Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Tyumen State Architectural and Construction University tyumgasu. Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

international title Tyumen State University of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (TSUABCE) Year of foundation 1971 Reorganized Tyumen Industrial University Year of reorganization 2016 Type of state rector Nabokov Alexander Valerievich students around 12,000 teachers 500 Faculty and employees of departments Location Russia Russia, Tyumen Tyumen Legal address st. Lunacharskogo, 2 Website

FGBOU VPO "Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"- higher educational institution Tyumen, founded in February 1971. The university trains specialists for all areas of the construction industry. During the Second World War, it was one of the main hospitals in Tyumen.

More than 40 educational programs higher vocational education in architecture, construction, economics, including 27 specialties, 13 bachelor's programs, 7 master's programs. In addition, there are programs additional education. Postgraduate students are trained in 14, doctoral students are trained in 5 scientific specialties.

TyumGASU has state accreditation and issues state diplomas. In 2007, Tyumen State Aviation University started to implement a quality management system based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9000 series.

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    Tyumen State University


University management

  • Rector of TyumGASU - Nabokov Alexander Valerievich,
  • First Vice-Rector of TyumGASU - Danilov Oleg Fedorovich, doctor technical sciences, Professor
  • Vice-Rector for academic work- Abdrazakov Rais Ilyasovich,
  • Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance - Maltseva Elena Gennadievna, candidate economic sciences, docent
  • Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and educational work- Vyalkova Elena Igorevna, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
  • Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Public Relations - Pogorelova Svetlana Davidovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


  • On February 11, 1971, the Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was established. Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhail Vasilyevich Maltsev.

About TGASU in 1974:

The Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was opened in February 1971. 165 faculty members work at 18 departments…

original text(Russian)

The Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was opened in February 1971. 165 faculty members work at 18 departments. About 2660 students study at two faculties of the university - construction and road construction. There are correspondence and evening departments.

- Tyumen. Guidebook. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1974, p. 98.

  • In 1993, Viktor Mikhailovich Chikishev, a graduate of the Civil Engineering Institute, was elected to the post of rector.
  • In 1991, postgraduate studies were opened at the university in a number of specialties, and in 1997 - doctoral studies.
  • In 1993, the Faculty of Economics and Management was established in connection with the need to train economists, managers, accountants for the construction industry.
  • In 1996, the Board of Trustees of the Academy was established in the form public organization"Tyumen Regional Public Fund of the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering".
  • In 1995, the Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute (TyumISI) was given the status of the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TyumGASA).
  • On April 2, 1999, the Fund Council decided to establish a non-profit organization "TyumGASA Development Fund", registered on September 18, 2006 by the Main Directorate of the Federal Registration Service for the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions as the State Development Fund educational institution higher professional education of the "Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (Development Fund of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TyumGASU").
  • In 2005, the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering was transformed into a university.
  • In February 2012, the university was reorganized, and to replace the four faculties and the institute municipal government and service came three institutes (STROIN, ARKHID, INZHEKI)


  • 5 educational buildings
  • Conference hall
  • Information and Library Center
  • Three well-appointed dormitories (1,200 places)
  • student club
  • Sports complex "Architect" (with a swimming pool and two gyms)
  • Concert hall
  • health center
  • 2 canteens, cafe, buffets, pizzeria, coffee house


In 2003, an engineering and laboratory building with an area of ​​11,500 sq. m.

In 2006, the opening of the museum of the university, located in the main building of TyumGASU

In March 2007, the Zodchiy sports complex was opened with a swimming pool and a cinema concert hall.

In 2011, an information and library center was opened, with an area of ​​more than 5500 sq.m. with an electronic reading room, a video-conferencing room, multimedia classrooms, a printing house with computer printing equipment.

International activity

Educational programs


The code Direction name Qualification / Special title
080100.62 Economy Bachelor
080200.62 Management Bachelor
080400.62 Personnel Management Bachelor
100700.62 Trading business Bachelor
081100.62 Bachelor
100100.62 Service Bachelor
120700.62 Land management and cadastres Bachelor
140100.62 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering Bachelor
230400.62 Bachelor
241000.62 Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology Bachelor
270100.62 Architecture Bachelor
270300.62 Design of Architectural Environment Bachelor
270800.62 Construction Bachelor
280700.62 Technosphere safety Bachelor

Master's degree


The code Name of specialty Qualification
080109 Accounting, analysis and audit Economist
080111 Marketing Marketer
080301 Commerce (merchant) Commerce Specialist
080502 Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry) Economist-manager
080504 State and municipal administration Manager
080505 Personnel Management Manager
080507 Organisation management Manager
100101 Service Service Specialist
100103 Socio-cultural service and tourism Service and tourism specialist
100110 home science Manager
120301 land management Engineer
120302 Land Registry Engineer
120303 City cadastre Engineer
140104 Industrial heat power engineering Engineer
230201 Information Systems and technology Engineer
270102 Industrial and civil engineering Engineer
270105 Urban construction and economy Engineer
270106 Production building materials, products and structures Engineer
270109 Heat and ventilation Engineer
270112 Water supply and sanitation Engineer
270115 Expertise and property management Engineer
270205 Highways and airfields Engineer
270301 Architecture Architect
270302 Design of Architectural Environment Architect-designer
280102 Safety technological processes and production Engineer
271101 Construction of unique buildings and structures Specialist
280201 Security environment and rational use natural resources environmental engineer


  • Chair highways and airfields
  • Department of Architectural Design
  • Department of Water Supply and Sanitation
  • Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  • Chair descriptive geometry and charts
  • Department of building production
  • Department of Structural Mechanics
  • Department of building structures
  • Department of Building Materials
  • Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
  • Chair physical education and sports
  • Department of General and Special Chemistry
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Building Design and Urban Planning
  • Department of Geotechnics
  • Chair road transport, construction and road machines
  • Base department of OJSC "Gazprom Neft"
  • Department of Architecture and Design
  • Department of Architectural Environment Design
  • Department of Informatics and information technologies
  • Department of Land Management and Cadastre
  • Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering
  • Department of technosphere safety
  • Department of Economics
  • Chair accounting, analysis and audit
  • Department of Management
  • Chair foreign languages
  • Department of Math
  • Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law
  • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

About the department:

Mon-Fri 9-00 - 17-00
(lunch 12-30 - 13-30)
Sat 9-00 - 13-00
(no lunch)

important task modern university is the training of a new generation of specialists who can easily adapt to constantly changing requirements and conditions international environment. In this connection, the integration of higher educational institutions into a single scientific and educational space not possible without restructuring the system language training. An important condition internationalization high school is the level of competence in the field of foreign languages.

Currently special meaning acquires a well-organized system international information. Its functioning is impossible without specialists who speak a foreign language, who are able to independently extract information from foreign sources, present it in mother tongue and use it in scientific work and his professional activity. All this changes and increases the importance of a foreign language in society. Being a means of achieving the professional realization of the individual, a foreign language should become a basic element modern system education, a necessary component scientific contacts and the guarantee of the future successful career university graduates.

A person will not be able to speak a foreign language without knowing the Russian language and the culture of speech. correct and beautiful speech allows us to quickly adapt to new conditions, in a new team. The ability to win over those around you, to effectively and beautifully express your thoughts, all this is directly related to verbal communication. In addition, speech is an important condition for the professional success of each person, and mastering the basics of speech culture is especially important in business partnerships.

The Department of Foreign Languages ​​was organized simultaneously with the formation of Tyumen Institute of Science in 1971. 10 teachers of the department taught students English, German, French. For 16 years (1971-1987) the head of the department was Olga Yakovlevna Zaikova.

Then for 16 years (1987-2003) the department was headed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Raisa Nikolaevna Khvoshch. Under her leadership, a program of additional education "Translator in the field of professional communication”, which allows students to professionally engage in a foreign language.

Since 2003, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​has been headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Svetlana Davidovna Pogorelova, who continues the traditions of the department and on whose initiative new courses are introduced for students, graduate students and university teachers.

Today, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering is one of the leading non-linguistic universities in Tyumen. The teachers of the department are actively international activities, annually and themselves participate in grants (DAAD, Goethe-Institut, Fulbright) for internships and study abroad and supervise the work of students in obtaining grants in countries such as the UK, USA, Germany, France.

The result of the training of teachers of the department abroad is the introduction of innovative communication techniques teaching, which are now used by other departments, including graduates.

Together with the graduating departments, lectures are organized, seminars, round tables with the involvement of specialists, engineers and teachers from leading universities in the USA and Germany.

Cooperation with different universities is one of the policy directions of the department. In this regard, representatives of TyumGASU take part in international conferences, whose main questions are ways and means of internationalization higher education worldwide expansion of scientific, academic and cultural contacts between universities, international accreditation of universities, etc.

Today the department consists of four sections: English, German, French and (since 2004) Russian. The department has 25 teachers, many of whom are graduates of the Tyumen State University.

Teachers read theoretical and lead practical courses for students receiving additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication" .

Employees of the department annually undergo advanced training in many leading universities in Russia, in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, in the following areas: "Translation and Translation Studies", " Innovative Methods teaching foreign languages”, “Introduction of information technologies”, etc.

The department cooperates with leading companies of the Tyumen region and translates scientific and technical documentation.

In connection with the constantly changing requirements of society, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​is actively working to improve the level language competence administrative workers, teachers and graduate students of the university. On the basis of the department organized language classes in the areas: "Basic English", "Business English" and "English for Special Purposes".

In addition to applied work on teaching students a foreign language, the teaching staff of the department is actively involved in scientific life university. Teachers conduct research work, study in graduate school or are applicants, participate in conferences, publish works in the following areas: "Russian language", "Sociology of spiritual life", "Comparative - historical, comparative and typological linguistics", "Ontology and general theory knowledge", " General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy. Linguo-methodical seminars are regularly held, at which they discuss modern techniques teaching and actual problems linguistics. To provide educational process the department is active work to create teaching aids covering all aspects of the language.

The most gifted university students take part in scientific conferences and regularly take prizes at intra-university and regional Olympiads (according to English language: 2008, 2012 - 2nd place, 2011, 2013 - 3rd place; in German: 2008 - 1st place, 2009 - 3rd place, 2012, 2013 - 5th place; in Russian language and culture of speech: 2010 -3rd place, 2013 - 2nd place)

Educational work is also actively carried out at the department. Many teachers are curators student groups and annually take prizes in the competition "The Best Curator of Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering", take part in public events of the university.

At the initiative of the teachers of the department, a circle was organized for students Tatar language and culture, clubs of English and German which fosters respect for the cultures of other peoples and contributes to the development of tolerance among students.

Currently, the department has several generations that successfully complement each other, this allows you to maintain successive relationships in the team. Young initiative teachers adopt the experience of older generations and creatively approach their work, constantly working to improve the educational process and improve the quality of training.

You can read the Regulations on the Department of Foreign Languages ​​below.

Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

international title

Tyumen State University of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (TSUABCE)

Year of foundation
Year of reorganization
Type of



around 12,000


Russia Russia , Tyumen Tyumen

Legal address

st. Lunacharskogo, 2

Coordinates : 57°09′59″ s. sh. 65°30′47″ E d. /  57.16639° N sh. 65.51306° E d. / 57.16639; 65.51306(G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1971

FGBOU VPO "Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"- higher educational institution of Tyumen, founded in February 1971. The university trains specialists for all areas of the construction industry. During the Second World War, it was one of the main hospitals in Tyumen.

There are more than 40 educational programs of higher professional education in architecture, construction, economics, including 27 specialties, 13 bachelor's programs, 7 master's programs, in TumGASU. In addition, programs of additional education are being implemented. Postgraduate students are trained in 14, doctoral students are trained in 5 scientific specialties.

TyumGASU has state accreditation and issues state diplomas. In 2007, TyumGASU started to implement a quality management system based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9000 series.

University management

  • Rector of TyumGASU - Nabokov Alexander Valerievich,
  • First Vice-Rector of TyumGASU - Danilov Oleg Fedorovich, doctor of technical sciences, professor
  • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Abdrazakov Rais Ilyasovich,
  • Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance - Maltseva Elena Gennadievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Vice-rector for extracurricular and educational work - Elena Igorevna Vyalkova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
  • Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Public Relations - Pogorelova Svetlana Davidovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


  • On February 11, 1971, the Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was established. Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhail Vasilyevich Maltsev.
  • About TGASU in 1974:

    The Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was opened in February 1971. 165 faculty members work at 18 departments…

    original text(Russian)

    The Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute was opened in February 1971. 165 faculty members work at 18 departments. About 2660 students study at two faculties of the university - construction and road construction. There are correspondence and evening departments.

    - Tyumen. Guidebook. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1974, p. 98.

    • In 1993, Viktor Mikhailovich Chikishev, a graduate of the Civil Engineering Institute, was elected to the post of rector.
    • In 1991, postgraduate studies were opened at the university in a number of specialties, and in 1997 - doctoral studies.
    • In 1993, the Faculty of Economics and Management was established in connection with the need to train economists, managers, accountants for the construction industry.
    • In 1996, the Board of Trustees of the Academy was established in the form of a public organization "Tyumen Regional Public Fund of the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering".
    • In 1995, the Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute (TyumISI) was given the status of the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TyumGASA).
    • On April 2, 1999, the Council of the Foundation decided to create a non-profit organization "TyumGASA Development Fund", registered on September 18, 2006 by the Main Directorate of the Federal Registration Service for the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, as the Fund for the Development of the State Educational institutions of higher professional education "Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (Development Fund of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TyumGASU").
    • In 2005, the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering was transformed into a university.
    • In February 2012, the university was reorganized, and four faculties and the Institute of Municipal Administration and Service were replaced by three institutes (STROIN, ARKHID, INZHEKI)


    • 5 educational buildings
    • Conference hall
    • Information and Library Center
    • Three well-appointed dormitories (1,200 places)
    • student club
    • Sports complex "Architect" (with a swimming pool and two gyms)
    • Concert hall
    • health center
    • 2 canteens, cafe, buffets, pizzeria, coffee house


    In 2003, an engineering and laboratory building with an area of ​​11,500 sq. m.

    In 2006, the opening of the museum of the university, located in the main building of TyumGASU

    In March 2007, the Zodchiy sports complex was opened with a swimming pool and a cinema and concert hall.

    In 2011, an information and library center was opened, with an area of ​​more than 5500 sq.m. with an electronic reading room, a video-conferencing room, multimedia classrooms, a printing house with computer printing equipment.

    International activity

    Since 1996, the university has been a member of the European Association for international education. TyumGASU has developed close cooperation with the German service of academic exchanges of educational programs.

    Agreements signed with partner universities:

    • Grodno State University named after Y. Kupala (Belarus)
    • North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayeva
    • International Academy of Economics and Law (Montreux, Switzerland)

    student life

    The University has a Student Council "Perspektiva", which includes:

    • United Student Council of Dormitories
    • Artistic Council
    • Pedagogical team "Contact"
    • Law Enforcement Detachment
    • Rescue Squad "Adrenaline"
    • Editorial student magazine"StroyAk"
    • Volunteering TyumGASU
    • Association of coordinators of TyumGASU
    • Tourist club "Serpentine"
    • Media group "Root of ten"
    • Service etiquette


    Within the walls of TyumGASU there are student circles:

    • Theater Studio "BE"
    • Fashion Theater "Cage"
    • Dance Theater "Apricot"
    • vocal studio
    • Freestyle team "All for one"
    • Style Studio "Lace"
    • Photoclub "Zorkiy"
    • Club of debates and intellectual games
    • support group "Image"
    • support group "Antre"
    • Theater Studio "May"
    • Theater Studio "Luna"

    lovers active rest 65 sports sections are offered.

    Traditional events

    Traditional events of TyumGASU:

    • Alumni Fair
    • "Freshman Week" and "Freshman Debut"
    • Field school of student activists "LEADER"
    • Contests "Queen of TyumGASU" and "Mr. TyumGASU"
    • "Days of National Cultures"
    • Project for high school students "Immersion"
    • Competition "Student Spring"
    • Charity events for orphans "Let's arrange a Miracle!"
    • Charity event for lonely elderly people "Warm Scarf"
    • health weeks
    • Rescue Tourism Technique Championship
    • The final event - a concert for the best athletes "Sports Olympus"
    • Sports and entertainment event The last Hero dorms"
    • Hiking trips (Altai, Baikal, Crimea)
    • Holidays abroad (Czech Republic, Scandinavia, Spain)



    Construction Institute(STROIN)

    • Construction
    • Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology

    Institute of Architecture and Design (ARHID)

    • Architecture
    • Design of Architectural Environment

    Institute of Engineering and Economics (INZHEKI)

    • Economy
    • Management
    • Personnel Management
    • State and municipal administration
    • Service
    • Trading business
    • Land management and cadastres
    • Thermal power engineering and heat engineering
    • Information systems and technologies
    • Technosphere safety


    The branch of TyumGASU is located in the city of Tobolsk, Tyumen region (

    Educational programs


    The code Direction name Qualification / Special title
    080100.62 Economy Bachelor
    080200.62 Management Bachelor
    080400.62 Personnel Management Bachelor
    100700.62 Trading business Bachelor
    081100.62 Bachelor
    100100.62 Service Bachelor
    120700.62 Land management and cadastres Bachelor
    140100.62 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering Bachelor
    230400.62 Bachelor
    241000.62 Energy - and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology Bachelor
    270100.62 Architecture Bachelor
    270300.62 Design of Architectural Environment Bachelor
    270800.62 Construction Bachelor
    280700.62 Technosphere safety Bachelor

    Master's degree


    The code Name of specialty Qualification
    080109 Accounting, analysis and audit Economist
    080111 Marketing Marketer
    080301 Commerce (merchant) Commerce Specialist
    080502 Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry) Economist-manager
    080504 State and municipal administration Manager
    080505 Personnel Management Manager
    080507 Organisation management Manager
    100101 Service Service Specialist
    100103 Socio-cultural service and tourism Service and tourism specialist
    100110 home science Manager
    120301 land management Engineer
    120302 Land Registry Engineer
    120303 City cadastre Engineer
    140104 Industrial heat power engineering Engineer
    230201 Information systems and technologies Engineer
    270102 Industrial and civil construction Engineer
    270105 Urban construction and economy Engineer
    270106 Production of building materials, products and structures Engineer
    270109 Heat and ventilation Engineer
    270112 Water supply and sanitation Engineer
    270115 Expertise and property management Engineer
    270205 Highways and airfields Engineer
    270301 Architecture Architect
    270302 Design of Architectural Environment Architect-designer
    280102 Safety of technological processes and production Engineer
    271101 Construction of unique buildings and structures Specialist
    280201 Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources environmental engineer


    • Department of roads and airfields
    • Department of Architectural Design
    • Department of Water Supply and Sanitation
    • Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
    • Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics
    • Department of building production
    • Department of Structural Mechanics
    • Department of building structures
    • Department of Building Materials
    • Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
    • Department of Physical Culture and Sports
    • Department of General and Special Chemistry
    • Department of Physics
    • Department of Building Design and Urban Planning
    • Department of Geotechnics
    • Department of Road Transport, Construction and Road Machinery
    • Base department of OJSC "Gazprom Neft"
    • Department of Architecture and Design
    • Department of Architectural Environment Design
    • Department of Informatics and Information Technology
    • Department of Land Management and Cadastre
    • Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering
    • Department of technosphere safety
    • Department of Economics
    • Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit
    • Department of Management
    • Department of Foreign Languages
    • Department of Math
    • Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law
    • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

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    An excerpt characterizing the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    “Emperor Alexander,” she said with sadness, which always accompanied her speeches about imperial family, - announced that he would leave the French themselves to choose the form of government. And I think there is no doubt that the whole nation, freed from the usurper, will throw itself into the hands of the rightful king, ”said Anna Pavlovna, trying to be kind to the emigrant and royalist.
    “That is doubtful,” said Prince Andrei. - Monsieur le vicomte [Mr. Viscount] quite rightly believes that things have already gone too far. I think it will be difficult to go back to the old one.
    “As far as I have heard,” Pierre, blushing, again intervened in the conversation, “almost all the nobility has already gone over to the side of Bonaparte.
    “That’s what the Bonapartists say,” said the viscount, without looking at Pierre. - It's hard to know now. public opinion France.
    - Bonaparte l "a dit, [Bonaparte said this,] - said Prince Andrei with a grin.
    (It was obvious that he did not like the viscount, and that, although he did not look at him, he turned his speeches against him.)
    - “Je leur ai montre le chemin de la gloire,” he said after a short silence, repeating Napoleon’s words again: “ils n" en ont pas voulu; je leur ai ouvert mes antichambres, ils se sont precipites en foule "... Je ne sais pas a quel point il a eu le droit de le dire [I showed them the path of glory: they did not want; I opened my front ones to them: they rushed in a crowd ... I don’t know to what extent he had the right to say so.]
    - Aucun, [None,] - objected the viscount. “After the murder of the duke, even the most biased people stopped seeing him as a hero. Si meme ca a ete un heros pour certaines gens, - said the viscount, turning to Anna Pavlovna, - depuis l "assassinat du duc il y a un Marietyr de plus dans le ciel, un heros de moins sur la terre. [If he was hero for some people, then after the murder of the duke, there was one more martyr in heaven and one less hero on earth.]
    Anna Pavlovna and the others had not yet had time to appreciate these words of the viscount with a smile, when Pierre again broke into the conversation, and Anna Pavlovna, although she had a presentiment that he would say something indecent, could no longer stop him.
    “The execution of the Duke of Enghien,” said Monsieur Pierre, “was state necessity; and I see precisely the greatness of the soul in the fact that Napoleon was not afraid to take responsibility for this act alone.
    – Dieul mon Dieu! [God! my God!] - Anna Pavlovna said in a terrible whisper.
    - Comment, M. Pierre, vous trouvez que l "assassinat est grandeur d" ame, [How, Monsieur Pierre, you see the greatness of the soul in murder,] said the little princess, smiling and moving her work towards her.
    - Ah! Oh! different voices said.
    — Capital! [Excellent!] - Prince Ippolit said in English and began to beat his knee with his palm.
    The Viscount just shrugged. Pierre solemnly looked over his glasses at the audience.
    “The reason I say this,” he went on desperately, “is that the Bourbons fled from the revolution, leaving the people to anarchy; and only Napoleon knew how to understand the revolution, to defeat it, and therefore, for the common good, he could not stop before the life of one person.
    Would you like to go to that table? Anna Pavlovna said.
    But Pierre, without answering, continued his speech.
    “No,” he said, becoming more and more animated, “Napoleon is great because he rose above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, retained all that was good — both the equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and the press — and only because of this did he acquire power.
    “Yes, if he, having taken power, without using it for murder, would have given it to the rightful king,” said the viscount, “then I would call him a great man.”
    “He couldn't have done it. The people gave him power only so that he would deliver him from the Bourbons, and because the people saw him as a great man. The revolution was a great thing, Monsieur Pierre continued, showing this desperate and defiant introductory sentence his great youth and desire to express more and more fully.
    - Revolution and regicide is a great thing? ... After that ... don’t you want to go to that table? repeated Anna Pavlovna.
    - Contrat social, [Social contract,] - the viscount said with a meek smile.
    “I'm not talking about regicide. I'm talking about ideas.
    “Yes, the ideas of robbery, murder and regicide,” the ironic voice interrupted again.
    - These were extremes, of course, but not in them all the meaning, but the meaning in human rights, in emancipation from prejudices, in the equality of citizens; and all these ideas Napoleon retained in all their force.
    “Liberty and equality,” the viscount said contemptuously, as if he had finally decided to seriously prove to this young man the stupidity of his speeches, “all big words that have long been compromised. Who doesn't love freedom and equality? Even our Savior preached freedom and equality. Did people become happier after the revolution? Against. We wanted freedom, but Bonaparte destroyed it.
    Prince Andrei looked with a smile first at Pierre, then at the viscount, then at the hostess. At the first minute of Pierre's antics, Anna Pavlovna was horrified, despite her habit of being in the world; but when she saw that, despite the blasphemous speeches uttered by Pierre, the viscount did not lose his temper, and when she was convinced that it was no longer possible to hush up these speeches, she gathered her strength and, joining the viscount, attacked the speaker.
    - Mais, mon cher m r Pierre, [But, my dear Pierre,] - said Anna Pavlovna, - how do you explain the great man who could execute the duke, finally, just a man, without trial and without guilt?
    “I would like to ask,” said the viscount, “how the monsieur explains the 18th brumaire.” Isn't this cheating? C "est un escamotage, qui ne ressemble nullement a la maniere d" agir d "un grand homme. [This is cheating, not at all like the manner of a great man.]
    “And the prisoners in Africa he killed?” said the little princess. - This is terrible! And she shrugged.
    - C "est un roturier, vous aurez beau dire, [This is a rogue, no matter what you say,] - said Prince Hippolyte.
    Monsieur Pierre did not know to whom to answer, looked around at everyone and smiled. His smile was not the same as other people's, merging with an unsmile. On the contrary, when a smile came, his serious and even somewhat gloomy face suddenly disappeared and another appeared - childish, kind, even stupid, and as if asking for forgiveness.
    It became clear to the viscount, who saw him for the first time, that this Jacobin was not at all as terrible as his words. Everyone fell silent.
    - How do you want him to answer all of a sudden? - said Prince Andrew. - Moreover, in the actions of a statesman, it is necessary to distinguish between the actions of a private person, a commander or an emperor. It seems to me.
    “Yes, yes, of course,” Pierre picked up, delighted at the help that was coming to him.
    “It’s impossible not to confess,” continued Prince Andrei, “Napoleon as a man is great on the Arkol bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives a hand to the plague, but ... but there are other actions that are difficult to justify.
    Prince Andrei, apparently wanting to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, got up, getting ready to go and giving a sign to his wife.

    Suddenly, Prince Hippolyte got up and, stopping everyone with signs of his hands and asking them to sit down, spoke:
    - Ah! aujourd "hui on m" a raconte une anecdote moscovite, charmante: il faut que je vous en regale. Vous m "excusez, vicomte, il faut que je raconte en russe. Autrement on ne sentira pas le sel de l" histoire. [Today I was told a charming Moscow anecdote; you need to cheer them on. Excuse me, viscount, I'll tell you in Russian, otherwise the whole point of the joke will be lost.]
    And Prince Hippolyte began to speak Russian with such a pronunciation as the French, who have spent a year in Russia, speak. Everyone paused: so animatedly, Prince Hippolyte urgently demanded attention to his history.
    - In Moscou there is one lady, une dame. And she is very stingy. She had to have two valets de pied [footman] per carriage. And very large. It was her taste. And she had an une femme de chambre [maid] still tall. She said…
    Here Prince Hippolyte fell into thought, apparently having difficulty thinking.
    - She said ... yes, she said: "girl (a la femme de chambre), put on a livree [livery] and go with me, behind the carriage, faire des visites." [make visits.]
    Here Prince Ippolit snorted and laughed much before his listeners, which made an unfavorable impression for the narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
    - She went. suddenly became strong wind. The girl lost her hat, and her long hair was combed ...
    Here he could no longer hold on and began to laugh abruptly, and through this laughter he said:
    And the whole world knows...
    That's where the joke ends. Although it was not clear why he was telling it and why it had to be told without fail in Russian, Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the secular courtesy of Prince Hippolyte, who so pleasantly ended Monsieur Pierre's unpleasant and ungracious trick. The conversation after the anecdote crumbled into small, insignificant talk about the future and the past ball, the performance, about when and where someone will see each other.

    Thanking Anna Pavlovna for her charmante soiree, [a charming evening] the guests began to disperse.
    Pierre was clumsy. Fat, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and even less how to get out of it, that is, before leaving, to say something especially pleasant. Besides, he was scattered. Rising, instead of his hat, he grabbed a triangular hat with a general's plume and held it, pulling the sultan, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon and speak in it were redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty. Anna Pavlovna turned to him and, with Christian meekness expressing forgiveness for his outburst, nodded to him and said:
    “I hope to see you again, but I also hope that you will change your mind, my dear Monsieur Pierre,” she said.
    When she told him this, he did not answer, only leaned over and showed everyone once more his smile, which said nothing, except this: "Opinions are opinions, and you see what a kind and nice fellow I am." And everyone, including Anna Pavlovna, involuntarily felt it.
    Prince Andrey went out into the ante-room and, leaning his shoulders on the footman who was putting on his cloak, listened indifferently to the chatter of his wife with Prince Hippolyte, who also went out into the ante-room. Prince Hippolyte stood beside the pretty, pregnant princess and stubbornly looked straight at her through his lorgnette.
    “Go, Annette, you will catch a cold,” said the little princess, saying goodbye to Anna Pavlovna. - C "est arrete, [Done,]" she added quietly.
    Anna Pavlovna had already managed to talk to Lisa about the matchmaking she was planning between Anatole and the sister-in-law of the little princess.
    “I hope for you, dear friend,” Anna Pavlovna said, also quietly, “you will write to her and tell me, comment le pere envisagera la chose.” Au revoir, [How the father will look at the matter. Goodbye,] - and she left the hall.
    Prince Hippolyte went up to the little princess and, bending his face close to her, began to say something to her in a whisper.
    Two lackeys, one the princess, the other, waiting for them to finish talking, stood with a shawl and a redingote and listened to them, incomprehensible to them, French dialect with such faces as if they understood what was being said, but did not want to show it. The princess, as always, spoke with a smile and listened with a laugh.
    “I am very glad that I didn’t go to the envoy,” Prince Hippolyte said: “boredom ... It’s a wonderful evening, isn’t it, wonderful?”
    “They say that the ball will be very good,” answered the princess, twitching her sponge with her mustache. - All beautiful women societies will be there.
    - Not all, because you will not be there; not all,” said Prince Hippolyte, laughing joyfully, and, grabbing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him and began to put it on the princess.
    From embarrassment or deliberately (no one could make it out), he did not lower his arms for a long time when the shawl was already put on, and seemed to be hugging a young woman.
    She gracefully, but still smiling, pulled away, turned and looked at her husband. Prince Andrei's eyes were closed: he seemed so tired and sleepy.
    - You are ready? he asked his wife, looking around her.
    Prince Hippolyte hurriedly put on his coat, which, according to the new, was longer than his heels, and, tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was putting into the carriage.
    - Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye,] - he shouted, tangling his tongue as well as his legs.

Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of the largest scientific and technical centers of the West Siberian region in the field of construction and related industries National economy Russia. The scientific potential of the university staff makes it possible to solve challenging tasks arising in the construction and oil and gas complex of the Tyumen region. It is headed by the rector Nabokov Alexander Valerievich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

The university today consists of three institutes, over 400 teachers, more than 60% of whom have degrees. TyumGASU is the only university in the Tyumen region that trains engineers for all sectors of the construction industry. Construction Institute - conducts training of bachelors and masters in the areas of Construction, Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology. The Institute of Architecture and Design conducts training in the areas of "Architecture" and "Design of the architectural environment." ATInstitute of Engineering and Economicstraining is carried out in 10 areas in relation to the engineering field.

A decent social infrastructure has been created at the university. At the disposal of students and teachers - 6 educational and laboratory buildings; equipped according to last word conference hall, 3 modern dormitories, two gyms, a sports and recreation complex with an area of ​​14,000 sq. m. m with a swimming pool, unique for the region, corresponding to European standards, and a concert hall for 400 seats; canteen; Cafe.

The development of TyumGASU is accompanied by intensive international cooperation and integration into the global educational and research space through programs academic mobility, joint educational projects(program double diplomas) and the export of educational services.

Currently, the university conducts international activities within the framework of more than 30 agreements on cooperation in the field of education and scientific research with partners from near and far abroad countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Germany, Finland, Holland, Switzerland, etc.).

In 2013, the university successfully passed the procedure international accreditation in the areas of "Construction" and "Technosphere safety"in the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) with the award of " European sign quality” (EUR-ACE ® Label).

In February 2016, the university will celebrate its 45th anniversary. During the existence of the university, it has trained about 36 thousand specialists, more than 80% of them work in the Tyumen region. The University is rightly proud of its graduates. Within its walls, talented scientists have grown up who have earned the recognition of Russian and foreign colleagues; it has become a launching pad for highly qualified specialists, heads of enterprises and organizations of the Tyumen region, and representatives of various levels of government.