic buildings;

Cognitive activity

Game interaction

Topic: “Signs of Spring”

Goal: learn to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons, develop general motor skills, auditory attention; expand your vocabulary; select objects for their intended purpose, name colors, promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Planned results:

be able to verbal description guess the season; answer questions, be active when performing tan. -rit. movements to the melody of "Spring"; carry out instructions for an adult, choose an outfit for a doll, take part in an outdoor game. O. P. Vlasenko page 230

O. E. Gromova p. 121

Speech development

Game interaction

“Spring has come, water is flowing!”

L. N. Tolstoy

Teaching children to listen literary work without visual support. Learn to understand the question about the content of the work and answer it. Develop attention, memory, speech breathing. Cultivate an interest in reading.

G. Ya. Zatulina page 121

Game interaction

"Spring clothes"

Continue to introduce children to items of clothing, shoes, hats, and recognize them in pictures. Activate children's vocabulary, introduce new words, lead children to understand general words - clothes, shoes. Develop attention, memory, form visual elements imaginative thinking. Develop self-care skills when dressing. G. Ya Zatulina page 141

Visual activities

Game interaction

Poem by A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”

Spring grass

Introduce a poem, teach how to coordinate words in a sentence, develop memory; continue to teach how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll them into sticks, carefully place them on the board, distinguish green, develop the ability to work collectively.

O. P. Vlasenko p. 231

Game interaction


"Early Spring"

Continue to develop interest in natural phenomena and stimulate the desire to carefully look at landscape pictures. Learn to reflect your impressions of the world around you through drawing, draw trees, and add additional elements to your drawing. Maintain interest in drawing, create collective compositions. Improve and consolidate brush painting technique.

T. V. Koroleva page 59

Motor activity

F/m "Waking the Sun".

Vlasenko O. P. page 217

P/i "Sun"

Vlasenko O. P. page 35

P/i "Through the stream"

P/i "Sun and Rain"

Vlasenko O. P. page

H/i "Weave a wreath"

F/m "Veterok"

Play activity

D/i “what’s in the bag”

O. P. Vlasenko p. 268

D/i “What first, what then?”

D/i “Find and Show”

D/i "Let's dress the doll for a walk"

D/u "Sail the Boat"

D/ and "Drowning does not sink"


During the week, work is carried out on the development of coherent speech, compiling descriptive stories.

1 Verse. A. Barto "The sun is looking through the window"

2 Verse. A. Barto "Karablik"

3 Verse. I. Tolmakova "Spring"

4 Poems by A. Pleshcheev “The grass is turning green”

5 Poem by A. Fet “Willow”

6 Poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring”

2 week

Theme of the month: "Spring"

Topic of the week: “Pets and birds in spring”

Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds and how to care for them. Develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech, enrich vocabulary, cultivate a love for animals.


Sculpt simple objects;

Listen short stories without visual support;

Cognitive activity

Game interaction

Topic: “Domestic animals and their babies”

Game “Listen and name”

Goal: to introduce children to domestic animals and their babies, to teach them to name and compare them by size; develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech; enrich vocabulary; cultivate a love for animals.

O. P. Vlasenko p. 194

Speech development

Game interaction

"Dog with puppies"

Introduce pets (dogs, puppies, learn to look at and compare by size, distinguish and name their parts, answer questions, pronounce onomatopoeia; develop speech, auditory attention, general motor skills, tactile sensations.

O. P. Vlasenko p. 72

Game interaction

Looking at paintings from the series “Pets”

Help children see the differences between adult animals and young ones, enrich and activate their vocabulary, and develop proactive speech.

V. V. Gerbova p. 86

Visual activities

Game interaction

“Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs!”

Teach children to model the image of a hedgehog: insert “needles” into the “torso”. Independently select the material for parts and thereby transfer characteristic features appearance of a hedgehog. Develop a sense of shape, fine motor skills, and coordination in the eye-hand system.

I. A. Lykova p. 38

Game interaction


“Chickens are running across the meadow!”

Clarify your idea of appearance chicken Learn to draw chickens based on two circles, adding appropriate details (tail, legs, beak, eyes). Develop feeling, shapes and colors.

T.V. Koroleva page 72

Motor activity

P/n "The chicken went out for a walk..."

O. P. Vlasenko p. 49

P/n "Collect the cubes"

P/i "Shaggy Dog"

O. P. Vlasenko p. 240

F/m "Flags"

O. P. Vlasenko p. 46

F/m "We were sitting"

O. P. Vlasenko p. 50

F/m "Charging for hands"

Play activity

D/u "Let's put things in order"

O. P. Vlasenko page 86

N. F. Gubanova p. 8

D/i "Tell and show"

S/r “Let’s dress the dolls for a walk”,

D/ and “Games with a bug”

N. F. Gubanova p. 20

D/i "Inhabitants of Grandma's Yard" by N. F. Gubanov p. 26


Poem "Cat" by G. Sapgir

Poem "Bull"

Poem "Confusion" by K. I. Chukovsky

Poem "Five kittens from a cat's mother" by T. Koval

Russian folk tale"Chicken Ryaba"

3 week

Theme of the month: "Spring"

Topic of the week: “Forest animals and birds in spring”

Expand knowledge about forest animals and birds and how to care for them. Develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech, enrich vocabulary, cultivate a love for animals.


Observe basic rules interactions with animals;

Know that you can draw with a pencil, paints and a brush;

Sculpt simple objects;

Listen to accessible works of art;

Recognize and name some domestic animals and their babies;

Listen to short stories without visual accompaniment;

Communicate in dialogue with the teacher.

Cognitive activity

Game interaction

Topic: “Forest animals: Find out who they are?”

Teach children to recognize animals while reading poetry and recognize them in pictures. Activate children's vocabulary with animal names, teach them to answer questions in short sentences. Develop attention, memory, ability to listen to the teacher and children. Cultivate interest in the inhabitants of the forest.

G. Ya. Zatulina page 49

Speech development

Game interaction

"The Birds Have Arrived"

Teach children to recognize familiar birds in pictures and name them. Activate the children's dictionary, introduce the words starling, birdhouse, swallow, chicks into the dictionary. Develop attention, memory, observation, the ability to communicate with the teacher, and answer questions. Cultivate an interest in birds and birds.

G. Ya. Zatulina p. 129

Game interaction

“Who lives where?”

Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about animals and lead children to understand that there are domestic and wild animals. Activate the dictionary on the topic. Introduce general concepts into the dictionary - domestic and wild animals

G. Ya. Zatulina page 52

Visual activities

Game interaction

Russian folk song “Egorka the Hare...”. Carrot for the bunny.

Introduce the content of a Russian folk song, learn to guess the animal from its description; arouse children's interest in actions with plasticine, improve the ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements.

O. P. Vlasenko p. 102

Game interaction


“Small birds are pecking grains”

Purpose: To clarify the idea of ​​​​the appearance of birds; learn to draw birds based on one circle, adding appropriate details (tail, paws, beak, eye); develop feelings and colors; to cultivate a desire to reflect in drawing one’s ideas and impressions from observations, an interest in co-creation with other children in creating a collective composition.

T. V. Koroleva page 61

Motor activity

P/i "The Bird and the Rain"

P/i "At the bear in the forest"

P/n "Bunny, go out to the garden"

P/n "Bird one, bird two"

P/i "Teddy Bear"

P/i "Flowers and bees"

F/m "Our feet walked"

F/m "A Bunny Came Out"

F/m "Exercise for animals"

Play activity

D/i “Who Screams How”

D/i "Games with toy animals"

N. F. Gubanova p. 8

D/i “Find by description”

D/i "Tell and show"

D/ and “What Happens in Spring”

С\р "Let's feed the birds"

S/r "Gardener"


During the week, work is carried out on the development of coherent speech, compiling descriptive stories based on subject pictures.

Poem "Bird" by A. Barto

Poem "Bunny"

Poem "Fox" by A. Barto

Reading the nursery rhyme "Ay doo - doo - doo."

Russian folk tale “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Masha and the Bear”.

4 week

Theme of the month: "Spring"

Theme of the week: “Happy Easter!”

To form in children an idea of ​​the Christian holiday of Easter, to introduce them to Orthodox culture. Introduce children to the customs and history of the Svetlova celebration Christ's Sunday, with Easter traditions. To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people. Expand children's horizons. Arouse children's interest in collaborating with the teacher and other children when creating collective compositions. Introduce children to the properties of dough.

Cognitive activity

Game interaction

"What is Easter?"

Introduce children to Orthodox holiday, with its history. Talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday. Arouse children's interest in folk culture. To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, for folk art.

Speech development

Game interaction

"Willow" A. Fet

Teach children to listen to poetry, accompany reading by showing an object. Give children the opportunity to finish words, phrases, and try to read entire poems. Develop perception, auditory attention, memory, and the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate interest in poetic works.

G. Ya. Zatulina, card file 127

Game interaction

Telling the Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen"

Remember the fairy tale, make children want to repeat after the characters individual words and phrases; form the intonation of expressive speech. Screening - Kurochka Ryaba Theater

Visual activities

Game interaction

Modeling "Bright Easter"

To consolidate children's knowledge about the Christian holiday Easter. Show children a variety of plastic materials (dough, introduce them to its properties (plasticity, viscosity, integrity of the mass, the possibility of one’s influence on the material, and on this basis teach children to knead, slam, put imprints, tear off and pinch off pieces, put them back together, crumple, squeeze etc.) Develop a sense of color and composition, imagination.

Game interaction


"Easter eggs of unusual coloring"

Introduce children to the symbol of the spring folk holiday - the Easter egg and ways to decorate it. Continue to learn how to work with glue and a brush, learn how to carefully glue applique parts, and create an overall composition from individual elements. Develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking, perseverance, accuracy, aesthetic perception. Develop interest in the application.

Motor activity

P/i "Find the egg"

P/n "The chicken went out for a walk."

P/n "Let's put together a pattern."

P/i "Egg Rolling"

H/i "Rucheek"

X/i "Go around in circles, find a friend"

Play activity

D/i “What has changed?”

G. Ya. Zatulina page 128

D/i “Paired pictures”

D/i “What has changed”

D/i “Wonderful bag”

G. Ya. Zatulina page 51

D/i “Find your match”

S/r "Mothers and Daughters" - preparing for the arrival of guests


During the week, work is carried out to develop coherent speech:

Reading the story "Chicken" by K. Chukovsky

Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen"

4. Poem by A. Fet "Willow"

5. G. Ball's story "Yellow Boy"

6. Poem by G. Antipin "Easter"

7. Poem by T. Shemyakin “How I love Easter!”