Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Components of a dictionary entry. Examples of dictionary entries

Meaning of DICTIONARY ENTRY in the Dictionary linguistic terms


An article explaining a headword in a dictionary, dictionary nest. A group of words with the same root, presented as one dictionary entry.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is a DICTIONARY ARTICLE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, genus. pl. -tey, well. 1. Scientific or journalistic essay of small size. Newspaper, magazine Critical s. 2. Chapter, ...
  • in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -i, genus. pl. stat "her, f. 1) A scientific or publicistic essay of a small size in a collection, magazine or newspaper. Newspaper article. Collection ...
  • in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    scientific or journalistic essay of a small size Newspaper, magazine p. Critical s. article chapter, section in some document, list, reference book C. ...
  • in the Dictionary of military-historical terms:
    - degree of sailor ...

  • 1) one of the main genres of journalism. General features S.: comprehension and analysis of a significant phenomenon (or group of phenomena), reasoned generalizations ...
  • in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    article, articles, articles, article, article, article, article, article, articles, article, article, article, mi, article, ...
  • in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
  • in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
    Syn: point, paragraph, ...
  • in the Russian Thesaurus:
    Syn: point, paragraph, ...
  • in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    see essay, part || another article, individual article, consumable ...
  • in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    article, chapter, case, occupation, punishment, obituary, reprint, editorial, personalia, afterword, preface, publication, paragraph, section, category, composition, little article, reversal, feuilleton, ...
  • in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    well. 1) Publicistic, scientific or popular science essay of small size. 2) a) Independent section, chapter, paragraph in smth. document, list, dictionary...
  • in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    article, -i, r. pl. …
  • in the Spelling Dictionary:
    become`ya, -`i, r. pl. …
  • in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    articles, r. pl. articles, g. 1. Writing in a small size periodical or non-periodical collection. Editorial. Journal article. Polemic …
  • in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    article g. 1) Publicistic, scientific or popular science essay of small size. 2) a) An independent section, chapter, paragraph in some document, list, ...
  • in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    well. 1. Publicistic, scientific or popular science essay of small size. 2. An independent section, chapter, paragraph in any document, list, dictionary and ...
  • GENDER IN LINGUISTICS in Gender Studies Glossary.:
    - gender in linguistics (this, in fact, is not a term, but there is such a dictionary entry in ...
  • KOSHUT in the Lexicon of non-classics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the XX century, Bychkov:
    (Kosuth) Josef (p. 1945) One of the prominent theorists and practitioners of conceptualism, who proclaimed conceptual art a new step not only in art, ...
  • CONSTITUTION OF JAPAN in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    The Constitution of Japan, which entered into force on May 3, 1947, although it inherited some positions of the Meiji Constitution, was of a fundamentally new character, ...
  • OTOMIMISTECO-ZAPOTEC LANGUAGES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    languages, Otomang languages, language family Indians of Mexico. On O. I. speaks about 1 million people (1970, estimate). American scientist...
  • CONSTITUTION OF THE USSR 1977 in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    October socialist revolution committed by the workers and peasants of Russia under the leadership Communist Party headed by V. I. Lenin, overthrew the government ...
  • VOCABULARY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Greek ???????, Latin dictionarium, glossarium, vocabularium, German W?rterbuch) - a collection of words belonging to a language, located for more convenient use of it ...
  • LEXEMA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from the Greek lexis expression, figure of speech] a dictionary unit considered in the context of the language in the totality of its forms and meanings; For example, …
  • VOCABULARY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, m. 1. Collection of words (usually in alphabetical order), set expressions with explanations, interpretations or translation into another language. …
  • VOCABULARY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Greek ???????, Latin dictionarium, glossarium, vocabularium, German W o rterbuch) ? collection of words belonging to some language, arranged for more convenient ...
  • VOCABULARY in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary.
    R. as a philological term has a dual content. In a broad sense, R. is a field of philology that deals with Russian. language, literature, verbal folklore; …
  • LEXEMA in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek lexis - word, expression) - a word considered as a unit vocabulary language in the totality of its specific grammatical forms ...
  • INFINITIVE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. infinitivus - indefinite) ( indefinite form, obsolete. - indefinite mood) - a non-finite form of the verb (ver-boid), existing in inflectional and agglutinative ...
    Finding out the pre-existing morphological structure of the word, its past word-formation connections, determining the source and time of the appearance of the word, establishing the method of its formation ...
  • LEXEMA in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    (from Greek lexis - word, expression, figure of speech). A dictionary unit, considered in the totality of its correlative and interconnected with each other ...
  • LEXICOGRAPHY in the New Dictionary foreign words:
    (gr. lexikon dictionary + ... graph) 1) collecting some words, language, bringing them into a system and publishing in the form of a dictionary, ...
  • LEXICOGRAPHY in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. lexikon dictionary + ...graph] 1. collecting the words of a language, bringing them into a system and publishing in the form of a dictionary, lexicon; …
  • CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE RSFSR in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB.
    FEDERATIONS-This code defines the legal, economic and organizational foundations of the customs business and is aimed at protecting economic sovereignty and economic security ...
  • FAMILY CODE OF RUSSIAN in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    FEDERATION-Adopted State Duma December 8, 1995 - Section I. General Provisions - Chapter 1. Family Law - Article 1. Basic Principles of Family Law - 1. Family, motherhood...
    NOTARIES-Section I. Organizational bases of the activity of notaries-Chapter I. General provisions-Article 1. Notaries in Russian Federation-The notary in the Russian Federation is called upon to provide in ...

Dictionary entry structure

Left side of the dictionary. A dictionary entry of any dictionary starts with headword(in a different way: headword, lemma, black word - from the bold type that usually marks the headword).

The set of head words form dictionary, or the left side of the dictionary. The choice of a dictionary (which words will be included in this dictionary and which will not) depends on the purpose of the dictionary (highly specialized, universal, etc.).

The dictionary may consist of language units:

  • phonemes (sounds) - recent times are widely developed in connection with the development of automatic speech recognition;
  • morphemes (prefixes, roots, suffixes ..) - for morpheme dictionaries, grammar dictionaries, word-building dictionaries;
  • lexemes (words in the "basic form") - most dictionaries are built according to this criterion: explanatory, spelling, etc.;
  • word forms (words in a certain number, case ..) - for grammar dictionaries, rhyming dictionaries, etc.;
  • phrases (not one word, but several one way or another related words) - for example, for phraseological dictionaries, dictionaries of idioms, dictionaries of clichés, etc.

Sometimes the vocabulary consists of lexemes and phrases (for example, for encyclopedic dictionaries).

Right part dictionary- one that explains the heading unit. The structure of a dictionary entry is determined by the tasks of the dictionary. The right side zones are developed for each dictionary. These can be: a list of synonyms given word(for a dictionary of synonyms), translation of a word (for dictionaries of foreign words), disclosure of a concept that is described by a given word, with the possible application of graphs, diagrams, drawings (for encyclopedic dictionaries), etc. For example, the right part of an explanatory dictionary, as a rule , includes zones:

  • grammatical;
  • stylistic;
  • interpretations;
  • illustrations (quotes, sayings);
  • value type (direct, figurative);
  • derivational nest;
  • the so-called "zarhombo" part (phraseologisms);
  • and etc.

Often inside a dictionary entry there may be area (zone) litter(or simply litters). Marks can be stylistic, grammatical and others. Most often, marks are located immediately after the head word, but they can be in other places (for example: obsolete - obsolete value, rare- value is rarely used, scientific - scientific significance, etc.)

The totality of all dictionary entries forms dictionary corpus. In addition to the corpus, any dictionary usually has a preface, a section "How to use the dictionary"; list conditional cuts In addition, dictionaries can have indexes (in Wikipedia, the role of indexes is partially played by redirect pages, pages "ambiguity" and "Categorization")


Dictionary entry "Goods" in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov.

PRODUCT, a (y), m. 1. (pl. in the meaning of different species, varieties). A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society through the sale and purchase (economy); in general, everything that is the subject of trade. (Stalin). (Zhukovsky). Red t.(see red). The stores have a lot of goods. Khodkiy t. Lying t. Colonial t. 2. (only units). Dressed finished leather (boot.). Opoykovy t. 3. (only units). Ore mixture ready for smelting (hearth). Living goods. See live in 6 digits Product face show- to show something from the best, most advantageous side. (Dostoevsky).

Example Analysis

PRODUCT- headword;

a (y) - grammatical zone: indication of the ending in the genus. p. units h., in parentheses is the ending option;

m. - grammatical zone: an indication of the generic reference of the word, it is masculine;

1. - number of meaning of a polysemantic word (y unambiguous words number is not specified)

(pl. in the meaning of different types, varieties) - the grammatical zone of the first meaning: it is indicated that in the plural this meaning of the word does not have the meaning of plurality (which is typical grammatical meaning plural), and the value " different types, varieties";

A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society by buying and selling - an interpretation of the first meaning;

(economical) - stylistic zone: an indication of the limitations of this value special vocabulary, namely economic;

in general, everything that is the subject of trade is the second part of the interpretation of the first meaning, a sign; before this part of the interpretation indicates that it can potentially be separated into a separate meaning;

Finally, we must understand that commodities are produced in the last analysis not for production, but for consumption.

My ship anchored in the bay is full of rare goods- illustration zone: a quote is given as an example;

Red t.- zone of illustration: as an example, a saying is given - a set expression;

(see red) - reference zone: with the help of this zone, a connection is established between the elements of the dictionary: the reader is referred to the dictionary entry "red", which gives an interpretation of the phraseological unit red goods;

There are a lot of products in the shops- zone of illustration: a saying is given as an example;

Khodkiy t. Lying t. Colonial t.- illustration zone: sayings are given as examples, pay attention to last example- today it should be given in a rhomboid part or with a hint, since this is historicism;


Dressed finished leather - interpretation zone;

(boot) - stylistic zone: an indication of the scope of restriction of use;

Opoykovy t.- zone of illustration: a speech is given as an illustration;

3. - number of the value of a polysemantic word;

only ed. - grammatical zone: a restriction is indicated for this value, only in the singular;

Ore mixture ready for smelting - interpretation;

(gorn.) - stylistic zone: an indication of the scope of restriction of use;

- a sign of a rhombus, after which the “zarhomb part” begins, where phraseological units are presented. Each phraseological unit also has its own input, its own black words, they (despite the fact that there are at least two of them) represent one lexical unit;

Live goods- heading word of the rhomboid part;

See live in 6 digits - interpretation-reference, the reader should turn to the word living in the 6th meaning, where the interpretation of the phraseological unit living goods will be given. It would be nice to repeat the interpretation, and not send it, but if we consider that in the time of Ushakov dictionaries were always only printed, it is immediately obvious that the references are saving paper;

Show the goods by the face - the heading word of the rhomboid part;

Show something from the best, most advantageous side - the interpretation of a phraseological unit;

An inspector is coming from St. Petersburg ... It was heard that everyone was cowardly, fussing, they wanted to show the goods with their faces- illustration zone: a quote is given as an example;

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Dictionary entry" is in other dictionaries:

    Structural unit dictionary / encyclopedia, which is a relatively independent text, including a headword in the form of a phrase, expression, concept, term and its explanation, definitions, interpretations, equivalents in others ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    The structural part of the dictionary, which is devoted to one topic and which consists of a headword that defines the topic, followed by the text of the article. See also Vocabulary (2) ... Publishing Dictionary

    An article explaining a headword in a dictionary, dictionary nest. A group of words with the same root, presented as one dictionary entry ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    An entry explaining a headword in a dictionary... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

    An entry in a dictionary that characterizes a particular word and includes various zones. 1. First comes the headword, designed in such a way that we can get information about its spelling, pronunciation, stress. The zone structure of the vocabulary ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    A structural unit of a dictionary / encyclopedia, which is a relatively independent text, including a headword (phrase, expression, concept, term) and its explanation (definition, interpretation, equivalents in other languages ​​and ... ... Brief explanatory dictionary of polygraphy

    - ... Wikipedia

    AND; pl. genus. those / th, date. tya/m; well. see also article, article, article, article, article 1) Scientific, journalistic, scientifically popular essay of small size ... Dictionary of many expressions

Lexicography (from the Greek lexikos - referring to the word and ... graphics), a section of linguistics that deals with the practice and theory of compiling dictionaries.

Here are distinguished:

1) pre-word period.

The main function is the explanation of obscure words: glosses (in Sumer, 25th century BC, in China, 20th century BC, in Western Europe, 8 in. n. e., in Russia, 13th century.

2. Early vocabulary period.

The main function is to study literary language, different in many peoples from colloquial speech: e.g. monolingual Sanskrit lexicons

3.The period of developed linguistics associated with the development of national literary languages.

The main function is the description and normalization of the vocabulary of the language, increasing language culture society.


Practical lexicography performs publicly important features providing language teaching, description and normalization of language, interlingual communication, scientific study of language. Lexicography seeks to find the most optimal and acceptable for perception methods of dictionary representation of the entire body of knowledge about the language.

Theoretical lexicography covers a set of problems related to the development of macrostructure (selection of vocabulary, volume and nature of the vocabulary, principles of material arrangement) and microstructure of the dictionary (structure of the dictionary entry, types of dictionary definitions, the ratio of different types of information about the word, types of language illustrations, etc.), the creation of a typology of dictionaries, with the history of lexicography.

The task of lexicography:

Record the description of the vocabulary and its usage. The lexicographer knows that his duty is to fix in writing the language he observes, that continuous change is a property of any living organism, and that a living language includes, in particular, forms that have arisen as a result of erroneous assumptions and associations. .

The types of dictionaries are very diverse, determined by the basic information that it contains, its general purpose. First of all, there are two main types of dictionaries: these are linguistic (or philological) dictionaries and encyclopedic dictionaries. The encyclopedic dictionary describes a reality (that is, any object, phenomenon, historical fact), and the linguistic dictionary explains, describes the word that names this reality.

There are also intermediate varieties of dictionaries. In addition, any dictionary can be classified as either "general" or "special".

Encyclopedic, in which a description of a particular phenomenon, concept, event, etc. is given. (depending on the volume and addressee of the dictionary, a more or less detailed scientific information). There are many entries in encyclopedic dictionaries in which proper names are the heading word. To encyclopedic dictionaries include encyclopedias, scientific reference books that provide information on any branch of knowledge, terminological dictionaries.

In addition, encyclopedic dictionaries are divided into universal (for example, "Short Russian Encyclopedia", "Children's Encyclopedia", "Big Schoolchild Encyclopedic Dictionary") and industry-specific (for example, the encyclopedia "Russian Language", "Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist", encyclopedic dictionary " Linguistics"). Encyclopedic dictionaries include: "Big Soviet Encyclopedia»; « Medical Encyclopedia»; "Short Literary Encyclopedia", etc.

Linguistic - primarily sensible, which describe linguistic meanings. Linguistic dictionaries contain interpretations of words (the main meanings are indicated, direct and figurative), grammatical, stylistic and other marks are given. An example of a dictionary entry from a linguistic dictionary: marmot, - r to a, m. - a small rodent of this family. squirrel, living in burrows and hibernating in winter.

The types of linguistic dictionaries are diverse and numerous: explanatory dictionaries; synonym dictionaries; dictionaries of foreign words; dictionaries of speech correctness; phraseological dictionaries; spelling dictionaries; spelling dictionaries; dialect dictionaries; etymological dictionaries; word-building dictionaries, etc.

Linguistic (philological) dictionaries are divided into multilingual, bilingual and monolingual. Bilingual and multilingual dictionaries are translation dictionaries, in which the meanings of words of one language are explained by comparison with another language (for example, dictionaries English-Russian, Russian-English, Russian-English-Arabic, etc.).

In monolingual dictionaries, words are explained by means of words of the same language. Monolingual dictionaries are complex and aspect. Explanatory dictionaries are complex. Such dictionaries provide information necessary for understanding the word, its use in speech, etc. Aspect dictionaries reflect one or another aspect of the language. These include: dictionaries of foreign words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms, phraseological, orthoepic, orthographic, derivational, morphemic, etymological, reverse, abbreviations and other types of dictionaries.

The most important type monolingual linguistic dictionary is the Explanatory Dictionary.

The task of explanatory dictionaries is primarily to reflect active vocabulary language certain period. Explanatory dictionaries explain the meaning of words and their shades, given grammatical characteristic words, stylistic marks are given, instructions are given on the pronunciation of words and spelling, and the use of words in both free and phraseological phrases is illustrated.

Dictionary entry:

An entry in a dictionary that characterizes a particular word and includes various zones.

1. First comes the headword, designed in such a way that we can get information about its spelling, pronunciation, stress. The zone structure of a dictionary entry varies depending on the type of dictionary. It is most fully represented in explanatory dictionaries.

2. One of the main zones here is the zone of meaning: interpretation lexical meaning involves the establishment of the number of meanings of the word and the definition of each meaning separately. In the explanatory dictionary, several types of word meanings are distinguished: figurative, terminological (special), phraseological.

AT modern dictionaries are used different ways interpretation of the meaning of words:

a) semantic (descriptive) definition (definition);

b) synonymous definition;

c) derivational definition;

d) reference definition.

3. One of the obligatory components of a dictionary entry is the form zone: indication grammatical categories(part of speech, gender, type, etc.), basic word forms; possible options.

4. A special component of a dictionary entry is stylistic marks indicating varieties of book and colloquial vocabulary.

5. The next component of the dictionary entry is phraseological turns, stable combinations words, isolated forms that are separated by a paragraph, a diamond, or in some other way.

6. An obligatory component of a dictionary entry is illustrations (illustrative material): phrases, quotations from works that give an additional description of semantic and grammatical features words, reveal the scope of their use, emphasizing their normativity, serve as a guide for modern word usage.

For example:

GOODS, a (y), m. 1. (pl. in the meaning of different types, varieties). A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society through the sale and purchase (economy); in general, everything that is the subject of trade. Finally, we must understand that commodities are produced, in the final analysis, not for production, but for consumption (Stalin). My ship, anchored in the bay, is full of rare goods (Zhukovsky). Red T. (see red). The stores have a lot of goods. Khodkiy vol. Lying vol. Colonial vol. 2. (only units). Dressed finished leather (boot.). Opoykovy v. 3. (only units). Ore mixture ready for smelting (hearth). ◊ Live goods. See live in 6 digits Product face show - show something from the best, most advantageous side. An inspector is coming from St. Petersburg ... One could hear that everyone was cowardly, fussing, trying to show the goods with their faces (Dostoevsky).

Dictionary entry structure

The structure of a dictionary entry is determined by the tasks of the dictionary. But the dictionary entry of any dictionary starts with headword(in a different way: headword, lemma, black word - from the bold type that usually marks the headword). The set of title articles form dictionary, or the left side of the dictionary.

Right side of the dictionary- one that explains the heading unit. The right part of the explanatory dictionary, as a rule, includes the zones:

  • grammatical;
  • stylistic;
  • interpretations;
  • illustrations (quotes, sayings);
  • value type (direct, figurative);
  • derivational nest;
  • the so-called "zarhombo" part ();
  • and etc.

The right side zones are developed for each dictionary. The totality of all dictionary entries forms dictionary corpus. In addition to the corpus, any dictionary has a preface, a section “How to use the dictionary”; list of conditional abbreviations, etc.


The dictionary entry "TOVAR" in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by .

PRODUCT, a (y), m. 1. (pl. in the meaning of different species, varieties). A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society through the sale and purchase (economy); in general, everything that is the subject of trade. (Stalin). (Zhukovsky). Red t.(see red). The stores have a lot of goods. Khodkiy t. Lying t. Colonial t. 2. (only units). Dressed finished leather (boot.). Opoykovy t. 3. (only units). Ore mixture ready for smelting (hearth). Living goods. See live in 6 digits Product face show- to show something from the best, most advantageous side. An inspector is coming from St. Petersburg ... It was heard that everyone was cowardly, fussing, they wanted to show the goods with their faces(Dostoevsky).

Example Analysis

PRODUCT- headword;

a (y) - grammatical zone: indication of the ending in the genus. p. units h., in parentheses is the ending option;

m. - grammatical zone: an indication of the generic reference of the word, it is masculine;

1. - the number of the value of a multi-valued word (for single-valued words, the number is not indicated);

(pl. in the meaning of different types, varieties) - the grammatical zone of the first meaning: it is indicated that in the plural this meaning of the word does not have the meaning of plurality (which is characteristic of the grammatical meaning of the plural), but the meaning "different types, varieties";

A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society by buying and selling - an interpretation of the first meaning;

(economy) - stylistic zone: an indication of the limitation of this meaning to special vocabulary, namely economic;

in general, everything that is the subject of trade is the second part of the interpretation of the first meaning, a sign; before this part of the interpretation indicates that it can potentially be separated into a separate meaning;

Finally, we must understand that commodities are produced in the last analysis not for production, but for consumption.

My ship anchored in the bay is full of rare goods- illustration zone: a quote is given as an example;

Red t.- zone of illustration: as an example, a saying is given - a set expression;

(see red) - reference zone: with the help of this zone, a connection is established between the elements of the dictionary: the reader is referred to the dictionary entry "red", which gives an interpretation of the phraseological unit red goods;

There are a lot of products in the shops- zone of illustration: a saying is given as an example;

Khodkiy t. Lying t. Colonial t.- illustration zone: sayings are given as examples, pay attention to the last example - today it should be given in a rhomboid part or with a hint, since this is historicism;


Dressed finished leather - interpretation zone;

(boot) - stylistic zone: an indication of the scope of restriction of use;

Opoykovy t.- zone of illustration: a speech is given as an illustration;

3. - number of the value of a polysemantic word;

only ed. - grammatical zone: a restriction is indicated for this value, only in the singular;

Ore mixture ready for smelting - interpretation;

(gorn.) - stylistic zone: an indication of the scope of restriction of use;

- a sign of a rhombus, after which the “zarhomb part” begins, where phraseological units are presented. Each phraseological unit also has its own input, its own black words, they (despite the fact that there are at least two of them) represent one lexical unit;

The main task of explanatory dictionaries is to explain the meaning of words. Simultaneously with the interpretations, the compilers of dictionaries solve a number of other tasks, therefore explanatory dictionaries are not in vain called complex. The dictionary, in addition to interpreting the lexical meaning, contains instructions for writing language unit, its pronunciation, use in speech. Let's consider the main elements of the dictionary entry, taking for example the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova.
Dictionary entry - short linguistic encyclopedia about the word, its lexicographic description. Its structure consists of the following components:
  1. Headword (in bold) capital letters) with accent and in difficult cases with orthoepic commentary on the pronunciation of individual sounds or their combinations square brackets after the headword.
  2. Interpretation of a word containing:
a) grammatical marks characterizing word usage (highlighted in italics);
b) a system of stylistic marks and marks indicating the historical perspective of the word or meaning;
c) definition ( dictionary definition).
  1. Illustrative material as a means of word semantization.
  2. Steady turnover.
  3. Derivative words, the presence of which allows us to consider this dictionary as partially nested.

More on the topic The structure and content of a dictionary entry in the explanatory dictionary:

  1. 5. Dictionary types. The structure of the dictionary entry in the explanatory dictionary. Ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word. Basic explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language.
  2. 2. Dictionary types. The structure of the dictionary entry in the explanatory dictionary. Ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word. Basic explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language.