Biographies Characteristics Analysis

From the history of the study of Russian phonetics. Historical phonetics

Why and where do vowels "run away"? day - day What causes one consonant to change to another? hand - pen Why does a vowel change to a consonant, and one sound to two others time - time, name - name, remove - shoot, knead - crumples, start - will begin

Modern Russian language - a, e, o, u, i, s Proto-Slavic language - ? vowels

Izhitsa I Zhitsa - the last letter of the pre-reform Russian alphabet; denoted a vowel before a consonant [and] and [v] before a vowel in a few words Greek origin. It comes from the Greek letter υ (upsilon). Until 1917-1918 izhitsa met in a few words. In the documents of the spelling reform of 1917-1918. izhitsa is not mentioned.

AND DECIMAL І, і - a letter that existed in the Russian language before the reforms of 1917-1918. (replaced by I). It goes back to the Greek letter Ι (iota). Most often used: before vowels and before й (history, Russian, Jerusalem ъ); in the word mir in the meaning of "Universe", "society" to distinguish it from the word mir in the meaning of "calm".

YUSY Yu sy - letters Old Slavonic alphabets, Cyrillic and Glagolitic, denoting Old Slavic nasal vowels, which later (in the 10th century) turned into “pure” vowels in most Slavic languages.

Ѧ - en or yus small - (-A, - Z) ѧzyk (ezyk) - Language. Name (name) - Name. Ѫ - one or yus big - (-U, -Yu). Ѫsta (yusta)

Since the 10th century - the loss of nasal consonants Dirt, crush, wither, reap Ѧ Wise, judgment, catch, singing Ѫ Time - time Law open syllable- all syllables end in a vowel only

YAT Ѣ, ѣ (yat) - the letter of the historical Cyrillic alphabet, now used only in Church Slavonic. Designated a long vowel. In Russia, "yat" remained in use until the reform of Russian spelling in 1918.

In Russian writing, the meaning of the letter "yat" has changed over time. The letters and e began to be pronounced exactly the same. Compare: evening - wind. In the word evening they wrote e, and in the word wind -. Before being expelled from the alphabet, “yat” was called “the scarecrow letter”, “the scarecrow letter”, because it made spelling difficult and brought (especially to schoolchildren) a lot of grief. They had to memorize words with "yat". Mistakes on "yat" were considered the most terrible. The expression to know on yat testified to the best knowledge. What tricks were not resorted to in order to memorize where to write. They remembered that after the letter b the letter is written in four roots, after c - in fifteen, after d - in three, etc. For better memory came up with stories, poems, consisting of words with:

The white, pale, poor demon ran away hungry into the forest. Lashim he ran through the forest, He dined on radish with horseradish And for that bitter dinner Dal vowed to put on trouble. Prof. N. K. Kulman, "Methodology of the Russian language", St. Petersburg. , edition of Ya. Bashmakov and Co., 1914 (3rd ed.), p. 182.

But there were also letters that changed their meaning, but did not disappear from the alphabet. The letters ъ (“er”) and ь (“er”) originally denoted the so-called reduced vowels close to [o] and [e]: son, day (both words were disyllabic). Approximately in the XII century. reduced sounds in Russian ceased to exist, disappeared altogether or passed into vowels [o] and [e]: sleep, day. But the letters b and b did not disappear from the alphabet, like yus, they began to be used in a different meaning: the letter b became delimiter(blizzard) and a sign of softness (day, letter), and b became a separating sign (entered).

THE ELEMENTS OF SCIENCE AZ is the first letter of the Cyrillic alphabet, together with the letter BUKI they even formed the word AZBUKA. fundamentals of science

FROM AZA TO IZHITSA AZ is the first letter of the Cyrillic alphabet, IZHITSA is the last letter. from the beginning to the end.

PRESCRIBE Izhitsu for rods and traces of flogging famous places negligent students strongly looked like this letter. So to prescribe Izhitsu - to teach a lesson, to punish, it's easier - to flog.

Olympiad tasks 1. Restore modern form Old Russian pronouns: ONЪ KЪZHDO KЪTO SIA, KOLIK AZ VSYAK N WHO He Everyone Who Himself How Much I Everyone Nobody

2. Name two sounds in Slavic languages, which in a strong position (under stress) coincided with the sounds [o] and [e], and in weak position(at the end of a word) were close to zero sound, and therefore lost.

3. What phonetic process in modern Russian did the disappearance of the final vowels b and b lead to? STUN

Explain the alternation of sounds in the words hug - hug, take - charge, call - sound. Once upon a time, nasal vowels [on] or [om] (denoted by the letter “yus big”) and sounds [en] or [em] (“yus small”) formed peculiar phonetic alternations. If these sounds were followed by a vowel, they remained unchanged, if they were followed by a consonant, then they changed into the sounds [a], [y]. In the 10th century, there was a loss of nasal vowels, and historical alternations preserved.

What sounds in modern Russian do we call reduced? Vowels O, E, A in a weak (unstressed) position In a strong position, these vowels do not change their quality. Previously, in the Old Russian language there were and still are preserved in the Church Slavonic reduced b (er), b (er), which denote very abbreviated sounds O and A or E and A after a soft consonant. In the 11th century, the process of the fall of reduced sounds begins.

What does it mean - "fall"? Where could they fall? “Fell” means that they stopped pronouncing or changed the quality of pronunciation, became other sounds. Compare the words: Table - table Duck - duck Who - who What - someone Sleep - sn Day - day In which words in modern Russian b and b are not displayed in writing? The positions b and b were considered weak if the next syllable is at the end of the syllable between consonants complete education, i.e. words, with the vowel in strong position.

And in what position did the reduced b and b begin to be pronounced as vowels of the full formation O and E? In a strong position, that is, Compare the words: Table - table Duck - duck Who - someone What - someone Sleep - sleep Day - day under stress

Conclusion In the live speech of the Slavs in the 11th century, in weak positions, reduced vowels ceased to be pronounced and displayed in writing. In strong positions, reduced vowels turned into full vowels: b - in O, b - in E. MOU "SOSH No. 13 with UIOP"

Church Slavonic scribes continued to write in the old way, although sometimes they made mistakes under the influence of oral colloquial speech. In the Old Russian language, the fall of b and b occurred in the 12th century and was very strongly reflected in the phonetic system of the Russian language. This process literally transformed the entire phonetic system.

What were the consequences of the fall of the reduced? Let's observe: K G D E The sounds K and D turned out to be nearby, and the voiced D had an impact on the previous deaf sound K. There was a “similarity” (assimilation) of the sound K to the sound D in sonority, the sound K became voiced G. MOU "SOSH No. 13 with UIOP"

Let's practice! The process of falling reduced is also connected with such a phenomenon in Here - here in modern Russian, as the alternation of vowels O and E with zero sound, Sjdorov - healthy for example: sleep - sleep, day - day. Vowels that disappear Take off - take off when alternating, we call fluent. Fluent in Russian can only be the former reduced vowels b and b, now the letters O and E.

Relationship between the spelling of words and the history of the language What rule of the Russian language is associated with the process of falling reduced? Suffixes IK and EK of nouns Why is EK spelled if E "runs away", how is this rule related to the process of falling reduced? Since b has become E, this sound alternates with zero sound Insert the missing letters in modern words: Flower ... k, peas ... k, motoch ... k, bag ... k, bell ... k, key ... k, sparrow ... k, granddaughter ... k, shtetl ... k, fish ... k, brother ... k, vase ... k, animal ... k, ring ... n, dog ... n, frost ... c, owned ... c, infant ... c.

How did the old Russian word istba become a hut? Make a chain of "transformations". ISTBA AND S Z D T B A

Compare Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Why, when declining a noun ambassador (sent, messenger), one vowel disappears from the stem? Why in another word ambassador (salt), which sounds the same, the shock O does not “run away” into indirect cases, where the endings of both words are the same?

Check yourself! Ambassador - envoy Ambassador - salting Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador Ambassador - ambassador forte, turning into full vowels: EP - in O, EP - in E. Thus, in the words of the first column, the reduced b fell, as it was in without shock position, and in the words of the second column it was preserved, passing into the vowel of the full formation O, as it stood in a stressed position.

There are three vowels Ъ in the Old Russian word СЪБЪРЪ. In a strong position, one of these sounds was transformed into the sound [o], the other two positions are weak for it, and therefore it became equal to zero sound. Restore the modern form of the word and name phonetic process, to which the consonant in the prefix is ​​subjected.

Tell us about the history of the emergence of fluent consonants [o] and [e]. Write in Cyrillic Old Slavonic words, which correspond to the Russian words lie, evil, day, forehead, shelter, house. The appearance of fluent vowels [o] and [e] is a consequence of the fall of the reduced vowel phonemes [b] and [b] in the 12th-13th centuries. : in a weak position they disappeared, in a strong position they cleared up into full vowels [o] and [e]. When changing the word, the reduced vowel could be either in a weak or in a strong position, therefore, in different forms words, he either disappeared or cleared up into a vowel of a complete formation. Thus, there was an alternation of a vowel with a zero sound.

Write down in Cyrillic the Old Slavonic words that correspond to the Russian words lie, evil, day, forehead, shelter, house. Lie, evil, day, love, blood, home.

Polish words and their translations into Russian are given: droga - road, proch - gunpowder, strona - side. How is the Polish word sroka translated into Russian? 1) term 2) forty 3) line 4) forty 5) all translations (a - d) are incorrect 2)

The spelling of one of the words listed below has changed during the development of the language under the influence of pronunciation. What's this word? walking mowing fate request Make a chain of transformations wedding

    - (from the Greek word phone voice, sounding speech) department of linguistics (see), studying the sound side of the language. F. is divided into four directions: 1) anthropophony (the physiology of speech sounds), which studies pronunciation (actually ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    phonetics- and, well. phonetique f. 1. The sound composition of the language. Russian phonetics. language. ALS 1. The girl's ancestors were Hamiltons who left England and under pressure .. the phonetics of a Russian person turned first into the Gamentovs, then the Khamontovs and then, according to the law ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - [ne], phonetics, pl. no, female (from Greek phonetikos sound) (ling.). 1. Department of linguistics, studying the sound structure of the language. Experimental phonetics. Historical phonetics. 2. The sound side of speech, the sound composition of the language. The speeches are different... Dictionary Ushakov

    Linguistics ... Wikipedia

    phonetics- (other Greek φωνητική voice, sound). The doctrine of the sound side of the language. The science that studies sounds and their alternations, as well as stress, intonation, features of the division of a sound stream into syllables and larger segments. Phonetics is also...

    Linguistics Theoretical linguistics Phonetics Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Lexical semantics Pragmatics ... Wikipedia

    A discipline that considers the evolution of the grammatical structure of one language by comparing linguistic facts relating to different time layers. Name " historical grammar"inaccurate: traditionally it includes not only ... ... Handbook of etymology and historical lexicology

    - (from the Greek φωνητικός = sound, voice) department of linguistics, which studies the sound side of the language. This term is not precise enough and definite. According to its etymological composition, it should mean the doctrine of all sounds in general, but ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (pronounced phonetike from phnne sound). 1) A branch of linguistics that studies the methods of formation and acoustic properties of the sounds of human speech. Phonetics is historical. A section of linguistics that studies the sound side of a language in its development. Phonetics is general. ... ... Dictionary linguistic terms

    phonetics historical- Study of changes in sound system, the study of how these changes occurred, which sound units preceded others, how the alternations of sounds changed ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • Historical phonetics of the Russian language. Textbook for universities, Kolesov V.V.. The textbook is dedicated to the development phonetic system Russian language. It presents successive changes phonetic units and their signs, starting from the period of the Proto-Slavic community and ...

The structure of the syllable and the word in the Old Russian language was determined by the law of the open syllable and the law of syllabic vowel harmony, inherited from the Proto-Slavic era. Both laws were in effect until the fall of the reduced ones (11th-12th centuries). In the Old Russian language, before the fall of the reduced ones, there was an insignificant number of monosyllabic words (for example, t, that, that). Most words had 2 or more syllables (for example, hundred-l, q / n/z). After the fall of the reduced ones, the principle of constructing a syllable according to ascending sonority began to be violated, however, the tendency to construct a syllable according to this principle was preserved.

    1. The system of vowels of the Old Russian language of the X-XI centuries.

      1. General characteristics of the vowels of the Old Russian language of the X-XI centuries.





[ô](o))))) [ǒ](o)


[e](e),[b](b) 2


Relation to labialization



In Old Russian vocalism (from Latin vocalis "vowel") there were 11 vowel phonemes.

They differed:

    by completeness of education: [b,b] were vowels incomplete education, reduced (super short); the rest of the vowels were full vowels;

    by the participation of the lips in sound formation: vowels [ about,at,ô ]were labialized (from Latin labia "lips"), the rest were non-labialized;

    by place of education: [and,e,h, b, ӓ ] were vowels front row; [s,at,b,ô ,about,a] - non-front vowels;

    by degree of ascent tongue to the upper palate: [ and,s,at] – high vowels; - vowels of the upper middle rise; [ e,b,b,about] - vowels of the middle rise; [ a,ӓ ] are low vowels.

The vowels of the complete formation of the Old Russian language were pronounced the same in stressed and unstressed positions before the emergence of akanya (XV century).

All vowels Old Russian language were independent phonemes, that is, they performed a meaningful function.

Vowels [ and,s,at,e,about,a] were pronounced, apparently, in the same way as in the modern Russian literary language (SRLYA) in a stressed position, and remained unchanged.

Vowels were lost in the further history of the Russian language.

This is, first of all, the vowel [h] - full formation, non-labialized, front row, upper middle rise. The vowel [h] came from 1) : see ([h] building ); 2)* oi * aibefore a consonant and at the absolute end of a word: phti ([h] building * oibefore a consonant), cf.: I sing ([o-j] zd.*oi before a vowel); price ([h] building * aibefore a consonant), cf .: repent ([a-th] zd. * aibefore a vowel).

The vowel [h] was pronounced, apparently, as a sound like a closed [ ê ] or diphthong [͠ ie]. Such a possible pronunciation of the ancient [h] is evidenced by the data of a number of modern Russian dialects, in which the indicated sounds are pronounced in place of [h] - closed [ ê ] or diphthong [͠ ie].

In the modern Russian literary language, in place of the old [h] is pronounced mainly open [ e], not passing into [ about] under stress before a hard consonant, for example: with enochno, l e slhs, sp eshkasphshka. Only in a few words of SRLYA in place [h] is pronounced [ and]: With and child (s h dhti, cf.: s e st, with e length), m and zinets (m h zincimhziny "smaller, younger"), d and cha (d h t#, cf.: d e ti), sv and detel (sv h dhtel "one who knows, knows").

Phoneme in accordance with its phonemic status, it performed a semantic function: cf. word forms with h lъ (past tense verb chsti) and s e l (gen. pl. noun village).

In the Old Russian language there were 2 phonemes of incomplete education -<b> and<b>. In linguistic literature, there are several names for these phonemes - " reduced», « ultra-short», « deaf».

Vowel [ b] - incomplete education, non-labialized, non-front row, medium rise. Vowel [ b] goes back to 1) : son b*sun ŭ s; 2) : slave b*ǒrb ǒ s([ b] building emerged from ).

Vowel [ b] - incomplete formation, non-labialized, front row, medium rise. Vowel [ b] goes back to 1) :d b n b*d ǐ n ǐ s2) * b(after primordially soft): co[ nb]*ko njŭ s*ko njǒ s([ b] building emerged from * b* ŭ * ǒ ).

As you know, the merit of establishing the sound value [ b] and [ b] belongs to the outstanding linguist Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov (1781-1864). Reduced sounded very short. Depending on the position in the word, they were pronounced with varying degrees of duration. In strong positions, these sounds were pronounced longer, that is, [ babout], [be] (conditionally). In weak positions, the reduced ones were pronounced very briefly, therefore, in these positions it is recommended not to pronounce them, while not deafening the voiced consonants in front of them, for example: city e city d .

Strong positions of the reduced[b]and[b]:

    in single words:

t b, With b;

    before a syllable with a reduced one in a weak position:

tp b p〤, right b d〥on;

    under stress:

t b par,

    in combinations like *türt, *türt, *tъlt*tult:

G b redii, in b rba, p b lyi, in b lk (in the word in b lk [b] arose from *b).

Weak positions of the reduced[b]and[b]:

    at the absolute end of a word (AKS):

sn〤, day〥;

    before a syllable with a full vowel:

from〤to, d〥n㆓;

    before a syllable with a reduced one in a strong position:

l〤f b q〥, w〥n b q〥.

Reduced [ b] and [ b] before [ j], [and] (¬*j〥) acted in their positional versions - in the form of reduced [ ] and , for example: young and ([and] zd. from *j〥), syn and and ([and] zd. from *j〥). Reduced [ ] played only in strong positions, reduced [ and] had strong positions and one weak position.

Strong positions of the reduced[],[and]:

    under stress:

m s ̌ yu, sh and i;

    in the endings of adjectives and pronouns, for example: young s ̌ i, syn and and.

Weak position of the reduced[and]:

before a syllable with a full vowel, for example: sh y.

Vowel [ ӓ ] – complete formation, non-labialized. front row. bottom lift. Vowel [ ӓ ] comes from [ ę ] () * en/m; [ӓ ] spoke in words such as m ta (compare: m en tol), sound whip (cf.: sound en children), m co, zyk and others.

Vowel [ ô ] ("o-tense") - full education, labialized, non-front row, upper-middle rise. Vowel [ ô ] goes back to * o under rising (acute) intonation (for example, in ô l㆓), in words with full-vowel combinations in which stress falls on second full syllable (for example, mountains ô xh, cor ô wa). [ ô ] was apparently pronounced as [ ô ]("o-tense") or diphthong [《] . For such a possible pronunciation [ ô ] indicate the data of modern Russian dialects, in which in place of the ancient [ ô] pronounced [ ô ]or ["]. In the monuments of writing over [ ô ]sometimes a special sign was put, called a chamber, -͠.

An example of independent test work on the history of the Russian language. Section: Historical phonetics

Task number 1

Phonetic Old Slavonic features in the words of the modern Russian language

Admitted, unit, life, beauty, boat, rebellion, running out, careless, wait, enlightenment, pimple, joy, comparison, shadow, conviction, haircut, night, help.

Indicate the Old Slavonic sound features in the words of the modern Russian language. Group the words in the following order:

1) Words with disagreement (disagreement - presence in Old Church Slavonic in root morphemes of combinations -ra-, -la-, -re-, -le- between two consonants in one morpheme, corresponding to Russian full-vowel combinations -oro-, -olo-, -ere-, -olo-): careless - Russian conformity careful, shore; *berg-.

2) Words with zhd, transmitted with d (*dj → *žʼ͡dʼ [zhʼ͡dʼ]): persuasion - cf. to convince.

3) Words with u alternating with t (*tj →*šʼ͡tʼ [shʼ͡tʼ], in Russian vowel [shʼshʼ]): enlightenment - cf. light, Russian glow.

4) Words with the initial e, which did not turn into o under Old Church Slavonic influence: unit - cf. Russian one.

5) Words with e at the end of the word and inside the word before a hard consonant that did not pass under stress into ʼo:

life - cf. Russian life (life-life), rebellion - cf. Russian death (of cattle).

6) Words with initial ra-, la- with combinations of ro-, lo- in the corresponding words of Russian origin: comparison - cf. Russian even, *orvn-.

7) The presence of a noun in the stem before the case ending and in the absence of it in the corresponding Russian nouns:

life - cf. Russian life, education - Russian. enlightenment, comparison - Russian. comparison, persuasion - cf. Russian conviction.

8) Words with a prefix from- (is-) with the corresponding words of Russian origin with the prefix you-: at the end - Russian. exit.

9) Words with u in place of prehistoric gt, kt (*kt,gt + front vowel → *šʼ͡tʼ [shʼ͡tʼ], in Russian vowel [shʼshʼ]): help - Russian. help, *helptis.

10) Words without Old Slavonic sound features:

allowed, beauty, wait, pimple, joy, shadow, haircut, night.

Task number 2

East Slavic phonetic features

Eyebrow, flush, beg, pride, engine, hut, lump, masher, carry, Ostap, hunter, first-born, oven, saying, rug, empty, kindle, gun, stricter, stupid, worse, shun.

In these words, indicate the East Slavic phonetic features. Group the words in the following order:

1) Words with full agreement: empty - cf. idle, *porzd-.

2) Words with u, u, a, i in place of nasal vowels.

Reference. In order to determine whether there was once a nasal vowel in a modern Russian word, you need to navigate

1) on the alternation in the root a (i) / im, in, em, en, um, n, u / um, m, he: vz-i-t - vz-im-at, s-zh-t - s - press-at, on-cha-t - on-chn-y, on-chin-at, on-du-ty - on-dm-ny, sound-k - ringing, etc.;

2) for alternation at the root a (z) / y (*ę / *ǫ): shake - coward, knead - flour, knit - knot, harness - spouse, spin - dam;

3) Morphemes with y, u in place * ǫ:

1. Endings V.P. unit nouns r., adjectives, participles, pronouns, ordinal numbers - u, uy, yuu: my younger sister, the first book that came across.

2. Endings T.P. unit and. R. oh, by her: my younger sister, with an interesting book.

3. Suffix verb stem infinitive -nu-: closed, pushed, rejected, drowning.

4. The suffix of the real participle is present. temp. -usch-, -yusch-: exciting, bearing.

5. Suffix of adjective participles present. -uch-, -yuch-: burning, prickly.

6. The end of the 1st sheet. unit present or simple bud. temp. verbs -u, -yu: I go, I sing.

7. The end of the 3rd sheet. plural present or simple bud. temp. verbs -ut, -yut: carry, sing.

Morphemes with a, i in place *ę

1. The end of the 3rd year. plural present or simple bud. temp. verbs -at, -yat: treat, stand.

2. Imperfect participle suffix - a, -ya: holding, standing, carrying.

3. The suffix of the real participle is present. temp. -ash-, -sh-: treating, standing.

4. Suffix of adjective participles present. -uch-, -uch-: recumbent, standing.

5. Return particle: to correct, become, departing, useful.

6. The ending of nouns cf. I.P. unit on - me: flame - flame.

7. Suffix of nouns (names of cubs and words derived from them) -at, -yat: foals, cubs, bear cub, veal.

4) check root a, i or u, yu according to the etymological dictionary.

pulper - from kneading (my-th - mn-y, times-min-at) m#ti;

I carry - carried $;

gun - see dictionary: or$zhi%;

dumbass - see dictionary: t$drink;

to be alienated - see the dictionary: at the root - ω©zhd, in postfix -sya - With#.

3) Words with o, e in place of strong reduced vowels:

engine - engine → *other-Russian. movement b to;

lump - lump, lump → * other Russian. com b h b to;

firstborn - firstborn → prwen b ts.

4) Words with weak reduced ones that disappeared in pronunciation:

flush - in- / in- (in-walk - in-went) → flush;

izbenka - izbenok → * other Russian. hut;

masher - masher → * other Russian. m#laka;

hunter - other Russian. hunter;

proverb - saying → *other-Russian. proverb;

empty - other Russian. empty.

5) Words with initial combinations of ro-lo- with initial combinations of ra-, la- in the corresponding words of Old Slavonic origin:

in-level - equal to *orvn-.

6) Words with initial o and initial e in the corresponding words borrowed from other Slavic and non-Slavic languages: Ostap - cf. Evstafiy.

7) Words with zh alternating with d (*dj → žʼ [zhʼ]): worse - cf. thin.

8) Words with h alternating with t (*tj → čʼ [hʼ]): to be alienated - cf. ω©zhd, *tjǫd-.

9) Words with h in place of prehistoric gt, kt (*kt,gt+ front vowel → *čʼ [hʼ]): kindle - cf. kindle, *gegti.

10) Words with the transition e to o under stress at the end of the word and inside the word before a solid consonant:

engine: move b kъ → engine → engine;

11) Words without preservation and in the outcome of the stem of nouns:

gun - cf. weapon.

12) Words with the East Slavic prefix you- with the prefix from- (is-) in the corresponding words of Old Slavonic origin:

to ask - ask.

Task number 3

Historical explanation of vowel alternations in modern Russian

Watering hole, remembrance, looking, castle, dam, drink, stronghold, binding, lintel, drink, spinning wheel, hear, join, memory, doubt.

Write out the words in nests: single-root words, words with common suffix or ending. Set the type of sound alternation and explain each alternation historically.


In the Indo-European language, vowel sounds differed not only in quality, but also in quantity. Qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative alternations were possible.

Qualitative alternations - first of all, this is the alternation of e / o.

Indo-European language


Take into account the results of I palatalization if the vowels were after the back lingual consonant

*kĕs- / *kŏs- > scratchy / mow

*kĕr- / *kŏr- > cherenk - root

carry - burden

stele - table


other Russian s&d&ti - sad

village - garden

! *ē / ō after *j and other soft consonants

ʼě / a > a / a

*gēr- / gōr- > gěr- / gаr- > žʼěr- / gаr- > žʼаr- / gаr-

a / a, with alternating consonants:

fry - burn

kaditi - chad

! *ē can be placed after different consonants

if *ē was after a semi-soft consonant *ē > ě,

if *ē was after *j or another soft consonant

*ʼ ē > ʼě > ʼа

for example, the infinitive suffix *ē can be represented both as ě, or as a

review & ti - breathe a ti

noun suffix *-ěl- > -ěl or -al

svir & l - oven a eh

view e t - one hundred I be

Quantitative alternations

Indo-European language


Reflection of alternation in modern Russian

to be late - to be late

feed - feed

other Russian years&ty - l&taty

since b could be in both a strong and a weak position, the alternation becomes three-term:

other Russian send - send - send

since ъ could be in both a strong and a weak position, the alternation becomes three-term:

ambassador - send - send;

lock - close - close

Alternations associated with the fate of diphthongs

Indo-European language


Modern Russian

ě, and / oj, aj

other Russian p&t - sing

e, i / oj, aj

other Russian drink - drink, drink

drink - drink, drink

u / s, av

other Russian kuyu - forging

poke - poke

other Russian spit - spit

fight - fight

Alternations associated with the fate of diphthongoids with final nasals (*en, in, on, em, im, om, etc.)

Alternations associated with the alternation of nasal vowels *ę /ǫ

Completing the task:

1. Lock - jumper - join

1) Modern Russian:

za-mok - re-musch-ka - p-mk-nut (highlight the roots)

vowel alternation o / s / ø - tripartite

2) Old Russian language:

for-mk-b - jumper-kka - with-mk-nut

the vowel alternation ъ/ы is binomial, but ъ can be in strong and weak positions ( b/ ы /ъ˰).

3) Indo-European language:

*mŭk- / *mūk- - binomial quantitative alternation.

Thus, in the presented roots at the level of the Indo-European language, a quantitative alternation of vowels (*ŭ / ū) is fixed,

in the Proto-Slavic language, after the qualitative differentiation of long and short Indo-European vowels *ŭ> ъ, ​​* ū> ы and in the roots there is a two-term qualitative alternation (ъ/ы);

since [ъ] could be in a strong and weak position, its reflexes in Russian gave different results [ b]> [o], [ъ˰]>ø, and the three-term alternation o / s / ø is represented in the roots.

2. Watering place - drink - I will drink

1) Modern Russian

water hole - na-pi-tok - oto-pj - y

alternation at the root oj - and - j

This alternation goes back to the fate of diphthongs with *i ̯.

2) B Indo-European in the root from which the words later originated watering hole and drink, there was a diphthong *o̯i: in the first word, the root was in position before the vowel sound *vodo - pо̯i - b, so the diphthong broke up into two sounds *o and *i ̯, which went before the vowel in *j (*i ̯> j) . The diphthong broke up, the word division changed: *vodo - pо̯i /b > vodo - po / jь; in the second word, the diphthong *o̯i was in position before the consonant, so it became monophthongized, i.e. contracted into one sound [and]: *na - pо̯i - tъкъ > na-pi-tъkъ. In the third word I will drink, apparently, there is an alternation of vowels in diphthongs: *о̯i / *еiꞈ: *ot-peiꞈ-ǫ > ot-pej -ǫ > ot - pǐj-ǫ > ot - pǐ ̭ j-ǫ > in Russian after the loss nasal vowels and after pedia reduced otо-pj - u (otо -пj- у).

3. Remembrance - memory - doubt

1) Modern Russian language: recollection - pa-my-th - so-opinions

In the historical root they alternate: in-ʼa - n.

2) In order to explain the origin of this alternation, it is worth referring to the Old Slavonic language, in which nasal vowels were preserved.

Old word: vspo-min-ani% - pa-m #-t - s-min-eni%.

Alternation: in- ę - н.

3) This alternation goes back to the fate of diphthongoids with terminal nasals. Apparently, in the Indo-European language, the roots from which these words were subsequently formed looked like this

*vъzpo-mīn-anije - *pa - mĭn-tь - *sъ-mĭn-enije.

In the first and second words, the diphthongoids were in position before the vowels, so the diphthongoids broke up into two sounds - a vowel and a nasal consonant, the syllable section changed, the nasal consonant moved to the next syllable. Since the first word in the diphthongoid had a long sound [ī], after a qualitative differentiation of long and short Indi-European vowels, it turned into [i]: *ī > i, in the third word in the diphthongoid the vowel was short, it turned into [ь ]: *ĭ>b.

*vъzpo-mīn-anije > *vъzpo-mī/nanije > *vъzpo-mi/nanije

*sъ-mĭn-enije > *sъ-mĭ /nenije > *sъ-mъ / nenije > in Old Russian after the fall of the reduced *sо-mn -enje

In the second word, the diphthongoid was in a position before the consonant, so it contracted into one sound - ę: *pa - mĭn-tь > *pa - mę -tь > in Old Russian after the loss of nasals (*ę> ʼа) *pa - mʼa-tь.

4. Look - hear

Here the alternation is represented in the suffixes of the infinitive. At the level of the modern Russian language, the alternation of e / a.

Old Russian language: g#d&ti - hear, alternation ě/a.

There was no alternation in the Indo-European language, the suffix was the same:

*ględēti - *slyxēti

*ględēti > *ględěti > in Old Russian after the loss of nasals *glʼаděti > glʼаdеti > look

*slyxēti > slyxěti > according to I palatalization slyšʼěti > slyšʼati > hear.

The modern ʼа/у alternation goes back to the ancient nasal vowel alternation *ę /ǫ . Therefore, it is useful to turn to the Old Church Slavonic language, in which nasal vowels have been preserved. In Old Slavonic, these words would be written like this: zapr $ yes - pr # laka.

In the Indo-European language, these roots were presented in the following form:

*za-prǫd-a > in Old Russian after the loss of nasal vowels za-prud-a;

*prędlъka > after the simplification of the group *dl>l pręlъka > in Old Russian after the loss of nasal vowels prʼalъka.

6. Stronghold - binding

In modern Russian, these roots alternate not vowels, but consonant sounds l / lʼ (the letter ё denotes the sound [o], but at the same time indicates that [lʼ] is soft.

At the level of the Old Russian language, an alternation of vowels is observed in the roots: oplot - binding. O / e alternation. In the word binding[e] was in a position after a soft consonant before a hard one under stress, therefore, it underwent a third labialization, i.e. transition e>ʼo: p˙per˙epl˙et ̭ > after the secondary softening of the consonants pʼerʼeplʼet ̭ > after the fall of the reduced pʼerʼeplʼet > after the development of akanya pʼpʼi ͤ plʼet > after the third labialization e > pʼrʼi ͤ plʼ͘ot.

In the Indo-European language, in the roots from which these words were later formed, there was a qualitative alternation *ĕ / ŏ.