Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What kind of education is needed to teach. Why You Shouldn't Work as a University Teacher

Ecology of life. People: I have long wanted to write something about my experience as a teacher, but following corporate ethics stopped me ...

Memo for a novice teacher, or why you should not work as a teacher at a university

December 12, 2015 was my last working day as a teacher technological university. For a long time I wanted to write something about my experience as a teacher, but following corporate ethics stopped me. Now that I have no obligations to the university, and the Ministry of Education and Science no longer pays me a salary, I consider it possible to write some of what I know firsthand.

In this article I will try to consider various aspects of the work of a teacher at a university: psychological, intellectual, material and financial. Attention: a lot of negativity!

I quit for own will. This desire did not arise suddenly. I started wanting it more than two years ago different reasons. Moreover, I had already left the university, but then the main reason was one family circumstance. After more than two years of working as a programmer, I returned back to the Department of Computer Engineering due to problems with work in the crisis year of 2009 (in the provinces, work was really bad then, and there was almost no remote work). In total, I gave work at the university for about 15 years.

But this article is not about why I left teaching this time, but about what awaits a young or novice teacher, what he should be prepared for, what difficulties and misunderstandings he will have to adapt to.

Psychological compatibility

The first thing to start with is your psychological compatibility with teaching work. The fact is that many, in my opinion, of those who are hired by the university are introverts. But teaching is very much associated with intense interaction with people, which is not only difficult for introverts, but causes them to become very tired and overexcited, leading to an inability to realize their talents and a deep sense of dissatisfaction. A high teaching load can lead such people to a nervous breakdown, to diseases of the cardiovascular system, and maybe to mental disorders. It's all really serious. But everything would be fine, and somehow it would be possible to exist in this role on the sly, but in last years the pressure on teachers, both from the authorities and from the students, has increased greatly. My advice: if you are an introvert, then run from this work wherever your eyes look, and better not come closer, so that you don’t accidentally suck!

The average classroom load per rate is 900 hours. With an even distribution of hours over the entire academic year this is somewhere in four or five days for two or four pairs. The teacher's working week is six days. Do you think the rest of the hours and days you got for nothing, and you can do whatever you want in them? At least to rest, at least to work somewhere else?

This is not true. In addition to directly conducting classes, you must prepare for lectures, write notes, manuals. Check course projects and work test papers. And there is such a terrible thing as Full Methodological Kit, briefly PMK. This is such a folder for each subject, which should contain documents prepared according to the standards of the ministry and the university, and these documents will be drawn up and filled with information by you!

These folders will be periodically, several times a year, checked by different commissions, and if shortcomings are found, and they will definitely be found, then you will not only be punished, but you will also correct them. And after a short amount of time, you will have to redo everything, because the standards and ciphers have changed, or even throw everything away, because there is no such object anymore, and start from scratch, because it fell completely on your head new item that did not previously exist in nature. Now multiply this by the number different items that you will lead common occurrence when one teacher teaches from five to ten different subjects) ...

It is likely that, for financial reasons, you will be working more than your wages. This means there will be less time to rest. And forget about working on projects or by profession. Get some sleep...


Salary is the bottleneck of a teacher's work. Work for that and work to generate income, and this income should be enough for you to be able not only to support yourself, but also your family, and preferably your parents. And something even should remain. But the same cannot be said about the salary of a teacher!

The situation is aggravated by the fact that young teachers are taken on the positions of assistant, teacher or senior teacher. Most often, the position of an assistant goes to the first few years, the salary of which is comparable to the minimum wage, often less than the minimum pension, and definitely not enough for elementary survival. Exit? Sitting on the neck of your parents or working more, for example, for two rates. But even when you defend your thesis and you are given the position of assistant professor, you will still receive a salary on the verge of survival. But this will happen only after many years. So is the skin worth the candle? I'm not talking about growing up to be a professor.

Part-time work and side jobs

The size of the salary of a teacher is such that he cannot work only for a rate, otherwise he will not survive. Usually teachers work part-time in the same university or in one or more (!). The main problems with part-time work are as follows. Internal part-time work can be part-time plus 300 hours maximum. External part-time job no more than 300 hours. That's not a lot. But it is no longer possible to physically take the work!

As for work in production, no one wants to take on part-time employment. And even if you agreed, you still won’t be able to offer the employer an acceptable work schedule, because you depend on the schedule, which is not you.

As an option, one could teach part-time and work in the real sector the rest of the time, but today this is not a realistic option. First, universities do not hire part-time. This is due to the criteria for the effectiveness of the university. Secondly, the volume of methodological and paper work at the university will remain about the same huge as for the rate.

Finally, side jobs. This refers to tutoring, assistance in writing graduation and term papers. Yes, some people manage to make a little extra money. But again, everything depends on the availability of time for this, as well as clients. It has been noticed that while you are a student yourself, you regularly come across such part-time jobs, and as soon as you become a teacher, everyone gradually disappears somewhere. Although the teacher seems to be doing a better job ...


The career ladder of a university teacher looks something like this. You are graduating from a university or full-time postgraduate or graduate school, and you are offered to stay at your own department or faculty, or your acquaintances offer to place you in their university. You are promised support in writing a dissertation, defending it, and then being promoted. But first you are hired as an assistant. In fact, an assistant is an assistant to an associate professor or professor, in fact - the same teacher as everyone else, only receives the smallest salary at the university, often even less than the engineer of the department.

You worked as an assistant for several years, then you are promoted to a teacher or senior teacher. And you reach the first ceiling until you write and defend your dissertation. But writing a dissertation while working in parallel is very difficult, and not everyone succeeds at all. Therefore, if you have not done anything significant in this direction for two or three years, then seriously think about leaving your teaching job, because this will continue to be the case.

UPD: If in the late nineties - early 2000s it was not difficult to defend oneself, then in the last two years it has become much more difficult to defend a dissertation. It seems that the situation will continue to change in this direction.

After defending your dissertation, which in itself is a difficult and time-consuming undertaking, you can apply for the position of associate professor. The salary of a teacher and an assistant professor differs by about eight thousand. That is, perennial treatise estimated at only a few additional thousand.

Further career becomes even more difficult. You can write a doctoral dissertation, and after defending it, become a professor, receiving a few thousand more to the assistant professor's salary ... Between starting as a teacher and receiving a professorship, it can take from 15 years, and then if you are especially lucky ...

That's all in general. Whatever position you hold, the essence of the work will be approximately the same: classroom, methodological and research work.

Scientific work

The first thing I want to say is that I do not know a single teacher who would write a dissertation while working as a teacher at the same time. Or in another way: I know several teachers who did not study full-time graduate school, but immediately after graduation went to work as a teacher, and not one of them was able to write and defend a dissertation! And it’s not all mediocrity, it’s just physically impossible. And this is clear from all of the above. Indeed, in order to create something new, the brain and body must be rested, but the work of a teacher does not imply this.

Secondly, there are practically no conditions for serious research work in universities. Often there is no equipment, instruments, premises, elemental and raw material base. Everything you do will be done at your expense and in your own time.


If you have ever heard that the ministry and universities fund scientific developments, then forget about it for now, this is not about you. Yes, there is a system of grants, prizes, awards and prizes. But this is all after the fact, that is, after you have fairly invested financially and materially in your development. And only after you have done something worthwhile, you can claim at least partial coverage of the costs. And the costs can easily exceed your teacher's salary for the year. And not the fact that such compensation will occur. In any case, this funding only covers the cost of the equipment, but in no way goes to your salary!

Part of the solution to the funding problem is access to sponsors and patrons. Usually companies interested in graduates of your university agree to this. But such companies are often difficult to find. In general, here I would not flatter myself if I were you.

Is it worth investing personal funds in university developments? Yes, if you are writing a dissertation and are going to continue working at this university after defending it. Otherwise, no. Because no one will thank you for your dedication. Not a prize, not even a diploma.

Age difference with students

One of the first major psychological difficulties young teacher is not a big difference aged with their students. And in the case of part-time students or those who first served in the army, this difference is also negative.

On the one hand, with your own, you are all smart and cool, almost a boss. And on the other hand, on the part of the students, you are their peers, who, by some misunderstanding, turned out to be a teacher. Such is our culture that a university teacher is perceived through the prism of age-related authority, and not professional. For example, most teachers are much older than their students, as a rule, they are suitable for parents. And here... And here you get an uncontrollable audience, some of which refers to you as you, and in general, conducts as cheekily as in your own yard.

It is difficult to advise something here, except how to put up with it. And wait until you grow up...

A certain amount of time will pass, and you will face another age problem: this is when you will be suitable for your students to be their parents, as we say. But due respect, as to parents, you will not receive. What can I say, humble yourself, but continue to respect yourself. Don't fall for rudeness.

high and light

Another serious problem of a young teacher is that, due to his youth and age-specific naivety, he believes that the teacher's job is to bring knowledge to people. Alas, most of the audience came to the university not for knowledge, but simply for a release from the army, or simply by inertia, prolonging childhood.

Here you need to understand and not forget that you are not an authority for students, and it is useless to read morality. They do not listen to their parents painfully, and you are nobody at all.


When you were a student, you sometimes noticed that some of your teachers were incompetent in the subject they taught. But you are definitely better than them. You are very passionate about your specialty, did your own projects, wrote articles and even worked part-time in real production! You will definitely achieve success and be popular among the masses of students!

Forget about it! Your competence will only be highly appreciated. large quantity students interested in knowledge. For everyone else, you are exactly the same. And all they need from you is to get credit and pass the exam without any problems. Moreover, they will also laugh at you: what are you doing here with your qualifications!


Do you remember yourself at lectures when you were still a student? Has it ever happened that you fell asleep on them, talked with a neighbor in misfortune, could not sit for an hour and a half, were late for them, or even scored? Now you are a lecturer, whose students sleep at lectures, talk at the same time with you and also loudly, and if you are alone, then there are many of them ... And just like you once, they cannot concentrate on your monologue, they are late or not at all come. Well, how? Like? I doubt! Well, yes, you and your rector, dean and other bosses know what to do: you need to make the lecture interesting for students. And now you are proofreading mountains of literature purchased with personal funds, latest articles on the planned topic, prepare slides, write a summary. As a result, your eyes are red, your head hurts, you slept for only three hours. Early in the morning you came to a wonderful lecture, you joyfully proclaim the topic, you start talking great, but what is it? Nothing changed! Still, almost no one listens to you, at the same time they talk to you in full voice, sleep and turn their backs to you.

What's the matter? After all, the lecture is so interesting, you tried so hard, but your audience just doesn't give a damn! Everything is quite simple, you just need to figure out what a lecture is. A lecture is a way to convey information to the audience. The lecture was invented in ancient world when books as a source of information were extremely expensive, and not all useful and new information recorded in them. And then there was nothing left interested people come to the lecture, listen to it carefully, ask the lecturer questions, because there is no other chance to get information. But in modern world information has become easily accessible. These are classic printed books, electronic books, archives scientific articles. Almost all questions can be answered from the Internet. Today, there is only one niche left for lectures: reporting the latest, yet unpublished information first hand.

Thus, everything falls into place: You are not the primary source of information; plus interested persons in the audience, as you already know, not so many, sometimes not at all. So the lecture turns into an absurd monologue against the backdrop of student chatter.

Since lectures are an integral part of curriculum, and students must go to them, then, unfortunately, you cannot not read them, or allow students not to visit them. Sooner or later, they will come to your lecture with a check from the dean's office or the rector's office, and woe to you if you are not found in the audience, or if there are few students in the opinion of the inspectors. It's very hard to give advice here. Another dissonance: the presence of requirements and the inability to implement them.

You can follow the path of choosing the lesser of two evils: allow those who are not interested and indifferent not to attend your lectures, unofficially, at their own peril and risk. Promise not to punish for missing lectures, but continue to record in the journal, including in the journal of the head of the group, be sure (!).

This is your defense in case of unscrupulous elements who try to accuse you of having taught them poorly. (Most the right way will protect itself from such attacks, it is to control attendance. And if a student missed classes, then he loses the right to claim that you are not working well.) Those who are shaking about their attendance will most likely continue to go, well, maybe every other time. But part of the uninterested audience will still be eliminated. Next, adjust the quality of the preparation for the lecture depending on the audience. If the audience is weak, then often enough information from Wikipedia.

Dilute the lecture with more images, speak less and more slowly. Do not try to outshout the talkers. Usually the most interested in the lecture sit on the first two rows, so you speak for them, and look at them, and do not pay any attention to the rest. There is one noticeable psychological point here: interested students sit in those places where the lecturer is looking, and the rest accumulate away. For example, if the lecturer always looks at the right half of the audience, then sooner or later the audience will sit there. Yet good method fighting chatter - for a while meaningfully silent until the audience quiets down. True, this is not for long, but it is necessary to remind yourself, for the sake of respect for yourself.

And the last thing: be patient, do not allow yourself to break loose and scream in irritation at an audience that does not listen to you, tune in kindly and treat what is happening with humor.


Despite success in the fight against bribes, this phenomenon apparently remains. I can only judge indirectly. Didn't do it myself. What you need to know: there is a chance of being caught red-handed. This is on your conscience. But if you do not take bribes on principle, then do not relax either! You can be framed "for everything good." Keep an eye on the situation in the audience, especially during session time. Keep your portfolio closed. Do not leave students alone in the classroom. Do not seat students at your table. Take the record book in your hands only in open form. Follow all formalities.

Sixes and thieves

Surprisingly, practice shows that in each group there are thieves. These are students whose parents are well acquainted with the authorities or with authoritative fellow teachers. They learn, as a rule, also mediocre, and even worse than everyone else. But they are being asked for. And they often ask excellent rating, which in itself cannot but cause rejection. Moreover, it can be humiliating for you. Imagine: a student didn’t go to your classes for the whole semester or went, but shook your nerves, and the session came, the boss calls you and says that you need to appoint such and such. Then this loser comes to you with a record book, and you obediently sign for him just like that. How disgusting! As an exit, you can refuse, but I think about further work at the university you can forget ...

Now about the sixes, that is, informers. It's not necessarily thieves. But from among those who consider it necessary or possible to report to your superiors about what you said was "unnecessary", whether you are late for classes, whether you are rude to students, whether you are competent in the subject, and so on. Here I advise you to behave in the presence of students and colleagues with restraint, really not to say "excessive", if possible, be polite. But do not fawn or try to please!

being late

By themselves, minor delays are harmless. That's even tall people sometimes they allow themselves to do so. This is because sometimes you can really come later without losing anything. But in the case of classes, it’s not so simple anymore. I repeat once again: the problem is not being late as such, but that they are disorganizing.

If you allow students to be late, then gradually the number of latecomers will exceed all conceivable limits. And one day you may be alone in the audience!

A separate problem is being late for a lecture. It makes it very difficult to read it. As you know, there is such a thing as a stream of consciousness, and so a lecturer during a lecture enters the stream, and latecomers pull him out of it. If there are a lot of latecomers, it just becomes annoying, and the lecture may break.

In principle, you can generally prohibit being late for your classes, especially for lectures. But remember yourself: we waited for the tram for half an hour, got nervous, but they still didn’t let you in ... In general, a little inhumane. I applied the 20 minute rule, which I learned from one of my professors at university. It consists in the following: if a student is late for more than 20 minutes, he is not allowed to the lecture, if less, then he waits for 20 minutes from the beginning of the lecture and can enter the classroom. There is of course side effect: some students start to come to this same 20 minutes every time.

Well, do not be late if possible. First, the example is bad; secondly, the vile student nature uses this fact against you.

Quality bar

There is such a psychological phenomenon as the bar of quality. Everyone has their own level of quality, working below which you get accumulating dissatisfaction, which subsequently leads to serious psychological problems such as burnout, apathy, loss of interest in work and profession, inability to develop.

The reality is that to work in a university you do not need to high qualification, nor a high bar of quality. Students don't know and can't do anything. Most don't want anything. Even the simplest things that you have known for a long time will be on the verge of a great discovery for them.

The reason for the decline in quality will also be: lack of time and fatigue.

But I advise you, if possible, not to significantly reduce the quality of your work, constantly keep yourself in good shape, study something new and modern, do your own projects. Don't focus on students.

Consequences and problems

The consequences can be the most severe if you do not heed the advice of the experienced and your mind and heart. This is deep dissatisfaction. financial difficulties, family troubles and disorder, pain for mediocre years lived, loss of qualifications, decreased self-esteem, serious problems with nerves and psyche, and with health in general. All this for what?


In order not to go crazy, we need some kind of outlet in difficult circumstances. Unfortunately, the variant with the use of alcohol by teachers is quite common. It is not worth talking about the perniciousness of such a hobby here.

Personally, my hobby for many years has been Olympiad programming. I not only took up it myself (at the age of 33!), but also managed to attract a certain number of students to it. Thanks to the preparation for participation in the Olympiads, I significantly increased my professional level(Kormen and Skiena contribute), made friends from among the students, many of whom have already graduated and work in the profession.

And thanks to trips to the Olympics, for the first time I visited many cities in Russia and not only. True, in recent years, the university began to refuse to finance business trips, and we were forced to reduce the travel program to a minimum, while part of the trips were paid from our own pocket. In the last three years I have been studying robotics with students, we even managed to achieve some success in this area, despite the fact that we did not have special training. But this hobby turned out to be extremely costly, and had to be abandoned. In any case, it was a lot of fun, it was a real outlet. Perhaps this is the only pleasant memory from working at the university.

But I want to warn you about the following. First, don't be under the illusion that many people will share your passion with you. No, it's good if there are at least a few people! Secondly, you will not be paid for your activities with students, and the classroom and methodological load will not be reduced. The only thing you can try to count on is, in case of success and interest from the authorities, to get from them a certain degree of loyalty and indulgence to your infirmities ... Do not forget also about an irreplaceable and expensive resource: about your time.


Now that you, dear readers and former colleagues, have read this lengthy article, there should be no illusions about the work of a teacher, and myths - debunked. Here I will only list them.

  • teachers have a lot of free time;
  • teaching is like a pleasant walk in a pleasant company;
  • teachers do what they want and what they see fit;
  • teachers are the elite of society;
  • teachers are engaged the latest developments and science;
  • teachers have a lot of rest;
  • teaching is not difficult;
  • teachers make good money;
  • teaching can be combined with work in production (on projects).


Teaching is just a job. If you are young, but you managed to lure you to a university to teach, then I advise you to listen to your heart: is this what you dreamed of? Are your goals illusory? Is this job right for you? Are you self-deceiving? Maybe you prefer to work in the real sector of the economy? Write programs, design machines, sell cars? If so, then feel free to leave, even run away from the university. This is not what you need. Your path is different. And never feel guilty! It's just a job!

And finally: if everything that I wrote here is not about you and your university, then I am sincerely happy for you and your university! I believe that there will be several of these in Russia. published

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Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 10, 2015 No. 08-1240<О квалификационных требованиях к педагогическим работникам организаций, реализующих программы дошкольного и general education> clarified, in particular, the following.

In accordance with part 1 of Article 46 federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"The right to engage in pedagogical activity is given to persons who have a secondary vocational or higher education and who meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards.

At present, the Unified Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and employees (section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers"), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (hereinafter referred to as the handbook), is subject to application. From January 1, 2017, for similar purposes, professional standard"Educator ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n (hereinafter referred to as the standard).

Both the handbook and the standard state that a person applying for a teaching position must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in a field relevant to the subject being taught, without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of activity in educational organization no requirement for work experience.

Thus, according to the above regulatory legal acts and explanations to them, it should be considered that persons who have, for example, higher professional education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" (qualifications - "Philologist. Teacher of Russian Language and Literature", "Historian. History teacher", etc.) and (or) in the field corresponding to the subject taught (specialty - "Russian Language and Literature", "History", etc.), meet the qualification requirements for teachers of the Russian language and literature, teachers of history and social studies, etc.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the lack of teacher education on the profile of work (in the direction of training) in itself cannot be the basis for recognizing a pedagogical worker as inappropriate for the position held during his certification if the representation of the employer, on the basis of which certifying commission makes a decision, contains a positive motivated comprehensive and objective assessment professional, business qualities, results professional activity pedagogical worker to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the employment contract.

Thus, you may well become a teacher at school, but what depends on the specialty you have received. In addition, in the course of work, you are likely to be able to pass professional retraining, that is, roughly speaking, to retrain as a teacher in another subject. For example, at my school, half of the teachers had diplomas from a classical university, and for some reason they impressed me more, but this is purely IMHO.

That is, it turns out that you can learn, for example, to be a teacher in a college, and then just go through professional retraining in half a year and become a teacher of mathematics or geography? Wow... But if a person is a cook or an engineer, can he, having undergone professional retraining, become a teacher, for example, a labor worker?

First of all, you need to understand what kind of teaching activity you would like to do. Will it be teaching juniors, high school students or students. Or maybe you want to teach the basics of the profession to adults.

Each case has its own way to start teaching. To become a teacher lower grades possible by getting special education at the school. Everyone can enter it after the 9th school.

But to teach in higher educational institutions, will have to get additional education in magistracy. Without a graduation diploma, you will not be able to lecture yesterday. Of course, in order to start teaching, you can not get a specialized education. If you are fluent in some subject, you can take up tutoring or explain the material to lagging classmates. Subsequently, it will be easier for you to enroll and complete specialized courses, because you will already have important skills in working with students.

You can start teaching not only at school. Today, the work of business is very promising. This is an opportunity to teach people how to make a career. In order to start teaching the basics of the profession, you yourself need to be a successful employee, have work experience, constantly improve and acquire additional skills.

The study language- difficult process. It requires the teacher to be fully immersed in the process and personal approach to every student. Everyone has their weak spots but some principles are the same for everyone. There are points that should be present in any training of any person.


The most important - vocabulary. It should be constantly replenished, new words should be every day. Periodically give your students new words that you will use in the same lesson in order to make it easier for them to learn them. To simplify memorization, use - on one side the word will be written in one, and on the other in another language.

The next most important is the ability to speak and build. Skill is equivalent to grammar, and these two directions are impossible one without the other. In order to competently combine these two areas, it is necessary that twenty percent of the oral practice consists of a repetition completed in the lesson. It is desirable to use dialogues as often as possible so that students can practice in developing oral speech.

Practice as much as possible colloquial speech and retellings. Choose a topic that will be of interest to students and try to provoke them into a dialogue in the language that you are currently learning. Remember that the more they communicate in the language you are currently learning, the better they will learn it.

The main thing in working with foreigners studying Russian is overcoming the language barrier and "going into communication", that is, into live communication. Even spelling rules and errors are not so important here. Grammar is also important, but the main thing is that people understand and that people understand other people. They need communication skills and skills that will allow them to move freely in a different cultural environment. Do not fill their heads with what they do not need and what will only settle in their brains with unnecessary ballast.

Whoever you try to teach Russian to, your classes should be based on some kind of regional study material so that students can learn more about Russia. Neither native speakers nor foreigners will be disturbed by this. Use the texts of the classics in the classroom, for foreigners - adapted texts, for Russians - not adapted so that the language being studied is associated with the best achievements Russian culture. So the lessons will be more interesting for you and for the students.

Acquiring knowledge, discovering new talents and opportunities in oneself, a person at a certain stage of his life path will certainly think about how to raise the bar, how to reach a higher level. high level and get more moral and material benefits. Raising the status is necessary for self-realization and self-development. Teaching can be a great solution and a new step in the hierarchy in life path, to help further disclosure of personal potential.

Can anyone learn to teach?

If you decide to choose this path for further advancement in life, you will certainly face the question of whether it is possible to learn to teach, or is it an innate talent, natural gift? After all, being a master is one thing, but teaching others is completely another.
Of course, you can learn how to present the material correctly, conduct classes and work with students in order to teach effectively, at special courses and trainings. or training aimed at developing teaching skills, you can specialized centers. Main question in how much you personally will like this occupation, and whether you will be able to receive only positive emotions from this work.

What does it take to teach and be satisfied?

What does it take to teach successfully and get joy and satisfaction from this activity?

You must love the subject that you are going to teach students, be well versed in all the nuances and sincerely interested in the subject, constantly striving to learn more.

In addition, you need to love to communicate with your students, be able to find contact with them and establish a spiritual connection. A real teacher should certainly enjoy this process. Required knowledge and skills for effective communication can be obtained in the learning process, but the love of communication must be instilled in you initially.
An irresistible craving for knowledge, constant self-improvement, self-development and self-knowledge - distinctive features true teacher. In order to transfer knowledge and skills to students, you need to have them yourself and constantly replenish this baggage. A real teacher is an eternal student!

Organizational skills are also necessary for a successful teacher. He must have a high degree internal organization in order to properly structure the lesson and help students discipline themselves and properly build their learning process.
Social responsibility is another feature of a teacher by nature. The teacher, by all means, starting to teach other people, is responsible for the fate of each student. If a person is inherently used to being responsible not only for himself, but also for the people around him, teaching activity will not be a burden to him.

Oratory skills and artistry are talents that every teacher needs. Monotonous speech, an unpleasant voice and the stiffness of the teacher do not allow to learn even the most interesting and necessary lessons of the great Master.

Inner charisma is a special gift, an exceptional feature of the teacher's personality, thanks to which he attracts people to himself, like a magnet, turning students into his followers.

If you have all the listed qualities, abilities, talents and preferences, then, of course, you have everything you need to teach! A penchant for teaching can be your destiny, which will help you raise your status in society, get a prestigious job and secure a high income.

How and where can you learn to teach?

You have identified in yourself a penchant for teaching, and you want to make this work your destiny, how, who and where can teach you to teach?

If you are attracted by the unique system of healing the human body, aimed at restoring mental and physical health, adapting it in society, you are interested in the author's method of M.S. Norbekov, his views, system of values ​​and attitude to life, admission to the “School of Teachers” of the M.S. Center is open especially for you. Norbekov! Our experts, who conduct, will tell you how to learn how to teach, help you practice your acquired skills on practical exercises and trainings, as well as give the opportunity to try yourself as a teacher under the supervision of experienced masters.

You can become a teacher only when you have something to teach others. So for starters, you should decide on your own skills and abilities. It is important that your subject (course, section) be interesting for living people, so without own enthusiasm- nowhere.

It is often said that it is impossible to become a teacher without higher education. Lie. Usually this applies only to work in universities and schools, in recent times also in colleges and other "pre-university" institutions. It is not necessary to boast a diploma to conduct hobby classes.

How to become a university teacher

Perhaps the most responsible type of teaching. Therefore, appropriate preparation is required. First, you need to serve university courses up to a master's degree. Secondly, to prove yourself during the defense of the diploma. Then you have to go to graduate school. Unless, of course, you want to remain a teaching assistant for the rest of your life. However, some universities turn a blind eye to the presence of academic degrees. It all depends on the prestige of the institution.

Quite often it is its graduates who get into the professorial staff of the university. Those who have proven themselves over the years of study. So a competent approach to choosing a university and an active student position are true assistants to a future career.

When a specialized education is received, the next step is to improve qualifications in pedagogical and psychological courses. On them you will receive basic skills teaching methods. And from there you can go straight to the university for an interview.

How to become a college teacher

Theoretically, for teaching in a college, as well as in a university, a specialized higher education and a diploma with pedagogical courses. In practice, everything - you will not believe it! - easier. Due to the lack of personnel, this position can be obtained with one master's degree. It doesn't even matter what color it is.

How to become a yoga teacher

The very first step is to master yoga techniques to perfection. It is advisable to choose one direction, and work in this vein. A simple (yet effective) option is to sign up for a yoga class yourself. A more difficult (and cheaper) option is to master the technique with the help of books and video tutorials.

Many people forget that yoga is not only physical exercises but also spiritual practice. So you will have to study its theoretical sections in order to convey to the students the true purpose of the classes.

Before you start teaching, it is recommended to practice on friends and acquaintances. Use different techniques conducting classes and note which ones are more effective and understandable for students. So you will develop your own methodology, with which you will go to conduct already paid courses.

How to become a dance teacher

By analogy with the previous paragraph - learn to dance.

Choose one or two areas of interest to you and bring your skills to perfection.

Video tutorials are indispensable here, because it is important to evaluate your skills from the aesthetic side, and the assessment of a professional.

So for starters, go to the coach. When you feel strong enough in yourself, ask for classes for beginner groups as an assistant. For example, you can warm up before your workout. Then discuss with the coach your shortcomings, which at first cannot be avoided.

The next step is to get a certificate. The Internet will tell you where to get them in your city.

The further plan is simple: search for vacancies, a trial period and the ultimate goal - a career as a dance teacher.

How to become a driving school teacher

When you learn to drive and learn the rules traffic, you have to study the insides of the machine. Therefore, girls are rarely attracted to this profession.

But no matter how much experience and skills you have, without an instructor's license, the path to a driving school is closed. You can get it after you collect the "collection" of certificates and finish special courses.

With a license, you will be hired as both an instructor and a theory teacher. If there are no vacancies, consider the option not for the faint of heart - to open your own driving school. In this case, get ready to go to the tax office and draw up decent stacks of documents.

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