Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Anthropogenic loads. Permissible anthropogenic load on water resources

Before starting research, first of all, you need to thoroughly understand the subject chosen for study. So, anthropogenic load, according to the dictionary environmental terms and definitions, this is the degree of impact of man and his activities on nature. It includes the use of resources of populations of species included in ecosystems (hunting, fishing, harvesting medicinal plants, tree felling), livestock grazing, recreational impact, pollution (discharge of industrial, domestic and agricultural wastewater into water bodies, loss of suspended substances from the atmosphere solids or acid rain) etc. If the anthropogenic load changes from year to year, then it can cause fluctuations in ecosystems, and if it acts on ecosystems constantly, then it can cause ecological succession.

Anthropogenic load is always an impact directly or indirectly produced on a particular geosystem with the participation of humans (society). The predominant part of the influences is carried out using various technical means(plowing the land - with tractor-drawn plows; river pollution - with untreated wastewater discharged industrial enterprise etc.). Impacts of this kind (and the loads associated with them) are usually called anthropogenic-technogenic or simply technogenic. Relatively small specific gravity have purely anthropogenic impacts (for example, trampling of soil and ground cover by people, resulting in the formation of paths, roads and some areal disturbances of landscapes). And finally, one more type of influence can be identified, which plays a very significant role in a number of areas. significant role: this refers to the impact on nature of livestock grazing, which can be called an anthropogenic-zoogenic load on the landscape (Dolgushin, 1990).

The primary basis of influence is always the removal from the environment or the introduction into it of matter and (or) energy. Extraction is often combined with input (during ore mining, for example, surrounding rocks receive a significant amount of energy), but usually one thing prevails - either withdrawal or supply.

In essence, the main impacts of technology on nature (and, accordingly, loads) can be divided into mechanical, physico-chemical, chemical, thermal, noise and light. In addition, a certain role is played by the influences produced by technology due to electromagnetic vibrations, various radiations and vibrations.

Load usually means either pollution of the environment or its disturbance. Pollution is most often associated with the introduction of gas, dust, industrial and household waste into the environment, in some casesradioactive substances. Environmental disruption is usually associated with measures causing change natural course natural processes. For example, their result may be increased soil erosion, blocking of spawning grounds, and shallowing of rivers.

Speaking about the impact of technology on the environment, one should also keep in mind the “effect of its presence”: that is, replacing natural objects, technology leads to a change in part of space, which often has a significant impact on many natural elements (disturbing, for example, the usual migration routes of a number of species of wild animals, etc.).

The load on the landscape largely depends on the environment-changing activity of technology - the ability of the latter to have a greater or lesser impact on environment. The environment-changing activity of technology is a relatively complex, integral indicator. Its complexity is associated not only with the abundance of factors to be taken into account, but also with the fact that many of them depend on the results of their interaction. It is known that in unequal natural conditions The environment-altering activity of technical objects of the same type can have very different indicators. For example, the impact of retaining hydraulic structure other than that equal conditions in the arid zone creates much heavy load on the landscape than in humid. Bridges over rivers are usually classified as technical devices that are passive in relation to nature. However, during the period of unusually stormy spring floods after a cold and snowy winter, bridges with relatively small spans between the supports that support them sometimes sharply increase their environment-altering activity. It is enough for one or two ice floes to linger near the supports, as new ice floes, piling up on them, quickly form powerful ice jams, often leading to catastrophic floods over an area of ​​tens and even hundreds of square kilometers. AND similar examples many can be cited. Anthropogenic load on ecosystems consists of large number factors of different nature and origin, the main ones being:

· release of pollutants of industrial or household origin into the environment;

· energy and radiological pollution;

· technogenic and agricultural transformation of landscapes;

· removal of necessary resource components from the natural environment, etc.

In addition to qualitative (force) characteristics, anthropogenic load also has quantitative ones, that is, it is complex in nature, since it immediately affects all living environments: soil, water, air and organisms. The complexity of the anthropogenic load lies in the widespread pressure on all shells of the Earth, only in varying degrees. Thus, cities receive a much greater load than rural areas or forests. However, in modern world There is not a single corner that is not subject to anthropogenic impact, at least indirectly (even in the glaciers of Antarctica, dangerous chemical compounds of anthropogenic origin have been found). This is due to the cycles of matter and energy on the planet (transfer of pollution air masses, currents, organisms, as a result of the migration of pollutants through food chains, etc.).

The complex nature of the anthropogenic load creates significant obstacles in its standardization and accounting, because it is very important when making calculations to take into account such a phenomenon as the imposition of pollution from different sources on the same territory. This phenomenon further aggravates the load on the environment, since different types When they collide, contaminants can react and create new, more dangerous compounds. Therefore, such an overlay can have a significant impact on environmental quality, but is rarely taken into account when assessing anthropogenic pressure.

ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD - degree of direct or indirect impact man and his management on surrounding nature or on its individual environmental components and elements.

In rational environmental management A.N. regulated through environmental regulation to a level that is safe for ecosystems. Ecological encyclopedic Dictionary. The assessment of the ecological and economic state of the territory began with a classification of the area’s lands, which made it possible to determine the degree of anthropogenic load (Table 2.1.3).

By which is meant the ratio of the area of ​​land with low anthropogenic load to the area of ​​land with high anthropogenic load. This is quite obvious for the subsystems of nature and the economy, which are all included in the systems of interaction between society and nature.

Standards for permissible anthropogenic load on the environment

The Sernur district has 146 settlements, occupying 199.2 km2, and home to 25.7 thousand people. The more points a district is assigned, the more pressure the area experiences. The human impact on the environment is very diverse and occurs in different areas. Economic activities harm the environment; in addition, man causes harm to nature and without carrying out any economic activity(i.e. in the process of life).

Based on the above example, it becomes clear that the procedure for developing a permissible anthropogenic load involves a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. The book is devoted to issues of interaction between man and the environment.

Learn more about using information and quotations. To determine the degree of anthropogenic load of all categories and types of land, expert assessments on a four-point scale, showing the relative degree of anthropogenic load. Introduction to an orderly classification scheme for the lands of the region is the first task of characterizing the ecological and economic state of the territory of the region.

Each type of land corresponds to a certain score, according to which the lands are combined into homogeneous groups. The ecological and economic state of the territory is characterized by the coefficient of relativity (Co), since this covers the predominant part of the analyzed territory. The TPHS concept combines landscape science and economic-geographical approaches into one whole. Most researchers include the subsystems of economy, population, nature and management in the TPHS.

It must be emphasized that if the environmental management system lacks at least one of the four listed subsystems, it can no longer be considered a territorial natural-economic system. The constituent elements of TPHS considered in this work are settlements, transport, Agriculture, forestry and gully-beam systems.

This makes it difficult to calculate environmental impact on the environment when planning the long-term socio-economic development of the country. As an example, we can consider the work to establish standards for permissible anthropogenic load on the coast of Lake Baikal. This work has been going on for about three years and is still far from being completed. 3. We should agree with the opinion of a number of authors about the need for the speedy development and application of this group of standards.

With the atmospheric transport of pollution, covering the entire surface of our planet, ecosystems of even the most remote and isolated areas are exposed to anthropogenic impact. This impact must be assessed, taken into account and minimized where possible. Its three-dimensional theoretical model, on the basis of which the patterns of formation and manifestation of memory under triaxial loading of samples and the influence of interference factors have been established...

When establishing STANDARDS FOR PERMISSIBLE ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD ON THE ENVIRONMENT, the following are taken into account: natural features specific territories and (or) water areas. The level and direction of the anthropogenic impact of the territory of the Myadel region on different types of anthropogenic load are assessed in the characteristics of the ecological and economic state of the territory.

Any load on environmental systems resulting from any impact that can lead to normal condition, is defined as the environmental load. The permissible anthropogenic load on the environment is a load that does not change the quality of the environment or changes it within acceptable limits, which does not disrupt the existing ecological system and does not cause adverse consequences in the most important populations. If the load exceeds the permissible one, then the anthropogenic impact causes damage populations, ecosystems or the biosphere as a whole.

When determining permissible loads, they are guided by the following requirements for indicators of the normal functioning of ecosystems:

1. Biomass of all main links food chains should be high. This provides synthesis large quantities oxygen and animal products.

2. High biomass must correspond to high productivity. This creates the prerequisites for rapid compensation of possible biomass losses at individual levels as a result of random or natural external influences.

3. High stability of biogeocenosis in a wide range of external conditions.

4. The exchange of matter and energy occurs at high speed. This provides maximum speed biological self-cleaning system.

5. The ability to quickly restructure the structure of communities and rapid evolutionary transformations of populations. This ensures the maintenance of biogeocenosis in optimal condition when environmental conditions change.

6. Ecosystems are divided into three categories: a) protected areas; b) natural; c) zones with highly transformed ecosystems.

7. Take into account background pollution of the biosphere.

The definition of anthropogenic load has great importance when designing and implementing economic development, city construction, determining priorities in environmental activities, to determine the consequences of impacts and measures aimed at reducing such impacts.

When environmentally regulating permissible anthropogenic loads, the following must be taken into account:

Environmental regulation of various impacts, the ultimate goal of which is the protection of ecosystems. For this purpose, maximum permissible concentrations have been developed for various substances.

The reaction of ecosystems to any impact. The main criterion here is the absence of a decrease in productivity, stability and diversity of ecosystems.

* The action of persistent pollutants, the transfer of pollutants from one environment to another, the ways in which such substances affect populations and ecosystems. Studying the path of pollutants from the source of its release to its entry into a living organism.

* The structure of ecosystems to determine the influence of loads on it. Fundamentals of environmental monitoring.

Monitoring is a system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment.

The purpose of monitoring is to identify anthropogenic pollution, identify critical situations, impact factors and the most susceptible elements of the biosphere.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1994, the concept of a Unified state system environmental monitoring RK (USSEM RK). According to this concept, the purpose of environmental monitoring is Information Support management of environmental activities on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The monitoring system assesses the state of environmental objects in relation to the impact on human health, the ecological state of the environment, suitability natural resources for specific uses.

Main tasks of environmental monitoring:

1. Collection and processing of observational data

2. Organization and maintenance of special data banks characterizing environmental situation and the state of natural resources on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its individual regions

3. Assessment and forecast of the state of the environment and anthropogenic impact on it

4. Information support for long-term and operational management state of the environment.

This system consists of three levels: local, regional and republican.

The local level is built in accordance with the existing administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He performs following functions:

* Generates information about the state of environmental objects and sources of impact on them

* Generates information about the real scale of the impact for the purpose of promptly taking control actions

* Monitors indicators specific to a given region

* Generates generalized information to provide data banks at the regional and republican levels.

The local system includes stations and observation posts

The regional level is the main system-forming element and is formed according to the type of regional environmental information centers created according to their territorial location in the most large center region. It includes the following divisions:

* Operational-analytical, which carries out operational analysis of information about the ecological state of the region and ways to solve regional environmental problems and provides information to the media and local administrations

* Information and analytical, collects information at the local level, creates a data bank, organizes the exchange of information" with other centers and the republican center

* Research, implements and coordinates Scientific research according to regional programs

The department for supporting local stations provides scientific and methodological support, training of station personnel, ensuring certification and metrology of devices.

The republican level is responsible for methodological, organizational, and information support in general.

Anthropogenic load - quantitative measure human impact on natural systems in the form of removal, introduction or movement of matter and energy.


1. Resource intensity reflects the size of matter and energy removed from nature.

2. Earth capacity – indicator that determines size of the territory violated or used by a person in a particular type of activity.

3. Waste – an indicator reflecting the amount of production and consumption waste entering nature in the form of substances and energy.

4. Load rate - the amount of anthropogenic impact that does not lead to disruption of the most important socio-economic functions and self-healing mechanisms of these complexes. The critical or maximum permissible load is considered to be the one above which the structure collapses natural system and its socio-economic functions are disrupted.

8. Consequences of anthropogenic changes in natural systems.

Natural-anthropogenic systems are territorial geo- and ecosystems characterized by close cooperation natural and anthropogenic components and perform certain socio-economic functions.

Natural-anthropogenic systems vary greatly in the size of territory and water area, the rank of spatial units of study and the scale of possible environmental problems.

Highlight next levels: global, megaregional, macroregional, mesoregional, grassroots regional, local, elementary.


1. Depletion of natural resources - reduction in reserves and deterioration in the quality of minerals, ground and surface waters, biota, reduction land fund and a decrease in soil fertility, a reduction in the share of useful products in used resources, a decrease in the species composition of plants and animals. The main reasons are water erosion and deflation, secondary salinization and waterlogging, soil pollution, overgrowing of land with shrubs and small forests;

2. Pollution - introduction into the natural environment of substances and energy alien to it or inherent to it, but in such a concentration that negatively affects humans and biota. There are natural and anthropogenic pollution.

3. Degradation of natural landscapes - Uncontrolled human activity undermines the mechanism of self-regulation of landscapes and often leads to irreversible destructive consequences. Anthropogenic desertification is a reduction and, in some cases, destruction of the biological potential of landscapes, which often leads to the disappearance of continuous vegetation cover with the further impossibility of its restoration without human intervention.

The main reason is excessive anthropogenic pressure on natural geo- and ecosystems.

9. Types of anthropogenic pollution, sources, pollutants.


    Physical (thermal, radioactive, noise, electromagnetic, light);

    Physico-chemical (aerosol);



Source of pollution - any material objects production human activity, releasing various anthropogenic pollutants into the environment.

Pollutants are any substances - physical, chemical and biological agents that enter the natural environment and accumulate in it in quantities exceeding natural values.

Environmental quality is the state of the environment, which is characterized by physical, chemical, biological and other indicators and their combination. To resolve issues of managing and regulating environmental quality, it is necessary to have the following: an idea of ​​what quality (state of pollution) natural environments can be considered acceptable; information about the observed state of the environment and trends in its change; assessment of the compliance (or non-compliance) of the observed and predicted state of the environment with an acceptable one.
As noted earlier (see Chapter 1.2), environmental monitoring (environmental monitoring) - complex system observations of the state of the environment, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.
There are three levels of environmental monitoring to assess anthropogenic impact: local - in a relatively small area in areas of high impact intensity (cities, industrial areas); regional - to larger areas in zones with an average level of impact; global - almost throughout the entire territory globe.
The most important element environmental monitoring is an environmental impact assessment (EIA), which is carried out in order to identify and take necessary and sufficient measures to prevent possible environmental and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of economic or other activities that are unacceptable to society (Fig. 1.3) .

Rice. 1.3. Monitoring scheme

To reduce negative impact pollutants on the biosphere as a whole and its components - the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere - it is necessary to know them limit levels.
In accordance with the law Russian Federation environmental quality standards and standards are established in the field of environmental protection permissible impact on it, subject to which the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and is saved biological diversity.
Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) - maximum amount harmful substance in a unit of volume or mass, which, with prolonged exposure, does not cause any painful changes in the human body and adverse hereditary changes in the offspring that are detectable modern methods.
The determination of the maximum permissible concentration is based on the threshold principle of action chemical compounds. The threshold of harmful action is the minimum dose of a substance, when exceeded, changes occur in the body that go beyond physiological and adaptive reactions, or hidden (temporarily compensated) pathology.
The standards defined in this way are based on the principle of anthropocentrism, i.e. environmental conditions acceptable to humans, which is the basis of sanitary and hygienic regulation. However, the person is not the most sensitive of biological species, and it cannot be assumed that if people are protected, then ecosystems are protected.
Environmental regulation involves taking into account the permissible anthropogenic load (APL) on the ecosystem, under the influence of which the deviation from the normal state of the ecosystem does not exceed natural changes, therefore, does not cause undesirable consequences in living organisms and does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of the environment.
But as practical use To date, only a few attempts to take into account the permissible load for fishery reservoirs are known.
Environmental safety from the activities of economic entities must be ensured by a set of financial, legislative and technical measures that reduce harmful effects on the environment.
The most important legislative acts are Federal laws“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (1999), “On environmental protection” (2002), “On environmental assessment” (2006). On the territory of Russia there are federal sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations approved and put into effect by the federal executive body.
The main methods of environmental protection management include informational, preventive and coercive (Table 1.10).
Table 1.10
Regulatory methods rational environmental management











Allow me

Inspection of activities Certification of goods Licensing Eco-audit Inventory



Work bans Activity restrictions Arrest

The environmental program should be based on the principle sustainable development, which is ensured not by individual environmental measures, but by a comprehensive reconstruction of production, allowing to minimize the consumption of natural resources and at the same time reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment.
To achieve your goals environmental program The following environmental protection measures have been identified in Russia.
Security and rational use water resources: construction treatment facilities For Wastewater enterprises; systems implementation recycling water supply all types; reuse of waste water, improvement of its treatment; development of methods for wastewater treatment and liquid waste processing; reconstruction or elimination of waste storage facilities; creation and implementation of an automated system for monitoring the composition and volume of wastewater discharge.
Security atmospheric air: installation of gas and dust collection devices; engine equipment internal combustion neutralizers for disinfection of exhaust gases; Creation automated systems air pollution control; creation and equipment of laboratories for monitoring the composition of emissions; implementation of installations for the recovery of substances from gases. Use of production and consumption waste: construction of waste treatment plants; introduction of technologies for processing, collection and transportation of household waste from urban areas; construction of installations for obtaining raw materials from production waste.
Control questions and tasks What is the biosphere and how are its boundaries determined? What components (types of matter) of the biosphere were identified by V.I. Vernadsky? Define the concepts “biocenosis”, “biotope”, “biogeocenosis”, “ecosystem”. What is the difference between the concepts “biogeocenosis” and “ecosystem”? What are adaptations? How are they classified? What is meant by the terms “second nature” and “third nature”? Name the main reasons Negative consequences and ways to prevent environmental pollution. Name the types of environmental monitoring. Name natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution. What substances are sources of acid rain? Name anthropogenic factors pollution of water bodies. What waters are considered polluted? What is eutrophication of water bodies and what is the difference between eutrophication and pollution of water bodies? Describe the most common aquatic pollutants. What are the consequences of anthropogenic acid soil pollution? What substances are classified as municipal solid waste? Which groups, from the point of view environmental safety, is it customary to separate them? Give the basic terms and definitions used in ecotoxicology. List the main routes of entry of xenobiotics into the body of humans and animals, give brief description each of them. Name the main types radioactive decays. What dose is the measure biological effects radiation? Is the environment really exposed to a significantly higher dose load after the development of nuclear energy? Indicate the radiation source that makes the maximum contribution to the dose to the population. Which radionuclides are biogenic? Indicate artificial radionuclides that actively participate in biogeochemical cycles.