Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Speech stamps and stationery. Speech stamps and clericalism - what is it? Semantic units of speech

After mastering the material of this topic, you will learn:

    what words become speech stamps;

    what are template turns of speech;

    what are universal words;

    what are paired words or satellite words.

You will learn:

Lesson plan:

1. Words related to clericalism.

2. Differentiation between the concepts of clericalism and speech stamp.

3. Skills for replacing clericalism and formulaic turns of speech.

4. Cases of the use of clericalism.


At the same time, clericalism is often used as a technique for humor and satire.

Speech stamps arise because some everyday words are constantly accompanied by other, “paired” words, satellite words.

Standard expressions do not evoke the necessary associations in the mind, they lose their evaluative connotation of meaning. Therefore, the phenomenon of loss or erasure of semantics is traditionally associated with clericalism and speech clichés.


Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language / I.B. Golub. – 8th ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2007. - Stylistic coloring of words. Chancery and speech stamps - S. 71-76

Before completing the tasks, answer the following questions:

What speech means are called clericalisms and why?

What words refer to clericalism?

What words become speech stamps?

Exercise 1

Replace verb-nominal combinations with verbs.

To make an improvement, to make a payment, to direct, to organize a lesson, to collect taxes, to review.

How can you explain the relevance of this exercise?

Exercise 2

Correct the sentences by commenting on the use of clericalisms.

It is necessary to harvest the sunflower as soon as possible, otherwise its crop will be destroyed. 2. In remote areas of the city, there were clashes with the police again. 3. In January-February, spawning occurs in burbot. 4. The farm was re-equipped with an existing poultry farm.


1. Do you agree that clericalism and speech stamps are vocabulary of limited use?

2. Do you think lexical and grammatical stationery is inappropriate in other speech styles?


Exercise 3

Comment on the editor's edit. Complete the table by analogy. Suggest your choice if necessary.

Original text and editor's changes

Reasons for correction

Your options

1. Attraction mathematical methods with the involvement of computers can provide significant assistance in solving this complex problem. - Mathematical methods and computers will provide significant assistance in solving this complex problem.

2. Bus service Tomsk-Kolpashevo in winter conditions will be carried out once a day. - AT winter time the bus on the route Tomsk-Kolpashevo will run once a day.

3. In March, the coal industry continued to reduce coal production. - The decline in coal production continued in March.

4. The implementation of mutual settlements of supplier enterprises is now taken under unremitting control. - Trade relations with suppliers are monitored.

5.All fields sown with winter crops were tested. - All winter fields were checked.

Tautology, use of clericalism

Grigorieva E.

How are speech stamps different from locales?

    The use of clericalism should be avoided artistic speech.

    It must be remembered that clericalism and speech stamps can be used as a stylistic device.

    Beware of “paired” words, as they are “wiped out” in speech and do not carry semantics.


    What are universal words?

    What words refer to office work?

    How do speech stamps differ from clericalism?

    What are paired words (satellite words)?

    What words are classified as speech stamps?

    What should be considered when using clericalism and speech stamps?

    What are locales? How do they differ about language stamps?


1. Correct the mistakes associated with the use of clericalism.

1. The bus driven by driver Petrov collided with a tree trunk. 2. It is desirable that one person takes care of the child. 3. The author gives a lively and accessible picture of the life of this remarkable artist. 4. During the reporting period, about twenty inspections were organized on various issues. 5. Who brought up children in the way of grandparents, the easier it is.

Why do these proposals require editing? What shortcomings in them are caused by clericalism?

2. Chancery and speech clichés often become a productive means of humor and satire. How do you think this can be explained?

When analyzing errors caused by the unjustified use of stylistically colored vocabulary, Special attention should be given to the words associated with the official business style. Elements formal business style, introduced into a context stylistically alien to them, are called clericalisms. It should be remembered that these speech means are called clericalisms only when they are used in speech that is not bound by the norms of official business style.

Lexical and phraseological clericalisms include words and phrases that have a typical coloring for official business style (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, live, withdraw, the above, takes place, etc.). Their use makes speech inexpressive (If there is a desire, much can be done to improve the working conditions of workers; At present, there is an understaffing of teaching staff).

As a rule, you can find many options for expressing thoughts, avoiding clericalism. For example, why should a journalist write: Married negative side in the activities of the enterprise, if we can say: It is bad when the enterprise produces marriage; Marriage is unacceptable at work; Marriage is a great evil that must be fought; It is necessary to prevent marriage in production; It is necessary, finally, to stop the production of defective products!; You can't put up with marriage! Simple and specific wording has a stronger effect on the reader.

The clerical coloring of speech is often given verbal nouns, formed with the help of suffixes -eni-, -ani-, etc. (identifying, finding, taking, blowing up, closing) and non-suffixed (tailoring, stealing, time off). Their clerical shade is exacerbated by the prefixes non-, under- (non-detection, underfulfillment). Russian writers often parodied the syllable "decorated" with such bureaucratic words [The case of the gnawing of the plan by mice (Hertz); The case of flying in and breaking glasses with a crow (Pis.); Having announced to the widow Vanina that she did not stick a sixty-kopeck mark ... (Ch.)].

Verbal nouns do not have the categories of tense, aspect, mood, voice, person. It narrows them down expressive possibilities compared to verbs. For example, such a sentence is lacking in accuracy: On the part of the head of the farm, V.I. Shlyk was shown a negligent attitude towards milking and feeding cows. You might think that the manager milked and fed the cows poorly, but the author only wanted to say that the Farm Manager V.I. Shlyk did nothing to facilitate the work of milkmaids, to prepare fodder for livestock. The impossibility of expressing the meaning of the pledge by a verbal noun can lead to ambiguity in constructions such as the statement of the professor (does the professor approve or is he approved?), I love singing (I like to sing or listen when they sing?).

In sentences with verbal nouns, the predicate is often expressed passive form communion or reflexive verb, this deprives the action of activity and enhances the clerical coloring of speech [At the end of familiarization with the sights, tourists were allowed to take pictures of them (better: Tourists were shown sights and allowed to take pictures of them)].

However, not all verbal nouns in Russian belong to the official business vocabulary, they are diverse in stylistic coloring, which largely depends on the features of their lexical meaning and word formation. Verbal nouns with the meaning of a person (teacher, self-taught, confusion, bully), many nouns with the meaning of action (running, crying, playing, washing, shooting, bombing) have nothing to do with bureaucracy.

Verbal nouns with book suffixes can be divided into two groups. Some are stylistically neutral (meaning, name, excitement), for many of them -nie changed into -ne, and they began to denote not an action, but its result (cf .: baking pies - sweet cookies, cherry jam - cherry jam). Others keep close connection with verbs, acting as abstract names of actions, processes (acceptance, non-detection, non-admission). It is precisely such nouns that are most often characterized by clerical coloring; only those that have received a strict terminological meaning in the language (drilling, spelling, adjoining) do not have it.

The use of clericalisms of this type is associated with the so-called "splitting of the predicate", i.e. replacement of a simple verbal predicate combination of a verbal noun with auxiliary verb having a weakened lexical meaning (instead of complicating, it leads to complication). So, they write: This leads to complication, confusion of accounting and an increase in costs, but it is better to write: This complicates and confuses accounting, increases costs.

However, in the stylistic assessment of this phenomenon, one should not go to extremes, rejecting any cases of the use of verb-nominal combinations instead of verbs. AT book styles such combinations are often used: they took part instead of participated, gave instructions instead of indicated, etc. In the official business style, verb-nominal combinations have become entrenched to declare gratitude, accept for execution, impose a penalty (in these cases, the verbs thank, fulfill, exact are inappropriate), etc. AT scientific style such terminological combinations are used as visual fatigue occurs, self-regulation occurs, transplantation is performed, etc. The expressions used in the journalistic style are the workers went on strike, there were clashes with the police, an assassination attempt was made on the minister, and so on. In such cases, verbal nouns are indispensable and there is no reason to consider them clericalisms.

The use of verb-nominal combinations sometimes even creates conditions for speech expression. For example, the combination to take an ardent participation is more capacious in meaning than the verb to participate. The definition with a noun allows you to give the verb-nominal combination an exact terminological meaning (cf .: help - provide urgent medical care). The use of a verb-nominal combination instead of a verb can also help eliminate the lexical polysemy of verbs (cf .: give a beep - buzz). The preference for such verb-nominal combinations over verbs is naturally beyond doubt; their use does not damage the style, but, on the contrary, gives greater effectiveness to the speech.


1. Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ed. V.N. Yartseva. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. S. 588-589 (Stamp).

2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference linguistic terms. - M., 1985. S. 390.

Such communication quality good speech, as cleanliness is very often violated with the advent of clericalism and clichés. Chancellery - these are words, phrases, grammatical forms and formal business style designs used outside of this style and without a stylistic intent. Typically, this leads to gross violation stylistic norms. What are the disadvantages of clericalism?

They are speechless necessary simplicity, liveliness, emotionality, give it a "official" character, sharply reduce the effectiveness of the oral and printed word. Often, with their help, special clerical turnovers are created. : in the matter of increasing the harvest, due to the weakness of cultural work, in order to implement the instructions received, to work through the trade union organization, by improving the breeding of livestock etc. If we add to this a lexical incompatibility like " on the front of misunderstanding satire", a heap of the same case forms, “clinging” to each other, then a special “departmental, standard jargon” arises, and with it appears, in the words of K.I. Chukovsky, language disease - clerical. More N.V. Gogol ridiculed expressions like before reading; tobacco addressed to the nose; to obstruct the intention; an event that is tomorrow.

Often in oral speeches and in the press we meet clericalism, noting that they are not always necessary. Let us recall what kind of “load” the word question receives in the speech of some speakers: illuminate the issue, link, substantiate, put, advance, think over, raise, break through the issue etc. Phrases such as this opinion(instead of this opinion), due attention, due, focus on academic performance, focus on shortcomings, focus on absenteeism etc. in oral and writing without any measure and need, phrases with prepositions are used: from the side, by, along the line, in the context, for the purposes of, by virtue of, in deed etc.

It must be said that the clerical expressions themselves, business vocabulary needed in certain types speech, however, one must constantly ensure that their use is appropriate and does not affect the purity of speech.

Chancellery is often used as a stylistic device for creating humor and satire: Only this year my ex-wife made two expenses without my consent ... I understand that a young woman may have a need for sweets. So let her inform her husband about this, and the husband will satisfy her need in an organized manner.(Nar.).

Redundant in speech, and therefore close to clericalism, are such units as stamps.

L. Uspensky in the book “The Culture of Speech” writes: “... a stamp is a turn of speech or a word that was once brand new and shiny, like a newly issued coin, and then repeated a hundred thousand and became captured like a worn nickel: the frost grew stronger, wide-open eyes, colorful(instead of flowery), with great enthusiasm, wholly and completely etc.". This made it possible for the authors of the dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms to conclude that stampthis is a hackneyed expression with a faded lexical meaning and erased expressiveness. Stamps also include paired words, or satellite words; the use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of the other: scope - wide, criticism - sharp, support - hot. Definitions in these pairs, according to linguists, are lexically defective, they give rise to speech redundancy.

A speech stamp (from Italian stampa “seal”) is a stylistically colored means of speech, deposited in the collective consciousness of native speakers of a given language as a stable, “ready-to-use” and therefore the most “convenient” sign for expressing certain linguistic content, which has an expressive and figurative load . Thus, the concept of “stamp” is based on a functional feature: under the condition of frequent and regular use, any structural and content-semantic unit of a language (speech) can become a stamp - a word and a phrase, a sentence and a statement, a slogan and a saying, etc. . For example, forum(in the meaning of "meeting", "meeting"), initiative, simple belongings, village workers, to justify the trust of the people; the town that is spread out on the shore ..., put on the brakes etc. The terms "stamp", "template", ("stencil") have a negative evaluative (sometimes subjective) meaning and refer mainly to the thoughtless and tasteless use of the expressive possibilities of the language.

This is the difference between the stamp and the neutral concepts of "cliche", "standard", "stereotype". Cliche(French cliche) - a speech stereotype, a ready-made turn, used as an easily reproducible under certain conditions. Unlike a stamp, a cliché is a constructive unit that retains its semantics and, in many cases, its expressiveness. Cliches, as a rule, are informative and necessary in nature and refer to the expedient use of ready-made formulas in accordance with the communicative requirements of a particular speech sphere, for example, the clerical stereotype " presented to believe"and household stereotype" two to the end» (about transport tickets) is the most familiar and economical form of reflecting the thematic and situational specifics of business and colloquial speech.

Under the condition of unrestrained mass reproduction, successful clichéd forms with their inherent figurative expression inevitably pass into the category of clichés, for example, people in white coats, great literature, "white, black, etc. gold"("cotton", "oil"), etc. This phenomenon is most characteristic of agitational-inciting types. mass communication, therefore, journalistic speech turns out to be a peculiar source of a stamp. But even in it, the growth of popularity dooms the stamp to a loss of quality, leading to an ironic perception. Wed newspaper stamp of the 20-30s More attention (ferrous metallurgy, agriculture etc.)”, ridiculed by I. Ilf and E. Petrov (“ More attention to different issues!»).

The negative properties of the stamp come into sharp conflict with the principles of linguistic and stylistic selection in artistic speech: the more obvious the application for the unique aesthetic value of the mode of expression, the more painful the process of its transformation into a stamp, for example, “lukavinka”, “stingy male tear”, etc.

Practice #5

Chancellery- elements of an official business style, introduced into a context stylistically alien to them.

The use of clericalisms may be a stylistic mistake or stylization, i.e. deliberate reproduction of the essential features of any style; in this case- official business. Russian writers used clericalism to create parodies: case about

flying in and breaking glasses by a crow(A. F. Pisemsky). AT Soviet period Crocodile magazine also used this technique: The fact that he tanned his suit happened when he retreated into a pit with diesel fuel at a distance of about 100 km from Moscow.

Unjustified use of characteristic means of the business language (verbal nouns, denominative prepositions, impersonal predicates etc.) makes the syllable heavier, makes it wordy, requires editing.


1. Correct the sentences - state modern business language(without bureaucracy).

1. Repeated sanitary inspections of the enterprise have established high pollution and cockroach in the amenity premises. 2. In response to your complaint dated December 26, 2005, I inform you that the driver of car No. 87-05 was dismantled at the technical commission of the motorcade for spraying passers-by with mud, where it was decided to subject him to an in-depth test of knowledge of traffic rules. 3. Bringing and drinking alcohol in a cafe is prohibited. 4. Residents of the city decided to express their opinion on the issue of the anthem. 5. Sharpness environmental issues requires today the activation of all structures capable of accelerating the improvement of the situation that has developed in this area. 6. All decisions in our faction were made within the framework of the decision-making mechanism.

2. Make sentences showing stylistic differences between synonymous prepositions.

In view of repair - due to repair; in the field of philology - in philology; in accordance with the decision - according to the decision; due to drought - due to drought; in order to improve academic performance - to improve academic performance; with

the moment of commencement of work - from the beginning of work; within two months - two months; due to absence - due to absence; according to the rules - according to the rules; according to the circumstances - according to the circumstances; subject to payment - upon payment; about the trip - about the trip; due to weather conditions - due to weather conditions; after graduating from university - after university; after school year- after the academic year.

3. Choose synonymous official-business style phrases for the following words. For example: to help - to help.

Support, record, investigate, promote, thank, care for, repair, respond.

4. Compare common vocabulary with synonyms and synonymous constructions that are typical for official business style. Make sentences that could be used in business speech or private conversation.

Specified - this one; material damage - losses; solicitation - request; theft - theft; cost price; acquisition - purchase; date - number; interval - break; obligation - a promise; expediency - necessity; to produce - to do; to send - to send; to visit - to visit; present - show; cancel - destroy; eliminate deficiencies - correct; to take effect - to take action.

5. Read sentences taken from colloquial speech. Find clericalisms in them and replace them with other words that match colloquial style speech.

1. I bought a board game for my son. 2. The clockwork monkey is out of order. 3. Lives in the same house with me famous poet. 4. At the moment I am preparing for the exams. 5. My girlfriend got a living space. 6. My wife and I never clash. 7. I am not aware of these details. 8. The area is disgusting climatic conditions. 9. There are so many mushrooms and berries in our green area.

6. Read the comic text from the Literary Gazette. Find office supplies. Try to retell this text using neutral or colloquial vocabulary.

Corruption Have a good mood

After returning home from work, I did certain work taking off your hat, raincoat, boots, changing into pajamas and slippers and sitting down with a newspaper in an armchair. The wife during this period of time implemented a series of activities aimed at peeling potatoes, boiling meat, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.

After some time, she began to loudly raise the question of the inadmissibility of my non-participation in the events named by her. To this, a categorical statement was made on my part about the unwillingness to hear claims for this issue due to my implementation this moment, after finishing labor day, his legal right for a well-deserved rest.

However, my wife did not draw the appropriate conclusions from my words and did not stop her irresponsible statements, in which, in particular, she reflected such a moment as my lack of a number of positive qualities, such as: conscience, decency, shame, etc., and both during her speech and at the end of it she was engaged in assigning me the names of various

animals that are in the personal use of workers and collective farmers.

After giving mutual assurances of non-recurrence similar phenomena we began to eat dinner, which already had a lower temperature as a result of cooling and lost its taste.

This is how we sometimes still allow damage to a good mood, as well as appetite.

Speech stamps- frequently used words and expressions with erased semantics and having lost their emotional and expressive coloring.

As I. B. Golub writes, in practical stylistics, the term “speech stamp” has received a narrower meaning: this is the name for stereotypical expressions that have a clerical coloring. She highlights: template turns ( on the this stage, at this point in time, today etc.); generic words that are often used in overly broad, vague meanings ( question, event, series, to be, to conduct etc.); satellite words - the use of one of them necessarily entails the use of the other ( event - held; the problem is urgent, important, variable; criticism - sharp, fair etc.). In such pairs, definitions are often lexically redundant, depriving speech of concreteness and expressiveness.

Language standards should be distinguished from speech stamps - ready-made speech combinations that have become stable.

The language standards (cliches) of business speech were discussed earlier, in the sections " Linguistic features official business style” and “Compilation of business documentation”.


1. Find stamped expressions. Determine stylistic function these combinations. Make stylistic changes.

1. On high level is the number of traffic accidents. 2. At present, it is intended to carry out some activities on a number of issues related to the housing problem of the future. 3. Each owner must pay for the direct participation of his dog in each specific exhibition. 4. Future voters will undoubtedly contribute to the cause political system coming years. 5. At the district base there were cases of violations of the rules for harvesting and unloading and gross mistakes in matters of bookmarking them for winter storage. 6. Reorganization law schooling was adopted in order to further improve the quality of the younger generation.

2. Separate sentences with phraseological turns and speech stamps. Correct the sentences if necessary.

1. The products of large-scale chemistry enterprises have opened the widest green street for themselves. 2. The Bureau obliged senior instructors of athletes to take on the work of organizing children's hockey teams. 3. Crucial in the distribution of places and in the overall success of the pentathletes shooting played. 4. It is necessary to raise the level of teaching of special disciplines in our

faculty. 5. The issue of working with parents deserves constant attention. 6. Can't be discounted weather this year. 7. In our administrative district attached great attention landscaping of courtyards. 8. Warned in advance about the elements, the team Eastern road adequately met the powerful March snowmelt.

3. Find words or phrases that can be called stamped. Make stylistic changes.

1. The fire was extinguished in a relatively short period of time. 2. The team of our TV company almost completely moved to another TV company. 3. Our team has recorded a new hard rock disc. 4. The unfading "time machine" is working on a new project. 5. The well-known artist Andrey Moroz prepared several more projects of painting and graphics for the exhibition. 6. Another one trial over a juvenile delinquent started yesterday in the US state of Nevada. 7. The new football season kicked off at the Petrovsky stadium to the thunderous applause of the fans, who shared the success of their favorite team's victory.

4. Find lexical redundancy, which can be called an internal tautology. Make stylistic changes.

1. In the month of April, we completed a large amount of work. 2. Ultimately, it is planned to turn it into state revenue. 3. The direction of economic development in the 20th century, both in our country and in the West, has taken a wrong direction. 4. important place in the life of students take classes in amateur art circles. 5. He told us about his plans for the future. 6. Today in our program

interview with former ex-president. 7. In further development There are many surprises in store for us.

5. Choose definitions of an evaluative nature that are suitable in meaning (satellite words) for these nouns.

Example : Analysis - deep, thorough, comprehensive, detailed, scientific.

Problem, question, goal, task, direction, study, way, fact, information, data.

Reference words: topical, urgent, primary, main, main, leading, further, controversial, most important, root, key, true, rational, real, generally accepted, exhaustive, valuable, operational, digital, irrefutable, initial, optimal, proven, current, final, fundamental.

Speech stamps mask the absence of thought or the inability to express it. This is flip side expression, which also requires the attention of the editor. The attitude of the editor to stamps is always the same - they must be eliminated.

Elements of an official business style, introduced into a context stylistically alien to them, are called clericalisms. It should be remembered that these speech means are called clericalisms only when they are used in speech that is not bound by the norms of official business style.

Lexical and phraseological clericalisms include words and phrases that have a typical coloring for official business style (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, live, withdraw, the above, takes place, etc.). Their use makes speech inexpressive (If there is a desire, much can be done to improve the working conditions of workers; At present, there is an understaffing of teaching staff).

As a rule, you can find many options for expressing thoughts, avoiding clericalism. For example, why would a journalist write: Marriage is the negative side of an enterprise's activity, if one can say: It's bad when an enterprise releases marriage; Marriage is unacceptable at work; Marriage is a great evil that must be fought; It is necessary to prevent marriage in production; It is necessary, finally, to stop the production of defective products!; You can't put up with marriage! The clerical coloring of speech is often given by verbal nouns formed with the help of the suffixes -eni-, -ani-, etc. (identifying, finding, taking, inflating, closing) and non-suffixed (tailoring, stealing, time off). Their clerical shade is exacerbated by the prefixes non-, under- (non-detection, underfulfillment). Verbal nouns do not have the categories of tense, aspect, mood, voice, person. This narrows their expressive possibilities in comparison with verbs. In sentences with verbal nouns, the predicate is often expressed in a passive form of participle or a reflexive verb, this deprives the action of activity and enhances the clerical coloring of speech [At the end of familiarization with the sights, tourists were allowed to take pictures of them (better: Tourists were shown the sights and allowed to take pictures of them)].

Verbal nouns with book suffixes can be divided into two groups. Some are stylistically neutral (meaning, name, excitement), for many of them -nie changed into -ne, and they began to denote not an action, but its result (cf .: baking pies - sweet cookies, cherry jam - cherry jam). Others retain a close relationship with verbs, acting as abstract names for actions, processes (acceptance, non-detection, non-admission). It is precisely such nouns that are most often characterized by clerical coloring; only those that have received a strict terminological meaning in the language (drilling, spelling, adjoining) do not have it.

The use of clericalisms of this type is associated with the replacement of a simple verbal predicate with a combination of a verbal noun with an auxiliary verb (instead of complicating, it leads to complication). However, in the stylistic assessment of this phenomenon, one should not go to extremes, rejecting any cases of the use of verb-nominal combinations instead of verbs. In book styles, such combinations are often used: they took part instead of participated, gave instructions instead of indicated, etc. In the official business style, verb-nominal combinations have become entrenched to declare gratitude, accept for execution, impose a penalty (in these cases, the verbs thank, fulfill, exact are inappropriate), etc. The scientific style uses such terminological combinations as visual fatigue occurs, self-regulation occurs, transplantation is performed, etc. The expressions used in the journalistic style are the workers went on strike, there were clashes with the police, an assassination attempt was made on the minister, and so on.

In such cases, verbal nouns are indispensable and there is no reason to consider them clericalisms.

In other cases, the use of a verb-nominal combination introduces a clerical coloring into the sentence. Compare two types syntactic constructions verb-nominal combination and with a verb:

2. The duty service is strenuously monitoring the consumption of electricity. - The duty service strictly controls the consumption of electricity.

3. In the new building of the theater ... before the eyes of the viewer, the table will be raised and lowered, the ramp will open and close. -. … Spectators will see how the table rises and falls, how the ramp opens and closes.

The use of turnover with verbal nouns (instead of simple predicate) in such cases is impractical - it generates verbosity and burdens the syllable.

The influence of formal business style is often explained misuse denominative prepositions: along the line, in the context, in part, in deed, in force, in order, to the address, in the area, in terms of, at the level, at the expense of, etc. They often make the syllable heavier and give it a clerical coloring. This is partly due to the fact that denominative prepositions usually require the use of verbal nouns, which leads to stringing of cases. To correct the text, it is necessary to exclude denominative prepositions from it, if possible, replace verbal nouns with verbs. Incorrect use of denominative prepositions often leads to illogical statements.

Let's compare the two versions of the sentences:

1. Hans Weber crashed on the line of a high-speed race as part of a motorcycle competition. 2. Hans Weber crashed in a motorcycling competition during a high-speed race.

The exclusion of denominative prepositions from the text, as we see, eliminates verbosity, helps to express the idea more concretely and stylistically correctly.

The use of speech is associated with the influence of the official business style. stamps. Receivers become speech stamps wide use words and expressions with erased semantics and faded emotional coloring. So, in a variety of contexts, it begins to be used in figurative meaning the expression to get a residence permit (Aphrodite has entered the permanent exhibition of the museum - now she is registered in our city).

Anything frequently repeated can become a stamp speech medium, for example, stereotyped metaphors, definitions that have lost their figurative power due to constant reference to them, even hackneyed rhymes (tears are roses). Template turns of speech at this stage, in this period of time, today, emphasized with all sharpness, etc. they do not contribute anything to the content of the utterance, but only clog the speech.

To speech. stamps also include universal words, which are used in a wide variety of indefinite meanings (question, event, series, conduct, expand, separate, specific, etc.). For example, noun. question, speaking as a uni. the word, never indicates what is being asked (Eating issues in the first 10-12 days are especially important). In these cases, it can be painlessly excluded from the text: Nutrition in the first 10-12 days is especially important).

Speech stamps, saving the speaker from having to look for the right ones, exact words, deprive speech of concreteness. The set of speech stamps changes over the years: some are gradually forgotten, others become "fashionable", so it is impossible to list and describe all the cases of their use. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon and prevent the emergence and spread of stamps.