Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Intellectual activities for children aged 5-6. Memory is still involuntary

AT more emotional than intellectual and judicious. His nervous system is easily excitable and vulnerable. This is due to the need for an attentive and patient attitude towards the child.
The baby is dominant right hemisphere, which determines the emotionality and subjectivity of perception. The child is engaged only in activities that are interesting to him, that is, emotionally significant. More than 10-15 minutes to do the same thing that requires perseverance and tension, it is difficult for the baby.
By the age of five, the baby develops a visual creative thinking when any concept exists only as a sample. A child may know the meaning of such abstract concepts as friendship, care, etc., but he is not able to define them in an abstract sense, that is, these concepts exist in the form of an image of a friend, a caring mother, etc. as experience is accumulated in the mind of the baby, certain ideas and images are formed. The experience of particular situations begins to take shape and a generalized idea - an image. Mastering the operation of visual-figurative thinking is the main achievement of a five-year-old child.
It should be emphasized that the underdevelopment of the left hemisphere determines that abstract concepts are inaccessible to children 5-6 years old. The child is able to operate only with those concepts that can be sensually represented and are available in experience. Those actions and concepts that are not “lived through” by the baby do not emerge in his memory and cannot be used in thinking. Behind each new concept, definition, the baby should have an experience of interacting with him.
Usually, by the age of 5, they already count up to 5, they know how to compare objects with each other. Successfully make up a group of pictures homogeneous objects: vegetables, clothes, animals. It is easy to learn words that combine objects on some basis.
Children also know and distinguish such properties of things as color, shape, length, height, width, etc. they can reason about observed veils, make simple inferences at the level of comparison, express their ideas in words, explain their actions.
At the age of 5, a child fantasizes and says a lot aloud, speaks for himself. The power of the baby's imagination is so great, and the images are so vivid and emotionally saturated, that it is sometimes very difficult for a child to distinguish imaginary images from real objects. This sometimes gives rise to the baby's faith in various fantastic heroes, fears of imaginary monsters. However, this is a normal stage in the development of the baby, and with age, the child will learn to distinguish imaginary images from images-representations of real events. The more the child will interact with various objects of the real world, the better he will be able to control his imagination.
At the age of five, a child can usually compare objects with each other, combine objects into groups, while highlighting main feature, has some geographical skills, observes, plays, observing certain rules.
As we can see, the development of intellect is understood not only as the child's ability to master the operations of analysis and synthesis, but also his general awareness, the development of ideas and visual images, the ability to obey and follow certain rules.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Skazka "Oblivsky district of the Rostov region



to the regional competition of psychological and pedagogical


"Personal and intellectual development

Children 5-6 years old "

Compiled by:

Teacher - psychologist Bognyukova

Miroslava Nikolaevna.

1. Explanatory note ……………………………………………………….3

2. Diagnostics …………………………………………………………………...6

2.1. Diagnostics of the development of cognitive abilities……………………6

2.2 Developmental diagnostics creative imagination and creative thinking……………………………………………………………………………7

3. Musical development ………………………………………………………..8

4. The purpose and objectives of the program……………………………………………………..9


6. Conditions for the formation of a group ……………………………………………..11

7. Methods and techniques used in the program…………………………… 11


9.Developing activities with children 5-6 years old……………………………………..13

10. Didactic section………………………………………………………… 16

10.1. The content of the music director’s lessons……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10.2. The content of the lessons of the teacher-psychologist………………………………………………………………………………………………19

10.3. The content of the lessons of the teacher-speech therapist………………………………...26

11. Variant of relaxation exercises with children 5-6 years old………………….38

12. Technologies for selecting pupils in correctional groups………… .40

13. Information about the practical testing of the correctional development program "Development of intellectual - personal development children 5-6 years old "on the basis of MBDOU" Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"……………………………………43

14. Results corrective work……………………………………… 43


Feedback from parents

Feedback from the head

Application (photos)

Application (disc with recording of the event)


The work of a teacher-psychologist in preschool has a number of features.

Primarily, preschool psychologist has the opportunity to observe his wards (children) for more than one year in different types activities, play, communication with peers, adults, receive the necessary information about the development of the child from educators, parents, and other kindergarten specialists.

At present, in our country, in the light of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the concept of modernization of education, as well as the widely implemented national project"Education" is intensively developing the school psychological service, designed to provide psychological support for upbringing and education, to promote the intellectual and personal development of children.

The emergence of this problem is associated with a change and growth in the requirements for the content and conditions for the development of preschool children.

In 2011-2012, two main documents were published that determine the content and conditions of work with preschool children in preschool educational institutions:

  1. FGT to the structure of the main general education program;
  2. FGT to the conditions of implementation.

Data analysis normative documents indicates the need to develop and implement better conditions for the development of the child in the preschool educational institution. Since mental development always remains a priority task for the upbringing and development of preschool children, the relevance of choosing a topic is beyond doubt.

The experience of the kindergarten in this direction is actively developing, therefore, by combining the results theoretical analysis and the achievements of practice, it is possible to develop such means and methods of working with children that, in our opinion, will significantly complement and enrich the conditions for the development of children's thinking.

Our studies of children's thinking have shown that in the fourth year of life, changes occur in the mental development of the child, which are of great importance for the subsequent mastery of more complex forms of thinking and new types of activity, the sign (symbolic) function of consciousness begins to form.

Our survey of parents and observation of children showed that:

Not always in modern families due attention is paid to the development of research activities in children (there is no time, ignorance and inability);

preschoolers senior group find it difficult or do not know how to: set goals in accordance with the hypothesis; formulate hypotheses; analyze problem situations; independently find ways and means of solving the problem; act together with others; analyze their own work and the work of other children; achieve the final result; go to the next problem.

Based on the relevance of the research problem, we have identified the topic of developing psychological pedagogical program"Intellectual and personal development of children aged 5-6".

The purpose of our study: detection theoretical provisions explaining the patterns and conditions for the development of thinking of preschoolers.

Object of study: educational process of development of thinking of preschool children.

Subject of study: intellectual abilities of preschoolers.

Research methods: general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; empirical methods: observation, testing, methods of quantitative and quality processing research results.

In our study, we rely on the work of domestic scientists, such as: V.V. Davydov, D.I. Feldstein, D.B. Elkonin, L.S. Vygotsky about the unity of the development of thinking and activity, as a condition for the full intellectual development of the child, the program of intellectual, emotional and volitional development children 5-6 years old "Flower - seven-color" edited by N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varaeva, A.S. Tuzaeva, I.A. Kozlova, the program "The World of Discoveries" edited by Peterson L.G., Lykova I.A.

For a preschooler, the leading role in his intellectual life is played by the role of practical interaction with objects. This experience is complemented by visual representations, guiding as if - speech development. Nevertheless, the development of intellect is carried out as it masters all three forms of information presentation: in the form of actions, visual images and linguistic signs. That is, information must be provided different ways(visual-spatial, sensory-sensory, verbal-symbolic). The preference for one of the ways of presenting information leads to the formation of a superficial view of the world. For the formation of an objective picture of the world, for the development of the child's intellect, taking into account his individual features perception, it is necessary to acquaint the preschooler with different ways reflections of reality. The child knows the meaning of things, gestures, words, events, etc. But these meanings are not isolated, but united in certain structures.

At the senior preschool age figurative thinking continues to develop. Children are able not only to solve the problem visually, but also to transform the object in their mind. The development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized and complex ideas develop, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes.

Diagnostics of the development of cognitive abilitieschildren, developed by A. I. Savenkov “Development of the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions”, “Guess the subject”, “Development of experimentation skills”, “Development of the ability to ask questions”, using game test tasks: “Find an extra picture”, “Name one in a word”, “Put it on the shelves” was carried out according to the tests of T.G. Makeeva, subtest "Find a family", "Sequential pictures" N.N. Pavlova, L.G. Rudenko. Diagnostic methods that reveal the level mental development children of the fifth and sixth year of life:

Subtest 1. Senior group


Target: evaluation figuratively - logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization.

1. The fourth is superfluous

Instruction: “In each of the pictures, 1 of the 4 items depicted in it is superfluous. Look at them carefully and determine which item and why is superfluous.

2. Analogies.

Instruction: " I will give you three words. Two of them fit together, are a couple. You will have to come up with a word that is suitable in meaning to the third, that is, find a pair for it.

Words: PERCH - FISH, and CAMOMILE - ...




GOOD - EVIL, and DAY ...

IRON - IRON, and PHONE - ...

One point is awarded for each correct answer.

Evaluation of results:

5 - high

29 - medium

6- low

Diagnostics of the development of creative imagination and creative thinking:

No. p / p


High level

Middle level

Low level


Subtest 2. Senior group

Speech. Causal relationships. "Successive pictures"

Target: assessment of the possibilities of compiling a coherent story based on a series of pictures, establishing a connection between the events reflected in these pictures.

Instruction: put mixed pictures (5 pieces) in front of the child with the words: “I have pictures. They are all confused. Try to put them in order in front of you on the table, and then tell a story about them (make a story).

Evaluation of results:

  • I laid it out myself - high level - 4 points
  • I laid it out myself, but I made a mistake and corrected it myself - good level - 3
  • If corrected with the help of a teacher - average level - 2
  • Failed to do the job - low level– 1 point
  • Decomposed and meaningfully told - high level - 4
  • Decomposed and told using 2-3 complex sentences– good level - 3 points
  • There are violations of the causal relationship (describes all the pictures separately) - average level - 2 points
  • Only answers the teacher's questions - low level - 1 point

Diagnostics of the development of communication skills: two houses ( method I. Vandvik, P. Ekblad) diagnostics of the sphere of communication of the child. The technique is intended for examination of children aged 5-6 years.
Purpose: to determine the circle meaningful communication child, features of relationships in the group, identification of sympathy for members of the group
Material and equipment: a sheet of paper, red and black pencils (felt-tip pens).
Stimulus material: a piece of paper on which 2 standard houses are drawn. One of them is larger, red, the other is smaller, black.
On the basis of the analysis, a conclusion is formed about the general features of children's communication identified during the task (for each child separately).

Musical developmenthas an irreplaceable effect on general development: formed emotional sphere, thinking is improved, sensitivity to beauty in art and life is brought up. “Only by developing the emotions, interests, tastes of the child, you can introduce him to the musical culture, lay its foundations. preschool age is extremely important for the further mastery of musical culture. If in the process musical activity musical and aesthetic consciousness will be formed, this will not pass without a trace for the subsequent development of a person, his general spiritual formation ”(Radynova O.P.).

In addition to the moral aspect, musical education is of great importance for the formation of aesthetic feelings in children: by joining the cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty, appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Music also develops the child mentally. In addition to various information about music that has cognitive significance, a conversation about it includes a description of emotional and figurative content, therefore, the vocabulary of children is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize the feelings conveyed in music. The ability to imagine and reproduce the pitch of sounds in a melody also involves mental operations: comparison, analysis, comparison, memorization, which also affects not only the musical, but also the general development of the child.

The proposed program of the creative group of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Fairy Tale” is intended for corrective work with children aged 5-6 years on intellectual and personal development.

Program goal: create conditions for the intellectual and personal development of the child.


  1. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the intellect of preschool children.

2.Develop communication skills, necessary for successful development communication process.

3. To develop the personal sphere - the formation of adequate self-esteem, increased self-confidence, the emergence of initiative and independent thinking in all types of activities.

4. Develop the intellectual sphere - the development of mental skills,

Visually - effective, visually - figurative, verbally - logical,

creative thinking.

5. Develop cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

6. Develop musical perception - thinking.

7. Develop word forms thinking in the process of the child's activity.

8. Develop the child's creativity.


Classes according to the program can be conducted by a teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, educator, music director.

The composition of groups and the duration of classes depends on the age category of children:

Conduct form: correctional and developmental lesson with elements of training.

Terms and conditions:

Classes are held in rooms in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.





soft modules,

object toys,


Writing and colored paper

Paints, pencils, markers,


Construction material,


colored crayons,

Board - printed games,

audio video library,

Musical instruments.

Group formation conditions

The group is formed from children 5-6 years old, whose selection is based on observation and diagnosis within the framework of an integrative approach. The optimal number of participants in a group is 10-12 people. These are children who have

  • according to the supervision of educators (characteristics of the group);
  • according to the test Test A. Kern, I. Irasek (verbal intelligence). Thinking. Horizon.
  • test I. Vandvik, P. Ekblad - diagnostics of the sphere of communication;
  • test "Addition of phrases" - identifying the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • test "Fish" determination of the level of development of visual - figurative thinking;
  • test "Finishing figures" determination of the level of development of the imagination;
  • technique of V.M. Kogan "Classification according to a given principle", "Free classification", "The most dissimilar" - logical thinking;
  • methodology for the study (from the collection of N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago "Fundamentals of diagnostic and corrective work of a psychologist") of verbal logical thinking: establishing logical connections, studying generalizing operations, understanding figurative sense metaphors, sayings, short stories, compilation plot pictures, compiling a story based on a sequential series of pictures, united by a single plot;
  • The methodology for assessing the level of development of general and non-verbal intelligence is the standardized methodology "Progressive Color Matrices" by J. Ravenna.

Conduct form: correctional and developmental lesson with elements of training, relaxation.

Methods and techniques used in the program:

1. Role playing. playing out various situations"On the ship", "Station", "Hospital", "School", etc.

2. Methodology of Vygotsky - Sakharov for the study of the formation of conceptual thinking.

3. Didactic games.

4. Design method: observation, analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization, research(they enter the image of the characters of the fairy tale and solve the problem in their own way).

5. Drawing - fantasizing by design (independent search for original content, development of creative imagination, education of independence, initiative, confidence).

6. Silhouette appliqué with elements of drawing (creating images, “deciphering” the meaning).

7. Design.

Lesson structure

1. Organizational moment.

2. Motivational: help children get ready for work, increase their level of activity.

3. Practical part the lesson includes intermediate diagnostics, work in workbooks according to the program “Flower-Semitsvetik” edited by N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varaeva, A.S. Tuzaeva, I.A. Kozlova, finger gymnastics (finger musical games), musical accompaniment, dance, listening to music, physical education, games and techniques aimed at solving the main goals of the lesson.

4. Relaxation training - techniques that reduce psycho-muscular tension.

5. Summing up the results of the lesson, reflection is an obligatory stage of the lesson.

7. Farewell.

The given scheme is not strictly obligatory and can be changed in accordance with the target orientation.

Developing activities with children 5-6 years old

Purpose of the program : intellectual and personal development of children aged 5-6 years, promoting the development of self-regulation, volitional processes, communication skills.

Tasks: develop cognitive activity in children, relieving fatigue, negative emotional states and their manifestations.

Destination : pupils of the senior group.

2. To form in pupils the techniques and methods of cognitive, educational, communicative and other activities.

3. Develop creative abilities, promote their diverse self-expression, creative attitude towards their own lives.

Organization of classes: once a week for subgroups.

reference source: Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P., “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boast and rejoice”, “I am learning to control myself”, Khryashcheva N.Yu. "Psycho-gymnastics in training", Degtyarev Yu.V., Litvonov V.G. Games, learning, training, leisure.

Thematic lesson plan



Goals and objectives

The course of the lesson (forms, work, exercises)



Creating an atmosphere of psychological security, group cohesion

Greetings. Name game. Games "Confusion", "Cut pictures". Exercise

"None of you knows." Ritual of farewell

“We play, communicate, study together” (visiting Tisha and a teacher-psychologist)

Acquaintance with the office of a psychologist. Learning to communicate through play. Activation of creative thinking and imagination

Greetings. Acquaintance with the office of a psychologist. Work with the album of successes. The game "Cut pictures".

pupils, teacher-psychologist

"rules of courtesy"

Development of creative thinking and imagination. Teaching polite words of appeal.

Greetings. Conversation: "Polite deeds." Album work. A game

"Say a polite word."


parents, educational psychologist

"My family"

The concept of "family". Help, caring for each other, respect, sympathy, love in the family. Discussion questions: Who is my family?

Greetings. Conversation:

"My family" (work in the album of successes). Drawing "My family", "Round dance". Farewell ritual.


educational psychologist

"My friends"

Learning to communicate through play. Developing the ability to listen to others joint activities.

Greeting (playing out with Tishka). Conversation "What is friendship", exercises "Give a pebble", "Bridge of friendship", a game

"If you like it, then do it.

so", the ritual of farewell.


pedagogue-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist


Training the ability to think creatively independently, give your own answers to questions

Game with a ball: "What first - what then?". "The Fourth Extra". "Joint History"


educational psychologist


Introduction to the concept of fantasy. Development of creative abilities.

Removal of fear.

Greetings from Tisha. Conversation "What is fantasy". The game "We are dreamers." "Draw what you see." "list all possible options”, The ritual of farewell.

pupils, music director, teacher-psychologist

"Who am I? What am I?

The concept of "man" in comparison with other living beings. Man as a part of nature and society. Consolidation of a positive emotional attitude to intellectual activity

Greetings. Conversation "Man and other living beings"

(similarities and differences). Questions: What am I? What do I want to be?

"Compliments", "Confusion"


educational psychologist

Didactic section

Lesson 1

Theme: Music in the heart.

Target: develop creative activity children in various types musical activity, to activate children's musical perception, imagination, understanding of the relationship between musical and speech intonations, develop creativity in the game on musical instruments enrich children's vocabulary.

Equipment: Recording of I. Strauss "Friendly Troikas", Kabalevsky "Angry",

music sad mood.

  1. Exercise "Character".

Instruction: Let's look at our hands, at the hands of other children. You see, they are all different. You are all different, you all have your own character. So we're talking about character. Do you love all kinds of stories? Sit comfortably. In the same yard lived - there were girls - girlfriends. They had different not only dress, shoes, etc. What else do you think? (character). What they were will tell us the music.

  1. The music of I. Strauss “Friendly Troikas” sounds.

Exercise analysis:

What do you think this girl was like? (kind, cheerful).

What did she play? (jumping on a jump rope)

And if you had a magic hand, what line would you draw? (straight, wavy, jumping)

Show with your hand. And her name was Rezvushka. Say her name and look at the portrait. (picture)

3. The music of Kabalevsky's "Angry" sounds.

What kind of girl was she? (evil, unkind)

Draw a line with your hand. (broken line)

What name can you give this girl? (Zlyuka)

The music "Sad mood" sounds and the third girl appears.

What a girl (sad). When a person cries, what is he called? (crybaby)

4. Rhythmoplasty "Dance of grasshoppers".

5.Timbro-noise accompaniment.(Children choose their own instruments. A phonogram sounds and the children are voiced.)

5. Exercise "What did I feel today in class?" (The sorceress said: “Look in the mirror of the magic stream. I have a magic umbrella of kindness, beauty and joy. If you twist it over yourself, then the person will become good, kind. Let's spin the umbrella.)

6. Farewell.

7. Exercise "Current".Hold hands and shake hands.

Lesson 2

Topic: Development of a child's personality in the process of integrating humanitarian and aesthetic knowledge.

Target: to develop the imagination and thinking of children with the help of art, the artistic and creative abilities of children.

Preliminary work: listening to music, reading stories, talking about birds, their habits, character, depiction in artistic and productive activities; learning games, memorizing poems, observing, looking at pictures.

Repertoire : "Moldovan dance", "Aria swan princess(from the opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan), Glinka's Chernomor March, (from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila), Rain (music by Slonov, lyrics by Petrova).

Equipment : paints, silhouettes of a swan, crows, fire-birds, pencils, brushes, napkins, reproductions female images, heat - birds, crows, swan.

Lesson progress:

1. Storyteller: Hello guys! Look at my outfit. Who am I? And who is this storyteller? What fairy tales do you know? And today listen to an unusual tale. Once upon a time there was a finger state. Show your fingers. On the golden porch they sat: (they bend their fingers) Tsar, Tsarevich, King, Prince, Shoemaker, Garment, Bedbug, Klopitsa, Imagine, Gossip Girl. Listen further. The king had 3 daughters. And in the state there was a garden. Rejuvenating apples grew in that garden. The daughters went for a walk in the magic garden and ate an apple each. They turned into birds. Would you like to hear how these birds sing?

2.Relaxation : eyes closed, music sounds, music sounds in the background.

3. The ratio of music and birds.

Look at the birds (pictures). Whose voice was it? (swan) Look at the swan, how could he move to this music? Show with your hand how this bird flaps its wing? Does the music sound like this bird? Let's say with you le-be-dush-ka.

Listen to more music. What kind of music sounds (cheerful, bright, light). What bird sang? (Firebird). Why? (She carries light, bright, she has a colorful outfit). Let's say the firebird.

And listen to the music and tell me what it is? (important, heavy) What kind of bird does it suit? (crow)

The first daughter turned into a swan, the second into a fire bird, the third daughter into a crow. All daughters loved to dress up. Choose a fabric for the swan (white, delicate), and now for the heat - birds (orange, light). Why? And now the fabric for the crow (black, dark).

  1. The king wanted to give his daughters shawls, let's give them to the birds. Children approach the easel and decorate the paintings with cloth.
  2. Music sounds . Children close their eyes. You need to choose a daughter in the portrait. (The music of Lebedushka, “Moldovenyaska”, “March of Chernomor” sounds).
  3. A game.
  4. Song "Birdsong" (English folk song).
  5. Parting.

Lesson 3

Theme: Me and my family.

Target : to cultivate love and respect for the family; expand children's ideas about the responsibilities of family members; develop thinking, speech, imagination, verbal and non-verbal communication the ability to follow the rules.

Equipment: albums with family photos, musical accompaniment, pictures of family members, a ball, pencils, construction material(mosaic, cubes, constructor.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment, greeting.


Nature wakes up (hands up)

Washes with dew, (washing movements)

Both the guys and the animals (hands on the belt, turn with a squat to the left)

Washed with water. (hands on the belt, turn with a squat to the right)

The forest woke up, the meadow woke up, (hands up)

Butterflies woke up around, (lower your hands)

The grasses and flowers woke up

We woke up with you!

Children stand in a circle, greet a neighbor in a chain and say that they are glad to see him.

  1. Repetition, communication of the topic of the lesson.


Guess the rebus: 7 Ya.

Today we will talk about our relatives, dear people who live next to us.

  1. Family game.
  2. Photo exhibition, conversation.
  3. Reading the fairy tale "Dream".
  4. Fairy tale analysis.
  5. Mobile game "Hare family".
  6. Summarizing.

Lesson 4

Theme: "My friends"

Target: develop the ability to listen to others; agree on joint activities; to teach communication through the game, the concept of friendship.

Equipment: tape recorder, Tishka doll, colored sheets of A4 paper, simple pencils, paints, brushes, napkins, pebbles various shapes and colors, workbooks.

  1. Greetings . Join hands in a round dance and pass each other along the chain with a handshake good mood(playing out the situation with the Tishka doll).
  2. Conversation "What is friendship". (Sounds like "True Friend")
  3. Exercises "Give a pebble", "Bridge of friendship".
  4. The game "If you like it, then do it."
  5. Work in notebooks.
  6. Drawing a picture for a friend.

Children choose any color sheet of paper. Say what color you chose a piece of paper. The color scheme conveys the mood of a person.

Everyone draws what they want. The main thing is that the pictures are very beautiful!”

  1. Finger gymnastics"Friendship".
  2. Compliments game
  3. Farewell ritual.

Lesson 5

Topic: "To help Luntik"

Target: to develop the intellectual sphere of children 5-6 years old, the level of self-control.

Tasks : improve attention, thinking, memory, perception, speech; relieving muscle tension.

Equipment: presentations for the lesson, musical accompaniment, an envelope with a letter; a box with medals for each child; 3 palms made of colored cardboard; pictograms, easel, sample house for copying, sheets of paper for each child, simple pencils; blue paper or fabric (to create a "reservoir", water lily leaves, paper canvas, with painted multi-colored traces; photographs of Luntik.

Course progress.

1. Greeting.


Let's greet each other in an unusual way - elbows, noses, socks, knees, etc.

Today we have an unusual lesson for you. Kindergarten staff came to visit us today. Let's greet our guests with a smile. Guys, I know that you know how to guess the mood! Can you guess what mood our guests are in today? How did you guess?

2. Relaxation exercise "Smile - get angry."


What is your mood? Let's each choose a pictogram with a mood. And we'll attach it to the easel.

The postman comes in and delivers the letter.

4. Confusion of multi-colored traces. Guess the riddleto find out what color tracks will lead us to this clearing.

He can croak with a frog,

Cry with the crocodile

Grow from the ground with grass

But he cannot bloom.

(Green color)

Children follow the tracks of the corresponding color.

5. Exercise "What is missing"(slide)

6. The game "The fourth extra"(slides)

7. The game “Which figure is gone? »

8. The game "Screamers-clappers-silent"

9. Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello", "My family".

10. Let's draw a house according to the model.

11. Summing up.

Lesson 6

Theme: "Heroes of a magical country"

Target: develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking; removal of mental and physical stress; develop the ability to empathize and help others.

Methods: game therapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Equipment: fabric, blanket, box, pictures with “parts” of the Magic Land (sun, flowers, rainbow, houses, etc.) pictures with the inhabitants of the Magic Land, a recording with the song “Scarecrow” (Zheleznova) and any moving music, soft (you can use normal) ball, letter.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting.

And we will greet each other today like this: we will all close our eyes, and I will stroke my neighbor on the shoulder on the right. When he senses that I have greeted him, he will pass on my greeting in exactly the same way. And so our greeting will go around everyone in a circle and return again to me.

2. The game "Catch - do not catch."Children sit in front of a psychologist who throws a ball at them and at the same time says “Catch! " or "Don't catch! ” and the children either catch the ball or hit it or hide their hands.

3. Mirror Maze. The psychologist and the children play the Mirrors game: the driver must show various movements, postures, facial expressions, and all the rest - mirrors - must repeat after him. First, the psychologist is an example, then every child should play the role.

4. Snowball game.

5. Game-song "Scarecrow" (Zheleznova).

6. Relaxation exercise " Air balloons».

7. Working with pictures. Describe the picture.

8. Summary of the lesson. The psychologist shows the children the palms closed by the boat.

“Now I will blow off each of you the bright and warm gratitude of the inhabitants of a magical country, and you catch it and keep it for yourself. Well guys, now she will always be with you, and if you suddenly feel sad or feel bad, you can get her, and she will definitely warm you up and help you!

Lesson 7

Topic: Rules of politeness and mutual understanding.

Target : develop group cohesion and positive emotional attitude participants to each other develop voluntary behavior; diagnostics of fine motor skills, arbitrariness and hand-eye coordination.

Equipment : ball, bell, forms with N.I. Gutkina "House", signed sheets of A4 paper, pencils.
Lesson progress
1. Greeting.

2. Exercise "Polite words"
Everyone stands in a circle.
The psychologist, passing the ball to the child standing to his right, politely says something, for example: “With Good morning Vitya! The child takes the ball and passes it to the neighbor, while saying any "polite words".
During the game, children need to remember as many polite or just kind words as possible.
After each child completes the task, the psychologist rings the bell and says:
- I have a bell in my hands,
The lesson starts.
We sit quietly at our desks
Let's leave our pampering
No, don't take toys
We need more "Primers"!
(Children sit at the tables).
3. Exercise " School rules»
The psychologist reads the rhyme:
- The teacher enters - you have to get up,
When he allows you to sit down, sit down.
If you want to answer - do not rush
But just raise your hand.
4. Then the children, saying rhyming words , perform the actions described in it.
5. The game "Drone and bees"
Psychologist says:
- Now we will play one game, and at the same time we will see if you can count to three.
You probably know that when bees fly and collect honey, they buzz, and if a drone appears, they buzz harder to drive it away. When the bees see the bear, they become silent so that the bear cannot find the honey. Imagine that you are bees. Be careful: if I clap my hands once, you should buzz not very loudly, if I clap twice, then the drone is flying, and you will buzz louder, and if I clap three times, then a bear has appeared, you will stop buzzing and you will sit quietly. Get ready, let's get started!
The game should be repeated several times. Participants can either sit at the tables or stand in a circle or in any order.
6. Physical education
Pinocchio stretched,
Once stooped, twice stooped,
Raised hands to the sides:
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You have to get on your toes.
7. Task for the diagnosis of fine motor skills, volitionality and hand-eye coordination
Children sit at tables.
The psychologist gives them signed sheets of A4 paper, simple pencils, forms with N.I. Gutkina "House" and offers to "copy" the drawing.

Lesson 8

Subject: Thinking.

Target : training the ability to think logically; accustom to standard logical operations.

Tasks: to develop mental processes: attention, memory, creative thinking, creativity, communication skills.

Equipment: ball, workbooks,

1. Greeting. Today we will greet you with an imaginary ball. Whom I “catch” with a glance, I will throw an imaginary ball with the words “Hello, (name)!” (The child catches an imaginary ball and throws it to the next one).

2. Corrective test "Finish a series of numbers", "Exception of the 4th".

3. Words are invisible.

4. Work in a notebook.

5. Finger gymnastics "Remember, name."

6. Game with a ball “What first, what then?”, “The fourth extra”, “Joint history”.

7. Finger theater.At the same time, work is underway to automate sounds, to develop phonemic hearing, vocabulary is enriched, new words are memorized, related words. Children learn the basics of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

8. Farewell ritual.

Lesson 9

Topic: Hard and soft consonants

(a lesson on the development of the sound culture of speech of children with FFNR)

Pedagogical goals:

educational:to promote the formation of the concept of hard and soft consonants, the development of children's interest in sound analysis, targeted practical assimilation of speech units (sound, word, sentence), differentiation of vowels and consonants, soft and hard consonants;

correctional and developmental: to promote the development of phonemic and speech hearing, finger and articulatory motor skills, higher mental functions(thinking, memory, perception);

correctional and educational: to promote the development of the desire to perform the task with high quality; promote the development of a friendly relationship with peers in joint activities.

Equipment: manual "Houses", cards with symbols, a bucket, a fish, a shell, subject pictures: a cow, a woodpecker, an airplane, a mosquito, items for the game "What object feels like?": key (iron), button (plastic), fur, cotton wool, paper napkin, something wooden - 6 items, chips-symbols (squares) of red, green, blue color, handout picture material.

Lesson progress

  1. Introductory part.

Let's listen. What sounds do you hear?

(Children's statements)

And I hear someone rustling. (Pulls out a bucket of fish.)

oh guys gold fish! Such a beauty! Rybka, tell us how you got here?

Our fish is silent, what to do?

Does not say anything. How can we be

Mouth yawns, How do we fish

Blows bubbles, teach to speak?

  1. Conjugate gymnastics

Guys, do the fish make any sounds?

Let's show how the fish yawns with its mouth.

The fish yawns with its mouth

It only blows bubbles. (P-p-p)

But we live in a world of sounds. All objects make sounds. Let's remember: who gives how, who sings like a song.


Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

The cow is mooing so

The song is long

Exercise "Cow"

Close your lips, make a sound (m)

The woodpecker pecked the oak with its beak:

He opened a workshop.


Here is a cozy hollow.


It's both dry and warm

One palm is straight, the index finger of the other “hollows” it

Exercise "Woodpecker"

Here comes the mosquito

He sang the song loudly:

- "Z-z-z" ...

Circular movements with the little fingers

Exercises: "Smile", "Fence"

The plane is flying in the sky

You can only hear how it hums

We fold the "airplane" from the fingers

Exercise "Airplane": bite your tongue, say "L-l-l"

Let's remember whose songs we heard? (Cows, woodpecker, mosquito, airplane.)

What do you think, what item is "extra" here?(“Extra” is a plane, it is not alive.)

This means that inanimate objects can also make sounds.

3. The game "What is missing, who is missing?"

I remove the object, and you sing its song, make the same sound.

4. Introduction to hard - soft consonants.

How do people talk, what do they say?

What are words made of? ( from sounds.)

What do people use to make sounds?

What are the sounds that sing called? ( vowels)

Who don't sing? ( consonants)

Well done, the fish really liked how you played with the sounds, talked about them. And for this she gives you a shell (the image of a shell is pasted on both sides of the round box). Oh, there's something here. These are different items, the fish wanted you to play the game "What does it feel like?" (hard or soft): key, button, fur, cotton wool, paper napkin, wooden stick.

What two groups can these objects be divided into? (hard and soft).

Consonants can also be hard and soft.

Chips-squares are placed on the typesetting canvas.

What color do we represent vowel sounds? (Vowel sounds are marked in red.)

A red square is placed on the top bar.

- And now let's play a little with the fingers.

The grass was softCams open slowly.

And it was green. Fingers up, move them.

We caress the grassStroking alternately palms.

We feel the softness.

There is a stone

Blue topaz. They clench their fists.

Very hard

He is for us. They bang their fists against each other.

What color is the grass?(Green)

What does she feel like?(soft)

What color is the stone?(blue)

What does he feel like? ( Solid)

With these colors we will designate soft and hard consonants.

We have already talked about the fact that vowel sounds are also divided into two groups and live in different houses. Let's remember what these houses are? (“Funny” sounds live in one house. In the other

"unhappy" who do not know how to smile.)


If there is only one sound,

He is bad, he is sad.

And in what house do two sounds live?(in merry)


They came to visit the vowels,

They became hard and soft.

If the vowel smiles,

The consonant immediately softens.

Game "What does a consonant sound like?"

Let's make consonants and vowels friends, I will bring the "guests" into the houses, and you will name how the consonant will sound, and show the softness and hardness of the consonants with your fingers.

Card symbol "Komarik": "Z-z-z"


Card symbol "Cow": "Mmm"


Card symbol "Airplane": "L-l-l"


Card symbol "Woodpecker": "D-d-d"


Rybka really liked how you determined the hardness-softness of consonant sounds.

In the shell there is another gift for you: the game "Give me a word." You have to guess. What word to suggest and define. What does a repeated syllable sound like?

De, de, de Fish swim in ... ( water)

Yes, yes, yes Everyone needs ... ( water)

We, we, we For fishing rods…(needed)

Nya, nya, nya I want to catch...(line)

Sy, sy, sy The pikes are long ...(nose)

Si, si, si Pike are afraid ... ( carp)

Let's remember pure words with soft syllables.

Dynamic pause

Ball game "Call it affectionately."

Children stand in a circle.

Guys, what is the funniest vowel? What vowel gave smiles to all your friends?

The most cheerful vowel sound (s),

Gave smiles to all my friends

We will play with you

Sound hardness soften

Merry sound ik

add at the end of a word

Cat-cat Catfish

Tail-tail Crowbar

Table-table House-house

Eye-eye Bush-bush

Mouth-mouth Nose-nose

Let's remember the words that were spoken in the ball game, What kind of fish did we call?(If the children find it difficult to answer. Then they remember the finger exercise “Who lives in the river?”)

What parts of the head are we naming?

Let's close our eyes. Imagine that we were at the river, oh, what air!

Inhale through the nose And then:

And exhale through your mouth. Hands up slowly

Breathe deeper, How good the weather is!

5. Sound analysis of words.

Guys, the shell still has pictures.

Cards with the image of objects are distributed to each child.

You say the word

Name the first sound

Determine its softness or hardness.

Children one by one go to the typesetting canvas, pronounce the word, name the first sound, determine the vowel or consonant, the softness or hardness of the consonant and put it near the corresponding chip. (On the 1st strip there is a red square, on the 2nd - green, on the 3rd blue.)

Complicating the task: the one with the 1st sound is a vowel, a soft consonant, a hard consonant.

When all the pictures are put on a typesetting canvas, the children name all the words with 1 soft consonant, with 1 hard consonant.

If the sounds sound hard, then the words sound hard, and if the sounds in the words are soft, then the words sound soft.

Sounds, phrases and words

The game starts.

What we're going to say

Fingers will help us to portray.

Listen carefully to how the phrase sounds, repeat the finger movements after me.

Pike, bream, laziness,Press on the fingertips.

They splash in the river.Imitate the splashing of fish.

The reed cat came out,Index and middle fingers

Both hands "go" on the table (4 paws)

The cat has a round belly.They close their hands in a ring in front of them

Repeat the phrase that sounded soft.

Repeat the phrase that sounded firmly.

6. The result of the lesson. Reflection of activity.

Rybka liked the way you were doing so much that she spoke.

Thank you guys, thanks to you I learned how to pronounce sounds and put them into words. And so that I don’t forget, tell me again, what did you do, what did you talk about, what games did you play?

"Portrait of a Fish"

And we thank the fish for the gifts that she brought, and draw her portrait.

1. Circle the fish stencil around the office, determine what is missing?

2. Draw the scales, fins, head, tail, eyes ...

3. Colorize.

4. Type a letter R.

Copy word - fish.

At home, pick up related words for the word FISH, come up with a fairy tale about how the fish learned to speak.

Lesson 10

Topic: Differentiation of sounds (З) - (З), (С) - (С), letters З, С).

Pedagogical goals:create conditions for practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds (s), (m) in words, phrases, performance sound analysis and synthesis, fixing the graphic image of letters S, Z, education possessive adjectives, words-antonyms, words-relatives; vocabulary expansion and vocabulary; promote the development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking, articulatory apparatus.

Equipment : finger puppets: fox and hare; picture material with sounds (c), (h); sheets of paper, pencils; contour letters C, Z.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory part.

Guys, look who came to visit us? ( Fox and hare ). Look at what a beautiful bag they came with.

Game "Wonderful bag"

There are two letters in the bag - C and Z.

To whom will we give the letters WITH ? Z?

Our guests will see how you can play.

2. Conjugate gymnastics.


Finger movements

Articulation exercises

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

Fingers imitate "ears". Perform up and down movements

Exercise "Swing"

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Rubbing palms

Exercise "Horse"

Bunnies started to freeze

Bunnies need to dance.

imitate trembling,

Raise-lower "ears"-fingers

A fox ran through the snow

She covered her tracks with her tail.

Alternately connect thumb with the rest

Exercises: "Fence", "Smile"

The hares saw the fox,

They ran away from the fox.


Up, one hand

"fox" - the second hand.

Fingers of both hands "scatter"

Exercises: "Woodpecker", "Turkey"

3. Gifts for the fox and the hare.

The teacher shows cards with the image of objects.

What will we give the fox and the hare?

Fox Hare

sled umbrella

beads castle (iron, grey)

basket bag

orange curtain (green, print)

Determine the softness-hardness of sounds, place (c), (h) (at the beginning, middle, end of the word).

Games : “Name it affectionately”, “Guess by sign”, “What is missing?”

Dynamic pause "Antonymous words"

We listen carefully

We play exciting.

I throw the ball

I call the phrase.

Who gets the ball

He adds a word.

We give the ball to the neighbor,

We are waiting for the whole phrase to be repeated.

Who repeats the phrase

He returns the ball to me.

  1. A hare has blunt teeth, and a fox ... (sharp).
  2. The hare has long ears, and the fox ... (short).
  3. The hare has a small tail, and the fox ... (large).
  4. Hares are rodents, and foxes ... (predators).
  5. The fox is red, and the hare ... ( white in winter, gray in summer).

4. Exercise "Remember, repeat."

Hares chew their teeth Fingers are teeth.

They are called rodents.

The fox has sharp teethMake a muzzle out of your fingers

Foxes are sharp and cunning. foxes.

Fox fluffy tail"Sweeping the palm of the hand on the table."

There is no better beauty in the forest.

Hares and foxes are not friends,One hand - "hare ears"

Foxes are circling around the hares.The other is the “fox head”.

Hares run from foxesMove fingers quickly

Foxes only look down. on the table.

Bunny footprints in the snow Depict foxes, in turn

Their foxes want to track down. Connect fingers. hand ko

forehead, depicting surveillance.

5. Exercise to identify related words.

What words sound similar in this poem?

- traces, track downare the words relatives.

Let's pick some more similar words by the way traces: affectionately - traces, huge - follow, Who is following in the footsteps, what is he doing? stalks what is this process called? - surveillance.

We remember on the fingers.

Here are the footprints, All fingers.

And here are the footprints. Little fingers.

Here are the traces of the Palm.

In the snowy forest.

Someone is stalking someoneOne hand - "bunny ears"»,

The other is "foxes".

And winter is all snowOne hand - "bush", fingers

It snows. to the sides, the second - “sprinkle


To not be in a hurryThey threaten with the index finger.

To avoid surveillance.

  1. Getting to know the letters S, Z.
  1. A game "Great bag."

What is the letter of the fox?(WITH)

What about the rabbit? (Z)

There are more main ones in the bag A, O. (put all the letters in a bag).

Let's find by touch.(S, Z, A, O)

Let's add the syllables:

For: for, for, for. ( The thumb-"eye" lies on the palm. The remaining fingers are “eyelashes” (close-open.)

So: so, . (Connect half-bent palms into a wheel).

  1. Repetition of a poem about letters from fingers.


Letter Z -two curls, bend the left hand a little,

Bend your palms slightly. letter With we receive.

We join hands, the moon shines on us from heaven,

We place the right over the left. look at the letter WITH.

We now know the letter Z.

  1. Pencil work.

a) Draw the pattern "Ears" (whose?)

Draw a birch fence (which one?)

Draw traces (whose?)

Draw snowdrifts from snow (what?)

b) On each board - Z.

In every snowdrift - WITH.

Drawing up a story from pictures.

At home: paint over, cut out the snowdrifts along the contour, sew.

  1. Summary of the lesson. Reflection of activity.

- What did you do in class? What games were played? What did they draw?


relaxation exercises

for preschoolers 5-6 years old


Imagine that you are all balloons, very beautiful and funny. You are cheated, you become lighter and lighter. Your whole body becomes as if weightless. And the arms are light, and the legs have become light - light. The balloons rise higher and higher. A warm, gentle breeze is blowing, it gently blows over each ball ... (Pause - stroking the children). It blows on the balloon ... caresses the balloon ... It's easy and calm for you. You fly where the gentle breeze blows. But now it's time to return home. You are back in this room. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. Smile at your balloon.

"The flower has blossomed"

I am a bud (the children sat on the floor, grabbed their knees pulled up to themselves, lowered their heads, their muscles were tense). The warm sun is shining, I am growing (they rise slowly, smile, swaying their arms in a relaxed way). The sun has disappeared, it is dark, the night has come, my petals are closing (starting position), and the sun is rising again ... etc.


Today you did a lot of studying, playing and, probably, tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine that you lazybones are basking on a soft - soft carpet. The environment is quiet, calm, you breathe easily and freely.

Feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation. You rest easy and are lazy. Your hands rest, your legs rest ... (Pause - stroking the legs). The arms rest at ... (child's name), the legs rest at ... (child's name). Pleasant warmth over your body, you are too lazy to move, you are pleased. Your breathing is calm. You enjoy the rest, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch and at the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested, you are in a cheerful mood.


Imagine that you are cubs and a mother bear is playing with you. She throws you cones. You catch them and squeeze them with force in your paws. But now the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs ... (2-3 times).


Imagine warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, big, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you are warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, to the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. Your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the biggest and fluffiest, to the most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already flying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and gentle cloud ... (Pause-stroking children). Stroking .. stroking .. You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud lowered you into a clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. You had a good rest on the cloud.


Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You breathe easily and freely. But your waterfall is unusual, instead of water it has a soft white light. Imagine that you are standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light streaming down your head. You feel how it pours over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck ... White light flows over your shoulders .. helps them become soft and relaxed ... (Pause stroking the children). And the gentle light flows further down the chest... down the belly... down the legs, and you feel how the body becomes softer, and you relax. This amazing waterfall white light flow through your body. You feel completely calm and relax more and more with each breath. Now stretch and open your eyes at the count of three. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.


Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is sunbathing, your nose is also sunbathing - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle the nose, lift the upper lip up, leave the mouth half open (holding the breath). When chasing a butterfly, you can vigorously move your nose. The butterfly has flown away. Relax the muscles of the lips and nose (on the exhale) (repeat 2-3 times)

Technologies for selecting pupils in correctional groups:

  1. Teachers' observations.
  2. Parent survey.
  3. Psychological examination of pupils according to the methods:

- "Addition of phrases" - aimed at identifying the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

- "Finishing figures" - aimed at determining the level of development of the imagination;

- "Classification by feature", "Free classification", "The most dissimilar" - to identify logical thinking;

- "Rybka" - is aimed at determining visually - figurative thinking;

- Method "Nonsense".

The technique is aimed at identifying the features of the child's cognitive activity. Allows you to identify children with severe cognitive impairment. Designed for children 5 - 6 years old.

To organize the survey, a picture is prepared in advance:

Test subject instructions.

The child is asked to look at the picture. After 30 seconds, the experimenter asks: "Reviewed?" If the answer is negative or indeterminate, more time is given. If yes, the subject is asked to tell what is drawn in the picture. In case of difficulty, the child is assisted:

- stimulating. The researcher helps the child to begin to answer, to overcome possible uncertainty. He encourages the child, shows his positive attitude towards his statements, asks questions prompting an answer: "Did you like the picture?" "What did you like?", "Well, well done, you think right"",

- Guide.If provoking questions are not enough to cause the child's activity, direct questions are asked: " Funny picture?", "What's funny about it?",

- educational. Together with the child, some fragment of the picture is examined and its absurdity is revealed: “Look, what is drawn here?”, “Can this happen in real life?”, “Don’t you think that something is mixed up here?”, “And also Is there anything out of the ordinary here?"

Evaluation of the assignment.

The assessment takes into account:

a) inclusion of the child in work, concentration, attitude towards it, independence;
b) understanding and assessment of the situation as a whole;
c) the regularity of the description of the picture;
d) the nature of verbal statements.

1st level- the child immediately joins the work. Correctly and generally assesses the situation as a whole: "Everything is mixed up here," "There is some kind of confusion." Proves the generalization made by analyzing specific fragments. Fragments are parsed in a certain order (top to bottom or left to right). Focused on work, independent. Statements are capacious and informative.
2nd level- the situation is assessed correctly, but the level of organization, independence in work is insufficient. In the course of the task, he needs stimulating assistance. When describing a picture, fragments are allocated randomly, randomly. Describes what the eye fell on. The child often finds it difficult to find the right words.

3rd level- the child himself cannot assess correctly and generally the situation. His gaze wanders over the picture for a long time. For the student to begin to respond, the guiding participation of the teacher is required. The method of analysis learned with its help is used in the description and evaluation of other fragments, but the work is going very sluggishly. The activity of the child has to be stimulated all the time, the words are drawn out.

4th level- the child cannot give a correct assessment of the situation. Stimulation directing help "does not take." The model of analysis given by the teacher does not assimilate, cannot transfer it to a new situation, apply it in the analysis of other fragments.

Diagnostics of the development of thinking

The child is given a sheet with the image of 6 pairs of mittens, scattered in random order, and is offered to pick up a pair for each mitten according to 4 signs - the color, location and size of the elements of the pattern, the position of the thumb.

Instruction.Look, the guys got their mittens mixed up. Help them figure it out and find all the pairs of mittens.

Performance evaluation
Can't pick up any pair.......................0
Correctly picked up one pair ............................... 2
Correctly picked up two pairs .................................. 2
Correctly picked up 3-6 pairs ..............................................…………………………… ….6

If the child does not complete the task, it can be assumed that he has insufficiently developed logical or imaginative thinking, or voluntary attention. In this case, it is necessary to carry out express diagnostics by offering the child a simple attention task (comparing two simple pictures to find differences).

Criteria for evaluating the achievement of results

The criterion for the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work is the repeated conduct of a diagnostic study:

- survey of parents;

- psychological examination of pupils according to the methods:

- "Phrase addition"

- "Finishing the figures"

- "Classification on the basis", "Free classification",

- "The most unlike";

- "Fish".

Information about the practical testing of the correctional development program "Development of the intellectual and personal development of children 5-6 years old" on the basis of the MBDOU "Kindergarten" Skazka ".

The term of approbation of the program is 2 years.

The number of participants is 40 pupils.

Results of corrective work

before the work

after prov. work

before the work

after prov. work

before the work

after prov. work



















Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that there is a positive dynamics in the development of thinking, creative abilities, and the cognitive sphere.

Performance criterionwith preschoolers under the program of intellectual and personal development, formation mental health is the mastery of children by the following norms:

  • The ability to positively assess their capabilities, abilities.
  • The ability to enjoy yourself and share the joy of others.
  • The ability to verbally express their desires, feelings.
  • The ability to express one's emotions through pantomime (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, guilt).
  • The ability to understand the interlocutor by facial expressions, gestures, emotions.
  • Ability to communicate constructively with adults and peers.

To implement the tasks set, a wide variety of forms of work with preschoolers are used: psycho-gymnastic, creative, plot-role-playing games, folk riddles, silence, the forbidden word, dramatization games, mental operations: generalization, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, various studies and corrective and developmental exercises. Special Role is assigned to individual, subgroup classes with children, the conduct of which does not affect the change in the schedule of compulsory classes and does not lead to a violation of sanitary standards.

The obtained data of correctional work were reflected in the positive results of pupils

The development of intellectual abilities and mental experience is closely related to the development of certain personal qualities:

- cognitive: initiative, curiosity, independence;

- self-esteem: self-confidence, a sense of intellectual worth;

- communicative: goodwill, the ability to take into account the point of view of another person, criticality in assessing "indisputable" truths, the ability to engage in intellectual dialogue;

- emotional: characterize the attitude to life phenomena, the surrounding reality, art, creativity, knowledge, intellectual activity.

The results of correctional and developmental work contributed to the positive dynamics of the personal development of pupils (see table 1).

1. Bogat V. To develop creative thinking / V. Bogat, V. Nikolaev // Preschool education - 1994.- No. 1.- P. 2-5.

2.Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology/ L.S. Vygotsky - M., 1996. - 420 p.

3. Wenger L.A., Education of the sensory culture of the child / L.A. Wenger, G. Pilyugina, N.B. Venger.-M.: Enlightenment, 1998.- 220 p.

4. Peterson L.G., Lykova I.A. Program "World of Discoveries" - M., 2012

5. Davydov V.V. The problem of developing learning / V.V. Davyvov. - M .: Education, 1986. - 160 p.

6. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurevich. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2004. - 237 p.

7.Dyachenko O.M. The development of the imagination of a preschooler / O.M. Dyachenko.- M., 1966.

8. Preschool pedagogy / V.I. Loginova and P.G. Samorukova. - M., 1983. - S.170-171.

9. Zaporozhets L.V. Selected psychological works, 2 volumes / L.V. Zaporozhets.-M., 1986.- 368 p.

10. Intellectual development and education of preschoolers / L.G. Niskanen. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 109 p.

11. Methodical advice for the program "Childhood". - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.- 304 p.

12. Piaget J. Selected psychological works. Psychology of intelligence: Genesis of number in a child. Logic and psychology. - M., 1969. - 720 p.

13. Poddyakov N.N. and etc. mental education preschooler./ N.N. Poddyakov. -M., 1972.- 240 p.

14. Collection N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago "Fundamentals of diagnostic and corrective work of a psychologist"


On behalf of the parents of children attending classes, consultations and parent-teacher meetings with the participation of the teacher-psychologist Bognyukova Miroslava Nikolaevna, the music director Enova Natalia Aleksandrovna, the teacher - speech therapist Natalya Sergeevna Okuneva, we would like to express our gratitude for the assistance rendered in the upbringing of our children.

Classes are always unusual and the children like them. One lesson is not like another, the guys play, draw, design, learn ways of neuromuscular relaxation.

We have become more psychologically enlightened parents. And this is the merit of the specialists of the MBDOU "Kindergarten" Skazka ", in her ability to understand the situation, to push a person to solve the problem.

We, parents, have attended and will continue to attend consultations, open classes this creative team. We hope that their work will continue in the same creative search for solutions to the problems of children and parents.

Initiative group of parents:

___________ Laschenkova E.V.

___________ Lagunova L.N.

___________ Varlamova V.N.

___________Chuchalin E.V.

Feedback from the head

With the direct participation of the creative team, such significant events were held as:

  • district seminar “Priority direction of modern education”;
  • meetings of the creative group for the development certain aspects improvement of the pedagogical process;
  • "Money box" pedagogical excellence“- open classes in the preschool educational institution for children, teachers, parents;
  • development of presentation materials;
  • a system of counseling and training for teachers has been developed, taking into account the training received on the problem of the intellectual development of preschool children.

Usage innovative technologies in the educational process, creating conditions to ensure the most favorable disclosure of intellectually - creativity pupils of the preschool educational institution contributed to the development of the abilities of the group of children as a whole, which is confirmed by the results of diagnostic studies:

In perspective:

  • development of new pedagogically expedient and didactically sound ways of intellectual and personal development of children;
  • methodical design of innovations that enable their mass use;
  • holding a regional seminar of teachers - psychologists on this issue.

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten" Fairy Tale "_________N.P. Kirik


Kern-Jirasek test

(verbal intelligence)

Thinking. Horizon. Development of social qualities.

Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.
It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation. The task might look like this:

“Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.”

If it is difficult for a child to immediately answer a question, you can help him

a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summarized:

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
(horse = 0 points; wrong answer = -5 points)

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...
(lunch, soup, meat = 0; dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

3. It is light during the day, and at night ...
(dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

4. The sky is blue and the grass...
(green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what is it?
(fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

6. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;
wrong answer = -1)

7. What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)
(cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

8. What time is it? (show on a watch, real or toy)
(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...?
(puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

10. Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?
(per cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;
for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

11. Why do all cars have brakes?
(two reasons given: braking downhill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1;
one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other?
(two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

13. How are a cat and a squirrel alike?
(determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, hair, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you?
(the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;
the screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming are...

(sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; don't know = 0)

16. What vehicles do you know?
(three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4;
only three land vehicles or a complete list with an aircraft, a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can travel on = 2;
wrong answer = 0)

17. What is different an old man from young? What is the difference between them?
(3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4;
one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

18. Why do people play sports?
(for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4;
one reason = 2; wrong answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

19. Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?
(the rest must work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped?
(so they pay for forwarding this letter = 5;
the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.
Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).
The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.
The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.
From -1 to -10 - below average.
From - 11 and less - a low indicator.
If the verbal intelligence score is low or below average,
an additional examination of the neuropsychic development of the child is necessary.

How to assess the intellectual development of a preschool child?

Intelligence It's not just the ability to think. These are also effective skills to think creatively and deeply, as well as to apply the accumulated knowledge in solving life problems. Intellect is not learning, which gathers dust on the far shelf of consciousness, but is alive, practical work mind.

Some parents believe that their child is intellectually ready for school already and only because he can count, read, write. He's trained, that's a fact. But are we teaching? How can he apply the amount of knowledge he has? Sometimes it happens that in such trained children the stock of basic “formal” knowledge is exhausted in two or three months, then it is difficult for them to master the school curriculum. The child must earn connections between the individual blocks of information that comes to him in a continuous stream, especially at the school desk. If we imagine our brain as a huge chest of drawers, then the child learns to freely open the drawers of this chest of drawers, if necessary, shift things from one place to another, compare them, find common and distinctive features in them, throw away unnecessary “rags”, etc.

NEW LEVEL OF THINKING. Not all children have a sufficiently developed visual-figurative type by the age of seven, and even more so by the age of six. thinking. What to say about the verbal-logical? The immaturity of these levels of thinking can inhibit educational process. This also applies to others mental processes(memory, imagination, concentration, speech). By school age, a child should clearly express his thoughts, be able to retell what he heard and read, share his impressions, highlight the main thing. In addition, he must have a well-developed fine motor skills so that the hand is ready for writing.

LET'S KNOW THE WORLD TOGETHER. It is an indisputable fact that the intellectual abilities of a child largely depend not on "heredity", but on the inquisitiveness of the mind. How does he get information? First of all, in communication with adults. These eternal conversations on the topic: “Why is snow white? And ducks don't drown? Is the earth round, not square? it is desirable to always support. It is necessary to try in every possible way to encourage this curiosity, expanding the horizons of your baby and giving him a certain system of knowledge about the world. And don't rush to answer all the questions. Ask your “why” more often: “What do you think?” Let the child “dig” into the information that is incomprehensible to him. Let him put forward his ideas, hypotheses, options. It is known that what the child is sincerely surprised at and what he comes to through independent research is remembered better.

WHAT HELPS TO DEVELOP THINKING? These are those exercises and activities that, on the one hand, are interesting for children, and on the other hand, lead to stalemate and force them to look for solutions. First, as often as possible, turn to riddles - a storehouse of folk fantasy. After all, they are often built on contradictions, "traps" for the mind. Ask the children to help around the house and improve some household chores. Play games like "Fiction", "Believe-don't-believe", where some kind of story, phenomenon, fact is invented. For example, "Elephants live in our forest." The child must refute or confirm this, substantiating his answer. Then he comes up with his fiction, and you agree or not.

EXPERIENCE OF PIAGET. Repeat the experiment of the Swiss psychologist J. Piaget. Roll two balls of the same size from dough or plasticine and ask the child to compare them. The kid will see the obvious - they are exactly the same. Then, in his presence, make a cake from one ball. Show him a ball and a cake, ask: “Where is the dough more?” A child in whom visual-figurative thinking predominates will say that the cake is larger (this will be an obvious fact for him). If he answers that the ball and the cake are the same, then he already knows how to think abstract concepts. Piaget carried out this experiment with seven-year-old children. Not everyone develops abstract thinking by this age.

IQ test

shows far from all intellectual abilities. And most importantly, it does not reveal the picture of the use of these abilities. This test reflects a standard and static measure of intelligence, relying heavily on the cultural and economic environment.

A child of the sixth year of life continues to improve through the game, drawing, communication with adults and peers, but gradually, the most important activity becomes learning.

By the age of five, a baby, as a rule, has the following skills and abilities:

  • owns a vocabulary of about 3000 words,
  • knows his address
  • uses sentences of 5-6 words,
  • uses all types of sentences, including complex ones,
  • can retell
  • pronounces almost all sounds correctly,
  • determines right-left in himself, but not in others,
  • knows simple antonyms (big-small, hard-soft),
  • uses past, present and future tenses
  • counts to ten
  • knows the purpose of objects and can tell what they are made of.

The child needs to be prepared for school

Of course, learning was woven into all activities of the child and into early ages. He learned to sculpt, carve, design, make applications, etc. But such training did not yet contain a system characteristic of the assimilation of knowledge. Now the time has come for a gradual transition to such learning, when the child can and wants to do what the adult requires of him.

As experience shows, problems in learning are most often associated with their lack of social maturity. At the same time, the intellectual development of the child can even be very high.

The principle of gradualism must be observed

Most of the time, the child should be doing the thing that interests him, because he still feels a great need for the game. Therefore, learning, becoming more focused, should still be generally playful in nature.

The intellectual development of a child of five or six years is determined by a complex of cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination.

The attention of this child age period characterized by involuntary; he still cannot control his attention and often finds himself at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in quick distractibility, the inability to focus on one thing, in the frequent change of activity.

Adult guidance should be directed towards the gradual formation voluntary attention which is closely related to the development of responsibility. This involves the careful execution of any task - both interesting and not very interesting.

The most important characteristics of attention are: stability of attention, that is, the ability to maintain concentration for a longer time, switching of attention, that is, the ability to quickly navigate in a situation and move from one activity to another, and distribution of attention - the ability to focus simultaneously on two or more different objects.

The role of emotional factors(interest), mental and volitional processes.

All properties of attention are well developed as a result of exercises. Perception in a child develops literally from the first months of life. By the age of five or six, a child usually distinguishes colors and shapes of objects well (he names various geometric figures). He is well oriented in space and correctly uses diverse designations. spatial relationships: "We must go down, turn right, walk to the corner, turn left, go to the other side."

More difficult for the child is the perception of time

Orientation in the time of day, in the assessment of different periods of time (week, month, season, hours, minutes). It is still difficult for a child to imagine the duration of any business. On the basis of visual-effective thinking, which develops especially intensively in a child from the age of three or four, a visual-figurative and more complex form of thinking is formed - verbal-logical.

Various games, designing, modeling, drawing, reading develop in the child such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. This allows the child to understand main idea fairy tales, pictures, combine multiple pictures based on common feature, decompose pictures into groups according to an essential feature, etc. Classes with a child can improve thinking performance by 3-4 times.

Memory is still involuntary

That is, the child easily remembers what interested him. But even in this case, forgetting happens very quickly. Parents of five-year-olds are often surprised that children forget information so quickly.

Already at this age, individual differences appear: some children have a better developed visual memory, others have an auditory memory, others have an emotional memory, and a fourth have a mechanical memory. In classes with a child, all types of memory should be developed, but nevertheless, one should strive to learn to memorize based on mental activity, for understanding.

The leading activity of the child is a role-playing game

In the process of which the imagination develops. It is imagination that enables the child to imagine himself during the game as a pilot, sailor, driver, etc. Some parents are frightened by the excessive (as it seems to them) fantasizing of the child, and they ask: “Is this normal?” For a five-six-year-old child, fantasizing is a necessary prerequisite for a creative attitude to reality. The tireless work of the imagination is one of the ways leading to the knowledge and development of the world.

Attention should be paid to the development of speech

Does the child pronounce all the sounds correctly? Does it “eat up” the beginnings and endings of words? Is he able to express his thoughts coherently? etc. If you answered “no” to at least one of these questions, then you need to “sound” the alarm. If you yourself are unable to achieve positive results, you should not neglect such a problem and you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist - a speech therapist.

Grow with your child!

Receive regular emails about your child's development and helpful tips.

5 to 7 years

  • from birth to 1 month
  • 1 to 2 months
  • 2 to 3 months
  • 3 to 4 months
  • 4 to 5 months
  • 5 to 6 months
  • 6 to 7 months
  • 7 to 8 months
  • 8 to 9 months
  • 9 to 10 months
  • 10 to 11 months
  • 11 to 12 months
  • 1 year to 1 year and 3 months
  • 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months
  • 1 year and 6 months to 1 year and 9 months
  • from 1 year and 9 months to 2 years
  • 2 years to 2 years and 3 months
  • 2 years and 3 months to 2 years and 6 months
  • 2 years and 6 months to 2 years and 9 months
  • 2 years and 9 months to 3 years
  • 3 to 4 years
  • 4 to 7 years old
  • 5 to 7 years old
  • 6 to 7 years old
  • 7 years and older


Children should be taught to read

Most children of this age show an interest in literacy themselves, especially if you have prepared them for it. You constantly talked and played with your child, answered his questions and stimulated him cognitive interests, read a lot, learned poems and simple songs.