Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Stepanova preparing children for school. Psychological preparation: tests

School preparation tasks include the best cognitive express techniques. Training material is developed depending on individual characteristics future schoolchildren. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, preparing a child for school means forming successful personality, independent and confident in her abilities. Currently, there are many interactive, electronic techniques with descriptions. Children can prepare for them at home under the strict guidance of their parents and completely free of charge.

How to prepare for school: rules and requirements

Preschool preparation important stage in the life of every child, but not all parents understand why this is necessary and where to start.

Classes are required so that the child is mentally, emotionally and psychologically adapted to the new stage in his life.

Tasks for preparatory groups They will help you study successfully, develop the child’s physical and intellectual skills, and help you when applying to school during an interview with teachers.

Present certain requirements What a first grader should know and be able to do:

  • Full name (your own and your parents), residential address, city;
  • parents' place of work;
  • holidays;
  • professions;
  • distinguish vegetables and fruits, edible from inedible;
  • seasons and the number of months in it, days of the week;
  • famous poets and musicians;
  • rules traffic;
  • distinguish colors;
  • letters, numbers;
  • read syllables and complete sentences;
  • write in a notebook;
  • count from 0 to 10 and back;
  • recite poems with expressions by heart;
  • retell what you read and heard;
  • solve riddles;
  • invent and tell a fairy tale;
  • make up a story based on the given picture;
  • answer questions clearly.

Despite the fact that studying in the first grade includes much from the list, during the testing/interview for admission to school, attention is paid to the specified points.

Developmental activities

Currently, there are many developing preparatory classes and courses. Each task is prepared individually, based on the abilities and skills of the preschooler. There are notes indicating how best to present the material to the child. The variety of methods includes tasks for both children who have not yet turned 4 years old, and for children over 6 years old. Classes allow the child to easily complete the first grade and successfully move to the 2nd. Preparatory courses include most of the school curriculum for first-graders.


By studying the Russian language, a child will learn to correctly inflect words and select prepositions for nouns. Literacy training will help you master oral and written skills.

  • Task with the letter K. Color those pictures in the photo where there is the indicated sound.

  • Circle the pictures whose names begin with a vowel sound.

  • Color the vowels red and the consonants black.

  • Connect objects with the sounds that their names begin with.

  • Prompt a word. Continue the expression: “Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped it into the river... (ball).” “The mistress abandoned the bunny, he was left in the rain... (bunny).”
  • Guess the item by description. “Fluffy, cold, white, creaks underfoot in winter...(snow).” “Yellow, shining brightly in the sky during the day...(sun).” “Tall, grows in the forest, there are many branches on it... (tree).”
  • Name the first sound in the word, indicate whether it is a vowel or a consonant: k-potato, a-orange, s-table, t-telephone, u-snail.
  • Name any word to the child and ask: what sound is the first, is it a vowel or a consonant, what letter does the word end with. Then the child himself continues to name words, the beginning of which will correspond to the last sound. Tree-Island-Bucket-Hoop-Kettle and so on.
  • Connect objects with the same number of sounds in a word with lines.

Writing skills

Mastery of basic graphic and technical skills.

Entertaining tasks at home:

  • Trace the letters along the outline.

  • Draw the shapes as in the picture.

  • Move the figure to a new location.

  • Finish the house.

  • Name the animals in the picture, color them in different colors.

  • Copy the drawing.

  • Finish drawing the boat.

  • Circle the objects along the dotted lines.


Mathematical simulators teach you to think logically, form a quick reaction and cognitive interest, help to quickly prepare six-year-olds for 1st grade.

Logic tasks

Classes will help the child learn to reason, build logical chains, consistency, and develop curiosity and an inquisitive mind.

  • What do you get if you connect the numbers in order?

  • Find and color identical chickens.

  • Find a pattern and complete the shapes.

  • Connect objects in pairs with lines.

  • Color identical figures with the same color. Count how many there are.

  • Puzzle.

  • Find who is hiding in the picture.

  • Find an extra object in the picture and tell why.

  • Which fairy tales are the pictures from? Color the characters.

Speech development

By exercising regularly, junior schoolboy learns to convey thoughts and emotions. As a result, speech becomes richer and vocabulary increases.

  • Describe any situation, talk about emotions, express feelings.
  • Find similar ones or opposite words to any adjectives (cold - frosty, hot).
  • Read the words out loud.
  • Tell a fairy tale looking at pictures from your favorite books.

To develop correct diction, it is useful to regularly conduct gymnastics, including exercises:

  • The child rests his tongue on the left, then the right cheek, while the mouth is closed.
  • The baby's mouth is open, the tongue is arched and rests on the lower teeth.
  • The child smiles with his mouth slightly open, the tip of his tongue rests on the left and right sides of the mouth alternately.
  • Imagine that the tip of the tongue is Toothbrush, “brush” the teeth with the upper and lower jaw, the latter remains motionless.
  • The child smiles as wide as possible for 7-10 seconds, showing his teeth.


Reading develops interest in letters, signs, literacy, and increases vocabulary.

  • Find a familiar word in the text given to your child in 2 minutes.
  • Read while increasing/decreasing your speech volume.
  • Read the text “to yourself”, tell what it is about.
  • In one minute, the child is asked to write as many vowel/consonant sounds as possible.
  • Read the text, answer the prepared questions.
  • To teach a child to read without paying attention to extraneous sounds, for example, you can turn on the TV.
  • Read letters of different sizes.
  • Reading short texts without opening the teeth. Retelling what you read.
  • Speed ​​reading.
  • Daily retelling of what you read.


Drawing will help satisfy creative curiosity and develop imagination.

The world

Classes develop sensory skills, introduce the baby to nature, and help explore the environment.

Attention exercises

The development of attention promotes quick reaction, concentration, perseverance, and switchability.

On thinking and memory.

Classes develop perseverance, attention in class, the ability to think logically, perceive and assimilate information.

For fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills of a future first-grader is coordinated by the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. As a result of classes, dexterity of movements and writing skills are acquired.

  • An adult easily massages the child’s fingers with his palms with the saying “Magpie-Crow.”
  • Game of "Ladushki".
  • Turning the pages of a book or magazine.
  • Fingering beads.
  • Building towers from cubes, dominoes, cards.
  • Drawing on the sand.
  • The child is asked to take a pea from a jar with an easy-to-open lid, then repeat the manipulations.
  • Fasten and unfasten zippers on clothes, lace and unlace shoes.
  • Modeling from plasticine, clay, dough.
  • Cutting out pictures and cards from a magazine.

Graphic dictation - drawings by cells

An educational game that prepares a preschooler's hands for writing, develops spatial thinking, and teaches orientation according to the size of a sheet of paper. Often used on preparatory courses to primary school.

There is no need to scold the child if the drawing does not come out right away, calmly suggest and continue further.

It is important to ensure proper seating desk, sufficient lighting, positioning of the hand, as a baby holds a pen.

Having received the result, rejoice with your child for his hard work. Graphic dictations are accompanied by tongue twisters, riddles, and develop fine motor skills and thinking.

To perform a dictation, you need to have a squared notebook, a pencil and an eraser. The duration of classes for children under 5-6 years old should not be more than 15 minutes, from 7-8 years old up to 25 minutes. First, talk through the concepts of up/down, right/left with your child.

Graphic dictation is performed in one of the following ways:

  • The preschooler is asked to draw a geometric pattern in a checkered notebook.
  • The adult pronounces the sequence of actions, indicates the direction (2 cells to the left, 4 up, 1 to the right, 2 down, and so on). The child perceives information by ear and draws. At the end of the dictation, the image in the manual is compared with what the child got.
  • Through play, a child learns to perceive the world, develops thinking, logic, memory, attention, and strengthens the child’s psyche. It should be fun, relaxed, interesting. Currently, there are free educational online games that a child will play with interest.

    At home, several options for learning by playing programs can help you master the basics:

    • "Magic wand". For example, a felt-tip pen is called a magic wand. By rubbing it on woolen fabric or hair, show how it works. static electricity(hold it to a candy wrapper, a piece of paper, or a stream of water). Let the child decide for himself what magic words must be said for the “trick” to work.
    • Cut out images of animals, stick them on a piece of paper and invite the child to draw what each of them eats. A hare is a carrot, a cow is hay and so on.
    • Talk to your child about who he sees while walking in the yard. Cut out familiar pictures from magazines of things that remind you of a walk (grandparents, swings, sandbox). Paste the illustrations onto a sheet of paper.
    • Make a toy forest with your baby. To do this, you need to stock up on twigs, leaves, sawdust and paint.
    • Teach polite words, greetings and farewells. Toys are suitable for this; let the child, playing with the character in a suitable situation, say “ Good morning», « Good night", "see you soon" and more.

    Psychological preparation: tests

    In order to determine the level of psychological preparation for school, it is enough to perform special tests.

    Test 1

    Ask the child to draw on a piece of paper the school where he will study, as he sees it. To complete the task you will need a sheet of paper and colored pencils. The drawing is evaluated according to color scheme, plot and lines, and points are given.

    Results in points:

    • 2 - warm season, the sun is shining, the school is located in the center of the sheet, around joyful people, beautiful flowers, trees;
    • 0 - the school is located closer to the edge, people are sad, dark time days, cold season;
    • 1 - the figure shows elements of both characteristics;
    • 2 - straight lines without breaks;
    • 0 - fuzzy, weak, double, with breaks;
    • 1 - elements of both characteristics;
    • 2 - bright, light colors;
    • 0 - dark colors;
    • 1 - dark and light colors.

    By adding up the points, they check whether the child is ready for school:

    • 0-1 - the child is not ready to study at school; there will be obstacles in communicating with teachers and peers.
    • 2-4 - the child does not have a clear idea of ​​what school is; fears may arise that will interfere with learning. Parents need to talk with the child, find out the reason for the fear and describe learning in a positive way.
    • 5-6 - the child is completely ready for school, there is no need to worry about interaction with teachers and peers.

    Test 2

    The child is given 30 seconds to put dots in the circles: 1 dot - 1 point. The more dots, the higher the score (only those included in the circle are counted).


    • less than 11 - low result:
    • 12-17 - development needs to be given more attention;
    • 18-33 - average score;
    • 34 and above - excellent development, excellent result.

Target: give general concept about human speech, the formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity. Formation of graphic skills. Repetition and writing of the letters A, O, U, Y, I.

Material: hedgehog, cat, dog, worksheet. Cards with letters A, O, U. Pencils.

- Here, here, here! Hey guys, who's coming towards us? (show the children the hedgehog)
- Hedgehog, why did you come to us?
- Shu-shu-shu, fir-fir-fir!!!
- Guys, did you understand anything what the hedgehog said?
- Hedgehog, repeat it again.
- Shu-shu-shu, fir-fir-fir!!!
- Nothing is clear.
- Meow meow meow.
Oh, who came to us? (the teacher takes out a cat from under the table)
- Woof woof woof.
Oh, who else is coming to us? (the teacher takes out a dog from under the table)
- Guys, did you understand what the animals told us? (no) And I didn’t understand.
- Do you understand me? (Yes). Let's go play on the carpet.
- Let's jump, stomp, clap. You understand me, because you and I have human speech, with the help of which we communicate.

The teacher asks the children to name an action one by one. Children name and perform it together with the teacher (let's dance, spin, etc.).

- You speak and everyone understands you too. Why do we need speech? To communicate. But what if people are far from each other? You can write a letter. Writing is also speech, which we write down using letters. You and I will learn to master our speech correctly: speak correctly, write words and sentences, and also read!
- Listen to the words that I will tell you now: STORK, ABC, ARCH. What sound do all these words begin with? That's right, from sound A.
- And this is a letter that represents the sound A. (The teacher shows a card with the letter A). Trace the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name the first sound: CLOUD, DONKEY, WASPS.
- What sound did you hear? Sound O. And this is the letter O, which represents the sound O in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter O). What does this letter look like?

- Today we will remember one more sound and letter. Listen to the words and highlight the first sound: MIND, DUCK, MUSTACHE.
- What sound did you hear? This is the sound of U. And this is the letter U, which represents the sound of U in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter U).
- Trace the letter U with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- Now we’ll write all these letters!

Children trace the letters A O U in the worksheets. The teacher makes sure that the children move from left to right and from top to bottom, without missing letters in the lines.

- Listen to the words that I will tell you now: NEEDLE, TURKEY. What sound do all these words begin with? That's right, from the sound I.
- And this is a letter that stands for the sound I. (The teacher shows a card with the letter I). Trace the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name same sound, which occurs in every word: SOAP, BULL, LYNX, SKI.
- What sound did you hear? Sound Y. And this is the letter Y, which represents the sound Y in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter Y). What does this letter look like?
- Trace the letter with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- Circle the letters Y, I on the worksheets.

Children trace the letters Y and I on the worksheets. The teacher makes sure that the child’s hand moves from left to right and from top to bottom, without missing letters in the lines.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Sound I


The teacher asks the children to name what is shown in the pictures.

- Color the objects whose names begin with the sound I.
- What pictures will you color? Why?
- Say the words so that the sound I is clearly heard.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Place of the Y sound in words

Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

- I know, and you know, that there are no words starting with the sound Y.
- But in words this sound occurs often. It can be heard in the middle or end of a word.
- Come up with your own words with the sound Y, and tell where the sound is, in the middle or at the end.
- If the sound ы is in the middle of a word, put a dot in the middle of the line with a red pencil, if at the end of the word, at the end of the line.
- Thank you, guys, for introducing Masha to the sounds and letters Y, I.

We draw the children's attention to the fact that in the word skis the sound Y is in the middle and end of the word.

Number series. Count to 20

Let's count to 20. Get your hands ready. We will clap our hands together and count together for each clap.

The teacher counts together with the children.

Outdoor game. Days of the week

Children stand in a circle.

On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (Pretend to be drawing)

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (wash my face)

And on Thursday I played football. (Running in place)

On Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping)

I danced for a very long time. (We're spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)

I rested the whole day. (Children squat down, hands under cheek - fall asleep)

Mathematics "Equality and Inequality"

Target: to develop the ability to understand quantitative relations between numbers within 10, write them using the equal and unequal signs.

Materials: a bowl with 5 apples and 5 carrots for each child (either wooden or cut out of cardboard), = and signs, 2 plates for each child. Bunny is a toy.

1. Harvest.

- Let's help the bunny harvest.
- Place 1 apple on one plate and 1 carrot on the other. How many apples? How many carrots? (One by one). This means there are equal numbers of apples and carrots.
- To show that the number of objects is the same, the “equal” sign is used.

The teacher shows a sign to the children.

Place this sign between the plates.

- It turned out one equals one.
- Place another apple on the plate next to the apple. Is it possible to leave the equal sign? (No)
- Why? (Two is not equal to one).
- Right. In order to show that the number of objects is not equal to each other, the “unequal” sign is used.

The teacher shows the appropriate sign.

- How do the signs “equal” and “unequal” differ from each other?
- Let's now put an inequality sign between the plates.
- It turned out that two is not equal to one.
- Place another carrot on the plate. What sign should I put up? (Equalities)

Children read the recording independently.

- Now put the carrots and apples on the plates and place them the right sign between them, read the entry.

2. The teacher gives out a worksheet.

Look at the task with carrots. Place an equal or inequality sign between the carrots.

The world. Vegetables and fruits

Target: development mental actions analysis-synthesis, generalization.

Material: dummies of vegetables and fruits that lie in a bag, two bowls.

The teacher organizes a game on the carpet.

Masha decided to ask us riddles, listen to them and answer the questions.
- What is more in the forest: fir trees or trees?
- What is more in the garden: vegetables or potatoes?
- Whom in kindergarten more: girls or children?
- Masha brought us a bag, let's see what's in it.

Children take turns taking an object out of the bag and calling it.

- Oh, how many vegetables and fruits were in the bag.
- Let's put the vegetables in one bowl and the fruits in another.

Children name and sort vegetables and fruits.

- Well done, we have sorted everything out for you.

Massage break. My little finger, where have you been?

We put on and remove the spring ring on all fingers in turn.

My little finger, where have you been?

With the nameless one I cooked cabbage soup,

And with the average one I ate porridge,

He sang with his index finger.

And the big one met me

And he treated me to candy,

The big one on the right danced

And he invited me to dance.

Index on the right

He led the whole horde of us on a hike.

The middle brother carries a backpack,

Nameless walks like this.

And the little finger began to play,

Invite brothers to listen. (Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem)

One two three four five!

Development of thinking. Combinatorics. Bunny houses

Target: development of combinatorial thinking.

Material: worksheet, pencils.

- The bunny has two houses. Look how the bunny decided to paint the walls of the houses.
- Let's first look at a house with geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.
- We will help the bunny paint the walls of the house, and for this we need to complete the figures so that they do not repeat in the lines. (If children have no idea about the concept of “line,” then the teacher explains).

The teacher writes the first line together with the children so that the essence of the task becomes clear to them.

Children independently “paint” the walls of the second house.

Speech development. Unfinished story "The Button"

Target: development of imagination, development of speech.

Materials: text that we read aloud to children.

“Once upon a time there was a stationery Button. Once it fell into the hands of an evil boy, who began to place it on the children’s chair. When they sat down on the chair and jumped up as if stung, the boy laughed disgustingly. The Button really didn’t like its role. And Here..."

Think about what you would do if you were Button. The story should begin like this: “I, Button, came up with this…”

Outdoor game. Charging - warming up

Children stand in a circle.

To begin with, you and I

We only turn our heads. (Slow head rotations)

We also rotate the body. (turns right - left)

Of course we can do this.

And now we squat. (We squat)

We understand perfectly well -

You need to strengthen your legs

One two three four five!

Finally reached out

Up and to the sides. (Stretching)

We caved in. (Lean forward)

Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Days of the week

Target: formation of knowledge about the days of the week, formation of temporary ideas.

The teacher and children repeat the days of the week in chorus, bending their fingers.

- How many days of the week are there? Why do you think we need to know the names of the days of the week?

Then the teacher asks each child the name of the days of the week and helps if necessary.

- Now, let's play a little with the days of the week! If yesterday was Friday, then today...
- Before Thursday there was...
- Every Sunday we go to the park and yesterday we went too. What day of the week is today?
- I came to work in the morning, and when I return home...

Mathematics. Equality and inequality

Target: continue to teach to understand quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them using signs.

Materials: a bowl with 5 circles and 5 squares for each child, equal and not equal signs, 2 plates for each child, a doll.

Let's help the doll Masha arrange the figures.

Place 2 circles on one plate and 3 squares on another. Which sign should be equal or unequal? (unequal) Why? (Because 3 is greater than 2). Read the entry. (Two is not equal to three).

In the same way we make up 5 more equalities or inequalities.

Finger gymnastics. Animals

Good animals are friends (the fingers are joined into a “lock”).

Small bunnies are friends (rhythmic touching of the little fingers of both hands).

The beavers are friends in the lake (rhythmic touching of the ring fingers of both hands).

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky (rhythmic touching of the middle fingers of both hands).

Cute hedgehogs are friends (rhythmic touching of the index fingers of both hands).

Even the cubs are friends (rhythmic touch thumbs both hands).

This is how it played out

They ran through the forest! (lower your arms, shake your hands)

Preparing your hand for writing. Wavy lines. beds

Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

Materials: worksheet (see above), pencils.

Circle wavy lines.

The teacher asks homework children.


Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again,

Goodbye, goodbye, you're very good.

Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.

Goodbye, goodbye - we'll have fun playing!

Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is a topic that worries many parents. What should a child know before entering school? How to instill in him the skills needed to master school material? We’ll talk about this in detail in this article.

  1. What should a 6-7 year old child know and be able to do?
  2. Preparing for school: where to start
  3. Assignments to prepare for 1st grade
  4. Basics of mathematics - our personal experience
  5. Games to get kids ready for school

Hello, dear readers! This article is dedicated to those whose baby will soon become a first-grader. Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is one of the main topics for caring parents. In addition, they are worried about many issues. Will the child study well, will he go to school with pleasure, will he master a considerable amount of program material? True, some parents believe that preparing for school is unnecessary, “they will teach you everything there.” This is not true. An unprepared child will certainly encounter certain difficulties when learning. If you want to school program it was easier for your offspring, help him!

In this article I will describe the main parameters, using them you can determine for yourself whether your child is ready to take a step into school life. I advise you to take a sheet of paper with a pen and, as you read, make note of the points that you need to work on. I study with my son on a regular basis, describe our classes in detail, and share my experience with readers. Therefore, in the article you will see links to the classes I have already covered, and if you need to work on this point, do not be lazy to go and read separate article. So, let's begin!

What a child needs to know and be able to do

There is an opinion that a 6-7 year old child should have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know your own last name, first name and patronymic. You also need to know the last names, first names and patronymics of your parents, their place of work, your address and telephone number;
  • know the name settlement, Where does he live, correct names other countries of the world;
  • know the names of animals, be able to distinguish wild animals from domestic ones, be able to divide them into categories (a sparrow is a bird, a shark is a fish, a bear is an animal). In addition, you need to know the names of the most common plants, vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • know the times of day, seasons, their sequence, as well as the number of months in a year, the number of days in a month and a week. In addition, the baby should know what the days of the week are called;
  • you need to have an idea of ​​basic natural phenomena;
  • names of the most common colors;
  • know the names of several sports;
  • answer the names of the most common professions, be able to tell what people belonging to a particular profession do;
  • the baby needs to be able to talk about her favorite activities;
  • at 6-7 years of age, children need to know the rules of the road and the purpose of road signs;
  • basic knowledge is required for learning reading, writing and mathematics (the ability to highlight a certain letter in a word, write printed letters, count to 10 back and forth, solve easy examples within these numbers, even using visual objects).

A lot of? Yes, a lot! The task of parents is to help master this knowledge.

Where to start preparing children for school

Preparing children for school includes the most different tasks and exercises. Let's look at the main areas.

Development of cognitive, emotional and communication spheres

It is in preschool age that the foundations of communication in a team are formed. Be that as it may, a school is, first of all, a team. What do parents need to know?

  1. Consider the child’s temperament, his habits and desires. Don't rush things. One child cannot do without friends, another has a great time in the company of his favorite toys. Allow your child to be himself.
  2. Be an example, children, without realizing it, often copy the behavior of adults towards other people. Own example works better than any edification.
  3. Listen carefully to your son or daughter, ask questions, show that the story is truly interesting.

Development of oral speech in a preschooler

Here are some tips for speech development.

I also advise you to listen to the opinion of a speech therapist:

Reading training

Contrary to many myths and speculations, no one will require the ability to read fluently from a first-grader. Another thing is that it is important for the child to remember the names of the letters and their corresponding sounds. There are many options for this split alphabet, cubes and puzzles with letters. There are also great amount computer educational games (I will recommend our favorite below), but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Useful exercises when teaching a preschooler

These tasks for preparing for school will help with mastering writing and drawing skills, and develop the ability to think and make inferences.

Logic exercises

Quite serious requirements in the field of logic are imposed on preschoolers. For example, you need:

  • So that he can find the odd one among several objects;
  • make up a story based on the pictures provided;
  • combine several items common feature(this sign must be found independently);
  • continue the proposed story.

Logical exercises help a preschooler develop independent thinking, speech, and the ability to communicate with peers if several children are involved. Here's an example logic exercises for preschoolers from Mersibo company. After registering on their website, you can choose games for the right age and begin an exciting journey.

I assure you it's interesting! My son is delighted with the program, and I am delighted game form, in which they are sometimes presented complex tasks. Do not leave your child alone with tasks, if it is difficult for him, and there is no one nearby to help - interest will disappear and your time will be wasted.

Development of fine motor skills

Preparation for school and activities for preschoolers are unthinkable without the development of fine motor skills. The formation of fine finger motor skills is all the more important because by the age of 6-7 years the formation of the zones of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the development of small muscles of the hand, ends.

For the development of fine motor skills, drawing, making crafts from plasticine, clay, wax, assembling construction sets, applique from various materials(fabric, matches, colored paper). Let not everything work out and not always! It is important to support the child in his efforts, to tell him that everything will certainly work out. The baby becomes more confident and his self-esteem increases.

Closer to 6-7 years old, boys and girls can get involved in modeling according to the instructions. The result becomes important to children; they follow the rules with pleasure. Simple but very visual books by Vera Grof can help them with this.

Preparing the foundation for mathematical knowledge

Mathematics is one of the most difficult school subjects. As a rule, mathematics in preparation for school causes greatest number difficulties. I advise you to familiarize yourself with our experience in preparing a preschooler for first grade. Here are a few interesting articles, which will undoubtedly be useful.

Mathematics for preschoolers

Mathematics is not only necessary and difficult, but also very interesting science! In this article, I showed how to interest a child in a decision math assignments. It is much more interesting for my son to study by imagining that it is not mathematical examples for addition and subtraction, and delicious pancakes or a magic flower with petals with tasks and the answer in the center.

Five funny fingers

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to trace the fingers on his hand. Now a few tasks:

  • Count the fingers on your hand;
  • assign each a specific number.

Looking for quadrilaterals

Draw some geometric shapes and ask your child to find only quadrilaterals. Let the child count them and color them, say, green.

Remember the number

Prepare cards with writing different numbers. Take two cards and ask your child to remember their names. Then mix them with the rest of the numbers, ask you to choose exactly the ones you remember.

Make up the numbers

This game is for a child who knows well how to write this or that number. Prepare cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Cut the cards in half and ask the child to put the halves together to create images of numbers again.

Here's our video about “heart math” for Valentine's Day:

Possible difficulties and errors

Let's look at the most common mistakes parents make and find out how to avoid mistakes when preparing for school.

  1. Complete inaction. As already mentioned, some parents mistakenly believe that the child will learn everything on his own, “there is no point in drying out his brains.” Of course, he will learn, but it will be much more difficult for him than for his trained peers. And the child’s self-esteem suffers.
  2. An equally serious mistake is to shift all responsibility to a kindergarten or center child development. Nobody says that teaching a preschooler is a simple matter, but it is available to all parents who are interested in a good result.
  3. "Better late than never". In this case the proverb does not work. Trying to make a genius out of a child a few months before the significant September 1st, feverishly completing various tasks is, to say the least, unreasonable. It is necessary that preparation for school and classes for preschoolers be regular and several years before the first school bell.
  4. The most common misconception is to try at all costs to teach your child the skills of reading, counting and writing. Of course, these are wonderful skills, but they do not at all guarantee that the child will successfully master school material. Much more valuable skills are the ability to think, compare objects, trace connections between phenomena, and draw conclusions.

Sometimes it happens that the baby cannot understand the material or does not master it well enough. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just that the future student has not developed the prerequisites for this material. It is important, when teaching a child, not to discourage him from studying and not to harm the future educational process. Do not make preparation for school and classes for preschoolers turn into a routine. How to do it? Very simple. First, exercise regularly. Secondly, choose games and exercises that are not only useful, but also enjoyable for the child.

That’s all for today, dear readers, if the information seems useful to you, share it on social media. networks with friends, observing . And I will try to please you no less interesting articles. To avoid missing the weekly newsletter, please subscribe at the top of the page.

You keep a complete collection of tasks prepared specifically for classes with children of secondary preschool age. This publication was created for those who are raising a preschooler and are involved in his comprehensive development. the main objective- teach the child to enjoy the process of learning, their own reflections and first victories - correctly completed tasks.

School preparation classes

When working with books, you offer your child entertaining game. Through interesting and varied exercises that cover all the program material in this age group, you can improve your child's development and prepare him for the next stages of learning.

You can complete the tasks both in kindergarten and at home. The lesson should last no more than 15 minutes. Do not work with a child when he has Bad mood or he's tired because desired result you won't get it. And the baby will no longer want to do the exercises. Be patient, help your child, encourage him, give him the opportunity to feel like a winner. It is better to complete the tasks sequentially, as they are presented in the book. If difficulties arise, leave work and return to it again after a while. Teach your child to listen carefully to the task and remember it. This attitude towards doing exercises will help to instill responsibility, accuracy and attentiveness, and this, in turn, will be the key to your child’s success.

Play and learn with pleasure!

Your website Mental Arithmetic.

Preparation for school download.

Your child is 5-6 years old. The time has come to prepare him for the first serious test in his life - entering school. Parents have many questions that are not always easy to find answers to. The books collected in this section will help answer questions that arise and properly prepare your child for school.
Here you will find books that contain tests for children 6-7 years old. With their help, you can assess the child’s development, find out whether your child is behind his peers or ahead of them. The tasks are collected in following sections: speech and speech development, fiction, literacy preparation, development mathematical representations, nature, visual activity, motor skills, physical development. With the help of tests, you can also assess the development of attention, memory and thinking of your child.
Here you will find books that will help your child learn to read. First of all, these are primers and ABCs intended for teaching reading to preschool children. Remember that it is the senior preschool age that is most favorable for starting to learn to read. In each specific book you will find detailed recommendations on how best to work with your child.
If your child has problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds, then it is best to teach him to read with the help of a special speech therapy primer. In such a primer, children first learn the letters and sounds that are least likely to cause difficulties in pronunciation.
To teach and strengthen reading skills, a variety of workbooks and books are also used, containing interesting and unusual tasks that your child will be happy to complete.
Development of mathematical concepts also important when preparing for school. In workbooks and game manuals for children aged 5-7 years you will find tasks with which the child will learn numbers, mathematical signs, geometric figures, will master the composition of numbers, quantitative and ordinal counting up to 10, learn to add and subtract numbers within 10.
In this section you will also find various benefits for the development of fine motor skills in children of older preschool age. It's also fascinating graphic dictations for boys and girls, with the help of which the child will learn to navigate on a piece of paper, will be able to develop fine motor skills, attention and perseverance. These include copy-book coloring books, in which the child not only paints objects, but also traces straight, broken and wavy lines, first using dots and then independently. These are also labyrinths in which the child draws a line from one object to another. This is also learning to write. in block letters, in which the child first circles the letters, and then writes them independently and even begins to form them into words. This includes learning to write in capital letters.
We wish you success!

Kodolbenko E.A. This manual is intended for teaching tongue twisters and tongue twisters to preschool children. Replacing words with a visual image helps quick memorization, develops memory, attention, imagination. Download: “Encrypted tongue twisters….

E. Kolesnikova Series “Mathematical Steps” This book is a continuation of the books “Mathematics for preschoolers 4-5 years old” and “Mathematics for preschoolers 5-6 years old”. Download: “I make numbers. Workbook for...

E. Kolesnikova Recommended by the laboratory preschool education and the laboratory of defectology of the Moscow Institute open education. This is the fourth book in the author’s program “From Sound to Letter.” This workbook designed for learning...

E. V. Kolesnikova This workbook is included in author's program“Mathematical steps” and is designed for joint work between an adult and a child aged 4-6 years. The tasks in the notebook form a visual image...

Lomonosov school. This manual is intended to improve reading skills and techniques, develop grammatical speaking skills and enrich the vocabulary. Most of exercises are aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge of vowels...