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Modern educational technologies for the development of children's speech. Modern technologies of speech development

Modern technologies of speech development of preschoolers

One of the main indicators of the level of development of a child's mental abilities is the richness of his speech, so it is important for us, teachers, to support and ensure the development of mental and speech abilities of preschoolers.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational area "Speech Development" includes:

Skill in speech as a means of communication and culture;

enrichment of the active dictionary;

development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

development of speech creativity;

development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

· the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

The development of speech in children in the present tense is an urgent problem, due to the importance of coherent speech for preschoolers.

As the main method of teaching, a sample of the teacher's story is used. But experience shows that children reproduce the teacher's story with minor changes, the stories are poor in expressive means, the vocabulary is small, the texts practically lack simple common and complex sentences.

But the main drawback is that the child himself does not build a story, but only repeats what he heard. In one lesson, children have to listen to several monotonous stories of the same type.

For children, this type of activity becomes boring and uninteresting, they begin to be distracted. It has been proven that the more active the child, the more he is involved in activities that are interesting for him, the better the result. The teacher needs to encourage children to speech activity, and it is also important to stimulate speech activity in the process of free communication.

When working with children, it is necessary to pay great attention to speech development and find effective gaming technologies for the speech development of children.

The concept of "game technologies of speech development" includes a fairly large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games that have the goal of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result.

It became obvious that it was necessary to change the way the educator worked in the classroom for the development of the speech of preschoolers. Such means are technologies of speech development. The following technologies are used to form and activate coherent speech of preschoolers:

· Technology "ABC of communication" L.N. Shipitsyna,

· Technology "Development of Dialogic Communication" A.G. Arushanova,

"Training in writing creative stories",

TRIZ technology,



Technologies for teaching figurative speech:

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

The technology of teaching the composition of metaphors

Riddles learning technology

· Sinkwine technology

Fairy tale therapy (composing fairy tales by children),

Articulation and finger gymnastics,

The logorhythm

Minidramatizations, dramatizations

Technology "ABC of communication"

Technology "ABC of communication" allows you to develop skills interpersonal communication with adults and peers. The technology is aimed at educating children about the art of human relationships. "The ABC of Communication" is a collection of specially designed games and exercises aimed at forming children's emotional and motivational attitudes towards themselves, others, peers and adults, at creating an experience of adequate behavior in society, contributing to best development personality of the child and his preparation for life.

"Development of Dialogic Communication"

The fundamental components of the problem of the development of children's speech preschool age, according to A.G. Arushanova, is dialogue, creativity, knowledge, self-development. The technology is aimed at the formation of communicative competence, which is based on the child's ability to establish communication with other people using verbal and non-verbal means.


Such technology as sign-symbolic activity (modeling) has been widely used in teaching children. This technique helps teachers to visually identify the elementary connections and relationships between objects, objects of reality.

Modeling is a way in which speech reality can be presented in a visual form. A model is a diagram of a phenomenon that reflects its structural elements and connections, the most essential forms, aspects and properties of an object. In models of connected speech utterances, these are their structure, content (the properties of objects in the description, the relationship of characters and the development of events in the narrative), and the means within the text connection.

In speech development classes, children learn to retell, compose creative stories, compose fairy tales, come up with riddles and fables.

Modeling can be an integral part of every lesson.

Modeling methods:

1. Subject modeling (children's drawings of plot fragments of heroes, objects for the game; plane theaters; flannelograph; illustrations of stories, fairy tales, poems)

2. Subject - schematic modeling (text structure - a circle divided into sectors (beginning, middle, end); theaters of geometric shapes)

3. Graphic modeling (structures of a descriptive story about toys, transport, and others; diagrams for stories, poems; sets of diagrams for a graphic plan; children's diagrams).

The use of modeling in storytelling has a positive effect on children's speech.


Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that provide effective memorization, the preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

Mnemonics is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations, organizing the educational process in the form of a game. The basic "secret" of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images.

Mnemonics helps to develop:

Associative thinking

visual and auditory memory

Visual and auditory attention


In order to develop in children from the very early age certain skills and abilities in the learning process are introduced so-called mnemonic tables (schemes).

Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children.

Mnemotables are used for:

vocabulary enrichment,

When learning to write stories,

When retelling fiction,

When memorizing poetry.

A mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information. As any work is built from simple to complex.

Mnemotables can be subject, subject-schematic and schematic. If the children coped with the subject model, then the task becomes more complicated: a subject-schematic model is given. This type of mnemonic table includes a smaller number of images. And only after that a schematic mnemonic table is given.

For children of primary and secondary preschool age, it is necessary to give color mnemonic tables, because. children retain separate images in their memory: a chicken - yellow color, the mouse is gray, the Christmas tree is green. And for older preschoolers - black and white. Older preschoolers can themselves participate in their drawing and coloring.

Technologies for teaching figurative speech

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should start at the age of three. Exercises are carried out not only in the classroom for the development of speech, but also in their free time.

Comparison model:

the teacher names an object;

denotes its sign;

determines the value of this attribute;

· compares the given value with the characteristic value in another object.

For example:

Chicken (object No. 1);

By color (sign);

Yellow (sign value);

The same yellow (feature value) in color (feature) as the sun (object No. 2).

In the younger preschool age, a model for compiling comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out.

At first glance, the phrase uttered by the teacher in this way seems cumbersome and somewhat absurd, but it is the repetitions of such a long combination that allow children to understand that a feature is a more general concept than the meaning of a given feature.

For example:

"The ball is round in shape, as round in shape as an apple."

Until the age of four, the teacher encourages children to make comparisons according to given criteria. While on a walk, the teacher invites the children to compare the cool wind in temperature with some other objects. An adult helps the child make phrases like: "The wind outside is as cool in temperature as the air in the refrigerator."

In the fifth year of life, training becomes more difficult:

In the phrase being composed, the sign is not pronounced, but only its meaning is left (dandelions are yellow, like chickens);

· in comparisons, the characteristic of the second object is enhanced (the pillow is soft, the same as freshly fallen snow).

At this age, children are given more independence in making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a feature to be compared.

At an older age, children learn to make comparisons on their own according to the criterion given by the educator. The teacher points to an object (tree) and asks to make comparisons with other objects (color, shape, action, etc.). In this case, the child himself chooses any values ​​of this feature.

For example:

“The tree is golden in color, like coins” (the teacher set the sign of color, and its value - golden - was chosen by the child).

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects.

The goal of the teacher is to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for compiling metaphors. If the child has mastered the model for compiling a metaphor, then he may well create a phrase of a metaphorical plan on his own.

First, it is advisable to use the simplest algorithm for compiling a metaphor.

1. Object 1 (rainbow) is taken. A metaphor will be made about him.

2. He has a specific property (multi-colored).

3. Object 2 with the same property is selected (flower meadow).

4. The location of object 1 is determined (the sky after the rain).

5. For a metaphorical phrase, you need to take object 2 and indicate the location of object 1 (Flower meadow - the sky after the rain).

6. Make a sentence with these words (the flowery heavenly glade shone brightly after the rain).

It is not necessary to call children the term "metaphor". Most likely, for children, these will be mysterious phrases or messengers of the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

For example:

Children are invited to look at the picture of the winter landscape, where bullfinches sit on snow-covered fir trees.

Task: to make a metaphor for these birds.

Work with children should be organized in the form of a discussion. As a guide, a sheet of paper can be used, on which the teacher indicates the sequence of mental operations.

What kind of birds are depicted on snow-covered firs?

Bullfinches (the teacher writes the letter "C" on a piece of paper and puts an arrow to the right).

And what are they?

Round, fluffy, red (the teacher specifies - "red-breasted", and puts the letter "K" on a piece of paper).

And what else happens with such red barrels or red breast?

Cherry, apples ... (the teacher puts an arrow to the right of the letter "K" and draws an apple).

So what can we say about bullfinches, what are they?

Bullfinches are red-breasted, like apples.

Where are the snowmen?

On snow-covered Christmas trees (the teacher puts an arrow down from the letter "C" and draws a spruce schematically).

Let's now combine these two words (the teacher circles roundabout hand drawing of an apple and spruce).

Say these two words in a row!

Apples of snow-covered firs.

Who will make me a sentence with these words?

In the winter forest, apples appeared on snow-covered firs. The apples of the winter forest delighted the eyes of the skiers.

The technology of teaching children to compose riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, work with riddles is based on guessing them. The correct answer of a gifted child to a specific riddle is very quickly remembered by other children. If the teacher after a while asks the same riddle, then most of The children of the group simply remembers the answer.

Developing the mental abilities of a child, it is more important to teach him to make his own riddles than just to guess familiar ones. In the process of compiling riddles, all the mental operations of the child develop, he receives joy from speech creativity.

A.A. Nesterenko developed models for compiling riddles. Teaching children to compose riddles begins at the age of 3. However, at this age it will be a collective speech product, composed together with adults. Older children compose independently, in a subgroup, in pairs.

In working with preschool children, three main models for making riddles are used. The training should go like this.

The teacher hangs out one of the plates with the image of a model for compiling a riddle and invites the children to make a riddle about an object.

What happens the same?

An object (samovar) was chosen to compose the riddle. Next, the children are given figurative characteristics according to the characteristics given by the educator.

What color samovar? - Brilliant.

The teacher writes this word in the first line of the left side of the table.

What samovar in action? - Hissing (the second line of the left side of the table is filled in).

What is its shape? - round (the third line of the left part of the table is filled in).

The teacher asks the children to make comparisons according to the listed values ​​​​of the signs and fill in the right lines of the table:

For example: shiny - a coin, but not a simple one, but a polished coin.

The table might look like this:

After filling in the tablet, the teacher offers to read the riddle, inserting the links "How" or "But not" between the lines of the right and left columns.

Riddles can be read collectively by the whole group of children or by any one child. The folded text is repeated repeatedly by all children.

The final riddle about the samovar: "Brilliant, like a polished coin; hissing, like an awakened volcano; round, but not ripe watermelon."

Recommendations: it is expedient to indicate the value of the attribute in the left part of the table with a word with a clearly marked first letter, and in the right part it is possible to sketch the object. This allows you to train children's memory: a child, not being able to read, remembers the first letters and reproduces the word as a whole.

The work of teaching children to compose riddles continues according to the following models: in comparison with the actions of the subject (“Puffs like a brand new engine”), in comparison of one object with any other object, finding common and different between them (“Like an umbrella, but on thick leg).

For example:

Light green like spring grass.

Buzzing like a flying bee.

Oval, but not thick zucchini. (A vacuum cleaner).

Walks, but not a person.

Flying, but not a plane.

Caws, but not a crow. (jackdaw)

Green like grass.

Furry like a bear.

Prickly, but not a cactus. (Spruce).

In order to develop verbal creativity, limericks are used. As a rule, this poem consists of 5 lines. Limericks are created by a group of children, where the educator plays a leading role. We start such classes with children 4-5 years old. From the above rhyme, with the addition of the following, we got a limerick:

Once upon a time there was a snowman,

Red like a flame.

He flew to our kindergarten

And he pecked the grains on the feeder.

This is how we take care of the birds.

In the process of compiling poems, children not only develop verbal creativity, they learn to draw conclusions, morality, take care of their health, their loved ones, “feathered friends”.

Sinkwine technology

Sincwine - new technology in the development of speech in preschool children. Cinquain is a five-line poem without rhyme.

Work sequence:

· Selection of words-objects.

· Selection of words-actions which are produced by the given object.

Differentiation of the concepts of "words - objects" and "words - actions".

· Selection of words - features to the object.

Differentiation of the concepts "words - objects", "words - actions" and "words - signs".

Work on the structure and grammatical design of the sentence.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

An important place in the development of children's speech is the use of articulatory gymnastics. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. Articulation gymnastics is the basis for the formation speech sounds- phonemes - and correction of violations of sound pronunciation of any origin; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The famous teacher Sukhomlinsky said: "The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips." Finger gymnastics is a dramatization of poems or any stories with the help of fingers. Such training of finger and hand movements is a powerful tool for developing a child's thinking. At the time of this training, the performance of the cerebral cortex increases. That is, with any motor training, not the hands are exercised, but the brain.

First of all, fine finger motor skills are associated with the development of speech. In the brain motor and speech centers- nearest neighbors. And when the fingers and hands move, the excitation from the motor center is transferred to the speech centers of the brain and leads to a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones.


“Logorhythmics” in the expanded version sounds like “speech therapy rhythmics”, that is, the elimination of speech shortcomings with the help of movements. Simply put, any exercises that combine speech and rhythmic movements are logarithmics! During such exercises, the correct speech breathing, an understanding of the tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of music, movements and speech is formed, the ability to transform and move expressively in accordance with the chosen image, thereby manifesting and developing one's creative abilities.

Learning to write creative stories

Creative storytelling takes special place in the formation of coherent speech of preschool children. Children should be taught coherent statements that are characterized by independence, completeness, and a logical connection between their parts. Writing a story is a more complex activity than retelling. The child himself, in accordance with the given topic, determines the content and chooses the speech form of the narration. A serious task is the systematization of the material, its presentation in the desired sequence, according to the plan (the teacher or his own). Stories can be descriptive or narrative. In this regard, three categories of stories can be distinguished:

1. Story by perception (about what the child sees at the time of the story);

2. Story from memory (about what I perceived before the moment of the story);

3. Story by imagination (invented, based on fictional material, on the transformation of existing ideas)

The technology is designed to teach children to compose two types of stories:

text of a realistic nature;

fantasy text.

Separately, we can highlight the teaching of children in creative storytelling from pictures using the technology of T.A. Tkachenko, which is the use of plot pictures as a visual support in teaching creative storytelling. The classification of types of creative storytelling proposed by the author deserves attention:

1. Compiling a story with the addition of subsequent events.

2. Drawing up a story with a replacement object.

3. Drawing up a story with the replacement of the character.

4. Drawing up a story with the addition of previous events.

5. Drawing up a story with the addition of previous and subsequent events.

6. Compiling a story with the addition of an object.

7. Drawing up a story with the addition of a character.

8. Drawing up a story with the addition of objects and characters.

9. Drawing up a story with a change in the result of the action.

10. Drawing up a story with a change in time of action.

Each of the proposed types of creative story contains a direction for changing the plot. This technique also works well in the formation of creative storytelling skills based on familiar fairy tales. The type of creative story is the basis for transforming the plot of a fairy tale.

TRIZ technology

Skillful use of TRIZ techniques and methods (theory of inventive problem solving) successfully helps to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.

The main working mechanism of TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems. The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to him, he should teach him to find it. If a child asks a question, do not immediately give a ready-made answer. On the contrary, one should ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to discuss. And lead with leading questions to ensure that the child himself finds the answer. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where you need to find the answer, i.e. to some extent repeat the historical path of cognition of an object or phenomenon.

The main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Search for the essence (Children are given a problem or a question to be solved.) And everyone is looking for different solutions, what is the truth.

2. "The Secret of the Double." At this stage, we identify the contradiction: good-bad

For example, the sun is good or bad. Good-heats, bad-can burn.

3. Resolution of these contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).

For example, you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

fairy tale therapy

For the development of speech of preschool children, a technique such as fairy tale therapy is used. The development of the speech of a preschooler through fairy tale therapy is the most effective and accessible way for him to improve his speaking abilities. Fairy tale therapy allows you to solve the following problems:

· Development of speech through retelling, third-person stories, co-narration and storytelling in a circle, as well as writing your own fairy tales.

Identification of the creative abilities of the child, assistance in their development.

Decreased levels of aggression and anxiety. Development of communication skills.

· Learning to overcome fears and difficulties.

· Development of the ability to competently express emotions.

When writing stories, you can use the following techniques:

"Salad from fairy tales" (mixing different fairy tales);

“What will happen if ... (the plot is set by the educator);

“Changing the character of the characters (a fairy tale in a new way);

"Introduction to the fairy tale of new attributes, heroes."

Dramatization games, dramatizations

Dramatization games have an effective influence on the development of children's speech. In the game - dramatization, the improvement of dialogues and monologues, the development of expressiveness of speech takes place. In the game-dramatization, the child seeks to know his own possibilities in reincarnation, in the search for something new and in combinations of the familiar. This shows the peculiarity of the game-dramatization as a creative activity, an activity that contributes to the development of children's speech. And, finally, the game - dramatization is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child, which corresponds to a personality-oriented approach in working with preschool children.

The above technologies have a significant impact on the development of speech in preschool children. Modern educational technologies can help in the formation of an intellectually bold, independent, original thinking, creative, able to make non-standard decisions of the individual.

Modern technologies of speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

“Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of child development, only then will it be able to bring to life in the process of learning those processes that now lie in the zone of proximal development” L. S. Vygotsky

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the topic public lecture: "Modern technologies of speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education."
In the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, "Speech development" is singled out as the main educational area. (on slide)
At present, the development of children's speech remains one of the urgent problems of modern preschool education. And the defining moment in successful solution tasks of speech development of preschool children is right choice pedagogical technologies that would not only be adequate to the age capabilities of children, but also provide an opportunity to easily solve speech problems in various forms of work with children. Organization of speech development of children in educational educational activities provides for the search effective technologies development of children's speech.
Pedagogical technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means aimed at achieving positive result through dynamic changes in personal development child in today's environment.
You see the requirements for the choice of technologies on the screen.
In connection with the foregoing, I bring to your attention the disclosure of the following technologies used in my practice
1. The first technology that I want to talk about, probably often used by practicing teachers, is the method of visual modeling or (mnemonics).
1.1. Mnemonics (translated from Greek - "the art of memorization") is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization. What is strongly associated is remembered, and what does not form strong associative links. - is forgotten.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly."
The tasks of using mnemonic teaching aids are presented on the slide:
Like any technique, work on mnemonics is built from simple to complex. First, the simplest mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks are used in the work, and then mnemonic tables are gradually introduced.
To enrich the vocabulary and when guessing and guessing riddles, children use mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks with great pleasure.
When teaching how to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when memorizing poetry, mnemonic tables serve as effective didactic material.
mnemonic table- this is a graphic or partially graphic image of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. The reference in the table is the image of the main characters of the fairy tale, as well as those objects, actions and phenomena that are "tied" around them.
Mastering the action of visual modeling contributes to the development of mental abilities of children. The child learns to compare, generalize, group material, in order to memorize, speech, memory and thinking develop. One of the methods of visual modeling is a geometric diagram - Euler circles. With the help of symbols, children visually display the relationship between concepts or sets of objects, laying them out in their circle. Then, at the intersection of circles (Euler circles), the same signs of objects are distinguished. Children compare objects, first identifying their similarities and then their differences.
Euler circles are used in the process of learning to compose creative and plot descriptive stories.
Thus, using this game technology in my work, I form the social experience of children, exercise the ability to find objects that have not one, but several signs at once, and solve a whole class of interesting speech, logical tasks that a child needs when preparing for school.
2. Next, I want to dwell on the technology of activating speech teaching as a means of communication (author Olga Alfonsasovna Belobrykina).
According to the author of the technology, the most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication.
The main activities of a preschooler include play and communication, therefore, game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement takes place. speech activity child through the use of linguistic games.
The linguistic games presented in this technology make it possible to develop various types of speech activity, it is easy and free for each child to show intellectual initiative, which is a specific continuation of not just mental work, but cognitive activity, not due to practical needs or external evaluation.
Dear colleagues, I offer you such an exercise.
Let's try to fully name the proverbs in two words.
- Feeds, spoils
CLICK - Work feeds, and laziness spoils
– House, walls
CLICK – Houses and walls help
– family, soul
CLICK - Family together - the soul is in place. Wonderful!
The most important condition for the development of speech is the creation of a comfortable communicative field in the family, as well as the sincerity and appropriateness of the inclusion of formulas speech etiquette in various communication situations. The introduction of formulas of speech etiquette into the speech communication of preschoolers is also facilitated by special didactic family games and exercises, which are presented in the collection "The system of work on the formation of speech etiquette and a culture of communication." The common goal of both the family and the kindergarten is a well-mannered, cultured and educated person.
In this collection I have developed a system of rules for courageous and stubborn parents, formulas and situations of speech etiquette. I draw your attention to the slide:
Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, thinking in an original way, creative, able to make non-standard decisions. Pedagogical technologies of speech development can not only change the processes of education and training, but also improve them.

These technologies have a significant impact on the development of coherent speech in preschool children.

Presentation on the topic: Modern technologies for the speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the GEF of preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 7 "Seagull" of the city of Saki of the Republic of Crimea.


"The use of traditional and innovative technologies in educational activities for the speech development of preschool children in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO."

Senior teacher Checheneva E.M.

At the present stage, in connection with the improvement of the processes of education and training in kindergarten, as well as with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, traditional approaches to the development of the speech of a preschooler are undergoing significant changes both in form and content. The study of the elements of the culture of speech in the general system of education and upbringing affects the spiritual world of the child and contributes to the solution of communicative tasks in children's team. F. Sokhin, summarizing the views of linguists and psychologists, emphasized that without verbal communication, the full development of the child is impossible.

Currently, teachers have set goals in solving the following tasks for the development of speech of preschoolers.

Development of coherent speech of preschoolers and speech creativity of children;

Mastering by children the norms and rules of their native language in the process of getting acquainted with the surrounding worlds;

The development in children of the need for communication, as a condition for successful activity.

To achieve the goals set, teachers need to focus their activities on:

The formation of the speech of preschoolers through the organization of a variety of activities for children (both independent and specially organized),

Creation of conditions and organization independent activity preschoolers (playing, artistic and speech, productive, etc.),

Ensuring daily individual verbal communication with children (on his personal issues, on literary works, using small forms of folklore, on children's drawings, etc.),

Carrying out direct educational activities,

Use of new innovative forms.

According to well-known teachers and psychologists (I. Galperin, O. Leontiev, S. Rubinshtein), speech communication is a specific type of activity that is characterized by purposefulness, structure, regularity and includes such structural components as purpose and motive. All actions and deeds are performed for one reason or another and are aimed at achieving certain goals and, in turn, cause search activity; the formation of skills and abilities, thanks to which the development of speech activity takes place.

The development of speech abilities in children are as follows:

The child's speech develops as a result of the generalization of linguistic phenomena, the perception of adult speech and their own speech activity:

The leading task in language teaching is the formation of language generalizations and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech:

Orientation of the child linguistic phenomena creates conditions for independent observations of the language, for the self-development of speech.

The main task of the speech development of a preschool child is the mastery of the norms and rules of the native language and the development of communication skills.

When considering the problem of the development of coherent speech of preschoolers, three main areas can be distinguished:

Structural (phonetics, vocabulary and grammar),

Functional (the formation of language skills in its communicative function - the development of coherent speech, speech development). The child's ability to structurally correctly build a text, using the necessary means of connection between sentences and parts of an utterance, was taken as the main indicators of coherence. The path along which the development of children's speech should be guided in order to form their ability to build a coherent and detailed statement (the text leads from a dialogue between an adult and a child to a detailed monologue speech of the child himself

Cognitive, cognitive (formation of the ability for elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena).

The development of speech of preschoolers cannot be considered separately from all other activities. The most closely related development of speech and intellectual development preschoolers. In order to coherently tell about something, you need to clearly present the object of the story (an object, event, phenomenon, be able to analyze, select the main properties and qualities, establish different relationships between objects and phenomena. In addition, you need to be able to select the words most suitable for expressing a given thought , build simple and complex sentences, etc.

In psychology, it is customary to consider 3 main indicators of the development of coherent speech:

Its content (reliability, depth, completeness, accessibility, etc.);

expression logic;

The form of expression (emotionality of presentation, the structure of the statement, in other words, the ability to express one's thoughts in speech.

The main achievement of preschool children is the development of monologue speech.

A high level of speech development of a preschooler implies:

Ownership literary norms and the rules of the native language, free use of vocabulary and grammar when expressing one's own thoughts and making statements of any type,

Ability to make contact with adults and peers (listen, ask, answer, reason, object, explain,

Knowledge of the norms and rules of speech etiquette, the ability to use them depending on the situation,

The development of coherent speech involves work on the development of two forms of speech: dialogic and monologic.

Consider the essence and structure of the dialogue that occurs in free speech communication and is the basis for natural development grammatical skills, vocabulary enrichment, acquiring coherent speech skills. According to G. Leushina, dialogical communication is the primary form of communication of a child.

Dialogue is characterized by a change in the statements of two or more (polylogue) speakers on a topic related to a situation.

Dialogue is a collaboration as all participants work together to achieve understanding. The dialogue presents all varieties of narrative, incentive (request, demand), interrogative sentences minimal syntactic complexity using particles. Language means are enhanced by gestures, facial expressions.

Dialogue is natural environment personality development. In developed forms, dialogue is not just everyday situational conversation; it is thought-rich contextual communication, a kind of logical, meaningful interaction.

Dialogue is the most socially significant form of communication for preschoolers.

For the development of dialogue, conversations on a wide variety of topics, games and exercises to develop the ability to listen, ask questions, and answer depending on the context are used.

Conversation as a teaching method- this is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between a teacher and a group of children on a specific topic. There are conversations - reproducing and generalizing (these are the final lessons, in which the existing knowledge is systematized, the analysis of previously accumulated facts is carried out.

Building a conversation:

Beginning (the goal is to evoke, revive in the memory of children the impressions received earlier, if possible figurative and emotional. At the beginning of the conversation, it is also desirable to formulate the topic, the goal of the upcoming conversation, justify its importance, explain to the children the motives for her choice.)

The main part of the conversation (can be divided into micro topics or stages. Each stage corresponds to an essential, complete section of the topic, i.e., the topic is analyzed by key points.

The end of the conversation is short in time, leading to a synthesis of the topic.

Teaching methods:

1. Questions exploratory and problematic nature, requiring inferences about the relationship between objects: why? why? how are they similar?; stimulating generalizations: which guys can be said to be friends? ; reproductive questions (simple in content): what? where?

2. Explanation and story teacher, reading works of art or passages, including proverbs, riddles, display of visual material, playful e techniques (short-term word games or exercises, attracting a game character or creating a game situation,

3. Activation techniqueschildren for conversation: an individual conversation with a child, his parents, etc., differentiation of questions and tasks for a conversation, a leisurely pace of conversation, the correct method of posing questions to a group of children.

At preschool age, two types of oral monologue speech are taught: retelling and storytelling.

Techniques for teaching retelling:

Sample, reading the work,

Questions, explanations and instructions,

Appeal to the personal experience of children,

Suggestion of a word or phrase by the educator,

Joint retelling of the teacher and the child (at the initial stages,

Reflected retelling (repetition by the child of what the teacher said, especially the initial phrases,

Partial retelling,

Role retelling,

choral speaking,

Game-dramatization or dramatization of the text.

Story - self-composed statement of any fact, event.

Writing a story is a more complex activity than retelling. The child must choose the speech form of the narrative and determine the content. A serious task is the systematization of the material, its presentation in the desired sequence, according to the plan (the teacher or his own).

It is well known that children, even without special education, from a very early age show great interest in language activity, create new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical side of the language. However, without specially organized activities, few children achieve high level development of speech abilities.

Practice has shown that with traditional forms work cannot fully solve this problem. It is necessary to apply new forms, methods and technologies.

TRIZ as a technology for the implementation of the GEF of preschool education.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the most important task of the teacher has become the focus of educational activities and the entire pedagogical process on the development of cognitive interests, cognitive actions and skills, intellectual independence and initiative of a preschool child.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the implementation of the program should take place in forms specific to the children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

One of the effective pedagogical technologies for the development of creativity in children is TRIZ - The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. It arose in our country in the 1950s through the efforts of the outstanding Russian scientist, inventor, science fiction writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. TRIZ is a unique tool for finding original ideas, developing a creative personality, proof that creativity can and should be taught.

TRIZ methods - you can use elements in the free activities of children, stimulating their speech. For example: During walks, use fantasy techniques: revitalization, changing the laws of nature, increasing, decreasing, etc. Let's revive the wind: who is his mother? Who are his friends? What is the nature of the wind? etc. As a result of free activity with the use of TRIZ elements, the feeling of constraint is removed from children, shyness is overcome, speech and logic, thinking develop. TRIZ methods are highly effective, they have a clear algorithm for action, which always leads to the expected result. I bring to your attention several techniques and games: "Sensory Box", "Empathy", "System Operator". Games: “On the contrary”, “Echo”, “In a circle”, “Something is a part of something”, “Yes-no”.

It can be concluded that classes with the use of TRIZ elements are an effective means of developing active creative thinking in preschoolers, expanding their horizons and vocabulary. All this provides preschoolers with the opportunity for successful self-realization in different types activities.

Currently, there are various programs and technologies that involve teaching preschoolers to compile various models for the development of coherent speech..

Technology of differentiated(individualized) preschool education. This technology is based on the study and understanding of the child. The teacher studies the featurespupils using observation, makes appropriate notes in the form of maps individual development child. Based long collection information, the teacher notes the achievements of the child. The scheme of the content of the map shows the level of maturity of nervous processes, mental development, which includes: attention, memory, thinking. A separate place is given to speech development: the sound side of speech, the semantic side of speech - and this is the development of coherent speech, the activation of the dictionary, the grammatical structure of speech. For example, "Individual program of cognitive communication between an adult and a child" by M. Yu. Storozheva.

Game technologies.

Playing - developing - teaching - educating.

In educational games, one of the basic principles of learning can be traced - from simple to complex.

Educational games are very diverse in their content and, moreover, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

For example, games for teaching reading, developing logical thinking, memory, board and printed games, plot-didactic games, dramatization games, theatrical - play activity, finger theatre.

Technology "Fairytale labyrinths of the game" by V. V. Voskobovich. This technology is a system of gradual inclusion of author's games in the activities of the child and the gradual complication of educational material - the game "Four-color square", "Transparent square", "Miracle cell".

project method.

At the heart of any project is a problem, the solution of which requires a research search in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into a single whole. The development of thematic projects can be associated with the use of the “three questions” model - the essence of this model is that the teacher asks the children three questions:

What do we know?

What do we want to know and how are we going to do it?

What have we learned?

Health saving technologies- this includes outdoor games, finger gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics after sleep. All these games are also aimed at the development of children's speech, since any of them requires learning the rules, memorizing text accompaniment, performing movements in the text.

Method of visual modeling.

The methods of visual modeling include mnemonics.

mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorization. The model allows children to easily memorize information and apply it in practical activities. Mnemotables are especially effective in retelling, compiling stories, memorizing poems.

Propp cards . The remarkable folklorist V. Ya. Propp, studying fairy tales, analyzed their structure and singled out permanent functions. According to Propp's system, there are 31 of them. But of course, not every fairy tale contains them in full. The advantage of the cards is obvious, each of them is a whole slice of the fairy-tale world. With the help of Propp's cards, you can begin to directly compose fairy tales, but at the beginning of this work you must go through the so-called " preparation games”, in which children highlight the miracles that occur in fairy tales, for example,

How can you go to distant lands? - a carpet - an airplane, boots - runners, on a gray wolf;

What helps point the way? - ring, feather, ball;

Remember the assistants who help to fulfill any instruction of the fairy-tale hero - well done from the casket, two from the bag, genie from the bottle;

How and with what help are different transformations carried out? - magic words, Magic wand.

Propp's cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, fantasy, creative imagination, volitional qualities, activate coherent speech, contribute to an increase in search activity.

From all of the above, the conclusion follows: the development of preschool education, its transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the use of innovative technologies in working with preschool children.

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ....................

  1. The main tasks of speech development .............................................................. ....................

2.1 Compilation of descriptive and comparative stories by preschoolers using diagrams .................................................................. ................................................. .....

2.2 Formation of the ability for visual modeling with

familiarization with literature .............................................................. ...

2.3 "Propp's Maps".................................................... ...............................................

2.4 Pictures with a problem plot for the development of speech and thinking

In children .................................................. ................................................. .........

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ................

List of references .............................................................................. .........................

The development of speech is one of the most important tasks of the upbringing and education of preschoolers.

It is known that speech is not only a means of communication, but also tools of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, a means of self-awareness, self-development.

The development of speech is of decisive importance in preparing children for schooling and their subsequent assimilation of the basics of science.

AT last years questions of speech development attract more and more attention of scientists and researchers. Their solution is associated with the search for ways to improve the content and teaching methods that increase the efficiency of all parts of the public education system.

Improving developmental learning is not the only way impact on ability development. The necessity of direct control over the development of the child's speech abilities has been proved. The basis for the development of these abilities is the child's mastery of the actions of substitution, visual modeling.

Game substitution - the beginning of a long journey to understanding true value words that not only indicate objects and phenomena, but also highlight important essential features in them, improve the speech of children, teach them to clearly express their thoughts, enrich the vocabulary (vocabulary of the language) not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

Any task requires an analysis of its conditions, the allocation of relationships between objects that must be taken into account when solving. And as practice confirms, it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is most accessible to preschool children.

  1. The main tasks of speech development

The comprehensive development of the child is carried out on the basis of the assimilation of the centuries-old experience of mankind only through the communication of the child with an adult. Adults are the keepers of the experience of mankind, its knowledge, skills and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language.

Among the many tasks of educating and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language, developing speech, speech communication is one of the main ones. This general task includes a number of special, particular tasks: the education of a sound culture of speech, the enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, the improvement of the grammatical correctness of speech, the teaching of colloquial (dialogical) speech, the development of coherent speech, the cultivation of interest in artistic word preparation for literacy.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, acquiring their native language, master the most important form verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - speech understanding and active speech - develops gradually.

The formation of verbal communication between a child and an adult begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in preparation period language development in the first year of life. The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to an affectionate conversation with him, to sounds uttered by an adult. He seems to be infected by the emotional state of an adult, his smile, laughter, gentle tone of voice. This is emotional communication, not verbal, but it lays the foundations future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully spoken and understood words.

AT emotional communication with an adult, the child reacts to the peculiarities of the voice, the intonation with which the words are pronounced. Speech participates in this communication only by its own sound form, intonation, accompanying the actions of an adult. However, speech, the word always denotes a well-defined action ( get up, sit down ), specific subject ( cup, ball ), a certain action with the object (take the ball, give the doll), the action of the object ( car rides ) etc. Without such an accurate designation of objects, actions, their qualities and properties, an adult cannot direct the child's behavior, his actions and movements, encouraging or forbidding them.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express the most general relationship to each other, their pleasure or displeasure, i.e. feelings but not thoughts. This becomes completely insufficient when, in the second half of the year, the world of the child expands, his relationships with adults (as well as other children) are enriched, movements and actions become more complicated, and the possibilities of cognition expand. Now it is necessary to talk about many interesting and important things around, and in the language of emotions it is sometimes very difficult to do this, and more often it is simply impossible. We need a language of words, we need verbal communication with an adult.

The first meaningful words appear in the child's speech usually by the end of the first year. Approximately in the middle of the second year of life, a significant shift occurs in the development of the child's speech: he begins to actively use the vocabulary accumulated by this time in order to address an adult. The first simple sentences appear.

Even such an imperfect in its form and grammatical structure, speech immediately significantly expands the possibilities of verbal communication between an adult and a child. The kid understands the speech addressed to him, and he can turn to an adult, express his thoughts, desires, requests. And this, in turn, leads to a significant enrichment of the vocabulary. The main event in the development of speech during this period (by the end of the second year) is not in the quantitative growth of the dictionary, but in the fact that the words that the baby uses in his sentences (now often three- and four-word sentences) acquire the appropriate grammatical form.

From this time begins one of milestones mastering the native language - mastering the grammatical structure of the language. The assimilation of grammar is very intensive, and the child learns the main grammatical patterns by the age of three - three and a half years. So, by this time he uses all the case forms in his speech.

By the age of three, a child's vocabulary is growing. The dictionary includes all parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, adverbs; service words - prepositions, conjunctions, particles; interjections.

Often, by the beginning of the fourth year of life, all the sounds of the native language are assimilated.

All this does not mean, however, that neither the child himself nor the adults around him will have to work harder to improve his command of the language. Knowledge of the native language is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, even if it is complex. The child must learn to tell: not just name an object, but also describe it, talk about some event, phenomenon, or sequence of events. Such a story consists of a series of sentences. They, characterizing the essential aspects and properties of the described object, event, must be logically connected with each other and unfold in a certain sequence so that the listener fully and accurately understands the speaker. In this case, we will be dealing with connected speech, i.e. with speech meaningful, logical, consistent, quite well understood in itself, not requiring additional questions and clarifications.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between speech and mental development children, the development of their thinking, perception, observation. In order to tell a good, coherent story about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze, select the main (for a given communication situation) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena .

But coherent speech is still speech, and not a process of thinking, not reflection. Therefore, in order to achieve the coherence of speech, it is necessary to be able not only to select the content that should be conveyed in speech, but also to use the language tools necessary for this. It is necessary to skillfully use intonation, logical (phrasal) stress, highlighting the most important, keywords, select the most appropriate words for expressing a given thought, be able to build complex sentences, use different language means to connect sentences and move from one sentence to another.

Connected speech is not just a sequence of words and sentences - it is a sequence of thoughts related to each other, which are expressed in exact words in well-formed sentences. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.

Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, in mastering its sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure. This does not mean. However, it is possible to develop a coherent speech of a child only when he has mastered the sound, lexical and grammatical sides of the language very well. The formation of coherent speech begins earlier. The kid may not yet be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds, not have a large vocabulary and complex syntactic constructions (complex sentences), but work on the development of coherent speech serves as the basis for the transition to its more complex forms (for example, to creative storytelling).

The coherence of monologue speech begins to form in the depths of the dialogue as the main form of verbal communication. In dialogue, coherence depends on the abilities and skills of not one person, but two. At first, the responsibility for its provision is performed, first of all, by an adult, but gradually the child also learns to fulfill them.

By talking to an adult, the child learns to ask questions to himself. Dialogue is the first school in the development of a child's coherent monologue speech (and in general the activation of his speech). The highest form of connected monologue speech is written speech.

It is more arbitrary and conscious, more planned ("programmed") than oral monologue speech. The task of developing written coherent speech (the ability to compose a text) in preschoolers cannot now be set. It can be used to form in preschoolers the ability to intentionally, arbitrarily build a coherent oral statement (retelling, story). This use is based on the “division of labor” between the child and the teacher in compiling a written text: the child writes the text, the adult writes it down. Such a technique - writing a letter - has long existed in the methodology for developing the speech of preschoolers.

The writing of a letter is usually carried out collectively, but this does not mean at all that the monologue of speech disappears, the requirements for arbitrariness, awareness of the construction of the text are reduced: after all, each child composes the text. Moreover, the collective writing of a letter makes it easier for the educator to form in children very important ability selection of the best, most suitable variant of a sentence (phrase) or a larger part of the text, continuing the presentation of the content of the letter. This ability, in fact, is the essence of arbitrariness, awareness of the construction of the statement (“I can say this, but it’s probably better to say it differently”). In addition, the predominant use of a collective form of work does not mean at all that individual writing of a letter cannot take place. A combination of both is needed.

Using the composition of the letter, you can achieve significant results in the development of coherence oral speech child, in enriching it with complex syntactic constructions (compound and complex sentences). Since speech, while remaining oral in external form, will at the same time be built on the level of unfolding and arbitrariness, characteristic of written speech, and due to this, in its structure, in the quality of coherence, it will approach it.

The formation of the arbitrariness of speech, the ability to choose language means is an important condition not only for the development of coherent speech, but also for language acquisition in general, mastering what the child does not yet have in active speech. Coherent speech becomes an important condition for mastering the language - its sound side, vocabulary, grammar, as well as a condition for educating the ability to use language means artistic expressiveness of speech.

In the general system of speech work in kindergarten, vocabulary enrichment, its consolidation and activation occupy a very large place. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of the language, and the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. At the same time, cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts acquired by the child, reinforcing the new knowledge and ideas he receives. Therefore, vocabulary work in kindergarten is closely related to cognitive development.

In kindergarten, the education of a sound culture of speech requires a lot of attention. The development of the sound side of speech is not only the assimilation of the sounds of the native language, their correct pronunciation, but also the ability to regulate the pace, volume, etc.

The range of tasks for the development of speech and teaching the native language in the preparatory group for school includes preparing children for learning to read and write. The teacher develops in children an attitude towards oral speech as a linguistic reality: he leads them to the sound analysis of words.

If we distinguish, first of all, the general task in preparing children for learning to read and write (“speech becomes the subject of study”), then in simpler forms the solution of this task does not begin in preparatory group, and in the previous groups. For example, in classes and didactic games on the sound culture of speech, children are given tasks: listen to the sound of a word, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the first and last sounds in a word, remember words that begin with the sound indicated by the teacher, etc. Process preparing for literacy is not just about mastering the success of reading and writing. This is an important means of further development of speech itself, its improvement, and improvement of its culture.

Work is also being carried out to enrich and activate the vocabulary, during which they receive tasks, for example, to select antonyms - words with the opposite meaning, synonyms - words that are close in meaning.

In the development of children's speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher - in kindergarten, parents and relatives - in the family. From the culture of speech of adults, how they speak with the child, how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, the success of the preschooler in mastering the language largely depends.

  1. Modern pedagogical technologies in speech development classes.
  1. Drawing up descriptive and comparative stories by preschoolers using diagrams.

In kindergarten, great importance is attached to the formation of skills in compiling descriptive and comparative stories. Experimental data confirm that when describing and comparing objects and objects, children experience significant difficulties associated with:

With an independent definition when considering the subject, its main features and properties;

Establishing a sequence in the presentation of the identified signs;

Keeping this sequence in the child's memory.

As practice shows, for compiling descriptive and comparative stories within the most typical groups of objects, such as toys, clothes, animals, utensils, and others, one can successfully use visual models - diagrams. Analyzing the results of the work, we can conclude that the use of schemes in compiling descriptive stories makes it much easier for our children to master this type of coherent speech. In addition, the presence of a visual plan makes such stories clear, connected, complete, consistent. These and similar schemes can be used not only for compiling descriptive stories, but also for comparative stories, inventing riddles about objects, and also in such an important and complex section of work as teaching children. self-staging questions.

The importance of mastering the skills of describing objects in terms of preparing for schooling, the difficulties in mastering this type of detailed statements, determined the need to find the most adequate ways and means of developing the skills of coherent descriptive speech in children. Classes in compiling descriptive stories are part of a comprehensive work on the formation of coherent speech in children. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

Formation of skills to identify essential features and main parts (details) of objects, use adequate phrases - statements to determine them;

Formation of generalized ideas about the construction of a description of objects;

Mastering by children the linguistic means necessary to compose coherent statements in the form of a description;

Practical assimilation of the skills of describing objects through training exercises.

Training is carried out in stages and includes the following main types of work:

Preparatory exercises for describing objects;

Formation of initial skills of self-description;

Description of objects according to the main features;

Teaching a detailed description of the subject (including various features);

Consolidation of description skills, including in the process of gaming and subject-practical actions;

Preparation for teaching a comparative description of objects;

Training in the comparative description of objects.

Teaching descriptive speech is carried out in connection with the work on the formation of grammatically correct speech in children in the following direction:

Systematic exercises in the correct use of word forms (case endings of nouns, adjectives, some verb forms);

Formation of practical inflection skills in children;

Exercises in correct construction phrases;

Formation of skills to control the grammatical correctness of speech;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

In the classes on the description of objects, children are presented with a number of objects belonging to the same group. Before compiling a description, the children name all the objects. Wherein Special attention is given to distinguish them in appearance. This helps children to highlight the main features of the object of description and contributes to the consolidation of relevant messages and oppositions. The object of description is chosen either by the educator or by the child (depending on the specific tasks of this lesson and the degree of preparedness of the children).

In the course of training, a number of auxiliary techniques can be used: gestural indications of the shape of an object, its details; description based on pictures. Effective in teaching children is the reception of a parallel description by the educator and the child of two similar game objects, when the teacher, followed by the child, make up a description of the object by gestures, naming the same signs.

This technique is used in working with children who experience the greatest difficulty in remembering the sequence of the plan-scheme.

Description of objects from memory (animals, toys, plants) is fashionable to carry out on individual lessons on the topics: "My favorite toy", "Vegetables and fruits", etc. game forms the work provides for the consolidation and development of speech skills formed in the process of learning to describe. They include: exercises in recognizing objects, composing questions on the text of the description, reproducing a speech sample, and independently describing objects.

The work on a comparative description of two objects begins with the use of the following types of exercises: supplementing the sentences started by the teacher with a word that is necessary in meaning, denoting the attribute of the object (“The goose has a long neck, and the duck ...”), making sentences on questions of the type: “ What do lemon and pear taste like? exercises in highlighting and designating contrasting features of two objects related to spatial characteristics (“The tree is tall, and the bush is low, the river is wide, and the stream is narrow”). It also uses the technique of a parallel description (in parts) of two objects - a teacher and a child (a description of a cat and a dog, a cow and a goat, etc.).

The use of diagrams in writing descriptive stories will help achieve good results. Schemes are used not only in compiling descriptive stories, but also in retelling, which belongs to special role in the formation of coherent speech.

2.2 Formation of the ability for visual modeling when familiarizing with fiction.

When introducing preschoolers to fiction, two directions can be distinguished that are of great importance for the development of the mental abilities of children. This is learning the ability to retell what was heard and the formation of elements artistic creativity the child himself.

Retelling is one of the main tasks that preschoolers face. The solution of this problem requires from the child a certain level of development in general and related speech in particular.

It is necessary to highlight the main parts of the heard text, link them together, and then, in accordance with this scheme, build a coherent retelling. If the child does not have a preliminary mental processing of the text, then even with sufficient speech development, he finds it difficult to clearly and accurately retell what he heard, slips into details, repeats, etc.

The second task is to compose your own story or fairy tale - as if the opposite of the first task. Here the child should not draw up a diagram of the finished work, but create his own idea and then expand it into a full story with various details and events. If the child does not compose some preliminary scheme of the story, his works are fragmentary, structurally unorganized.

Preschoolers can form the ability to coherently retell the text based on learning to draw up its plan. Such a plan can be a visual model that fixes the sequence of the most significant parts of the text.

Teaching children to create their own works can be based on the formation of the ability to unfold a compressed, schematic concept, which is some visual model of a sequence of events, into a complete fairy tale or story rich in details.

The importance of a fairy tale in the development and upbringing of children can hardly be overestimated - it is not only a storehouse folk wisdom, but also an inexhaustible source of development of the emotional sphere and the creative potential of the child.

Creativity is unthinkable without fantasy and imagination, which, in turn, are closely related to the development of feelings. Unity in the development of feelings and fantasy introduces the child to the spiritual wealth accumulated by mankind. A fairy tale is a means of introducing a child to the world. human destinies, to the world of history, this is the "golden key" to changing the world, to its creative, constructive transformation. The child half lives in an imaginary, unreal world, and not just lives, but actively acts in it, transforms it and himself.

The fairy tale reveals to the child the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, shows how rich native speech humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

K.I. Chukovsky believed that the purpose of a fairy tale “is to educate a child in humanity - this marvelous ability to worry about someone else's misfortune, rejoice in the joys of another, experience someone else's fate as one's own. After all, a fairy tale improves, enriches and humanizes the child's psyche, since a child listening to a fairy tale feels like an active participant in it and always identifies himself with those of her characters who fight for justice, goodness and freedom. A child is an active being by nature, he loves not only to listen to fairy tales, but also to act, create, relying on them.

An important means of cognition is visual modeling, i.e. the use by children of various kinds of conditional substitutes for objects. Therefore, in order to reveal the structure of a fairy tale or another literary work various visual models can be used.

Before starting work on building and using visual models, it is necessary that the child:

  1. listened to expressive reading text;
  2. answered questions;
  3. acted out the plot in a table theater or by roles;
  4. reviewed the illustrations.

Only after that, with the help of visual models, it is possible to develop in children the ability to independently analyze the content of the text, to highlight the most significant. In the future, this will help them independently understand any work of art, expressively and consistently talk about what they have read and heard.

The simplest type of visual models is the serial series model. It may look like gradually increasing strips of different lengths and circles of different sizes. For example, to play the fairy tale "Turnip", you will need a yellow circle (turnip) cut out of paper and six triangles of different sizes for the characters. An adult discusses with a child which of the heroes of the work will be replaced by one or another triangle. At the next stage of work, as the fairy tale is read, the child lays out the substitutes in the right order.

The introduction of a visual model allows children to understand the logic of a fairy tale. It is interesting that most of the children, before conducting such classes, answered the question: “Who should be invited if the mouse does not help pull out the turnip?” - answered: “The bear, he is strong”, then after modeling, most of the children began to answer that they should invite a fly or a mosquito, i.e. children began to act in the logic of a fairy tale.

With three-year-old children, motor modeling can be used, i.e. learn through the movement of deputies to convey the main events of the tale. For example, you can play the fairy tale "Fox, Hare, Rooster" with children. This will require circles of the same size, but different colors. For example: white (hare), orange (fox), gray (dog), brown (bear), red (rooster). In this case, an adult tells a fairy tale, and the children perform all the necessary actions (leave, come, etc.). On the table or on the flannelograph, where the scene will be played, you can place decorations cut out of cardboard: fox and hare houses, Christmas trees.

In some cases, both types of modeling are combined: motor and serial series. For example, to play out A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears", children are given three circles: large, medium and small. They remember the fairy tale and decide which bear, which circle fits. Then the adult tells a fairy tale, and the child points to the corresponding circle and performs simple actions with it.

When conducting such classes, it is especially important that the child understands the principles of substitution. Therefore, before the start of the lesson, it should be discussed which circle and why replaces any hero of the fairy tale.

  1. You can use placeholders based on a color specific to the character's appearance. For example, a red circle would represent Little Red Riding Hood.
  2. The ratio of the sizes of the heroes, then the deputies will be strips of different lengths. For example, in the fairy tale "Mitten".
  3. The symbolism of color, when a positive hero is indicated by light tones, and a negative one by dark ones. For example, in the fairy tale "Khavroshechka", the evil stepmother and her daughters are in a black circle, and the good fellow and Khavroshechka are white.

Now the child needs to strictly follow the sequence of actions of a fairy tale or story, which will help him analyze the main events and the connection between them. This is how elements of self-control are gradually laid.

Tasks can be complicated by offering children not only to distribute the necessary circles or stripes between the characters, but also to choose from them those that are needed for a given fairy tale or story. In this situation, the child must already mentally represent the main characters of the fairy tale, know their characteristics and independently choose the appropriate models. For example, choose the characters for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". If the children complete the task, invite them to come up with how to designate the characters of the fairy tale.

Older children can retell episodes of fairy tales based on selected substitutes. For example, after playing the fairy tale "Resin Goby", all the material is removed, only two circles remain (the goby and the bear). An adult asks a child to tell what is happening in this moment and helps him to retell the desired episode as accurately as possible. Moving from episode to episode, depending on the location of the substitutes, the children retell the tale in full. You can play and tell such tales as "Teremok", "Two greedy little bear”,“ Chanterelle with a rolling pin ”, etc.

Can be used with 5-6 year olds the new kind modeling - temporal-spatial models (block-frames in which the deputies of the main characters of the fairy tale are located). This type of model makes it possible to understand the main sequence of events in a fairy tale.

Such a model must be compiled together with the children. First, discuss how the fairy tale begins, who the hero is, how to designate them. As substitutes, schematic images of figurines, colored circles, sticks of different lengths can be used. Gradually fill all the frames.

It is important that there are not too many frames and that they really correspond to the main events of the work. Then, looking at the model, the children can try to retell the story.

If children together with you easily compose and use similar models when retelling, then you can proceed to independent modeling of fairy tales and stories.

  1. "Propp's Maps"

The remarkable folklorist V. Propp, studying fairy tales, analyzed their structure and singled out constant functions. Propp singled out 20 basic, main functions. It is they that are used in working with children when compiling fairy tales.

D. Rodari notes that "the advantages of Propp's cards are obvious, each of them is a whole slice of the fairy-tale world." Each of the functions presented in the fairy tale helps the baby to understand himself and the world of people around him. What is the purpose of Propp's maps?

Firstly, it is the clarity and colorfulness of their performance. This allows the child to retain much more information in memory, which means it is better to use it when writing fairy tales.

Secondly, the functions presented in the cards are generalized actions, concepts, which allows the child to abstract from a specific act, situation, and therefore, his logical thinking develops intensively.

Thirdly, cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, fantasy, activate coherent speech, enrich vocabulary, etc. Propp's cards provide invaluable assistance in the sensory development of children, as their effect extends to all senses. The child acts not just as an observer, listener, but is the center of creative activity, the creator of original literary works.

Before you start writing fairy tales using Propp's cards, you should first organize the so-called "preparatory" games in which children will get to know and master all the fairy-tale functions.

a) "Miracles in a sieve"

In this game, children identify various miracles that occur in fairy tales: how and with the help of what transformations are carried out, magic (magic words, objects and their actions.

b) “Who in the world is the most evil of all?”

In the process of this game, children identify evil and insidious fairytale heroes, describe them appearance, character, lifestyle, housing (thus, analyze goodies). Then they analyze whether a fairy tale can exist without such characters, what is their role in the development of the plot; for whom these heroes are evil and why, and who accepts their qualities, characteristics in the opposite sense, on the contrary, who considers Baba Yaga good? Probably, for Koshchei the Immortal, she is a very kind woman and friend, and why?

c) "Treasured words".

During this game, children try to calculate the most meaningful words in a fairy tale. These can be both magic words, fabulous sentences, and words that carry the main semantic load. For example, the hero's reasoning about his actions, which allow him not only to evaluate what is happening, but also his role in it. (For example: the repentance of a false hero, the rejection of false ideas, etc.)

d) “What will come in handy on the road?”

Based on the analysis of fairy tales (description of appearance, identification of properties) that help the heroes overcome the enemy, resolve the situation (self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, scarlet flower), children come up with new helper items. magic item may be the most common thing. If he begins to perform functions that are not characteristic of him through the use of hidden resources: the properties of the material, its shape, color, which can play a certain role in some unforeseen problem situation (for example, a bowler hat can be used as a nest for birds, a mirror , bag, etc.). Interesting fairy tale always has the most fabulous task, which is solved as the plot unfolds.

The source of the fairy task is usually problem situations that a person encounters in life.

e) "Magic Names"

In this game, based on the analysis of fairy tales, the meaning and meaning of various names of characters, their role are revealed. How the name of this or that hero is perceived by others actors? For example, why was the girl called Cinderella, who worked all day at the stove? How will the names affect the character of the hero, how is this reflected?

f) "What do you have in common?"

This game assumes comparative analysis various fairy tales in terms of similarities and differences between them. For example: how are the fairy tales "Teremok" and "Mitten" similar; "Morozko" and "Mrs. Metelitsa"?

g) "Good - bad"

In this game, children try to highlight the positive and negative character traits of the characters, evaluate their activities. For example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads, and what is bad about it?

h) "Nonsense"

In this game, children come up with two unrelated sentences that contain directly opposite functions.

The main goal of this game is to understand the purpose of a particular function.

For example: the functions "prohibition - violation of the prohibition" are set. To do this, together with the children, you need to find out what a ban is; its purpose, nature, forms; to whom they are addressed, why; who forbids; who violates them; what could be the consequences? The sentences that the children came up with may be absurd (taken from other fairy tales), but the main thing is that they correspond to its essence: “The king forbade sewing clothes from fur in his kingdom”; "The crocodiles did not obey and began to fly in the sky."

Acquaintance with the cards should take place gradually, in a semantic sequence and obey a number of requirements.

The cards that are used at the very beginning of working with them must be colorful and in a plot manner. In further work, maps with a rather compressed schematic representation of each function are used. When making cards - supports, the symbols that denote functions should be understandable to children. The symbols invented by the children themselves are better remembered, and their awareness is more productive.

After the preliminary work, we proceed to the main tasks. They are:

a) in the reproduction of a familiar fairy tale

After reading and dividing the fairy tale into semantic plots, you need to discuss each of them with the guys, give it a name. If several names are proposed that are close in meaning, then you need to choose the most accurate one.

To give the correct name means to decipher information that can later be “hidden” in the map using visual means. Thus, the guys will be able to correlate two familiar systems: speech and graphic.

b) in a joint search and finding the indicated functions in the newly offered fairy tales for listening

When reading a new, unfamiliar fairy tale to children, no more than 3-5 function cards should be used during one lesson, otherwise the children lose interest.

c) writing stories

It is best to start inventing fairy tales collectively and using a limited set of cards, then the realization of the goal will be more productive. Gradually, 3-4 additional cards are added for the fairy tale, and so on until the entire set is used. When the children have mastered inventing fairy tales in the order of functions, you can start writing blindly, that is, by pulling out at random any card from the deck turned upside down. But this is already a more difficult task, children cope with it quickly enough.

d) in working with an individual set of cards

Each child receives their own set of cards (may prepare their own set) and works with it. Invents a new work or modifies a familiar one. At first, the children can be offered ready-made names of fairy tales (for example, “The Adventures of a Hare in the Forest”), negotiate with them the number of characters.

After that, the activity of children acquires independence - they themselves come up with a name, a place of action, heroes, endowing each of them with the appropriate qualities, figurative characteristics.

In the future, options for working with Propp's cards to invent fairy tales can be very different. This is a composition in turn, from the end, from the middle, the use of cards in order, through one, according to a certain number; division of a fairy tale into semantic parts (verdict, plot, conflict); choice of the main character; modification of a familiar fairy tale by limiting or increasing the functions used, etc. It is here that the creative potential of each child is revealed.

  1. Pictures with a problem plot for the development of speech and thinking in children

The famous teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: "Give a child a picture, and he will speak." It’s hard to disagree with the classic, but in our time, not every picture encourages a child to engage in interested communication with an adult!

A modern preschooler is accustomed to colorful toys, dynamic cartoons, that is, strong impressions. It is already difficult to interest him in paintings with a standard plot, in which, for example, children ride down a hill or pick pears.

The role of the picture in teaching a preschooler is still great. According to the teacher E Tikheeva, “pictures develop a field of direct observation ... The images and ideas they evoke are, of course, less vivid than those that give us real life. However, it is impossible to see life in all its diversity.” And in this sense, the picture is a wonderful visualization.

The picture in its various forms (subject, plot, photography, illustration, reproduction, drawing), and the plot in particular, allows you to stimulate all aspects of the child's speech activity.

The following types of work with a picture are known: examination, description and storytelling. The last one is the most difficult. Composing, inventing a story about the events allegedly happening to the heroes of the picture, the child not only relies on his own experience, but also uses fantasy, imagination. At the same time, the child's speech should be meaningful, logical, consistent, coherent, competent.

The famous French psychologist Jacques Piaget believed that the intelligence of the child and his emotions are inextricably linked. Feelings are the regulator internal energy affecting all activities. If the plot of the picture used by the educator is bright, entertaining, non-standard, then such visibility increases cognitive interest and motivation for learning activities, but also encourages the child to analyze, reason, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

Pictures with a problematic plot are modeled in such a way that they reflect an interesting event, a non-standard situation; cause a strong emotional reaction; encourage reflection; stimulate imagination; promote interested communication between the child and the adult

Each plot has different interpretations, therefore, using one picture, you can make several stories. Questions are used as the main aid for speech exercises. When communicating with an adult, the child learns to respond to them. Questions should be asked sequentially, without gaps and permutations. In addition, these questions help the child to analyze, reason, replenish knowledge, fantasize and compose.

The role of fantasy in the upbringing of a modern child is great! According to psychologists, this is the first step towards creativity. Questions and tasks for the development of imagination constitute another stage in working with the manual.

Most of the paintings are matched with appropriate poems (authors A. Vishneva, V. Orlov, V. Viktorov, etc.). Listening, analyzing and memorizing them will help develop a sense of humor in children.

Tasks for adding a missing word to rhyme allow you to improve phonemic perception children.

For older preschoolers, the tasks of replenishing vocabulary and improving grammatically structured speech are important. To this end, children are offered difficult questions, as well as exercises for choosing words, compiling sentences and stories. When compiling stories for children, one should try to make them not only correct (semantically, grammatically and logically) examples, but also a kind of “helpers” in creating an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and philanthropy.


In working with children on the development of speech, one can use modern techniques, such as the visual modeling method, Propp's Maps, pictures with a problematic plot, schemes for compiling descriptive and comparative stories.

The use of substitutes and visual models develops mental abilities. For a child who owns external forms substitution and visual modeling (using symbols, drawings, schematic drawings, etc.), it becomes possible to use substitutes and visual models in the mind, imagine with their help what adults are talking about, “see” in advance the possible results of their own actions. And this is an indication high development mental abilities.

The use of Propp's Maps in the classroom - symbol models with a rather concise schematic representation of individual functions of a fairy tale, provides invaluable assistance in the development of attention, perception, fantasy, and creative imagination.

The use of diagrams in the classroom for the development of speech, for compiling descriptive stories and pictures with a problematic plot, develop thinking, imagination, attention, memory, perception, help to replenish the stock of knowledge and information, and most importantly, develop the speech of children, replenish vocabulary.

As a result, the use modern techniques in the classroom and in various activities of children:

  1. Allows the child to retain in memory a much larger amount of information, which means it is more productive to use it in solving various mental problems, abstract, logical thinking develops more intensively.
  2. Assists in the sensory development of children, as extends to all sense organs, including tactile analyzers.
  3. Stimulates the development of mental processes, enriches emotional sphere, helps to improve coherent speech, increase search activity, activity.

List of used literature

  1. Alkhazishvili, A.A. Psychology of teaching oral descriptive speech / A.A. Alkhazishvili. - M., 2003
  2. Bolshakova, S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands / S.E. Bolshakov. - M., Sphere, 2006
  3. Belobrykina, O.A. Speech and communication / O.A. Belobrykin. - Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 1998
  4. Belousova, L.E. Amazing Stories/ L.E. Belousov. - St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2002.
  5. Borodich, A.M. Methodology for the development of children's speech / A.M. Borodich. - M., Education, 1981.
  6. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children / edited by L.A. Venger.-M., Enlightenment, 1989.
  7. Korotkova, E.P. Teaching preschool children to storytelling / E. P. Korotkova.-M., Enlightenment, 1982.
  8. The development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education / edited by L.A. Venger.-M., Enlightenment, 1986.
  9. Speech development of preschool children / edited by F.A. Sokhin. -M., Enlightenment, 1976.
  10. Tkachenko, T.A. Criteria with a problem plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers / T.A. Tkachenko. - M., 2001.
  11. Ushakova, O.S. Lesson on the development of speech for children aged 5-7 years / O.S. Ushakov. - Moscow, 2010.
  12. Tsvyktarsky V.V., We play with fingers and develop speech / V. Tsvyktarsky. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

Conference: Development of preschool children

Organization: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 1 in Soltsy"

Location: Novgorod region, Soltsy

"Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it."

G. Hegel

Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us speak correctly. When we talk to others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech for us is one of the main needs and functions of a person. It is speech that distinguishes a person from other representatives of the living world. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as a person. It is impossible to judge the beginning of the development of the personality of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. In the mental development of the child, speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all the main mental processes. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children is one of the most important pedagogical tasks.

Employees preschool institutions create conditions for practical mastery colloquial speech for every child.

1. Encourage children to communicate with adults and peers: addressing adults with questions, judgments, statements; encourage children to verbally communicate with each other.

2. Give children samples of the correct literary speech: speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct speech includes a variety of samples of speech etiquette.

3. Ensure the development of a sound culture of speech in accordance with age characteristics: monitor the correct pronunciation, correct and exercise children if necessary (organize onomatopoeic games, conduct classes on the sound analysis of a word, use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, poems); observe the pace and volume of the children's speech, if necessary, delicately correct them.

4. Provide children with conditions for enriching their vocabulary, taking into account age-related characteristics: include named objects and phenomena in a game and objective activity; help the child to master the name of objects and phenomena, their properties; provide the development of the figurative side of speech ( figurative sense words); Introduce children to synonyms and antonyms.

5. Create conditions for children to master the grammatical structure of speech: they learn to correctly connect words in case, number, time, gender, use suffixes; learn to formulate questions and answer them, build sentences.

6. They develop coherent speech in children, taking into account their age characteristics: they encourage children to tell a story, a detailed presentation of a certain content; organize dialogues between children and adults.

7. Pay special attention to the development of children's understanding of speech, exercising children in the implementation of verbal instructions.

8. Create conditions for the development of the planning and regulatory function of children's speech in accordance with their age characteristics: stimulate children to comment on their speech; exercise in the ability to plan their activities.

9. Introduce children to the culture of reading fiction.

10. Encourage children's word creation.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO): “speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for literacy training.

The development of the speech of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities in the following areas:

1. Development of coherent speech (dialogical, monologue). monologue speech(description, narration, reasoning).

2. Enrichment, expansion and activation of vocabulary.

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. skills in the formation and use of grammatical forms: morphology - parts of speech and word changes by gender, number and case; word formation - the formation of words by analogy with the help of a prefix, suffix, endings; syntax - combining words into phrases, sentences different types(simple, complex) and their emotional coloring (narrative, incentive, interrogative).

4. Development of sound culture. The ability to hear, recognize the phonological means of the language: familiarity with linear sound units: sound syllable word phrase text; prosodic units: stress, intonation (speech melody, voice power, speech tempo and timbre). The formation of these complex speech skills requires repetition. phonetic exercises, connected speech.

5. Development of figurative speech. This is an integral part of the education of speech culture in the broad sense of the word. The culture of speech is understood as the observance of the norms of the literary language, the ability to convey one's thoughts, feelings, ideas in accordance with the purpose and purpose of the statement: meaningfully, grammatically correct, accurate and expressive. Sources of development of expressiveness of children's speech: fiction; folklore.

It is very important that the process of development of children's speech be carried out taking into account general didactic principles that reflect the patterns of mastering language and speech (M. M. Alekseeva, L. P. Fedorenko, O. P. Korotkova, V. I. Yashina, etc.). The most important of them are:

  1. The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development of children. It involves the assimilation of speech material not through simple reproduction, but on the basis of solving mental problems.
  2. The principle of a communicative-active approach to the development of speech.
  3. The principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language (F. A. Sokhin, A. A. Leontiev). At the same time, it is emphasized that awareness is an indicator of the degree of formation of speech skills.
  4. The principle of enrichment of the motivation of speech activity.

It is expected that by the end of preschool age, speech will become universal remedy communication of the child with other people: an older preschooler can communicate with people different ages, gender, social position, be fluent in the language at the level of oral speech, be able to focus on the characteristics of the interlocutor in the process of communication. Today the focus is on the child, his personality, unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal modern teacher- to choose methods and technologies for organizing the educational process that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development.

Technology for teaching children to make comparisons.

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should start at the age of three. Comparison model: the teacher names an object, designates its attribute, determines the value of this attribute, compares this value with the value of the attribute in another object. At younger preschool age, a model for making comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out. At the fifth year of life, training becomes more complicated, more independence is given when making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a sign to be compared. In the sixth year of life, children learn to independently make comparisons on a given basis. The technology of teaching children how to make comparisons develops observation, curiosity, the ability to compare features of objects in preschoolers, enriches speech, and promotes motivation for the development of speech and mental activity.

The technology of teaching children to compose riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, work with riddles is based on guessing them. Developing the mental abilities of a child, it is more important to teach him to make his own riddles than just to guess familiar ones. The teacher shows a model for making a riddle and offers to make a riddle about an object. Thus, in the process of compiling riddles, all the mental operations of the child develop, he receives joy from speech creativity. In addition, this is the most convenient way to work with parents on the development of the child’s speech, because in a relaxed home environment, without special attributes and preparation, without looking up from household chores, parents can play with the child in making riddles, which contributes to the development of attention , the ability to find the hidden meaning of words, the desire to fantasize.

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects. The mental operations that make it possible to compose a metaphor are fully assimilated by mentally gifted children as early as 4-5 years old. The main goal of the teacher is to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for compiling metaphors. If the child has mastered the model for compiling a metaphor, then he may well create a phrase of a metaphorical plan on his own. The method of creating metaphors (as an artistic means of expressiveness of speech) causes particular difficulty in the ability to find the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another based on a feature common to the compared objects. Such complex mental activity allows children to develop the ability to create artistic images which they use in speech as expressive means of language. That allows you to identify children who are undoubtedly capable of creativity, and contribute to the development of talent in them.

Teaching children to compose creative stories based on a picture.

The proposed technology is designed to teach children how to compose two types of stories based on a picture: a text of a realistic nature, a text of a fantastic nature. Both types of stories can be attributed to creative speech activity of different levels. The fundamental point in the proposed technology is that teaching children to compose stories based on a picture is based on thinking algorithms. The child's education is carried out in the process of his joint activity with the teacher through a system of game exercises.

Widely used with preschoolers project activity and mnemonics. Research activity is interesting, complex and impossible without the development of speech. Working on a project, children gain knowledge, expand their horizons, replenish their passive and active dictionaries learn to communicate with adults and peers. Very common to remember unfamiliar words, texts, learning poems, teachers use mnemonics in their practice. Mnemonics, or mnemonics - translated from Greek - "the art of memorization." This is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations. Features of the technique - the use of not images of objects, but symbols for indirect memorization. This makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. Symbols are as close as possible to speech material, for example, a Christmas tree is used to designate wild animals, and a house is used to designate domestic animals. Work on the development of coherent speech of children is carried out in the following areas: vocabulary enrichment, learning to compose a retelling and inventing stories, learning poems, guessing riddles.

The use of visual modeling arouses interest and helps to solve the problem of fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. Usage symbolic analogy facilitates and accelerates the process of memorization and assimilation of material, forms methods of working with memory. Using a graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained. Visual modeling method and design method can and should be used in work with preschool children.

The above technologies have a significant impact on the development of the speech of preschoolers. But, unfortunately, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with various speech disorders and traditional methods are not always effective. Therefore, teachers of preschool institutions use non-traditional methods and technologies for the development of speech in their work. One of these technologies is that it allows you to diversify the learning process of preschoolers Lego technology. This technology combines elements of the game with experimentation, and, therefore, activates the mental and speech activity of preschoolers. Lego - technology is a means of developmental education, stimulates the cognitive activity of preschool children, contributes to the education of socially active person With a high degree freedom of thinking, development of independence, the ability to solve any problems creatively. The use of LEGO in the educational activities of a preschool institution is relevant in the light of new transformations in preschool education, namely, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The LEGO constructor is used both in the joint activity of an adult and children, as well as in the independent activity of preschoolers. LEGO is not just a toy, it is a wonderful tool that helps to see and understand the inner world of the child, his features, desires, opportunities, allowing him to more fully reveal it. personal qualities understand his difficulties.

One of the methods of the new educational technology "RKCHP" (development of critical thinking through reading and writing) - cinquain. Innovation this method– creation of conditions for the development of a personality capable of critical thinking, i.e. exclude the superfluous and highlight the main thing, generalize, classify. The use of the "Sinkwine" method allows you to solve several important tasks at once: it gives lexical items emotional coloring and provides involuntary memorization of the material; consolidates knowledge about parts of speech, about the sentence; significantly activates vocabulary; improves the skill of using synonyms in speech; activates mental activity; improves speaking skills own attitude to something; stimulates the development of creative potential.

Composing a syncwine is used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Sincwine (from French word"cinq" - five) is a poem consisting of five lines. It has its own spelling rules and no rhyme.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

The first line is the title, the theme of the syncwine, it consists of one word - the name of the noun.

The second line - two adjectives that reveal the topic.

The third line is three verbs describing actions related to the topic.

The fourth line is a phrase in which a person expresses his attitude to the topic. It can be a catchphrase, a quote, a proverb, or the compiler's own judgment.

The fifth line is the summary word, which contains the idea of ​​the topic. This line can contain only one word - a noun, but more words are allowed.

The relevance of using syncwine is that it is relatively new method- opening creative intellectual and speech possibilities. It fits in harmoniously with the development work lexico-grammatical sides of speech, contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary.

Thirdly, it is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the level of assimilation of the material passed by the child.

Fourthly, it has the character of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but also contributes to the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Fifthly, the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influence on speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness. It is used to consolidate the studied topic.

And sixthly, it has a game orientation.

But its most important advantage is simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything.

These work technologies will be resourceful in terms of the development of speech of preschoolers, the formation communicative competence children if:

Children jointly solve an interesting and meaningful educational and game task for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone,

Enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks,

The teacher does not act as a rigid leader, but as an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

List of used literature:

  1. Kuzevanova O.V. Forms of organization of communicative activity of preschool children / O.V. Kuzevanova, T.A. Koblov. // Kindergarten: theory and practice - 2012. - No. 6.
  2. Maletina N.S., Ponomareva L.V. Modeling in descriptive speech of children with ONR. preschool education. 2004. No. 6. pp.64-68.
  3. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: Pos. for managers and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / Ed.-comp.: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuykova: Arkti, 2005.
  4. Pozdeeva S. I. Open joint action of a teacher and a child as a condition for the formation of communicative competence of children / S. I. Pozdeeva / / Kindergarten: theory and practice. - 2013. - No. 3.
  5. Rangaeva A.// Pedagogical excellence: materials of the IV Intern. scientific conf. (Moscow, February 2014). - M.: Buki-Vedi, 2014. - S. 58-60.
  6. Sidorchuk, T.A., Khomenko, N.N. Technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions, 2004.
  7. Sokhin F.A. On the tasks of speech development. / Psychology of a preschooler. Reader. Comp. G. A. Uruntaeva. – M.: Academy, 1998.
  8. Ushakova, O.S. Theory and practice of the development of speech of a preschooler: We develop speech. - M: TC Sphere, 2008.
  9. federal state educational standard preschool education /