Biographies Characteristics Analysis

A small mouth in a man is a physiognomy. Physiognomy of the face - uneven lip line

Physiognomy is the science of determining a person's character, habits, state of health by facial features.

Although the first mention of this term can be attributed to ancient times, present stage researchers find it difficult to say with accuracy whether this teaching is a science.

Many figures are quite skeptical about physiognomy and the data that can be obtained as a result of the analysis of human facial features.

Any exact science based on approximation.
Bertrand Russell

The number of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes indicates the degree of development of a sense of humor, kindness and kindness. Small vaults above the eyes will tell about a perceptive and attentive person.

Scientists have proven that there is a connection between the direction of the gaze and mental representations external images, sounds and taste.

Emotional zone of the face

Can talk about the depth of the soul and sensitivity of the individual. This area includes the nose, mouth, cheeks and cheekbones. If you carefully follow the nose of a person in an excited state, you will notice that the wings of the nose are swollen, and in a person experiencing disdain and dislike for something, the nose is wrinkled.

As for the lips, their bend necessarily betrays the current emotion (irritation, anger, sadness, resentment, grin, etc.), no matter how hard a person tries to hide it. Indeed, at the very first moment of the appearance of an emotion, it is reflected on the lips, even if their owner has excellent self-control. If a person bites his lips, then he is in a state of concentration or in a critical situation that requires an immediate solution.

Vital area of ​​the face

Responsible for the satisfaction of instincts. This zone includes the chin, which can indicate the degree of development of a person's volitional qualities. Accordingly, a developed chin has a strong, strong-willed person who often has to defend his opinion and life positions. Moreover, it is at such moments that the chin moves forward, and the muscles of the lower zone of the face are actively working. A person with an overdeveloped chin and square shape jaw, as a rule, goes directly to his goal, without thinking about the consequences and about the people around him. Conversely, a small, weakly pronounced chin indicates that its owner will easily retreat from achieving the goal if he meets the first barrier on the way.

Determination of health status by face

A person's face can tell a lot about others. Specialists in the field of physiognomy can accurately determine, by the condition of the skin and some other features of the face, what diseases and ailments the owner has.

Skin on the face

Tightened, smooth, even-colored skin indicates that there are no abnormalities in the body. And its premature aging is a sign of a violation of metabolic processes, which may be accompanied by a number of diseases: deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system, hormonal imbalance. The reason for premature aging of the skin may also be that a person consumes very little pure drinking water or not receiving enough minerals and vitamins from food.

Skin color also has diagnostic value. A yellowish tint may indicate a malfunction in the gallbladder or liver. Severe pallor - about anemia. If brown spots appear on the face, then it is worth checking the work of the hormonal system, kidneys, gallbladder. But spots on the skin can also be the result of improper care. For example, abuse sunbathing, improperly selected cosmetics or cosmetic procedures.

If a network of blood vessels appeared on the face, then it is worth checking the vascular system and checking the pressure. The vascular network on the wings of the nose is an increased likelihood of lung diseases.

Oily facial skin, especially at an older age, indicates hormonal imbalance or stomach problems. Dry skin is most common in those who have digestive disorders. It can also be a sign of a lack of water and vitamins in the body.

A large amount of facial hair in women suggests that you should pay attention to hormones.


Swollen or droopy eyelids can be the result of lack of sleep or the fact that a person is often nervous.

A bluish color of the skin around the eyelids is also evidence of lack of sleep. But also this flaw often indicates that a person is abusing coffee or diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is necessary to check the bladder if the color of the lower eyelid has a brown tint.

Red eyelids, especially with a translucent network of vessels, are a sign of problems with the vascular system, sensitivity to weather changes, and as a result, headaches.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

People with thick eyebrows are considered to have strong immunity. And for women, it is also a sign of the excellent functioning of the gonads. Thinning eyebrows (especially if this has not been observed before) is a sign of an imbalance of sex hormones, as well as bad work thyroid gland. People with sparse eyelashes should be more attentive to the work of the genitourinary system.


Blueness or pallor in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle or the skin around the lips is a sign of disorders in the cardiovascular system, circulatory problems, lung diseases or anemia. Often occurring cracks in the corners of the lips indicate beriberi (in particular, a lack of B vitamins) or allergies.

If you find any of these signs in yourself, do not panic. After all, this is not a diagnosis, but just a small clue to what you need to pay special attention to in the work of your body.

Dynamics of facial features with human age

Usually, with the help of the sense organs, information from the outside world is most actively received by a child under the age of 6 years. Using these organs, the baby tries as much as possible to use the eyes to see the world, the ears to hear, the nose to explore ubiquitous smells, and the mouth to experience new tastes.

But as you get used to the world around you, the sharpness of feelings decreases, they are no longer so necessary for a person. Soon it becomes more and more difficult for him to rebuild his perception in constantly changing situations, and all the emotions he has experienced are reflected on his face, which becomes less and less mobile.

A person, having ceased to be a child, is not so interested in everything that happens around him and eventually closes in on himself. But this time is different for everyone, that is, the dynamics of facial features flows for each individual at different speeds.

How to distinguish an optimist from a pessimist by face?

The face of a pessimist loses its expressiveness and thirst for life. Most often, such people are immersed in reflection, avoid communication and are. Pessimists are largely conservative, very afraid of changes in life. Therefore, the sense organs, as it were, went out, their owner uses them little, is not open to the world, is not interested in anything new. There are cases when a pessimistic person, having got rid of negative thoughts or an oppressive illness, as if spreading its wings, and the eyes light up again, the face comes to life.

You can meet people of age, but this age does not affect the liveliness of their faces. As a rule, these people are optimists and, they have an ardent desire to live and rejoice, they easily perceive the need for some kind of change. Their eyes always shine, and their face seems young.

Hypertonicity and hypotonicity of facial expressions

Show the state and excitability of the nervous system.

If a person has mimic hypertonicity (muscle tension), and even more so - shudders and tics, then this may indicate the presence of fears and problems that bother a person. This may be only a temporary phenomenon, but in general such people are sociable and energetic, they are good leaders.

Hypotension (relaxation of facial muscles) usually indicates lazy person, who lacks the desire to solve problems, he seems to be devoid of energy. In the eyes of such people, one can often notice apathy, the mouth is slightly open, and the eyes, on the contrary, are slightly closed.

Physiognomy - the queen of nonverbals

The study of scientists once again confirmed the effect of the influence of a person's facial expression on the perception of his environment.

Therefore, it is so important that the facial expression of the interlocutor is interpreted correctly. Otherwise, instead of strengthening contact, aggression and mistrust between the participants in the dialogue may arise. Frowning eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead in an attentively listening interlocutor can be regarded as a lack of interest, and even as dissatisfaction (the face may seem critical) and cause a response: defensive or aggressive.

Knowing about this feature of perception, it is important to always remember this and watch your face. During communication - relax his muscles, open his eyes wider (instead of frowning). Such an expression is interpreted as the interlocutor's interest in what is happening. The jaws should not be closed, it is also better to relax the lips. Tightly pressed lips during a conversation are usually regarded as an attempt at verbal aggression. The tension of the forehead muscles must be relieved constantly, throughout the entire period of communication.

Do not try to look like an interested interlocutor during a conversation. They need to become! To be interested means to be attentive. What and how does the partner say, what gestures does he use? Careful observation during a conversation of the facial expressions and gestures of the speaker will help us better understand him, find out what he really feels and how he relates to certain moments, phenomena.

Given the fact that about 75% of non-verbal information is transmitted through facial expressions, it is necessary to learn not only to read this information correctly, but also to adequately convey emotions ourselves. In order to be understood and better understand others, it is important to maintain your attention and interest in the interlocutor in the process of communication.

Physiognomy: Destroy the myths

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of physiognomy, a lot of unproven facts and exaggerations have accumulated.

The most common misconceptions:

  • It is mistakenly believed that the owners of a perfectly symmetrical face always have a happy fate. In fact this is not true. Studies have shown that there are practically no people in the world with absolutely symmetrical halves of the face. Some physiognomists believe that such people have good health, others call this phenomenon a sign of approaching death.
  • A vertical wrinkle located in the center of the forehead is a sure sign of poverty. This interpretation is not entirely correct, since this mark betrays an intellectually and creatively gifted person.
  • hanging over the eyes brow ridges and strongly protruding lower jaw- facial features typical of a criminal, such a delusion with light hand criminologist Cesare Lombroso existed for quite a long time. But modern physiognomists have completely refuted it.
  • The assertion that a large skull speaks of a person's giftedness was recognized as erroneous. The researchers concluded that a direct relationship between mental faculties and talent and size of the skull does not exist.


Having carefully and in detail studied the questions of physiognomy, you can learn a lot about a person. All you have to do is look at his face.

By looking at the face, you can not only get an idea of ​​​​the person who is standing in front of you, but also find out his past and predict the future. Once upon a time, the art of reading by faces - physiognomy - was dubbed pseudoscience, but now hardly anyone will deny that there is some truth in it, and a considerable proportion.

What can his face say about a person? Almost everything! Let's start with the form: chubby people can easily adapt to any environment, they are energetic and easily overcome both personal and financial difficulties. A square face betrays a strong and decisive person with a heightened sense of justice. Such people are born leaders. A person with a thin, elongated face goes to success, overcoming difficulties, much is not easy for him, but this does not detract from his kindness. Oval face speaks of prudence and calmness. We can see large facial features in self-sufficient, successful people.

The complexion can also say a lot, but this is more medicine than physiognomy. Each doctor can determine the general state of health by the color of the skin on the face. An unhealthy blush will tell you about high blood pressure, and an earthy skin tone will give out a problem with digestion. Paleness is a consequence of a lack of hemoglobin in the blood or anemia, blueness - oxygen starvation, yellowness - problems with the liver or spleen.
By the dark circles under the eyes, we recognize an overtired person, this area is also responsible for fertility. If the skin around the eyes is light and elastic, there will be many children, and the person will be with them in great relationship.

Now let's move on to the parts of the face.

tall, bulging, broad forehead- a sign of a bright mind and sociability, but the owner of a beveled or narrow forehead hardly ranks in society high position.

We rarely try to learn about a person by his ears - but in vain. Ears, top part which is above the eyebrow line, are a sign of intelligence and ambition. Closed ears give out authoritative people. Owners of large and fleshy ears, as a rule, live in abundance. And people who have pointed ears, like bats, often do not have the strength to resist instincts.

High, prominent cheekbones will say that you have a fighter in front of you who can achieve a lot. If a person lives measuredly, quietly and in no hurry, he has low cheekbones. He is unlikely to be a leader.

Nose - that they just do not measure by its size and shape! The face of a good-natured optimist and an honest man adorns a large straight nose, a pessimist was awarded a small nose. If this part of the face is naturally curved, you have a person with complex nature. But it is better not to quarrel with the owner of a hooked nose.

Thin lips they speak of purposefulness, determination and composure, which are often accompanied by cruelty. On the contrary, it will be easy with a person who has full lips. He is benevolent and honest, though simple, and his life is filled with positive emotions.

A wide full chin portends a comfortable old age, square and protruding - evidence great strength will. A dimpled or bifurcated chin is a sign of a passionate nature, and a beveled or pointed one promises problems in life.

Wide thick eyebrows adorn bold, straight people with a strong sexual constitution. But their owners often suffer from the manners of a dictator. Owners thin eyebrows much more modest, they are secretive and often get sick. If the eyebrows are bent upwards, the person in front of you is friendly and a little capricious, high eyebrows are a sign of generosity. And bushy eyebrows are called devilish - their carrier is obsessed with different obsessions. The fused eyebrows express confusion, a jealous character. Such a person most likely had a difficult childhood.

Eyes are the most main part faces. Big eyes indicate artistic talent, a broad soul, as well as an inability to manage money. People with small eyes are usually extremely cautious and prudent. Owner bulging eyes easily gets carried away and loves to play pranks on friends. Close-set eyes speak of seriousness, even isolation, wide-set eyes - of naivety and gullibility. And yet, the expression of the eyes can tell much more about a person than their shape.

The science of reading faces is very deep - in order to master it well, you need to read more than one book, study hundreds of faces. You cannot draw conclusions about a person by analyzing only his nose or mouth. If you come to sad conclusions by looking at the faces of loved ones and your own in a new way, do not be discouraged! Physiognomy does not make diagnoses - it indicates the direction in which you need to work on yourself. And remember that there are always exceptions to the rules.

Thin lips

Thin lips (Fig. 7.9) endow their owners with one of the most negative characteristics.

Secrecy, cunning, often deceit and pragmatism - these are the qualities that people with thin lips personify. They can be friendly and sociable, but this will not change the essence. The only thing that can mitigate such an impartial characterization is the presence of softened facial features, for example round face or snub nose.

Rice. 7.9. Thin lips

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Many people think little about the fact that not only the eyes can tell a lot about a person. The shape and size of the mouth allow you to make a full psychological picture: what emotions and experiences disturb a person, what is his fate, what mood is he most often exposed to, whether he is generous and successful. The location of the mouth and the shape of the lips will indicate the character traits and habits that a person has acquired in life.

Bulging lips

If the lips, due to their shape or size, protrude beyond the chin line, then it is believed that their owner is either stubborn or not inclined to reckon with the opinions of other people, overly self-confident, but sociable and loves to talk.

Mouth small size

As a rule, timid, insecure and weak personalities have such a trait. Both men and women with small mouths are prone to selfishness, and this is directly related to the fact that their parents spoiled them a lot in childhood. Excessive emotionality does not allow them to achieve any significant heights in life. Men, for example, lack the qualities inherent in leaders: courage, perseverance, sharp mind, ability to communicate with others and so on. A small, beautifully defined mouth in women, despite the coldness of their character, is attractive feature for men, as it subconsciously causes a desire to protect and protect a woman.

Mouth big size

As a rule, both men and women with large mouths live full life, that is, without denying yourself anything and never. They are successful because they are intelligent, sociable and ambitious.

If the mouth is large, but the lips are tightly compressed, then this indicates success in politics and business. If the mouth is large, but the lips are relaxed, then such a feature indicates an unrestrained character, characterized by unbridledness. People with a large mouth but thin lips are prudent and able to control their actions, although they also have immoderate desires. If a woman has a large but harmoniously defined mouth, then she is active in life, reaches great heights in her career and social activities, is popular with others, as it has a friendly character.

Mouth with overly plump lips

Such traits are inherent in very emotional people with strong volitional qualities who love entertainment, luxury and comfort. Inflated conceit makes them fierce debaters, accustomed to reckon only with their own opinions. If harmony is disturbed in the features (especially this negatively affects women), then the appearance of a person repels rather than attracts the attention of others. Although for men it is not so an important factor like for women. And given that lips and sexuality are interrelated native concepts, many women specifically achieve hypertrophied lip size by visiting plastic surgeons.

Mouth with thin upper lip

People with a thin upper lip, as a rule, are phlegmatic, who are alien to violent passions, especially when it comes to sex. Women, according to statistics, are unhappy in marriage, as they almost always connect their lives with men of opposite character traits - aggressors. Men, on the contrary, live in love and harmony with their wives.

Physiognomy of the face - a mouth with a plump upper lip

A plump upper lip is a sign of passionate natures, and passionate to extremes. As a rule, both men and women are very fond of the opposite sex, loving and sensual. But if you do not resist your violent desires, then the lack of harmony in sexual life can negatively impact their lives. If the upper lip is especially thick, then the person has extraordinary kindness and good manners education.

Mouth with both plump lips

In practice, many people have a mouth shape when the lips are plump, and the line between the lips is almost straight. Such a mouth indicates a person's practicality, affecting all aspects of life: marriage and love, relationships with people (on the principle of "you - to me, I - to you"), doing business or work.

Mouth with raised upper lip

When a person's upper lip is raised so much that it reveals the upper row of teeth, then you have a natural politician or a born actor. Oriental physiognomists believe that both men and women with such a trait have conceit and an overdeveloped sense of superiority over other people, and in everything - in appearance, in creativity or even talents physical strength.

Lips of an intellectual

If the indentation in the center of the upper lip approaches the outline acute angle, then this trait indicates a person gifted with large intellectual abilities, possessing "ebullient" vigor, patience, efficiency and diligence. And vice versa: completely opposite qualities are possessed by people whose upper lip is curved upwards in this place.

Mouth with downturned corners

A mouth whose corners are lowered downwards, as a rule, indicates large psychological problems its owner. Such people have an unfriendly and unsociable nature, and their career depends on how often they have to build relationships with other people. The appearance, for example, of a man with such a mouth will be repulsive, as it is associated with bad health. In women, this trait indicates perseverance and hard work, diligence and diligence.

mouth with small lower lip

Such a trait characterizes a person as passive, inert, weak character, unreliable and unable to make a career.

Mouth with plump and protruding lower lip

It is more common in women, indicating the typically feminine traits of an inveterate egoist who is not able to show her love for people of the opposite sex. In order to avoid problems in marriage, such women can be advised to acquire financial independence from her husband.

Physiognomy of the face - uneven lip line

The uneven line of the lips is a sign of irascibility and confidence only in one's rightness. People with this trait, although they love to communicate in order to prove their point of view, are completely unable to do this.

A mouth that has many wrinkles on the lower lip

Such a trait is characteristic of a very sociable person who knows how to be pleasant, good-natured and popular with people of the opposite sex. But negative trait can be called a pathological dependence on alcohol and food.

Deep groove above the upper lip

If the space - the hollow between the tip of the nose and the upper lip - is elongated, then the person has very many positive qualities. Many great actors, politicians and businessmen have had and still have this trait, no matter how attractive their appearance is or was. Such people achieve success in life thanks to the huge vitality and energy. On the contrary, a short space between the nose and upper lip is a sign of an ill-mannered person, with low level intellect.

Mouth with upturned corners

Unlike a mouth with downturned corners, this option, giving the impression of a permanent smile, causes positive reaction to the outward appearance of a person. Both men and women with a "smiling" mouth are open, soft, friendly and very kind people. With such facial features, it doesn’t matter to them whether they have talents or not - they are always friendly and just enjoy life.

Indentation in the center of the upper lip

If the recess is pronounced and the contour of the lower lip is repeated, then the owner of such a mouth is developed both physically and mentally. On the contrary, a less pronounced (narrow) deepening is evidence of weakness and self-doubt.

Harmoniously proportional mouth shape

This feature is typical for happy people They are educated, attentive, polite. Lacking stars from heaven, these people nevertheless enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them.

Signs of ambition and success

Most successful people have the following characteristics appearance: plump upper lip, far enough from the tip of the nose, tightly compressed and large mouth and large nose. They possess sharp mind, ambition, intelligence, good manners of education, have weight in society and power over the people around them.

Protruding anterior teeth

Such features are characteristic of many representatives of the Chinese nationality, therefore they are distinguished into a special category. For Europeans with their regular visits (since childhood) to the dentist, this feature is uncharacteristic. But still let's give shortest analysis a person with such a mouth: in most cases they are successful, energetic, purposeful, hardworking people; all of these qualities help them quickly move up the career ladder.

Physiognomy of the face - mouth with two large front teeth

The size of the front teeth is a key factor in determining a person's character traits and behavior. If the two front teeth are large, then both men and women are more passionate, bright, extravagant personalities than the owners of small teeth. But if the two front upper teeth protrude too much, then women should think about changing their appearance, otherwise they will be unattractive to men (it should also be taken into account that a defect in the teeth leaves an imprint on a person’s diction).

The mouth, lips and smile speak of a person's level of restraint, and together they also serve as an indicator of sincerity. For example, physiognomists associate lips with the emotionality of a person. And the fuller the lips, the more sensual and more emotional person. Women accentuate their lips to create an accent for the opposite sex. We will look at the size and shape of the lips.

Full lips, both lips plump and wide. They indicate emotionality, expressiveness and a developed sense of humor. Angelina Jolie has just such lips.

At the same time, convex full lips speak of success in life.

Thick lips speak of waste and squandering, resentment. Such people like to drink and sit in good company.

Large lips with a sagging thick lower one speak of greed, capriciousness and windiness of a person.

If a full lower lip is a sign of practicality, such a person knows how to convince. If at the same time the upper lip is very thin, the person is used to working to the detriment of personal life. Often this is a sign of selfishness.

If the upper lip is fuller than the lower, then this indicates straightforwardness, the desire to always get to the bottom of the truth, sometimes curiosity.

If the upper lip protrudes slightly, this is a sign of intelligence, caution, directness of character, but often with vanity.

A strongly protruding upper lip indicates indecision.

Thin lips will speak of intelligence, restraint, coldness and prudence. Such a person does not trust flattery, does not demonstrate his feelings to others, is practical, cautious, sometimes closed.

Very thin lips can indicate cruelty.

A “depressed” mouth with thin lips indicates a tendency to hypocrisy and envy.

As if a “sinking” mouth is a sign of prudence.

A mouth with long, pointed, thin lips indicates cowardice.

Small lips speak of intelligence, prudence and forethought.

If the upper lip has the shape of a Cupid's bow, this indicates the purposefulness of the owner. Such a person will always achieve his goal.

If one corner of the mouth is always higher than the other, this is a sign of a deceiver.

A firm mouth with corners tending down speaks of a strong-willed, stubborn person.

If the mouth constantly twitches, then this is a sign of nervousness and arousal.

A mouth slanted to one side betrays a nervous and sarcastic person.

At the same time, if the mouth is beveled in one direction to the bottom, this is a sign of inconstancy and stubbornness.

Highly interesting information a smile can tell us.

Natural smile: wide, relaxed lips, bared teeth, but you can't see your gums. This person does not flaunt feelings, but does not hide them either. He is pleased with the situation, everything is in order, everything is harmonious.

A smile with exposed gums speaks of the generosity of a person, sometimes excessive gullibility to the interlocutor.

When smiling, the upper lip stretches over the teeth. This is read as false sincerity, the person is hiding something. So often sellers smile in the store, the smile is learned.

If a person does not show his teeth when smiling, they are closed. It is the desire to keep a distance and not to open up. It's just a sign of courtesy. A person is not yet ready to make close contact.

Crooked smile - one corner of the mouth is higher than the other. It's a smile for show, a desire to produce good impression but true feelings in this moment such a person does not show.

As we can see, the mouth, lips and smile can say a lot. Be attentive when communicating, read the features of the face and indicators, and we wish you this successful practice!

Vadim Sokolov