Biographies Characteristics Analysis

stylistic synonymy. Stylistic functions of synonyms and antonyms

Stylistically neutral synonym - what is it? You will find the answer to the question posed in the materials of this article.

General information about synonyms in Russian

Before talking about what a stylistically neutral synonym is, you should find out why such words are needed at all.

The term "synonym" came to Russian from Greek, synonymos in translation means "of the same name". That is, these are words that differ markedly in sound, but are identical or close in meaning. It should also be noted that most synonyms belong to the same part of speech, although they often differ stylistic coloring.

Let's give an example: husband - spouse, look - look, happy - joyful, here - here, beautiful - beautiful, homeland - homeland and others.

Why are synonyms necessary?

We will talk a little further about how to replace a word with a stylistically neutral synonym. Now I want to tell you why they are needed in oral and written speech.

As you know, the Russian language is wide, diverse and beautiful. That is why, while writing any text, it is recommended to avoid repetitions, using substitute words for this, then Thus, their main function is to increase the expressiveness of writing and speech, as well as to avoid their monotony.

When using synonyms, they should not be confused with nominal definitions. After all, the latter are complete identity.

Synonym classification

Absolutely every synonym has its own peculiarity and a certain shade of meaning, which noticeably distinguishes it from other similar parts of speech. Let's give an example: crimson - crimson, red - scarlet and others.

It should be especially noted that, despite the fact that synonyms always point to the same concept and have exactly the same lexical meaning, they nevertheless differ from each other in expressive coloring, attachment to a certain style and frequency of use. Moreover, there are also such synonyms that simultaneously differ from each other both in expressive coloring and lexical meaning.

In Russian, synonyms are classified according to:

  • Social assessment of any subject. For example, the synonyms "salary" and "salary" reflect a completely different attitude towards remuneration received for work.
  • Designated items. For example, the synonyms “actor”, “buffoon”, “artist”, “comedian” and “actor” reflect a different attitude towards the profession of an actor and different periods in the development of the theatre.
  • Applicability in a certain style of speech. So, the synonyms "horse", "mare" and "horse" cannot always be used in the same text. Let's give an example: “A very proud horse is galloping” - “A very proud mare (horse) is galloping”. As you can see, the substitution of another, close in meaning, word gives the phrase a comical connotation. To prevent such cases, it is better to use a stylistically neutral synonym. We will talk about what it is below.
  • etymological meaning. As a rule, it gives one of the synonyms a special color. For example, the traits "fearless" and "brave" connect general concept"absence of fear" (in the first case), as well as "courage", "determination" and "daring" (in the second). In this regard, these words can be used in the context as opposite in meaning, that is, as antonyms.
  • The absence or presence of figurative values.

Stylistically neutral synonym

Now you know what synonyms are, why they are needed in the text. As mentioned above, such words are classified according to applicability in a particular style of speech. That is, even words that are very close in meaning cannot always be used in the same text. That is why in Russian there is such a thing as a stylistically neutral synonym. Under the named term understand the words that are used in absolutely all styles without exception. Moreover, they can be used not only in writing but also in oral speech.

In order to make the presented definition more clear to you, we present specific example. What stylistically neutral synonym can replace the word "muzzle"? As you know, he has quite a few different substitutes (for example, “face”, “muzzle”, “face”, “face” and others). However, as a neutral, which can be suitable for any style, there is only one - “face”.

Stylistically neutral words in the text

A stylistically neutral synonym is a word that is in no way attached to a certain bookish, colloquial style), against the background of which it is completely devoid of any stylistic coloring.

Here are some examples:

  • The word "wander" is a neutral counterpart compared to the book "wander" and colloquial "wander", "stagger".
  • "Future" is a neutral synonym compared to the book "future".
  • The word "look" is compared with "look".
  • The word "eyes" is compared to "eyes".

Stylistic affiliation

As you know, there are several styles in Russian:

  • colloquial;
  • artistic (book);
  • journalistic;
  • official business;
  • scientific.

Each of these styles has its own characteristics, which are used both in writing and in oral speech. But in order to diversify the artistic, official business or any other text, when writing or pronouncing it, one should definitely use substitute words. Of course, in a scientific or journalistic article it is not recommended to use, for example, such a word as "blurt out". It must be replaced with a stylistically neutral synonym if it is not possible to choose another, more suitable concept that would correspond to a single text. The same rule must be followed in other cases, when a word is not quite suitable for a particular letter or article.

So, let's consider a specific situation where it is necessary to eliminate the word "blurt out". A stylistically neutral synonym for this expression is “say”. By the way, when choosing substitute words, you should definitely pay attention to the meaning of the original in a particular context. For example, the word "blank" has several meanings:

  • "to speak", "to say", "to speak out";
  • "dirty something".

If for the first case we have chosen a suitable neutral-stylistic synonym ("will say"), then in the second it is just as easy to do. For example, if the text was about the fact that someone "blurts a blot on paper", then this expression can be replaced by the following: "drop a drop on paper."

Examples of stylistic affiliation

In order to consolidate knowledge of what a neutral stylistic synonym is, more time should be devoted to practical training. In our case, we will give several examples where in a particular text one should choose substitute words.

Art style

How to replace the word "impressed"? The following can serve as a stylistically neutral synonym for this expression: “sympathized”, “caused respect”, “liked”. Here are a few more examples:

  • "cancel", "abolish" - "cancel";
  • "progress" - "improvement";
  • "enemy" - "enemy";
  • "fragment" - "excerpt";
  • “rest” - “sleep”.

Conversational style

Here are a few more examples:

  • "sleep" - "sleep";
  • "confusion" - "vanity";
  • "force" - "important";
  • "nag" - "horse";
  • "eat" - "eat", "eat";
  • "to beg" - "to beg";
  • "to rip off" - "to rob";
  • "roar" - "cry".

scientific style

It differs from the rest not only in that it has a logical sequence of presentation, but also in that it contains a huge number of specific terms, that is, phrases or words that denote the concepts of a special activity or any field of knowledge. In this regard, during the creation of such a text or the preparation of oral speech, it is very often necessary to use neutral synonyms. It should be especially noted that choosing the right substitute words in scientific article not always easy. After all, each term has its own special meaning, which is quite difficult to express in any other way. Although there are often concepts that have many neutral synonyms. Let's consider some of them:

If in a scientific article any narrowly focused term is in no way replaced by a neutral stylistic synonym, then it is better to use it in the form in which it is presented. Neglecting this advice, one can noticeably distort the meaning of the text, which in the end will easily mislead the reader, and also contribute to further errors in any practical activity.

Formal business style

This style is often used during speech communication at official receptions. It should also be noted that this area covers jurisprudence, international relationships, economics, advertising, military, government activities, communication in official institutions, and so on.

In order to correctly deliver your speech during public speaking in any organization, it is extremely important to use the correct neutral stylistic synonyms in order to avoid tautology.

Consider a few examples of how you can replace the terms and concepts that are actively used in the official business style:

  • "administration" - "bosses";
  • "contract" - "agreement", "document", "paper";
  • "credit" - "loan";
  • "advance" - "prepayment";
  • "diplomat" - "politician", "portfolio";
  • "instance" - "copy" and others.

Journalistic style

This type of style is used in the following genres: essay, article, reports, interviews, feuilleton, oratory, pamphlet and others. It is characterized by the presence of logic, emotionality, appeal, evaluation, as well as socio-political vocabulary. Among other things, phraseological units, neutral concepts, solemn and high vocabulary, verbless phrases, emotionally colored words, are quite widely used in the journalistic style. rhetorical questions, short sentences, chopped prose, repetitions, exclamations, and so on.

It should be especially noted that such linguistic and speech features are used in completely different topics, namely in politics, economics, education, healthcare, forensics, military topics.

It is quite easy to find neutral synonyms for concepts that are actively used in a journalistic style. After all, the vocabulary in it has a pronounced expressive and emotional coloring. In addition, it often includes colloquial, slang and colloquial elements. Moreover, in this style, such terms are often used that are typical for official business or scientific style. Although in journalism such vocabulary is special function, which consists in creating a picture of events, and then conveying the impressions of it to the reader or viewer.

So, here are a few examples of how you can choose neutral synonyms for words that are especially often used in a journalistic style:

  • "the most incredible event" - "an interesting event";
  • "citizen" - "resident";
  • "state" - "country";
  • "unprecedented thunderstorm" - "very strong thunderstorm";
  • "natural disaster" - "catastrophe";
  • "there is a problem" - "there is a problem" and others.

As mentioned above, it is characterized by emotionally colored expressions that in one way or another will impress the viewer, reader or listener. For example, for greater effect and impact on a person, the word “scary” (a stylistically neutral synonym) is often replaced by journalists with such forcing statements as “creepy”, “unknown”, “anxious”, “fearful”. Through the use of these words, correspondents can attract attention more viewers, rather than the banal, unemotional and neutral counterparts that were presented above.

Summing up

As you can see, it is not difficult to find a neutral stylistic synonym for a specific word. It should also be noted that thanks to such expressions, you can easily compose literate texts and your own oral speech that will be a pleasure to read or listen to.


1. The concept of synonyms. Types of synonyms (semantic, stylistic and semantic-stylistic; absolute, linguistic and speech (contextual)).

2. Synonymous series.

3. Compatibility of synonymous words with other words. Synonyms and polysemy.

4. Ways of occurrence of synonyms. Morphological ranks synonyms.

5. The stylistic role of synonyms. Synonym functions.

1. The concept of synonyms.

Different-sounding words of the same part of speech, denoting the same phenomenon of objective reality, but differing in shades of meaning, stylistic coloring, or both at the same time, are called synonyms (Greek synonymos - the same name).

For example, words round, steep, sheer name the same feature, but with various shades in meaning: steep - falling sharply; abrupt - steep and uneven; sheer - very cool. words forehead and forehead represent the same object upper part faces, but differ in stylistic: forehead - common word, stylistically neutral, a personarchaism used in poetic style.

The words object, protest, argue denote the same action, but differ in shades of meaning and stylistic usage: object used in all styles of speech in the sense: to express disagreement with someone, something, the word protest - bookish, has the meaning: to express a sharp disagreement with something; contradict used in colloquial speech in the meaning: to speak contrary.

Synonym types. Semantic and stylistic differences make it possible to single out the following types of synonyms: semantic, stylistic, and semantic-stylistic.

Semantic synonyms are words that differ in shades of meaning.

Shades may refer to:

a) the degree of manifestation of the trait: uplift, inspiration; hobby, passion; friend, friend; fast, lightning fast; hot, hot; quickly, swiftly; run, rush; get angry, get angry;

b) scope of phenomena covered- expansion or contraction of meaning: contract, agreement; adult, adult; pedagogical(work), teacher's(work); cook, cook; overtake, overtake(in the given pairs of synonyms, the first words are wider in meaning than the second ones);

c) penetration into the literary language of dialectisms, professionalisms, jargon, colloquial words: stubble, stubble; steering wheel, steering wheel, steering wheel; vop, swindler, mazurik; restore, restore, rebuild;

d) development of new meanings of the word: suspicious, dubious, obscure- cf.: dark, gloomy, unlit; location, location, geography(mineral).

Morphological ranks of synonyms.

Synonyms are common among words of all parts of speech. They can be nouns: anger, rage; diligence, diligence; slope, slope; wolf, biryuk; adjectives: kind, kind-hearted, humane, sympathetic, humane; adverbs: literally, literally; casually, lightly, casually; often, often; cold, chilly; Verbs: determine, find, recognize, diagnose, establish, measure, measure, fix; pronouns: everyone, everyone; someone, someone; anything, anything; this, this; official parts of speech: because; because; than, than; how, exactly; and, yes; in order to.

It should be noted that not all words enter into synonymous relations. They have no synonyms a) most of the words denoting completely specific subjects, signs and actions: water, hair, goose, bone, leaf, ice, book, leg, window, sheep, sand, glass, chair, notebook, white, pink, lie, sit, melt and under.; b) proper names: TO irill, Odessa, Carpathians, Danube and etc.; c) words-terms (as a rule): atom, affix, analgin, benoir, bassoon and others

5. The stylistic role of synonyms.

Synonyms are widely used in our speech as a stylistic means. With their help, you can convey the subtlest shades of meaning and thus express your thoughts more accurately, as well as diversify your speech, avoid repeating the same words.

Language synonymy, skillfully used by writers and publicists, is a means of vivid and colorful reflection of life, creating comic situations, figurative speech, For example: We sometimes have discipline, to put it in a homeless language, "boring", boring, the discipline of ranting, prodding, annoying chatter. The question of how to make discipline enjoyable, exciting, and touching is simply a matter of pedagogical technique.(Poppy.).

In the modern Russian language, there are several types of synonyms that are distinguished depending on the nature of the differences between words with their general semantic similarity.

Words that have the same meaning are called full synonyms, absolute synonyms , or lexical doublets:linguistics=linguistics , throw=throw, look=look, stop=cease, strike=strike, original=original, everywhere=everywhere, spelling=spelling, cavalry=cavalry. These are words that have neither semantic nor stylistic differences. From this point of view, all other types of synonyms are incomplete, relative. Complete synonyms not much in Russian, because the language tries to avoid duplication.

Incomplete synonyms ( quasi-synonyms) .

Semantic (ideographic, conceptual), denoting the same phenomenon of reality, distinguish in it different sides and different so apart shades of its meaning I.

If the meaning of one of the quasi-synonyms is completely “embedded” in the meaning of the second, and at the same time, there are some more semantic components in the meaning of the second, then there are relations of “inclusion” between them. The words carry = drag, attack = aggression are related in this way: drag- This carry, but with difficulty (you can carry a bag and drag it, but you can’t drag a cup of coffee, for example); any aggression is an attack, but not every attack can be considered aggression (in combination attack by robbers on a passerby word attack cannot be replaced by aggression).

The meanings of two quasi-synonyms can have general part, and the meaning of each of them differs by some feature, in this case their values ​​"intersect". So, greedy means ‘obsessed with the passion to capture someone else’, stingy- ‘obsessed with passion not to give what is his’. Consider next group synonymous nouns: stillness, stillness, stillness. All of them mean ‘lack of wind’, but differ from each other in shades of their lexical meanings: the word calmness has the meaning ‘complete absence of wind, calm weather’; word silence– ‘calmness, absence of noise’; word calm– ‘weakening, temporary cessation of wind, noise’.

Stylistic synonyms , denoting the same phenomenon of reality, differ from each other stylistic affiliation. They also have differences in semantic expressiveness and emotional coloring. An example of stylistic synonyms is the words to sleep - to rest - to sleep. Verb sleep is neutral in stylistic terms and does not contain emotional overtones. Verb rest is obsolete, stylistically bookish; word sleep is vernacular with an emotional appraisal of disapproval.

Stylistic or multi-style synonyms also include the words: face - face - muzzle(neutral - bookish - vernacular), to die - to die - to die(neutral - bookish - colloquial), satisfactory - triple, tired - tired(neutral - colloquial), argument - argument, view - look(neutral - bookish).

Within the framework of stylistic synonyms, the following are also distinguished:

a) Synonyms that differ from each other in the degree of modernity. In such a synonymous series, one word refers to modern vocabulary, the other - to obsolete: plane - airplane, minister - people's commissar, this - this, cinema - cinema;

b) Synonyms that differ in the scope of use. This includes, for example, series consisting of a national word and a term or professionalism : kitchen - galley, cook - cook(maritime), jaundice - hepatitis(honey.), page - strip(polygraph.); literary jargon : parents - ancestors, dining room - feeder, knife - pen, search - shmon;

Semantic-stylistic synonyms differ both in shades of lexical meanings and in stylistic coloring. An example of such synonyms are the verbs go and trail who possess close, but not identical meaning: go- "to move, stepping over your feet", and trail- "move slowly, sluggishly." Therefore, the verb trail has an additional semantic connotation - "to move with difficulty, barely stepping over." Besides, synonymous verbs go and trail differ in stylistic affiliation: verb go is neutral and the verb trail used in colloquial speech with an emotional assessment of disapproval. Thus the words go and trail are semantic-stylistic synonyms. Comp. Also: reserve - reserve: stock- a common word, means "everything that is prepared for the future"; reserve- bookish, special, meaning "what is left for a special, exceptional case." Semantic and stylistic differences are also characteristic of synonyms angry - angry(colloquial), hasty - hasty(colloquial), eat - eat(simple);

All the previously given synonyms are common language, i.e. they are characteristic lexical system of the Russian language, are understandable to all or the vast majority of its speakers. It should be distinguished from general language contextual, or individual author's synonyms. These include words that enter into synonymous relations temporarily, only in this context. For example, between words showered and pasted over there are no synonymous relations in the lexical system of the Russian language. However, in the story "Chelkash" A.M. Gorky uses the word pasted over as a synonym for the word showered: He fell asleep with a vague smile on his face covered with flour dust. Let's compare more examples of the use of contextual synonyms : Ostap was about to take the pounds for the starched collar and show him the way, the way(collarcontextual synonym the words collar); The whole plain is covered with loose and soft lime (limesnow).

Polysemantic words can be included in several synonymous series, participating in each of them with only one value. So, short in meaning ‘small in height’ is synonymous with the word low; quasi-synonymous with words squat, stunted, undersized(about a human); in the meaning ‘relating to the lower sound register’ is a synonymous series with bassy, ​​bassy(for example, about the voice); in the meaning of ‘unsatisfactory in quality’ is synonymous with the word bad; when designating a certain quality of a person short enters into synonymous relations with the words vile, dishonorable.

Synonyms can also differ in their compatibility with other words. So, brown has free compatibility with many words: pencil, shoes, coat. Meaning brown is phraseologically related to the word eyes; chestnut can only be hair.

12. Synonym functions

AT everyday speech synonyms do two things latest features for everyone who speaks Russian. First, this substitution function one word with another. It is caused by the desire to avoid unwanted repetitions of the same words in speech: The whole hall applauded. Clapping hands up. Secondly, refinement function. A person with a large weight can be called and complete, and thick, and overweight. Moreover, each of the synonyms has its own peculiarity of meaning, emphasizing the volume (full), shape ( thick), the weight ( overweight). Such a person can sit down or about start I'm on a chair, maybe plop down; at the door he is not always included- in a narrow squeezed in or squeezes through; his voice may to sound, to roar, to rumble(if it's bass) hum, whine etc.

The clarification function is associated with the method of stringing synonyms to emphasize the identity or semantic similarity of words: Mind, reason, she agreed with Sergei in everything.« We will close the file cabinet, bury it,” Volodya said. In this case, in one synonymous row there may be words that are different in stylistic affiliation and emotional coloring: They shouted that it was sinful, even vile, that the old man was out of his mind, that the old man had been deceived, cheated, deceived(Dost.). Comp. also: And soon a crowd gathers near the wood warehouse ... Ochumelov makes a half turn to the left and steps towards the crowd(A. Chekhov.) - here in a synonymous pair crowd - gathering the second word in the meaning of "a large crowd of people" has the stylistic marks "disapproved." and “colloquial”, which “reduces” its meaning in the text and serves as an expression of a negative assessment.

The use of synonyms can create a comic effect and be a means of characterization:

-- Died Claudia Ivanovna, - said the customer.

“Well, the kingdom of heaven,” agreed Bezenchuk. -- passed away so old lady...

Old ladies, they always pass away... Or give your soul to god- it depends on what an old woman. Yours, for example, is small and in the body, which means it has passed away. And, for example, the one who is bigger and thinner is considered to give her soul to God ...

- So how is it considered? Who considers it?

- We count. At the masters. Here you are, for example, a prominent man, of lofty stature, although thin. You are considered, if, God forbid, die, what in box played. And who is a merchant, a former merchant guild, that means ordered to live long. And if someone is of a lower rank, a janitor, for example, or one of the peasants, they say about him: spread or legs stretched out. But the most powerful, when they die, railway conductors or someone from the authorities, it is believed that give oak. So they say about them: "But ours, they heard, gave oak."

Shaken by this strange classification human deaths, Ippolit Matveevich asked:

- Well, when you die, what will the masters say about you?

- It’s impossible to give me oak or play in the box: I have a small complexion ...(I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Twelve chairs)

Sometimes there is the use of synonyms in the so-called antonymic situation. for example : this city is old but not old. Compare the following statement by K.S. Stanislavsky: Actors do not have hands, but hands, not fingers, but fingers ... They do not walk, but march, do not sit, but sit, do not lie, but recline ...

Antonyms(gr. anti - against + onima - name) words with opposite meanings are called.

Words enter into antonymic relations that are correlated with each other in terms of logical connection, commonality of semantics and grammatical meanings(refer to the same part of speech). For example, ruddy - pale, cheerful - sad, polite - rude, health - illness, joy - sadness. The above pairs contain opposite meanings in the field of quality, state, as well as the properties of objects and phenomena. Antonyms can also express contrasting concepts of time (early - late, morning - evening), space (close - far, south - north), size, volume (small - large, shallow - deep), feelings (love - hate, happiness - sorrow ), age (old - young), natural phenomena (cold - heat, windy - quiet), contrasting concepts in the field of objects and phenomena associated with social activities a person (labor - idleness, victory - defeat, peace - war), etc.

AT antonymic relationship come far not all words Russian language. So, nouns with a specific meaning (house, table, wall) do not have antonyms, numerals, most of the pronouns and proper names do not have antonyms. As a rule, there are no antonyms among quality adjectives denoting the names of colors and their shades (with the exception of a few: black - white, dark - light), although in general antonymic pairs among high-quality adjectives are formed especially actively, and this is precisely what serves as one of hallmarks quality adjectives.

By structure antonyms are divided into heterogeneous ( day Night) and single-rooted ( come - go, revolution - counter-revolution).

Antonyms, as already mentioned, usually form pairs in the language. However, this does not mean that a particular word can have one antonym. Antonymic relations make it possible to express the opposition of concepts in an “open”, polynomial series, cf.: specific - abstract, abstract; cheerful- sad, sad, dull, boring.

Such a correlation of synonymous and antonymic relations reflects system communications words in vocabulary. The interrelation of polysemy and antonymy also points to the system character. lexical items. When choosing antonyms, take into account the possibility of multiple meanings. So, the word low can be an antonym not only to the word high (low house - high house), but also to the words noble (low deed - noble deed), sublime (low goal - lofty goal).

14. Semantic types of antonyms.

Antonymic pairs (unlike synonyms) differ not in stylistic and emotional-evaluative features, but almost exclusively in conceptual ones. Their logical basis is incompatible concepts, that is, concepts whose volumes do not match. Incompatible concepts are of three types - opposite (counter) and contradictory (contradictor), multidirectional (vector).

1) Contradictor antonyms are presented in pairs whose members are mutually exclusive. Into the Contradictory Opposition the inclusion of a neutral member is not allowed. Contradictor antonyms are mainly represented by pairs of cognate words, one of which contains a negative derivational prefix, meaning the absence or lack of any feature, for example, loading - unloading, good faith - bad faith. This kind of opposition shows a gradualness in the expression of a generic feature.

2) Vector antonyms. They are in opposite directions: there - here, up - down, sunrise - sunset, rise - fall, enter - exit, descend - rise, ignite - extinguish, revolution - counter-revolution.

The central links of the lexico-semantic paradigm of the language are synonymic series.

D.E. Rosenthal gives the definition of synonyms given by D.I. Fonvizin: “A synonym in the full sense should be considered such a word that is defined in relation to its equivalent (to another word with an identical or extremely close meaning) and can be opposed to it along any line: by a subtle shade in meaning, by expressed expression , by emotional coloring, by stylistic affiliation, by compatibility ... ”I.B. Golub believes that essential condition synonymy of words is their semantic proximity and in special occasions- identity. Depending on the degree of proximity, the synonymy of words can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent. For example, the synonymy of the words hurry - hurry is more clearly expressed than, say, the words laugh - laugh - flood - roll - roll - giggle - snort - squirt, which have significant semantic and stylistic differences. Most pronounced character receives synonymy with the semantic identity of words (cf .: here - here, linguistics - linguistics).

There are semantic, stylistic, semantic-stylistic synonyms. Semantic synonyms differ in shades of meanings (youth - youth). Stylistic synonyms with the same meaning differ in stylistic coloring. Among them are: synonyms related to different functional styles(interst. to live - officially-business to live); synonyms belonging to the same style, but having different emotional and expressive shades (colloquial explanatory - with positive coloration, brainy, big-headed - with a touch of rude familiarity). Semantic-stylistic synonyms differ both in meaning and in their stylistic coloring (wander, wander, stagger, wander).

Often, one neutral dominant corresponds to two stylistic series: with an increase and with a decrease in style.

The source of synonyms for “sublime” coloring is book vocabulary, often Old Church Slavonicisms, words foreign origin. The reduced stylistic range is based on jargon, professionalism, colloquial and dialectal words.

There are two functions of synonyms: ideographic and stylistic. Ideographic synonyms differ in shades of meaning, stylistic - in the sphere of use (belonging to different styles speech) and expressive coloring(expressive shades against the background of the neutral main word of the synonymic series).

D.E. Rosenthal cites positions in which the stylistic function of synonyms is expressed in different ways:

  • 1) from the point of view of using a language in a particular style (common (neutr.) squander - bookish squander - colloquial squander);
  • 2) in terms of belonging to certain group vocabulary outside literary language(talk - dial. talk; face - simple mug);
  • 3) in terms of attitude to modern language(actor - outdated. actors; together - outdated. together);
  • 4) from an expressive-emotional point of view (a pupil of a bursa is a contemptuous bursak; punishment is a high retribution).

Synonyms perform the function of clarification in speech (It so happened that the unsociable, even unsociable artist turned out to be with the Nevredimovs. - S.-Shch); clarifications (Anarchy began, that is, anarchy. - S.-SH.); comparisons (Invite the doctor, and call the paramedic. - I.); oppositions (He, in fact, did not walk, but dragged along without lifting his feet from the ground. - K.); substitutions - in order to avoid the repetition of words (lives - lives; started - spoke - continued - picked up). Researchers also single out an expressive-stylistic function, which is associated with the implementation of the category of evaluation (The old mistress ... tells me: “Wait, bookworm, the zenki will burst” - M.G.).

To enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of speech, the technique of stringing synonyms and gradation is used (He was kind and man of heart, fearless and determined. - Quiet.).

Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning (good - evil, sit - stand, life - death). By structure, heterogeneous and single-root antonyms are distinguished (good - bad, beautiful - ugly). Antonyms are actively used as a means of expression in artistic speech.

The main stylistic function of antonyms is to be lexical means expressions of antithesis.

The stylistic device of antithesis was widespread even in oral folk art(Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).

Concerning works of art, the antithesis is more common in poetic texts(Long live the sun! Let the darkness hide! - A. Pushkin. And we hate, and we love by chance ... - M. Lermontov). Writers use antithesis when constructing the title of a work (“War and Peace”, “The Living and the Dead”, “Thick and Thin”). Publicists also actively use the technique of antithesis in the headings of articles.

Oxymoron is also based on antonymy. The basis of an oxymoron is the creation of a new concept as a result of combining words that are opposite (contrasting) in semantics (the beginning of the end, bad good man). More often, contrasting words are combined as defined and defining (I love the lush nature of withering. - A. Pushkin; The time has come for omniscient ignoramuses. - V. Vysotsky).

In artistic speech, the technique of comic antithesis is used (There lived a poor private trader in the world. He was a rather rich man. - I. Ilf, E. Petrov); puns (Where is the beginning of the end with which the beginning ends? - K.P.); antiphrasis - the use of a word in opposite meaning(From where, smart, you wander, head. - I. Krylov).

A sharp satirical effect is created by the antonymic replacement of one of the components in stable phrases: “Bureau of malicious services”, “Debt by payment is black” (the titles of feuilletons).

In linguistics, there are many definitions that give the concept,.

Definition of synonym

Synonyms are words that are close or identical in meaning, denoting the same concept, but differing from each other either in shades of meaning or in stylistic coloring and scope of use (or both of these features at the same time).

Synonyms appear in the language from the existing building material, through dialects, jargons, as well as borrowings from other languages.

Types of synonyms in Russian

Allocate the following types synonyms:

1) single-rooted and multi-rooted. Examples: bass - bass; water -; blizzard - - single-core synonyms. Examples of heterogeneous synonyms: lumberjack - lumberjack; red - purple.

2) full and partial synonyms.

Full are called synonyms, whose lexical meaning is identical. Examples: spelling -; linguistics - linguistics.

Partial synonyms are divided into 3 large groups:

Semantic (or conceptual) - synonyms that differ in shades of meaning. Examples: ugly - ugly; flawless - .

Stylistic synonyms differ in stylistic coloring. Examples: die (neutral) - die (bookish); hand (neutral) - hand (bookish, obsolete).

Semantic-stylistic synonyms are such synonyms that differ both in shades of meaning and in stylistic coloring. Examples: secret (neutral) - hidden (book), differ in the strength of the sign.

Synonym functions

Synonyms perform the following functions:

1) semantic: synonyms allow you to avoid the monotony of speech, and with the help of synonyms, the speaker can more accurately express his thoughts.

2) the stylistic function allows the use of synonyms in accordance with the style and type of text as a vivid means of expressiveness of our speech.