Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Sample scenarios for teacher councils in dow. Preparing for the teachers' meeting

Tips for beginning preschool teachers.

Author: Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region

This article about organizing and conducting teacher councils will be of interest to novice preschool educators and senior educators who do not yet have work experience.

The problem of improving the quality of preparation and implementation pedagogical council worries most heads and senior teachers of preschool institutions. It is relevant for both beginners and experienced managers.

Pedagogical Council– a permanent collegial body of self-government teaching staff. With its help, the development of preschool educational institutions is managed.

Pedagogical council is held once a quarter (at the discretion of the administration preschool may occur more frequently). Teachers' meetings are planned at the beginning school year head and methodologist of the institution. Without planning, it is difficult to solve tasks and problems that have arisen in a preschool institution.

At meetings of the pedagogical council the following are discussed:
*issues of educational work with children;
*use of new achievements in science and pedagogical practice;
* existing shortcomings, decisions taken to eliminate them;
*issues of exchange of experience.

Structure of the teachers' council:
As a rule, the meeting begins with an analysis of the decisions of the previous teachers' council. This can be done by the director, the kindergarten methodologist, and an experienced teacher who is entrusted with this.
It is then assumed introduction Chairman of the Council, in which he covers:
- The relevance of the problem under discussion in general and for this preschool institution in particular;
- The main directions of work for its implementation and what has been done at the preschool educational institution in terms of improving this work during the current or last year, including in preparation for this teachers’ council;
- If available, normative document By this issue given brief analysis its implementation.
Next, the agenda and work regulations are assumed and the first speech is heard in accordance with the agenda (usually these are the results thematic audit). Then there is a discussion of the results of the study, during which teachers must answer why the Program is not being implemented (skills are not developed), the reasons (what is hindering), what needs to be done to eliminate the shortcomings.
After this, other presentations on this issue are heard (reports, work experience, results of mutual visits). Each speaker can be asked questions by the chairman or members of the teachers' council.
In conclusion, a draft decision is proposed on this issue, which is discussed, supplemented and approved by vote. All points of the decision must be specific and have realistic deadlines. Specific points are developed based on an analysis of the causes of shortcomings and can be aimed at:
- Creation necessary conditions;
- providing methodological assistance;
- creation of a work system (if the work is carried out chaotically);
- strengthening control (if work is carried out in bad faith);
- creation, generalization or implementation of experience.

Topics of teachers' councils indicated in the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. If necessary, additions and clarifications are made to it.

The main issue on the agenda Every day there are always results from the work of teachers: the level of development of students; their health status; development of forms of joint work between teachers and parents.

The main goal of the pedagogical council – to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution team to improve the level of the educational process and use achievements in practice pedagogical science and best practices.

Types of pedagogical advice:
*installation, or analytical-planning - is carried out before the start of the school year, at the end of August, and is devoted to the analysis of the results previous year, adoption of a plan and orientation to solving upcoming problems;
*thematic teachers' council with intermediate results is dedicated to one of the annual tasks teaching staff;
*final, or final-organizational - held at the end of the academic year, it sums up the results of the year.

Pedagogical councils are also distinguished by forms of organization:
*traditional- this is a teachers’ council with a detailed agenda, held with strict adherence to the regulations on each issue and making decisions on them;
*pedagogical council using individual methods activation of teachers;
*unconventional teachers' council(for example, in the form business games, conferences, etc.). Its preparation requires writing a script, dividing participants into teams and assigning roles.

However, it must be remembered that the result of the work of any teachers’ council should be the adoption of decisions to improve the work of the team.

Usually during the meeting it is drawn up draft protocol, which is then duly formalized within five days. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. Competent drafting Protocol is a kind of art. It is recommended to elect a secretary for at least an academic year. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

In order for the teachers' council to be a governing body, and its decisions to be effective and conducive to improving work with children, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

Algorithm for preparing the teachers' council
1. Definition of goals and objectives.
2. Formation of a small creative group ( think tank) teachers' council.
3. Selection of literature on the issue under consideration and preparation of primary material by a small creative group.
4. Drawing up a plan for the preparation and conduct of the teachers' council (the questions of the teachers' council, the plan of conduct, schedules of questionnaires and open viewings are posted (at least) a month before the teachers' council, the topic of the teachers' council and literature on the stated topic - 2 months).
5.Development of questionnaires and conducting surveys.
6.Attending open viewings of the teaching process.
7. Discussion, processing of digital material by a small creative group.
8. Systematization and preparation of final material.
9.Seminar sessions on the topic of teachers' council.
10. Conducting creative workshops by experienced teachers.
11.Preparing questions for discussion at the teachers' council.
12.Preparation of the hall and all necessary material resources.
13. Inclusion in the work of psychological services: surveys parents, prepares for work in small creative groups.
14. Preparation of a draft decision of the teachers' council.
15.Analysis of the work of the teachers' council.
16. Final order on encouraging teachers.
17.Designing a piggy bank with teacher council materials.
18.Formation of further goals and tasks that require solution

A teacher council of any form necessarily requires an analysis of the results with answers to next questions(reflection): what was achieved and what was not achieved during the discussion; which of the teachers was active and which was passive and why; what lessons can be learned from the experience; how to influence individual passive teachers. Various preschool educational institutions and teaching staff take part in the preparation of the teachers’ council.
The pedagogical council helps in forming a team of like-minded people, creates conditions for analyzing and evaluating existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements modern science and best practices.

Nadezhda Shinkarenko
Final teaching council.

Teachers' Council No. 5

"Summing up results work for the 2015-2016 academic year"

Deputy head according to UVR

Shinkarenko N. M.

May 2016

(slide 3) Another school year has come to an end. The year was difficult, because all teachers had to work at one and a half times the rate, the number of groups reached its maximum. The year was eventful and eventful, both intra-kindergarten and municipal, as well as regional and all-Russian. The year was fruitful - we were able to make cosmetic repairs on the eve of the school year on our own, the curriculum was completed with a lag of 5 days, due to the closure of the kindergarten in February for quarantine, teachers were able to improve their professional level by participating in municipal seminars.

(slide 3 click) At the beginning of the school year, teachers were asked target:

Create conditions for implementation and disclosure personal potential all participants in the educational process.

To achieve the goal, the following are defined tasks:

1. Continue work to strengthen the physical and mental health of children using health-saving technologies;

2. Strive for promotion cognitive interest in children and cognitive actions through design and research activities;

3. Continue to develop Creative skills children in fine arts, constructive-model and musical activity.

(slide 4) At the beginning of the school year, the teaching staff was fully staffed. These are 6 teachers, 1 music director. Teaching experience looks like this: way: up to 2 years – 1 person, 3-5 years – 2 people, 5-10 years – 1 person, 20 years and more – 3 people.

(slide 5) This year, 4 teachers improved their professional competence, which is 57.1% of the total teaching staff today, or 44.4% as of September 1, 2016-2017 academic year. the year when our teaching staff will increase with the release of maternity leave. This is how the level of professionalism looks So: there are no educators with a category of compliance with the position; 4 teachers have first qualification category, do not have qualification category 3 teachers (Barinova M.A. and Piletskaya Yu.S. are students, Luneva N.M. came to us from school, but lost her qualification category).

(slide 6) During the school year, teachers attended 20 seminars in order to improve their professional level in kindergartens in the Guryevsky district. 3 thematic teachers' council, where educators shared their accumulated experience, and someone took note for themselves interesting information. Kostyuk E.F. became a direct participant in the regional seminar, speaking on the topic "Development fine motor skills hands through children's play early age» . Konovalova E.V. became a laureate of a professional skills competition "Preschool teacher of the year 2016". The kindergarten teachers took an active part in the Internet competitions:photoquest dedicated to February 23. Piletskaya Yu. S., Pomyatikho S. A., Kostyuk E. F. received III degree diplomas; flash mob "Young Defenders of the Fatherland" Barinova M. A., Kostyuk E. F., Orlova T. G., Piletskaya Yu. S., Pomyatikho S. A. In order to increase the development of creative initiative, increase the professional activity of teachers, a creative competition was held "Creating a Playing Field", where the winners were Luneva N.M., Kostyuk E.F. and Pomyatikho S.A.

Here's the job additional education requires special attention. It is necessary to intensify work in in this direction, make it visible to parents, that is, there must be some kind of product both during the year and at the end of it.

(slide7) Throughout the year, group thematic parent meetings. On enough good level a general kindergarten meeting was held, where parents were not only familiarized with the work plan for the coming year, but also resolved issues with clothing for physical and musical classes; a master class was held on working with kinetic sand. In addition, at the request of the parents, an unscheduled meeting was held with the invitation of a representative of the administration of the Khrabrovsky territorial administration, V.V. Dyatlova, to resolve the issue of the road adjacent to the kindergarten. It is gratifying to note that parents accepted Active participation in a community work day to improve the access roads to the garden. They always respond to calls to participate in events and holidays.

(slide 8) Comparative monitoring of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of preschool education

Comparing the results of monitoring in autumn and spring, we can conclude that the activities of MBDOU at the right way. There is a dynamic increase in parents' satisfaction with the quality of preschool education. Out of 57 possible points, 48.07 points were scored, which is 2.12 points more than the autumn indicators. Parents highly appreciated the activities of the kindergarten. (results attached)

But, nevertheless, it is necessary to reconsider the work on interaction with parents, which includes myself: availability of information about the life of the child in the kindergarten, provision of the opportunity to participate in the management of the institution, consultations on raising the child. Parents also spoke out for prompt consideration by the administration and teachers of any proposals on their part.

Not all parents are satisfied with the qualifications of teachers. According to parents, not all educators create comfortable and safe conditions for every child; Educators and specialists do not always optimally coordinate their goals for the full development of the child. There is something to think about and reconsider your work plans.

If we talk about the development of a child in preschool education, then it is necessary to pay attention to the 100% involvement of all pupils in participation in activities, to develop age-appropriate skills and abilities.

(slide 9) Our kindergarten is a pilot site for the implementation of the project “Increasing parental responsibility in the context of parent clubs” "Our child" Throughout the year, club meetings were systematically held in the junior and primary early age groups. Any parent or teacher can learn more about the work of the club on our website

(slide 10 trigger on the booklet) Work is actively underway to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the education system. The chronicle of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 12” has been released « gold fish» ; The article was sent to the regional book “It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place”, where they talked about the workers of our garden who remained faithful to their work. This is Sinitsa A.V., Luneva N.V., Bagdanova E.A., Mikhailova S.E. and Luneva N.M.; a kindergarten guide has been released and a video is being prepared “And I know...”, where kindergarten students will tell the history of the villages adjacent to Marshalskoye.

(slide 11). The geography of the villages has increased; today children come to kindergarten from 18 villages of the Khrabrovsky territorial administration. It is very important here to withstand the competition of our neighboring gardens "Merry Uliya" Nekrasovo village and "Luchika" p. Matrosovo. The choice of a parent will depend on how well we work with you, how high our parental rating is.

(slide12) At the beginning of the school year, the kindergarten population was 111 children, at the end of the year - 116 children. When compared with previous years, the dynamics are noticeable. although the outlook is not very favorable. The preliminary number for August is 104 people.

(slide 13) If you monitor attendance for the 2015-2016 school year. year then we see average fulfillment of child days in %

Attendance monitoring for the 2015 -2016 school year. year

(% of child days completed)

Group/month Preparatory Senior Secondary Junior

Early age

August 80.9 78.36 73.8 79.19 90.09

September 88.81 87.56 89.1 70.07 69

October 79.71 84.44 82.08 64.24 66.52

November 99 91.53 87.82 66.3 72.72

December 89.42 88.96 94.5 89.52 86.16

January 81.42 87.83 80 78.24 69.48

February 84.28 77.77 80.35 69.15 75.3

March 86.34 82.96 87.9 71.62 81.4

April 88.66 88.69 82.67 79.6 79.7

Average 86.5 85.34 84.24 74.21 76.7

(transfer of groups is carried out in August, enrollment in the early age group - in August)

Highest attendance in preparatory group, low in younger group. Children's absences do not always depend on us. But the teacher’s task is to carry out preventive measures every day. diseases: education of hygiene skills in children, hardening procedures, adherence to clothing according to the season. You can often notice that in a group where it is warm, even stuffy, children are dressed in warm clothes, or vice versa, in a low temperature group they wear T-shirts. After physical activities, children do not always change into dry clothes. The question arises: why do we then need uniforms for physical education classes? The most a big problem- This is seasonal clothing for a walk. The work of the teacher with parents is important here. The task of the assistant teacher is to maintain the group ventilation regime, quartzing, and adherence to the disinfection regime of group rooms.

(slide14) This academic year we conducted monitoring twice in the fall and spring. A diagnostic examination of pupils was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process, determine the children’s knowledge of cognitive -research activities, as well as quality and quantitative analysis development of a particular child. To collect information, we used effective comparative analysis and methods such as observation, conversations, game situations, etc.

For the diagnostic examination, “Monitoring the assessment of the quality of preschool education” was used (assessment of achievement results according to OOP DO)» in Microsoft Office Excel format part 1 : "01 Individual_DOO_4_1.xls", Part 2 : "02 2013 individual preschool educational institution_4_2.xls", developed Federal Institute pedagogical measurements.

Monitoring analysis showed that these results are a fairly average indicator general development children.

The positive results of the work done are obvious work: low level There is no assimilation of the program by children, the differences in high, average and low levels are not significant, children have knowledge, they are able to apply it in everyday activities.

Part 1 Personal qualities

Part 2. Mastery of skills and abilities.

When analyzing monitoring by group, it is necessary to pay attention to those students who have low scores. Required when planning individual work take this data into account.

(slide) Average results physical fitness. In our training schedule we have three times physical development. But, as monitoring has shown, our speed running and standing long jumps are declining. Of course, the game is the main activity even in the classroom, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to strive to practice game form separate physical exercise, according to the program. This is probably my omission, that there was no thematic control on physical development.

(slide15) Diagnosis of preparatory group pupils by center specialists has become an annual practice "Confidence" Unfortunately, the speech therapist did not come this year. In a conversation with the teacher, psychologists gave recommendations on what to pay attention to in educational and everyday activities.

Orientation on a sheet of paper;


The concept of geometric shapes;

Search for a pattern;

Elimination of unnecessary things with explanation;

Knowledge about yourself.

(slide 16 (Solution to 1 problem) In autumn and spring, health days were held, the purpose of which was to develop motivation to preserve one’s health and the health of others; development of motor skills, endurance and attention in games. I would like this project to become traditional for our garden. In February, a wonderful sports festival was held at a high level “Dad, mom and I are a sports family”. As part of the promotion “Sport is an alternative to bad habits” there was an event in the garden "Accurate throw to the basket", where parents and their children received a lot of positive emotions. During the year in educational activities health-saving technologies were systematically used (physical education minutes, change of activities during games) In October, traditionally, the preparatory group team performed at the district sports festival for older children preschool age. Each group published booklets promoting a healthy lifestyle and subsequently participated in regional competition “Sports are an alternative to addictions”.

(slide 17) If we talk about increasing the cognitive interest of children, then the direction multifaceted: construction, thematic conversations, research, environmental education.

(slide 18) For the first time, students from our kindergarten participated in a scientific and practical conference. Arutyunyan Milana and Kotsur Irina, under the leadership of N. M. Luneva, are performing projects at the municipal level at the School of the Future. Milana and Irina were awarded a diploma for better job in nomination "Young Naturalist" .

The guys also performed well in the annual regional intellectual competition "Smart Men and Women" leader T. G. Orlova. It was held in the fall at a very good, one might say, high level. environmental action "Plant a tree and save it", I would like it to "yours" The children did not abandon the tree, but looked after it and grew with it. It may be worth returning to this promotion and continuing work: make signs "name tree", the year of planting, take pictures against the backdrop of a tree and celebrate the growth of not only the tree, but also the children. The preparatory group had a wonderful sign, where is it now? And here is the spring project « The Scarlet Flower» I didn’t find such support among my parents.

Everything possible was done to carry out educational activities on the basis of the Museum of the World Ocean. Three times a year the preparatory group went to the Museum at the expense of parental funds.

(slide 19) According to the annual curriculum pupils of the senior and preparatory groups attended socially significant objects: village library, Postal office, shop. These are not only educational excursions, they contribute to the socialization of the child in society.

Unfortunately, the potential has not been fully exploited project activities, I would like each teacher to develop at least 1 project during the year and implement it in the teaching and educational activities of the entire kindergarten.

(slide 20) In my opinion, the most fruitful educational area is the development of children’s creative abilities in visual, constructive, model and musical activities. The year started with a week "I'm talented", opened the week with a joint mini-concert with the school "Leisya, song", Shepelina’s parent, N.A. Umanskaya, conducted a master class in senior group "We paint joy", sports relay race “We are strong, brave, dexterous”, exhibition "Visiting Samodelkin" covered all age groups of the garden.

(slide 21) The exhibition was systematically updated throughout the year creative works pupils, of course, this was not always children’s work, parents often had a hand in it, but, nevertheless, the children were proud of their work.

(slide22) It should be noted that students participated in creative competitions regional and all-Russian scale: "Beautiful Far Away" need to vote "Autumn 2015", "I paint the world"; composition "Me and my child".

(slide 23) Our students Andrey Sergeev, Milana Arutyunyan, Angelina Kondratenko, Alexey Potyokin and Nikolay Usachev performed superbly at the annual district festival of amateur creativity "Guriev stars" dedicated to International Women's Day, teachers Orlova T.G., Luneva N.M., music director Konovalova E.V. The guys received not only a lot of positive emotions, but also gifts from the head of the district.

(slide24) Festive matinees held in the garden, as always, are the most spectacular, bright, and memorable. I would like to note your work, teachers, that you strive to include all children in participating in the holiday, your work with parents: what the children look like, how many parents came to the holiday. Musical director E.V. Konovalova also deserves credit here. During the year, 2 large matinees were held, maybe it’s worth increasing them to at least 3 (autumn, winter, spring). And such a holiday as Victory Day must be solemn and festive for the entire kindergarten. The participation of outside artists is wonderful. But maybe it’s worth involving our employees more, especially since participation is marked with points in the rating table.

(slide25) This year there was closer cooperation between the kindergarten and the school. According to tradition, the preparatory group visited school ruler dedicated to September 1st. Except for a week "I'm talented", twice the schoolchildren spent "Day of Good Deeds" in kindergarten groups, where they played with the kids and read fairy tales. The children from the preparatory group went on excursions to school more than once, where they got acquainted with the school library, school classrooms, looked into the canteen, visited the school museum. In addition, the guys from the additional education group "Nightingales" performed superbly at the autumn fair held on the school grounds.

became good tradition visiting theaters on New Year's Eve for middle, senior and preparatory groups. This contributes positive emotions child, fosters independence and responsibility.

(slide 26) During the school year, as planned, mobile creative groups came to the kindergarten with performances. Puppet show– 4 times, circus program – 1 time, Laboratory show – 2 times, mobile planetarium – 1 time, studio "Holiday"- 2 times, Soap Bubbles Show - 1 time.

(slide 27) Twice a year, a training evacuation is carried out in the kindergarten in order to practice the actions of the institution’s staff and students in the event of an emergency. emergency. The time spent on evacuation is 4 minutes. Well done!

Summing up result, I note that the work to strengthen the physical and mental health of children using health-saving technologies was carried out at a fairly good level, and a lot has been done to develop the creative abilities of children in visual, constructive, model and musical activities. But work to increase cognitive interest in children and cognitive actions through design and research activities is at an average level, despite the fact that material base benefits for the development of FEMP, design, modeling are very rich.

Analyzing the work done, we can say with confidence that the goal set for teaching staff, achieved.

Health-saving technologies are actively used;

Artistic and aesthetic development is steadily developing;

Striving for cognitive development on the right path.

I propose to evaluate the work of the teaching staff "FINE".

There are some shortcomings, but without this the work will not be work.

I propose for discussion the goal of work for the 2016-2017 academic year.

(slide 28) Target: creating conditions for socially organized forms of work with children, based on leading programs and technologies that meet the requirements as state standard, so social order parents.

Objectives for the 2016-2017 academic year year:

Strive to enrich the child’s social experience through the implementation of game projects;

Continue to create the necessary conditions for health-improving activities in preschool educational institutions and the development of values ​​in children healthy image life;

Creation of an enriched subject-spatial environment that promotes the development of social and psychological qualities preschooler's personality in various types activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education;

Continue to improve the work of the educational process, work with parents using non-traditional forms and methods, involving them in the educational process.

(slide 29) And finally, I want to tell you one piece of folk wisdom. There lived a sage who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “Tell me, sage, what kind of butterfly I have in hands: dead or alive? And you thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; if the dead one says, I will release her.”. The sage thought answered: "All in your hands".

Thank you for your attention!

The protocol is maintained in accordance with the manual:

Minutes of the final pedagogical council No. 5

MDOBU kindergarten No. 15.

Protocol No. 5.

CHAIRMAN: Cherepanova O.N.

SECRETARY: __________

Total members of the pedagogical council: 11 people

PRESENT: 11 people

Absent: 2 people (sick leave)


1. Familiarization with the agenda of the teachers' council.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council: Cherepanova O.N.

2. Analytical information based on viewing results final classes for the 2015-2016 academic year

3. Analysis of the implementation of annual tasks of the academic year.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

4. Reports on diagnostic results for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Educators, specialists.

Analysis of summary data based on diagnostic results for the 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 academic years.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

5. Analysis of attendance for 2015-2016. Decision based on attendance results.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

6. Analysis of questionnaires based on the results of the year for teachers.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

7. Report of teachers on self-education.

Familiarization with the work plan for the summer healing period. Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

8. Rewarding teachers at the end of the year. Z

Head of preschool educational institution: ___________

9. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

1 . Listened: ___________., the secretary of the Council of Teachers introduced the members of the Council of Teachers to the agenda.

Speakers: _________, a teacher, proposed to adopt the agenda of the meeting of the final pedagogical council No. 5 in the proposed version.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Adopt the agenda for the meeting of the final pedagogical council No. 5 in the proposed version.

2.Listen: Cherepanova O.N., chairman of the joint venture, introduced those present to an analytical report based on the results of viewing the final classes. All teachers approached the preparation of notes for final classes responsibly. Already at the preparation stage, it was noticeable that everyone was concerned about their colleagues’ assessment of their professionalism and ability to show what they had achieved over the year with children. As a result, the lesson notes were compiled competently, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Many teachers confidently formulate goals and set tasks in accordance with the content of the lesson. During the viewing, the following were demonstrated: an entertaining plot, integration of several educational areas, introduction of the hero, problematic situation, motivating initiative and independent thinking of children. New methods and techniques, the use of ICT, own development in the child’s task completion. A lesson in the form of a “Quest”, the introduction of staging, experimental activities together with artistic creative development. Reflection is fun for children. Equipment and aids are selected and placed rationally. Teachers used interactive technologies to organize children: work in pairs, round dance, chain. But the following were not used: an aquarium, a carousel, a tree of knowledge, a case - technologies that were recommended last year. Based on the analysis of the final lessons, we can conclude: teachers achieve successful learning of program material by children through the use of innovative methods and, accordingly, the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.

1. Learn the ability to regulate the course and duration of a lesson. Think through methods for optimally alternating the organization of children.

2. Use interactive technologies in older preschool age: aquarium, carousel, tree of knowledge, case technology.

Speaker: _______, a teacher, suggested that the results of viewing the final lessons be considered satisfactory. Accept the recommendations of the senior teacher O.N. Cherepanova, made during the speech, for implementation.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Consider the results of viewing the final lessons satisfactory. Accept the recommendations of the senior teacher O.N. Cherepanova, made during the speech, for implementation.

3. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N. Chairman of the Council of Teachers with a report on the analysis of the implementation of the annual tasks of the school year for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. Fully fulfilled - 57%, partially fulfilled - 29%, not fulfilled - 14%. Activities were not completed for the following reasons: employee illness, lack of time.

Speaker: _________, the teacher proposed to recognize the work of the team in fulfilling the annual tasks of the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Recognize the work of the team in fulfilling the annual tasks of the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory.

4. Listened: Reports on diagnostic results for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Reports on the results of educational work in all age groups. Educators and specialists introduced those present to the results of the year’s work, based on the monitoring results.

Listened: Cherepanov O.N., senior preschool teacher introduced those present to comparative analysis results of mastering basic educational preschool educational programs for 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years. By development educational field(hereinafter referred to as OO) " Cognitive development– FEMP” the results of a high level of development increased by 10%, the NGO “Cognitive Development-Acquaintance with the Natural World” - by 12%. The indicators for the public association “Speech Development” decreased slightly - by 4%, “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - by 2%. PA indicators " Physical development» remained at the level of last year: 70% - high level, 30% is the average level.

Correctional work at the speech center had the following results: 24 children from the school preparatory group visited the speech center based on the conclusion of the PMPK. At the end of the school year, sounds were delivered, automated and differentiated in speech in 17 children; are automated in sentences and in phrasal speech in 7 children. Total: 100% speech correction.

Speakers________., a speech therapist teacher proposed recognizing educational work based on diagnostic results for the 2015-16 academic year. educators and specialists are satisfactory.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: recognize educational work based on diagnostic results for the 2015-16 academic year. educators and specialists are satisfactory.

5. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N., Chairman of the Pedagogical Council, presented the results of an analysis of children’s attendance from September to April for the 2013 – 2016 academic years. During which it was concluded that with each academic year, the average attendance of children in kindergarten increases slightly: 2013–2014 academic year – 46% (on average, 15 children were present per day), 2014–2015 academic year – 49% (16 children per day), 2015 – 2016 school year – 61% (17 children per day). As a result, the activities carried out to increase attendance can be considered effective, but not sufficient to fully realize the goal. In the past academic year, attendance rates were affected by the fact that during the period of the epidemic of acute respiratory infections and ARVI, several groups were closed for quarantine. Parents did not take their children to kindergarten for fear of infection.

Speaker:__________, the head of the preschool educational institution proposed to recognize the work to increase attendance for the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory. For the next flu vaccination period, spend with your parents propaganda work individually and at parent meetings.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: recognize efforts to improve attendance for the 2015-16 school year. satisfactory. For the next flu vaccination period, conduct propaganda work with parents individually and at parent-teacher meetings.

6. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N., Chairman of the Pedagogical Council, familiarized those present with the analysis of teachers’ questionnaires based on the results of the year.

Using a 5-point system, you rated your pedagogical activity for the past academic year 50% for “4”, 50% for “5”.

We noted the following successes over the year in pedagogical work: children-winners of competitions at various levels, successful holding of matinees and open viewings of classes, active participation of parents in preschool educational institution competitions, a decent level of open classes in courses for speech therapists, successful certification for the first qualification category, increased attendance, participation in the city competition “Teacher of the Year”. Positive dynamics of children’s knowledge and skills, high rates of correctional work.

Difficulties during the school year:

1) Planning – 2 answers

2) Interaction with parents -1

3) Holding open events - 3

4) Execution methodological work -2

5) there were no difficulties - 2

Different levels of qualifications and teaching experience of teachers, 4 teachers have again joined the team, accordingly, the process of adaptation to the conditions and requirements is underway.

Working in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is 100% interesting, the result of the work is pleasing.

Prospects for the new academic year: increasing the qualification category to the highest, increasing the attendance of children in the group, mastering unconventional ways drawing with young children, providing earlier correctional assistance for speech development to children of primary preschool age, increasing professional competence, participation of children in competitions, work on self-education, participation in the competition “Teacher of the Year 2017” (!).

Open event most valuable from a pedagogical point of view: teachers ______

They showed initiative: mentoring, holding an event for another specialist, helping to fill out an electronic attendance sheet for teachers and creating ICT support for open viewings.

Increased professional competence for this academic year in the ability to develop lesson notes in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the ability to organize an event at the preschool level, knowledge of the methodology for conducting classes.

Listened: _________, the head of the preschool educational institution commented on the results of a survey of teachers at the end of the year. Based on the results of the survey, all preschool teachers are satisfied and interested in their activities. The optimistic thing is that every teacher sets himself a perspective, realistically evaluates successes and failures, knows weak spots, shows initiative and independence.

Speaker:__________, the music director suggested that the results of the survey be taken into account when planning methodological work for the next academic year.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: The results of the survey should be taken into account when planning methodological work for the next academic year.

7. Listened to: Reports on self-education of preschool teachers.

Listened: Cherepanova O.N., senior teacher of a preschool educational institution, noted that during the school year teachers worked in depth on a problem in which they felt certain difficulties in solving, or which aroused the greatest interest. To solve a particular problem, we got acquainted with methodological literature, periodicals, materials from the Internet. The results of self-education can be seen in the daily work of the teacher with children, parents, and colleagues.

Speaker: __________, the teacher offered reports on self-education for the 2015-16 academic year. take note, accept the prospects for self-education for the next academic year.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: reports on self-education for the 2015-16 academic year. take note, accept the prospects for self-education for the next academic year.

8. Listened:_______, the head of the preschool educational institution introduced those present to the plan for the summer health period of 2016.

Speakers: __________., the teacher suggested strictly following the plan for summer health work, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children in the summer.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: strictly follow the summer health work plan aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children in the summer.

9. Listened to: awarding teachers at the end of the year

Speakers: _________, the head of the preschool educational institution awarded the speech therapist _____ and the teacher of the preparatory school group ___________ at the end of the year Certificate of honor from the Department of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus.





4. Recognize



Chairman of the Pedagogical Council _____________ Cherepanova O.N.

Secretary of the Pedagogical Council ________________



Minutes of the final pedagogical council No. 5

MDOBU kindergarten No. 15.

Protocol No. 5.

CHAIRMAN: Cherepanova O.N.

SECRETARY: __________

Total members of the pedagogical council: 11 people

PRESENT: 11 people

Absent: 2 people (sick leave)


  1. Familiarization with the agenda of the teachers' council.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council: Cherepanova O.N.

  1. Analytical report on the results of viewing the final classes for the 2015-2016 academic year.
  1. Analysis of the implementation of annual tasks of the academic year.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

Educators, specialists.

Analysis of summary data based on diagnostic results for the 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 academic years.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

  1. Analysis of attendance for 2015-2016. Decision based on attendance results.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

  1. Analysis of teachers’ year-end questionnaires.

Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

  1. Teachers' report on self-education.

Familiarization with the work plan for the summer health period. Senior teacher: Cherepanova O.N.

  1. Awarding teachers at the end of the year. Z

Head of preschool educational institution: ___________

  1. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

1 . Listened: ___________., the secretary of the Council of Teachers introduced the members of the Council of Teachers to the agenda.

Speakers: _________, a teacher, proposed to adopt the agenda of the meeting of the final pedagogical council No. 5 in the proposed version.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Adopt the agenda for the meeting of the final pedagogical council No. 5 in the proposed version.

2.Listen: Cherepanova O.N., chairman of the joint venture, introduced those present to an analytical report based on the results of viewing the final classes. All teachers approached the preparation of notes for final classes responsibly. Already at the preparation stage, it was noticeable that everyone was concerned about their colleagues’ assessment of their professionalism and ability to show what they had achieved over the year with children. As a result, the lesson notes were compiled competently, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Many teachers confidently formulate goals and set tasks in accordance with the content of the lesson.During the viewing the following were demonstrated:entertaining plot, integration of several educational areas, introduction of the hero, problem situation, motivation of initiative, independent thinking of children. New methods and techniques, the use of ICT, own development in the child’s task completion. A lesson in the form of a “Quest”, the introduction of dramatization, experimental activities together with artistic and creative development. Reflection is fun for children. Equipment and aids are selected and placed rationally. Teachers used interactive technologies to organize children: work in pairs, round dance, chain. But the following were not used: an aquarium, a carousel, a tree of knowledge, a case - technologies that were recommended last year. Based on the analysis of the final lessons, we can conclude: teachers achieve successful learning of program material by children through the use of innovative methods and, accordingly, the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

1. Learn the ability to regulate the course and duration of a lesson. Think through methods for optimally alternating the organization of children.

2. Use interactive technologies in older preschool age: aquarium, carousel, tree of knowledge, case technology.

Speaker: _______, a teacher, suggested that the results of viewing the final lessons be considered satisfactory. Accept the recommendations of the senior teacher O.N. Cherepanova, made during the speech, for implementation.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Consider the results of viewing the final lessons satisfactory. Accept the recommendations of the senior teacher O.N. Cherepanova, made during the speech, for implementation.

3. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N. Chairman of the Council of Teachers with a report on the analysis of the implementation of the annual tasks of the school year for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. Fully fulfilled - 57%, partially fulfilled - 29%, not fulfilled - 14%. Activities were not completed for the following reasons: employee illness, lack of time.

Speaker: _________, the teacher proposed to recognize the work of the team in fulfilling the annual tasks of the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: Recognize the work of the team in fulfilling the annual tasks of the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory.

4. Listened to: Reports on diagnostic results for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Reports on the results of educational work in all age groups. Educators and specialists introduced those present to the results of the year’s work, based on the monitoring results.

Listened : Cherepanova O.N., senior teacher of the preschool educational institution, introduced those present to a comparative analysis of the results of mastering the basic educational program Preschool educational institutions for 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years. For the development of the educational field (hereinafter referred to as OO) “Cognitive development - FEMP”, the results of a high level of development increased by 10%, OO “Cognitive development - Acquaintance with the natural world” - by 12%. The indicators for the public association “Speech Development” decreased slightly - by 4%, “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - by 2%. The indicators of the NGO “Physical Development” remained at the level of last year: 70% - high level, 30% - average level.

Correctional work at the speech center had the following results: 24 children from the school preparatory group visited the speech center based on the conclusion of the PMPK. At the end of the school year, sounds were delivered, automated and differentiated in speech in 17 children; are automated in sentences and in phrasal speech in 7 children. Total: 100% speech correction.

Speakers________ ., a speech therapist teacher proposed recognizing educational work based on diagnostic results for the 2015-16 academic year. educators and specialists are satisfactory.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: recognize educational work based on diagnostic results for the 2015-16 academic year. educators and specialists are satisfactory.

5. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N., Chairman of the Pedagogical Council, presented the results of an analysis of children’s attendance from September to April for the 2013 – 2016 academic years. During which it was concluded that with each academic year, the average attendance of children in kindergarten increases slightly: 2013–2014 academic year – 46% (on average, 15 children were present per day), 2014–2015 academic year – 49% (16 children per day), 2015 – 2016 school year – 61% (17 children per day). As a result, the activities carried out to increase attendance can be considered effective, but not sufficient to fully realize the goal. In the past academic year, attendance rates were affected by the fact that during the period of the epidemic of acute respiratory infections and ARVI, several groups were closed for quarantine. Parents did not take their children to kindergarten for fear of infection.

Speaker:__________ , the head of the preschool educational institution proposed to recognizework to increase attendance for the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory. For the next flu vaccination period, conduct propaganda work with parents individually and at parent-teacher meetings.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: admit work to increase attendance for the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory. For the next flu vaccination period, conduct propaganda work with parents individually and at parent-teacher meetings.

6. Listened to: Cherepanova O.N., Chairman of the Pedagogical Council, familiarized those present with the analysis of teachers’ questionnaires based on the results of the year.

Using a 5-point system, they rated their teaching activities over the past academic year 50% as “4”, 50% as “5”.

We noted the following successes over the year in pedagogical work: children-winners of competitions at various levels, successful holding of matinees and open viewings of classes, active participation of parents in preschool educational institution competitions, a decent level of open classes in courses for speech therapists, successful certification for the first qualification category, increased attendance , participation in the city competition “Teacher of the Year”. Positive dynamics of children’s knowledge and skills, high rates of correctional work.

Difficulties during the school year:

1) Planning - 2 answers

2) Interaction with parents-1

3) Holding open events- 3

4) Performing methodological work-2

5) there were no difficulties - 2

Different levels of qualifications and teaching experience of teachers, 4 teachers have again joined the team, accordingly, the process of adaptation to the conditions and requirements is underway.

Working in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is 100% interesting, the result of the work is pleasing.

Prospects for the new school year: increasing the qualification category to the highest, increasing the attendance of children in the group, mastering non-traditional methods of drawing with young children, providing earlier correctional assistance for speech development to children of primary preschool age, increasing professional competence, children’s participation in competitions, work on self-education, participation in the competition “Teacher of the Year 2017” (!).

The open event is most valuable from a pedagogical point of view: teachers ______

They showed initiative: mentoring, holding an event for another specialist, helping to fill out an electronic attendance sheet for teachers and creating ICT support for open viewings.

Professional competence has increased over this academic year in the ability to develop lesson notes in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the ability to organize an event at the preschool level, and knowledge of the methodology for conducting classes.

Listened: _________, the head of the preschool educational institution commented on the results of a survey of teachers at the end of the year. Based on the results of the survey, all preschool teachers are satisfied and interested in their activities. The optimistic thing is that every teacher sets a perspective, realistically evaluates successes and failures, knows weaknesses, and shows initiative and independence.

Speaker:__________ , the music director suggestedThe results of the survey should be taken into account when planning methodological work for the next academic year.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: The results of the survey should be taken into account when planning methodological work for the next academic year.

7. Listened to: Reports on self-education of preschool teachers.

Listened: Cherepanova O.N., senior teacher of a preschool educational institution, noted that during the school year teachers worked in depth on a problem in which they felt certain difficulties in solving, or which aroused the greatest interest. To solve a particular problem, we got acquainted with methodological literature, periodicals, and materials on the Internet. The results of self-education can be seen in the daily work of the teacher with children, parents, and colleagues.

Speaker: __________, the teacher offered reports on self-education for the 2015-16 academic year. take note, accept the prospects for self-education for the next academic year.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: reports on self-education for the 2015-16 academic year. take note, accept the prospects for self-education for the next academic year.

8. Listened :_______, the head of the preschool educational institution introduced those present toplan for the summer health period 2016

Speakers: __________., the teacher suggested strictly following the plan for summer health work, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children in the summer.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Cherepanova O.N. put the proposal to a vote.

“for” - 11 people.

“against” - 0 people.

Decided: strictly follow the summer health work plan aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children in the summer.

9. Listened to: awarding teachers at the end of the year

Speakers: _________, the head of the preschool educational institution awarded the teacher-speech therapist _____ and the teacher of the preparatory school group ___________ at the end of the year with a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


  1. Consider the results of viewing the final lessons satisfactory. Accept the recommendations of the senior teacher O.N. Cherepanova, made during the speech, for implementation.
  2. Recognize the work of the team in fulfilling the annual tasks of the 2015-16 academic year. satisfactory.
  3. Recognize educational work based on diagnostic results for the 2015-16 academic year. educators and specialists are satisfactory.
  4. Self-education reports for the 2015-16 academic year. take note, accept the prospects for self-education for the next academic year.
  5. Strictly follow the summer health plan, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children in the summer.

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council _____________ Cherepanova O.N.

Secretary of the Pedagogical Council ________________

The protocol is maintained in accordance with the manual:

Lukina L.I. Kindergarten: we prepare documentation. – M. SPHERE, 2011.

This manual is a supplement to the magazine “Preschool Education Management”.

Final teaching council for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

"Find the treasure!"

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council today is called “Find the treasure!”

Throughout our meeting today we will be looking for the treasure and, perhaps, at the end of the meeting we will find it if we complete all the tasks.

Do you want to find a treasure? Are you ready for the journey?

Then I suggest you stand in a circle.

Organizing moment "Candle"

A candle will help me start our meeting today.

Candle-tuning fork of the soul: the tuning fork tunes musical instruments, and the candle adjusts human soul. This little light represents the good emotions and warmth that comes from us. It will help warm everyone's soul. As you accept and pass the candle, feel it. I will read a poem, and you, passing the candle, try to think about our profession, find in it all the good things that it gives us.

Everyone chooses for themselves:

Woman, religion, road,

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer,

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves..

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches,

The measure of the final reckoning

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose as best I can...

I have no complaints against anyone,

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, and for some it was only recently, you and I (so different) chose the same profession: kindergarten teacher.

Some came to kindergarten deliberately, others came by fate. But since you and I work in kindergarten, I want to believe that the chosen profession was given to us from above. Outsiders don’t stay here for long, they look for another job (and that’s their right!). And the most devoted people to this profession remain in kindergarten. So who is a teacher?

I Exercise. Portrait of an ideal teacher

So what attracts you to your profession? Let's draw a portrait of an ideal teacher. (Answers from teachers)

L.N. Tolstoy said that raising children is the self-improvement of the educator. How modern are his words? (answers).

Is a modern educator capable of restructuring social preschool education? (answers).

One more question : “Is being a teacher a profession or a calling?” (answers). Portrait of an ideal teacher

According to children's teachers, it is necessary from the very beginning early childhood to develop in children perseverance, hard work, and the ability to recognize the need to make efforts to achieve results.

And most importantly, the teacher must love children. If this is not the case, a person will not make a good teacher.

So, we talked about the importance of our profession, we were convinced that being a teacher is not easy, you need to know a lot, be able to, and most importantly, do it! Working for children, for the benefit of children and giving all of ourselves to our beloved profession.

We completed the first task. For each task, each of you will receive a mug of tea. So the first mug of tea goes...

II Exercise. History of the preschool educational institution .

Please come to the photo album. Here is the history of our preschool educational institution. Let's see how you know her.

  1. Opening date of the preschool educational institution? 1982

  2. Which company has our kindergarten belonged to since its founding?

  3. The first preschool teachers?

  4. When was the first release?

  5. When is the next anniversary of the preschool educational institution?

We give a second mug of tea………

III Exercise. GEF DO

Objective: To increase the professional level of competence of teachers in organizing educational activities based on the implementation of work programs.

  1. What document defines the work of preschool teachers?

  2. Every year we set ourselves the task of studying the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

What task did we solve according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education this academic year?

  1. What activities were aimed at solving this problem?

We give the third mug of tea......

IV Exercise. Speech development of children

Objective: To improve forms of work with children to improve the quality of speech development.

    What activities to solve the annual task do you remember?

I earned my fourth mug of tea……

And now I give the floor to our speech therapist teacher A.V. Tsygankova. She will talk about the work on speech development in the compensatory group for children with speech disorders “Pinocchio”.

We are giving away the fifth mug of tea……

V Exercise. Development of children's play activities.

Objective: Optimize conditions conducive to development play activity in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

What activities to solve this problem do you particularly remember?

The sixth mug of tea goes to......

VI Exercise. Children's entertainment and parties.

Children's leisure time was very busy this year!

There was all kinds of entertainment in the kindergarten: holiday matinees, fun leisure time with parents, and visits to performances, children's films and puppet shows and tours of visiting artists.

1. Are you satisfied with the organization of children's entertainment events and what are your suggestions for organizing holidays and entertainment in the next school year?

We have entertained and amused the children all year, and it’s not a sin to relax ourselves. Our musical director I.V. Semyonova has prepared something interesting for you. Over to her.

The seventh mug of tea goes to I.V. Semenova.

VII Exercise. Monitoring educational activities.

Every year, at the beginning and end of the school year, a comparative diagnosis of the level of development of children is carried out. I suggest you look at its results.

As you can see, the best developmental results for children are presented in the Firefly preparatory group. Let's ask E.V. Ignatenko, the teacher of this group, talk about the system of work on developing educational skills and preparing children for school.

We give the eighth mug of tea to E.V. Ignatenko.

VIII Exercise. Self-education of teachers.

As the scientist and writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin said

“Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, knowledge and education have no boundaries or limits.”

Dear colleagues, what are the forms of self-education?

- open classes

- mutual reviews and analysis of GCD

- publication of teaching materials

- participation in professional competitions at various levels

- generalization of teaching experience

What forms of presenting teaching experience can be used?

- obtaining professional education

-organization of master classes

- creative report on the topic of self-education

- presentation and dissemination of teaching experience

This year, the teacher of our preschool educational institution Valeeva Marina Vladimirovna received a professional secondary special preschool education, let us congratulate her once again and this ninth mug is yours.

It should also be noted that this academic year the participation of our teachers in various competitions at various levels, including international and all-Russian ones, has become unusually intensified. All of you have greatly enhanced your teaching portfolio with colorful and powerful diplomas and certificates of publication.

According to the total data on the provision of Diplomas and certificates of publication, the leaders are. N.V. Glazyrina, E.V. Ignatenko and S.B. Turygina.

S.B. Turygina, this 10th mug is yours!

Well, I also get a mug as the only teacher who has created his own personal website, and on two sites: on the website of educators and on the Multurok website. And also, as the only teacher who published an entertainment script based on the works of A.S. Pushkin “On the road for fairy tales” in the collection “And I awakened good feelings with my lyre!”

We are finishing the school year, congratulations to everyone!

I went to the Methodists and carried out instructions!

Plans, games and walks are under my control,

Seminars, teacher councils... You, colleagues, are lucky!

Although everyone lived in worries, you didn’t get it, you’re in trouble!

Never been bored, masters of all trades!

We carried out all the lessons and never let you down!

And I will tell you in response: “You are beautiful, no doubt!

When asked when to rest, I will answer – never!

After all, being born a teacher means brothers forever!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, peace and goodness!

Let the love of our children warm your hearts!”

Marina Anatolyevna!

Give us your answer, Are we hard workers or not?

What are our successes? Do we need to work harder?”

Word to the manager. M.A. Vorobyova:

At the end. So you little by little got to the treasure. Let's open it and see what's inside?(Awarding with certificates and thanks)

And here is a sweet prize for you -cake!

Well, we, in turn, thank you for your skillful leadership and appreciation of our work and give you a cup of tea.

And now, dear colleagues, I suggest you summarize our work as follows: you have already assessed your work in the 2015–2016 academic year. year.

I invite you to evaluate our general work. You have red, green and blue cards on your tables.

Red color - we did a great job

Green color– we worked “Okay”, but there are still unresolved problems.

Blue color - we did not work at full capacity, and therefore there were many unresolved issues. Choose the card that you think is necessary for the assessment and put it in the box.(cards are counted, work results are summed up)

And now I propose to find out in what mood we are ending the school year.

Mood reflection “Mood flower”

Let's create our clearing of mood. Here is the grass in the clearing, the sun is shining, the clouds are floating across the sky, and you can place your mood flowers here.

You have cards with mood flowers on your table. You choose the mood with which you associate the end of the school year and place it on our mood clearing.

I propose to create our “Flower Glade of Mood” at the stand

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the draft tasks for the next academic year:

I ask you to approve the accepted tasks by raising your hand.

Dear Colleagues!

We have something to be proud of and something to strive for.

Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach the goal, you need, first of all, to go forward and not stand still, because our preschool educational institution is:

D – kind, sincere, benevolent;

O – sociable, responsible, charming;

U – smart, successful, passionate teachers

Our pedagogical credo:

Love and respect for the child’s personality;

Breadth of soul and sharpness of mind;

Quality of training and education;

Originality of ideas and thoughts.

I propose to summarize our pedagogical advice:

The decision of the teachers' council:

1. Recognize the work of the team of MBDOU - d/s No. 18 “Cinderella” for the 2015-2016 academic year with a grade of “………”.

2. Continue work on organizing a subject-development environment and

methodological support educational process.

3. Continue to take an active part in competitions at different

levels, in urban methodological associations. Continue work on network interaction between preschool educational institutions of the city and others social institutions. (Secondary school No. 1, museum, library, arts center, recreation center)

4. Approve the work plan, GCD schedule, daily routine, system

hardening and recreational activities for the summer recreational period of the 2015-2016 academic year.

5. Teachers to continue working on self-education: determine

topic for the 2016-2017 academic year.

I ask you to make a decision by raising your hand.

Well, the cups are on the table, the well-deserved cake is held in high esteem. Everything is ready for tea.

Dear colleagues, I propose to celebrate the end of the school year with a tea party!