Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Methods for the development of cognitive abilities. How to develop a child's cognitive abilities

Bragin Boris Nikolaevich

teacher of the highest category,

State budget professional educational institution "Provincial College" in Nizhni Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod

Annotation. Development of cognitive science. D. Kelly method.To cognitive psychology as an attempt to overcome the crisis of behaviorism in the approach of studying the principles of the brain.

Abstract.Development cognitive science Method. D. Kelly.To ognitivnaja psychology, as an attempt to overcome the crisis of Behaviorism in the approach of studying the principles of operation of the brain.

Keywords:Cognitive psychology. The brain is a complex system

human.Neuron. FROM inapses. Psycholinguistic programming.

Concepts of Bruner, Piaget and Wallon.

keywords:cognitive psychology. The brain is the most complicated human system. Neuron. Psycholinguistic programming. The concept of Brunera, Piaget and Vallon.

Figure 1. Neurons of the brain under an electron microscope


On the one hand, in order to think rationally, one must understand general principles, which in theory can give us the best answer. scientific method, mathematics, theory of knowledge.

On the other hand, since we are dealing with people, with emotions and cognitive distortions, it is important to know how to deal with your imperfect brain. These are modern cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, common sense and practical practices.

The brain is the most complex thing in the universe that we know, except perhaps the universe itself and humanity has little chance of knowing it.

But speaking, purely technically, those beings who have a brain, they have it as the main commander and organizer of everything in general. The finger itself does not move, the ear itself does not hear. That is, it listens, but does not hear. If the brain does not give a command, a signal, an algorithm, how to be with this world. Those. is a device that any creature makes viable, including adapted to a specific situation. All attempts by researchers to answer the question of how the human brain works over the past 150 years have not shown a significant breakthrough ... and all subsequent attempts to clarify remain illusory.

Science community advanced in understanding the composition of the brain, including very small parts of it - neurons, parts of neurons. Genes have been discovered and their interaction in the brain, how they control working memory, alone with sound production or sound perception. And so on. This is the most complex system of a person from the entire array of knowledge about human body generally. And the current approach to the study of the problem of human intelligence is largely understood from a purely technical point of view. We know that the main player in the nervous system is the neuron. This is the same cell as all other cells of the body, only a special one, namely, a nervous one. Its peculiarity is that it is organized like all other cells, i.e. it has a nucleus, the body of this cell, but it only works in the nervous system. This is the main cell, and according to experts, there are a prohibitive number of them. Reference books call this number about 100.0 billion neurons, and the possible connections between each of them exceed the capabilities of modern computing technology at times because each of these cells can have up to 50 thousand connections. If you recalculate, then you get the number of connections in the brain - this is a quadrillion. Therefore, speaking about the work of human brain and equating it with a computer or similar technologies is very 39.5% a rough comparison... The human brain is not at all the computer we are used to dealing with. The commonplace assertion that a person allegedly uses up to 3% of the total brain volume does not stand up to scrutiny.

Representatives scientific industry, which is engaged in the creation of artificial intelligence, have the courage to declare for some time, namely since 1956, about its creation by 2050 ... The cognitive abilities of a person, in information units, are not very large and, according to the experimental data of V. M. Livshits, are 120

bit/person hour cognitive process obeys the principle that Livshits calls "the epistemological principle of A. N. Kolmogorov",

and has a wave form in non-linear environments. Many provisions of cognitive psychology underlie modern psycholinguistics. Cognitive psychology is largely based

on drawing an analogy between the transformation of information in a computing device and cognitive processes in humans. Thus, numerous structural components (blocks) of cognitive and executive processes, primarily memory (R. Atkinson), were singled out. Lack of scientific basis for job description individual systems brain, such as the individual's subjective approach to a particular task, the mechanism of heredity, etc. makes this problem unattainable in several future generations...

Figure 1. Typical structure of a neuron

Piaget's concept (1966) suggests that the development of cognitive processes is the result of a person's constant attempts to adapt to environmental changes. external influences force our body either to modify the activity structures (if they no longer meet the requirements of adaptation), or, if necessary, to develop new structures. This means that the adaptation is carried out using two mechanisms. Namely:

1. assimilation (in which a person tries to adapt a new situation to existing structures and skills).

2. accommodation (in which the old schemes, methods of response are modified in order to adapt them to the new situation).

Stage of formal operations (abstract thinking develops, also conceptual thinking. According to Piaget, it was shown that only a fraction of people, approximately 25-50%, can really think abstractly).

Piaget also, thanks to his research, distinguishes his sub-stages in each stage, or, in other words, phases. The sensorimotor stage is characterized by the functioning of visual-effective thinking and the formation of visual-figurative thinking.

Neurologists from the Karolinska Institute (USA) found that memory training leads to a change in the number of receptors in synapse structures involved in the mechanisms of memory, emotion and learning.

Famous Russian psychologist of the early 20th century, one of the luminaries domestic psychology Lev Semenovich Vygotsky connected psychology with pedagogy. The most productive is the development of skills and abilities to work with information. To carry out the initial processing of information coming from the outside world, a person must be able to effectively direct his attention to essential information, perceive and find it. To save this information, it is necessary to develop memory ...

Brain training regularly loads the brain with new and varied tasks. He does not have time to get used to them and creates new synapses ...

Warren Buffett

An American entrepreneur, the world's largest and one of the most famous investors, whose fortune as of March 1, 2015 was estimated at 72.7 billion US dollars. Warren Buffett is one of the richest people in the world...

Over 80 years old, but still successfully playing the stock exchange and bridge ...


It is in the power of each person to choose a lifestyle that will lead to improved health, rejuvenation of the body not for years, but for decades compared to its true biological age and will allow to realize all unimaginable potential.

/Majit Futih, famous neurologist/


1. Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology. - RnD., 2008.

2. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. - St. Petersburg. 2009.

3. Meshcheryakova B.G., Zinchenko V.P. Modern psychological dictionary. - St. Petersburg. 2007. /

4. Beck A. Techniques of cognitive psychotherapy // Moscow Psychiatric Journal. Special Issue on Cognitive Therapy - 1996. - No. 3. - P. 40-49. date of treatment - 25.01.2017 /

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6. Druzhinin V.N. Cognitive abilities: structure, diagnostics, development. - M. 2001. date of treatment - 25.01.2017 /

7. Solso R. Cognitive psychology. - 6th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 589 p. - (Masters of Psychology). - ISBN 5-94723-182-4

8. Cognitive psychology: history and modernity / Falikman M. and Spiridonova V .. - Lomonosov, 2011. - 384 p. - (Applied psychology). - ISBN 978-5-91678-008-6 /date of treatment - 25.01.2017/

9. Livshits V. The speed of information processing by a person and the factors of the complexity of the environment // Proceedings of the psychology of TSU. - Tartu, 2009 - S. 139-10. 10. Livshits V. M. On the history of the study of learning waves // Questions of Psychology - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 160-162. /date of treatment - 25.01.2017/

What does the concept of "cognitive abilities" mean? What is cognitive thinking and how to develop it in a child? These important questions we will discuss and analyze in this article.

From the very moment of birth, the cognitive abilities of the child need to be developed, this should be one of the important tasks parents. Beliefs and attitudes are formed from an early age, the task of the family is to help your child perceive reality objectively, without distorting reality. Therefore, the mission of parents is very important, they lay the first seeds of adult adequate thinking of their child.

The theory of cognitive development of the child J. Piaget

The theory of J. Piaget was developed in the last century, but still does not lose its relevance. What is so great about his ideas? According to the Swiss psychologist, children go through four main stages of cognitive development, at each of which there is a significant change in their understanding of the world.

Swiss psychologist

Children are not dumber than adults, they just think differently. These are small scientists who are trying to explore the world around them.

If you delve a little into these words, you can see the main idea that the discoverer was trying to convey. According to Piaget, first cognitive development implies processes based on actions, and only then manifests itself in the form of changes in thought processes.

J. Piaget divided the cognitive development of children into 4 main stages:

  • sensorimotor stage. Toddlers acquire knowledge through sensory experience and control of objects of the surrounding reality.
  • preoperative stage. Children discover the world through play. They try to understand their own logic and perceive the logic of their neighbors, with whom they enter into communication.
  • Stage of specific operations. Children begin to think more logically, but their thinking still does not have the flexibility of adult thinking. They don't quite understand abstraction and hypothetical assumptions, just specifics.
  • Stage of formal operations. The stage involves the development of logic, the ability to use deductive reasoning and understand abstract ideas, growing up a child. According to J. Piaget, it is the formal logical intellect that is the pinnacle of the development of human intellect.

Test for the level of egocentrism J. Piaget

Another experiment consisted in the fact that the child was sequentially asked two questions: the first - how many brothers and sisters he has, the second - how many sisters and brothers his brother or sister has. The answer to the second question was one person less than the first. This has been interpreted to mean that the child does not consider himself a "brother or sister", that is, does not realize that he may not be the central object.

J. Piaget is the first, but not the only one, dealing with the cognitive development of children.

Vygotsky's work, like Piaget's, was inaccessible to many psychologists for many years because of the language barrier, since Vygotsky wrote in his native language and did not manage to do much, dying at a fairly young age. However, his idea that cognitive development is the result of the interaction of cultural and historical factors is very great importance. He suggested that the developmental process included three main components: the use of language, the role of culture, and the child's zone of proximal development.

Factors that influence the cognitive development of children

  • Action scheme. Piaget believed that the main goal of rational behavior, or thinking, is adaptation to the environment. Ways of adaptation are called by him schemes. A schema is a repeating structure or organization of actions in certain situations. It can be simple moves, a complex of motor skills, skills or mental actions. This is what shapes our lives - beliefs. They are laid down in childhood, reinforced by the biological characteristics of perception and social framework.
  • Assimilation. The child is fed to incorporate new information into pre-existing schemas. This is quite difficult to implement in real life. This process is somewhat subjective, because we usually try to change a little new experience or received information in order to fit it to already formed beliefs.
  • Accommodation. It involves the very change of existing schemas or ideas as a result of the emergence of new information or new experiences. During this process, completely new schemes can be developed.
  • Balancing. Piaget believed that as one progressed, it was important to maintain a balance between applying pre-formed knowledge (i.e., assimilation) and changing behavior in accordance with new information(accommodation). Balancing helps to explain how children are able to move from one stage of thinking to another, to balance in different life situations, be resilient to stress.

How to develop cognitive abilities in children?

Cognitive skills are important to develop from childhood. In our time, there are a lot of fashionable toys, cartoon characters, "live" dolls, collectible cars ... but do not neglect simple methods development, games with improvised home materials.

Cognitive abilities in young children can be developed in the following ways:

  • games with cereals and buttons (of course, under the supervision and control of adults), pouring materials from container to container.

For example:

  1. The game "Looking for a secret", you can hide not only pens, but also toys, various items, large beans. Have your child look for them.
  2. The game "Plasticine fantasies", cereals, legumes, pasta, nuts are ideal as additional accessories for practicing with plasticine.
  • games with water (bottling, water play sets for children, board water games)

Gradually, games and activities become more complex and are aimed at developing motor skills and speech:

  • drawing and coloring;
  • drawing up puzzles, mosaics;
  • cutting the image along the contour;
  • construction;
  • memorization of verses;
  • reading and retelling;
  • finding differences in two identical images;
  • writing stories.

Also, do not neglect special exercises for the development of your child's cognitive abilities:

Should you be concerned if your child seems to be having a cognitive delay?

First, be patient. It is a proven fact that there are sensitive periods both for language acquisition and for the development of other skills such as motor skills, cognitive development, reading, etc. But guided by Piaget's theory, we must not forget that the development of the baby is a continuous process that moves gradually. Each child may spend more time developing one skill and less time developing another, and may learn something prematurely. Even though it's only summary Piaget's theory and the various stages in the development of children, it should be noted that these are only approximate data regarding age, so that we can draw conclusions about the existing statistics. Sometimes some children take longer to acquire a skill. But this does not mean at all that this case developmental problems or pathologies are observed.

You must support your child so that he does not feel disadvantaged, and also does not acquire an inferiority complex. No need to focus on his failures, but always praise for victories.

Piaget's theory, in addition to explaining the various stages of development in children, also describes the "magic of children".

In terms of their "egocentric thinking", their curiosity about the world around them, and their innocence. And it makes us reflect and realize that we as adults must learn to understand our children in order to support them, encourage them and make them happy and loved at every stage of their development.

List of references used in the article

  1. L.F.Obukhov. Child (age) psychology. Textbook, M., Russian Pedagogical Agency. 1996
  2. Jean Piaget. Speech and thinking of the child. 1932
  3. Kulagina I.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N. Age-related psychology: The complete life cycle of human development. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006.
  4. Ushakov D.V. Structure and dynamics intellectual abilities: Sciences. - M., 2004.
  5. Jean Piaget. Psychology of intelligence. 1942

The human brain is an amazing organ. It is the most accessible and at the same time the most complex “device” in the Universe.

We offer you a few tricks that will help "pump" the brain.


  • Aerobic exercise. These are exercises where oxygen is the main source of energy. Aerobic training strengthens muscles, normalizes blood circulation, relieves stress. And a recent study from the University of Illinois also showed that "oxygen" exercise also has a beneficial effect on the brain. Just 30 minutes of training per day, and the work of cognitive functions improves by 5-10%.
  • Strength exercises. Are the studs dumb? No matter how! Lifting weights not only builds muscle, but can also increase levels of so-called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein responsible for protecting brain neurons.
  • Music. Another study found that the brain starts to work better if you listen to your favorite music during exercise. So onward to genius.
  • Dancing. This is a great way to keep fit, improve flexibility and coordination. Moreover, according to Daniel J. Amen, MD, neurophysiologist and neuropsychiatrist, author of the book A Great Brain at Any Age, dancing is also a great mind trainer. After all, dancing, we use different parts of the brain.
  • Golf. It is not for nothing that it is called an intellectual game: it is not as easy to calculate the force of impact and the trajectory of the ball as it seems at first glance. In addition, doctors believe that golf stimulates the work of the sensory part of the cerebral cortex.
  • Yoga. The ancient Indian spiritual and physical practice, it turns out, not only has a beneficial effect on health, but also improves memory, self-control abilities and long-term concentration. At least, such conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Illinois, led by Neha Gothe.


  • Water. The body is 80% water. It is necessary for every organ, but the brain in particular. In the course of another scientific experiment, it was found that people who are thirsty cope worse with logical tasks than those who drank half a liter of water before testing.
  • Omega 3. Unsaturated fatty acids are super healthy. Including for the brain and nervous system. They provide a rapid influx of energy necessary for the transmission of impulses from cell to cell, which, in turn, increases mental abilities and helps to quickly retrieve the necessary information from the "reservoirs" of memory. Lots of Omega-3s in fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil.
  • Greens. Spinach and other greens contain folic acid, vitamins E and K. These substances prevent the development of dementia (dementia). In addition, the antioxidants found in greens protect the brain from stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • Apples. They contain quercetin - a substance that has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial actions. But for us, the main thing is that quercetin protects brain cells from damage, and therefore prevents the violation of its cognitive properties. Most of it is in apple peel.
  • Nuts. They are rich in protein, and protein supplies the brain with energy. In addition, nuts are rich in lecithin, the lack of which in the body can cause multiple sclerosis and other nervous diseases.
  • Vitamins. B9 (citrus fruits, bread, beans, honey) and B12 (liver, eggs, fish) - without these substances, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. The former is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells in a healthy state, and the latter reduces the symptoms of senile dementia and mental confusion.
  • Eggs. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Perhaps you will find the answer to this philosophical question if you eat both. After all, chicken yolk is a source of choline, and it helps to develop the cognitive functions of the brain, that is, the ability to understand, learn, study, realize, perceive and process.
  • Milk. Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy! After all, milk is calcium, which strengthens bones. In addition, scientists have found that a glass of milk a day improves memory and other mental abilities.
  • Coffee. It's not a joke. Scientific studies have found that caffeine can improve attention and short-term memory. And of course, it will add vivacity.
  • Chocolate. You go to the exam - eat a chocolate bar. Everyone does it, but few people know why. Or rather, few people know how chocolate makes us smarter. It's all about glucose and flavonols. Sugar speeds up the reaction and improves memory, while flavonols stimulate other cognitive skills.


  • Deep sleep. We have already talked about how important sleep is for normal life. Let us repeat only - in order for the convolutions to move, you need to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  • Drowsiness. Dozing is helpful. This is an indisputable fact. The question is how much? The ideal duration of an afternoon nap is 10-20 minutes. A person does not have time to fall asleep soundly and it is easier for him to wake up. But on the other hand, according to scientists, the best effect on the brain is a 90-minute nap (memory improves, creative ideas appear). More details about .
  • Habitual style. Break it! Yes, yes, for one day destroy the established order for years - drink coffee in another cafe and not at 9, but at 11 o'clock, go to work by a new route, redraw things in your diary. Such "shake-ups" are very useful - they help the brain to be in good shape.
  • Sense organs. Another interesting training for the brain is the sharpening of individual senses. For example, hearing. To do this, blindfold and try to walk around the room, focusing only on the surrounding sounds.
  • Workplace. Will the devil break his leg on the table? Then in the head too. A cluttered workplace is not only ugly, but also significantly affects productivity. Negatively affects. Tidy up your workplace, and you will be surprised how much faster your brain starts to work.
  • Sketches. If you find it difficult to focus on a task (and you really need it), try taking a pen and paper and draw it. Diagrams, tables and other sketches will help you concentrate and, perhaps, open up a new vision of the problem.
  • Notes. It is useful not only to draw by hand, but also to write. Gadgets have almost ousted paper from our lives, which is why we are unlikely to become smarter. After all, the creation of a handwritten text develops higher brain functions, such as memory, attention, psychomotor coordination and others. It is no coincidence that a foreign word written by hand is remembered better than one entered on the keyboard.
  • Flight of thoughts. Everyone is familiar with the round dance of thoughts. This is when you need to think about a project, there are a thousand and one ideas in your head, but not a single one is necessary. At such moments, we try to “curb” randomly jumping thoughts and, finally, get down to business. And in vain. Research by scientists shows that by letting our thoughts fly, we stimulate creative activity brain. So relax and let yourself just dream.


  • Novelty. A new, more complex activity stimulates the release of dopamine, which contributes to the growth of neurons. Go up the intellectual stairs. Each time complicate your task - solve more difficult puzzles, read smart books.
  • Orientation. Poorly know your city or even area? Excellent! In terms of training mental abilities. Mastering new routes develops memory, attention and other cognitive functions.
  • Music making. Musicians have a well-developed parietal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for hearing, motor and visual-spatial skills. If you want to "pump" these qualities, try to learn how to play some musical instrument.
  • Foreign languages. Mastering a second or third language improves memory, broadens one's horizons, and also protects the body from Alzheimer's disease.
  • Oral speech. If you say something out loud, then it is better remembered. Proven scientific fact.
  • Positive thinking. Positive psychologists are relentless and unanimous: think positively and become smarter.


  • Meditation. We have already written about. We only recall that regular meditation practice helps to get rid of a sudden feeling of anxiety, to respond more adequately to physical ailments, and also to better understand other people.
  • Computer games. On TV they shout that children are getting dumber from computer games, that teenagers who spend a lot of time on the Xbox are degrading. But a professor from the University of Rochester claims that gaming improves multitasking and spatial thinking. In addition, logic computer games cannot be called “stupefying”.


  • Conversations. "Hi, how are you?" - hate this phrase? It's a pity time for "empty" chatter? Do you prefer to keep the dialogue strictly on the case? On the one hand, it is commendable, but on the other hand, even trifling conversations, “about nothing”, develop cognitive functions - speech, attention and control.
  • Sex. This activity, pleasant in all respects, increases the level of serotonin in the blood (“hormone of happiness”, which, among other things, increases creative potential) and the level of oxytocin (“the hormone of trust” - helps a person think in new directions and make bold decisions).
  • Laugh. He, like sex, - the best medicine from many diseases. If you long time If you are engaged in intense intellectual activity, then you should not, when you come home from work, take up a volume of Schopenhauer. Give your brain a rest, turn it on good comedy and laugh heartily.
  • Ancestors. In a prestigious journal dedicated to social psychology, was published. According to him, people who thought about their ancestors before taking tests of memory, thinking and attention received better results than those who did not think about their grandparents. It is difficult to say how objective the arguments of scientists are, but knowing your genealogy is definitely useful.

How do you train your brain?

For ordinary person the concept is habitual - mental or intellectual development, and what does cognitive mean, not everyone will answer. Cognitive is a cognitive process in which the processing of incoming information by consciousness, its mental transformation into knowledge, storage and use of accumulated experience in Everyday life.

Cognitive Research

What is the cognitive abilities of people, the topic is of interest to psychologists, sociologists, linguists, philosophers. Cognitive research in various fields of science helps to understand and study the following processes:

  • human knowledge of the world;
  • the influence of language and culture on a personal picture of the world (subjective);
  • what is the conscious and the unconscious and how is it related to brain activity;
  • which cognitive abilities are innate and which are acquired in different age periods;
  • what does cognitive ability mean artificial intelligence(Is it possible to create in the future an artificial mind that is not inferior to the human).

Cognitive Psychotherapy

Cognitive therapy is aimed at eliminating errors in thinking and changing illogical thoughts and beliefs into new, constructive ones. During a psychotherapy session, the cognitive psychologist pays full attention to what the client says, how he expresses his thoughts. The method of cognitive therapy was discovered by A. Beck, who successfully applied it to many patients suffering from depression and affective disorders.

cognitive thinking

The cognitive abilities of the brain are mental functions of a higher order: attention, gnosis, perception, speech, praxis, intellect. Thinking is one of the most important cognitive processes, divided into three types:

  • visual-effective (predominant in children under 3 years old) - solving specific problems, cognition and analysis of objects through manipulations with hands.
  • visual-figurative - is formed from 4 to 7 years. Solving problems by using mental images.
  • abstract - operation abstract concepts which are hard to imagine.

Development of cognitive abilities

How to develop cognitive abilities at any age? normal development of a person implies interest, curiosity and the desire for development - this is inherent in nature, therefore it is important to maintain this and be in a state of constant interest in the world and what is happening around. From the very moment of birth, the cognitive (cognitive) abilities of the child need to be developed - this should become one of the important tasks of parents.

Development of cognitive abilities in adults

Improvement in cognitive abilities is possible in different ages, and you need to approach this correctly, using a creative approach, so that it does not seem like a chore. Discovering the exploratory spirit in oneself, a person improves his worldview, mood and helps the development of higher mental functions, which include cognitive abilities. Simple recommendations of psychologists for productive brain activity:

  • brush your teeth with your left hand (left-handers - right);
  • choosing a new route when going to work;
  • choose your option of physical activity;
  • start learning a foreign language;
  • solving crossword puzzles, riddles, charades;
  • a few minutes a day to do simple things with your eyes closed;
  • develop intuition;
  • give up junk food in favor of a healthy diet.

Development of cognitive abilities in children

Cognitive skills are important to develop from infancy. Modern Choice educational toys for children is huge, but do not neglect the tools at hand that are in every home. Cognitive abilities in young children can be developed in the following ways:

  • games with cereals and buttons (under the strict supervision of adults) - pouring from container to container);
  • a variety of finger games with nursery rhymes and jokes (“magpie-crow”, “finger-finger where have you been”);
  • games with water (bottling).

Gradually, games and activities become more complex and are aimed at developing motor skills and speech:

  • drawing and coloring;
  • drawing up puzzles, mosaics;
  • cutting the image along the contour;
  • construction;
  • memorization of verses;
  • reading and retelling;
  • finding differences in two identical images;
  • writing stories.

Exercises for the development of cognitive abilities

Cognitive training is the key to productive longevity and a clear mind, even in old age. The brain needs the same exercise as the body, it is important to spend 15-20 minutes a day on simple, but very useful exercises for brain activity:

  1. Synchronized drawing. You will need a sheet of paper and 2 pencils. Draw with both hands at the same time geometric figures. You can start with the same shapes for each hand, then complicate the exercise, for example, draw a square with your left hand, and right triangle. Exercise balances the work of both hemispheres of the brain, develops cognitive abilities, motor skills.
  2. The words are the opposite. Several times during the day, try to pronounce the words you heard from other people to yourself in reverse.
  3. Calculation. Everything that is to be counted is important to do through mental mental calculations. Put the calculator away.
  4. Autobiography. There are 2 options for the exercise. In the first, a person begins to remember and write, starting from the present moment, and deepens year after year towards his early childhood. In the second version, childhood is first described.

Loss of cognitive abilities

Cognitive functions and abilities deteriorate with age, this is due to age-related changes, but more often this happens due to comorbidities and an unhealthy lifestyle. At the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor for maintenance therapy. Causes of cognitive impairment:

  • violation of homeostasis and metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • type I and II diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • arterial hypertension (hypertension);
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • alcohol and drug use;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease.

Classification of cognitive impairment:

  1. Mild cognitive impairment - test scores and psychometrics may be normal or there may be slight deviations. A person begins to complain of problems with memory, rapid fatigue, attention also suffers at the same time - concentration decreases.
  2. Moderate cognitive impairment - about 15% of this form of impairment is further transformed into Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia. Symptoms are increasing: deterioration of thinking, memory and speech.
  3. Severe cognitive impairment. They appear after 60 - 65 years of age. Pronounced clinical picture, symptoms characteristic of dementia (dementia). A person ceases to navigate in space, falls into a "childish" age. People with severe cognitive impairment need constant care and drug therapy.

Cognitive abilities

In terms of cognitive abilities, there is a well-founded scheme that can be used to characterize a person. I la myself general level in this scheme is the general intelligence, or factor, sometimes called the general mental faculties. The need to introduce such a concept as general intelligence was identified many years ago, when researchers needed to describe the mental abilities of a person. At the beginning of our century, when the results of performing a wide range of intellectual tasks were compared, it became clear that people who successfully performed one type of task (for example, tasks with words), as a rule, performed well on other tasks, even clearly different ones (for example, , with numbers or figures). Other s./yuvama and it turns out that there are some general information processing abilities that are not entirely specific to of this type processed information. Yet it was also clear that, to some extent, people unequally displayed strong and weak sides processing different types of information; thus, some were good at tasks with numbers, while others coped better with verbal material.

A theory to explain these results was originally proposed by Bert (Bint, 1940) and developed by Vernon (1961). In this theory, both general intelligence and specific factors matter (Figure 2.1). Similar research results allowed Sergemson to propose a theory of two factors

28 ■ Chapter 2. Differences between people

structures of intelligence (Spearman, 1927). Essentially, in theory, it was assumed that there is a factor of general intelligence - a factor g, as well as a range of specific factors that together explain general ability people to process information, as well as the differentiation of their abilities in various specific areas. General intelligence (g) determines the correlation that exists between the execution results various types tasks, while more specific abilities explain the fact that no one can do all tasks equally well or equally badly. General intelligence occupies the highest level of the hierarchy, which also includes several levels of specific factors. The performance of mental (cognitive) tasks is determined by a combination of g and factors located in the diagram below it. This structure of human cognitive abilities turned out to be very viable and is still used as a base in applied psychology, especially by psychologists working in the personnel field.

There are other approaches to human intellectual functions. One of the most recognized alternative approaches emphasizes that in order to deal intelligently with daily life, a person needs to successfully solve problems that are very different from the relatively well-defined and purely intellectual tasks that make up a typical test of intelligence. Stenberg and Wagner (Sternberg and Wagner, 1986) and others use the term "practical intelligence" to refer to the type of thinking required to function in everyday life. Organizing an informal or professional event, choosing and buying the best of many products, planning a trip are all examples of activities that require intellectual behavior. The required behavior is widely varied and is associated with social and emotional factors. One of the most important characteristics of practical thinking is that it is inextricably linked to everyday experience and plays an important role in solving the problems of everyday life (Scribner, 1986). It is directly opposite in nature to the abstract and isolated tasks included in typical intelligence tests (Fig. 2.2).

Proponents of the theory of practical intelligence argue that the type of thinking necessary in real life has some fundamentally important characteristics that cannot be determined using written tests. Probably this point of view

Individual differences ■ 29

Practical Intelligence 1 Intelligence Tests

Give the client change Arithmetic operations

Collection constituent parts Next element anticipation

Taking inventory in sequence

Rice. 2.2. Practical intelligence versus intelligence tests

and justified to some extent, but it is important to note that there is a strong relationship between the results of psychometric testing of cognitive abilities and various aspects of daily behavior. For example, in professional field As evidenced by abundant and very convincing empirical evidence, intelligence test scores correlate well with general proficiency in many areas of activity. These studies will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.

The existence of standardized psychometric tests that determine the factor and its subfactors, such as spatial reasoning, computational or verbal abilities, is one of the main advantages of the traditional approach to the structure of human cognitive abilities. These standardized tests form the basis for assessing a person's cognitive abilities, and there is, as already noted, a close relationship between the results of these tests and indicators of professional behavior. Tests have been developed to determine how general intelligence (g) as well as most subfactors. In the UK, there are several specialized companies that publish psychological tests, and each of them has a very wide range of tests. In other words, there is more than one test for every aspect of cognitive ability. The development, publication, and marketing of psychological tests has been a highly significant commercial activity. Most psychological testing companies also offer other services, including training and counseling by highly qualified licensed psychologists.

1 Sternberg's famous three-part aptitude test (STAT) measures three main components of intelligent information processing - analytical, creative and practical. - Note. scientific ed.

30 ■ Chapter 2. Differences between people

labor. In the UK, the provision of their services is overseen by the British Psychological Society. (BPS) and they are required to follow a code of professional conduct. The majority of companies that publish tests also teach how to use the tests in accordance with the requirements. bps, and thus not only professional psychologists may be able to use and interpret some psychological tests.

What is cognitive ability

Probably, you often thought or entered into a discussion about what intelligence is and how to determine which person is smarter. We already clearly understand that a large amount of knowledge does not allow us to judge a strong intellect. This indicates erudition, a large base of learned information. Such people may achieve incredible success, or they may not achieve anything. Therefore, if a person can be said to be smart, then it means, first of all, his developed cognitive abilities.

It should immediately be noted that scientists do not have a clear point of view on what cognitive abilities are. For example, the ability to manage your emotions is not one of them, so this skill should be developed separately. It - emotional intellect, which, nevertheless, is associated with cognitive abilities in view of the characteristics of our body.

So, what can be attributed to cognitive abilities?

Now imagine a person who has mastered all these abilities. Can he be called smart and very talented? Undoubtedly. Such a person is able to memorize a lot of information, or decide what to remember and what not. He knows how to concentrate and does not waste time returning to this state again and remembering where he left off. He knows how to perceive and read information from the world or people's behavior and draw the right conclusions. Can think logically and creatively at the same time. He makes firm decisions that end up in the right actions.

That is why cognitive abilities are more important than any other. They are the very basis on which you can fully realize yourself in life. You can improve your memory, attention and concentration by taking this course.

Almost everyone can develop these abilities. There are exercises that can improve any of these skills. Better yet, mastering one skill has a positive impact on others. For example, concentration is associated with improved memory. And memory improvement is closely intertwined with the development creative thinking, because it forms tens and hundreds of associations in the head regarding any word, image or even sound.

If all these skills are sufficiently developed, then a person can enter a state called flow. In it, he remains mentally in the present moment, all his cognitive abilities are incredibly increased, and especially concentration. Everything works out for him, he knows or feels what needs to be done in order to achieve a result. There are people who have learned to stay in this state 24 hours a day. For example, Richard Branson, British billionaire. The level of his perception is simply amazing: he looks at the world and sees only possibilities.

Speaking about information, it must be said that, of course, knowledge is necessary. Even with its accessibility in the age of the Internet, curiosity and erudition are indicators of an interesting and extraordinary person. After all, if you do not know anything and do not have any information, then your decisions will be quite primitive. Therefore, in addition to developing cognitive skills, you need to strive to acquire new knowledge in order to use it, mixing, changing and getting something new and unusual. By taking a course on the development of creative thinking, you will learn this.

Below we present to your attention a list of books aimed at developing your cognitive abilities.

  • Harry Lorraine "Development of memory and the ability to concentrate"
  • Eberhard Heule "The Art of Concentration: How to Improve Your Memory in 10 Days"
  • Dmitry Gusev " Short Course logic: the art of correct thinking"
  • Michael Mikalko "Rice Storm and 21 More Ways to Think Outside the Box"
  • Dmitry Chernyshev "How people think"
  • Frans Johansson "The Medici Effect"
  • Peter Bregman "18 minutes"

These books contain the most different ways development of cognitive abilities. So it's not worth reading just for fun. Practice with a piece of paper and a pen.

There are tons of apps online that are designed to improve your brain function. Here are the most interesting ones.

Their main advantage is that if you have a smartphone, you can perform exercises wherever you are. Also, all these applications keep detailed statistics. You will be able to track your results and visually see the progress. Remember that you will ideally need to do this every day. Even if time is short, set aside at least a minute every day.

If there is only one ability that will bring the greatest benefit to your brain, then this is concentration. It is she who “pulls up” all other cognitive skills. There are two simple games which are very helpful in this. These are "Numbers" and "Schulte Tables".

Are you interested in developing cognitive abilities in practice? Then the course "Cognitive Science: The Development of Thinking" is for you. Join now!

Cognitive abilities, or a little bit about practical intelligence

How many copies are broken due to different definitions intellect! And the thing is that the classical IQ only tells how difficult academic tasks in ideal conditions can be solved by a person. And success in life is connected mainly with the so-called practical intelligence. These nuances are studied by scientists who study cognitive abilities.

Approximately half of all people

What is practical intelligence and why is it so important? Absolutely every mentally healthy person has tremendous adaptability. True, they manifest themselves in different ways. Only 8 psychotypes out of 16 are capable of classical adaptation due to academic intelligence, and even then with varying degrees of success, depending on individual, rather than typical characteristics.

What do the eight other psychotypes do? They master the area like a foreign language, that is, it is difficult and slow. But the main adaptation mechanisms are the use of conjecture, volitional qualities, social connections, manipulation of emotional states. Of course, not every profession allows such behavior, but people of "non-academic" types usually do not choose very complex intellectual specialties.

Describing cognitive abilities, it is necessary to focus on the most relevant definition of intelligence. This is not at all the ability to find the right picture for a puzzle, to pick up a number after 10 operations in the mind, or the ability to find a capacious and relevant word. Cognitive abilities are the ability to adapt to a new situation and solve objectively and subjectively new tasks for the psyche.

Mental Threshold

Also, such a definition of intelligence makes it a variable quantity. Which is very, very optimistic. Although. practice shows that even solving problems for a classical, supposedly unchangeable IQ, can be learned. So this is not a constant factor, and even more so - not a predictor of success in life. A person's cognitive abilities simply have to pass a certain threshold, after which, subject to motivation and concentration, a person has a chance of success. It has been calculated that a factor of 120 is quite enough to defend a doctoral dissertation. Which is not something sky-high, there are usually a couple of people of this level in every grade of high school.

Cognitive ability is a very vague term. And it arose because of the desire to find an algorithm, thanks to which it is possible to determine how promising this or that student is. But it turned out that graduates of the same American university, as a rule, are equally successful. Regardless of their academic performance, which is really related to academic endowment.

Cognitive development is recommended to be planned according to the specific skills you need. That is, the human psyche is very specific. Contrary to popular belief, success in chess does not automatically lead to advantages in other types of algorithmic work. Skills from one area to another are extremely poorly transferred. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately learn what you need. And do not bet on the overall development.

Human cognitive abilities. What's this?

The word "cognitive" is considered scientific term, this term rarely occurs in everyday communication of people. But it denotes the well-known abilities of a person. These abilities connect people with the outside world and contribute to the formation of ideas about it.

Cognitive functions include:

Attention is the maintenance of the level of mental activity that is obligatory for cognition.

Perception - the construction of images and ideas about something based on the information received.

Gnosis is the ability to recognize formed images that a person refers to the categories of the mind.

Memory - the ability to store and subsequently reproduce the information received.

Intelligence is the product of actions with the information received, thanks to memory (analysis, evaluation, generalization, solving certain problems).

Speech is the ability to communicate using a symbolic sign system such as language.

Praxis - the ability to form and include in the activity of motor skills, as well as the construction, memorization and automation of a sequence of movements.

All abilities are directly related to the activity provided by the human brain, they are dependent on the holistic state of the body. When the development of the brain is disturbed, certain damage or malfunctions caused by diseases or emotional upheavals pass. When the development of the brain is impaired, the quality of cognitive functions is significantly reduced. A significant decrease in the quality of cognitive functions is commonly called a cognitive disorder.

Cognitive impairment negatively affects life achievements person in everyday, professional, educational or social activities.

Thanks a lot! For a long time I could not understand what it was. I often heard about cognitive abilities on Discovery and could not figure it out. Developed a bit of cognition in myself too :)))

10 Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Ability

The process of thinking is an integral part of our life. In situations where you need to quickly learn the material or think through the project in detail, you want everything to happen quickly and efficiently. There are several ways that improve human cognitive abilities.

A large amount of coffee harms the body, but researchers have found that caffeine does more than just keep you awake. It can help you focus on difficult tasks, improves efficiency mental activity improves response. Coffee does not make a person smarter, this drink only temporarily improves brain function.

Norwegian scientists have found that people who regularly drink wine perform better on cognitive tasks than those who give up alcohol. This relationship is especially pronounced among women. Of course, wine can only help if the amount is strictly limited. It is assumed that the characteristics of this drink are based on the antioxidant properties of wine.

The study found that people who had high levels of vitamin D in their bodies were better at control tests than those who had a shortage of this element. Vitamin D is formed under the action of sunlight.

Dancing and leisure reduce the risk of developing dementia. In addition, these types of activities improve a person’s cognitive abilities and teach them to make quick decisions.

It’s not enough to just eat a product that has received “best” status. In the long term, you need to provide the brain with the necessary vitamins, various elements. The most important thing is to monitor sugar, the presence of amino acids, antioxidants and omega-3s.

Using MRI, it was found that playing Tetris increases the activity of gray matter in the cerebral cortex. Moreover, such an activity helps the mind quickly forget about recent tragedies and problems.

Studies have shown that athletes perform much better on cognitive tasks than non-athletes. Regular walks on the street are enough to increase brain performance by 10%.

In certain situations, it is really necessary to fully concentrate on the task and not stop to rest. Researchers have found that people who allow themselves to take breaks while working have a much better memory than those who work without rest. It’s enough just to break away from work and think about something else.

Temporarily stop eating

Although in the long term a proper and balanced diet short-term refusal of food can help to quickly improve brain performance. Researchers believe it's evolved - we work better when the brain thinks it's undernourished.

Scientists came to the conclusion that when searching for a thing, you need to say its name aloud, as this allows you to find the desired item much faster.

on NS on Facebook

Many often experience a short-term "flow". However, few people know that it can also be long-term. Checked, the state of long-term "flow" is a reality. I think that it is better to direct the forces of people to the study of this phenomenon, and ways to enter into it. This is a way to radically increase the "efficiency of mankind." M. Csikszentmihalyi describes only a short-term flow, and his recommendations are not focused on a strong and long-term version of the flow state, which can last for years.

Quick entry

In Telegram now with a passport? We understand what to expect from the new project of Pavel Durov

Graphene and the global technological revolution

Space projects: death before birth

Death of Civilization: Possible Scenarios

  • 1 of 152

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Cognitive abilities are the most important functions of the human brain

Cognitive functions of the brain - what is it? Speaking of cognitive science, it should be noted that this is a relatively young direction in science and the date of its birth is conventionally considered to be 1956.

Cognitive psychology reflects a view of a person as a computer, which at that time appeared and began to spread.

In short, a person is an entire information system that processes information through a variety of various ways(cognition).

Conscious thinking, being one of the ways, is not considered the main cognition. In addition to it, there are such important ones as images, emotions, attention, memory, imagination and many others.

What is the cognitive realm? Learn about it from our article.

Definition of the term

Cognitive functions of the brain - functions that allow a person to carry out information cognition.

Thanks to them, a person receives images, ideas, an assessment of the world around him, people, himself and much more.

These functions include attention, visual-spatial perception, memory, understanding, thinking, executive functions (planning actions in accordance with the goal, changing the reaction, etc.).

Simply put, these are the abilities of the brain, thanks to which a person acquires knowledge, skills and abilities.

Mental processes - what are they?

All mental processes that psychologists managed to model were called cognitive. That is, these are processes that lend themselves to logic and comprehension, having an algorithm for processing information.

Processes that could not be modeled were called affective. These include an emotional-sensual attitude to everything.

Definition of concepts


Activity in cognitive psychology is the ability of the brain to perform following features Key words: attention, memory, language, visual-spatial perception and executive functions.

As a result of this activity, a person comes to understand something.

He begins to have an idea about the objects that are included in the human worldview system.

Examples: Finding common elements in different languages; proof of a mathematical pattern, theorem; essay writing.

General psychology. Cognitive Processes: Speech - in this video:


Thinking is one of the information processing tools for solving many problems. It is a personal phenomenon, so there are many types of thinking: critical, flexible, masculine, vigorous, arbitrary and, for example, on the contrary, uncritical, feminine, lazy, involuntary, inflexible.

Thinking is mainly engaged in processing the flow of information (thoughts, images, pictures, sounds).

If a person analyzes information, solves mental problems, compares data and determines particular, general, cause and effect, process and result, then his thinking is considered quite meaningful.

Examples: reading this text; any work; any activity and perception of information.

General psychology. Cognitive Functions: Thinking - in this video:


Communication is, in short, primarily contacts between people.

It is a whole process, which includes the establishment of contact, then its development. Communication is a product of people's need for each other, joint activities.

Within the framework of cognitive psychology, communication is important for us, because in the course of it there is an exchange of information, its cognition. We learn information about the interlocutor, get answers to questions.

Examples: training session; Scientific Conference; press conference.


Memory is the ability of the brain to record, store and reproduce the necessary information. Considering memory as more broad concept, then the process of forgetting also belongs to it and is an important part of it.

The peculiarity of memory lies in the fact that its source of development is not inside, but outside, from the outside.

Like other mental processes, memory is formed gradually. A child in the first days of life distinguishes his mother from others, in the future his memory becomes larger and he remembers other people and things around him.

Another feature of memory is its variability. Even though the past is unchangeable, memories can become more and more distorted over the years.

There are many types of memory.

The memory of the eyes is visual; muscle memory - motor; long-term and short-term memory; positive and negative memory; memory of the past and memory of the future; internal and external memory and many other types. One of the most important types memory is one's own personal experience.

Examples: exam; driving skills; singing songs.


Flexibility in cognitive understanding means the ability of the brain to switch from thought to thought, to think about several thoughts at the same time. Thanks to this, a person adapts to change, which plays a big role in learning and solving complex problems.

Examples: an unexpected change in the schedule of cases; change in taste and style; astronaut tests.


Cognitive control is a set mental processes behavior regulation. It is considered one of the perfect mechanisms in the human psyche. Through control, a person builds relationships with other people and environment taking into account the needs of the individual.


Potential is the totality of all available means and opportunities.

The potential of the individual is characterized by internal and external indicators.

Internal indicators include mental health, interests, intelligence, emotional abilities.

External indicators come from internal, the development of which determines the full potential. External indicators include responsibility, culture, personal freedom, independence.

Examples: presence of etiquette; outstanding results in the music school; dissertation writing.

Tips for improving the cognitive functions of the brain in this video:

Opportunities, skills and abilities of a person - what do they include?

Cognitive (cognitive) abilities (capabilities, skills, abilities) of a person (in addition to those listed above) include:

  1. Short-term memory is the storage of all incoming information for a short time.
  2. Focused attention is the ability of the brain to focus on something.
  3. Spatial perception - the ability to assess the state of things in space and connect them relative to each other.

In addition to these abilities, there are many others (hand-eye coordination, inhibition, evaluation, verbal abilities, etc.).

Cognitive skills acquired in childhood determine the ability to read, count, write, abstract and logical thinking.

These include imitation, the study of objects, understanding cause and effect, the relationship of objects, selection by similarity, naming, and then the ability to read, write and count.

What factors contribute to their decrease and increase?

A negative lifestyle, constant stress, physical overstrain, unhealthy diet, reduced blood circulation and oxygen supply, due to aging, a number of nervous diseases, contribute to a decrease in cognitive abilities.

Physical training (aerobic exercises, strength exercises, dancing), nutrition (water, vitamins, chocolate, milk, etc.), daily routine (sleep, workplace), learning (creativity, foreign languages, oral speech, positive thinking), relaxation (games, meditation), relationships (sex, laughter, communication).

You can learn about what affects cognitive decline in the video:

What is testing for?

Cognitive ability can be measured by a number of tests.

They are needed to determine the level of development of aspects of intelligence and psychomotor functions that ensure effectiveness in specific areas of activity. For each of them there is a separate test.

For example, to determine the level of logical abilities, they give mathematical problems, tasks on analogies, on determining the sequence, on solving problems.

IQ tests measure the ability to analyze, solve problems, reason, cope with difficult situation to perceive the interconnection of things.

But tests of this kind, according to psychologists, measure the overall intellectual potential.

For example, the Attention Distribution and Multitasking test gives an idea of ​​both the overall efficiency of working with several tasks at the same time, and the effectiveness of each individual task. The test is useful for people whose activities require a constant distribution of attention between simple tasks(secretary).

Cognitive psychology considers the human psyche as a system of cognitive operations. It allows for a convenient consideration of the human being as a computer and is on the way to bringing together multiple studies under a single concept.

Probably, you often thought or entered into a discussion about what intelligence is and how to determine which person is smarter. We already clearly understand that a large amount of knowledge does not allow us to judge a strong intellect. This indicates erudition, a large base of learned information. Such people may achieve incredible success, or they may not achieve anything. Therefore, if a person can be said to be smart, then it means, first of all, his developed cognitive abilities.

It should immediately be noted that scientists do not have a clear point of view on what cognitive abilities are. For example, the ability to manage your emotions is not one of them, so this skill should be developed separately. This is emotional intelligence, which, however, is associated with cognitive abilities in view of the characteristics of our body.

So, what can be attributed to cognitive abilities?

  • Memory.
  • Attention and concentration.
  • Perception.
  • Action.
  • Making decisions.
  • Imagination.
  • Logical thinking.

Now imagine a person who has mastered all these abilities. Can he be called smart and very talented? Undoubtedly. Such a person is able to memorize a lot of information, or decide what to remember and what not. He knows how to concentrate and does not waste time returning to this state again and remembering where he left off. He knows how to perceive and read information from the world or people's behavior and draw the right conclusions. Can think logically and creatively at the same time. He makes firm decisions that end up in the right actions.

That is why cognitive abilities are more important than any other. They are the very basis on which you can fully realize yourself in life. You can improve your memory, attention and concentration by passing.

Almost everyone can develop these abilities. There are exercises that can improve any of these skills. Better yet, mastering one skill has a positive impact on others. For example, concentration is associated with improved memory. And memory improvement is closely intertwined with the development of creative thinking, because it forms tens and hundreds of associations in the head regarding any word, image or even sound.

If all these skills are sufficiently developed, then a person can enter a state called. In it, he remains mentally in the present moment, all his cognitive abilities are incredibly increased, and especially concentration. Everything works out for him, he knows or feels what needs to be done in order to achieve a result. There are people who have learned to stay in this state 24 hours a day. For example, Richard Branson, British billionaire. The level of his perception is simply amazing: he looks at the world and sees only possibilities.

Speaking about information, it must be said that, of course, knowledge is necessary. Even with its accessibility in the age of the Internet, curiosity and erudition are indicators of an interesting and extraordinary person. After all, if you do not know anything and do not have any information, then your decisions will be quite primitive. Therefore, in addition to developing cognitive skills, you need to strive to acquire new knowledge in order to use it, mixing, changing and getting something new and unusual. By taking a development course, you will learn this.

Below we present to your attention a list of books aimed at developing your cognitive abilities.

  • Harry Lorraine "Development of memory and the ability to concentrate"
  • Eberhard Heule "The Art of Concentration: How to Improve Your Memory in 10 Days"
  • Dmitry Gusev "A short course in logic: the art of correct thinking"
  • Michael Mikalko "Rice Storm and 21 More Ways to Think Outside the Box"
  • Dmitry Chernyshev "How people think"
  • Frans Johansson "The Medici Effect"
  • Peter Bregman "18 minutes"

These books present a variety of ways to develop cognitive abilities. So it's not worth reading just for fun. Practice with a piece of paper and a pen.

There are tons of apps online that are designed to improve your brain function. Here are the most interesting ones.

  • Lumosity
  • Elevate
  • Brain Wars
  • Neuronation

Their main advantage is that if you have a smartphone, you can perform exercises wherever you are. Also, all these applications keep detailed statistics. You will be able to track your results and visually see the progress. Remember that you will ideally need to do this every day. Even if time is short, set aside at least 20-30 minutes daily.

If there is only one ability that will bring the greatest benefit to your brain, then this is concentration. It is she who “pulls up” all other cognitive skills. There are two simple games that help a lot with this. This and .

Are you interested in developing cognitive abilities in practice? Then the course is for you. Join now!

We wish you good luck!