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Who studies spelling. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T

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spelling, spelling, female(from Greek orthos - correct and grapho - writing). Spelling rules. Russian spelling. French spelling. New orthography (rules of Russian spelling established by the reform of 1917 G.). "Zemsky literate people do not know spelling, they have never heard of word composition." Saltykov-Shchedrin. "In Russian spelling, mother herself was not strong." A.Turgenev.

| Compliance with spelling rules. Write without any spelling. His spelling is lame.


(from Greek orthos - straight, correct + grapho - I write) (spelling). Rule system:

1) about the spelling of words and their significant parts,

2) about merged, hyphenated and separate spellings words,

3) on the use of uppercase and lowercase letters,

4) transferring words from one line to another.

Morphological principle of spelling.

1) The principle of spelling, which underlies Russian writing and consists in the fact that common to related words morphemes retain a single style in writing, despite differences in pronunciation ( non-positional alternations are transmitted in morphemes). cf. unity of spelling;

a) roots house (house), home (d ^ m) ashny, brownie (d'm) ova;

b) prefixes: sign (pot) write, sign (nbt) write;

c) suffixes: brownie (-ov-), brownie (-^ in-);

d) endings: on the river (s), on the river (s). This principle of graphically uniform writing of morphemes is realized in form and word formation. Deviations from it are phonetic and traditional spellings ( cm. relevant dictionary entries, as well as differentiating spellings).

2) The principle of graphically uniform design of spellings of words related to some grammatical categories. These include:

a) spelling of nouns female with final hissing: daughter, thing, rye, mouse. Writing soft sign at the end of silent words, it does not have a phonetic meaning, but serves as an indicator of grammatical gender and graphically combines all feminine nouns with final consonants (both non-sibilant and sibilant) in one type of the 3rd declension ( cf. unity case forms the named words and such as new, notebook, snowstorm, shadow, swamp, cinder, bed, etc.);

b) writing an infinitive with a final hissing: to protect, guard, shear, achieve. And in this case, the soft sign is not a sign of softness, but serves as a formal sign of the indefinite form of the verb, and its spelling creates a graphic uniformity in the design of the infinitive ( cf. the presence of a soft sign in the bulk of verbs in an indefinite form: take, believe, write, etc.);

c) writing a form imperative mood with a final hissing: multiply, assign, comfort. Also here, writing a soft sign serves the purposes of morphology: it acts as a graphic indicator of the form of the imperative mood, which creates a uniform external design of the imperative ( cf. writing a soft sign for all verbs in the form of an imperative mood with final soft consonants: correct, discard, measure, discard, mark, etc.).

Russian spelling has more than two hundred years of history. After the reform of Russian graphics, carried out in 1708 by the decree of Peter I on the introduction civil font, spelling issues began to be associated with general questions about the development of the Russian literary language and to mid-eighteenth in. acquired public importance. The first who began to specifically deal with them was V.K. Trediakovsky, who proclaimed in his treatise "A Conversation Between a Foreign Man and a Russian About the Old and New Spelling and Everything That Belongs to This Matter" (1748) the need for a phonetic principle in Russian spelling as best suited to the interests of the masses. This proposal, which contradicted the already established system of Russian writing, could not be successful.

Spelling issues were reflected in the "Russian Grammar" by M. V. Lomonosov (1755). The orthographic norms proposed by him, built on a combination of the phonetic principle with the morphological one, were not approved by the highest government agency and did not receive the force of the law. Establishing spelling standards for morphological basis associated with the release Russian grammar"Academy of Sciences (1802,1803,1819) and" Dictionary of the Russian Academy "(1789-1794). However, the orthographic norms of that time were not stable, and throughout almost the entire 19th century there was significant spelling inconsistency in official documents and in the works of writers.

Exclusively milestone in the history of Russian spelling was the capital work of Academician Ya. K. Grot " controversial issues Russian spelling from Peter the Great to the present" (editions of 1873, 1876 and 1885) and his book "Russian Spelling" (1885), which was a practical guide for school and printing. The set of spelling rules compiled by Grot played important role in establishing spelling standards, however, despite the fact that it was recommended as an academic one, it did not completely eliminate the then-existing inconsistency and did not simplify Russian spelling. The special spelling commission, created in 1904 at the Academy of Sciences, failed to do this. The resolution on the reform of spelling, adopted at a wide meeting of the Academy of Sciences on May 11, 1917, did not have practical value, since it remained optional for schools and print. Only by decrees of the Soviet government of December 23, 1917. and October 10, 1918, who approved the said decree, the reformed spelling was recognized as obligatory for all citizens.

Spelling reform 1917-1918 greatly simplified our writing, but did not touch upon many private issues of spelling, which served as a source of discord in the practice of writing. In 1930, an attempt was made to carry out a radical reform in the field of spelling, however, the draft of such a reform, drawn up by a special commission under the Glavnauka of Narkompros, introduced a break into Russian spelling that was not caused by genuine vital necessity and scientifically unjustified.

Since the mid-1930s, work has been carried out to compile a complete set of spelling and punctuation rules in order to streamline and unify our spelling. The result of a long work was published and approved by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in 1956.

"Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" in force to the present. However, the task of completely eliminating inconsistency in writing, the task of its possible simplification, has not yet been resolved, and in 1962 it was formed at the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Spelling Commission, which is working to further improve Russian writing.

Pedagogical terminological dictionary


(Greek orthographia, from orthos - correct and graphio - I write)

rules establishing the uniformity of the ways of transmitting speech in writing. O. determines the transmission of sounds (phonemes) by letters; merged, separate and hyphenation words; use capital letters; transfer methods. Sometimes the term "spelling" is used as a synonym for O., which also has a broader meaning, including punctuation.

In Ros. Federations for the Russian language operate the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation," approved in 1956. The method of teaching orthography at school includes numerous exercises, which are divided into three main ones. type: various options copying from the book; different kinds dictations and creative written works: presentations, essays, etc.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 181)

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(Greek όρθός direct + γραφό write)

Spelling, the generally accepted system of ways to write all the words of a given language. A collection of rules for the normative spelling of words and their parts. In addition to writing letters, it establishes continuous, separate and semi-continuous (hyphenated) spelling of words, rules for hyphenation and abbreviation of words.

Gasparov. Entries and extracts


♦ St. Mirsky in "Russian Lyrics" 1923 prints St. Petersburg poets according to old spelling, and Moscow on a new one.

♦ "One of the requirements of the spelling regime is a unified and competent design of school documentation" (Collection of Orders and Instructions of the Ministry of Education, 1983, No. 9, p. ZO).

♦ Alexander I regretted the impossibility of forbidding the letter yat by decree. (Gr. 319) This seems to be a reminiscence from a conversation between Emperor Tiberius and a grammarian who said: "You write the laws of Rome, not the laws of the language."

♦ The spelling is old, in the lane. Mey from Hugo: "They asked they: as on fast canoes ... - Row, - onet When translated into a new spelling, the dialogue becomes meaningless; so, it seems to be meaningless, it is sung in Rachmaninov's romance.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


AND, well.

The system of rules for writing words of a given language; spelling.

* Learn spelling. *

|| adj. orthographic, th, th.

* Orthographic dictionary. *

Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms


(Greek) or spelling. A system of rules that establish uniform methods of speech transmission in sound writing, i.e. in such a letter, the signs of which (letters) serve to convey sounds. When a sound letter occurs, Ph.D. there may not be a certain O. people. O. appears later as a result of an often unconscious desire to maintain a connection with what was written earlier or to make what was written accessible to a significant number of people over a vast territory. Meanwhile, the language changes over time and, moreover, within the entire territory occupied by this language, is not homogeneous; finally, writing can even unite speakers of different languages ​​close to each other. Therefore, what was written earlier, in one era or in one place, may not correspond to the pronunciation of another, later era or other locality. In such cases, the tradition of writing, striving to preserve the old, though inconsistent, spellings, is usually stronger than the desire to convey one's own pronunciation. But since the custom is created to write, guided not by hearing, but by the way they wrote before or write in other places, it is also necessary to establish the rules of O., fixing this custom. O. rules are usually developed long after the appearance of writing, and therefore fix the spelling of words that were not established simultaneously and correspond to different eras in the life of the language, often even spellings that are erroneous from the point of view of the history of the language; so, Russian spelling follows the tradition of writing the letter about in unstressed syllables in all cases where it sounded about before the advent of akanya, and yet legitimizes a in the words ram, ferry, glass, where it used to sound about, and where about is preserved even now in the Northern Great Russian dialect. Over time, as live speech more and more at odds with O., the old O. may be subject to separate corrections and fundamental reforms. The latter are most easily implemented where there is no developed literature, and therefore the traditions of the old O. are relatively weak; on the contrary, where there is rich literature, spelling traditions make radical O. reform difficult to implement. As a result, such a reform was carried out almost without difficulty, for example, among the Serbs in the first half of the 19th century. Karadzic and his followers and is hardly possible among the French, British and Germans. O. can be based on various principles, namely: historical, etymological and phonetic, which usually enter into various combinations with each other. The first of them boils down to the rule: write as you wrote before. So, in words, work, growing, the current Russian O. requires writing a in the 1st syllable, p. h., this was the spelling of these words from the very beginning of Russian writing (this O. is not Russian in origin, but Old Slavonic). The etymological principle establishes the rule: to write words according to their origin, i.e. in accordance with the history of the language, so, O. the word "water" with about justified from the point of view of both the historical and etymological principle: earlier they not only wrote “water”, but also pronounced this word with the sound about. The etymological principle often coincides with the historical principle, as in the above example, but may not coincide, for example, if the traditional O. goes back to the O. of another language, cf. railway in the word rain, where in Russian yaz. never spoken railway. Finally, the phonetic principle prescribes that when writing, be guided by pronunciation. On this principle, for example, the rule of Russian O. on spelling is based with in front of the deaf in prefixes without, who, from, bottom, times, through. The consistent implementation of this principle would eliminate the O itself. In fact, such cases are rare, the P. O., which is phonetic for one dialect of the language, ceases to be such when applied to another dialect of the same language. Present Russian O. represents a combination of all three principles; in English and French orthographies the historical principle prevails.

The word "spelling" or "spelling" comes from ancient Greek word, which consisted of two roots: "correct" and "I write." This term denotes the uniformity of the transmission of words and grammatical speech forms in writing. Spelling is also a set of rules that ensure such uniformity, and a corresponding section in applied linguistics.

In linguistics, the "Spelling" section studies the correct spelling of words.

Uniform spelling contributes to smoothing in the pronunciation of personal and dialect features which helps in understanding limited opportunity ask again.

Spelling principles

Since spelling has a direct relationship with writing, the emergence of writing has a major impact in the formation of the principles of the structure of the spelling of a language. It can be argued that in languages ​​with ancient writing the writing reflects the ancient state of the language, lagging behind life (for example, English).

Morphological principle

It is inherent, in particular, in the Russian language.

The spelling of the morpheme is the same and does not depend on phonetic positional changes: head, head, head - everywhere it is written “head”, but it sounds differently.

Phonetic principle

The letter conveys the features of pronunciation.
Inherent, for example, in the Belarusian language (not absolutely), but also in Georgian and Serbian (absolutely).

Cyrillic spelling in Belarusian language introduced around 1907, until then there was no single approved Cyrillic spelling.

The letter displays just the sound, including positional changes, moreover, regardless of the morphemic affiliation of sounds: gall`ovy, galav`a, galovka (bel.) - the spelling is different, the sound is the same with the spelling. The new rules of Belarusian punctuation and spelling (dated July 23, 2008) recommend switching, for example, to the following spelling: rayon, mayanez, mayor, mayarat, New York.
Compared to Georgian or Serbian, Belarusian orthography is not absolutely phonetic.

It reflects weakened unstressed vowels (instead of E and O it is written I and A), a number of phenomena associated with consonants (instead of TSHA / TSHA - it is written TsCA). Does not reflect consonant-related phenomena (for example, voiced consonants are stunned at the ends of words, although letters are still written that correspond to voiced consonants).

Semantic principle

Inherent in Chinese.

The spelling here is not related to pronunciation at all, but reflects only semantics.

At first, such a principle was also in the Vietnamese language, then there was a change to phonetic and Latin (i.e., the principle of spelling within one language changed).

Russian spelling

In Russian punctuation and spelling are current rules, which were approved by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Ministry of Education of the PCSFSR and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR in 1956.
The norms of the modern literary Russian language are regulated by the Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov PAH. In 2006, the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences developed supplemented and refined rules, which this moment not yet approved.

The question is asked by every person at school. However, it is very difficult to fully understand what this concept contains. Let's try to figure it out.

So, spelling is called a set of rules that determine the rules for the transmission of words and sentences in writing using a system of signs. The main function of orthography is considered to be the creation general rules in writing words for each person in order to make communication understandable to other speakers specific language. Since spelling appeared simultaneously with writing, it is writing that influences its basic rules. Spelling in different languages built according to different principles- phonetic, morphological and semantic, but more on that later.

History of Russian orthography

To better understand what the spelling of the Russian language is, you need to learn a few facts from its history. The basis of modern Russian graphics is the Cyrillic alphabet - the alphabet that was used by the ancient Slavs. According to legend, the Cyrillic alphabet was invented by a Greek missionary in order to preach Christianity in Slavic countries. Later, manuscripts began to be written in Cyrillic. In the 18th century, Peter the Great came up with a civil alphabet, later, in 1917, a spelling reform took place. Several decades later, in 1956, new rules were streamlined - the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation".

spelling: principles of spelling

1) Morphological principle. It consists in establishing a common spelling of specific morphemes, regardless of phonetic differences in their pronunciation. This principle is different high level meaningfulness. This spelling is considered more perfect and more promising than others. Note that the Russian orthography is built exactly according to the morphemic principle.

2) Phonetic principle. This character of the construction of spelling is focused on pronunciation. Words, according to him, are written as they are pronounced. Common spelling can be achieved through general designation specific sounds. If the language is built on the basis of such spelling, it is very difficult to follow the pronunciation in writing. There is an opinion that each person hears the word in his own way, so if the spelling is based only on phonetic principle, it is almost impossible to achieve its uniformity.

3) historical principle. According to him, you need to write as you wrote before, that is, such a principle of constructing spelling can be called traditional.

There is also a differentiating principle, which is to distinguish in writing what is not distinguished in pronunciation. It is used very rarely when distinguishing homonyms or homophones, for example.

Today, you can even check the spelling of a text on the Internet. The system has long been streamlined, and specialists have created great amount programs that can help prevent mistakes. Main spelling rules can also be found in textbooks on the Russian language, which, perhaps, were not very interesting in school times. Read them again from cover to cover, read this article, and the question "what is spelling" will disappear once and for all.

What is spelling? This is a question that worries not only schoolchildren before exams and students philological specialties. It occupies the minds of many scientists, because it is a whole branch of linguistics.

What is spelling and what are the origins of the word

For the first time, any civilized inhabitant of the planet is faced with the concept and rules of spelling already in primary school. We are taught spelling, and this is spelling. The very name of science came to us from a distant ancient era. Its meaning is deciphered as "correct" - orthos and "I write, I state" - grapho.

The modern world and the lack of spelling are incompatible. Without spelling, there is no English, French, Chinese, Russian and other languages. The existence and functioning of any written language in itself implies the existence of a certain set of rules governing the features of writing sentences and words.

Spelling rules, including the spelling of the Russian language, have their own history.

Spelling has stood the test of time, changing and adapting to the realities of life in the process of its historical development. AT individual languages even today there are new words and letters. For example, in the 90s of the last century, the letters "ґ" appeared in the Ukrainian language. From a historical perspective, this is a bold move.

Where did the spelling of the Russian language come from

The history of the formation of spelling in Russia is very interesting. Modern scientists are sure that at first there was a Glagolitic alphabet, and then it was replaced by Cyrillic. The question of what spelling is was practically unknown to schoolchildren of that time. The parents of writing were Cyril and Methodius, who carried out the order of the emperor of Byzantium, Michael III. In the classic version Old Slavonic writing has 43 letters. The first spelling reform began in the 17th century. due to the need to correct the books.

So, minor changes were made to the set of rules, which lasted until the reforms of Peter I in 1708-1711. It is worth noting that until that time the Church Slavonic alphabet had not been changed.

1917-1918 brought Russia the Russian alphabet, consisting of 33 letters, which we all use at the moment. 1956 brought regulation and a set of rules for Russian punctuation and spelling. Since that time, scientists have begun to wonder what orthography is and define it as a field of general linguistics.

Spelling principles

The purpose and objectives of spelling are to correctly convey words when writing, but in all countries it is based on general principles- phonetic, morphological and semantic. Consider more value each of them:

  1. morphological principle. It consists in writing morphemes, and this does not depend on phonetic pronunciation. Russian spelling is built on this principle. That is, when reading, each letter is pronounced, and diphthongs are not used.
  2. The phonetic principle is based on the primacy of pronunciation rules. AT this case words are spelled the same way they are pronounced. It is no secret that each person hears words differently, and it would be wrong to base the principles of orthography on phonetics alone. This would lead to chaos and inconsistency in the perception of what was written.
  3. historical principle. This is standard traditional principle, which is followed by more than one generation of people. It consists in the theory of the formation of language means under the influence of historical events.

There is another principle - differentiating, but it is not always taken into account.

How to check text for spelling errors

Today, you can check whether the text is written correctly using special programs.

Many of them have built-in language recognition and playback plugins for the convenience of users. On the Internet, you can quickly check the text for spelling errors on specialized sites online. The basics of spelling we go through in adolescence while studying at school. In the future, the understanding of what spelling and spelling rules are is fixed at a subconscious level. This is what is called literacy.

We encounter the concept of spelling at school, but over time, some knowledge is forgotten. We offer to refresh your memory and remember what spelling is.

The concept of spelling

Spelling refers to the rules for the design of the transmission of words and speech in writing. Spelling and spelling are, in relation to each other, synonyms. The purpose of spelling is to create unified system writing words and expressions.

Spelling rules are regulated by a special institution called the Academy of Linguistics. This institute approves and changes the spelling rules of the Russian language.

Let's consider three main principles approved by this institute.

Spelling principles

Morphological principle

The first principle of spelling is morphological. The morphological principle is based on morphemes, which in words are most often expressed as the so-called root, for example, run - run - run across. In all these words, the root will be "running." Accordingly, the morphological principle determines how the word, its root, suffix, prefix and ending will change. It is worth noting that in the morpheme, the spelling of words, and not their pronunciation, plays a role first of all. An important point in morphological principle are various rules, for example, spelling words with suffixes -tsya- and -tsya-.

Semantic principle

The next principle is semantic. Semantics reflects the semantic load of words. The essence of this principle is that it does not matter how the word sounds, the main thing is its essence and meaning. For example, water can be understood not only as a liquid, but also as a drink, as well as a body of water. The word may not change, but the meaning will be different. Most Interest semantic analysis is in the study of phraseological units.

Phonetic principle

The third principle is phonetic. Its essence lies in correct pronunciation words, stress placement and consonant pronunciation. Phonetics studies the composition of a word, the number of consonants and vowels in it. Also, attention is paid to the set of syllables. Phonetics close attention pays attention to the sound of words. At the same time, in modern world accents are rarely put down, so this principle is rather more important for oral speech.

Spelling regulates declensions, spelling indefinite forms verbs, spelling of imperative mood words and other rules of the Russian language.

The greatest contribution to the development and formation of spelling was made by Lomonosov, who was the first to propose the use of phonetic and morphological principles, and also described in detail their combinations. Trediakovsky, a scientist who became the inventor of the phonetic principle, was also interested in spelling issues.