Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Speech behavior of the teacher. The culture of communication and speech behavior of the teacher

The wife and her lover are lying on the bed, suddenly the doorbell rings - the husband has come. Both are caught, and then once, the lover is twisted by sciatica, stands naked with cancer, and cannot move. The husband enters, sees this picture and asks:
- What is it here?
The wife replies:
- This is a Japanese robot to satisfy women in the absence of a man.
The husband believed and calmed down. The wife went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Husband thought:
- What only these Japanese do not come up with! Oh, it's a pity they didn't make a woman! Well, yes, okay, a robot is not a person, it’s not pederasty to fuck him, let me try.
Tries to take advantage of her lover's anus, but he strained and wouldn't let him. The husband was saddened, and muttered:
- What nonsense! I'll take a drill, drills and a rasp and open it, damn it!
And then the lover says in a metallic voice:
- Che-lo-age, try-buy e-sche! Try again!

Petka, I see on the radar that there is some kind of submarine below us, dive in and find out who they are. Petka dived in a minute, emerges and says: - V.I. there are Americans.
- Why did you take this Petka?
- They talk in English.
- You are a fool, Petka, English is an international language, everyone is bazaaring on it right now, dive again.

- IN AND. there are Japanese.
- Why are they Japanese?
“They have all the Sony and Panasonic equipment there.”
- You idiot Petka, this equipment is all over the world right now, let's dive more.
A minute later, Petka pops up and says:
- IN AND. they are Moldovans. I knocked they opened.

So have you already decided which car you want to take?
- Not yet. Now, as an option, I'm considering Datsun.
- What kind of car? Where do they do it?
- Japanese company. And they do it for us. At the VAZ. In short, Russian Japanese.
- Khakamada?!?

Kyiv. There is a policeman on the road. An expensive foreign car drives up to him, a window opens, a Japanese man leans out of it and begins to say something in Japanese:
- Syamasya husya blablabla ... Coca-Cola?
- Excuse me, do you want to know where you can buy a bottle of what around here on this hot day?

From the diary of a Martian:
August 1. The Japanese have arrived. With the help of their nano technologies, they broke into our bunker in 8 hours and distributed sushi to everyone. It was delicious, but not enough for everyone - they ate the Japanese.
August 2. The Americans have arrived. With the help of their digital technologies broke into our bunker in 3 hours and handed out hamburgers to everyone. It was tasty, but not enough for everyone - they ate the Americans.
August 3rd. The Russians have arrived. With the help of a crowbar and fuck your mother, they broke into our bunker in 3 minutes and handed out p..zdyuley to everyone. It was tasteless, but enough for everyone.

A real Japanese in life must do three things, and at least one of them must have bluetooth.

Start school year at an American school. The class teacher introduces the class:
- Children, we have a new one - Shakiro Suzuki from Japan, get acquainted. Now let's start the lesson and see how well you know American history. Who said "freedom or death"?
There is dead silence in the classroom. Suzuki raises his hand.
— Patrick Henry, 1775, Philadelphia.
- Very well. And whose words: "The state is the people, and as such must never die"?
Suzuki's hand again:
— Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington. The teacher sternly looks at the class:
- Shame on you, kids! Suzuki is Japanese and knows American history better than anyone!
At this moment, a quiet voice from the back of the desk:
- Fuck the fucking Japs!
The teacher turns around abruptly.
- Who said!!!
Suzuki jumps up and rattles:
— General MacArthur, after being defeated by Japanese landings in the Philippines, 1942.
With complete numbness of the class, an exclamation from Kamchatka:
- Yes suck you!
The teacher goes in spots:
- Whoooo!!!
Suzuki instantly jumps up:
— Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, Washington, 1997.
Outraged scream:
Suzuki is shit!!!
And not a second of delay:
- Valentino Rossi at the Brazilian Grand Prix in Rio de Janeiro, 2002! the Japanese blurts out!
The class is in hysterics, the teacher is in a swoon, the door swings open and the enraged principal of the school appears:
- Fuck your mother! What a mess this is!!!
Suzuki, who did not have time to sit down:
- President Yeltsin, meeting of the Russian Parliament, 1993!

Why Japan is so worried about Korea's nuclear program and doesn't care nuclear weapon USA?
- To the American nuclear bombing The Japanese are used to it.

The Japanese invented a clock that, when it hears a mate, jumps forward a minute. We decided to try. Hung in a Japanese bar for 24 hours. After 24 hours come, the clock goes 2 minutes ahead. Hung in an English bar. After 24 hours come, the clock goes 5 minutes ahead. Hung in a Russian bar. After 24 hours they come - there are no hours! They approach the bartender:
- We hung the clock here yesterday, where is it?
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah…. so it was a watch? And we thought - why the hell do we need a fan in winter?!

A delegation from Japan arrives in the USSR. They are taken to the most modern workshops, the equipment is shown. The Japanese look at each other silently. Then they drive by the best scientific laboratories, show all the very best - the Japanese also silently exchange glances. At the end of the visit, they are asked:
- Well, what is your impression?
- You know, we used to think that you were 10 years behind us. Well, maybe 15. And now we have seen that you are behind us forever.

The culture of the teacher's speech - essential quality his professional pedagogical activity. This is the subject of the article, which presents the main types of speech cultures of teachers in a modern school, the requirements for speech and the rules of speech culture of a modern teacher.




The most important professional tool of pedagogical activity is communication. Speech communication is one of the main means of education and development of schoolchildren. A lot of wise advice regarding the speech communication of the teacher was given by the outstanding teacher-innovator V.A. Sukhomlinsky. He called the speech culture of the teacher "the mirror of his spiritual culture" and demanded from the teacher mastery of the word: "every word spoken within the walls of the school must be thoughtful, wise, purposeful, full-bodied."

The culture of speech is also an integral part of the general professional and pedagogical culture of a modern teacher.

Speech is both a means of teaching and a means of learning. The speech of the teacher forms the speech culture of students and serves as a model for them. Through speech, the teacher conveys certain information, develops and enriches the intellect of students, encourages students to act on the basis of the knowledge gained, controls the attention of students, forms a world of their ideas and concepts. It is through speech that the teacher communicates his mood, character, intellect, will, his attitude towards students and the subject being taught, through speech he expresses his thoughts and feelings. Students remember, first of all, the thoughts and mood of the teacher, but only that speech that has logic and accuracy, grammatical correctness, originality, relevance and economy is stored in memory. The quality of learning by students depends on the accuracy of the sentences and concepts formed by the teacher.

In a modern school, there are three types of language cultures of teachers:

  1. Carriers of elite speech culture.
  2. Representatives of the "medium literary" culture.
  3. Teachers with a literary and colloquial type speech behavior.

Teachers of the "first type" own the entire functional-style system literary language, and each style is used according to the situation. In their speech there is no violation of the norms of the literary language in pronunciation, stress, education grammatical forms, word usage. They comply with all ethical norms, in particular, the norms of national Russian etiquette, requiring a distinction between you and you- communication.(You-communication is used only in an informal setting; one-way you-communication is never allowed). They use language creatively, their speech is usually individual, there is no stamping in it, and in colloquial speech- desire for books.

The speech behavior of the carriers of the "medium literary" language culture reflects low level them common culture(the impossibility of creative use of popular expressions, artistic samples of classical literature, ignorance literary norms pronunciation, poverty of speech), characterized by monotony in the voice, lack of emotionality; lack of gesticulation, which, as a rule, does not lead to contact; ignorance of quotes from works of art(for a teacher of literature); incorrect placement of stresses; stinginess with synonyms, comparisons, epithets, etc.

Far from the norm public speech is the speech of representatives of the "third type". Teachers with a literary and colloquial type of speech behavior try, imitating the youth speech culture, and in part some slang turns and expressions, to teach the material. However, this behavior is not allowed. The teacher should be a role model for the student, an example both culturally and verbally. A teacher is a person who brings up in a child the concept of culture, including the culture of communication. Therefore, such high requirements are imposed on the speech of the teacher, namely:

Literacy of speech and lexical richness;

Consistency and accessibility (accessibility is understood not only in the sense of the accuracy and simplicity of the teacher's statements, it means the ability to adapt them to age and individual characteristics schoolchildren);

Technical perfection (delivered breathing and voice, clear diction, optimal pace and rhythm of speech);

Intonational expressiveness, emotionality and figurativeness (Words and expressions that evoke visual representations have the greatest figurativeness. The teacher needs to learn how to speak in such a way that students seem to “see” what in question. To do this, you need to master figurative linguistic means, appropriately and freely use comparisons, epithets, metaphors, personifications, etc. in speech);

Relevance of speech (selection of speech content, language tools, certain communicative actions);

It is important to use and non-verbal means communication (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime movements).

There are rules of speech culture of the teacher:

  1. The teacher should speak quietly, but in such a way that everyone can hear him, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress for students.
  2. The teacher must speak clearly.
  3. The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute.
  4. To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses speech is illiterate, without psychological - colorless.
  5. The teacher must speak with intonation, i.e. be able to put logical stresses, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what was said.
  6. Melody gives the teacher's voice an individual coloring and can significantly affect the emotional well-being of students: inspire, captivate, soothe. Melodica is born based on vowel sounds.

Of course, knowledge of the above requirements and rules of speech culture, their observance and continuous improvement of one’s speech is a guarantee successful work modern teacher, whose task is to develop historical memory people, familiarizing with the riches of the multinational culture of those for whom this culture is perceived, first of all, through the influencing word.

The speech actions of the teacher have a certain communicative content and form. For example, it is possible to induce a student to some educational actions with the help of a hint, request, advice, indication, requirement, etc. If the content of the teacher's speech act is conditioned pedagogical goals, then the form of a speech act - features interpersonal relationships A: functional or friendly.

General character The speech act of the teacher is determined by the person to whom it is addressed, for what purpose, what is its content, the specific situation of communication and what attitude is shown to the student - indifference, sympathy, love, antipathy.

In the variety of speech acts, such communicative types as narration, question, motivation and exclamation are distinguished. Each speech act has its own syntactic, lexical and intonational structure.

To manage pedagogical communication, the teacher needs the ability to predict the student's response to their behavior. Only using optimal model speech act, the teacher achieves the necessary educational and educational effect. For example, the expression “I ask you to do this work, I am sure that you (you) will cope with it” is a stronger motivator for the student than “immediately start work, otherwise you will not see a good grade.”

Each act of professional interaction requires non-standard speech creativity, because. is based on taking into account the diverse circumstances - the situation of communication, the individuality of the pupil, the feelings experienced by him, the mood, the nature of the existing relationship.

The teacher constantly needs to adjust his behavior in accordance with momentarily received feedback - verbal and non-verbal. Pedagogical communication consists of the mutual exchange of speech actions of the teacher and students.

success professional activity teacher as a subject and educator is due to the ability to conduct a "mutual conversation", to organize "social speech".

The unrealized communicative potential of speech behavior turns into a weakening educational influence the personality of the teacher to the personality of the student. In this regard, there is a need to highlight the specific functions of the teacher's communicative and orienting activity.

The study of the theory and practice of pedagogical communication makes it possible to identify the functions of the teacher's speech behavior: self-presentation, motivational, psychotherapeutic.

Self-presentation function– teacher’s personality – object close attention children literally from the first moments of communication. The personal charm of a teacher depends on the culture of self-presentation. Sh.A. Amonashvili emphasizes the serious significance of the greeting with which the teacher addresses the children. A welcoming, kind, joyful, stimulating form of greeting is a method of educating love and trust of a person to a person.

A favorable impression of a teacher among students depends on how confident his movements, postures, facial expressions, gestures, on the clarity of speech, on the justification of its loudness, rhythm, on a calm look.

Motivational function. The motive is not just a stimulus of activity, but also a regulator of its intensity. Compare two minutes of the beginning of the lesson :

1. “Hello guys! Why is the board not ready? Who is on duty? Petrov? I ask you to continue to fulfill your duties more regularly! (The student slowly moves to the blackboard). Faster! Faster! Semyonov will go to the board first!”

2. " Good morning, guys! Are you unhappy today? Maybe some trouble? Have you forgotten what day it is? Thank you, Sasha remembered. Yes, today is the first day of spring! I would like to point this out somehow. Let's do without poll and marks. Do you agree?

Commenting on the assessment has a special motivational significance. Value judgments teachers can be positive, ascertaining successes, achievements, strengths and negative, critical, noting shortcomings, weaknesses. Encouraging commentary is designed to instill confidence in their abilities, to establish themselves in the correctness of the performance of educational actions. The purpose of negative commentary, focusing on miscalculations, is to energize students. The combination of encouragement with objective critical analysis is optimal.

Let's see how skillfully Sh.A. Amonashvili does it:

1. “It is clear that you can read this poem expressively and emotionally. I liked how you started reading it. All was good. However, after all, we agreed: in the end it is better to express only anger, readiness for self-sacrifice ... Do you agree?

2. “I carefully read your essay, read it several times. It is interestingly written. But you upset me with your negligence: you disfigure some letters. If you make a little effort and master normal calligraphy, your essay will be easy to read, and the reader will not miss a single thought of yours, as they will not be annoyed and delayed because of your distorted handwriting ... Maybe you want to rewrite it?

The motivational role of the teacher's laconic expressive assessments is significant: "You have grown a lot, Petya, I'm happy for you!", "I like how you elegantly solved the problem," etc. They allow students to experience moral satisfaction, to experience a sense of success.

psychotherapeutic function.

The life of every child is characterized by emotional tension, which in unfavorable stressful situations turns into breakdowns.

The teacher's word can play the role of a stressor, activating the child's spiritual powers and injuring a distresser.

The psychotherapeutic function of the teacher is manifested in the prevention of the distresser. The advice "Do no harm!" is legitimate.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of peers acts as an additional irritant for each child, a source of acute experiences, because. associated with the assertion of personal dignity and prestige in their environment. In dialogue, the preferred tactic is to focus on the merits.

Particularly traumatic is the pessimistic assessment of the capabilities of children, which is expressed in punishing intonations and in a rude form.

The psychotherapeutic effect is not the role, but the personal level of communication, the humanity of the teacher. It is then that the child develops a sense of security, awareness of his self-worth.

A confidential conversation face to face, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor has a significant therapeutic effect.

Similar information.

Abstract on the topic: “Features of the speech behavior of the teacher in the learning situation. Methods of educational listening "


1 The essence of the concept of "speech behavior"

2 Features of the speech behavior of the teacher in the lesson

3 Listening: types and techniques


1 The essence of the concept of "speech behavior"

Two vital manifestations of a person - activity and behavior - differ in that in activity actions are determined by conscious goals and motives, and behavior is often deep into the subconscious. Accordingly, theorists speech activity, psycholinguists, define speech activity as a motivated conscious speech manifestation determined by goals, and speech behavior as an automated, stereotyped speech manifestation devoid of conscious motivation (due to the typical attachment of such a manifestation to a typical, often repeated communication situation).

speech behavior human is complex phenomenon, it is associated with the peculiarities of his upbringing, the place of birth and education, with the environment in which he habitually communicates, with all that are characteristic of him as a person and as a representative social group, as well as national community features.

Analysis of the features of speech communication in social interaction associated with the distinction next levels social communication:

communication of people as representatives of certain groups (national, age, professional, status, etc.). At the same time, the determining factor in the speech behavior of two or more people is their group affiliation or role position(for example, a manager - a subordinate, a consultant - a client, teacher-student etc.);

transmission of information to many persons: direct in the case of public speech or indirect in the case of the media.

The speech behavior of people in socially oriented communication has a number of features.

First of all, it should be noted that the service character of speech activity is clearly expressed in social interaction; here, speech is always subordinated to an extra-speech goal, aimed at organizing joint activities of people. This feature predetermines a much stricter (in comparison with interpersonal interaction) regulation of speech behavior. Although the norms of speech behavior belong to the sphere of tacit agreements between members of society, it is in the sphere of socially oriented communication that their observance is accompanied by much stricter control.

In pragmatic language learning, a number of specific rules are formulated, the implementation of which allows people to act together. The initial conditions are:

the participants in the interaction have at least a short-term immediate common goal. Even if their ultimate goals differ or contradict each other, there should always be common goal for the period of their interaction;

the expectation that the interaction will continue until both participants decide to end it (we do not leave the interlocutor without saying a word, and we do not start doing something else for no reason). The described conditions are called the "principle of cooperation", i.e. the requirement for interlocutors to act in a way that would be consistent with the accepted purpose and direction of the conversation.

2 Features of the speech behavior of the teacher in the lesson

The ability of the teacher to build interaction with students so that his speech becomes effective and efficient, the ability to hold attention and find best ways communication in difficult situations of the lesson - the main elements of professionalism modern teacher.

One of the components of the teacher's professional speech culture is his speech behavior. Speech expresses personality. The intellect, feelings, character, goals and interests of a person are explicitly or implicitly reflected in what and how he says.

Following L.S. Vygotsky, we consider speech behavior not as “automated, stereotyped speech manifestation devoid of conscious motivation”, but highlight the possibility of the regulatory function of speech in behavior, conscious-volitional actions of a person. Also in our study, we talk about the concept of "speech behavior" as a complete system speech manifestations language personality teachers characterizing his culture of speech in general.

The culture of speech “includes language, forms of speech embodiment, a set of generally significant speech works in a given language, customs and rules of communication, the ratio of verbal and non-verbal components of communication, fixing a picture of the world in the language, ways of transmitting, preserving and updating language traditions, linguistic consciousness people in household and professional forms, the science of language. Speaking of communicative qualities ah speech teacher, we mean the culture of speech communication. By verbal communication, we mean interpersonal perception, which includes: the subject interpersonal perception, the object of interpersonal perception and the process of interpersonal perception. One of the indicators of the results of speech influence is the understanding of the author of the statement by the perceiver. For each type of communication, there are specific language means - words, grammatical constructions etc., tactics of behavior, the ability to apply which in practice is necessary condition success in the process of verbal communication.

The conditionality of communication by certain goals is not in doubt, since " scientific analysis allows you to see in each act of verbal communication the process of achieving some non-verbal goal, which ultimately correlates with the regulation of the interlocutor's activity. We consider verbal communication as one of the components in the structure of verbal behavior, since it is basic concept speech culture of the teacher. It is connected, on the one hand, with the linguistic concepts of "language", "speech", on the other hand, with such concepts as "the purpose of communication", "object of communication", "participants of communication", "conditions of communication".

The teacher in his speech communication uses typical models of speech organization: conversation and message, story and explanation, question and greeting, etc., which are called speech genres. The most significant for the teacher are the genres pedagogical speech- models of organization of speech in the process of training and education. This is primarily a lesson summary, pedagogical review, oral and written explanatory monologue speech, teacher's story, educational dialogue. Each genre is a complex model that includes several components. The choice of each of the genres is based on the implementation of the task of speech pedagogical communication, which the teacher has set for himself. Not always a teacher primary school owns all genres of pedagogical speech.

Right choice language means understandable to the child, possession of all genres of pedagogical speech speaks of the speech competence of the primary school teacher. In other words, in speech communication, the culture of speech communication of a primary school teacher is manifested as an indicator of his speech competence. Also, one of the conditions for speech competence is the reflection of the speech behavior of a primary school teacher, which implies introspection, self-assessment of one's speech communication.

Considering the speech behavior of a primary school teacher as part of the culture of speech, one cannot but pay attention to the speech relations of the teacher, which means the manifestation of his emotional relationships in the class, which can be expressed positively, negatively, or neutrally towards the object.

We believe that all of the above components are manifestations of a linguistic personality in the speech behavior of a primary school teacher. The very term "linguistic personality" was first used in VV Vinogradov's book "On Fiction" (1929). At present, the concept of a linguistic personality is quite well developed in the Russian linguistic science. In numerous interpretations of the linguistic personality that appeared in the 80s - 90s. XX century, two main directions are distinguishable: linguodidactics and linguoculturology.

The linguodidactic approach to linguistic personality in the works of modern researchers goes back to the views of G.I. In line with the linguodidactic direction, Yu.N. Karaulov defined the linguistic personality: it is “a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and reproduction of speech works (texts) by him, which differ a) in the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, b) in the depth and accuracy of reflecting reality , c) a certain target orientation.

All this proves the interdependence of the components of the structure of speech behavior, since the violation or limitation of one of the components violates the integrity of the entire system. The main condition for the existence of this structure is the uniqueness of the manifestation of a linguistic personality. We presented the structure of the speech behavior of a primary school teacher in the form of the following diagram (see Fig.).

Children often single out “favorite” and “unloved” teachers among teachers. One of the most important features that allows students to “classify” their teachers in this way is their speech behavior.

In a modern school, we see three types of language cultures of teachers:

1. Carriers of elite speech culture

2. Representatives of the "middle literary" culture

3. Teachers with a literary and colloquial type of speech behavior

I'll start with the characteristics of representatives of the elite speech culture. it ideal type speech behavior of the teacher, unfortunately, in a modern school, which is extremely rare.


The carriers of the elite speech culture own the entire system of functional and stylistic differentiation of the literary language, and each functional style used according to the situation. In this case, switching from one style to another occurs as if automatically, without special efforts from the side of the speaker. In their speech there is no violation of the norms of the literary language in pronunciation, stress, the formation of grammatical forms, word usage.

One of the signs of an elite speech culture is the unconditional observance of all ethical norms, in particular, the norms of national Russian etiquette, which require a distinction between you and speech. You-communication is used only in an informal setting. One-way you communication is never allowed.

They use the language creatively, their speech is usually individual, it does not have the usual cliches, and in colloquial speech there is no desire for bookishness.

The teacher of the "first type" must have, first of all, love for children and the subject taught. A friendly attitude is the key to a benevolent speech and indulges the desire to continue communication between the participants in the conversation. A good teacher, in the process of verbal communication, must remember that his speech should be:

1. Emotional, loud, clear, full of epithets and comparisons.

2. Orthoepically correct.

3. Confident, which requires knowledge of the material.

4. Prepared: Any unplanned developments in the conversation should be considered. Friendly response to everything.

In my opinion, a teacher should have a philosophical, non-hostile sense of humor. In most cases, such a teacher is presented to children as a role model. That is why he needs to carefully monitor his speech, since children do not forgive the mistakes of those who teach them.

Much more often at school there are teachers who are carriers of the “average literary” language culture. Their speech behavior reflects a much lower level of their general culture: the impossibility of creative use of winged expressions of different eras and peoples, artistic examples of classical literature, ignorance of the literary norms of pronunciation of words, and often their meanings, gives rise to linguistic poverty, rudeness and incorrectness of speech. Their violations of pronunciation norms are not isolated, but form a system.

As a consequence of all this - speech behavior, which is characterized by:

2. Irritation: when a student asks a question, but the teacher does not know the answer to it. Roughness in voice.

3. The absence of gesticulation, which, as a rule, does not lead to contact.

4. Ignorance of quotes from works of art (for a literature teacher), because it does not lead to the perception of the studied material.

5. Incorrect placement of stresses, which is unacceptable for a language teacher. The low general cultural level of such teachers is evidenced by their excessive self-confidence: for example, by making the wrong stress in a word, many of them prove that this is correct, that there are various options. pronunciation norm.

6. Avarice on synonyms, comparisons, epithets.

7. Frequent repetition of the same word in the process of explanation, with the exception of terminology.

8. Lack of respect for the addressee. As a rule, this is expressed in incomplete adherence to the norms. oral speech- the desire to speak in long, complex phrases with adverbial and participle turns. Thus, the policy of intimidating the interlocutor, suppressing his desire to speak, defending his own, even incorrect, point of view is being conducted.

He is far from the norms of public speech and therefore the speech of representatives of even lower types of speech cultures is actually unintelligible. Today, there are many native speakers of the literary language for whom the colloquial system of communication is actually the only one, at least in the oral form of speech. Unfortunately, there are many representatives of this type in the public school. Many teachers believe that it is necessary to speak with students in a language they understand and, therefore, they try, imitating the youth speech culture, and in part some slang turns and expressions, to teach the material. They think that in this way they will be able to win the respect of schoolchildren, to "join" their world. However, as noted above, the teacher should be a role model for the student both culturally and verbally. A teacher is a person who educates a child not only about morality, but also about culture, including the culture of communication. Therefore, this behavior is unacceptable. It should be noted that in most cases young teachers “sin” with this, who often see schoolchildren as their future friends.

3 Listening: types and techniques

The process of social perception presupposes, first of all, the existence of a culture of listening. Numerous studies show that most educators do not have sufficient listening skills.

Listening is a process during which connections are established between people, there is a feeling of mutual understanding, which makes any communication effective. Listening requires certain skills that the teacher needs to learn, since the process of listening takes up an essential part of his life.

There are several types of listening: active, passive, empathic.

Active listening is a type of listening when the reflection of information comes to the fore. It includes constant clarification of the information that the interlocutor wants to convey by asking clarifying questions.

Productive techniques active listening

Paraphrasing (echo technique).

Essence: to return to the interlocutor his statements (one or several phrases), formulating them in your own words. You can start like this: “As I understand you ...”, “In your opinion ...”, “In other words, you think ...”.

the main objective"echo-techniques" - clarification of information. For paraphrasing, the most significant are selected, important points messages. But when "returning" the remark, you should not add anything "on your own", interpret what was said. The echo technique will allow you to give the interlocutor an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you understood him, and prompt a conversation about what seems most important to you in his words.


This technique involves the reproduction of the partner's words in an abbreviated form, a brief formulation of the most important, summing up. “To sum up what you said now…”

Summarizing helps with discussion, consideration of claims, when it is necessary to solve any problems. It is especially effective if the discussion has dragged on, gone in circles, or is at an impasse.

Summing up avoids wasting time on irrelevant conversations and can be an effective and non-offensive way to end a conversation with an overly talkative interlocutor.

Idea development.

This technique differs from the previous ones in that the interlocutor's statement is not simply paraphrased or summarized, but an attempt is made to derive a logical consequence from it, to put forward an assumption about the reasons for what was heard. This technique will allow you to clarify the meaning of what was said, quickly move forward in the conversation, makes it possible to obtain information without direct questions. But one should avoid hasty conclusions and use non-categorical wording and soft tones.

Active listening is indispensable in conflict situations when the interlocutor behaves aggressively or demonstrates his superiority. This is very good remedy calm down, tune in, if there is a desire to tease the partner, develop the conflict that has begun.

A typical mistake people when applying active listening is purely formal following the rules. In such cases, a person asks the “necessary” question: “Did I understand you correctly that ...”, but, having not heard the answer, continues to develop arguments in favor of his own point of view, actually ignoring the point of view of the interlocutor. Then such a person is surprised that the technique of active listening does not work.

Active listening can be used in all cases when the child is upset, offended, failed, when he is hurt, ashamed, scared. In such cases, it is important to let him know that you feel his experience. “Voicing” the child’s feelings helps to relieve conflict or tension.

It happens that you have to listen to a person who is in a state of strong emotional arousal. In this case, active listening techniques do not work. In this state, a person does not control his emotions, is not able to capture the content of the conversation. He needs only one thing - to calm down, to come into a state of normal self-control, and only then can you communicate with him. In such cases, the technique of passive listening works effectively.

Passive listening is the ability to make it clear to the interlocutor that he is not alone, that he is being listened to, understood and ready to support. Best of all, the so-called “uh-huh-reactions” work best in this case: “yes-yes”, “uh-huh”, “well, of course”, nodding your head. The emotional state is like a pendulum: having reached highest point emotional intensity, the person begins to calm down, then the strength of his feelings increases again, reaching the highest point, then falls. If you do not interfere in this process, do not “swing” the pendulum additionally, then, having spoken out, the person will calm down, and after that it will be possible to communicate with him normally. The main thing in this type of listening:

not to be silent, because deaf silence causes irritation in any person, and even more so in an excited person;

do not ask clarifying questions, because this will only cause a reciprocal outburst of indignation;

do not tell the partner: “Calm down, don’t worry, everything will be fine” - he cannot adequately understand these words, they outrage him, it seems to him that his problem is underestimated, that he is not understood. Sometimes in such cases it is useful to “tune in” to a partner, repeat his words, emotions, movements, i.e., behave like him, share his feelings. But this must be done sincerely, otherwise the repetition of actions will be assessed as a mockery of his feelings.

Empathic listening allows you to experience the feelings that the interlocutor is experiencing, reflect them, understand emotional condition interlocutor and share it. With empathic listening, they do not give advice, do not seek to evaluate the speaker, do not criticize, do not teach. This is the secret of good listening - one that gives the other person relief and opens up new ways for him to understand himself.


Rules for Empathic Listening:

It is necessary to tune in to listening: forget about your problems for a while, free your soul from your own experiences and try to move away from ready-made attitudes and prejudices regarding the interlocutor. Only in this case it is possible to understand what the interlocutor feels, to “see” his emotions.

In your reaction to the partner’s words, it is necessary to accurately reflect the experience, feeling, emotion behind his statement, but do it in such a way as to demonstrate to the interlocutor that his feeling is not only correctly understood, but also accepted.

You need to pause. After your answer, the interlocutor usually needs to be silent, think in order to understand his experience.

It must be remembered that empathic listening is not an interpretation of the secret motives of his behavior hidden from the interlocutor. It is only necessary to reflect the feeling of the partner, but not to explain to him the reason for the occurrence of this feeling. Remarks such as: “So this is because you are just jealous of your friend” or “In fact, you would like to be paid attention to you all the time” cannot cause anything but retaliatory aggression and protection.

In cases where the partner is excited and the conversation develops in such a way that the partner says “without closing his mouth”, and your conversation is quite confidential, it is not at all necessary to answer with detailed phrases, it is enough just to support the partner with interjections, in short sentences like "yes-yes", "uh-huh", nod your head or repeat it last words.

Empathic listening provides better understanding teacher of the child, helps to neutralize the teacher's tendency to evaluate. The desire of many teachers to listen to another person, not so much to listen to what he tells them, but to evaluate him, often becomes the cause of communication barriers. These include barriers to dialogical communication (prejudice, distrust, lack of a sense of humor, lack of social contact skills). One of the varieties of dialogue between a teacher and a student is a dispute. Only a high culture of dialogue insures against the danger of turning it into a quarrel, i.e. into a state of hostility.

The culture of the dispute is ensured by the following pedagogical rules(I. I. Rydanova):

Perception of student disagreement as natural reaction, consequences of a critical attitude to information.

Accounting for the underlying motives of confrontation among students (the need for personal self-affirmation, raising the status among peers, resentment, emotional arousal, a state of psychological discomfort, etc.).

An expression of unfailing benevolence towards an opponent, regardless of reputation and status.

An interested and respectful attitude to any point of view, even an absurd one, concern for the preservation and enhancement of the prestige of each student.

Critical Assessment specific actions, and not the person as a whole (“This act seems ugly to me”, and not “You always strive to disrupt the lesson, because you are a slacker”, etc.).

Controlling the emotional tone of the dispute to prevent it from escalating into a quarrel.

When defending one's opinion, the use of generally accepted etiquette norms (“It seems to me”, “Let's think together”, “Maybe I'm wrong”, etc.), willingness to admit mistakes, apologize for a mistake.

Willingness to make compromise decisions, taking into account the interests of students, their needs.

Tolerance, pliability in trifles.

Class Discipline with indirect impacts- switching attention, jokes.

Dominance of the expression of optimism. The following can be considered indicators of a low culture of dialogue with students:

Restriction of freedom of expression, especially those that do not coincide with the teacher’s point of view (“Stop arguing about the indisputable”, “It’s too early for you to have your own views! For this you need to at least study decently”).

Orientation only to planned goals (“Again, you, Kokarev, are taking up time with us with empty questions! I don’t have time to do anything!”, “Don’t distract us, Sidorov, with your abstruse questions!”).

Emphasizing what separates students (“How can you think so, Gavrilova? Your disagreement with your head betrays ignorance of the material”).

Petty intolerance, pickiness (“How are you sitting, Ignatieva! Put your hands on the desk”, “How can you not know such simple things?”).

Discipline by pressure, direct censure (“Stop showing how smart you are”, “You, Veremeeva, it would be better to keep quiet and remember the deuce you received!”).

Threats (“Try not to complete this task!”).

Reproaches ("How many times I reminded you, but you...", "I warned you, but you didn't want to listen!").

Humiliation of dignity (“I have never had such a lazy student!”, “Well, look at this “professor”! It would be better to have a haircut”).

Ridicule ("Guys, who does Lazarev resemble? Sancho Panza, really? Just as fat and lazy").

Demonstrating your superiority different form: direct (“Do you have two convolutions in your head?”), Softened (“You seem to be understanding Galperin, but you speak nonsense”), hidden (“There is nothing to doubt, Nikiforova, this is clear to every normal person!”).

Mentorship (“Remember, Khlamova, so yourself cultured people they don’t lead”, “It’s a shame, it’s a shame not to know elementary things”).

The use of flattery, ostentatious kindness, a smile, an affectionate vocative (Natasha, Serezhenka) or deceit, intimidation for manipulative purposes to extract one's own benefit, to achieve selfish goals.

The dominance of the expression of pessimism (“You don’t know anything. And I won’t know what to do with you”, “I can’t imagine how you will pass the exams”).

Thus, conducting a communicative dialogue with students requires the teacher to high culture- linguistic, moral, psychological, pedagogical.


Antonova N.A. Speech communication between a teacher and a student / N. A. Antonova // Philological studies: Sat. scientific Art. young scientists. Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. un-ta, 2003. Issue 6. pp. 270-272.

Karaulov Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality. M., 1987. C.3.

Speech impact in the sphere mass communication/ Ed. F.M. Berezin and E.F. Tarasova. M.: Nauka, 1990. P.40.

Formanovskaya, N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. M .: graduate School, 1989. P.32.

"Culture of speech behavior of the teacher"


Two vital manifestations of a person - activity and behavior - differ in that in activity actions are determined by conscious goals and motives, and behavior is often deep into the subconscious. In accordance with this, specialists in the theory of speech activity, psycholinguists, define speech activity as a motivated, goal-defined conscious speech manifestation, and speech behavior as an automated, stereotyped speech manifestation devoid of conscious motivation (due to the typical attachment of such a manifestation to a typical, often repeated situation communication).

The speech behavior of a person is a complex phenomenon, it is associated with the peculiarities of his upbringing, the place of birth and education, with the environment in which he habitually communicates, with all the features characteristic of him as a person and as a representative of a social group, as well as the national community.

Analysis of the features of verbal communication in social interaction is associated with the distinction between the following levels of social communication:

    communication of people as representatives of certain groups (national, age, professional, status, etc.). At the same time, the determining factor in the speech behavior of two or more people is their group affiliation or role position (for example, a leader is a subordinate, a consultant is a client, a teacher is a student, a teacher is students, etc.);

    transmission of information to many persons: direct in the case of public speech or indirect in the case of the media.

1. Features of speech behavior

The speech behavior of people in socially oriented communication has a number of features.

First of all, it should be noted that the service character of speech activity is clearly expressed in social interaction; here, speech is always subordinated to an extra-speech goal, aimed at organizing the joint activity of people. This feature predetermines a much stricter (in comparison with interpersonal interaction) regulation of speech behavior. Although the norms of speech behavior belong to the sphere of tacit agreements between members of society, it is in the sphere of socially oriented communication that their observance is accompanied by much stricter control.

In pragmatic language learning, a number of specific rules are formulated, the implementation of which allows people to act together. The initial conditions are:

    the participants in the interaction have at least a short-term immediate common goal. Even if their ultimate goals differ or contradict each other, there must always be a common goal for the period of their interaction;

    the expectation that the interaction will continue until both participants decide to end it (we do not leave the interlocutor without saying a word, and we do not start doing something else for no reason). The described conditions are called "principle of cooperation" those. the requirement for interlocutors to act in a way that would be consistent with the accepted purpose and direction of the conversation.

Note basic rules of speech communication, based on this principle:

1) the statement should contain exactly as much information as is required to fulfill the current goals of communication; excessive information is sometimes misleading, causing irrelevant questions and considerations, the listener may be confused due to the fact that he assumed that there was some special purpose, a special meaning in the transmission of this extra information;

2) the statement should be as true as possible; try not to say what you think is false; do not say something for which you do not have sufficient reasons;

3) the statement must be relevant, i.e. relevant to the subject of conversation: try not to deviate from the topic;

4) the statement should be clear: avoid incomprehensible expressions, avoid ambiguity; avoid unnecessary verbosity.

Real speech sins with deviations or violations of certain rules of communication: people are verbose, do not always say what they think, their speech is fragmentary, unclear. However, if the violation does not concern basic principle cooperation, the interaction continues and one or another level of mutual understanding is reached. Otherwise, deviation from the rules can result in the destruction of communication and the degradation of speech.

Along with the principle of cooperation, it is important to regulate social interactions the principle of courtesy. The latter belongs entirely speech etiquette(about which we will talk farther). Note that such key maxims of the principle of politeness as tact, generosity, approval, modesty, consent, benevolence, expressed (or not expressed) in speech, most directly determine the nature of social relationships.

A goal clearly understood by the sender of the message requires a thoughtful form of the message and a predictable reaction of the audience.

A distinctive feature of verbal communication in social interaction is associated with fairly certain expectations on the part of the recipients of the message. Moreover, these expectations are due to more or less stable role stereotypes, existing in the minds of the addressees, namely: how a representative of a particular social group should speak, what kind of speech inspires or does not inspire confidence, whether the speaker owns or does not own the topic, etc. The more official the speech situation is, the more formalized are the listeners' expectations.

A natural consequence of the described features is a kind of impersonal speech in social interaction, when the participants in verbal communication speak, as it were, not on their own behalf, not on their own behalf, but “on behalf of the group”, i.e. as it is customary to speak in the group, of which they feel themselves to be representatives in this situation.

In social interaction, the speech strategies and tactics used by the interlocutors are of particular importance.

Under speech communication strategy understand the process of building communication aimed at achieving long-term results. The strategy includes planning speech interaction depending on the specific conditions of communication and the personalities of the communicators, as well as the implementation of this plan, i.e. conversation line. The goal of the strategy may be to gain authority, influence the worldview, call for action, cooperation or refraining from any action.

Tactics of speech communication is understood as a set of methods of conducting a conversation and a line of conduct at a certain stage within a separate conversation. It includes specific methods of attracting attention, establishing and maintaining contact with a partner and influencing him, persuading or persuading the addressee, bringing him into a certain emotional state, etc.

Tactics may vary depending on the conditions of communication, the information received, feelings and emotions. The same person under different circumstances seeks to realize different goals or strategic lines. Change of tactics in conversation - mental operation, although it can also be done intuitively. By collecting and comprehending tactics, one can learn to use them consciously and skillfully.

To manage the flow of the conversation, it is necessary to think through the big picture in advance and possible options development of a conversation, learn to recognize the key points at which a change of topic is possible, strive to isolate the methods of speech influence used by the interlocutor, evaluate his strategy and tactics, and develop ways of flexible response - playing along or counteracting. It is bad when the speaker has only one conversation option left, and his speech is built rigidly.

2 Features of the speech behavior of the teacher in the lesson

The ability of a teacher to build interaction with students so that his speech becomes effective and efficient, the ability to hold attention and find the best ways to communicate in difficult situations of the lesson are the main elements of the professionalism of a modern teacher.

One of the components of the teacher's professional speech culture is his speech behavior. Speech expresses personality. The intellect, feelings, character, goals and interests of a person are explicitly or implicitly reflected in what and how he says.

Following L.S. Vygotsky, we consider speech behavior not as “automated, stereotyped speech manifestation devoid of conscious motivation”, but highlight the possibility of the regulatory function of speech in behavior, conscious-volitional actions of a person. Also in our study, we are talking about the concept of "speech behavior" as an integral system of speech manifestations of the teacher's linguistic personality, characterizing his culture of speech in general.

The culture of speech “includes language, forms of speech embodiment, a set of generally significant speech works in a given language, customs and rules of communication, the ratio of verbal and non-verbal components of communication, fixing the picture of the world in the language, ways of transmitting, preserving and updating linguistic traditions, the linguistic consciousness of the people in everyday and professional forms, the science of language. Speaking about the communicative qualities of the teacher's speech, we mean the culture of speech communication. By speech communication we mean interpersonal perception, which includes: the subject of interpersonal perception, the object of interpersonal perception and the process of interpersonal perception itself. One of the indicators of the results of speech influence is the understanding of the author of the statement by the perceiver. For each type of communication, there are specific language means - words, grammatical structures, etc., behavioral tactics, the ability to apply which in practice is a necessary condition for achieving success in the process of verbal communication.

The conditionality of communication by certain goals is beyond doubt, since "scientific analysis allows us to see in each act of verbal communication the process of achieving some non-verbal goal, which ultimately correlates with the regulation of the interlocutor's activity." We consider speech communication as one of the components in the structure of speech behavior, since it is the basic concept of a teacher's speech culture. It is connected, on the one hand, with the linguistic concepts of "language", "speech", on the other hand, with such concepts as "the purpose of communication", "object of communication", "participants of communication", "conditions of communication".

The teacher in his speech communication uses typical models of speech organization: conversation and message, story and explanation, question and greeting, etc., which are called speech genres. The most significant for the teacher are the genres of pedagogical speech - models of the organization of speech in the process of training and education. This is, first of all, a lesson summary, a pedagogical review, oral and written explanatory monologue speech, a teacher's story, and an educational dialogue. Each genre is a complex model that includes several components. The choice of each of the genres is based on the implementation of the task of speech pedagogical communication, which the teacher has set for himself. Not always a primary school teacher owns all genres of pedagogical speech.

The correct choice of language means understandable to the child, mastery of all genres of pedagogical speech speaks of the speech competence of the primary school teacher. In other words, in speech communication, the culture of speech communication of a primary school teacher is manifested as an indicator of his speech competence. Also, one of the conditions for speech competence is the reflection of the speech behavior of a primary school teacher, which implies introspection, self-assessment of one's speech communication.

Considering the speech behavior of a primary school teacher as part of the culture of speech, one cannot but pay attention to the speech relations of the teacher, which means the manifestation of his emotional relations in the classroom, which can be expressed positively, negatively or neutrally to the object.

We believe that all of the above components are manifestations of a linguistic personality in the speech behavior of a primary school teacher. The very term "linguistic personality" was first used in VV Vinogradov's book "On Fiction" (1929). At present, the concept of a linguistic personality is quite well developed in Russian linguistic science. In numerous interpretations of the linguistic personality that appeared in the 80s - 90s. XX century, two main directions are distinguishable: linguodidactics and linguoculturology.

The linguodidactic approach to linguistic personality in the works of modern researchers goes back to the views of G.I. In line with the linguodidactic direction, Yu.N. Karaulov defined the linguistic personality: it is “a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and reproduction of speech works (texts) by him, which differ a) in the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, b) in the depth and accuracy of reflecting reality , c) a certain target orientation.

All this proves the interdependence of the components of the structure of speech behavior, since the violation or limitation of one of the components violates the integrity of the entire system. The main condition for the existence of this structure is the uniqueness of the manifestation of a linguistic personality. We presented the structure of the speech behavior of a primary school teacher in the form of the following diagram (see Fig.).

Children often single out “favorite” and “unloved” teachers among teachers. One of the most important features that allows students to "classify" their teachers in this way is their speech behavior.

In a modern school, we see three types of language cultures of teachers:

1. Carriers of elite speech culture

2. Representatives of the "middle literary" culture

3. Teachers with a literary and colloquial type of speech behavior

I'll start with the characteristics of representatives of the elite speech culture. This is an ideal type of speech behavior of a teacher, unfortunately, in a modern school, which is extremely rare.

The carriers of the elite speech culture possess the entire system of functional and stylistic differentiation of the literary language and use each functional style in accordance with the situation. At the same time, switching from one style to another occurs as if automatically, without much effort on the part of the speaker. In their speech there is no violation of the norms of the literary language in pronunciation, stress, the formation of grammatical forms, word usage.

One of the signs of an elite speech culture is the unconditional observance of all ethical norms, in particular, the norms of national Russian etiquette, which require a distinction between you and speech. You-communication is used only in an informal setting. One-way you communication is never allowed.

They use the language creatively, their speech is usually individual, it does not have the usual cliches, and in colloquial speech there is no desire for bookishness.

The teacher of the "first type" must have, first of all, love for children and the subject taught. A friendly attitude is the key to a friendly speech and indulges the desire to continue communication between the participants in the conversation. A good teacher, in the process of verbal communication, must remember that his speech should be:

1. Emotional, loud, clear, full of epithets and comparisons.

2. Orthoepically correct.

3. Confident, for which knowledge of the material is necessary.

4. Prepared: Any unplanned developments in the conversation should be considered. Friendly response to everything.

In my opinion, a teacher should have a philosophical, non-hostile sense of humor. In most cases, such a teacher is presented to children as a role model. That is why he needs to carefully monitor his speech, since children do not forgive the mistakes of those who teach them.

Much more often at school there are teachers who are carriers of the “average literary” language culture. Their speech behavior reflects a much lower level of their general culture: the impossibility of creative use of winged expressions of different eras and peoples, artistic examples of classical literature, ignorance of the literary norms of pronunciation of words, and often their meanings, gives rise to linguistic poverty, rudeness and incorrectness of speech. Their violations of pronunciation norms are not isolated, but form a system.

As a consequence of all this - speech behavior, which is characterized by:

2. Irritation: when a student asks a question, but the teacher does not know the answer to it. Roughness in voice.

3. The absence of gesticulation, which, as a rule, does not lead to contact.

4. Ignorance of quotes from works of art (for a literature teacher), because it does not lead to the perception of the studied material.

5. Incorrect placement of stresses, which is unacceptable for a language teacher. The low general cultural level of such teachers is evidenced by their excessive self-confidence: for example, by making the wrong stress in a word, many of them prove that this is correct, that there are various variants of the pronunciation norm.

6. Avarice on synonyms, comparisons, epithets.

7. Frequent repetition of the same word in the process of explanation, with the exception of terminology.

8. Lack of respect for the addressee. As a rule, this is expressed in incomplete adherence to the norms of oral speech - the desire to speak in long, complex phrases with participial and participle turns. Thus, the policy of intimidating the interlocutor, suppressing his desire to speak, defending his own, even incorrect, point of view is being conducted.

He is far from the norms of public speech and therefore the speech of representatives of even lower types of speech cultures is actually unintelligible. Today, there are many native speakers of the literary language for whom the colloquial system of communication is actually the only one, at least in the oral form of speech. Unfortunately, there are many representatives of this type in the mass school. Many teachers believe that it is necessary to speak with students in a language they understand and, therefore, they try, imitating the youth speech culture, and in part some slang turns and expressions, to teach the material. They think that in this way they will be able to win the respect of schoolchildren, “join” their world. However, as noted above, the teacher should be a role model for the student both culturally and verbally. A teacher is a person who educates a child not only about morality, but also about culture, including the culture of communication. Therefore, this behavior is unacceptable. It should be noted that in most cases young teachers “sin” with this, who often see schoolchildren as their future friends.


Communicative culture determines spiritual development personality, forms its moral character and is an expression moral life human and integral part formation of a general culture of the individual as a whole.

The specificity of pedagogical communication as a condition for creating a humane development environment in educational process, determines the priority of the communicative aspect in the teacher's personal culture.

Effective pedagogical communication is predetermined by the communicative culture of the teacher, the desire to improve it is a prerequisite for pedagogical excellence.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, communicative culture is considered in connection with the characteristics of human interaction; knowledge and skills; how personal quality and behavior manifested in relation to people; in relation to communication skills.

Based on the analysis of literature, communicative culture is considered by us as a set of knowledge, skills and communicative qualities of a person that has a successful impact on students and allows the most effective organization of the process of education and upbringing and regulate communicative activity in the process of solving pedagogical problems.


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